#i dont wanna think about all the drama that came after i just wanna be stuck with the photo of those two happy young friends
chiosblog · 1 month
Still cant believe I was in one of the brocedes birthplaces
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They were so young ohmy
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iwanty0uu · 4 months
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❄︎ all characters are 19+ y/n being 20, second female character being 19, and male character being 21, contains swearing and mentions of violence ❄︎
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐...
The door to your childhood home flung open, throwing your keys on the kitchen counter you threw your shoes off and closed the entrance behind you.
“Aye why the hell you makin allat noise in my house baby girl?” your bald daddy asked you, setting aside his newspaper and putting his feet on the coffee table infront of him that was used for everything but coffee. The tears were already rushing down your flushed face, hands shaking as you found yourself trying to hold onto his shoulders for balance from behind the couch he sat now disturbed and concerned.
“Hey hey- whats wrong who did this to you?” his paternal instinct kicking in, “This aint about dat boy fat headed ass boy because if it is- Ima shoo-“
You interrupted
“Daddy its about him and your horrible daughter that you n mommy spoiled rotten who think shes obligated to have everything I got when i barely got any-fucking-thing myself. She just fucked up my relationship and ion know what else to do like..” you paused to catch your breath, in attempt to calm yourself down, you only created more noice and panic as anxiety settled in.
It felt as if the world was moving at 300 frames per second and everything was overwhelming. Your eldest brother sensed the drama in the living room and exited out of his own. I swear when it came to people business he found it with ease like a rat with cheese.But after seeing his little sister who claimed “thugs dont cry” practically bawling in fetal position next to your father in the couch, he couldnt help but mind your business. You are his business.
“The fuck am I hearing about Nataly?” He asked? “Bro that bitch cheated on ME fuck the nigga at this point with my boyfriend.”Anger settled into your bones as you called your mother to air out her business, hoping the family would judge her the way they did you all the times you made the same mistakes that she did.
“Yo ma” you answered calming down slightly, playing with your leggings, “Whats wrong im at work.” her phone propped up to see your beautiful but upset face, “Que pasa mí amor?” she asked, her once typing fingers stopped moving as she focused her attention on you.
“You’re daughter’s a slut. Caught her ass fucking my boyfriend.”
“Well thats your little sister…its wrong but she is still your sister.”
“WHATCHU MEAN SHE’S STILL MY SISTER? You dont see anything remotely wrong with what she did????” You asked at this point begging for empathy.
“Yes but-“
“Nah forget it she prolly got that cheating shit from you thats why daddy left your ass now.”
The “dun dun” of the now ended FaceTime was the only noise that filled the quiet room..your father started blankly at you.
.. “How did you know .. you kids were never supposed to know?” he whispered, almost as if he was still trying to save the secret, to keep it in Pandora’s box.
“Close your mouth before a fly goes up in there Lachlan.. I seen a video of her and her side nigga in her phone when i was younger..”
“NAHHHH THIS SHIT IS NEWS TO ME FUCK U MEAN MA CHEATED?? I just thought the d was not fire..” Lachlan now yelled, no longer trying to control his temper, disbelief and confusion.
But just like that, your relationship with your mother’s side of the family, and your sister was practically done for, until familiar footsteps entered the household.
Oh so now everybody and they mother wanna pull up today huh?
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thedivineflowers · 7 months
hi!!! Love you works they’re so silly and good😜but sad😔 anyway I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to ask for when the boys (idk how many you’ll take but I think if you need a limited amount go with the first years😭) but yea when the boys say something plain ass bitchy and mean to middleschool!reader, like how were magic-less useless kid (looking at you Ace😡) saying some shit about our family or babying us too much till it become insufferable or smth and then when we get rightfully upset and cry or get upset (leaning on crying for more drama, angst and guilt😘) they realize how bad they fucked up and apologize, I feel like we would be a little stubborn about the apology depended on who it is to😭 but yea my goofy ahh request take your time and you can switch up the characters it’s your writing I don’t care! Love you works<333
Ace: he’d always tease you. And during the first few weeks when he was warming up to you he’d diss you by saying that you were nothing without magic. He even referred to you as the useless and magicless kid for some time. Even after months he still referred to you as that and one day you just bursted. “Why can’t you shut up about me being magicless?! I know I’m at a disadvantage but I’m tired of it! The jokes dead now why can’t you get it!? If I could I’d just make a portal by myself to go back to my world so I don’t have to listen to you all damn day but guess what?! Im just some useless and magicless kid!!” You shouted at tears ran down your face. You stormed away and he tried running after you but you quickly maneuvered away from him. Because of his pride he didn’t apologize for days and stayed quiet when around you. One day after he was given a reality check by Deuce he apologized because guilt was really eating away at him. You still avoided him for a bit just to make sure but your friendship came back together.
Deuce: he kinda has a temper (to me he does) and he’ll let it out sometimes making him call you shit like Ace. But because he is trying to be a good student (and a good friend) he’d be very quiet if he’d call you things but you always manage to him whisper it to himself. One day you two were alone in the classroom doing detention because you two got into a fight when a guy mocked you. “Hey, Deuce.” You called him with an empty tone. “Do you really wish that I had magic. That I had someone to look after me so you didn’t have to stick around me all the time?” You asked as you eyes were glued to the table in front of you. Barely managing to answer the first question on your math homework. “I see how you look at me when I mess something up because I lack magic. I just wanna know.” You said as there was a pressure on your throat. Like you wanted to throw up and let out a yell at the same time. His answer only made the pressure worse as your breathing became short. Did he really think that it’d been better if the magic mirror didn’t pick you? That you’d only stay as the schools janitor? You quickly walked out leaving everything behind to go to the teachers bathroom that you had access to. Everyone thought the same thing about you so why were you throwing up in the sink and crying your eyes out? Because you thought of him as different? No. Deuce came to your dorm later that evening with your completed math homework and backpack. He sighed before apologizing about what he said earlier and the things he’s called you. After some talking your friendship was alright but with rockiness
Jack: At first because you were obviously magicless he’d be very overbearing to you when it comes to things like flying your broom three feet off the ground. He’d chastise you when you used simple spells by waking you up the morning and running with him. He’s trying to protect you but it seems that he underestimates what you know you can and can’t do. You’d get frustrated and try to express that you didn’t need to be babied but the words would just stay stuck in your throat because you knew that he was just trying to look after you. “I can do this Jack! You need to stop worrying about me with small things like having the damn ladle stir itself in the pot! I’m not gonna get hurt with it and I know you’re looking after me but you’re making me uneasy like I could die from just touching a book about small spells! You’ve seen me fly a broom around and be perfectly fine in Mr. Crewels class so what is it that makes you think that I need you breathing down my neck all the time?! Is it because I’m magicless and from another world? Is it because I’m still a kid?” You bubbles over and spewed at him one day while you were making yourself dinner. Jack stood there as he awkwardly looked to the side trying to find an excuse. “I-“ “Im not as fragile as you think. If I was I would’ve been dead.” He’d been contemplating how much magic you could handle and he knows you know that he’s watching over you but he doesn’t know that it was getting overwhelming for you. He avoided you for a bit before apologizing and admitting that he had protected you because he feared you were weak because you were still a kid. You nodded in understanding and forgave him.
Epel: he had a small ego boost because he heard that you were magicless and a child who still knew nothing. He’d also heard Vil chatting away about you and saying mean things even when you were around. So he thought that you wouldn’t mind if he did too. You tried getting along with him at one point but he just pushed you away. “Is there something wrong with me that makes you stay away from me? I know that Im nothing like you but I’m trying to make an effort to get along with you!” You cornered him one day in the hall with small tears about to well over. He had almost nothing to say but a small peep “Does me being magicless and from another world disgust you? If it does then just say it already so I can leave you the hell alone and stop wasting my time trying to make an effort!” You demanded “I- no, not at all! I just…” He cleared his throat away of his country accent. “I thought that a kid like you couldn’t go through so many things and not have anything to hold onto yourself, ‘thought it was silly and that everyone and you were bluffin’ so I pushed you away because I thought you were way over yourself before I even got the chance to talk you properly…” he trailed off as you wiped your eyes and looked at him in understanding. Over time you both tried holding conversations to get to know each other and get warmed up so the same mistake doesn’t happen again. (It is hot in my damn room help 😭)
(The ones from diasomnia don’t really know you here)
Sebek 😈: He’d always talk about it was ‘impossible for a child with nothing to their name’ to even do anything in a world where they didn’t belong when he wasn’t stuffing his mouth with praises for Malleus. How ‘Their parents clearly made a mistake in raising them’ because you couldn’t cast a spell in class without needing help or looking at the instructions again. He’d even insult you in front of Malleus when you do someone like walk past their table “That child has no grace when they walk! Even in the presence of my lord himself! Utterly disgusting!” He’d say and the other three wouldn’t really respond because they hardly know you. One day Mr. Crewel had you two paired in a project so you two went to a secluded place to start (I mean he walked away while you followed after him.). “For the hundredth time that species will poison you! Can’t you understand?! Sevens I don’t know how you’re alive when you can’t even memorize stuff like this.” He muttered as he pinched the space between his eyes. You then slammed your fists in the table with tears of Frustration boiling up. “Can’t you understand that I can’t get a grasp of things here?! I’m only (age) and I’m in the (grade) grade! No sebek I cant understand anything because I’m not from here! I’m not supposed to be here making spells or talking to you because I’m supposed to be in a world where I get shut out like you have done to me because of shit like this! I don’t have an identity but only my face as proof of my existence! I don’t care about this project anymore you can blame me all you want I’m leaving.” You concluded before shoving papers in your bag and hastily walking away before he could even speak. After he had complained of what you said to him to Lilia he suggested that he look at it from your view and apologize. So he did. Which earned him nothing more than a smack on the face and a door to his nose. It’s up to you if you forgive him.
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starfxkr · 4 months
pogue!bunny!girl that crashes into rafe one night after running away from her fucked up house :(( she would’ve gone to jj but he was knocked out from a busy day— low and behold rafe finds her curled up sad on the beach, crying her little eyes out.
i like to think that’s the moment rafe had a “i’d be perfectly fine being a sugar daddy” revelation
- 🪐
soft sobbing grabbed rafes attention, he had bren cruising the beach after a party trying to walk off his high when he saw you— curled up with your knees tucked under your chin, sat on your little pink hoodie.
normally he’d keep walking, not wanting to involve himself in pogue drama but the closer he got he coukdn’t help but feel bad.
you looked so pitiful.
“you uh-“ he scratched behind his ear, brows furrowing as he considered what he was doing, “you okay over there? need any help?”
maybe he was a sucker the way his heart lurched at the sight of your big red rimmed eyes. rafe normally had a “no pogues” rule when it came to chicks, there was always an ever present assumption that they we’re tryna take him for all he’s worth.
“i-i’n fine rafe, just…having a rough night is all.” you barely soike above a whisper, clearly trying to make yourself smaller as he squats beside you.
he takes in your clearly hastily packed duffle bag —tattered and covered in marker and hello kitty patches. wherever you just came from you obviously left in a rush, “wanna talk about it. i mean i see a pretty girl out in the beach at 4am i’m kinda worried.”
you bite your lip and avoid his gaze before muttering, “family problems,” you shrug “my dads the worst and i was supposed to be headed over to jj’s place but he’s not answering.”
rafe scoffs, of course maybank would leave you out here all alone. “why dont uh…why dont you come with me. got more than enough room, could get you in some warm clothes.”
your eyes widen, a mix of skepticism and hope playing on your features, “really! oh um- really?”
fuck he could get used to you looking at him like that, “yea bunny come on, i’ll take care of you.”
rafe couldn’t ignore the bashful look on your face at the nickname, sticking his hand out he pulled you to your feel before grabbing your bag and dusting the sand off your hoodie.
maybe being a sugar daddy wouldn’t be that bad.
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tamayakii · 1 year
Simonrileyscockring aka Maxim is a liar and claims frogchiro stole their ideas. Here's proof he lied.
@simonrileyscockring Now since you dont wanna acknowledge me or my post calling you out, i decided to make it its own post so more people can see it. I don't like liars. i don't like virtue signalers "dni proshippers" we interacted tons of times, i sent you asks, my own art, we talked in dms, i even checked on you when i worried about you and now you're worried about "proshippers" and realize the term i identify with, which means "anti-harassment, respecting peoples fictional preferences" and not whatever tiktok-brained bullshit you think it is? So convenient you say that AFTER i send you an ask asking if you were gonna acknowledge what the hell you did. edits: the only edits i did was "@/" Konigsblog cause they said they apologized and acknowledged what they did, whether or not the apology is accepted is not up to me.
original call out below: you absolute dunce. i LOVED your writing before but the drama on your page, responding to hate anons rather than just deleting their asks drove me off. I have so many words for you
EVERYONE can see your personal posts, they just don't LIKE them cause who the fuck wants to like a post that's a vent post? it feels wrong, people see it and choose not to react, people see you vagueing about someone stealing "your" concepts (which theyve written BEFORE cod fandom erupted on tumblr and aka before YOUR popularity) they'll want to know  cause stealing writing is very serious!! but oh wait!!! they didn't steal shit!!! They never wrote about a teenager, which btw when you say all this shit and show no proof it fucking sucks!! cause people are so tiktok-brained that they will believe anything!
Because you decided to pull a fuckin mean girl move with @/konigsblog you ruined someone's love for writing and this fandom. "no one got harmed" my fucking ass. You as a writer should know that motivation comes and goes, and that hyperfixtations can be the closest thing to people. So rather than acting like a fucking man, you vague and claim they wrote about a minor as well, btw heres the teenager you claim is well, a teenager
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Scaramouche is a puppet made by Raiden Ei, over 500 years ago to the current time in genshin impact. When Raiden Ei's sister had passed and she wanted to make a puppet to be the archon but she left him in a slumbering state, free from her own control cause he came to life crying which puppets aren't supposed to do. He woke up and thought she abandoned him, then OVER 5 HUNDRED YEARS AND THREE BETRYALS LATER. The fandom baby-fies him admittedly, but he's not obsessed with his mother nor does he have a teenager mentality. He's a bitter and aloof character, only getting mad when his creation or betrayals are brought up,

"a teenager physqiue" Okay lets challenge that, In the game this model is called Short_Male, it been used for Cyno, Tighnari, Kazuha, Xiao, Albedo, Mika, Chongyun, Bennet, Xingqiu, Heizou, Gorou, Venti, Razor, and even the male traveller.(I'm gonna use basic terms since you obviously never played the game if you think he's child like) Cyno is basically an officer in the game for the Akademiya, aka an adult. Tighnari is basically like a forest ranger, an adult. Kazuha sails around the sea while being a poet AND a sword expert because of his family line, becoming an expert swordsman takes YEARS even in real life, he's an adult. Xiao is over 5,000 years old and a "deputy" for an Archon. Albedo is a synthetic experiment human made 500 years ago from the current timeline in the game. Heizou is also a cop, an adult. Gorou is a fucking ADMIRAL, an adult. VENTI is literally over 2k years old. an adult. The traveller is AT LEAST over a thousand years old, cause the traveller that you choose slumbers for 500 years.
The rest are hinted to be late teenagers or early twenties depending on who you ask.
I even took pictures of these models in-game compared to a Tall_Male model!
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Here's scaramouche, compared to Diluc and Tighnari! who aren't children! Now let's see an actual model of CONFIRMED children, why don't we?
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here we have klee, who despite being something like 50 or 75 years old, is still mentally a child!! So she has the child model since she is still physically growing up, unlike Scaramouche AND Albedo.
Scaramouche isn't a child. he doesn't have child-like features. He's not obsessed with his mother, cause he does not have one cause motherfucker is a 500-year-old puppet, he's mentally an adult, physically an adult that was prepared for archon duties.
Sorry, i droned on about this for so long but i just fuckkking hate it when people are wrong. So blindly like you are,
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here's proof that you said that, incase you go on a deleting frenzy.
Now let's talk about the point system, point systems are so widespread in real life and in fiction, even i used a point system once before. So to see it, in a COMPETITION(cause they are in the pervy AU) between men isn't weird to see. If you genuinely had a problem with this, Kin would've LOVED to talk it out with you as they're lovely and understanding human being.
the stray cat au? i even remember reading about it on both of your blogs but heres the thing.... the last time they wrote about it was in October.. of last year.
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i had to search your blog just in case i was wrong in thinking they wrote it before you did.
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as you can see, this is march of this YEAR. checking your archive, you made your blog back in February of this year. To claim they stole your concept of stray cat is beyond fucking insane, as well as bringing up the post with scaramouche in it cause.. that was over at least 10 months ago, cause Kin had went on a hiatus when December came around and came back with a COD hyperfixtation.
Onto the stealing the hubull concept! Searching their blog I can't find any evidence of them even writing a bull-like idea, at all. So you seemed to pull that one straight out of your ass.
So let's go over this real quick! one more time for the people in the back!!!
@simonrileyscockring made a post vagueing that someone stole their concepts and ideas, @/konigsblog replies below asking, hey who is it? maxim responds saying its @frogchiro and claiming that they wrote about a teenager and stole their point system for an au. Publicly. Instead of going to Frogchiro and trying to work it out, like a 23-year-old should. You keep drilling on about it, claiming that people trying to defend them are being your entertainment now
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sure some people shouldn't have come in attacking you, i won't defend people who throw cruel words at you. You can claim this to be an attack but all i'm doing is calling you out, cause as you claim "it doesn't affect the way you live your life" you let it go and ruin someone else's way of life, destroying their love for fandom and writing. As a writer yourself that ive SEEN struggle with motivation AND hate anons, you of ALL people should fucking understand that getting your love for writing ruined is a terrible thing to happen especially when its an outlet for stress.
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"i wanna talk shit in peace, not have my shit gossiped about." .. that is noooot how the internet works OR how shit-talking works, as the biggest shit-talker in MY family, i understand that when i talk shit, there's another person behind me talking shit. When YOU post vagueing about someone, and then continue talking about them, people will gossip about you. End of story. You should've blocked them in the first place, you also should've messaged Kongisblog PRIVATELY if you really wanted to avoid all of them. The only screenshots that i know that kin was sent, were you confirming that they "stole" your ideas and that they wrote about a teenager. How can they refute your claims without knowing what your claims are. They had to defend themselves from people in their inbox.
So, really in the end here, you fucked up. As a previous fan of your im highly disappointed in you but seeing how you act i doubt that will affect you, i make this post-DEFENDING frogchiro from pointless claims, AND in hopes that anyone who wants to follow you. Will find this post cause you are a fucking asshole to the core. Step back and realize that while it may not affect you, your actions affect others.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
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Adding some more hcs here bc its under a readmore and therefore confined to the Secret Thoughts box. Obviously suggestive but mostly relationship stuff bc i cannot help myself 😔
So i feel like i am an outlier that really enjoys noise/noisette like i think they are sooo cute…they are just silly guys ! So no this is not ANYONE cheating i must make this soooo clear i am so touchy about this subject; this is my heehee haha safe space LMAO i want to keep that kind of drama faaaar away from me.
A quick tldr for noise (that i will start calling theo bc i think its a cute name LOL i dunno where it came from but i love it im taking it) is that: hes a nepo baby that was able to start a business and brand w that money, and then stayed in a bubble for the rest of his life bc his image and branding is too important to lose. He hung out w the same rich people to network properly and maintain status. He didnt have the time and courage to go into the circles he WANTED to go into.
I had a whole essay written but this is supposed to be a little tldr lmao basically. Hes bi and curious and gus is always extremely overwhelmingly happy and eager to mess around w anyone (also bi) if it means peppino will be there and peppino is like FINE but ur going to get attached to the rat and thats not going to be my fault. This would be after theo starts behaving, as in, starts respecting peppinos boundaries. And he gets to hang out w him peacefully enough times to work up the courage to poke the bear (lol) and ask questions. Bc hes nosy and curious 🥺 they look like they have so much fun at the bar and w whoever they pickup like. Way more fun than he has w his stuffy rich friends. He wants to be there, he wants to have fun 🥺
Anyway he gets to be peppino and gustavos third and it leaves him like this ->💥💥💥💥💥 and gus thinks its so cute lol like this poor possum is worn the hell out 😭 needs to conk out and sleep forever. ‘ONE. That was fun. That was FUN. I want hazel to do that to me’ peppino, wide eyed but like clearly flabbergasted and smiling incredulously: ‘YEAH? REALLY ? I MEAN. DIDNT UH. DIDNT KNOW SHE HAD THAT IN HER. OR WHATEVER.’
‘TWO. Would u do this again? Like that was fun. That was FUN. I wanna do that again. I think im too busy this week and next week but like. Is that an option? I can push stuff around so it can fit in ur schedule??’ And peppino LAUGHS like full body laughing hard enough that gus comes back w a water looking so confused. Hes like oh my god. You dont have to cancel shit for a dick appointment !!! You dont!! Oh my god!!! Hes like crying laughing at the thought of theo having to cancel an appointment so he can squeeze in his threesome 😭😭😭 and theo cant help but look A LITTLE red bc okay it sounds silly BUT no one said no and he will run w that lol
Also convinces hazel to get a strap at some point. Which i think is so funny bc i have a scene in my head of noise being so smarmy w peppino and gus like ooohhh so u needed dick to be normal again and not be rude? Was that all it took? And now theo is thinking back to what he said as hes laying down in bed after getting thoroughly pegged by his gf and hes like oughhgh……i get it……
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lostonmari · 6 months
SUCCESS #2 - November
Success #2 -- Everything I manifested in November
November is when I started this blog, and also ACTUALLY started applying all of the things I learned started taking affirming and thinking in my favor seriously instead of just sporadically manifesting random things here and there because I was too lazy to put in the work. I never had issues w wavering, but I was just inconsistent as fuck (Hell, I'm still inconsistent with posting on my own damn blog, yall can't possibly think I'm consistent with affirming!) So here's everything I manifested…
Manifested back my old bestfriend/ex-gf after 4 years no contact She came back, apologized for mistreating me and told me basically everything I affirmed for LMAO. and that's one of the things that gave me faith in the law because ik this girl would rather die than ever apologize to someone. Now that she's back I'm manifesting away her friends and leaving her broke down and in shambles because I'm evil and believe in revenge. yall dont know the type of bullsh*t this woman put me through. Idc if everyone is you pushed out, some people don't deserve forgiveness 🤓
My mom is walking again I successfully revised her shattered ankle without the weeks of recovery time the doctors "thought" she needed. She's literally walking around just fine now and doesn't need to wear her cast or whatever that big bulky thing was.
Manifested my brother out of jail on a time crunch Now I'm not sharing my family's whole drama online but… yea. he's out.
No more social anxiety, cured one of my mental health issues I don't wanna trauma dump or go into too much detail about my life but, yes. for anyone also working on mental health, it can be done and you won't regret trying. Life actually feels like it has meaning now and for once in all my years of life, I can actually say that I'm happy. 💗
Stopped nail biting COMPLETELY! I used to struggle with nail biting for YEARSSS whether it was out of stress, anxiety, whatever the fuck. but now it's completely gone. my nails are no longer STUBS, like theyre actually long and healthy. I didn't even affirm for this so I kinda think it came with improving my mental health since I didn't really have the issues that *triggered* nail biting anymore yk?. I'm actually the happiest about this result like yall don't understand how long I've wanted the natural french tips look 💀
[TW: Discussion of binging, discussion of food]
6. WL + Maintained weight loss! I literally changed my entire way of viewing food, and subsequently fixed my lose->gain->lose-> gain again cycle. Ever since learning LOAss If I binged I would be like: I just have a fast metabolism so that's why I'm so hungry my body is burning everything I eat so fast! and I would also tell myself calories don't matter because food is only energy. Basically, reminding myself of what Abdullah told Neville: "If you ate as I did, you would be poisoned because of your belief." (heavily paraphrased because my memory is terrible.. yes I'm working on it 😭) and it keeps me from feeling guilty abt eating. I ate SOOO MUCH food yesterday and I mean SO MUCH. I ate an entire box of cheese sticks, two large chicken sandwiches, 2 pb & j sandwiches total throughout the day, and half a tub of icecream for dessert… Yeah I was going crazy.. to the point I looked 5 months pregnant at the end of the night. Fast forward to today, my stomach is back to flat and back to normal as if it never happened. Food literally will not effect you if you believe it doesn't! This was my main focus too so I'm very proud of myself :)
Moral of the story is, never give up.
YOU decide what happens in your reality and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There were times when I didn't want to affirm, so I didn't. If I felt lazy then I didn't consciously affirm or listen to subliminals, I just relaxed and went on about my day. I never made affirming feel like a chore. There were times when I had doubts too or thought it wouldn't work. I especially thought it wouldn't work for my mental health but I just affirmed anyway. When you're having resistance literally just know there's nothing bad that can possibly happen from believing in yourself and thinking in your favor. Just DO IT. Persist no matter what and you WILL get what you want!
I'll try to do better with posting my successes (but only ones that actually meant something big to me tbh. I don't see a point in sharing every little thing unless it was me overcoming some type of struggle) and answering messages but I refuse to download the tumblr app so yall just gotta see and hear from me whenever I feel like loading up this website. I'm just enjoying & living my life rn girl I used to dream about times like this and now I finally have them 😭
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prezohhh · 3 months
how did u get into editing/streaming? what’s ur influencer origin story ^_^
for some reason i liked the idea of constructing videos as a kid, i cracked software like camtasia and got the basics pretty quick, knew i could do funny shite using sony vegas instead of do highschool oral presentations because teachers would get bored at kids talking
i wanted a reason to rewatch some game grumps series so i made a channel where i compiled stuff and i think i learned a lot of the timing skills then.
i wanted clint stevens to have a channel like reckful's and i also wanted to feel useful on a grander scale (in a way that thousands of people could watch) and i really liked clint so i told him i'd run his shit and get good at that. i wanted to make videos thatb felt like reckful's + the one narcissawright video "I am not Siglemic." so i wanted to mix the jokes and the banter and the drama with the fails and the successes of the game. i think that was new, i mightve been a good part in creating this style but i dont wanna get ahead of myself
WAIT i thought you only asked about editing
whatever. anyway i got hired by cold ones cuz they needed an editor and scott's roommate really liked clint so they flew me out. i built some following on twitter with the help of cold ones and clint editing recognition, ludwig engaging with my shit, and i guess a lot of little influencers finding me funny (most of them knowing me from clint honestly cuz they liked how the channel was operated).
i had always streamed since after highschool but it popped off once i came back to canada during covid when i made friends in the streaming universe. once i got my initial push i just kept tweeting things i found funny and blablabla.
like qt (the person inviting me to all these events) knows me from clint and then thought i was chill form my twitch clips
i'm gay
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hostilemuppet · 3 months
What made you wanna slap Creek and Floyd together in the first place? Love their fucked up dynamic, but I'm curious as to how it all started lmao
okay so, a while ago (and maybe now, i dont really pay much attention to the greater fandom that much) floyd and creek was actually a very popular crackship, that tended to come in two flavours that me and alex both hated:
"creek is actually good now": creek underwent redemption after trying to get his entire species killed, and is now happily dating floyd. theyre soft, and cute, and the only conflict is branch just doesnt want them to be happy. me and alex thought this completely assassinated creeks character and was just plain boring
"creek is still a dickbag": creek dates floyd (branchs token gay brother) specifically to spite branch, and was usually portrayed as a manipulative (and possibly abusive) boyfriend to floyd who was completely oblivious. me and alex thought this completely assassinated floyds character and people never did anything with this concept other than saying "creek is dating floyd to spite branch" and leaving it at that
so we were talking, and it was brought up, and we thought... the second one could actually be interesting if you TRIED a little. so we thought of ways it COULD be fun! and we quickly landed on "floyd knows exactly what creek was up to from the get go, but he thinks its funny to see creek try and fail to pull the strings. branch knows about it and thinks its funny how floyd is fucking with creek". the comic attached to my original fleek drawing was basically ripped directly from our dms
then, a few days maybe a week later, the topic came up again and alex asked if we could add fleek to the tdau, and i was fucking ecstatic bc i had wanted to ask the exact same thing. we had to tweak it very little, only adding the celebrity drama aspect. and from there everything snowballed until we have the beautiful mess we have now
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taikanyohou · 11 months
anyway i cannot believe there are some people out there who are saying that sungho's a bad guy and think that he's just stringing junsung along when all along sungho has kept his heart open towards all of junsung's affections and moves on him and has reciprocated his feelings towards junsung back way more than once and has been in a state of constant distress and confusion for the last 2 episodes and is sorting out what he is feeling vs what reality is presenting to him and even in all of that he has remained so so kind and calm and measured and never once made junsung feel like he has no chance with him but instead he cherishes this bond and connection that he has with him, genuinely cherishes every little thing junsung has given him or done for him, lets him tie his wrist with a ribbon so that they're "binded". sungho's such a sweet and simple guy that didn't ask for this mess of a situation to happen and yet he's trying to navigate it in the best way possible and feels so guilty about hurting junsung and/or seunwoo but he also knows he has to decide and in and amongst that he's just gone and heard seunwoo say "oh today (the drama of today) has been fun!" and "oh there's a guy who's been calling me since day 1 and i need to go out on a date with him and give him a chance and if that means i miss out on sungho then so be it," .... he has to deal with THAT too, on top of all of seunwoo's other antics that have really started to rub off on him in the wrong way (poor boy literally had a nosebleed bc he was so stressed!!!), but never treating junsung as his "second safe option", bc he has never done that!
in my mind, honestly speaking, i dont think sungho has ever really deeply connected to seunwoo at all, in anyway, like he has with junsung. which is why junsung says "this has never really been a love triangle at all". junsung knows it, i know it. seunwoo may seem like a rival on the face of it, and id say sungho is attracted to seunwoo's aura, but beyond that? nope. theres just nothing there and there never has been. and its taken a WHILE for sungho to realise and ~compare~ (even tho he HATES doing it bc it makes him feel selfish) the two very different kinda bonds he has with seunwoo and junsung, and which one goes deeper than which, and in which one he finds peace and comfort and enjoyment and everything he is looking for in.
but that doesnt make sungho a bad guy. in ep 6 and 7 he saw seunwoo in a way he hasnt before and hes learning to deal with that and is realising that "no, i dont like this. i dont like what this is making me feel and i wanna make some distance away from him," and realising after spending the whole day with junsung "i wanted to get away from all this drama bc of how distressed and upset and negative this all made me feel and so did he and in that we both just gravitated once again towards one another and came out of it by the end of the day feeling so much better and lighter and happier and closer."
here is sungho! trying to sort out his feelings and be proactive! rather than passive!
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tokiohotelobsession · 6 months
north european
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tom x female reader
synopsis: youre a 15 year old girl from finland. youre on a vacation with your family in germany, and youre hanging out with tom. tom asks you how your schools been and you get so exited you tell all the drama youve had along the year. ending up not even knowing for how long youve been talking for.
concent: js fluff
a/n: this is the first story ive written please be kind to me 😭 but give creditsss🫶🏻
i met tom when i was on a vacaiton with my family when i was 10. my mom knew a friend from there, and my dad was there just because he was forced to. he is american and thinks germany is just a dumb country. me and tom were together the whole vacation and we were both really sad when i needed to go back to finland. we still held contact and i got my family to go to germany every summer so i could meet tom. now were bestfriends.
we were hanging out in toms room at the time. i got my family to stay in germany for a month and i was so happy. and i got to stay at toms place for the whole month, of course. this is the longest time ive ever been in germany.
i was laughing with tom as he shared a silly story that happened to him in his school last year. it was something like a friend of his had pranked a teacher and the teacher got so scared she called the police. his friend got in big trouble after it. but the funny thing was that, it was all toms idea, and they had made a deal that if toms friend got caught, he couldnt tell the police and teacher that it was toms idea, he had to say it was his.
"thats such a dumb deal, how could he argree to that?" i said laughing.
"i dunno, maybe cause hes dumb as hell?" tom said smiling proudly. that stupid proud smile. i hit him in the shoulder playfully. we were just laughing and chilling when tom came up with a question.
" well what about you, hows school been?" he said tilting his head to the side, looking deeply in my eyes. when he asked me that question, i realized how much drama ive had in school this year with my "friends."
"you wont believe if i tell you" i said smiling. "theres too much drama for it to be real" i said chuckling.
"nooo i love listening to others drama, because in my school everyone just pranks pepole and fails, always" he said. i stayed silent smiling.
"come on, spill the tea!" he said shaking my shoulders. i laughed at his impatience.
"okay, okay, jeez" i said laughing. it never really crossed my mind that i never got the chance to talk to anyone about my drama in school cause all my "friends" were fake and caused the drama.
"so, in the beginning of the school year..." i started. i told every detail of every argument and toms reactions to them were :
"no she did not" or "girl wtf you cant do that" hes reactions were literally priceless. i was a little shocked that he actually cared about my teenage girl drama, most pepole just avoid them.
i didnt even know for how long we were gossipping for, so i looked at toms clock above his door. i took a quick glance, and looked away, but then i snapped. the last time i checked the time it said, 15:09. now its, 18:48, my eyes widened.
"tom we have been talking for like 4 hours!" i said in shock.
"yeah? and? talking is fun with a nice person" tom said calmly, smiling. i was kinda relieved when he said hes fine with it, because many pepole get annoyed of me when i talk too much, but tom didnt.
"oh, so youre not mad?" i asked, still a little unsure if hes actually fine with it.
"why would i be mad? thats such a dumb question" tom chuckled. i smiled a little.
"no but seriouly why would i be mad. i havent seen you in a year. ofcourse i wanna know whats been happening" he said comforting. my smile widened immediately. he smiled back at my reaction.
"but. i dont think you finished your little story, would you like to tell me what happened after that?" he said exited. like some 5 year old fr.
"of course, so..." i continued my little story until the school year ended. when i was done talking, tom was staring at me with his jaw dropped. then he snapped
"how are you still alive, like, after all that?" he said confused, but in a funny way.
"i dunno, its just teenage girl life" i said smiling.
we decided to watch a movie, and when the movie ended, i felt so tired. i pleced my head on his chest, snuggling into him. i didnt really realize i was cuddling him at first but then i asked
"is this okay?" i asked looking at him.
"yeah, of course" he said looking back at me, playing with my hair. then i just closed my eyes, laying my head back at his chest. i didnt fall asleep immediately, but the last thing i heard was
"maybe next year ill be coming to finland" then i fell into a deep sleep
omg sorry if this is cringe but i just felt like i had to write something. and omfg this is shorttt😭 and im sorry if there are any spelling mistakes english is not my first language. and also my messages arent working so if yall have requests please send them in my inbox.🌸
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florasletter · 3 months
i am gonna rant, tomorrow is the oscars, i need to say something ive been wanting to say for a while
any fucking filmmaker that makes drama/comedy (taika, gunn, greta, etc) movies would make barbie, its easy marketing, hoards of money, its a low risk investiment since its a popular, PG 13 movie, colorfull, appealing for everyone, has all the IP to make money, WB is thirsty for good press and is swimming on money, they will give its full support, its a story everyone knows for 60 years of a ficctional character or a doll the whole world knows. i like barbie it was a good movie. greta did a wonderful job for what was giver her. period.
now tell me
a book about a historical controversial figure, boring ass talks abt nuclear war, ww2, communism and cold war, phsysics stuff, relased in 2006 and won a pulitzer prize.
no director dared to make a movie abt it. very high risk, why?
the pandemic and its inflation and new habits of consumption post super hero (very saturated) cinema era in an era quick shitty streaming movies bc they dont need theatrical release, little effort, just pump movies out, no control wheater is good or not no one (as many would think) would want a 3 hour movie, with heavy dialogue (bc it needs it to tell the story properly) with many black and white scenes, Rated R, nudity and s3xual representation scenes about this historical controversial figure. tiktok and reels era, most people are obssessed with a 30 seconds videos in their hands, keeping a very bad habit of zero attention span and quick serotonin, unable to enjoy the development of a full story that is longer than 30 without a pop music playing on the background can't go around marketing the movie like its super fun and colorfull for the entire family ahah cool, lets make it a competition like ahaha BARBIEMHEIMER ahah so fun lol why dont they get into it too? it would help their marketing bc lol who wanna watcha 3 hour R rated movie abt a physicist lmao get real!!! No buddy, you wanna scrutinize what happened the people of japan? this guy was scrutinized by its own country after everything he was asked to do? no, you cant market it like that, its harder, but thankfully the ppl making the movie ARE THE MARKETING. also the ppl saying "who cares abt nuclear war lmao, it wont happen" guess who just did a speech abt it the other day abt using them?? i am not gonna say his name yall know who it is. now invest 100mi on a movie like this. didnt see all the others directors around rushing to make a movie abt oppenheimer like chris did, he thought it was very interesting and passionate abt it, he had a vision for it, to contextualize yall: he has been wanting to make something biographical for years (will we ever see his howard hugues movie? thanks martin for doing it first??? will chris ever recover from this? poor bby). and ffs this movie didnt even use that much computer VFX, so much amazing pratical effects it didnt even an oscar nom for it, any other director could have done with the computer technology from 10 years ago. buddy literally asked for black and white imax films, no one did this before. buddy dark knight came out 16 years ago, the first movie shot in imax, back then there was 4 or 3 cameras in the world and this idiot i love even managed to break one of them during the shooting (see the behind the scenes of dark knight its amazing and hilarious). what other filmmaker is going this far for a biography? they could have made this movie but
they didnt make it. period.
i am not here to say that this is better than every other movie, oppenheimer should be forever praised (it is not in my sincere opinion chris' best movie, neither my fav of his) but this is for the ppl whining abt barbie and putting oppenheimer against it.
the reels i saw the other day "greta could make oppeneimer, but nolan couldnt make barbie" HONEY... WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS INFO? IS THIS SUPPOSED TO ME HER LOOK GOOD ? you are not helping her at all... if she can make oppenheimer why didnt she make it before? is it bc it would be hard to pitch? it wouldnt be easy to make money from it or get funded? it would just be another oscar winning box office flop? bc lets be real, many amazing oscar movies i love, they were commercial flops, and its ok, BUT YOU SEE IT RIGHT?
marvels endgame was a huge commercial movie and a great box office, no one here is screaming the russos to get noms
"ah its a groundbreaking movie bc of feminism"
honey please there's more groundbreaking movies better than barbie, are you fucking kidding me. this is the stuff that makes me ashamed of saying i am a feminist.
also who cares abt margot, isnt it abt to be feminism or is it white feminism ? i wanna see support for lilly gladstone who did and insane work in KOTFM than emma stone in PT.
i am biased, i am his fan afterall, i have no hate for the others, but i am a realist. chris has been making movies for 20 years, groundbreaking breathtaking beautiful stuff, i am not here to throw the party like "visionary director" but i wanna put things on the table, he has been way past what the academy considers cinema, he has been snubbed for so long it became ridiculous. he has been doing an imppecable work of supporting filmmaking and the theater industry, supporting the craftsmanship of filmmaking the studios' inverstors and companies look down on just for profits. to end my rant now, the last thing i wanna say is: i don't care if yall say "ah just another cis het white man winning/being nominated" yes honey, it is.
if anything, this is the "cis het white man" who you just can't believe has not won yet. insane right? he has been snubbed by other cis het white males who would believe it right? lmao
now i am done.
we take in the sheets tomorrow evening. have a great saturday yall
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puppyyboyy · 13 days
huge vent under the thingy
im really selfish i think, like i dont really do much for people and i dont like to talk to people anymore as much as i used to but i think im just scared of people now. my parents pulled me out of school so i wouldnt be bullied but i think it just made my social anxiety worse
im also really sensitive and cry easily and i dont like that, yesterday i almost started crying because i couldnt find a room number in school (i was there for exams) that was super embarrassing
today is my brothers birthday and he has special needs and i feel bad because he has no friends to celebrate his birthday and my sister left the house to go hangout with her boyfriend so its only my mom, dad and me there for him on his birthday and i feel so bad and im like miserable right now and i woke up really upset because i was almost late for my exam and i definitely failed it because i guessed on almost question and i talked about college today and my plans with my guidance counselor at school and she talked about what im gonna do after highschool and i dont know what i wanna do because i thought i was gonna kms at 11 years old and not have anything else ahead of me and im so lost now and i dont even know what to do anymore
and im crying because i cant stop thinking about all the stuff thats gone wrong in my life and if i did things differently i couldve been happier and a better person
and i feel bad cuz im ignoring literally everyone rn whos texting me and im just sitting on my bedroom floor crying and writing this lmao im literally venting on tumblr💀 how did i get this bad omg. i could use my notes app to vent but i also want someone to read this, like anyone idc who im not even asking for help i just wanna be seen in a way i think
and my head is always full of ideas and thoughts and its hard to do anything because its always racing and i dont like it at all and i cant ever find the right words to get all these thoughts out or draw them out because i make art but irs not good it sucks and i hate my art style and i hate how i cant draw poses right or render correctly it pisses me off
my sister is really good at art, she goes to college for it and is way better then me and my parents are always praising her about her art and i feel like ill never be as good as her with anything, shes an honors student and graduated almost top of her class and president of the art club at her highschool (currently my highschool) and i got pulled into a bunch of shit when i made friends at highschool and they are all older then me and have so much drama and i feel like no matter who im friends with i cant be friends with the other people i wanna be friends with because they have drama together and if im one persons friend then i cant be the other persons friend because then im a bad person and i just hate it so much i hate beiing around people and i hate having to pick sides and i wish i could kms and i wouldnt have to deal with anything anymore
and then with my sister- anything i do or make art of my parents are like "cool!" and move on with their rlife and when my sister does art they post it on their facebook and show other family members and praise her so fucking much. im not saying i want all that but it feels like they dont even care
and i also noticed i get less things at Christmas and on my birthday now ever since i came out as trans to my extended family like my grandparents and uncle and aunt, my sister and brother get a bunch of shit and ill get some books and some other shit i dont even want or asked for but my sister gets money and a bunch of shit she asked for (expensive things) and my brother gets new electronics every fucking year. he got the newest iphone and a ipad and a fucking 3d printer last christmas???? and i got books and a 20$ Michaels gift card? its so unfair i with i was cis and my family would like me more itd not even about the gifts its just in general they got so distant and weird with me i feel so odd when i go to family events
sexual talk here- and i feel really gross a lot of the time cuz im sexual a lot and i wish i wasnt because i always feel gross and idk it makes me feel weird i guess its just hormones and a trauma response from when i was younger but i just feel weird especially when im alone and im being sexual i feel gross after and i dont know why im like this
theres so much on my mind and im just like AGHHHH!!!!!! i wanna cut myself and bleed out everywhere istg (i wont actually cuz im very afraid of physical pain)
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stinkyme · 7 months
spawns in ur inbox bc i have drama (somewhat ig)
I heard from a few classmates that a girl (lets call her J) cussed a classmate out secretely because he was annoying her (he didnt do anything, lets call him Y)
They never rlly spoke much but fr had intense small arguements where Y kept acting sarcastic towards her n stuff?? (Idk how to explain LMFAO) n J found that annoying and cussed him out secretely where ANOTHER classmate was beside her (lets call her L) so L told Y about the things J told about Y 🫢 and so went on, i was friends w J but liek.. i dont wanna say i dont wanna be friends w her anymore bc i feel bad ☹️☹️ plus that one time where a boy (LMFAOO IM BRINGING UP SM CLASSMATES LETS CALL HIM E) cussed J out bc J was laughing at E but that was because E was bullying-ish J bc E tried to makw J play a game but J had pain in her toe so she couldnt play but that got E mad and yelled at J (+ cussing) and J told the teacher abt E.
That Y was spreading rumours on how me and 2 of her friends (Z and S) dont like her n stuff but when she confronted us (after she send her other friends after Z and S, not me bc i was doing hw heheehehe) she asked us if we liked her n told us abt the rumour n stuff but it wasnt a rumour bc Z and S said that they dont like her n all that (im neutral w her so i have no say) and Y recorded that n send it somewhere (i think?) and J heard that so she confrunted us n asked so we reassured her (i didnt even know abt it 😨)
And in history class Z began yelling at J bc a arguement happened while the teacher was gone (idk how it escalated bc i wasnt paying attention) n after that arguement teacher came back for a while and then after he left i saw Z crying due to either stress or madness idk ☹️ i felt bad but couldnt do or say anything bc she was on the complete other side of the classroom 😭😭
And now Y, J, Z and S are in the class with our professor to talk stuff out :3
I am so sorry but I genuinely can't keep up with all these letters and people LOL, I just hope they will be able to work it out and I wouldn't stress out too much, these things come and go all the time, it's only important to be honest w each other and if they dislike someone - that's okay, but no need to argue or push the unnecessary drama/stress onto people :)
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nachorong · 10 months
howdy! erin here🤠 with na chorong. i know i know, i have a plethora of ims to respond to, sorry about that! i’m putting jinri on a brief hold as i’m tweaking some stuff, but have my muse in the meantime. more about chorong below the cut. yk the usual: feel free to dm me @ myjinri for plots/like this post for me to come to you. discord is available upon request! (patience will be needed with me </3 i should still be out at the time of acceptance, but will get back to everything when i get home )
i’m going to keep the background brief until i fully type out her backstory bc i really don’t wanna have to read whatever i write again to make edits
it always seemed as if na chorong had it easy in life. an extremely supportive family backing her dreams, along with getting scouted to a big agency and meeting quick success with her tv and film debut. it all seemed like the easiest path was handed to her
the fact that she came from a struggling family and faced the numerous rejections before she struck gold with adagio often forgotten. or the unexplained break she took in acting
 growing up, she always loved performing skits in front of her family. she was often the center of attention with whatever production she had ready. this led to her joining drama clubs and participating in local plays put on around her.
scouted by adagio at a school play. auditioned and got in, trained for a while before she made a public appearance in a music video. her official television debut was a year after that, and her film debut was the following year after the tv debut.
she was rising in popularity but a sudden personal issue arose! and she couldn’t accept any scripts as she couldn’t fully commit to the long scheduling that came with filming anything.
still did work during that time, usually in things that required less time, such as appearing in magazines, walking the runway, or even just making an appearance at a fashion show.
finally made her return to acting and it was almost like she never left. quickly got back into the swing of things and started steadily building up her popularity again. now including more modeling gigs in her schedule, but acting was something she prioritized over anything else.
2021-2022 was the busiest timeframe in her life, filming projects back to back. thinks she’s done enough to not have to film for another two years at least. hasn’t filmed anything or picked up a new script since the glory because she needed a break badly.
so here she is now, in 2023 enjoying as much of her break as she can because who knows when the company will come knocking at her door with another project for her to look at.
loves her career but the recent string of projects she starred in back to back left her begging adagio for a hiatus. was not granted, but was met in the middle with another “unofficial hiatus” from acting. ( l o l let’s see if this lasts long )
focused on her brand deals and promoting them in the meantime. really? doesn’t consider herself to be an actual? model? feels more like a fraud if you ask her, but yes she has walked in shows and appeared in magazines. most of those opportunities came because of her status as an actress, anyway.
searching for a new avenue to explore. she needs something different to spice her life up! something to give her a real challenge since she’s been doing this stuff for years.
deep down she wishes one of her projects would flop so the projects can shift to someone else, but her pride doesn’t let her half-ass anything. she’s always all-in.
dont let the public image fool u, chorong is not as uptight and “serious” as she makes herself appear. typically the mood maker on set / seen goofing around with costars. the act is just to suit the adagio rep.
she still has a level of professionalism to her though. formalities until she considers you close enough to be a friend.
think she’s pretty approachable?? but may be a little bit intimidating  bc of her seniority? dont worry she doesn’t bite.
always up for new experiences and open to trying out new things. can be spontaneous and act on impulses.
ambitious, that’s how she got to this point in her career. wants to do everything to the best of her ability.
a little irritable, but has mastered controlling that feeling. for the most part. can be a bit snarky and argumentative once irritated though.
quick plot ideas since my plots page likely isn’t finished lmfao
are you looking to take acting more seriously / just wants some advice? well it’s your lucky day, chorong, a well known name in the industry, is coincidentally right there.
industry friends <3 long spanning career, i envision she may have more friends around her age/older but she’d also extend herself out to younger people as well, it just might be a little harder for her to do so? 
random friends bc she loves meeting new people. good luck on trying to get close to her though.
close knit circle of friends that’s not really publicized.
someone who dislikes chorong for whatever reason. maybe they think her quick rise to success or the way she manages to skirt her way out of any rumors / potential scandals suspicious.
or vice versa chorong dislike your muse for whatever reason. maybe it’s a bad first impression or the reputation that follows them? 
++ potentially having chorong star in ur music video ( girlie hasn’t done that in over 10 years, but she found her 1 experience fun and wouldn’t be opposed to doing it again )
past relationships / flings. she’s a very passionate and intense partner, and busy schedules often do not bode well for her. we can come up for numerous reasons for a separation.
her current flavor of the week. or maybe the month? really, any potential current / more recent love interests. longevity varies depending on how she feels about the other.
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poorgay · 1 year
Childe 8+ Moms AU/Abyss Moms Polycule MasterPost
ive had enough of linking things ( ・∇・) 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 (again thanks 2 @/8417 & @/milfmorax my coconspirators who came up with the master post idea among many other things)
plot is: no genshin woman is acc dead they all 1) fake their deaths 2) go to the abyss 3) have petty drama with one another 4) end up in a polycule 5) adopt childe
for the ones that aren't dead canonically, rules 2-5 still apply
(they're all kinda bad people whatever cant women do anything 🙄)
childe genshin impact
the tsaritsa
raiden makoto
the goddess of flowers (nabu malikata)
zhongli sometimes when i feel like bullying him
in release order
ai fun times:
⚠️these are just the main posts ive made explicitly including childe with reference to more than one ship! if u wanna see more of a specific ship go to the #rhice, #thundersnow, or #abysslilies tags on my page! (those are the ones i've written about so far....)⚠️
(if u wanna make stuff 4 this au go ahead lolol)
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