#i don't know how i would adapt the plot but sounds fun!
finleyforevermore · 11 months
"The Ballad of Jane Doe" reminds me so much of Golden Freddy/Evan/Cassidy.
Anyone else agree?
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erideights · 9 months
Little pieces here and there (1)
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Pairing: Buggy x Fem!Reader (One Piece Live Action)
Chapters: two, three, four, five
Word Count: 2,6K (i was inspired by god itself)
Warnings: none, lot of context (i promise the next chapter will have way less filling), light flirting
A/N: I HAVE ALREADY THOUGHT ABOUT AT LEAST 5 CHAPTERS MORE, I HOPE SOMEONE LIKES THIS FIRST ONE BECAUSE I'M ON MY KNEES FOR THIS DAMN CLOWN. Let me know if you wanna be tagged in other parts! (Side note: i'm spanish, so if there's some mistakes, i'm trully sorry, i don't have beta readers).
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It's not enough to suddenly find herself locked in a box with 3 idiots she met a matter of hours ago, no; To make it worse, as it could not be otherwise, it turns out that she is in a bloody circus, ''kidnapped'' by a band of pirates that she recognizes as soon as she sees the red and white tent over their heads, the distressed faces of the poor people that make up the audience, and the costumes of the band around them.
She sighs, and wonders what the hell she's doing there despite knowing perfectly well what kind of decisions have led her to that damned place. Wanna know what happened? Let's recap, shall we?
(Y/N) (S/N). That name doesn't sound familiar, right? Very few know it but the reputation that accompanies the person who responds to it is very famous throughout the 4 seas. She is not a bounty hunter, nor a marine, neither a pirate or a pirate hunter, like the green-haired hottie with whom she finds herself in such trouble, or a thief, like the ginger who she bet, will escape running without looking back at the slightest opportunity she finds.
No, she's a mercenary. She doesn't work solely for money, otherwise she would go against the most bloodthirsty and ruthless of each sea, and that doesn'tt interest her, because she would put herself on the radar of both the pirates and the marines.
No, she is contacted through different channels, none of them direct, and if the job interests her, amuses her, or even piques her curiosity, she accept it. She goes after all kinds of people, whether they are pirates or marines, gangsters at the top of the terror scale or criminals who, like her, tried to keep a low profile.
However, and as we were saying, despite trying to remain anonymous, she is good at her job, a born strategist with an incredible facility to adapt and blend in with her surroundings to sneak into the most remote places, so her existence inevitably began to be noticed along the seas, rumors about this young mercenary with an angelic face, who only responded to her own morals and of whom few escaped to tell the tale.
And this is how she met that group of weirdos who found each others through the power of the plot's convenience; her last assignment was to steal the map from the Grand Line. There are not many, these kept safe and protected in large fortresses throughout the globe, and among all those that she could have tried to steal, she made the horrible decision of going for the one that was closest to her, encountering those three idiots in the crossfire of the disaster that unfolded in Shells Town.
How did she end up giving up the assignment and at that precise moment there, with them?  Simple: Luffy piqued her curiosity. And there are few things stronger than (Y/N)'s curiosity.
"Hey, I know you. I saw your wanted poster in Shells Town, you're the clown guy. Umm, uh… Binky, right?" Luffy exclaimed, as confident of himself as usual.
Buggy, she mentally corrected, arms crossed over her chest, rolling her eyes at the same time the clown corrected loudly and dramatically listed his many nicknames. Which she was sure, only he called himself.
''Wow, you have a lot of names. I bet everyone in the East Blue knows who you are.” The audience gasp. There's confusion in the boy's face, and an almost psychopatic tic in the clown's one. ''What did you just say?'' Buggy asks lowly. ''Just that everyone knows who you are.'' Luffy repeats.
''Nose!? Are you making fun of my nose!?’’
Then came the slap, like the one someone usually gives when a friend is trying to steal their food or touch something they definitely shouldn't. Buggy is killing the straw hat boy with his eyes but the gesture is so… innocent.  She expected threats with knives, to be honest.
And because of the unexpected, she almost let a laugh escape in the form of a cough but she controlled herself fast enough to not grab unnecessary attention to her.
''What's real is...'' Buggy resumes the conversation, getting some distance with Luffy to walk around the rest too.  ’’I’ve been scheming for months to steal that map from old Axe-Hand moron…’’ (Y/N) sees how he approaches her, but she didn't expect him to close the distance between each other so much, his nose almost touching her own, sharp blue eyes fixed on her from a slightly lower perspective. The truth is... that she also doesn't know how to tell if that nose is real or not, but now she really wants to touch it to find out. Dear God, what a realistic texture. It’s incredible.
Pressing her lips together in a contained expression as she shakes her head, she raises an eyebrow, letting him know that the joke wasn't as funny as he hoped, and he clucks, accepting defeat in such good humor that no one would say, that is a kidnapping and someone would end up dead by the end of the day.
She heard of him. His reward was not one of the highest but neither one of those that go unnoticed in the East Blue. He was also an eccentric, of course people talked about the blue-haired, red-nosed clown who terrified his victims in a macabre way. Those who survived ended up traumatized.
He is, or at least looks, younger than she imagined, and he fit right in with the urban legends of evil clowns kidnapping children and then dismembering them. She wonders, silently, thoughtful eyes scanning his face and body language from a distance, if this is some softie on the inside with high aspirations in life who was unfortunate enough to bump into someone who traumatized him and hence all this show and facade of the cruel and heartless clown -to protect himself as the good cliché he seems- or if, on the contrary, he is, simply and plainly, a yandere who craves attention no matter how he has to obtain it.
If she remembers correctly, there was also a rumor that he ate a devil fruit. Just like Luffy, which it doesn't take long for the clown to discover after Zoro tries to save the situation by showing off his reputation -obviously it doesn't work- and Nami does exactly what (Y/N) predicted. Not her fault, either, she doesn't owe any of them anything at all.
''Okay. Here ends the theatrics.’’ The lights go out and it’s then that everyone can small the disaster in the air. A chill runs down the back of (Y/N), who tends to infiltrate without being seen and avoids, whenever possible, a direct encounter; hand-to-hand combat is not exactly his specialty. And given the circumstances is impossible for her to know if the daggers she usually hides in the side of his combat boots -for emergencies like this one- are still there. ''I know one of you has my map, and I'm gonna get it back. What was it you said, Rubber Boy? That it was in a safe place?”
How long were they unconscious before? Enough to hijack the ship, get to land, and move 4 dead weight bodies to that circus, locking them in a box. By that point she would bet some member of the gang would have thoroughly searched the ship, and them too. Disgusting.
Buggy takes a last, attentive look at both Zoro and Nami, ruling out that one of the two has the map because when the girl tried to flee, Luffy was not shocked thinking that perhaps she would steal it from him. Which leaves the two of them, Luffy and her, alone with him.
''So, please'' the clown gestures to his subordinates with his head. ''make these two guests uncomfortable in the green room. I’m gonna have a chat with my stretchy new pal and…’’ His eyes jump to her, tilting his head to the side with genuine curiosity. ''this beauty that was incapable of taking her eyes off me.''
Fuck. Was it that obvious?
''Doll, you are the only one who hasn't opened your mouth yet and I don't think it's because you’re a shy little flower.'' He begins, circling around her like an animal hunting its prey, analyzing it, hoping to see a chink of weakness to attack. ''Are you bored?'' He asks almost in a whisper near her ear. ''Is that it? Are you so, so bored that you don't think it's worth enough interacting with the rest of us?'' Breaking away from her when he realizes she doesn't falter, he smiles a huge, threatening smile, looking her up and down in such a way that it almost makes her feel dirty. "Or maybe you're the one who has my map, and you're quiet to try not to attract /my/ attention."
She? The map? Wearing such tight pants and top? Yeah, maybe up her ass, but she's not the one who is going to tell him otherwise because if he, or one of his subordinates, comes to search her, she could take advantage of the opportunity to steal some sort of weapon from them.
In particular from Buggy; (Y/N) saw the knives he keeps in his coat and… she wouldn't mind taking a closer look at that interesting nose.
"Busted." She finally admits with a lopsided smile, raising both eyebrows when she sees the surprise on the clown's face. He didn't expect such a cocky response, did he? "I'm not the type of person who likes to attract attention, the spotlight is for others who are more... flashy." She pronounces it honeyedly, repeating the same nickname he used before, pointing at him with a gesture of her chin. "However, I'm not going to tell you where the map is. If you want to find it, come and search for it yourself."
Shrugging her shoulders, she stretches out both arms in a gesture that invites him to come closer. Bold, he thinks, more than pleased with this unexpected turn of events, taking some steps in her direction. She adds once more: "although I would be surprised if you hadn't already done it during the time we have been unconscious"
"Me?" He points at himself, stopping right in front of her. "Take advantage of a defenseless young lady?" He almost sounded offended if it wasn't for the shit eating grin and the eager way he was scanning her body now. "What kind of degenerate do you take me for?"
She scoffs, and Buggy, unsure, seems to consider -for some long seconds- whether or not to do the job himself, (Y/N) being too calm for how helpless she seems. But surely, he knows, she doesn't have any weapons on her; his subordinates were in charge, as she said, of searching all of them as soon as they were brought to the circus.
In the end he gives up, because he would be damned if he dared to refuse to thoroughly touch this mysterious woman who may, just may, have his map hidden somewhere. He strongly doubts it, tho.
Soon enough, he moves again, standing then behind her, and without asking permission, he doesn’t need it either, his hands start roaming her shoulders and sides slowly, making sure to feel anything weird between her clothes and the skin underneath. Like the fucking map, folded until it is nothing more than a small piece of paper easy to hide. 
Because that is the whole point of that scene, right?
"Go on, be my guest." she says sarcastically, trying to stay calm and breathe slowly, because (Y/N) likes to pretend to be made of stone, but not /that much/. The pressure of those gloves against her already tight clothes and the hungry way she knows those -green? blue? difficult to say with those circus lights- eyes are watching her every move make her heart beat a bit faster in something she’d call /the average amount of nervousness when a known, wanted pirate search for something we wants while threatening to kill you if he doesn’t find it/.
Buggy, on the other hand, is so engrossed in his task that his usual cocky smile has disappeared a few seconds ago; he is waiting to feel a change in the girl's body language to be able to guess if she has it or if, on the contrary, this search will be saved in his memory as no more than a small pleasurable pause after all the stress that the goddamn map is putting him through. Because he can't deny it, she's actually a beauty, and in other circumstances he wouldn't mind getting to know her in a funnier way. At all.
Inhaling deeply, wetting his red lips with his tongue, he lets the air out slowly, tilting his head to the side to see her better. He should hurry up and stop making that scene as intimate as it's becoming, audience and all, but he's a thorough man. Or that’s the excuse -explanation- he will give to whoever dares to ask.
"Where the hell did you hide my map?" He asks melodiously as he finishes searching her torso, his right hand starting to go a little lower, getting dangerously close to her hipbone when (Y/N)'s right hand flies up and catches his wrist between her fingers, stopping him dead in his tracks. She couldn't help it, she acted on autopilot, she is not ready to be the main character of a porn movie with audience included letting him roaming all around as he pleases. "Not between my legs, so keep lowering your hands and I'll cut them off." she threatens, turning her face to look at him standing behind her.
Right back, as if those words were magical or something, the huge, shit eating smile of his returns to the lips of the unstable clown, and without letting go, he makes her spin, facing her with both hands on her waist, strongly keeping her in place, sharp eyes fixed on her, and without realizing it, she stops breathing for a second. "You promise?" He whispers, pleads almost, in an amused, delighted tone of voice after such a threat. She was way interesting than he expected, not as shy or scared as an unarmed girl like her should be. He likes that. A lot.
However, he has -sadly- things to do and he did in fact, already lost time with her. His eyes betraying him the moment they land on the girl's lips, Buggy winks at her with a cocky expression and pulls away suddenly, raising both arms "Another disappointment, how many more can our audience endure? You’re the only one left, Rubber Boy, don't let me down." He points him, moving closer, while (Y/N) just stays there where he left her, wondering what the fuck just happened and why does her heart run so fast now.
Adrenaline, probably.
"Take her with the others" he ends up saying to a couple of members of his gang, to which she responds by moving on her own in the direction of where they have taken Zoro and Nami before, preventing them from guiding her by force and discovering the knife she stole from Buggy when he got so damn close to her, and which she secretly hid between the waistband of her pants and her shirt.
Risky, she could cut herself with the smallest movement at the least expected moment, but it was way worse to see herself unarmed.
Buggy, infatuated, takes one last look at her and, raising one hand, waves his fingers in the air with a huge smile on his face as he says goodbye to her.
"See you later, love."
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huginsmemory · 1 year
First meetings: Wolfwood and Vash
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ID: Wolfwood in his introduction chapter pinching a protesting Vash's chin with interest and exclaiming that people are stupid for not immediately recognizing Vash.
One thing I noticed while rereading the manga, is the nature of Wolfwood and Vash's first meeting; that is, Wolfwood isn't targeting Vash as his next mark, nor does he likely know that Vash is his next mark. As a result, I thought it would be interesting to look at how that shapes their relationship with each other in the beginning, especially in comparison to the differences in the anime adaptations. Just a fun lil tidbit to sink your teeth into.
Proof of Unknowing
For the case that Wolfwood wasn't yet targeting Vash, my first point is that it makes sense logistically; if Wolfwood was targeting Vash to kill him as Legato had originally told them to in the manga, it would be assumed that he would have tried to kill Vash. However, instead he doesn't try to at all, although one might chalk that up to Vash saving his life by spotting him while on the bus or some other plot gimmick for Wolfwood to not immediately try to kill Vash.
Secondly, and more obviously, Wolfwood hasn't met Legato yet. This is seen clearly when Legato asks Wolfwood if he's Chapel, who Wolfwood is (later shown to be) impersonating, which means that Legato has never met Wolfwood. As well, Wolfwood is only shown to know the location of his next job- when he mutters about the chapel on the top of the rock- and doesn't seem to know nothing else, making it highly likely he doesn't even know any other details. In fact, Vash actually warns Wolfwood to not get involved with Legato, giving Wolfwood his description, to which Wolfwood when recieving the info doesn't seem to know the man; and upon arriving, and meeting Legato, Wolfwood actually parrots the description from Vash's warning in wariness, recognizing him through Vash's warning.
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ID: Collection of three manga pages.
First page: Legato comments, "'Chapel' seems to be missing... Well, no matter. Our target... Has yet to arrive." His words fade into Wolfwood exclaiming, "Huh?! A skull attached to his left arm?" Vash says, "Yep, yep! That's right. And a raised, needle-like torture device on his right shoulder." After a pause, Vash says, "You don't know him? Well, if you see him, let me know."
Second page: Vash tensely remembers a blood spatter and thinks, "Like a shadow, he came. And like a shadow, he killed and slipped away. If he... If he can move in and out of a crowd like that, people can be killed easily..." Wolfwood and Meryl look curious, and Wolfwood asks, "Well? If I see that guy, what should I do? You got a message for him?" Vash makes an exclamatory sound and shouts, "No! No! Never-mind!! Do not get involved. He's a very, very dangerous man. I swear!" Wolfwood laughs, "But I heard you were the most dangerous man in the world!" Vash sighs.
Third page: we see Legato and Wolfwood standing across from each other at their first interaction. Legato says, "That cross... I've been waiting for you. You're 'Chapel,' correct?" Wolfwood's expression is wary, and he says, "The skull... The torture device... I know you..."
Since Legato hasn't met him yet, this also means Legato's precious half-coins which he gives to each of the gung-ho guns hasn't been given yet to Wolfwood, which Legato has been previously shown to inform the gung-ho guns who their target is when he gives it to them (as with the first gung-ho gun). This again makes it unlikely that Wolfwood even knows his mark is Vash.
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ID: A panel of Legato touching a broken coin in front of Monev the Gale, the first gung-ho gun and saying intensely, "Do whatever it takes. For twenty years of your master's benevolence, it's time to repay him."
Lending further support, when Legato mentions that they specifically may need to deal with--ie, kill--Vash, this is the moment when we are privy to Wolfwood thought processes, where he desperately rages against his life as a assassin and how he wants to escape this life that causes him to kill. This is especially understandable under the context of Wolfwood just being told that he is supposed to kill a man that he had just somewhat befriended, a man who had just saved his life and payed for his lunch, who clearly has a good heart.
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ID: Two subsequent manga pages. Legato (off page) says "We're entering unknown territory here. You must be ready to handle any situation. Especially... Vash the Stampede. By no means may you fail!!" Wolfwood's frowning face is shown as Conrad comments that Vash is coming and that he understands why Knives chose that location. There's a close-up of Wolfwood's narrow-eyed expression before a cut to his shoes stomping up a mountain. He angrily exclaims, "Shit! What the hell was with all th' training?! Once again I'm staining my own hands with blood. God..." He thinks, "Once it's gone full-circle... where will it end?"
Basically, manga Wolfwood and Vash's beginning of their relationship starts with them forming a camaraderie before Wolfwood learns that he needs to kill/betray Vash. This makes it in a way more bittersweet, because their original interaction never had that tension of knowledge that Wolfwood is there since the beginning to betray Vash, and instead, they are simply existing together and form a what might tentatively be called a friendship--at least something where the both of them seem to have made a positive impact on the other-- outside of Wolfwoods mission. As a result, the question of how much of the camaraderie in the beginning of their relationship is Wolfwood having to get close to his mark is removed; you realize the camaraderie they share is honest and organic. In a way it's more tragic, because Vash even warns Wolfwood to remain away from Legato, but Wolfwood is already inevitably heading towards meeting the man, and learns to his horror that his next target is actually Vash. For Vash it also it's bitter because when Wolfwood finds Vash, Wolfwood mentions Knives for his reason of finding Vash; showing that even against Vash's warning, Wolfwood has clearly been entangled in some manner in the fight between Vash and Knives.
Anime adaptions
All this gets cut from Stampede, as Wolfwood is pretty explicitly following Vash to babysit him since the beginning. As Stampede has considerably condensed the story this makes sense since it would take time they don't have to add it in; but I think that cuts out an interesting extra dimension to Wolfwood and Vash's relationship, but so many things have been cut that I'm not surprised, and it's so changed that this being cut is not a big deal to me (compared to other things they cut which were more important).
From what I remember of the 98' anime, it's left a bit open to whether or not Wolfwood already knows from the beginning. However, as Wolfwood appears before Legato appears, it may mean that Wolfwood doesn't know during their first few meetings, like in the manga, but we aren't given a specific scene that shows Wolfwood being told to follow Vash, so we don't know where in the timeline he knows (we are only given the scene where he's told to kill Vash, later in the series). As well, Vash warning Wolfwood about Legato was removed in '98, which then lacks that bittersweetness of the realization that Wolfwood has become entangled in Vash and Knives fight. However, I haven't finished rewatching '98, so I don't have a more confident answer for whether or not Wolfwood knows, so take this part of the analysis with a grain of salt.
TLDR: In comparison to Wolfwood seeking out Vash to betray/observe him since the beginning, Wolfwood not knowing, (as shown by Legato not knowing who Wolfwood is when they meet) makes their whole first interaction in the manga organic, and adds a whole extra dimension of tragedy to their relationship, especially with the way Vash tries to warn Wolfwood away from Legato, which ultimately fails. As a result, the darker parts of both of their lives, which they don't acknowledge in their first meeting, end up intertwined, against their will. This actually serves as part of a huge thematic resolution of monstrousness and rejection but that's not the point here, that's another thing for another day.
Btw! If u wanna read more rambles from me, here's a masterpost of em :)
Edit (Apr. 2): Added photo ID, written by @princess-of-purple-prose
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lloydfrontera · 7 months
Days late but i'm reading the Q&A and i cannot tell if this guy is just Taking The Piss it slowly going mad from adapting it or if he's actually semi-incompetent
I saw a post about it and lots of people were. super mad abt it especially since the adaptation made so many changes. i have no strong thoughts but i also do not think generally so I Have No Input. ultimately i don't even know how much creative control he has, or what "the original author approved of the changes" means.
i genuinely. from the q&a cannot tell if he is trying to take the piss or just does not know how to read. i'm trying to be neutral because I Know Nothing. but this is more like the political side of webcomic discussions and you're probably more the socio-economic side so
oh don't worry nonnie! i have plenty of strong thoughts about it for the both of us :))
i hesitate a lot to criticize anyone's artwork because i know how hard art can be. and i personally have no real experience adapting from one medium to another so i'm even more apprehensive of speaking about something i know very little of.
but oh boy did the q&a dash away all of my reservations.
forgive me for taking your ask as an excuse to rant about it but i wanna thoroughly dissect it (derogatory)
i cannot tell if this guy is just Taking The Piss it slowly going mad from adapting it or if he's actually semi-incompetent
i don't think he's taking the piss. i think he's being completely earnest about thinking he's doing a good job at adapting tged. i think he genuinely thinks he's cracked the code on how to make a good adaptation.
i think he's completely wrong
here's what i mean. this is his answer when asked what's the most important part to keep in mind when adapting something:
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now, this doesn't sound bad at first. i'll give him that, at first glance, this looks like pretty decent advice. when making something, especially a work of fiction, it's pretty tempting to guide yourself by a 'what will the audience like?' mentality. and it's not a bad thing to want your content to be engaging, that's half of the challenge of making anything made to consumed.
but to consider it the most important part of the creative process?? to create or adapt a story based on what it's 'entertaining' instead of what you're trying to convey to your audience??
especially when this is what you think is what you should be focusing on
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like. sir. is that really what you're worrying about. really.
that last panel is especially infuriating to me because. why does he care so much about making the episodes funny. why is that his most pressing concern. there are so many things that are way more important than the comedy, like character development, relationship building, plot foreshadowing, a million other things and instead he just. cares about whether the latest episode was funny or not.
tged is a fun novel, it has so many funny moments but if asked i would not say it was a comedy. and it certainly never seemed to make an effort to make sure all of its chapters were funny.
so why on god's green earth does he seem to believe the adaptation needs to be over all other things funny.
why was that the direction he decided to take.
and i for one i'm almost absolutely certain it was his decision to go that route.
especially because this was his answer at being asked if he felt any pressure regarding the characters or plot development.
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nunca quise madrear a alguien mas que a este pinche monillo
he does go on to say all the changes were approved by bk moon but like. god what a way to confirm that he didn't a single shit about the characters and plot beyond making something he personally found funny lmaooo
and then this!! this!!
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the way he's admitting that he's changing whatever he feels like because as long as he 'doesn't stray too far from the central storyline' it doesn't matter,,,, because he already knows the ending and so as long as he can check off some boxes regarding the plot it doesn't really matter what happens in between,,, i wanna wring his neck so bad,,,
i already ranted about it in the tags before but you can't take a story and assume that as long as you get from point A to point B the parts in between don't matter. that's not how it works.
the ending of a story is the culmination of all the emotional and narrative build up you've done through the entire length of your work. is all the character moments, relationship growth and plot development that you've carefully sown in your story coming together to finally deliver what you've build up.
yes, the ending is an absolute masterpiece. because it has en entire novel of build up before it. because it took its time to make the audience engage earnestly with its characters and its plot. because it didn't make fun of itself at every moment possible and instead took itself seriously when the narrative called for it.
because the novel was telling a story and it wanted us to be invested on it beyond a superficial 'haha funny man makes ugly faces' reaction.
and because lee hyunmin is too busy wondering if every chapter is as funny as possible he's not doing the work needed to make sure the ending delivers the absolute gut punch and emotional catharsis it does on the novel.
he thinks he can just fuck around his way through the plot and still reap the same rewards bk moon did with the novel.
and if he keeps going like this he's not gonna be able to.
but that's just my opinion of course <3
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death-himself · 5 months
just finished episode 3 here are my thoughts
also i wrote this first part at the end of my review, but I'm gonna move it here to the top because it got a bit long and I feel like it's more important to state than my review
overall, i feel like the issues i have with the show are more of a me issue. i feel like I (and a lot of us book fans honestly) were hyping up the show to be one-to-one with the book when it's been said by rick and a lot of people working on the show that it was more of a new rendition rather than an exact book-to-screen adaptation
i know that when i watched the first two episodes with my friends, they didn't see any of those issues because they hadn't read the books at all, or at least not in a long time
one example, the issue everyone has with gabe's characterization is one my friend didn't pick up on, she recognized from the start that gabe was abusive and said something like "I'm scared what he'll do to sally if she doesn't get that car back to him"
those of us who live and breathe the books recognize that he's "not as abusive" or that it's a different kind of abuse in the books, so the characterization threw us all off in a way that it didn't for people who haven't read the books
so going forward, i'm probably going to keep that more in mind with the series and reviewing it. i think from a plot standpoint, it still manages to stay true to the book in the ways that really matter, and even emphasizes a lot of the key themes of the book more clearly, while still being extremely different, and I honestly think that's pretty cool
with that being said, bullet point review under the cut (reminder I wrote this before writing the above section and don't plan on changing it)
to begin with, I'm gonna be honest, I feel like they're changing a lot more than I would prefer with the plot. I'm still enjoying the series a bunch, but the differences are very striking to me
now going in chronological order with the episode, percy's reaction to the oracle was pretty funny
the whole thing of gabe being the one to tell him the prophecy looked stupid, but I feel like there was no way to translate it from the book without it looking stupid. i feel like when he's told the prophecy in the book, the creepy description is what makes it feel serious and the weight of the prophecy makes you forget how it's being told, and I don't really think that translates very well to film
also in the book the words are very clearly not words that gabe would say, but I feel like the way the lines were delivered in the episode was a bit off, like it just sounded like gabe with nothing creepy about it
percy choosing annabeth instead of annabeth pretty much forcing herself into the quest is an interesting choice that I'm not sure if I like or hate yet
it feels like they're turning percy and annabeth more into enemies-to-lovers than it actually is in the books
I love grover so fuckin much, grover's never been one of my favorite characters, but disney series-wise, he's definitely my favorite so far
i don't know why, but the little pool in the center of the poseidon cabin is my favorite thing ever, it just feels right
percy and luke's talk in his cabin is just <3
also the way luke went "it's a gift...from my dad" i just felt the WEIGHT of that, everything that it meant
also looking back on that, i love how both annabeth's hat and luke's shoes show the different ways they react to a gift from their parents. the hat is annabeth's prized possession that she doesn't want to give up, while the first time we see luke's shoes he gives them away and clearly doesn't appreciate them as a gift
i loved it since we saw it in the trailer, but thalia's tree is so fuckin cool, i love that it straight up just looks like a person standing guard
also the way they're pronouncing thalia's name is giving me life, my brother made fun of me for pronouncing it that way as a kid and i started calling her talia but to know 10 year old me was RIGHT, incredible
grover's little song had me dying, and percy using that song later at aunty em's was hilarious
ANNABETH IN THE GAS STATION, she was so adorable, that scene owns my heart now. her just grabbing every flavor of that candy was so damn precious
I'm sad we didn't get to see the bus blown up, they could've made it such a funny scene. have the trio run to the woods like "wow I'm glad we got out of there alive" then they look over at the bus and it just explodes. that could've been peak comedy there
the whole talk between alecto and Annabeth was interesting, it does make sense for them to have some sort of history considering what happened with thalia, so i think that's a good change, makes things more interesting
the way they got to aunty em's kind of annoyed me, i feel like they could have easily shown a passage of time and had them get there in the same way as the books. idk, i really liked how they ended up there in the books because they were just hungry kids that wanted burgers
also alecto being there felt a bit weird to me
when i heard they were taking a more sympathetic approach to medusa, i honestly got really nervous for how that would turn out, but i think they handled it as well as they could have. i feel like they said it in a way where the story could have gone either way; one way where medusa was poseidon's girlfriend, and another way where she was tricked and raped by him
she also goes on to both call him a monster and say that they loved each other, so again, i feel like it could still go either way with those lines, though it probably leans more towards the girlfriend perspective (even though I'm pretty sure that's the less myth-accurate perspective, but when has pjo been myth-accurate)
the way they killed medusa TERRIFIED ME, like annabeth my girl, you realize how badly that could have turned out right, having an invisible medusa
also how did that help percy in the slightest, he was still attacking something he couldn't look at so...how did that help
I'm hoping alecto being petrified isn't permanent, hades had better bring her back, i liked alecto. also isn't she important to some part of the plot in a later book? she's the only fury i remember the name of so she has to be important right?
their argument in the basement was an interesting change, i feel like to me it kind of just felt like conflict for conflict's sake. i don't think they felt super in-character in that section. their friendship dynamic feels a bit off through most of this episode honestly, but i think their dynamic's gonna be perfect going forward now that they've gotten past that conflict
percy saying the "i am impertinent" line perfectly. that whole exchange felt like it was ripped right out of the book, i loved that
i know everyone's been shitting on lin manuel miranda being in the show, but i still love the man, and that end scene was incredible
him in the elevator was so funny, and you just know he loved percy shipping medusa's head to olympus, he thought that shit was hilarious
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k-s-morgan · 8 months
Hello. I think I noticed that in your work, Sebastian, even when speaking to other servants or on behalf of the servants, never refers to Ciel as "our Lord" or "our" anything. Only my Lord or Young Master. It's such a small detail and maybe not intentional, but for me, it is one more proof of how good your character understanding is. (Is it called characterization? I'm not good with english terms).
You are able to write complicated demonic mind with all the nuances and twisted logic so well. It may sound weird, but ALGSTLTH feels real. It's more canon for me at this point than the anime itself or manga.
I can't comprehend how you do it. Maybe you have answered this question before, but how do you plan your chapters? Do you write a structure or a thoughtful plan in advance? Or let the inspiration flow? Did you already have this long-term idea of how the story will go, or do you change and adapt it? I'm just really fascinated.
Hope you are safe and sound♡♡♡
Hi! Thank you so much for your wonderful words, it feels so surreal to hear that you value this story so highly! To think that I started it for my eyes only :D
And yes, I always have so much fun with Sebastian's little displays of inherent possessiveness! I'm happy you noticed it and enjoyed it. I especially like when Sebastian thinks about "their manor," as in his and Ciel's :D He's so hopeless.
With chapters, honestly, I can't say that I plan much. I usually just have a couple of large ideas (in the case of TGSTLTH, these are mostly milestones from the anime) and a couple of smaller ones. Everything else comes when I'm writing, and that's one of the reasons why I love doing it so much. Things slip into their places automatically - I usually call it the magic of writing. It's like my mind knows where I'm going, but I do not, and I learn it very gradually, as more and more words are typed, uncovering more pieces.
As an example, some time ago, I had an idea for a made-up case, and this is how it's described in my notes: "C and S have to allow themselves to be tortured, C plans, S snaps." Beyond this outline, I have no idea what I'm going to be writing about, but I know and anticipate the moment when I start typing and the ideas start being born, shaping a picture even I don't see right now.
I do a bit a more detailed planning right before writing a chapter: I settle on a vague scenario and describe some basic parts in one sentence. Then I follow this very loose outline and watch how it becomes detailed in the process of writing. For instance, the chapters about the teachers: all I knew before I started writing was that Ciel and Sebastian would have this game. I had no idea Ciel would pretend to be blind until the very second it happened or that he would make Sebastian lose his mind by pretending he's dying. It all clicked just at the right moment, like it usually happens. This magic of writing delights me.
The rest of the plot is basically planned to the same extent: some ideas here, some ideas there, but with no links between them... yet.
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spagyricqueen · 2 months
Fun thoughts and details
So, I like lore. I love Forgotten Realms. I have a shelf dedicated to adventure modules and game books spanning back to AD&D 2nd ed. I've been in this thing for a while. I played the original Baldur's Gate games when they were new. And Icewind Dale. Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2.
I fell in love with everyone's favorite pale elf. Admittedly, not because of his vampirism (although, sure, I liked it. It was a fun detail). I love elves. (I just think they're neat). I have a thing for white haired characters with youthful visages. It's a mystery, truly. I think I'm beginning to understand that my attraction to Astarion beyond his vampirism might put me in the minority. That's okay. I know I'm not alone in this, at least.
He's interesting. I love his growth as a character. His ability to work through his demons, show genuine and unexpected compassion, and remain delightfully sarcastic and hilarious.
All this to say that when I approach the writing of my ridiculously long fic, I meticulously keep in mind the world Astarion lives in, as if I were a DM running a Forgotten Realms campaign. I ask questions about the distances between locations, the topography, the climate, the socio-economic structure of different cities, history, alliances, enemies, religions, ecology. I subscribed to Ed Greenwood's (creator of the Forgotten Realms setting) YouTube channel and joined his discord, just to have more resources for information. I have the wiki open constantly (I really want to insert flumphs somewhere in the story - they deserve more recognition. Especially the cloisters, they seem cute). And hey, I may get a few things wrong here in there, as many DMs do, and that's okay too. If it works for the story, who cares?
As much as I love fun head canons, my brain screeches with, "But would that exist in Faerûn? Is that how it works?" and proceed to look up medieval/historical equivalents. Keeping in mind, too, that it's a magical world, where gods exist and they are flawed.
I keep a separate file open so that I can copy/paste words that have stresses in them, even!
I like words.
Because I take so much time with such details, I have also gone ahead and rolled up a character sheet for Astarion in my narrative. While he is now mortal, he remains an arcane trickster rogue at level 12. In my story, he's blind, so he occasionally has a disadvantage to attack rolls and his perception (which is rather high) is limited to sound, touch, and smell. However, because of his adaptations, he's cleverly learned to use the Darkness spell to his advantage.
Starting at 4th level (subsequently 8th, 10th, and 12th), he got an ability score increase, plus a dual wielding feat (I flubbed this for story reasons). I used the level 1 character sheet that came with the deluxe edition of the game, and used those as his base stats (ignoring that there were probably already applied modifiers).
Here are the new stats I gave him.
STR: 8 (-1)
DEX: 19 (+4)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 17 (+3)
WIS: 15 (+2)
CHA: 13 (+1)
Based on these stats, in my narrative, Astarion has an improved memory (INT) out of necessity, and has become more measured in his decisions (WIS) as a result of his condition, forcing him to think through his actions with caution. His spells are limited to those that don't require line of sight (except I did have him blindly shoot a fire bolt at a barrel during those Underdark shenanigans because PLOT). And he can't use ranged weapons. But I think he's still a very interesting rogue.
Yes, this is a long post to explain how Astarion has grown as a person in my story. Because I am nerd.
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cendriilon · 3 months
Flowers of Insanity / LAS / EFoT ✶
Aqua Hoshino x Reader
Tumblr media
This is PART TWO, check out the other parts below!
REQUIEM: Sixth New Genesis
What's to come: [Lovenow], [Aqua Hoshino x Reader], [Akane Kurokawa plot points], [Reader likes both genders], & [mentions of suicide (Akane)]
[Songs of the chapter: "Marshmary" by MIMI, "Nonbreath Oblige" by PinnocchioP, "I hope you can be an adult someday" by TUYU]
[5,937 words]
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
All the time you spent with Eruru Osawa made her remind you more of Hanae, but soon you realized they were nothing alike. They were both kind to you, but that was pretty much it. You soon found out that her family business was one in the entertainment industry, if you squint. Her family owns a somewhat-famous original amusement park here in Japan. You'd really like to go there with her one day.
Aquamarine Hoshino on the other hand was a lot harder to grasp because unlike Eruru, he doesn't speak as much, and he doesn't say what's on his mind either. What you find special about him though are his eyes, it's one just like Ai's... he must be really special. You don't think you've ever gotten close to anyone like him before, so you don't know what to expect from him.
You heard that he's an actor, he appeared in a Drama, an adaptation for a hit manga. Not that you've read it before though, romance never tingled your brain as much as an action pact filled one did. However, you kept seeing horrible reviews about the Drama on social media, so you decided to give it a watch.
Yeah, it sucked ass. Though, the last episode really shot the ratings up. That was the episode Aqua was in, it was kind of hot. The girl was quite a good actor as well, you felt bad for her throughout the entire Drama because you felt like her talent was being wasted away. Come to think of it, you saw that girl talking to Aqua before, so she might also be attending this school, interesting.
No matter what happens though, whenever you see Aqua, or hear anyone mention him, images of Ai flash into your brain. You know it's not probable for him to be anywhat related to her, but it's fun to see that her life still lives on in your head years after she passed away. You did wish for her eyes after all.
This year, you've already made two whole friends, maybe you'd have more if you considered people your friends other than acquaintances more easily, not that that's ever going to happen.
You spend most of my time at school on your phone, which sounds bad and anti-social, and it is. Most of Eruru's time is spent socializing with every person imaginable, and if she's talking to everyone, she's talking to everyone but you. Aqua on the other hand barely shows up to class, you saw him hanging around a girl who looked exactly like him though. A sibling relationship in school, that's cute.
That's okay with you, you don't need friends to survive until March 9th or find Hanae— Well, maybe you do need connections to find her again, but you doubt anyone here would know her, but then...
That's when you met someone special!
Matsuyo Mochizuki. He has the same last name as Hanae, so you should get closer to him to get more information out of him. Then again, the surnames of this world don't mean that they are inherently related but... you could still try. After all, Hanae did live in Tokyo back then, and we're in Tokyo right now. Maybe Matusyo is her... cousin?
He's really quiet, he first entered Yoto High School a few weeks later than the average student, he skips school all the time, and when he does show up, he's never on time. His hair is dark and short, but at some points, it's long... how strange, almost like he cuts his own hair. His eyes were like the opposite of mine, dark and darker. Not a single shine of light was seen in them. Oh, and his teeth. They're quite special too, he had sharp teeth all over, not just his canines.
He's not ugly though, you could most definitely use him to find her. Your stars darkened as you hid your smile with your right hand, your eyes shut as you started planning. You could feel Aqua staring again. Awkward. You opened them soon after, giving the boy next to you a quick glance, you locked eyes. He looked away quickly, do you have that kind of power with these eyes now? Your smile widens as you quietly giggle to yourself.
*"★Hi there, my name is [name] [last-name]. What's yours?" You ask as you smile, giving him a hand. He didn't respond. "Hehe, that's okay. I'll just stay here until you talk to me!" The anxiety that usually grew in my stomach has gotten smaller and smaller throughout your experience in high school. You guess that Eruru is really starting to rub off on you.
"C'mon, Matsuyo Mochizuki, I totally just lied. I already know your name, just talk to me! You look lonely.★" I lean on my hand, "You can't be silent forever!~"
*Aqua's eyes widened, he's staring at you again. 'Have you always acted this way?' His eyes didn't make you feel uncomfortable this time, you kind of felt like a star, Matsuyo on the other hand still hasn't said anything to you.
"...What do you want from me?" Matsuyo sighed, his dark eyes glaring deep into your soul. You close your eyes to get away, but keep a smile on your face. He's going to be a hard one to crack.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
You really do want to sound cool and everything, but you don't really know what to expect from anyone. That's why you were a shut-in. So, when you were invited to do a reality TV show, you were shocked.
Why would they need a faceless internet celebrity? Then the thoughts connected. Ah yes, your follower count. That would boost their ratings, wouldn't it? However, this show doesn't suit you at all.
Another romance show? What would you even gain from this other than maybe a slip of the unwanted reveal of your face? You went over it all with the managers you hired for yourself to discuss the pros and cons. They came to the conclusion of 'If you join, it may boost your views by growing connections with the other members and their fans.'
Therefore, you sent the producers a message that reads something along the lines of "I'll join your show if and only if you sign this contract stating that you will never release my true identity to the public and blur my face in all the scenes I'm in."
It took a while for them to read the full contract, but they allowed it, making himself and all the other workers sign as well. You were happy with the product, but took extra precautions by *wearing a mask at all times.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
Today is the first day of filming for 'Lovenow', you wouldn't have guessed who showed up on set, Aquamarine Hoshino. Of course he didn't know it was you behind this cute [animal] mask of yours, and there's no way he'd know it's you from your voice since you haven't spoken yet... you decided to change your voice and tone to how you usually do when you stream.
Not to mention that you came extra early on set for someone on the makeup team to style your hair in a way you could never do on your own, plus you requested they add colorful highlights to show off the person you are on the inside! You've never felt prettier. You gave yourself so much personality with the way you looked, even your mask had colorful stickers on it.
The school uniform you were wearing was a lot more dull than the ones they had you wear in Yoto High School, but it still looked quite cute on you. Your new coworkers are all really cute as well!
The hit internet celebrity Memcho, 18, the new star Yuki Sumi, 16, the special dancer Nobuyuki Kumano, 17, the guitarist of a band Kengo Morimoto, 17, Aqua Hoshino, 16, and this other really pretty girl... Akane Kurokawa, 17.
Out of everyone in the cast, Akane was the girl who caught your eye. She's beautiful. Her hair falls to her shoulders, you think that if you wanted to get a partner out of this show, you'd choose her. Your plan for this is that you'll play along with the rest of the cast for entertainment, and then sit on the sidelines when people start confessing their 'feelings' for one another.
You watch as the first scene starts playing out, people walk into an empty classroom and start introducing themselves to each other, but most importantly, they're introducing themselves to the cameras set all over the classroom. Aqua goes right before you, from the way you're seeing this, he's acting like a more piped up version of the one you interact with at school.
You took a deep breath as you walked into the classroom, all eyes were on you, including the crews. With a slightly higher tone than you usually speak in, words start to leave your mouth, *"✧Hi everyone, my name is [alias], it's a pleasure to meet you!" you clap your hands together as you smile behind your mask.
"Woah! [alias]? Really?" Memcho bursts out, "I didn't know you were a highschooler!" She grinned as she put a finger to her chin, "We should totally collab together on my channel sometime!"
"Hmm... I've heard of you before," The band member pulled his phone out, "W-Wait..! You have over a-"
"A million!?" Yoto screamed out, "What in the world?! That's so cool!! I can't believe that I'm sitting next to a real celebrity!"
"Woah, calm down! You all are celebrities too!✧" You laugh as you sit down in a chair next to the rest of them, I rest my head on my hand, "Well, I saw that you played someone in 'I'll have it Sweet Today', Aqua!"
"Yeah, I sure did. It was only for one episode though." Aqua stared straight into your masks eyes, you sweat, does he know that you're...??
"Well because of that one episode, you single handedly lifted up that show to success!" Nouyuki grinned, you could tell that he's going to be a popular fan choice.
-End of Flowers_of_Insanity
After a few weeks of filming, you noticed the cast's quirks. Akane spends more of her time with the crew than the actual people on the screen, and she always has a notepad with her. Yoto and Nouyuki are the actual romance in Lovenow, and it really looks like they have something going on together. You and Memcho are more of the comedy relief of the show, it must be something about hanging around on the internet for so long. Last but not least, Kengo and Aqua tend to hang out on their own. You felt bad that you didn't talk to Aqua more often since the two of you were friends in real life, but you suppose it's better to keep a low profile.
It's so nice to meet all these people. To your suprise, they're all genuine and kind, even if some of it's an act. Even though it's only been a month of recording, you feel that you've really grown to connect with these people. Each episode focuses on one person in particular, so when it landed on you for the second time, you dropped the mask for the first time in front of the cast and the cast only, but the camera didn't know that you were wearing another mask underneath.
The reactions from the cast were nothing to laugh at, compliments were thrown at you, words couldn't describe it other than a little phony, but in a good way. Honestly, you didn't feel much for it, but after that episode aired, the fans seemed to have loved it. Though, there were a lot of people on Twitter and a few blogs asking your co-stars to reveal your face to them, but they had nothing to say to those people, you felt really grateful for that.
There were a lot of events that happened during the show to keep things spicy, you think that the producers really want you to end up with someone here because they made you and Kengo play together for a mini concert. It was one of your original songs, but they still had to make a deal and pay you to use it, oh, and Kengo had to learn the music in very a short amount of time. It really made you look up to him, so whatever the producers are trying to do is working, but Akane still owns your heart.
Speaking of, you've been trying to talk to her, but she's been so focused on other things. Almost like she's been having a tough time, "Hey Akane, are you feeling alright?"
"Hm! Oh... [alias], I'm doing okay... I just..." Akane sighed, sitting down at the table next to her, "I need to stand out more, I've been on the sidelines for this entire show and... I think that people are starting to forget who I am." She hid her face in her arms.
"No way!! No one would forget a face as beautiful as yours!" You shout unexpectedly, a little too loud, cameras start rolling, "I- What I mean is... all you have to do is apply yourself some more, let loose!☆" You grab her hands and hold them warmly, "And whatever you do, I swear I'll follow."
"W-wha... [alias]..." Akane's face grew red, "t-thank you."
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
Akane acted differently today while on set, she was putting herself out there more often, but it didn't really scream at her. It was an awful experience to watch, but you didn't want to pop her bubble by pushing yourself too far into her business.
She was trying to make a role for herself by trying to separate Yuki from Kengo and that dancer guy, but of course, Yuki was still fighting back.
"Oh? Looks like Akane's finally playing her cards!" Memcho said, leaning against the rooftops railing, "I saw her talking to you the other day, [alias], d'ya know anything about it?"
"Hm? Oh, well I did hear her talk about needing to stick out to the fans more, but I don't know if this is the best suit for her. I mean, maybe if she started a other side love story it'd be cute but...★" You mumble, you didn't know what you were really talking about. 'Side love story', what a joke! The only other people available were you and Aqua.
"Hmmm? What does that mean, [alias-nickname]?~ Do you like Akane Kurokawa?~" Memcho giggles, as she smirks and punches my arms gently, "What about you, Aqua, do you think that [alias] and Aka-nene would end up looking good together?"
"Ah well, I wouldn't say I'm against it in any way... I suppose the two of you would end up looking cute together." Aqua forced out a chuckle as you stare at the both of them, deadpanned, though they couldn't see it, "But if that did happen, there wouldn't be anyone left for me."
"Hey! I'm still here ya know!" Memcho screeched out, grabbing Aqua's shoulders in a playful manner, you point and laugh for the camera you just noticed.
"★Me and Akane..." you turn around to look at Akane talking to Kengo and sigh, "Well if she likes me then I guess I'll like her back." You turned back around to Memcho and Aqua, you don't think they actually listened to what you said, but you're sure that the camera did. "☆What about you, Aqua? Who do you like?"
"Oh." Memcho stops attacking Aqua to listen for his answer, Aqua looks around before opening his mouth again, "I guess you could say that I like..." Aqua looked at you before smiling again, "Nah, it's a secret."
"WHAAAT!!? No way! You can't just say that! You have to tell us!! Or at least, you should come and tell me! Whisper it into my ear!!" Memcho whined as she began pulling at Aqua's uniform begging him to spill his secret, "Please please please please! [alias] told us!"
"[alias] barely said anything, all you did was mention Akane. They didn't even say anything about liking her back" Aqua sighed, his hand on Memcho's face, trying his best to push her away, "Plus, you haven't told us who you like either."
"Well all of you are too young for me! I'm 18, and all you younglings are just too much like babies compared to me! Especially you two, y'all are 16 still, aren't you?" Memcho asked. You and Aqua agree simultaneously, "See! Ah, and if I were to get into a relationship, it would totally mess up my streams, I think."
"Well I'm with you there, being an internet celebrity does have its downsides." You laugh, "But Aqua, you should totally tell me who you like! Don't worry, ☆I'm great at keeping secrets~"
"No way." Aqua sighed, keeping both me and Memcho away from him simultaneously, I laughed some more. I guess Aqua can be more cute and chill when he's outside of school, though it's probably not genuine at all.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
Last night, Yuki did your nails. She made yours really pretty, they had two colors, [color] and black with these shiny gems or what not. While Yuki was working on your nails you had a talk with Akane. You gave her your suggestion of trying to make a side plot love story instead of trying to push herself into one that already existed. You tried my best to convince her, even Yuki chimed in at some point, but to no avail. She was dead set on doing it this way.
"Well, it's game on then." Yuki smiled, focusing her attention on Akane's nails this time, "Give it your all, Akane. 'Cuz I won't be holding back at all!"
"Yeah." Akane smiled back, "Let's make this fair."
Fair, what a fun word. The world is never fair, and it shows. You saw it with your very own two eyes, the scene was set, Akane didn't mean to hurt Yuki at all-
So why was this happening to her?
Akane accidentally scraped Yuki's cheek with the nails that Yuki made her the other night. The media started to swarm against her. You saw that too, you even got questions from strangers on the internet yelling at you, asking for more information on it, though as per contract, you weren't allowed to say anything. Not a word, not even in her defense.
Akane didn't show up for the next few days of filming, you couldn't feel anything but dread for the days she didn't talk to the group. Even during school, you couldn't focus on anything else. Aqua looked fine, you really hoped he didn't notice your paranoia.
Then the calendar marked a faithful day other than March 9th, the day when a hurricane warning popped up on everyone's screens. The day Akane sent a message for the first time in days in the Lovenow group chat.
'I'm going to go out to get a few snacks from the convenience store.'
Yuki: 'Right now?? Akane! Don't go!'
Memcho: 'Akane there's a hurricane coming out.'
Kengo: 'Akane pick up your phone'
Nobuyuki: 'Akane are you home?'
Aqua: 'Akane?'
You audibly wince as you grab a thin jacket from your closet and run out of your apartment. Even though Akane wasn't answering any text messages or calls, she still had her location finder on her phone. You followed it as fast and as accurately as you could. Luckily for you, it wasn't too far away from where your apartment was.
It led you to a bridge... a bridge?
Then you saw the figure, you weren't sure if it was Akane, all you knew was that they were standing on the ledge, arms spread. You couldn't think, you ran as fast as you could. It was later than what you would've wanted to though, the figure had already jumped. You grabbed them, their body was still in the air, a little heavier than what you'd normally be able to carry, but the thrill was driving you on.
"No! No! Let go of me, please, just let me die!" The voice screamed, squirming her body around to get away from my grasp. It was Akane. Your eyes widened as the rain continued to pour down on the two of you.
"Akane! Listen to me! It's me, it's me, [alias]!" You yell out, grabbing her tighter, trying your best to pull her back onto the bridge.
"[alias]..? Just listen to me, let go... save yourself. You don't want to be seen with someone like me." Akane sobs out some more, "Let go [alias]!"
"No! Akane, stop fighting me! J-Just let me pull you up!" You start to tear up as well, your grip loosens as you get pulled over the edge. The only thing holding you up was the ledge Akane had just recently just jumped off from and your horrible back strength which was slowly dying out.
Before you could fall, however, someone from behind pulled both you and Akane back. You winced, the force of your body falling onto the concrete floor with Akane on top of you filled your body with a sharp and stinging pain. Though, it probably didn't hurt as much as the pain as the person underneath the two of you felt.
Akane turned around into your chest, sobbing. You comfort her to the best of your ability but start sobbing with her at some point. You didn't bother to look at the person sitting next to you, from the slight tone of his huffs you could tell that it was Aqua. The fact that you weren't wearing your mask formed a bubble of worry in your head, yet you hoped it was too dark so that nobody could make out who you were. 
Your vision was blurry from the tears you were shedding. You stroke her head as you whisper to her about how everything'll be alright.
"...Who?" You were right, it was Aqua.
You try to cover your face with your hand as you quickly look away. Pulling the collar of your top over your nose, you then even tried to position Akane to cover yourself, even though you knew it was incredibly uncomfortable for the both of you
"[name], is that you?" Aqua repeats himself, this time, he gets closer.
"What? [name]? N-never heard of whoever that is before, nope! Not at all..." You stutter out, it's of no use anyway, he knew you were there. All you could hope was that no one else would find out.
"[alias], you got here before me?" Aqua asked.
"..." You couldn't say anything, not anything you'd admit to at least. Aqua should have never found out.
Another loud pair of footsteps ran over towards us, before they fully got to the three of you, Aqua covered you and Akane with his rain jacket. Your face grew red.
-End of Looking_All_Sad
It wasn't long before the rest of Lovenow's cast showed up, however, the first person to show up was Akane's mother. Aqua caught her all up on what happened as you sat back and watched as everything unfolded before you. The last people to show up was, who you guessed were, Aqua's mom and mother.
No one came for you though, not that you minded too much—
"Aqua! Isn't that your rain jacket?" A girl with sparkling red eyes asked as she pointed directly at you.
"Ah that's..."
"Is that the person you're going to end up with at the end of Lovenow?!" She giggled as she punched his arm, Aqua let out a disgruntled curse in response. You laugh at their antics.
Soon Akane left the room, walking out with her mother. She looked at you with her puffy eyes as she left the building. Not before Yuki ran her way towards Akane and slapped her directly across the face, you gasp and you clench your hands that lie on your lap. She was crying too, crying as she rested her head against Akane's shoulders sobbing as her yells turned into quiet murmurs.
The room fell silent when Akane officially left the building. Aqua's mom sighed and patted his back as she left with her daughter, telling him to "stay safe", how cute!
Right, Akane. This is a problem. You and the rest of the cast know that she really didn't mean any harm, however, people online don't. How could you fix this? A million thoughts ran around in your head. Aqua suggested that for Akane's safety she could leave Lovenow as a whole. Which is a viable option, but she shouldn't have to quit something she enjoys just because of strangers on the internet.
One by one, the people crowded in the hallway slipped out and went back home. Again, leaving only you and Aqua together. You thought about giving him his raincoat back, you wouldn't really need it anymore if he was the only one left. You were already found out. You bit your bottom lip before you spoke, but no words slipped past your lips.
"So you're [name]?" Aqua asked, turning back to look at your sweating figure, he didn't need to say your name out load again.
"Don't say it so loud! And... yeah. I am, uhm. Sorry you had to find out this way..?" You murmur, the hood was still covering your face, you liked that. It made you feel like you still had a barrier between your persona and the real you, even if you still felt phony
"Were you ever going to tell me?" Aqua slowly got closer to you. Weird.
"Why would I do that? It's totally unprofessional..! And... and...!" Why was he so close?? "You shouldn't even focus on this at all, what you— what we should be focusing on is to help Akane!"
"Right. Akane. The internet is horrible, not to mention that this show is just..." Aqua continued to mutter on and on about the recent news and the media's reactions. You zoned out for the most of it, "Reality TV... Ah, what about this?"
"We're going to make a video to save her, real reality TV."
The media caught onto Akane's attempt at taking her life and went on a roll with it, word spread around like wildfire. Whether it be people talking about how this was just a sleazy attempt to get attention, people feeling sorry and making apologies, or what their opinions are about the situation. People just didn't shut up. Not to mention, Akane's taking a break from Lovenow until who knows when. There isn't anyone else to really look at other than her, Aqua's there but it's just uncomfortable now that he knows who you really are.
On the bright side, the video's production is going well. All of the cast members opted to help. For example: Memcho tried teaching Aqua more about Social Media and how to get people's attention quickly and Kengo offered background music with his guitar. You also offered music from a band you had connections with, 2You, and your voice as vocals. Aqua didn't mind, in fact, he appreciated it. To what you could tell at least.
The last, and more important, part of the plan is getting unused recordings from Lovenow's staff members. There wasn't anything you could do, it was all Aqua. He had the brains to figure something out, weasel his way to get the information out of the producer.
You kept trying to contact Akane, half of the time she didn't respond, she hasn't been going to school either. You threw your phone across the room and groaned into your bedsheets. All the pent up worry hasn't been doing too good for you, you barely show up to your classes either. Which as a consequence means your *relationship points with your classmates have slowly been decreasing ever so slightly, besides Aqua.
Eruru texts you ever so often about school events, you respond fairly quickly, but that's as far as it gets. You miss being around people again, not to mention you've been on hiatus for all streaming activities until you say otherwise. Matsuyo doesn't even try to reach out to you, which is a major bummer. You wonder how he's doing, you wonder how Hanae is doing. At this point, that's the only thing keeping you going besides Akane's well being.
Matsuyo Mochizuki, there's this slight chance that they could be related. You will stand strong and make sure you see her again in this life, even if you don't have much time left—
"Hm...?" You wander to your phone, a new notification, this time it was from Aqua. You sigh as you open your phone. He's the only one who's actively talking to you. The other members in Lovenow didn't know you haven't been showing up to your classes, you're really grateful for that. Though whenever he does text you, it never brings you any joy. It's usually about something negative. Maybe it'll be different this time?
The text read: "Get ready and come to my place, everyone else is already here." You thought it was funny how Aqua talks all professionally even when it's through a text.
Quickly putting a hoodie on with sunglasses and a mask to hide your identity, you rush over to Aqua's place...
His place... where does he live again?
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
You rushed over to find that all the other cast members of Lovenow were huddled in front of a screen with, you can only assume, Aqua in the middle. They didn't notice your entrance so you carefully walked over to see what it was all about. The video. Right, that's what this was all about. Aqua looked as if he was on the verge of death as he compiled pictures and videos of all of Lovenow's time together. The video, so far, was very nice. Like eye candy!
"Hm? Oh! [name] is here!!" Memcho brightly said after turning around, "Your aura reminds me of Aqutan! Dead! What have you been up to?"
"Nothing other than worrying to death about Akane." You sigh, putting your hand to your face, "Why did you call me here, Aqua?"
"Because I'm worried about you too. Everyone else here can tell that you look horrible" Aqua murmured, not looking away from his screen. That pissed you off, how could he say you looked horrible if he hadn't even glanced in your direction?? Before you could verbally react, Yuki had already punched him in the back, causing Aqua to bite his tongue, "And the plan is almost done."
"What Aqua's trying to say is that he wants everyone from Lovenow to be here when the video is all done!" Memcho says, clasping her hands together and smiling. You smile back under your mask, Akane will finally be free!
"Well? When are you gonna be finished, Aqua?" One of the boys asked.
"I'll finish quicker if you guys stop bothering me." Aqua murmured, to giggle to yourself about Aqua's comment.
"Well you heard him! Get out.★" You took your sunglasses off and glared at them, "I know he wants you here when he's all done, but saving Akane faster means no distractions!" You placed your sunglasses in your pocket as you watched all four of them slowly leave the office. You turned your head to look at Aqua's screen. He's so close... just a little more and Akane will get to show her face to the public again.
Half an hour of silence and hard clicks on the mouse, Aqua was still glued onto the screen. A few more dragging from his mouth passed by before he opened his mouth again, "Bring the others in."
You ran over and hugged him tight, "Thank you so much for doing this for her." You let go just as quickly as you latched onto him and skipped out the the room to go and get the others back. As you re-opened the door, Yuki rushed in before you could say anything.
"So?! Are you ready to post it??" She asks impatiently, holding onto her sweater tight.
"It's prime time to post it right now actually, my data shows that tons of people are online right now!" Memcho chimes in, pointing to a poorly drawn graph on her phone.
"Mm, yeah." Aqua mutters, "This has to work..."
"It better!" You say, bouncing on the back of Aqua's chair, waiting for him to finally click the export button.
"C'mon man, don't keep us waiting!" One of the boys said, putting their hand on Yuki's shoulder. With an annoyed sigh, Aqua clicked the export button while you hovered over him. When the final pixel reached the end of the loading bar, Aqua switched tabs and opened a popular blog site.
"Let's go Aqua! When I said it was prime time, I meant it! It only lasts a little white, so post it already!!" Memcho shouted, hurling herself on top of you, which consequently meant she hurled herself on top of Aqua. With one glance towards your masked face, Aqua added the professionally made video with a caption and finally clicked post.
With impatient eyes, everyone stared at the screen before them, waiting for the numbers to roll in. Did it not work? Why isn't anything happening? Aqua worked so hard— before another cruel thought entered your head, Aqua refreshed and the likes and comments started to bombard his inbox.
A few minutes passed as the cast watched in shock as everyone's opinions started to morph something in the favor of Akane. You were ecstatic that it worked, rushing over to grab your phone off the desk to check the post itself and to message Akane about it. The girls started jumping around with joy, the boys joined them after some time for the celebration while Aqua's head hit his desk in exhaustion. You slowly put your phone back down and laid your jacket on Aqua just as he did for you. Crouching down to be at eye level with him, you tell him thank you right before you call it a night and go back home.
You slipped past the *crowd of people with a smile on your face and went down the stairwell, but before you could make it out, you saw the same girl as you did the other day. The one that looked exactly like Aqua, she seemed to be in her pajamas and was quite caught off guard when she saw you.
"Ah!! You! It's you! [alias]!" The blonde, in what seemed like a millisecond, ran towards you, her face barely an inch away from yours. *"Ohmigosh, what's it like in Lovenow?! What do you think of my brother? Are you guys going to become a couple?!! How is Akane!?"
"☆Oh, uhm... Akane is... she's going to be okay. And Aqua is a really nice guy! He's done a lot for Akane and I'm really grateful for that." The girl in front of you asked a few more questions before you got the chance to slip off and excuse yourself to go back home. 
-End of Eyes_Full_of_Tears
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Check out the other chapters! {CLICK ME}
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nekobami · 6 months
HUGE SPOILERS. (Screenshots I took w some comments & thoughts - not too hight quality however)
Oh wow. Long text.
I mean, finding out that everything was a plot fanficed by the demon and Morty's mind alone couldn't have been a better plot, I mean, It's really funny how Morty sees the random and insane things that happen to them.
Even though it's always something really out of the ordinary, I don't know how to explain it, but... Like, I can't help but feel like everything is too convenient. Because the focus is on fear, I mean at the end, it's an unconscious fear-focused narrative built using Morty's worldview as bricks. So that he didn't even know that this was really his fear at the end of the day.
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But I'm surprised he doesn't even suspect how convenient and quick everything is. Like, "HOLY SH#T, A YOUNG RICK JUST ENTERED THE LIVING ROOM BURNING TO DEATH HOLDING A DIANE." JUST LIKE THAT. IN THE SAME SPEED YOU RED IT
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But in parallel, I love how Morty sees the partnership between him and Rick. In the end, despite all the lore, all the narrative burden that should separate Rick from this family, Morty still sees them as the two weird friends who isolate themselves to talk to each other when something sinister happens. I also felt something in Rick's expression during this episode, but I talk about that in the screenshot
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(( Marriage working out sounds ))
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I also loved the "anti-aging thing" and the "Dad, stop! you're traumatizing her." I mean, For Morty, everything is so convenient for Rick that he can simply inject a blue liquid into his vein and become young again. CASUALLY. Not that it doesn't exist. It's probably something exactly like this.
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By the way. I agree with other opinions I've seen recently. All of this is completely set up from the beginning, and it certainly wouldn't be so easy for Diane to simply ignore her grandchildren and her thirty-year-old daughter just to casually hang out with Rick. I mean, it's part of it. But bro. I'm sorry, I know Rick is a silly and romantic guy when it comes to it, even more so with HIS WIFE, the woman of his life, BUT, a breakfast bot? It still sounds too much like Morty's vision of Rick's flirting skills to me. Anyway. BREAKFAST BOT.
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OHHH yeah, look at them. They're not real, but will make you feel good.
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Oh, also. About this... this... thing. Like, I have to agree that it was a very wise choice to have only Morty go into the hole. Like. That demon devours your fears clearly means he enters your mind, he knows you by what you fear. He will use everything you know to taste your fear and suck everything out of you. He won't kill you, I guess. He was probably just making fun of Morty about his fear thing being able to actually kill someone. But he is a demon. Supposedly that's what he does. Unless maybe he has adapted to feed himself without actually needing to kill someone, or if he casually lets people live just for the sake of it. I don't know... I can't help but feel like this guy never needed them to go into the hole to build the narrative.
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He's already managed to find out about everything Morty knows about Rick. Now imagine what we would have seen if he knew everything Rick knows about himself and others? I'm sorry, but it would obviously be too heavy. I know, it hurts. And you cannot compare the extent of people's fear, after all it is completely individual. But, my friend, imagine what this guy would discover about the multiverse as it is, just by getting into Rick's mind? The recourse he would have in this here is above tolerable. HOW DAMN POWERFUL CAN THIS GUY ACTUALLY BE? Hihi. Fear hole demon. I'm totally not attracted by him.
Also. Holy sh#t.
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Cursed as f#ck, damn, ew, it wasn't even necessary, please don't do nothing similar to this, I'm begging you. I can't see this again in any context.
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About Rick's expressions. (Yes. Yeah, yeah, the whole narrative load of this interaction between them, and Rick coming back after hearing that Diane was there, Morty afraid of Rick hugging him still being a hole thing, Morty afraid of being replaced, Rick coming back to put up Morty's photo, photo of Morty in the wallet, yes yes, extremely nice, lots of cool stuff, of course. But I would like to point out something.)
I could be wrong, after all I didn't watch the episode again. Like, I know Rick being with his wife must have exacerbated that factor, but throughout Morty's fear-centric narrative, Rick's features are softened, I don't know how to explain it. But in that moment, when Morty comes out of the hole, what really is Rick as an individual comes in, and not just the Rick built with Morty's vision of him and their interactions. Like, he just got that totally tired annoyed-like expression, since, after all, he's still affected by the recent events, and his face... Uh, I can't explain it perfectly, but around him is still heavy, while in Mortys narrative, things seems... lighter, since they've SUDDENLY, VERY CONVENIENTLY got another worries. And even if he was romantic with her in the narrative... I can't explain, but he was still very... cold and insensitive at times. Something that I find very difficult for Rick to do, as an individual and being extremely affected by all his experiences.
Anyway. Nice episode. Definitely. Merry Christmas too. HAHA. Christmas.
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soulmatelines · 8 months
GMMTV 2024 Part 1 Opinions
rating how excited i am for each one on a scale of 10.
My Precious (0/10)
I have no opinion, this has been teased like 5 different times at this point. (0/10)
Ploy's Yearbook (7/10)
they had me up until the adopted brother storyline??? why??? also they're probably saving this for the actual drama but how did a number mix-up ruin all of their lives?? (7/10)
We Are (5/10)
I'm going to be real, this seemed really boring. I feel like I'll probably watch anyway, but only bc i have nothing better to do. Also, I've been seeing people say that pondphuwin are the main leads of the cast, but it honestly feels like winnysatang also have an equal position in the trailer. but we'll see.
The Trainee (6/10)
this was okay, i like the concept. didn't feel all that excited though, but the cast is pretty stacked. also kaphook lesbian??? they gained points for that fr, give the casting director a raise.
Only Boo! (5/10)
The idol concept is interesting...but that's it? idk. LMAO.
Pluto (100/10)
A GL LETS GOOOO. I AM TUUUUUNED IN! I'm really excited - the cast is stacked!!! I am choosing to ignore the implications of the plot though! thanks!
On Sale (8/10)
This actually looks really fun. 2 points off for New, but him aside, I am actually really excited for this! Communicating with ghosts through food also sounds fun, so I'm really curious to see how they go about that.
Ossan's Love (4/10)
no <3 ok i love ossan's love (both the japanese version and the hong kong version) and i am definitely open to a thai adaptation -- i just am not confident in how well earthmix can pull off the characters, whichever ones they play. there's a lot of physical comedy and the main character in both adaptations was...very Expressive. so idk how this is gonna go.
My Golden Blood (7/10)
this looks like its gonna be so stupid, i am so here for it. really excited for gawin and I'm happy he's getting more roles, especially lead ones. the premise also sounds really interesting, overall very excited!
Kidnap (-5/10)
no? no.
Summer Night (2/10)
The way this trailer opened was absolutely unhinged, I am speechless. Besides that, this looks boring.
Wandee Goodday (10/10)
This actually looks really fun and stupid, I will be watching!
High School Frenemy (0/10)
I actually don't have an opinion on this, but apparently this a remake of School 2013? I never watched it so knowing that piece of info means nothing to me. I was also just very confused by them wearing Japanese (or Japanese-inspired) school uniforms?
Kieta Hatsukoi (6/10)
I am going to watch and hope they do justice to the manga (because this is an adaptation of the manga and not the show). The trailer felt very lackluster imo. I think the characters would have been a better fit if fourth and gemini switched roles, but i am going to wait and see for this one. (i can elaborate if anyone is wondering why i think a role switch would be better).
Enigma 2 (0/10)
no opinion - didn't watch s1 either.
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vibratingskull · 22 days
Just a tdlr this is long post
I don't know about you but I'm getting sick and tired of people saying Fioni is screwing up Thrawn character's because he not using the source materials aka Timothy Zahn UN or Legends.
Don't get me wrong I love Heir to the empire trilogy but hearing some criticism he basically evil mustache mastermind who have beaten the force user because of lizards who can resist the force. Which to me sounds like plot armor a bit.
I prefer the 2020 trilogy and the comics better as we get to see more depth and complexity in his character and his time with the Empire.
To me I kinda expected Tales of the Empire not featuring thrawn that much as their main character was Barris. There only so much you can do with 6 episode and trying to give everyone spotlight.
For all we know Thrawn may just be fooling the Empire even when Palpatine is dead. The books even said it themselves that Palpatine and Vader did question his loyalty.
There some good feedback and criticism but most of these guys who are saying they are anti Filoni reminds me of the early 2000s where everyone was hating on George. Idk for all we knew we could be wrong about Thrawn in general
I do not know how to really respond to that ^^'
I am diehard books fan and I so hoped we could get a good Book Thrawn adaptation (not in TOTE cause we knew he would barely be there.) and I just feel letdown by all of that.
I mean, more power to you if you enjoy Filoni's portrayal of Thrawn, I hope you have a ton of fun! I'm more a Zahn Thrawny myself.
But I agree, Thrawn is 100% fooling the empire. The only reason he is "loyal" to the Epire is because he truly is loyal to the Chiss ascendancy and he believes the Empire can be of some help to his people. If he decided that the Empire was useless he would have nopted out of here so fricking quick Eli wouldn't have had the time to get his career path changed XD
Do I like what Filoni's doing with Thrawn? No.
But I'm so disconnected from Hat man I don't have hate for the guy. I just don't care about him, or what he might have to say. The only canon I know are the books and nothing else.
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firespirited · 2 months
In other news my Dune fixation caused by some amazing tumblr meta writing has not been sated by watching the DUNCs.
I had a long pretty good post typed out after the first one and tumblr ate it:
here goes:
I considered it an alternate timeline (by the time we get the non-Alia and Chani choices of DUNC 2, we're definitely in a different version of this story - I like not knowing if Messiah will be much like the book, I like it if there's no escaping the plots set in motion). I had to repeat Alternate Timeline as a litany when there was no diplomatic party, no tweaking methhead bitchy Piter and Kynes didn't get That Moment with nature.
Was disappointed by the fact Paul isn't already tormented by potential futures at his first major fight wondering if dying might be the best way to avoid mass death and escape the machinations. To me, in that fight, he's chosen a path to the suffering of billions and justifies it and refines it later.
Lynch Dune remains fun because it's bonkers, this is fun too but definitely alternate timeline and neither are at all how I imagine it. Lynch seemed to nail the spirit of some of the characters better despite massive creative liberties with the plot details. It's its own weird and wonderful artefact.
Villeneuve remains the king of ovoid spaceships, mega landscapes and letting the fashion and sound designers get a great budget. I love the Chani additions, not canon and I don't care, it works!
The lack of Arabic complex concepts and more references to eastern religions was sorely lacking: flow has to be more than just a picture of moving sand, i wanted that cells interlinked within cells interlinked: galaxies and molecules and populations easter egg.
I also had a hope for DUNC 2 that it would show the whole universe as deeply religious, as in hardwired to give themselves over to a higher power even if that belief is atheism or eugenics. It didn't and I think that's really important context to properly understand what the story is saying. We've got political devotion bad and religious zealotry bad with both being culturally groomed into people but not the larger context of other "cults" that aren't explicitly about power but self-improvement or belonging or even service.
My silly pet theory is that the font is like that because we're probably never getting the two other "ones who bridge everything" of the trinity: sad worm god emperor and our man DUNC potadaho the ultimate renaissance man with a thousand lives. (As much as I'd love DUNC 8 2039: we're putting silver fox Momoa in situations again)
The dream will always be the cartoon/anime adaptation:
52 x 50-minute episodes that teeter wildly between dense political machinations, ecological exposition, that Bakshi LOTR trippy violence and even trippier visions interrupting action scenes, but most of all, near blasphemous levels of religious symbolism top to bottom, the Abramic sure, but the Buddhist, Hindu and Taoist. If they could add Paul getting a big dose of gender WTF: trill-style after being exposed to the water of life that would be amazing.
But yeah I need to get my hands on large print books - yeah yeah, the migraines will murder me regardless. I missed being in everyone's head. Like, the films are great a conveying scale but not how much it's an interpersonal drama first and foremost... for many of the side characters too.
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"From what I've gathered, is this the way it is?"
"From what I've gathered, this is the way it is."
Error's a critic, critics take things and put defined labels on them objecting them either bad or good. To him the world can be sorted away because in the end it's just a piece of media, and in his mind he gets to decide if that media is good enough for itself (it never is.) No other person can tell him otherwise because "it's the truth and that's just how it is."
Ink's an enjoyer, it doesn't matter what it is or how ugly it seems, every piece of art is precious. He'll admit some have flaws, but he doesn't think the flaws are worth scorning it over, things grow, they change, it comes from someone's heart. He doesn't have a place to determine what it's meaning is, but he can theorize it and give advice.
Uhm, people I know were having a debate on if Ink and Error are above or below average intelligence, I think it's really funny that it even came up.
Intelligence (according to Google) can be told by adaptability, curiosity, high self control, humor, and enjoyment of their own company.
On a side note, it takes a smart person a longer amount of time to grow bored in an empty room.
Ink is characterized to be very liquid with events (get it?), if there is an obstacle in front of a goal he'll spend time to think of a way around it and achieve what he wants. Other times the plot won't really force him to think up a plan, and he'll tag along for the sake of having fun or because he was thrown into it. He doesn't fight back (usually) and goes with the flow until something bothers him.
Ink adapts!
Error is as stubborn as a mule. When a problem in tossed in his path he'll kick it out of the way, move it, go around it. Most of the time the plot revolves around him setting his sights on something and finding different ways to evade or convince others to let him have it.
Instead of adapting to the changes, he adapts to get past it.
Their curiosity levels are roughly the same. What would happen if I did this? How would people react if I said this? Is there a way I could get to that faster? What does this mean? etcetc.
Depends on what you consider, "Having self control." is. Is it the self control of staying on task and not getting sidetracked, or the self control of attaining to other's feelings or opinions and keeping your anger in?
Error is impulsive, if something irks him the right way he'll turn around and challenge it, not thinking of the consequences. You don't know him for a level-head or calm attitude. He's better at staying motivated and having the internal self-control of, "This is where I'm going and this is how I'll get there", everything else is a coin-toss.
Ink is also impulsive, randomly trying things out to see what they do. He doesn't have the self control of knowing what would hurt another person's feelings, but does have the control of not letting things spiral out of hand by getting too emotional or upset when someone confronts him. Because... funny funny, he can fully control how much of one emotion he feels at a time and uses a level of I guess... control to make sure he's getting the proper dosage, and stay on that consistency.
They're sanses (or used to be) of course they're 'humerus'. They show it off constantly.
The enjoyment of one's company is the enjoyment of the sound of your own brain. Your brain processes things and finds ways to make it interesting, ways to learn from it, when you're alone you can fully indulge in whatever comes to mind.
Ink daydreams, he comes up with ideas or figures something new out, he thinks about what he knows or what he doesn't know.
Error considers, things that are new or things that interest him, and sorts it away with an opinion.
It takes a smart person longer to grow bored, and it takes doubled the amount of time to find something interesting again. When the brain can't find anything new it runs a track in the things it already knows. Eventually those tracks (if ran constantly without any sort of breath of fresh air) are run far enough, you're guaranteed madness.
"What the hell does that have to do with intelligence?"
You can't go mad once if you don't have at least a little bit of IQ in your skull, and they've both been through white torture before, right?
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misspearly1 · 2 years
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Chapter 3
Chp1 || Chp2 || Chp3 || Chp4
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
WC: 7K
Summary: How does one adapt to the changes of the world? You’ve grown too comfortable in the post-outbreak of the Cordyceps Virus. You had to change, for your own safety you had to change who you are, you had to alter your moral compass, but now one year after finding sanctuary in Jackson community, how do you turn back and change into what you once were to fit into the normalities of society? Maybe a certain Texan man who knows exactly what you’re going through could be of help, a lot of help.
Warnings: 18+ Adult Content. Minors DNI. There is violence and dark themes in this fic. A lot of flirting. Fade to black smut and then a lot of smut. Somnophillia. Joel and Reader are very horny here peeps. (Not sorry 🤣). Fluff.
AN: Wow okay! I don't actually know what my end goal is for this fic, did have an idea to begin with, but now I'm just going with the flow at the moment and I'm really enjoying the plot I'm coming up with as I go along. I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you my lovelies 💜
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Adrenaline is just a hormone that the body releases into the bloodstream when your fight-or-flight response is triggered. Amazing right? How your own body can produce a chemical that makes your heart beat rise and your mind react quicker, basically making you fast on your feet with god-like reflexes and quick thinking skills. 
Your fight-or-flight response was activated the moment Joel drove over the bridge leading into the heart of Rexburg City, where the Skincrawlers live - a nasty group of men, covered head to toe in their own dirt, wearing nothing but a piece of thin material over their crotch and behind, for whatever reason why, you do not know. Nor do you wish to know. Skincrawlers isn’t their official name, it’s just what you call them as they physically make your skin crawl.
After stashing your original vehicle somewhere safe, you and Joel managed to sneak into the army base like a breeze, but of course finding the keys for Cougar 4x4 MRAP was locked up tight in the HQ building, where the vast majority of the Skincrawlers resided. With far too many of them to face head on in a fight, you and Joel kept on with being stealthy and carefully slipped by them all, reaching an office on the southside and finding the keys. Everything was running smoothly, right up until you were caught running across the tarmac to reach the vehicle warehouse and an alarm was sounded. 
Your stealthy cover was blown, but it didn’t matter at all since you had the keys for the Cougar and it is from their retched behaviour and desire to ravage you and Joel that really triggered the release of adrenaline to flood your bloodstream. The adrenaline rush - where the real fun begins. You’ve never felt more alive than what you did sitting in the top seat of the Cougar handling the big gun while Joel drove around the army base like a madman. He made the right choice to put you in the gunner seat and you understood why he wanted one of these vehicles for himself. It’s like a mini tank on wheels, but quicker. Empty bullet casings rained down like a tropical storm as you let loose on the trigger, tearing up the Skincrawlers base while they ran for the hills. Would you blame them? Who would go face to face with this vehicle? You certainly wouldn’t. 
“Woah.” Ellie sighs. Cutting through your story telling with her chin placed into the palms of her hands and her eyes transfixed on you in Jacksons pub. A whole group of ears is around you listening, but she was most excited to hear how Joel and you brought back each and every one of the Rexburg Residents from The Temple. “What happened next?” She asked, intrigued to know everything. 
“Well, we chased them outta the city too, kiddo.” Joel answered with a chuckle. Seeing the child-like wonder in her eyes once again was refreshing, given the circumstance of their relationship as of late, he was optimistic of reconciling since she smiled at him, still asking for more details of how he and you managed to do what you did. Ellie’s grown into a young woman now, but Joel will always see her as his baby girl. Looking over to you, Joel jerked his chin outwards for you to finish the story while he nursed his beer. 
“There was a lot more supplies in that army base that Ronald knew about, too much actually.” You began after taking a sip of your own beer. “The Skincrawlers were hoarding a lot of useful shit. Years upon years worth of stock just sitting there, not to mention all of the things they had stolen off the poor people who entered the city.” 
“Shit, that sucks.” Ellie’s brows furrowed, thinking of the many that had failed at what you and Joel succeeded to do. Many were probably just seeking passage. 
“We cleared the city out, El.” You reassured the young girl. “Ran the Skincrawlers out, buried the people they had killed and cleared the bridge. Rexburg is open for any survivors that want to pass through unharmed. The Temple is our base now. We’re using that for more survivors and maybe even a place for Jackson to expand.” 
“Oh.” Maria popped out of nowhere, cutting in with her verdict. “No one said anything about The Temple being our base or expanding-”
“No Maria, think about it.” You cut her off too, not backing down with your idea. “Me and Joel can go back out there with a group, they stay at The Temple while we scout ahead for other communities, and if the group happens to find survivors while they’re waiting for us, they can stay at the Temple. The supplies Maria-” You emphasized with a nod, reaching into your jacket to pull out a sheet of paper with a list. “I ain’t lying about the amount of supplies, there was too much for us to transport back here and that Temple is locked down tight. Ronald made sure of it.” 
“We’d be willing to help, Ma’am.” George - one of the ten able bodied people of Rexburg - stepped forward, speaking on behalf of four other people behind him. “We know that area like the back of our hand, it’s still our home and we still have a fight left in us before we’re ready to retire. We, and anyone else who you’d be willing to give, would happily operate the Temple and find survivors.” 
“It’s expansion, Maria.” Circulating back to your own point, you patted George on the back as a thank you for stepping forward and backing you up. “If you’re okay with this and we go ahead, we will have a base eighty miles out in another state, not only finding survivors who want to live and make the world better again, but we will find the people who don’t, the people who pose a risk to Jackson and what you’re building here-” Upon seeing the look of consideration on her face, you could visibly see how she was contemplating the idea and decided to add some more good news. “-You want to know why the Skincrawlers took over the city? It’s because there is a solar power plant on the army base. The idiots had electricity but never used it. I checked it out myself Maria, they shut everything down. It looks as simple as flipping a switch.” 
“It probably will be.” Another man amongst the crowd butted into the conversation, this time it was a Jackson resident, one of the many who fixed the hydroelectric dam years ago. “Solar power is simpler and if it’s on an army base like you say, I’m willing to bet that It’s a backup source of electricity for the city.” 
The whole pub broke out in chatter of the idea, most favouring it and a small amount going against it. You looked around the room, taking in the reaction and feeling your chest swell with pride. For once in the whole time you’ve been a resident of Jackson, you actually feel a part of what they were trying to do here, like you were making a good beneficial difference of bettering the society. Ellie looked at you with a grin, her reaction and Joel’s making your own smile grow wider, but before the group within the pub could debate any further, Maria held her hand out and yelled for everyone to quieten down. “It hasn’t been decided yet folks, so don’t be getting your hopes up.” The woman turns to you then, her jaw tight with annoyance. “I need a word with you in private.” 
Oh shit, here we go. Sighing with defeat, you dropped your shoulders and turned to flash Joel a look as if to say, ‘wish me luck’ before following the leader of Jackson out of the pub, preparing yourself for the reprimanding. You know Maria is pissed, you can feel it. “What’s your goal here?” The woman turned to face you as soon as she passed the door, confirming your suspicions with her tone of voice. “What is it that you’re trying to achieve?” 
“Two birds one stone, Maria.” You shrugged, explaining. “I like being outside, but I can do good out there too. Things that could build the community that you’re building here. Before I came to Jackson, my only goal was survival, finding someplace safe and I never thought I’d find it, but I did and now I’m left with no purpose…” Stopping your ramble to take a second breather, you were sharing more than you liked to. “...All I have done for the last twenty years is fight for another day to live. Now, I can live here happily, but what do I do with the fight that's left in me? Isn’t it better to put it into a good cause? Fight for your dream of rebuilding?”
“That was my fathers dream.” Maria kicks at the pavement, dropping her head with a sigh. “All of this was his, he found this place and built the community. I just took over where he left off. My men fixed the dam, we set up security and we’ve just been living out here peacefully.” 
“Maria, I’m not here to take over or tell you how to run your community.” You say reassuringly. Feeling a sentiment of regret in her tone, you could sense that she wants this but is afraid of anything going wrong and you understand why too, being a leader of fifty families is fucking hard work and it’s a lot of responsibility for one person to take on. “You call the shots around here. I would just like to play my part with helping in any way that I can.” 
“God, Y/N why can’t you be an asshole again.” Maria chuckled, shaking her head. “That woman who always disobeyed the rules would make my decision a lot easier right now.” 
Damn, did Maria just call me an asshole, but in a complimentary way? Laughing with her, you shrugged your shoulders and shook your head. “I mean, I don’t think I was an asshole per se, more of a…” pausing to find the right answer, you ended up laughing again in agreement. “Yeah ok. Maybe I was an asshole.” 
“Yeah, but you always mean well.” Maria clicked her tongue, looking up and down the streets of Jackson. She stared for a second in through before looking back at you and gesturing with her hands. “This… Whatever this is that has changed with you, it has something to do with being out there, so you and Joel are still the reps of Jackson, I’m settled on that, but I can’t settle my worries of this expansion idea, Y/N. All I can think of is the risks.” 
“I know, and that’s okay too, Maria. Like I said, you call the shots.” Expressing a smile to the woman, you know for certain that time is all she needs to be swayed. Or maybe she needs a push, just a little nudge in the right direction… “Are we done here so I can go back to my drink?”
“And there it is. I knew she was still in there somewhere.” Maria laughed a genuine and sweet sounding laugh as she nodded. “Yeah sure, go ahead. We’re done here, Y/N.” 
Smiling to the woman with a curt nod, you turned and re-entered the bar with a heavy exhale. Holy fucking shit, that was… something. Collecting yourself together when seeing Joel look at you for answers of what happened, you gave him a wink and mouthed the words ‘later’ before accepting a fresh bottle of bud from him. “I finished yours, it was getting warm.” 
“Thank you, Joel.” You smiled, appreciating the gesture from him. Both of you raised your bottles when Maria re-entered the bar, giving you both a curt nod before making her way over to Tommy. 
“Hm, something good happened out there, I can tell.” The man whispered into your ear, but his beard tickled your skin, causing a giggle to bubble up from your throat as you playfully slapped his arm. “Stop that, you’re tickling me.” 
“Well, I didn’t do it purposely.” Joel retorted, defending himself with a chuckle. Though, upon seeing you narrowing your eyes at him, he brought his hand up from the table and gently held the side of your face. “I’ll show you what deliberately tickling you feels like, darlin’.” 
Trying to pull away from his grip when he dragged his bearded cheek across your neck, he also pinched the sensitive areas on your hips, making you laugh so much that your stomach began to cramp up. “Joel, please.” You begged between giggles, kicking the table. “You made your point!”
The man tutted before pulling back, showing you mercy. “Glad we’re on the same page now, pretty lady. I was going for the knees next.” 
“What? You mean like this?” Grabbing his kneecaps and laughing menacingly when he jerked in his seat, spitting his drink out, you let go of his leg to lean back in your chair, almost crying with laughter. He managed to get beer down his shirt and across the table because of your actions, but each time you stopped laughing and looked at his unamused face and his beard wet with beer, you broke out laughing again, rather loudly actually. It was catching people's attention. 
“I’ll get you back for that.” Joel warned, but you had great pleasure in reply with. “Oh no you won’t-” Leaning close to whisper, you shared why. “Let’s call this even for teasing me about cuddling you in bed, huh?” 
“You’re the one who cuddled me, darlin’.” Joel leaned in, making the gap between you both so incredibly small now, your lips were nearly touching at this point and he probably thought he could make you break first with his intimidating stare down, but that didn’t bother you in the slightest. In fact, it made you that much more confident to bite back. “Yeah, that’s true-” You smirked, well aware of the eyes on you and Joel, expecting you both to kiss each other. “-But I didn’t hear you complaining about it either. Actually, did I put your hand on my thigh too, Joel? Hm, that’s funny.”
“Yeah, that is funny, darlin’.” Joel backed down, his cheeks blushing a crimson peak in colour as he lowered his head with the biggest and dumbest smile on his face. “I wouldn’t know anything about that, sweetheart. I was sleeping. So were you. Maybe it just happened naturally.” 
“Joel Miller.” You tutted. Shaking your head at him jokingly, you enjoyed watching the man blush for being called out like that and you wanted to tease him more now that you’ve had a taste for it. Placing your lips to his ear, you spoke in a degrading tone. “See, I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, cowpoke.”
“Maybe…” Joel paused. Licking his lips and thinking carefully, he placed a hand to your inner thigh with a gripping squeeze before caressing the flesh. “Maybe we should do it again sometime. So we can find out how it really happened.” 
“Oh.” Sucking in a sharp breath of air, your lips formed into the shape of an ‘o’ from his manoeuvre. It felt good, really fucking good. Hand firmly placed to your thigh, burning a hole in your jeans, he dragged a thumb across your leg and looked down to your lips, waiting for an answer. 
You answered by taking his hand away from your thigh and standing from your chair. The look of defeat flashed across his face before you then pulled on his hand, whispering. “Let’s go find out how it really happened, Joel.” 
That smile reappeared on his face and he took one more swig from his beer before standing too. “Yes ma’am.” 
1 week later 
“Are we ready?” You ask, buckling up your seatbelt and turning to Joel, who fired back a rather excited ‘hell yeah, girl’. 
Leaving the Cougar in Jackson, you both were taking your original car back out on the road for another run as Jackson reps after a week's worth of preparation and a little rest too, but with that little nudge to sway Maria on her decision sitting in the back seat. 
It was radio equipment, everything you would need to set up in The Temple to report back to Jackson. Maria doesn’t want to risk sending people out there and that is understandable, but a radio base is just an alternative for now. Tommy was in on the idea and even helped by gathering some of the equipment, most from within Jackson, but the big haul came from a quick scavenger hunt that you took during the week. Your plan is to reach The Temple, set up everything then attempt to reach Jackson to set up a secure line of communications. Eighty miles is quite a stretch for a two-way connection, but at the very least you can broadcast your signal and let them know you’re okay. 
Driving out there should only take a day and a half, and you have enough supplies in the flatbed of your truck to get you that far before dipping into the supply that you left at The Temple, plus there are still more things to be salvaged at the army base too. You weren’t exaggerating, that place is a gold mine for supplies. You’re taking first shift driving while Joel sits in the passenger seat, cycling through a selection of music tapes to listen to. The man made sure to bring some music along this time after the last run. It was too quiet and boring for him apparently, but you didn’t care because you agreed that music would help for the ride ahead. What you didn’t plan for is him to fall asleep not even three songs into the playlist. 
Fully laid back, mouth open and snoring, Joel was having the time of his life sleeping the hours away while your eyes remained glued to the road and that was really boring. Hm, I suppose he needs the rest for when he takes over later. You think to yourself. Your thoughts are all you have right now to accompany you anyways and boy did you let them run free while he was sleeping. I wonder if he dreams about that night… The smirk crept onto your lips, thinking back just seven days ago when you left the pub with Joel and took him home.
The things that the man did to you in your own bedroom, the way he left you in a puddle of your own mess, whimpering and begging for more, should be illegal. You’ve never resorted to begging, but you begged for Joel and when he finally stopped with his edging and gave you want you want, you have never been left so utterly satisfied in your sex life. Joel discovered things about your own body that not even you knew, reaching areas that deep within your core, given the right angle, that you didn’t think could be reached. That man had shown you a whole new experience, but ruined it for others. No one else could ever satisfy you like Joel. You know it. And what you also know is that one night of passion with the man is simply not enough. You want, no, you need more of him. You need more of Joel’s loving touch at every chance you can get, but being out on the road together doing a difficult and dangerous job is not the right time or place to do it. It’s too risky. Distracting. Just like it was distracting you now as you tried to concentrate on the road when all you can think about it pulling over and climbing onto his lap, waking him with a kiss. 
“Fuck!” You say out loud, unintentionally but thankfully not loud enough to wake him from his slumber. I’m frustrated, Joel. Sexually frustrated and it’s your fault! Sighing as you shake your head, you haven’t felt this way in a long time. In fact, you can’t exactly remember the last time you had sex, Joel is your first in what must be at least eight to ten years now. You’ve been celibate for so long that a non existent sex life didn’t bother you, but now it does since you’ve had sex again. I wonder if he could tell. Your face scrunched in thought. Could he tell it’s been a while? Maybe that’s why it was just the once. 
Joel didn’t act differently at all after that night. The man took a shower the next morning, ate breakfast with you then headed out with you to start preparing for this trip. It was weird because it felt… right. As if you both knew that you’d end up having sex, it was just a matter of when, but the issue now is that you find yourself asking if there's anything more to it, or is it just meaningless sex. I’ll ask him later when we’re ready to call it a night, not while we’re driving. 
Keeping yourself entertained for now with the music playing through the car, the song that played next started with a ghostly yodel. Country music with a country singer, you should have guessed Joel liked this music, but this song in particular was called Cowpoke which made you smile considering you like to call Joel that name. You wonder if he purposely chose a tape with this song on there just for that reason. It was an old song, you could tell, but it had a nice beat to it. The next song however, you recognised instantly with the beginning guitar riff. It was Otis Redding, Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay and you couldn’t help but sing along, but quietly so as to not disturb Joel as he slept. 
Before you even knew it, half the day was gone already and Otis had played his song four times already, but this time with Joel rousing just in time to hum along with him. It was time to switch seats, you needed a break from behind the wheel, but first you both needed a good stretch. There is a spot you picked out to sleep in last time you drove this route and if the break on the side of the road is kept brief, you both will make it there in time before nightfall. “I need to stretch my legs.” You say as you pull the car over to the side of the road. “My ass is numb and my legs are cramping.” 
“I can help with that, pretty lady.” Joel eyed you up and down with a smirk, eliciting you to roll your eyes at him. Unclipping his seatbelt and hopping out the second the car was turned off, he stretched his arms out wide, his shirt riding up from the action. Shaking off your thoughts about the trail of hairs on his abdomen, the ones you kissed when you went down on him that night, you got out of the car too and did the same as him, stretching your arms and legs before joining him at the side of the road. 
While Joel went to retrieve a couple items from the back of the car, you sat down on the grass and leaned back onto your hands, basking in the evening sun with closed eyes, until you felt a pair of lips on your own and a hand to your shoulder gently pushing you back. “J-Joel what are you doing?” You ask breathlessly, feeling him slot between your legs and carefully distribute his weight above you. 
“Kissing you.” He mumbles before slipping his tongue past your lips. Exhaling a deep breath when feeling you grind against him, he met your movements halfway by rutting into you. “Eager for me, aren’t yer darlin’?” Joel asks, mockingly. 
“Yes, Joel.” You gasped. More than you know. Kissing him back feverishly, your body spoke all the words you couldn’t as you clamped your legs around his back and ran your hands up under his shirt, feeling his skin beneath your fingers, but Joel broke the kiss to look you in the eyes with a smirk. “Well, you’re gonna have to wait, sweetheart. We’re on a schedule.” 
Missing his touch as soon as he moved away, you sighed, feeling even more frustrated than before and sat up to face him, looking for answers. “What are we doing here? Do you like keeping on edge or something?”
“A little, yeah.” Joel chuckles. Grabbing a couple sandwiches for you both and handing you one, he pulled your leg over his lap and began massaging your calf. “I like when you're a whining mess beneath me, and I ain’t sorry about that either.” 
“Asshole.” Muttering under your breath before taking a bite from the sandwich, you appreciated the moment you were sharing together right now as he kneaded the cramp away from your leg, looking in your eyes with what you can only describe as lust, but there’s a chance you’re going to ruin it with your next question. “And what about what we’re doing here? Are we a thing or is this just sex?” 
“I don’t do casual sex, if that's what yer thinkin’.” Joel spoke seriously and looked at you seriously. Running his hands up your legs and grabbing your thighs, he dragged you close to sit in his lap. “I’d like this to be something, but if you feel differently then we should end it here, pretty lady.” 
“Ok, cowpoke.” Fighting back the smile on your lips and swallowing your food, you were relieved to know that Joel wasn’t looking for casual sex, but you didn’t particularly plan for a relationship either. It’s new and exciting. “What happens if I want it to be something too?”
“Then it’s just like I said.” Joel smiled, kneading the flesh of your ass. “You’re just gonna have to wait. We’re on a-” he pauses briefly, slipping his hands closer to your heat, “-really tight schedule, darlin’.”
Nodding to him, you rolled your lips together in an effort to disguise how his words and actions clearly had an effect on you, on your nether regions in particular. You were soaked, pulsing with every subtle touch from his fingers. Jesus, this man knows how to please a lady. Smiling with your thoughts, you placed a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth and adjusted your legs to properly sit in his lap before tucking into your sandwich again while Joel took his first bite, his lustful eyes never leaving yours. 
This road trip is going to be very exciting that's for sure. 
Opening your eyes with yawn, the sunlight trickled through the car, alerting you that it was morning. You need to get moving, get back on the road. Peeling your cheek off of Joel’s shoulder, you turned your head to look at him but found that he was still sleeping soundly. The movement from you stirred him a little, causing a whimper to slip past your lips with his semi-hard member still seated inside of from last night's activities. 
Resting your cheek back down to his shoulder, your eyes roamed his face in adoration for the man while he slept. You could get used to this. Waking up in Joel’s arms and feeling spent after a night of his passionate love making. Your core ached and your legs too from the positions he had you in, but you loved the feeling he left, the claim he made on your body. You’re his, there’s no doubt about that now, and that thought alone made your heart swell and your smile grow. 
After driving the rest of the way last night, he stopped at that spot you picked out to rest in, which was a blocked tunnel, but the entrance itself had enough space for you to park the car up and provide a little cover from the natural light slipping through the windows. You like to sleep in darkness, much like Joel and this place was perfect at concealing you both fucking like wild animals in the front seat of the car before you collapsed onto his chest and fell asleep. You giggled quietly when remembering the horn being pressed a couple times from Joel pushing you up against it and pounding into you from behind. The noise echoed throughout the tunnel and he stopped his actions, waiting to see if he had unintentionally alerted anything hiding in the shadows, and when he was satisfied that he hadn’t, he turned you around and switched the positions before returning to fucking you, but slower and deeper, with loving kisses. 
It was only hours ago but thinking about it had you feeling horny again, ready for another round with him. However, there is business to attend to and at some point, you have to wake him up and get dressed. Just five more minutes. You battle with yourself, pulling the thin blanket further up your back and nestling into his chest, you were just about to close your eyes but instead, you widened them upon feeling him grow. The little movements from you weren’t waking him, but it was waking something else. You could feel your slick around his cock sucking him deeper into your pussy and your brows rose with intrigue upon watching his mouth open to gasp before he settled again, and when you pulsed around him, his brows furrowed before his face softened again. This is fun. Rolling your lips together, you felt a blossom in your lower stomach with the idea of waking him with an orgasm. 
Carefully peeling your body away from his, and slowly sitting up properly, the action caused you to sink down further onto his cock and elicited a humming groan to slip past his lips. You smiled when seeing that it didn’t wake him and took an experimental roll of your hips and the man gasped again, this time tossing his head to the side. Joel was rock hard, you could feel every ridge and vein rubbing through your walls when you pulsed around him. Lifting yourself off him and sinking back down, you moaned with the sensation and watched his hands ball into fists as he murmured something under his breath. He was slowly waking up with each movement you made, but before you could lift yourself off him once more, the man startled you by wrapping an arm around your back and pulling you down to lay on his chest. 
“Last night wasn’t enough for you, darlin?” Joel growled. Gripping bruising handfuls of your ass to lift you up and then slam you down onto his cock, eliciting a soul shattering cry of his name to slip by your lips, he continuously repeated this action, knocking the breath out of your lungs each time he thrusted through your quivering pussy. He put one foot up on the dashboard, giving him that extra leverage to pound up into your cunt as he held you in place. Your desire was soaking him before you even reached the point of climax, hitting that particular sweet spongy spot deep inside, his skin slapped yours vigorously with each thrust. “Oh, there you go again, Y/N.” He mocked, delivering a harsh slap to your ass. “Fucking making a mess of yer’self.” 
“J-Joel…” Whimpering his name, you lifted your head to kiss his lips but he grabbed the back of your hair and buried your face into his neck, grunting into your ear. “No, darlin’. You stay just like that for me and take my big cock like a good girl.” 
Unable to move an inch from the hold he had on you, all you could do was take the punishingly good pleasure of his cock driving through your dripping wet cunt at a brutal pace. Goosebumps rippled across your back, you felt butterflies in your chest as the coil in your stomach threatened to snap at any moment, and your throat burned as you wailed his name for the umpteenth time in the last twelve four hours. “That’s right, baby.” Joel yelled over your voice, the car rocking from his pace. “Scream my fucking name when you cum on my cock, Y/N.” 
“JOEL!” Mewling with your release, a blanket of white static erupted behind your eyes and the man held both palms to your ass, holding you in place just in time for the onslaught of liquid gushing out and around his cock. Your moans hit notes you didn’t think you could hit as you writhed with pleasurable aftershocks. Spark shooting through your whole body, your toes curled with overstimulation as he grinded into you, drawing out more desire from your cunt as you whimpered into his neck, but he wasn’t finished yet. If you have learned anything for the x amount of times you’ve had sex with Joel thus far, the man wasn’t finished just yet. 
“Look at me, darlin.” He requested, his voice gravelly, but soft. Doing as he asked, you tilted your head to look at him, breathlessly panting in your face, his forehead flushed with sweat and his irises expanding like he was on drugs, only the drug was your pussy and the man was high off it, living in ecstasy. “Almost there, sweetheart.” Joel pressed his forehead to yours and planted a sweet kiss on your lips before rutting up into you again. “Hm, if I could cum inside yer doll I would, but I quite like that mouth of yours taking my load.” He kissed you again, this time slipping his tongue inside while picking up his pace. “Oh fuck.” Joel moaned, actually moaned. High pitched and sounding needy, his brows pulled together upon feeling his balls tense, ready to release his warmth inside of you but he warned through gritted teeth. “Where do you want it baby? I'm close.” 
“My mouth.” Pulling off him quickly and dropping to your knees, you wrapped your lips around his length, tasting the remnants of your own sweet desire before sampling a taste of salty pre-cum, his balls were tight in your hands as you sucked. Burying your nose into the hair on his mound, you looked up at him through half lidded eyes and moaned with pride upon seeing the man laying back with closed eyes, his face absolutely torn with bliss. “Y/N.” Joel gasped, running a hand down to his lower abdomen and bucking his hips off the seat, his mouth fell open with a long and drawn out groan as he pumped a hot load of his seed into your tongue. The noises you made as you gulped back each spurting rope was worthy of another orgasm. Your pussy clenching around nothing with the sinful noises he was making, you moaned when slipping your hand down your body to massage your over sensitive bundle of nerves. Still sucking him off, you drew every last ounce of desire that he could give before releasing him with an audible pop and inhaling deeply to catch your breath. 
“Get back up here and kiss me, darlin’.” Joel called for you. Beads of sweat rolled down his temple, the car windows completely fogged over from your steamy love making and when you clambered up his body, your skin stuck to his as you met his lips in a kiss, you shared the mixture of your desire and his. Laying your weight down onto Joel, your pert nipples pressing into his chest as his cock slid through your folds, you whimpered when the tip of his cock brushed past your clit, feeling your libido rise again with a vengeance. How is it possible to want more after all that he has given you in twelve hours? 
Joel at this point has the map to your body memorized, he knows exactly what you're feeling right now from the way you’re kissing him and the way you're moaning. Without hesitating, the man took his hard cock in hand, running the tip up and down your cunt, taunting you with it. “This what you want, darlin? Hm? You want more?” 
Nodding into his neck, you held onto his shoulders and grinded your hips, dragging your slippery folds along his dick and whimpering when his bulbous tip breached your entrance. “Take what you need, baby.” Joel groaned, closing his eyes and savouring the little noises you made as you fucked yourself on his cock. Your movements were slower than his, languid and deliberate, but your pussy squeezed him tight, accentuating every bump and ridge of your velvety walls. You were close, Joel could tell. You were squeezing him even tighter and your soft mewls got louder directly into his ear, and he was close too, surprising even himself of the stamina he had lately, but you stopped your movements abruptly. 
“Darlin?” Opening his eyes to look at you, his brows furrowed when seeing your face scrunched with concern. “What is-” He tried to ask but you shushed him quietly, shaking your head. It didn’t take a genius to know that you were listening for something and Joel listened too. Tilting his head slightly to look through the spots in the window where the condensation had disappeared, he didn’t see any movement, but he heard a distant howl. It was infected. “You heard that too, right?” You ask in a whisper, to which Joel nodded and bucked his hips. “We got a few minutes before they get here, let's make this quick, baby.” 
“You can’t be seriou- oh fuck!” You moaned softly, then bit the back of your hand to muffle the noises you made as he kept rocking his hips while murmuring quietly into your ear. “Oh I’m dead serious girl.” 
Joel Miller is an entirely different breed of man. He continued to fuck you in the front seat of the car while a group of infected were approaching to see if the noise was their next meal, but upon noticing that they were getting too close, the man turned the car on and rolled the windows down before driving off with you bouncing on his cock, your hands gripping his neck to balance yourself as he drove erratically. Somehow, the danger of the whole situation made you feel even hornier, especially when seeing his eyes roll into the back of his head and struggle to concentrate on the road from your grip around him and the moans you moaned into his ear. Only until he was at a safe distance away did he pull over and watch you finish on his dick, seconds before he unleashed his own desire across his stomach. 
The both of you were a panting mess in the front seat of the car, flushed with sweat while the breeze blowing through the windows cooled off the post coital heat still lingering around in the air. You were in a great need of a shower too, but taking a minute breather at the side of the road was cut short as that group of infected caught up and Joel had to drive again. The Temple was an hours drive away from the tunnel and he kept you on his lap the whole way there, his cock still hard and buried deep into your cunt. 
Joel, is just a different breed of man. 
“Homeland, Homeland, come in. This is Juliet reporting to Homeland, do you copy? Over.” Joel spoke into the microphone quietly. After a long day of setting up the radio equipment, preparing dinner and setting up camp for the night in The Temple, you had crashed out as soon as you laid your head back and he didn’t want to wake you. 
“Homeland, do you copy?” He tried again after a short while. “This is Juliet, reporting to Homeland. We made it to Alpha and we’re safe. Standing by for your message. Over.” Looking over to where you lay, the man wanted to join you right now but he needed to try a couple more times to see if the connection was reaching for a two way call. The code names were your idea. Homeland meaning Jackson, Alpha meaning The Temple and Juliet meaning Joel, but you didn’t give yourself a code name to be used over the radio. He thought of one while he waited for a reply and smiled when he found it. “Homeland this is Juliet. If you’re receiving this message loud and clear, just know that we’re safe. Juliet and Pretty Lady have reached Alpha and we’re safe. Over and out.”
“Juliet Juliet. This is Tango. Do you copy? Over.” Tommy’s voice crackled through. Joel could practically hear the excitement in his brother's voice and it tore a big victorious smile across his face. There's a working line of communications. “Tango, this is Juliet. I hear you loud and clear brother. Over.” Joel chuckled. Leaning over in his chair, he couldn’t wait to tell you in the morning and see the smile on your face. 
“Oh thank God.” Tommy sighed. “Can you stay a while? I want Maria to see this. Over.”
“Sure Tango. I’ll stand by. Over.” 
Almost an hour and half later of communicating with Jackson, Maria was thrilled to know that there was a direct line of communications. If there shall ever be a situation arise where you need help, this radio would come in handy. Joel or you can report back whenever to let Homeland know your plans and when you’re moving out to find another community. Finishing his call by saying goodnight to his brother and Maria, Joel also requested that they also relay the goodnight to Ellie for him before the radio went silent. 
Looking up at you again, the man set the equipment down, stood from his chair and pulled his shirt off before joining you on the air mattress. Joel lifted the covers carefully so as to not disturb you, but nipped a trail of kisses up your arm and neck before settling behind you, his arm laying around your stomach and chin buried into your neck. You hummed sleepily and snuggled into his warmth. There’s a lot of work to do around here and he looks forward to every minute of it because you are by his side every step of the way. 
You’re his pretty lady.
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Perma Taglist (All Content): @marydjarin @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20 @harriedandharassed
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countlessrealities · 7 months
send 🌹 and i'll recommend a blog that makes me happy
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@omniishambles | @uselessdevice
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I don't even know where to start from to list the reason why I picked Rach and her blog for this one...and my brain is too out of battery for me to write a coherent poem of praises as she would deserve, so let me make a list instead!
Great writer. And with this I mean that both her portrayals and her writing in itself are A+. I admire how well she can write certain characters who are objectively difficult to convey (just look at her roaster and you'll see what I mean)
Super creative. Her plot and HCs are so good, so fitting the muses involved, and very engaging. Never once I've been bored with one of her idea and I know that I never will be. This applies also to her OCs. They are so well built and interesting and all have a solid backstory, and Rach is able to adapt it to fit the various verses she chooses to give them without ever having it sound forced.
Fucking amazing mutual. Supportive, enthusiastic, patient, involved, interested. Basically, everything you can wish to find in a writing partner and more.
Real good friend. This is a little more personal reason, but Rach and I have known each other for like...4 years? Longer?...by now and I'm so very proud and lucky to call her a friend. She's fun to talk to in general and I really have a great, comfortable time being around her. Also she has cats.
To sum it up, she's wonderful and it makes me smile to see her on my dash 🖤
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thr-333 · 3 months
hi 👋!!! I LOVE your Tmnt mm x 2012 crossover so far! Please continue it!! Your art is also so good! While I’m asking got any writing tips for fanfics?
Ahhh thank you! Actually posted the second chapter just now so I will be continuing. As for writing tips I’ve never been asked that, so this is gonna come out rambly and very much neurodivergent.
I’ll first establish I have aphantasia, meaning I don’t ‘picture’ things so much as I think in words(and in abstract concepts of movement). So when I write I don’t spend much time describing what things look like, I can’t picture it so why would I spend time explaining what it should look like? This means my writing is very dialogue heavy. It focuses on what character are saying and how they sound and what they do when they say it(because of how I think about movement)
So one of my best writing tips is when I get stuck or am slowing down with a scene I’ll start jotting down the dialogue. No actions in between, no they said this or that, no quotation marks they waste time, usually I won’t even note characters names and trust future me to know. Or trust I've written the charcters with strong enough individual voices that it's obvious at least to me. For example later in the fic is this scene:
We actually don't have a last name
Not until we had to go to school then we had to choose one
We didn’t really know what to pick so we settled on Stockman!
Yep that’s our cousins last name and Baxter Stockman technically created us so that makes him our uncle-dad
I see, here Baxter Stockman is an associate of the shredder
… yeah we learnt that yesterday, but our Baxter stockman never did anything really bad!
Unless you count animal extermination as bad
Which we do
It’s still better than going with something like Smith
Writing it like this means the dialogue flows better. It also helps my brain out since I don’t have to constantly switch tracks meaning I can write faster. Also lets me move onto other scenes I have the itch to make. Often I won’t come back and fill in the gaps until I’m editing.
Another thing that helps me is using the fact fanfiction comes with prebuilt stories to work on top of. I like having an episode with premade plot points to build off of. My best example of this is another fic I wrote, The Bat Trap which was based on The Parent Trap(a movie I love). In it I had a bunch of one liners and situations from the movie that I wanted to include, so I would follow(and adapt) the plot to fit and follow. While in other places I could go off script so I wasn’t following it word by word. To this day it’s the only longform fic I’ve completed and that's entirely due to following a movie plot, so I had an endpoint I could work towards. Instead of an overeaching storyline I made myself with no end in sight.
And my best piece of advice! Give yourself a voice in your story. Especially if you’re doing something comedic. It’s all well and good to give your characters hilarious lines but ultimately only a fraction of your writing is going to be dialogue. Most of it is that connective tissue, what characters are thinking, where they are, what they’re doing. So think as the ‘narrator’ of these parts as a character equally capable of jokes. Such as my favourite technique the ‘smash cut’. My art for the first chapter is an example of that. 
“They will be fine”
“Mikey was not fine”
It’s a fun way to open a new perspective and I will use it at nauseum because it entertains me. Ultimately it’s fun! Have fun writing, undercut your serious scenes. You want to add something but it doesn't fit the tone? Screw that, write it anyway. It doesn't matter if people don’t like it, because you’re gonna spend a hell of a lot more time writing than they will reading. Eventually that becomes your writing style and people ask you for tips:P
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