#i'm trying to mix up my colorings a bit i've been looking for inspiration and trying new things so lets hope i do that! sometimes i get
wisellamawerewolf · 3 months
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What's that? HOT single dad with BIG naturals in YOUR area Hazbin Hotel tag? More likely than you think!
Ok, jokes aside, I've decided to try something new for myself and redesign HH Lucifer. I'm gonna preface this by saying that I'm not a professional character designer (in fact I can barely draw), but I tried anyway just for the fun of it.
Sorry I took your goofy tumblr sexyman wannabe and turned him into a depressed dead-beat dilf, who's deeply unamused by the shit happening around him. Also he is trans and doesn't even bind (like a king he is) because I have to represent Viv's biblical lore as accurately as possible.
*Disclaimer: under the cut you can find an obnoxiously long text detailing my design choices. It's probably poorly articulated and not at all amusing, so you can just skip it. Also there's a badly drawn hat somewhere down there, so beware.*
I'll begin with the most obvious: Lucifer's main inspiration for his look was the ram. Mostly because the goat is supposedly already taken by Satan if I remember VivziePop Lore correctly, but also because it's a direct reference to a sacrificial lamb. I used images of a Jacob sheep as a reference, for multiple reasons: 1. Their fur often has a two-colored pattern (usually black/dark brown and white, which will become important later), 2. Sometimes they can grow as much as four horns, which kinda gives me this occult, almost demonic vibe, I was going for. 3. They're kinda cute. Look at them majestic beasts:
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Moving on.
In the hellaverse the seven deadly sins are supposed to be themed after different types of circus performers, and Lucifer wasn't an exception, his outfit clearly being inspired by a ringmasters' costume, while his white face with red cheeks are supposed to resemble a clown makeup.
I've decided to keep the circus theme and run with it (maybe a bit too far, as you will see in a second).
My first point of reference was the same as in the original: the ringleader. Given the chosen theme it kinda makes sense, since he is supposed to be a main ruler of hell. You can really tell that he runs this circus. Awful jokes aside, his upper wear is obviously inspired by a circus ringmasters' outfits, with a mix of trates from another character that can be sometimes found performing in a circus, which brings us to:
Pierrot. Now, although his character originated from the Italian theater, pierrot can be considered a clown in a more modern sense. (At least I think so. If I'm wrong clown experts can kick my ass in the comments, I probably deserve this)
Pierrot often characterized as a melancholic, a sufferer and a tragic lover. When it comes to the humor in the circus setting specifically, it usually comes from the pierrot's melancholic nature and often involves his clumsiness and kind of self-deprecating slapstick, which I find quite fitting for a man who fucked up so bad that he isolated himself from the rest of the world and who's wife left him because of that. Lucifer's whole life after the fall has been one giant unfunny joke, and he isn't coping well with it.
Elements of a pierrot costume can be observed in the white jacket, the coat lapel of which is mimicking a frilled collaret. The fur pattern on his face is also a reference to a pierrot's make-up: a white face with black (well, brown in our case) tears.
Lastly, you probably have noticed the shirt, which has the main colour accent to it. It's actually inspired by a strongman singlet.
I've decided to give it less stripes for simplicity (also because I'm lazy). He's supposed to be wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt underneath his costume, but I'm too tired to draw another image, so I guess you have to use your imagination on that one. I'll be frank, it's mostly supposed to be a little nod to the fact that Lucifer is supposed to be a strongest being in hell. Yeah I included it into my design because of a bad pun.
On a second thought, it's probably not great that I've tried to crum in three different types of circus performers into one character, but I'm not a professional character designer, so I legitimately do not know if that's ok. More experienced people are welcome to critique or correct me in the replies/comments.
While finishing the first image I randomly thought to myself that besides the ringleader elements, there's may not be enough clues that he's a monarch. So I decided to do a separate image where I clown around to try and redesign his crown/tophat, so here it is:
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And if I decided to break down my thought process designing Lucifer himself, I might as well do it here also.
I've decided to keep the crown and ringmasters' tophat elements. I used images of a ringleaders' tophats and the imperial state crown as my main points of reference.
All the metallic elements of the "crown" are actually made out of pyrite, also known as a fool's gold (you can really tell that I'm a fan of dumb puns). I decided to used it to further showcase how Lucifer ruling the hell is treated like a joke.
Chains surrounding the tophat are supposed to represent how Lucifer was unwillingly thrown into this position and it weighs him down.
These two rings at the bottom are supposed to look kinda like a snakeskin (yes really), which is a reference to that scene where he turns into a snake to give Eve an apple. Speaking of which:
At the top is placed an imperial orb, with a upsidedown star (pentagram) instead of a cross. It carries the same meaning as a regular imperial orb in a sense that it shows monarch's power, but it's also kinda mocks the regular globus cruciger. (Fun fact: russians sometimes call it something like a "monarch's apple". I just thought it was kinda funny considering the context I'm using it in.).
The rest of the elements are taken from a regular tophat ringleaders' usually wear.
Anyway, that's all I have. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments or replies, I'll gladly read them.
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mcromwell · 3 months
Hello! I have been following your art for awhile now- I just had to refollow because Tumblr is a webbed site. If this is rude to say, ignore it, but I find your pieces inspiried! They truly are so cool. It got me to get a set of caran d' ache water soluble pastels myself! I have been hitting a bit of an art block lately, and I wanted to try something different than what I have been doing.
I just have a question about what you draw/paint ON. I see a lot of what you are describing as reclaimed support - what is it and how/where do you get that? It is wood correct? Is it a specific type of wood? Is there any specific way to prepare it for painting?
Thank you for taking the time for reading!
Hello there! Thanks for your ask! I'm really glad you're inspired and trying new things, and with my favorite art toy, no less. The wax pastels are truly a joy to work with. Like the crayon of my childhood dreams.
I typically paint on scrap wood. I will scavenge plywood, old shelves, lumber, furniture panels, flooring, etc. and prep them for painting. Part of my personal set of values I try to live by is to buy as little new things as possible and that counts for art stuff, too. I have a video about how I like to prep scrap wood here: https://youtu.be/9Ni8aIgB7F4?si=fBAaaB1fSWQC4bfS
Lately my friend and fellow artist Sasha reminded me that mounting paper on the scrap wood is also a thing! So I've been doing a bit of that lately, too, and it has been really nice for pastels and colored pencils. (I mount paper usually with Nori paste and/or matte acrylic medium.)
When I use words like "support" instead of scrap wood, sometimes that's just shorthand for "an archival panel of indeterminate material", such as my stash of 12"x16" PVC panels I got from a fellow art supply hoarder friend. It's strange to say "mixed media on plastic sign material" because that... doesn't necessarily bring up a clear idea...? But yeah, a lot (like the heron series) are done on sanded and gesso'd PVC panels that were once intended for outdoor signage.
Salvaging your own surfaces takes more time and work, but costs barely anything. It works with my rough and natural aesthetic so I lean into the wood's imperfections. Look, this one even has a hole in it! And you can see the grain and the pop-and-lock groove on the left. This was a piece of cedar flooring.
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Boy he's a sad little guy isn't he
tl;dr I paint on flat sturdy things likely to last a long time. If you can sand, gesso, and attach wire hanging hardware to the back-- you're good. Go nuts.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 8 months
*louder drum-roll*
*even louder drum-roll*
*loudest drum-roll*
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Here's a quick little bio for you:
She/Her Pronouns
Obsessed with Drama (default skin)
Verified Sword Lesbian™️
Wields a one-handed cliché anime sword using the upper body strength of a Mary Sue
Has terrible taste in everything (movies, character design, advertising methods, friends)
Enjoys Amino's presence (disrupts a canon event)
Exchanges cryptocurrency with Amino on a regular basis
Creative, artsy, and colorful
Jumps to conclusions easily
Not immune to propaganda (will believe ANYTHING)
Easily susceptible to clickbait
Overconfident gambler and gold-digger
Optimistic Derse Dreamer
Unhealthily invested in the romance lives of other people (and fictional people)
Constantly forgets to renew her Spotify subscription
Doesn't know what an adblocker is
Forgets to use trigger warnings sometimes
Probably has an ongoing feud with TappyToon
"How can you read this? There's no pictures!"
Her genre changes depending on her mood and the topic of discussion
Her skirt and bow change with her genre
The bell on her zipper rings whenever her genre changes
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I will make a separate post of all her genres for easier access later and put the link [here].
Funky little rant under the cut as well as a single progress-shot at the bottom
I've been working on this character for a few months now and I'm happy with how she turned out. It was a lengthy process of trying to make her look the way I wanted her to and part of that was changing aspects of her design and allowing my friends to help and support me. At one point one of my friends told me the drawing was too stiff and ordered me to doodle ugly things until I felt confident enough to break out of my comfort zone, and that really helped Webtoon feel more personalized I think
To be honest, Socialstuck has pulled me out of my artist's block. For the longest time I had no motivation to draw anything at all because I wasn't confident enough in my abilities and art style to even try. I'm still not good at drawing poses, and even now this drawing is an imitation of Cloutchase's art style. However, the simplicity of that art style inspired me to draw, and suddenly I found myself creating more and more drafts. Whether those drafts will ever be completed is up to the future, but it's a big step for me to finally try again
This piece may be in Cloutchase's art style, but it's also got a little bit of me in it as well, and I'm more than happy to contribute to a fun community of people making stuff together by adding my own OC into the mix
Funny addition: At the bottom of my Webtoon notes is a small section of past-me complaining about how hard it was to draw with my dog staring at me. I got peer-pressured by my dog XD
Anyway here's the progress shot and also Webtoon's beta-design I made with a picrew (I beta all my character designs in picrew lol)
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And here’s a vertical draft of her final design in HD as a treat:
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nuzzle · 8 months
hi!! ive been a lifestyle lolita for a couple years now and i have this problem where all my dresses look the same which causes my coords to look the same 😵‍💫,, like how many pink dress with strawberries or bunnies do i need LOL … do u have any advice on expanding ur wardrobe variety? sorry if tht made no sense i js always love ur advice it’s so informative ^_^
hello!! this is a very fun question, and coincidentally it's something i've been experimenting with myself lately. plus i'm genuinely glad to hear you enjoy my take on things!! apologies for the delay in answering, i unexpectedly got a lot of inbox activity today..
i find it's easy to stick with what you know and to find comfort in the styles you enjoy the most.. and while there's nothing wrong with that, i agree that it could sometimes result in coords being a bit repetitive!
if you're finding yourself wanting some change and to mix things up a bit, i have a few suggestions:
the same dress could be presented in so many different ways! taking reference from your wardrobe for my examples.. different ways you could style a pink dress with strawberries or bunnies: in a casual, more toned down way (ex: minimal accessories, low poof petti, shoes that aren't too eye-catching. colors could be more muted to make the main piece stand out more) in an OTT, all out way (ex of heavily accessorizing could be: a bunch of necklaces, bracelets or wristcuffs. maybe a creative hairstyle, or opting for a wig if you wish! a lot of decorative hair pins. i like how double headbows could look in some OTT looks! you could focus heavily on going along with the print and find pieces of the same theme, maybe all strawberries or all rabbits. even both could work at the same time, or a different one for each look!) you could challenge yourself by strongly bringing out one of the secondary colors in the dress. if it's primarily pink, maybe focus on the red of the strawberries or the green of their stems. playing into different elements of the dress could help transform the coord into another substyle completely. the strawberry dress in question could typically be seen as sweet leaning, but you could style them to suit other substyles! (ex: for a country lolita look you could pair the dress with a straw hat and a woven basket-styled bag with strawberries!)
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having a specific theme in mind when putting together a coord can spark a lot of creativeness! i always enjoy reading what the inspiring theme behind a coord was. if you'd like some examples of what some themes could be, baby yokohama uploads entries to their monthly coord contests along with the theme chosen by the entree.
try putting a coord together centered around an item you don't often find yourself reaching for. it helps a lot with making it easier to incorporate it into a coord if you start out with only that item and work off of it!
taking note of how others styled a piece you own by looking at street snaps, magazines, or even social media can be inspiring. it may give you an idea you've never thought of before! sometimes even seeing the advertisements and how the models wore it in the catalogs could help you see it differently.
and lastly, asking other lolitas how they would style a piece you own and hearing their perspective is always interesting! you could even throw them some ideas for a coord they'd like to plan in exchange. generally just a fun way to connect with others!
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syntheticmortal · 4 months
I got tagged by the lovely @crownedinmarigolds! Thank you so much mate!! I'm absolutely charmed 🥰
Now my rat bastard spouse stole most of my tagging options on their post so to not double-tag I will add:
@skaerdir, @klaciate, @tzimizce and @vamp-orwave!!
If anyone who sees this wants to be an honourary tagee, then go for it XD
For those who don't know - Hi I am Alex! (He/They) and I'm a writer and an English immigrant to the USA!
3 ships: oh mate all of these are OCxOC with @c-n-i-d-a-r-i-a-n
Victor and Gloria – A Nos and his unbound Ghoulfriend. Making your touchstone one of your mission Ghouls is dangerous af but live fast love hard, lads.
Jeff and Lamb – Another of Vic's unbound Ghouls and the Thin Blood Nos that joined the Warren. Disgustingly fucking cute injected into the den of the rejected and disgruntled.
Ventan/Taakur Rig and Rozanin Rig – My and Daz's SWTOR PCs respectively. A Chiss Cipher Agent that ends up having to go hide with his Mandalorian hireling with her Clan and Roz's unrequited love becomes hella requited and suddenly Ventan/Cipher Five-now-Taakur has step kids??
I love it so much.
first ship: Oh god this takes me back to being little. Probably a Sonic one??
Shadow and Rouge if I had to take a guess??
last song: Temptation by Sean Paul! A proper bop
But honestly massive shout out to the second Nostalgia Synthwave mix by Odysseus on youtube
This thing keeps me sane, and has all the songs marked! – that opening one, Realign by Cerulean, can usually just melt my brain into peace whenever I hear it
last film: Snatch – Like VTMB it's a problematic fave that oozes style and characterisation throughout. Watched it as prep for a Setite I'm going to play in a V5 game >:D
currently reading: Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan as part of genre research. Finished The Vampyre recently too! Really I should pick AC up today, I've been working hard on my editing and outlining of my own pieces and neglecting the reading part of the craft for a few weeks >.>;
currently craving: So I'm drinking far less booze to save money whilst I'm out of work trying to get some Proper Writing done. So when I hit a good worthy milestone I'm getting a bottle of whiskey and I am ready.
fav color: Green! Sometimes purple!
relationship status: Maaarriiied to @c-n-i-d-a-r-i-a-n
last google search: I had to double check the spelling of Taakur for the ship section, so it was 'mandoa' :')
and before that I'm pretty use I searched Scryfall last night to go look at MTG cards even though I have no one to play with right now :'D (at least it's saving me money >.>)
current obsessions: Was tempted to add my own work here but I'll tag that on the very end XD
There's a lot of fandoms I don't leave – World of Darkness and Warhammer 40k predominantly as settings I always have another angle I want to see explored in!
I do however have the Magic the Gathering bug, even though I haven't really played in years and years now – but card interaction as a generation for narrative has always kind of captivated me? Like there's a couple big mean Ogre cards that make Rats more dangerous, but due to the way the systems work they also empower the Ratfolk of Kamigawa, the Nezumi, as they count as 'Rat' cards still. So big Ogre spellcasters improving Rat people as part of a contained bit of narrative kind of fascinates me as a concept.
Plus each deck presupposes a Planeswalker character who's casting those spells – and I was always intrigued by that notion and so most of my OCs are representative of decks I played (or wanted to :P) and then in turn each Planeswalker needs a Plane to come from, probably from a still existing culture on that Plane too, and so it can kind of wonderfully reverberate inspiration.
Like how every VTM Kindred OC presupposes a Sire!
So if you want to get to know me, let me tell you about what writing I'm working on/have made recently.
Out now!
The Mutilation of Finley Reid
A short story of masculine horror, about a young man by the name of Finley who suffers in the pursuit of having his place as a man affirmed by his peers.
The world of Torranham Nights is an anachronistic reflection of England set in the coastal city state of Torranham, drawing from contemporary culture and folklore as well as the legends and reality of the cultures that came before – without being fetishistic about it like a lot of stories will.
Handle It
A short retail horror, about working the cash register of a butcher's counter, and the customer who orders increasing amounts of ground beef...
Inspired by my own work in a same spot, anyone who's done service work should get a kick out of this – plus it's free and only takes 20 minutes to read! XD
On the way!
Defector – name subject to change
A short story of grief, shame, suicidal ideation, alcoholism, and community. On the moon.
A Special Recon mech pilot, “Crash”, from Earth has defected to the Moon rebels, and now lives in Magnolia City, rotting away in her tiny apartment. Then the Provisional Government sends one of its elite commanders, a former enemy of Crash's, to pull her out.
Elhart: Arrival
The first of a short story fantasy anthology about a city of refugees at the edge of time and space, hiding from the end of the multi-planar universe. A super soldier has washed up with a near-fatal headwound and no memory, and she must learn to live in a far more peaceful world than the one her instincts suggest she came from. But who was she? And can she earn the trust of people who fear her potential to kill?
Neon Sun
A novel! Cyberpunk Vampires! If we're mutuals you can come ask about this but I'm not ready to share things too publicly for this one yet, but the outlining has gone beautifully in my opinion, and the worldbuilding is singing.
I'm making a TTRPG!! It's a Powered by the Apocalypse engine game, about serving as the primary field agents of a faction of people who need your support and protection. Because if you're going to be a hero, who are you doing it for if not your kin?
Setting agnostic as hell, excluding some implicit need for magic in the class moves – I'm prepping to playtest this in sci-fi and fantasy settings to see how well my mechanics hold up in both swords and firearms based stories. Plus I'm going to explore a variety of perspectives of what the faction can be – from ethnic groups, to gangs, to guilds, to neighbourhoods.
I'm VERY excited about all this!!
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hazbinhappy · 2 months
Hey! I saw your match-ups were open and would like to request one if that's okay! I'm a dude and on the shorter side (5'4), I am pan with no gender preferences but I do prefer people who are more on the confident side. My love languages are physical touch and acts of service.
I am an ambivert, whether I'm more extroverted or introverted can change very quickly. I am typically laid back and easygoing and don't get annoyed easily. My favorite colours are purple and green.
I usually switch between wearing punk/emo style clothes (studded belts, band t-shirts, chains, leather jackets) paired with eyeliner or casual style clothes (Hoodies, shorts, beanies). My hair is a dark brown with a white streak due to lack of melanin and my eyes are a dark brown.
My hobbies are hiking, climbing, photography, video games, video/photo editing, needle felting and juggling. I like animals, hights, music and cooking. I don't like loud noises and spiders.
My appearance would likely have some owl-like features because of my love of heights and my messed up sleep schedule. Other than that my appearance would be mostly the same as it is now.
I would prefer not to be matched with sir pentious or charlie please.
Your Matchup is....
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She is like the definition of confidence (more like too much because look at miss ma’am so I guess cocky, but she isn't afraid and she knows what to do)
I think she’d find your hair and clothes style really interesting.
Probably would try and mix your styles together so you two can match or she would match colors only
Idk I feel like matching is a small way to show that you are tied to a person
Did I read video & photo editing? Of course I did, I've been staring at this for a hot minute!
Oh boy do I have a job for you buddy!
Yes you already know it, you are an editor for miss ma’am Velvette here
Is it fun staring at screens all day and not getting to go outside and do your more hands-on activities? Yes, but oh my goodness your cute boss is micromanaging at every second (as if she knows what you’re doing)
Okay, but for realsies, you do speak about how you need some breathing room to be able to concentrate and she does take note of that, she also hires another editor JUST ONE so your workload is a bit lighter; you know are solely for Velvette’s work and the other unlucky editor get to work for moth man
As you two got closer she started to make more clothes based on your fashion and soon made it a rule for all of her employees to only wear her clothes (Velv come on just admit your feelings and ask for him to wear your clothes!)
Once you two do get together she will automatically take your clothes without shame, but makes it work
Shoot she might even dress like you just to make the fit work
If you get her on a hike she is whining and complaining, but it gave her inspiration to expand her work into sporty/athleisure wear as well
She does take interest in your hobbies during her relaxation time and is willing to try your food, but she will be honest about her opinions (this princess)
“Ugh! You’re taking forever!” Velvette pouted from her chair beside you with her arms crossed,
“Apologies, little miss princess. Maybe don’t give me so many photos next time.” You rolled your eyes as you continued editing the slew of photos she gave you from today's shoot.
After several more minutes of silence (in reality it was thirty seconds), she just got up and pulled your chair away from the desk.
“Don’t fight! You have been working all night, I want to sleep with you. I’m for once going to bed on time and so will you! Dumb and Dumber are out for the night so if we’re fast we can get to sleep with silence.”
A/N: You sound like a sick person ngl i’m a bit jealous of your hobbies and style /pos owls are such a good choice
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WIP Wednesday! (though it's Thursday... anyway)
Tagged by @appleofmyonlyeye and @ncc1701ohno thank you both💕
I'm not counting my ongoing wip Headspace in this and also I can't reveal the plot for the McSpirk Big Bang fic I'll write, but these are the star trek fics I've started typing!!
Untitled - "love is blind TV show" AU mcspirk
McCoy arrives at a nice resort on an alien planet for some much needed rest after his messy divorce, and accidentally ends up double booked with the filming of the interplanetary version of dating show "Love is blind". The contestants are all split in two by a mysterious alien and Jim, who produces the show, is more than happy to convince McCoy to join the show. There, he meets Spock while talking in the pods... spones with endgame mcspirk!
Clearing his throat, Jim shifts a bit in his seat. They’re in matching seats, something like a mix of a beanbag and an armchair. Threatening to swallow you whole. “Well, the participants aren’t split up in any traditional way, like gender or sexual orientation or anything like that. Instead we’ve got a couple of Minirians dividing everyone.” He waits for the rest of the explanation, but Jim looks finished. “And these Minirians… How are they dividing people?” Surprise colors Jim’s expression. It makes him look younger. “Interested?” He grins, leaning forwards, elbows resting on his knees. “They refuse to explain it. One half is kanschtaar and the other half is tsiirm. I’ve been trying to figure it out but I gave up, so… It’s a blind date show, you know? Like you get to talk to the other half of participants but not see them or describe appearances. So I’m assuming the Minirians can tell somehow that each half won’t be attracted to their own group.” Maybe it’s the stress of a long space flight, or the weirdness of the whole situation, but McCoy is intrigued. A dating show across species? Then he remembers. His divorce was only months ago. He’s possibly hurtling down the path of alcoholism, is already a workaholic, can’t stop twisting and turning his dad’s death in his mind and… He feels, honestly, like a failure of a person. “I don’t think I’m date material,” he mutters, sinking lower into the baggy chair. “Whatever they base it on, it can’t be that at least.” Jim rolls his eyes. “It’s a TV show,” he says. “I mean, not to dismiss anyone’s hopes of finding true love, but… You’re good-looking enough for TV if you’re worried about that.”
2. Untitled - aos x tos crossover mckirk
This is inspired by gunstreet's tos Kirk x aos McCoy (endgame tos spirk) fic called Looking for an interruption which I am only slightly obsessed with and I needed to write an aos Jim x tos McCoy version... with endgame aos mckirk
Jim returns to the mess hall to find Leonard still on his own, though he’s smiling and humming to himself. There are several people watching him warily, and Jim can’t blame them. It’s not that Bones is never happy – it’s just rare to see him looking so pleased. “How’s your coffee?” Jim asks as he sits down opposite him. “Not too bad,” he smiles, taking a small sip. “Good to know my taste buds are the same in this universe, at least.” Blinking in confusion, it takes Jim a moment to realize he’d just punched in Bones’ usual order without even asking. Leonard’s smile takes on a teasing note, and Jim’s cheeks redden at the sight. “Well,” he mumbles, coughing a little. “I should have asked.” “Old habits die hard, as they say,” Leonard waves him off with. He eyes Jim like he wants to say more, but ultimately decides against it. The teasing smile remains, though, visible around the edges of the mug. Jim’s heart beats a little too hard in his chest, and he can’t figure out why. Is he nervous? It’s just Bones. Sure, a slightly older, smiley version of him, but still. He usually has to keep careful count of Bones’ smiles, a rare treasure to be memorized. He’s irrationally jealous of his counterpart for having such easy access to them.
3. mcspirk month
So far I have four oneshots started for mcspirk month but they're all untitled so... here are two (slightly nsfw) snippets (the other two are a bit too short yet to add)
Spock and McCoy get trapped together in a shuttle for several days (they are both dating Jim)
A small voice in the back of his head reminds him that he more than tolerates Spock, but that’s on a good day. He’s having a bad day, currently, and so is Spock. Though he’d never admit it, of course. It’s probably logical to stay calm and wait for rescue, and keep your mood bright while you’re at it. If it weren’t for the clipped tone and occasional dark look, and the way he talks back rather than tell McCoy to relax, he’d believe Spock was unaffected. “We should have made Jim go down with us,” he sighs, rubbing at his cheek with a palm. “He’d make the time pass faster, if nothing else.” “It would have been against protocol to send three of the ship’s most senior officers to a planet prone to unpredictable weather, when only two were needed.” “I’m bored, Spock. To hell with protocol!” Spock turns, then, to face him properly. The shuttle doesn’t have beds installed, only emergency sleeping bags, and so they spend most of their time in the pilot and co-pilot’s seats for comfort. The view outside the windscreen is blocked by heavy rain pelting against it, the sound of it an ominous backdrop to the muted lighting from the emergency light strips just barely allowing them to see each other. In profile, Spock had appeared stoic. Now, his face bathed in shadows, he looks more thoughtful, considering. “May I assume, then, that had Jim been present, you would have spent some time engaged in sexual intercourse?” “You bet your pointed ears we would have,” McCoy grumbles back.
Jim, Spock and McCoy have to dress up according to alien culture for diplomacy reasons...
Spock, of course, takes great care with him, easily slipping the gloves on. When he lifts his gaze to Kirk, there’s something heated in them. Oh. Maybe it’s highly intimate for a half-Vulcan, too. He licks his lips, considering him. “You know, I think Bones could use some help with his, too.” “What? I know how to put on a pair of gloves, Jim.” “I believe Jim knows that, Doctor. I also believe that he wishes to see us both engage in an intimate act under Voresebian culture.” Kirk can’t help but chuckle a bit at being caught out. “Alright, you’ve seen through me. I think we can spare a moment for some fun, can’t we?”
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lacking-artdration · 6 months
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guilty, guilty.
(backgrounds directly referenced in page 3- panel 1, page 4- panel 1 from video game within the backrooms. Fantastic game and major inspiration for HTSSITGE, please PLAY!!!)
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you know, i've been thinking... about this place. And, uhm, bear with me because I'm gonna get back to that point in a second, trust me. But I...I've also been thinking
about more than just now, I've been thinking about before and..
When I was at Colombiad for my degree in Architectural design, I had never felt better in my life, genuinely.
Ever since I was a kid, I'd always had this inate ability to see empty space in this world, and know PRECISELY what to put in it.
Empty Space, an empty canvas, ripe for filling with greatness. Going to a school where I could USE that ability was greater than any feeling in the world.
Getting a degree that would let me fill that space, to fill the empty space of the world with purpose, and greatness only present in my own mind and my inspirations.
So you can imagine my dismay when the only job I could land after I graduated was as a paint mixer. Home Depot, you know.
I worked at this big warehouse with an unending array of isles. Looked a bit like... this, Actually. It sucked, obviously, no friggin' artist wants to be stuck in a job where they can't do the...thing they just spent seven gosh darn years of their life working for.
I hated where I worked, this big, bloated warehouse that reeked of wood, sweat, and broken dreams. It was neatly stuck in a strip mall between a Walmart and a Michaels that looked almost identical to it. No room, no space for anything. Not for me, not for my mind.
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That sounds self-centered, and maybe it is, but... THE POINT IS that whenever I was in that warehouse I was stuck with this... this muck that clung to my brain, that I could only clear once I clocked out. This lingering feeling of numbness that drove my fingers to the mixer, mindlessly recalling hexes on chips handed to me by people just trying to paint their garage, without a thought for the world around me.
That dunked my brain in an apathetic coating that drove me down and up each aisle thoughtlessly until the day was through.
And eventually, it started to follow me outside of work. It stuck to my brain and drowned me in despair. Every building became the same, towering block, taking up space.
Every alley and street was a aisle, trapping humankind. My own home was painted the same "Bright Banana Creme" color that I'd had mixed a million times for every other customer. Eventually I was so... numb to the feeling that it became normalcy.
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This was life. A perfect, concrete, block. Designed for purely its fulfillment of purpose. Nothing more.
When I finally got that architectural job I'd spent years working for, I arrived at a firm full of men and women just like me. Sanded away into miserable, dead-eyed tinkerers who were so afraid of anything outside of what was the standard, that the front page of Architectural Digest was enough to have most of us clutching our pearls. Where empty space was, we put in office space. Mixed-use buildings. Warehouses. Hotels. "High-End" Apartment Complexes.
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Box after box, line after line, purpose, practicality, standard. That was what mattered to us. That was what made the design.
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So... I'm down here, and I've been thinking. I know this place, of course I do. I've seen it everywhere. But the difference is... nothing here is built with intention. There is
no purpose for this wall here. None that I can distinguish, anyway. It exists in the same way a tumor grows on some place on the body. It sprouts like a random weed floating along the wind. Yet... it strikes me with that same apathy that my old job, and that all of my work that followed it has. It's a reflection of the rot that I cast on my city
on my fellow man. What I filled their empty spaces with... and now I have to suffer...
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three-mice · 2 months
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Working on this cardigan has been really fun so far! I'm super happy with the pattern I chose. It's complex enough not to bore me, but also easy enough that I don't have to focus very much, which is like the perfect balance for me. I also love the colors of the yarn, it's hard to see here but so far it's gone from a grey to a greyish blue to a really vibrant purple! Seeing the color changes manifest in my knitting just feels good to me. It shows me that I'm making progress, and I always get weirdly excited when I enter a new phase of the gradient.
I also decided to knit this project in three pieces, this one being the back. I'm always kind of torn when working with a color changing yarn, because part of me wants to knit everything in one piece so there's no edges where the colors don't line up, but sometimes that's just not feasible. And I think with this one, it could actually look really pretty this way.
I've also been watching some chill let's plays while knitting, and it's been surprisingly interesting and thought provoking.
Especially in games where you have a lot of freedom, like Minecraft, Animal Crossing or Pokemon, there's a lot of the player's personality visible in the way they play. My gut reaction to this is jealousy, which makes watching a bit painful sometimes. I just wish I had that kind of personality, I wish my influence was worth looking at. Of course any bystander will tell me that I do, and that it is, but that doesn't stop these thoughts from coming up.
And while they're nearly ever present, I try to add some other thoughts to the mix. I try to remember that I'm a person just like them. I try to remember that it's okay to enjoy things my way, and that it's no better or worse than anyone else's way. I try to remember that if I'm enjoying what I do, and I enjoy looking at it, then it is in fact worth looking at.
It's hard, and it's exhausting, and it's a process. But we're getting there.
All that being said, watching people play video games is also just fun. I can't help but think back to middle school, getting home from school excited for the next unedited 10 minute episode of my favorite Minecraft let's play. And now here I am, spoiled for choice by 3+ hour long "Movies".
And it's inspiring, too! Seeing what others come up with and getting my own ideas, seeing what fun they're having and thinking man, I should really pick that game up again myself. I have in fact been playing ACNH for a few days now, and it's such a blast. Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll make a post about it :)
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midnightfire1222 · 6 months
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It's been awhile since I've posted anything pony-related here. But I have something new! Introducing the Return AU version of Vinyl Scratch, created with help from my husband. This AU is inspired by a mix of Doctor Who and MLP. I've previously introduced what Dinky, Doc, and Derpy all look like, but Vinyl is a new face to the AU. She's a hybrid like Derpy, being half unicorn and half of an alien species my husband and I came up with that we called Lyquus. I'll include a bit about them and their planet below that we've come up with to shed some light on her alien half. (I'm making an appendix/glossary thing of sorts that we can refer to so we don't lose track too much and contradict too much.:
"Lyquus hail from the planet of Lyquuenist, a planet with a thick atmosphere that blots out the majority of light from its twin suns, casting the lands within in a perpetual twilight. The planet as a whole is also quite chilly, leading to all of its species both sentient and not to have thick fur coats. 
The planet’s main sapient species are equine in shape, but boast features that make them appear quite lupine as well: wolf-like ears that are extremely sensitive to sound, fangs that lend toward their meat-eating nature (though they can omnivorous in times of famine), and incredibly thick fur. Most are some shade of red in color and quite large both in height and in overall build. All pure-blooded lyquus boast two horns on their head, some curving back around the ears, some not, as well as red eyes with oval pupils that always glow, especially in little to no light. Their eyes evolved specifically to see in the low light of their home world, making them extremely sensitive to any sort of bright light source.
Lyquus are capable of basic levitation, but their magic is extremely tied to their emotions. If their tempers flare, their magic becomes extremely volatile and uncontrollable, and they can enter a frenzied state where they’ll attack both friend and foe alike in an animalistic fury until they either use up their energy or they’re brought down. Rarely, if a lyquus enters their frenzied state too much, they may never recover from it. They’re either killed as a result or forced to go live a life as a wild animal.
Culturally, they are considered a savage and dangerous warrior race by several other planets. Once they’d taken to the stars, it didn’t take long for them to start trying to conquer nearby worlds. They show little regard for races not of their own kind, and any deemed weak are exiled from their home world. 
But a lyquus does not do well alone. They need a family unit to feel truly whole, and the bigger their ‘pack’ is, the better. To be alone is like a living nightmare to a species with a pack mentality and most would rather die then be on their own for any extended length of time." As for Vinyl herself, she is quite laid back and very flirty. She doesn't care who or what it is she flirts with - be they male, female, or somewhere in between. She and Derpy are somewhat friends, and Vinyl likes to teasingly flirt with her on occasion because she thinks it's funny, even knowing full well that Derpy doesn't swing that way. This alabaster unicorn doesn't care what others think of her appearance. She'd very proud of her looks and only wears the opaque shades because her eyes are very sensitive to the sunlight of Equus (the name we gave the planet where Equestria in this AU is). Vinyl owns a night club called 'Pump It Up!' where she mainly DJs but also occasionally works the bar. She has a love for all kinds of music, though her favorites genres including dub-step and rock and roll, and is a great singer.
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
hey rooo 😝 4-6 for the editing questions!
gatekeeping this post under the cut, it got lengthy 🤧🤧
4: If you can remember, why did you start editing?
Okay, so this may be a little off topic, but it still talks about editing LMFAO but I started editing mainly cuz one day I saw Minimooberrys renders and was like WOW okay, I want to learn to do THAT and editing, so she was a MASSIVE inspiration for me to start, not only that but I also watch solitasims and lovvvvvveeeddddd her stuff, and wanted to do what she did but mix in editing :) (I think that answers the question, idk I guess like, I've always wanted to edit, but more importantly the want to learn how to render and also do storytelling in TS4 helped motivate me to start editing if that's a better answer)
5: if you caption your edits, what do you decide to put in the caption?
I tend to keep the caption relatively clean (tags are where you get my reaction and shit LMAOO), if you take Leo and Roos posts for example, they're song related, so I'll put some lyrics that I think correlate to them and the scenes placed in the post ("and then you looked right back and caught my stare"), or sometimes scenes not necessarily mentioned in the post, but can be heavily implied or just assume occur ("It's really nice to talk to you, it's really nice to hold your hands," which implies that they talk a lot and that they do hold hands a lot, whether it be romantic or platonic 🤧). There's other situations where I don't have a song (tbf the Reo posts were the first posts where I did put songs agsiabs), like the valentines day prep posts, I just put "valentines day preparations: [sim perspective]", or like in earlier NSB posts, I just put prev / next cuz idfk what to put in the caption. With more recent posts, ive been trying to caption the posts with something related to the characters (like cataleyas drowning post, where it basically lays out the metaphor for the post, which is "too much love from the wrong person").
6: give us a quick breakdown of your editing process
WOW okay, LMAOO well, I'm gonna have to whip out my laptop for this one
For Cas shots: Usually i put cas shots together, so first thing I do is import the images I want to use in a 6000 by 3000 canvas (to preface: I do all my CAS ss in the dimensions 3000 by 3000), and I usually choose from a few mental presets, two headshots and a body shot, two head shots and a half body shot, three body shots, and theres more to list but im not gonna do all that LMFAO so after that, I place them in their positions and then erase the black background (which DOES get tedious when two screenshots sorta overlap and have to make sure theres no black left around the sim), after that incredibly tedious and unnecessarily long process, sometimes I play around with flipping the character around (in the case of two head shots and one body/half body shot, I make the headshots face toward each other, so basically headshot > body shot < headshot- if that makes sense), although that can be placed anywhere in the editing process sometimes I do it earlier on or later on doesnt really matter lmao. Around this point, its just final touches, looking for weird shadows (which is USUALLY more prominent in blender renders, but it can happen), places where shadows look a little too sharp, and cleaning up those spots. For the VERY VERY final touches, I use sharpen and depending on the shot, contrast or saturation, I sometimes use the hue tool to make a certain color brighter or a different color, however I avoid the latter because it creates a weird effect on the picture, the sharpen tool is important for this part, because I tend to make the sharpen effect stronger on closer shots (head shots), or i dont change settings that much for decently faraway shots (half body shots) and i try to make full body shots to not have SUPER strong sharpen, but i tend to go on the lower end for full body shots aisuhdg
For in game screenshots: This is a bit different, so I import the screenshot that I'm using into a 3840 by 2160 canvas (the size the screenshot was taken with), depending on the shot i may add text, the font i use is Walter Turncoat (in most instances, they vary for different posts lmao), I make sure to color the text depending on whos talking or whats going on, a good example is in the catty drowning post and VDAY prep post, I dont do "[character]: [text]", i like the element of figuring out whos speaking (EVEN if it can be frustrating for me), i try not to make it too challenging to figure out, around my level of reading comprehension (/j), so like Catty is pink, calico is yellow, etc etc. I dont use as much sharpen with these shots since theyre clean as is. A lot of my shots like Gifs are pre-planned and thus is a different story, but in short I usually just edit the gif frames as usual and then put them together later. I also have a custom set of black bars to put around my screenshots bc even tho i do use reshades black bars, sometimes bloom or DOF messes with them, and have to put a clean set above them. I dont really know what to say that is quick, I guess for more "complex" shots, like with moodlets or text messages, i just get the assets online and then edit them for myself 😭
and LASTLY, for renders: Trying to keep this short, I usually just do what I do for the aforementioned shots, but like I said in the CAS shots, weird and sharp shadows are more prominent and I just edit those to make them cleaner and then also just add sharpen and make it brighter or more contrast-y idk 🤧
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kuwdora · 5 months
January 7 - What art form would you like to try that you haven't—or, alternately, what art form have you tried that you most want to work on? -killabeez
KILLA!! What a great prompt, thank you for asking me an art question!
I spent the previous few years working on acrylic pours which has been amazing and fun and messy and a joy. but I could sense that I needed to shift gears eventually…
I’m getting back into intuitive/expressionistic painting again and some mixed media. I’m also looking forward to trying to develop some figurative drawing skills. I have not had the patience or inclination to work on my drawing skills before but I think I’ve reached the point where I really want to focus on drawing so I can do figurative abstract. Currently not very good at drawing shapes and people with any kind of intent or control. I’ve got a number of tutorials queued up for the new year. Did some practice in October and November sporadically. Have plenty of sketchbooks and even tracing paper to practice with.
I just need to put it all together and begin this new art practice and stick with it for awhile. I want to draw people, trees, plants. And cats. Been working on my doodle skills. Daily practice. Slow and purposeful.
Tools-wise I also was really fond of spray painting techniques that I tried. But I never have a good place to do that outdoors and I can't do that indoors. However I do have an air compressor and have practiced with that a little bit but I want to do more with that.
I would love do various kinds of acrylic pour galaxies with airbrush planets and nebulas, using some sponging and blending techniques too for starscapes. I had this vague idea to recreate the color palette of Star Wars planets that I kind of tried to some degree a few years ago but didn’t get too far with. It’s very cool. I just need way more practice! Here's some early practice with spray paint and later a masking attempt with a purple-y acrylic pour. The tall piece was an acrylic pour and later splattered with paint in my bath tub. Finished with a circle stencil and airbrushing for the spheres. It turns out I have to focus really hard to understand light/shadow.
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I cleaned my room and hauled out a bunch of old paintings to stare at while I do some fresh warm-ups this month. I feel like I had stalled out with this kind of thing, but I think there's more I can do to express myself. Most of these I don't think have enough structure to ground the eye and whatnot, but that's why I've been staring at them off and on for a week while reviewing some inspiration videos and books. Been thinking more about color blocking and linework to help create structure.
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I'm feeling adrift when it comes to sharing/posting art on various social media platforms because of the spam on Insta/Twitter (I was getting dozens of spam replies/DMs and requests for NFTs/probable theft). Not sure if to create a new sideblog or new tumblr for my art. Or if I want to rename my studio name that doesn't feel quite right anymore but I'm not ready to give up yet. Thinking about crossposting on dreamwidth/bluesky and image hosting. But really I need to keep warming my brain and brushes back up.
Anyway! Have some fresh art that I've practiced this week!
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Acrylic on canvas board. Love me some quinacridone magenta on the left. The right piece has modeling paste and sand for texture. Gonna do some more layering on that.
January posting meme + claim a date - prompt me. Still writing about pretty much anything.
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iamtherainbowpanda101 · 9 months
Good Omens AU Fic WIP
Uh...so...it's been probably 10 years or more since I've actually written any sort of fanfiction and posted it online.
But Good Omens won't let go of my brain right now, and I've been reading various fanfictions after watching the show and got inspired to try my own AU fic.
I have no idea whether it will get an ending so I probably won't post it anywhere in full until I know for sure. I'm going to give it my best shot to finish it, though.
Here's a little bit, in case anyone is interested.
The large paintbrush clattered as it landed on a square glass palette covered in globs of paint. A guttural growl erupted from the slender man who had tossed down the brush. Sunlight streaming through the window behind him set fire to his long locks of auburn hair, which was mostly tied back with a scrap of gray cloth. A few strands had escaped and were framing his temples. He ran a hand down his face, unknowingly smearing more spots of paint onto his cheeks.
“This is hopeless,” Crowley groaned to himself, shaking his head dejectedly at the ruined canvas on the wooden easel before him. He’d been attempting to paint another nebula, a subject that had once been a tried and true staple he found he could always paint with excellent results. Yet, it was as if he’d forgotten how to paint the stars. The colors were too dull and were mixing together into something that was grotesque rather than beautiful.
How long had it been since he’d actually finished a piece of art? Maggie, the proprietor of The Small Back Room, a gallery that sold his work, had been bothering him for weeks for new pieces to put in the section of the shop she kept cordoned off for him. Crowley had provided her with some of his older works to get her off his back, ones that he hadn’t been able to get quite right. The disappointed look she’d given him meant that she knew they were subpar just as much as he did. But what was he to do, when this blasted art block had him in a choke hold?
Crowley wiped his hands off on an already filthy rag and glanced around his apartment. He lived in a tiny studio that had just the right amount of space for him, his plants, and his art. The place was rather empty, with only the bare minimum when it came to furniture. His friends liked to joke that he couldn’t really be an artist because he was such a neat freak when it came to his space. But Crowley liked the minimalist look. Usually, the lack of decor allowed him to manifest visions across the walls and ceilings of what his next painting would look like.
He threw the rag down and walked away from the easel. The artist knew he was being stupid. Art blocks didn’t last forever. Not his. But there was something different about this block. There had been from the start. Before now, the longest he’d gone without creating was a few days. This time, it had been weeks. Nothing had helped. Not even going back to the basics of sketching with pencil and paper, which had worked in the past, got him back into the groove. He was beginning to worry. There was this strange empty feeling in his gut. Crowley didn’t want to name it, but deep down he knew was it was.
He was lonely.
Sure, he’d had his fair share of partners in the past. Yet none of his romantic relationships had lasted longer than a year, for varying reasons. The most common being that his partners accused him of being in another relationship, one that seemed far more important to him. A relationship with his art. Crowley sneered as he picked up a spray bottle to begin misting his plants. It wasn’t his fault that he had a passion to create. It wasn’t just a passion, though. This was how he made a living. How he paid the bills. Thankfully, he had enough money saved up for emergencies, like when there was a slow down in sales. He’d never imagined needing to dip into those funds because of a damned art block, though!
Crowley moved about his studio misting his plants and talking to them. He’d heard about talking to plants and had thought it was an excellent idea. They were one of his many muses, as well as his unofficial therapist. Nobody listened as well to his sorrows as his plants did. Countless paintings now hanging in various homes, signed by Anthony J. Crowley, had different types of house plants as their subject. The luxuriant rubber plant, which sat on a pedestal in one corner, was his favorite. Just a few days ago, he’d tried painting it again to see if maybe that would break the block.
It hadn’t.
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miss-bvnny · 2 years
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It's my birthday so I can finally be cringe legally. So, here's some bits and pieces of something that I've been playing with off and on since about June. As I sit here and finish off the last of my birthday sushi, I ask myself what I'd regret more: NOT sharing something I'm admittedly proud to have slaved over played around with for the last few months, OR the fact that this basically spells out how I'm a LeFou stan. Oh well. There's only one way to find out.
''One evening, whilst being dragged along on a hunting trip with his self-absorbed meathead of a stepbrother, LeFou gets lost and ends up at a mysterious castle forgotten by time, hiding a secret far more mysterious and peculiar than anything anyone's seen before. But at the same time it is, in every way possible, a tale as old as time.''
There's a whole lotta words to be said about all of this junk, so I'll put it under a readmore for the convenience of all. Please don't be mean to me about my interests.
Sketches 1 and 2 - First (Left) and final (Right) pass of Beast!Nicole
I was very tense in life and about this entire idea when I first started to dip my toes into it, and that definitely translates into my first try at drawing Beast!Nicole. Much like the Beast in the original 1991 Disney classic that has luckily never been turned into an ugly abomination of a live action cash grab remake, I tried to mix several animals in her design. She's got the lower half and tail of a wolf, upper torso of a lion, and her head...where it gets messy. I've always loved the designs of the hyenas in The Lion King, so I drew inspiration from Shenzi for her neck and part of her head. Her mouth/muzzle however is based on some of those cursed photoshops of horses with wolf teeth:
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I can remember I'd JUST come back from seeing a special showing of Kung Fu Panda 2 the morning I drew the very first one of Nicole, and I've always LOVED Boss Wolf. I think you can see just a BIT of inspiration from his body shape looking at her. It probably comes across a bit better in the final when I cleaned her up somewhat. I hate looking at that first one so much, actually. It's so unforgivably clunky. BUT I did get the hang of her with time, hence the second pass. Wanna know a fun fact? Those colors were originally just something I kinda slapped together as placeholders. But...I grew pretty attached to them, so they stayed. There is...almost a month between her initial test and her final, btw.
Sketch 2 - Expression test/me having some fun
Yeahhh there was a time when I had no idea how far I was gonna actually try and go with this stuff, so I just kinda...played with it. Beast!Nicole is a treat to draw, so I jumped at any excuse to sketch her. Where the Beast in the movie had to learn to be bit more of a gentleman and control his temper, Nicole is...prone to impatience and outbursts under extreme stress. In this AU, she was forced to take the throne at a young age after the death of the previous king and queen. Going from a teenager to a ruler almost overnight weighed heavily on her, and she's got a short fuse. The night o the party in which the enchantress cursed her was a result of her breaking down and not thinking. I know there's debate in some places about whether or not the enchantress was right to curse an 11 year old prince for denying entry to a stranger, so...I tried to make this version a bit more...ambiguous on who's at fault. Maybe Nicole was being hasty, and maybe the enchantress was wrong to condemn a teenager to Eternal Fursuit just for trying to abide by stranger danger rules. IDK.
Side note - I can't help but imagine that in her Beast form, Nicole sounds like April Winchell. Think prime angry Sylvia from Wander Over Yonder.
Sketch 3 - Smiledog.jpg ''And give him an elegant, ladylike smile!!''
I wanted her to be unsettling. LITERALLY so unsettling. She;s got a horse mouth with canine teeth, I can't imagine that puts a warm feeling in anyone's heart at all. I also just really wanted to redraw that smile scene as an excuse to draw a lot of teeth.
Remember how I said Nicole's got BAD trust issues? Most of that comes from the memory of having suitors, possible consorts, and foreign princes trying to woo and flirt. They were suffocating, and it left her with a lot of lasting bad impressions. Wouldn't call it outright sexism on her part, just...caution based on experience. To the point where the rest of the enchanted objects heard that only true love's kiss could break the spell and they all went ''Hahaha we are so fucked'' Took them forever to even begin to fathom the idea that this LeFou guy MIGHT maybe be the one to break it???
But...in the end, they work together because...they're not typical of what the world expects from them. In MY headcanon, which ignores and disowns any and all alleged ''Live action remakes from 2017'' that may or may not include ''Josh Gad'', LeFou is Gaston's yougner step brother. A headcanon, I might add, that was inspired by @wreckham and their Balto rewrite where Star is Steele's younger brother. What does that have to do with Gaston and LeFou? Well:
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A weird hill to die on headcanon-wise, but I'll take it. Anyway, Nicole is a huge terrifying beast. A practical manifestation of how awkward and out of place she felt as a young princess trying so hard to fit into a role she ascended to before her time (Honestly, Nicole is just Twilight Sparkle's bookworm tendencies and lack of social skills mixed with the intimidating aura of Vitani and Sergeant Calhoun. Kiiiiind of a mess). She isn't small and lovely and fair like a young princess should be. MEANWHILE, LeFou is the young brother to the ''town hero'' and...that's kinda hard to measure up to. He's not the huge hulking man that's traditionally sought after. *COUGH* *COUGH*
They sort of...find a connection over this topic. Nicole likes him because he's nothing like the rich stuffed shirts that always flexed their looks and wealth to try and win her heart, and LeFou likes that she doesn't care if he's not a big and tough guy. Every Furry girlboss needs a short king.
Sketch 4 - ''THAT HURTS!!''
TBH the thing about this was...there WERE a few scenes I felt...REALLY obligated to try. The Ballroom scene WAS one of those, but unfortunately you won't see that one, since its over tumblr's photo size limit. Kinda happy about that, since it looks...less than great. Where was I? Oh yeah. Uhhhh this is one of my favorite scenes from the movie so I ABSOLUTELY wanted to give it a shot with these two. Sketches 4-6 are all drawn directly into screenshots from the movie because I was NOT about to try and redraw those backgrounds. God this movie is GORGEOUS but soooo intricate and i am only a little creature who scares easily. Also, I had OTHER things that were hard to draw that I was more focused on. Wanna know what those things were?! LEFOU. I don't know if I'm bad at diverse faces or maybe he's just genuinely a little tricky, but GOD I still have a hard time drawing him. Assume every sketch of LeFou here in this post took me three hours minimum. That's why most of these are of him and Nicole. My deal with myself was that if I at least gave him a good college try, I could ALSO have fun drawing Nicole, who is WAY easier. I mean I'm...getting a LITTLE better at him, but still. He was NOT east the first few times.
Nicole's snarly face in this one was so fun to draw. I looked at a lot of Nala during the chase scene with Pumbaa, and Sabor fighting Tarzan to get her teeth right. Hilariously, I also looked at Steele.
Sketch 5 - ''It's obvious there's a spark between them..''
''You are a strange sight
Some new kind of wonder
With good hidden under
I'm sure that it's true.''
A theme song??? Is for me??? Is for my silly little drawings???
Sketch 6 - Nicole's hour in the fursuit is over
THat's right I KEPT her in the dress for the final fight in this AU. Why??? I DON'T KNOW I wanted to. Maybe it was a reference to the ''running from a T Rex in high heels'' scene in Jurassic World. Maybe it was me trying to convey how Nicole has finally come to own the ''princess'' she never thought she could be. I DON'T KNOW. OH. and by the way. her dress is loosely inspired by the one @Johannathemad drew here
Sketch 7 - A most peculiar Mademoiselle
I was looking at these by @davidgilson and they were SO cute I....KINDA wanted to give something similar to it a shot. That tiny LeFou is going to make me fucking scream he is SO small
You guys wanna know a really embarrassing fact? So...LeFou is voiced by Jesse Corti, right? Who ALSO provided the signing voice for Charlie in All Dogs Go To Heaven 2. So....AHEM and COUGH maybe Ive been listening to these a lot while I draw LeFou and Nicole. What of it.
Um....that's all for now, but....Hopefully there might be some more on the horizon. I've been...kinda burnt out and tired as a result of some work drama lately, but...I have more sketches and ideas with this AU I'd like to do. It's been...really fun to play with, honestly. i had a GREAT birthday tho, and...I think it was more than appropriate that I shared this today <3
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cottoncandy-cult · 16 days
Zelman Clock X Reader
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(Y/n) giggled from where she sat in her room, she was a fledgling black blood that had recently joined the "darkness" of the special zone. She lived in Zelman Clock's manor; she was one of the few maids who took care of the east wing of the second floor. This had been Zelman's wing, which thankfully meant it didn't get near as messy as some of the other areas since Zelman himself wasn't innately messy. Like the other maids she was paid nicely, so she often spent her money on food and her hobbies. One thing she had become really taken with was making candles, sure there were all kinds of things she could do in this day and age but candle making had just really caught her eye. She loved getting to pick the scents and make the designs, she even had a little shop online to sell her creations. Of course, everyone knew about her hobby, at any kind of gift giving event she often made custom candles for the people she was close to. Currently she was sat on her bed, a sketch pad on her lap as she doodled some ideas for some new candle designs. Though she was quick to put down her pencil when a knock at the door caught her attention, she looked up in the direction of the sound as she sat up straight. "Come in." She tilted her head slightly, raising an eyebrow as she saw her boss come in. "Hey there, Sayuka said you missed lunch, so I came to check on you." He stepped into the room, his hands in his pockets as he glanced around. Despite being seen as a villain by some, Zelman paid attention to those who served under him and took great care of them.
"Sorry, I got hit with some inspiration and lost track of time." The young woman sat the sketch pad to the side, scooting closer to the edge of the bed. "You can sit down if you like Sir." She smiled sweetly as the red-haired old blood chuckled, moving to sit in the chair at her desk. "So, what kind of candles are you making this time? Those cupcake candles you did for Jura's birthday were pretty popular." Zelman leaned forward, peaking at her sketch pad. Something she happily passed to him, (Y/n) loved getting to talk about her creations. "I wanna do some pie themed candles, I was thinking of doing 3 kinds. Apple and cinnamon, Peach and Vanilla, and Mixed berry. I was gonna keep the design simple, layer 3 different colors each." She pointed to the designs, explaining her thoughts as she indicated to the colored layers of each candle drawing. "I see, simple and classic is always appreciated. I think the Peach one sounds best though, so make sure you make an extra for me, ok?" He had winked at the woman, not oblivious to her blush as she nodded her head quickly. "Of course, if you ever have any requests let me know. I like getting to make personalize candles."
The young woman scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, trying to talk away her flustered cheeks. "I'll keep that in mind, I'm sure you've noticed I always have a candle burning in my favorite rooms. So, it would be nice to get something personally made for me, having it be one of your products just makes it all the better." His words had (H/c) female stuttering and stumbling over her words, something that stopped with a squeak when one of Zelman's large hands gently cradled her cheek. He stared into her eyes, his grin never faltering. "Just as I thought, you're even cuter when you're flustered." His thumb stroked her cheek, and in her flustered state all she could think to do was hide her face. So, she turned it into his palm, closing her eyes as she listened to Zelman chuckle. "Would you like to have lunch with me (Y/n)? A new restaurant opened in the old sector, so I was going to check it out." He slowly sat back, removing his hand as she had finally met his gaze once more. "S-sure, I've finished writing down my ideas anyways…" She bit her lip, her hand fiddling with the pencil that sat on her bed. "Let me get ready first, I don't wanna go out in public in my maid outfit. That would draw so much attention." She blushed darker at the thought, having made the mistake of doing it once and there wasn't a single person that WASN'T looking at her. Though her words made Zelman laugh, nodding his head. "Understandable, I'll be waiting in the common room downstairs. Meet me down there when you're ready." He winked at her again just to see her flustered face once more, then moved to stand and exit the room. Once that door closed behind him (Y/n) flopped back on her bed, her hands resting over her racing heart as she took several deep breaths. She wasn't oblivious to how attractive her boss was, the other female workers were often desperate for his attention and fawned over the older male. She didn't want to get ahead of herself, despite his behavior she didn't want to assume this was a date and embarrass herself later by saying the wrong things.
Though she didn't spend long like this, after all he was waiting on her regardless of the reason why they would be sharing this meal. It didn't take long for (Y/n) to get changed, she didn't do anything too fancy. A simple (F/c) sundress with some black tights and a pair of flats, she had worn a few bracelets around one wrist and a chain necklace that had a red jewel which rested against her collarbone. Her footsteps were quick but quiet, not wanting to seem desperate or accidentally trip in front of him. Before she entered the common room, (Y/n) came to a stop and took a moment to brush out the skirt of her dress and adjust the top to make sure it was settled comfortably but nicely. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting Sir." She entered the room with a shy smile, he had changed as well into something a little less recognizable for him. Leaving his beanie off he had brushed out his hair, settling on wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Despite the relaxed look, he still brought color to her cheeks at the sight. "Not at all, I actually just set down before you arrived." He moved to stand, approaching her with his hands in his pockets. He stood close to her, offering her a fanged smile as his cologne engulfed her. "You ready to head out? I was checking the reviews, and this place is supposed to have some pretty good grilled food." He offers her his arm, grinning at her darkening blush while she slipped her arm within his own and nodded.
All she could do was swallow quietly; afraid she'd stumble over her words if she tried to speak in that moment. She took a slow breath, looking up at him as calmly as she could. "Thanks for inviting me, it's been a while since I've gone somewhere new to eat." She looked away from him after that statement as they made their way out the door, causing the old blood to chuckle and hold his head high. "It's no fun to try something new alone, besides you always make for interesting company." His bold words made her heart flutter, she had to focus on her breathing a moment as she looked up at him once more. "I enjoy your company as well, Cayne and Sei can be somewhat intimidating so I'm glad it's you I work under." This made Zelman chuckle, his head tilting as he gave her a fond look. "I'm glad you're so comfortable with me, I'd hate to think I scare you. I'm glad Sayuka brought you to my home, as a fledgling I can imagine it was quite lonely coming to the special zone on your own." His words held an understanding tone, Zelman had seen many people come and go within the special zone and within his domain. Most of those that came on their own found themselves feeling lost, the special zone was a big place and could be a little hard to get used to.
"I will admit it was overwhelming, I was beyond lost in the city and if it wasn't for Sayuka I'm not sure I would have found a place to live that night. I was a bit scared at first, I wasn't really sure what I should be doing but you made it easy for me being so naturally organized." She smiled softly at the thought as she stared ahead, she had been so afraid at first. But she had been given ample patience to get adjusted to her new life. "You reminded me of a kitten when you were first brought back, soaked in the rain and jumping at every noise. It was pretty cute, I felt bad for your cause you looked so out of place. So, I had you placed in my personal wing since I figured it would be low maintenance and easier for you to adjust to. I meant to adjust your duties once you had got used to the place, but there was no real need for it and since I needed someone to clean my wing anyways, I decided to just let you stay where you were. Plus, I got used to seeing you in the mornings on my way to breakfast. It was a nice routine, and I wasn't ready to give it up yet, I know you aren't a morning person but watching you sleepily waddle down the halls just makes my day." He chuckled as he looked to her, seeing the way her cheeks flushed as she looked into his eyes made his own still heart beat once more. "You aren't wrong, I hate being awake early but the sooner I get my chores done the sooner I can read or work on my hobbies." She turned her head to the side, subconsciously leaning into his side and not noticing til his arm slipped out of hers and wrapped around her waist. It left her flustered at first, though she had soon melted into his side as she took comfort in his presence despite how he made her heart race uncontrollably.
"You know, I'd like to spend more time with you if you're up to it. I'd love to see how you make your candles, if that's ok." He smiled down at her, one of his pointed fangs visible as they walked together. Leaning her head on his shoulder, she hoped it made it harder for him to see her face directly. "I wouldn't mind, no one's ever asked to see how I do it before. Maybe you can help me design a candle, you know pick out the colors and smells and stuff…" She bit her lip, fighting the urge to meet his gaze which she could feel focus on her. "Alright, it's a date then." He winked at her when she looked at him in shock over his wording, causing him to give into his urge and press a kiss to her cheek before watching her brain short circuit. They slowed to a stop as she stared at him as if he just laid the stars at her feet. Releasing her side he took her hand, raising an eyebrow as he pressed another more gentlemanly kiss on her knuckles and kick start her brain once more causing her to stumble over various words before giving up and hanging her head while hiding her face with her hand. He loved her reactions; it made him want to smother her with affection until she was a flustered mess. For now though, he held back, lacing his fingers with her own as he led the way to the restaurant for their planned lunch.
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hospitalterrorizer · 4 months
wednesday - thursday
off tomorrow, and tonight is my friend's birthday.
my friend, the girlfriend of my other friend. i'm not going though. it's just not a good time, i guess. i feel bad about it, like pretty bad, i hope she's having a good time, but too much is going on rn, scary or whatever, i need to keep everything stable for myself, if i don't work will get worse. i'm just nervous at these early stages, idk what i can really get away with.
anyway, i'm really in love with this music video:
it might be smarter than the song, it's a really good bit of filmmaking honestly, i love the script, the bit where the lusty cameraman goes "how many girls you been with," and the subject goes "a bunch..." and then the guy is like "lucky ladies," and the way the obvious lust and the subject interact, it's not a clear cut relation, there's a strange giving and taking, it's very dirty and weird, and the sadness passing over/through the man being objectified, it's so strange. it feels pretty unique to me.
did something weird, i just listened to the whole cocoron ost, i haven't thought about this game in a very long time. i discovered it because of eversion, an early internet horror game, it's like an nes platformer with BLOOD and DEATH and it's actually really cute and good, i think the game is super awesome actually, it really inspired me as a kid, when i watched a playthrough of it. anyway, that game lifts the cocoron ost, and i watched a playthrough of cocoron as a kid, i wanna play it now kinda, might be good. nes music rlly is cool, sometimes, they tried a lot of weird stuff, it makes sense a lot of people heard that and decided to make it like, grindcore/punk eventually, the noises are so piercing at times, it kind of begs to be screamed over, + the inherent sarcasm in doing that, and then it also sorta overlaps w/ the whitebelt stuff, weirdness of tones when creating music, weirdly colorful sounds for fucked up loud music.
for instance:
i've posted this before i think but this song is great, i love it so much. and i love the color. a perfect aesthetic touch point for me.
another fun one:
i also started looking at spritesheets tonight, just cuz it seemed fun, in the cocoron ost desc the uploader linked a site w/ sprite rips. reminds me of when i was ripping stuff out of ps1 and dreamcast games. i got a lot of stuff out of one game, sengoku turb on dreamcast, i should put some of that here, really cute artstyle i think, one of my fav looking games ever:
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crazy looking game, i'm glad it has a sequel out there, also on dreamcast, they seem like pretty obtuse and random games, i miss the whole feverdream thing that could come out on consoles, illbleed, stretch panic is another similar game to me, even katamari on some level, though it's also way indebted to some other stuff, and killer7 is also in the maybe similar but i understand its particular history way better i think, the angura movement in japan offering a kind of springboard for the game's design i feel like, where it absorbs old forms and sticks them right beside the 'new,' as many of those plays had done, to channel something strange, to bring forth the negative and inconclusive, or maybe not inconclusive, just concluding things positivist works could not arrive at.
after finishing wiseblood i am unsure what to begin reading, i have discipline & punish beside me now, the foucault book, but maybe i need to stick with fiction, and just do agua viva by lispector. that might be good... we'll see. also quibbling over if i should try mixing a bit tonight.
also, we finally have real wifi, and it's like the old place, i am happy with it, it's pretty fast and stuff, so that's good.
all the videogame and nes music talk is making me think about how loud i've made the chip synths in my songs, and if i want them to be more prominent or not. it shouldn't be too big a deal, as long as they're there enough, you know.
now i am looking at closet child...dangerous, cuz i will get my heart broken over something i don't get but idk.. soon i really may be able to buy something, and then i will be sooo happy.
i am opening ableton now, i should do my night routine now and try and get the mix right quickly and just go to bed.
i did it, and there's just a couple things that i think i'll end up having to do to that song, cut some lows in the vocals, just a tiny bit more, and drop by 1-2b, raise the left channel guitar up by 1 db, and then maybe cut some of the low lows in the bass. that should do it on that song i think, but i might decide to just come back to it after the full listen w/ the rest of the songs to hear it in context. that leaves 3 more songs on this list, i should try and get them as right as possible, and then listen to the album, w/ some of the new songs i've got with vocals laid down, which there's a few, actually, and then i will see what i need to do, if any songs should be cut, anything like that, and if there's room for anything else. what there isn't room for, or even whatever there is, i need to go and write down the names of the project files i need to finish, just so i can mess with them sooner or later, maybe an ep of stuff i'm still attached to, and stuff.
but i am beat now,
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