#i like the headcanon of him being secretly Regina's dad
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This had me legitimately crying like OH MY GOD between rumple giving one last love confession to belle and then he and bae?
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I don't know which part had me crying more.
Bae being heartbroken about losing his papa even though he was still mad. That was an awesome line because usually it's like "I'm sorry" "it's okay" but begrudgingly.
This was genuine with bae's emotions. And rumples.
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Great let's add cora to the Heartbreakers club.
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"I'll take your baby"
"You only get your own child and any child I have Wong be yours."
Okay but that makes me think that not only did they totally fuck, but that regina could be rumple's. Because I can see cora using rumple's own double speak to trick him.
God I hope him nd regina don't start Mackin on one another later. This show has enough mommy and daddy issues.
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Okay this is a sad scene and all, but rumple and his sluttly little elbow garter?
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Next episode!
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Who the fuck is the kid and the dad? Who else has present parents in fairy tales? Most of em die off or are already dead.
I love how devilishly happy regina is.
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"And that's how I met your mother."
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Henry is a perceptive kid, how perceptive are 11 year Olds?
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horsetailcurlers2 · 7 months
do you have any outlaw queen headcanons? (robin lives au)
yes for sure! i’ve admittedly been on my swan queen vibe for a while (so i might be a little rusty at this lol) but i am nothing if not a multi shipper and this is perfect timing bc i have been thinking about OQ lately.
-in my perfect “robin lives” AU, the zelena-is-marian arc never happened lol but for narrative purposes let’s say zelena just had a redemption arc, robin was not killed, and everyone is safe and happy and storybrooke is settled and peaceful with no magical antagonists.
-robin and roland move into regina’s house eventually and it is…. quite the adjustment. he has spent at least a decade living in the woods and sleeping on the ground for one thing. and unlike everyone that came over during the first curse, he very much does not have 30 years of built in knowledge about modern technology. he is absolutely hopeless with it all. it took regina two months to teach him how to use the coffee maker. he only knows how to put on his two favorite channels in the tv (do NOT ask him to put on netflix or even put in a dvd). and he flat out REFUSES to use the microwave. regina finds this all to be some combination of exasperating and adorable. henry just finds it absolutely hilarious.
-as robin settles in and gets more comfortable in storybrooke, he discovers the things he likes about our realm. he loves the music. naturally, robin really likes classic dad bands. like the avett brothers and stuff. he’s always asking regina to help him play their music on his “magic song thingy” (an mp3 player). he also loves the nature channel (sorry if that’s a little on the nose haha). i also think he’d have a fascination with reruns of old family sitcoms.
-he makes her more social. not in a forced way, i just mean that he makes her feel a lot more comfortable going to public social gatherings. it’s a lot easier for her to be around all her former subjects when robin is there with her. and he’s kind of a social butterfly so she lowkey loves seeing him in his element. a lot of her discomfort also comes from thinking that nobody actually wants her there or that they all still hate her so he definitely helps assure her that she is wanted and he encourages her to spend more time around people so she can see for herself.
-sharing her space is very difficult for regina at first. she’s always been a very solitary person (aside from her relationship with henry which is a completely different thing) and every time she’s had to share space so intimately, it’s usually been because it was forced upon her. so she is very grumpy and irritated when he first moves in because he keeps leaving things out of place or because he snores in his sleep or “breathes too loud”. eventually they work it out and she learns how to live alongside another person and she learns to make space for robin while still keeping some for herself.
-he LOVES post it notes. he thinks they are the handiest modern convenience after indoor plumbing and electricity. he leaves an excessive amount of notes for her all around the house- on her vanity mirror, on the refrigerator, on the dashboard of her car. sometimes it’s practical reminders (they’re out of bread, he will be working late, he’s handling dinner that night) but usually it’s just something very sappy about how beautiful she is or what a good day he wants her to have. it’s ridiculous and cheesy and cliche but she can’t help smiling every time.
-the charmings host a lot of the big family gatherings at their farmhouse, but regina’s house is also a hot spot for family dinners (see my regina headcanons about how she secretly loves hosting). they have monthly family game nights at mifflin street but regina has actually been banned from playing. she is confined to being the score keeper or the game master because she gets WAY too intense and it kind of ruins it for everybody else.
-somebody with as much trauma as regina is bound to have some nightmares. the first time they share a bed for not so scandalous reasons, he is so startled and freaked out by her nightmares that he falls off the bed and onto the floor. they aren’t bad all of the time, and a lot of nights she doesn’t even have them. but when they’re bad, they’re pretty bad. once he catches on to what’s going on, he’s exceptionally good at helping sooth them.
-roland LOVES living with regina and henry. he thinks having a big brother is so cool and he is obsessed with “helping” regina in the kitchen. he also really loves the “magic moving pictures” on the tv. at first, it’s an adjustment for him because he misses sleeping in a tent with his papa’s merry men, but he still visits camp very often. regina also puts some of those glow in the dark plastic stars on his ceiling and he LOVES them bc it feels like he’s still sleeping under the “outside ceiling” as he calls it.
-robin’s main love language is gift giving. it seems a little contradictory with the whole “robin hood” thing but it is not materialistic at all. it’s just in the sense that he is thoughtful and perceptive and he likes giving things to the people he loves that show how deeply he knows them. it’s very novel to regina, who has never really received a gift from anybody except for daniel (and henry of course). she mentioned her favorite novel once offhand, and he bought her a beautiful first edition for christmas months later. it’s also the little things: her favorite flowers when he comes home one weekday evening, her favorite candy when he swings by the grocery store, stopping into her office to surprise her with a coffee the exact way she orders it. she’s never had somebody who is just so clearly always thinking about her and prioritizing her in such a way.
-i go back and forth on whether or not they would ever get married (mostly because regina has so much trauma around marriage and they are already in love and living as a family anyway). ultimately though, i think that they would. the idea isn’t so scary to her when it comes to robin (plus at this point she’s had quite a bit of therapy) and it’s what she’s always wanted- to be married to the person she really loves and to have a peaceful simple life surrounded by people who love her.
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kinkinwrites · 4 years
Angry OM! [headcanons]
So, basically MC did the stoopid and everyone is angry at them.
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He’s gonna demand MC to explain themselves. This demon is pretty straightforward with whatever is annoying him so he won’t beat around the bush.
His dad complex will force him to scold MC and lecture them for hours, like he does with the rest of his brothers.
If he’s feeling merciful, MC won’t be hanged from the chandelier but instead given an absurd amount of reports to write.
If they have a relationship, this demon won’t hesitate to substitute his lecture for a very different kind of punishment. Their human was bad, and a brat, and he knows perfectly well how to take care of them. And no, he won’t let them go until they’re at his feet, begging.
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Doesn’t get mad easily UNLESS someone touches Goldie or MC is seen flirting with other demons. If that’s the case, then he won’t hesitate to give them the cold shoulder.
If MC and him are at the house at the same moment, he will lock himself up in his room and refuse to speak to them.
“I don’t care, I don’t talk with liars!”
It’s not hard to make up with him. True to his tsundere nature, he’s actually very emotional so he would hear MC’s explanation and apology. Forgiving them almost immediately, although he’ll try to seem mad.
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How dare MC defeat that boss he’s been trying to defeat for WEEKS?! That normie? IT’S NOT FAIR!
He’ll throw a tantrum over it and deny access to his room to everyone, even his TSL partner Solomon. And he won’t leave the room either until he can pass MC on whatever game they’re playing and leave them in the dust.
Of course, he won’t talk to them either. However, once he’s done playing, he will accept to exclusively discuss about their experience with that game.
If MC wants to be forgiven, they’ll have to purchase him merchandise or gift him AP/XP/coins or whatever he needs to level up on top of willingly but secretly let him defeat them for a while.
Also can get angry out of jealousy if he sees MC interact with other guys. In that case, he’ll just claim them for himself and won’t leave them alone, that human is his and no one else can have them.
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Not especially difficult to anger. Just taking Lucifer side during an argument or calling him out for being similar to his older brother. How dare MC do that? Humans are idiots. He’s NOTHING like Lucifer!
Beware potential death threats. And lots of yelling, well, he says he doesn’t yell, that’s his “neutral tone”, he’s just “speaking with a lot of conviction”. He won’t let it go, he’ll keep on going about the same argument for weeks.
He will look for MC only to continue to speak his mind to them.
MC should just let him get the anger out of his system and reassure him that he’s right, he’s unique and special and wonderful. He’ll eventually give in and take them out on a date to make up for the awful days they had to spend while angry at each other.
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A bitch is mad, and he will let everyone know.
How did he get angry in the first place? MC accidentally insulted his appearance, didn’t go out shopping with him after everyone else rejected him or spread some rumor that affect his image negatively. He doesn’t mind if something happens to his brothers or if MC flirts with someone else, that’s none of his business.
Not only won’t he interact with them but he also will do everything in his power to ruin their reputation: leaving their clothes out when doing laundry, mixing white with color, undoing their hair before their reach R.A.D, accidentally spilling food over their clothes, the entire she-bang. Regina George who, we don’t know her.
He’s the avatar of lust so if MC wants to make up with him, they know exactly what they should do. Or they could also take him out on a shopping date or to a party! He’s a simple man, he only wants to be beautiful and popular.
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MC probably ate something he didn’t want to share or, the worst case scenario, they made Belphegor feel sad (purposely or accidentally, big bro doesn’t care).
Won’t tell what is bothering him, it will require MC to be in tune with the demon’s emotions to get him to open up. He doesn’t get angry at MC but at himself thinking he should’ve known better than to trust this human.
Making up with him will require patience and the will to explain why MC did what they did, and a lot of grimm to buy cheeseburgers… and owing Belphie a few favors so he can help.
If they’re in a relationship, Beel will be more understanding and solve the issue easily with food and cuddles with MC and Belphie. Yes, both of them. He always wants to be with his brother and his favorite human, no matter what.
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Don’t anger him. Just don’t. He killed MC once and he can do it twice.
He only gets angry if MC flirts with someone that isn’t him or Beel or takes sides with Lucifer during a family discussion. Other than that, he’s chill with whatever. A boy just wants to sleep.
He won’t leave MC alone but all his replies will be passive aggressive. He is not even listening, he’s just straight up planning murder.
He doesn’t stay mad for long, just give him a few days and he’ll sleep the anger away. It’s not one for discussions since things can get out of control easily. Just give him time, don’t push him away and he’ll solve it on his own.
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trailerparkflower · 4 years
hello i’m sorry to bother you but i’m in the process of writing my first harringtove fic and i was wondering if you have any tips on writing for Billy or Steve? especially Billy? if not thank you anyways and i love your work!!
hi hello im so sorry im answering only now! u see im not very active lately cuz my health isnt very good lately:( im so happy what u writing ur first harringrove fic u go baby!!! good luck and looots of inspo AND time to write for u hehe. and that's so cute what u asking me who aren't a very cool writer?? like?! wow u sweet thing!
Billy is honestly hard guy to write for me too, because u know he is just FULL of rage and fire and its one of many things i dont rly have in me! but it makes it even more fun to write him. im trying to keep his canon traits in mind when i write him, like:
he is actually very sensitive. he feels a LOT, cries like a crybaby. he is one of that fuckboys who post dumb sad boy memes. Very sensitive, very emotional
he ALWAYS naturally fills all free space to himself, he dominates it. its probably comes from his home life situation where he has to walk on the eggshells, but its still not a forced thing-he does it when he is relaxed, too. It's his natural trait. He is kinda like a big cat, or a lion pride male, he spreads his shoulders, he has a wide posture, he puts his arms on every free surface around him, he plants his feet wide. (and that's why im think he's a big spoon heh)
manipulative, charming, dangerous, good at getting information and good in observing things
literally a peacock. Sometimes reminds me of Johnny Bravo with his ways to flirt ghjkwj. Flexes his muscules, stands in a dramatic pose, pretties up himself with male jewelry, makes bedroom eyes, lowers his voice.......
a rollercoaster of a person-one second he is chill and calm, another second he is ANGRY and u never know what will make him mad and what will make him amused
Gross and nasty boy who isn't very hygienic
he is a secret romantic because that's how Dacre apparently sees him. fuckboy on the streets prince charming on the sheets!
insecure about himself but makes sure what no one will see it
very tactile, with both humans (like how he grabs Max when he's mad, on how is he CONSTANTLY touching-grinding-pushing Steve) and objects (how he plays with his zippo, how he puts hands on his car)
power-thirsty (bAnNED foR LIFE) and dominant person. He enjoys power so much like he is high on it. He is pushy even when he flirts, he is just very aries, u know?
ENERGETIC! he has too much energy!!! YET can be bored to death and really indifferent
mommy issues
im think its also important to remember what Dacre had his favorite headcanon about Billy having a God Complex and this is why Billy carries himself around with such confidence. He is religious, but like...in a strange strange way...
Very strong mentally, strong and brave even when is scared a lot. Stubborn also!
He loveeees attention. u know he does.
 wow dis went long. i also realized what i dont write much meta on Billy in my blog, considering the fact i always seek hidden stuff for Steve and analyze him a lots. im think its cuz fandom dont rly writes much for Steve so i have to concentrate on him usually!! okay and for Steve, i also have these main traits what helps me to write him:
ANXIOUS! im think he has big anxiety issues, and even social anxiety. panics a lot and yells a lot and sometimes can act paranoid
he is charming. he is cute, and he is pretty in that soft but boyish way and he knows it, and he uses it when he wants to get something. which is kinda manipulative too but like...cute manipulative..
a Brat (big pout is his super attack), dramatic
Funny!!! Loves to joke. Jokes a lot in all of the situations-when he is in danger, when he is flirting, when he tries to comfort someone, he just always tries to be this positive joking guy
he is Bossy, but he also kind of a Pushover (because cmon, all his crushes is girls who can beat his ass and all his best friends-Tommy and Dustin-are a lot more active and pushy and Steve just goes along with it)
Daddy Issues (did u ever thought about how much he says about his dad being a jerk?)
big softie, hates conflicts, hates fights, hates confrontations, the coziest and lovey-dovey moment are the happiest he is. he just wanna hold hands and make love and maybe eat something yummy and call it a good day
yet he can be a really mean bitch, st1 Steve is SO Regina George. King Steve and King Billy is a very different types of popular jocks, because while Billys is an alpha dog aggressive active bully, Steve was more of a queen bee, idk? like its Tommy who was his muscle tank, Steve usually just stayed on the side and pouted/had that mean girl smile
does then thinks 
PROTECTIVE!!!!!!!!! VERY!!!!!!!!!
insecure and self-deprecating. thinks he is dumb:( 
he is playful, kind of immature, kind of lazy. Childish a bit, Joe himself said what Dustin is even more mature than Steve in some ways. and with that also comes some pureness, and even the way he trusts people who gonna let him down is how kids trust to people 
okay so!! i really really hope its gonna help u, even if a little bit! im sure ur writing gonna be really lovely
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princesstadashi · 4 years
Big Hero 6/OUAT AU
Okay guys--so I worked this whole big AU up in my head while I was at work today, inspired by @honeyxmonkey ‘s Tangled the series OUAT AU and @greensword101​ ‘s accompanying ask to me about Fred finding Hiro and giving him a hug once the curse was broken! Now, sadly I think I accidentally left my page of notes at work, or else they’re just lost somewhere in my bag, but I’m going to type of everything that I remember and hope for the best--here we go!
Backstory of how everyone got dragged into the curse: So I’m not even going to try to go into weird multi-versey type shit and try to be detailed with this but what you need to know is that Fred/Tadashi and Honey Lemon/Gogo are the main ships here, and Fred’s mom/Gogo’s parents are not happy about this, like at all. I have this headcanon that Gogo’s parents, while not as wealthy as Fred’s parents, are pretty well off (business owners? doctors? I’ll leave it up to your imagination) and are not at all happy with Gogo’s lifestyle choices/were probably emotionally and psychologically if not physically abusive to her, which is why as soon as she could she ran away to live with Honey Lemon’s family, and she and Honey Lemon eventually got together. Definitely not the match her parents wanted for her and they’re still mad that she wasn’t this perfect feminine daughter that they wanted. Fred’s mom is kind of the same way but mostly she’s just homophobic as shit and also wanted to marry Fred off to some rich girl like her and Fred’s dad’s parents did to the two of them. When it came down to choosing, Fred’s dad chose his son over her and divorced her, so she’s pissed because of that. 
Moving forward before this gets too long: Long story short, Gogo’s parents and Fred’s mom kind of knew each other from moving in the same social circles and when they somehow find out about the curse (which wasn’t going to hit most of San Fransokyo, if at all) they either go to Regina or (more likely) Rumpelstiltskin and make a deal so that they can get not only themselves and their families pulled into this other world where they can have the lives that they wanted, but also pull in the friends and other people who encouraged Gogo and Fred to be themselves and “punish” them for what they did. 
Characters Involved and Their Lives After the Curse:
Fred (new name: George): Engaged to Gogo (a match set up by his mom and Gogo’s parents), his dad in the cursed world doesn’t even fight his mom on things so he had no one to teach him to fight for himself and so he’s just sort of letting life get away from him and hiding in his fantasy stories and comics to escape reality.
Gogo (Edith): Engaged to Fred, never actually rebelled and never ran away from home so while she’s still got her fighting spirit on the inside it’s mostly been stamped out and she spends her days going to social events she hates and acting like she’s the perfect daughter she isn’t.
Honey Lemon (Heather): Works in an overly busy dress shop trying to earn money for college but is so underpaid she barely makes rent, let alone being able to save anything. She does all the tailoring on Gogo’s dresses and other clothes, including working on the wedding dress (which Gogo’s mom is never happy with, she’s probably made fifty dresses by now.) She and Gogo are secretly having a bit of a relationship (fitting rooms = closed doors and privacy with limited clothes for at least a short period of time) but no one can know. (More on the relationship below.)
Wasabi (Darnell): Honey Lemon’s roommate. Also trying to earn money for college (also failing at it), he works cleaning Fred’s family’s house--he’s great at the job because he’s so detail and cleanliness oriented, but he hates being around any germs, and the biggest part of the curse for him is having to clean Fred’s room.
Hiro (Nico): Hiro is a foster kid being “raised” by a horrible man named Montel (a.k.a. Yama) who forces Hiro into stealing things for him to “pay his keep” (and Hiro has the scars to show what happens if he disappoints him.)
Aunt Cass (Rachel): Works as the cook of Fred’s family, Fred’s mother delights in ordering her to make ridiculously elaborate and detailed meals, whether they have company or not, and then criticizing every part of them. Rachel would probably leave except she has a young son, Max, to look after and she can’t afford losing a job and having him taken away from her. (Red herring name alert: Max is actually a human version of Mochi, but if I ever turn this into an actual story it will be fun to throw people a bit off the trail! Also the reason Fred’s mom pulled Aunt Cass into this is because she felt Aunt Cass encouraged Tadashi and Fred to get together, being bi herself, and so she has an especial and very misplaced hatred for her.)
Tadashi (Shiro): Tadashi was found on the outskirts of town unconscious and covered in horrific burn scars. No one new his name except a few letters on a very decayed medical alert bracelet that looked a bit like Shiro (Tadashi Hamada--the “H” and “a” were pretty smeared kind of looked like “r” and “o”, the rest were completely illegible, so they guessed a bit on his name.) He was put in the hospital and put into a medically induced coma while he continued healing. When Emma came to town and time started moving again, Tadashi recovered enough for them to wake him up, but he has no memory of who he was or who his family was, and as his burns were still very severe and had gotten infected he’s still in the hospital for a very long time. (Explanation for Tadashi being alive: back in BH 6 world Fred’s dad, being a superhero, rescued Tadashi but since Tadashi was in such bad condition was still trying to get him back to being stable before letting anyone know that he was alive in case he didn’t make it. Fred’s mom did not count on this being a factor when she made the deal!)
Baymax (Mike): Baymax is a nurse in the hospital where Tadashi is being kept--in Once Upon a Time fashion, he did become human once in our world (I imagine his appearance being a lot like Aziraphale’s, only his irises are dark brown/almost black.) Another glitch in the curse (this time a literal one): even though Baymax’s memories were changed/rewritten for the curse, as a robot his system had backup storage for his memories. Robot brain being combined with a human brain was not quite compatible, so Baymax still talks/moves a bit like a robot which means a lot of people make fun of him for that, but more importantly, while he doesn’t remember everything, Baymax does have flashes of memories from the other world, and somewhat remembers being a robot. Of course anyone he tries to explain this to acts like he’s crazy so he’s learned to keep it to himself, but needless to say he feels a very strong connection to his patient, Shiro (who he at least on some level realizes is probably Tadashi), and is very, very protective of him. 
(This started getting long so actual story development below the cut!)
Story Ideas:
-Fred and Gogo, while resigned to their eventual marriage,are still both incredibly gay in spite of being forced into the closet, so their general secret arrangement is that they’ll be married for their parents’ sake but both are free to privately have lovers or partners (as long as their parents don’t find out about it.) Gogo’s first choice, of course, is Honey Lemon. Honey Lemon is totally in love with Gogo, but she’s torn as to whether she’d truly be happy spending her life as someone’s mistress and not truly married to someone she loves.
-Fred and Hiro meet for the first time when Fred catches Hiro breaking into his room, having been sent by Yama to loot the house. Fred almost calls security, but he sees how skinny Hiro is and how beat up he is and takes pity on him. He wants to call CPS but Hiro begs him not to, afraid of being sent to an even worse home (he has curse memories of being in even worse homes to keep him from ever leaving Yama.) Fred would gladly try to take Hiro in himself but he’s too afraid of what his mother would say. So instead he and Hiro make a deal--any time that Hiro wants to, he can come by the house, and Fred will provide him with money or whatever else he needs to take back to Yama to avoid getting in trouble, and then Hiro gets to secretly spend a few hours with Fred, playing video games, reading comics, doing all the fun kid stuff he never gets to do at home--and of course Aunt Cass makes it her mission to make sure that Hiro always gets at least one good meal while he’s there, even though she doesn’t understand why it hurts so much to see this teenager she doesn’t even know leave to go back to his foster home.
-Hiro and Baymax meet when Hiro’s class goes to the hospital to help decorate it for the patients (remember when Henry went and met “John Doe”? Same visit, even though Hiro is of course in a different, older class and also probably in a different wing of the hospital.) Baymax sees Hiro and, with his glitchy memories of the other world, remembers Hiro, but unfortunately Hiro is only freaked out by this stranger calling him Hiro (”My name is Niko!”) and acting like he knows him. Finally Baymax has to give up on that. Still, he “conveniently” sends Hiro to decorate the room of a sleeping patient in the burn unit. Hiro is grumbling about how stupid all of this is, how decorating a room won’t really help anyone, when he hears a voice saying, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is a waste.” He turns around to realize that the sleeping patient has woken up. 
The patient introduces himself as Shiro, and even though Hiro feels weird talking to this guy who’s mostly covered in bandages, somehow they end up talking all the same, and Hiro finds himself spilling his whole life story to Shiro, who turns out to be a great listener. When Hiro’s teacher tells him it’s time to leave, Hiro finds he actually doesn’t want to go! But Tadashi asks him to wait for a moment, and then pulls a small bag of gummy bears out from a bag by his bed, saying, “Here. My nurse brought these for me and I was saving them for later, but I think you need them more than me.” Which almost makes Hiro cry because he loves gummy bears but he can’t even remember the last time that he had them. (A.K.A. Hasn’t had them since being sent here by the curse.) He promises to come back to visit Tadashi as soon as he can, and he makes good on that promise. He and Tadashi can’t do a lot for each other, but they always find ways to do small things, like how Tadashi will always save the desserts from his meals to share with (or more often give to) Hiro, and Hiro will check out books from the library that he thinks Tadashi would like and reads to him. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is a waste” becomes their motto. 
-Hiro, spending time with both Fred and Tadashi, and having started seeing both of them as older brother/almost dad figures, plus eventually finding out that they’re both gay, starts dreaming of a life where Tadashi heals enough to leave the hospital, then meets and gets together with Fred, and the two of them adopt Hiro and they all live their happily ever after together. Hiro never manages to get Fred to physically come to the hospital with him, but somehow convinces him to become pen pals with a “lonely guy with no family or loved ones to look after him (he totally pulls out the puppy dog eyes guilt trip) and somehow despite anyone’s best efforts to keep it from happening, Tadashi and Fred start to fall in love all over again :)
The Curse Breaks (a,k.a. the one part of the story I actually wrote):
Hiro races towards the center of town, running as fast as he possibly could. He’d through that Montel was evil--he’d never imagined that things could possibly get worse, but when Yama’s memories had returned Hiro was pretty sure it was only the delayed shock of getting all his memories back at once that had let Hiro get away with little more than a bloody nose (and his life.) Hiro had no idea what the hell was happening--how he was here, in some town called Storybrooke and not in San Fransokyo, and how he had these two completely different lives and memories living in his head and currently at war with each other--but all he really knew is that he needed to get somewhere safe. Somewhere that Yama couldn’t find him and hurt him. 
“Hiro!” Hiro almost kept running when he heard someone shouting his name, too terrified of Yama catching up with him if he stopped, but then he suddenly felt arms wrapping around him and, after a moment of struggling, he realizes that he knew the person holding him.
“F-Fred?” Hiro gasps, looking up at the older man.
“Yeah, Hiro--it’s me,” Fred answers, a look of relief in his eyes as he smiles down at Hiro.
“Y-You remember?” Hiro cries, glad that this was at least some sort of proof that he hadn’t gone completely crazy.
“Of course I do.” Fred hugs him tighter. “I-I’m so glad that you remember too, I was afraid that you might not--”
“No, I remember.” Hiro shakes his head before adding with a shiver, “A-And Yama does too...”
“Yama?” Fred repeats only to gasp after a moment. “Holy shit! I-Is that who you’ve been living with this whole time?” 
“I think the answer is obvious,” Hiro answers, pulling away and gesturing to his bloody nose.
“Oh my God.... Oh my God, Hiro I am so, so sorry,” Fred whispers, his voice full of horror. “I can’t believe-- I-I should have gotten you out of there a long, long time ago, but the curse...”
“Curse?” Hiro repeats in confusion. “What curse?”
“Apparently that’s what’s gotten us all here--a curse that took us from home and put us here, and gave us fake memories and made sure that we’d all be as miserable as possible. And it’s not just people from San Fransokyo, you won’t even believe who some of the people living in this town really are...” Fred answers before adding quickly, “But I can explain more on the way--all of our family and friends are back at my house, apparently my mom and Gogo’s parents have something to do with all of us getting wrapped up in this.”
“So everyone’s there?” Hiro asks hopefully. “Aunt Cass, Wasabi, Honey Lemon?” He’d have asked about Gogo too but Fred had already mentioned her so he could only assume that she was.
“Yes, everyone--even Mochi, can you believe that he’s actually Max?” Fred laughs. 
“Whoa... That is pretty crazy,” Hiro says, shaking his head, trying to wrap his head around the idea that Aunt Cass’ cat had somehow become a human child.
It was as he was thinking this over that another thought occurred to him. 
“Wait, Max...” he says slowly, and then gasps as the realization fully hits him. “Holy fuck, Baymax!”
“Hiro, I-I’m sorry, I don’t know where Baymax is yet, everyone coming out of the curse has everyone pretty scrambled up...” Fred starts to say apologetically, but Hiro cuts him off. 
“No! I mean, I think I know where Baymax is!” Hiro cries, tugging on Fred’s hand. “C’mon, we have to go get him!” 
“...The others can wait,” Fred after agrees after only a moment’s hesitation. “Let’s go get Baymax!”
A few minutes later, both of them rush into the hospital--things were in such a disarray that they didn’t even bother to stop at the nurse’s desk, Hiro leading the way up the stairs to the burn unit where he hoped that he’d find...
“Baymax!” Hiro lets out a huge sigh of relief when he sees the man in his standard white scrubs--it was still incredibly weird to think of the marshmallow-esque robot that Tadashi had made was somehow human, but all that really mattered that he was here and that he was safe. 
“Hiro!” The man turns to Hiro, a bright smile on his face, quickly putting to rest any fears that Hiro might have had that this wasn’t actually Baymax.
“Wait, that’s Baymax?” Fred cries in surprise.
“Fred, hello!” Baymax answers cheerfully, waving to him. 
“I... Uh... Hi?” Fred waves a bit awkwardly.
“I’m so glad that you’re okay,” Hiro says gratefully, hurrying into Baymax’s open arms and giving him a tight hug. 
“I am very well, thank you,” Baymax answers, hugging him back, before letting him go and continuing, “There is someone else here who would like to see you!”
“Someone else?” Hiro repeats in confusion. Who else could be here that he knew?
That’s when Hiro hears a voice--a voice that, even before the curse, he’d given up on ever hearing again. No. No, it couldn’t possibly be--!
That’s when he sees Shiro, sitting in a wheelchair next to his hospital bed--the burn scars had greatly changed his appearance, it was true, and his hair was a bit longer than it had been before. But there was no mistaking those eyes, or that smile. 
“T-Tadashi?” Hiro whispers, tears welling up in his eyes before he could even fully process what was happening. “I-Is it really you?”
“It’s me,” Tadashi answers, looking a bit teary eyed himself, and, without even thinking about the consequences, Hiro launches himself at Tadashi, landing in his lap and wrapping his arms tightly around him, never wanting to let him go, only to find his hands wandering over Tadashi’s features--his arms, his hands, his face--trying to prove to himself that this was real, that Tadashi was really here with him. Tadashi was doing much the same, half laughing, half crying, stroking Hiro’s hair and kissing away the tears as they fell down his cheeks. 
“H-How?” Hiro whispers. “How are you here? “
“I don’t know,” Tadashi admits, shaking his head.”I-I don’t remember anything that happened to me after the fire... But I’m here, and I’m with you, and that’s all that matters.”
Hiro decides that questions can wait for later--all that mattered was that he had Tadashi back. 
Hiro suddenly remembers that he wasn’t the only one here who had a very good reason to be glad that Tadashi was alive.
“Fred?” Tadashi cries, looking up at Fred with what could only be described as joy in his eyes, and Hiro wisely chooses to move out of the way just in time to avoid being caught in the middle as Fred pulls Tadashi into a deep, passionate kiss. Maybe back in San Fransokyo his old self would have found this gross or made a joke out of it. But not anymore. This was something he’d been trying to get to happen for months, and it felt like his dream was finally coming true. Shiro and George--no, Fred and Tadashi!--were finally a couple, and maybe with this stupid curse gone, they could get married and adopt him so he could finally be away from Yama!
But wait. No, that wasn’t right! Hiro shakes his head. That was Niko’s dream, when he was stuck here, not Hiro’s dream! Hiro never would have dreamed of his older brother and his brother’s best friend getting married and adopting him! ...Would he have? More to the point, though: if a curse had somehow sent them here (and he couldn’t think of a more logical explanation at the moment), and it had indeed been broken--shouldn’t they be back in San Fransokyo? Shouldn’t they have gone back home?
Hiro feels a cold shiver pass through him. What exactly was going on here? And who would have the answers? 
“I have heard that there is a relief center being set up for those who are trying to find loved ones or who have questions about the curse,” Baymax pipes up, in the uncanny way that he had of almost reading Hiro’s thoughts. 
“Well, that sounds exactly like that place we should go,” Tadashi says, turning towards them, with Fred’s hand firmly wrapped around his own. 
“It does--maybe then we can bring some more information back to the others,” Fred agrees.
“Dashi, is it okay for you to leave the hospital, though?” Hiro asks a bit worriedly--he knew that Tadashi had been recovering, but he hadn’t left the hospital since being here!
“I can come with to monitor his condition,” Baymax offers.
“That would be great, thank you, Baymax.” Tadashi grins up at the other man.
“You are welcome!” Baymax replies, looking pleased to be of assistance. 
“Well... If Baymax is coming with us, then I guess it should be okay,” Hiro finally relents. 
“So, are we ready to go?” Tadashi asks, looking first to Fred and then to Hiro.
“Yeah,” Hiro agrees, taking Tadashi’s free hand as Fred continues to hold the other and Baymax begins pushing the chair forward. “I think we are.”
As long as he had his family and friends by his side, he was ready for whatever the future had in store for them.
((Random future story bit: The group running into Yama and Baymax giving him a good punch in the nose since Tadashi can’t stand to do it himself. “I no longer have programming, so I am no longer prevented from injuring a human being :)” (Protective Baymax is SCARY AF and also totally awesome!)))
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northsidecaptain · 4 years
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a collection of headcanons thought of by yours truly! I will add onto these in the near future or whenever a sporadic headcanon comes to mind, of course.
template credit!
regina transitioned at thirteen after a childhood of gender dysphoria wrought with anxiety and depression (to the point she was noted to never smile in her life previously and showed immense distress she needed to go to therapy). and her mom (and her dad) helped pay for hormones and for therapy. she has gone through with feminising hormone therapy (but not with sex reassignment surgery / bottom surgery for a variety of personal reasons). she chose her name in honor of a deceased aunt who she admired and who lend her shoulder and wisdom to her during tough times.
sometimes she prefers to be called ‘reg’ or ‘rei’ -- the latter being the name she wanted to go with. rei is, well, she tends to allow those very close to her to call her by such a name as she gets very emotional.
she’s very tall at five foot eleven and her doctor has estimated she will grow to six foot one by the time she graduates.
she is the first female football captain of the riverdale bulldogs. admittedly, it had taken her longer than she anticipated to attain the position (she was lucky that archie had suggested coach to give her the leadership role; though, she was still angry that she couldn’t ask for it herself instead of having him assist like the angel he is). to prove to that girls are just as capable on the field and off it and are just as strong as the guys.
regina is stronger than average. not just because of the fact she works out but she naturally has a lot of strength to her.
she leans more towards women romantically and sexually and has no shame with how she functions (truth be told: she becomes a flustered mess around the ladies despite her alluring snake-like charms).
regina experiences a rough life at home, for as long as she could remember (since she was eight, to be exact). her dad has a short temper and often takes that out on her, for little things, stupid things or nothing at all; even if she’s simply in the same room as him.
she herself is temperamental as a result of a life of toxicity and unhappiness but she has been attending anger management therapy to better herself.
she adores her chevrolet chevelle, bella. and has even learned how to fix cars just specifically so she could care for her car. she once even got into a fight with someone who trashed bella once -- she’s THAT defensive concerning her car!
she’s a hopeless romantic despite presenting herself as an avid girl chaser and flirt to the world at large. though she appears to act horrified at the idea of ending up in a relationship, she’s secretly eager at the idea.
there’s a secret spot by sweetwater river she likes to drive to just to cool off or to have some alone time.
she really does dislike being lied to.
she has a large scar on her back thanks a particular incident involving her dad. she feels very insecure about it (despite her bravado) that she refuses to take off her shirt or show any skin whenever she’s in the room with someone.
really, regina specifically adopted vader (at first) -- just to impress midge klump who was one of her crushes. now, vader is her beloved best friend and the jock kindaaaa pines over midge (who she calls ‘mimi’) even more.
her mom was the one who often keeps an eye out on her and taught her about sex, forms of birth control (and often lectures her about that thanks to the fact she’s a teenager with raging hormones), periods and pregnancy once she was fifteen. it’swhyshe’sveryknowledgeableaboutthesubject. and, the talks were very embarrassing to say the least.
regina is definitely a mama’s girl -- but, she wouldn’t want to admit that.
she’s mixed korean and german (on her father’s side. while her mother is pure korean) but has lived in an americanised household her entire life.
she is actually a very bright and emotionally perceptive individual; but she hides this behind the facade of an arrogant and seemingly not so quick ‘moron’.
she had to repeat TWICE in middle school thanks to supposedly slacking off (when in reality, she was fixating on her life at home, how to protect herself and how to avoid her dad whenever he lost his temper than school). it’s why she’s a bit more older than her friends and graduating class.
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