#i finished it at 1% phone battery lol
dude-iloveu · 2 months
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uncultureddoubloon · 1 year
I wanted to start reading Mistborn & start getting into Sanderson books today, but there's 12 people in front of me for borrowing an ebook copy from the library 😭😭😭
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lazuliquetzal · 9 months
Fic Stats Game
Ohoho thank you @tavina-writes for the tag!! Pretty sure this is gonna be the same 3 fics over and over but we'll see :)
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
1) Most Hits
It's AA Batteries (Daiya no Ace). I know this without even looking, it's AAB 100% and by... not a significant, but a decent lead. That thing breached containment. I'm glad that it did, because I had fun writing it, but it always surprises me because sports anime twin OC fic? Really?
But I'm glad it's my most popular fic, even if I don't consider it my best, because even if it's a canon rewrite, I finished a 100K+ fic and I am proud. I'm literally never over it, I could talk about it all day.
Like, I usually don't ship things very strongly, but Misawa is insane to me. Also, do you know how embarrassing it is to relate to Miyuki Kazuya? And not even in a 'generic repressed character' way, I'm talking in a Hey I Literally Was In His Shoes And Made The Same Exact Fucking Mistakes And Decisions way. Nobody gets Miyuki Kazuya like I do. I'm fucking Miyuki kin. I didn't ask for this. I didn't--
2) Second Most Kudos
This one is also AAB, so I'll go with first place: Reflection (The Magnus Archives). A classic. A nice and simple time travel fix-it comedy.
I remember the writing of this one because I had been utterly obsessed with TMA. It would not let me go. I drafted the early chapters on my phone while walking across my college campus. I almost got ran over by a bike when I was writing the "Martin witnesses Jon have a mild breakdown in the break room" scene.
3) Third Most Comments
Dawn of the Fourth (Linked Universe). The LU fandom is super giving with their comments! Probably the most comment-friendly fandom I've been in.
I think it also helped that DotF is one of those stories where every chapter is a punch to the throat lol. If you didn't comment after ch7, it's probably because you zoomed through haha.
4) Fourth Most Bookmarks
It's DotF again, so I'll go with third place: ain't no rest for the wicked (Naruto).
Ah, this one... I'm fond of it, in the way I'm fond of all my writing, but also I was in high school. There's a lot about it that I would do differently now. But I learned a lot from writing it, and actually Chie, Issei, and Riku are still my children and I love them all. I'm proud of the color test. :)
5) Fewest Words
If you ignore the Zelda comic and the CSS formatting test and the anonymous April Fool's fic that I will not be claiming ownership of publicly, my shortest fic is Blackout Blues (Daiya no Ace) at 1101 words. If you subscribe to the belief that a picture is worth a thousand words, then that bumps the word count up to 4101 words.
I should draw more art for my fanfic. I have the power. It's fun.
tagging (if you want!): @yellowocaballero @xxsolar-writesxx @ellie-tarts @zarvasace @dottie-wan-kenobi and anyone else who wants to!
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ultimateaclrecovery · 5 months
Checking in on my 2023 goals!
23 things for 2023
1. buy 1 horse
Done!! Bought Luna!!!
2. Knit a pair of socks
I knit a sock, that I finished today. But I mostly decided I wanted to knit other things instead so this is fine
3. Three camping trips
went to mt of the holy cross, and New Mexico for two camping nights, plus a day hike in winter park. So technically no but pretty close!
4. Plant four pumpkins
…..no. I bought seeds and did nothing and I don’t feel that bad about it
5. Handstand (five fingers) press
Lol no. Did nothing for it. Never made a plan and so did not achieve
6. Kill side yard weeds (because weeds are the devil 666)
Success? I paid a Gardner to pull them all so yes! Feels like a failure because I didn’t really deal with them or the yard in general, but they are all gone now.
7. Go to Loyola social justice meeting (7th heaven)
I went to a meeting! And baked cookies for an event. (And then never went back oops)
8. Mail 8 letters to mates - birthday cards probably
Success! (Rebecca birthday, Sarah birthday, Clare get well card, Callie birthday, Alison birthday, clare birthday, Callie wedding, clare kt recipe card)
9. Research 9 hours of getting a cat (9 lives)
Decided a horse was enough so stopped researching 🤷‍♀️[ read complete guide to adopting a cat 3 hours]
10. Do ten full pull ups
Total yes, in a row like intended absolutely not. I can do like 2.5 in a row. Made haphazard progress, but now I have a pull up bar so hoping for better next year!
11. Buy 11 things off of my to buy eventually list
Success! This was easy and I did it! (air fryer, air mattress, nice soap dispensers, office mat, thermometer, fire extinguisher, white tank top, little plates, shower cleaner, plastic drain pipes, sheet pan organizer, bonus: back door light bulb, rainbow flag and holder, more bras)
12. Go on 12 dates
Success! I thought this would be really hard but then I just got my boyfriend by like February and it ended up being the easiest ny resolution ever. He even asked me out to start.
13. Run a half marathon 13.1 miles
Success! (Okay this was a gimme because I signed up for it and had a training plan in 2022 but still)
14. Hike a fourteener
Success! mt of the holy cross and it was terrifying and very long but we did it!
15. Read 30 (15x2) books
I read 27 and have three in various states of completion. I kind of wanted to power this one thru but it wouldn’t have been fun and then what’s the point. This one is hard because I abandoned so so many books this year. Like I made it at least one chapter into like 40 and a couple half way thru. So close but no cigar but I refuse to read things that aren’t fun just to hit a goal so I feel fine about it.
16. Host 8 things
Hosted 3, organized a couple others so partial credit. I would like to do better in the future. ( galentines, whimsy brunch, birthday, organized brunch at watercourse, organized lake day)
17. Go out dancing (must be more dancing than drinking, dance class counts.)(dancing queen only 17)
Nope. But also that’s fine.
18. Upgrade phone and deal with all photos. Upload belize to fb and save others. Data management
Mostly. I got an external storage for Christmas so I can finish when I get home. So solid partial credit. (uploaded some. Upgraded phone plus new battery, still need to get data off of it) [email protected] [email protected]
19. General contractor for house cracks plus install air conditioner
Success. Installed ac. Got the cracks looked at once and they were fine and then they got worse and now I’m getting foundation work done. So success I guess.
20. Get 20 layout ds
… I did not count. I def got some but probably not 20 so partial credit. (4 from leiout)
21. Go to frisbee Masters regionals
Success! Another bit of gimme but we went and qualified to nationals!)
22. Buy purple navel jewelry (I’m feeling 22)
Success! (And I love it)
23. volunteer for 23 hours
No and I feel bad about it. I need to find something to volunteer with. I feel like I should have the time/be able to make time but it also feels like I never have time and also never want to. But I think it’s important.
So overall full success on 11 of the goals, happy partial on 5, annoyed partial on 2, abandoned 4 and failed my last one and feel bad about it.
But overall pretty good success!
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
1. Would you say you're more likely to be a Sibling of Sin or a Ghoul? Why?
probably a ghoul because I’m quite chaotic and wild when I’m out of my shell. I cling to my group of friends because I love them sm (sort of like a pack? I dunno)
2. Which Papa would you prefer to work with? Why? (Sister Imperator is included)
I feel like Copia would understand my anxieties more then the other papas? I love Terzo though! (Plus I love rats 💕)
3. Are you an introvert, ambivert or an extrovert? Tell us a bit more about it.
Very introverted due to my anxiety lol but I am feral when I feel comfortable around you!! My social battery runs out faster on some days and I become kinda bitchy tho 💀
4. What chore do you like the most/hate the least?
I love sweeping, it’s my favourite thing to do just sweep, sweep, sweep, no thoughts, no worries.
5. Do you like to travel, or maybe you prefer to stay at home?
i stay at home more because i find it less stressful then going out 💀 but if my friends ask then I will go out with them!
6. Freebie. You’ve got five sentences to tell us anything you want to.
im a picky eater like really picky, probably smth undiagnosed 💀 I can’t go anywhere without my headphones, it’s a problem. I’m a very artistic person but I do go into artists block a lot. I sometimes write small bits of poetry when it comes to mind. I do ballet, un not good but I enjoy it a lot!!
(i hope that was only five sentences 💀)
This post is part of the 1000 followers Role in ministry event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your role in the ministry is... Keeper of Papa Emeritus IV Rats
As well as feeding the rats and generally taking care of them, you also sweep out their cage, the rats have a practically a whole room that ajoins to Copia's office
He is very understanding of your anxieties and really brings you out of your shell.
Once you are both comfortable around each other you both start acting more feral.
He knows when your social battery is running out, he'll fondly say "you seem a little err short with me sì? You should finish early go home have the afternoon off. I've sent a Ghoul ahead to run you bath"
You also have plenty of free time after work to do ballet and art. Copia encourages it.
He buys you a beautiful notepad to write your poetry down in. It’s small enough to fit in a pocket, he says you’ll always have it there for when inspiration strikes.
He does know you can just use your phone. But back in his day that’s how he used to write songs down, and he wanted to share it with you.
Written by Nyx
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satoruhour · 8 months
sweating after the priest geto fic frfr...... finished reading, phone battery on 13% in the middle of the night 10/10 experience i still feel like im on cloud 9
now i'm not very good with words but i wanted to tell u that it was an absolutely delicious fic, from start to finish, the catholic guilt was ON POINT u almost had me crying (/pos), the helplessness of slowly giving in to temptation while knowing deep down that u were fucked from day 1...... AND coming from both characters!! scrumptious !!! the smut had me drooling on my pillow idk how u do it BUT U DO. IT. !!!!!!!
ALSO.. "(...) unaware her sweet, sweet daughter is losing her virginity in the place she was baptised, where she got her first communion." THE MOAN THAT CAME OUT. you're feeding into everything that's wrong with me and i sincerely thank u for that.
sorry if this is too long, didn't mean to rant, but the work that u put into your fics can be seen and felt, it's very very appreciated and it's always an amazing outcome. <3 love ya, take care, and make sure u take a power nap whenever u have the time lol
ahh thank you sm anon 🥹🥹🥹 THE CATHOLIC GUILTY CORRECTTTTT oh man i always strive to show that in the religion related fics that i do bc thats my experience !!! but dont cry tho. oof yeah that came out of me @ 4am it was pretty intense 😈
noo dont apologise for ranting!! i appreciate all of your asks sm ❤️ ty for the validation jdjdsjfje this means so so much 😭😭😭
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I Need U - Chapter 1: Chase ‘em
a super-slow burn hyyh / bangtan universe au ft oc x taehyung, oc x seokjin, yoongi x jungkook, ot7 & oc being pals.
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series summary:  Song Nari still couldn’t wrap her mind around it. How was she here? Stuck in a world that felt more like a nightmare than reality. How did she end up here - wishing at a lookout point above the rolling sea in the dead of night besides a high school friend that she hadn’t seen or talked to in over a year? How did she end up here after all she did was chase down the seven delinquents who graffitied her car to give them a piece of her mind?
chapter summary: A traffic jam was the last thing she wanted right now - or so she thought.
warnings: implied/referenced drug and alcohol use, explicit language, Bangtan Boys are delinquents, oc is kinda angry-dumb, run mv havoc.
wordcount: 4.4K
A/N: hi this chapter has been rewritten & reposted as of June 2022. Its been a year since starting to write I Need U and I want so badly to finish it. So I started to reread it (since i did take a hiatus away from it and lost the voice of the characters). I discovered rewriting bits just to tighten up their relationships/experience/etc was really fun so here we are lol. If you have been reading I Need U for a while, major plot points will not be changing as of now - but these chapters are rewritten for more clarity. you wont be missing out on anything if you dont reread them but their relationships/personalities are a bit more fleshed out.
series’ masterlist
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A traffic jam doesn’t often change your life.
Traffic jams are the worst usually. That’s what Song Nari thought as she groaned out at the sight of rows and rows of red brake lights. The tunnel she was stuck in gleamed in a hue of rubies and amber light; the night sky at the end of tunnel seemed so far away. Her fingernails tapped against the side of the steering wheel with a rising tempo; each jab of her nails into the wheel dug deeper and deeper until there were a series of crescent moons in the dark worn leather.
The day had been horrible – and this traffic jam was just the cherry on top of a terrible sundae. First, it had been a surprise exam. Nari had been so focused on her mathematics exam that she hadn’t remembered her history class had an in-class essay. It was frustrating; she can still feel the flush of her cheeks and churn of her stomach at the announcement. Nari had wanted to hide or cry or throw something at a wall. She could already hear her family once she received the grade (“This grade, Nari-ah?” Disappointment that sliced her skin. “Your sister did so much better in school. You need to work harder. How else will you get into a good university?”)
A surprise exam couldn’t just be it, no, then there was work. Her part-time job at the local ramen shop was typically boring - except for today, of course. Customers seemed to just know when someone is feeling bad. One middle-aged woman criticized her for being not “cheerful enough” while taking her order. Then, they hadn’t tipped. Nari could feel the anger boiling at her bones – like she was the very ramen broth being reduced in a pot in the kitchen.
After cleaning and locking up the shop alone, you’d think life would be looking up with the closing of the day. But then, there was this. This stupid traffic jam.
A fucking traffic jam on a Thursday night.
She twisted her neck this way and that, cracking it as the radio played in crinkled, poorly transmitted sequences. This tunnel was notorious for blocking radio signals – and despite being a modern teenager, Nari’s phone had a low battery she couldn’t risk worsening using it for music. Her AUX cord dangled tantalizingly nonetheless. Cars were restless, edging closer and closer to bumpers that were barely moving.
And then, the cars began to honk.
Nari huffed out a sigh. Honking didn’t do anything; didn’t these people know that? She was only sixteen – a fresh new driver – and she knew that. The honks were a cacophony of noise, mixing unpleasantly with her shitty radio transmission. Both rising and rising in her ears until her hand shot out to turn off the radio with a thud. Her finger hurt from the force. Her head ached even more. Her other hand rose to rub at her forehead; a day’s worth of sweat and smudges of half-worn off foundation came off as she lowered her hand. Can’t this day end? The noise only grew, honks blending together into a rumble of a monster’s roar. Was there an accident or something?
Breathing roughly from her nose, Nari tried to peer around the cars in front of her, her head clanking against the glass of her driver-side door’s window. The spring-time chill clinging to the glass helped the beginning of her headache. Her eyes were hurting from the light – her contacts felt dry. All she wanted was to be home in her bed. But instead, she was here, stuck in what felt like an isolation in the universe, a time-loop of a traffic jam.
Glancing out, she couldn’t see anything around the car in front of her – too jam packed like sardines in a can. Her eyes fell shut for a moment in frustration. She could feel it building up like a pressure cooker. Her patience was running thin.
There was something else among the honking competition outside suddenly. Her eyes flashed open at the sound. It was yells, shouts, screeches. Panic struck through her – what was that? Pressing her face closer to the window, she finally caught a glance.
Teenage boys. Six of them to be exact, running throughout the cars. Weaving back and forth with crowing laughter. They were tossing things into the air. Her brows furrowed as she tried to spot what it was, eyes bugging when she realized it was food. Chips and fries. Drinks were thrown onto windshields.
One of the boys – with orange dyed hair – jumped atop a car, tossing the remains of his chips roughly at the car windshield before standing tall and proud. A friend of his with pink hair handed a take-away cup to him, his face falling into what Nari could only make out as a dazed nonchalance before he sloppily poured the remains of the drink of the windshield. He lazily dropped the cup near immediately afterwards.
Nari was shell shocked. Her mouth parted in a perfect ‘O’, and her eyes blinking once, twice. What the fuck was going on? Why – and how – were they doing this? They were going to get arrested.
Another boy – one that seemed taller and with a too eager look in his eyes – crouched down to spit his drink into one of the cars’ open windows in a large plume of sugary spray.
Quickly, her gaze moved to her car locks. Her hand shifted to flick at the toggle, making sure they were locked tight. As soon as her gaze rose back to the anarchy in front of her, she let out a scream, flinching back in her seat.
One of the boys, a teenager with shaggy hair that was also dyed a bit – was it electric green at the tips? – was pushing himself onto her car’s hood. Her old car creaked and rumbled, but he didn’t care as he leaned forward, over the windshield. His fisted hands came rushing down onto her windshield’s glass with a thud. He let out a loud “boo!”.
He wanted to spook her, and when he saw her surprised, wide-eyed face and her little jump, he was granted what he wanted. Her lips were a pout, and her dark brown eyes glistened wide with shock. He let out a laugh, hazed eyes falling shut for a moment as Nari looked on bewildered. He was high enough that everything seemed harmless yet like he was in control even as he felt the car’s metal moan beneath his weight. His smile was wide and boxy, looking chaotic and wild on his face.
While she was scared, frightened by the chaotic scene, Nari was still utterly angry. This – this – was keeping her from going home. A bunch of dickhead teenagers who wanted to cause chaos for fun while they’re high on whatever drugs they found in a back alley. There was a spark of bravery – or stupidity – in her veins at the thought. Her face quickly fell being that of a doe-eyed victim into something scrawled into a scowl. Her eyes bore into his face. His laughter was still overtaking him, shaking his form. His half-mooned, pupil-blown eyes bore tears of amusement.
When he finally got another glance at her (he was itching to see that sweet innocent look of surprise again), he didn’t expect to see the mean glare. His tongue licked at his lower lip, tasting strawberry soju that still stained his lips. He was about to throw her a smirk when she startled him. His eyes widened as he watched – and felt – her slam down heavily on her steering wheel’s horn with the palm of her hand. The noise was loud and piercing, but there was already a blur of sounds among them. Honks, cheers, curses, hoots, and hollers. The boy with green highlights in his dark hair could feel the thrum of the horn beneath his hands and knees though.
And he laughed again. It felt like a challenge in his dazed-out brain. Everything about the situation was fun and free and playful to him; after all, he felt like he was on top of the world for once in his life. How this stranger looked - her glowering glare, the cock of her brow as she continued to press down on the horn of her steering wheel – it felt like a challenge to that autonomy.
He'd show her.
Tilting his head in challenge, he simply smiled, close lipped, before he reached into the inner pocket of his white leather jacket and pulled out something. At first, she feared the worse. Eyes widening a smidge more into the near doe-eyed looked (that if he was being honest, he liked). Nari’s heart raced in her chest. What if it was a gun or something? Gun violence was rising in Korea again – enough that she carried pepper spray on her key chain and her sister had lectured her on safety. Surely, a couple of teenagers wouldn’t have a gun.
And she was right. It was certainly not a weapon, but the sight of it made her trickling fear roar into an anger once more. An anger that made her hands tremble, her nose scrunch. The type of anger that tempted her to jump out of her car right then and there.
He wouldn’t dare.
Quickly, with laughter tumbling from his lips again, the boy began to spray something on her car. Spray paint. Bright red spray painting spattered and dripped. A large X was drawn over her windshield, blocking part of her view.
The can must’ve been near-empty with how it sputtered and splattered about messily. He didn’t mind though, dropping it lazily off her car with a clank. Instead of standing like his friend had, he leaned closer, looking down at her through a mostly-unpainted part of her windshield. The smell of aerosol paint burned his nose pleasantly as he ran his tongue over the back of his teeth. Cocking his head, he raised his brows at her and smiled. Their eye contacted lasted a moment too long, her nose flaring with her anger.
What the actual fuck? What does she do? Did this really just happen? What could she do? Honking can’t fix any of this bullshit – he just ruined her car with paint. Nari’s mind was in a spin, fueled by her anger and bewilderment. They never taught you how to handle a teenager spray painting your windshield – while you were behind the wheel – at driving school.
His boxy smile was prideful as he watched her anger blur into wide eyed shock. He had won. Won what? He – and she – didn’t know; he just knew he felt good. It felt good to cause trouble.
The shaggy, green-tipped hair man slid off her car with little grace considering how high or drunk he must’ve been. He offered her a wink of his eye before he began to turn away to join his other delinquent friends. She then noticed the truck that was blocking the way – T-boning the traffic to a stop.
Nari never handled her anger well – never could let an argument end without her having the last word. Without much thought (except that they were retreating), the teenage girl rolled down her window. The smell of aerosol paint lingered in the air, a sharp reminder (besides the huge fucking ‘X’ on her car) of what just happened. Leaning her head out, watching as her vandal slung his arm around the shoulders of a staggering boy, one wearing a black leather jacket and had minty blue hair, she decided with how bad her day was that it couldn’t get worse.
“Fuck you,” Nari shouted at them.
The spray paint boy heard a feminine voice pierce through the horns and shouts of his friends and looked back over his shoulder. Leaning out of the car he had climbed upon and spray painted was the driver girl with the angriest scowl on her face and a middle finger brandished towards him. He laughed, letting his older friend tug him along towards the large black truck that was blocking the way.
Taehyung felt alive.
“The cops are on their way!” Another driver with their window down cried out, spurring the boys to begin to run.
Nari watched as the black truck, a new black truck with mud already on its big wheels, revved up and reeled around to being to drive off. Tires squealed as the boys ran alongside it. Some hopped up onto the open bed of the truck as it drove past. Others who were stumbling drunk ran alongside it. Nari noticed how the license plate was covered up. Someone in that group of delinquents had a brain cell it seemed. (Just one though.)
Nari was a smart girl – she studied often; she worked at her part-time job dutifully. But she was frustrated. Angry and stressed and frightened. She wanted to yell into the open air. She wanted them not to get away with it. Because she knew those fools would get away with this. It was late; they had hidden their license plate; they were driving away.
She knew it was stupid what she wanted to do – but this was the straw that broke the camel’s back for her. Nari was going to follow them. She was going to give them a piece of her mind, something!
When traffic began to move (after all, the car that had been the problem was gone), she was zooming in the direction the truck went. All Nari could focus on was finding that stupid fucking truck. Tonight.
Admittedly, she didn’t know how she found the car sitting in the dark near the train tracks. Maybe it was fate or stupid luck. But she couldn’t stop the cheer of triumph leaving her lips. Because it had taken an hour. An hour of driving about, keeping her eyes peeled for a black car in the dark of night. The entire drive only fueled her anger. Every time she saw that stupid ‘X’ covering her driving vision, all she could feel was a rush of rage. Seven idiots. They couldn’t have gone far – they hadn’t. The moment she spotted the muddy side road with the hint of tire tracks, she had to check.
Nari was sure her mother was worried sick. Her shift had ended hours ago; it was past curfew on a school night. She had heard her phone buzzing on and off all night in her backpack in her trunk until it went quiet – probably running out of battery life. At this rate, she knew she was going to be grounded, but if she was going to already by punished, she was going to succeed in her self-given mission: giving these assholes a piece of her mind.
The dark road gave way to a large clearing – with shipping containers scattered about. A warm glow shined against the matte varnish of the containers. There was a half-made camp in front of the dark black truck (that still had its license plate covered). And there were seven boys lounging about the campfire, lulling into sleepiness from fading drunkenness and/or highs.
Taehyung, sporting his ivory-white leather jacket still, had been munching on a bag of chips he’d stolen from Jungkook’s backpack. Namjoon, now wearing his baseball cap low over his pink hair, fiddled with the logs in the fire, nudging them this way and that way with a long stick. Jungkook, bundled up in a soft (and not-at-all-threatening) sweater, was resting his head on Hoseok’s lap, feet propped up on Yoongi’s lap. Yoongi – with his mint hair messy – was fiddling with his lighter, the flame bittersweetly licking his thumb’s skin with every ignition. Hoseok’s once eager face was now exhausted as he stared into the fire sleepily while Jimin with orange hair tossed rocks into the fire, lightly laughing whenever he managed to knock into Namjoon’s stick. Seokjin – the get-away driver – was going through the photos he had taken earlier that day with his new polaroid camera. Some were good; others were shit; it was difficult to take photos when they were all collectively drunk or high or even just buzzed off the energy of each other. He sighed occasionally as he dropped one into the crackling fire – watching as the flame licked away at the image of Yoongi and Hoseok’s blurred figures.
There was a comfortable cozy air around them even with the chill of the spring midnight creeping in. They almost didn’t hear the other car pull up they were so comfortable, but the bright headlights did catch Taehyung’s attention.
“Woah, woah, woah, shit,” the boy mumbled out in shock as he spotted the new figure approaching their hideaway. Even in the back light of the headlights, he recognized her. And the car in the distance – with the large ‘X’ on its windshield – yeah, he recognized that.
“Fuck!” Taehyung cursed out as he scrambled and stumbled over the broken concrete slab they were sitting on.
“Tae, what’s wrong?” Jungkook queried, brows pinching together until he followed the older boy’s gaze.
Anyone could tell she was angry. It was clear in the way her fists were curled up and the way she was stalking up to them. Fuck, without even knowing who she was, they all were quick to be careful. Especially with Taehyung’s coward-ish behavior. The group of boys moved to try to get up – Jungkook’s feet kicked against Yoongi’s hand as he moved; Jimin reached out to shake at the still hazy Hoseok. They had to run, run, run.
“Oh no way, not this time!” Nari growled out.
She was quick, running up to the group before anyone could go anywhere. Even more, she grasped Taehyung by the wrist – no way could she forget his face nor his way too shaggy hair with the green tips.
“Hey, what the hell is wrong with you, huh?” Nari bit out, struggling to keep a grasp on the squirming man.
Another man – with a baseball cap on – tugged him out of her grasp. This guy was tall, lanky even, with pink and bleached hair spilling out from the sides of his hat. Her glare shifted to him. Namjoon didn’t flinch from it, but he did let out a breath. Her eyes were burning with rage. What the hell did Taehyung do? This couldn’t be a scorned girlfriend or one night stand – Taehyung didn’t do that.
“It was just for fun; I’m so sorry,” Taehyung apologized immediately; fear flickering over his face.
“Fun?” she repeated incredulously, taking another step towards him. “You fucking spray painted my car.” Taehyung quickly scampered to hide behind Namjoon, gripping onto his forearm. Her teeth bared in her frustration as he repeated a quiet “I’m sorry” again.
It was almost funny to Namjoon. Taehyung was a delinquent. A “jail bird” even. He ran from cops, flipping them off every other day. Yet here was a teenage girl yelling at him, and he didn’t have the balls to argue back. He was raising his hands in surrender.
Where was his ego now, she wanted to ask? Where was the challenge in his eyes? This guy was so different from the bastard who spray painted her car. Nari continued to glower up at Namjoon and Taehyung.
Never, ever, did Taehyung expect her to find him. Especially with the high and alcohol out of his veins. The liquid courage of drugs and too much strawberry soju was gone and now all that was left was a tired sixteen-year old boy who didn’t want to fight. Taehyung hated fighting with a passion. He’d rather run.
“It’ll wash off,” Namjoon countered, trying to soothe Nari.
His lanky form gave off an aura – as if he was bulkier and stronger than he was; maybe, more mature. Taehyung was partially covered by him, peering over at the crazy girl who followed them. Namjoon’s brows raised up pleadingly; his hands rose up as if calming a frightened animal.
How the hell were these the same boys who made a traffic stop to cause chaos? In fact, they were all looking at her like she was the wild one. Was she in an alternate universe or something?
“You didn’t answer my question,” Nari snapped, looking over at Taehyung again. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“What do you want us to say, huh?” the mint-haired guy called from his spot. He looked oddly at peace with the situation, minus the loud yelling. He was sitting, lounging back on his forearms. “We were stupid?” he offered, as if there was nothing else to say.
“And high,” a smaller voice piped up – the orange haired boy, Jimin. He – at least – looked concerned about the situation.
“You were assholes,” she corrected. “It wasn’t just me you screwed over. You’re lucky no one else had the fucking time or balls to follow you. You’re lucky the police couldn’t be damned with tracking you done because you covered your license plate. Next time, take your “fun” and shove it up your asses. Some of us can’t afford to fix the things you fucking damage.” She pointed harshly at Taehyung. “Next time you feel like playing God, go play on the train tracks or some shit.”
They were promptly shut up by her. Namjoon and Taehyung had been in jail before – for fights and vandalism charges. Jungkook often was in fights – even if the others didn’t know. They weren’t exactly a weak group. They weren’t even particularly good kids; they caused more chaos than good-will. It was fun for them.
But never did they have someone follow after them and tell them off. Never did someone ever stand up against them so valiantly. Their mouths were open in shock. There was a bit of credit that had to be given to the mystery girl – even if she was acting crazy.
Nari let out a breath. It felt great to yell; she had wanted to yell at the top of her lungs the entire day if she was being completely honest. Her chest heaved a bit as she glared at the group of shell-shocked boys.
With adrenaline and elation still pumping through her veins, she took a step forward. Taehyung gripped Namjoon’s arm a bit. Frightened… as if she was going to harm him. Namjoon’s gaze hardened despite the internal panic racing through him. Shit, was he going to have to fight a girl? He never wanted nor had fought a girl before! He didn’t want to.
Yet all Nari did was reach down for a blanket resting on the ground, dirt tumbling from the fabric as she shook it out. The group’s glare became curious. Silence overtook them; the only noise in the air was the crackling of the fire and the hum of her engine idling.
“What are you doing?” One of the boys piped up, his voice indignant but fairly weak. She didn’t even glance at him.
Stepping up onto her car tire, she wiped at the red paint, smearing it about. Trying to haphazardly fix it. The paint had mostly dried by now, but it still smeared and smudged onto the green blanket.  She worked at the paint more around the vision of the driver, but it was still futile. Her windshield looked like a murder scene, but she hoped it’d get her home safer than the ‘X’ would’ve. A few moments passed between them as she finished her work.
Hopping down from the tire, Nari tilted her head, a mimicry of how Taehyung looked at her earlier tonight as he spray-painted her car. She stalked back over to them, looking far less angry after her “revenge” and yelling fit. Lazily, she dropped the paint-covered blanket in front of them.
“There,” Nari muttered out.
There was one of the men who looked offended. His brows crinkled up in the middle of his forehead, his nose crinkling with them. She looked each one of them in the eye. While most were simply staring – still with a partially surprised look, some didn’t. The man in the soft blue sweater looked terrified with the biggest doe eyes she’s ever seen. The orange haired boy looked equally intimidated with his soft- looking eyes and plump lips pouting a bit. Another was glancing away, biting his lip. The one with mint hair stared at her with unaffected eyes. Pink hair and Spray Paint boy were still close together, staring at her in surprise.
She huffed, her hands unraveling from her fists.
“If I ever see you do this shit again, I will call the police or kick your asses or something,” she muttered out, pointing fiercely. Her threat admittedly was half-hearted. Nari wasn’t a fighter – an arguer, an angry person perhaps. But she wouldn’t harm anyone. Her hands were red with spray paint smudges; the red paint smeared onto her hoodie haphazardly.
There was an odd rush of power – probably similar to how Taehyung felt earlier in the night – doing this. Standing up for herself. But as soon as she turned away, as soon as the adrenaline began to wear off with each calming breath and step she took, things changed in her head.
Her heart raced. She just told seven guys she’d beat them up. What if they call the police on her? Her skin was burning hot in the cold night hair as she trekked back to her car. Her keys were still in the ignition, the engine rumbling low. All she did was hop in, a shaky breath leaving her as she looked on through her red tinted windshield. With headlights in their eyes, she saw the seven boys glancing between each other. Their mouths moved faintly, but with her door shut with a firm slam she couldn’t make out the words.
All she knew was that she had done what she had done. And it was time to get the hell out of here. Oddly enough, she was similar to them – running away after bold actions. Maybe that’s why there was an odd reverence in the boys’ eyes as she shifted her car into reverse and pulled out onto the dirt road to get onto the main highway.
“What the fuck was that?” Nari breathed out, elation and anxiety clashing together in a whirlwind.
Little did she know, Taehyung – staring after her car – murmured the same exact thing with a far different tone.
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31st March 2023 - The long pathway
Writing this a days late as I only finished walking at 8pm last night but here goes! In fairness, it was a late 10:30 start so serves me right. Other than being super long at 42.8km, it was an absolute stunner of a day, Mt Cook in the distance being a big part of it. Beginning in Twizel, after getting into reception late the night before, I made an effort to arrange a bike rental between Twizel and Tekapo to try a change of pace. One option needed me to wait a day, the other was $230. No dice. So after a salmon and bacon pie, a Southland famous Cheese role and a flat white to carb up for the day I started walking the 56km between Twizel and Tekapo. Initially across the Twizel flats and Forrest, I made it to Lake Pukaki at which point Mt Cook came in to view. I will let the photos speak for themselves, but a highlight for sure. Walking around the lake took about 4 hours including having lunch, calling a few friends while I had reception and overall just having a great time. I decided to adventure off the red line and go explore a hill track off to the side hoping for an elevated view. Not all decisions are good ones however and it was just an average farm track, nonetheless it got me where I needed to go, which was to the Tekapo dam and its canals. Before heading up the canals for hours I had a great view of Tekapo dam, I even ran a section to get a close up view. I must be getting fit. Now, the next section on the map clearly showed a road, so the plan was to walking as far as I could, until around 6pm at which point I would hitch into town, allowing for a zero day in Tekapo for planning and admin. Turns out, the canal roads are private roads owned by Genesis, so while great roads, were locked. Not a single vehicle for about 3 hours… Changing plans I set my targets on a road crossing in the distance where the canals crossed SH8. Only snag to this plan was it was already 5pm and I had another 15km to walk with a dead phone and no battery left in the spare. While the road was dead flat, my feet were throbbing and the hard gravel didn’t make it any easier, but I had a goal in mind so on I walked. I was helped by a stunning setting sun against Mt Cook and the rest of the southern alps with a cool hazy air. Making the crossing by 8pm, it was too dark to hitch and I decided I could walk the final section tomorrow so I set camp. Finishing up at 8pm it made for my latest day of walking to date, clocking up an impressive 42.8km. I set camp, made a quick dinner of coscos, dutch curry soup and instant potato, I fed the soul while I laid under a sky full of stars and ate chocolate.
Day round up:
Journey: Twizel - 15km from Tekapo
Distance covered: 42.8km
Steps: 55,156 lol.
Photos taken: heaps
Free fruit: 1 apple from a Lake Pukaki tree
Current KM: 593
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cricketwrangler · 5 months
Logan and I both did some cleaning and catching up with house stuff yesterday, and today did phone calls and messaging type "administrative" work. Part of me is like ok but you're not CAUGHT UP. but trying to say fuck that, we're a lot closer.
Caught up on laundry including washing all sheets and blankets so we have backup. Did dishes and there's a few in the sink I need to load but nothing gross or overwhelming. Have kept up with cat litter more frequently than usual, I wish they weren't so goddamn messy that I have to sweep the laundry room 2+ times a day if I want to walk in there without getting my feet or socks embedded with litter.
Logan got a lot of strewn about things organized in containers and cleared off our table a lot and found things we've been missing, I cleared off some crowded spots on the floor and swept most of the house over the day (it's hard to do regularly between a shit battery and the sound can be a trigger for logan).
Called HR to go over his leave approval for work and make sure the documentation was good, called the company doing his long term disability for an update (they closed his case and should have opened it back up before now, but seems like they have what they need and we're just waiting for the next update?). And called the dme place about his bipap cause they didn't call us like they said they would, and they're ordering stuff for it. And I messaged his doctors about refills and ordering bloodwork he needs.
Still need to follow up with all these things but can only wait for now. Got to email someone to see if we need to redo his medicaid waiver for the new year, and redo the medicaid stuff (he got denied bc we got the letter requesting documentation the same day it was due lol. And if things aren't all finished in 30 days from when you first applied, despite all the waiting for shit, you get auto denied). Going to be confusing income wise cause he's had nothing for a few months until he got an end of year bonus. But if his LTD goes through, then it ought to backpay. But that would mean showing a much larger income than he'll regularly recieve so that'll complicate things. Have to call about MY medicaid shit. And call a neurosurgeon in cinncinnati to try and set up an appointment, but need to get imaging sent to them to review, bc his doctor only sent the reports which didn't note anything.
And have an appointment for an important test we were late for last time, at 7 30am tomorrow. Over an hour drive away. We ought to leave tonight to stay at my parents (I have an appointment up there Thursday so we'll be staying over anyway). But forgot until recently and it may or may not happen.
Found a good fb marketplace deal for Wall mounted shelving with a pull down desk, literally something we've been looking for exactly, for only 45 dollars. Almost 2 hours away from us but only 1 hour from my parents, and 20 minutes from wolf park lol. Just hoping he feels decent enough to do all the stuff. He's been having awful episodes of pretty much stopping breathing. Managed to keep from getting bad yesterday and so far today. The testing should explain it but if it doesn't I know he'll be really upset and scared, bc can't treat it if you don't know what it is. Also sees a new recommended neuro next week, so
Anyway at least now we've done enough that things are moving again. Hate waiting but also hate being at a standstill until capable of handling things.
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rambleswhatsthepoint · 8 months
Skizz is all better!
I got the original company who installed my roof to come out and their repair quote was the lowest. All fixed and hopefully no more issues!
The marathon is done and dusted! I finished in just about the time I thought I could do! It was an amazing experience and I’m going to do it again next year lol.
Friday we went to the expo in the morning. Soooo many people! Then Friday night we went to peloton game night. It was so amazing to meet Susie and be near the other instructors! Saturday morning I did my shakeout run with Nugget around the neighborhood. Then headed downtown after lunch to the hotel Speedy was at. Got my stuff ready and then we walked down to the pasta dinner for team rmhc.
It was so great to be part of team rmhc. I don’t think running the marathon without the charity perks would have been as fun.
Cancer and speedy cheered me on at several points along the route, it was so great! I thought it might be weird but it really was a pick me up. I also saw one of my old coworkers on charity row.
The night before I got shit sleep because there were so many sirens going off downtown. Every hour basically. My alarm was set for 415 so I had enough time to wake up and let the plumbing work its way through. It all worked out lol. Uber picked us up at 540 to get down towards grant park. Somewhere along the way I lose the bottle I had with pre measured Gatorade powder :(. It was my curved flip belt 12 oz bottle.
The hospitality tent was awesome. Kept us warm, had all sorts of food, 30 portas of our own to use lol. The day itself was perfect for running a marathon! Cool and overcast.
I was amazed at the sheer number of people running. All the sweats thrown to the side in the corrals! All the gel packs and cups on the floor. All the volunteers and spectators! Nuts!
It was super cool to run through all the neighborhoods. I think my favorite are was Pilsen actually. Such energy!
I had some technical issues with my Bluetooth I need to figure out. My phone battery nearly died so I actually turned off my music to conserve power. Running without music is the pits for me. I kept hoping for the next dj station to help provide me with a beat.
After mile 20 my pace kept slowing and slowing as my muscles decided they didn’t exist anymore. Except for my back and the back of my arms which made themselves known when they decided to cramp up like crazy around mile 23 after a porta stop.
I gave up on my 5/1 intervals at about mile 22 because stopping and starting was getting too hard to do. Just pushed it slowly to the end!
Cancer and speedy were right at the final curve before mount roosevelt and it was a great lift! After the hill it was all downhill to the finish.
It was the longest walk from the finish back to the rmhc tent. My right knee and ankle were talking to me. My legs said you should just stop here lol nit you had to keep going.
We ate in the tent and then made our way back to the hotel. Speedy haggled with a rickshaw (is that what they’re called?) bike guy to get us back lol
Iced my feet. They got me a finisher shirt and jacket as presents :) rested at the hotel a bit and then drove home!
I was invited to do a program at my church called alpha. It’s been interesting to attend and meet other parishioners.
I still miss my Stella so much. My brain can’t seem to comprehend the fact that her sweet soul was here with me one minute and the gone the next. All because I turned my back. Her unique personality, playfulness, stubbornness, anxiousness, cuddly, independent self is just gone. My baby girl. How did this happen?
I have spent way too much money. I need to rein it in and find some sort of side gig to get some extra money. Ugh.
0 notes
1. Have you ever had a pillow explode feathers everywhere? no thank god lol
2. Have you seen the new Seeing Red movie on Disney+? we don’t have Disney+ so no 3. Are you able to taste the difference between Pepsi & Coke? yeah, Pepsi is a sweeter taste and Coke has the best flavors, and I love both 4. What was your last reason for projectile vomiting? I’m almost always projectile vomiting more often than not because of my CVS (no not the pharmacy, it’s an illness) 5. What are some of your hobbies that you enjoy? crosswords, watching tv, listening to music, playing video games
6. Where do you buy the majority of your clothing? depends and I haven’t gone clothes shopping in years I’m definitely overdue! some of my fave stores are Wet Seal (I miss it!!!), Kohls, Hot Topic 7. Where was your best hide & go seek spot as a child? there were a lot of good ones in our development/cul de sac lol  8. Do you have a favorite Disney princess? Nala (yes she counts!) and Cinderella 9. When’s the last time you had to attend a staff meeting? ummm the only one I can think of is back in 2018 at a surf n’ turf restaurant I worked at when we’d have occasional morning staff meetings around the bar...I was a host so normally I’d be setting up the tables while the servers, bartender and manager on duty would have them but they’d call me in too a few times 10. Are you still required to wear a mask where you live? only in doc offices and the hospital really, most other places unless specified on their doors have dropped it 11. What’s your favorite type of sandwich? ooooh god...BLT, especially at a diner cause they make it the best! toast and thick juicy fatty bacon omggg  12. What’s the last piece of furniture you purchased? jesus it’s been so long lol we haven’t gotten furniture since we moved in so...I guess the coffee table 13. What are the colors of the walls you are currently in? beige, although the smoke has really darkened it a bit...eek  14. What is your phone’s battery percentage at right now? definitely needs a charge since I have this plugged in (battery is shot so I can’t be online without having it plugged in) and the AC is in the outlet closest to me lol it’s less than a third so I’d say looks about 30%
15. In your opinion, what is one of the most unpleasant smells? ammonia (think cat litter), rotting food especially dairy, puke..there’s lots  16. Is there a popular food out there that you do not enjoy at all? Hawaiian pizza! I love pineapple, I love pizza but together? no it’s just wrong and don’t hate on me I know everyone loses their shit over this debate :P 17. How do you like your steak? medium rare
18. How many pages was the last book you read? it’s been way too long since I read and finished a book lol I can’t even remember, it was probably Fault In Our Stars or If I Stay...Fault has 313 pages (313, FUCK FREE WORLD! iykyk ;) ) and Stay has 210 pages 19. Are you easily distracted? ohhhh yeah...SHINY! SQUIRREL! not ADD, just easily distracted and caught off guard 20. Do you have any desire to travel to Guam? no? don’t know anything about it 
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Living with Losing You - 12/30/2022
Last day technically in KY. I say technically because I do leave tomorrow, but at like 6am. 
I decided to skip the studio today and just WFH at your moms / visit your dad at some point. Unfortunately if you recall from yesterday’s blog, I broke my laptop charger. This sent me on a while goose chase around Lexington ti find one. I had originally looked it up, but for some reason the inventory at Walmart was inaccurate, so I called another local one and found one! 
Well, I thought I was out of the woods until I got to your mom’s, plugged it in, and realized that it was not actually charging. So, I came back, did a meeting on my phone / what was left of charge on my laptop, and then headed back out to Staples up the street who also said they had one. 
Well, they didn’t. At least not on the sales floor. The guy told me to come back and bring my laptop and he would see if they had an extra one laying around that was “used or forgotten” that I could buy off them. So, since everything in Lexington is close,I did that. This guy was SO nice. Seriously. He had a couple kids my age, so I think he felt empathy for me in this situation. I just have to say it’s pretty amazing what people cross paths in our lives, and it can be something as simple as making an impact by just genuinely trying to help me trouble shoot. Well, after a while of trouble shooting, we realized that it was not only the charger that was broken, it was also the battery itself that was not working. I am going to contact my IT girl to see if she can help me with this early next week. 
At this point it was already fairly late, so I just worked the rest of the day from my phone / until the laptop actually died.
And of course work was extremely busy today too. Oh well, I powered though it! One of the highlights of having to run around was that I found a super cute mustard yellow hat with a baby blue heart on it that says “KY, USA”. I obviously bought it. 
This evening I decided to go and hang out with your dad and Mic on the deck. I picked up Puccini’s at the restaurant that your cousin works at, but she was too busy to see me / for me to say hi. Anyway, I grabbed my food and we headed over. 
I do not remember if I mentioned this, but when we first got to your dad’s house, there was raccoon shit all over the deck. He had been gone for a while, so makes sense. Plus it was SO cold. Well, luckily someone came over and cleaned it all off. I am not sure if I would have been able to come over had they not. It was THAT bad. 
We ate dinner and talked / watched football. He got himself a fire pit for Christmas, so it was nice and warm. I did go into the house a couple of times to grab things form the kitchen, etc. By the end of the night before I left, I did go into your room. The hole in the wall was finally patched. Your stuff was organized, but he still kept your razor and toothbrush on the bathroom counter. You used to brush your teeth so aggressively LOL. SO many toothbrushes with you. I laugh at stuff like that. I miss stuff like that. I would have bought you a toothbrush everyday if I had to. You had so much heart left in you. You had so much. I miss you something wild. 
After that I went back to your mom’s finished packing, and now it’s time for bed. 
Things don’t get easier, they get manageable. I hate leaving KY. Every time. I have a sense of peace there that I cannot explain. 
And that is hard for me to come by these days. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols. 
10/1/1993 - 7/16/2022 
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ayakashibackstreet · 3 years
Barely got any sleep and so my joints were still aching by the time I had to get up so, despite my reservations, I took the nimesulide pill I had with me. It's still not great, my hands are pretty still and my hips still hurt but it's way better than it was.
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sweetdejun · 2 years
for the drabble game could I request prompts 1 and 29 with Lee Know from Stray Kids <3
“it’s too hot, maybe we should take our clothes off" + “take a picture, it’ll last longer”
genre/trope: fluff, humor/roommates!au
warnings: none
pairing: lee know x reader
word count: 848
a/n: I hope you like it! I wrote this with a post-finals brain so I hope it makes sense lol
luck was usually not on your side. it came as no surprise to you that during the hottest week, your jank apartment's AC unit practically combusted, and your entire building lost AC for the day. on top of that, it's a long weekend so although you're thankful you're not working,  the city's busy so it would be impossible to find an open hotel to stay in. this leaves you with minimal choices for places to stay... but then, you can't just think about yourself anymore. you have a roommate now.
minho is a friend of a friend, who was looking for an apartment in a  new city, where you happened to stay. he moved to your place for the time being while he found another apartment, so he's been your interim roommate for a few months. he's charming, funny, and sometimes a smartass. you'd be lying if you didn't start feeling something for him, and you hoped nothing came off as obvious on your end. thinking about him as you were leaving work, you just hope that he's not passed out from the heat at the apartment right now.
you give him a call when you drive home. “hey minho, is the AC back on?” he groans in response, “no, I thought by the time I got home today, the AC would be fixed, but the landlord said that it’s gonna be gone for at least a couple more hours.” great. “well, shit. what now? I’ll pick up dinner on my way home, there’s no way I want to stand in front of a hot stove now.” “sounds good, why don’t you pick up some cold noodles from the Korean store that’s on your way home, I’m sure I can call and order them!” cold noodles sounded refreshing, especially for the inferno you were about to arrive to. “that’s perfect, I’ll see you in a bit.” 
you picked up the noodles from the Korean store mere minutes later. the lady had them ready, mentioning how your boyfriend requested for his to be extra spicy and that she marked it. you thanked her, the shy smile on your mouth at the mention of ‘boyfriend’. you dread the moment you enter your building because lo and behold, as soon as you step in, a wave of heat slaps your face. you quickly go up to your apartment in short, quick breaths. as soon as you open the door, you find minho on the couch, pinching his shirt and erratically pulling it away then back towards him, in an attempt to cool his body down. “thank goodness you’re finally here! let’s eat!”
you both take your time to enjoy the noodles, cool and refreshing against the thick, humid air of the room. unfortunately, your joy doesn’t last as long, because as soon as the two of you finish eating and hop back on the couch, the lights go out. it’s pitch black in the apartment, and it’s hot. “well isn’t this just fantastic,” you groan loudly. “it’s hot, and it’s dark.” minho hums in thought, before saying, “you’re right. it’s too hot, maybe we should take our clothes off,” and you hear the suggestiveness in his voice. you reach for the cushion behind your back and throw it at his direction, which you deem successful when you hear a thump and a “hey, I was kidding!” but you take the time to think, logically he can’t see you, and your phones can’t charge anymore so you won’t be wasting your precious batteries on using flashlights. it’s hot and he’s right, so you begin peeling off layers of your clothes. 
slowly but surely, your shirt comes off, and you’re exhaling at the exposure of your skin and the air that reaches it. you’ve lied back against the couch and closed your eyes, relishing in the silence. the problem is that you don’t realize when the lights turn on and more importantly when minho’s gaze falls on your half-naked form. it is only when you hear a surprised yelp that your eyes fly open and you see a nervous minho scramble off the couch. perhaps it’s because you’re in a tired daze, but you find your confidence when you look up at him, still staring down at you. “take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you tell him and he blinks, looking away immediately. “sorry! I didn’t think you would actually listen when I said to take your clothes off…” you stand up and grab your shirt, lazily throwing it on and smirking at minho’s flustered state. “don’t worry about it, I was feeling hot so I took my shirt off. it was dark in here anyway, and I didn’t know when the lights would come back on. anyways, I’m going to bed, I’ll see you in the morning, minho.” minho is speechless, and watched as you sauntered off into your room. when the AC turns on mere hours later, minho’s in his room, silently wishing that the power goes out one more time when the two of you are together again.
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theringers · 3 years
burnout pt. 1 - max verstappen
summary: a quick drink at the hotel bar with a stranger….
a/n: a small piece of this came to me in a dream and the rest was inspired by the burnout album by anarbor
pt 1/? - not sure how many but I have 3 written already
not smut …. yet lol
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warnings: not much tbh, alcohol, making out, some may call this fluff?
The hotel bar was the ideal place for your sister and you to spend your evening. You were in town for a wedding last weekend but decided to stay for the week to relax and recharge, this time without your extended familiar breathing down your neck.
“I’ll take another martini please,” your sister asked the bartender, pointing to her almost-empty glass.
“I’ll have one of those as well.” You added.
Your sister looked confused. “You? Drinking?” You weren’t usually one to drink but one martini wouldn’t hurt. You were on vacation anyway and work would be right where you left it when you returned at the end of the weekend.
“I mean, happy Friday.” You laughed.
“Everyday is Friday when it’s vacation,” your sister replied. You nodded in agreement with her. Her phone began to buzz on the bar between the two of you.
“Oh, shit. I gotta take this.” Her boyfriend was calling. She grabbed her phone and walked away from the bar towards the entrance of the hotel.
“Two Lemondrops,” the bartender said, setting down two martini glasses filled with a beautiful yellow color.
You smiled and thanked the bartender. It may have been too early for drinks, but that didn’t matter. It was exactly what you needed.
Work had gotten extremely hectic at home and you needed a week to recharge your batteries.
The first sip of the martini was bitter and tart, but eventually mellowed out. You puckered your lips. The bartender looked at you confused. “Don’t like it?” He asked.
“I do,” you laughed. “I’m just not a huge drinker. I usually go for wine if I do.”
The bar was relatively empty, so you were taken back when the seat next to you became occupied. “I’ll have whatever she’s having,” the man said. You turned to look at him and admired his chiseled cheekbones quickly before he turned to smile at you.
“You can honestly just have this one,” you said, pointing to your right at your sisters full drink and empty seat. “My sister ordered it but then her boyfriend called. They’re going through some stuff so I wouldn’t expect her back any time soon.”
You picked up the glass along with the cocktail napkin it sat on and placed it in front of the stranger.
“That’s really nice of you, thank you…” he slowed, waiting for you to fill in your name. You gave him your name with a smile and asked his.
“I’m Max. Great to meet you.” He takes a sip of the martini and makes the same face you did at the first taste of the liquor.
You laughed at him. “What’s so funny?” He looked confused.
“I reacted the same way.”
“Not a huge drinker either?” He asked. You shook your head. “I usually can’t because of my job, but I’m off this weekend, thankfully.”
“I’ve just never been a big fan. What do you do for work?” You took another sip of your drink, trying to get it down. Each sip was less awful than the last.
“I drive cars.” You looked at his outfit, fully decked out in Red Bull Racing merchandise from head to toe.
“Ah, I see. That seems like any little boy’s dream job. You must love it.”
“It was my dream job, so you’re right about that. My dad was a driver as well so it’s all I ever knew.” He was finishing the drink at double the speed you were. “How about you?”
“I’m an engineer,” you smiled. You always felt a sense of pride telling people you were an engineer.
“No shit, that’s so badass.” The exact reaction you wanted. “I’m surrounded by engineers on a regular basis at the track. None of them as beautiful as you, though.”
You could feel your cheeks heat up, a combination of Max’s compliment and the alcohol starting to hit your body.
“That’s sweet of you to say. I’ve been in engineering long enough to know that they’re probably all men so at least I know you’re not lying to me.” You let out a soft giggle.
“I would offer you to come work with me but it would be unethical for me to crush on my engineer.” He winked and immediately turned back to the bartender, motioning for another round for both you and him. “You better finish that one up because there’s another one coming.”
You looked down at the half empty martini glass and shrugged. “I’ll get there.”
You peeked out the sliding glass doors of the hotel entry and saw your sister still deep in conversation. It wasn’t long until you and Max had finished three drinks together.
His company was pleasant and unlike anyone you’ve ever spent time with. He was witty, smart, and sweet.
“Before we get even drunker than we are now, do you want to go watch the sunset on the roof? I heard it’s beautiful up there.” He asked you.
“I would love that.” You smiled. You were ready to ask the bartender for the check before Max beat you to it and put all the drinks on his, including an extra for your sister for whenever she got off the phone. You asked the bartender to let your sister know where you went when he returned and he agreed.
The two of you made your way towards the elevators. As the doors opened, you went right to the wall and leaned up against it, making sure you were balanced. Max conveniently stood right next to you and curled his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his body. He looked down at you, a significant distance between your faces due to your short stature. “I had a lot of fun with you tonight.” He said.
“Me as well. It’s almost felt like a breath of fresh air.” He smiled at your response. You could definitely agree with Max. The two of you got on so well and there was never a moment of doubt or awkwardness in your conversation.
You looked up into his eyes as he closed his, moving closer to you and pressing his lips to yours. Immediately, your hand found those cheekbones you had been admiring earlier as you kissed him back.
Your lips moved together in sync for a few more seconds before he pulled away. “I’m sorry if that was too forward-“ you stopped him.
“Not at all,” you grinned and he leaned in once again, wanting to taste you again.
You both tasted citrusy and sweet from the drinks you had consumed. His tall figure towered over you and you felt safe with his arm around your shoulder.
He pulled away again, letting his tongue glide against his bottom lip. “I’ve been thinking about doing that for the last few hours.”
“Well, I’m really glad you did.” It seemed that the what you had been feeling for Max these last few hours was mutual.
The elevator dinged and you stepped out onto the stone-floored rooftop, practically empty.
You admired the beautiful city skyline and cotton candy colors of the sky.
“Wow,” you said in awe. Your jaw hung open as you stared out. Max’s gaze was directed right at you. Nothing better than watching a beautiful girl admire something she loves. He had no idea you loved sunsets, but he took a wild guess and was wildly right. Must not be a coincidence, you thought.
You were snapped out of your admiration by a dinging sound coming from your phone. A text came through, and you read what was on your Lock Screen. “Hey babe. Hope you had a great week. Can’t wait to see you when you get home. Love you!”
next part
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1heartsickfics · 3 years
Drunk boyfriend
So we were hanging out and drinking with a group of friends from work. One of the guys brought his beer bong, so him and Carter both chugged a four locos, which is like actual trash alcohol for those of you who don't know. They're 14% alc and taste like battery acid.
The other guy immediately bent over and puked but Carter held his down. He sat down next to me with a hand on his stomach. "I feel like my insides are on fire," he said.
"I can't imagine why," I joked, nudging him with my shoulder a little. I was worried about him but I knew better than to ask him if he was okay in front of everyone.
"Dude that fucking killed me," the other guy, Devon, said once he finished throwing up.
Carter pressed his fist into his stomach, forcing up a loud burp. "Dude yeah I feel like I have a lead ball in my stomach," he agreed.
They both continued drinking immediately though. Devon started in on one of the beers he bought while Carter opened a twisted tea, which I'd already drank one of.
After a few sips though, he handed it to me. "Want some?" he asked.
I nodded, taking it from him and taking a sip. What he meant was that he needed a break but didn't want to say it out loud. I ended up finishing it for him, although not long after him and Devon bonged a beer each.
Now, Carter's a pretty big guy, although he's thin, so he can hold his alcohol pretty well. He can drink a lot and be okay. But he doesn't usually drink fast, and he doesn't usually drink beer. So that kinda did him in.
After that, he was drunk, I could tell. He's the kind of person who's usually still pretty functional even when he'd drunk. He can usually walk and talk mostly normally. But he was drunk. He was talking silly and stumbling around.
I was somewhere between drunk and tipsy after the next drink I had. I was also a little bit high after taking a few hits from my friend's vape.
That was when everyone decided that we should play kickball in the parking lot even though it was 1 am and raining. So we played kickball for about an hour. Or tried to anyway. When everyone's drunk and/or stoned it's a little difficult lol.
By the time we finished the game, everyone was exhausted and sweating our asses off, so we decided to call it a night and head home. Carter and I both lived close and had walked there, so after saying bye to everyone we started walking.
We didn't make it very far though before Carter grabbed my arm and tugged on it a little. When I turned to look at him he was slightly bent over, looking sweaty and pale in the light from the street lamp.
"Can we sit for a sec?" he asked, sounding out of breath.
"Yeah, of course," I said, leading him over to the grass next to the sidewalk. He immediately laid down, pulling me down with him. So we just laid in the grass for a minute.
"Spinny," he said, "I'm so drunk."
"Yeah I know, do you want to stay at my place tonight?" I asked. He has a habit of getting panicky when he's too drunk.
"Mmmhmm," he agreed, rolling over to press his face into my shoulder.
"Ready to get going?" I asked after a minute.
"Ughhhh yeah," he huffed, sitting up and flopping forward.
"Come on drunky," I said, standing up and holding my hands out to help him up.
We made it about halfway to my apartment that time before he stopped me again. This time when I turned to look at him I could tell he was very not okay. He was looking pretty sickly.
"I need to sit down," he said.
"Okay, come here," I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to a bench that was near the sidewalk.
As soon as we sat down he leaned over, dropping his head into his hands. I put my hand on his back, rubbing up and down.
"I feel sick,"
"Yeah I know, I'm sorry," I said sympathetically. I've definitely been there, a lot more times than he has.
"Oh god," he cut himself off with a gag, "I'm gonna throw up."
"Hey, you're okay, I'm right here," I said softly, scooting a little closer and wrapping my arm around him.
He dry heaved over the ground for a few minutes but didn't actually bring anything up. Once he was able to breath normally again he slumped against my side, burying his face in my shoulder.
"Alright, let's try walking again okay? We need to get you in bed," I said, trailing my fingers up and down his back and leaning my head against his.
"Hnnggg mmkay," he slurred, sounding more drunk by the minute. I wrapped my arm around his waist and stood up, pulling him with me. I picked up his phone and his keys from where he'd left them on the bench, stuffing them into my purse with my own stuff.
"Come on, I've got you," I said, keeping my arm around him, my hand resting on his hip.
"I dn't feel s'good Summer" he groaned, leaning against my side.
"I know, we'll take it slow I promise," I said, doing my best to support his weight as he leaned more and more of it against me.
"I can't dothis," he slurred, feet dragging on the concrete as he slowed.
"We're almost there Carter. You'll feel much better once you're laying down in bed," I pressed my hand against his back, urging him forward.
By the time we made it to my apartment he was practically in tears and had most of his body weight leaning on me. I unlocked my door and dragged him inside and onto my bed.
“Just relax okay? I’ll be right back,” I said, squeezing his hip before heading into the kitchen. I got us some water and grabbed a trash can then walked back to my room.
“Summer I feel sick,” he said as soon as I sat down on the bed.
“Sit up and take a drink for me, it might help,” I said.
He whined and thrashed around a bit but slowly maneuvered himself up into a sitting position. He took the glass from me, spilling some of it on both of us in the process, but he managed to take a few sips. I drank a bit myself, then took both cups and set them on my nightstand.
“Alright, now lay down with me,” I said, wrapping my arm around his shoulder and pulling him down with me. He curled up to my side, laying his head on my chest and draping an arm over me. After a moment he pressed himself even closer, tightening his arm around me and tucking his hand under my shoulder. I brought my hand up to rest on the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair.
"Shh, you're okay, this feeling will pass," I said quietly, leaning my head against his.
"M'nauseous," he moaned, squirming in discomfort.
"Just try to breathe through it," I said, "but there's a trash can on the floor beside the bed if you need to be sick," I added.
"Don't wanna-" he cut himself off with a burp, which he muffled into my shirt.
"I know, hopefully you won't have to," I said.
He almost never gets sick from drinking. Even when he drinks way too much he's usually able to hold it down. In fact I think the only time i've ever seen him throw up from drinking he ended up actually being sick.
Unfortunately however, that was not the case. A couple of minutes later he burped again, long and low, then groaned under his breath. He rolled off of me and pushed himself up, swaying as he tried to sit.
"Hey.." I sat up too, moving to sit slightly behind him, one hand resting on his back, waiting for what we both knew was going to happen.
He took a slow, forced breath, sounding shaky. I scooted closer, looping an arm around his chest to help steady him as he leaned over the side of the bed.
"You're okay, just keep breathing. I've got you," I said softly.
He pitched forward and coughed, which morphed into a dry heave. After a gasping breath in his body convulsed again, this time bringing up a wave of alcohol into the trash can on my floor. He moaned, slumping forward with another wave.
I moved to sit behind him, with one leg on either side, so I could wrap both of my arms around him and make sure he didn't fall off the bed. I could feel him shaking as I pressed myself up against his back.
"Easy, Carter, you're doing great, it'll be over soon," I told him.
After coughing up one more mouthful of puke and belching queasily he seemed to be done. I pulled him back away from the edge of the bed to rest against my chest. He leaned against me limply, head lolling to lay back on my shoulder. I turned and pressed a kiss to his forehead, wrapping him up in my arms and rocking him a little bit.
"Think you're done?" I asked after a minute.
"Hmm," he answered noncommittally.
"You want to try another sip of water? Get the taste out of your mouth?" I asked.
He groaned out an answer that I'm pretty sure meant no, but I reached to grab the glass anyway, pressing it into his hand.
"Just a little sip, please," I urged him.
He accepted the glass with shaky hands, bringing it hesitantly up to his lips to take a small drink. I took it back from him and set it down, wrapping my arms around him again.
"How are you feeling now?" I asked.
"Spinning still?"
"Yeah kind of," he sighed. He wasn't slurring his words anymore at least so he was probably coming down now that he got some of it out of his system.
"How's your stomach?" I asked.
"Still sick," he shrugged, "Less nauseous though I think."
"Okay, well that's good at least. Do you think you could try to fall asleep? I'll put something on TV and we can stay up as long as you need to but it would be good to try and sleep this off," I suggested.
He rolled over onto his side, facing away from me, but scooted back until he was pressed up against my front. I snaked my arm over his waist and he grabbed my hand, moving it to rest over his stomach.
"Will you stay like this?" he asked sleepily.
"Of course, I've got you," I whispered, leaning over him slightly to kiss his cheek before laying back down.
He squirmed around for a little bit but was able to fall asleep pretty fast. The next morning however he did not feel good either...
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