#im so lazy and sleepy today tho
airxn · 4 months
i'll be busy tomorrow until the evening because i'll be house sitting for the weekend! i plan to do drafts n such sunday since i'll have the entire day to myself to do so
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vitamindropp · 2 months
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beomgyu as your (soon to be) boyfriend^^
⋆˚࿔ notes 𝜗𝜚˚⋆: this is my first time writing so these aren’t proof read or nothing ALSO I DO CURSE A LIL SO ITS THATS AN ISSUE BE WARNED!! , also if its ass please don’t tell me!!
beomgyu would definitely be that cute boy that you would always catch stealing glances at you during class
at first you thought it was funny and cute until, you started to catch feelings as well, and you started to stare even more than he was
he would see you staring in his general direction but would always assume you were looking at something in the far distance
this went on forever because both of y’all were too scared to make a first move
and as the year was coming to an end your professor decided to assign a partner-project that had to be completed over a span of 2 weeks
and of course you were partnered up with beomgyu you were mentally going insane, wondering if you should be happy because you have a chance to talk to him or scared because you have a chance to talk to him..
beomgyu was trying to act all nonchalant and at peace about the situation but mentally he was 10x more nervous than you because what do you mean he has to talk to his crush for TWO WHOLE WEEKS.
the professor recommended that partners got to know each other and sit besides each other and of course you would follow what he said so you guys sat together (duh)
you guys sat in silence. the only words you guys got out was introducing yourselves to one and another besides that y’all have been trying to seem busy on your phones to avoid talking to each other
of course being a little curious you’re going to try see what your crush is doing on his phone so you sneak a quick look and you see this man frantically swiping through the weather app and opening and closing his settings (HE JS LIKE MEEEE)
you finally mastered up the courage to speak to him and you guys eventually warmed up to each other and ended exchanging numbers to continue to “work on the project”
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as soon as beomgyu got home he felt like he HAD to message you first since you were the first to speak to him, but he just couldn’t figure out what to say
he texts his gc with his friends yeonjun, soobin, taehyun, and kai (SHOCKER) and asks what he should say and they all give him completely different things which just results to an argument in the groupchat, but his momma didn’t raise a bitch so he manned up and texted “hi this is beomgyu from (random class im too lazy to think of one) what’s up?”
he dropped to his knees in the middle of the kitchen he thought ‘WHY WOULD I SAY WHATS UP’ he decided you seeing that he unsent a message was better than you seeing that horrendous message he just sent
he goes to delete it and sees you already read it.
got a noise complaint but that’s beyond the point
you decide to wait it out because you can’t just respond straight away to a message from a dude you just meet today and seem like you were just waiting for his message (you were)
little did you know that you had your read receipts on
beomgyu is just staring at his screen “why isn’t she responding…” he’s currently pacing back and forth in his bedroom wondering if its the wrong number or you just really don’t fw him
ten minutes later you decide to respond with “hihi this is ___ from (yk the drill) im not doing much what about you?”
he responds right away, fuck all his pride it’s been long gone, “im just chilling a bit sleepy tho”
if he’s saying he is sleepy then doesn’t that mean hes about to go to sleep?
being oh so kind you decided to type out “goodnight!” but thats too affectionate so you had to say “gn”
after screaming into his pillow until you responded he sees you texted back “gn” he’s never been more in despair he just cut a conversation short WITH THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE HOW COULD HE EVER RECOVER
૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა more notes because i can talk forever! ok so part 2 coming soon i think 😓. this is just based off of real events that have happened to be me..so if it seems cringy ITS BECAUSE IT WAS. anyways thank you for reading!! <33
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tommo2844 · 1 month
I literally screamed in the car when Chicago came on and me mam jumped.
Anywayss I had drumming lesson today and I wore my pyjamas bcs I’m lazy as shit. My teacher said that next lesson I can start to learn clouds (by 1D)!!!!
I went to school but it was sooooo boring. I had English which was fun, then I had pe and it was alright, then maths which UGH I hate maths. But my teacher is such a sweetie so she makes it okay. Then last lesson I had pe AGAIN but I just played games with my mates on the field so it wand too bad. I was half asleep on the field tho lol.
I feel like so tired man, even though I’ve done like nothing this week. I’ve been to school twice and went out with my mates sometimes but I’m so tired. Ugh, too sleepy to think.
Lately grief has been getting to me if that makes sense. At the start of this month I was happy but someone (who I used to be really close with in the early 2010s) died of cancer. I didn’t even know he was sick. I went to his funeral like 2 weeks ago but ever since he died I’ve been a mess. He was a big Christian and the night after his funeral I had a panic attack because I thought god was watching me. I even felt him (god) sit next to me, but it was just my mind playing tricks on me because no one was there.
I’ve been struggling with all the what if’s, like what if I knew he was sick, what if I could’ve said goodbye, what if we didn’t grow apart? It’s all a lot. It has kinda made me value my relationships more. I do miss him, his name was Fred. I miss him everyday. It’s hard knowing I’ll never be able to reconnect with him. It’s all very hard.
Im done yapping now lol x
Love youuuu
(Me in my pyjamas going to my drum lesson, ignore the pose lol)
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coochiecowgirl · 4 months
I want to go roller skating but I’m so bad at it. The only way I can get better is by doing it more tho. I’m also scared to do it alone.
Idk when the cat will be getting picked up today and I wanna go on a walk since it’s sunny out but I feel like I should wait until I hear from my friend about when she’s gonna pick up her child.
I also need to go grocery shopping. I’ll probably just DoorDash bc I’m lazy.
After not sleeping at all Friday night and then sleeping most of yesterday and then getting a solid 8 hours last night you’d think I wouldn’t still be so sleepy. But I am.
Since tomorrow is Monday I’m gonna make some more calls to therapists that take my insurance. Hopefully I find one that’s taking new patients. I really don’t wanna up my meds. Im also pretty sure I’m on the highest dose which means I’d have to start a new medication and that terrifies me. A coworker of mine started taking the med I’m on and it did not work well for her and she’s literally out of work for a month or so until her brain gets back to normal. I don’t have that luxury (so glad her manager is understanding tho). So I’m hoping that seeing a therapist will help and that I won’t need to try a new medication. Last year was just a shit year and the extra depression was mostly situational. But the situation has also not been improving lol.
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videostak · 8 months
i literally dont even kno what to do today like im just like killing time waiting for the day to end im also so sleepy -_- like idk i started today on the wrong foot and am just like ._. feeeling too lazy to do anything. im doing laundry rn tho and kinda realize i need to push on w/ deep cleaning my room for realsies. might listen to a gamelan record again while napping. also think idk saturday or tomorrow idk ill have to see but im gonna have to bring up that doctor thing to my mom soon cause its rly bumming me out.
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risjime · 3 years
hey ris <3 hope ur doing welllll !
idk how to describe myself so lets hope i can do this 😵‍💫
i’m pretty introverted, but i can be really hyper and loud and super annoying with the people i love (my social battery dies pretty quick tho so after abt an hour i sit there and just observe) i overthink pretty much everything so if you dont respond to me in a certain way i will most definitely think you hate me. i dont do much bc im really lazy and always sleepy for some reason (my anemia) but i think im pretty chill to be around. also i think im funny af (humor consists of deez nuts jokes bc i never grew up LOL)
hopefully that wasnt too long 😭
my top five: suna, kenma, sakusa, atsumu & iwaizumi
4 u (idk if ur choosing from my top 5 but im choosing from yours):
ultimate s/o: bokuto
besties: akaashi & alisa
2nd li: iwaizumi
rival: suna (lowkey enemies to friends to lovers)
ilysm ur so effing cool <3
omg sar yay!! idk i lowkey get excited when i see u in my inbox now <3 but yes i’m doing well! i hope you are too :))
i think your s/o would be suna for sure, and your secondary LI would be iwaizumi. i’m seeing kenma and atsumu as your besties and sakusa as your rival (but not rlly a rival, maybe frenemies ?)
and ahh ty! ur so right about the trope w suna pls 💀 ily too but tbh ur cooler <3
today’s ask game
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lellarps · 3 years
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just wanted to share that me and my lazy ass (2 different personas, as u can see) could have easily gotten assigments done today............. but we procrastinated. and now i’ll have to wake up extra early tomorrow to get things done before going to work... im just... ugh. disappointed with my earlier self.
but anyway, buds,...
i’ve just added Ernest Robel from deaf west Spring Awakening as a new muse?  idk why I’m sharing this bc I’m prob going to drop him because i read somewhere that the production was problematic and ableist? but im SO confused bc a huge part of deaf community says the adaptation was awesome and inclusive... and another part that I hadnt known until like 10 minutes ago says otherwise?
y’know, the fact that i’m even wondering any of this should be reason enough for me not to play him.... im feeling too sleepy to even think about it tho.  im gonna get him inactive until i’m able to research more about whats wrong with dwsa and what the (deaf) community says about it.
night night!
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97gcf · 4 years
—check up tag— 
tagged by: @97fears  ! thank u for tagging me angel i love doing these
how has your day been? // ive been waking up at 8am and its too early for me but i have to for my online exams :( i feel sleepy so im drinking my iced failed dalgona coffee todays a good day because im temporarily free from school works
what was the last thing that make you smile? // a tiktok vid of taehyung !!!! the clip is from his last vlive but op made it look like a facetime call and i suppposedly muted him and told my mom im gonna marry him someday but he heard it and was surprised and delighted it woke up my delusional ass lmao jks but its too cute
what’s keeping you entertained these days? // phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall !!! i absolutely fell in the love with it everything was just perfect and magnificent i adore sierra and ramin so much im soft anw im gonna watch the sequel, love never dies, later even tho im kinda bummed out that the actors are not rierra :(
if you are in some kind of quarantine/self-isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve in this time? // hmm, i think i want to study korean again or maybe start working out idk im too lazy to do productive things :/
post a selfie!! // aww, im shy 👉👈 and id like to stay mysterious heh maybe next time ✨💘
tagging: @silkscreened @fromflores @lomlkook @yusoa @caffeetaeyong 💌
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bublegvm · 4 years
#33 - eid eve
it’s 4 am and i’m sleepy but i feel like writing here anyway bc it’s been sooo long and i miss updating here tbh so yeah.
idk what to write abt tbh. ramadan just ended and we’re still in quarantine. i’ve always have a weird lovehate w eid just for the sole reason that is family gatherings. and i thought this quarantine eid wld be the one for me. i’d be happier bc i dont have to tolerate remarks abt my body size and misogynistic men and yeah. but idk.
do u ever just. sit and do nthg nd suddenly u get bad vibe from smtg. bc i always do. and i always brush it off as me being stupid and it’s just. random baseless thought. but my instinct is almost always right. and yeah. i have, a very bad feelings abt eid tmr. but idk we’ll see. maybe i am being stupid who knows.
anyway. i miss my friends. especially * but idk how to reach her? i mean i do i have her number her socmeds but i just. idk it’s so stupid that suddenly we’re growing distant? idk man. ive always wanted to come and rant abt it here but im too lazy to turn on laptop and type it out lol. but here we are today. anywayyyy. yeah. i think all in all, it’s my fault. i suck at keeping up w conversations and maybe shes tired of trying. yeah bc i suck and i deserve it lollll
heh i’m really. am soso soooo sleepy so. i’ll end it here. i have to wake up early and do stuff tmr bc! eid !!! eid mubarak to muslim friends who happen to read this. why r u reading dis tho lol bye.
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swingxilly · 5 years
- TAGGED BY @rottentidepod thanks, its been a while since I was last tagged!
- RULES: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people
1. nickname: Thilly, Thills, Mathi I think?
2. zodiac: Cancer baby
3. height: 1,68m or sth
4. hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
5. last thing I googled: Steam bc I bought Portal 1 and 2 and didnt want to turn on my computer for that
6. favourite musicians: Let me check Spotify! alt-J, Andrew Bird, Caravan Palace, Cosmo Sheldrake, Monolink... to name some of them
7. song stuck in my head: Oof one of Alex Roes Bloodborne or Dark Souls song, cant say which tho. Its pretty epic
8. following: 112
9. followers: 251
10. do you get asks: Nope. Never
11. amount of sleep: Today? 10 hours or so. Yesterday? 3 bc of this damn mouse in my room. Usually Ill try to get at least 8
12. what are you wearing: Black pants, a blue shirt with a painting of a lady with pretty flowers on her head who says "But why?" while looking annoyed, and a pink jacket
13. dream job: Librarian I guess?
14. dream trip: Visit @rottentidepod in Belgium, other than that? Not a big traveler
15. instruments: I play a little piano? But never had a teacher or srsly tried to learn it. I just kinda play little Zelda melodies and stuff
16. languages: German, English, a little French but srsly not a lot
17. 10 favourite songs as of now: No idea honestly, Im too lazy to think about that rn
18: if you were an animal: One where I can chill aaaall the time and get everything I want. So a house cat probably
19: favourite food: Potato dumplings with meat and sauce yknow sunday dish. And lots of other food. Im really hungry rn
20. random fact: Last time I cut off my hair I cried the next day bc I wanted my hair back. Now, 2 years later... I wanna cut it again. I shall not!
21. my aesthetic: Uuuh... Fairy lights and sun, and pink, and sleepy aaaaand... hmmmm... pillows on bed
I taaag @sapphicmadameumbralis and @theannoyingknowitall have funnn
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pwnyta · 6 years
Time for all my (non All Might) BNHA doodles. Lots of everything lots of sketchy lots of... Tokoyami...
Lets start off weak so when you see something better you can be like ‘wow what an improvement!!!‘
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Dont listen to Iida when he says he can handle the scary movies. HES LYING.
But maybe Ojiro been knew and just wanted to cuddle?
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Never lose track of your excitable boyfriend ever again!!!!
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Ojiro cant lift his boyfriend but at least hes good to rest on.
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He lost his game Iida! You animal.
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The girls recognize Iida as best boy so he gets to come to their girls only hang outs. Hagakure is naked. Dont tell him that tho.
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Iida tries to be a proper boy but when he sits properly his engines dig into his legs. His bfs are pretty ok with it tho.
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Sleepy bfs after prom (or w/e the movie is doing)
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Iida: This is the first one I caught!! IDK hes just so cute! And such a strange color for a Tangela!!!
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Todo: .... He caught you.
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Iida: This is my second Pokemon! He seems kind of cold but he’ll warm to you after a while!!!
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Todo: YOU!!!! YOU SHOULD TEACH IT FIRE PUNCH AND ICE PUNCH!!! Iida: Thats a great Idea!
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Iida: And this is my last one so far!!! Shes a special color too!!! Ocha: IIIIDDDAAAAA IS THAT ME?!!?!?
Iida: What’d you guys get!?
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Now Iidas favs will find Poke-Iida... but where to start?!
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Todoroki is rewarded for his bad manners....
Now for Tokoyami!!!!
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Look either Kuroiro dresses in all black and looks like a full shadow all the time or he wears obnoxious colors to really stand out. I will believe nothing else.
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Kuro, Toko and Dark Shadow band together to create a monster!!!!
Toko: Like this? Kuro: Yes perfect... now lets go freak everyone out! Shadow: YESSSSS!!!!!
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Foiled again!!!
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Aoyama and Tokoyami would be the worlds most extra relationship. Let these dramatic idiots be together. Id imagine them all grown up like Gomez and Morticia Adams... tell me you cant see that.
....I think I was trying to make a comic where Monoma is bein a dick but instead of being hilarious he hits a little too close and a little too hard... and actually hurts Tokoyamis feelings. 1-A doesnt fuck around if someones fucking with one of their own.
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Toko has a hard time sleepin... even with his two big bfs.
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Mineta, Kaminari and Sero: ehehehehe Shouji: ????? !!!!
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Shouji: Do you have a problem with the way I choose to sleep with my boyfriends? Sero: CHOOSE?! Kami: IF WE KNEW IT WAS ON PURPOSE WE WOULDNT HAVE SAID ANYTHING!!! Mineta: ITS NOT FUNNY IF ITS ON PURPOSE!!!
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Toko: ....??? What the hell is happening... Shouji: They woke you, huh....
3 fools who didnt really mean any real harm: ;;;;;----;;;;; SHOOOUUUJIIIIIII
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Sato and Ojiro know better.
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Iida, as always, is doin his best.
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Soft beaky boys.
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Tokos the smallest of the spoopy kids... even adding Class Bs Kuroiro, Kamakiri, and Yanagi! Even adding Shinso!!!
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Sometimes Toko is dramatic angsty... sometimes hes ‘I literally almost killed a bunch of my friends‘ angsty.
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Tap your beaks together monster boys!!!!
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I was makin a bunch of bird phrases/sayings/words and makin them ships... but I got lazy. Shoujis was ‘A bird in the hand‘ but I didnt like the way it was turning out so w/e. I like OchaTokos the best!
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Small boys are awkward and have feelings at each other. More news at 11.
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Ya know the eagle face meme... where Eagles only look cool from the side and look really sad and confused facing forward? LOL
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Small boys cuddle.
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Some TokOjiro... Ojiros pants hole reveals some Woodstock undies!!!
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Sometimes Dark Shadow is clingy and jealous!!!!!
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Mirio and Tamaki play together by a pond and Tamaki turns into whatever Mirio thinks is cool!
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M: Are you nervous!? T: Mirio... should we do this... M: Y-yes!! T:... You dont sound so sure...
M: .... I’ll talk to him first...
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NE: Mirio.... tell me whats wrong... why are you upset? Who hurt you. Are you in trouble? M: /////sweating nervously NE: MIRIO!!! TELL ME.
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NE: .......... M: J-just be nice to him please.....
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NE: >:\
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M: Im sorry Tamaki... it just... all came out at once....  We can come back again later ok? We dont have to do it today... T: ...No I can do it...
M: Tamaki... T: For you! .... For you I can do it...
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M: Really we can just come back later when hes had time to think about it... T: ...It means a lot to you so I--
NE: !!!!! M: SIR?! NE: Its sweet of you to face your fears for Mirio....
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//Overly protective but supportive dad Nighteye.
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Momos disguise was too cute on her!!!!
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Everyone is a little bit gay for Momo.
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Only respectable folks get to tell Momo how beautiful she is.
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GlamRock wedding!!! Papa Jirou is crying while playing ‘ While My Guitar Gently Weeps‘ and mama Jirou rubs his back and tries to help him hide his tears so he looks cool in front of the guests.
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Tsuyu didnt let anyone else have a chance at the bouquet! ITS HERS! AND SHES GONNA MARRY OCHAKO WITH IT!!! NO ONES GONNA STOP HER!
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ANIMAL CROSSING!!! Its hard to make the frogs look.... not freaky...
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I forgot these too~~~
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Some DekAoyama.... I think someone requested Deku and Aoyama dancing at some point and I never fuckin finished it OH WELL
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latteunwoo · 6 years
living with university student!got7 au; hyung line
a/n: i wrote this at like 2am so please bare with me, but here’s a little au of what it would be like living with each member. please do note that although i know the boys very well by now, i don’t know EVERYTHING about them so these are just some assumptions that aren’t really meant to be taken seriously. also, i’ll do the maknae line as soon as i finish this one. 
got7 m.list
Mark Tuan
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where do i even start with this headass 
mark is either a good roommate or a terrible one
there’s no in between
and you never know which one it is because almost every day it’s different 
one day he’ll be the best roommate ever 
sometimes it’s because he’s not even there 
but on your more lucky days, he’ll actually be good 
like if you’d ask him something he wouldn’t give you some sassy comeback or anything 
actually he might because he’s a little bitch like that 
but really 
he’ll answer and do whatever it is you needed him to do without any complaints 
maybe that’s because he didn’t want to get kicked out
but mark has always quietly cared for his friends 
like if you look closely at videos from the shows got7′s been on you can see mark quietly taking care of his members 
if we were to rank the members from cleanest roommate to messiest, mark would be somewhere closer to the clean scale but still a bit messy 
like sometimes he would make a mess and not clean it up right away because he’s lowkey too lazy 
he might be playing a game while eating and he’d accidentally drop some food onto the floor but wouldn’t clean it up until after he’s done playing 
speaking of games
mark would be that roommate who literally plays PC games like league of legends, overwatch, fortnite, etc 90% of the time when they’re at home 
once he became more comfortable with his roommates, he would also be more comfortable with vocally expressing his frustration at the game 
this is when terrible roommate mark would appear 
sometimes he would play late at night and it’d either wake you up or disrupt whatever you were doing 
he’d probably rage-quit too and slam his door on accident as he went to the kitchen to calm down with a snack or something
to rage-quit is basically to “ angrily abandon an activity or pursuit that has become frustrating, especially the playing of a video game.” 
mark would lowkey be that roommate who if you were home but on your way to school, he would text/call you and ask you to bring something to school for him 
“i left my ______ at home, can you bring it?”
he lowkey would ask for something while you’re in your classes too
you’d be in the middle of a lecture and you hear your phone beep
you look and it’s a text from mark asking if you have an extra charger or something else lowkey stupid 
if you two had the same class, he would also ask you for notes because he obviously didn’t take any in class 
overall, mark would be an okay roommate
he’d be hella quiet and reserved at first 
but as time passed by he would be more loud and active 
just like how he is now 
Im Jaebum
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if anything, he’s better than the other members but he’s still an annoying roommate sometimes
he’d probably be the roommate who accidentally eats your leftovers you left in the fridge 
“oh that was yours? sorry i was hungry” 
then he’d give that stupid meme smile he always makes 
speaking of which
memebum 24/7
sometimes you can’t take him serious because he’s such a meme 
he’d use this to his advantage tho 
if you were upset about something like him eating your leftovers he would start acting like a complete meme and this would cause you to give up arguing with him because you can’t even 
despite lowkey stealing your food
jaebum is actually a good roommate 
he rarely ever causes any serious problems and pretty much cleans up after himself 
he also cleans up after his cats if they ever made a mess 
speaking of his cats 
whether you liked it or not, he would keep his cats there 
if you were allergic like youngjae he would keep them in his room
but if you weren’t then he would let them roam around the house 
this would lowkey annoy you sometimes 
especially if the cats messed with some of your stuff
jaebum is a sleepy grandpa so 
obviously he would sleep anywhere and everywhere 
sometimes this annoyed you because if you needed to clean and he was somehow in the way, you wouldn’t be able to clean that area until he leaves 
which probably isn’t for a long time 
unlike some of the other members *cough cough* jaebum wouldn’t really bother you about anything unless he really needed your help 
however, if you were doing homework he wouldn’t ask you about what he needed until he saw you weren’t busy anymore 
Jackson Wang
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jackson, along with the whole maknae line would be the worst roommates
but in a good annoying way 
also very nosy 
he’d be all up in your business most of the time 
“what are you doing?”
“do you want to get something to eat?” 
“did you hear _____?”
“who was that i saw you with earlier?”
“can i borrow ________?” 
“hey! hey! hey! look what i go today”
etc etc etc etc etc 
he’s like this because he’s pretty clingy to his members too 
also he’s such a headass 
he’s lowkey the best roommate tho
if you need something, he wouldn’t hesitate to comply 
even if he’s tired he would still do it for you because that’s what friends are for hehehehehh
if he noticed you haven’t left your room since you got home from classes, he would bring check up on you to see what you’re doing 
and if you’re still alive 
then he would bring you food because he knows you haven’t eaten yet 
always reminds you to eat your meals 
lowkey brings you organic foods tho 
“it’s good for you” he’ll say as he continues to pester you about how you should start eating more organic foods like him
speaking of 
almost 90% of the food you guys have is organic 
if you like organic foods too, then he’s literally the most perfect roommate at this point
if you don’t necessarily like organic foods like me then he can lowkey be a pretty annoying roommate when it comes to this 
anyways back to the very caring part
he’ll always make sure you have everything you need for your classes that day 
“do you have all your homework done?” “do you need to print anything before you leave?” “do you have all your chargers?” etc. 
Park Jinyoung
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university student!jinyoung is the concept i live for 
jinyoung is like mark 
he’s either the best roommate or the worst 
for example, if he found a mess anywhere in the house he would become a petty little bitch 
“i thought we agreed that there won’t be a single mess in this household”
“you made the mess so you clean it up” 
“if i see a mess again, i won’t hesitate to kick you out”
sometimes he would just clean it up himself if he knew you were really busy 
despite being sassy almost all the time, he’s actually a really sweet roommate 
even if he says he doesn’t want to or you don’t ask him to, he’ll still cook some extra food for you while he’s cooking his own dinner because he knows you’ll probably be too tired or forget to eat dinner 
“here, i cooked this for you so you don’t have to get up” “you haven’t ate dinner yet, so here” etc
however sometimes he’ll be that sneaky little bitch he is and cook for you because he needs or wants something
“i cooked for you this time, so next time you have to cook for me” “you have to do the dishes later” “can i use your printer? i ran out of ink on mine” etc.
petty park jinyoung wouldn’t hesitate to say “no” when you ask him for help with homework
or if you two had the same class and you decided to ditch because you wanted more time to sleep he wouldn’t let you copy his notes down or tell you what happened in class 
“if you were there, you would know” 
of course jinyoung being jinyoung would help you if he saw you really were struggling 
like if he saw you working on a math problem or reading the same sentence over and over again because you couldn’t comprehend what it even means, he would help you out 
jinyoung isn’t the best roommate but he’s sure as hell better than most of the other members 
aLSO despite being a sassy bitch, if he noticed you needed some quiet time to yourself, he would go to the coffee shop near your guys’ apartment to study there instead 
he would do that anyways but if you really just needed the apartment to be dead silent he would just go somewhere else for the time being 
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tangyss · 6 years
have some leakira/akandro hcs bc i love them and miss kl... boooo :’( also lmao my hcs jump from rival leakira to dating leakira to “just friends” leakira and it’s a lil bit of a mess but probably not as much a mess as some show we know huh
if the team needs akira, they always call leandro’s phone first bc they’re usually an arms distance away from each other at all time like the love struck dorks they are
if they’re looking for leandro in between missions, they’ll go to akira’s apartment, bc after leandro and akira start getting along leandro gradually moves into akira’s apartment lmao
(leandro says he likes being at akira’s apartment bc it’s clean compared to his own (he hasnt seen the carpet in four months), but really it’s bc he feels safer around akira and enjoys his company. also, he’s obliviously pining.)
if leandro and akira dont have a domestic-roommate-oblivious-pining phase then idk what to say apart from that these reboots are Over
also euhgisgjsigs hardcore pining but...... despite the fact that leandro doesnt actually live there and has his own apartment, akira builds them a little shelf/hook thing area where they put all of their weapons and stuff
i love the thought of akira, this tough, scary looking guy biting his lip to conceal his smile as he carefully places his knives beside leandro’s pistols, and nearly passes out from giddiness every time he sees how leandro’s favourite scruffy trainers have been toed off and left tucked in beside akira’s own boots
akira’s apartment was pretty empty before hand. there wasn’t much decorating the apartment bc to him, it was just a room he was staying in for the time being.
when leandro unofficially “moves in”, akira starts to see little bits of leandro’s belongings scattered around his apartment, and akira doesnt realise how good it feels to see leandro acting as tho akira’s apartment is his own home
hmmmm i want so many throw backs to the OGs but instead it’s just shading them siugdhsdiugsg
leandro, exhausted from a battle and falling asleep on akira’s couch: ...ki...
akira, chuckling: what, did u forget my name?
leandro: ... i havent forgotten ur name...!!!
leandro, softly: ... dont think it’s possible to forget anything about u, akira...
akira, staring w wide eyes at leandro as he watches him drift off to sleep: i couldnt forget u either, leandro
the next morining
akira, in his friendly teasing voice: moring sleepy head
leandro: wh.. SLEEPYHEAD?! u’re the sleepy head here, i piggybacked ur ass home after ur impulsive fight w the galra last week!!!
akira: sure, but am i the guy who’s wearing spongebob pjs,  has bad breath and bed head and is currently eating coco puff on my friend’s couch at 1 am
leandro: i nearly died yesterday
akira: then u should be resting, not 2 hours into a new skyrim save
tangent but.... i like the idea of them calling each other sleepyhead as the weakest, worst teasing-nickname possible
they pretend it’s mean but really they love calling the other sleepyhead bc they think the other is a really cute sleeper sdgjisigs
im too lazy to write out another one of these, but lmao i just love the idea of them unintentionally vagueing a different version of themselves. like
“what the fuck, when would i ever doubt ur shooting skills, leandro? i saw u shoot a gd wasp w a rubber band last week, these galras should be fucking terrified”
“woah... kiraaa! i didnt know u could draw so well....... heheh do u think u could draw me-” “No.”
after one battle, when leandro thought he was about to die only to be saved by akira, they drive home in silence. they’re accustomed to driving like this by now, akira steering his bike with leandro’s arms looped around his middle, watching the world whizz by in neon colours through his goggles. leandro blames the tremor rattling his body on the rumble of motorcycle, yet both he and akira are aware of what it really is
they’ve been teammates for a while now, caught up in the alien buisness for a little under two months, yet no one has come close to dying before. not by a galra like sendak. akira didnt kill him, but leandro was accutely aware of how desperate akira was when he was slicing at the galra, yelling for leandro to get to safety while blocking sendak’s attacks from hurting leandro any further.
akira is surprised when he feels leandro’s arms wind tighter around his middle, slumping himself over akira’s back, fingers curling in his shirt. leandro’s never touched him more than necessary when they’re riding like this, yet now, leandro is resting his forehead on his shoulder, face burried in the crook of akira’s neck w his curly hair whipping softly against his cheek in the wind
somehow, despite the quietness of leandro’s voice, he hears him over the whistle of wind and roar of the engine as he whispers: thank you, akira
akira doesnt reply. just twists the handle a little tighter, feels the air hit a little harder as he shortens their journey back to his apartment
they dont talk about it, because somehow, whatever happened today, both in battle and the strange development between them, already feels resolved
when leandro and akira wake up the next days, it’s to wide grins and friendly taunts over breakfast, and the unspoken, mutual feeling that the friendship they’ve just started was a little different to any other they’ve had before
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star-blossom · 6 years
85 questions tag
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rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people  i really don’t know who tag so i’m gonna tag some random people, you do it only if you want to and even if you’re not tagged, you an do it  - @qianloveclub, @softforjungwoo, @osakaprinceyutaa, @nanasboi, @renjunchokingnct 
stole from @norencult
* Last…?
1. drink ─ coke (i always drink for dinner)
2. phone call ─ telepizza (okay but really, i was getting my dinner but unfortunately it didn’t work)
3. text message ─ a friend (we were talking about me listing to Avril Lavigne)
4. song you listened to ─ what the hell - avril lavigne (^^^)
5. time you cried ─ this might sounf dumb for you but it was yerterday because of renjun: i was watching to the 5th ep of 5th season of nct life (nct life entertainment retreat with nct dream) and one of their “missions” was talking about their memories and that stuff around a campfire, and their liders (SUJU’s Leeteuk and Shindong) asked renjun to send a video-letter to his family and, in the middle of that video-letter, he started crying and i’m such an emotional bitch and i literally started crying with him...  you can also ask to @nanasboi because i was talking about it with him and even sent a video ahahgsjhag 
* Ever…?
6. dated someone twice ─ nop, i’m not that type of person
7. kissed someone and regretted it ─ yes lmao, the person i lost my bv ahahaa
8. been cheated on ─ yes
9. lost someone special ─ yeah.. not from my family it was SHINee’s Jonghyun and, from my family, it wasn’t a person but my dog.. i miss her :(
10. been depressed ─ i don’t think so..
11. gotten drunk and thrown up ─ N O P i don’t drink okay kids :) 
12. fave colors ─ blue (any shape of), pink, red, black.. 
* In the last year have you…
15. made new friends ─ YAS and i’m so happy i met them all!
16. fallen out of love ─ yes 
17. laughed until you cried ─ A LOT AHAHAHAJ it’s so easy to makeme laugh tho
18. found out someone was talking about you ─ a lot as well, and almot all the times were bad things specially because in the morning when i’m going to school i always walk with a fucking bad bitch face and don’t talk to anyone and people like to creat lies over me lmao
19. met someone who changed you ─ hmm yes, not in bad things like drugs and that stuff but mentay you know? 
20. found out who your friends are ─ unfortunatle, yes, and they’re not good people as i thought
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list ─ yeah :v 
* General
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl ─ idk ???????????
23. do you have any pets ─ yes, i have a withe cat called mingas
24. do you want to change your name ─ no, i like my name actually (daniela)
25. what did you do for your last birthday ─ i.. i don’t remember ????? OMG WHAT I DON’T REMEMBER AHAHAJHAJ 
26. what time did you wake up today ─ 9am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night ─ probably talking with alo about nct 
28. what is something you can’t wait for ─ i don’t have anything now that i “can’t wait for” to happen actually.. but, maybe, see my friends because i haven’t  seen them for so long :( 
30. what are you listening to right now ─ star blossom - doyoung feat. sejeong (gugudan) (omg i love this song so much :(() 
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom ─ no hajhahjajh 
32. something that’s getting on your nerves ─ when someone doesn’t let me talk and that happens a lot on my daily routine (unfortunately)
33. most visited website ─ my school blog ? 
34. hair colour ─ light green and a little blonde in the middle ahsjahsga
35. long or short hair ─ medium 
36. do you have a crush on someone ─ taking kim jungwoo out,no idon’t have, i’m more focused now on school tbh
37. what do you like about yourself ─ my kindness and friendliness i think
38. want any piercings? ─ yes i want, at leats, one on my mouth
39. blood type ─ idk :c 
40. nicknames ─ nini (only alo can call me this!!!!), danny and compal ahdgaj compal because my last name is Silvestre (wild in english????) and we relate my name with red fruits like blackberry and things like that and smeone started to calling me compal and it stayed 
41. relationship status ─ single pringle
42. zodiac ─ scorpio (best sign cof)
43. pronouns ─ she/her
44. fave tv shows ─ stranger things :) but k-dramas maybe W - two worlds, the lover, while you were sleeping, she was pretty, strog woman do bong soon, weightlifting fairy kim bok joo
45. tattoos ─ i want some and, for now, i have one (1) idea and it’s a black paw it a “Z” on it with my skin tone in memory for my death dog :(
46. right or left handed ─ right handed
47. ever had surgery ─ no 
48. piercings ─ refer to #38
49. sport ─ i don’t play nothing because i’m a lazy girl
50. vacation ─ i want to visit asia in general :( mostly japan and thailand 
51. trainers ─ wait what
* More general
52. eating ─ whell if its what a ate today was rice with chicken i think at lunch and rice with croquettes at dinner 
53. drinking ─ coke as i said
54. i’m about to watch ─ my life ending :)))
55. waiting for ─ ending doing this and go to sleep tbh it’s getting late and i’m sleepy (it’s 1am)
56. want ─ TO SLEEP
57. get married ─ please no
58. career ─ something related to photography and, joking obviously, i told to my mom once “if everything goes wrong here, i’m going to do an audition for sm as back up dancer” and she agreed so,,,, why not? :) 
* Which is better
59. hugs or kisses ─ both i just want affection ;((
60. lips or eyes ─ eyes, for sure
61. shorter or taller ─ taller or the same height
62. older or younger ─ older or the same age even i dated 2 people younger than me ahsjah 
63. nice arms or stomach ─ idk, i don’t really like a muscular person
64. hookup or relationship ─ relationship 
65. troublemaker or hesitant ─ team too-lazy-to-be-either (agree with ren tho,, can i call you like this?)
* Have you ever
66. kissed a stranger ─ uh yes on the cheek jahsja but not in the mouth lmao
67. drank hard liquor ─ no i DON’T DRINK
68. lost glasses ─ everythime, everywhere
69. turned someone down ─ hm... probably yeah... 
70. sex on first date ─ no, please no
71. broken someone’s heart ─ yes....
72. had your heart broken ─ a lot
73. been arrested ─ no habjs
74. cried when someone died ─ hummmmmmmmm i have feelings, okay? 
75. fallen for a friend ─ who never??????????????
* Do you believe in…?
76. yourself ─ uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not as musch as i wanted to :) 
77. miracles ─ eh,,
78. love at first sight ─ yes, it happened with me with jungwoo so :))) 
79. santa claus ─ no :) he’s not real kids, i’m sorry
80. kiss on a first date ─ sure why not ?
81. angels ─ renjun is a walking angel on earth (OKAY IM GOING TO  LET THIS HERE AND OFC I HAVE TO AGREE WITH REN)
* Other
82. best friend’s name ─ david and christianne
83. eye colour ─ vvvv dark almost black actually 
84. fave movie ─ the conjuring 
85. fave actor ─ am i the only one who doesn’t have a fave actor/actress????? yeah maybe 
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thebeautyofthomas · 6 years
Idk if you're still taking requests for the kiss tag but I was wondering if you could do #6 Logince
Prompt #6: lazy morning kisses before they’ve even opened their eyes, still mumbling half-incoherently, not wanting to wake up
// im always taking requests from any ask prompt i recently reblog (and by recently i mean,, like as long as its within like,,, 2 weeks idk) so no need to worry my friend here is your logince (also i’ve never written logince before??? Im so sorry. Its like,, not my fav ship (i still love it i just havent read as much about it) so i just,,, am not that involved in it. I still hope this is good tho!!)
Also, im really sorry to all of you lovelies bc my writing has been really crappy lately (especially the endings of fics) and idk why??? Im really sorry but im hoping it’ll get better soon. Until then, enjoy this??? //
Warnings: None that I can think of! Let me know if you need anything tagged, though!
Roman seemed like quite the morning person to the other sides’ knowledge. He appeared in the common room of the mindscape relatively early, and was always crisply dressed with flawless hair and bright eyes. The facets just assumed that he enjoyed the start of the day, that he enjoyed being up bright and early to rush off to some adventure or another.
However, the fairly recent… development between Roman and Logan’s relationship has caused the logical side to rethink his previous conclusion of being a morning person. Sure, Roman may be energetic by the time he is dressed and in the commons, but before that, it’s difficult to get anything more than a groan or mumbled words out of him.
If Logan were a morning person himself, this may bug him, having a boyfriend who is insufferable in the early mornings. Fortunately, since both Logan and Roman are… less than excitable when they first awaken, the arrangement works out fairly well. However, after beginning their dating (and later, sleeping in the same bed) this fact often results in both of them saying in bed for hours at a time, being unproductive and relishing in the warmth and comfort of each other’s presence.
Such is the case today.
Logan has barely opened his eyes, vision still blurry without his glasses on, when he sees Roman doing the same, the other side blinking against the bright light shining into the room. When Roman realizes that it’s morning, he groans a bit and smashes his face into his lover’s neck.
Logan sleepily lets him, bringing a tired hand up to run through the fanciful side’s hair soothingly. Roman sighs happily, nudging his nose into the soft skin of the other facet’s neck. Logan’s eyes slip close again and the pair stays like that for many moments, before Roman finally lifts his head to speak up.
“‘Morning, love,” His voice is raspy and thick with sleep, and Logan falls a bit more in love. The prince’s hair is ruffled and messy in a way that only Logan has ever seen, and the latter feels a bit of pride and possessiveness shoot through him at the thought.
“Goodmorning, Roman,” Despite the slight formality behind the words, Logan ever the articulate, the logical side has a soft, sleepy smile on his face, and his voice is warm and gravelly. Roman stares up at him for a long moment, before deciding to kiss the fond look off his face. It’s just too early to be that adorable.
Roman tilts his head up slightly, bringing their lips together softly. The pair both already have their eyes half-lidded, so it’s not much of a struggle to bring them all the way closed, sleepily relishing the feeling of the other’s lips. It continues on for several moments, lips touching gently and moving rhythmically together. Finally, they break apart for air, both feeling much more ready to start the day.
Logan looks at the clock, which is just reading 10am, and frowns a bit, beginning to shuffle out of Roman’s embrace. “It’s time for us to get up, Roman. We’ve stayed in bed for far too long,” The aforementioned side groans and flops onto his back, throwing an arm over his face dramatically. From where he’s lying next to the other side, Logan rolls his eyes before turning over, fumbling for his glasses and slipping them on to his face.
When he turns back around, Roman is much closer, and, with his glasses now on, Logan’s breath catches in his throat as he sees the beautiful, crystal clear details on his boyfriend’s face. It’s unfair for someone to be that stunning, and Logan can’t help but raise a hand to gently trace over the other side’s face, fingers gliding softly against his jawline. He gets lost in the warm expanse of Roman’s eyes, and lets himself be pulled closer, despite his earlier wiggling away.
Roman’s expression is sly and mischievous, and Logan feels a curl of suspicion in his stomach growing. However, the feeling is quickly wiped out of his brain as Roman pulls him in for another kiss. It’s just as warm and slow as the last one, but with a hint of more passion, as they’re both feeling quite a bit more awake than previously. The passion and slow warmth only aids in allowing Roman’s plan of staying in bed to be all the more successful as Logan gets lost in the feeling of their lips dancing together pleasantly.
Perhaps a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt.
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rqs902 · 4 years
yang chaowen’s drawing with himself as the prickly center in a circle of flowers is so deep .-.
randomly gonna add my ep 3 thoughts here lol
adding on but chaowen’s primary criteria that his group mates should not be selfish is realllyyy interesting again “I don’t like selfish people” 
similarly, lin mo’s criteria that group mates should be able to get along, rather than all be talented sounds like something he has learned from personal experience /cough
istg if jin fan literally just gets 1 stage and its a cutesy stage YET AGAIN im srsly gonna flip a table....
LOL I love kou cong being the super energetic and leaderly one bringing them together and giving them energy and acting all old even though he’s 1999......
lol rip they used all the practice room footage time to showcase zlj’s group instead of hong weihao’s.... YAYYY FOR SHAOPENG’S RAPPPP YAYYY i was so scared there wasnt gonna be any in this song 
omggggg lin ran starting the song is so perfect, hes so sassy and cute but cool at the same time ooooof he is really good at facial expressions and this song suits him well 
Ooooo the fact that kou cong was willing to say he 認可 linjie as a leader says a lot I think, considering how much he had wanted to be a leader originally. 
wow im so surprised that zuo linjie’s group lost tho!!!!!!!! is this some sort of youku play to get linjie some pity points or make his fans dislike the kids on weihao’s team out of spite or something lol jk but actually I guess I respect that the show is not making it an straight-up easy run for the kid
its so meaningful that lin ran and kou cong are the ones huddled closest to linjie while he crying after their performance because the two of them have really been there and really understand his heartbreak and how devastating it feels to work so hard and still lose... oof but im most sad that huang enyu didnt really get much time to shine despite being hyped as a vocal and since hes not got popularity to fall back on, this could be real bad for him :( 
aw im glad they talked about lin mo’s strong leadership abilities during the babel practice and how much they respect and like him and are learning from him.... SO WHICH OF YOU COMPLAINED ABOUT LIN MO’S PART DISTRIBUTION THEN!??!!? hmmmMMmMMMMMM why do i have a sneaking suspicion it was su xunlun HAHAHAH 
OOF CHEN JUNHAO SINGING TO CHEN XINHAI AWWWW SO SUPPORTIVE LEADER such words of encouragement so touching ahhh i would’ve cried if i were xinhai ahhh and the way he asks for a harder dance so that the dancers can show off their skills more and the way he asks to give his parts to some of his members so they can have more time to shine... and then the way he immediately goes to li chenxu after the stage ends and tells the camera people to leave him alone because he knows how hurt his teammate is feeling :(
omg li xikan has really improved so so much. im so so proud and happy for him, he really has improved so much in his dancing (!!!!) and even singing and stage presence overall. on ipd he gave me such a little brother vibe and he was kinda clueless, one of the ones who needed teaching, and now hes the one leading others, having confidence that his group will succeed, and having the confidence to teach and encourage others. it’s craazyyy these last 2 years have really changed him. he seems so much more mature and self assured and capable, im so so happy he’s getting recognition and love still. THEIR STAGE WAS AMAZING. the older brothers really taught the two young kids (and ybz lol) well! and mannnnn zhan yu get that recognition for your high note!!!! yay for kou cong and akey cheering zhan yu on from backstage I love friendship c: and yay for zhan yu and xikan being in the same frame omg i wish they showed more of zhan yu’s silly side because I feel like he and xikan would get along REALLY well being silly together hahahha and lin mo calling xikan “我家侃侃” hahhahaha so cuute!! im happy to see tyger & xikan friendship 
oof see the wheels turning in shengen’s head when he realizes his team is going against xikan. id be calculating the odds of winning if i were him lol.... shengen’s the only one who realllyy knows how rough its gonna be for them. taking into consideration the skill levels of their members and his members and their levels of popularity and levels of difficulty  
i appreciate that xzx acknowledges that their group works hard, but since the other group is very skilled and theyre staying up all night practicing, they have no choice but to also stay up all night to practice. it’s a very realistic pov, like he knows he needs to work at least as hard as the others, if not more. rip li zaixi this is not gonna be a good look for you lol but yay for mu xingyuan getting more recognition! i think he deserves it because he didnt really get much on afo either....
cheng xiao speaking only truths when she said xu shengen held up this whole stage lol
wow thats so wild lzx brought his team down by 10 points and xikan brought his up by almost as much... but that makes sense xikan would get the most votes and shengen would for lzx’s group lol but its really so wild to see xikan being regarded as like this amazing performer and working so hard and bringing his group together because that really says so much about how much he’s grown and improved since ipd. 
the whole issue with gjm not letting akey and jin fan dance to the theme song too.... I feel like part of the problem is also because akey and jin fan didn’t ask for it. I wasn’t there so I wouldn’t know but maybe they could’ve spoken up but didn’t. but I think their personalities are both more passive like lin mo’s and zhan yu too. i feel like that might be a problem for why mr tyger is where it is still today. theyre not very good at advocating for themselves and speaking up confidently even though they have the skills. it’s disappointing for them that their talent cant speak for itself and I’m sad that they have to be more vocal in order to stand out, but it kind of seems like they’ll need to change this in order to get farther. it’s so sad and awkward to see them standing off to the side watching guo zheng, zuo ye and hu wenxuan... because lets be real they have just as much ability to dance the theme song just as well. maybe they were all shaken at the time, but even zuo ye as the leader could’ve said something like all of them can do this lets do it together. 
ayyy look at xue en getting recognition in the votes!!! the blue hair somehow works on him hahhaha but also junhao said xue en helped lead their dance practices ayyy that cto experience hahaha
awwwww xikan’s speech says a lot. he really had the lazy sleepy image during ipd but he mustve really felt the responsibility to change so much. and he felt the need to apologize for his shortcomings despite his team doing so well. im hoping xikan remains humble
welp all in all except for what happened to uuu im actually pretty happy with this first stage! at least they were able to fit everyone into 1 ep, since there’s less contestants. I feel like that’s always bothered me on other shows, bc whoever happened to get aired in the week prior always gets an advantage in voting bc people have already seen their stage for a whole week longer than those who dont get to perform until the week following. the song arrangements weren’t spectacular (except I really liked xikan’s group’s!!!) but at least they were better than afo.... lol......... and i think the smaller number of contestants really makes it easier to recognize everyone so im feeling relatively comfortable that I am familiar with most of the kids already and it’s only the first stage. I’m just reallllyyy hoping they don’t eliminate way too many people too fast at every round, because I really hope the kids im looking out for can get at least one more stage..... esp jin fan and akey omg if jin fan only gets 1 stage and its a dumb cutesy stage (YET AGAIN) im gonna be SO MAD. 
im not gonna even get into them evil editing zhan yu at the end... anyone who knows anything or cares about zhan yu at all will know that that isnt his voice so...... im just appalled that youku would be so low as to try to make him look bad like that. they barely give him any screen time already. im encouraged by comments I read that support zhan yu tho, it makes me feel hopeful that people acknowledge his talent! 
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