#inspired by ivy and the lakes
the-doomed-witch · 10 months
hey boo, can u make 1800's reader and married nat having secret affair but reader convinces nat to run away with her somewhere else where they can live and love peacefully, inspired by ivy and the lakes
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You question your need for running away with the woman you love passionately, but her dreamy desires do it for you anyway. // based on ivy by Taylor Swift; the lakes by Taylor Swift
Word Count: 1.0k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MINORS+MEN DNI. set in the 1800s, infidelity, homophobia + closeting, allusions to smut not really described, nat is like a whole ass poet bro i will cry 😭
Author’s Note: hi anon, i hope this justifies your request <3 obviously this is emisue-dead poets society-anne with an e-elizabeth bennet coded bc i’m a raging lesbian with an obsession with the 1800s for no reason at all🤭
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Stealing glances with Natasha was the glory of her. She was a distinguished woman, known to be married to one of the most revered men in town. The ladies at the lunch discussed stories of her well established marriage, but no one knew the truth except you, and Natasha.
Sometimes you would go to meet her, with the excuse of needing to talk with her clinquishly. Her husband was a fine fellow, a gentleman who’d welcome you to their warm domicile, and let you take your time alone with his wife.
On the days when your blood boiled with envy of his nauseating smile, you’d meet her in forbidden places, near rivers of estrangement, and away from the common folk.
She held no love for him, you weren’t oblivious like the neighbourhood women. What made you bitter was the way he was associated with her throughout the town. He was the one credited with your efforts of making her the happiest woman around.
Oh how you longed for Natasha to be known as your lady.
But it’s worth struggling for, when she touches your lips, when she kisses them, and when her hands entangle with yours. “My most beloved,” she addresses you every time before she dares to break the space between the two of you. You respond, “Yes, my lady.” before leaning in.
It’s been years of meeting Natasha in darkness and in delight, touching her as if speaking of poetry. Your hands find their place in the heat beneath her gown, leaving her to the euphoria of gushing. She does the same for you in return, sometimes sitting on her knees to have a peek of what her fingers feel.
You have a rendezvous in the privacy of her own house, while he’s patiently sitting on the porch, doing something like pretending to read a newspaper. She sighs loudly against your kiss, it’s almost romantical.
He knocks on the shut door, asking if everything was alright. You break your contact with her abruptly, and answer him with a loud, stern voice, “Yes, Natasha is trying a new corset I brought along with me. Nothing to worry about.” He walks away with not a single penny of care, unbeknownst to everything you could do only if his wife had her corset taken off.
“I sense something bizarre about you today, my love.” she remarks, pushing your back against the stone cold wall, opposite to which is sat the notorious husband. To think the two of you could be vulnerable within inches was a terrifying thought. “I don’t think standing here is a good idea..”
“What would he even do if he finds us out? He can burn this house all he wants, at least my death greets me with you in my arms.”
“Tell me what is troubling you, my Y/N. What is so tragical that I can’t take it away from you?”
Her poetic mouth never failed to leave you enraptured. “W- well, all I've thought of since the past nights is running away. I mean to take you along, but I’m troubled by all the presumed consequences.”
“You meaning to take me along is singularly the greatest thing I’ve heard. To be with my muse, in a place where all the poets went to die, is a privilege I'm blessed to have.”
“I don’t belong, and Natasha, neither do you, you understand it, and I know it. But going out into the wild, with no shelter to take? I’m worried to death.”
“Again, my beloved, at least death greets us with you in my arms. I don’t fear it.”
You entwine your finger in her fierce red hair, and pull her face close to yours till you can hear her breathe and feel her heart pound against your chest and tell her, “Your musings, God, they make me want to be with you all the time, alone. Your poetry is the sole reason I live, dearest.”
“You’re the sole reason my poetry lives. You’re my muse, Y/N.”
You push her against her vanity, with an attempt to taste her delicacy, this time not confining her sounds to your secrecy. You lift up your leg, to give Natasha a place for grinding slowly. The skirt of her apron is lifted, along with her pale yellow dress.
The door smashes open, with her husband walking in, “You’ve been alone for far too- What is going on here?!”
Natasha speaks in a fake pleading voice, “Sir, let me explain to you.” before she gives you a long kiss, and grabs your hand. She squeezes your palm, hinting you to follow her along.
His chin falls agape, the green nerves of around his wrist pop out, irefully.
“What monstrosity is this, Natasha? I thought you were a pristine lady, but evidently you’re a disgustful woman! You should be- Get away from her Y/N!” He comes forward to push you away, but she doesn’t let him finish, and runs out of the house with you.
You hold up your dress to make yourself a room to run with her through the fields. After fleeing for a while, you notice he has missed the trail. So she tugs your arm again, making you run till you reach the illustrious lake, till you’re out of breath.
She laughs as you hold her in an embrace, and screams towards the deserted forests and mountains on the other side of the lake, “I can feel the freedom in me. I can feel it in my blood!” Her voice echoes back at you.
You join her laughter, eyes filled with tears, and cry out, “I am in love with Natasha! I am a woman, and I wholeheartedly love another.” She pecks your lips repeatedly, till you can’t stop laughing and hold her blushing red cheeks away from yours, “We’ll find ourselves a home, we’ll find us a way to live. I promise you.”
You lace her gentle hands with yours. They’re cold with the breeze and the disquietude. You grasp her untamed heart, and she cleaves on to your pain.
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peachesofteal · 11 months
Alright. Hear me out.
you really hadn’t meant to bind him to you. Between the anger that shifted to panic and the way he pinned you up against the wall, the spell had just slipped between your fingers and threaded through his magic, and before you could say anything, give some sort of warning or ask him to wait, he was gone. The only remnant was the string of magic, and the faint smell of sea salt mixed with pine needles and cinnamon.
You stumbled back home, already feeling the drain on your magic. Bound to a fucking fae. And based on how your own magic was reacting, he was back in the fae realm. A place that you had no access to. It would only be a matter of days before you were drained if you couldn’t contact him. And knowing how the fae worked, it could be years or centuries before he even deigned to glance at the mortal realm. Your entire magic pool would be like a drop in the lake compared to him. He would survive the bond, and it would kill you.
So you got to work. Any low level fae you found you would bully and wheedle into revealing the location of one of the bridges, and they would sneak off before you could get any real info. You were exhausted, your magic draining fast, so you turned to what you knew best, your books. Humans had been recording fae names for centuries, and there was no doubt in your mind you had someone’s true name in your library, you just prayed it was a fae who was still alive, and could take you to the fae realm.
And that’s where Soap found you, laying face down, surrounded by open books and empty mana bottles.
He called Ghost and his wife, the nereid was the only one who knew about the old magics and could help him unfuck this situation.
It wouldn’t take long, she explained, but the two of you would be stuck together until you recovered enough of your magic to unbind the two of you. You were unconscious for a few days, only a faint shimmer of magic remaining of the tidal wave Soap had seen a few weeks ago. And it got worse before it got better.
Overburn, the nereid had called it. Your body was panicking at the lack of magic, and was now overproducing it. The plants scattered around your shop and your apartment began to grow out of control, the English ivy had taken over the staircase, and your mint had all but exploded out of its pot. Not to mention the random floating objects. Books would often go flying past Soap’s head (or hitting him if he wasn’t paying attention), and he would walk into your rooms some mornings to find most of your furniture drifting around the room, like you had turned off the gravity. It was infuriating. Here he was, reduced to a fucking nurse, and for a mortal! But- he couldn’t help but feel a little… twist of guilt when he saw your peaceful face. He was reluctant to admit it, but he missed your fire.
And then on the fifth day, you woke up.
(also if you wanna use the prev ask I sent or this one and just turn this into a whole fic whenever you feel like please feel free it is all urs)
I had to post this before Which Witch drops. I love your brain. I could kiss it. You are a marvelous creature. 🩵
I did in fact, use inspiration from this and the previous ask while writing fae!Johnny / witch!reader. I’m so excited for you to read it! I was especially inspired by the burn of a binding spell gone wrong… 🪄
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bejeweledblondie · 8 months
The Lakes
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x F! Reader
Summary: While on leave for a vacation road trip, Y/N & Johnny come across the Windermere Peaks & talk about their future together. Based on “The Lakes” off of Folklore by Taylor Swift
A/N: Miss Swift is a big inspiration for my work she has a huge discography so yeah, legit this is all I want too. If I could resort to living a small cabin in the woods by a beautiful lake I’d be seventh heaven
Warnings: none
“I don’t belong, & my beloved neither do you”
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It had been a few years since you & Johnny took a vacation all to yourselves. He had been working overtime consistently for the past few months & finally he was given some time off. You put in for vacation time & the both of you decided on a road trip. There were still parts of the new country you called home you hadn’t seen before & you wanted to see them in a fun way. Johnny & you had been driving all over the UK for the past two weeks. You planned on ending your trip in Edinburgh so he could show you around his favorite locals spots.
Johnny pulled the rental car you two had chosen into the parking lot of the bed & breakfast the two of you were staying at. It was a old Tudor style cottage in the northwest English countryside. You studied literature at university & wanted to see where William Wordsworth spent the final years of his career as a writer. He parked the car & the two of you started to unpack the car. The air was crisp & refreshing compared to the smog that sat over London. You looked up at the cottage, admiring it’s wisteria & ivy that grew along the side of the building.
“Come on love let’s get settled, then we can go for a nice lunch.” Johnny said grabbed your suitcase from your hand. He never let you carry your own luggage. The both of you walked in & were amazed by the decor. Victorian furniture & carved oak woodwork decorated the interior. A small older woman greeted the two of you from the top of the stairs.
“Oh you must be the MacTavish’s!” She said & started down the stairs.
“Yes ma’am, we are.” Johnny replied smiling at her.
“Oh well I am Mrs. Harkness,” She greeted them. “But please call me Rebekah. Come follow me upstairs I’ll show you around & to your rooms.” The more you looked around the home the more you realized this was your ideal home. The cozinesses & tranquility brought a sense of comfort to you. The room Johnny had rented could’ve made you melt into the floor. A marble fireplace with a Edwardian clock faced the art deco style bed with green velvet bedding. “I’ll leave you two, enjoy your stay. Breakfast is from nine to eleven am tomorrow.”
“Oh John,” You sighed looking around the room. “This room is beautiful.”
“I knew you’d love it.” He said smirking to himself as he put your suitcases on the small loveseat that was in the corner of the room. “You want to get some lunch?” He asked. You nodded following him out of the room. After getting a recommendation from Rebekah you guys decided on a small sandwich shop. The both of you decided on a outdoor picnic the autumn air was perfect for it. The two of you picked a willow tree that sat upon a hill over looking the lakes.
“This is perfect John.” You said turning to look at him. He brushed some of the hair that had flown into your face over your ear.
“I know darling.” He replied. You leaned into his touch & he leaned in for a kiss. He placed one hand on your waist deepening the kiss. Once the two of you were coming up for the air you rested your foreheads together.
“This is what I want for us John.” You softly said. “Imagine it, us maybe a sheep dog & two little ones running around. A cottage that overlooks the lakes.” You smiled just at the thought of it. “I want for our little ones to grow up with grass, trees, for them to be adventurous.”
“Just like their mother,” John started & kissed you again.
“More like you Mr. MacTavish.” You replied & booped his nose. You took his hand pressing it to your little now growing baby bump. His large hands started to rub small circles on your stomach. You brought a hand up to his face your finger tips danced along his stubble. Just you wanted to basking this intimate moment for as long as you could.
“God I love you so much.” John whispered.
“I love you most.” You replied kissing him again. “We should get going baby MacTavish has decided they want something sweet.” You giggled.
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thecoddaughter · 1 month
Kipperlilly (and Rat Grinders) thoughts {post Lucy but pre Buddy era}
TW/ injury/self harm
Do you think that Kipper ever went back? Do you think she laid next to the tree? Do you think she curled up in a ball? Do you think she cried until there were no more tears? Do you think she tried to reach for Lucy’s hand? Do you think the rats started attacking her and biting her? Do you think she just let it happen? Do you think she would wish Lucy could heal her? Do you think she would let the bites heal non-magically? Do you think Ruben questioned her? Do you think he tried to heal her? Do you think it started a fight? Do you think Mary Ann tried to hold Kipper down? Do you think Ivy walked away? Do you think Oisin stood there unsure if he should chase his best friend or stay and support the party? Does he hold onto the gems and jewels he was supposed to give to Lucy that week? Does Kipper hit Jace? Does she scream at him? Does Porter stand there soaking it all in? Does Ruben watch from the window? Does he think about going to his uncle? Does he smash his ukulele? Does he break his drums... his guitar... his cello? Does he threaten to quick music like rumors of Fig and the CigFigs? Does Mary Ann go home and destroy her room? Does Ivy go to the woods and cast silence just to scream? Does she let the rats come and find her? Does she just kill them all? Or does she try and talk to them? Or would they just yell at her back?
Inspiration ↓
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sphylor · 11 months
a little thingy about Mountain painting Rain under the cut (transmasc Rain, cunt/clit/tdick used for him. 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT PLS AND THANK YOU.) the pose i'm imagining for this is the pose in this gorgeous piece of art by @divine-misfortune (who also contributed ideas to this hfsjdhbf)
Mountain was a skilled artist. When he wasn't sitting at his drum kit or out in the greenhouse caring for his plants, he set brush to canvas or pencil to paper and let himself get lost in his work. The other ghouls would frequently marvel at his ability to extract the inherent beauty of things which may seem mundane at first glance. The rippling surface of the lake, for example, or the ivy climbing up the side of the worn stone of the abbey. Things which one might walk past every single day without a second thought becoming breathtaking works of art under his skilled hand. 
Just by taking a glance at his works it would be clear to anyone that he drew the majority of his inspiration from nature. As an earth ghoul how could he not? But he would be lying if he said that his favourite muse was not now standing in front of him, leaning up against a block of marble, draped in a sheer white dress. Rain looked like a statue of a Greek goddess, carved to perfection by devoted hands. Mountain wanted to reflect the worship in his art. And so he carefully studied him.
He studied the soft curls that framed his face and came to rest around his silvery gills. The beautiful curve of his nose. How the piercings on his perfect little tits were clearly visible through the thin fabric he wore, and how he could see the second set of gills flutter and ripple just underneath. As his eyes travelled down the curve of his waist he noticed the growing damp patch in between the water ghoul's thighs. It made the already sheer fabric practically see through and Mountain swore he could see Rain's cute little t-dick poking out from between his folds. 
His brush had been still on the canvas for at least 15 minutes now as he caught himself staring and resumed his work. Not once had Rain glanced his way. If he had noticed the absence of sounds from Mountain, he hadn't brought attention to it. In fact, he knew that Rain was greatly enjoying the attention he knew he was getting. He only had to look down to see so. It was driving Mountain mad, quite frankly. 
When his brush stilled again as he caught himself staring at his plush lips, the water ghoul's blue eyes finally turned to look in his direction. Mountain watched as the corners of his mouth turned up into a smirk and something snapped inside him. He was suddenly overcome with the all encompassing urge to ruin the ghoul that stood before him.
Rain gave out a little chirp of surprise when Mountain sidestepped the easel and grabbed him by his hips, turning him around and bending him over the block of marble he had been leaning up against. Rain immediately started rocking his hips back as Mountain’s cock strained against his zipper.
“Was this your goal, Rain lily? When you asked me to paint you, did you plan on acting like such a little whore that I’d have no choice but to pose you myself?” Mountain growled into Rain’s ear as lifted up his dress. As expected, the water ghoul was already dripping, clearly anticipating this turn of events. He ran a finger between his folds and dragged it up towards his clit, circling it slowly and eliciting a shudder from the ghoul beneath him.
“Mountain. please-” Rain tried to gasp but was quickly cut off by a large hand around his throat. Not quite squeezing yet but the threat very much there.
“Shh… Statues don’t speak.” the earth ghoul whispered as he dipped into Rain’s cunt. 
When he was done, Mountain zipped himself back up and gently lifted Rain’s boneless body to sit on the marble plinth. He pressed a kiss on the top of Rain’s head and moved back to his easel. From there he could admire the new masterpiece he had just created. Rain looked well and truly wrecked. Curls of hair stuck to his forehead, the rest falling limply around his face, framing it like a portrait. And what a pretty portrait it was. Eyes slightly glassy and pupils blown. His skin was painted with a deep blush that travelled down his neck, where a handprint of paint had been left over his throat. He was covered in paint from Mountain’s hands, in fact. Large smudges of blue covered the water ghoul’s thighs, as well as his chest, which heaved rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. 
Beautiful, Mountain thought, and set his brush back to work.
“Try not to move too much. There’s a good statue…”
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miss-andromeda · 10 months
Andi and Don Headcanons
Inspired by the amazing @kikithedreamerwriter! Thank you for the brilliant idea 🩷
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(P.S. Andi's face claim is Maddy Kendzior, in case you were wondering who this is 😊)
Note: Most, if not all, of these do not take place in the established universe of the show, this is purely for fun. Most are goofy and chaotic, but regardless, do reflect on their relationship. 
Both Andi and Don are huge fans of Stranger Things - and they often quote lines to each other for the fun of it, like “I am on a curiosity voyage, and I need my paddles to travel,” “You know that means you suck, right?”, “Mornings are for coffee and contemplation,” and calling each other mouthbreathers to make fun of each other. 
That being said, Andi’s favorite characters are Max (she finds it funny that her voice and Max’s are the same - if you know, you know 😌), Eleven (she audibly cheered when she heard “I dump your ass” in season 3,) Robin, Dustin, and Erica 
Donnie’s are Dustin, Nancy (mostly because she reminds him so much of Andi,) Max, Will, and Joyce (he’s a diehard Jopper shipper)
They have clashing music tastes - and will often debate what music is better. Donnie’s tastes are eclectic, ranging from classical music to hip-hop and hard rock. Andi is more focused; she loves indie and alternative pop and rock. They’ll have literal debates analyzing every detail of what they listen to - like the history of the genres, important figures, and how significant it’s been to the musical landscape. More often than not, though, the other boys and April will side with Andi, purely because Donnie’s tastes are so left-field. 
Their relationship is a mix of two different dynamics; the overly sweet couple that makes you wonder if they’re “goals” or are just annoying, and the sarcastic couple that can/will be mean to those around them - except to each other.
Andi’s personality type is ISTJ-T (Turbulent Logistician), while Donnie’s is ISFJ-T (Turbulent Defender)
It’s canon that they’re both extremely intelligent - and while it’s not often, they would sometimes have competitions and debates to see who is smarter. So far, they’re tied in debates (they’ve both won 3 each,) but Donnie is winning in terms of competitions, as he’s won 7 while Andi’s only won 5.
They often do nerdy things like read together and stargaze, but one of their best memories was raising a group of butterflies together - they were named Cornelius, Meredith and Oliver. And yes, both of them teared up when they were let go into the world.
Both of them are not morning people in the slightest. Unless the two of them have their preferred drinks immediately after going into the kitchen (Donnie his cup of coffee and Andi her tea,) they will scowl at anyone who tries to talk to them or groan at any questions asked of them.
(Because it's me,) Donnie would be a casual Swiftie - not a diehard fan, but likes the singles, and some songs off each album (though he absolutely adores folklore and evermore, and seven, the lakes, peace, ivy and coney island (especially when Andi learns the lyrics and duets with him) are his favorite songs.
To follow up, he's converting Andi into a Swiftie as well - her favorite albums at the moment are Red and Midnights, and her favorite songs from each are State of Grace and Paris (though she relates the most to I Almost Do and You're On Your Own, Kid)
They are fiercely protective of each other - and will likely kill anyone who messes with their partner. Andi’s more frequent in resorting to such measures, but when Donnie’s pushed that far, he’s more dangerous.
They have considered hacking into a national database - and threatened to do so on many occasions.
It’s rare that the two of them get into a fight, but on the off chance that it does happen, it’d be quiet, but intense - lots of glaring (mostly from Andi) and teary eyes. One of three instances will happen, depending on who was at fault.
If Andi was the one who was wrong, it’ll take a while for her to apologize - her stubbornness is cranked up to 11 in a fight. But eventually, she’ll trudge over and apologize, putting her arms around Donnie and explaining why she got so upset. 
If Donnie was at fault, he’ll grovel at her feet - begging for her forgiveness and doing everything he can to tell her that he was wrong for hurting her and that he’ll do anything to make it up to her. 
If both of them were at fault, Andi would request that the two of them just stay away from each other, and as much as it would hurt Donnie, he would reluctantly agree. They’d spend upward of a week away from each other - and then when the distance gets to be too much for them, one of them will text the other and whoever received the message will book it to where the other person is - either Andi’s apartment or the lab in the lair. 
Playing off that desperation of seeing each other, they can be quite clingy with each other. Donnie is more clingy naturally, but when Andi goes through something traumatic (which, spoiler alert, will happen in her story…multiple times,) she will cling to him like she’s gonna lose him if she lets go. 
Overall, while their relationship has a smidge of fairy-tale wonder to it, they have an undying love for each other that’s as real as anything - regardless of what (or who) tries to break it.
Once again, this is just for fun! As always, if you'd like to join my taglist, feel free to message me or send me an ask. Thanks again to @kikithedreamerwriter for the idea - and your permission to do my own list 🩷💜
@tinkabelle19 @m1dnyt3-w0lf @happymoonangel @eveandtheturtles @raphsmuneca @jasminarts01 @thelaundrybitch @android-cap-007
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richincolor · 1 year
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New Releases
A whole slew of books to start our summer off right. Which of these is your first summer read?
Northranger by Rey Terciero illustrated by Bre Indigo HarperAlley
Cade has always loved to escape into the world of a good horror movie. After all, horror movies are scary–but to Cade, a closeted queer Latino teen growing up in rural Texas–real life can be way scarier.
When Cade is sent to spend the summer working as a ranch hand to help earn extra money for his family, he is horrified. Cade hates everything about the ranch, from the early mornings to the mountains of horse poop he has to clean up. The only silver lining is the company of the two teens who live there–in particular, the ruggedly handsome and enigmatic Henry.
But as unexpected sparks begin to fly between Cade and Henry, things get… complicated. Henry is reluctant to share the details of his mother’s death, and Cade begins to wonder what else he might be hiding. Inspired by the gothic romance of Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey and perfect for fans of Heartstopper and Bloom comes a modern love story so romantic it’s scary.
Pedro & Daniel by Federico Erebia illustrated by Julie Kwon Levine Querido
Pedro and Daniel are Mexican American brothers growing up in 1970s Ohio. Their mother resents that Pedro is a spitting image of their darker-skinned father; that Daniel likes dolls; that neither boy plays sports. Both are gay and neurodivergent. They are alike, but they are dissimilar in their struggles, their dreams, their approach to life.
Pedro & Daniel is a sweeping and deeply personal novel that spans from childhood, through their teen years, and into adulthood. Theirs is a bond that won’t be broken. Together they endure an abusive home life, coming out, first loves, first jobs, and the AIDS pandemic, in a coming-of-age story unlike any other.
Despite everything, there is much joy in the stories in the book. Their resilience and special bond help the boys face one evil after another. While Pedro suffers more at home, Daniel is particularly susceptible to the malevolence of the outside world.
They are similar: gay, neurodivergent Latinos in love with all things Mexico.
Son tal para cual. They are cut from the same cloth.
They are different: Pedro is darker-skinned, oppressed, repressed, introverted, and agnostic. Daniel is precocious, carefree, mischievous, religious, and unguarded.
Mismo perro, distinto collar. Same dog, different collar.
When it All Syncs Up by Maya Ameyaw Annick Press
Ballet is Aisha’s life. So when she’s denied yet another lead at her elite academy because she doesn’t “look” the part, she knows something has to change–the constant discrimination is harming her mental health. Switching to her best friend Neil’s art school seems like the perfect plan at first. But she soon discovers racism and bullying are entrenched in the ballet program here, too, and there’s a new, troubling distance between her and Neil. And as past traumas surface, pressure from friends and family, a new romance, and questions about her dance career threaten to overwhelm her. There’s no choreography to follow–for high school or for healing. Aisha will have to find the strength within herself–and place her trust in others–to make her next move.
Good as Gold by Candace Buford Disney Hyperion
Casey’s life in Langston has been charmed. She’s the queen bee of her prep school, a shoe-in for prom queen, and on her way to the Ivy League come fall. She can’t wait to leave the whole town of Langston behind her. That is until her father loses his job and she finds herself on the brink of losing her ticket out of town.
The town of Langston is known for its picturesque lake and robust summer tourism. Everyone who lives in town has heard the rumors at some point– there is a treasure buried deep below the surface that no one has ever been able to find. Few people actually believe in the treasure, and even fewer have searched for it. But some have tried . . .
Suddenly an outcast from her popular squad, Casey falls in with a new group of friends who are exactly the opposite of her usual crowd, but are more accepting. Together they devise a plan to find the elusive treasure, in a quest to get the money and save Casey’s family and her future. But what they find is much more complicated than just a pile of gold. With thrilling twists and turns and high stakes adventure, fans of Outer Banks will devour this summer adventure.
The Dos and Donuts of Love by Adiba Jaigirdar Feiwel & Friends
“Welcome to the first ever Junior Irish Baking Show!”
Shireen Malik is still reeling from the breakup with her ex-girlfriend, Chris, when she receives news that she’s been accepted as a contestant on a new televised baking competition show. This is Shireen’s dream come true! Because winning will not only mean prize money, but it will also bring some much-needed attention to You Drive Me Glazy, her parents’ beloved donut shop.
Things get complicated, though, because Chris is also a contestant on the show. Then there’s the very outgoing Niamh, a fellow contestant who is becoming fast friends with Shireen. Things are heating up between them, and not just in the kitchen.
As the competition intensifies , Shireen will have to ignore all these factors and more― including potential sabotage―if she wants a sweet victory!
The Grimoire of Grave Fates edited by Hanna Alkaf & Margaret Owen Delacorte Press
Professor of Magical History Septimius Dropwort has just been murdered, and now everyone at the Galileo Academy for the Extraordinary is a suspect.
A prestigious school for young magicians, the Galileo Academy has recently undergone a comprehensive overhaul, reinventing itself as a roaming academy in which students of all cultures and identities are celebrated. In this new Galileo, every pupil is welcome—but there are some who aren’t so happy with the recent changes. That includes everyone’s least favorite professor, Septimius Dropwort, a stodgy old man known for his harsh rules and harsher punishments. But when the professor’s body is discovered on school grounds with a mysterious note clenched in his lifeless hand, the Academy’s students must solve the murder themselves, because everyone’s a suspect.
Told from more than a dozen alternating and diverse perspectives, The Grimoire of Grave Fates follows Galileo’s best and brightest young magicians as they race to discover the truth behind Dropwort’s mysterious death. Each one of them is confident that only they have the skills needed to unravel the web of secrets hidden within Galileo’s halls. But they’re about to discover that even for straight-A students, magic doesn’t always play by the rules. . . .
Contributors include: Cam Montgomery, Darcie Little Badger, Hafsah Faizal, Jessica Lewis, Julian Winters, Karuna Riazi, Kat Cho, Kayla Whaley, Kwame Mbalia, L. L. McKinney, Marieke Nijkamp, Mason Deaver, Natasha Díaz, Preeti Chhibber, Randy Ribay, Tehlor Kay Mejia, Victoria Lee, and Yamile Saied Méndez
Secret of the Moon Conch by David Bowles and Guadalupe Garcia McCall Bloomsbury
In modern-day Mexico, Sitlali has no family left and has caught the attention of a dangerous gang leader. She has no choice but to make the perilous trip to the US border and track down her long-absent father. The night before her journey, she finds a beautiful conch shell detailed with ancient markings.
In 1521, Calizto is an Aztec young warrior in Tenochtitlan, fighting desperately to save his city from Spanish imperialists. With his family dead and the horrors of war surrounding him, Calizto asks a sacred moon conch for guidance.
Connected by the magical conch, Sitlali and Calizto can communicate across centuries, finding comfort in each other as they fight to survive. With each conversation, they fall deeper in love, but will they be able to find a way to each other?
Ride or Die by Gail-Agnes Musikavanhu Soho Teen
Best friends Loli Crawford and Ryan Pope have earned their nickname, the “Bonnie and Clyde of Woolridge High.” From illegal snack swapping in kindergarten to reckless car surfing in high school, they have been causing trouble in their uptight California town forever. Everyone knows that the mischief starts with Loli. When it comes to chasing thrills, drama, and adventure, no one is on her level.
At least until Loli throws the wildest party Woolridge High has ever seen just to steal a necklace and meets X, a strange, unidentified boy in a coat closet, who challenges her to a game she can’t refuse—one that promises to put her love of danger to the ultimate test.
Loli and X begin an anonymous correspondence, exchanging increasingly risky missions. Loli’s fun has always been free and easy, but things spin out of control as she attempts to one-up X’s every move. As Loli risks losing everything—including her oldest friend—she’ll face the most dangerous thing of all: falling for someone she shouldn’t.
The Queens of New York by E.L. Shen Quill Tree
Best friends Jia Lee, Ariel Kim, and Everett Hoang are inseparable. But this summer, they won’t be together. Everett, aspiring Broadway star, hopes to nab the lead role in an Ohio theater production, but soon realizes that talent and drive can only get her so far. Brainy Ariel is flying to San Francisco for a prestigious STEM scholarship, even though her heart is in South Korea, where her sister died last year. And stable, solid Jia will be home in Flushing, juggling her parents’ Chinatown restaurant, a cute new neighbor, and dreams for an uncertain future. As the girls navigate heartbreaking surprises and shocking self-discoveries, they find that even though they’re physically apart, they are still mighty together.
Always Isn’t Forever by J.C. Cervantes Razorbill
Best friends and soul mates since they were kids, Hart Augusto and Ruby Armenta were poised to take on senior year together when Hart tragically drowns in a boating accident. Absolutely shattered, Ruby struggles to move on from the person she knows was her forever love.
Hart can’t let go of Ruby either…. Due to some divine intervention, he’s offered a second chance. Only it won’t be as simple as bringing him back to life—instead, Hart’s soul is transferred to the body of local bad boy.
When Hart returns to town as Jameson, he realizes that winning Ruby back will be more challenging than he’d imagined. For one, he’s forbidden from telling Ruby the truth. And with each day he spends as Jameson, memories of his life as Hart begin to fade away.
Though Ruby still mourns Hart, she can’t deny that something is drawing her to Jameson. As much as she doesn’t understand the sudden pull, it can’t be ignored. And why does he remind her so much of Hart? Desperate to see if the connection she feels is real, Ruby begins to open her heart to Jameson—but will their love be enough to bridge the distance between them?
Something More by Jackie Khalilieh Tundra Books
Fifteen-year-old Jessie, a quirky loner obsessed with the nineties, is diagnosed as autistic just weeks before starting high school. Determined to make a fresh start and keep her diagnosis a secret, Jessie creates a list of goals that range from acquiring two distinct eyebrows to getting a magical first kiss and landing a spot in the school play. Within the halls of Holy Trinity High, she finds a world where things are no longer black and white and quickly learns that living in color is much more fun. But Jessie gets more than she bargained for when two very different boys steal her heart, forcing her to go off-script.
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crystalhedgehog1 · 10 months
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A little inspired by Swan Lake ^^ Miss Ivy Pepper with a nice feathery dress ^^
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ladymiraclewings · 11 months
All in the Mind was so good, it might just be my favorite episode of TGAMM overall. It inspired me to ask: What’s your favorite episode(s) of each of your favorite DTVA shows?
This is a little difficult to choice because there are many episodes greats, but if i had to do a list, i think it will be like this:
The Ghost And Molly McGee: Innocent Until Proven Ghostly / Scaring is Caring / the S1 Finale / Double, Double, Darryl & Trouble / A Soda to Remember / The (After)life of the Party / 100% Molly McGee / Jinx! / The Ghost Is Molly McGee and of course All in The Mind (and many others in s1 and 2 but thoses are my most favorite)
The Owl House: Adventures in the Elements / Understanding Willow / Echoes of the Past / Throught the Looking Glass Ruins / Eda's Requiem / Eclipse Lake / Reaching Out / Hollow Mind / Clouds on The Horizon / King's Tide and Watching and Dreaming
Gravity Falls: Little Dipper / Carpet Diem / Soos and the Real Girl / Not What he Seems / A tales of two Stans / the entire Weirdmaggedon arc.
Amphibia: Hop-Popular / Cursed! / Anne Hunter / Wax Museum / Marcy at the Gates / Ivy on the Run / Bessie & MicroAngelo / Fight at the Museum / Olivia & Yunan / The Core & The King / All In and The Hardest Thing
I also watched all of the episodes of Hailey's On It aired to this day, i don't have any favorite episode for the moment but i found them enjoyable.
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fear-less · 3 months
Taylor Swift song master-list
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info: i write fics inspired by Taylor’s songs, i’m planning on making most, if not all, of her songs into fics.
feel free to request for any song:3
taylor swift (debut)
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tim mcgraw
picture to burn
teardrops on my guitar
a place in this world
cold as you
the outside
tied together with a smile
stay beautiful
should’ve said no
mary’s song - fred weasley x reader
our song
i’m only me when i’m with you
a perfectly good heart
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love story
hey stephen
white horse - sirius black x reader
you belong with me
tell me why
you’re not sorry
the way i loved you
forever & always
the best day
jump then fall - harry potter x reader
come in with the rain
the other side of the door
today was a fairytale
you all over me
mr. perfectly fine
we were happy
that’s when
don’t you
bye bye baby
if this was a movie
speak now
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sparks fly
back to december
speak now
dear john
the story of us
never grow up
better than revenge
last kiss
long live
electric touch
when emma falls in love
i can see you
castles crumbling
foolish one
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state of grace
i knew you were trouble
all too well
i almost do
we are never ever getting back together
stay stay stay
the last time - james potter x reader x regulus black
holy ground
sad beautiful tragic
the lucky one
everything has changed
begin again
the moment i knew
come back…be here
girl at home
state of grace
better man
nothing new
message in a bottle
i bet you think about me
forever winter
the very first night
safe and sound
all too well (10 min ver)
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welcome to new york
blank space
out of the woods
all you had to do was stay
shake it off
i wish you would
bad blood
wildest dreams
how you get the girl
this love
i know places
you are in love
new romantics
say don’t go
now that we don’t talk
suburban legends
is it over now?
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…ready for it?
end game
i did something bad
don’t blame me
look what you made me do
so it goes…
getaway car
king of heart
dancing with our hands tied
dress - harry potter x reader
this is why we can’t have nice things
call it what you want
new year’s day
i don’t wanna live forever
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i forgot that you existed
cruel summer
the man
the archer
i think he knows
miss americana & the heartbreak prince
paper rings
cornelia street
death by a thousand cuts
london boy
soon you’ll get better
false god - harry potter x reader
you need to calm down
it’s nice to have a friend
all of the girls you’ve loved before - james potter
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the 1
the last great american dynasty
my tears ricochet
mirror ball
this is me trying
illicit affairs
invisible string
mad women
the lakes
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champagne problems
gold rush
‘tis the damn season
tolerate it
no body, no crime
coney island
cowboy like me
long story short
right where you left me
it’s time to go
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lavender haze
maroon - fred weasley x reader
anti hero
snow on the beach
you’re on your own, kid
midnight rain
vigilante shit
sweet nothing
the great war
bigger than the whole sky
high infidelity
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve
dear reader
hits different
you’re losing me
the tortured poets department
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the tortured poets department
my boy only breaks his favorite toys
down bad
so long, london
but daddy i love him
fresh out the slammer
guilty as sin?
who’s afraid of little old me?
i can fix him (no really i can)
i can do it with a broken heart
the smallest man who ever lived
the alchemy
clara bow
the black dog
the albatross
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus
how did it end?
so high school
i hate it here
thanK you aImee
i look in peoples windows
the prophecy
the bolter
the manuscript
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wandawiccan60 · 1 year
A Boy Name Thomas A.K.A.(Lazarus)- 80's AU
A Tom Hardy X Violet(FemOC) Story
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!🥳🎉🍾🎇🙌🏼 I hope you all are or had a wonderful New Year with family and friends I want to end the last day of 2022 with this mini blurp that I thought would be a nice idea. So it just came into mind while I was listening to the Black Celebration album by Depeche Mode. But it also inspired me by this photo of a young Tom Hardy with his baby face down below👇🏼Thank you for this wonderful photo that I am happy to share with you all. I hope you enjoy it as always and please comment, like, and reblog it'll help the page thank you to all of my 200 followers as of right now. For your support and for reading my stories. I'll see you all in 2023 guys and once again Happy New Year.
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Summary: On one magical night in Oxford two unique characters from different backgrounds, a singer and a fan together share a lovely evening together not believing she just spent time with her celebrity crush. And what if Tom became a goth singer winning over the hearts of his adoring fans of many but only one caught both his eyes and heart?
Here is the ultimate album for inspiring me to write this story 🤍🖤🎤✨🙌🏼🎼
TAGS: @hecatemoon87, @i-love-th-characters1, @kittycatcait219, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @zablife, @jarvisrocks, @theshelbyclan, @evita-shelby, @solomons-finest-rum, @omgeternal, @pottersolomons2, @professor-alfie-solomons, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @thefics-that-drip, @tea-atfive, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @itsdelicioustea, @rikki-b-lake, @queenofthefaceless, @quarterpastmidnight, @queencoraline3, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @veddieiscanon, @darklydeliciousdesires, @mollybegger-blog, @edwardthomashardy1, @lovebitesimagines, @97freaknik, @alfiesolomons-treacle, @jollysoulfestivalfreak, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @star017, @ao3feed-symbrock, @symbean, @weirdgirl16355, @twvstedsouls, @integalacticspacemonkey, @grungebabyblu
Word Count: 3,676
WARNING 18+: Light Cussing, & Lots of Fluff!
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Oxford, United Kingdom- 1986
Violet and her best friend Ivy waited patiently outside of the stadium in Oxford. It was finally the day that the girls would see their favorite band, This Dark Plague. Ever since they first heard their first album, it was nothing like they have heard of before. The voice of Lazarus, the lead singer of the band, took their souls away. His voice was like they sent it from the heavens from above, silky, smooth, and yet hauntingly beautiful. Being gifted with such a rare voice is something few people hear in the music industry. Knowing that there was pure talent in the young boy. Once the front doors of the stadium finally opened, Violet and Ivy squealed amongst themselves. As both girls held hands together while doing small hops. 
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please,” said one security guard as he said the following, “welcome to the show. We would like for you all to do us a favor before going in. Please have your tickets ready for us to stamp. And for anyone who has bags, we will check them after we mark your tickets. Once again, have your bags and tickets ready to make the queue go faster. Thank you and have a wonderful time here on the tour.”
“Oh my gosh, Violet, I can’t believe we are already here. Tell me this is all a dream?” Said Ivy, still holding onto her friend’s right hand, not wanting to let go.
“Are you being a joker, Ivy? Of course, this is not a dream we are here, don’t you see? We are about to see Lazarus in the flesh. You and I have to at least be in front of the stage as much as we can. I’ll make a run for it, yes?” Violet said, giving a cheeky smile along with a wink at her friend, which Ivy giggled at her gesture.
Once their tickets were stamped and luckily didn’t bring bags. Violet made a run towards the floor of the stadium, hoping to find a suitable spot for both her and Ivy. After a small jog, she then finally made it where there were at least a group of 7 people. Violet heaved in and out of breath, still not believing that she was going to see her dream band in person. She pressed a gentle hand against her chest, feeling her heartbeat ceasing down little by little. Ivy made it some minutes later, standing next to her friend as they now patiently waited for This Dark Plague to come out to sing. 
“What type of perfume do you think Lazarus might wear out for tonight?” Ivy then asked some time later as more people came along the floor, becoming warmer and clamped together.”
“Oh, I bet it is something pleasant, but what I care about the most is to hear that angel like voice he has. And those eyes oh god those dark blue eyes of his how can I can’t say no to him,” Violet gasped out picturing Lazarus in that wonderful black leather jacket he became iconic for with that soft trimmed dark brown hair that seemed to be soft to touch and that baby face oh god can you ask for more,” she said feeling her cheeks turn pink seeing she couldn’t take that image off of her head now anymore.
After what felt like hours going by slowly, the stadium suddenly became loud and full. While some other songs from other popular bands that Ivy and Violet know were played in the background. Just so the atmosphere doesn’t seem to be gloomy or boring, it made some people dance to the best of the music. As they played the last song of the night, the music paused. Only you can hear people speaking to each other. Suddenly, the time of what Violet and Ivy came to see was about to begin. Cheers and claps erupted in the air as Ivy and Violet squirmed under their breaths as the stage went dark while an ambiance sound played on.
“Oh my god, Ivy, they’re coming, they’re coming!” Violet said excitedly as the music continued to play louder.
A dark purple light illuminated the stage as a small cloud of fog spread out across the stage. Without the girls realizing, the band members came out. One by one, only three members appeared through the white fog, getting to their positions behind each instrument they play on. Violet was confused where Lazarus could appear, but out of nowhere, that voice suddenly spoke through the big speakers.
“Good evening,” he said in an echo tone, making everyone in the crowd cheer erupted, including Ivy and Violet, “welcome. This first song you all might know of and I want you all to join. And it goes like this.”
The music changed into a deep ambient sound with haunting chimes. Like something you’ll hear from a children’s cartoon, but with a dark twist. Then it happened again, that voice, that enchanted voice that you can get hypnotized to.
 Let’s have a black celebration
Black Celebration
Violet and Ivy screamed their hearts out once they saw the shadow of Lazarus between the fog and purple lights. He continued seeing he had on his black leather outfit with black sunglasses and his hair fixed back with gel. 
To celebrate the fact
That we’ve seen the back of another black day
His full-on appearance made the stadium scream for more than his voice continued to sing his heart out. 
I look to you, how you carry on when all hope is gone
Can’t you see?
Your optimistic eyes seem like paradise to someone like me
I want to take you in my arms
Forgetting all I couldn’t do today
Black Celebration
Black Celebration
Violet and Ivy danced to the beat of the music, singing along to the lyrics while Lazarus held the microphone closer to his lips. 
To celebrate the fact
That we’ve seen the back of another black day
He then knelt down to where the girls were standing, reaching out their hands while Lazarus gave a side smirk at them. Violet didn’t notice at first until she felt his leather glove hand against hers. Everything went in slow motion until he sang again as they both made eye contact.
I look to you and your strong belief
Me, I want relief tonight
Consolation I want so much
Want to feel your touch tonight
Take me in your arms 
Forgetting all you couldn’t do today
Black Celebration
Black Celebration
Black Celebration
(I’ll drink to that)
Black Celebration
Black Celebration
(I’ll drink to that)
Black Celebration
Once the singing came to a full end, they both shared another small moment or two until he kissed Violet’s right hand. Lazarus tilted his black glasses down, revealing those blue eyes of his. Giving her a quick wink, he stood up on his feet and the fans cheered once again.
“Thank you. How are you all doing tonight?” He asked the millions of fans and they all roared with cheers, “righ’ then I am amazed at how many have come today. It’s madness. You all are beautiful, really. Let’s get the show goin’ yea?”
And so, the rest of the night was nothing but an unforgettable and mesmerizing show. Filled with enchanting music, dancing, and living the dream that Violet and Ivy could ever ask for. Once in a while, Lazarus would come their way, which was strange for Violet. Thinking why she and not anyone else in the crowd while other girls were screaming his name out to get his attention. She would try her best to ignore it as both friends continued to sing their hearts out. As the show came to a close end, Lazarus and the rest of his bandmates took a bow and thanked everyone once more.
“Thank you very much and good night,” he said, his voice echoing through the large stadium, disappearing into the thick fog. 
Backstage, however, Lazarus had other thoughts in his mind besides accomplishing another successful night. But not just anything out of the ordinary, but he focused on the girl in the crowd with raven hair, dark amber eyes, peachy light skin, a very intriguing black long-sleeve shirt with a black long skirt. 
I wonder who she was???
Both girls felt a bit exhausted and tired, but it didn’t stop them from going around the corner to get a late-night bite. A small group of people were inside the restaurant shop, so Ivy suggested waiting in the queue. While Violet would find a table for them to sit at. It took a couple of minutes for her to find a table looking from one side to another. Feeling like giving up on the spot, however, her luck didn’t run out just yet. From far away, there stood a group of young boys, laughing. One of them was smoking some cigarettes while they continued eating. But one of them stood out from the crowd, which made Violet nervously panic on the inside. It was This Dark Plague themselves of all people, seeing them here amongst the fans. But they were half dressed differently from when they were on stage. She recognized them right away, thinking if this was true or not. Lazarus then looked to the side, noticing Violet standing far in the distance with a smile on his face. He had his black sunglasses on, still wearing that leather black jacket, but underneath it; he had on a band shirt. While resting his back against the brick wall of the restaurant, both Lazarus and Violet made eye contact. He removed his glasses after seeing the girl he saw earlier at the stadium. Startled, she looked away, pretending he didn’t see him trying to walk the other way. It was too late until she heard someone calling out directly at her.
“Hey excuse me miss,” said he reaching out to her with his hand gently placing it on her left shoulder.
She became stiff like a statue, nervous to turn to face the person she knew who it was. Though Violet didn’t want to look foolish in front of him and so she slowly met eyes with him.
“Sorry to bother, but I see you having trouble finding a place to sit. If you like, I and my mates have space at our table. You’re more than welcome to maybe want to sit with us. I insist, of course,” he said, giving a friendly smile. Violet returned the gesture with some shyness.
“Oh, that’s very kind of you really, but that won’t be necessary really I-.”
“Violet, is that who I think it is?” Ivy exclaimed, holding two plates of fish and chips in both hands. Her mouth and eyes opened in awe, “Oh my god it’s you Lazarus. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Well, I’m glad to meet you girls. I’m telling your friend here that we have some seats open over with the boys. And you two are welcome to sit with us,” he said as one bandmate saw the entire scene going about.
“Oh, do you? That sounds grand, Violet don’t be rude come on let’s go sit yea?” Said Ivy already making her way toward the table leaving Violet and Lazarus alone.
“You know you didn’t have to do that,” she said, seeing her best friend greeting the group as the boys welcomed her with open arms.
“Well, I just thought it would be fair, since this place is quite full. And I see you had a hard time looking for a place to sit, you know,” he said nervously, folding his hands together while biting on his bottom lips.
Violet didn’t say a word, hugging her arms together and looking back at Ivy, who she was now speaking to one of the boys. Seeing she was having a pleasant conversation about whatever made one of the band members laugh.
“Look, I didn’t mean to be such a disturbance to you and your friend. I want to say I’m sorry for ruining your night if I did that,” he said apologetically, hoping that she won’t see him from a different perspective.
 At that moment, Violet felt like a big ungrateful brat for questioning and denying her favorite singer’s offer. Seeing that he was just being generous, welcoming, and a massive sweetheart. 
Wow I’m such a fucking dick…
“I’ll just let your friend know you’re not feeling alrigh-.”
“No, please I- I want to say I’m sorry. It’s not your fault, it’s mine. I don’t know what got into me for sounding like a cunt. I’m the one that should apologize,” Violet admittedly said, feeling her cheeks warm with embarrassment sounding like a total fool in front of her crush.
Lazarus saw this happening in front of him and, without saying a word, he placed a hand on top of her left shoulder. Violet felt his large hand as she looked back at those deep blue eyes of his.
“Don’t be ok and don’t say you’re a cunt either, we just got on the wrong side of things. But know this right, I’m not that type of prick that gets offended easily. Trust me, I’ve heard and encountered far worst characters,” Lazarus said with a side grin. Violet only smiled bigger as he continued, “but none of that now. How about we join with your friend and my mates, eh? I like you to meet everyone.”
“Yes, of course, and actually let me reintroduce myself properly. My name is Violet. It’s wonderful to meet you, Lazarus,” she said as they walked their way toward Ivy and the band.
“Ah well, it’s lovely to meet you, darling, and Violet. That’s a beautiful name. I got to say I like it,” he said, giving her another side smile. Suddenly, she felt her body become warm once more. 
As the night went on for what felt like hours, Ivy and Violet were enjoying the band’s company very much. Seeing a different side of each band member, including Lazarus. Ivy never stopped asking Dracu, the synthesizer player, about why he chose such an instrument, why he joined the band, and so many that he generously asked away. While the others laughed and talked about other things and sometimes made fun of their friend, seeing how Ivy is such a chitter chatter. But Dracu didn’t care because he found her company enjoyable and never talked this much to someone like this before, especially a girl. Violet and Lazarus, meanwhile, were more into the most serious talks. Talking about if he never was a singer, what would he be doing if he would choose a distinct career path than being in a band, etc. He would, mostly, give her some very intelligent and in awe answers that Violet never thought she would hear. It made her feel awestruck and would listen to him for hours and hours day and night. Blade, the back vocalist, would eavesdrop once or twice on Lazarus’s and Violet’s conversations. Seeing and hearing how open and expressive he sounded towards the young woman. It was rare to see him socialize with other people for past reasons. The last time Lazarus did this sort of thing was with his then ex-girlfriend 2 years ago. It was alright from the beginning, but once the band gained more recognition to the public, things went downhill in both the relationship and mostly for Lazarus. On the night he came back home from the recording studio, it shocked him when he saw Bella with another man in the bed they both shared. Heartbroken and not saying anything, he stayed over at Blade’s house on that same night. It hurt to see his friend with anger and sadness in his heart. But after some time passed, Lazarus got over it mostly. He did loved her unconditionally but Dracu, Blade, and Vlad, their “manager” of the band, had this bad feeling about Bella. She liked the attention, but not in a good way. She never left Lazarus’ side for one moment and worst yet she demanded to be in a music video but for her own selfishness. Bella cared more about being in the spotlight than the band, but those days were over. What Dracu cared to see is Lazarus being open again and looking more comfortable than he did before.
“Oh Christ, look at the hour. It’s getting late. Thank you again for a wonderful night. It was a pleasure, boys, and Dracu,” Ivy cheekily smiled at him. He felt his face flush red. “good luck on your other shows too. I hope you all have fun.”
“I’m glad you girls enjoyed our company. It was nice to meet some civilized fans unlike before,” Vlad said sarcastically, taking another drag from his cigarette. 
“Don’t be such a dick mate,” said Dracu, lightly pinching him on his right shoulder, which he only chuckled.
“Awww, we’re flattered, really. Thanks again for being so marvelous,” Ivy said, smiling at her friend, who did the same.
“By the way, if you ladies want, we can take you two to your homes or hotel room. I insist again. If that’s fine with you both,” suggested Lazarus Ivy cheerfully said ‘yes’ quickly in a heartbeat. 
Sometime later, after saying their last goodbyes to everyone, Lazarus and the girls made it back to the hotel that was close to the restaurant. Ivy and Violet made their way out of the car as Lazarus did the same. 
“Well then, I hope you two have a good night’s rest. I appreciate you both for coming to our show and being amazing fans. Really, it means a lot to us and from my heart,” he said, sounding grateful, and the girls smiled big at the compliment.
“Aww, you are so kind and thank you for bringing us to our hotel. It means a lot. But have a goodnight and have fun in your next concerts,” said Ivy, looking back at Violet saying ‘thank you’ as well.
Before Violet went inside the doors of the hotel while following Ivy behind, she then heard her name being called out.
“Violet, ummm, do you have a moment if that is alright with you?” he asked shyly asked, but Violet nodded her head in agreement.
“Is everything alright Lazarus?” She asked, a bit confused why he wanted to talk to her alone.
“No, nothing is wrong. I just… I thought whenever I have time off for myself, we might stay in touch and talk. Of course, when you’re also free and not doing anything, what I’m trying to tell you is that this was a lovely night and I just think you were a very interesting girl and I-.”
“It’s Thomas,” he snapped. Violet eyebrows formed in confusion but he continued on, “call me Thomas. I know it’s strange to say my real name to you, but I wanted to say it. I oddly felt like I needed to tell you my stage name is just a character from the real me.”
Violet only nodded her head slowly and never thought of hearing such a thing, especially the front man of This Dark Plague.
“I’m sorry for making all of this awkward, truly I don’t know why I asked in the fir-.”
“Thomas, hey it’s alright don’t worry. I have to say I like your real name more than your stage name. I think it suits you better. And I’ll gladly like to stay in touch with you. You make the call and I’ll be there yea?” Violet said, giving him a reassuring smile, which he then let out a small sigh of relief.
“Sounds good then. I should let you know it’s getting cold out here. Nighty night, Lady Violet, I hope we see each other again soon,” he said, smiling back at her while she chuckled at his gesture.
“You have a safe trip, Sir Thomas. We will speak again and call me when you are free. Here, I’ll give you my number.
Do you have a paper and pen for me to write?”
“Oh yes, I give me a moment,” Thomas said, going back inside the car and retrieving a pen and a piece of paper.
Once Violet wrote the phone number of her hotel room in the end, she put a small drawing of a heart. He found this adorable in his eyes, his heart jumping from inside.
“I’ll keep this close to me, I promise. Goodnight, love,” he said, finally making his way to the car. Violet looked on, waving a small hand at him.
As he drove into the night, Thomas couldn’t stop looking at the small price of paper with Violet’s number and heart drawing. Not believing how this night turned out, then what he thought at first.
4 weeks into their tour, both Thomas and Violet did indeed end up talking to each other as he promised. It started slowly at first, but as one concert went to another, a small blossom grew behind the scenes. Both the fan and the singer had many things in common, but the two wanted more than just being friends. Just before autumn arrived, Thomas surprised her after Violet told him she was going back home to Epson, which wasn’t far from his hometown of Hammersmith. Before going home, he instead drove to Violet with an enormous bouquet of roses in his hands with a love note in the middle. Arriving in front of her house, he walked his way up to the door, knocking. As they opened the door, to his surprise, it was the person he was looking forward to seeing. 
“Thomas, I’m so glad to see you, my love,” she said between her big smile hugging him around his neck. Both exchanged a sweet, welcoming kiss on the lips.
“Hello my darling, I’m finally back home with you. I’ve missed you so much.” 
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starry-night-rose · 1 year
Character Inspirations♡
Long post ahead but here’s some character inspiration boards for my ocs!
Note that fandorm ocs aren’t on here! Hope you guys like it!
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Ellis Clawthorne’s inspirations
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Annette Dominic (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Anastasia (Anastasia)
Suzu Naito/Belle (Belle)
Nilou (Genshin Impact)
Yashiro Nene (Toilet Bound Hanako Kun)
Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)
Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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Victoria Le Fay’s inspirations
Constance Von Nuvelle (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Eula (Genshin Impact)
Lisa (Genshin Impact)
Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (Sleeping Beauty)
Sweetheart (Omori)
Lady Alcinia Dimitrescu (Resident Evil: Village)
Jessie (Pokémon)
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Ivy Villosa’s inspirations
Rosetta (Disney Fairies)
Poison Ivy (DC)
Glinda (Wicked)
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Charlotte La Bouff (Princess and the Frog)
Hilda Goneril (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Rarity (My Little Pony)
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Artemis Woodman’s inspirations
Beidou (Genshin Impact)
Nana Osaki (Nana)
Revy (Black Lagoon)
Westley (The Princess Bride)
Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Rick O’Connell (The Mummy)
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Aimée Amore’s inspirations
Regina George (Mean Girls)
Sharpay Evans (High School Musical)
Aphrodite (Olympians series)
Marin Kitagawa (My Dress-Up Darling)
Katherine Howard (SIX the musical)
Karen Smith (Mean Girls)
Aphrodite (Hades)
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Gwendolyn Schnee’s inspirations
Cinderella (Cinderella)
Marianne von Edmund (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Mey-Rin (Black Butler)
Periwinkle (Disney Fairies)
Yor Forger (SpyXFamily)
Kamisato Ayaka (Genshin Impact)
Noelle (Genshin Impact)
Shouko Komi (Komi Can’t Communicate)
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Fabian Nacht’s inspirations
Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Dimitri (Anastasia)
Julian Devorak (Anastasia)
Dean McCoppin (The Iron Giant)
Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park)
Westley (The Princess Bride)
Mischa Bachinski (Ride the Cyclone)
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Astrid Aneira’s inspirations
Anna (Frozen)
Giselle (Enchanted)
Amber (Genshin Impact)
Portia Devorak (The Arcana)
Sophie Sheridan (Mamma Mia!)
Rapunzel (Tangled)
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Stella Vega’s inspirations
The Blue Fairy (Pinocchio)
Evangeline (The Princess and the Frog)
The Fairy Godmother (Cinderella)
Farrah Goodfairy (Ever After High)
Gigi Grant (Monster High)
Glinda the Good Witch (The Wizard of Oz)
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Odette Cygnet’s inspirations
Duchess Swan (Ever After High)
Odette (Barbie in Swan Lake)
Princess Kraehe (Princess Tutu)
Nina Sayer (Black Swan)
Odette (The Swan Princess)
Shenhe (Genshin Impact)
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friendly-rat-king · 5 months
2023 Books
In October I decided to start writing short tumblr posts in response to each book I read. Did I follow through with this decision? Absolutely not! Here's a half-assed list of books I read in 2023, assembled way after the fact:
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters (4/5)
I enjoyed comparing/contrasting it with The Handmaiden (aka Park Chan-wook's 2016 film adaptation, which shifts the setting from Dickensian England to Japanese-ruled Korea and dramatically changes the ending). As with The Handmaiden, which I watched first, I feel like if I cut the story into pieces and Frankenstein-ed it together into two separate stories, I would end up with one of my favorite books and one of my least favorite books.
Why I read it: in the process of reading Sarah Waters' entire bibliography.
2. Bunny by Mona Awad (2/5)
This book sucked, BUT there was a really funny scene about 1/3 of the way in where the narrator's high school crush inexplicably shows up and dances with her. It might be worth reading just for that scene (you can stop reading immediately afterwards).
If a book is supposed to be a satire about wealthy women attending graduate school, its not a great sign when it seems like the author has never met a rich person, a woman, or a graduate student. This is even stranger because the author, a woman, attended an Ivy and got a graduate degree in creative writing. I'd love to read the book this is trying to be, but this isn't it.
Why I read it: my sister-in-law recommended it to me specifically (yikes) and I felt obligated to finish it.
3. Infamous by Lex Croucher (5/5)
In the summer of 1816, 18-year-old Mary Shelley famously stayed at the Lake Geneva villa of noted jackass Lord Byron. Trapped inside by shitty weather, Byron's guests competed to see who could write the best ghost story (the winning entry was, of course, "Frankenstein"). Lex Croucher obviously thought this setting in itself was a great book premise, and was absolutely correct.
I was expecting the basic shape of this novel after reading the back cover, and my assumptions about the plot were basically correct. I was NOT expecting even the most minor characters to feel three-dimensional and complicated or to be hit so hard by - well, I can't tell you without spoiling it, but three different conflictto s that are simultaneously of their time and cut very, very close to home. I also wasn't expecting to laugh as hard as I did.
Why I read it: people on my dash kept recommending Gwen & Art Are Not In Love but I didn't want to read YA.
4. The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco (4/5)
It took me forever to finish this one because I kept finding myself pausing to design a digital glossary to accompany the book. What if, as you read through the description of the garden, the glossary's map of the monastery was suddenly filled in with all of the herbs mentioned, and as you hovered over each illustration (drawn in a pseudo-medieval style, of course) you could learn about the purported and actual properties of each herb? What if I illustrated the intricately carved portal and thoroughly researched the symbolism and history behind each of its components?
Anyway, I was lukewarm enough about the actual ending that I gave up on the project. It would probably be impossible for any ending to live up to a beginning this ambitious, to be fair.
Why I read it: I read that it was an inspiration for Pentiment (a game I still haven't finished, oops).
5. The Bell by Iris Murdoch (4/5)
I might try reading this one again -- there was obviously a ton of cool symbolic symmetry going on that I never quite got the significance of. What I did enjoy was Dora's POV. There's this really wonderful scene near the beginning where Dora spends several paragraphs internally justifying why she shouldn't give up her seat on the train for an old woman. Then, the moment the old woman asks, she impulsively gives up the seat without even thinking of it. Dora spends the rest of the story stumbling haphazardly between moments of grace, never quite aware of why she does any of the things she does, in a way that's simultaneously alien and yet completely plausible.
Why I read it: @conven1encestorewoman mentioned it was one of her favorite books.
6. Either/Or by Elif Batuman (5/5)
I would read anything she wrote. Fingers crossed she makes this into a four-part series.
Why I read it: I loved The Idiot. (Shout-out to @a-rhombus to loaning me her copy.)
7 + 8. A Free Man of Color & Fever Season by Barbara Hambly (5/5)
The book that made me love murder mysteries. The author obviously did a ton of research on 1830's New Orleans and I do love great historical fiction, but what really made it shine was that the "red herrings" weren't dead ends -- each one was essential to the themes of the novel. Highly recommend.
Why I read it: I think @sea-changed mentioned that it was good, I added it to my library queue, and then didn't think about it again until I was notified it was ready to checkout.
9. Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica (2/5)
Mehhhhh. All (attempts at) shock, very little substance.
Why I read it: my baby sister recommended it.
10. Geek Love by Katherin Dunn (5/5)
"Geek" as in "circus geek," a performed who bites the heads off of live chickens. Tender is the Flesh fuckin wishes it had what Geek Love has. (I have reached the point in this post where I realize I'm not even at the halfway mark and decide to hurry up -- sorry Geek Love, you deserved better.)
Why I read it: @mylestoyne mentioned there were some cool parallels to The Tempest and I decided to check it out.
11. The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson (5/5)
Absolutely lived up to the hype.
Why I read it: the hype.
12. The Turn of the Screw by Henry James (4/5)
The rare book I consumed in audiobook format -- reading James' prose was very difficult for me, and filtering it through an actor helped. I don't know that I enjoyed the process of listening to it, but I really enjoyed thinking about it afterwards.
Why I read it: the prologue of The Haunting of Hill House name-dropped it.
13. The Tempest by William Shakespeare (3/5)
Look, I bumped it up to 3 stars because I felt like I couldn't give Shakespeare anything lower than a 3-star rating, but I really disliked this. Part of is is that I was already familiar with the highlights, and putting them in context diminished them. Ariel's song is way less interesting when you know for a fact that the man supposedly undergoing a sea-change is completely fine; Prospero's final monologue feels less like it's tying together broader themes and more like Shakespeare thought it would be cool to break the fourth wall at the last minute.
Idk, maybe I'm just an idiot. I immediately sought out a series of lectures on youtube about the play + texted people I know who love this play to elaborate on their opinions so they could correct my incorrect opinion, but so far, no dice.
Why I read it: because of the Geek Love parallels.
14. What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell (2/5)
Bad, as previously discussed.
Why I read it: someone at by brother's wedding said the essay on ketchup was worth reading (it wasn't).
15. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K Le Guin (4.5/5)
Why I read it: because I wanted to read the sequel.
16. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E Frankl (4/5)
Discussed previously.
17. A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles (4/5)
(Already reviewed this on Goodreads so I can just copy-paste, hurray!) An enjoyable read. The pacing was great, the scene composition reminded me of a Wes Anderson film, and the footnotes were a very effective way of shifting the POV from third person limited to omniscient and back again. I checked the author's Wikipedia page midway through and was unsurprised to learn that he is an investment banker from New York; after all, the villain is the only character who refers to Rostov as "Comrade" (everyone else continues to deferentially call him "the Count") and he doesn't even know his wine pairings! The idyllic representation of pre-revolutionary Russia partially undermines the author's ability to convey the horrors of Soviet Russia. That being said, the tone of the novel is mostly light, and I was able to have fun in spite of this.
Why I read it: my older sister mentioned it was the last book she tried to read before she had kids and they took over her life. So I guess I tried to... symbolically finish it on her behalf? Who knows.
18. Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin (5/5)
No idea how to describe this one, so I'm just screenshot-ing the first page:
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Why I read it: an @a-rhombus recommendation.
19. The Merry Spinster by Daniel Lavery [reread] (5/5)
Extremely effective horror retellings of fairy tales. Impossible to pick a favorite.
Why I (re)read it: because I read a bunch of other good horror fiction this year (not my usual genre) and it reminded me how much I love this collection.
20. The Mask of Apollo by Mary Renault (5/5)
Set during a failed attempt to make Plato's Republic a reality (a historical event I somehow didn't know about but that is Highly Relevant to my interests), told from the perspective of an artist (the most interesting viewpoint Renault could have chosen). The descriptions of places made me desperately want to hike across Greece when I get the chance.
Why I read it: @catilinas posted an excerpt that compelled me.
21. The Once and Future Sex by Eleanor Janega (3/5)
Spends a lot of time proving a thesis about modern women I basically already agree with when what I really wanted was more historical details. My fault for not taking the blurb at its word.
Why I read it: a friend I play D&D with recommended it.
22. The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K Le Guin (6/5)
Ok it's almost midnight and I don't want to fuck up one of my New Year's resolutions (10 minutes of yoga/day) when I'm only three days into the year. Real summary coming soon (hopefully. maybe).
Why I read it: one of my favorite worldbuilding youtube channels mentioned it was in her top 5 books.
23. Borne by Jeff VanderMeer (3/5)
The thing about giant flying bears is that they're just kinda silly.
Why I read it: the Southern Reach Trilogy was so good.
24. Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh (4/5)
Very strong start -- strong enough for the four-star rating -- but the final act pulls way too many punches.
Why I read it: I heard emilyenrose was publishing original fiction.
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lcretta · 11 months
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( bree kish, 26, cis woman, she/her ) ☼ congratulations, LORETTA “LORA” BAKER, you’ve been accepted as a DINING HALL HOSTESS at PASCORD MEADOWS in grand hazel national park this summer! we could tell from your application that you are WELCOMING and SILLY, so we are so pleased to welcome you from BOISE, ID for your FOURTH summer on staff. hopefully you can check go cliff diving, make the perfect s’more, and have a summer fling off your bucket list. please consult your employee handbook with questions! @npbulletin
loretta baker – given her grandmother lorna’s nickname, inspired by iconic singer loretta lynn – was all set for a stable career in corporate graphic design after college graduation. but when she decided to spend one summer at grand hazel national park to recover from all the academic burnout, everything changed.
after having so much fun working at the national park, loretta’s priorities did a complete 180. she backed out of the internship she’d landed and decided, instead, to focus on what actually called to her heart; to help her grandfather get their old family restaurant back on its feet and back to its former glory. 
over the following months, loretta recruited her siblings and cousins to help renovate and run the joint. her father and each of his siblings disassociated themselves from the restaurant in their twenties, as if it was something you grew out of, and that left loretta’s grandfather to run the restaurant – lorna’s – by himself; aided only by his work-family. 
his grandchildren unanimously agreed that this was a wrong that needed to be righted and collectively put careers in law, finance, and corporate america on the backburner to make it happen. he and their grandma lorna’s love story was legendary amongst the grandkids and the thought of leaving the old romantic high and dry inspired each of them.
over the past four years, most of the baker grandkids have returned to their chosen professions, but not loretta. loretta stuck around boise, having fun with the menu and slinging hash with the best of them. every year in the spring, when everything feels like it’s getting to be a bit too much, her calendar reminds her that it’s almost time to pack for grand hazel and the world melts away.
when it comes down to it, if there’s anything closer to heaven than a sunrise over lake hazel, loretta has never experienced it. and who wouldn’t want to come back to heaven every summer?
loretta is the park's biggest cheerleader, its proverbial soccer mom with the orange slice, and its most dedicated guardian angel of caffeine. she wholeheartedly believes that her daily good samaritan deliveries of coffee, tea, and red bulls have saved lives
hangs out in central hazel more often than not, she needs to be in the hubbub to really feel like she's at home. but the views from lake hazel and all of pascord meadows can't be beat and are a major reason why she keeps coming back to the park
refuses to let anything - red tape, poison ivy, naysayers, etc - stand in her way, but also loves the slow life - cozy nights over rowdy parties, stopping to smell the roses, taking the scenic route even if it takes hours longer. that being said... also loves rowdy parties
ride or die besties! / rivals and frenemies! / past crushes and will they, won't theys! / someone for lora to mom friend! / a bad influence on lora!
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dawnarowdite · 10 months
Some facts about Ivy
(With some added fun facts)
Ivy’s nationality is Canadian
Her mother was French-Canadian so she knows some French.
She is from a very small town, located near Lake Superior and Lake Huron. (Province is Ontario).
(Fun fact: Originally she was from the UK (this was because I used to have evelyn go to college in the uk) but then I changed it around last year to be a little closer to home.)
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(Estimate area where Ivy was born)
Ivy is a foster child
• Her mother died when she was around 8-9 (of suicide) and her father was an alcoholic asshole. (Who is now in jail) • She was adopted by two loving fathers. She changed her last name to her mother’s maiden name as well. Her fathers are also magical
oh yeah did I mention Ivy is magical?
• Ivy is a woodland fairy. •However she is not a natural fairy. She was cursed by a forest goddess. Since she is not a normal/natural fairy, she has some slight differences. •her fairy type is a flower fairy (Flower powers!!) •she can control the plants and flora around her. (Think of it like Willow from The Owl House!). She can heal, grow, and sustain almost all plant life. • Her fairy form is Rose Golden fairy wings (they change color), Pointy elf ears, and green eyes. • Ivy’s natural eye color is brown. They were changed to bright green when she transformed into a fairy. • her hair grows faster than others because she is a fairy.
her aesthetic is (very obviously): CottageCore/Fairycore.
Ivy is an artist.
• she likes to paint. • She first started with her mother who was also an artist so Ivy got her inspiration from her. • She majored in art during college (with a minor in Business and Psychology). • she also has an interest in Photography and Fashion.
Ivy’s natural hair color is dark brown-reddish (more brown than red) • she started dying her hair in highschool. • first she used to dye it purple but changed to pink.
This post may be updated, or it may not be. Idk but here’s stuff ab Ivy :)
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taylorswiftsstigmata · 10 months
about me!
hi i’m eva (19, lesbian, they/she/any). my main blog is @danielkahndyke. & this is my gaylor/tswift side blog :D
i’ve been to the speak now (first concert ever), 1989, & eras tours! i was glendale night two for eras & my surprise songs were this is me trying & state of grace— both of which were in my top 10 in spotify wrapped for 2022. somehow i fear i was the only one out of 70,000 people to wear an evermore inspired fit.
my top three albums are evermore, folklore, & red (ikr how unoriginal), but my favorite eras are probably reputation, red, or midnights. some of my favorite songs are ivy, holy ground, don’t blame me, death by a thousand cuts, & the lakes.
not a late stage kaylor or a karlie betrayed taylor truther but a secret third thing.
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