#is it Saturday yet?
thatgirl4815 · 9 months
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The irony is that this is probably true for Sand but he won’t say it, but it’s very un-true for Ray, but he can’t help but say it.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 11
The problem with catching up with the show is that having to wait a week between eps means I forget what happened. I had to read through my notes from ep 10 to refresh my memory. But I'm ready now! Let's see who White really is!
Seriously, these opening credits are brilliant. The music with the shots and how it switches in rhythm... It really sets the tone and could honestly go on longer.
Oooo the recap reminds me that I haven’t really speculated about Fluke but I wonder if we'll find out that he was the one to post the video of Non and Khun Keng... Or if not, I feel like there is something he did do that we don't know about yet and I REALLY WANT TO KNOW.
Wow Tee is actually making me like him.
I feel like this scene between Non and Tee removes the need for a future Non to persecute Tee within the group in the house...unless Non's getting revenge on the rest of them, because it seems like the truth between Non and Tee is already out, Tee has already faced Non and accepted his own guilt. Something's just not adding up.
Ooooo Tee finds out that Non has a brother 👀
"When you pay off your debt you can go home" oh oh god what if Tee wishes this could apply to him?! What if he's paying off the debt of his parents and can't go home? What if he's jealous of Non for having a home to be able to go back to despite that home not being a loving one?
Oh Tee's white shirt and Non's dark...
And then Perth's character tells Tee he should be grateful and that he's privileged being there...
We don't know how Tee's uncle died yet...what if Tee had a hand in it? And maybe with Non's help? -> maybe too far-fetched...?
God I'm loving Tee more and more...I just don't see how we get to the future events unless HE'S the one 'acting' to get the others to own up to their guilt... Ahhhhhhhhh
Oh so Tee's dad IS alive...oh oh no, so Tee has to bear the responsibility of looking after him. Being 'friends' with Por (and Jin to some respect) must be so hard, so see him live in such wealth and be given everything by his parents. Ooof.
Ok, loving this conversation in the cafeteria...although they should be speaking A LOT quieter...confirmation that what Keng did was wrong, Por admitting he's to blame but that they all are, Fluke's 'love can destroy one's life' before we get to see Tee and White get together 👀, and fucking Top's face which I want to punch because IT ALL STARTED WITH HIM. Oh and I want to slap Por's mum for her comment on how Non was raised.
IF Non IS dead...it's probably because of internal injuries sustained by the beating he got...so it's the uncle's fault entirely...and he probably wouldn't have been able to sell the organs anyway because they would have been damaged/compromised. But that's all IF Non IS dead. Which I'm hoping he's not. But IF he's not I feel like it would take a lot for Non to build himself back up to take revenge on the group.
We STILL don't really know who White is, it's like he's there just so Tee can have one more shitty thing happening to him -> losing White. But that doesn't feel satisfying for an audience because we already know of Tee's guilt... So WHAT is this whole revenge plot for? Is it still for Tan and Phee? If it is then, WHO is the other person (because I still believe there IS someone else there...)? Ahhhhhhh
Awww I wish I could read the post-it notes on the board
How is Tan/New smoking and everyone else is passing out but him? Is it the antidote which doesn't affect him because he's not been hallucinating? And then afterwards he smokes the tainted one to then drug all the others into hallucinating again next week?
Ooof. So next week everyone is confronts their fears as they hallucinate...and I have NO IDEA how it will all wrap up and end. And I LOVE IT! I love that the doors are all open for someone random to be the 'nineth' person, or for Non to still be alive, (or for Por to 'wake up'), or for them all to kill each other whilst drugged, or for Tan/New to kill them all, or or or... But what I AM concerned about is how the show will do it all in one last episode. 😬
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kalena-henden · 2 years
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Jang Uk and Mudeok kiss | Alchemy of Souls (2022)
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mostlyfate · 2 years
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I have homework for you to do. I'll let you try writing a love song. A love song? Why? Don't tell me you've never been in love? Hmm. Well, Yeah. But... I like that person and... And? And... 
That means you've never been in love, right? How about now? Do you like anyone? Well, yeah. I like someone. Who is it? You wouldn't know. And, what's this person like? Well, this person is... cool. Plays musical instruments well. And, very kind. Hmm. Then let's start by thinking that you're writing a song for that person. And, I'll look forward to listening to it.
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leedongwook · 2 years
You know Vegas worshiping Pete’s body nice nice really nice but what really gets to me is PETE TOUCHING VEGAS FACE 🥵🤯
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nemesis-21 · 2 years
Me: *in a meeting*
My Brain: *those VegasPete scenes from episode 11 on replay*
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Just listening to Gold today to hurt myself.
New head canon based on the line:
“Like the smell of a rose on a summer’s day.”
Yang was struggling to soothe Ruby shortly after Summer’s death and was only able to do it at first by putting on Summer’s perfume and holding her close.
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vegaspeteapologist · 2 years
It’s almost Friday, and then Saturday
How are we doing? How are we coping?
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haechanglitch · 10 months
The impending Tien and Lomfon pain so close yet so far away
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drowsyiris · 2 years
Kinnporsche is hands down one of the greatest shows I’ve ever seen,, but for it to become part of my very being I need:
1) Kinn to have a plan and for Porsche to know the plan
2) If Kinn didn’t have a plan, then how he makes it up to Porsche better be something special
3) Vegas/Pete has me feeling some type of way but I don’t know how they can fit such an intense storyline in the last few episodes but I hope they do it justice (or it’s set up for that s2 I’ve been hearing about)
4) Something needs to happen to Tawan,, I’m not saying death but….
5) How Chay gets involved with Kim and his family better be done well,, I’m not against a kidnapping but maybe we could have Chay being a secret evil mastermind,, man’s already living his Wattpad idol dream,, he’s probably capable of living out a mafia fic as well
6) I don’t really have a sixth point but I hate odd numbers,, basically just give me Porsche, Chay and Pete being ready to tear the world apart for their men no questions asked
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
I've just been reading some excellent takes on the most recent episode of La Pluie, and I've seen it mentioned several times now since the ep aired that maybe Lomfon has only just turned 20 and that's why he now has the rain-induced hearing loss/gain. And how isolating that must now be for Tien, on the outside of Patts, Tai, and Lomfon being able to hear each other in the rain.
And then I thought, what if Tien hasn't turned 20 yet. What if, when he does, he ALSO has the hearing loss and what if he also can hear Patts, Tai, and Lomfon? It would be an equaliser. It would be another twist but maybe too 'neat', too easy in smoothing out the dynamics of these four...but I couldn't not write this in the very small possibility that this actually happens.
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ideologyofone · 2 years
Raine’s day of unity plan goes disastrously wrong
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cassandralove09 · 2 years
I don't want to go to work.
I want to finish writing my book, submit it then sign a publishing deal so I can sit in front of my computer feeling like a failure and an imposter in comfort of my own home for a living.
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leedongwook · 2 years
You don’t know how excited I am for the next four kinnporsche epis and finally getting more insight about Vegas character, there’s so much to unpack it’s gonna be so good and so far the writers did a great job portraying all the characters so I trust them with Vegas too. Can’t wait to see more of my evil mafioso son!
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alfheimr · 1 year
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(coughs up blood and eye-searing color palettes) love...and...peace...!!!!!
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 5 months
remember to love these ancient goofy goobers!!!! and remember to love yourself too!!!!!!
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