#im expecting spruce to not take the lead
rayhantochtli · 10 months
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
online dating hcs! you get to choose the ship(s) btw i love u <3
omg ily2 anon <3 mwah
onto the headcanons !! im going to do javid, bc that's kind of my brand at this point
so, first of all, i think it's obvious that David would only do online dating if it was a last resort.
he tried grindr, but when that didn't really give him what he want, he bit the bullet and downloaded tinder- though he DEFINITELY recruited Sarah to help him make his profile.
i feel like David would try to make his profile very modest and not all that detailed, and he would probably have a tendency to only select photos of him in groups of people, so Sarah comes in to save the day by sprucing up his account and choosing some of the nicer selfies from David’s instagram.
bc let's be real, David takes really good pictures of himself. he knows how to work with lighting and only takes golden hour photos, and they're really good- he just doesn't take them often
when sarah is finished with his account, he doesn't really feel like it represents him that well, but he gets a few matches over the course of 24 hours, so he decides it'll be fine.
he goes on a few dates, but none of them lead anywhere substantial.
that is, until a guy named Jack Kelly matches with him.
david is sure that it's a spam account or some kind of catfisher, because this Jack guy is hot. light brown skin, freckles, dark eyes, curly hair, a smile that makes his eyes all squinty and gives him dimples ?? there's no way real people actually look like that
but David knows this has to be real, because there are some unflattering photos on the account, too. one in particular seems to be a screenshot from snapchat of Jack crying, and the caption is:
"just watched Coco for the third time this week"
david is instantly hooked
they start talking and they actually have a lot more in common than David had originally expected, which he is VERY happy about
and when they're actually able to video chat for the first time, after about a week of talking nonstop, they're both pleasantly surprised to find that they aren't being catfished
they aren't actually able to meet in person until a month and a half has passed, just because of schedule conflicts (and maybe one of them has to go out of state for work for a little bit, idk), but when they first meet, it's like. not awkward at all?? and they get on like a house on fire
it's very sweet and very rom-com-ish.
also y'know that stereotype that gays rush into relationships?
yeah they get engaged like 5 months after meeting in person for the first time which is fine because they basically already live together by the start of their second month of the relationship
the wedding is on the first anniversary of when they matched on tinder (how romantic) and they live happily ever after because i say they do
(obviously they have their fights and their rough patches in the relationship but they always come out on top bc we stan supportive husbands in this house)
also i know that i didn't really mention any ages in this but i'm a sucker for reckless young romances that turn into actual loving and devoted relationships that last a lifetime so
they're like. between 22 and 24 in this, just fyi. fresh out of college and thrust into the Real Adult World together. thank you, tinder
this REALLY got away from me and i'm so sorry that i didn't answer this sooner !! but GOD i love this prompt, thank you so much !!!
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 13
Chapter title:  A Spooky First
A/n:  Oh look! I'm not dead! And thank god that uh I planned this to come out on Halloween! I've never been so happy! In other news, I LOVE PATTON SANDERS AND THERE IS NOTHING I WOULDNT DO FOR HIM. Also, Character asks are always open and for people asking yes you can do art for this (I've gotten some asks, and IM HONORED SO IF YOU WANT OH MY PLEASE DO) Don't forget to leave me some comments!! They make my day!! And Happy Halloween!! 
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words: 4300
summary: After Romans unfortunate incident, the gang still has to prepare for Halloween
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: swearing, blood, hospital, passing out/fainting, poison mention
Ao3 Link  
“Excuse me, would you like some Xanax? Because you are freaking out and it is freaking me out and we are all freaking the fuck out” Virgil claps, Logan turns to him huffing annoyed.
“Language!” Patton exclaims softly, they face him now the same expression plastering their face.
“Patton!” They groan in unison, he shrinks away, his eyes darting towards Romans empty bed.
“Sorry” He mumbles. He makes his way carefully towards the bed, sitting on the remains. He can hear the pair arguing behind him.
“You're telling me? To not freak out? That's like your brand!” Logan retorts, Patton clutches the bed knowing that that will only spark more of a debate. One Patton would rather not be apart of. “I'm mister can't keep my pants on and freaks out over every little thing” Logan mocks, the lawyer had never seemed so childish
“My brand? Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not ‘mister cold and frozen twenty-four-seven!’” Virgil responds, Logan scoffs. Patton shuts his eyes, feeling like a child again, except he can't escape the arguing parents, he has to get them under control. “No wonder Patton doesn't like you!” Welp there it is, Patton stands now. Now Virgil knew that wasn't true, but it sure would hurt, and that was his only aim.
“Oh I'm sorry, ‘mister oblivious towards Romans feelings’” Logan rushes, praying Patton had not heard the last part. Luckily, Logan had the same agenda, they were upset. Although by the look on Virgil's face, it didn't matter, they had really dug deep.
“Enough! Both of you!” Patton intervenes, quite angrily forcing himself between the pair. He faces Virgil first “You, will apologize to Logan about those awful things. And you will calm down, we are all very worried ok? Roman is our friend and the last thing we need to do right now is argue, understood?” He wiggles his finger in Virgil's face, the frozen detective nods.
“Yes Patton” he whispers, a little too afraid to speak. Now it's Logan's turn, Patton spins on his heel, Logan prepares himself.
“And you will apologize to Virgil, you were just as mean! He is allowed to be worried! Our friend is lying in an operation room alone, and we have no idea what's going on!” Patton takes a deep breath, steadying himself “Got it?” He questions sternly, feeling trapped between his own kids. Except they were grown adults.
“Got it” Logan mumbles shamefully. He had to admit, Patton was very good at conflict resolving. And a little scary. They bow their heads, preferring not to meet the lawyer's eyes, waiting for something to shift.
“Good, I'm going to go and get some coffee, you two” he glares “Are going to fix this and be nice to one another, you're friends, don't forget that” He reminds, Logan and Virgil glance up, locking regretful eyes. “And Lo?” Logan snaps his head towards him “I like you very much” He confirms before promptly leaving the room. Virgil notices the blush immediately, he wonders if Patton knows how much that meant.
“I am...sorry Virgil” Logan begins, going first to rid himself of the jumbled ideas in his mind. “You have every right to be worried about Roman, I shouldn't have snapped” He admits, now feeling the effects of his previous words. “And I shouldn't have said...that about your..brand” He quotes, using his fingers to mimic an air quote. Virgil holds his breath, exhaling only when Logan's shoulders fall.
“Guess it's my turn” he jokes, chuckling dryly. Logan nods, avoiding anything. “I'm sorry dude, you're just worried and I think that just freaked me out a bit cause...you're never worried” Virgil rubs his arm, squeezing it to make sure he's actually there. “And it's fine, my anxiety is usually better than…” He shrugs knowingly, Logan purses his lips.
“You have been doing better lately” Logan notes, recalling the techniques Virgil had utilized.
“I have yeah thanks” He smiles, the pace picks up, there's just one thing neither want to address. A word spoken makes it real. “Ok I'm just going to say it, I'm so sorry about what I said...about you being...and Patton and…” he's rambling now, apologies are never easy. Logan winces, Patton's face standing in the doorway, promising, assuring that he likes Logan. As if the lawyer is so desperate for confirmation. “You're not-”
“Let's not do this, shall we?” Logan interjects. His face reserved once more, Virgil curses himself, so close. “I apologize, and you apologize and that is that” He finalizes, Virgil decides not to push, too exhausted for round two. Thankfully the door opens once more, introducing a new topic. Patton returns, smiling and bright as ever, instantly Logan softens, his face morphs ever so slightly. Virgil wishes he could put Patton's energy, his essence in a bottle or something and just bring it out whenever Logan was tense, annoyed or… just needed some light.
“All happy in here?” He asks cautiously, handing the pair coffee. They share one last look before agreeing to nod, saving themselves and the hopeful figure more distress.  “Yay,” He celebrates weakly, the matter of Roman still fresh in the air. As if on cue, the door slides open once more, a familiar doctor enters. You can hear the trio seize their breath.
“Judge Reial did very well during surgery” He assures, the collective sigh of relief quite audible. “They are finishing him up before rolling him back here…” Patton smiles, the doctor coughs unsure “However, I would like to...discuss what we found...during his operation” He explains, Virgil's internal alert system goes off, his eyes shift.
“What? What did you find?” He requests, wanting the information more than anything.
“I cant...well...I have to wait for the police” Patton's heart drops, tightening his grip around the coffee cup. Virgil wastes no time pulling out his badge, shoving it in the fearful doctors' face.
“No waiting required, what did you find?” He tries again, the doctors swallows, leading Virgil out of earshot.
“We believe…” He glances back at the worried lawyers “That Judge Reial was...poisoned”
“Alright kiddos, let's just settle in” Emile advises, herding the trio into the cushioned seats of a nearby diner. Remus hopped in first bouncing until he found the perfect spot, Damian followed reluctantly taking a seat next to his new friend, Valerie sat politely at the end next to Emile.
“Mister pickle can I have some fries?” Remus wonders, showing the item on the menu to Emile, his small fingers tremble as he tries to sustain the giant menu.
“Of course, but you have to get something of sustenance as well” He informs, Remus cocks his head, his little brows raise in confusion. Emile smiles weary, not sure how to continue.
“Little kids Em, you gotta use your little kid speak” Remy teases as he joins the group, kissing Emile on the head before sitting opposite him, next to Damian. The little boy waves politely receiving a ruffle of the hair in return. “You gotta eat something else with your fries little man” Remus sighs, hearing this before, Emile averts his eyes.
“Can I have chicken nuggets and fries please?” He decides, growing impatient already. Remy considers it, stroking his chin.
“Only, if you get some carrots” He offers “Take it or leave, final offer” Remus folds his arms, pouting. “Deal or no deal mister Hart?” It almost felt odd addressing anyone other than Patton as that.
“Deal!” Remus exclaims, shaking Remy's hand quite ferociously. “What are you getting?” He turns, asking Damian who is still perusing the menu.
“Mmm I don't know, Papi usually helps me” He comments, Emile pulls out his phone in remembrance, shooting a quick text to Virgil. The kids continue their conversation, finishing their orders and moving onto their colors. Damian and Remus collaborate on a drawing, using purple, yellow, green and blue to create a wonderful world. Valerie sits pleasantly chatting away with Emile, talking about her day. Remy watches, the kids so...oblivious to everything. And Emile so...happy and relaxed. Remy had to wonder what was really going on in his partner's head, he hates to admit it but sometimes it was hard to read Emile.
“Rem? Everything alright?” Emile cautions from across the table, Valerie joins her brother in his activity adding spruce of red to the mix.
“Yeah...I just-”
“Hold on, sorry, I'm getting a text” Emile checks his phone, his eyes tracing the text, Remy watches the reflection in his glasses. “Oh!” He chimes, he looks to the kids who turn their focus towards the bright figure. The twins find it comforting how much he reminds them of their dad. “We gotta eat quick! Your dad is expecting you home soon!” He tells them, Damian pouts returning to his drawing.
What about my dad?
“I feel bad for leaving Roman” Patton laments, returning home Logan by his side. He helps his fellow lawyer hang up his coat, before inviting him towards the living room. “Would you like a cup of tea? Coffee?” Patton offers from the kitchen through the window that connects to the living room.
“Tea is adequate” He responds examining the newly hung decorations, little pumpkins strewn around each carved. It was quite easy to tell which ones Patton made and which ones the twins did. Logan finishes his observations, sitting at the kitchen counter watching Patton work.
“One cup of tea!” He exclaims, placing the beverage in front of Logan. The lawyer smiles at Patton, thanking him with a nod. “Do you think V is alright?” Patton fiddles with the sugar packets laying in front of him, trying hard not to reach for his phone. He hadn't wanted to leave Virgil and Roman but it was Halloween night. Logan watches carefully,
“I think…” He starts slowly, taking Patton's hand so he stops. “That Virgil will be ok and that you…” Patton looks up, meeting Logans' eyes, only now can they see just how tired they are. “Need to focus on tonight, its good for you, a distraction. Plus, Roman needs his rest and you and Virgil need a break” Logan explains, Patton nods thankfully. The door creaks open, two scurrying feet rush in followed by a disheveled Emile.
“Papa!” “Dada!” The twins shout in unison running directly into their father's arms. Patton was noticeably happier as they made contact. They instantly began rambling about their day as Patton leads them to their room to change, Emile takes a moment to breathe.
“Heya Logan!” He greets finally noticing the lawyer, Logan turns his focus from the spot where Patton had left towards Emile. “Whatcha doing here?” He asks serving himself some tea, Logan had to wonder how many times everyone had been to Patton's house to feel comfortable enough to do as they please.
“I was invited for Halloween” he responds, Emile's smile glistens. “Where is detective Nyx, might I ask?” he references the empty spot next to the doctor.
“He’s dropping off Damian at Virgil's house” Emile clarifies, Logan nods finishing his drink. He makes his way around counter washing his dish in the sink, Patton returns a moment later.
“Well, they are off getting ready! They are much too excited for this” Patton proclaims, Emile giggles delighted for the twins. “Thank you so much for dropping them off” Patton turns to Emile, the doctor waves it off grateful to spend time with the twins.
“It was nothing, you know how much I love them” Emile admits, Patton laughs softly giving his friend a farewell hug before watching him depart. The twins emerge after a moment, Valerie first spinning around as she shows off her outfit. Logan has to commend Patton, his handiwork on the clothes was astounding. She wore a poofy top with a red sash around her, slowly going out into a short skirt with leggings. She had a fake and very dull sword by her side, and a tiara lay perfectly on her head.
“Beware! It is I! Princess warrior Valerie!” She announces swinging her sword around. Patton claps, laughing delightfully. She jumps into his arms, hugging his neck. “Thank you, papa!” She says nuzzling herself comfortably into his arms.
“Of course angel face,” Patton says kissing her on the forehead before releasing her to play. She takes a swing at Logan, he tilts his head confused but understands after a while ‘falling’ off his chair. Valerie giggles, covering her mouth as she does so. Patton sighs content, shooting a grateful glance towards the lawyer, hoping the dim lights covered his blush. Luckily he wouldn't have to know seeing as Remus joins the group soon after.
“Behold!” He pauses turning to Logan “Is that the right word?” He wonders, Logan nods proudly that Remus even listened to the man's ramblings sometimes. He resumes his position showing off his own royal outfit. The green was prominent, meshing beautifully with the dark black. As opposed to Valerie's outfit, he was messier and fluffier. He waddled around the room, showing off his outfit. Quickly tackled by his sister as the pair engage in a mock fight, careful with one another.
“Kiddos!” Patton stops them checking the time. “Ready to go?” He asks, the twins share a glance before turning back to their father and nodding ecstatically. Patton chuckles turning to the table where he left a witch hut, putting it on carefully. Logan genuinely thought that Patton couldn't get any…
“Cuter! I'm cuter!” Remus claims, he pudges his face, pursing his lips “Look!” Patton sweeps the boy off his feet, placing him comfortably in his arms.
“You're both adorable” He reassures, Remus grins holding his trick-or-treating bag steadily. Logan takes this as his cue to collect Valerie, she wastes no time jumping into his arms, causing an ‘umph’ to escape him.
“I...concur” Logan adds as Valerie stares at him with nothing but joy. They were really cute, Logan wasn't one to deny that.
“Remember we’re going to go for a little bit and then meet up with Virgil and Damian, go with them for a little while and then come home and-” The twins are ready. Disappointment should not have been what Logan felt at the mention of meeting up with Virgil.
“Movies!” Remus exclaims, squirming in his dad's arms.
“Candy!” Valerie adds, Logan chuckles at their antics. Patton nods, he leaves a bowl of candy outside with a neatly handwritten sign with the message ‘Take two! From me to you!’, he leaves the string lights on and locks the door.
“Alright, here we go” He smiles, the bustling street full of kids chattering excitedly to collect candy. Logan has to wonder what is so enticing about walking around for hours, on foot, bothering the neighbors for an unhealthy amount of sugar.
“Down! Down!” The twins chant wanting to be one with the others, Patton sighs looking around before hesitantly setting Remus down keeping a delicate grasp on his small hand. Logan follows suit holding on to Valerie's hand for safety. The twins jump and bounce around as they walk, finally deciding on a house. Remus, with a lift from Patton, rings the doorbell. They wait practically vibrating as the owner comes to the door.
“Trick or treat!” They exclaim together, holding out their custom made bags, as the door swings open. Logan and Patton smile politely at the woman as she fills up the bag, complimenting their outfits and wishing them well on their journey. The rest of the night goes similarly, the twins go from house to house filling up on candy. Slowly the quartet falls into a routine, the kids are allowed to wander freely as long as they don't go too far and Logan gets a moment to breathe.
“Having fun?” Patton inquires, his eyes fixated on the skipping twins who sing a sweet tune ahead of them. Logan sighs, the night was cool but not too bad. Patton, with the addition of his witch hat, was wrapped up cozily in a grey coat. Logan wore a darker coat, longer as well.
“I am having an enjoyable time Patton” He assures, it's quite obvious to tell Pattons nervous. But logan wasn't lying, sure there were moments where he felt uneasy or out of his comfort zone but it was enjoyable. Not having to think about the case or murders. He wonders if Patton knows how amazing it is he gets to experience this, Logan himself never got to do Halloween but this was the twins first time. Something they would remember forever and Logan got to be apart of that.
“That's good, I'm glad you're here” He admits, Logan's face feels hot almost immediately. Patton releases a quick, shaky breath, rubbing his shoulders in a fast motion. “I hope they are bundled up enough, its really quite cold” He expresses, the twins seem fine. With the amount of clothes, Patton made sure they wore, and the amount of heat they circulate by running around proves that. He blows warm air into his hands, wishing he had brought gloves.
“Here,” Logan says taking Patton's arm and linking it with his. It could be debated whether it was for more...self-indulgent reasons but Logan's body heat (As proven by research, he swears) would transfer towards Patton. He expects some kind of retaliation or resistance but Patton adjusts comfortably. Neither could tell whether the redness present on their face was due to the weather....or… ”Better?” Logan asks distracting himself from his thoughts.
“Better” Patton clutches tighter, yawning as they continue.
“Dee? I'm home!” Virgil calls out setting his things down. A moment later two figures appear, Damian, all dressed up in his wizard cloak and hat, waving around a little wand. Remy appearing behind him. “Well look at you!” Virgil admires kneeling down as his son comes pummeling towards him, wrapping his arms around his dad's neck and hugging him.
“I'm ready! I'm ready!” He dances around, Remy chuckles watching him go.
“Alright alright, how was your day?” He asks taking a coat off the rack. Remy sits at the table, pulling out his phone, no doubt sending a text to Emile.
“I had so much fun! Papi, I made a friend! And then we went out to eat! And then we came here! And I played with goo!” Damian explains, Virgil has to wonder if he already has sugar in him, the boy was never this...hyper.
“You made a friend? That's so good, I'm very proud of you” He encourages grabbing Damian's treat bag, his squiggly name inscribed under the inside flap should it ever get lost. Damian nods, trying his best to drag Virgil to the door, revving to go. “Hold on” Virgil laughs, he walks over to Remy. “Thank you so much for dropping him off” He acknowledges, Remy shakes his head waving it off
“Dude anytime, as much as I would love to stick around I gotta go, Emile and I have plans” He smiles coyly, Virgil swats his arm frowning. “Not that you weirdo, I mean actual plans” He corrects, Virgil sighs. “See ya” He dismisses himself, hugging Damian goodbye as he goes.
“Okey! Time to go” Damian decides, Virgil shakes his head chuckling, no point in delaying. He shuts the house down, putting a bowl outside with candy before starting on the street, a very tugging Damian in his hand.
“Where to first?” He asks his son, Damian points forward with no specific target in mind. Virgil shrugs and follows his son to the first house. Damian had done this last year and considered himself an expert, bouncing from house to house, until finally, they were to meet up with the others.
“Papi...carry” Damian requests, his small hands grabbing towards his dad. Virgil smiles sweetly picking him up, they walk slowly back towards the meeting spot. Virgil would have been worried about missing them but the sounds of shrieking were a pretty good clue. Emerging from a darker street Virgil walks up to them.
“Hey” He greets, Patton swivels around taking Logan with him, as Patton unlinks himself to say hello to Damian, Virgil gives Logan some much-deserved shift eyes. Receiving a glare in return. “How's the night going?” He asks handing Damian to Patton, the little boy seemingly found some extra energy. The twins join the group hugging Virgil's legs as hello, he ruffles their hair, picking up Valerie who seems more adamant to say hello.
“Good! The neighborhood is really bustling tonight” Patton replies, allowing Damian to fiddle with his glasses. Remus pouts feeling a little too short, Patton nudges Logan hopeful. Logan nods offering his own arms to Remus whos mood improves as he takes his place in Logan's grasp. Following Damian's example, he removes Logan's glasses playing with them.
“Look! I look like uncle Patton!” Damian shows, the glasses practically falling off his face. Remus giggles placing Logan's own specs on his face, Logan isn't sure whether his heart can take anymore, or if he's upset.
“I look like LoLo!” Remus decides, it's safe to say, Virgil and Patton couldn't contain their laughter. More than embarrassed, Logan takes his glasses back, desiring to see once more. Damian, bless his little hands, tries his best to place pattons glasses back on the lawyer's face, succeeding only slightly. He fixes them, smiling tightly at the little boy.
“Alright, where to next?” Patton queries. Virgil turns his focus from playing with Valerie towards Patton.
“I don't know, why don't we ask LoLo?” Virgil teases, Logan groans knowing he won't be living that down.
“I'm going home if you continue with your mockery” Logan informs. Patton smiles sweetly watching the pair. Virgil and Logan continue their exchange walking ahead, Patton follows with a sleepy Damian in hand. He releases a breath, he had tried so hard but he missed Roman. He missed the way he entertained the kids, he missed his smile, his booming voice, he missed his friend. He catches up taking his place next to Logan, his energy dulls now, he's exhausted and it finally caught up to him.
“How about a few more houses? And then we settle in for the night?” Virgil proposes, Patton yawns nodding lazily. The kids, as much as they want to have the energy to continue, enjoy the prospect of cuddling on the couch. Virgil examines the trio before laughing his words “Or maybe we just head home” He decides. And so they did, returning to Patton's home after a while. Logan, Virgil, and Patton set the now napping kids on the couch, placing a blanket over them. Patton removes the now empty candy bowl, locking the house as he returns.
“Guess they tired themselves out” Patton comments, Virgil nods stroking Damian's head from behind the couch. Logan sits on the other side, he's not sure how it happened but Remus and Valerie had found their place huddled up with Logan and he was not going to move and risk them waking up. Patton finishes cleaning up, sorting the candies into respective jars labeled for each kid. Once finished, he joins the other two in the living room, stopping himself at the sight of Logan adjusting the blanket so it fits atop both twins. He goes over leaning slightly. “You don't have to do that” He whispers, Logan shakes his head softly.
“It's alright, wouldn't want to wake them up” He lies, honestly he is quite comfortable and the image laid out in front of him is not a sore sight. Patton fights the urge to squeal and hug Logan, instead he nods making his way towards Virgil.
“Hey” Virgil greets, his voice low as he watches Damian's little breaths, his chest puffing in and out as he sleeps.
“You wanna spend the night here? I wouldn't want you to have to drive home at this hour” Patton offers, Virgil ponders for a moment, his own anxieties of intruding overlooked by pure exhaustion.
“Yeah but only if you're totally ok with it” Virgil ensures, Patton nods immediately leaving to set up the guest bedroom. Virgil cradles Damian to go and help, closing the door quietly behind him. “So...Logan staying over?” Virgil raises his voice no, not too much as to not wake his son.
“Oh! Well I don’t want to bother him and honestly, the twins love him and I don't mind having him around so...I suppose” Patton babbles, carefully crafting the bed for the pair. Virgil groans softly, Patton cocks his head.
“Oh come on Pat, go for it!” He enunciates, Patton shakes his head, face riddled with confusion. “With Logan! It's been four years...and longer technically” Virgil glares, Patton stops his grip tightening on the bedsheets, he takes a breath shutting his eyes.
“I don't want to...go through it again” He pauses sitting down, Virgil softens taking a seat next to him. “I know it's silly but...what if Logan...is exactly like Liam?” His voice is so low now, his words seize into a fearful whisper. “I just can't do that again” He slumps his shoulders rubbing furiously at his eyes, his glasses lifting as he does so, clinging to the tiniest ear.
“Logan would...never do that” Virgil hopes, he wants to say something to Patton but how does he know? In all honesty, he doesn't want to see Patton go through that again. Virgil watched Patton suffer silently for years, he knows ...hopes that Logan would never do the same but even the idea…
“I know…” He starts, he shakes his head, a squirmed breath “I know, let's just forget about it” He says standing quickly.
“No it's fine” he refuses to meet Virgil's eyes “I'm fine”
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eldritchsurveys · 6 years
Have you ever had FOMO (fear of missing out)? If so, what's caused it? >> Probably, at some point. I don’t recall any specific incidents.
Are you happy with your social life? If not, what would you have to do to change that? >> No, but I’m not sure of the mechanics of making actual friends (as opposed to acquaintances or “people I know reasonably well and share laughs with”). I don’t even know if the phenomenon is possible -- I might be unsuited to friendship, who knows.
Have you ever hosted a party? If so, what kind of party was it? >> Nope.
What's the best thing you can cook yourself? >> I don’t know, I don’t practice cooking enough to have a best dish.
Are there a lot of graffiti around your neighbourhood? >> No.
What kind of a phone do you have? >> Moto g6, I think it’s called.
What kinds of stuff do you have on your keychain? >> A few rewards cards, a thing shaped like an electric guitar plug (it used to have “Trans-Siberian Orchestra” on it but that’s rubbed off almost entirely by now), and two mini Funko Pop keychain toys (one of the Lich King from WoW, and the other of Stitch in his Elvis outfit).
Have you ever made something with your own hands that you're proud of? If so, what is it? >> Just writing.
What is your favourite Jack Lemmon film? >> I don’t have one.
What is your favourite David Hyde Pierce film? >> I don’t have one.
Have you ever made your own soda? (Soda Stream doesn't count!) >> No.
Do you have a hobby that forces you out of the house? If so, what is it? >> No, but that would probably be beneficial to me.
Have you ever been part of a theater group? >> No.
If so, did you get any lead roles or mostly supporting roles? >> ---
Which IM app do you use the most? >> The only one I use is Discord.
How do you make sure that your information is secure online? >> I don’t do anything extraordinary, I just try to be careful.
What's the most ecological thing you do? >> I don’t know, man.
Would you stop eating meat, if you had to raise and slaughter it yourself? >> No. I would just obviously eat less of it because that takes time and effort, and the meat won’t always be readily available.
What's your favourite board game? Why do you like it best? >> I don’t think I have one.
Besides English, what other languages can you speak? >> None fluently.
Besides English, what other languages can you read? >> None fluently.
Do you think you could make it as a chef? >> Not at all, and I wouldn’t want to.
What's your favourite kind of tea? >> Ginger, peppermint, masala chai, iced taro milk tea with boba.
How do you like your tea? >> With honey, or plain.
What thing/person/happening has made you the happiest you've been? >> ---
Girls, do you ever just say "Fuck it!" and go without a bra? >> ---
What's the most freeing thing you've ever done? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever had a restaurant dish that was made with bugs?  If not, would you even want to try one? >> No, and sure.
Do you think today's kids are really impatient? >> No more than yesterday’s kids.
Have you ever tasted birch sap? >> No.
How about the young buds/shoots of spruce trees? >> No.
Which edible flowers have you tasted? >> I don’t think I’ve had any flowers.
What has been your worst restaurant experience? >> I haven’t had any terrible restaurant experiences. My restaurant experiences have been largely mediocre / what you’d expect.
What's the most immature, adolescent thing that still makes you laugh? >> I don’t know, I don’t rank the things that make me laugh by how “immature” someone else might think they are.
Have you ever had a life threatening condition? If so, what was it? >> No.
Do you ever compare your life to somebody else's? If so, why? >> Sure. Because brains are assholes and often latch onto thought processes that don’t benefit anyone.
What is a food item or a dish you absolutely cannot stand? >> Bananas.
Have you ever had a custom print done on a shirt? If so, what was it? >> Yeah, I got one that says “where is John Galt?” because it amused me. I still have it.
What does your favourite mug look like? >> It’s one of the 16oz ones and it has a Black Panther print.
Do you ever copy surveys to Facebook Notes and share your answers? >> No.
What's the best thing about today? >> It’s partly sunny.
Do you ever read other people's survey answers? >> Usually I skim interesting-looking ones before I delete them when I’m taking the survey myself. Sometimes I’ll read thedarkeststarsurveys for the hell of it because I remember him from Xanga.
Do you like daytime or night time better? Why? >> I like both for different reasons. Since I like the Sun, I do like daytime, but I wouldn’t want it like... all the time, or anything. 
What's your highest level of education so far? >> High school graduate.
If you could have any job in the whole world, which would you like? >> No.
Describe your ordinary day >> I get up, I play video games, I look at tumblr, I go to bed.
Would you ever have a UV tattoo? >> I don’t know, I’m not yet convinced of their safety or longevity.
What is the brand and colour name of your favourite lipstick? >> ---
What do you like on your tortilla? >> Quesadillas?
How about inside your pitta bread? >> Hummus and falafel and fixins.
What do you like in your burger? >> I like the Red Robin veggie burger, they put a lot of good tasting stuff on those (without making it messy, which is very important to me).
How about on your pizza? >> Veggies and maybe pepperoni.
Would you ever take part in a games club? If so, what would be your ideal club?  >> I don’t know, maybe?
Would you be able to give a speech on your favourite subject right now? >> No.
Do you work better alone or in a group? >> I think I work better alone, but I’ve also never worked with a group on a thing that interested me, with people that I liked.
Are you more comfortable as a leader or a follower? >> I’m more comfortable doing my own thing my own way, and if someone wants to join me, that’s cool.
Do you prefer to take the road less travelled? If so, how do you do it? >> I don’t pay attention to how many footsteps have trod the road I’m on. That’s not important to me. What’s important to me is not falling into a trap or tumbling into a ravine or getting hit by a car or whatever.
Which one of your friends have you known the longest? For how long? >> Elle. Almost 10 years.
What is your favourite song right now at this very moment? >> I don’t know. I’ve been listening to Falling Snow by Agalloch a lot.
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Glamorous Kids Bathroom Sets
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2018. 5. 1. When it comes to bathroom design, weve got inspiration in droves. From petite powder rooms to palatial master baths, weve seen it all. Take a. 2018. 8. 21. Looking to update your bathroom? Feast your eyes on these beautiful bathroom inspiration pictures for fresh ideas. 3 Oct 2018- Ideas, suggestions and stylish inspiration for family bathroom decor. See more ideas about Bathroom ideas, Bathroom and Bathroom inspiration. Nov 20, 2018- We offer a huge variety of bathroom remodel ideas to make your bathroom as beautiful as it is functional. See more ideas about Bathrooms, Bath. The best bathroom design ideas. Create your perfect bathroom whatever your style, budget and room size. Shower fan? Weve got that covered, too. 2018. 10. 11. Whether you have a powder room, master bath, or ensuite, these bathroom design pictures will inspire you when you spruce up your own. Sep 7, 2018- Explore Brooke Giannettis board Bathroom Inspiration on Pinterest. See more ideas about Bathtub, Bathroom and Bathroom inspiration. Jan 14, 2018- scenes from favorite baths See more ideas about Bathroom, Bathtub and Home decor. Renovating or building a bathroom? Reece is your online destination for ideas, inspiration, tips, trends and more. Discover over 100 bathrooms in our gallery or.
Explore more than 100 ideas for help with configuring your new bathroom space. Take a look at these great bathroom layouts, and make sure you avoid bathroom design mistakes. RoomSketcher shows you how to plan and design your dream bathroom! . the size of your fixtures as needed to match your bathroom layout in Properties. Create floor plans and see your bathroom design ideas in 3D. . Create bathroom layouts and floor plans, try different fixtures and finishes, and see your. Regardless of the type of bathroom layout design you choose, it is always important to stick with the basic necessities. The amount of space you want. Explore nicki eggimans board bathroom layout on Pinterest. See more ideas about Bathroom, Bathroom remodeling and Bath room. 2018. 2. 16. While it might seem daunting, getting your bathroom layout right from the start will make the difference between an adequate design and one. HGTVRemodels Bathroom Planning Guide offers tips on how to design a bathroom layout around functional zones, such as the vanity and shower-tub area. Plan your bathroom easily & free of charge from your own home 5 simple steps to your dream bathroom Planning templates and bathroom trends for.
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Unclog a bathroom sink drain with two skewers. I was surprised and disgusted at how effective this was! Just take two cheap wooden skewers and put them. Why not try a bent wire hanger? You may be surprised that this is quite a simple but effective technique in unclogging bathroom sinks. The small hook at the end. LOL Surprise Dolls finally get a new bathroom in their house! How will it look like? . Who will be using the . 2016. 12. 21. A slow-draining tub or bathroom sink is an inconvenience many . or sink. You might be surprised to learn that the hair you shed naturally when. The Portrait collection captures the understated sophistication of French Provincial design, yet is versatile enough to fit many bathroom styles. The sculpted lines. The included VIGO Niko Vessel Bathroom Faucet features a trough-style spout, . I was surprised at the quality of the faucet and how easy it was to install, even. The VIGO Jasmine Matte Stone Vessel Bathroom Sink is the perfect addition to any . I was surprised at the quality of the faucet and how easy it was to install,. Online shopping for Bathroom Sink Taps from a great selection at DIY & Tools Store. Basong Above Counter Bathroom Sink Oval Porcelain Ceramic Vessel . We were surprised at the excellent price, high quality, perfect depth and drain included!
nice subway tiles thinking this style in the kitchen like the gray, bath or . The South Downs Bathroom uses beautiful furniture from our Classic English range. Country bathroom pictures and photos for your next decorating project. . Traditional English Cottage bathroom with freestanding bathtub . with wood beams, panelling and an attractive encaustic tiled floor, which sets off the rolltop bath. Bath This is one of the most important things you need to know how to ask in English. Imagine needing the toilet and unable to ask for directions to one! 2017. 9. 20. See our favorite white bathrooms and browse through our favorite white bathroom . Use white to create a clean, relaxing and bright look for your bathroom. house, and a white-painted 19th-century English spool chair with an upholstered seat and arms. . The 6 Best Colors for Painting Hardwood Floors. 2016. 8. 30. Colour, texture and pattern all do their bit for style underfoot. . home such as wide oak boards, English elm, pitch pine or herringbone parquet. . works with underfloor heating and is a good choice for kitchens and bathrooms,. 2014. 10. 21. In English the bathroom can also be called: the mens room (for . Now, it is time to look at some vocabulary to talk about what happens in the bathroom, . (especially native speakers) use these words and so it is good to. The most thoughtfully arranged rooms look good without any dressings or Casual and comfortable, English cottage style is a perfect fit for a bathroom. See the. Wellness in your own bathroom with high quality bathroom furniture by Duravit. . bring together apparent contradictions whilst also looking incredibly good. 2015. 12. 8. Im American, and Ive never heard the bathroom referred to as St. Johns. Its colloquially referred to as the john, but not politely. Usually this room is referred to.
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Its 2015bathroom simulators have joined the big leagues now. Watch as Brian and Nick from http . Whoever made this has a SERIOUS problem with public restrooms/toilets Twitter: //onbedroom.website . Gay pee in public bathroom and collect guns down the game //onbedroom.website/the-tearoom. The Bathroom Simulator by Big Fat Simulations Choose the most appropriate stall in a variety of situations. Play The Bathroom Simulator. Take this test and see if you can choose the right urinal. Share it with your friends! 2017. 6. 29. The Tearoom [itch.io page] is a historical public bathroom simulator about And truly, this does have some incredible water effects, which are. Complete your bathroom planning conveniently and at no cost from home 5 easy steps to your dream bathroom Planning templates and bathroom trends to. Sep 14, 2018- when you have to go, you will want to go here See more ideas about Home decor, Bathroom and Toilet room. See more ideas about Amazing bathrooms, Bathroom wall decor and Powder . Browse new photos about *Door opens* Welcome to the faygag simulator .
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/glamorous-kids-bathroom-sets
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lykanthropa · 7 years
Support Class
Chapter 8: The abduction of the support
On the same evening, Heavy knocks at the door to the infirmary. Under his arm, the chessboard clamps. At their last meeting with their old Medic he had said that he had often played chess with Friedrich. It would be nice if their new Medic could play a round with him. If so, maybe their relationship will relax. And because what is more binding together than a board game?
Friedrich opens the door. When he realizes that Heavy stands in front of him, his already dark face becomes even darker. “What do you want?” “Heavy wants to play chess with new Medic.” He holds the chessboard to him. Now Friedrich's face light up. He looks almost amused. For a moment, Heavy really thinks he would be happy about the invitation, but far from it. “You, a Russian, want to play with me the royal game?” “Er…da.” “Oh please. Should I laugh or what?” “Old Medic and Heavy have often played chess.” “So, Hans teached you?” “Yes, but sometimes Heavy makes mistakes.” “That does not surprise me. You Russians are simply not made to keep complex things. But never mind. There are still enough games worthy of your intelligence. Such as rope jumping, egg and spoon race or to bowl a hoop. Although, this backyard games has to imply a certain physical condition.” “………” “You Russians really do not have it easy. I almost feel sorry for you. But only almost.” Friedrich wants to close the door but Heavy stops it with one of his big hands. “Just one game. Please.” “…do you have the playing pieces?” Sure he does. After all, he was hoping that they would start playing immediately. They are always keep in a transparent, small plastic bag, which Heavy presents to Friedrich. “Medic always had the white figu-“ Before Heavy can finish speaking, Friedrich grabs the bag and tips it out. All 32 figures fall to the ground and spread everywhere. Some jumps a few meters away. Heavy freezes. A cold, half-hearted smile graces the face of the doctor. “Pick-up. The perfect game for you. It does not strain the brain too much and it does not need much conditioning either. So you are going to do it. But do not make so much noise.” Friedrich gives him an almost friendly smile when he is about to go back to work, when Spy suddenly appears. Friedrich groans annoyed. “How long have you been here?” “Long enough.” “Can you not make yourself felt like a normal person?” “I don’t know what you mean, Docteur. This is perfectly normal ‘ere.” “What do you want? I have to work.” “Mhm. Yes, I see that” Spy says as he looks down at the figures on the ground. “I was just going to pick you up for the weekly meeting.” “Meeting? What kind of meeting?” “Meeting of the support classes. You, me and Sniper.” “I do not know anything about it.” “Each class does this. There is the meeting of the offensive classes and the meeting of the defensive classes. The only difference is that the meetings don’t take place all in one evening. And today it's our turn.” “Is this arranged from above?” “But of course.” “………” Friedrich does not look very enthusiastic. He looks as if he wants anything but to deal with Spy and Sniper. But since it's an arrangement from above, he has no choice. “Well, all right. I'm going with you.” He closes the double door behind himself. Heavy still stands in place and stares down at the game figures. The beautiful memories of the evenings, in which he had played with Medic Chess, are now lying on the ground before him. Physical pains he can swallow, but the mental sufferings sit deeply. “And you're cleaning up here, get it? When I come back, I do not want to see anything lying on the ground, understood?” “………” Spy and Medic walk away and leave Heavy back alone.
  Spy leads Friedrich to a remote section of the base. “Where is the Australian?” “Sniper is already waiting in the meeting room.” “Good. Punctuality is not the strength of this team, either. Why is it here?” “Well, if you ‘old a meeting, then this should be without disturbances. In a building with 8 men and a boy it can be very loud. One must always expect that some of them ‘ave a rumpus together and they often don't take consideration. And they also like to celebrate.” “This will change in the future.” “…with discipline, you will not get very far with this team, Docteur. Let them be as they are and life ‘ere is not the worst.” “Without discipline this world would perish.” “One thing you must know. Who works for Mann Co. does not sign any contract. You don't just start living a life as a mercenary. You change into a world with a different reality. Life ‘ere is not like what you knew before. Some natural sciences and laws are overridden. As you may have noticed. And it often tugs on the nerves. ‘ere, nothing is more important than the close cohesion of the team. And each of us is different. All of them are good men. Therefore, you should leave them as they are. We don’t have to adapt to you, you ‘ave to adapt to the team. I assume that you ‘ave thoroughly read the contract before signing it?” “Every page, every single sentence, I have read three times.” “Good. And I'll give you some good advice. Get rid of your ‘ate. Heavy is a Russian, yes. But he ‘as absolutely nothing to do with the Russians, who have taken your town and suppressed you. ‘e is a good guy. In this team skin color and origin are completely void. Or what would you think if we called you Nazi? I ‘ardly believe you would like that. Or am I wrong?” Friedrich is silent for a moment. Can Spy hope that their new Medic takes his words to heart? Everyone can change. No matter what age. But when he starts talking again, he does not care. Instead, he says: “This respawn… That would be of great interest to many countries and terrorists. What if this gets outward?” “That will not happen. We are the second generation of mercenaries working for Mann Co. And in all these years, no information ‘as ever reached the outside world.” “What if Hans talks?” Spy and Medic reach the meeting room. They come to a halt in front of the door but don’t open it yet. “’e will not. ‘e was one of the most trustworthy men I've ever met.” “But now he had to give up his job to me. What if he is so angry that he wants to avenge on Mann Co. and tells what is happing in this desert? Just imagine what happens when this information gets into the wrong hands.” “’e is not vindictive. ‘e ‘as taken care of us all through this years. No matter what suffering we ‘ad. Maybe he wasn't always be patient, but he always gave everything to make us feel good.” Spy laughs innerly. The thought that Medic could betray them was simply too absurd “No no. ‘e will not do that. ‘e would never waste a thought of revenge. Not like you, Docteur.” “I think you sometimes forget that Hans has stolen this place at Mann Co. from me. I am the lawful doctor. I have always been. Hans is only an impostor.” “’ow long ago was that? 20? 25 years? If you were not vindictive, you would have stayed in Germany. Even if your country wasn't going so well, you were fine. I've seen your car. It was certainly not cheap.” “It does not matter to anyone. And it is entirely my decision whether I demand my belated right or not. Any motives are null and void.” “………” “I do not understand you. You are actually a very reasonable man, if I leave your craving for cigarettes out. We could ally and spruce this team up. After all, they are have a high opinion of you, are not they?” Spy eyes Medic up. “So you think I should make my own team an enemy? No. That's your funeral!” “………” Now Spy opens the door. He runs out of steam to stay any longer with this undiscerning doctor. Besides, Sniper is already waiting for them.
When they enter the room, they discover Sniper sitting at the circular table. His head rests on the table, his arms hanging down. His hat covers his face. First, Spy believes Sniper wants to tell him with this gesture that they both took too long, but as he approaches, he becomes mistrustful. “Something is wrong…” “What is this theater of the Absurd?” “I don’t think that's played.” Spy touches the Snipers back, slightly shakes him. His upper body rises and falls. He actually sleeps. “Are you still of the opinion that this team does not need discipline? Just falls asleep, even though we have a meeting together.” “It’s not like ‘im…” When Friedrich steps in, he stopped. He lifts his nose in the air and draws it deeply. “This sweetish smell…” Spy does it too and draws the air in. But he doesn't notice anything unusual. Friedrich noticed Spy's questioning facial expression. “An untrained nose can not notice it, but here it smells quite clearly of chloroform.” Spy freezes. He knew it. When he entered the room and saw Sniper, he knew something was wrong.
Suddenly the door behind them snaps shut. Both whirl around and discover a strange man. It is a giant that completely conceals the door with its entire body. From his muscle-wrapped arms thick veins emerge. His gaze is fixed on the two mercenaries. “Finally, the support team is complete.” There are two more men. They emerge behind a corner in the rear of the room. Normal men in black suit. “What is going on here?” “Did you do that?” Spy points at Sniper, but their questions are ignored. The men eye Friedrich with a skeptical look. Then they take out a photo, look at it and then at Friedrich again. “That’s not him” says one of them. The German and the French throw each other a questioning look. Then one of the men steps toward them. “You're wearing a doctor's coat ... Are you the Medic of this team?” Friedrich doesn't let be himself deterred. “Who wants to know that?” he asks in a firm, suspicious voice. “So you are the Medic here? And where is the other one?” “There is no other.” Spy would never think of telling them about Hans and that these guys just missed him. Who knows what they do with him? And he is glad that even Friedrich makes no words about him.
The man in front of them nods briefly, whispers something to the other, whereupon the latter puts the photo away. “Good. I must ask you to come with us.” “Who are you anyway?” “You could regard ourselves as mercenaries. So we are almost colleagues. Only with other tasks.” Spy and Friedrich look at each other. Both of them know that they do not come far with speeches. These gentlemen want to take them with them. They don't know where and they don't know why. But one thing they know, they will not let it happen. Sniper had no chance against the three. They probably will not make it either. But giving up without a fight is still not an option.
Spy unobtrusively lifts his left arm, on the wrist of which he wears the Invis Watch. He wants to give the impression of merely throwing a glance at the time. These men know their existence, but they will hardly have the knowledge about their superior equipment. At the same time, Friedrich is grabed by the giant. He pressed a cloth on his face. A thousand thoughts chase through Spy's head. That exactly the same will happen to him. That he cannot help Medic. That everything just gets completely out of line. The attack on Friedrich has left down his guard. One of the other men steps toward him. Aimeric sees him much too late. He's grabbed by the arm and his watch is pulled down his wrist. “No tricks.” The guy positions behind him, fixes his arms on his back, while the other comes closer with a cloth in his hand. From the corner of his eye, Spy can see how Friedrich is fighting desperately against the hulk. His muted screams fill the closed space. This is exactly what will happen to him, but Aimeric will not make it easy for them. With a lot of swing, he hits the man behind him with the back of his head in the face. He groans in pain and loosens his grip so far that Spy can break away. Then he rushes straight at the guy in front of him. He takes the chloroform-soaked cloth from his hand, grabs him by the collar, and pushes him with all his power back to the corner from which he and his colleague had stepped. But the alleged mercenary is fighting back with much force. They are both equipollent. And they both absolutely want to accomplish their goal. But Aimeric has the greater ambition. With the last force he pushes him behind the corner, pulls his cigarette case from the inner pocket of his suit and follows him behind the corner. From the corner of his eye he had noticed that his first attacker had recovered and came running towards him. Aimeric doesn't have much time. He scans the man in front of him with his case to feed it with his data and he can take his form. All this happens within a second. Just in time, because the man storms around the corner and now sees two likenesses standing in front of him. He's stunned. They fight each other. “What are you standing there? Help me!” “No, help me! He is the doppelganger!” “That’s a lie!” Suddenly, the giant comes around the corner. In contrast to the other, he does not hesitate for a long time, grabs both on the neck collar and holds them apart, so they cannot fight anymore. Aimeric tries to keep a stiff upper lip. He knows for sure that it will be over soon. His pulse shoots up, but he remains calm. Only then he notice that he can no longer hear Friedrich. Now he is all alone. “We can easily figure out which of you is the doppelganger. You only have to answer one question. Who am I?” It's indeed very useful to be able to turn into the enemy, but except for the appearance, he can do nothing else. For example, to take over the knowledge and memories of the enemy. So Aimeric stays silent, while the real man in Black gives the answer, quick like a shot. He calls his name, his age, and that they are three brothers. Well, who would have thought it? All eyes are now directed at him. His camouflage has flown. But he knew anyway that would happen. He just wanted to take a little time in the hope that someone from the team breaks the rules and disrupts them at their meeting. Spy lets his disguise disappear and lifts his hands. “All right, all right. Take it easy. I surrender.” But Aimeric has an ace in the hole. Literally. Inconspicuously, he clenches his right hand to a fist, whereupon a knife blade noiseless jumps out of his arm-bound mechanism hidden under the sleeve. This should really be the last outlet. But they leave him no choice. The man before him, who is apparently the oldest of the three, prepares a new cloth. He soaks it with a liquid from a small bottle. “No more tricks?” “No.” He looks skeptical at him. Spy presses his right arm to his body. “Hold him tight.” The giant follows the order, grabs Spy's wrists and fixes them on his back. In doing so, he cuts himself at the knife. Surprised, he lets go of him again to look at the cut. This opportunity uses Aimeric, storms forward, strikes out with his right arm and gives the guy in front of him a long cut across the face. He cries out and stumbling backwards. Spy pushes him to the side, runs past him. He must reach the door and warn the team. Even if he does not feel good about leaving Sniper and Medic alone. But alone has no chance against the three. But he only creates the half of the way. One of the intruders throws himself at him from behind and both fall to the ground. It's the man he had copied. During the fall the cigarette case fell from his suit and slides a few meters over the bare ground. It remains lying right next to his watch. The watch! This is his last chance. Aimeric crawls toward it, but the man on him winds an arm around his neck, grabs his mask and pulls it with a jerk from his head. Spy freezes. Without his mask, he feels so predictable, defenseless and so unmasked. He hardly ever took it off. Even his team rarely saw him without a mask. Sweat runs down his forehead. The man above him grabs his right arm and pushes it to the ground so that he can no longer use his knife. And Aimeric already felt the cloth on his face. It smells sweet, but at the same time it stinks repulsively. He shakes his head violently, but he cannot shake it off. “Damn Spy… Gray Mann was right. You should be least underestimated. We took it too lightly. But that will not happen again.” Gray Mann…! This can only lead to a catastrophe. And that makes Spy afraid. In the years, this man had repeatedly tried to extinguish their team. But always failed. Now he seems to have drafted a new plan. This knowledge gives him a power boost and he almost even manages to throw the two men down. But the giant stands there and puts a foot on his back. Aimeric feels as if he were shifting his entire weight on this foot. He is pressed with such a force on the ground that he can hardly breathe. The chloroform starts to work slowly. His head becomes quite light and any defense moves into the background. Friedrich lies only a few steps from him on the ground. He had no chance. He is the last thing Aimeric sees and his last thoughts are how happy he is that this is not their old Medic.
Team Fortress 2
Scout strolls through the base. He is bored. He'd like to hit a few balls, but he gave his baseball to Medic. A generous gesture, on his own view, but he does not have a ball anymore. So why is he carrying his baseball bat with him anyway? As he turns the corner, he sees Heavy kneeling on the ground. He collects small figures scattered all over the floor. Only then he realizes where he is now. “Hey, big guy. What are you doing there?” Heavy pauses and turns around to him for a second. “Heavy wanted to play chess with Doktor.” That's all he says, and Jeremy understands. “Oh…” For a small moment, he is watching Heavy. Then he squats down and helps. “Such an asshole…” “How is Scout's butt?” “Oh er… It’s better. These fleabags.” “Dogs are not bad. It was not their fault.” “Whatever. Anyway, if Medic doesn’t want to play with you, then you probably have no more someone to play with, hm?” “Jeremy could play with Misha.” “What? Me? Oh, no, no, no. Chess is a game for old geezers. So forget it. Speaking of old people ... Where is the old man? Surely he squats in his lab and feeds his terror dogs with the remains of Hans' operations, right?” “Medic holds meeting with Spy and Sniper.” “Really? He's not there? Yes!” Scout hurriedly runs over to the double door of the infirmary. “What is leetle man doing?” “Don't you remember my plan? You now have the chance to help me.” “That’s not right…” “Blah blah blah. I'll do it alone if you don’t want to help me. But honestly, you also want Medic to come back. We should take the opportunity as long as Frederick-“ “Friedrich.” “Whatsoever. As long as the old man is not there. Comin' now or what?” Scout disappears through the double door. Heavy hesitates for a moment. But he decides to follow him as soon as he has collected all the figures. He's almost done anyway. Meanwhile Scout looks around in the operating room. It somehow looks so different. No doves, no instruments, no blood... Everything cleanly tidy and sterile. Is the old man working here at all? The desk catches Jeremy's eye. There will be something to be found. Germans love paperwork. He had at least heard that. There is nothing useful on the surface, so he turns to the two drawers. However, these are locked up. Scout shakes at them, but they just don't give in. “Crap… Key. Here must be the key somewhere...” “Doktor has key.” Scout is flinching because of the voice behind him. “The hell, Fatty! Don’t scare me like that! How do you know this at all?” “Medic always carries set of keys with himself. Heavy is sure that desk key is included.” “Great. And how do we get these stupid drawers open? If I only had something like a needle, I might be able to pick the lock.” Heavy takes the handle of one drawer with index finger and thumb and with a strong jerk he breaks it open. Scout nods impressed with his head and hits Heavy on the back in a friendly way. “Good work, Heavy. Well, let's go. Hey, could you just break up the second drawer and scrabble in it? We are faster two by two.” Heavy hesitates. If Medic finds that out, there will be trouble. Especially for Heavy, because Medic hates him especially. Scout noticed Heavy's hesitation. “Ey. One is already broken. it doesn' matter if the second drawer is too. If the old man wants to give you hell, I'll fight for you, pally.” “Really?” “Yeah! We’re friends. A family. A team. And…so on…” This deeply touches the native Russians. He does the same with the drawer on the other side of the table and looks through the staplers. “There must be something in here if the guy locks up all these papers ... Aha! That looks interesting.” Scout pulls out a book under the thick stack of paper, bangs it on the desk surface and opens it. Heavy looks curiously over his shoulder. “I think that’s Doktor's personal notes.” Annoyed Scout flicks through the pages. “What kind of shit is that? Every text in it is in German! I think at least ... Where is Spy? Spy!” “He is at the support meeting.” “Pah! What next? Well, it’s better he has him on his hands than we.” “It is good that Medic and Spy get together. Maybe he has good influence on him.” “Who? Spy? A good influence on him? You don't really think that, do you? I think this guy wouldn't even listen to his own mother. Any way. We can definitely forget this. Hm?” Jeremy flips through a page in the book where a list has been listed. The list is so noticeable because the font has a different color.
Schwachkopf: Behaves sometimes like a leader, very patriotic. Insults others as numb nuts, although the fact that he is the biggest numb nut in this team can not be denied. Speaks sometimes with a shovel. I will keep an eye on him.
 Dickkopf: Suffers from severe nicotine addiction. For a Franzmann, he seems quite clever and sensible, but the years with this disciplined team seem to have marked him. Nevertheless, he defends these people here. Involuntary reaction due to years of torture-like collaboration with these fools? Therapeutic session is initiated.
 Kindskopf: Loud and annoying. It is hard to guess how old he is. Sometimes he behaves like a toddler. Also addictive. Accordingly, the values fall out. Strict education must be made up.
 Suffkopf: Strong alcoholic. I have the impression, as if his drunken status rather the norm. Is often lies on the floor. Locked up every alcohol and mixed him a remedy for withdrawal symptoms in his food. Nothing is worse than an alcoholic on withdrawal. Could be violent.
 Wirrkopf: I can not say much about this man, except that he likes to play with fire and likes to set on fire, too. Never expose his mask or suit. Sometimes makes a childlike impression. Who knows what is going on in his mind...
 Schlaukopf: I must admit that I am fascinated by the devices he is able to build. His self-created sentry is complex and intelligent and makes it fight for himselves. Maybe not the worst, but other things remain on the line. I have already included a diet and condition training for him. You can not always count on others. Also not on equipment. Everyone reaches a point in his life where one is left alone. Makes a sensible impression.
 Holzkopf: An Australian hillbilly. Drinks a lot of coffee and preserves his urine in large glasses. I can only guess what he is doing with it. Sometimes sleeps in his van. Seems to be a loner. Just a hillbilly. I can not say more about that.
 Glatzkopf: A typical Russian. Big, fat, no head hair, stub legs, stupid and unconditioned. I would not have thought it could be possible that I would, where I am so far from Germany now, meet one here. I have enough of Russians. I let him feel my dislike. For God's sake! Because of him I do not sometimes behave as usual. He brings me to do things I would never do. Once I pulled away the chair he wanted to sit on and he fell to the ground. I was surprised that he did not trigger an earthquake. Normally, Russians are aggressive, but this one has not been even aloud or has shown otherwise aggressive behavior. Some here call him a gentle bear or "care bear". In my opinion, he simply is spineless.
“So many kopfs-words…” “Pff! Even if all this had been written in English, we could not have read it. This handwriting is much too unreadable.” “This is ... uh ... this is called cur-sive?” “Cursive? What is this supposed to be?” “Calligraphy.” “I'm not interested what is written there anyway.” “Doktor has written about us.” “That could be. Who cares?” “Jeremy wants to know what is written about him.” “No, I don’t care at all!” Scout slams shut the book and turning away offended. “What about you? Aren't you curious about what he wrote about you?” “No. Heavy knows what Doktor has written. Lots of bad things...” “………”
Suddenly, a clatter can be heard on the smooth floor. Scout and Heavy look around. A gap-width-opened door moves slightly. It's the door that leads to Medics bedroom. Both look at it but cannot see anything. “Are you sure the old man is in the meeting?” “Da.” A malicious growl sounds behind them. Slowly the two turn around. In front of them stand the two Dobermann Dogs. “I completely forgot about them.” “Don’t move.” The two big dogs are in a ready battle position. They look like they're going to attack at any moment. “I-i don’t want to be bitten again!” Scout whispers in panic. “Don’t move” Heavy just repeats. But Scout is very nervous; and as one of the dogs makes a jerky movement, he runs off screaming. “Scout! Noo!” The boy flees out into the hallway through the double door. As expected the Dobermann Dogs run after him. Scout is fast but the dogs are even faster. Now Heavy begins to lose his patience. Enough is enough. He can not and does not want to see how the new Medic torments this team. And he will begin with his dogs. He is still of the opinion that the animals cannot do anything for their behavior but he still has to give them a cold shower. So Heavy follows Scout and the dogs with quick step. The hands clenched into fists, the eyebrows contracted. They are no longer in sight, but the barking and Scouts screaming lead him into the dining room. There Scout hangs on the ceiling lamp above the dining table. The dogs are on the table and jump up again and again, trying to snap at Scout. Each time their strong jaws snap, a nasty crackling sound is heard. “Leave me alone! Help!” Heavy doesn't hesitate for a moment. He grabs the two Dobermann Dogs at their leatherband, pulls them down from the table and turns them on the ground on their backs. They struggle with their legs in the air, snapping with their teeth after him, but Heavy holds them tight. And then he looks them deeply in the eyes. They give up their defenses, but still bare their teeth. Scout's watching entranced. The swing effect of the lamp is about to cease. Like the mounting. “What the hell…?” Jeremy cannot believe it when he sees the dogs jump up on Heavy and lick his face. “Freakin’ unbelievable. What have you done? What’s happened!?” “Sometimes only a strict look is enough to tame animals.” “Aha…” “Scout can come down. Dogs are nice now.” “………” That's a bit fishy for Scout. Maybe this is just a trick from these beasts, to get him come down, so they can bite him again. “Nah… I think I'll stay a bit up here.” Hardly that is pronounced, the holder is breaking and with a loud clang the lamp and Scout fall on the table. The runner jumps up immediately, ready to flee, but the dogs don't care about him. They are too busy to lick Heavy's face. On one hand, he's glad about it, but on the other hand he's a little outraged that they just ignore him. “Hey, do you think that works with Medic too?” “Don’t think so. Medic is no dog.” “Well, you could try it anyway.” “What was that noise?” Demoman, Pyro, Soldier and Engineer appear in the doorway. “What happened here? The lamp pulled down from the ceiling, peaceful Dobermans... When Medic sees this, there's trouble.” “To hell with the old man.” “Watch your mouth, young man. He is still our Medic.” “Pff!” “What shall we do with his dogs?” “Heavy will take care of them.” Heavy tickles one of the Dobermann Dogs the belly as he tickles the other behind the ear. Their stumpy tails wag joyfully. “Simply unbelievable” Engineer says with a smile. “Dogs are not bad.” “No, they are not, son. And our new Medic isn't bad either. I'm sure. I think we should get together with him tomorrow. Whether he wants or not.” All those present are nodding their heads.
Team Fortress 2
It's not so long dark when the last lights of the base go out. Sir Hootsalot sits on the branch of the old tree and looks at the starry sky. He had spent the last evenings and nights with his owner instead of going on his control flight. He just felt as if Sniper needed his company. Now that Medic is gone. He seemed so depressed. He could not help but to ignore his duty. Accordingly, he had had to listen to a lecture by Compatriot.
“Good evening~” Without the owl having noticed it, the snake had worm up the tree and was now sitting a few centimeters apart on his branch. “What do you want?” “I thought you might need a little company.” “…do you actually know that owls eat snakes?” “What'sss the matter with you?” “You are a snake. This should be sufficient as a reason. Hoot.” “Ahahaha!” “Shut up! You cannot suppress your hiss either. You even hiss when you're talking.” “Thisss isss true. But I'm not assshamed of it.” “Me neither?” “Yes. You turned red. And you were angry when I laughed. Thisss isss kinda cute.” “Pah!” “…do you thinking of thisss dove?” “Sometimes.” The snake dares to get a little closer to the owl. Sir Hootsalot doesn’t notice it because he falls into thoughts again. If the paradise-destroying snake hadn’t mentioned Archimedes, he wouldn’t have thought of him...her. What Archimedes and her owner do now and how they are? He hadn’t had much to do with Medic. But when he sees Sniper misses him so much, even if he doesn’t show it, it hurts him. He wants nothing more than that his owner will be the same as before. Maybe I should have spent more time with Medic… “………?” “Sssss.” The split tongue tickles his beak. “Croikey! What are you doing?” The snake had wormed around his feathered body. He cannot even open his wings. “Give you a hug.” “I don’t need a hug!” “But you looked ssso sssad.” “You are crazy! Let me go!” “Now, now! Don't ssstruggle ssso much. You don't want to fall down, do you?” “Ya backstabbin‘ snake!” “Ssss~”
During the wrangling Sir Hootsalot gets his wings free. The snake loses its hold and threatens to fall down the tree. The owl catches it with his feet and flies with it in the air. “W-what are you doing?!” “I just want to give you a small round-trip, mate.” “Let me down!” Sir Hootsalot thrust himself higher in the sky. The snake screams panicky. And then it gets down with a swoop. He can feel the reptile twining between his claws. That feels almost too good. Suddenly something falls into his sharp eyes. A vehicle is parked behind the base. It's not Snipers Van and also not Engineer's Truck, and it's not the car of the new Medic, either. It looks more like a light lorry. “Stop screaming and look at this.” Sir Hootsalot lands on the roof of the base and looks at the vehicle more closely. “What isss it?” “Do you know this lorry?” The snake looks over the edge of the roof. “No. I don’t know it.” “Something is wrong…” Hardly had the owl said this, three dark shapes sneaked out of the building. They do not belong to the team, Sir Hootsalot and the snake are seeing that immediately. And what they still see puts them both in terror. On their shoulders they carry Medic, Spy, and Sniper. They seem unconscious. The owl reacts immediately. “Quick! Go get the others! I'll stop them!” The snake doesn't let a second pass and quickly disappears through the aerator into the base. Meanwhile the owl makes a swoop down to the strangers. With a loud scream, he stretches out his gripping feet to snap at them. “What the hell…?” He catches the one with his claws in the face, which is carrying Sniper. He gives a shout and strikes at the owl. Sir Hootsalot, however, dodges and starts a second attack. He does the same. He shoots in the air and with a swoop and as if in madness, he plummets on the same target. But this time one of the strangers managed to hit him with a targeted blow. Sir Hootsalot falls to the ground. He lands on his right wing and a strong pain runs through it. He cannot move. The man who had hit him, a huge fellow, came up to him. Like a tower he stands above him and lifts one foot. The owl pinches his eyes tightly together. He can do nothing else. How fast life can end. And in a way like this. Squashed like an insect. “What are you doing? Stop it! This is just a dumb, defenseless bird.” “It attacked me!” “So what? It cannot attack anymore. So let it be. Move into the lorry and let us drive, before one of the mercenaries realize something.” Helplessly, Sir Hootsalot must watch as the lorry starts and moves farther and farther away. The owl tries hard to get on its feet but always falls back into the sand. “Piss…” “He! Owl!” The snake returns with Compatriot and the other birds. “What are you doing here? You should get the Mercs!” “There isss a good reassson why no one of thessse know of my exissstence. People have the habit of wanting to kill me when they sssee me.” “I can't imagine why…” “What happened here, Soldier?” “The entire support team has just been kidnaped. Hiss!” “Are you hurt?” Robin beeps worried. “I think...my wing is broken. I tried to stop them.” “Let me help you, lad.” The macaw presses itself against the owl so Sir Hootsalot can support himself on it with its healthy wing. “So you let the enemy escape, maggot?” “I’m just an owl, y’know?” “This is exactly why the eagle is the king of the birds.” Compatriot stretches his large wings. “I wouldn't have failed.” “Hey, lads… What shall we do now?” “To follow them.” “Shouldn't we wake the Mercs?” “It would take too long to make them understand what the problem is. We don't have sufficient command of their language.” “But me.” “You can only say a few words of the human language, Aberdeen. This will not be enough.” “But we cannot fly after them.” “We take the van…” Snake and birds are looking at the owl questioningly. “What do you mean we take the van?” “We don't fly after them, but drive.” “I always thought owls are the wisest birds. But when the wisdom was distributed your sort, you were probably not present.” The animals turn around in surprise. In front of them stands one of the Dobermann Dogs. They take a step back. “Do not worry. I am not here to make trouble.” In front of the dog lie a watch, a cigarette case, and a Medic's coat. “I found that when I was looking for my master. And I heard you talking. So my master was abducted?” “Yes…” “I always knew it was a mistake to come here. First, my master has to deal with these idiots and now this.” “I thought you don't want to make trouble.” “…I am sorry. The Mercs are no idiots. I noticed today that they are quite okay. Especially this Russian.” “Hey! Heavy belongs to me, get it?” Robin ruffles his feathers strongly. “Why are you so mean? Just like your master.” “We are not mean. And our master neither. He had to go through a lot. It was mine and Zerberus' mission to protect him from everything and everyone. We are all he has and he is everything we have. Besides, we are deeply in his debt. Five years ago he had saved us from death.” “But you were mean to me and Archimedes! Why do you hate us like that?” “We do not hate anyone. But… I think it is normal that animals adapt themselves to their masters. That is why I do have to ask for understanding if I get a bit vitriolic occasionally. But you are also exactly like your owners. Have you never noticed this?” The birds exchange glances. What the Dobermann Dog says make sense. “In any case, I am sorry. And I will come with you to rescue my master.” “What about the other dog?” “I want to keep Zerberus out of this. It could eventually become dangerous and I love him too much to allow anything to happen to him.” “Dogs have feelings? Amorous dogs I always imagined differently.” “This is probably due to the fact that he is not my love, but my brother.” “That would have surprised me anyway, if a male loves another male. This is only the case with humans, isn't it?” Aberdeen says. Robin has to swallow. “I am a female and my name is Dante. And same-sex love also exists among dogs. I would even argue that this is the case with every animal species.” “Sir Hootsalot feels a strong déjà vu feeling. He remembers when Archimedes had told them that he is actually a she. “But you sound like a guy and the name is more like a male name? Is this normal with animals from Germany? Maybe your master doesn't know you're a bitch?” “He KNOWS I’m a female, Adelar!” “No, dog. My name is Compatriot.” Dante's furry hair is bulging, a growling comes from her throat. When she realizes what she is doing, she calms down quickly. “I am sorry. I am sometimes a bit irascible. I do not like bad talks about my master.” “Could we finally put us in the driver's seat?” “We don't know where they are now. They could be already over the hills and far away.” “Maybe I can help. I have a good sense of smell. I could pick up their scent.” “Do you think you can do it?” “Yes.” “Never let it be said that dogs would be useless.” “Let’s go! To Sniper’s van!”
Compatriot opens the driver's door with his large bird claws. The animals take a seat in the driver's cab. The snake carries Spy's watch around her body and the cigarette case in her mouth, but it don't make it to go in the vehicle. Aberdeen helps the reptile in. “Okay, who is driving and who actuates gas pedal and brake?” “Before we clarify this, we should make sure we have enough gasoline.” “Sniper always has a full gas can in the rear. That should be enough.” “I think we ssshould get sssome more. Who knowsss how long we will drive.” “But all the gas cans are in the shed. And it's locked.” “I have an idea. Wait here and clarify who isss driving. I'll be right back. But I need your help, Aberdeen.” “Uh, okay, lad.” Macaw and snake left the van. “Okay, so who take the wheel? I would do it, but my broken wing doesn't let me.” “Do not we want to stabilize the fracture first?” “No time. How do you want to do that at all? Just people can do that. I'll be fine. Compatriot, you take the wheel.” “Good choice, maggot.” “Dante would actually be a good choice for the brake and the gas pedal but she must pick up the scent. Robin and the viper are too small and too light. Then only Aberdeen would be come into question.” “If that goes well. I still think this is a crazy idea.” “Do you have a better idea, stubby tail?” Dante growls at the eagle, but says nothing else. “Why do you take Medic's coat with?” Robin asks the big dog. “The smell of my master is hanging upon it.” “I see…” “This shows that you dogs are a subordinate species. Be enslaved by the people, let keep yourself on leashes and are grateful to them.” “Compatriot! It’s enough!” “We are not slaves. I think every animal expresses its love for people differently. Some birds are kept in cages and they still sing for them. It seems to me you have never had anything to do with dogs before, are you?” “No, you two are the first ones” answers Sir Hootsalot soothingly. “Where are these two, damnit!” “I still do not understand it. Why should they kidnap the support team? Especially who? I wish Heavy would be here…” “Has it never happened before?” “No. We have only been attacked by Gray Mann from time to time.” “Who is this?” “A Maggot who sets his robot maggots on us! But we have always defeated them.” “I'm not sure if I've understood this correctly, but this man seems to be dangerous.” “He is not dangerous by himself. He's sitting in a wheelchair. His robot army is dangerous.” “Could it be that he is responsible for the abduction of our owners?” The birds look at each other. “Hard to say. He had never done anything like abduction. However, no one else knows of the existence of Mercs…” “Gray Mann?” pipes the redbreast. “Is this supposed to mean that he wants to attack us again? It's bad enough for me to watch Heavy fight against the BLU team. But I can not stand to see him fighting robots. I do not want to go through that again.” Now Robin is glad that Heavy is not with them. If the trail actually leads them to the Mann Co. headquarter, they will surely encounter robots there. “It's not proven at all that Gray Mann is behind it. Damn, where are these two?” “We’re back!” “Where were you?” “We brought some gasoline.” Aberdeen carries a gas can into the van and stows it in the footwell of the passenger side. “Hey! Look out on your wings, maggot!” “Where did you get it?” “Doesssn’t matter. Let'sss get started.” “Okay! Close the door and turn the ignition key” commands Sir Hootsalot. “What key?” “Leave it to me.” The snake uses its skilful tail to shut the door and to turn the ignition key. “What a lucky thing that your thoughtlesss owner alwaysss leavesss the key in the lock.” “He's not thoughtless, but trusts that his team will keep their hands off his vehicle.” “Like Ssscout and hisss joyride with thisss van?” “Except Scout.” “I think Sssniper isss just too lazy.” “No matter what Mundy is, he has been kidnapped in the first place. So I would be grateful if we could finally leave. Aberdeen, you have to take care of the gas pedal and the brake. Can you do it?” “Sure, if you tell me where what is.” “The gas pedal is right, the break is left.” The macaw disappears in the footwell of the driver's side and shifts his weight on the gas pedal. The van makes a jerk. “Not yet! The gear must first be engaged and the handbrake has to be released.” “I will sssee to it immediately.” The snake wraps its tail around the handbrake, presses its tail tip against the red button, and pulls the handbrake back at the same time. Then she takes care of the gear shift. “How do you know how this works?” asks little Robin adoring. “I am a sssnake who isss friendsss with a human being.” “It looked so hard. You are very strong.” “Of courssse. My whole body consssissstsss of only one powerful mussscle. But my own kind will alwaysss to be underessstimated.” The snake gives a hiss in the direction of the owl. “I'm glad you're here with us.” “No longer afraid of me, little robin?” “Of course not. We all have a common mission, after all.” The snake indicates a smile and pats the little bird's head with its tail end. “I think you ssshould sssleep a bit. If it’sss day, you mussst be resssted.” “Oh…okay.” The snake furls itself on the passenger seat, on Spy's watch and cigarette case. Robin sits down in the rolled up body. “But you're not gonna squeeze, do you?” “I'm not a conssstrictor. Ssso don’t worry.” Dante lowers the window on the driver's side and sniffs into the air. “We have to drive straight forward.” “Okay. Get going, Aberdeen!” “Aye!” The headlights starts up and the van is moving. Sir Hootsalot had settled on the dashboard. His broken wing droops limply. He has severe pain. But to rescue Sniper, Spy and Medic is now the top priority. “Give more gas, parrot-maggot! We are in a desert!” “That's not that easy. The gas pedal wants to spring back again and again. And even though I may look so, but I'm not very heavy.” “Stop bugging me and concentrate on steering!” the owl duns. “Nobody can steer better than me!” The eagle spreads its wings much further apart, but its right wing bumps against the closed window of the passenger side. “Hey, stubby tail! Open the window!” With a growl, the Dobermann Dog goes carefully to the passenger seat so as not to step on the snake and the robin, grab the crank on the door with its teeth and let the window down. Compatriots spreads his large wings far out. “Ah~ Much better.” They move further and further away from the base, their home. A strange feeling. Sir Hootsalot feels a little lost. But as soon as he frees his owner, they will return home. Unfortunately, they will have to carry on the daily routine with the new Medic then again. And his dogs ... Well, he has now met one, and the Dobermann is not that bad. In the future they could do well with the dogs, but whether the Mercs ever get along well with the doctor remains questionable.
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mindasvastasspace · 6 years
Reunion with Mom, pt 1 (self para)
Boarding the plane, Kylar’s mind was racing with so many scenarios of how things were going to work out the moment he stepped off the plane and reunited with his mother. Given their...colorful...past together, he’d been hesitant to even bother to show up this year for Christmas, seeing as she’s been one of the main sources of his childhood traumas he’d had the burden of bearing his entire life. But he’d sensed a change in her over the past month or so, over texts and phone calls to one another—as if she’d finally realized that he was her SON. Her family. Her one child she’d been given to as a miracle. That change is what had convinced Kylar to come back home for the holidays. If they hadn’t been talking and getting a better understanding of each other over the past month, Kylar would’ve stayed in Florida, or taken Mason up on his offer to go to Canada for Christmas. After getting off the plane, he sent his mom a quick text to let her know he’d landed safely and headed right down to baggage claim to grab his now-overly stuffed luggage, thanks to his shopping and “father-son”bonding weekend he’d had worth Gerard (who at this point was a better father than his own flesh and blood.) He’d planned out to meet his mother around baggage claim, so he picked a spot where he’d be easy to find, set his suitcase down and played around on his phone for a while, texting his friends to let them know he was okay, and to the few he trusted explained how he was actually feeling, considering the situation. Nervous, anxious, happy and excited; all lumped into one emotion he honestly had no idea how to categorize. But it was making him antsy. Completely on edge. Enough to have him standing with one hand in his pocket and playing with his fidget cube and typing with the other. After a few more minutes, he heard a familiar voice calling his name, and felt his heart freeze.
“Kylar!!” He looked around, not knowing where that voice was coming from. He felt his heart racing faster, the fight or flight reaction he got every time he spoke to his mother once again taking over his body. If he ran, he could easily get away. But no. He had to face his fears. He wanted things to change between them. When he finally saw her, his jaw dropped.
His mother looked completely different. Her hair was more tame, was what he first noticed. It wasn’t the way-too-perfectly sculpted, Christian stepford wife do up she’d always had that he’d been so used to seeing. It was dyed blonde, straightened, and honestly framed her face very well. Instead of pastel sweaters and slacks, she was in a nice red pea coat and black leggings, a white scarf around her neck and tucked into her jacket, with a matching beanie on her head. She looked like a completely different person. Enough for Kylar to not even recognize her at first.
“M-Mom...?” He spoke slowly, pocketing his phone and bit his lip. Her smile was the same it’d always been, and that was what made him realize it was actually her. “H...hi, I didn’t even recognize you.”
“Ky...” she walked a little closer, unsure as to go in for a hug or not. They’d never been that close.
“Yes, Hi, Mom. It’s me. Your gay son. Hello.” Kylar said flatly, pocketed his phone, slung his backpack over his shoulder and grabbed his suitcase. “You look different. Can we go now?”
“Kylar. I know what you’re thinking and we have a lot to talk about—“
“You have no idea what I’m thinking right now, honestly. Im cold, Im tired and hungry and I just wanna get home, okay?” He paused, realizing he might be being a little too harsh. “I’m sorry, I’m just. This is really, really hard hard for me, Mom. But I’ll tone it down. I don’t wanna be angry right now. You really do look great.”
“I know. I get it. And, um. Thanks.” She smiled back, seeming like she took the compliment to heart. “Let’s go get you something to eat.”
He followed her to the car, without another word, lost inside his own thoughts. He knew he had every right to be heartless to her, but that’s just not who he was at all. He did have a grudge and a lifetime of resentment towards her, but. It just wasn’t in him to be so cold. He literally did not have the capability to be angry for more than a few minutes at a time. The last time he saw his mom was on his 21st birthday, where she was nowhere near in control of herself. She’d always seemed fine on the outside, what with the usual church-lady attire and bright sunny demeanor. But when it came to her son she’d always been nasty. Verbally abusive, cold, and ignorant. Completely unaware of the abuse she’d been dealing him his entire life, always hopped up on pills and downing booze the moment the clock hit noon. But now she seemed like a completely different person, and Kylar didn’t know how to process that. Was she just fooling him? Manipulating him to try and get him back? Or was she actually in this with his best interest in mind? He had no idea, and that was part of the reason why he’d been so nervous and anxiety ridden ever since his trip back to Chicago had been set in stone.
The car ride back was, for lack of a better word, awkward. He didn’t speak, his words still spinning around in his head every time he tried to grasp at something to say. She didn’t speak either, so between the radio and the sound of the road under them, it’d been pretty silent. The house looked all-too-familiar once they parked by the curb, and again, Kylar felt that surge of anxiety course through him. This was the house that he’d spent his senior year in, the old, run down little townhouse in the heart of south side Chicago that he’d tried to forget about the past two years. The scene of the crime, he thought. This relic of the past was the last thing he’d looked at before he packed up and left. Part of him regretted it, but the bigger one knew it’d been the right thing to do at the time. But here he was now, nearly 3 years later, and it looked exactly the same as it always had. Old, run down windows, slightly peeling paint on the sidings, and a short flight of run down stairs leading up to the barely-crooked front door. As he got out of the car, he looked up at the top left window, the one he’d snuck out of so many times in the past. A tiny remnant of the makeshift rope ladder he’d crafted years before was still visible hanging off of the windowsill. Seeing that made him smile a bit. A smile which faded away the moment he remembered why he’d snuck out countless times in the middle of the night.
I have to see him while I’m here,he thought. His ex. The one person he knew that was in town that never judged him for who he was. Dean was coming back in a few days, but until then? Nobody. He’d promised he would meet up with his ex, since they were still extremely close and obviously still had strong feelings for each other. but that was a whole different train of thought Kylar forced himself to log away for now. After taking a slow, deep breath to calm himself, he walked up the rickity steps, careful to avoid the rotted wood on the third step up and waited for his mom to open the door, expecting to see the same old, far-too-clean OCD interior he’d been so familiar with growing up.
“Welcome home.” His Mom said, opening the door for him and let him step inside first. He watched his feet as he crossed the threshold, stopping in his tracks the moment he looked up. The house was somewhat the same, with furniture in the same exact places and the stairs leading upstairs to his right. But something felt different—he couldn’t quite place it, but it felt more homey. Less stepford kind of creepy. His mom had apparently decorated before he got there, with tinsel and multicolored lights lining the hand rail of the stairs, christmassy decorations hanging on the walls and scattered around the kitchen and living room. She actually had a tree for once, which was new to him. All they ever could afford before was skimpy, run down spruce trees that nobody else would buy from the lots but this? This was a real, tall pine tree, the aroma coming from it somewhat soothing to Kylar.
“Wow...you went all out didn’t you?” He offered a smile, this one actually genuine. She returned it with a nod as she took off her jacket and hung it next to the door.
“Eh, it’s nothing really.” She replied. One of the phrases Kylar had inherited. “I just wanted you to feel welcomed back. Since , well.” She huffed. “it’s been a while.”
“Yeah....” Kylar silently replied. “So I’m gonna go put my stuff in my room. I’ll be back down in a bit.” Without waiting for a reply, he hopped up the stairs by two and walked down the hall to his old bedroom, not surprised that a single picture of him was on the walls. He expected that. But what he didn’t expect was that his room had looked exactly the same as it did when he’d up and left. The band posters on the walls, anime action figures lining the shelves where he could fit them between his books; his sewing machine against the wall and the vinyl record player in the corner next to his TV...everything had been preserved exactly like it was before. Even his sheets were the same black and grey striped ones, just washed for once and neatly tucked under the bed. His little Stitch doll was even still on his pillow, exactly how he’d left it.
“Hey, Stitch...” he couldn’t help but smile as he dropped his suitcase on the floor and went to sit on his bed, put the Stitch doll in his lap and played with the oversized ears. Looking over it, he saw the stain on the doll’s hand from when he’d spilled black dye on it when he’d changed his hair. There were some good memories in here, he thought, and once he realized that, he actually felt glad he’d come back home. Fighting back some tears, he set Stitch back down and took out his phone, laid down on his neatly made bed and texted back some friends, letting them know how he was doing. Because he honestly was, deep down. Still a little anxious, but less so now that he was in his safe space. The one room in the house he couldn’t be touched or hurt in. Halfway through replying to Olly, he remembered something. He set his phone down, shifted to look under the bed and blindly reached around until he pulled out a cardboard box, and immediately felt a huge grin form.
“Oh my god...” he said aloud, pulling the box out a little more before picking it up to put in his lap. all this old, prototype, amateur photography was still in here. All the Polaroids of him and his friends from Detroit before he moved, along with old ones with him and Dean. A million of himself and his ex, which was a pretty harsh sting to the heart. and some of his friends from Chicago as well. That really hit him hard, and he couldn’t stop the tears this time and just started sobbing, enough to have to set the box aside as to not ruin the memories of his past and just let the tears fall. Hearing his mom coming up the stairs, he quickly sat up and wiped his eyes with his sleeve, smiled, and looked up right as she walked into the doorway. He figured she knew how he was feeling, seeing as she didn’t ask questions.
“Um. I made some cocoa if you want some?” she smiled. Kylar nodded and wiped his eye of a stray tear, smiling back.
“Yeah. Thanks. I’ll be down in a minute.” He replied. She nodded, and he stopped her as she turned to leave. “Hey, Mom?”
“Yes?” She turned back, almost with a hopeful look on her face.
“Thank you...for letting me come back. I know we weren’t on the best of terms and we still aren’t exactly but—”
“Kylar, shh. You don’t have to say another word. You’re welcome, honey.” He looked up at her. She’d never in his life called him that before. Admittedly, that did make him feel a little warm inside. Standing up, he hugged his arm to himself and bit his lip, as if not knowing what else to say at the moment. Before he knew it, he felt himself practically falling forward, unable to control his body and hugged his mother for the first time in years, the tears escaping him once again.
“Fuck, I’m. I’m s-sorry I left. I’m so f-fucking sorry...Mom. I just felt so trapped, and hurt, and unwanted and I thought you hated me and I didn’t know what else to d-do and, and—” He managed to let out a jumbled stream of words before he could even think about what he was saying. Feeling her hug him back made the tears fall even harder, a small wail and a deep inhale escaping him.
“shhhh just take a deep breath.” His Mom replied, somehow a lot calmer than he was. Like she had had plenty of time to think of exactly what to say. “you have nothing to be sorry for. You did exactly what you should have done.” she pulled him away so she could get a good look at his face, holding his head in her hands, tears forming in her eyes as well. The same big, brown eyes she’d given to her son. “I’ve been absolutely awful to you. Horrid. And beyond wretched and unfair. There’s not even a word for how horribly I’ve treated you and it. It took you leaving for me to realize that.” Kylar was speechless, and could only respond with another gasp for air and a nod, hugging her tighter. “There’s nothing in this world I can do to ever, ever make up for the things I’ve done. The things I’ve said to you. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to try, baby. I love you. You’re my son. My only son. and I’m sorry it took me this long to realize that, Kylar. I can’t change who you are. I never should have tried. And I’m proud of you. Im so fucking proud of you.” Kylar let out another muffled sob against her shoulder. “And I know sorry doesn’t mean anything, I know that....” all those words were exactly what he needed to hear. What he’d waited for her to say for the last decade. She’d been emotionally manipulative in the past to have things go her way but this. This was different. something resonated in her tone for him to realize that she most likely did mean every word she said. And that meant the world to him. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders after years of it constantly being there, keeping him down and burdening him.
After a couple more minutes, Kylar finally collected himself and let her go, smiled sheepishly and wiped his hands over his face.
“God, I probably look like a mess...” he managed a haughty laugh, sniffling quietly as he wiped his eyes dry. “That cocoa sounds really good about now.”
“Awww...” his mom ruffled his hair, just like she’d always done when he was a kid. But this time it wasn’t menacing. It was actually a comforting gesture for once. “C’mon. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” With another sniffle, Kylar nodded and let her lead the way downstairs.
Over multiple mugs of cocoa, his mom got Kylar up to speed. After he’d left, she’d been upset. All the calls he ignored from her, the unanswered texts and emails...it had taken her a long time to realize just how her son had felt, but when it did hit her, it hit her hard. She realized without him, she was completely alone. Her husband had walked out on them a year prior to Kylar leaving, and got together with a younger woman. Whom she’d found out he’d been cheating on her with for the last couple years. Kylar had seen that one from a mile away and even commented, into a drink of cocoa, “fucking called it.” After that realization of hers, she’d turned to the church and found Jesus, as she always did. Kylar wasn’t religious at all, so he kind of tuned out at that part of her story and let his mind wander as he half-listened, half processed what was actually happening. She prayed, begged for forgiveness, and started on her own journey of personal reflection and reformation. She quit drinking, stopped downing Xanax like candy and changed her appearance,ultimately becoming a better version of herself. And when she was finally satisfied with that, got back in touch with her son and insisted he come home for Christmas. Kylar let her talk with no interjections besides the occasional “asshole” and “dickless fucktard” when his father was mentioned, each time gripping his mug a little tighter. Ultimately, they had a nice, lengthy chat, catching each other up on their lives. This was probably the most meaningful conversation they’d ever had between the two of them, and for once it didn’t end in a huge argument and him storming off upstairs to hole himself away and dissociate. He told her about Florida, and school, and hid new apartment. About how close he was to Magic Kingdom, and how he’d scored his job at the studio thanks to a very, very close friend of his he considered a sister he’d never had. He told her about all his other new friends he’d made, famous or not, and now he was tight with the “emo guy from fall out boy” and the “eccentric artist of my chemical romance”. Both of which she was in awe of, seeing as they were all he talked about all through his teenage years. He still had posters of both of them up on the walls of his bedroom and had no intentions of ever taking them down.
“My, my, my little boy’s all grown up.” She smiled at him. Kylar just shrugged and took another drink of cocoa.
“Eh.” He replied. “Where it counts I guess.I still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing half the time.”
“Uh huh. You still doing that, um. Cos...play? Is that what it’s called?”
“Yeah, what you used to call glorified dress up. Remember? You said that any hack could do it because it’s the same as Halloween?” He replied with every amount of sass he could possibly put into words. He could see the pain in her face as she heard that and it was, admittedly, satisfying to see. His smirk proved that.
“Yeah...that. I don’t even remember saying that.”
“It’s okay, Mom. You’re not the only one that thinks it’s weird and a waste of time. But it’s fun, and elaborate, if you wanna make something that means something to you. And it takes a lot more effort than you think. You should see some of the stuff I’m working on now. Been sewing and drawing them out for weeks now.”
“I would love to.” She smiled back, nodding. That response made him feel pretty good.
“Cool. My friend Olly took some pictures of me as Sora at Disneyworld so I can dig those up and show you later?”
“Sounds great, Ky.”
“Cool.” He felt another smile grace across his face. “Listen, um. I’m exhausted, it’s been a long week and I’ve cried more the past few days than I have in months so I really need to sleep for a while. But we can talk some more later? Grab some lunch?” He got up from the table as he spoke, rinsed out his mug and set it in the dishwasher and started headed toward the stairs, stopping on the first one as his mom responded.
“Of course. I did promise you ice skating, after all.”
“Oh yeah, no, I didn’t forget about that. You’ve got like two years to catch up on, Mom.”
“I know. We’ll get there.”
“Yeah. Yeah, we will.” Kylar nodded, smiling to hold back another wave of emotions and headed back upstairs to his bedroom. As soon as he closed the door behind him, he stood in place for a moment, still trying to wrap his head around what an emotional, eventful morning it had been, and finally found it in himself to flop down, face first, into his bed, and cuddled up with his beloved Stitch.
“It’s gonna be okay, little guy.” He said aloud, hugging the doll tightly. Within minutes, he was fast asleep, with a single tear slowly trailing down his cheek.
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Glamorous Kids Bathroom Sets
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Offering the Finest Choice of Bathrooms in Malta, Bathroom Design Supplies . Spacious free standing baths for versatile and comfortable bathing possibilities. Bathroom Design has cultivated a reputation as one of the leading companies in Maltas Bathroom Supply sector and has been importing and selling sanitary. Bathroom Design Offers a Range of Luxurious Bathroom Furniture . Squaro. Spacious free standing baths for versatile and comfortable bathing possibilities. You Can Find All Contact Information of the Company: Phone, Fax, Email & Opening Hours. Also, You Can Send a Message Directly on the Website. Bring your own design for vanity units, whether free standing or wall hung, wood finish or solid colour, having a combination of flap doors, drawers or cabinets,. Welcome to Bilom Tiles & Decor. Welcoming you to Bilom Tiles & Dcor, where you are . Bilom Tiles & Dcor Creating Your Comfort. Bilom Tiles & Decor. Bathroom Remodel on Your New Year To-Do List. Turn your dream bathroom into a reality . from Villeroy & Boch transform a functional place into an individual comfort zone. . Villeroy & Boch stands for timeless elegance, innovative design 2017. 1. 23. The most popular amenities for the bathroom are in the arena of safety and comfort: e.g., comfort heights, shower seats, lighting in showers and. Great guest bathroom design is not a question of the space available . Theres no reason why comfort should not be synonymous with elegance as highlighted.
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