#i want to kms /j
l0gic1 · 1 year
Bro ppl can ship whatever they want. You're not the fiction police. Relax.
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I don't even know how to respond to this insanely stupid thing that someone took the time to write out.
Let's use our brain cells for a few seconds, shall we?
Now, let's think about why I might be against the ships I'm against. First of all, let's start with my favorite: Heimtreus.
Heimdall and Atreus hate each other. Heimdall verbally abused and bullied Atreus for the majority of the Asgard sequence. Heimdall is, what, thousands of years old? And Atreus is 14. Those are two problematic things right there.
verbal abuse
pedophilia / minor x adult
Now, do you really think it is 'just fiction' when someone decides that an abusive relationship is 'cute' or 'uwu'? Or when they decide that a young teenager and a fully grown adult would be 'so good' together? No, of course not. It takes no thought process to figure out why this is such a big deal to me. Because they're romanticizing abuse and pedophilia, which are not cute things, and, a lot of the time, sexualizing a minor.
Imagine seeing a child being called useless, a moron, incompetent, or just being bullied / verbally abused in general and thinking to ship them with the person abusing them.
Or for Kratreus, which is Kratos x Atreus. Kratos is Atreus's father. Atreus is 14. A minor is being shipped with an adult who is also his damn dad.
I get your perspective, but your view isn't rational. 'Live and let be' is not something that applies to something that is objectively harmful (i.e., romanticizing abuse or pedophilia).
Usually, I'd agree with you; ship discourse is commonly frivolous and infinitesimal. However, when a ship is between an abuser and their victim, or between a father and his 14-year-old son, that is when it becomes problematic and something worth fighting against.
Telling someone to 'relax' instead of actually listening to their arguments indicates that you don't have the maturity or the will to even ask me why I am so against it and want these people to not interact with me. If you had actually critically thought about what I said and thought before you typed out this absent-minded comment, perhaps you would've learned something. Yet here we are. And I don't care if I'm being mean, as you didn't even bother to compute my arguments, you didn't even bring up any of the points in my other post, and if you didn't see that post, you didn't even bother to ask or do a bit of research into why I don't like those people or hate those ships.
Verbal abuse or bullying isn't fucking hot, adorable, or some quirky UWU aesthetic. Pedophilia and incest aren't fucking hot, adorable, or some quirky UWU aesthetic.
Ships aren't just ships anymore when they are between an abuser and their victim or a father and his 14-year-old son.
Something that's abusive, pedophilic, or otherwise problematic shouldn't be shipped. Not hard to understand. I don't even know what mental gymnastics you had to go through to arrive at this conclusion.
It probably wasn't worth it to respond to this but I'm bored and pissed off <3
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chradorya · 20 days
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Im so dumb i deleted it by accident
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iceicewifey · 2 months
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so um... i found a pose reference that gave me big vanishay vibes, but then i got carried away then tried to turn it into a lore moment for some reason? 😭
i don’t totally like how his arm looks plus i couldn’t get him low enough because the height difference was making it a really awkward angle, but that’s what i get for copying the anime style again... it’s janky but close enough lmao full disclosure vanilla's bangs and face are heavily referenced bc they were giving me the most grief to copy, no thanks to all those damn little LINES. reference + transparent vers. under the cut!
𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 :: @goblinselfshippr、 @over--heaven、 @spookysinner45、 @little-miss-selfships | join my tag list ᡣ𐭩
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can’t find a direct link since i saw it on pinterest (💔) but it’s by mellon_soup!
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cutiepatootiekatie · 2 months
creepy incel dudes dni or i’ll teleport at the shack you call a house and roundhouse kick you into the 4th dimension
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dazaii-osamuu · 4 days
Earlier today, I was catching up with an old friend of mine from early childhood and had the most heartfelt conversation I haven't had for a while.
God I did not ask for a new angst chapter of 50k words.
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kiaerinnn · 3 months
Once part of me is really excited to see Dragons Rising S2 but another part of me really doesn't want Jay to have memory loss and be a villian bc idk about yall but I ain't mentally prepared for that type of angst I just want happy times😭😭
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slimmestslime · 4 days
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these look like ass ngl
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skys-trash-bin · 7 months
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the defrosting begins.
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notagaybastard · 7 months
I am looking for my cat theodlre richarlison and i hope he remembers me and i hope he's ok (and alive) and i hope he still loves and wants to come home
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realnielsbohr · 5 months
guess who's taking a jazz class now
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stanleyvampire14 · 6 months
Hi I feel like infodumping something so
Here’s my opinion on LOTF ships! Please don’t uh- hate me for some of them- I respect y’all’s opinion! (Almost all of these are platonic)
Jalph(Jack x Ralph): Very cool! Very neat! I wanna throw them in a blender and throw the blender at the sun! Very friends to enemies to possible friends again? I like the fanfics that dive into the aftermath and how Jack and Ralph interact with each other!
Ralmon(Ralph x Simon): That one tree scene and the “you’ll get back alright” talk is all you need to know. God I love them. Sadly I think it’s one sided with Simon being smitten and Ralph just being a little goofer and not paying attention.
Jager(Jack x Roger): I don’t really see them as romantic but if they were then it probably wouldn’t be all that healthy idk- Platonic is great though! Partners in crime! I like the fanfics where Roger kinda behind Jack and Jacks trying to keep Roger from killing someone (cough cough “It’s not all roses” cough)
Jack x Simon: Ehhh no romance please- platonic and Jack worries for Simon sometimes but to keep his “super cool” reputation he acts like Simon’s an annoyance. Simon probably had an admiration crush or something at one point before they crashed on the island.
Rogmon(Roger x Simon): Um! Very cool! Roger probably cared about Simon deep down but kinda too late for that now. Simorys hc that they talked about stuff before the island is literally canon wdym-
Mauram(Maurice x Sam): Todd likes it! I know that much! Uh! It’s an interesting ship I think. I don’t quite know their dynamic all that well but I think they’d be nice!
That’s all for now, that’s all the ships I remember…I think.
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pey-up · 7 months
listen sometimes you just gotta become an npc with five dialog options when ppl r talking i mean a bitch gotta do what a bitchs gotta do....
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
hey... hey.. im dropping a new au... haha...
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so eyeah! based off the soldier/poet/king song, particularity the trend on tiktok based off of the test!! i got poet when i took it, then had many thoughts... as u can see LMAO
version of nightmare with a crown and without bcs i couldnt decide which one i liked more
close-ups (and lore??) under the cut!!
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lore time :3
nightmare's a very... controlling ruler of his kingdom. as he feeds off of negativity, the people of his kingdom must be miserable. his soldiers enforce this rule of negativity however they can.... the people in the village know they cannot publicly show positive emotions
enter the poet.. they're actually a travelling bard! they happen upon this particular kingdom, and thus they don't know the rules of the kingdom... so they start a performance and gain quite the crowd. people are happy and it causes a great big deal. the kingdom's soldiers are sent out to fix this mistake.
cross ends up arresting the poet, and brings them before the king to decide what to do with them. nightmare's like "um... obviously lock them up??? girl fym you dont know what to do with them.."
the poet, obviously not wanting to go to jail for simply being a silly happy lil guy, decides to attempt to strike a deal with the king!
"excuse me, your highness, but i cannot help but notice that you are a very miserable man running a very miserable kingdom. allow me to spark joy and spread whimsey :)"
and despite the king having a miserable kingdom for a reason, he is slightly enthralled by the idea... so, he accepts the poet's suggestion, though, that makes them basically his property
they don't really care because they're free!! (sort of.) and also he's paying them :) and if a king is paying them, then they must be getting a good deal of money right??? right! so they're happy as a clam!
meanwhile cross is standing there like 🧍 because this... this gay ass CREATURE is just... allowed to be happy in the land of misery? just bcs the king finds entertainment from them???? he's kinda salty...
anyway poet decides to flirt w him when theyre not being forced to entertain the king because he's the one who "got them the job" technically??? so they write sonnets and little songs for him to show their appreciation but theyre all lowk flirty cuz they think he's cute and they all fluster him
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barredandromeda · 3 months
imsoo normal about guys byw
#sprry this is the start of my downfall im actually going to theow up and vomit and die#fronting daily actually sucks!and i have no restraint on my curiiusity and i have to figure shit out and i literally want to die#cause like i found out shit i didnt want to and its entirely my fault too bro i cant even be upset cause i went looking for it ughhh#i should be allowed to die afterschool so i dont have to feel anything else tbh thatd be a pleasure great thing whwatever#this is genuinelky the repeat of my downfall again literally september all over again and its just march jesus fucking fhrist bro need todi#the nervous system is so dumb what is ooottfvgvsh or whagevr i hate that dumbass acronym i hate healrhcare#serenity save me 🙏 save me serenity 🙏 come home#everyone keeps sayng that but qith donald trump#anyway back to me i need to scream and not just to serenity cause i feel bad🤭 no emojis are tood enougu anymore bro im going to kms#killing myself so fucking hard like a vampire driving a stake through his heart sort of shit ykwim like a siren drowning ro sokething poeti#save me sid 🙏 sid save me actually hed laugh at me for hthis lowkey which is soo deserved cause real bro why am i breaking down at midnight#on a dchool day too bro again and again i dont want to go to mf schooll and be obsessed w k. hes fine but i genuinely cant do my work#lowkey would iet be weird to talk to my ex ab my relationship with him cause like yea i miss him ykwim and i need closure but i got a crush#cause like on one hand its like i was the one who brokenup ykwim like even if the circumstances werewei4d whatever its like why would i hav#the right to even bring it up and i alr crushed on a new guy and like ignoring the uguult i do like him ughh broni want to kms#i love love i just dont love lvoe for myself cause ugh bro i hare one guy idc ab his crushes but he made me hear ab them lke idc idek him#sorry u had a bad experience w bi girls like idk what u want me to say ??? surprise me too ??? tff ugh i hate love girls#i need a gf but the thoigjt of liking a girl genuinely deeply scares me to my core cause i like girls but ppl dont like that i do ykwim#all mu friends are fucking gay bro idek why im so worried ab liking girls like who is there to disappoint but myself and my entire family#noo pressure qt all being oldest and queerest like ok yeah its midnight happy new years. i need this blanket tobsuffocste me#sleep wrappedup alr like a borito burito i dek and its not enoughh i need a soul crushing embrafe to sleep#ok im done i got post vent clarity i need to sleep#post#erics tag#delete later#serenity needs this as a ref in the morning#i beed my mom to cry to but j cant tell her any of this id rather be eaten alive by bugsbro and if i just cry to her without a reason#shell fs go througj my phone and fimd out why anyway so wjats the pointtt my god i tqlk too much and vent too much#gota flair forbthe dramatics ivguess mb
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gumidols · 2 years
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So uh um. hi mutuals. without context this just looks like you guys trying to kill me with rainbow gay lasers
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