#if the refs hear you they can kick you out for the rest of the game
insidious-apple · 25 days
by far the funniest part about the stanley cup playoffs is that the players get so fucking riled up that they have to mute the mics around the rink so you can't hear them swearing at each other on national television
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kyra-cooneyx · 9 days
fight club // o.batlle x reader
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summary: you get hurt during a game and find out afterwards that ona can be very protective
it wasn’t uncommon for referees to carry on play after a player goes down but after watching you get taken out over and over again, ona could feel her anger towards the ref growing with every tackle she let go. even more so with the real madrid back line who were seeing the lack of discipline as an opportunity to continually target you.
and it wasn’t that ona didn’t think you couldn’t handle yourself because you could. you just weren’t a fan of confrontation of any kind. especially when it came to the football pitch.
so when you ended up on the floor again, ona felt it was only right for her to get angry on your behalf. as you nursed your incredibly sore ankle, you could hear the heated discussion between ona, the ref, and whichever real madrid defender had taken their turn.
“are you okay?” aitana asked, holding her hand out to help you up.
you took it gratefully, wincing slightly as you put pressure on your ankle. she gave you a look but you waved her off. “i’m good. thanks aita.”
as the midfielder nodded and walked off, you could faintly hear the ref warning ona about her attitude. and if you weren’t in so much discomfort, you probably would’ve laughed at the sheer look of disbelief on your girlfriend’s face.
you managed to catch her eyes and when her eyebrows lifted slightly, you gave her an assuring smile. but unfortunately for you, ona knew you.
she could see the pain on your face as you limped back into position and even if you pretended you were okay, she had a feeling that you wouldn’t be on the pitch much longer if the defenders had anything to say about it.
luckily the halftime whistle blew before that happened and ona made her way over to you, wrapping her arm around your waist. you leaned into her, guiding her away from the changing room.
you leaned back against a wall, eyebrows furrowing when you felt ona’s hands dance around the bottom of your shorts.
“oni, what are you doing?” you asked quietly, hissing as she pressed down on a bruise. “ow! don’t do that!”
“you’re going to have lots of these.” she said and you nodded.
“i’m aware and if you touch any of them, i’ll hurt you, comprendida?”
ona rolled her eyes but nodded, and you pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek. “comprendida.”
the second half was going suspiciously well for you in the sense that you hadn’t been touched. it left a weird feeling in your stomach but you pushed it aside and ran down the field with patri in tow, the ball at her feet.
she kicked the ball towards you and you skilfully stepped around one of the defenders to retrieve it.
and for a second, everything was going to plan. you brought your foot back, ready to smash the ball into the back of the net when you felt two somethings—two someone’s—crash into your sides, twisting your leg awkwardly and making your head collide with another head.
since ona was still near the middle of the pitch, she could only watch on as you dropped to the floor, one hand cradling your head and the other clutching your knee. there was a crowd around you, a mixture of barcelona and real madrid players and the referee.
ona shoved her way through, glaring at the two players who were at fault. alexia stepped in front of the younger spaniard, cutting her view off as the medics ran over to tend to you.
“not the time or place.” alexia said quietly, nudging ona closer to the barcelona players.
along with the pain spreading through you, you were acutely aware that it was ingrid whispering reassurances and not ona but you didn’t have any energy left in you to really care.
once you were escorted to the medical room, your nose was plugged whilst your knee was examined and by some miracle, you came away with a mild concussion, a sprained knee, and a few weeks rest.
when ona followed around ten minutes later, her heart sunk at the sight of you bruised, bandaged, and crying quietly.
she threw her arms around you with a second thought and you melted into her, sighing softly. “did you get subbed off?”
you were met with silence for a few seconds. “…not exactly.”
your eyebrows furrowed and you moved back to look up at her, the guilty expression on her face telling you all you needed to know. “oh, oni, no—“
“it was not a straight red,” she told you, brushing her fingers along your cheek. “prometo mi amor.”
you shook your head fondly, leaning back into her. asking questions was pointless, you knew that whatever happened on the pitch was going to be discussed at length amongst the girls and it was probably plastered all over social media too.
after the medics had explained everything again to ona, the two of you slowly made your way into the changing room. and whilst you were met with sympathy from the older players, ona was met with excitement from the younger players. and mapi. who was quick to gently grab you and sit you down so she could be the one to tell you what happened.
you were pretty sure that mapi was over exaggerating absolutely everything she was saying. but you nodded along anyway since she was practically vibrating. you were fairly certain that ona didn’t go around two footing every single real madrid player on the pitch but judging by the looks on everyone else’s faces, it wasn’t too far off what actually happened. and when ona’s face flushed red once mapi started the second yellow card part of the story, you were absolutely certain that the over exaggerating was no longer happening.
“i can’t believe you shoved her.” you giggled quietly to your girlfriend once everyone was situated comfortably on the bus. your legs thrown over her lap as she rubbed gentle circles into your ankle.
ona didn’t reply but you could see the flush on her cheeks again. you dug your heel into her leg, yelping as she pressed down on some of the many bruises littering your legs.
you slapped at her hands, glaring as she laughed, quickly overpowering you and pinning your hands down. “hey i’m injured, you can’t be mean to me.”
ona kissed the pout from your lips just as mapi’s head popped out of nowhere. “so we are thinking of starting a fight club—“
the spaniard was yanked away before she could say anything else which left you and ona sharing looks and giggles as you cuddled into her, a small smirk on your face. “maybe you should consider joining.”
the groan that left ona’s lips had you giggling again, the events of the day slowly becoming long forgotten. “por favor don’t start.”
“sorry, i’ll leave you alone now.”
a comfortable silence fell over the two of you, the chattering of the other girls serving as background noise. ona pulled you closer and you hummed in content. “you don’t really mean that, do you?”
“i think we both know the answer to that, don’t we, mike tyson?”
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totaly-obsessed · 7 months
Could you write for alessia where the reader gets badly injured during a match and alessia completely over reacts during trying to protect and look after reader
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Alessia Russo x reader Drabble & Request
-> Reader gets injured, Alessia loses it, and turns into a nurse
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Derby’s were always different matches than the usual – feistier, more brutal. There was a real passion behind it. And this game was no different. Arsenal against Tottenham, the north London derby. The training sessions were even more intense than usual, and the speech Leah gave in the changing room was terrifying. While the blonde couldn’t play, still out with her ACL, she was still a Gunner through and through – so she sat at the sidelines, shouting words of encouragement.
Standing in the tunnel you could feel the tension, it made you nervous. While most loved derby days, you didn’t – they were scary. Your lovely girlfriend knew it, trying to get you to sleep until three in the morning, whispering calming words into your ears as she rubbed your back in a soothing motion. Now, standing behind you, she rested her bigger hands on your shoulders – weighing your nervous body down.
The crowd was electric while walking in and through the entire first half where Less had scored a gorgeous goal – the halftime speech mainly consisted of encouraging words to further the lead by a goal or two. Everything was going fine until Arsenal was given a corner kick.
Steph was the one to take it – and now the only thing you remember was hearing Katie shout out a ‘you bitch!’ as you went down. Your entire face hurt as a metallic taste filled your mouth. Dazed you sat on the ground as everything escalated around you.
The medics were talking at you, pressing a towel against your nose, and lighting a lamp in your eyes as your conciseness started to fade.
It felt like a dream when you woke up in the medical room, surrounded by your teammates, who were quietly chatting amongst themselves. “Amore! You’re awake!” Your girlfriend sat up next to you, taking your hands into hers. Your eyes were hazy, the brightness of the room needing you to hold a hand in front of them. It was Kim who turned the light off, sitting directly in front of the switch for it.
“What happened?” Alessia nearly cooed at your croaky voice, feeling sorry for you. After looking at her a bit closer, you noticed tear streaks on her cheeks. With shaky hands, you reached out to wipe the new tears away, as she gave you a tight smile. “You jumped for the header, but got pushed into the goalpost by a Tottenham player.”
And just like that, the pain in your nose returned – as you went to touch it, Less caught your hands, taking them into hers once again. “Still made the goal though. And Russo got a red.” Kyra laughed as she remembered how your goal went in, going to hug you, just to see you lying on the ground, with a bloody nose and absent eyes.
With shocked eyes, you looked at your girlfriend, who looked way sheepishly. “W- What? Alessia?” Other than expected, the girls started cheering  - quickly stopping when their striker's angry gaze met theirs. Katie patted her on the back like a proud older sister, who had gotten her sibling into trouble. “Russo here can get feisty. Some nice yelling at the Ref, pushing players – Slapping a bitch…”
You nearly thought that you had misheard the Irishwoman. “You slapped someone?” The blonde knew that she really was in trouble now – so did everybody else as they quietly laughed. “Amore – she pushed you! You were bleeding a-and I couldn’t help myself so I- I…” She gave up, seeing your raised brow.
The team girls stayed for a while as a doctor came and explained your bruised nose, chipped tooth, and very annoying concussion.
Seeing your pain and Alessia’s longing eyes Kim decided to gather the team and go home, leaving the blonde on your bed at your side before she took you to your joined home again. “I was so scared, Amore.” Now it was your turn to coo, kissing her puffy cheeks, tasting the saltiness of her tears on your lips. “I know baby. But you didn’t need to get a red. I appreciate your protecting me very much, but it wasn’t needed.”
Alessia spent the rest of the evening hovering. Helping you in the bath, helping wash your hair, helping you get out, making dinner, helping you change, and helping you get ready for bed. And as much as you tried not to say anything, it felt suffocating.
“Alessia?” You were lying in bed by now, while Alessia ran through the room, trying to think of things to make your night better. “Hmm?”
“If you wake me up in the night – I’ll kill you.” Your girlfriend gulped nervously, hoping that you were joking.
After two hours of restless sleep, Alessia was still awake, she woke you up again. “I’m sorry Amore, but I need to check, you know that.” You did know that. But you were still annoyed.
Throughout the night she was met with various harsh responses to being woken up – but she handled them like a champ, knowing that you loved her – you were just tired and in pain.
Alessia couldn’t help but hover for the next days, having taken off from training as well.
While it was annoying, you wouldn’t change it for the world, enjoying your time together even if you weren’t feeling so well. the striker would never regret that red card, content to have you by her side, nursing you back to full health.
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whorekneecentral · 7 months
As Red As My Stockings
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Trent Alexander Arnold x Physio!Fem!Reader
Warnings: takes place in the '23 season (after the newcastle match but imagine it to be in November or something so it fits the timeline lmao), andy and ibou are so annoying towards trent, virg is over them, probably incorrect physio treatments, one teeny tiny hint to medical role play for like 0.2 seconds, penetrative sex (p in v), creampie, trent is sooooo !!
Word Count: 2,519
Author's Note: our vice captain >>> anyways, this one was a bit random. hope y'all enjoy it :))
merry smutmas series
Trent’s crush on the pretty physio is well known amongst the players. They make sure to help him fulfill one last Christmas wish before you all head home for the holidays.
Liverpool FC had been your home for the last few years and in your time there, quite a few players had come and gone through your room. All of them were wonderful and talented and charming in their own ways but no one beat the boys you had now.
If you could give them a middle name, it'd be troublesome.
It's Tuesday morning and the boys were returning for training. Liverpool had played Newcastle on Sunday, leaving the boys with another 2 points added onto the board but were left without their captain after a red card.
Currently, their captain was laid on the bench in your physio room, the rest of the boys scattered through the training room - you can see and hear their noise through the glass panels that separated the two rooms.
"I don't even know how I did it," Virgil tells you, watching as you massaged the spot before he could join the rest of the boys.
"I'm sure you must have over worked it during your shouting match with the ref," you glanced up at the man, there's a smile on his face even though he's rolling his eyes.
Before you finish with the captain, the door to the physio room swings open. The younger players had a habit of hiding in there to avoid training, especially when they knew Virgil wasn't in.
In comes Andy with his arm over Trent, squeezing the vice captain in a headlock. Ibou comes running in after them.
They weren't aware that their captain was currently in there with you.
"Oh hey skip," Andy shouts to his friend, struggling to hold Trent in place. The man struggles, pushing Andy away from him when he realizes Virgil was in there. Ibou blocks the doorway, stopping Trent from passing.
You were taping Virgil's knee, smoothing the tape as he looked over at the three of them. "Why are you in here? Don't bother y/n, she's working unlike some people," he shoots them a glare, making you laugh.
"All done, big man." You step back, picking up the roll of tape. You look over in the direction of the other players in the room. "What can I help y'all with?"
Andy says, "Trent strained something in his thigh." Trent was glaring at Andy; if looks could kill.
You nod towards the empty chair, putting away the stuff you used on Virgil before turning back to him. "Need anything else?"
"No," Virgil shook his head, still laying on the bench as he scrolled through his phone. "I'll head out in a few."
"Okay," you smiled, walking over to where Trent now begrudgingly sat. Ibou was snickering in the corner of the room, leaning on the wall by the door.
"Ibrahima," you called, the man freezes at the use of his full name. "Do you need something ?"
"Just water," he says, rushing off to the fridge to grab a bottle.
Andy's got a hand over his mouth, covering his giggles. "Don't start before I kick you out too, Andrew." You look over at him and he presses his lips together, sliding his fingers across it and turning it; locking it up so he doesn't make noise.
Trent sat quietly, so still that you almost missed his chest raising and falling with each breath.
"Which one?" you asked, crouching in front of him. His brows furrow, looking at you confused. "Which leg?" You clarified and he raised his left leg slightly.
You nod, "can you pull your shorts up a bit?"
Ibou and Andy were giggling behind you and you can't help but look over at him, the two of them shutting up, or at least attempting to.
Turning your attention back to Trent, you touch his thigh carefully, working your fingers over the muscle and the man groans. You glance up at him, "there?"
"Your hand's cold," he says and you move your hand away. "Sorry," you say, rubbing your hands together to try and warm them up.
You put your hand back carefully, not wanting to freeze him again but when he doesn't complain, you find yourself moving your hand along his thigh to find the strain. Your fingers were soft against his skin, Trent was thinking of what other injuries he could fake to come in and see you, to have you feel him up.
"Trent?" You called, pulling him from his thoughts, "where exactly is the strain? I can't feel anything."
His cheeks are red, he's been caught. "Uh-"
"Look!" Andy's hunched over laughing and Ibou's leant back laughing right beside him. "His face is red!"
"Shut up!" Trent grumbles, looking away from you and you bite back a smile before Virgil speaks, standing up. "Yeah, both of you shut up and go back to training," he tells him, shooing them from the room.
He smiles at you, nodding as he ushers a laughing Andy and Ibou out of the room. You turn your attention back to the vice captain. "So the strain?"
"I mean.." he starts and you hum, waiting for him to go on as you stand back up. "It was more of a tweak than a strain. "
"Of course," you nod, knowing he was bullshitting you.
This wasn't the first time he had landed himself in your physio room with some non-existent injury. Trent thought you didn't know about his crush on you but you did; if the players did one thing when they came in, it was gossip - especially amongst themselves when they think you aren't paying any attention to them.
You reach for his shorts, pulling them back into place. "Well if this tweak comes back, come see me. I'll treat it." You tell him, a smile on your face.
Trent stands, nodding. "Thanks, y/n."
"Anytime, Trent."
He was off to training once again but you called for him, stopping him in his tracks. "Next time you wanna see me, just come by. No need to bring the whole squad with you." You give him a look, the man's face red as he nods, walking out of the room.
The afternoon rolled into the evening, the boys finished up their training and whoever needed to be checked out stopped by but for the most part, the place was empty.
You had stayed back after the rest of the staff had left, putting up some decorations for the holidays. You're up on the chair, taping the garland to the wall when someone knocks on the door.
"Hey," Trent calls, stepping into the room before shutting the door behind him. You smiled at him, getting off of the chair. "Hey Trent, you okay?"
"Yeah," he nods, walking over to the bench furthest from the door. You did a few things, putting away the tape and the scissors. "What are you doing here so late?" He asks, leaning on the bench.
"Putting up decorations," you tell him, back turned to him as you shoved the leftover decorations into the bottom cupboard. "What are you doing here? Is everything okay?"
He shrugs, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shorts. "I uh.. well there's a pain in my thigh and it won't go away."
"What happened?" You walk over to the man, "I can take a look if you want."
"Yeah, could you?" He says, watching as you crouch down in front of him. Trent can't stop himself, all the filthy thoughts flooding his mind. "Where's the pain?" You asked, glancing up at him through your lashes and he inhales, trying to control himself - the thought was there, he just had to make it happen, that's if you wanted to.
"Upper thigh," he whispers and you nod, rubbing your hands together which makes him smile, reminding him of earlier that day. "You're gonna have to pull your shorts up, Trent."
He nods, pulling the left side up and bunching it by the top of his thigh as you slowly start feeling over the area. Your fingers were soft but firm, his head tipped back and lips pressed together as you moved your hand a bit closer to the top of his thigh.
"Where exactly is this pain?" You look up at him, brows furrowed. Trent looks down at you, tongue passing over his bottom lip. "A little higher," he whispers and you finally get what he meant.
"Oh," you nod, moving your hand up further until it was near his cock. Trent glances down at you, watching as your hand rubs over the bulge in his pants. "There?" you asked quietly and he bites back a smile, nodding.
"Now why didn't you just say that from the beginning, Trent?"
"You're the physio, y/n. I knew you'd figure it out," he smiles when you stand. You hum, nodding. "So tell me," your hand still rubbing over him, Trent glances between the two of you. "What do you think is the appropriate treatment for this?"
"Whatever you think would fix it, hm? You're the professional."
You move, about to lower yourself onto your knees again but Trent stops you. "As much as I'd love to see you on your knees for me.. fuck, I can't wait."
"Wait for ?" You teased, letting him move you around. He rolls his eyes, bending you over the bench. "Okay then, don't answer me." You mumbled, fully well knowing what he meant.
Trent pulls on your pants, pulling them down, You can feel him shuffling behind you, his own pants tugged down just enough. The tip of his cock presses against you when he leans over, his hand on your hip.
"Can I?" He asks, his hips jutting forward just a bit. You hum, nodding but Trent doesn't move, "I need words, y/n. C'mon love."
"Fuck- please, Trent."
Your arms are propped on the bench, holding you up. Trent's hand slips between your thighs, fingers brushing over your panties and your head drops forward.
Panties pushed to the side and he didn't have to hear anything else, lining himself up with you before his hips dig into you. He gives you a second to adjust him before moving.
He smiles at the way your face twists in pleasure. “God, you're so pretty," he sighs, pushing your shirt up a bit as his hips dug into your ass. 
Trent's hips dig into your ass, your hips are surely going to have a bruise tomorrow morning.
When you feel the tip of his cock press against a certain spot, your head falls forwards, his name falling from your lips. "Just like that," you mumbled, your nails digging into the leather of the bench. You could see the little half circles indents it left but you didn't care.
He can feel you clench around him when he does that, his hips ramming into you from behind again. "Like that, love?"
"Fuc- yeah." You nod, barely able to keep yourself standing let alone speak.
His hand on your hip slips down between your legs, reaching for your clit. He barely moves his fingers before your own hand reaches down to rest on his. Looking down, the outline of his hand pulls your attention, no matter how much you wanted to look away, you couldn’t bring yourself too. 
He pushes you down forward the bench, you prop yourself up on your forearms once again. You can see the reflection of the two of you in the glass door across from you; Trent's behind you, a hand on your hip and the other shoved down your panties, you're a mess, begging him to keep going.
Now Trent's not the biggest guy but he was bigger than you, both height wise and he was broader than you - you'd never admit it to him but god, you thought about him often. How good it would feel to have him on top of you or for you to be on top of him, how you fantasized about how good his fingers would feel or better yet, his cock.
You didn't have to fantasize about that part anymore.
The knot in your stomach tightens, and obviously, you know the size difference exists but you’d never seen it like this. Trent towers over you and his large hand covers your hip. Your body doesn’t even block his hips from view when he fucks you.
Your eyes find his in the reflection and you don’t even have to say anything, he knows exactly what you’re saying. 
Trent smiles. "It’s okay sweetheart, I know.” He whispers to you, thrusts getting sloppier by the second. The way you squeezed around him would send him over the edge just as soon as you did. "Me too," he tells you and you hum, "inside."
"Inside?" He asks, unsure if he heard you right.
"Please, Trent."
You had the man wrapped around your finger. Anything you wanted, he'd give you. All you had to do was ask.
The two of you in sync, his chest pressed to your back as you both came down from your orgasm. He rubbed your side softly before leaning down to press a kiss to your neck and pulling out slowly. He smiles to himself when he hears the whimper that slips past your lips when he pulls out.
It takes a second, the two of you slowly getting redressed. You leant on the bench behind you when you looked at Trent, his face red. "Want some water?" You asked, already walking to the fridge.
"Yeah sure. Thanks." He ties the string on his shorts, you pass him the bottle when he walks over. Trent takes a sip before he speaks. "I uh, I'd love to take you out for dinner before we head out for the holidays, y/n."
"Usually, you'd take a girl out to dinner before you fuck her like a whore, right?"
He chokes on his water, rubbing his chest. "I- yes of course."
You laugh at his reaction, wiping away the water from his bottom lip with your thumb. Trent's hand rests on your lower back, "can I take you on a date, you know a proper date?"
"Promise to do that same thing after?" You joked, nodding towards the bench. Trent laughs, nodding. "If that's what you want."
"Oh shut up, mr. I can't wait."
Trent's cheeks are red again, making you smile. Your hand rests on his cheek, reaching up to give him a kiss. "Yeah, I'll go out with you."
"Good," he smiles. There's a knock on the door before he gets a chance to speak again. "Are you guys done?!" Andy shouts from the other side of the door. "I forgot my charger in there!"
You and Trent exchange a glance, laughing as he lets you go, letting you open the door to let Andy in. The Scotsman looks between the two of you, the state of the two of you was a give away; skin all sticky, clothes wrinkled and out of place, Trent's face is red and you've got a bit of a wobble to your walk.
Andy laughs, wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh! You two soooo-"
"Don't even finish that sentence, Andrew."
taglist: @nosugarallspice  @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16  @books-and-netflix-pls  @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade  @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @trentsfav @trentsmyfave @noturbabe22
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lewmagoo · 3 months
A naughty Rhett request!
I am in the mood for angsty!Rhett who doesn’t place as high as he thinks he should’ve in a rodeo and thinks the ref screwed him over, so he comes home and takes out his frustration on Reader in bed and needs to hear her give him all the praise and reassurance 👉🏻👈🏻🥹
the ride home was silent.
he always got this way after a bad ride. withdrawn. lost in his head. plagued with feelings of terrible inadequacy. he tried not to let it get to him, but he struggled. and tonight, he was even more upset than usual. you could tell by the way he remained tense, even as he drove home. he didn’t even bother to turn the radio on, which was usually the first thing he did when he started up the truck. it wasn’t just that he’d had a bad ride. in fact, he rode just fine. but when he glanced up at the scoreboard afterwards, his score was one of the lowest on the board.
that score was bogus. you knew it. he knew it. but for whatever reason, it was what he was given. and it had him spiraling with thoughts of, am i not good enough? is this really worth it? you watched him grapple with it, his mind working a million miles a minute as he processed it all during the ride home. you let him have the quiet, not wanting to inundate him with questions or try to get him to speak when he wasn’t ready to. in the early days of your relationship, you might’ve worried about him, as he’d struggled with communicating. but he had gotten better about it since then. he’d talk when he was ready.
he remained silent as he pulled into your driveway, and continued even when you’d finally walked into the house together. you decided to speak then. “are you hungry? i can fix somethin’ for you,” you said. he stood in the entryway, looking defeated. then he mumbled something as he moved to kick off his boots. “what was that?” you asked. “said ‘m not hungry!” he snapped in exasperation. but directly after that, he lowered his head, his shoulders falling. tentatively, you approached him, and he managed to look at you, his features dejected. “i’m sorry darlin’. didn’t mean t’ be short with you. i’m just…” he trailed off.
you lovingly held his face in your hands. “i know,” you hummed, leaning in to kiss him. he relished in your touch, his eyes fluttering shut. “i…can we…” he couldn’t seem to get the words out. “what? it’s okay, say what you need,” you urged. he kissed you again, and there was an air of desperation to it. “i need y’ to…i…” you had a feeling what he was trying to ask about. but he couldn’t voice it, because there was part of him that felt wrong for it. dirty, and not in a good way. but you always encouraged him to speak his mind, to make his desires known. “you’re okay. it’s just me and you. talk to me, cowboy.” he had to know that he was safe with you. always.
his large hands came to rest on your hips, thumbs tracing circles over the fabric of your jeans. he let out a breath before he finally admitted what he wanted. “i need you. need to forget about this fuckin’ ride. wanna be inside you. god, i…i wanna have my way with you.” the weight of his words, so desperate, as if he was fighting the desire roiling within him, sent heat thrumming between your thighs. your fingers curled into the fabric of his button down. “yeah?” you breathed. “i’m right here. take what you want, rhett.” that was what he needed. that spoken consent to allow himself to give in to this urge. you trusted him. you wanted to give yourself to him.
one hand came up to rest against the back of your head, and he kissed you deeply, slotting his thigh between yours. something snapped within him. the invisible chains that held him back broke, and suddenly, you found yourself being guided toward the couch. it was one of those nights - you wouldn’t be making it to the bed for this encounter. rhett kissed you like a starving man, tongue and teeth, tasting you. you found yourself being maneuvered down to the floor, and you went eagerly. as soon as you were sprawled on the rug, he stopped to hover over you, and even in the low light, you could see a wildness in his eyes. narrow, like a cat’s. he’d just caught his prey, and he was going to devour it.
in a frenzy of hurried limbs, he had your jeans and panties off, and he unbuckled his belt with one hand, shoving his jeans down enough to free his cock. he at least had the decency to slide his hand between your legs, fingers searching, carefully prodding. he knew your cunt well, and he knew just how to get it soaked for him. your own arousal, mixed with his saliva that he spat upon his hand and used to lube up his cock, provided the right amount of slick for him to inch into you. at the thick intrusion, you gasped, and he swallowed the sound with his own mouth. “shhh, take it, take it,” he whispered, watching your face contort as your anatomy stretched around him.
when he bottomed out, you whined, and he gazed down at the place where your bodies met. “atta girl,” he gruffed. and then he started moving, and you saw stars. slow at first, but he wasted no time in building a rhythm. a hurried push and pull. but you knew what he needed. what he craved. so you gave it to him. “oh, rhett. you feel so fuckin’ good,” you sighed. you weren’t over exaggerating, either. he did make you feel good. he always did. but he needed extra reassurance tonight. and from the sound of the breathless moan he let out, you’d hit it right on the money. you searched for his mouth, leaving open mouthed kisses to his lips. “fuck, right there. nobody else makes me feel like this. n- oh! - nobody gets to be inside me this way. it’s all yours. only yours!” you cried.
he buried his face against your neck, groaning your name. “oh, god. say it again,” he pleaded. you clutched at his broad shoulders, fingers digging into the flesh. “nobody else loves me like you do! nobody else fucks me like you do!” but your second sentence faltered when he offered a particularly deep thrust, cock brushing against a spot that made you squeal, your eyes rolling back. “oh my—oh fuck.” he leaned back to kiss you again, whispering into your mouth. “uh-huh, that’s right. i’m the only one that gets t’ use th-this sweet fuckin’ pussy.” and you keened at his words. “only you!” you echoed. “yo-you’re everything, rhett. f-fuck, i…i love you! i love you, i love you, i love you!”
he growled like a wounded animal, chest heaving against yours. he was losing himself. “fuck, honey, i…i can’t…” his voice was pained. “i-it’s okay,” you assured him. he was so pent up, so needy and desperate for you, that he was already there, ready to topple over the edge. and you encouraged it, begged for it. “c’mon, fill me up. cum inside your pussy,” you pleaded. you knew calling your cunt his would send him over the edge. because it was his, after all. no one else was allowed access to it. only him. and then, with a growl that melted into a broken wail, he fell apart, body tensing above you before his cock swelled within you and soon spilled his release into the very core of your being. you moaned, gladly taking every last drop he had to give.
and when he was finished, it took every ounce of strength in him not to collapse on top of you. he caught his breath, silence hanging between you for a moment as you combed your fingers through his hair. but as the post orgasm haze began to clear, you could see insecurity settling in. “shit, i didn’t mean for that t’ happen so fast. feel like a damn teenager,” he muttered. but you shook your head, smiling up at him. “nope, don’t you dare apologize. i thought it was hot,” you said. he quirked a brow up. “really?” he asked. “uh-huh. seeing you lose control…god, it’s so fucking sexy, babe,” you continued on. he smiled, leaning in to kiss you. a beat. then two. “thank you for, uh, for…yeah.”
you giggled softly. “you’re welcome, cowboy. i love you. so much.” his face grew serious as he nodded, “i luh you too,” he answered. then, “but i ain’t finished. need to take you for a ride.” and before you could say anything else, he was slipping out of you, surging downward to bury his face between your legs to show you his gratitude.
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writinground2 · 8 months
Not a Threat - Jessie Fleming
Based off this request - Jessie gets tackled badly leaving her unconscious and reader is really angry and protective.
“Not worth the card Y/N,” Jessie pushed both hands into Y/N’s chest, pushing her away from the ref. 
“There needs to be a fucking card, and he knows it!” Y/N let herself be pushed away, but still motioned to the ref over Jesse’s shoulder to the ref. 
The game was only twenty minutes in, but there were several hard tackles directed at the Chelsea offence. The ref had only given the Arsenal players warnings, being far more generous than he should be. 
“The cards will come, just play your game,” Jessie pushed Y/N back into position. 
Y/N huffed but gave a stiff nod and made her way to line up for the free kick. 
The rest of the half continued the same fashion. Chelsea players spending more and more time on the ground, some slower to get up. Jessie having taken the brunt of the Arsenal defence. They tried sending Fleming on quick runs in, hoping keeping her in motion would prevent the defence from sticking to her. After a few full speed tackles, sending her skidding across the pitch, they dropped her to midfield. Midfield wasn’t any better, if gave Arsenal a chance to mark her tighter, bodying her around. 
As the players made their way back out of the tunnel to start the second half, Y/N stepped into McCabes space, stopping her just out of the sight of the field. 
“You even think of touching Fleming again, I will put you down like a fucking dog, you hear me?”
McCabe didn’t say anything, just tilted her head up, working to keep her glare in place. Y/N stepped closer, chests touching and forcing McCabe to step back to avoid her toes being stepped on. 
“I said, do you hear me?”
“Don’t threaten my players,” Leah came around the corner, McCabes glare slipping the longer Y/N towered over her. 
“I’m not threatening anyone,” she kept her eyes firmly on Katie’s, “just telling your girl here what will happen if she doesn’t clean it up.” 
Y/N gave her a smirk when she saw the crack in McCabes tough exterior, turning and running to join her team on the field without another word.
It seemed Y/N’s words had their desired effect, McCabe actively avoiding Fleming, giving her more chances to run into the box. Quickly putting Chelsea ahead. 
Y/N could see the frustration mounting on the Irish player. She could see that Katie wanted to run and mark Jessie quicker, but there was a hesitation before taking off to cover her. 
Chelsea uses this to their advantage, pushing their line high, forcing Arsenal on their heels and to drop their line back. Jessie was able to slip in behind their line as Y/N chipped the ball over the defenders. 
Jessie can tap it forward enough with her chest before side stepping the keeper, pulling her out of position, she’s able to casually strike the ball. Just as the ball leaves her boot, studs connect harshly with her planted leg, sending her tumbling forward. Her momentum sends her into the keeper her had been rushing to get back into position, sending both tumbling in a pile. 
Celebration for the goal abruptly ends when Fleming doesn’t get up when the keeper gingerly climbs off her. Y/N immediately at her side, helping her roll over.
The medics are already running onto the field as Jessie is looking around bleary. Y/N explained that she had been unconscious for a second before coming to again. The medics motioned her out of the way to fully assess the midfielder.
Y/N immediately turns and sets her sights on the Irish woman that’s arguing with the ref. She can see Arsenal players pulling her away, trying to direct her to leave the field. Y/N ignores it all and narrows her eyes. 
A strong arm curls around her waist, lifting her off her feet and pulling her away before she can move towards the group. She tries to fight the grip unsuccessfully, thrashing wildly.
“She’s already got the red, don’t do anything stupid,” Millie shouts at her, struggling to keep her in place. 
“Fuck that!” Y/N doubles her effort as Katie makes her way past to leave the field, “I told you what would happen McCabe!” 
Sam appeared in her face, helping Millie contain Y/N, “Jess is up, go check on her.”
That deflated Y/N’s anger instantly, she stopped resisting both players and turned back to see Jessie getting to her feet. Wobbling in place for a second while both medics kept her balanced. Y/N walked backwards with them, eyes scanning up and down Jessies body, looking for injuries. 
“I’m alright,” Jessie whispers, she keeps her eyes down, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. 
Y/N just looked to one of the medics for a better answer about what was wrong. 
“Probably concussion, we’ll do a full check in the back.”
Y/N nodded, she paused at the sideline, watching helplessly as Jessie slowly continued down the tunnel. 
With only minutes left in the game and Arsenal down a player and a few goals, the reds dropped to focus on defence, wanting the game to end without any more goals. 
Y/N takes off down the tunnel as soon as the whistle is blown, ignoring the calls of fans or other players, only focusing on finding her girlfriend. 
The lights are off when she gets to the medical room. She softly closes the door behind her, toeing her cleats off, wanting to avoid any additional sound she possibly can. Jessie is still fully in her kit, arm thrown over her face. 
“I’m alright,” Jessie mumbles, pulling her arm, looking over to Y/N. 
“Liar,” Y/N grins at her, “how’s the noggin?” she places a gentle kiss to her forehead. 
“Muffled,” Jesse shuffles to the edge of the bed to press her forehead into Y/N’s stomach, “little headache, but the ringing is really bad, stuffs really bright and loud.” 
Y/N nodded, gentling massaging the back of Jessie’s neck. They stood wrapped in each other for a moment, “let’s get you changed and ready to go before anyone else gets in.” 
Jessie nods but makes not move to pull away. Y/N chuckles, nudging her away slightly, “I’ll be right back,” she drops a quick kiss to her forehead before rushing out of the room. 
She pushed through the doors leading to the change room, ripping her jersey off as she walked. Throwing her dirty kit into the laundry, she pulled on her own clothes, shoving her everything in her bag before grabbing all Jessies clothing too. She forced herself to slow down and not slam the door open on her return to the medical room. 
Jessie is sitting up when she comes back in, elbows resting on her knees. Y/N gently drops the bags to the floor next to the bed. 
“Ready?” Y/N tugs the bottom of Jessies jersey, signalling she’ll start there to change her. 
Jessie straightens up a bit, helping pull her jersey and then undershirt off while Y/N pulls out a clean shirt and hoodie. 
Y/N pulls the wheelie stool over and grabs Jessies booted feet to rest in her lap to unlace both before gently pulling them and her socks off. Jessie hisses as the sock coms past the bruise from McCabes studs. Y/N muttered an apology, dropping a delicate kiss to the centre of the bruise. 
“I’m going to kill her.”
“You’re much too picky an eater for jail,” Jessie teases. 
Y/N pushes the stool out of the way as she stands, guiding Jessies hands to her shoulder to help balance her while she stands. Keeping her in place, she pushes her shorts past her hips to pool on the floor. Jessie sits back down while Y/N bunches her pants around her ankles, so they just need to pull them up when she stands up. 
Sitting back down, Jessie watches Y/N rummage around her bag, pulling out a pair of sunglasses for the walk to the bus. 
Millie is quick to take both their bags from Y/N as they walk through the change room, telling her to focus on getting the midfielder to the bus. Both offer a thanks and make slow work of the walk to the bus. 
They both ignore their names being called in the hallway and outside. Some fans quickly quiet down seeing the discomfort Fleming is clearly in, some shouting louder their displeasure of being ignored. 
Fleming lets out a sigh of relief as soon as she settled into her seat. She struggles to keep the sunglasses in place while settling on her side with her head in Y/N’s lap, but eventually finds a place. 
Everyone is quiet as they make their way on the bus, gently patting Jessie’s shoulder as they walk past. Y/N works her fingers into Jesses neck and shoulders, her other hand rubbing up and down her side.   
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thewritingofamadwoman · 6 months
Roy Kent Fluff
Pairing: Roy Kent x Reader
Warnings: So much fluff, it’s sick
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The spring breeze felt like heaven across my cheeks as I watched the game unfold before my eyes. Roy stood close behind me, his left arm wrapped around my shoulders lovingly, his elbow by my chin. He continues to chat with Ms. Bowen, and I unconsciously lean forward to place a kiss on his forearm, his arm hair tickling my lips. I had the ridiculous urge to bite him playfully, but I settled for reaching both of my hands up and placing them on his forearm, keeping him in place.
The conversation between Roy and Phoebe’s teacher dwindled as the game continued, the girls running back and forth across the tiny school field as they chased the ball. I let out a whoop of excitement when Phoebe kicked the ball towards the goal. Roy pressed a kiss to my temple, his arm squeezing me to him gently. His lips were warm against my skin and my heart fluttered in my chest. I looked up at him as he towered over me, and offered him a sweet smile.
“Ms Bowen fancies you, you know.” I teased as the teacher walked away to speak with other parents and family members. Roy’s eyebrow ticked up as he smirked, and I nuzzled further back into his embrace.
“No she does not,” he replied but we both knew he was being facetious. Roy turned his attention to the game when the school referee blew the halftime whistle and the girls were sent back to their coaches at the other side of the field. Phoebe turned to look at us and both Roy and I gave her a wave and a thumbs up. She waved back enthusiastically before catching up with the rest of her team.
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“Oh yes she does,” I pressed on. “I don’t blame her though. Have you SEEN yourself?” I pretended to swoon and leaned back to look up at him again. Roy ignored me and I continued on.
“You’re the fucking hottest uncle here! You’re rugged, sexy, sweet with the children, not to mention fun, adorable…have I said sexy? Hot as fuck too,” I rambled playfully, watching as Roy fought the grin attempting to break free, his cheeks and the tips of his ears turning red as he blushed.
“Alright alright, fuck off, that’s enough,” he grunted, pulling me in closer and this time leaning down to rest his chin on my head. His one arm was still around my shoulders and he placed his other hand on waist.
“It’s true! And don’t even get me started on you with a full fucking beard,” I leaned in closer, conspiratorially. “If I think about it hard enough I’m pretty sure I might cum,” I whispered and Roy barked out a laugh.
“You’re such a fucking little shit,” he growled playfully, and dug his fingers into my right side. I let out a little squeak before giggling, trying to squirm away from his hold. After a few more seconds of torture, Roy relented, chuckling along with me as I tried to catch my breath. Roy placed another sweet kiss on my temple, his voice by my ear.
“She can fancy me all she fucking wants. She’s not the one for me,” he exhaled, and the smile I could hear in his voice most definitely matched the one I was wearing. I turned my head towards him again and my heart fluttered at the way Roy’s eyes bore into mine, his stare full of amusement and love. We were in our own bubble, surrounded by chatting parents and cheering children. Roy leaned forward and I met him halfway, as our lips connected in a soft kiss. We broke apart shortly after, only to be met with Phoebe and her team mates screaming our names to us in a chant from across the field.
“-K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage!!”
The girls laughed and cheered, some even making “Ooooooh” sounds before Roy rolled his eyes at them.
“Oi, focus on the game you little pricks! Ref, blow the fucking whistle!”
I nudged Roy with my elbow at his use of profanity, but most of the parents didn’t say a word, too busy being enamored at having THE Roy Kent in their presence.
“Uncle Roy, that’s another quid for my swear jar!” Phoebe called out.
“Yeah, alright, just put it on my tab!” He replied back loudly so she could hear him.
“Okay! Can we get ice cream later?”
“Yeah, okay fine!” Roy nodded before glaring at the referee who immediately blew the whistle, starting the clock. Phoebe had the biggest smile on her face before jumping right back into the game. I found myself laughing and Roy sighed.
“Don’t sigh, you love this,” I smiled up at him and he nodded back.
“I do,” he agreed, giving me a rare 100-watt smile.
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ithinkabouttzu · 4 months
hey! i was wondering if u could make an ateez reaction to their s/o being injured during their sport game (preferably hockey but any sport works!)
injuries could include:
concussions, skate cuts your neck, black eye, someone accidentally crashing into you, sprained/broken bone, busted lip, etc
(it’d also be interesting if there could be multiple injuries at a time like a black eye and concussion at the same time for example)
Ateez reaction to their s/o getting hurt during their sports game
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genre: Angsty but romance
warnings: Blood and injuries (reader is gn)
description: The members of Ateez reaction to you (their s/o) getting hurt while playing their sport.
a/n: I made it pretty vague so it could fit into any sport if that’s alright with you! I also made the injury a bit different for each person. Hope you enjoy
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Hongjoong: He was at the game when you got hurt. When he sees you go down he gets so concerned, he jumps up from his seat and tries to get over the barrier to where you are. The coaches and everyone is surrounding you so he can’t see what’s going on but he gets so scared. When you get to the hospital he doesn’t leave you side not once, he so worried for the rest of your stay.
Seonghwa: He turns into a concerned mother so quickly. He would be sitting there watching the game with your loved ones when he saw you get hurt. “Does anyone know what happened?” You can hear the worry in his voice, his pulse is so quick and he gets so worried. His heart breaks seeing you in such pain and he wishes he could just take it all away.
Yunho: When he sees the person from the other team hit you so hard, he’s ready to go out there and start fighting the person who did it. He’s the one yelling at the refs to kick that person out of the game for their dangerous cheap shot at you. And Worried is definitely an understatement to him, he prays the whole time that you’ll just get back up and will be okay.
Yeosang: He didn’t see it, he was in the bathroom when it happened, but when he comes back out all he can see is you on the floor, screaming in pain. He runs as close to you as he can, getting past any barrier that he can to you, you had broken your leg and the ambulance was on their way, he stayed with you the whole time and held your hand through it all, he’s so comforting to you the entire time.
San: He’s also ready to fight whoever threw that a punch at you, he’s praying in his head that you get them back (which you do) but you have to sit out for the rest of the game because of the fight. After the game he runs to you and tells you how proud he is of you for sticking up for yourself but his heart drops when he sees the bruise forming on your left eye. “Let’s go get some ice on that, shall we?”
Mingi: His anxiety shoots through the roof when he sees you go down after a wrong turn, hurting your leg in return, he gets as close to the field/ice as he can, just worried that you will be okay. When you make it to the hospital he’s with you every step, and even greets you with flowers and small gifts after your injury, he holds you close and is even super helpful during your recovery and getting back out to play.
Wooyoung: He gets up from his seat immediately and starts yelling at the refs to do something. He really doesn’t play when it comes to you so he really got spooked when you got hurt. “What’s going on, does anyone know what happened?” He’s asking around to see if anyone will give him answers, he’s mad that no one is telling him anything, but he’s also terrified something really bad happened to you.
Jongho: He turns on his mom mode really quickly, trying to see what happened to you. He’s right at the edge of his seat. He’s so worried something really bad happened to you. He gets even more worried when he sees blood rush out of your nose and lip from the bad hit, it almost sends him running out there with you to help, but he holds himself back bc he doesn’t want to embarrass you. He’s just glad it wasn’t anything too bad.
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Sorry for such a long wait! If you enjoyed this, making sure to help a writer out by liking or reblogging! Your show of support makes a difference! 💗💗
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dnvrsmedia · 1 year
w-what if reader gets hurt? how would goalie!abby react? 😞
oh you best believe goalie!abby is SO protective of you (on & off the field)
it’s 85th minute of the match. your team is up 2-1 thanks to a beautiful goal by you and a teammate. the other team is getting desperate for a goal to tie or win the game. they are resorting to fouling like none other, especially fouling you. the second you are in the ball there are limbs flying everywhere. dirty slide tackles and pushing results to you ending up on the ground more than you’d like to be.
Abby feels herself starting to get frustrated for you. she knows that your tough, but the ref is throwing a blind eye to the fouling that you are receiving. she tries to make herself feel better by telling herself that you’re okay. as long as you keep getting back up.
until you don’t.
Abby heard the terrifyingly soul crushing screams abs groans let out from your mouth as you punch the pitch with your fist to distract from the pain in your ankle. your teammates yelling at the ref to pause the game increasingly frustrates Abby as it takes way too long. she is finally able to run to your side when the ref calls on the athletic trainers onto the field.
Abby practically sprinted towards you and was by your side, holding your hand with her sweaty goalie glove.
“it hurts abs it hurts!” you cry out to your girlfriend.
Abby’s heart snaps on two in seeing you in so much pain. all she can think of is ripping that girls throat out for hurting you abs making you cry. but that will be saved for after. right now? she needs to make sure you’re okay.
Abby caresses your face and wipes the blades of grass off of it.
“i know baby, i know. you’re gonna be okay i’ll make sure of it.” Abby kisses your forehead.
the athletic trainers decide that you need to be taken off the pitch. Abby helps you walk off the field and makes sure to absolutely glare down the opposing team.
your team ends up winning 3-1 due to the penalty received from your injury. the rest of the match felt like it went on for hours. Abby couldn’t be more glad that the horrifying game was over. all she could think and hear were your screams of agony. she’s gonna make that bitch pay.
at the end of the game, abby streamlines it to the player that broke your ankle with a terrifying glare. she takes her hand in a handshake while squeezing with all her might. abby sees the fear in the girl and she smiles. she leans down to talk in the girls ear.
“hurt my girl again and i will personally make it so that you will never kick a ball again, got it?” she squeezes the girls hand tighter. she steps back from her ear to look into the players eyes to see nothing but fear and pain from the tight grip. the player nods and tries to let go. abby tightens her grip once more.
“if i ever see you again i’m going to make your life a living hell.” she lets go of the players hand and smiles like nothing happened.
no one hurts you and gets away with it.
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fear-and-delight-l · 2 years
IMAGINE where rhea ripley has a championship match, and the reader goes out to ringside with her but when the reader takes a punch for the love of her life, Rhea explodes and finally comes out with her true feelings.
WARNINGS: none. Slight swearing? Erotic fluff? no smut but feel free to request it.
ALSO I TAKE REQUESTS, so if you have an idea, let me know and I'd love to make it come true! Love you guys and thanks for reading!
I take a deep breath before we step out into the arena. Rhea is full of adrenaline, I can feel it radiating off of her, but I am all nerves. Rhea might have gotten too far ahead of herself this time.
We step out into the light.
Rhea’s theme music plays and the crowd is crazy. I don’t let anyone see my anxiety on my face. I change my expression to true brutality.
“You ready for this, babe?” Rhea cries, her eyes burning bright. 
Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe…
“Hell yeah” I say and we head down to the ring, Rhea pinching my arm with a grin on her face.
She climbs up the ropes, fists in the air. (It’s a damn shame that she doesn’t pummel me with those fists.) Her lips are painted black and her hair is slicked back yet looser than usual. It's gotten a little long, and I must say that I want nothing more to put my hand in her hair and pull it, just so I can hear her gasp.
Her smile is brighter than all the lights in the arena and I can’t help but smile at my thoughts. Rhea Ripley is by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her body is toned and muscled but everything about her is graceful and sleek. And really I just can’t get over her damned smile-
Part of me is grateful that the rest of The Judgement Day didn’t come out to ringside this time. I’m so selfish for wanting her all to myself…
The music changes. 
Bianca Belair walks into the arena. 
I have to give it to Bianca. She has made a name for herself and makes everyone turn their heads and stop what they are doing. She won her Raw women’s championship belt fair and square and has defended it well. Rhea said so herself. 
But when Rhea challenged her for it, I couldn’t help but think that the only way Bianca would give up the title is out of her cold dead hands. 
As Bianca makes her way down to the ring, I look up at Rhea and she gives me one last look. She winks at me and turns back to the E-S-T.
I am not sure if my heart is racing because I think Rhea is going to take the loss or the fact that she winked at me.
Bianca has only managed to pin Rhea once. My nerves have settled a bit because Rhea really has the upper hand in this match. Bianca is strong. HELLA strong. But not as strong as my Rhea. I never should have doubted her. 
Rhea hooks Bianca’s arms between her legs and hoists her up. Yes, yes, yes!!! Riptide–
Where’s the ref? 
Rhea slams Bianca down and I wince at how hard Bianca hits the mat. Where the hell is the ref? Rhea has had her down for more than a count of three…
I realize the referee wasn’t at the count because Alexa Bliss had made her way into the ring and tried to interfere. The ref turns around and looks in horror that he missed a vital moment in the match trying to get rid of Alexa. Bianca kicked out before he could count. 
Oh, I was not letting this happen. 
I run over to where Alexa stands laughing. I reach across the apron and grab her by her ankles. She slams to the mat and I drag her out. 
“You wanna screw up this match, bitch? Not gonna happen with me.” I say. “So come and face me if you even have the balls to.”
Alexa stands up and screams, running straight into my midsection and slamming me into the post. The back of my head throbs, practically on fire. No way I am letting this blonde bitch beat me. 
Trying my hardest to ignore the pain in my head, I push Alexa off of me and grab her by her hair, dragging and slamming her into the barricade. I hear her groan. It’s not enough. I get her on her feet again. I shouldn't try to steal Rhea's move, but I've been practicing just for her. I silently pray that my next move will work. 
I hook her arm around my neck. 
I pull her other arm between her legs. 
I hoist her up. 
And with all my force–
Alexa hits the floor, immediately writhing in pain. Her back took the full force of the hit…
I look up and Rhea rushes down from the ring and towards me, her hands grasping my sides. Bianca still lay lifeless in the ring. Rhea looks at me up and down and begs to know if I’m okay. 
“I’m okay, I promise. My head just hurts a little…”
“That riptide was so good! Have you been practicing somehow?” She asks, her thumbs rubbing circles on my skin. I reach my hands up and grab the sides of her face. Her skin is warm from sweat but I want to kiss all over it anyway. Her smile her smile her smile oh my god I can't breathe....her eyes crinkle in delight at me and I think I am more breathless than she is.
“How else would Dominik have all his bruises?” I laugh. Her hands squeeze just a little tighter on my waist as she grins. 
Damn it, her smile! I can’t ever resist it–
It only takes me a split second to notice Bianca barreling towards Rhea. I shove Rhea out of the way just as Bianca raises her fist to strike. 
She makes direct contact with my eye. 
I feel my body still and I slump to the ground. 
Y’know, that kinda fuckin’ hurt. My second hit to the head.
The edges of my vision dance with black spots, and I can hear Rhea’s screams of rage. I reach my hand up towards my eye and wince at the sting. I look for Rhea, and she’s starting to corner Bianca towards the ring, yelling in her face. 
“You wanna mess with my girl, huh? You wanna hit my girl? I don’t fucking think so!”
Rhea grabs Bianca’s ponytail and uses it to slam her face into the apron. Bianca groans as she is thrown back into the ring. I sit up, a little dizzy, and watch as Rhea screams at the ref. 
“You gonna watch this one, huh? Yeah? You gonna watch this?  You gonna do your damn job? Watch this!” 
Rhea drops onto Bianca, straddling her. And she starts to lay the punches onto Bianca’s head. She tries to kick out from under Rhea but to no avail. I get to my feet and get on my belly to slide in the ring.
The Judgment Day music plays and Damian and Finn and Dominik run out. Why are they out here? If they try to interfere, Rhea will be disqualified! 
 I won’t interfere either. I know that it could get Rhea in trouble but I also know that she doesn’t want me to interfere because she knows what she’s doing. 
Damian leans onto the apron and screams, “Rhea, stop! Just finish her!” 
“Finish her, mami!” Dom cries. 
Finn is shaking his head and muttering “She’s gonna kill her, she’s gonna kill her…”
I realize why they are so upset. With the way Rhea is beating Bianca, she is getting too violent and it’s possible that Rhea could get banned from wrestling. Bianca's lip has busted open and little drops of blood scatter onto Rhea's hands.
I look at Damian. He’s got worry etched all over his face.
I stumble to the corner, and I watch Rhea pick Bianca up and slam her back down. 
Rhea is rage. 
She is anger. 
She is graceful yet harsh. 
Quick on her feet and fast with her hands. 
She is beautiful. 
She is a nightmare. 
An eradicator. 
True brutality. 
She beats the shit out of Bianca for a little longer and then she does it. 
Arm around her neck. 
Leg tucked between the thighs. 
Bianca is out. I know it. 
The ref doesn’t miss the count. 1, 2, 3. 
Rhea gets up and shouts with joy. I run up to her and she opens her arms to me and I jump into her, putting my face into her neck. She’s spinning me and she’s screaming about not how she won but we won. We won. 
I’m back on my feet again and a little disappointed that she won’t hold me on her hip so I can wrap my legs around her. The ref  hands her the belt and she screams in delight as she hoists it up in the air. Damian and Finn and Dom rush into the ring and suddenly we are all screaming and whooping and crying out our war cries. Victory is ours. No one can hurt us anymore.
Dominik takes my face in his hands and inspects my eye, 
“te golpeó muy fuerte, mi amor.”  [she hit you pretty hard, my love]
“dominik, estoy bien, lo prometo.” [dominik, im fine, i promise]
He grins and Finn picks me up in excitement. I laugh and Damian laughs with me. Finn sets me down and I turn back to Rhea. 
She stares at me, her beautiful, wicked smile gone. She’s breathless and she’s looking at me as though I am her prize instead of the belt she holds in her hand. 
Rhea drops her belt. 
She rushes to me and grabs my hips harshly but kisses me gently.
Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh…
Rhea’s lips kiss me so gently but her grip on me is like iron. The only thing separating me and her is our ring gear. I grab the sides of her face and press my lips against hers, begging for more, more, more. 
I realize that we are so  close that our hips are smashed together and she is enveloping me in her embrace. Her arms snake around to my back and she pulls me even closer. 
There is no way for us to be closer but I want us to be closer. I want to be molded into her so me and her are one. I pull away for a moment and I look into her lust filled eyes. I want more, more , more of her.
“I can’t believe you dropped your title belt,” I say with a laugh.
Rhea puts one hand in my hair and says, 
“No championship could ever be worth as much as kissing you.” 
She strokes my hair and leans down to give me a soft peck that has me trembling and aching for more of her. 
“My girl,” she says. “My girl.”
I smile and kiss her again. I don’t care if her black lipstick smears all over me. I don’t ever want to stop kissing her. 
“I’m so proud of you,” I say, a kiss between each word. She smiles at me with her teeth and I melt into her. I love when she’s soft. 
I look over at Finn who is clapping like the rest of the audience. Dominik is cheering and Damian is wearing a smirk. I can tell that they knew this would happen eventually. I hear Rhea laugh and she picks up her title belt and then picks me up, wrapping my legs around her waist. She is my champion and I am her prize. She looks up at me, her eyes twinkling with pride. She is not ashamed of me. She would never be ashamed of me. I lean down to kiss her, my hands resting on the sides of her neck. 
She raises her belt in victory, and I throw my head back in laughter. 
My brutal, wicked, graceful, beautiful champion. 
im super proud of this one. IDK i just think its neat. Remember, i take requests and i am very flexible with characters and such.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 1 year
Summary: AJ Styles on commentary during your match with Mia Yim.
•Aj Styles x Reader•
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Standing against a wall in gorilla, I start doing my breathing exercises watching the TV waiting for my match. I catch a glimpse of Mia Yim and look down really quick. I hear her snicker and I look up at her with a very serious face.
"What are you looking at?"
She goes to walk towards me and I lunge forward at her trying to punch her. Me and Mia have never gotten along since we have met each other. We are always butting heads and trying to attack each other. Luke Gallows grabs Mia by her waist and pulls her away from me. I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me away from Mia.
"Woah woah woah! Save it for the ring ladies!"
I look over my shoulder to see AJ Styles is holding me back. He lets me go and walks infront of me.
"Save this fight for the ring."
I cross my arms and look at him still having a serious face. Their music hits, he pokes my nose, smirks and walks out with the rest of the OC.
"I'm going to get you Y/N!"
Mia yells at me before she walks out with the rest. I sigh rolling my eyes and get ready for the match. I put on my sunglasses as my music hits and walk out making my entrance.
As I'm walking down to the ring, I see AJ on commentary. I stop at the ringpost closes to commentary, look up at Mia standing in the corner staring me down, smirk and walk over to AJ.
"What is she doing?"
Michael Cole is trying to talk to AJ. I bend down a little bit infront of him, take my sunglasses off and put them on his face smirking. He watches me smiling the whole time. I can hear Mia screaming at me. I turn around, wave at her and start laughing really hard. I climb in the ring and get ready for my match.
*AJ's pov*
"AJ what was that?"
I fix the sunglasses on my face looking over at Michael.
"I'm not to sure Michael. It was cute. Whatever it was. I got some super cool sunglasses though!"
"But AJ, why would Y/N give you those anyways?"
Corey turns and looks at me smirking. I look over at him and roll my eyes.
"She is just trying to get under the skin of Mia before the match started. That is all."
I go back to watch their match and I see Y/N take a really nasty bump.
"Oh that did not look good."
*Y/N's pov*
Sitting in the corner against the bottom turnbuckle holding my shoulder, I feel a tear roll down my cheek.
"Y/N are you okay?"
The ref is holding my forearm trying to get me to answer. I kick my foot towards him trying to get him to go away. He backs off and I try to stand up using only one arm leaning my hurt shoulder against the turnbuckle. Mia comes running over and dropkicks me making my shoulder slams against the top turnbuckle. I scream dropping down to the mat on my knees holding my shoulder.
"Y/N, are you okay? Do you give up?"
I swing my arm at him making him back up shaking his head.
"You have no quit! Do you Y/N?! Well im going to teach you to stay away from my group bitch!"
Mia grabs my hurt arm and puts me into an armbar really stretching my arm out. I start screaming really loud kicking my feet from all the pain I am in. I can feel stuff ripping in my shoulder and arm. I bite my hand not wanting to tap out but I can't move towards the ropes. I tap out hoping that she will let go. The ref rings the bell but Mia still has me in an armbar really tighten her grip hurting me more. I start grabbing her leg trying to get her off me still screaming in pain.
"Mia get off of her!"
AJ comes into the ring breaking the hold pulling Mia off of me. I roll over to my side holding my shoulder starting to cry hitting my feet against the mat. Her music plays and I feel her roll out of the ring. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my side rolling me onto my back very gently. I look up to see AJ's gorgeous eyes looking down at me with my sunglasses on his head. He looks really concerned about everything that just happened.
"Y/N I am so sorry. I didn't know she was going to do that to you. I should have stopped the match a long time before she decid....."
I grab his hair pulling him down and kissing him hard. He kisses me putting a hand on my face.
I pull away looking over to see the rest of the OC on the outside of the ring staring at us. You can tell Mia is very pissed off yelling at us. Aj stands up and helps me up onto my feet. He walks over grabbing a mic and flips it in his hand looking back at the rest of the OC on the outside.
"Luke, Karl, Mia. I would like you all to welcome the new member of the OC. Y/N."
I look over at him wide eyed shocked that he said that. He looks over at me and smiles really big. I can hear Mia freaking out and Luke and Karl cheering for me and Aj. I grab the mic out of Aj's hand.
"Thank you Aj. But I am going to decline."
I toss the mic at him, climb out of the ring and start walking to the back still holding my shoulder.
"Well Y/N. I have some bad news."
Laying on the table in medical, I sigh not wanting to hear bad news.
"You have a torn rotator cuff. You will have to get surgery to repair it. I am so sorry."
The doctor leaves the room and I start to cry very faintly bringing my knees to my chest. I hear a knock on the door thinking it's just the doctor coming back but when I look up, it is Aj.
"Hey Y/N. Are you okay? What happened?"
He comes over to my side and puts a hand on my shoulder. I start to cry some more leaning my head into his hand. He leans down and puts his head ontop of mine and starts rubbing my back.
"Y/N. It will be okay. Take a deep breath."
I look up at him tears pouring down my face. He takes off his shirt and wipes my face with it. I take a deep breath still looking up at him.
"I have..... I have a torn rotator cuff and I need to get surgery on it."
I start crying more again putting my head down.
"Hey hey hey."
He lifts my head up by my chin to look at him.
"We will get through this together. I promise."
Aj starts scratching the back of his neck looking really nervous about something. I keep looking at him waiting for him to answer.
"Well Y/N..... I was wondering if..... you would like to go on a date sometime.... and ya know..... be my girlfriend...."
The way he stutters his words made me giggle. He looks at me with a big smile on his face.
"Aj... I would love to go on a date with you."
"You would?! Oh my goodness! I was so scared you would say no. I have had a crush on you for a few years. I think you are an amazing wrestler and you have a style like mine. I thought we could be like tag team partners some day. Wouldn't that be......"
I grab his face and kiss him hard making him shut up. He puts his hand on my face deepening the kiss even more. I pull away and look at him.
"You talk to much when you are excited."
He blushes and looks down putting his shirt back on.
"Yeah it happens when I'm excited. Because now I have you and that makes me the happiest man alive."
I giggle and hear a knock on the door. I look over and see Mia, Luke and Karl come into the room. Mia walks over to me looking really upset.
"Y/N I am so sorry for what I did to you. I know that AJ has had a crush on you for a few years now and I tried so hard to not have you two get together because I don't want you hurting my best friend. In the process, I hurt someone that AJ really loves and that hurts even worse to me. I am really sorry. I hope we can be friends and hang out sometime."
I put my hand on her shoulder and smile.
"Mia I would really like that. Oh, me and Aj are dating now too."
Luke and Karl started cheering and Mia gives me a light hug trying not to hurt me.
"Don't start cheering to much. I don't know how much hanging out we are going to do. I have a torn rotator cuff. I need to get surgery like right now. So me and Aj need to get to the hospital."
Aj helps me off the table wrapping his arm around my waist. We walk to the door and the rest follow us outside to the car.
"Alright. Time for the hospital."
Me and Aj get in the car and he drives me to the hospital to get my surgery done.....
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mxboxlocks · 9 months
PLEASE can we see some of your HC designs? (Also yay, finally gained the confidence to turn off anon lmao)
I don't think you're aware of how mentally ill I am about soldier, and when I see that you've posted something new about him MY GOD I'm feral.
(This is to say I think you're great and you feed my delusions about a 40-something year old man fantastically well)
TF2 Headcanon designs, part 1/4
part 2
I HAVE THEIR EYES !!! which i think mostly encapsulates them pretty well. i also have quite a few doodles
here's the most complete ref i've made of them
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their eye color, skin tone, nose shape, and favorite colors!
i'll do the rest of my hcs in order. i usually try to stay close to what i see in canon visually, my hcs are more background and personality-driven. but there are some differences here and there!! starting with scout below the cut:
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(ft. spy)
he and spy have a very similar face and nose shape, as i'm sure you'll notice in the third image. they also have a similar eye color, with scout's being a little paler. i've decided his full name is Jeremy Valentine, because of course it would be. he's fairly tan, not only because of his ethnicity but because he's out in the sun a lot. he's trans FtM and his parents are fully supportive of him with very little fuss coming from either side. though, spy was more keen to treat him the same, just with a different name.
next is soldier!
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obviously, this is the merc i have the most examples of :3
starting right off the bat i draw his hair longer than it's kind of supposed to be. i know a lot of people say and think that soldier is very strict on his self-care, and while i do think that is true, i think it can coexist with his adhd and his inability to remember things a lot of the time. oh btw he's audhd lmao
he's mixed race latino/white, his mom being mexican and his dad being from all over europe. he had a sister that passed young. he doesn't remember his family, or his real name (legally his name is Thomas Anthony Mason. he's on file at Mann Co. as Jane Jamison Doe). he knew he was trans at a very early age, before his sister was born, and his father in particular was very elated to hear he would have a son to join the military. said father was unattentive and clumsy, and his mother was a little on the manic emotional side. his sister, named Betty-Ruth (but she would scowl at you if you called her anything other than Ruthie) was a very kind and patient little girl. the two used to get along great, before the incident that permanently changed soldier's life course. being he was kicked in the head by a war horse at an independence day reenactment. L bozo.
also he's deathly scared of clowns, so the team has him convinced they're not real. pyro likes to tease him about it
ALRIGHT! next up is pyro! i'll have to do it in another post because tumblr mobile is HOMOPHOBIC so stay tuned for that
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sc0tters · 5 months
New Year Memories ☆ Teammates in Action
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summary: after a disappointing performance in the final group game, Gabe checks up on Jamie
authors note: this was a blurb because someone asked for some cute gabe and jamie content but then this got to over 1k and that aint a blurb no more.
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Jamie had been hit in their final group stage game. It was sore as she was pushed against the board at full speed and after the refs swore there was nothing the other player could do as they were already at full speed by the time Jamie was close to the board making it virtually impossible to slow down.
It frustrated her how the coaches agreed it was best to have her sit for the rest of the game as it seemed that she was being targeted by the other team more than her teammates. Thankfully for her she didn’t have any injuries and was going to be ready for the QF game. But still that didn’t make her feel any better about what had happened.
Nobody was surprised when she got back to the hotel and just straight to her room. It was a normal thing to do when she wasn’t happy with her performance as she would shut everyone out. But this time Gabe wasn’t having it “I’ll be back.” He announced as he made his way over to the elevator “you want us to be here with an ice pack for when she kicks your ass out?” Jamie never listened to anyone when she got in this mood so all of the guys from BC knew to leave her alone.
Gabe flipped the boys off as he pressed the number for the floor the team was on. He practically sped to her and he couldn’t help but laugh as he could hear the soft sounds of the Lion King playing “J!” Gabe knocked on her door as he was itching to see her.
There was silence for a few moments until the door opened “if you’re here to yell at me you can fuck off.” Jamie warned as she opened the door letting him see her “wanted to check on you.” He shook his head as he made his way into her room “you know I know you’re lying.” Gabe mumbled grabbing her hands so that he could finally force her to look at him.
It took her a moment but she couldn’t help it as she sniffled “why was I punished for them being rough?” Jamie sniffled as the guys usually handled themselves really well when they got hit “coaches just care about you.” Gabe had to admit that he was also struggling to keep his cool as Jamie went down every few minutes as the hits only got harder “I handle it myself!” At this point tears were rolling down her cheeks as she felt like an idiot for caring.
Gabe didn’t know what made him do it but he wrapped his arms around her not giving her a second more to think as he hugged her. Jamie at first frozen because she hadn’t been like this before with Gabe like ever. But as his hand rubbed her back she did loosen her poster as she grew more comfortable with him “you shouldn’t have to handle it alone.” Now as she grew calmer Gabe knew he could talk to her.
Jamie looked up at him as she smiled “this is stupid.” She admitted as she shook her head “no it wasn’t.” He sat on her bed as he motioned her to join him “what can I do for you?” Gabe didn’t know if it was the fact that he knew Gavin wasn’t with her or what but he was glad that he was the one with her.
The girl chewed at the inside of her cheek “want to finish the movie with me?” Gabe was quiet as he smiled not being used to seeing her in a vulnerable state like this “just figured it could be nice to have some company.” Jamie rambled as her cheeks turned red making him laugh “c’mere.” Gabe shifted up her bed making her follow his lead.
Gabe patted his chest as he allowed her to lay there as her laptop sat on his lower torso “didn’t know you could be nice Perreault.” Jamie teased as she rested her head on his chest making him scoff.
He poked her rib cage making Jamie squeal as she squirmed against him “shush the movie is on.” His words made her laugh as she nodded going quiet as she listened to him.
Hours had passed and Gabe didn’t realise that he had fallen asleep when it was dark outside. His phone vibrated against his pocket making him groan. It was Lillian’s contact that illuminated his screen “where is my best friend?” Lillian was unimpressed as Jamie hadn’t responded to any of her texts “Cutter said you were with her so don’t try to lie to me.” She warned not giving Gabe the chance to lie.
It made him soft laugh as he saw Jamie nuzzle her head against his chest “she is just sleeping.” Gabe explained as he looked down to where Jamie was “well wake her up!” Ava was heard from behind her as the new year was minutes away and the girls were downstairs with their boyfriends ready for the fireworks show.
Gabe nodded as he sighed “I’ll bring her down in a second.” He nodded trying to slide out of her grip as he hung up “J?” His voice was soft as he brushed her hair out of her face “no.” Jamie complained as she was fast asleep and was comfortable against him “the girls want you downstairs for the fireworks.” Gabe forgot how much Jamie truly hated being woken up, which was why it was his favourite thing to do when she was sleeping on the bus.
Gabe groaned as he couldn’t stop “please?” He continued hitting her shoulder until she finally woke up “what?” Jamie pouted as she sent him a glare still not impressed “the girls want to celebrate the new year with you.” Gabe explained as he watched her yawn “wait I’ve got to get ready for it.” Jamie grumbled as she got up.
He knew he was in a losing battle when she ran into the bathroom trying to fix her hair. Out of the five minutes that she had available to her, Jamie used four of them “hurry up J!” Gabe complained as he opened the door to her balcony realising that the countdown had begun “I’m here.” Jamie’s eyes lit up as she saw the lights below them as she smiled seeing the group “we won’t make it down there in time.” The boy pointed out as he was planning on just watching the countdown but as they got to “one.” Jamie tilted his head towards her as she smiled “Happy New Year Gabe.” Her voice was soft as she kissed him.
For the first time in their lives that kiss was soft and delicate as though they were struggling to not get enough of each other "Happy New Year to you too Jaime." Gabe dragged his thumb over her chin as he smiled pecking her lips once more as neither one of them realised just how much time had gone by "you better not have killed her Gabe I want my friend back!" Ava's groan came from the door making the duo pull away.
Gabe frowned as he looked at Jamie "back to hating me?" He asked as they had the agreement that none of their friends were allowed to learn about this "maybe I'll be nice this year and go easy on ya."
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breezybangtanbebe · 6 months
Love U ❤️‍🔥 :Jooheon
A/n: readerxJooheon, teasing, bratty foreplay, fingering, rough and sneaky quickie.
3.3k words
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You hated football.
Hate was a strong word and on any other occasion, you might have enjoyed watching a game or two. It wasn't the sport itself you appreciated but the bonding opportunity it presented for you and your man.
Cozying up against his chest.
Stealing his snacks.
Commentating on the game and giggling when he'd suddenly sit up from the couch, holding you to his body as he yelled at the TV.
Jooheon was always sexy when gets riled up like that and moments like that would always morph into something unsportsmanlike.
Sometimes when his eyes were glued to the screen, lips slightly parted from his focus, you got a kick out of trying to distract him.
Feeling on his chest.
Tickling his ribs gently.
Sneaking your hand beneath his shirt to fondle his nipples, making him squirm and tell you to simmer down. That usually led to you laying your head back down on his chest with a pout, masking your disappointment so you can ease your hand down into his shorts.
He always goes stiff when you would grope him casually over his underwear, getting a small kick at how he'd act indifferent to you wrapping your hand around his dick.
This brings us to the present, where you were currently doing just that.
"RUN THE FUCKING BALL, JONES!! Babe...chill.." Jooheon shouts suddenly, whispering the last bit to you for the fourth time, sounding more agitated than usual. The hushed volume of his voice was necessary, to not attract the attention of the company now sprawled out in your living room.
Hyunwoo and Changkyun are both seated on love seats placed on either side of the main sofa. Hyunwoo's girlfriend is perched on his lap, barely showing interest in the game as she texted. You weren't even sure why she was here if that's all she planned to do.
Kihyun stands in the kitchen debating over something food-related with Minhyuk, their exaggerated tones in competition with the TV. Which left you sandwiched between Hyungwon, who was dozing off due to the number of beers he drank, and your boyfriend Jooheon.
He has dressed aptly in his team's apparel, with a corresponding ball cap turned to the back over his dark hair. His red cotton hoodie smelled of his cologne, an addictive scent that you would happily inhale for as long as he'd sit still. You were leaned more into his side with his arm settled comfortably over your shoulders, both of you covered by a throw blanket. Conveniently, of course, concealing the way your hand was also comfortably tucked beneath his boxer briefs, stroking his clothed dick teasingly.
At first, he acted as if he didn't notice your touch, periodically sitting up in his seat at attention when something interesting happened on the screen. His eyes were glued and focused on the men in tights running up and down the field along with his friends. Less so aware of your exploring hand, subtly resting on his lap. Nothing out of the norm.
It wasn't until that same hand was creeping under the waistband of his sweats that you felt Jooheon stiffen and pay you a questioning look from the corner of his eye. You remained casual beside him, barely smirking as your hand traveled deeper to cup the healthy bulge beneath your fingers. You give him a gentle squeeze, making Jooheon flinch and clench his jaw.
"Chillchillchillchill.." he mutters under his breath, knowing only you would hear him. Now you couldn't mask your smirk if you wanted to.
A whistle is blown, and all three of the men paying attention sigh and hiss through their teeth in disappointment.
"Aw Come on! What are they doing?" Hyunwoo huffs. His girlfriend squirms against his lap when he scooted forward in his seat, holding her at her waist tighter as he moved. Neither of them was anywhere near paying attention to you or Jooheon, so you continued to fondle the softness of your boyfriend's balls.
"PENALTY?! The fuck? Is the ref blind??" Changkyun suddenly yells, making Hyungwon jump in his seat. Jooheon tenses for more than one reason and glanced at the younger of his friends before looking over at you with narrow eyes.
"Chill...out.." he mouths silently at you.
You gazed back with an innocent smile, and Jooheon's eyes drop to your mouth briefly before tearing them away to look back at the TV. That was the last time he acknowledged you or your horny shenanigans. It was rather bold of you to think he would be down for any of what you were doing considering all of his friends were around.
You're forced to remove your hand from Jooheon's pants when he stands abruptly with the two other conscious men in attendance. All of them yelling in excitement as the quarterback from their team dives into the in-zone.
"LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!" Jooheon exclaims and you watch bitterly from below on the couch, glancing around the others with mild contempt.
They weren't even supposed to be over here. One moment you're preparing for a chill evening at home with your significant other. Next thing you know, Jooheon is asking if it was cool for 'Shownu Hyung' to stop by with his girl.
Suddenly your house is full of 6 rowdy men, eating your food and drinking your alcohol.
"Ugh..." you sigh when reminded of the fact that just as a time out is called and everyone settled back into their seats, Jooheon included. He tries to resume the cozied-up position you were in with his arm draped over your shoulder distractedly, but you move out of his reach. He looks over at you and frowns slightly as you stand, tossing the blanket aside to fall over Hyungwon's lap.
"I gotta pee.." you grumbled with an attitude that's most obvious to him. Before he can ask you what was wrong, he's left stupefied and watching you step over Hyungwons legs and squeeze between couches in route of the hallway.
When you were alone, you could hear the sounds of cheering and cursing from inside the bathroom. It had been a few minutes since you left the living room and a part of you felt disheartened at the fact that Jooheon hadn't come looking for you yet.
You sighed in annoyance.
Mostly at yourself.
It wasn't a crime for Jooheon to have his friends over. He lived here too. And hell, you liked his friends.
Friday night footballs had kind of become a sacred thing between you and Jooheon, mainly because it was sometimes the only time you had your hardworking man to yourself.
Plus, you were horny as hell. The crotch of your leggings was sticking to you from watching Jooheon stroll around in those damn grey sweats. Looking and smelling good as hell. Teasing his semi-stiffness underneath the blanket. His dick was just so fun to hold. Thick and warm and veiny...
Getting lost in the memory of it, you found yourself staring at the drain of the sink as the water ran. Then you looked up at your sad reflection in the mirror, scoffing at yourself.
This was stupid. You lived with the man for fucks sake. You two could have sex later. This wasn't the first impromptu gathering, surely wouldn't be the last, and Jooheon was a gracious host until he was ready for the peace to return. Then he would politely kick everyone out and you'd have him to yourself again.
"Just get through the game and be patient..." you mumbled to yourself as you turned the faucet, switching the water off.
Just then, your heart skips a beat at the sound of the door handle turning and your eyes shoot up to find Jooheon entering the bathroom. Sounds of enthused chatter and the blaring TV fall dim behind the door as he closed it. When your eyes met in the mirror, he smirks before turning quickly to lock it. Then he looks back at you, letting his gaze travel down the shape of your body from behind.
As was mentioned before, you were wearing dark leggings and a flowy t-shirt. Your hair was pulled up and out of your face, which was bare and free of makeup. Your standard at-home apparel. Jooheon's favorite.
He takes his bottom lip between his teeth and cocks a brow.
"You've been in here for a while..." he remarks and you shrug.
"Surprised you noticed." You mumble as you turned to dry your hands that weren't even wet. It wasn't lost on you that Jooheon was eye fucking you from the door, which meant you knew exactly what was about to happen. But you couldn't let him know that.
Your response and indifference make him scoff and he glances away briefly.
"So now you wanna act like that? Like you weren't just holding my dick through the 1st half of the game.." he gestures over his shoulder and you shrug yours again.
"What does it matter now?... You ignored me the entire first half too." You quip. Jooheon chuckles softly at that, leaning against the door and stuffing his hands in his pants pockets.
"Ignoring you..." he deadpans and you regard him silently through the mirror.
"Seriously? You're the one who said you didn't mind if the guys came over...What the hell can we do with all of them around?"
There's a laugh in his tone that you didn't appreciate but he had you at a loss because he was right. What could he have done? The horny brat in you could have named at least three things you could have done but the rational you was beginning to feel like an ass.
A sudden roar of excited voices from the living room cuts through the conversation and Jooheon clenches his fists. You could tell he wanted to crack the door and poke his head out to see. Something happened and he was missing it because he was in here with you.
"Go back to your friends, Jooheon." you sigh, rolling your eyes.
"And leave you unattended? You think I don't know what you've been on about all night..." he furrows his brow, smirking humorously.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You shrug obliviously as if Jooheon couldn't see you fighting the smirk on your face in the mirror. He nods slowly as he stepped forward, scanning the medium-sized bathroom decor with mild interest as he joined you at the sink.
His front presses firmly against your back and he snakes his arms around your waist.
"I bet you don't.." he murmurs before dipping his head to kiss your neck. His lips immediately send a jolt of sensation directly to your clit and you feel yourself clench in wanting as Jooheon sucked at your skin.
You leaned your head away to give him more access, reaching up to caress his head. His team hat blocks you from what you wanted, so you lift it from his head and toss it aside carelessly. Jooheon chuckles softly against your skin as you run your fingers through his onyx-toned hair, tugging at the nape slightly when he sucked harder.
As he distracted you with his mouth, hands snake below the waistband of your leggings and head straight for your heat, where his experienced touch was already finding its way to your swollen clit. You knew you were soaking wet. You felt the heat pooling from your center for the past few hours of just watching Jooheon interact casually with his friends. So you knew even with him focusing on your clit that his fingers were coated with your nectar.
As if he knew your thoughts...
"You've been wet like this the whole time?" He asks, semi rhetorically. You respond anyway, your eyes wide and your lip slightly pouted as you nod to the mirror. Jooheon's fingers part just enough to allow your bud to slip between them and he pressed them together to give your clit a slight squeeze.
You gasp at the unexpected pressure and Jooheon clicks his tongue.
"Poor baby...So this was your plan? Get me to come looking for you....so you could get me alone..." his voice deepens as it trailed off and it was as if he was completely taken by how wet and warm you felt against his hand. You ground your ass against him needingly and Jooheon chuckles lightly at your little tease. He begins rubbing your clit with just enough pressure to make your eyes roll, strumming against you at a steady pace that catches you off guard.
"This what you wanted?"Jooheon whispered to you sinfully, his tongue barely skimming over the shell of your ear.
"Mmmhmm" you nod again, this time with your eyes watching the way his deft hand moved under the fabric of your leggings. He rubs you in soft circles, occasionally focusing on one side with more pressure and friction with each pass. Only making you weaker and wetter for him in the process.
Jooheon hums his approval of how warm and wet you were, whispering nasty praises softly against the back of your ear. He knew exactly what you needed, mentally and physically. So well, that you have to bite down hard on your lip to keep from moaning too loud.
He teases your bud for a few more swirls then glides the same two fingers down and inside of you suddenly, coating himself from the source. With his lips at your neck and his other hand beneath your shirt to cup your breast, Jooheon fingered you at a constant pace that has you shuddering.
They reach just deep enough for you to feel full and your walls clenched around him greedily as he upped the pace, curling upward slightly to rub at the rigid sensitivity inside of you.
You could feel that tingle already forming, the telltale signal to your orgasm approaching fast. Jooheon holds you tighter to his body when your back arches slightly and glances up to see your pleasured expression in the mirror.
"That's it...there you go..let it go, baby.." he coos. You nod wordlessly with your jaw slack, your breath quickening as his hand does until the wave crashes into you hard.
His dick throbbed in his sweats at the sight of you coming apart for him and he can't hold off any longer.
He had to fuck you now.
Your eyes are still closed but you felt his hand pulling away from your heat to yank at your leggings until they're pulled down just enough to expose your ass to him.
Jooheon nudges you forward, pressing at the small of your back to make you arch and lean against the cold counter. You watched him admire one of his favorite parts of your body for a moment, his hands running over your skin and squeezing your soft rounded cheeks with appreciation.
Soon after, he pushes his pants down mid-thigh and frees himself over his underwear quickly, using the hand that still glistened from finger fucking to stroke himself to relieve the tension built up. You were so eager to have him inside of you again, that you whimpered from the anticipation. Jooheon senses your urgency from the way you deepened your arch and spread your legs in waiting, your eyes filled to the brim with lust as you watched him stroke himself behind you.
He chuckles as he leaned forward. Without a word he pushes you flush against the edge of the counter, reaching down to lift one of your legs to rest against the its edge. This opens you up even more for him and allows the trapped wetness between your folds to drip down your inner thigh.
The scent of your arousal is thick and sweet, instantly activating Jooheon more than he already was as he gripped you at your hip. His other hand holds his thick length steady. He slaps his shaft against your puffy lips a few times teasingly, allowing your juices to coat his dick even more.
Even that felt amazing to you.
After teasing you a few more times, his dick glides inside of you slowly, taking the air from your lungs as you exhaled a moan that fills the bathroom.
Flinching at the sound, Jooheon quickly reaches around to cover your mouth with his hand. His large palm clamps down firmly over your parted lips, his arm slotted between your breast to hold you in place.
"Hush.." is all he says, not scolding you for being loud or even shooting you a warning look in the mirror. He only begins to move inside of you, stroking you slow and deep with a handful of your asscheek gathered in his other large hand.
You couldn't help the sounds coming from you at this point, though you did your best to control the volume despite him fucking you harder. The leg he had lifted and resting against the counter was starting to ache from being in such an awkward position but you were already close again and Jooheon could feel his own nut about to break through.
So he fucked into you faster. Closing his eyes and giving in to his primal self as he groaned from deep in his throat. It was almost as if he grew harder as the seconds passed and every time the tip of his dick hit the deepest part of you, a combination of pain and pleasure rippled out and all over your body.
Your drawn-out moans taper out into staccato mewls that heated the palm of your boyfriend's hand in time with his strokes. Jooheon wasn't far behind and knew full and well what your body was telling him.
"ooh, shit...." he whispers, fucking you faster and harder and harder until he pulls his hand away from your mouth to reach down between your legs to rub at your clit with just enough pressure to push you over the edge.
"Joo..honey...baby...I'm...I'm.." you whisper breathlessly. Just as you felt your chord about to snap, Jooheon slams into you so hard and deep that you're forced forward against the counter.
The sound he makes is so sexy and unbridled and you can feel the heat of his seed pumping into you while the thick tip of his dick presses hard against your cervix. That last bit of pressure combined with the friction of his fingers tips you over the edge and your tearful eyes roll back in surrender.
Thank God for the noise going on in the living room, or else returning to the living room would have been much more awkward than it felt. No one acted as if the two of you disappearing in the middle of the game was unusual and all eyes were on the TV.
Except for Hyungwon's, who was still seated on his corner of the couch, seeming uninterested in the game and as aloof as ever. The moment you returned to your spot on the middle couch cushion, he glances over as Jooheon pulls you back into him with the blanket over your laps. He kisses your temple and looks ahead to make himself familiar with what he'd missed. Changkyun fills him in quickly and you prepare to get cozy against him again, as you were before.
But something tells you to look over and you find Hyungwon's shade-infused eyes on you.
"What? "You frown.
Hyungwon mirrors your expression for a moment but it melts into an amused smile. He shakes his head and looked ahead as he responded below his breath.
"Yall nasty..."
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drowninginthoughts27 · 8 months
10/10 Superstition Word Count: 1208
(injury, american football au) @jegulus-microfic
Regulus has never really liked high school football. The sickeningly loud crowd of fans packed shoulder to shoulder in the bleachers. Bright lights, streamers, and glitter everywhere you look. Food so greasy it's almost inedible. And the large hoards of irresponsible teenagers (not that he isn’t one of them from time to time).
But one thing he does like is James Potter. He’d even go as far as saying he loves James Potter. And if one way to show his never ending love and support for his boyfriend is to attend each and every one of his football games so be it.
When his parents first moved to America for work reasons, sending him to a Hogwarts public highschool, he vowed to stay as far away from anything remotely stereotypically American that he could. Never in a million years had he pictured this being his life. Supporting his football player boyfriend at each and every one of his games.
Nevertheless, there he stands at the top of the bleachers during a home game playing their rival school; Durmstrang. Next to an even more enthusiastic Pandora. Who's more focused on Lily, who is standing with the rest of the cheerleaders, than the actual game in front of her. He’s dressed in James’ spare jersey, matching glitter on his cheekbones, cheering him on.
It’s nearing the end of the second quarter with only three minutes remaining. The score is 45-3 with the home team in the lead and it's looking like they're gonna win.
James had been freaking out earlier because Regulus hadn’t been able to kiss him good luck before he ran out onto the field. Regulus had gotten there late on account of the terrible traffic around town and the incredibly long line to get in. Resulting in him not making it there in time to run out to the practice fields next to the field the team would be playing on. But James was superstitious like that, fearing that they would lose and as both their captain and their star player he would let down the entire team. Regulus would think it was a load of bullshit if it wasn’t coming from James Potter and his absolutely adorable pregame traditions.
Thankfully Pandora had saved Regulus a spot on the bleachers and he was able to get there before the kickoff. James was still spamming his phone with worried texts but he was starting to calm down due to the adrenaline of the game beginning to kick in. Regulus plans on running down during halftime to make it up to him.
Regulus has picked up a fair amount of football knowledge from attending so many games. He’s watching the field intently, following James as he runs. The ref calls a penalty on Durmstrang due to illegal contact, stopping the clock.
All the players go to return to their initial positions except for one. For whatever reason James doesn’t move, laying there helplessly on the 35 yard mark of the field. Of course Regulus isn’t the only one who noticed. The medic instantly runs onto the field as the rest of the players exit it. The cheerleaders and players on the sidelines kneel.
Regulus’ heart drops.
The world around him pauses. Everyone in the bleachers around him sits down leaving Regulus standing alone. “James, not my James!” is the only thought that runs through his brain.
In the distance, he can hear the muffled sounds of the commentator talking, something about number 17 being injured, and the indistinct chatter of people watching trying to figure out what's going on. He can vaguely feel Pandora tugging at his sleeve in an attempt to get him to sit down.
Eventually he does, heart pounding in his chest and the taste of bile at the back of his throat. He can barely think past James lying there on the field.
James appears responsive but barley. Regulus watches as the medic tries to get James to move, asking him questions in the process. James still doesn’t move much, unable to sit up from where he lays the field.
Somebody motions to the awaiting ambulance to send the EMTs out. Regulus grows increasingly more nervous by each and every antagonizing second.
The EMT’s rush out with a stretcher and yet another med bag. Approaching James and trying to get him onto the stretcher.
It’s no use, they’ve gotten James to a half sitting up position but he’s shaking his head frantically saying something Regulus can’t make out. The team manager is there now, radioing up to someone. Which sends Regulus into even further his distressed frenzy.
The commentator's voice booms, snapping Regulus out of his rapid spiraling, “Can we have Regulus Black on the field? Regulus Black to the field.”
Regulus remains frozen on the bleachers, all eyes now trained on him. Pandora nudges his arm, urging him to get back up.
“Go, go!” she whispers.
On shaky legs he stands, weaving his way through the crowds of people and off the bleachers. Everyone's eyes remain pinned on him, the faint hum of curious people filling the silence hanging in the air.
Once he reaches the side lines one of the many people standing next to James spots him, waving him over.
Picking up his pace he crosses the field crouching besides James and giving him a worried look. James returns it with a weak smile.
“He refused to get up without you near him,” one of the EMTs speaks up from behind them.
“You didn’t kiss me before the game,” James pouts at a whisper only Regulus can hear. James is clearly dazed and out of it but Regulus knows that even on a good day James would have requested for him to be there. The thought that even in the most trying times he’s at the front of James’ mind warms Regulus' heart a bit.
“I’m sorry,” Regulus whispers back.
“I’ll get up now,” James decides, voice strained and cracking.
“Alright then,” someone else says.
It’s all a blur as they get James up and onto the awaiting stretcher, walking him off the field with Regulus walking besides him.
Once they get James into the ambulance he begins to protest yet again.
“I’m not leaving without him!” James cries.
The EMT standing next to James looks back at Reguous. He’s about to hit the doors to the ambulance. The EMT opens his mouth to protest but then sighs in defeat.
“Get in!”
Upon arriving at the hospital James had been diagnosed with a concussion and a dislocated shoulder. Rendering him unable to play for the next two to four weeks.
Later that night Sirius had informed them that their team did in fact win with an end score of 47-9.
The hospital admitted James to stay overnight for observations. Once again refusing to have Regulus leave his side. So there they sit, eating awful hospital food and watching whatever show is playing on the tv.
James randomly breaks the comfortable silence between the two, “I told you my superstitions are bullshit!”
Regulus only rolls his eyes, unwilling to give into James’ irrationalities. “Pure coincidence,” he argues.
Despite all this Regulus never again misses kissing James goodluck before his game. Superstition or not.
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judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
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"Bumblebee, gotta ask you a favor" you laugh at Bradshaw for the nickname he's called you for the past few weeks. He told you that he needed a partner for a tag team match which you responded with, "Let's go kick ass" Edge and the rest of your friends stand backstage while the two of you steam railed through Stevie and Jacqueline over the next hour before waiting for the match between you and Tori as every emotion you bottled up slowly oozed out when your hands are intertwined by Test and edge along with encouraging words that were repeated by the boys during the match, Teri runs out and punches you in the face after tori holds you against the ropes while the ref dealt with test. But you laugh when Chyna yanks her off the apron as you lift tori over your shoulder, "Oh wait a minute, a pump handle slam!" edge and test were still a mess from the last time they were ringside during your match but now both were in awe of your will and strength, you slide out between the two as the crowd chants at you "Gladiator Y/N" the boys lift you on their shoulders which makes you giddy while heading backstage hearing edge say, "They love you gladiator" you laugh as the boys down next to your locker room when all of you notice a letter on your locker room door with the words "Always watching" right before a loud bang sounds from your locker room. Joey Abs shoves the door open with a chair before yelling, "Bitch!"you spear him into the wall and lose your mind once you get ahold of the chair and yell loudly "What the fuck is your problem!" it took edge, test, and chyna to pull you back as Rodney yelled out "We don't have a problem, it's just what the boss said!" they tell you they were told to harass you until you either left for good or switched companies which made you finally snap "I am gonna kill all three of you" you jerk free and immediately kick joey in the face leading to a chase with rodney where you find Pete along the way and get hits on him too. The assault only stopped when Stone Cold pulled rodney off you and the Undertaker put you over his shoulder as you yell while everyone else witnesses the chaos, "WHO THE FUCK HIRED YOU!" you try to wiggle free from taker's grasp while stone cold didn't waste time with stunners "Who fucking hired you answer it!" bradshaw and farooq make quick work before you finish them and leave the arena, all of you have a few drinks before an envelope is slid in front of you with evidence of who hired the posse "He knows not to fuck with her again" all of you stand in your hotel room as the cassette plays, hearing Vince talk to DX, old corporation members, and Val who each refuse to harm you as bradshaw bursts in and holds him against the wall. "If something happens to her and it's because of you, I'll fucking kill you myself" Steph and Linda each yell at him while bradshaw left with the envelope, "She's terrified of everything because of you! She's thought of getting a gun because of this shit!" a slap sounds and linda speaks after steph, "All because she's a young woman in this business!" once the tape is finished, you hug bradshaw tightly with tears pouring down your face as everyone hears your strained voice, "I can never thank you enough" test rubs your arms while edge wipes your face in between hugs while hearing bradshaw's soothing voice say, "You're family" you feel safe and life flows back in you for the first time in months.
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