#i mean. if i became half chaos deity & i could see the beginning & end of all & then realized the love of my life never really saw me......
coolauntlilith · 7 months
ATFC s1e8 Jerry has me fucking sick to my stomach about Simon's, "Wha- No, no! Why would I??"
I kinda am wondering if his lack of reaching Chaos Betty is maybe bc she now doesn't want him to reach her. If she's still kinda Betty, anyway.
Edit: I just finished my second rewatch and I do wonder where Golbetty is portalling him. 👀
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teruthecreator · 3 years
okay. thoughts on the grad finale
gonna slap it under a readmore bc i’m Sure i’m gonna ramble. 
uh spoiler warning for the finale of taz graduation, as well as spoilers for the season in general.
also, these are my own thoughts of how the season went, what the themes were, etc! if you don’t agree with me, that’s fine! but i don’t wanna have a convo w you in the replies about it i’ll be honest. if you want to share your opinion so badly, make your own post, alright? that good? we cool?
aight. so. finale thoughts.
to make it short: i think the finale was a satisfying end of a very good arc. 
to expand upon that, let me share what i think the themes of graduation were and why the finale satisfies those themes. 
i made a post about this a while back (here it is if you want) but my honest belief was that the theme of graduation was self-reliance: the concept that you don’t allow yourself to be governed by forces that go against your own beliefs. this concept was coined by essayist ralph waldo emerson to talk about how the american people shouldn’t allow the government to create laws that go against the will of the people. now, understandably, this feels very anti-capitalist which is what i think a lot of fans believed was reflected through the season. 
but, in reality, self-reliance has more to do with being active in your government and making sure you’re being represented the way you want to be by your representatives. that’s sort of the vibe emerson was going for in his essay, and i think. in a sense? that translates to graduation. but i took self-reliance in the more metaphorical about breaking away from those things that are controlling you. which, in graduation, was A Lot Of Things. 
the way i saw it, there were two major groups that inflicted order upon the world and the thundermen--conveniently separated as order and chaos (not the deities though, just the concepts). 
the order half of control existed mostly through the school and the HOG. the HOG created the economic reliance on the heroes and villains system, which removed all literal meaning from those terms and turned them into bureaucratic titles. society existed under these very strict checks and balances; heroes and villains supplied money to the kingdom in terms of entertainment, which then boosted that kingdom’s creditability and allowed them to contribute more to nua’s economy, which then led heroes and villains to have a higher demand, thus perpetuating the cycle. it’s important to note that this term does not represent the sort of morality we expect for heroes and villains--hell, even the term “evil” turned into an arbitrary term used to show those heroes and villains who failed the system. this is the more prominent representation of control that the thundermen break away from in achieving their own self-reliance. they don’t see the value in a system that holds no real moral code (fitzroy Especially, but i’ll get into that in a bit), and can’t help the public when there’s actually a serious situation. as we saw with althea in the beginning, the HOG had no way to help the thundermen when they were dealing with the whole Demon Prince situation (as he had already placed some of his own people in there, proving these kind of systems are easily corruptible). so this wasn’t a system meant to Actually create heroes and villains--it was just a way of boosting the economy. 
the chaos half of control existed primarily through grey and Chaos. grey represented how chaos could be controlled, through various means. he planted that tree for the centaurs to fight over because he knew it would constantly create conflict, which he enjoyed. he kept the school under a watchful eye to prevent anyone from stepping out of line with his grand ideas, and used several manipulation tactics to try and get his way (most notably, his own admittance of grooming fitzroy into joining his side, which didn’t work). grey was the perfect example of how chaos does not automatically mean a lack of control. he was very controlling in how he did things because he had an endgoal: find hieronymous and have a war. but he didn’t even realize he was contributing to a greater idea, that being Chaos’s insistence on causing general disarray. as we realize now, Chaos’s plan was both for them and Order, but i’m leaving Order out for a second because they only really rear their head in towards the end. for the most part, audiences were led to assume that Chaos was the Big Bad(TM); they were the one pulling the strings, allowing things to happen to cause general chaos and disarray. them supplying random mortals with their endless power was a way to plant chaos into the world of nua; but it was a chaos they controlled. fitzroy resisting them was not simply a refusal to bend to Chaos, but it was resisting the control put on him through his magic. 
these systems were constricting the thundermen on both sides. when they thought they’d find help in one side, they were disappointed to find that there was nothing anyone could do. the only people who could fix their problems were...them. so they forged a new path, set new ideas, and became self-reliant. that’s what i think is the most important aspect of graduation; not the anti-capitalist implications of turning over the economic and political systems in place, but the idea that if nothing that is supposed to help you is actually helping that you can just...do your own thing! 
and i think that’s what the finale really shows, at the end of the day. that these forms of control were not doing anything helpful, and were in fact ruining the fabric of space-time! that’s where i think Order comes in because Order is really...the ultimate culmination of control. they are aware that Everything being done will benefit their cause. the HOG? well, they make sure everybody’s so incompetent that they can do their work. grey? well, he’ll contribute to the plan without even realizing it. they even manipulated Chaos and enacted their own form of control over Chaos to make sure that they had no reason to believe that this plan couldn’t go wrong. but Order knew. Order always knew there was a chance for error, and that chance was very great. but they didn’t care! so long as they had control of things, they could try a hundred times to get it right. they had no care for mortals, unlike Chaos. 
the thundermen showing Chaos the truth is the final jenga piece that collapses this tower of control. which is why the finale is so great. 
travis does a phenomenal job of incorporating chaos (general chaos) into the battle mechanics. it may be stupid and slightly arbitrary, but having them change forms randomly and having to adapt to those new circumstances really does exemplify the season!!! the thundermen were constantly forced into new situations (being sidekicks/henches, fitzroy becoming a villain, being let in on the heiro dog situation, the unbroken chain trial, joining forces w grey, etc.), and in all of them they simply found a way to adapt and keep working their way. which made the finale generally interesting and also thematically interesting! 
i think my favorite part of the entire fight scene is right at the end, when argo chucks the shark’s tooth necklace at Order. and time stops. and they’re given a choice. 
the fact that they leave it to a coin toss?? oh my god...how fucking FITTING!! like, that’s disorderly. that’s going your own way. it’s new, it’s terrifying, it has DIRE UNKNOWNS ON EITHER SIDE, but it’s what they do! and...it ends up working out! i think it would’ve worked out either way, but the fact that they left it up to chance really shows how they aren’t allowing anything to control their actions. 
first off, i loved hearing how Nua adapts to losing this very significant form of government/economic contributor and turns to more people-based work. citizens uniting together, fixing things, making amends, THAT’S SELF-RELIANCE BABEY!!! THAT’S THE WHOLE EMERSON SHIT! HAVING A SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT THAT ACTUALLY HAS THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE AT LARGE!!! YEAHHHHHHHHH THAT’S THE WHOLE SELF-RELIANCE THING!
now, i’ll break it down by characters: 
GOD. LOVE IT. FIRST OFF, absolutely ADORED how his character arc involved him stripping himself of these self-assigned titles because he actually has an identity that is all his own and he doesn’t NEED arbitrary titles to prove his worth because HE HAS IT IN HIMSELF. not to self-plug or anything, but that’s ssoss!fitzroy’s WHOLE SHIT. I’VE ALREADY BEEN ON THIS TRAIN, BITCH, AND TO KNOW I GOT IT SO RIGHT...GOD. FEELS GOOD. 
but also, i just really enjoy how his ending went in general. the fact that he doesn’t really know what he wants to do, so he just...does stuff he likes to do? that’s so good! because, if you remember, fitzroy had a Very set schedule of life events when the campaign started. he was going to get his wiggenstaffs degree, go back knight school, get his knight school degree, and then go to goodcastle. but all of that was based on a very limited understanding of himself. 
fitzroy’s character arc has primarily focused finding himself, specifically in terms of identity. for someone who was bullied for his past, the present formation of himself was Extremely important to fitzroy. he thought that shutting out his past and taking on this grandiose title of knighthood would make him something more than himself. he would no longer be fitzroy; the poor, country kid trying to make it in a big world. he’d be Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt; respected, honored, revered, with a title to prove it. 
he explains to fauxronymous (pre-reveal grey) that the reason he wanted to be a knight was because he wanted to assist in doing good. morally good. fitzroy has Always had a very clear sense of his morality; this comes through when he refuses Chaos on the basis of many people having to die if he agreed. but being a knight also had the added of bonus of a very respectable title that no one would want to look beyond, which fitzroy felt he needed because...i don’t think he Saw anything beyond that. in himself. he wasn’t himself for a very long time, and i don’t know if he ever thought he would be again. he’d wear this new identity, start a new life, and be happier....he hoped. 
then, things changed! and he started to realize that arbitrary titles don’t do shit because plenty of people with Big Important Titles ended up being Awful People! so he started to value himself For Himself; his wit, his humor, his strength, his magical prowess. and, i think, he started to wonder what knighthood was Really about. was it about upholding a moral good? or was it just another bureaucracy filled with people who won’t do shit when things get bad. 
i think this is why him becoming a lawyer is fitting. especially because of the reasoning he gives sylvia nite. now for A LOT OF PEOPLE, i’m sure they hear lawyer and assume some corporate hotshot who doesn’t give a shit about people. but fitzroy is Not applying to be a corporate laywer. he SPECIFICALLY telsl sylvia that he wants to help people who cannot help themselves, and he wants to do good in that way. THAT kind of lawyer is more of the pro-bono, district lawyer. the ones that don’t make crazy amounts of cash, but help those who cannot afford lawyers and represent them when the government is fucking them over. those lawyers don’t rely on title, they rely on principle. 
that’s the perfect representation of fitzroy’s growth. holding his identity within himself, while still trying to do good by those who need it. 
firbolg (aka gary) 
i think the firbolg’s ending is so unique but so...right for him. his character arc has really been focused around finding his family. he had one, in the beginning, in his clan. but that didn’t end up, y’know...working out that much. so he had to go out into the world alone--something that firbolg’s are rarely--and try and navigate these foreign spaces all by himself. 
we see very early on how he latches onto the idea of groups. he likes being considered a part of the thundermen; he very much hoists himself upon the CFO title and wears it proudly. i think, where fitzroy needed to find identity within himself, the firbolg needed to find it within other people. which is completely okay! he’s still an individual, but you can tell he finds comfort in numbers because that’s what he is used to. 
him going back to his clan was, i believe, his finally severance with his identity as “firbolg”. he would never be welcomed back to his clan, and one of the few people in his life who supported him was now dead. but his father was proud of him; his father was happy he seemed to find his own clan, even if it wasn’t with other firbolgs. from that moment on, i think the firbolg begins to try finding himself within the thundermen. within his friends.
so his epilogue is neat! it definitely captures the loneliness he feels on his own, and how he feels lost with himself without others. i think it might seem silly to some that he would become a gary, but i think it’s fitting. the garys were always present in his time at school, and they were always helpful. they didn’t mind how long it took him to talk because the gary’s are stone gargoyles--what the fuck do they care about time? it was a group that the firbolg saw as familiar to him--always willing to help, slow, stony, and attuned to a larger group. 
and i think the way gary takes this idea of unity and family and puts it into financial assistance just...it just ties everything together! we saw how attached he got to the concept of finances, thanks to his very confusing accounting class. so he had all of this new knowledge--this knowledge that represented a separation from firbolgs--and this new clan. and he used it to help other clans and families!! i think the fact that the Garys financial advice works specifically with groups is what makes this so fitting. because gary wants families to feel stable within themselves; he understands how finances can create struggle and divides, and he wants to provide relief. 
giving financial advice to communities so they rely on themselves and not the government (aka inviting them to be controlled once more) is a VERY self-reliant concept. not that i think gary’s goal is to have no social networks to exist, but he wants to give communities the ability to rely on one another and foster that feeling of togetherness. so groups aren’t fighting over things, but are trusting and loving and relying. 
just like gary’s always wanted. and just like what he has with the thundermen.
argo’s ending is probably the funniest, but also the sweetest. i think that argo’s character arc revolved around finding his place. we see how argo’s early personality and motivations revolved around his past. he very much had a revenge story since the start; he wanted to enact revenge on the commodore for murdering his mother, no matter what it took. which made him very limited!! in terms of the self. he saw himself less for what he was now, and what he was then. and what he couldn’t do then. 
we see how much he finds comfort in being a part of the thundermen, but also how he feels...out of place. i think this is because a part of him is still attached to his past and doesn’t think he can do anything beyond his set plan. the unbroken chain certainly contributes to this, by not only separating him from the trio but also reinforcing his connection to his past through his mother’s involvement in the unbroken chain. 
the commodore also being a part of the unbroken chain is, i think, what causes the shift from past to present within argo. his life’s goal is standing right in front of him--attached to the group his mother once was a part of--with his friends at his side. letting the thundermen in on his history is the start of bridging these two halves of argo. and the fact that the thundermen are so willing to helps makes argo feel more a part of the team and more a part of this reality. 
when he kills the commodore, it isn’t intense. it isn’t overly dramatic (minus the fight prior, which was BADASS), it isn’t crazily staged. it is argo, staring down the commodore who lies prone on the ground. 
he kills himself unceremoniously and completes his life-long mission. 
what becomes of him in the epilogue is the culimination of both past and present. he takes what he knows and loves (the sea, the mariah, sailing) and blends it with what he’s come to love now (his friends, this adventure, and making people happy). there are SO many instances where argo uses performance to his advantage. this man is piloted by clint mcelroy, of COURSE he’s going to have a flair for the dramatic. 
so for him to open up a themed cruiseline, based on the stories of him and his friends? SO FITTING. and it isn’t forcing himself to leave his past behind or to completely ignore his present circumstances. because he’s found a place in the now, in the merging of these two sides. and by merging them, he paints a bright future for himself. a future that is partially known, partially not. partially old, partially new.
but it’s all his. 
after that, i think their final scene is just...sweet. a nice, jovial, joking send-off to a nice season. it proves these people have grown and will continue to grow, even when we no longer see their story. it does exactly what graduation does--shows you a struggle, a triumph, and a glimpse into the future. 
i’ll miss it so much, but there’s nothing more i could’ve asked of this ending. it was exactly what it needed to be; nothing more, nothing less. 
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
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Shax - Demon of Chaos - Original Fallen / Dani Filth -  Solomon Julian Ignacio - Son of Chaos / Halfling / Adam Lambert
Double bio
Shax /  Demon of Chaos - Original Fallen Angel / Jules’ Father 
The Lesser Key of Solomon attempts to describe him. Man only knows so much. He’ll tell none his story. But Julian knows it all too well and how it affects all their lives.
From the Lesser Key “(44.) SHAN. - The Forty-fourth Spirit is Shax, or Shaz (or Shass). He is a Great Marquis and appeareth in the Form of a Stock-Dove, speaking with a voice hoarse, but yet subtle. His Office is to take away the Sight, Hearing, or Understanding of any Man or Woman at the command of the Exorcist; and to steal money out of the houses of Kings, and to carry it again in 1,200 years. If commanded he will fetch Horses at the request of the Exorcist, or any other thing. But he must first be commanded into a Triangle, Ò, or else he will deceive him, and tell him many Lies. He can discover all things that are Hidden, and not kept by Wicked Spirits. He giveth good Familiars, sometimes. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc.”
Another interpretation:
“Marquis Shax Shax[4] (also spelled Chax, Shan, Shass, Shaz, and Scox) is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has power over thirty legions of demons. He takes away the sight, hearing and understanding of any person under the conjurer’s request, and steals money out of kings’ houses, carrying it back in 1200 years. He also steals horses and everything the conjurer asks. Shax can also discover hidden things if they are not kept by evil spirits, and sometimes gives good familiars, but sometimes those familiars deceive the conjurer. Shax is thought to be faithful and obedient, but is a great liar and will deceive the conjurer unless obliged to enter a magic triangle drawn on the floor. He will then speak marvellously and tell the truth. He is depicted as a stork that speaks with a hoarse but subtle voice; his voice changes into a beautiful one once he entered the magic triangle.”
Interpretations don’t mean much to Jules. The last thing Shax can be is summed up in a few short sentences. He embodies chaos; feeds from it; great powerful, dizzying and destructive to any life he touches.
Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Scorpio - October 28th-November 1st Tarot Card: 5 of Cups Planet: Mars/Pluto Candle Color: Black Plant: Purslane Metal: Iron/Plutonium Element: Water Rank: Marquis Control Over: 30 Legions Demon of: Chaos
Half Demon | Original Character | Adam Lambert
"I have walked a million miles in a hundred pairs of shoes In search of some universal truth Well a deity just came to me and handed me a scroll to read And I will gladly pass it on to you”
Jules is a highly animated person. He’s predictably unpredictable. When getting acquainted with Jules one finds out pretty quickly that you just can never really know what’s going to come out of his mouth except for the fact that whatever it is, is going to be outrageous. He’s highly impulsive and will jump up and be rearing to go at the first thought of any idea ready to take action. He’s an “everybody’s friend” type of personality and a real go-getter. Stagnancy and boredom are things he just refuses to take part in and has to be doing something all the time.
He can be cynical, sarcastic, or dirty-minded to the rude degree. He has a temper that can tantrum out in the most child-like ways. But, he’s also a bit of a comic, witty, with an air of truth to his humor. He can be quite the pranking mischievous creature and is often up to something..
Jules also has a drastically softer side that only his nearest and dearest would ever really get to see when all the public flamboyance falls away behind closed doors. It’s a side that isn’t just good, or nice, or sweet, or cute, but it’s fragile and Jules is easier to break than all his confident air would allow people to assume.
: Solomon Julian Charbonneau
: Jules
: Half-Angel
(born of a fallen angel/demon father [The Great Marquis Shax, Demon of Chaos] and a human mother)
: Somewhere around 500 years old (His demonic father withheld his true birth date)
: Unknown
: Unknown
: Hell  
“I’ve gotten drunk and shot the breeze with kings of far off lands They showed me wealth as far as I could see. But their kingdoms seemed all shrivelly and they all cried with jealousy When I leaned in and told them about you.”
As the son of the Demon of Chaos, Jules’ life has always been full of it. As a half demon himself, He would thrive in it and created it in his every footstep, but not always purposely. It follows him and has a way of always consuming his life.
His life is often preoccupied by beauty, outer and his own. Even his parents coming together was based on it. His father, Shax would come in the form of a mutated gargoyle-esque stork. He passed those feathers on to Jules in his demon form as a Gryffin
His mother was a human who consented to a contract with the Demon Marquis Shax. The contract gave her the beauty she coveted in exchange for her soul. Shortly after, Shax coveted the beauty he created, henceforth Julian was born. What his mother didn’t realize was that she wasn’t to enjoy her beauty for long. Immediately becoming pregnant, gaining weight, spoiling her new found body, becoming bedridden, only to die in childbirth, Julian never knew her. He killed her. His powers gone amuck with his departure from the womb.
Jules was raised in Hell as a demon and his greatest desires included boasting his accomplishments of power and souls gained for Hell’s purpose, completely fearing retribution for not living up to his father’s legacy. Shax commanded thirty legions. Jules never did command any.
Jules history as a half-demon is a long and well-traveled one dating back to the 1500’s playing games with Pirates in the Second Anglo-Dutch War. But, much of his time was spent traipsing European countries, spending much time in Italy. Venice remains his favored place. This is where he learned more of romance tapping into his more human emotions. After the abolishment of the Italian monarchy and republic establishment he moved along. He spent the mid 1700’s in France robbing the royalty of Louis XV, he also made “friends” with chief mistress (Maîtresse-en-titre) Madame de Pompadour. He played a part in fashioning the Pompadour hairstyle and high-heels. But, it was his time spent in Germany where Jules created his largest scale demonic feat in the Holocaust era boosting German pride causing much of the tragedy that was WWII between 1939 - 1945. He stayed in the area until Mussolini was shot in 1945. It was soon after the part he played there, with his largest scale demonic crime, that it took it’s toll on his conscious (building his heart’s wall) and his life started to turn away from creating harm to human-kind and focused even more towards self-indulgence. This was when he moved to the United States and started forging a path that stayed only in the limelight of the stage through cabarets and vaudeville acts until modern day nightclubs became more his home.
Through his struggles and continual set-backs trying to rise up the demon social ladder and hierarchy, there was a time he considered his mother to be the reason for all his struggles, being tainted by human blood. But, the harbored guilt for harming a race he was also a part of was finally released bringing him to his knees in the arms of a do-gooding vigilante vampire. He soon saw himself tainted by the demon blood that cursed his life, beginning a newer struggle for being “good” while his demonic animal-like instincts still reigned strong over his willpower and desire to help the innocent.
“I know I’ll stumble I know I’ll still face defeat These second chances will define me So I’m moving forward I’m standing on my two feet I’ve got momentum I’ve got someone saving me”
As a direct descendent of Shax, the Great Marquis of Hell, Demon of Chaos, he was passed many but not all of his father’s qualities such as taking away the sight, hearing, and understanding of people, steals money and horses, can also discover hidden things if they are not kept by evil spirits, and creates and calls forth familiars (giving him a connection to the animal kingdom, providing totems to others), but sometimes those familiars deceived the conjurer. He exceled in lying and betrayal. He was also born with a few powers unique to himself such as the ability to invoke three feelings…envy, pride, and fear, and fed from them, for sustenance. Plus, he could produce tangible illusions/hallucinations. He can gauge the strength of people’s souls, a useful skill in sizing up a potential victim for recruitment to Hell, and identifying species.
If he is confined to a triangle, he will speak truth on supernatural matters, point out hidden treasures not guarded by evil spirits, and obey the exorcist. He gets weak if he doesn’t get his emotional “feeds”. He also harbors hindering guilt over what he puts people through to get those feeds. Unstable emotions and the scent/sight of blood can bring out his demon form.
: Adam Lambert
Theme Songs
For Demon-Kind
The End
For Self
What I’ve Overcome
Some of Jules’ Job History
: He once worked in Bodfish partime to work at the
Silver City Ghost Town
. He uses his powers to play with the tourists making them think they see more than is really there. He only worked weekends.
He was also into “Alternative Modeling” and has an agent through the HVQ Agency
He was in management training at
The Abbey
(Best Gay Bar in the World as Voted by LOGO TV) and mingling with big wigs with the
He has also been a member of the
The Celebration Theater
 a professional LGBT acting group. He has a tendency to take understudy roles and helps with costumes, hair, make-up, and stage-tech duties.
Messenger Boy
Black Jack Dealer
Ghost Hunter Tour guide. (used power to invoke fear and illusions he had a great time making the tours far more interesting)
Full Time Drag Queen
Club Owner/Businessman: 3 story entertainment complex called The Rabbit Hole
Been a part of Auto Theft Rings, and Larceny Rings as well.
Traveling Minstrel
Cabaret Dancer
Vaudevillian Singer
Japanese Senti Attendant
(Though most regular human-type jobs he’s taken on are just play money. As a demon the most of his finances came from Larceny. Jules considered himself the King of Thieves) often working with curators of museums as a treasure hunter hobbiest selling stolen antiquities and creating fakes. He only works jobs to infiltrate human kind. He’s not doing it for money or to contribute to society)
More Facts
~ Loves 18th century European art.
~ As a demon was in charge of caring for the demon horse mares in Hell
~ Loves show tunes and musicals
~ Adores Classical Music
~ Is an Antique Roadshow junkie
~ Is a whizz with a Bedazzler
~ Has taken ballroom dancing lessons
~ Has taken Tae Kwon Do and weapons classes in Thailand (not advanced in these skills but he likes to pretend to be)
~ Loves to Sing
~ Designs & tailors his own fashions (was once employed as the devil’s tailor)
~ Keeps up with designer labels
~ Avid club goer
~ Likes to be treated like a “Princess"
~ Much of his antique and art collection was stolen from European royalty with his Father centuries ago. But has since burned almost everything that had to do with his demonic days setting the past free of him.
~ Wrap Sheet. (Grand Theft Auto {was caught on purpose as a distraction for a bigger heist, sentenced to probation}, Grand Larceny of the 1st degree {Class B Felony, sentenced to 12 years, but only served one month thinking it might be fun to hassle the prisoners, then got bored, and used his powers to convince a judge to give him a get out of jail free card}, Petit Theft {got caught on purpose as a distraction for others, never served time.} Jules has had numerous DUI’s, speeding tickets, and public nudity charges.
Even More Facts
: Attention, sincerity, new experiences
:Boredom, stagnancy, dull colors,
: Satan, his father Shax, and other demons
: Educated in Hell in demonic ways, hasn’t completed any true degrees on Earth, but has often posed as students from elementary age to university with his power of illusion to learn things or get things he wants to experience at that moment in time.
Comfort Foods, and pasta
Ice Cream:
Dark Chocolate
Building bird houses & doll houses,
Lute, Piano, Voice
eclectic tastes through the ages, often sticking with what’s modern at the time, staying current
Fav Songs:
Simply Red's
A Song For You
Matt Alber's
End of the World
Les Miserables, Rent, Up, Anything Disney or Tim Burton
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, by Richard Bach
He has a My Little Pony tattoo on his hip, some lines from the Song of Solomon on his ribs, The Eye of Horus on his wrist along with an infinity sign, He has piercings only lover’s tend to find (yes that’s what you think it means). He once had a cross on his back between his shoulder blades. This was his first line of defense to warn him if he started to sin. It would burn him if he crosses too far over the line. He’s since cut it off of himself.
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olympusnerd · 3 years
The Story of Aphrodite Part 1
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The sketch was done with 4H and B7 pencils and a little color for her majesty’s eyes. 
This story is a snippet of a background I’ve written about Aphrodite the Goddess of Love regarding how she became the goddess of love. This piece is rated PG but installments will be rated R and will have additional warnings. Mostly writing this because it’s always bothered me how it seems like pop culture appreciates her because she’s hot and thinks she’s just a petty manipulator. I see a lot more of an icon and wanted to paint her in a different light. 
Word Count: 3377
For so many, the beginning was chaos, but for Aphrodite, that was more than a poetic truth. While the world would have one believe that the goddess of love, sex and beauty was put on this earth already ordained the most beautiful or the most sexual, it was a long and strenuous road for the goddess to become the icon mortals will remember her for all time. No, her entrance into the world was anything but beautiful. 
The sky cracked angrily with flashes of lightning jetting from one end of the world to the other as the ground quaked with Mother Earth. Gaia was shivering in stunned horror at the brutality of Uranos’s death. Though she had orchestrated the entire event, nothing could have prepared the celestial for seeing her husband slain like cattle, his severed genitals scattered across her lovely planet like seeds to tilled soil. 
It was from his blood that various creatures arose from Mother Earth's womb. The Furies: a rightfully dreadful group of female monsters with sharp teeth and claws made to rip apart oath breakers; the Giants: massive beasts of great strength and aggression; and the Meliai: a melancholy family of ash-tree nymphs. 
But there was one last piece of the Sky Father left unnamed, floating along the water in a white foam of divine seed. Gaia blew the breath of life into the water, then watched as the waves of the oceans lead the mass away from the grizzly scene of patricide towards the quiet white beach of Paphos Cyprus. Here, in the crystal clear waves, something extraordinary happened. 
From the foam emerged a shimmering pink clam that opened to reveal a head of thick wavy hair the color of blood, which rose as the being stood. With surefooted steps, a creature rose from the sea, a creature that didn’t resemble the Furies, the Giants, or even the Meliai. No, this creature was something else entirely. 
She somewhat resembled the Titans in shape, with smoothe, earth toned flesh and hair that reached past her hips, but there was something different about her face and body that set her apart from her half siblings. Nude, as all beings were after birth, every inch of her perfect form was on display. Long, strong arms, a shapely form, ample breasts and a round bottom. Her dark skin glistened in the remnants of sunlight, giving her the characteristic glow of what Gaia recognized immediately as that of a goddess.
Her face was lovely, with eyes that held curiosity as they scanned across the beach she found herself on and supple lips pursed in awe at her own spontaneous existence. 
“Hello?” she called out in a soft voice. “Is anyone there? Where am I? What is this place?” 
Gaia didn’t answer at first, instead she watched from a distance, as she usually did in these types of situations. Best see how things will play out in her own absence before interfering unnecessarily. 
Just then, the waves retreated from the shoreline, then rose up into what looked to be a wall that stood a great deal taller than the woman. Dropping down in a sudden downpour, two bodies were left in its wake. A man and woman dressed in thin, iridescent robes with bluish toned skin and black hair gave a shallow bow to the newly birthed woman. 
"Hello," the man spoke tenderly, "I am Oceanus, the lord of the ocean. And this is my wife Tethys." His wife gave a small smile and tilt of her head. 
The woman who had only lived for minutes inhaled sharply, then glanced around. 
"Don't be alarmed, I won't harm you. I saw you appear so suddenly and heard you call out. Do you have a name, my child?"
She shook her head.
"Then we should see to it that you find a fitting name. I'm sure you must be confused, we can help you. And perhaps Mother would be so kind as to come to your aid as well.” 
At the que, Gaia materialized in the sand, a grand creature shaped like any other woman save for the granules of rocks and mud used to give her large body form. Tendrils of the seaweed that had been floating along the shore were swept into the manifestation of Mother Earth and to anyone she appeared the epitome of a Primordial Deity in all her ancient glory. “If you knew I was here then I assume you’ve seen what Cronos has done.” 
“You mean what you’ve had him do,” Tethys gently corrected. Her large dark eyes fell upon the soft fleshed woman standing between them all, not shivering in the draft of wind sweeping across the land. “Yes, we’ve seen. Is it not what you wanted, Mother? Father dethroned?” 
“Not like that,” she answered honestly with a gentle shake of her head. “Your father wronged me and deserved to have his strength stripped of him, but not disrespected. Not disgraced. What Cronos did will forever taint my soils as the first ever blood crime.”
The three bowed their heads in silence as they contemplated what to do next. 
It was the newly birthed woman who would break their thoughts with a soft, melodious voice, “What is to become of me?” All eyes turned to Gaia, who tapped a finger on her chin while brooding. 
“You don’t strike me in the same way as the other creatures. And I can’t be sure that Cronos even noticed her being born, I myself would have missed it if I hadn’t seen the current pull away as it had.” 
“What is that supposed to mean, Mother?” Tethys asked. 
“Nothing. I’m simply making an observation. One never knows when such information can be useful.”
Tethys and Oceanus shared a glance at their mother’s scheming ways, but it was never a good idea to argue when Mother Earth was involved. 
This was, after all, entirely her domain that the Titans inhabited. She was, and always will be, the great force when angered. 
Uranous, the Sky Father, had learned this lesson the hard way. 
“Oceanus, Tethys. I would like you to look after this child for the time being. I know you’ve your own children you’re rearing but she doesn’t look to require much care. She should be strong enough to carry her own weight, have her work hard alongside your other daughters and raise her to be good and loving, but also strong.” Gaia reached out and lightly stroked a sandy finger across the unchildlike face with round dark violet eyes glossed over like a sparkling amethyst. “She was born of your seas, Oceanus. She belongs with you. Take care. I can sense great things will come from this one.” 
The woman’s eyes met with Tethys, who offered a sincere smile while taking her husband’s hand and offering her other towards her. “I have enough love to spare for one more. You are more than welcome to join us in our home.”
The woman looked between these three and, seeing no other alternative, took the light blue hand of Tethys and followed her and Oceanus into the salty water of the Mediteranian Sea. 
And so, the world was given the one born of foam, Aphrodite. 
Life with the gods of the world’s oceans was as good a life as any other Aphrodite could have hoped to have. The kingdom of Oceanus spread across the seabed, with a central, enormous palace in the deepest crevices of the seas, carved out of various corals blossoming in red, pink, and yellow reefs. The inhabitants of the kingdom ranged from the fish, whales and sharks that filled the waters to merfolk with tails in place of legs as well as those like Aphrodite with feet. The main difference between the foam goddess and other oceanic humanoids was her lack in ability to change shape at will like those truly born of water. In certain corners of the palace were air pockets that one could dry off and rest their weary limbs after a full day of swimming, which is where Aphrodite found herself most evenings stretched out on beds of seaweed and sponges.
Many years passed since that fateful day on the beach of Cyprus and the young goddess found herself happily living as a member of the Oceanus’ courts. He and Tethys raised thousands of children who would grow and leave to venture into the world, creating streams, rivers and ponds to preside over as their own domain. Many bore children, whose children had children, and so on and so forth. All while Aphrodite stayed the same, day in and day out. Her brothers and sisters tried for many years to try and find a suitable partner for their beloved, adoptive sister, but none caught her attention, though she caught many other’s eye. While she seemed to be, without question, the most beautiful creature yet to be born, she remained, for the most part, content with being single. The love of her family was all she needed, perhaps one day she would find a mate to settle down with but for now she reveled in her freedom of such responsibilities of being a wife and mother. Instead she worked on herself, studying the power of the sea in synchrony with Selene’s moon, helping to classify the many sea creatures she came across, to staying physically fit and maintaining strength. She was just as strong as any man in the sea and as fast as any fish. 
For the most part, the goddess had a leisurely life. On any given day, Aphrodite and the daughters and granddaughters of Oceanus swam from one end of the world to the other in races, searched the seafloor for rare shells and gems, or explored underwater caves for new signs of life. On rare occasions they would find themselves on the beaches playing with crabs and gulls, but for the most part they were warned against going above the water surface. 
“I rule all within this realm, but once you are under Helios’s sun, I cannot protect you. So take care, my daughters of the sea, to stay close and stay safe,” Oceanus told the women in all seriousness, though usually it would fall on deaf ears. The ladies had never known harm unto themselves or anyone else, truly this life was perfect without danger. 
But Oceanus knew all too well that the world above was not as peaceful as that within his home. Cronos, after the death of his father, had grown more cynical every year. While at first his reign was dubbed the Golden Age for all the food abundance and peace that came after the initial slaying of his father Uranos.
The peace, however, was not meant to last. Over time, Cronos became paranoid that his rule was tainted by the curse his father spouted in his dying breath, that he too would someday be dethroned. It was said to be empty words by his brothers and sisters, merely the final cries of a being desperate to have the last say in how the world he helped reign over would crumble without him. Cronos tried to hold onto that thought, tried desperately to quail the nagging suspicions he had playing in the back of his mind like a fly buzzing in the ear of a bull. Until the day the ruler of all the world found out something terrible: his wife Rhea was begotten with child. 
He tried to maintain his composure for the most part, but in the end, his own paranoia got the best of him. At the end of the infant’s gestation, Rhea gave birth to a beautiful, clay toned baby girl. While all of her sisters, who had helped with her delivery, were busy tending to the new mother, Cronos stood in the corner of the room holding the newly washed, freshly born child in his arms. She was small, incredibly so, compared to other children of titans. And she held a slight reddish glow around her fragile form. 
How strong would she be?
How powerful?
His eyes went over to Rhea, who gave a soft smile in return. “Darling?” she called out. 
But he didn’t move. Instead, Cronos looked back down at the infant. 
He couldn’t risk it. 
To the horror of everyone in the room, Cronos raised the child by her ankle, high above his head, and with a crack unhinged his jaw like a snake. 
He swallowed the child whole. 
Rhea was so stunned she passed out while her sisters stood in mortification as the king of all the world quietly left the room. 
Five more times did Cronus do this unspeakable act of consuming his children, each time sliding more and more into madness. 
Where once the world was bursting with life, now it had grown dark from clouds that offered only lightening and thunderous roars. In a few places his misery hadn’t tarnished the lands and those who could fled to escape his wrath. 
But those under Oceanus’ rule knew nothing of this pain and suffering, spending their days playing oceanic games and hosting grand feasts as their neighbors above starved. 
It was on a particularly normal day that Aphrodite was babysitting for her adoptive sister Doris. It was nothing new for the lovely foam goddess to be asked to keep children, as she didn’t have her own and typically didn’t have any worldly duties like her siblings. She hadn’t a river to attend or a kingdom to rule, and so she found herself with her niece Amphitrite and nephew Nerites playing hide and seek in a grotto off the coast of Megiste. As children of Doris, Amphitrite and Nerites could transform into tailed creatures to help them to move through underwater caverns, though that did little to keep Aphrodite from catching up to each of them. She had been swimming for immeasurable years before these two thought of being born and she had grown to be as fast as her aquatic brothers and sisters, despite being tailless.  Over and over, the children cried out in delight at their aunt’s ability to best them repeatedly at their own game, no matter how hard they tried or what animal they transformed into, she would catch them. 
They had gone nearly one hundred rounds when Aphrodite stopped just short of tapping Nerites’ arm at the sound of thunder. 
His high pitched voice echoed when he shrieked in surprise at the sound, making his sister laugh at his plight. 
“You’re such a guppy,” she giggled. 
“I am not, I was startled is all!” 
“The water seems to be getting worse,” Aphrodite cut in, looking outside as the water began to pour. Fortunately, underwater seldom changed from the surface weather problems, but it still would warrant a cautious swim home. 
“Did you see that?” she asked, her amethyst eyes rolling over the cavern walls. 
“See what, Auntie Ditey?” 
“I,” she narrowed her eyes, was that a shadow on the wall? No, it must have just been refracted light. No one ever came into the blue caves, she reassured herself. Most land dwellers were afraid of unknown waters. “It’s nothing. Who is ready to head back to see grandfather and grandmother?” 
“Oh, can’t we play one more time?” Amphitrite begged, her oversized eyes sparkling with the last of daylight echoing off the water. “Just once, please, Auntie Ditey?” 
Both children sported their largest eyed pleads they could muster before Aphrodite shrugged, “Now what kind of aunt would I be to say no to such sweet faces. Alright, darlings, we’ll play once more, then we have to hurry off.” 
“We can race home!” Nerites offered in a boast. “I’ll turn into a dolphin!” 
“Of course, and I’ll beat you like I always do,” Aphrodite teased. 
The children turned her towards the cave wall and she proceeded to wait for their collective, “I’m ready!” before she began her hunt. 
As they played their last match, somewhere just inside the mouth of the blue caves floated a wooden raft that had rolled inside to escape from the oncoming storm. A man quietly sat on his makeshift boat as he watched the woman and children playing until they swam away, mere feet away still unaware of him. In truth, he wasn’t paying them much mind until had a good view of the earth-toned woman's rise from the water to stand on the outer ridge of the cave’s wall before throwing herself back to make a splash. The children yelped in delight as the man’s jaw fell agape. She was lovely, in the most sincerest of forms, unlike any creature he had ever seen. Her dazzling eyes, her smooth skin, her flaming hair. It was nothing to him that she was nude as most creatures, particularly those of the water, chose to forgo such trivialities as hiding their bodies.
Yet here this man was, watching the woman with a rise within himself he had never imagined before. What was this yearning he felt? He didn’t speak up, in fear  
When the storm passed, he made his way out of the caves towards the beaches of what would later be dubbed Athens. There he made his way towards Mount Othrys, where his father and uncle eagerly awaited his return. All the while, images of the enchanting woman played over and over in his mind’s eye. 
 “Atlas!” his father Iapetus greeted from the dining table. He sat as always to the left of King Cronos, who was brooding over a meal a servant had just served like it had been burnt. Atlas never liked his uncle, but didn’t care enough about politics to press the matter, rather he explored the corners of the globe in search of adventure and unseen lands. “I was beginning to think you had been held up somewhere and we’d have to track you down.” 
“No, not at all, I got caught up in some weather just on the other side of the eastern islands. Nothing too concerning.” 
When he took his seat beside his mother Clymene, dinner commenced and the guests took up their light conversations as Atlas stared down at his plate deep in thought. Around the table, he could hear everyone carrying on, his uncles Coeus, Hyperion, and Crius, his aunts Queen Rhea, Theia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys, and a few cousins whom he never took the time to memorise their names unless he liked them. As they carried on as normal, he replayed the images of the intoxicating woman he had seen in the cave. 
Why hadn’t he spoken up?
Why hadn’t he asked her name?
“Dear, you’ve been out all day, surely you’re hungry?” his mother gently asked. 
He heaved a heavy sigh before his eyes landed on his mother, her glistening light blue skin reminding him of the children that played with the woman. That’s right, they would have been descendants of Oceanus. And that woman, she must have been someone from his court. Perhaps a nymph of some kind?
An idea popped like a bubble into Atlas’s head. 
“Actually, Mother, I was wondering. Tomorrow could we visit your father’s kingdom? I haven’t seen grandfather Oceanus in quite some time.” 
“Oh, well, I’m actually going to be busy tomorrow, but I’m sure your father-”
“I can accompany you.” 
The table’s idle chit-chat ceased as all eyes fell on Cronos, who rarely spoke at such events as trivial as family dinners. 
“Tha-that won’t be necessary, your highness,” Iapetus reassured, “I know you must be busy with more important things than traveling into the realm for a family visit.” 
“No, I’d like to visit our brother. I haven’t heard from him in quite some time, it would do some good to… catch up with one another.” 
Atlas noticed the tension in the room thicken. As far as he’d known, Oceanus was as dedicated to Cronos as any of his other brothers, but there was speculation that Oceanus had closed his doors to most of those above sea level because he didn’t agree with the way his younger brother ran in domain. 
But again, politics wasn’ t what interested Atlas. 
For now, it was finding out who that mysterious woman was who had ensnared his heart.
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wodnes--coyotl · 3 years
long personal post apologies to anyone on mobile, just...scroll on by...
There’s so many things............I wanted to achieve in 2020, which is I’m sure what everyone has said. Somehow I still think 2017 was worse, but .... I don’t know. I was really alone then. I almost lost both my parents, this year I was safe with a better job, good partner, and only lost one (at least I got to see her once in a decade to say goodbye)....ultimately this brought me to heathenism in a weird and roundabout way. It’s hard to know she was really walking around with this poorly depicted Viking nonsense ‘false odin’ with cerberus (why?) going on, lord, she would’ve hated left heathens BUT ALSO wasn’t even a pagan to begin with (so she says, but being a pentecostal and having psychosis, while this does not a pagan make, made for a quite magickal and brutal experience). my mother was a trickster entity in living flesh. at first, i learned into having guides for the first time. i wondered if it was a coping mechanism, but i shrugged, because it was not my intention to see the numbers repeating, or the ‘loki’ every..single..day..for a week... in the weirdest fucking places... it was not my intention to lose my best friends in this city (which is not my final destination, ha) because they were too busy having poly drama, to, idk, support their friend, and then ghosted me, or came up with some weird passive aggressive bullshit. it totally dominated my 2020 - the pandemic, then mom dying, then the deities, then the loss. my card of the year was the hermit, i thought that was such a joke considering the pandemic. how could that then apply to me more personally? I haven’t had time or space mentally to recount the beautiful parts of the year because we’ve been stuck inside, inside during riots, inside during west coast smoke hell, inside where the spiders are. astoria was beautiful. it was god given. i knew what was real was real that day. it’s been seven months since mom passed, and i know her spirit has contacted me. it has brought me closer to my own spirituality which was accidentally rampant chaos magick that i was unaware of - introduced to me by ten years of tricksters who I never quite recognized. at the altar, id pull cards, i began to learn runes, and id ask, “were you always there? was that the presence that was always there?” I don’t know, much of the paranoid presence I felt my whole life ended when mom died. so much ended. i still want to write about it. again and again. because i forget that it happened, i compressed it so far back. everyone walked away and all that remained was my partner and the unseen. i would get straight answers on the altar, but never for that question. i never understood, and still hardly do, why loki came - was it to console me after the passing of my mother? somehow a veil had been lifted and my already wack ass intuition became 25% greater, somehow i felt seen and heard by others. at first, i was scared... i had always gravitated unknowingly towards tricksters and mercurial beings, loki came during the week of L*ghnasadh, after I’d been reading abt the ACTUAL “mercury”/hermes.... it was as if to be like, oh, you’re looking to NAME US FINALLY? THIS ENERGY, HERE _______. I was a little sheepish of Odin because of the association..... and I never quite got an answer. Sometimes still, I am struggling to understand this deity, however many a time loud and clear he and Loki have responded within the half-hour, be it some really weird ultra-specific shit to crop up, flickering shit, popping, knocking over. I turn to him frequently as, the more I read, the more I trust... this understanding of inarticulatable parts of myself - when I read about odr I was thinking of what this could mean for me, especially as a trans person, and it moved me. when I think about knowledge, and loss... when I think of the underdog vying that Odin (and of course Loki) represent, it is always with grace and honor that I am glad to be In It. I struggle tho, cos no matter how viscerally real my experiences have been, and no matter how little I would ever wish to disrespect them by denying faith, as a human who has run far from christianity and is skeptical of everything, every day, I’m like, ‘how much can I lean into this? is this ‘weird’ or delusional? am i acting like a child?” but, ..... I have learned from many smart and creative folks of the same ilk that we are not alone and the passage of time cannot destroy old gods so easily, and I am honored to be called to that. 2020.....that is.....to me, the year of death and rebirth. it was the only parting gift mom could give me. as she died, I told her I knew the lord had brought me there. I knew we had made it JUST in time, by many many strokes of good ‘luck’, to see her off. the last day we saw her was the last day she’d ever seen both her children together in her life. of course, she probably hardly recognized me. and she loved my brother more. had spent less time with him. oh lord, she did look at me with burning eyes of distrust and hatred, but that was not her fault. she was so ill. god she was so ill. dad joked, after she died, ‘maybe she’ll finally be in valhalla’, he didnt know what that meant. mom was a ‘devout’ christian woman of “god”. she was no pagan. she did not serve odin. but 2 months later when I discovered them, I heard his words ringing in my head, and I had to laugh. It’s been so hard...losing the queer comrades I had with me because of ? what ? exactly ? I still dn’t know, watching someone I spent 3 years being ‘close’ to basically patronize me that she always had reservations about us, never let me in, or get closer, like real friends, .... id cry and cry thinking, why, did i lose the one figure who brought me into this world, who i never had, for ten years, who abandoned me and hated every ounce of my being, and to confront this NOW in the middle of a pandemic, where i have zero way to the outside world to cope, and then to be left behind AGAIN by SO MANY PEOPLE, i felt Loki’s comforting presence. I’m trying to focus on the future again, that’s what 2021 is giving me. the “year” label, “when mom died” is over. even if that event forever changed my life far beyond that of a normal passing (?) I mean, it’s never normal when a mom dies, much less a woman like her, have mercy, it’s over. 2021 is the “year when we move to los angeles” its the “year when i start a REAL band again instead of be a side piece for a woman who cant get real with herself and her drum machine”, the “year when maybe ill take my adhd meds and hrt” we’re suspended in a stasis, there are big ups and downs. in two weeks i quit my med of 2 years, because it’s causing harm and i actually dont technically need to be on it anymore. im scared and excited. i need the change. i need the CHOICE. 
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someslav · 3 years
Smite god line up speculations and some lore on them
So the new god line up video got released and we already know two of the gods that will be released this year and I love mythology and wanted to share my thoughts on who the gods/deities will be as well as provide some lore for them. For those who haven’t watched it yet here it is
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As the lore lady said the first goddess of the year is Tiamat. Tiamat originates from the ancient Babylonian religion and was a primordial (existing since the beginning of time) goddess of the salt sea and chaos and is the mother of Lahmu and Lahamu with Abzu/Apsu (the god of fresh water) being their father. Tiamat and Abzu were the embodiment of Nothingness and when she gave birth her children and their offspring created the world. This angered Abzu which caused him to fight against the gods but was slain, this enraged Tiamat and she created monsters to kill the gods. The most prominent monster she created during this time were dragons which is why she is usually portrayed as either a dragon or a serpent, The gods fought against her with the strongest of the gods, Marduk, leading his army of gods to fight against her creations and after an intense battle he slayed Tiamat and sliced her apart to create the rest of the world. Her ribs became heaven and earth, her eyes became the sources for the rivers tigris and euphrates and her tail became the milky way while Abzu’s corpse became the land and the night sky.
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The second upcoming god is Gilgamesh, who isn't really a god but is the protagonist of one of the oldest surviving texts from the Babylonian era: The epic of Gilgamesh. It is about a king who the gods thought was so arrogant and proud that they sent Enkido to fight him to make him more humble but instead befriended him and they go on adventures. On one of their adventures they kill the demon of the cedar forest, Humbaba which caused them to get the attention of Ishtar who attempts to seduce Gilgamesh, he refuses and refers to all the other men which she seduced and had suffered horrible fates. Ishtar, so enraged with Gilgamesh sent her brother, the bull of the heavens, to kill Gilgamesh. Enkido kills the bull but by doing so is sent to death by the gods. Gilgamesh falls into a deep depression from the death of his quest and devotes the rest of his life into finding the meaning of life and to gain immortality. After traveling for many years he finds Utnapishtim who gives him 2 chances to obtain immortality, his first trial was to stay awake for 6 days and 6 nights which he fails, his second trial was to protect a magical plant which he failed as a snake eats the plant while he slept, he’s then rowed back to his home by the ferryman of the dead:  Utnapishtim. Once he returns home he writes about his adventures.
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The third God/deity has not been revealed but there are a lot of clues as to who they will be. They are referred to using female pronouns, has a magic circle (I couldn't find a name of a specific one) which are closely related with European witchcraft, when she's being introduced words which link to to use of magic and intelligence are used, behind her is also a castle and due to its architecture resembling English castles I think she’s most likely going to be part of the Arthurian pantheon, specifically she’s Morgan le Fay. Morgan le Fay was King Arthur’s half sister, a powerful enchantress who was closely associated with witches and her role in the story has been changed many times from a powerful witch who tries to harm King Arthur by throwing the scabbard of Excalibur into a lake to a part of the group who send King Arthur to the Isle of Avalon when he dies. I personally really love her design from what we see here and I cant wait to see it in the game.
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During this god/deities introduction while the word ocean or relating word is not used there are words that constantly suggest it such as ‘drown’ and ‘depths’ along with the blue whirlpool motif and  with teeth overplayed on top. I personally think that this is going to be the Greek monster Charybdis because in many depictions of Charybdis have two things in common forming a whirlpool with a bottomless depth and teeth around the edges of it. Charybdis is part of the same myth as Scylla where it is a child of Poseidon and Gaea. In Charybdis part of the myth she would swallow water and belch it onto the land causing it to flood in an attempt to help her fathers quarrel against Zeus. When Zeus saw what Charybdis was doing he transformed her into a monster cursed to eternally swallow water which created whirlpools.
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The next god/deity is a part of the Celtic pantheon due to the lore lady specifically mentioning the emerald isle which is an alternative name for Ireland. The lore lady also mentions both the words ‘howling’ and ‘shrieking’ and saying this character is a vengeful spirit which causes death. This is very clearly going to be the Banshee. The Banshee was a creature from Irish mythology which is depicted as a woman which screams throughout the night, it is said that whoever hears a Banshees scream will experience either their death or the death of somebody close to them which also lines up to what the lore lady says about them ‘leaving only death in her wake’.
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The last god/deity this year will be the one that has a lot of possibilities for who the will be however we do know that they are ‘carrier of the cosmos’. Personally I think that it will be Atlas, the Greek Titan who held up the sky as punishment for the titanomachy. However it very well could be many other gods such as Nut, Nuun or even Ouranos. I think its most likely going to be Atlas or Ouranos because of the fact that they take up the vast majority of the frame which I interpret as they’re going to be a big character and that at the end the lore lady say this
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She specifically mentions titans and both Atlas and Ouranos were titans.
I could be wrong on any of these but I’d like to hear everyone's opinion on what they think that the new characters are going to be personally I love mythology and folklore so this was very fun to do. If you want to add any additional information to the lore of the characters go ahead I’d love to hear some more in case I learn something new
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tasia-ghost · 7 years
the five Divine aspects.
My relationship with religion is a long and complicated one. I was raised in a strict fundamentalist Christian environment. The sort of Christianity that teaches things about how evolution is a lie fabricated by godless scientists so they can justify living sinful lives, that gay people will go to hell for their sin and should not be given the right to marry, that the Biblical account of Creation is a literal retelling and the Earth is only several thousand years old. I believed in all of it, not because I'd had any kind of spiritual experience, but because that's all I'd ever been taught. When every single person you know believes in something, you grow up with no real reason to doubt it.
As it turns out, though, this results in a very flimsy sort of conviction. My faith was a fragile house of cards, because the fundamentalist doctrine relies on all-or-nothing thinking in order to produce unquestioning, devout drones. I was told that every single thing that I'd been taught must be true, that no compromises were allowed. You couldn't believe in evolution and still be a Christian. You couldn't believe in the Big Bang and still be a Christian. You couldn't find a place in your heart to accept homosexuality and still be a Christian. God was perfect and his Bible was also perfect, so if even one part of it was found to be wrong, then the whole thing might as well be. That's what I was taught.
So of course, like a balloon, it only took one puncture to blow the whole thing up. The specific hole wasn't relevant. It could have and eventually would have been anything. The point is that the house of cards fell down in one fell swoop. My loss of faith wasn't gradual, but quick and sudden. The only logical place to go was to the opposite extreme, so I became a faithless skeptic with no taste for any kind of religion or spirituality. That is a place I occupied for many years.
The worldview of a faithless skeptic is not so drab and hopeless as it might seem to one affected by religion or spirituality. At least, I never saw it as such. The world, even without supernatural influence, is a beautiful thing all by itself. I found elegance and hope in the way that the natural laws of physics came together to create all this beauty. Evolution was a fascination well beyond any divine intervention. The idea that we came to be over eons of evolution, slowly carving our place into the world, is much more exciting than the thought that some faceless entity snapped their fingers and we just appeared as-is.
And I found hope in the fact that the Universe, as I saw it, was inherently meaningless and deterministic. There was nothing more hopeless in my mind then the thought that I could have been created with some built-in meaning by some other being, some standard outside of myself that I had to live up to. A slave with no true free will of my own. Instead, I saw a world where I was free to create and design my own meaning. Where, in some sense, I was the Goddess or Creator of my own world. What could be more hopeful than striving for a meaning, a purpose of your own design?
In recent times, my focus on the hopefulness and beauty of the world around me has softened my hard, skeptical edge that only found meaning in science and facts. I have come to see the Universe as something much more malleable, perhaps even personal. Science and facts are still important, of course, and are the only source of objective truth. But I have started to find value in subjectivity as well. After all, science is the study of the Universe as a Real Thing, but to what extent is the Universe really Real? The only thing that I can know exists for sure are my experiences. It is my experiences that are my reality, and my experiences are moulded by my subjective perspective.
If you experience it, it is real in the only way that anything can be real. And, in another sense, if our experiences are our reality then believing in something makes it real.
My worldview began to show up in my writing, stories of a world where the very nature of reality was called into question, where the only thing that was sure was the reality of experience. Where the Creator, the Prime Mover, was a fickle and arbitrary creature. A true spirit of randomness and chaos, giving humans no expectation of love or kindness. Because what other kind of deity could have created this messed-up world we live in?
For a while I looked into religion. I found many bits and pieces of various religions I liked, such as Buddhism, Jainism, LaVeyan Satanism, and Neopaganism. But no whole religion really quite resonated with me. So I began to vaguely identify as a "witch" following a nonspecific "queer witchcraft". And then I thought...why not just make my own religion? I have plenty of ideas, all religions are human-made anyway, and that was the only way to be sure I'd have a religion that I agree with completely.
So I started a new project, which developed into an as-of-yet unnamed eclectic hedonistic witchcraft.
The basic tenets of this religion are simple. Reality is experience. The Universe is governed by randomness and arbitrarity. Our place in it is to find our own meaning, follow our own purpose, and blaze our own path through our lives. This religion emphasizes self-worship (hedonism, or the pursuit of pleasure and happiness) and condemns self-deprivation (the asceticism promoted as holy by many religions in the form of fasting and abstinence).
And like many religions, this one has a concept of Divinity. I have separated Divinity into five aspects, such as could be symbolically represented by the five points on a pentagram. A universal property of the Divine, common to all five aspects, is that Divinity is inherently Feminine, and Femininity is inherently Divine. Divinity is self-embodied, as each of us is the Goddess of our own world and our own life, so the five aspects are the things that separate us, the Divine, from that which is not.
The first aspect of the Divine is Chaos, embodied by the figure of the Mover or Lady Luck. A parallel figure you could relate the Mover to is Eris, from the Greek pantheon. The Mover is also the Creatrix, the motive force behind the creation of the universe and all change and evolution. She is Chaos, she is Discord, she is Strife, she is Change, she is Luck, she is Randomness, she is Time. The Mover is associated with the Sun, the source of all energy on Earth that drives living processes. Like the Sun, the Mover blesses all things equally and arbitrarily, giving no heed to the personal details of our lives. This Goddess is wild and undirected, but consistent and unyielding. Prayer to the Mover is futile, as she does not bend to any will. In our lives, we embody the Chaotic aspect of the Divine by being creative and passionate.
The second aspect of the Divine is Vitality, embodied by the figure of Mother Nature. Another parallel figure taken from the Greek pantheon would be Gaia. She is Life, she is Growth, she is Order, she is Fertility. The Mother is associated with the Earth, which provides for and nurtures all life. Life stands in direct defiance of natural state of things in the Universe to decay into a static, uniform distribution. Nature takes the disordered, chaotic energy given to it by the Mover and gives it order in the form of work and function. As Nature is Divine, and we are a part of Nature, so are we Divine. We are to respect the Earth and Mother Nature, for to show disrespect to our Divine Mother is blasphemy. Simply by living and growing and thriving we embody the Vital aspect, putting energy to work and staving off the emptiness of the void of space.
The third aspect of the Divine is Magic, embodied by the figure of the Wanderess or Viatrix. To continue the theme of using figures from the Greek pantheon, she is Hekate the Goddess of Witchcraft. The Wanderess is Meaning, Purpose, Wisdom, and Exploration. She is the Goddess both of literal and figurative journeys; she represents our desire not just to travel and see the world, but to find our own way in the world and to forge a path through our lives. She represents our desire to find a meaning and a purpose for ourselves. The Wanderess is associated with the Moon and is the Goddess governing divination and spells, which are therefore more powerful under the full moon. Witchcraft is just one of many ways to generate meaning from chaos, to cast pale moonlight upon the path ahead of us. We embody the Magical aspect of the Divine by stoking our desire to explore and find meaning and truth in the world around us, never growing complacent.
These three aspects can be overlapped with the Triple Goddess, a Wiccan tradition consisting of a Maiden (in this case, Eris), a Mother (our Gaia), and a Crone (Hekate). The Maiden represents youth, beginnings, and enthusiasm. The Mother represents sexuality, stability, and life. The Crone represents wisdom, endings, and ultimately death. But I'm not done—I have two more aspects to describe to you. As with the previous three, I am going to use figures from existing religions as a way of giving form to these aspects. These two figures are traditionally considered masculine but, remember, Divinity is inherently Feminine in this religion. These next two Goddesses also have a Wiccan parallel in the form of the Horned God, although in Wicca the Horned God is explicitly the Masculine half of divinity (with the Goddesss or Triple Goddess being the Feminine half).
The fourth aspect of the Divine is Worship, embodied by the figure of the faun Pan from the Greek pantheon. Pan represents self-worship in the form of hedonism, the pursuit of pleasure and happiness. Remember that in this religion, Divinity is embodied by the Self, so to worship the Divine is to worship oneself. One is encouraged to embody the Worshipful aspect by seeking out whatever things in life will make them happy, whether that is simple pleasures such as food, drink, and sex or more involved pleasures such as academic or artistic achievement. However, remember that all people are part of the Divine and deserving of worship; we are called upon to do what we can to make others happy as well.
Just as there is worship of the Divine, there is also blasphemy. Blasphemy takes two forms; the first is asceticism, that is, self-deprivation. Many religions uphold abstinence, in the form of fasting or chastity, as a form of holiness or faith. However, this is blasphemy against the Divine Self. Another form of blasphemy is to commit harm against another human being, as all humans embody the Divine. Just as we are to worship ourselves as Divine, we should show the same worship and respect to all Divinity.
The fifth and final aspect of the Divine is Defiance, embodied by the figure of Satan from the Christian religion. Satan, as an aspect of the Horned Goddess, represents defiance against not just organized religion but all forms of power and coercion. She is Deviancy, Anarchy, Rebellion, Freedom, Liberation, and Self-Determination. This Goddess is canonically transgender and thus also represents the inherent struggle and resistance of the underprivileged against their oppressors, specifically queer and trans folk whose very life and existence is a revolt against cisheteronormativity. Embodiment of the Defiant aspect is to take charge of one's own life and path, never bow down to a higher power than oneself, and challenge all norms.
The decision to use Satan as a figure, a traditionally male figure who serves as the antagonist of the Christian mythos and typically represents evil is a deliberately defiant choice. An example is drawn from LaVeyan Satanism, an atheistic occult religion that uses the figure of Satan in a similar fashion. In Christianity, Satan represents sin, often in the form of indulgence (such as with the cardinal or "seven deadly" sins). Originally one of God's greatest angels, Satan dared to defy God and consider himself an equal, getting himself cast out of heaven.
In conclusion, I have no conclusion to this lengthy diatribe, but I assure you that you will be hearing more about this whenever I get around to writing it.
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kpopdancings · 3 years
New Post has been published on http://www.whatsupkpop.com/stephen-hawking-the-hypothesis-god-did-not-create-the-universe/
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  “Without God. Nobody created the universe and no one decided our destiny ”- the late physical genius Stephen Hawking once wrote.
It is a quote from the book “Brief Answers to the Big Questions”, the last publication of Stephen Hawking published by John Murray.
  In life, Hawking was a vocal champion of the Big Bang theory. The idea that the universe began by exploding suddenly out of a singularity that is extremely smaller than an atom. From this speck emerged all the matter, energy and empty space that the universe would ever contain, and all that raw material evolved into the cosmos we perceive today by following a strict set of scientific laws. To Hawking and many like-minded scientists, the combined laws of gravity, relativity, quantum physics and a few other rules could explain everything that ever happened or ever will happen in our known universe.
“For centuries, it was believed that disabled people like me were living under a curse that was inflicted by God. Well, I suppose it’s possible that I’ve upset someone up there, but I prefer to think that everything can be explained another way, by the laws of nature. If you believe in science, like I do, you believe that there are certain laws that are always obeyed. If you like, you can say the laws are the work of God, but that is more a definition of God than a proof of his existence,” Hawking wrote.
  With the universe running on a scientifically guided autopilot, the only role for an all-powerful deity might be setting the initial conditions of the universe. So that those laws could take shape a divine creator who caused the Big Bang to bang, then stepped back to behold “His work”.
“Did God create the quantum laws that allowed the Big Bang to occur?” Hawking wrote. “I have no desire to offend anyone of faith, but I think science has a more compelling explanation than a divine creator.”
  In his book written in 1988, A Brief History of Time, Hawking had seemed to accept the role of God in the creation of the universe. But in the new text, co-written with American physicist Leonard Mlodinow, he said new theories showed a creator is “not necessary”.
  In the past, Hawking almost never spoke directly about his religious views. However, he always said that humans are the pinnacle of evolution and needs to be perfected with the help of scientific and technical means such as automation, gene therapy …. In his books, Hawking often uses the word “god” to clarify what he presents.
But in the new text, co-writing with the American physicist Leonard Mlodinow, he said: “Due to the obvious existence of physical laws, such as gravity, the universe can and will continue to self-destruct. create it out of nothing. The spontaneous formation of the universe is the reason why the universe and people exist. It is therefore unnecessary to include God in the creation of the universe. ” Hawking wrote in the book.
  Hawking’s explanation begins with quantum mechanics, which explains how subatomic particles behave. In quantum studies, it’s common to see subatomic particles like protons and electrons seemingly appear out of nowhere, stick around for a while and then disappear again to a completely different location. Because the universe was once the size of a subatomic particle itself, it’s plausible that it behaved similarly during the Big Bang, Hawking wrote.
  That still doesn’t explain away the possibility that God created that proton-size singularity, then flipped the quantum- mechanical switch that allowed it to pop. But Hawking says science has an explanation here, too. To illustrate, he points to the physics of black holes — collapsed stars that are so dense, nothing, including light, can escape their pull.
Black holes, like the universe before the Big Bang, condense into a singularity. In this ultra-packed point of mass, gravity is so strong that it distorts time as well as light and space. Simply put, in the depths of a black hole, time does not exist.
Because the universe also began as a singularity, time itself could not have existed before the Big Bang. Hawking’s answer, then, to what happened before the Big Bang is, “there was no time before the Big Bang.”
“We have finally found something that doesn’t have a cause, because there was no time for a cause to exist in,” Hawking wrote. “For me this means that there is no possibility of a creator, because there is no time for a creator to have existed in.”
  Hawking says the first blow to Newton’s belief that the universe could not have arisen from chaos was the observation in 1992 of a planet orbiting a star other than our Sun. “That makes the coincidences of our planetary conditions – the single sun, the lucky combination of Earth-sun distance and solar mass – far less remarkable, and far less compelling as evidence that the Earth was carefully designed just to please us human beings,” he writes.
  Hawking explained that, since the universe has an infinite number of galaxies and each galaxy has an infinite number of planets, it is very likely that the earth is not the only place where life is present. Even our universe exists with many other universes. The other universes have the same laws of physics as ours, that is, they are also created out of nothing, not by the hand of God.
If God is human-oriented, wouldn’t you expect him to create a universe in which humans feature prominently? You’d expect humans to occupy most of the universe, existing across time. Yet that isn’t the kind of universe we live in. Humans are very small, and space, as Douglas Adams once put it, “is big, really really big”.
  Scientists estimate that the observable universe, the part of it we can see, is around 93 billion light years across. The whole universe is at least 250 times as large as the observable universe.
Our own planet is 150m kilometres away from the sun. Earth’s nearest stars, the Alpha Centauri system, are four light years away (that’s around 40 trillion kilometres). Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains anywhere from 100 to 400 billion stars. The observable universe contains around 300 sextillion stars. Humans occupy the tiniest fraction of it. The landmass of planet Earth is a drop in this ocean of space.
Like Adams Centauri , the universe is really too old. Probably more than 13 billion years old. Earth is about 4 billion years old, and humans have evolved about 200,000 years ago. Temporarily speaking, man existed in the blink of an eye.
  In 2011, in the scientific film Curiosity for the Discovery channel, Hawking asked: “Did God create the universe?”. He affirmed that, in order to create the universe God “had no time,” since before the Big Bang happened, time did not exist …
  At Google’s Zeitgeist Conference in 2011, Hawking also said that “philosophy is dead.” Philosophy, he believes, “has not kept pace with the modern development of science”, and that scientists have become the leading torch bearers of the quest to discover knowledge. Hawking believes that philosophical problems can be answered by science, especially new scientific theories that will lead us to a very different new picture of the universe and our place in it …
  At the end of his lecture at the California Institute of Industry, the genius cosmologist made a point about saving humanity: “We need to continue to explore space for the future of humanity. I don’t think we will live a thousand years if we don’t finally run out of this fragile planet.
Hawking’s lecture in Caliphornia was very popular with the public. Although the subject of it was purely scientific, the people who wanted to listen to it were still very large and they lined up for a mile and a half. 
This argument will do little to persuade theistic believers, but that was never Hawking’s intent. As a scientist with a near-religious devotion to understanding the cosmos, Hawking sought to “know the mind of God” by learning everything he could about the self-sufficient universe around us. While his view of the universe might render a divine creator and the laws of nature incompatible, it still leaves ample space for faith, hope, wonder and, especially, gratitude.
  Stephen Hawking has been considered the king of theoretical physics of the world for many decades. He is famous for his studies on black holes in the universe. Hawking also pursued his goal of finding a “unifying theory” to resolve the contradictions between Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum theory. Hawking used to hold the position of Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, England. This is also the title that Newton held.
  The book “A Brief History” is the most famous publication written by Professor Hawking in his lifetime, and has sold more than 13 million copies worldwide. At the age of 20, Hawking was diagnosed with motor neuron disease (MND), predicted only 2 years to live.As the years passed, he did not die, but his mobility and communication became increasingly limited, and he ended up living in a wheelchair and talking on a voice synthesizer.When he died at the age of 76, the scientist became the longest-lived MND patient ever.His war against illness was told vividly in the movie “Theory of Things” (2014) starring British actor Eddie Redmayne. Hawking’s role also brought the Oscar for Redmayne in 2015.
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