#i don't want that
jan-holdres · 6 months
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Another thing just in my head.
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Both started of with immensely loving families, sacrificing everything for their well being and both did not spend enough time with them.
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Both found rather rough handled replacement families involving another 2 boys.
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And an companion in animal appearance, which stayed with them later when having a crew.
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They both had a long drawn out fight with a warlord, neither of them could finish the fight with a clear winner between them.
Both suffered a devastating loss against a Yonko. Bonus points for both loosing against Blackbeard but not dying from it.
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While both are stable taking the punishment while being imprisoned, here we are splitting off.
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Because only one story ended with making the sacrifice to save Luffys life...?
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
... ok but you guys do realize that Disney owns Star Wars so they could have a cross over with twst yeah.
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the-shy-artisan · 5 months
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mintycurry · 3 months
not my brain betraying me by thinking "what if the hallway scene is just a daydream?"
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averydeadshootingstar · 3 months
nooo I'm going to come back to school this mondaaayy :''(
I'm going to kill myself
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Alright! Poll's over! I'm gonna be annoying about the responses now!
First thing's first: Thank you to the 247 of you that understood the assignment! Those of you that picked 'straight' will need to take remedial courses to save yourself from a failing grade.
Now I'm gonna talk tags (and the one reply):
Category 1 (Understood the assignment and went for extra credit):
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Not only are yall SO correct, you were also funny about it! 10 extra points to you all!
Category 2 (There's only 10 answer options guys. . .):
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This was as nuanced as I could get with the amount of options I had while still being inclusive of other sexuality options. I'm not gonna do a whole bracket for this; It was just supposed to be a funny little vague at the piratepolls person who turned out to be an asshole trying to stir the pot.
(I don't care what their intentions were or might have been. It got picked up and passed around by The Usual Suspects, the answer choices they gave were biased and had LESS nuance, and with a DRAMATIC lead on the option that's a significant point of contention in the fandom they made a 'joke' about the winning option being canon despite it only being an interpretation and a poor one at that. I'm not fighting anyone on the 'Izzy is homophobic' interpretation anymore. You're wrong. Argue with the wall.)
I thought emotional repression was implied in all of the 'sexually repressed' options, if I'm being honest. The reason I made a distinction in the 'and proud' group is because I think he can be proud of his sexuality but still be emotionally repressed but I also think there's emotional repression inherent in sexual repression.
The 'just kind of a dick' option isn't meant to imply that he's not being a dick when he's emotionally/sexually repressed, either, just that those aren't necessarily the reason for him being a dick.
Category 3 (Failed the assignment):
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(There's more I disagree with from this response but this bit is the part I have an actual problem with.)
Define 'toxic masculinity'. Now do it in a way that doesn't include behaviors and attitudes that nearly everyone in the show has had at some point.
Show me David, or ANY of the cast/crew talking about toxic masculinity and calling attention to Izzy, specifically. Or to the concept of piracy which Izzy (and Ed and Fang and Ivan and Spanish Jackie and the crew of the Revenge, until Stede comes along) adheres to.
I'm not gonna argue here. I'm tired. I've got some pretty gnarly brain fog going on. I just don't want to. I just want you to think about what kind of show this would be if the main character is trying to escape to a world where Izzy's ideals (and worse, he doesn't act nearly as bad towards the crew as it's implied Benjamin Hornigold did) are the norm, but those ideals are, allegedly, inherently bad and toxic. What a show where the main love interest (and potential main character of the second season) wanted out of that life, because he was BORED of it, would imply about those supposed ideals.
The great thing about this show is that none of the characters are JUST narrative devices. They're CHARACTERS. They have an interior to them that informs their choices. We can argue til the sun comes up about why, specifically, Izzy hates Stede, but there's no way to make the reason be 'because Stede is gay' that doesn't diminish who STEDE is as a character, let alone Izzy as a queer man himself (he's queer, argue with the wall).
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what did that kim tae-sung appearance mean... what if originally it was him who killed sun-jae...
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dudefrommywesterns · 3 months
i would watch brokeback mountain (gay cowboys yeehaw) but i am Afraid
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wildwandaa · 1 month
Man, I wish I had people I was close too irl
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lightofjedi · 1 year
I think togrutas should be Big actually, like 9ft tall with sharp teeth and all black eyes with no iris and a consistent diet of raw meat and blood
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I'm scared
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chilledagridolce27 · 8 months
Having a complicated relationship with your parents be so confusing because on one hand there's 🤗❤️🥰🥹 but on the other hand theres 💔🤬😭😮‍💨
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thegoldenghost4 · 9 months
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Wake up, I created a new meme template
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o-sahiba · 1 year
I disappeared from the lives of my school friends. 4 years. For 4 freaking years I had no idea what they were doing nor did they had any clue about me. They knew, I wasn't on any social media except for whatsapp. And I tried my best to maintain connection there with them. But each time I did, I didn't get the same energy back. So I stopped. Altogether. And they didn't even tried communicating with me after that. I was hurt. And when they invited me for meet ups which was perhaps just twice, I denied joining them. Reason? First, I've seen their stories of get togethers where I wasn't invited. Second, I was hurt because of how my presence never mattered to them even while we were in school which apparently I realized with time. Third, I had and still have my own insecurities which makes it really hard for me to socialize. And lastly, I knew it would be a bit difficult for me to ask for the permission. So I denied. Both the times. I told them I was busy. But not the way they'd think. I was busy telling myself that I am better without them. I was busy silencing my mind from the choas it was in because of the betrayal.
They had a group chat on whatsapp since 6 years now. Where the ones who got transferred in 5th standard, the ones who shifted after 10th and the ones from the other sections were included. But I never was. Until a few weeks ago. After my birthday. And No one initiated a conversation there after that unless I did. And soon after that, there this incident happened where after adding another friend one of the old members left the groupchat. And I got this screenshot from a guy friend (the admin), of her (the one who left) text asking him, "why do you keep on adding every useless person?" The way it was phrased in our local language hurt me to the core and upon my questioning him he replied with, "you know she didn't mean it. It's just how she is." And then I asked there in the gc why it took them so long to add me and one of them replied, "we didn't have your number." and I was like oh! Ok. Even tho we had our numbers shared since forever now. And few days after that, they had another meet up and I wasn't invited. That was it. I left the group chat while I was crying over the pain all of this gave me.
Yes! I do regret leaving the group. Because once again, I got far far away from them. Yes! I know I denied meeting them each time they asked me which unfortunately was just twice in a total of 5 years. Yes! The decision to leave the gc was impulsive. Yes! I should have not left without saying a word. But did they ask me the reason? Did they ask me why I left? Did they tried contacting me after that? No. They didn't. Except for 2 who barely asked me the reason and were okay with me replying with "just no reason". And that was the final call. For me to close their chapter in my life. I put an end. I closed the chapter. Because it was the question of my worth and my self respect. Not my ego. But my Self Respect.
And no matter how much I want to talk to them and have fun group conversations, I still am the same person who cried because of the hurt. And I would never let myself forget that. That I cried because I never mattered to them. But now I'm much better.
Because now I know, I was much better before I connected with them again. Atleast I was saved from the pain of all the truth that for so long was sugar coated, in beautiful lies. Yes I was living under the rock, but that was much lighter than carrying the load of this burden.
I am in a much better place now. Now, that I've finally closed this chapter. I am happy. Even though I still question myself if I did the right thing but I am okay, even in this dilemma. I'm okay. I really am.
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
Winning Trophies
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skybrightpixie · 2 years
i would appreciate granbull more if it did not have the body of a little man
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