#i only had them & my partner basically for attention & due to the fact i would refuse to meet new people i unfortunately went to thinking
Wibta if I told my friend, upfront, I do not want his toxic partners in my campaign party without specifying why?
Everyone in this is 22+
So I (22NB) have been working on a campaign for at least 3 years now. I used dnd as a base and built off it to make my own world, races, mechanics, massive maps, religions, languages etc. This will be a massive campaign with highlights on religion and dealing with gods as a mortal etc and I've put so many hours into it it isn't even funny. I mean shit, I picked music for different areas depending on if it's day or night.
I made a discord server to house most of the basic info my players would need from table rules to the races and beyond. I mainly had the idea that the party would consist of my dmnpc guide (he doesn't fight or break the game, his only action during fighting is the help action and guide the party. Im not an asshole dm who makes my guide the protagonist. If its important, death doesn't really exist in my campaign due to demi-god race stuff, the party just gets sent back to its last save point with my grumpy man guide saying I told you so.), my partner's character (24f)(she dosent get preferential treatment. We've been together for 8 yrs) and my best bud's character (22tm. Been friends for 8 yrs). I never said I specifically only wanted my partner and friend to be party members but it was implied due to the fact I never invited my friends partners to the discord. I just don't really have many friends and this is the first time I've ever dm-ed period, let alone dming my own homebrew. We're all pretty novice newbie players and I think it'll be fun for us to stumble through the game together in a much less complicated form of DND without seasoned players "um actually-"ing us the whole time.
My partner is excited to try and my friend is ecstatic and about 2 years into development (last November) he asked if I could let his partners join the campaign. There're a few issues with this beyond me not really knowing them and not wanting to run a large party (it's hard for seasoned dms to run a 4+ party, let alone I, a fresh infant of a dm). My friend has 3 partners of his (he has 4 total) he wants to introduce to my campaign, this includes (fake names): Mel(24nb), Sandy (mid 20s f) and Rue (23 tw). I have issues with each individual present and it all stems from me sitting in on a different campaign for a single session. See, my friend has his own campaign (much smaller, follows one story in one town on an island instead of my entire continent) and he tried to run it by those three partners (and 2 friends. Names and genders unnecessary, they were our age) while I quietly sat in the session (it was over a discord call, were all in differnet states except for me and my partner) and watched it run just to see how my friend dmed and how the groups chemistry was. They had a 3 hour session.
It was the most socially awkward, intense and passive aggressive 3 hours of my life. Mel barely paid attention and as a result, had to have things explained to them when they weren't listening. They would then would talk over the person explaining things, pick apart their language and get irritated to the point of telling them (mostly rue) to shut up. Mel was quite litterally looking for a fight constantly. Sandy was relatively quiet but also not paying attention and talking over other players actions. She also would come up with random "icks " and one minute was telling everyone to keep all sexual jokes and comments to themselves because it made her uncomfortable then the next said her character was literally blowing a guy in the back of tavern.(btw this is not a fetish campaign or anything, it was out of left field for everyone and my friend shut it down because of that) Rue was the "uhm actually" type who pointed out inaccuracies, broken rules and lack of realism (it's a pirate fantasy magic campaign. There isn't much to focus on realism). Rue was clearly the most seasoned player but the nicest all things considered. She was mostly just condescending and treated my friend like he was stupid for not having every single detail mapped out. The party also had 2 of his friends but they were just as quiet as me and also either not paying attention or listening to the shit show. The session litterally ended with Sandy and Mel having the tiniest argument, mel pulling a crying running away anime protagonist "I'm sorry for being just a fucking terrible person! Ill leave so you all can have fun!!" Then hanging up all dramatically. Safe to say, their party was literally every red flag I was warned about by dm guide content.
My friend then came to me and said they broke up with Sandy that night but were still friends and I was still in shock from the sheer toxicity. Did I mention I had only met Sandy and the two other friends that night? And had only spoken over the phone to Mel once in a group call and met rue in person 2 times? Safe to say, I do not want litterally any of his partners in my party for various reasons and I feel as if just one of them at my table would make my patience end on sight. I consider myself to be very flexible and want to do my very best to be a fair but strong dm who doesn't get their story absolutely trampled by players intentionally trying to ruin my story and watch me scramble (mel and sandy openly did that). These players would disrespect my table rules for fun. Even my friend said they never respect him and his story as a DM and he won't run a game with them again and he thinks they'll respect my rule? As a baby dm? Nah fam.
He wants to bring rue and Mel into my campaign and I haven't answered him yet. I've mostly dodged the question with "I'm not sure how big of a party I feel comfortable dming for, I'll know later down the line." And he's asked again, still curious. I don't wanna judge my friends relationships because he and Mel have been together for 5 years and rue has been with him for 2 (they were together previously before rue came out and rue tried to control and physically abuse him. Thats another reason I don't want her in my campaign. Fuck abusers) but the toxicity they would bring would probably poison me. If I bring these things up, idk how my friend would react and he can be a bit... Extreme when he gets defensive. Cutting people off permanently at a moments notice then coming back crying or confused. He has BPD which explains it but I don't obviously wanna say " your partners are low-key toxic and abit abusive and I don't want them at my table or in my life for the most part and although I love you bro(/platonic) I do not want living blowfish at my table that you might not even speak to tomorrow.".
Obviously I wouldn't word it like that but mainly I just plan on saying "Ive never dmed before and I'm nervous about the functionality of my campaign so I want to keep my party nice, small and intimate and only between you, me and my partner for now. Maybe we can incorporate them later." Without mentioning all the... Other stuff and side stepping if he's like "but what if just mel/rue?". Me, my partner and him have been friends awhile so it's not like he'll feel like he's third wheeling or anything and I get he wants his partners to take in his interest, I just do not want them at my table and I wanna know if I'm a dick if I dont specify why and avoid the question. I dont wanna rock the boat and hurt my friends feelings but I'm not gonna ruin the first full run of my pet project so a passive aggressive asshole and a know it all almost abuser can participate. He deserves to know why his partners can't join and I'm not technically lieing, even if they were cool, I don't know if I'd want them there. But they definitely aren't cool and that just seals the coffin for me.
(obviously I'm wording this in a comedic way but everything here actually happened and I mostly just wanna focus on supporting my friend despite his choices. I do not have to like his partners to tolerate them but it's my table and my years of work, if i dont want them there, they dont get to be there. I'm just wondering if I'm a dick for kinda lieing kinda not if I don't give the actual reasons for why I don't want them at my table and never plan on allowing them there. I would happily accommodate 1 or 2 more people at my table in this case if they were close to me like my sister or older brother but I dont know his partners well at all and even though they are passive to me, I dont feel safe around people like that. Wibta?)
What are these acronyms?
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pupmkincake2000 · 1 month
I once had this topic in my posts, and I want to talk about it again. Perhaps I will say the same thing, but in this context it is important to bring to the main idea.
So, the found-family trope. It has been perverted into "here's a set of characters, I've squished them into the heteronormative roles of father/mother/child". - found family CAN be that, in some cases, but that is not what the trope was initially founded on. The found family trope was built on NON-CONVENTIONAL FAMILIES/RELATIONSHIPS. It is about finding a family OUTSIDE of the one you were born into, a family that can be whoever you want, and look however you want it to. That's the very reason it's so popular in LGBT+ spaces. It is not about pushing people into strict parental/child roles. It is about finding family in other people, regardless of what they are to you. Romantic partners absolutely count as found family, so no, we are not pushing aside a lovely found-family trope for the "sake of a ship" (a silly sentence to begin with, imo, but I digress) Hank and Connor ARE found family, because you can find your family; your comfort, your helper, your partner in life, in your husband, wife, or partner. The opportunity for a queer love story does NOT cheapen anything, especially in todays world, where it's desperately needed right now.
So, when people say they are not infantilizing Connor by making Hank treat him like a son because adults are allowed to have parents and that Connor is smart and all but he’s still unexperienced when it comes to human emotions and needs someone to guide him and that Connor needs a guide, an anchor in his life I always ask myself why.
Why it has to be Connor of all androids? Why do people think Connor needs an anchor, a guide and why do they think he’s unexperienced? Considering, he’s a clever machine whose brain, or whatever he has in his head, works much faster than human being’s. Does that mean all the androids need a guide and an anchor? Isn't that infantilization? Weren't they actually shown as independent individuals? Doesn't this destroy him as an independent person who's already decided who he wanted to be and is aware of his own actions? In addition, people forget that he is not a human and he may not need the very concept of a father figure or parents/child relationships at all.
I have often seen how people who insist Connor needs a father, need a father figure themselves, in fact, they simply project their desires onto Connor and Hank due to a lack of fatherly love or attention, and some of them have directly admitted this to me. Tho, they choice of Hank as a father figure seems really ridiculous, considering how his relationships with Connor started. But then again, Connor is not a human, and such concepts may be alien to him. We do not talk about Markus here, because he lived for 10 years with a man who considered him a son from the very beginning. Therefore, Markus is the exception rather than the rule. We leave out Alice because she was essentially programmed to be a child and needs to be taken care of, this is basically her function. And there were no other examples of family relationships among androids, there were only couples.
The most interesting part is also that people who are usually against HankCon, seem like the ones who are applying their personal feelings and issues to the characters. Can your partner not be your family? Is your partner not your friend, your confidant, and the person that helps you heal and uplifts you? Those things aren’t locked to just platonic or familial relationships.
Although I'm still sure that good old stereotypes are to blame, because if Hank was younger or at least looked younger, no one would think of him as a father figure. If people are only doing this because of his age and looks (and I suspect that's the case... in most cases), it's largely the fault of the fandom itself that forces Hank into this stereotypical role. Because a lot of people who played the game, but have never been part of the fandom, have no problems seeing Hank and Connor as a potential couple or just who they are accrotding the plot - friends), it just shows how incapable they are of analyzing characters. Because according to this perspective, any human being, if they are not a child or a teenager, will be more experienced in life than any android. Shouldn't androids view all humans who are over 20 as their potential parents or parental figures then? But for some reason, if a human being looks young, no one assigns them such a role, although from such a point of view this is exactly how it should be. So either people accept that Connor is an adult, capable of making adult decisions (while remembering that he is not human), or they accept that any android is infantile by the very fact of their existence and needs a parental figure, even if humans who the androids interact with, look young.
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vinziel · 1 month
Concept for my own TDAU oc
May I present to you my own TDAU oc. Vinzie The Offensive Magician! (I can't draw for shit, so for now I'll just explain his design, most details in his design represent something, I'll make an official drawing of his design probably very later on) Now they're a troll with Bluish skin and darker blue hair, their blue hair is mostly covered by his magician hat! And you guessed it they wear the typical black and red magician clothing! They have bruises on their arms and a black eye on their face, with noticeable tear streaks on his cheeks. The part of their hair that isn't covered by his hat is messy and clearly hasn't been combed. Heavy eyebags. He posts on all social media platforms you can think of. Under the name of @offensive_magician_official display name being "Vinziel" his real name (no this isn't a self insert. I just used my own name because of how unique it is). He is very active on his social medias and constantly gets into dramas (on purpose of course) purposefully causing discourse.
Lore Time!! He's non-binary using He/They pronouns and is gay! Now, his parents were very absent when he was a kid, and full on abandoned him in his teens, he was treated like a ghost, no one would notice him, everyone would walk past him. Once he got on steady footing and had a sustainable job, he dated the one and only John Dory! Now John Dory was only dating Vinz to experiment if he's gay or not but it didn't even feel like Vinz was a partner to him since he was pretty much so focused on Brozone, they don't hang out or talk much and if they did John only talks about Brozone, they ended things on a sour note (Mostly on Vinz's side, John didn't feel much after the breakup), now this lead Vinz on a downward slope, no one paid attention to them, not even his ex-partner. Unlike John though their strive for fame and atteu is Self-destructive and not destructive to others.
This led Vinz to do offensive comedy using magic tricks. He'd offend EVERYONE, leftist, rightist, conservatives, the gays, the old and the young, the communist, the capitalist. Nothing was off limits for them to offend. He didn't care about the death threats, he didn't care about the harassment and assault he'd experience in the streets because someone recognized him, ATTENTION IS ATTENTION in their books. The only person keeping him from getting killed was Bruce who was in good terms with them, since whenever John would leave Vinz alone to do Brozone stuff and basically forget he's even there, Bruce would be there to keep him company. Basically he's the reason he isn't completely insane. In real life he's actually very nice and caring, though he is mentally unstable. His online personality is the one where he is offensive.(though that won't last long since his online personality will eventually consume his actual one but for now let's imagine it hasn't). For his relationships Bruce is the only person he's actually close with, and one of the only people to know him personally. (fun fact he once appeared on Satin and Chenille's show, which only lasted 3 minutes before he got kicked out due to the amount of offensive jokes he was making about the twins). In terms of love life they are single, and probably shouldn't even be in a relationship with how unstable he is. He's very good at masking what he feels which is why so many people hate him because they think he's really serious about what he says. He does have some defenders online saying "it's just a joke" or "y'all are snowflakes" the people who defend them are people who think "Joke about everything or joke about nothing" mentality. His offensiveness doesn't stop at jokes by the way. He'd actually do stuff that makes people hate him even more.
Now explaining my choices in his design. Now why a magician you may ask and not a jester or a clown. Well no explanation I just wanted them to be a magician. Their color schemes in their hat and suit are Black and Red. Red represents passion, they're passionate about what they do, he loves the attention, Black means mastery, he's able to offend anyone and anything. The tear streaks on his cheeks represent the endless crying he does off camera, the messy hair explains his messy life of being offensive to gain attention. The bruises represent the assaults and harassment he experiences on a daily basis(yes the way he offends people is JUST that bad) and sometimes it represents his own destructiveness to himself. The blue skin and hair represent his pathetic and sad life. The eyebags represent his lack of sleep thinking of new and unique offensive jokes (this guy makes the most creative offensive joke, he sometimes reuses them but it's mostly new and very creative to the point sometimes people would be more shocked than offended, when a chinese president would die he'd make a joke like "Looks like the dog had rabies").
Anyways hoped you enjoyed my little yapping session of my OC. Will probably add more lore if I think of more.
@hostilemuppet hope you enjoy :>
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waywardangel-wilds · 1 month
I recently saw you reblog the ask referring to the post about how someone stated that Katniss&Peeta and Finnick&Annie are only together because of trauma. I also wanted to say that's just not true? Like everyone in the series has trauma, everyone copes with it differently but I don't think Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, or Annie sought out their respective partners because they too had trauma. In the grand scheme of things, wouldn't it have been easier for Katniss to be with Gale so she wouldn't have to deal with Peeta's hijacking OR HIS TRAUMA from the games because wouldn't that trigger hers? (you know aside from the fact that Katniss will always link her sister's death with Gale's weaponry and disregard for human compassion). Same with Annie, would it not have been easier to just close off that chapter rather than be with Finnick, someone that is also linked to not only the Hunger Games in general, which is where "her mind broke", but HER GAMES as he was likely the mentor or one of the mentors for the male tribute who she watched GET BEHEADED. Like wouldn't Katniss have rather just not been with someone, like she always planned, or Annie been with someone from D13 who would have had no link to the games in general. Or Peeta been with Delly, who he didn't have hijacked memories of or been to hell and back with. Or how bout Finnick being with literally anyone but someone else in the games, someone who he had to fear for her life in the games?
I could rant about this all day. I looked into the person who wrote the original post and that just made me feel like I was losing my mind. I don't care if people like Gale, I can understand their points, but to tag everlark in a post shitting on them and then reply to said post and be like "I love debate" but then go about blocking people who are debating you AND CLAIMING that they didn't tag EVERLARK for attention, come on, you know you did. It's hypocritical. The person seems stuck in an old phase of internet which I have grown too old to engage in. Have your opinion, but respect general etiquette of keeping that stuff out of the tag you are actively shitting on. It only draws "bad" attention but they strike me as all PR is good PR which like, why do you want negativity in your space when you could just not?
And frankly, the original post was hypocritical because...Gale has trauma too, like a lot of it, which is what drove him to, in a way, be used by Coin. So, if the theory that Katniss had no thoughts, emotions, or feelings outside of trauma is true, would she not have originally had MORE trauma in common with Gale? Like Katniss should have fallen at Gale's feet no? Before the games, in those woods for hours, she should have bonded with him and fallen in LOVE with him due to that bond but she didn't. Because trauma doesn't make her love someone, who they are does. Frankly her bond over trauma with Gale is what kept her feeling guilty and like she had to be in his life despite, as we see in MJ, her realizing that outside of the hatred they had for the way things were in D12, they weren't compatible, their MORALS were different.
This rant is basically it. Its the HER or rants. Yes I agree. I must confess, I didn't take that other person seriously at all and mocked them in their comments, something along the lines of 'reading comprehension is dead.' (That's so mean what's wrong with me!!) I usually would feel bad about that but I think it's fair to say they were being mean for no reason (I actually still feel bad haha).
The only thing I really have to add is that the OG 'trauma bond' person seems to be using Gale's butthurt logic from the end of the last book. You know, when Gale is like "Katniss will end up with whoever she can't survive without." Which is so not the right thing to take away from the series. I thought it was common knowledge that this was incorrect, and it was put in to highlight once again that the entire series was about not just the war and the suffering but how it affected people. The whole thing is about emotions, and Katniss, the person whose emotions we know the best, is absolutely full of a kaleidoscope of emotions. It isn't so simple as to say 'Katniss chose Peeta because he was in the games with her.' Or 'Katniss chose Peeta because she was on the brink of death from depression.' No, Katniss chose Peeta because she felt so much for him. Because she was so deeply connected to him, as her friend, her partner, her teammate, even at times her enemy. She knew Peeta completely, and she liked what was there, that's why she chose him in the end. She saw him at his best and his absolute worst, but she wanted him anyway. That's love. I don't know how else to put it. But if any one of us is lucky enough to fall in love in this life, would we want to only be chosen at our bests? Why would I call that love? That's just infatuation. Love is the hard stuff.
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lamentingocean · 2 months
◇Gojo X Reader◇
+Jujitsu Kaisen Anime+
+Request by a Fellow Follower+
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Warning: adult comedy and current era trends, a bit of cuddling and warmth, some NSFW,
●Work made by ocean●
it's a man named gojo in the world full of people with different types of curses given to them as a form, ability and power to have on their ordinary human body cannot be able to comprehend these abilities. But this man gojo is a special type of powerful used to be a god-like beings with his abilities and power used to defeat enemies so much stronger than him. his eyes are a weapon, and that weapon can make people also look at his eyes and be stuck in a neverending dimension of beauty due to his eyes looking like an ice cave. But his real abilities in them are incredible perception and control over cursed energy. but he's so attractive in that term. he looks like a white haired angel who's only power is to charm woman with his natural beauty.
he looked like a man who could look like a model. He is a man who acts gay but can also act straight at the same time. Having such sparkling eyes that make a moonlight under an ocean look pathetic. I come to terms with the fact that he's a busy man with a busy life. so I don't have time to actually spend time with him and his own business just so I can investigate his hobby and what he does a bit more. Maybe im just hallucinating. but I just want to run my hands through his swan colored hair and brush up against his soft skin no matter how dangerous he really is. it seems like I'm attracted to him, but he doesn't notice me either when we get set on a mission to eliminate much more powerful deadly curses to threaten humanity's cycle of their daily life.
I don't know. he's either trying to be funny to one of his friends, or he's oblivious to any type of strong emotion to anybody in a silent room that trait literally pissed me off since I like him more than usual. No.
I shouldn't overthink about it too much since I invited him over to come have a drink with me no matter if I'm a stranger to him. I just want to get to know me since we are basically partners in a group full of powerful curse holders, holders of much stronger domain expansions, and techniques. I'm surprised he makes death threats when he can actually kill a lot of people. but prefer not to. I'm sitting here on the couch. In my own home, with two bottles of his favorite wine.
Had to ask geto what his favorite wine or alcoholic beverage is, but we aren't gonna pay attention to that.
some fresh bought cut pineapples and strawberries mixed in a bowl, multiple movies to watch, some popcorn and pizza to eat since eating fatty foods can help with being drunk. and two blankets, one for each. Is this a date or not? surely the cost of inviting a god like being you like into your home for a drink SURELY doesn't mean a date. my mind is overthinking again about it. is my outfit likable? Would he even care about a partner he doesn't pay attention to? my mind snaps back to reality once the doorbell ran. I was excited but also nervous about impressing him. Maybe im trying too hard. He is known for being a compassionate person caring about a lot of his people, that's for sure.
That means dreaming about murder in a comedic way?
nope. I'm just too focused on a man who might not even be judgemental. my hands open the door to see that same black mask covering his eyes with a smirk having lines of being "playful" or "happy to receive an invitation to someone's house for a small drink." His greeting was full of kindness once my face had time to react to him.
"O-oh..hello gojo."
"Oh my...what do we have here? You are so red. anything wrong...?"
I felt messy so much. like..does he even notice his words are messing me up? even being blindfolded is making me screech like a drunk fangirl in a concert towards how hot he really is...other then ahem..being thin.
"N-no. I'm fine, gojo. I made a special occasion for us since this is my way of getting to know each other."
I can tell he absolutely adored the decor of this date. I don't know if he finds this is an actual date. He reached the fruit mix to dig into both a mix of pineapple and strawberry all in one single hand. He popped them in like a drug as I watched in a bit of a flustered confusion. How can this man act adorable and goofy by doing a simple thing? so I decided to sit down with him with my voice, which is mute like a YouTube video without volume.
The living room was filled with "Who is going to say the first word?" But he said something as soon as my mind starts to bubble thoughts of "does he like me?" or maybe he wants to fuck me so hard that my womb is filled with his cu-
" Y/N? Are you ok?"
my brain was sizzling so hard, it could cook a steak. he tapped my shoulder out of worry. it successfully knocked my delusional subconscious state back into the void and got me back into the reality that I oh so hate. he's, of course, worried about me, so what was I doing? reminiscing about how lust can change a person's entire perspective about sex but that isn't what I'm doing. My mind was being boiled alive, but somehow, it's back to normal. my vision blinks back to the tv, to my living room, and back to him.
"Let's watch some TV, shall we? Y-you are free to help yourself to some food on the table. It looks DELECTABLE."
"My my...having sex thoughts about me are you?"
I looked more like a makeup blush than a fruit with red on its insides. I guessed he used his ability to see through my mind, but why? Did curiosity get the best of him or he's just trying to figure out why my brain is melting like hot chocolate under a fire. either way, I was able to function enough to talk back.
"N-no, my mind had been a lot more scrambled lately than I can count. but...anyways, let's change the topic. What movies do you like?"
"...hmm.. I certainly like action and fantasy type movies."
I reached to grab the remote to pick out what movie to watch while gojo just casually ate the mixed bowl like he's a starved man. it's avengers endgame, dungeons and Dragons, star wars, and John wick on for free!? Thats a great deal.
Dispite having to pay 167 dollars for this special occasion. My money is being butt-fucked
"John wick."
"Hm? What did you say?"
"Click John wick. I only watched Chapter 2. I need to watch some more with you."
I blush slightly less red, starting to think all of this is about spending time with my own partner and not some romantic date invite unintentionally. i click on John wick only to see the darkness of my living room, have the aura be a little intimately silent to both of us. his head lay on my shoulder. The biggest once in a lifetime just started.
I saw his hand dig through his mask and take it off. Revealing his light blue orbs. the moonlight reflecting on my living room window somehow glistened his eyes to be more gorgeous than they ever were. his eyes are like a fantasy ice dimension full of shiny icy spikes all over it. it's like a whole painting full of vast blue and light blue colors to use to create a full-fledged masterpiece. His eyes look like the bottom of a beautiful hawaiian lake. I kept staring at him until I realize he's genuinely cuddling onto my arm.
I look to the screen and wonder why it's taking so long until I see my internet disconnect. But I no longer care about the internet. What I'm paying attention to is why he's cuddling with me. I guess he's stuck in a bit of a trance. probably because he's tired or he is so aroused with my warmth? my sex thoughts started to terrorize my mind once more. My blush started to return again in terms of that. he's so hot. What inch is he? does he know how to get a person active just by using words. hench forth..words aren't weak to please someone. Either if it's a boy or a girl.
my thought process shattered into a million pieces by seeing him snore on my shoulder like I'm a squishmellow. I'm guessing he's tired from being an extremely powerful sorcerer dealing with threats all day like he's a level 500 player in a video game while those threats are level 44. I reach to his waist and let him lay on my chest no matter how flustered I am. his eyes made me flinch once he blinked them twice to be half-asleep. he chuckled in a raspy voice, making my blush burn my face off by how red I was.
"Aww, look at you looking like a tanglulu strawberry. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I kissed you a little?" This was a bit unlike him. But he fell back asleep before he can even decide.
let's lay here for the rest of the night.
( -END- thank-you so much for the love you guys give me♡)
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sketch-guardian · 11 months
RAD classmates with an alternative mc? Like one moment their in goth clothing next hour they’re in blinding pastel colors or something
Hi🤗sorry for answering this late,but I was a bit busy with university again😣I had to do some research on alternative clothing to get a clearer idea of ​​the style in question too🙈but I hope it was enough to write a satisfying reply, as usual I'll do my best✨ (P.S.: in any scenario, I think the RAD classmates would love MC just the way they are, whatever their style is, just wanted to add that💕):
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MC's quirky style would definitely attract Demya's attention and honestly would also satisfy some of her tastes, she would find it intriguing and adorable at the same time. The goth part of the style would remind her of her demon form or of the clothes she usually wore when she attended parties at The Fall, sometimes a bit provocative, while the pastel part would remind Demya a little of some of her clothes used for other types of occasions, such as for example when she wants to feel comfortable and cute at home (or when she wants to be domestic with her mate). Basically, Demya would approve of MC's style, so much so that sometimes she would even take their cue for how to dress, so that they could go around Devildom looking pretty with coordinated clothes, like true alternative fashion icons. Going out with matching outfits would make Demya feel closer to MC, not only that,but it would also be a lot of fun and it would be like having achieved couple goals,which would of course trigger jealousy in other demons such as the seven brothers (the only thing Demya would refuse to wear as accessories are collars and chokers, for obvious reasons)
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Not gonna lie, Domnra would find the alternative style quite attractive and hot, he wouldn't even know exactly the reason, but he would find it appealing, perhaps due to the fact that he too looks a bit like an emo with his haircut , but in his case it is not a style matter, but a strategic way to hide his scar, not wanting to receive unwanted attention. In any case, the details he would particularly prefer on his partner are the goth ones such as studs or fishnet clothes, while Mobim would have a particular soft spot for pastel details, especially the fluffy ones, occasionally offering to model some accessories, thinking it would be nice if itself, MC and Domnra were to match and bond together as a happy little family, while maybe listening to some music together too, such as rock or metal, one of the shadow demon's favorite music genres (still, they wouldn't mind listening to what MC prefers. As long they're spending time together in a comfortable setting, whatever they do, both Domnra and Mobim in the end would be satisfied)
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Although his fashion style is quite different,especially colors wise, Azul loves everything that is considered eccentric or bizarre, so MC's style would suit him quite well and he would have no problem helping his lovely star choose what to wear for the day/night and how to style their hair, he would also accompany them shopping if his help was requested. Azul would also find it a cool idea to immortalize MC on canvas or take alternative fashion themed aesthetic photos, after all he is an artist and MC would be a great muse, provided they agree to model of course, because their consent is important (if it was for a surprise gift though, in that case the demon would do everything in secret, as best as he could at least, since he's an open book). Considering his not very edgy clothes, Azul would prefer the pastel aspect of the alternative style and sometimes he would accept MC's advice on some accessories to wear that could compliment his figure and colors without ruining his usual attire. Still, Azul is known for cosplaying with Levi sometimes when he's less busy, so if MC wanted him to dress up as an alternative character, he wouldn't miss out the opportunity to show off
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Being an expert in fashion, it is very likely that Zuri has come across the alternative style at least once in her long life and therefore would know more or less the basics of how to organize such a wardrobe, even though it is not a fashion style she's particoulary fond of. Zuri tends to dress in a very elegant and refined way, at best in a practical and simple way if required by the context, so it is unlikely that she will adopt something typical of her beloved's style, despite her ability to appreciate both goth and pastel details, however she would let MC dress as they pleased without any harsh judgment, as long as in more important situations (such as noble settings or parties at the Demon Lord's castle-) they respected the formal dress code and didn't show up in alternative clothes, because that would be inappropriate. Being also good at sewing, if MC wanted made-to-measure clothes or if Zuri wanted to give them a present, she would personally take care of designing, creating and packaging clothing for them, making it one of a kind, a special set just for them to wear
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They wouldn't be an expert on the subject despite their vast knowledge and considering their comfortable and rather shabby and vintage way of dressing, Odon wouldn't seem to care much about something like fashion or physical appearance, for them the only thing that would count the most would be MC's happiness and if their dear friend is happy wearing clothes of a specific kind, then Odon would be content too. They wouldn't really have an opinion about alternative style or a preference on goth or pastel aspects to be honest, but they would be willing to try some alternative clothes with MC, as long as they are loose, soft and comfortable, a bit like their sweater and poncho, because they wouldn't feel very comfortable with tight, low-cut or too bare skin showing clothes, not for a matter of insecurity, but simply for personal tastes. Seeing MC so sure of how they want to show themselves to all realms without any kind of fear would make Odon proud, because seeing a human standing up to other creatures without being scared of openly expressing their ideas and likes would be quite rare, and Odon would be pleased to assist them, just wanting acceptance and reception for MC (moreover, Odon's unintentional dark cottagore-like style would probaly compliment MC's alternative figure well-)
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hi im in love with literally all your takes and opinions but ESPECIALLY the weird autistic yu being kind of an ass and gaining friends by accident. do you have any other headcanons about him i love this weird dude <3
I absolutely do!! I am a Souji kinnie so I have many opinions on this man and yes I am projecting but (1) I do not care and (2) I do not care.
In the manga (which I have not read yet but I want to) Souji has pretty absentee parents due to their work and he's been forced to move around a lot for them. Imo because of this (+ already being autistic) he's always had a really hard time making friends. He's always been something of a loner, drifting btween people and places without making strong connections because he doesn't know how to form them. By the time of Persona 4 he's kind of accepted his fate of being the odd one out who will float through this town and leave unchanged like he has his entire life.
Only he does make connections this time. Connections that matter. And that's terrifying, because now that Souji isn't alone, now that he knows what belonging feels like, he never wants to lose that again. He never ever wants to go back. Hence his Shadow in episode 26. (I fucking love his Shadow sooo much you don't understand.)
This is a self indulgent one, but I also headcanon that Souji has learned that to keep the fleeting attention of his parents and the people around him, he has to keep up his grades and generally be helpful and accommodating. He values himself on his performance and talents since that's the only way he could receive the attention and love from his parents he wanted so badly. He's not naturally a great student, but he works his ass off to get good grades and do well at school and work and life in general. Basically everything other than socializing and making real connections which he struggles with hardcore because of autism.
Souji has learned from experience that his deadpan statements can be really funny to people, so he leans into that bit of his autism in the hopes it'll get him more acceptance from his peers. It's been hit or miss his whole life since a lot of people are still put off from him and he's started self isolating and stopped actively reaching out, but he knows the deadpan humor usually works better than trying to mask and his friends in Inaba love it and think it makes him charming.
Souji adores children. I think this is obvious considering how many of his social links involve children. In my opinion this is partially him just liking hanging out with kids because they're easier than adults because of his autism, but also is in large part because he remembers feeling abandoned and unloved as a kid and he doesn't want any other kid feeling that way.
Souji is gay. Like, fully homosexual, no interest whatsoever in women. He's known this for a while but he doesn't really know what to do with it since he knows society isn't super cool with it, especially out here in the boonies compared to the city. He's never really cared personally but he starts to care a little once he makes connections and this fact about himself starts to matter. But seeing Kanji start to and struggle to accept himself encourages Souji to accept and embrace that part of himself too, and by the time of the festival he's at the point of "fuck it, I am who I am and people can take it or leave it" and he's confident that if he told his friends they would still accept him.
As for his relationship with Yosuke, I think it's kind of a slow burn thing. He has feelings for Yosuke pretty early on but he doesn't pursue them since he's not really aware of them at first, he just Really Likes his partner and staring at him when he smiles. They are both pining for each other for so long without realizing what's going on because Yosuke's so closeted and Souji's just autistically oblivious of himself.
They both realize what their feelings mean around the same time (when they beat each other up ofc) and Souji is immediately ready to ask Yosuke to be his boyfriend because he's already completely head over heels but he doesn't know if Yosuke is ready for that so he waits for Yosuke to confess first. Which soon enough he does and from that point on they're partners for life.
Souji really, really wants to believe in the goodness of humanity. Like, extremely so. He thinks everyone is redeemable and has a good reason for their actions. So Adachi is completely incomprehensible to him. That's how I read their link in Golden, as Souji desperately wanting to believe that Adachi can be saved and that he has a secret good reason for killing people. Souji wants to understand and save him like he did with his friends. But the truth Souji has to face is that Adachi just sucks. Sometimes people you really liked and connected with just plain old suck. Sometimes people do evil shit for no good reason. Souji really liked Adachi. I think he bought into Adachi's silly act wholeheartedly (because autism) and related to it. So when he finds out Adachi is just an asshole that's really hard for him to accept.
Okay this is way too fucking long but I do think I talked about most of it. Basically, I give Souji a bunch of (my) trauma. Because I love him. Baby boy <3
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fortpeat · 1 year
I have this headcanon where one night when Sky and Prapai are at a race there is an old hookup who incessantly flirts with Prapai even though he has made it clear that he is not interested. I imagine Sky just sitting there talking to Rain and he looks over and has had enough and just walks over and boarder line makes out with Prapai in front of this person to get them to stop. And of course when they get home Prapai would show Sky just how much he loves him and that he doesn’t want to reciprocate at all when people who aren’t Sky flirt with him.
Hey Nonnie ❤️✨
Apologies for the late reply. Forgive me PLEASEE 🫣🥺
I love this headcanon. I stand by it 1000% in fact I have this pretty long headcanon kind of based on this which I wrote maybe like back in November and it's sitting in my drafts so I am sharing it now 🤭
So they are on their 3rd/4th date and Pai is still trying to impress Sky and Sky knowing this is being a little shit that he is acting all indifferent but deep down he's enjoying all the ways Pai is trying to spoil him. So they go to this restaurant which has gorgeous architecture and also it's one of the restaurants that Pai uses for meetings with his high end clients.
(P. S Pai had a one time fling with one of the restaurant partners)
So they go to the restaurant and get seated and Sky is so in love with the whole place and ambience and Pai is giving himself a pat on his back for putting that look of absolute wonder in Sky's eyes. As they are having dinner the "partner" comes to their table and greets them and basically pretends that Sky is another one of Pai's one night stand and even alludes to it. Sky is nonchalant towards all of it coz he's still looking and grasping at his surroundings. But Pai is not having any of it. He dismisses that person with the most pissed off face and as the partner leaves Pai asked to be excused and follows the person only to tell it to his face "I do not appreciate MY BOYFRIEND being disrespected. This will be the last time I will be coming here"
(Sky is mostly clueless about it all - all he can sense is that Pai is tense about something and poor baby is thinking that maybe he did something wrong by giving more attention to his surroundings than Pai during their date)
The dinner is done and on the way back home Pai calls his secretary while in the car to tell her to close all connections or deals with the before restaurant. The secretary is baffled for a second and asks why coz if /why Pai's dad asks why that partnership was annulled she should know about it and Pai just tells her that he has no interest in being in touch with people that insults his Boyfriend (in his head it's the love of his life) and Sky who was partially paying attention to what was happening suddenly turns to him with his round eyes completely taken back.
They reach Sky's dorm and walking in Pai started apologizing for not thinking clearly and that he will do better and make sure that Sky never feels that way and Sky is still silent.
Going into Sky's thoughts it's a myriad of emotions coz he can't believe that he get to have someone like Pai in his life just for himself and he doesn't know how to express it. Nobody has ever treated him like this before. Someone worthy of being defended and fought for. So he straight up kiss Pai with all his life and Pai is just stunned by the turn of events. And when asked why all Sky can say is "Thank you for that" and Pai is a bit baffled coz "Baby I didnt do anything its just common courtesy and I would have done this, had it happened to anyone I love"
All Sky can do is close his eyes and step even closer to Pai to lay his head on Pai's shoulder to make sense of his thoughts coz his brain is being assaulted with all these emotions that he can't understand yet. (At the same time he realizes how much he has lowered his standards due to past experiences and just someone treating him the way he should be mustn't be all that shocking) And then he takes a deep breath and pull back only to look at Pai with this kind of desperate need and want that Pai has never seen in Sky's eyes and that kind of puts him off track (coz in his head he's panicking that he might have said the L word a little too early and now sky is gonna run away)
But Sky just pushes him a little bit and keeps pushing him until Pai hits the back of the table and practically sits on top with Sky is between his legs and Sky has this tight grip on his thighs and Pai is just waiting for the next thing sky might do. All Sky does is he leans forward to Pai and looks him straight in the eyes and whispers "it's my turn to take your body and your heart" and Pai physically gulps 😳 and OH BOY DOES HE TAKE. 🤭👀
Sky worships Pai the whole night and Pai's entire world is shifted in an unprecedented way after that and he has this realization that he's ruined for anyone out there and he wouldn't have it any other way. And he sleeps with this smile on his face and this thought that he doesn't mind calling out assholes on their shitty behavior as long as Sky rewards him like this. 😂😂😂
(P.S this is a very unedited version, wrote in one sitting without actually thinking at all. Just copy pasted what was literally in my head.) (The line Prapai says - but I will take both your body and heart - is a weakness of mine)
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rubberkiwi79 · 2 months
Fast first draft. Feel free to critique.
Major Marcus Hoburn, commanding officer of Bravo Company of the Barghests Howl Mercenary Regiment, strode from the Headquarters truck towards his 85 ton Stalker Battlemech. Looking around the small clearing they were using as a temporary camp he spotted a figure seated against a tree, stetson dropped ofer its eyes.
Marcus walked over and kicked the mans boot. "Morning Staff Sargeant."
Not lifting his head the seated figure replied with a long slow drawl. "Mornin'."
"Not sure you've heard, a lot of people around here call me Sir or Major!"
"Not sure you've heard, i didnt call your father or grandfather sir when i served under them, not likely to start now kiddo." With one finger the seated man pushed up the brim of his hat revealing a face that appeared much younger than Marcus's 45 years. The eyes however held the wisdom of years.
"Alright old man, but arent you supposed to be doing something right now? Your Rifleman is half of our entire air defence right now with the aerospace wing grounded." Marcus said quizzically.
"How many times do i have to tell you," standing he brushed off his pants with his hat and turned his head revealing long pointed ears, " these ears can hear a flea drop a turd 2 miles out. No flyboy is getting anywhere near us."
" All the same Wyatt, for the sake of appearances, would you mind pretending im in charge and mount up? Briefing in 5."
"Since its you boss, just this once." The Elf slowly dragged himself up to attention and tapped his right eyebrow, yelling "SIR, YES SIR!" At the top of his lungs. The centuries old Elf bounded over to his mech, scaling the chain ladder 12 metres up to the cockpit. Within 15 seconds the head mounted radar was active and the mechs twin autocannon arms were scanning the sky.
"Like ive told you boss, when the Dandelion eaters showing off gets annoying im happy to squish him for you." A deep rumbling voice said above and behind Marcus. "No charge."
Marcus stifled a grin before he turned around to look the newcomer square in the metal codpiece. By no means was the Major a small man at 6 foot 2 inches, one of the reasons he piloted the stalker was due to the fact he simply didnt fit in some other mechs cockpits. He craned his kneck back looking up. And further up. On a normal day, just like others of his species, Sue stood a little over 8 feet tall. In the power armor he was currently wearing, it was closer to 10. "Oh, i couldnt do that Ray, he's basically a family heirloom at this point. Im glad you're ready to move, wheres your partner?"
The Troll waved one enormous Metal claw towards the tree tops on the western side of the clearing. "Off gathering intel from the local wildlife, as usual."
"Good, good. Tell her we're moving out. Briefing in 5." Marcus turned toward his Mech but had only taken two steps before the world exploded behind him.
Marcus swung back around, his ears ringing. "Shit Ray! Those suits have comms dont they? So we dont need to yell?"
The Troll grinned back and said simply "they sure do." Before bounding away with the aid of his suits jump jets.
Turning, Marcus headed towards his mech yet again thinking to himself 'yeah, but theyre my screwballs'. Catching movement in his peripheral vision he dropped to one knee as an armored foot flew through the air where his head had been.
"Sorry sir, the mana on this planet is a little off. Its screwing with my magic a little." While wearing a similar suit to the Enormous Troll, the young human woman was barely half his size. However the young Eagle Shaman could more than hold her own in a fight. Before the Major could even stand, let alone reply, she had sped off through the air.
"Friggin mages."
In truth, the young woman had been a blessing to the unit, they had gone several years without magical support and it had cost them dearly. In both men and metal. When Ray brought her to the dropship on Outreach 18 months ago after some R&R, nobody quite knew what to make of her. But Ray had said she was coming and so along she came. It took 3 and a half weeks to reach their next destination, an out of the way dustball that was home to a pirate band that had been preying on the local cluster. At least that had been the brief from the Fixer back on Outreach. What it had actually been, as happened far too frequently in recent years, was something else entirely.
Marcus had led his company of 12 Mechs and support Armor down the ramp of the Turtzburg dropship, prepared for a fight as always but not expecting one. Nor had they been expecting Word of Blake Militia. Two full companies of highly advanced mechs with Aerospace support. Suddenly Marcus heat warning had blared, threatening a reactor shutdown even though he'd yet to fire a single shot. There in the centre of the enemy line a small metal figure stood shimmering. Not only were the Howlers outnumbered and outgunned,
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itsbopp · 2 years
HI i have this picture in my mind of S3 Clementine teaching the reader how to drive since Kenny never got to, so can u please write something like that? also if possible could you imply or include the fact that clem and the reader have stuck together since the start of the apocalypse? I lovedddd your dating Clementine hcs both of them were so good
The Woes of Driving - The Walking Dead | One Shot
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A/N: Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it! I really like your idea, so I hopefully I managed to give it some justice.
SUMMARY: Clementine teaches you how to drive, and in the process, you both reminisce about the days of old, when things felt a little bit simpler.
WARNINGS: Swearing, thoughts of death, fluff.
(N/n = Nickname)
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“Okay. You remember the basics, right?”
The passenger door creaked open as Clementine spoke up, clearly wanting to make sure if your head was still in the game when she originally gave you some pointers last night. The whole lesson only came to reality because of the fact that you didn’t want to see the brunette appearing as exhausted as she did whenever you and her would drive on the road. You both were still in search of AJ. Even though Doctor Lingard told the both of you where he was, the journey there was a long one, and it was one you didn’t want to end solely because your partner couldn’t commandeer a vehicle anymore, due to her fatigue. You wanted to be of some use. And you wanted her to get some much-needed shuteye for a change.
Turning your head to meet the amber eyes of the girl occupying your thoughts, you nodded your head and swallowed, as your lips parted to stammer out a paraphrased version of the advice she gave you the night before. “Uh, yeah, I think so.” You quickly shifted your attention back towards the steering wheel your hands lingered on. Your fingers tightly gripped the leather, but your wrists were far enough apart to where the position looked comfortable. “Ten and two, right? And, um… seatbelt on,” you reiterated, before glancing your pupils up to stare at the rearview mirror. “And direct this to where I can see out the back window.” You raised an arm up to adjust the hanging piece.
Clementine watched you earnestly, her body settled into the dip of the passenger seat, as her hands remained in her lap. She watched while you brought your limb away from the mirror, before you turned your head to glare down between your knees, your mind already fighting to remember which pedal did what. There were three in total, and you remembered how Kenny had told you and your girlfriend only stick-shift vehicles had those. One was for the clutch, the other was for the brake, and the third was for the gas. The order in which they sat, however? You didn’t know it. So, you continued to confusedly look down at the three contraptions, until a voice spoke from beside you. “Left one is the clutch. Middle is for braking the car. And the right one is for the gas, hence why it’s longer than the other ones.”
Your jaw dropped in understanding, as a small, “Oh” escaped you. You quickly lifted your head after that and turned it to gaze over at the brunette, who smiled at you with an endeared expression lining her features. You let out an embarrassed laugh in response, which made the girl grin at you amusedly. “I should’ve probably guessed that. That’s like, basic common sense, isn’t it?” You chuckled to yourself, which earned a playful shake of her head in response to your words.
“You’re a newbie at this, Y/n,” she reminded you, smirking at you softly the moment her grin lessened. “Cut yourself some slack, all right?” You knew she wasn’t wrong, but you couldn’t help your clear nervousness towards the idea of driving. You remembered the time when Kenny mentioned that learning in the apocalypse was going to be much easier than compared to before the world basically ended. According to him, you wouldn’t have to worry about dealing with other drivers and possibly getting pulled over for speeding, as road laws no longer applied. But even with that FYI from so long ago, you still found yourself a little anxious.
It wasn’t like you had any good past experiences with cars, either. The vivid image of Kenny shooting out the windshield of the old vehicle Clementine test drove in always tended to circle your mind. Even in your dreams, which would quickly turn into nightmares that ended with you waking up in a coat of your own sweat. You didn’t want what happened then to happen again. Especially not to someone you cared about as much as you did. Someone who you had known since the walkers first started roaming.
You eventually let out a quiet exhale and let your hands that were once stuck at ten and two fall down to settle on your thighs. You felt yourself slump back into the drivers’ seat as you turned your head to gaze over at Clementine, who raised her eyebrows faintly, silently acknowledging you. She, of course, was as patient as ever with you. “Is it bad to admit that I’m, like, super duper nervous right now?” you asked quietly, embarrassed with your statement. “I don’t want to fuck up and possibly get you hurt in the process.”
“I think you need to trust yourself a little bit more, N/n,” the brunette replied, tilting her head to the side slightly as she sent you a tight-lipped smile, already understanding where your worries were originating from. “What happened was a mistake, and it’s one I won’t let you make, okay? All you need to do is go slow and pay attention to the path you’re driving down.” She then let out a chuckle, before pointing down to the black strap that sat across her torso and lap. “And, besides, we have seatbelts now. I’ll be okay, and so will you.”
You smiled small at the lighthearted sentence and nodded your head, trying to mentally rid yourself of those uncertainties. “Okay, okay. So just… go slow. Got it.” You moved your hand over to cup the top of the leather stick-shift that sat in the middle of the car as you spoke, and your thumb was quick to tap against it: a nervous fidget. Although you remembered how shifting worked, you wanted to make sure you were actually correct with confirmation from the pro driver next to you. “So, with shifting the vehicle into different gears, I use this thing, right?”
“Yep,” Clementine responded, nodding her head in affirmation as she leaned over to get closer to you. The seatbelt stretched in the process, but she didn’t seem to care as she rested her elbow on the center console, before pointing a finger at the shifter. “There are five gears in total. First gear is left and up, second gear is left and down, third gear is center and up, fourth gear is center and down, and fifth gear is right and up.”
“And what about reverse?”
“That’s right and down,” she informed, “and keeping the stick-shift in the center will put the car in neutral, but make sure you have your foot pressing down on the brake when you do that, just so it doesn’t start rolling on its own.” You widened your eyes faintly. It was all a little complicated, but you knew it was something you had to learn. Not a lot of automatic cars existed anymore, so you knew you needed to learn manual more than anything else, which was the hardest one to learn of the two. That’s what Kenny said, at least.
Nonetheless, you acknowledged all that she was saying and stored it in your mind. Immediately, you maneuvered the stick-shift so that it sat in the center, which forced the car in neutral. That earned a verbal form of praise from your girlfriend, and you smiled to yourself as you lifted your chin and asked. “So, when it comes to starting the car, what do I do exactly?”
“Okay, so,” Clementine started, as she peered over you and pointed towards the ignition of the car, that sat on the right side of the steering wheel. “The key is already in the hole, so all you have to do is turn it. That’ll start the car.” Then she lowered her arm to point down at the clutch and brake pedals. “Though, before doing that, you have to press down on those two pedals. Not doing that can also make the car start moving forward on its own, and neither of us want that.”
You hummed in understanding and shifted your boots to settle onto the two pedals. Without much effort, you pushed your feet down, which forced the levers to sit against the floor of the car. After that, you glanced down at your right hand and made sure the shifter was positioned to sit at neutral, and the moment you saw that it was, you used your other limb to grab a hold of the small black key. You turned it clockwise, and immediately, the vehicle revved up to life, causing you to slightly jump in your seat. “Whoa, okay! I did it!”
“You did!” Clementine agreed, showing the same amount of enthusiasm as an endeared giggle slipped past her lips. “Now, push the shift into first gear,” she instructed, and you did exactly that. You brought your wrist to the left, before pushing it up, and the moment the stick was locked in its place, you nodded to yourself and let go of the shifter. “See? You had nothing to worry about. You’re a natural, Y/n.” You felt heat rise to your cheeks at her words as you let out an embarrassed chuckle in response. She could only grin amusedly, while your gaze focused between your knees, already trying to figure out the next step, which was something she quickly helped out with. “So, now that the car is in first gear and on, you want to press down slowly on the gas pedal, while simultaneously lifting your left foot off the clutch. In one fluid motion, though.”
“And don’t press too hard on the gas either, right? Or else I might stall out the car?” you asked, wanting to make sure you heard the piece of advice correctly the first time she went over the basics with you. When you heard an affirmative hum from your girlfriend in response, you nodded, before doing exactly what she instructed, yet again. You knew it was beginners’ luck when you managed to not do exactly what you were originally worried about. Inevitably, the old vehicle started moving forward, its tires rolling and crunching down on the grain of dirt below, and the moment you were going a decent speed down the road with both your hands on the wheel, you glanced over at the brunette beside you, who stared ahead proudly. “That wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be.”
Clementine turned her head towards you and smirked, “Oh, we’re not done yet.” She chuckled when your happy smile turned into an expression of apprehension. “Don’t worry. It’s nothing crazy. You just need to know when to switch gears,” she clarified. “Once you reach 3,000 RPM, which is something you can see on the meters behind the steering wheel, that’s when you’ll have to switch to second gear. Or you can sometimes tell when the vehicle is overworking itself just by the sound it starts making.”
You shifted your gaze back towards the dirt path you leisurely drove down, as your fingers gripped the steering wheel tighter. You were mainly worried about destroying the cars’ transmission, but with a quiet statement of encouragement from your partner next to you, you relaxed and shifted the Oldsmobile into second gear. You pressed down on the clutch and raised your foot from the gas pedal, all while your hand shifted the gear once more. Down and left, instead of up and left. And all one fluid motion, like you had been told before. You could hear the sound of engine change shortly after, and you moved back to pressing down on the gas and lifting away from the clutch once more.
“Holy shit, I did it!” you exclaimed, your mouth falling open in shock as you continued to drive down the vacant road ahead. It felt like it all came to you naturally, but you knew it was due to your number one supporter that sat right next to you. In the corner of your eye, you could see how she was grinning at you proudly, and you felt your stomach flutter in reaction, as you let out a breathless chuckle, your hand moving down to the shifter to change gears once more. “This is actually pretty fun.”
“Now you see why I like driving so much,” Clementine replied, letting out a chuckle as she leaned back into her seat and watched you. From completely anxious to immensely relaxed, it was funny how quickly moods could change from negative to positive. Seeing you in the position that she was typically in seemed to remind her of a memory, too. And she couldn’t help but lean her head against the seat as she continued to gaze at you lovingly. “Remember when you and I would always promise each other that we’d drive away from everything? Together?”
That moment of the past filled your head next, and a small, content smile came to your cheeks, as you tapped your thumbs against the steering wheel and nodded your head in agreement. “Yeah, I remember,” you admitted. “Like the time when we were riding on that train Lee and Kenny got working. I remember how we genuinely thought that we could get away from all the death and walkers. As if there were some… other world that existed. One that didn’t have what the one we’re in does. No walkers, no raiders, no death, no killing… none of that.”
The air became silent after your words, as the two of you started pondering about the fantasy you both knew would probably never actually happen. You felt your chest tighten, while Clementine’s expression fell down to show a feeling of somberness. However, hers didn’t last that long, as the ghost of a sad smile came to her lips instead, and her amber eyes moved to look out the windshield of the car. “I think we can still have that.” She paused for a moment to see if you would give her a response, and when you didn’t, she continued. “When we find AJ. Let’s try to fulfill that promise, okay?”
With the road ahead completely devoid of any life, you took your chance and twisted your head to meet your girlfriends’ golden eyes. With a loving smile, you gave her a slight nod. “Okay. I like the sound of that.”
Clementine felt her heart swell at the sincerity in your tone, and the moment you moved your right arm down to settle it on the center console of the car, she quickly looped her own limb around yours and intertwined her fingers with your own, leaning closer towards the middle. Your only response towards that was a tight, reassuring squeeze to her palm, and she gave you one in return shortly after. In that same moment, the atmosphere was comforting, and you drove the rest of the way to yours and her destination with a content smile on your cheeks.
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I've never driven a stick-shift before. I just looked up a tutorial on Google and went with it, so if I got anything wrong, I'm sorry lmao.
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ryuichifoxe · 2 years
Hello, nsfw ask here, feel free to ignore if you want to but could you share with us the dinamic between them in bed? How are they handling things, does one like to watch the other two, who is more dominant, any kinks, etc? Basically everything you are comfortable sharing. I just love how you portray them even if Em breaks my heart every time.
I don't actually mind nsfw asks. Under a cut because 1) y'know and 2) I wrote too much this was only gonna be a couple paragraphs why...
Starting this off by stating that Emery is a transman with zero interest in bottom surgery. Okay, cool, now that that's out of the way...
I've stated a few times that Emery likes being sandwiched by his boyfriends because it's comforting. That doesn't actually extend to the bedroom. Kinda the opposite, too claustrophobic and overstimulating. They tried it once early on, didn't end well, but you live, laugh, and learn to navigate unexpected triggers. Less stressful with Wei at his back but still not great.
Anyway, Em approaches Ric and Wei a little differently. He's bossy and snarky when it comes to Ortega because the man is too smug for his own good. Ric knows how to rile him up and Em delights in reducing him to incoherent babbling as a result. He can be insufferably smug again after they're done, and it's kinda what Em expects, but more often than not Ric is just content and sappy instead. Enjoys bossing Chen around (with little to no snark) because he needs to let go and relax, and in return Emery has no issue relinquishing control to him from time to time as well. He knows he's in safe hands, due in small part to the fact that Em can actually read his mind. (Rationally, Em knows he's safe in both their hands but trauma. This is definitely something that had to be talked about to avoid miscommunication and hurt feelings. Something he tries to work on but Ric would never, not in a million years, hold it against him. Their dynamics are different and that's to be expected. This is also maybe more one on one instances.)
Fair to say they're all flexible when it comes to the roles they play in the bedroom. All pretty verse. They respect boundaries, know when to tap out, and want to please. But Em is primarily dominant. He needs to be in control beyond foreplay to feel comfortable. Topping from the bottom and such. No restraints or being held down. If his partners want to be on the receiving end of that, totally fine.
And I find it hard to believe that all three wouldn't enjoy watching the others get worked up? The main differences being:
Ortega is almost physically incapable of keeping his hands 100% to himself. He'll show restraint because he's mindful of where lines are drawn in the sand but...soft touches, raspy little compliments/encouragements, and stolen kisses? Can't resist. He's a lot more handsy with Wei compared to Emery in these situations however, because boundaries. That doesn't stop him from kissing and piling on the praise, something Em claims to hate but in actuality does not. His flustered grumbling is endearing and so are Chen's.
Chen is able to outwardly keep his composure but his gaze is intense. Thoughts too. That alone is sometimes a tipping point for Em, but the moment he's given the okay? It's over for his partners. This is a man willing to give as much as take 210% and the fact that he's carefully attentive no matter the role is devastating in such a tender way. On the flip side, Em and Ric love teaming up to unravel Chen because he overworks himself and deserves to be treated. This is a frequent enough occurrence that Wei can come home and know what direction his evening is gonna take based on the look these two troublemakers exchange over dinner, or a certain tone of voice...
Emery very much enjoys watching from the sidelines, so keeping his hands to himself isn't a problem. Especially with Ric. Nothing unravels Ricardo quite as fast as Em being close enough to touch but refusing until he asks nicely. What counts as nice varies. Keeping his thoughts to himself, however, is another story entirely. Letting Chen feel his excitement/affection and getting to visibly see his reaction, however subtle, is addicting. Buuuuut that's a dangerous gamble because it's a two way street. Results in a literal battle of the minds that Ortega can pick up on if Em is wearing a certain lazy grin and the loser is whoever curses first. Doing both these things at the same time and watching his partners come undone? *chef kiss* This is what they both deserve for taking advantage of the praise kink he absolutely, 100% does not have shut the hell up
And, I mean, they also have their one on one moments but this reply is already too long I'm so sorry
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 year
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I need to stop bombarding our discord sever with my PGR OCs so now I am here!!! Because I don’t think I’ve ever posted abt Anna’s revamp here, despite the fact that I first made and shared her here. (This image isn’t entirely accurate, she’s drawn with a heart with a lock over her chest now)
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As you can see, her design has changed a lot and so has her character as a whole tbh. She’s no longer just a self ship with Wata but she is still everybody’s older sister. Also I need to rant abt her because despite Qiu being my favourite, (to bully) I think Anna is the best written or at least the most creative.
The whole thing about Anna now is that she’s basically a Marina and the Diamonds song personafied (sort of) Whereas before she was a more tragic heroic figure + a hopeless romantic, now she’s got this loss of innocence thing going on.
Here are some doodles of her when she was still human
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As you can tell, she was a ballerina as a human. The whole thing with Anna now is that she’s been dealing with being used by mainly older men since a young age. I remember I was going to go into it a little more into SA with her old frame, Marionette, but I scrapped it or it never got much attention
Anna’s reason for being a construct now is that she wants to separate herself from this demure, innocent image of a prima ballerina by becoming a soldier. She endured quite a bit assault in ballet due to her partner being a scumbag + body image issues from her creepy teacher. The creepy teacher thing is a personal thing aight bear with me for a bit.
About the whole SA and older men thing, it’s terrible but i felt the need to explore it a bit. It’s sad how girls grow up so much faster because men want them to, or how women stay girls because men like it. I keep thinking about thirteen year old Anna being given candy and being told she’s so mature for her age and unfortunately I think it’s something too many people can relate too.
Anna is also made to look like a doll. You know, a symbol of girlhood. But she’s also been sexualized. Yeah. Yeah, you know what I mean. Also something something metaphor for one’s own autonomy over themselves. And I just really like the ball joint look and pretty clothes leave me alone.
She gets pulled out of the red tide by Vonnegut and help with the Hetero Hive mother, it’s only during Evernight beat when she realizes her mistake and defects to Babylonia.
I almost considered her getting pulled out of the forbidden kool aid by the Luna ascendant gang, and it could have worked because Luna was also manipulated, used, and discarded and she’s like fifteen. So they would have a lot in common (+Alpha x Anna shipping fuel ngl I think they’d be cute together but I haven’t settled yet) But I think it’d be more symbolic of her to get manipulated by yet another man. I don’t think Vonnegut is creepy btw I just think he’s manipulative in general. Also if she were to be picked up by Luna Ascendant gang she would not join Babylonia because she would become attached to Luna and Alpha.
She gets her memories fucked over, but she still has some love for ballet. I like to think of her dancing with Bambinata and even teaching her a bit. OH also she makes her clothes out of panini virus so she gets to have a bunch of pretty outfits mwhahahahahaha designing hyper feminine clothes is my passion.
I’m usually a little iffy abt SA but I was targeted by my teacher/coach when I was younger so that’s where this comes from. Nothing ever happened, but I fear something would have if I didn’t move. He used to give me candy and talk to me in private and say how I was too mature for boys my age (I was 10-12 years old at the time) and likened me to a girl he had a crush on when he was in high school. Gross, right? There was also a time when he made a kiss joke but handed me the kisses chocolate instead. Yeah I hope he got booted. Oh yeah and he touched my ass once. And used to hold our waists in basketball to “position” us even when we said we weren’t comfortable with it. Sheesh I hope he got his teaching license revoked or got put on a sex offender list. And I hope his second wife left him too.
Alright I’m rambling now lmao byeeeeee
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absolut-blue · 1 year
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NAME - Jasper, Jett, or JJ. But I love getting nicknames so I respond to anything.
PRONOUNS - They/he are greatly preferred but I'm not picky. I identify as androgyne so a mix of different things is fine.
TAKEN OR SINGLE - Super taken.
↳ I have two large anime/manga character tattoos! One of Dabi from BNHA and one of Vanitas from The Case Study of Vanitas. I also have a list of other characters I'd like to add some day. Like Phos from HNK and Akutagawa (or maybe Sigma or Nikolai) from BSD.
↳ I am obsessed with snakes! Corn snakes in particular. I spend a lot of free time researching snake behavior, husbandry, and breeding (not that I plan to ever breed mine). I love to talk about them and I take the care of my own snakes very personally. I have two corn snakes right now.
↳ I can name like 98% of all songs by The Decemberists when provided with a one second clip.
PLATFORMS USED - For RP currently? Just here, but I would also do discord. I did it originally on DeviantArt back when they had chatrooms.
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES - All of it. If it's up to me I usually like to send a few memes or starters to begin with and then do some plotting when we get a feel for things between our muses!!
GENDER - I don't particularly have a preference. I do tend to make more female OC's due to the fact that I had an RP partner for years when I first started who would NOT allow me to write anything other than cisgender, white, gay men. I feel like I'm making up for lost time by enjoying writing women.
MULTI OR SINGLE - In my experience, I prefer to run single muse blogs as mine usually get more attention than my multi's. But I actually really enjoy making, organizing, and running multi muse blogs. I love so many of my OC's it ends up feeling like less pressure than always switching.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S) - Out of all my active blogs?? Shie's, but I have issues with Blue's too. I adore Phos HNK but he is not human which makes some of his icons funny looking jfdlksj. Glitter in his hair, no teeth, goop for arms. But there's only so many faceclaims I can pick from with a bowl cut, and the bowl cut is INTEGRAL.
FLUFF - I enjoy it when there's plot behind it, like a well built ship I'm very fond of. If that's the case I can't get enough. Otherwise, I find it kinda boring.
ANGST - My very favorite thing to write and read. All I do is come up with angst. I got my start in RP in my edgy emo teen years and that never left me. Give me ANGST give me PAIN give me EDGE. It adds such flavor. Nothing bonds muses like angst.
SMUT - I love to talk about smut or write little suggestive drabbles. When it comes to things I read in my free time, its smut 99% of the time. I have a filthy mind unfortunately. On the other hand I am abysmal at actually writing anything sexy so, it's very rare I ever actually write it out fully.
TAGGED BY - No one, I steal >:3c
TAGGING - Also no one, but I encourage YOU to steal
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unladielike · 2 years
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NAME: livita (or livi for short)
PRONOUNS: she/her but i won’t be up in arms if you happen to accidentally misgender me. 
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr ims or discord but i may be slow to respond if the topic doesn’t revolve around my special interest or roleplay stuff
NAME OF MUSE(S): vivian, kensuke hibiki from the caligula effect whose blog you can find here, and a myriad of other obscure muses on my canon multimuse
RP EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): OH GOD... i’ve honestly been rping for a long, long while, but tumblr wise, i think i’ve been at it for eight years now? so my first ever blog was made when i was 17 years old.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: gaiaonline, quizilla, email, discord (but ended up discovering it isn’t for me), and tumblr
BEST EXPERIENCE: probably meeting/befriending @aaetherius​ tbh. honestly, i don’t ever regret writing with noise all those years ago, because they helped me gain more experience with novella-esque replies and inspired me to play around/experiment with language. ofc, i only ended up settling on a proper writing style after writing with several other partners over the years, but noise was prob the first one i had that made me develop a love for world building and lore oriented headcanons. ofc, i sadly cannot emulate their descriptive, thought-provoking writing, but i like to think my own writing managed to improve partially because of noise.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: i seriously have a lot, that i could go all day, talking about them, but the biggest is prob a lack of communication and the ‘i  don’t owe my partners shit’ mentality that is practically rampant in the rpc. ofc, as some of you might know, i’m autistic, so if a partner suddenly ghosts me out of the blue or gives me the silent treatment, especially due to issues with me they never bother addressing, chances are high i would end up softblocking, because i was previously traumatized by someone who did the exact same thing. due to this, i really, really love if a partner tells me stuff and is actually honest with me. like, seriously, i can’t stress enough how much i appreciate someone going, ‘livi do you mind only sending in one ask from one muse at a time?’, instead of internalizing that shit until the bitter end, to the point where resentment builds. but yeah, i had someone claiming i had double standards when it comes to female muses, due to the fact i never once bothered reblogging a promo for their best friend’s female oc... and i’m just ‘first of all, you never asked me to reblog it, and second of all, you have another thing coming if you think i have the attention span to constantly lurk on the dash.’
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: sweats... is it bad i can’t really settle on one? cause i think they’re all great. granted, i need to be in the right state of mind to write smut, but i still love it.
PLOTS OR MEMES: memes, hands down... i’m not against plotting though. i just may not be the best at it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: both can be good, as sometimes, you might want a more chill rp experience or something shorter to respond to for a change of pace, but if i write three paragraphs, only to receive two sentences back, then that to me seems incredibly lazy. like, yes, i prefer quality over quantity, but there has to be actual effort put into your replies for me to wanna respond.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: basically when i have caffeine in my system, meaning usually after i had finished drinking my first coffee of the day.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): it depends on which muse you’re talking about, because i have more than a few, but considering vivian had first started off a self insert before later evolving to become her own person separate from me, i’d say we definitely have some stuff in common... like us both being autistic and sharing the same birthday. vivian, however, is more extroverted than me, less picky when it comes to food, and not afraid to speak her mind even if it means pissing someone off.
TAGGED BY: @immoralraigan ( thank you for tagging me, bandy! <3333 ) TAGGING: @eliteimperialism / @etoilexdechue / @sadamenai / @afacere​ / @enterthestratosphere​ / @shatterher / @banditborn​ / @hehosts / @dxfiedfxte / @s-talking and whoever else might be interested!
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morioh-killer · 2 years
Omg I have an anon name now??? Amazing.... Begins flossing.......
Anyway so a list w my thoughts. It's long as fuckkkk:
• Santana, while he's on the lowest end for sex drive, still can regularly have sex. Thing is, most of the time someone else needs to engage it- he's a bit stiff in personality and the like and sex is no different, he won't really do anything with you (even non sexually) till you've gotten is attention in some way. The good news is he isn't too hard to engage with, just strip and be in his line of sight and you'll have his attention. If you keep it or not is a different story. He's one of the roughest just because he completely lacks technique. He's no virgin but he is the most inexperienced of the four, and his rough pace and thrusts, his painful biting, his manhandling, aren't because of any real strat for sex- he's just doing things on the basis of what makes his pp feel funny. Albeit other Pillar Men do this too, but unlike them, Santana genuinely doesn't know how to have thought about it. He's just following his base instincts like a hound. Basically, imagine it like he's having kinky ass sex without intending to be kinky. Just how his brain works. His horns are sensitive but one of the least sensitive of the four.
• Wamuu, as I said before, finds sex to be yet another thing to master. If he can hone his skills in combat to satisfy his masters he can hone his skills in coitus to satisfy all his partners. He's more down to Earth with human desires and is subservient by nature so it's no surprise he works best as a service top. He enjoys being ordered around but he would never be interested in hurting a lover- especially if his lover is a woman. He'll refuse to hit anyone even if they order it. Humans are just too fragile and weak; it goes against his code of honor. Are they his opponent in battle? No? Then why would he hurt them? He can't fathom it. It's not that he cares about human well-being persay as he's slaughtered many humans, but it's just a different context and he can't see himself getting any satisfaction from it. It's not to say he doesn't get it, no he's actually a big masochist (I'll touch on this later). But he can't bring himself to inflict pain on something so weak if he isn't in battle. Now if you were of his own race... That could change. Wamuu, as I implied earlier, is not a virgin. He had desires when he reached puberty as so many do, and Kars and Esidisi indulged him throughout his years. He's had experience with human warriors and even with a few commonfolk women. It wasn't unheard of that when the Pillar Men allied with certain groups of humans as they sometimes did (such as during wars) for their own interests that women (and sometimes men) would go behind their husband's backs to try and win their favor with their bodies. They were beautiful, powerful, inhuman creatures after all- it was to be expected. And while Esidisi is the easiest to approach for sex (and did in fact fuck many villagers in his time) Wamuu had plenty of women seeking his affections. As I said before, he's more in tune with human emotions and desire, though he isn't sentimental (due to the nature of his position ad a warrior and as a Pillar Man in general) he was better at interacting with humans in a way that wasn't terrifying. In his thousands of years there were times he moved beautifully within the rivers of human interaction, albeit for the benefit of his masters only. He let village children climb on him, let village women who's husbands never returned from a hunt or from war find comfort in his presence (albeit again he isn't sentimental so his comfort was regulated to the same rehashed line of comfort and the occasional head pat), or village men who lost their wives and children from disease or hunger find their comfort in him, etc. And of course because of this he was regularly approached by humans trying to make it in with him. Unlike Esidisi, he often denied these advances, but when he had sex with them it was often painfully boring for him. They didn't understand what exactly he needed, and what he needed was to be hurt. Again, he's a masochist by chance nature, and when he's so honed in battle and gets most of his satisfaction (and dare I say meaning in life) from a rough, challenging fight, is it so farfetched to believe he gets off on pain? If there's no pain involved at all, he struggles to orgasm. But whether he does or not, he tries to keep enjoyment to a minimum. After all, most of these actions, like his usual ones, were for his master's benefit. Whether or not he came was irrelevant, keeping the plus side for his masters took priority. And if that plus side came from keeping humans in awe and happy to help when his masters needed them, and all he needed to do was fake being chummy and get some widows and mothers to cum? He couldn't name anything easier. As for his horn, probably the most sensitive of them. Suck on it or jerk it off and you'll get to see a very cute side of him.
• Esidisi is a whore through and through. He's a freak, loves to tie people up with his veins, or coat them with blood, super kinky guy. Anything you can name he can probably do. Thing is, he does it with so much intensity. Wanna get smacked around? He can do it, but bruises are the least you're going to get. Wanna get choked? He can do that too, but expect to actually pass out at some point from it. Temperature play? He's your guy, but expect to nurse some first-degree burns after. His default is intense and harsh, it's how he's always had sex with Kars, and while he's knowledgeable on how fragile humans truly are, he expects you to be prepared to handle his intensity if you approached him for sex (not that he ever gave you an indication of how intense he really is). You can get him to dial this intensity back, but whether or not he listens depends entirely on your relationship with him, his mood, how important you are (especially to Kars), and how well you take it/give it. Rule of thumb is that if you submit to him entirely and beg for him to be gentle he will be, but by submit entirely I mean entirely. He can be a sub too, more of a switch than the others are, but he expects you to be able to match his own intensity as a dom if you're domming. There is a level of dom that spooks him, but Kars is the only one who can pull that off. You'd have to be a VERY special human to live up to the sheer terror Kars can be to Esidisi when he doms. You can try, but expect to be laughed at. His horns are sensitive but not super sensitive like Wamuu's, really in the middle.
• Kars is the least likely to have sex with you, but that doesn't mean he won't. There's a few ways to get him to: One is to have him like you. Not even as a friend or lover, but just as a pet. Of course if you manage to make him like you as a friend or lover you've genuinely made it in life no joke- but if you're a good pet who begs your master for sex? He'll indulge you. Another is to, like Esidisi, submit entirely. Prostrate yourself for him, beg him, cry for him even, let him know how badly you want it. The problem with sex with Kars is that he's mostly looking to satisfy himself. Expect to be on your hands and knees with cock stuffed in your throat, or jerking it off with your hands, he takes his satisfaction kind of seriously. When he fucks you, be it in the ass, vagina, etc there's a genuine chance he won't care to make you cum. And as someone also privvy to switching like Esidisi, if you have something to ride he'll ride you till he's satisfied, not hindering on your pleasure at all. If you want to get mutual pleasure from him, the easiest way is for, again, him to like you as a friend or lover. But if you've been a very good pet and you let him know exactly what you want, he'll indulge you. He's also open to kinky shit like Esidisi, probably has done it all, he's 100k+ years of age after all. No request disgusts him, perhaps at one point in his life- no more. His horns are the second most sensitive and he often gets the tables turned on him during sex with Esidisi via the stimulation of his horns. The more you know!
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ihardlyknowher3139 · 1 year
AAAAHHHHHHHHHH(entry 1 )(pt 1)
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So basically what went down was, as noted in an earlier post my ex best friend had basically walked out of our friendship. They had stopped messaging me for 2 days straight and knowing the kind of person they were(petty, narcissistic and attention seeking) I didn’t respond either and that wasn’t the only reason though. Basically before they stopped talking to me they seemed like they were mad at me. It was a school day and we had to give a test and everyone was separated into different classrooms. Me and ex bestie were in the same class but we were in different rows. They were in row 1 bench 1 and I was in tow 3 bench 3/4. The test was taken orally so it happened bench by bench and after the test of an entire row is taken they were told to leave(as in the day is over and everyone goes home) . Ex bestie being in the first row left first. At first I assumed they would wait for me cuz a lot of the times if we are in the same class and one of us leaves first we wait (we’ll that mostly happens when I leave first) but after I got done with the test, there were not messages no missed calls, no nothing, they had just flat out left. Keep in mind that before the test had started they didn’t seem in a good mood. In fact they seemed kind of mad at me. So then leaving without telling me seemed kind of ok in my head. Also keep in mind that before any of this happened I was losing trust in them due to another whole story that maybe I’ll say in another entry. I was also growing unsure of their attitude as they seemed to be attention seeking and seeming to have a victim complex. But yea they left after the test and didn’t say anything just flat out left. After this, 2 days go by, no texts, I get a little worried but I wait another day just to see if they text me or not but then I realize they have been posting on their socials and and sending snap streaks, they just have been ignoring me. I think and connect the dots with the test day and assume that they don’t wanna talk and are giving me the silent treatment. A part of me at first wanted to reach out to them and ask them what was wrong but then I felt like that if I did I would be giving them what they wanted, attention. I have known this person for 8 years. Recently they have been doing this thing where they deactivate their Instagram after like every few or couple of weeks. At first I understood that they were going through stuff maybe life is hard on them or maybe they are feeling self conscious. But then this kept happening way too often. I then assumed that they did this to seek attention. Considering that when they deactivate people would come to them asking what’s wrong and how they are feeling. Another thing that really infuriated me is that this person, who is a very attractive person, they have a thin waist and are tall and they have a beautiful face and nice hair, would constantly, with either me or our friend group say things like “I’m so fat” or “I’m so ugly” so the people in front of them tell them how attractive and beautiful they are. The reason it infuriates me is because irl, I am actually fat. Like actual fat. It just gets so annoying cuz after some time you realize they’re only doing it to get an ego boost. Coming back to them not talking to me for 2 days. I guessed that they didn’t wanna talk to me so I decided not text them. 1. Because of the reason I said earlier and 2. Because I wanted to give them time to solve out their anger and text me when they feel like it. Another day goes by, no messages. I then come to the realization that maybe our friendship has ended. At first I had gotten very sad and cried myself to sleep for 2 days in a row. After that a friend from our friend group let’s call them William had come to school with their partner because their partner had to give tests. Me and William are in the same class so we at the time had no school. So I hung out with William and I then told them that ex bestie hast been talking to me. We then talk about ex bestie and I find out that William and their partner don’t actually like ex bestie. More in part two.
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