#it's a Very Fun idea I have in the mountain that is my maybe pile
burning-academia-if · 8 months
Hey, I just remembered something!
I think you said ???'s romance is not possible on the Day path? I'm not interested in them (well, that way, I mean) anyway, so it won't be an issue to me romance wise, but is it actually possible to have a good or at least decent relationship with them on the Day path, or not even that? And well, that applies to any RO if the MC is on a path incompatible with their romance I guess (though I don't remember if others were in that case).
Of course, feel free to ignore this one if it's too spoilery to answer though!
On a (I think) less spoilery note about the paths and ROs, will the paths impact how the possible romances pan out? Or not so much? Or will it depend on the character?
Anyway, thank you for entertaining my multiple questions on that matter. It seems it's endlessly fascinating to me!
Yep! So basically you can "romance" ??? on Day path but it's more a doomed romance/tragedy then an actual romance. The only other character this happens with is Rhea on Night path. I think I mentioned before but this is more a 'theme-driven' story then anything else and the characters represent the exact opposite themes of those paths, essentially. (Also again, I'm not promising anything in regards to poly routes, but on the off-chance I do, they'll be path specific for this very reason. Beck x MC x Rook would be locked to Dawn and Day for example). ALSO quick edit forgot to mention, but even outside of romance, it will still play out like a tragedy if you have a high friendship stat with them.
As for the paths, they will play like completely separate routes/story lines that splinter off after a certain point. Basically, you'll hit a key plot point and whatever your path is set on at that point locks you into that arc. Because the plot/events will be unique to each path (save for a few key ones), the romances for each path will play out differently as well! Romancing say ??? in the Dawn Arc vs the Night Arc is a completely different experience for example, it also lets me (and the player) explore different faucets of their personality.
Most of the details I'm still figuring out and I know a lot of what I have written down may change, but everything stated above is officially set!
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farmerstarter · 12 days
maybe some general seb relationship headcanons if you dont mind? especially prior to it or crushing/early dating. how would he react to the confession? would his friends tease him? etc.
im a little picky w sdv hc blog interpretations and i love yours! theyre so sweet. if this is a lot feel free to just do as much as you'd like 💟
ʚ👾ɞ ˚ · . Crushing
tags: sebastian from sdv x gn! reader
OMG Anon! I am so sorry this is sooooo late. I just finished my 2nd year of college and it was so hectic. But now I have WAY more time to write. Writing this was so fun! if you have any fic requests then feel free to send me an ask! <3 purple divider by @saradika-graphics <3
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𐙚⭑ Sebastian couldn’t deny that he, like everyone else in the valley, was curious about the new farmer moving into the overgrown expanse of land to the west of town. He was a bit down on the idea of not having his usual smoking place anymore, but the intrigue easily overpowered it. He was one of the last people to meet you. Sam and Abigail couldn’t stop talking about you. Which was reasonable, nothing ever happens in the valley. The more Sebastian knew about you, the more confused he got. Why move out in the middle of nowhere? Why leave the city for a pile of dirt and a mosquito-infested house? It was weird. For him, at least.
𐙚⭑ You two finally met at night. Sebastian was smoking by the waterfall, and you ambled your way out of the cave with a bag full of copper and coal. The mountains were wisped with fog, cold with dew. Sebastian was sure he was the only living soul out in the open. Much to his surprise, and at the expense of his dignity, he let out the loudest scream he could muster when you decided it was a good idea to sneak up on him to say hello while you were covered in soot and mud. While he was calming himself down and you were washing your face in the lake, you promised not to tell Sam or Abigail about the encounter. Sebastian was very grateful for that. The two of you spent the next hour talking.
𐙚⭑ The next time you met him was when you were discussing building plans with Robin in her house. Robin was just explaining that you needed more wood for your planned chicken coop, and Sebastian just so happened to come out to return his pile of plates to the kitchen. Robin waved him over to introduce him to you. His eyes met yours, and you immediately introduced yourself properly. You gave him a discreet wink when Robin’s back was turned. You deduced that Robin wouldn’t have been too happy to know her son was out at the late hours of the night, smoking his third cigarette in one sitting. Seeing this as an opportunity for her son to get some sunlight, Robin asked Sebastian to accompany you while you got more wood. He didn’t have anything to do; he had finished his module for the week, and he was curious about what his friends were telling him about you. So, he agreed to do it.
𐙚⭑ The two of you decided that Cindersnap Forest would be a good place to chop down some trees. You led the way while Sebastian followed suit, dragging along a wheelbarrow that Robin gave you to make the trip back to the mountains easier. Sebastian spent the day sitting on the makeshift bridge over the river and watching you cut down too many trees for him to count. There were times when you offered to teach him how to wield an axe. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you, so he just shook his head and decided to arrange the logs of wood in the wheelbarrow instead. It was 2 pm when you finally had enough wood for the coop, but neither of you wanted to go back just yet, mostly because it was too hot to walk back, and Sebastian didn’t want to burn off his skin.
𐙚⭑ You and Sebastian went to look at whatever the traveling cart was selling. You couldn’t help but laugh at the way the dark-haired man’s eyes widened when he found out the merchant was selling an egg for 500 gold.
𐙚⭑ It would be so cute if you and Sebastian stumbled into the secret woods and that became your little hideaway to hang out when life got demanding for both of you.
𐙚⭑ You definitely fell for him first, but Sebastian fell in love harder. It all started when you invited him, Sam, and Abigail over to eat the many fish dishes you cooked when you finally had a kitchen in your abode. You specifically made sashimi for him since you remembered he mentioned it was his favorite. He was touched. You took the effort to even remember what he said, and that made his heart stutter. (“It tastes just like the ones Linus makes.”) ((Side note: it would be so cute if Sebastian and Linus became friends because Linus would make sashimi for both of them to eat at night by his tent, but I digress.))
𐙚⭑ Your friendship with Sebastian continued to bloom when you found a frog egg in the cave. You immediately ran to Sebastian to show it off. The two of you became parents to a very hungry frog named Blimp.
𐙚⭑ You and Sebastian rode his motorcycle at night when the two of you had nothing to do. He didn’t have an extra helmet yet, so he insisted you wear his helmet instead of him. He wanted you safe.
𐙚⭑ I am a firm believer that Sebastian is the type of person to become loud and talkative when he’s around people he is truly comfortable with. So, the moment you two became friends, Sebastian would invite you to hang out with him and Sam in his room to play Solarian Chronicles. He becomes more animated the longer you play, laughing at Sam’s crappy rolls and your insistence that every small enemy is the true boss in disguise. To both Robin and Demetrius’ surprise, Sebastian spends more time outside compared to the past. The two of you either hang out in the Secret Woods or play the arcade games in the saloon. PICNICS! IN THE SECRET WOODS!!
𐙚⭑ You confessed first, and Sebastian became red in the face in an instant. He couldn’t stop smiling, though. Sam doesn’t let him hear the end of it.
𐙚⭑ On clear nights, you and Sebastian climb up to the roof of his house to stargaze. He loves pointing out constellations to you, showing off what Maru taught him. If he asked nicely enough, his half-sister would let the two of you borrow her telescope.
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izuke-the-zombie · 1 year
Just some Fem ShadowPeach AU ideas 🍑🥭
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I was in the mood for some fun FemMacaque and FemWukong ideas. I don't have any Aus of them, not my best idea but I thought it was kind of funny.
Here's a little info about it in case anyone was interested
Macaque works for a company it's an office job, just sitting and doing work all day filing papers and answering calls. typical office job stuff.
She was working here way before she met MK. MK's never been to her actual home, the dojo was just the place she works out and trained at so she didn't have to go to an actual gym.
Mac rents a one-bedroom apartment on the very top of a building somewhere, it's cheap cuz it's smaller than other rooms in the building, but she found a closed-off apartment room right next to her built-in kitchen pantry by accident, so she has two apartments to herself. she has the biggest room now in the whole Building. (Yay mac)✨
She couldn't find an apartment anywhere near her job so she uses magic to get to work and uses the bus to get back home.
One day Wukong finds out she has a job while at home being bored when MK didn't have training that day and decides to prank call Some Humans for fun, it so happens it's the office place mac works at, she recognized mac voice and quickly hangs up.
Monkey Queen was immediately suspicious of why she had a job when she can just stay in FFM! that maybe it could be a scheme of some sort (and maybe secretly relieved that she was safe and mac still stayed in the city but would never admit it.) she looks up the company she works at, she calls MK to help her find out what Mac could be scheming.
MK knows she has a job just doesn't know where she works, he doesn't like bothering her too much cuz she looks tired sometimes.
Mk's tired of monkey Queen dragging him to sneak around mac offers monkey Queen a better solution, getting close to Mac by helping Mac out and offering to pick her up after work, bring her some vegetables and fruits from her FFM Mountain to save up some on groceries so on so forth just helping out a mac. She begrudgingly agrees.
Mac doesn't use glamor she uses magical items to glamor up so she doesn't waste too much Magic on it, it's her earrings.
Monkey Queen pulls pranks on their coworkers Mac complains about, how they pile their work on her and leave too early how they're just overly unhelpful and never do their work, and how they just gossip all day long. Just annoying coworkers!
MK suggests to Mac to offer monkey Queen to come around during her lunch break and offer to make her a boxed lunch too and just hang out since she's been so helpful. She decides that she could do that, just as a thank you for everything she's done for her. She hesitantly agrees.
MK and Mei plan to make them get along or become a couple they haven't decided on which one yet.🐲🐵 mischievous matchmakers.
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🎵Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious,🎶
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kurosstuff · 1 month
✨️ (i think the event the still open i have no idea which sunday we were talking about, if not feel free to ignore ) but dragon!rosie x human!reader?
I just read the gorgon!rosie and lost mind (in a good way) so i thought 'why not combine rosie with my fav monster in a request?'
PMG THANK YOU-♡♡ I'm glad you enjoyed it@
Oo rosie as a dragon? Hell yeah I can see it~ I'm like- going all out of these their so fun to make
Warning(s): idk Honestly?? Horror maybe, bones.
Dragon!rosie x reader: food
You cursed your luck. Why did you even ACCEPT this? Agree to not bring anyone with? You grumbled, panting walking up the path up the mountain, dragging a cart full of.. you aren't actually sure. But it sure is bloody.
"Stupid ass guards"
Grumbling all the way to the top of the mountain, panting arms sore from the cart- how little of a break you got. Your running late as is.
"If it weren't the due date, I'd shove it up so far -" You cut off sighing. You're close to the entrance, and from what you know, if the dragon in the cave- that guards your very town. She isn't fond of swearing.
Maybe she's old-fashioned? Dragons do live for centuries, so.. that is possible.
But you couldn't help but wonder? Which dragon was she? There were two guardians after all. Both female. One not that well known but the other.. more often then not whoever is sent to feed her doesn't come back. Or if they do?
Not alive.
Shivering you prayed it wasn't her. Wasn't that horrific dragon. Eyes dark as coal. Soulless. The only survivor warning off anyone curious. It was a death wish. She is kind. But she is just as cruel. Curiously cruel even.
Grinning seeing the cave so tired you didn't see the skeleton laid bare around like a path. Like a warning. "Oh thank God." You huffed knowing the ritual by heart by now. After all if guards didn't do it. It was placed in the hands of the residents close tk the mountains. But you weren't ever told which dragon you'd have to feed.
Guess it makes sense given one will almost certainly kill you
Bringing the cart into the cave, you swallowed your nerves. It was quiet. Too quiet. Walking to the nest of foods, you grunted, putting the cart down and stepping back, hearing a sickening crunch. Stopping, you blinked, confused. Looking down, you paled
Seeing the pile of bones, you froze, shaking. The one dragon you knew never to mess with. To never upset. And here you were. In her cave- in her bones of her victim's. Shaking, you looked around the bag of meat even heavier than before a deep growl was heard behind you.
Turning, you paled frozen, staring at the dark coal like eyes- holding your hands up in surrender "o-oh hi my lady- im- I'm sorry- I was only here to feed you that's all" you choked out shaking ignoring how everything told you to run. To hide. To escape.
You knew if you tried, you wouldn't escape
Tilting her head in thought, the dragon growled slow, a rumble escaping her throat as she watched you. As if inspecting you. It was the longest two minutes or so of your life. Before she finally huffed a puff of grey cloudy smoke, filling your vision before a humming noise was heard. A woman stepped infront of you smiling softly curiously dressed in an old fashioned yet.
She wore those skulls. Those bones of her prey were as if they were decorations. Her dark soulless eyes staring right at you but you didn't find it as scary as you thought. You thought they were a gorgeous.
"Are you the new food carrier~?" Her voice spoke out formally looking down at you- towering over you easily. Her horns shun through her hat "well~? Shouldn't keep a woman waiting no?" She spoke again drawing your attention back to her.
"Oh.. uh.. yeah for today! The guard didn't w-want to ma'am" something in you. Told you that guards fate was just sealed. By the way her smile Hidden. Showing off her fangs you know you were right
"I see" she hummed circling you as if to measure you. As if she was debating on something. You worried she'd debate on eatting you. But you had hope.
Which helped you survive. Stopping infront of you her clawed hands gently held yours in hers as she stared at you. "Come. Rest little one I must insist" Turning her tail pushed you forward forcing you to move. To follow
Staring you wondered. We're all dragons this tall? Towering over you. You weren't on the tall side but still. You couldn't help but flush staring up at her mouth dry. If it weren't for her tail on your back pushing you forward. You wouldn't have willed your legs to move.
Guiding you fully down the cave she hummed at the silence. As if she expected it. "I am Rosie~" she spoke softly as if she was careful to not spook you. "And you must be?" She hummed eyeing you carefully
Squeaking out your reply, she hummed softly, repeating your name a couple of times before nodding. As if approving of such a name. Guiding you to a table, she helped you sit down, easing you into the seat. "Now, now~ relax. I won't eat you~ if I was. I would have by now. " Turning, she went to the cabinet "besides I'd never show my human form to my food anyways~ not the type to tease my food...that much~~"
Looking around, you shuddered bones laid around the room. Everywhere. Before you spoke, unable to stop yourself from asking, "How is it a house in a mountain?" Flushed, you glanced back, hoping you didn't offend her.
"Well little one.. I wanted a home like feel. So I had some humans make it like a home on the inside.. clever right ~?" Laughing seeing you nod in agreement patting your shoulder mindful of her Claws
"Now. Tell me exactly.. how you wound up coming here~?"
It didn't take long to realize Rosie? Loved Drama. Loved to talk about the gossip from the town- maybe that's how you were sucked into a laughing with the dragon you feared not so long ago that same day
"Yeah! I can't believe he didn't get caught by that stupid-"
"-You know"
Rosie cut your story off, sipping her blood tea(which she made you ALL to aware of) clearing your throat from the small laugh you had you going on. "Y-yeah?"
"We've been talking for hours, little one~" she purred, gesturing to the front of the cave. How dark is it getting. Standing up she smiled "oh as much as I'd love it for you to stay.. to talk more. It is dangerous especially for a human.." Gently helping you up brushing imaginary dirt off of you.
"Oh-! Y-yeah.. sorry ma'am-"
"Right.. yes. Rosie- I should be getting back. Make my report that you got your food. " Smiling at your correction, she nodded with a hum a hand on your lower back guiding you to the entrance
"My dear. Do be sure to tell him. I only accept you as my new caretaker, " she hummed, smirking at your flushed face."Maybe I shall take you as my personal one. Staying in my cave? Oh, I'm kidding, darling~" laughing at the flushed stuttering mess you got.
"Go on. It's not a goodbye~ I'll see you later little one~ better get to your cabin before the dogs come out~"
With a nod, you rushed off. Racing down the mountain, your limbs, thankfully, not as sore as this morning. To make your report ignoring the horrified look the man had once you told him Rosie's order.
It wasn't until you were in the bed. About to sleep before you sat up. Shivering slightly. How did Rosie know that? Know you were in a cabin? The only cabin in town?
How did she know?
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dirtyvirgotarot · 10 months
PICK-A-CARD: A Fun New Career or Hobby To Look Into! Your Gifts!
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Looking to see what might be a fun hobby for you?? This PAC might help you figure out what to research and dive deep into!!! :D Pick a pile and let's branch out!! ~~~~~~~~ Pile 1 (The Sketches): Pile 1, you have a magic within you that rivals most. I see you being incredible mystics, card readers, witches, what have you! This is the pile where those with incredible intuition have gathered. If you're looking at pick-a-cards regularly, drawn in by them for whatever reason, maybe try learning more about the technical side of them! Pick up a deck, watch some Youtube videos, and unlock your inner potential as a magic practitioner! I can see that this might actually be a huge revelation for you... This may lead to a bigger awakening, beyond just a hobby. More a spiritual awakening. You may find that it helps you in more ways than one, or makes you a happier person. I am getting a HUGE message about divine timing. The only warning I will give you, Pile 1, is that I can see that for some of you, there is a competitive spirit within you. That's great! However, you must keep it healthy. Do not become obsessed with creating the best pick-a-cards, or the best videos, or what have you. In that, you will fail. To think that the best place is at the TOP of the mountain is the way of the fool. It is within the mountain that you will find the riches of the earth!! :D Regardless, I see abundance and divine timing waiting for you in this hobby! You DO possess a special gift inside of you, and it wants to grow. Your intuition and synchronicity is high. You may have strange, almost prophetic-seeming dreams. This is the universe trying to tell you something! Whether you would like to listen further to the call, or ignore it, is entirely up to you. ✨ ~~~~~~~~ Pile 2 (The Blue Guitar):
Pile 2, you are healers by trade. You always know just the right thing to say. There are three specific messages coming through, so take whatever one resonates more for you! For some, I see that a good career for you might be a social counselor. A therapist, a case worker, a couples therapist, something along those lines! For others, I see that doing special events might be fulfilling for you as well! Whether that's event coordinating, planning, or playing at a wedding! It even could be charity work that you do, helping others in their desperate time of need. I can even see a mortician for a select few. No matter what the career or hobby would be, you would suit best in a job that takes the weight off of others' shoulders, that mends the cracks in someone's heart or relationships. You want to help. The two I listed are just that, two of the many, many hobbies and jobs that can help others for the better. I do see the potential to start a lifelong career out of this gift, if you so desire. You are wonderful at healing, and stopping or preventing conflict. You are a very down to earth, yet very curious person. It takes a LOT to upset you, Pile 2. That isn't a gift everyone has! Find a way to use your kindness and desire to help in the way you think best! 💗 ~~~~~~~~ Pile 3 (The Biker): Pile 3, you are my activists. You fight for what is right, whether it be for people, or to become the personal attorneys-at-law for Mother Earth herself! You don't mind the idea of your hobby/career being thankless or dirty, as long as justice is served to the masses. You are sharp-witted and quick with your tongue, you can lay down the hard-hitting facts. This could be journalism or journaling, it could be preservation, archiving, becoming a disability or accident lawyer, a conservationist or arborist. Gardening, a plant enthusiast, geology, archeology, a librarian, your soul is inclined to help preserve, to continue. You are incredibly smart and intelligent, and you tend to like to work either directly in the spotlight, or behind the scenes. You are unafraid of what others may think of what you do, say or think, and that's just how you like it, Pile 3! A strong spirit who just wants what's best. You may be bookish, and love to read. I can absolutely see you making a career out of this, in fact, if you try, you're pretty much destined to succeed, Pile 3! You are armed to the teeth with knowledge. Use it! 💅 ~~~~~~~~ Pile 4 (The Frosting): Pile 4, your hobby/career is certainly more of a behind-the-scenes deal. Something that is taken for granted often, however, you are certainly a carefree spirit! You don't mind, you just flow with the wind. You're a quiet and introverted person for the most part, but you shine bright like a firefly whenever you're around others! You have a cheerful disposition despite your quietness. Yoga is something that is being screamed into my brain!! Whether it's taking up yoga, or being a yoga instructor, it's certainly something that may help you at this time. I have a feeling that times may be rough for you, but you have more tools than you think you do. Meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness exercises are suggested to you! For others, I can also see you having a career in hospitality. Whether it's a maid, janitor, a hotel worker, or even something like a taxi/Uber driver or bus driver, you would fit that sort of work well. Something generally quiet where you can stick to yourself most of the time, with only basic contact with others. You get things done best when you're by yourself, and that's great! You also are suggested to take up a creative hobby as well! You do your best thinking at work, when you can just focus on a mindless task and zone out. Crafting, scrapbooking, or coloring is recommended! :D Keep on keepin' on, Pile 4! 🏃 ~~~~~~~~ I'd love to hear feedback in the comments about what you think about the pile you chose, and if it interests you! I can always do an individual extension for your pile if you order a personal reading from me here! -DV
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rileythelonelyalien · 2 years
I come by to share some soft Dottore thoughts, if u don't mind. I have no idea why I feel so soft for this man (even though he is chaotic) I love him sm.
Imagine that after a long and tiresome week you decide to organize a little something for him. You would make a full dinner just for him, and prepare the glass observatory in the palace so the two of you could come to watch stars after dinner. So, you get the menu ready, for an entrance you could maybe make something with veggies? Perhaps a selva salad? Oh, and in honor of his Sumeru origins you consider making him a dish that you've heard he greatly misses from his homeland, some spicy butter chicken. As for dessert, maybe leave the Sumeru theme behind a make something simple but tasty, a strawberry Panna Cotta! Ohhh you were exited you wanted to make this dinner as perfect as possible. You had ordered the ingredients needed much before that night so everything was all set.
You start cooking and you're in middle of finishing the butter chicken but- you hear footsteps. Annnddddd you are busted!! Dottore gets pleasantly surprised with your gift and decides to join you in the kitchen. With two more hands everything is done quickly and the two of you soon enjoy your dinner together. After the dinner you confessed to him you had another surprise. You take the desserts and other utensils and put them in a picnic basket to take them to observatory.
You had prepared the place with candles, pillows and several blankets (bc snezhnayan nights are cold!!) The two of you sit down and enjoy the desserts as you share your knowledge about stars and different astros. Even though he know this sky is fake, he greatly enjoys the views the two of you enjoy together. Eventually you both feel sleepy and slowly descend into slumber as you cuddle to a wonderful view. "Ahh yes. This is what I call a perfect date~" you hear him whisper. "Thanks for all your efforts my love, I can finally rest well with you by my side."
(Ahhhh sorry for all the specific dishes! I enjoy cooking so I though a little date would be nice!)
Also, if you wish to write this, go on! But don't rush it, take your time and also rest a lot!! Have a great day/night!!! Tysm for all your works, they are so lovely!! (*^-^*)
Dottore x GN! Reader (underneath the stars)
A/N: oh my goodness annon this was such a cute thought honestly!! I can say that I agree with you : I cannot help but have a soft spot for this maniac of a man. I did decide to write this wonderful idea up so I do hope that I have done this justice and that you enjoy it I had so much fun writing this up :)) Also I very much appreciate the kind words about my other works it bring me so much joy to know that others are enjoying them !!!
Over the course of the week, you had noticed how both your and your lover's workload had become increasingly more intense. On your half the paperwork of fatui affairs began piling up on your desk as you tried to keep up with all these documents. Luckily for you the documents seemed to slow down after a few days or so leaving you time to catch up with the mountain of paper that resided on your desk. However, Dottore was running between his different labs within the palace, attending many more harbinger meetings , having to host speeches for the new fatui recruits in his unit and so much more the poor man was absolutely exhausted. Despite this however he managed to maintain his cool and intimidating front , honestly you were impressed but you got to see him behind closed doors when he would come back to your shared bedroom and collapse onto the bed lying next to you as he would turn over onto his back and lazily pull you into his arms and nestle his face into your hair mumbling all sorts of thing to himself as he fell asleep. Even his segments seemed to reflect just how exhausted he was , however this may be due to them having to deal with more tasks than usual as prime had to set more things aside to get to other more pressing matters. Some segments even came to your office where you work looking for you, often asking to hear some words of encouragement from you to help them keep motivated and even a lil kiss if they asked nicely. This only really worked with the older clones , the much younger ones would only splutter out a throwaway comment on the fact that they weren't ‘desperate’ or something along those lines before leaving your office in haste trying to conceal their flushed faces.
Having this happen a few times it began to make you think , your lover has been working tirelessly he certainly deserved to be spoiled for it , this lead to you grabbing a document that was useless to the fatui turning it over to the blank side as you began to make notes , brainstorming different ways to pleasantly surprise him. After meticulously setting each idea you had come to make your decision circling the one that you would go through with. To put this plan to action however you must begin immediately and so in one swift movement you had thrown your winter cloak onto your shoulder and headed out , grabbing a basket to carry things with you on the way out. But why did you need to go out? To go to the market of course as you needed to have fresh ingredients to prepare what you had in mind for your lover. The atmosphere in the market was joyous as always. The Shneznayan spirit never failed to create a close knit community with such a welcoming atmosphere. Although you had no time to revel in such a wonderful place you hurriedly ushered from stall to stall collecting only the best quality ingredients , you were glad you had made sure to bring some extra mora with you as you had accidentally went over your initial budget but it was okay because you had foreseen this and took a few more pieces.
Soon enough you had returned back to the palace , without a second to spare you quickly began to make your way to the kitchen. On your way to the kitchen you manage to bump into someone familiar. It was one of Dottore's' segments! Before he was able to greet you , you in a haste blurted out ‘Oh! This is perfect , I need you to keep prime busy okay? Don't let him go anywhere near the kitchen!’ Yet again before he could, he is able to open his mouth to respond to you, flash him a smile and begin to resume your speed walk to the kitchen letting out a loud ‘Thank you !’ before you disappeared around the corner. He stood there dumbfounded for a moment but then once he’d processed what had just happened. He straightened himself up and took this task assigned by you to heart. He was going to fulfil this task to the best of his ability , he may have to get some others to help him with this though. He set off , his original task unknowingly being overridden by your request as he set off to keep his creator's attention kept away from the kitchen or you for as long as possible.
Alas you had finally made it to the kitchen without having your cover being blown , a sigh of relief escaped your lips as you set down the hefty basket of ingredients. It collides with the counter top making a soft thud. You waste no time in removing your cloak and setting it aside and grabbing an apron and fastening it to your waist , you pull out the paper full of your notes out of your pocket and set it down. You remind yourself of what you had planned as you wash your hands and set out all the necessary utensils. Gently you lift each ingredient out of the basket inspecting each one just to double check that everything was up to standard you wouldn’t want to provide anything subpar quality. Once you were happy with each ingredient the cooking began. The first dish that you had planned was selva salad . something light before the main dish , cutting up various vegetables however to make it more exciting you managed to cut some of them in some fun shapes you smile at the thought of your lover reacting to this. Once you had assembled the salad you set it aside in a cool compartment in the kitchen so that the vegetables would stay fresher for longer. Once again you turn back to your notes as your finger runs across the paper you stop and poke a specific note you had made ‘aha!’ is all that left your lips as the smile on your face widens. You had overheard your lover talk about going to eat some Sumeru cuisine , when he was mumbling into your hair during the nights that he would come back absolutely drained of all energy. You had taken this into account in your planning and so you did some research a while back and found a very popular recipe in Sumeru : spicy butter chicken (you had also heard this dish also be mentioned by him on certain occasions in passing). Now this was going to be the main dish and although you were more proficient in baking you were going to give this dish your all , and it will serve as practice for expanding your culinary skills beyond baking. You take in a deep breath as you feel the determination fill you , this is going to be the most carefully crafted dish you will ever make. Everything must be perfect down to a T.
Meanwhile whilst you were making the main dish the clone you had tasked to keep Dottore away from the kitchen was beginning to struggle. Dottore was getting agitated with one of his experiments going awry and as a way to soothe himself he was going to get something sweet from the kitchen, having something delightful tasty seems to take his mind off his woes. He exits the lab without saying a word. The clone you had made the request to follow his creator out of the lab and noticed that he was heading in the direction to the kitchen. His eyes widened as he rushed over to his creator and stood in front of him blocking him from turning the corner which led to the kitchen without much time to spare he desperately blurted out ‘There has been an accident in the lab we require your assistance immediately!’. The desperation was almost enough to convince him … almost underneath his mask his eyes squinted at his younger self sending a piercing look that transcended his mask ‘Im sure you can handle it #347 you are in my likeness so you’ll be able to resolve the issue at hand’ With that he made his way past him and then as he was in the hallway of the kitchen he was hit with the exquisite smell of abundant spices , all of which were reminiscent of his homeland. He began to hasten his pace making his way to the kitchen to see who was in the kitchen. The clone followed close behind him as he tried to think of another excuse to get him to leave the vicinity but alas it was too late his curiosity has been piqued and there is no going back once that happens.
You were in the midst of finishing off the dish when you heard quickly paced footsteps approach the kitchen. You quietly listen to them as you hope that they pass the kitchen , you back faced toward the door as you stood by the stove. The silence filled the room apart from the bubbling of the sauce. The footsteps stop abruptly, your eyebrows furrow as you try to decipher whether they had gone past the kitchen or stopped by the kitchen , you slowly turn around and to your shock you are met with a familiar figure. That of your lover standing in the doorway staring at you , his mask covering his eyes so you are unable to deduce what he was feeling. You notice the clone in the back looking at you like a kicked puppy trying to signal to you that he tried to keep him away but failed. You feel your lips pressed together as you quietly say to yourself underneath your breath ‘busted…’ Despite this being said underneath your breath Dottore manages to pick up on it ‘Busted?’ he repeated back to you whilst making his way over to you. Before you say anything else you take the dish you were making off the heat and onto another part of the stove to prevent it from being forgotten about and potentially burning which would be even worse than being found out. You let out a sigh before coming clean to your lover , well almost … ‘Well I've noticed how you have been working recently and so I thought it would only be fair to treat you to some of your favourites’. You had purposely left out a key detail of your plan which was to take him to the glass observatory and observe the stars together. If you couldn't keep everything under wraps you might as well keep the most exciting part of it secret to preserve some of the surprise meant for him. As you had explained yourself to him, he had pulled the mask away from his face to be able to look at you directly , his crimson eyes stared at you , soft and exposing his amusement. Gently he brought his gloved hand up to your face, softly grasping your chin so that you are making direct eye contact with him. He hadn't said a word in response yet and the increasing suspense was starting to make you nervous. His signature pointed teeth showing themselves as his face began to turn into one of glee , a smile now gracing his lips before he leant down letting his lips come into contact with yours. He pulled away and pulled you into a firm hug his scent enveloping you feel his chest vibrate as he speaks ‘ My love, you truly are precious, too good for this for this world even’ This sudden praise from him catches you by surprise you chuckle at his antics ‘Well I'm almost done all I have left to make dessert , would you like to help?’ In these small moments you are able to see just how much he craves to spend quality time with you as soon as you propose this idea to him with no hesitation he agrees to it.
He pulls away from the hold he had you in and proceeds to take off his gloves and sets them down with his mask and prepares himself to be able to help you out in the kitchen. Whilst he was busy doing this you quickly went over to the entrance of the kitchen where the clone was still waiting patiently there ready to receive some sort of scalding from you , as you approach him you give him a soft patient smile to signal to him that you were not upset with him ‘ Hey , even if things didn't go as planned i still appreciate the help , no need to beat yourself up about it okay ?’ you raise yourself to the tip of your toes to signal you wanted access to his face , he promptly lowers himself so that you have easier access you give him a quick peck on the cheek and send him on his way before prime would have anything to say about it. Off the segment went holding the cheek that your lips had so kindly graced all giddy at this small show of affection he promptly disappeared around the corner presumably making his way back to the lab.
Once you turn back you see Dottore with spoon in hand trying the spicy butter chicken that was being kept warm by the stove. You smile to yourself when you notice how his face lights up once he tries it, even licking the spoon clean before going to get another spoonful yet this is interrupted when you clear your throat loudly to signify that you were watching. He turns to face you a mischievous smile etched onto his features, ‘I'm glad you like it my love but let's make sure there is some left when it comes to the actual meal hm?’ you tease him as you make your way to the counter and begin to gather the remaining ingredients you had procured earlier. You feel your lover snake his hands around your waist as he pushes his body up against yours behind you as he then speaks into his ear ‘ So my dear what were you planning for dessert?’ he asks as he proceeds to rest his head on your shoulder , you smile at the affection as you reply to him ‘ Oh I was thinking of making some strawberry panna cotta !’ he lets out an approving hum although really anything you would've said he would have agreed to in his eyes your cooking was beyond anything the most proficient chefs of teyvat could muster. You had set Dottore to be in charge of the panna cotta itself whilst you focused on the strawberry sauce that would go with said panna cotta. He stood by the stove patiently observing the mixture of milk cream and sugar in the pan making sure to take the right steps and add the right ingredients at each stage. Cooking was similar to science experiments however the product was always edible and in most cases absolutely delectable. You were at the counter carefully cutting each strawberry and discarding any that would not be of use , the both of you even if not saying anything completely absorbed in the task that they were doing it was still pleasant to know that the other was there with them in the same room. It was comforting.
The two of you combined what you had created separately to form the most delicious looking dessert you've seen. A proud look now over taking your features as you look at your lover to signify that you appreciated his help with this. In return you received a soft smile of his.
Now that each dish was prepared you had plated each one of them and moved it to the dining room which resided just opposite the kitchen. However there was something you needed to take care of before you were able to enjoy this meal with Dottore. There Dottore sat patiently waiting for you to return the smell of all the food enticing him to begin to eat and yet he waited for you he wouldn't dare begin without you. You returned back to the dining room promptly looking quite flushed almost as if you had been frantically running up and down a set of stairs. As he observes your features he raises his eyebrow at you , but decides not to comment on it. Trying not bring attention to the fact that you were out of breath you sit down in the seat that resided next to him before the two of you enjoy the fruits of your hard work , Dottore savouring each bite as he is reminded of his homeland and what better yet it was made by the hand of someone he truly and deeply cared for. It was truly a moment of bliss for him. You had managed to time this perfectly as Dottore and as you were finishing off the last few bites of your dishes you noticed that it was starting to get dark outside , you couldn't help but get excited as you wondered at what his reaction to the other surprise you had in store for him.
Your train of thought is cut off as Dottore speaks ‘Dearest did we leave the dessert in the kitchen?’ he inquires. All you could do was smile at him and respond ‘ No, my love it's right here although I must confess this is not the entirety of what I had planned come with me’ The dessert was securely stored away into a basket that you had next to you and with that you stood up from your seat basket in on hand and your other outstretched for Dottore to take. Gently he grasped your hand as he stood up to follow you wondering just where you were going to take him , to be truthful he was feeling excited , although he would never say it aloud. The both of you make it up to the glass observatory at the perfect time, the sun had just set and the night sky was decorated with the wondrous twinkle of far away stars. You set the basket down as Dottore's attention is brought to the soft glow of the candles illuminating your face setting a soft glow that accentuated all your features. He chuckles to himself as he sits down next to you falling onto the pillows that were strewn out for comfort embracing the warmth the candles provided. ‘I know it can get a bit cold so here take this!’ you brought out a few thick blankets which he took and proceeded to drape over the lower half of his body as you proceeded to do the same with another blanket. He for some reason couldn't take his loving gaze off of you , not even when the clinking of the glass jars filled with dessert rang through the quiet observatory and the utensils clanged against each other as you handed him his share of the desert. The smile on his face warmed his body much more efficiently than all the candles and blankets could.
It was perfect even if you were busted early on into your plan everything still went amazingly. The panna cotta turned out to be wonderful and so sweet , once the both had finished off the dessert you placed all the jars and utensils back into the basket to be washed later on. You both made yourselves comfortable grabbing all the pillows that were all about laying your head against it and wrapping up warm in the blankets as you looked up to watch the mesmerising twinkle of each dot in the sky. Dottore followed suit laying down next to you, bringing your figure into his arms resting his head on top of yours every now and then leaving a few kisses there too. He found your infatuation with the stars to be so adorable and even if he knew that the sky was face he was still willing to keep lying about it in order to keep that smile on your face. At some points he would point out to you certain clusters of stars or even constellations and tell all the interesting facts and information he had on them. Hearing your inquisitive questions and gasps of disbelief over some information he truly relished your presence he really would rather be nowhere else but here. This continues for some time until you begin to feel the drowsiness to settle in as your speech gets more slurred as you are slowly descending into a slumber. Just as you are about to completely fall asleep something catches your attention ‘Ahh yes. This is what I call a perfect date~’ you hear him whisper quietly to himself. ‘Thanks for all your efforts my love, I can finally rest well with you by my side.’
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thedo0zyslider · 6 months
Reunited - Chapter One: Lonely Is The Mountain - 3k Words
Fwhip and Gem live alone in the new mountain home they'd made after The Rapture, and they think they always will. That is until a certain someone turns up on their front lawn, at six in the morning no less.
[Not canon to the eal universe! just a fun little idea i had :)]
Fwhip wakes up, feeling groggy like he normally does. Like he has for the past however many months. There is pain in his back as well, another thing that had gradually become more and more familiar to him over time. It's like a constant friend now, his never ending pain. It has been since the…. incident . Yeah. The incident. That's what he'll call it for now, even though it does have an official name already. The incident.
He blinks again, and notices a warmth beside him. Gem is curled up in the bed as well, her face hidden in his side. Right, they'd both accidentally fallen asleep the night prior, too tired to keep doing much else. Not that either of them mind, for they probably kept each other rather warm enough throughout the coldness of the night prior. At the foot of the bed there is a pile of books, new ones Gem had found. She'd been looking for something, she wouldn't tell him what, and the half dragon had tried to help his sister the best he could. 
Fwhip shifts, dislodging his sister and trying his best not to kick the books. It's a small bed, so Gem doesn't go far, and ends up in almost the same position she had been in before. He holds back a smile, and removes the stupidly big wizard hat from his twins head, lest it get any more wrinkled while she sleeps. 
They were never really like this before. Affectionate, he means, they were never the most affectionate. But, well, losing everything but one person changes that. Fwhip fights back a frown at the thought, and fixes Gem's messed up bangs as gently as he can. He knows how much he hates her hair being messy, after all. 
If he looks on the side of the small bed, the ginger can see Nova and Koda. The two dogs are curled up in a pile on the floor, and in the middle of said pile is the baby dragon Violet. The other wyverns seem to be hanging around outside the window, so that's all the pets accounted for. Though the three massive wyverns could take care of themselves. 
Beside him, Gem finally stirs. She sits up with a small sound, blinking the sleep from her eyes. Fwhip turns his head, and gives the best smile he can manage. “Morning sleepy head.” He huffs, nudging her side gently, to prod her awake more. His sister just makes a vaguely annoyed sound at that, never having been much of a morning person. 
“Morning.” She grumbles, stretching her arms upwards when she is finally upright. “We both fell asleep, didn't we?” Gem goes to stretch her legs as well, but stops herself, realizing the mess that lays on the foot of the bed; also looking like she forgot that they put it there.
“Yeah.” Fwhip answers, failing to hold back an amused snort at his sister's face. Normally, the wizard would glare at him, or something of the like for that. But she has never been a morning person, and is therefore not in the mood for an exchange like that. Instead she just ignores her brother, and finishes what stretches she can in the limited space of her bed. Because this was her room they’d fallen asleep in. The half dragon would never be caught dead with this many books in his room, especially not one's about magic.
“So much for my research.” Gem sighs, looking at the rather concerning stack of books on the bed. It’s honestly a miracle none where kicked off, with two people sleeping on the bed. Two people that were reportedly very restless when they slept, for a magnitude of different reasons. It’s also a surprise they didn’t shuffle too much and wake each other up, but maybe that shows just how bone tired the twins are. How bone tired they have been, for what feels like years now. It’s only been half of one.
“What're you even looking for?” Fwhip asks, scanning over the titles of the books once again. They all have something to do with spells or potions. Some are even written in other languages, like elvish, galactic, or even fae speak. A bunch of jargon the former Count knows he can’t read, and didn’t even know his sister could. Though he shouldn’t be surprised, for how well read Gem always was. The only languages Fwhip new were the native ones from their homes, and the ones of machinery. (He knew a fair amount of mermish languages, like codlish and whatever the salomfolk had used to speak. He ignores that fact, and the books written in those dialects, for his own sanity and peace of mind.)
“It's a surprise.” Gem says, throwing her legs off the edge of the bed. She glances around, presumably for her hat, probably very aware of its absence atop her head. Wordlessly, Fwhip reaches to wear he had put it, and goes to hand it back to her.
“I hate surprises.” He says, his sister taking the hat back from him. He felt inclined to help Gem put it back on, but knew she liked wearing it (and all her clothes, really), in a specific way. So the ginger knew it was best to let Gem handle all of that, unless she specifically asked for help with something. And Fwhip could understand, for he was often the same way with his own clothes. It was a twin thing, as their parents had always lovingly said. When they had still been around, that is.
“No you don't.” Gem calls him out in his lie. Surprises are the whole reason why he loves inventing, and making things, because there’s usually a fair amount of them in his creative process. And she had seen him get way too happy over every birthday and Christmas surprise to ever believe him on that. “Now help me put these books away.”
“Fine, oh Great Wizard.” Fwhip huffs, following the wizard’s lead as she gets to her feet. He steps over the dogs, who have surprisingly not stirred at all the noise yet. And neither has violet, which is even more surprising; but also kinda a relief. A baby dragon was always quite the handful to handle in the mornings. A glance out the window told him the wyverns had deprecated too, which meant the morning was finally, truly getting started. Even if that start was probably a little later than they both would've liked. 
“That's Miss Great Wizard to you!” Gem exclaims, already carrying about five, maybe six heavy books in her arms. The former Count hurries to keep up with her, grabbing what things he can from the edge of the bed. There are a few other things, notepads and writing utensils, hidden beneath the sheets as well. Which was even more stuff to clean up. Yay .
“Excuse me. Fine, oh Miss Great Wizard.” Fwhip snorts in amusement again, tempting himself to nudge Gem once more. But he figures that's a bad idea, with all the books she's carrying. Dropping one would probably be unfun, and also wake both of the dogs up. 
“Are you sure you can carry all that? Nothings gonna give out on you?” Gem asks, seeing the load he has already started to carry. Said load only consisted of the same amount of books she had, maybe one more or one less. Fwhip wouldn’t know, he wasn’t counting when he grabbed the books. He had just grabbed at random to feel like he was helping.
“I'm sure. I'll be fine.” The former Count shrugs, adjusting the weight in his arms again. To be sure he won’t drop it, and to assure both himself and his sister. Even if he doesn’t think that will do much in the way of assurance, it's better than just standing there with a loose grip on seven odd books.
Gem goes to scold him, but is quickly cut off. Partly because they have done this song and dance before, many of times since he was first injured. So much so that the half dragon has grown bored and exasperated by the predictable arguments they have. It does not help that he also has never been a morning person. Another one of those twin things they shared. “Fwhip-”
“I'll be fine.” The ginger pushes, making a point by walking several steps forward. He can feel the light ache in his arm, but that is okay. It’s only a light ache, and those tend to either stay consistent or get worse. Usually they do the former more. So he can carry this stuff a few doors down to the library easily, no problem or any pain involved! 
“If you insist.” The wizard sighs, tightening her grip on her own things. She goes to catch up, to walk beside him and try to get the door. Fwhip has to hold back a smug, triumphant little grin, and the stub of a long gone limb flicks in happy success. 
Right after Gem finally relents, and finally agrees to let him do something like this on his own, his body decides to work against him. Pain shoots up his arm and leg at once, the ones on the same side, and Fwhip has to hold back a swear. The pain gets to his head as well, as it often does, and he knows he’s going to fall before he even starts to do so; the sensation has become that unbalancing.
“Shit” He hisses, catching himself on the door frame. Despite his best efforts, two books do slip from his grasp and tumble to the floor. Two loud bangs follow them, and the dogs jolt awake with ear splitting barks. Their barks normally don't hurt at all, now it's just a really bad time for them to be making any noise. 
Gem sees him wince at the sound, and hushes the animals as quickly as possible. They always did listen to Fwhip more than her. But Nova and Koda, as if able to sense the energy in the wizard’s voice, or how much pain their owner is in, do quiet down after a few seconds. They also keep Violet,  who is now awake. occupied in their own doggy way. Somehow. Which leaves all of Gem’s attention thankfully free for her injured idiot brother.
“Are you okay?” His sister asks, at his side in an instant. Worry is clear in her tone, and Fwhip has to ignore it. If he doesn’t, the guilt of causing it will consume him whole and make this whole situation worse than it already is. If it can get any worse, goddammit.
“I'm fine.” He says, trying to lean toward his sibling. Towards her warmth and comforting, familiar presence. But if he does that he is not fine, and she will have to spend half her day helping and healing him once again. So Fwhip does not do that, instead he leans away, and ignores the flash of pain as he does. Moving hurts , everything hurts right now.
“Don't lie to me.” Gem doesn’t chastise him at the moment, even though she has more than every right too. Mainly because her brothers stupid, and have done this dozens of times. Most importantly, he will do it again. But Gem is smart and caring enough to know that lecturing will do nothing but make the half dragon feel worse. So instead she allows herself to fret and worry, and let the warmness of it wash over her stupid sibling. Even if he can’t appreciate it at the moment, they both know he will later.
“....I'm fine.” Fwhip huffs, going to stand. Instantly, he falls down again, his chest landing hard on the books he’s carrying. It knocks the wind out of him, which is just great , just another problem he needs right now. Pain shoots up his arm and leg again, and feels like it is traveling up to his back. Which is fan- fucking -tastic! Back pain, again! His favorite thing on the pain menu!
“Idiot.” Gem huffs, not meaning the insult seriously. Well, not too seriously. She crouches next to her brother, taking the books he hadn’t dropped away from him desperately. She places them quietly next to her own stack, now on the floor as well, trying to avoid making anymore very loud noises. Fwhip wants to protest, but his damaged arm is already giving out from the main, and the ringing in his ears has not subsided. And his bad leg is aching, probably because he’s so shit at taking care of it. The ginger whimpers, and feels stupid. Like some helpless child.
“You need to rest.” The wizard hums, running a comforting hand through his hair. Fwhip hates how he leans into it, like a small child leans into his mother when sick. He hates it. The half dragon hates all of this so much, and the searing pain on his right side is not making it (or his mood, for that matter,) any better.
“...J-just got up.” He protests, the half dragon’s voice sounding weak even to him. He pushes the thought away, along with the waves of self hatred that follows it. Fwhip does not need to focus on that right now, he needs to focus on breathing, so he can stand again, and not worry his sister anymore. He can focus on all those bad thoughts later, when he’s trying to sleep ofcourse. 
“I know, but you’re hurting.” Gem soothes, petting Fwhip’s head some more. Finally, he allows himself to go slack, and lean into all the comfort he is being given.“I’ll get you some ice and a hot drink okay? After I clean this.” She tells him her plan, like he is a small child. And the half dragon knows this is for his own good, and that he is not being babied. He knows Gem would rather stab herself than treat him as lesser, if he didn’t do it first, but it is hard to ignore the nagging in the back of his head telling him otherwise.
“Sure. Whatever.” He huffs, moving away from her touch. Gem removes her hand from his head, resting it on his arm instead. A sign  he knows well, indicating that he is about to be helped up. What can the ginger say, he finds himself randomly falling a lot more these days…like some kinda old man…
“Think you can get to your own room? It’s just a door over.” Gem says, watching as her brother stops kneeling over on the floor. The half dragon moves into a crouching possession, the pain finally starting to dull enough to move. He lets the wizard hold his hands in hers, and gets ready to go back to standing for just a few minutes.
“I can.” Fwhip says, taking a few moments to catch his breath, and lets the pain dull the best he can. Thought that probably won’t be for very long, but hopefully long enough to do what his sister is suggesting. Because as much as he hates to admit it, it is a damn good and perfectly sensible (maybe even a tempting) suggestion. “I can.”
After that, Gem hoists him to his feet smoothly, well used to doing it by now. She is also strong enough to do so as well, rather impressively. Fwhip mangoes to make it across the hall, only having to lean against a wall for a good minute, maybe too at the most, before he is able to shamble away. Gem calls that she is going to clean their prior mess, and change into some new clothes, then she can do whatever he needs. He yells back some word of acknowledgement, and lets his mind wander elsewhere for a minute as he enters his bedroom for the first time that day. Probably the only one too, since Fwhip will most likely be stuck in it for most of not all of the day, at the rate he’s going indicates anything.
They have a few villagers living closer to the bottom of the mountain, and that's it. Other than that, the mountain is very lonely. Always has been, and probably always will be. It’s what he thinks about as he looks out his bedroom window, shuffling with his good clothes. He knows Gem told him to rest, but he at least wants to change out of his probably dirty ones. Look presentable for the day, in case he needs to actually do something. If the aching in his muscles lets him.
He holds back a sigh, and quickly shrugs off his clothes from the day prior. An outfit that reminds him of his younger days. Before he was a leader of anything. Back in his early twenties, when he was a very different and more unpleasant man. Times he wasn’t very fond of remembering, for a lot of reasons. The casual outfit he was shrugging on now was more like the current Fwhip, and subsequently made him feel more comfortable in his own skin. Even if his arms did burn with a pain they hadn’t years ago, when he had truly come into his own and first adopted this style.
Fwhip catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror, and has to look away. He hates seeing the scars that line his face, truly he does. They bring nothing but bad memories and pain. They're all explosion shaped, a reminder of why the marks are there in the first place. A permanent reminder of what he has done. 
The former Count sighs, and shrugs his coat off. He has to see the scars on his arms as well, and they are much like the ones lining his face. He sits down on the edge of the bed, one he often finds himself able to get out of, and lets all those rather unpleasant thought consume him as he looks at his scars. 
The explosion banged him up pretty good, Fwhip has to admit. It leaves him unable to do much, some days. Either from physical pain or the probable depression, the former Count has found himself bed ridden more than once. He hates it, being useless while Gem works around the house and tries to carry on. He knows she understands, but he still hates it nonetheless. 
Gem was hurt in the incident, but less than him. Fwhip experienced the whole blast, while his sister only got a silence of the aftershock. She had a few sprains that had long since healed, and some lingering pain. Pain that lingered in her legs and arms, but pain that could be easily managed with spells and natural healing methods. Though the emotional and mental pain did not heal as fast. Her dragon's were also okay, and had quickly healed from whatever damage they had sustained. Something about them healing quicker and being more than people were. 
Fwhip, on the other hand, has had more lasting injuries than his sibling. For starters, his physical pain lasts longer, and is worse. It often calls him to fall down or lose balance, like it had barely half an hour. Which meant he couldn't do any heavy lifting, which eliminated most tasks that would make him feel helpful and like a worthwhile member of this house. Because the universe loves screwing him over as of late, it seems. 
He cannot say which of them has it worse emotionally or mentally, but the former Count figures it's similar enough. They had both lost everything that day after all. Though mental illness and the emotional pain that came from trauma were never something to be compared or pitted against each other. And he wouldn't be the one to start it, Fwhip wasn't that far gone. Not yet, anyways, and hopefully never. 
His injuries had been more serious, multiple contributing to his new balance and coordination problems. One of said injuries being the loss of most of his tail, the limb having been blown off in the explosion. Half dragons often used their tails for balance, to support the extra weight their wings added. Though not that that mattered anymore, because his wings were also gone, blown to bits. Well, they hadn’t all been blown up that day, only half of them having remained. But half dragons do not grow their wings back, and the tissue had been badly damaged and bleeding from multiple tears where flesh had once been. The risk of an infection was far too high for even the most experienced healers to be comfortable stitching his wounds closed. Back then, and still now, it was better for him, and their current situation, to amputate the rest of his wings. Even if it was one of the hardest things Fwhip had ever had to do.
Neither of the twins were doctors, but he was sure he’d sustained some type of nerve damage somewhere along his body, and something was permanently wrong with his back too most likely. Oh, and he had god awful headaches and migraines now, probably also there to stay forever. Or maybe all of it was fixable. He wouldn’t know, he wasn’t a healer; was never good at that sort of thing.
Fwhip figures Gem has a permanent ailment or two as well, just that they're more manageable. But she doesn’t mention them, opting to worry about her brother and his myriad of new health issues instead. And the ginger did appreciate it, really, he just wished his sister would care for herself more. He could see the pain and grief hidden in her eyes, no matter how hard she tried to mask it.
The half dragon sighed, knowing he would have to retire for the day. And it was barely even mid morning. His pains had gotten worse while he sat there thinking. So reluctantly, his limbs aching like an absolute bitch and the phantom pains consuming his whole backside, Fwhip allows himself to curl up under the warm covers of his bed. He jokingly blames this all on the studying and reading he had to do last night, his body getting revenge for doing many mundane activities he knew he wasn’t a fan of.
A few minutes later, both Koda and Nova clamber onto his bed, knowing to be gentle when he is in the state. Fwhip smiles, and gives them both plenty of rubs and scratches behind the ears, letting them know he is not bad for their earlier barking. He grabs a book from his nightstand, one on machines and redstone. He’s had enough of books in the past twenty four hours, but there’s not much else to do to pass the time.
Fwhip hums as he flips through a page, his interest somewhat peaked. He’s read this book before, many of times, but it has yet to get interesting. He hears some clinking in the kitchen, and hopes Gem will make him that magic tea. The one that works on easing pain. Or maybe just some normal tea, his favorite flavor, just to make this day go a bit better. If only to help him get through the pain, that will be enough. What she does is always more than enough, after all.
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fluffiwrites · 1 year
if your requests are still open could you pleaaaaaase write something about like zelda (or maybe even one of the champions) finding a new tickle spot on link and link not realizing he was really ticklish there ?? pls and thank you !!
I adore lee!link sm omfg 🤬 ty for requesting this 😭🙏 I decided to do it with revali because he’s a little shit + im currently working on another ler!zelda (๑>ω<๑)
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Characters: Lee!Link, Ler!Revali. Warnings: this is a tickle fic ^^
P.S. i didnt know whether to verbalise link or not it’s always tricky to write with it like that, BUT it kinda takes away his character! So I still ended up *not* giving him THE POWER OF ✨WORDS✨
Anyway enjoy pfpfppfpfpf
~First Aid~
After getting to know eachother more Revali & Link were actually quite fond of eachother, the bird brain just in denial of feeling anything other than persistent hatred for this poor man.
They’d been on an “adventure” together in the Hebra Mountains to find the safest area for research to take place, including the princess.
However, a few “scratches” were taken along the way, from wildlife attacks & dangerous rocks. So, they were giving eachother a little care to make sure everything was ok.
Doing so would prove a difficult task, though. Because Link was ticklish, *very* ticklish. Revali already knew this & well, it was just common knowledge by now. But the snooty Rito hadn’t seen it for himself.
..what a perfect opportunity to do so, right?
The blonde was sat on the floor cross-legged, cuts, gashes & bruises piled on one another. Revali sat behind him, with a first aid kit & a pair of feathered wings to accompany them.
The bird got to work, cleaning wounds, placing plasters, putting ice on bruises, etc. The whole thing was unbearable for Link, who was flinching at every brush of feathers, the soft, fluttery feeling sending shivers down his spine.
Revali noticed at last, pushing him to ask,
“Link, is this bothering you?” He shook his head quickly in response.
“Then why are you squirming so much? Is something the matter?” He teased, he knew exactly what he was doing.
The knights ears turned pink in embarrassment, as he *prayed* for the Rito not to say that awkward word.
Revali continued on his torso, this time purposefully pressuring his sides, emitting strained giggles & gasps.
The boy held tightly on to the rug as he suppressed his ticklish reactions. Every touch he could feel buzzing throughout his nervous system, the sound of his own giggles echoing in his head.
This “first aid” should’ve been over by now, but Revali had other ideas, chuckling. Readying his feathers & latching on to Links bare lower torso, the other jolting & squealing from the sudden sensation.
He squeezed & pinched carefully at the sensitive skin, adorable laughter filling the room as the blonde lunged over in an attempt to stop the tickly feeling, but it only kept the feathers in place as they brushed along his sensitive tummy.
“Aw, such cute laughter, hm?”
The champion of flight slipped his hands from the trap, & went for Links neck. He howled, his shoulders seeming to be a newfound death spot.
So he spidered along them, giving occasional pokes & swipes to his tummy & back as Link twitched & squirmed.
“I never expected you to have ticklish shoulders, how cute.” The knight cringed at the mention of that dreadful word. His face painted pink & his eyes wrinkled with fluster.
He was now lay in his lap, trying to hide his expression from the attacker. But he just couldn’t win, because whenever he lifted his arms, Revali would scribble right under his armpits & send him into a giggle fit.
The younger boy kicked his legs & flailed his arms about, screeching & his laughter raising once his knees were found.
“My, what do we have here? If the princess found you were this sensitive, she would really have fun with you, wouldn’t she? Such a ticklish knight to mess with, hm?” He teased, Link whining through his cackles.
As his laugh finally went silent, Revali decided it was time to let up. He placed the boy on the soft bed & lay him to rest.
Before he could tell him how cute he was, Link was already asleep. Who knew the way to wipe out a hero was to cover him in tickles?
The end (。-∀-)
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
Hi, Love
I hope you're doing well, and I hope you have fun these holidays and stay warm.
Would you mind writing me a fic about L or Near comforting the reader (their partner) when they keep failing at wrapping presents properly? I'm having SUCH a hard time wrapping these and I would love to hear that it's okay to try again and ask for help from either of my beloved boys.
Thank you for reading (even if you cant/don't want to do this request, I 100% understand)
Hi lovely! God, I love when people send me holiday asks and this is such a cute idea! Thank you for being so polite and kind, I really appreciate you. :)
Also omg look at this cute holiday themed divider!! 🥹
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The sound of paper crunching behind L as he worked suddenly ceased. A groan echoed and he heard a small thud. Spinning in his chair, his eyes find you on the hotel floor with your head in the wrapping paper scraps.
“Y/n, what are you doing?”
“Mmurphhhdurphh..” Came from inside the mountain of cheerful Santas and Christmas trees.
“I can’t hear you.”
Your head pops up, there’s a scrap of reindeer stuck in your hair and you look exhausted. “I fucking hate Christmas.”
“That’s a hyperbole.” L stands and approaches your position on the floor, surrounded by boxes, tape and wrapping paper.
“Hardly. Do you know how hard it is to properly wrap gifts?”
“I can’t say I do.” He rounds the piles of supplies and stands next to your slouched body. “Your posture is almost as bad as mine.”
You groan and roll your eyes. “Don’t you have work to do?”
“I can’t focus with all your noise and I certainly can’t focus if you’re going to be groaning and complaining loudly.” He squats down next to you in his regular position and drops his thumb to his lips.
Suddenly, a poorly-wrapped box is shoved into his arms as you turn towards him. It’s an incredibly sad sight, there’s odd ends of paper sticking up and pockets of air where too much space is.
“If you’re going to make fun of me, you might as well be put to use. Unwrap that for me, please.”
L picks up one of the scissors and begins cutting the paper off. He watches you from the corner of his eye as you attempt to fold the wrapping paper at the right length and accidentally tearing it.
You moan dejectedly, throw the scraps away and measure out another length of the blue-spotted paper.
Once done with removing the paper, he nudges you with his elbow. “Do you want me to wrap this?”
“You can try,” You shrug, and hand him a red cylinder, “But expect me to laugh at you when you’re worse than I am.”
As he goes through the regular motion of preparing the wrapping and cutting the paper to fit the box, he lets his pupils fall on your messy hair and stressed expression. In a poor attempt to alleviate your anxiety, he begins talking.
“The Task-Force isn’t expecting presents, Y/n. The Japanese don’t celebrate Christmas very much anyway, only about one percent of the population is even Christian.”
You throw a glance his way, a half smile at his attempt to make you feel better. “Maybe, but they’ve been working so very hard on this and I know they’ll be here during Christmas. I want to show my appreciation for them, they deserve it.”
You hold up an expensive bottle of aftershave you bought for the chief and ask, “Do you think they’ll like them?”
L put a hand on your back and held two sides of wrapping paper with the pointer finger and thumb of his other hand on the box.
“I think they will be shocked and glad to even have gotten anything, my love. How much did these things cost?”
You grin. “You’ll have to check your bank statement for that, we both know money burns a hole in my pocket.”
He drops his hand from your back with a small chuckle and resumes wrapping. “I don’t see how my money could burn a hole in your pocket but I suppose it is the season of sharing..”
You sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, the occasional noises of wrapping paper, the tape dispenser and thoughtful sighs as you try to get the paper right.
L makes a unrecognizable noise next to you and you turn and see him holding a perfectly wrapped present, complete with a beautiful white lace and bow, a small, proud smile on his face.
“Oh…my…god! Oh my god! I can’t believe- What- That’s so not fair!” You cry out and wave your hands indignantly.
L laughs at your expression, one of those rare moments of his persona fading and you get presented with his authentic self.
“I guess I just have a gift,” He puts his thumb between his lips again with humor in his eyes, “It’s geometry, Y/n, it’s simply basic geometry.”
You groan and tuck your head into his neck, shaking yours miserably. “I hate you…”
He pats your hair with a chuckle. “I’m sure you do.”
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
Could you maybe do a omega kurapika x fem alpha reader
spoiled - (omega!kurapika x alpha!reader)
description: just some domestic, fluffy omega kurapika because he truly deserves all the cuddles and to be haPPY
authors note: my first omegaverse fic! it's literal trash i swear but it was so much fun to write! can't wait to write more of this genre! thanks so much for the request <3
warnings: omegaverse if you count that, implied nsfw at the end, trash writing
word count: 1.3k
requests are open!
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Kurapika was not someone to be taken lightly. He was a complex individual with his cool and collected demeanour and yet harbouring an endless sea of hatred and rage within. He rarely trusted and confided in people and had very few friends. This isn’t to say he didn’t care deeply for the friends that he did have. Of course Leorio, Gon and Killua meant the world to him. As did you, though he couldn’t really label you as just a friend.
You were his alpha, his confidant, his life partner. You had stuck by his side through thick and thin, seeing him through his dark path and out the other side. He could never thank you enough for all the support you had given him over the years, but he hoped he could repay you for the rest of his life.
Kurapika, no matter how long of a day he had, always stopped by where you worked and waited to walk home with you. He nodded at the receptionist as he walked past, all too familiar with this routine. Reaching the floor where your office was, the Kurta swiftly glided down the long halls, knowing the layout like the back of his hand. He made sure to knock three times on your office door so you knew it was him.
Flinging the door open, you greeted your mate with a bright smile that never failed to make him feel pleasantly warm and fuzzy. He followed you inside, your familiar scent hitting him the second he stepped foot into your small office.
Pictures of you and him and also of your friends littered your office, along with scattered books and a mountain of paperwork that sat pride of place on your desk.
“Are you almost ready?” He asked, eyeing the stack of paper that was seemingly holding you captive.
“I wish!” You groaned and flopped back into your chair, wanting for all the world to set fire to the miserable pile beside you.
Smiling, Kurapika approached you. Placing a hand on your back, he started to rub soothing circles as he glanced over the work you had left.
“I’m very thankful I don’t work in an office.”
“I’m starting to think you had the right idea with your job.” You laughed and rubbed your eyes, feeling calmer thanks to your mate’s scent. “My hunter licence got me this comfortable job but it's so much work.”
“Maybe you should quit.” He teased, never ceasing the soothing motions.
“Ha, very funny.” Both you and Kurapika knew that you wouldn’t leave unless there was something else that you really wanted to do. This job paid quite well and for all the complaining you did, it wasn’t bad by any means. 
“Anyway, you go ahead.” You kissed his hand quickly before you returned to the mountain of work before you. “I just have to finish this first.”
He laughed lightly at your sigh and kissed the top of your head. “I’ll see you soon then.”
Kurapika trudged his way back home, his thoughts far away. He took the quickest route, thankful where you worked wasn’t too far from where you lived. Unlocking the door, the familiar scent of home washed over him, flooding his senses. The blonde omega let out a breath, grateful he had somewhere like this to return to.  
Untying his shoes at the door, he quickly got to work. Seeing as you were working so hard, he decided to make your favourite dinner as all the ingredients were in the house already. Setting everything on the counters, Kurapika hummed softly as he started to chop, his thoughts centering around you and how proud he was that you were his mate. This was a common train of thought for the omega, never getting past how lucky he was that he met you and that you loved him.
He went into autopilot as he cooked, knowing this recipe inside out. He hadn’t realised the time going by until he heard the front door open and you shuffle inside. 
“Please tell me that’s what I think it is.” Kurapika heard you groan with delight at the smell of dinner.
The omega chuckled at your reaction, continuously stirring the pot of sauce. “Yes, it’s what you think it is.”
“You are amazing.” You grinned, kissing his cheek in gratitude when you entered the kitchen, eyeing up his cooking with hungry eyes.
“I’m only cooking you dinner.” He rolled his eyes but still felt immensely pleased that you liked what he was doing. You moved around the kitchen, already beginning to clean up what your omega no longer needed.
“I thought that paperwork was never going to end.” You huffed as you set the table, moving Kurapika by the waist so you could get to the cutlery drawer he was blocking. You took delight in the faint blush that appeared on his cheeks, neck and ears, knowing that he always had that reaction whenever you grabbed him by the waist.
Dinner was a relaxed affair, both of you talking about how your days had gone and cracking small jokes here and there. By the time both of you were done, Kurapika’s eyes were shining with mirth, something you never thought you’d get to see when you first met him.
When your omega made a move to start cleaning up, you quickly stood up, pressing a quick kiss to his lips which stopped him in his tracks.
“You go sit down and relax, I’ll handle cleaning up.” The Kurta smiled in appreciation before leaving your side to snuggle into the couch with a blanket that you had secretly scented that morning as Kurapika had left for work before you.
“Thank you.” His voice was sincere as he sunk deeper into the fabric, the familiar scent of you washing over him, soothing all of his stress away. Kurapika closed his eyes, his mind going blissfully blank as he listened to the muted sounds of you cleaning the kitchen. 
By the time you had finished, Kurapika had totally emptied his mind of all worries and was ready just to spend the evening with his favourite person.
“My love?” He heard you call out and he cracked his eyes open, greeting you with a smile.
“Hm?” The blonde omega responded, making room for you on the couch.
“Are you okay?” You whispered into his hair once you had settled beside him. This was a common question you asked. He didn’t mind at all, it showed you cared about him.
“I’m fine.” He gave you a small, tired smile as he reached for your hand. “Really.”
He nuzzled into your neck, enjoying your soothing scent. This was always Kurapika’s favourite time of day, just the two of you relaxing together. No matter how long he lived or how many hours he spent in your arms, it would never be enough.
“I love you.” He broke the silence, just to make sure you knew how he was feeling.
You smiled and kissed his head. “I love you too.”
You let your omega rest for a couple of minutes before a thought popped into your mind. You never properly said thank you for the meal he made.
“Seems like I need to spoil you properly tonight.” You murmured in his ear, taking delight in the shiver that shot down his spine.
“You spoil me enough already.” He acted as if he didn’t know what you were implying.
“Oh really, then you’re very familiar with what I’m about to do then.” You grinned wickedly and scooped your mate up in your arms. He let out a small yelp of surprise, red staining his cheeks. 
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” You raised an eyebrow as you carried him into the bedroom, realisation dawning on Kurapika’s face. “I’m going to spoil you like you deserve.”
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innerchorus · 1 year
I am currently having Saam feels and I just need to express them somehow!! He's gonna have a better time in Wolfpack than he does in canon— not only is his love Kharlan alive, Hilmes is proving to be a worthy leader, they're not stuck between a rock and a hard place, etc etc, and I like to think he and Shapur might feel a shared connection of them both having changed their allegiances from Andragoras to Hilmes (though for very different reasons)... Things are really looking up for both his country and liege, and he's got a tiny healer aggressively pushing him to take better care of himself. And... And... Fuck, my head's all jumbled. Maybe Hilmes would confide in him with his insecurities, all the complicated and intense emotions and grief and everything regarding the history of Kaykhusraw and the clan, the truth of his lineage, his uncertainties, his resolve to build a better Pars, everything, the sheer trust of it all (unlike a certain someone...*side-eyes chapter 115 Hilmes*), and he gets to witness Hilmes grow!! He'd be so proud! I do wonder what he'd think of all the clan history stuff though, he'd be Shook for sure. I think he'd really encourage the idea of the ceremony for the Temple of Truth, it just feels right for him. And he'd bond with Arslan over wanting Hilmes to grow... He's gonna have so many bonds with so many people! Including various clan folk— chaos aside Kazai is a caring person once you get to know him after all. He doesn't get to be isolated anymore.
I don't imagine Kubard would like to serve Hilmes, though— he might end up joining the clan, he might just strike out on his own to be a wanderer who occasionally keeps in touch with everyone else. He might first encounter the clan in Daylam or something, or somewhere near, maybe when the clan is rounding up rural areas to help around or fortify them or just responding to the Lusitanians (by striking them down), and maybe they could've fought alongside each other and think “oy this guy's fun!”
I think I've posted about the mages integrating themselves into the local folks' day-to-day lives by helping manage grain storage and helping repel pests and healing people and stuff like that, so what if they expand a little, extend their services to areas outside of Shapur's lands? And that's how they probably ended up somewhere around Daylam?
I don't know how to end this so uh, have this mental image of Eihon whacking Hilmes and/or Saam and/or Zandeh with her trusty stick. I don't know how this got into my head but it's stuck there and I'm about to make it your problem.
I once saw a fanart of a very worried Zandeh piling a mountain of blankets on a sick Saam with Hilmes sitting by his bedside, haven't tracked down the source but it was very cute.
Oh so many Sam feels... These are good ones though! It's nice to have something to counteract his canon position a little, and imagine him loved, surrounded by comrades, with the kind of social support that I think he really needs and has been sorely missing. Someone like Kubard is happy with his own company for a time but I can't help but think Sam feels best when he has people he is close to nearby.
This does sound like a big improvement on his canon situation right now. I cannot express how much I want to see Sam's pride at seeing Hilmes grow into the person he hoped he would, the ruler he felt he had the potential to be. 😭
And yeah it totally feels like Kubard would fight alongside the clan in a situation like that; it's a little like him teaming up with Merlaine, or killing off Lusitanians bandits causing trouble.
Also the idea of Eihon whacking Zandeh with a stick is absolutely comedic and I love it and he probably deserved it but I imagine he'd be a bit crestfallen nonetheless ...like a puppy that's just been disciplined lmao
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countessofravenclaw · 5 months
El Lugar más Feliz de la Tierra: Chapter two
To all that come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future.
- Walt Disney
Luna had never heard these words before, nor had she heard of the man who had said them... well until she and Mateo end up having a movie night and Luna comes up with an idea. If there is really a place that can be called "the happiest place on the earth" she wants to see it for herself. So she and all her friends leave on an adventure ... an adventure over to a place where you can leave today and enter the world of the past, future, adventure, and fantasy.
The song of the chapter V ¤
All around the world sun is shining
“So I thought two suitcases would be enough but we’ll see.” Luna put two colorful suitcases onto the bed where Nina was sitting. It was Friday and they were flying out to California on a 13:30 flight the next day. We’ll be checking then anyway so it does not matter. Are you sure you have time to help me?”
“Of course,” Nina said as she scrolled through the checklist on the tablet. Luna and Ambar had done all the planning together and the list had everything Luna still needed to make sure of. “I already sorted the clothes and other stuff I’m taking. Gastón is putting them into our suitcases with his own after he gets off work. Everything I need as a carry-on, I’ll have time to pack tomorrow.”
“You trust him to do that?” Luna questioned as she dumped a mountain of socks to the bed. “Matteo always says that he can’t navigate my clothing and Ambar doesn’t let Simon even touch hers.”
“Well, we are all different. Whatever works for you is fine. But my husband is very capable of doing that.”
“I still can’t believe that you are actually married,” Luna exclaimed while starting to throw shirts off their hangers and next to the socks.
“Well, sometimes I don’t believe it myself,” Nina laughed and looked at the narrow white gold band that was encrusted with small sapphires, which was now accompanying the sapphire and diamond engagement ring on her left ring finger. “But I have to say, it is pretty nice.”
“And fun?” 
“Yes, that too.” Nina looked down and tried not to blush, when she thought all that fun actually included. “I mean, I know I would give a 15-year-old myself a heart attack if she ever learned that by the age 24, she’d be Mrs. Perida.”
“Sad thing is that time travel has not been invented yet.” Luna laughed. “Can you go through the list one more time. Ambar is counting on me, and I am sure I have forgotten something.”
“Okay. Did you make sure everyone has the app?”
“Yes, I sent the link to the group chat last week, and everyone is registered there as one group.”
“Good,” Nina said as she scrolled down the list. “Ambar took care that everyone has the boarding passes… I think everything is done. The gate is 56 and we’ll meet up there at 12:15. We're picking you and Matteo up at 11:00. You and Ambar did amazing planning for this vacation.”
“I know right?” Luna grinned, “I am so excited! Okay so, what of these do I take with me, and what do I not?” She was eyeing the shirts that were now laying on the bed as one big pile. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten them out of the closet before you chose.” Nina pointed out.
“Huh… yeah, that sounds smart. Oh well, no going back now.” Luna tilted her head. 
“You can at least get rid of all the long-sleeved ones. It is July, so it is going to be hot in Anaheim.”
“Okay!” Luna started pulling all the long-sleeved ones out of the pile while Nina started folding the short-sleeved ones.
“The weather forecast didn’t show any indication of rain, but you can never be too safe, so take one jacket,” Nina said after they had finished sorting Luna’s shirts. 
“Yeah, that is a good idea.” She grabbed one jacket from the closet and threw it on top of the other clothes in the suitcase. “Okay, what's next? Shoes… argh, I have no idea what to do with them.”
“I am pretty sure Roller Skates are forbidden, so you should not even try, or we won’t get past the park security.” Nina said while arranging the jacket nicely in the suitcase. “I only packed flats for the park, you know, sneakers and low heel boots.”
“Well, I thought I’d wear this to the plane,” Luna held up a floral jumpsuit, “and then these shoes.” She pointed to hot pink boots. “Hmmm, then I could take my Converse and the colorful Nikes… oh and I need the purple boots for that Jazmin’s thing.” Luna started throwing shoes to the second suitcase. 
“Can you fold these?” Luna dropped a bunch of bottoms in front of Nina, before starting to rummage through some drawers, mumbling something about missing earrings.
Nina just shook her head laughing and started folding the clothes until she noticed something amongst them…
“Hah! Found them!” Luna pulled her head from a drawer holding something and turned toward Nina with a victory smile.
“Luna, what is this?” Nina was looking at her disapprovingly while holding Luna’s engagement ring in her hand. 
“Wait what?” Luna’s eyes shot to her left hand. “How did it end up there?”
“Luna, you need to tell Matteo that it is too big so you can get it resized.” Nina said with a serious tone of voice, 
“You’re right,” Luna sat on the bed. “But I always forget and there is no time now.”
“You can’t wear it to the parks, if it is falling off, you’ll for sure lose it there and it will be impossible to find it. I am sure you don’t want to lose it.” Nina handed the ring back to Luna, “It can be a millimeter game. Mine was a little too big, so I didn’t even notice it and even the jeweler said it wasn’t exactly necessary to resize it, but Gastón still insisted on it. I am sure Matteo would want the same.”
“I know, the ruby is one of the only things he has left of his mother. But what do I do now? I can’t just leave it home.”
“You could wear it on a chain.” Nina suggested. 
“I don’t really want to… it is my engagement ring,” Luna lamented, “Oh, what if I use one of those, you know, security rings?”
“Yes, I know them,” Nina responded, “You have any?”
“No…” Luna shook her head, pondering, “Maybe Ambar does. I’ll ask her.” Luna grabbed her phone and started typing on it at lightning speed. “Yes! She does!”
“Will they fit you?”
“They will!” Luna grabbed her jewelry box and placed it on the bed. “We have the same ring size… or at least her wedding band fitted me… okay so should I just take all of my jewelry? Or just some of it? I can’t choose.”
“You tried on Ambar’s wedding ring?” Nina questioned. On the surface, it might not seem like a big deal, but she could not imagine herself ever letting anyone else wear her rings. They had too much emotional value.
“Yeah, she had me model it so she could take a picture of it—” Luna noticed Nina’s gaze, “—relax. I wore it on the right hand.”
“Okay, let's move on.” Nina shook her head, “Jewelry wise, you should pick the pieces that you pack, so they don’t take extra space.”
“Can you do that for me? I never know what to pick. I’ll just get a couple more things and then we should be done.”
Maybe after another 30 minutes or so, Luna and Nina were squeezing Luna’s suitcases shut. They had ended up being so full that Luna had to sit on it so Nina could pull the zippers shut. 
“You better warn Matteo before you open these up at the hotel,” Nina noted, “I am not sure that these will not explode.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter.” Luna pulled the suitcases to the floor and jumped on the bed. “I AM SO EXCITED!!! I have no idea why I didn't think of this years ago.”
“I should have shown you frozen years ago.” Nina laughed. “I have been wanting to visit the parks for years… but Mom never let me. Dad would have taken me. I honestly don’t know, now that I think about it, why we never visited the Paris park with Gastón while we were in England. Well, we can do it once we’ll go over to Europe next time. We could take our children someday.”
“Speaking off…” a mischievous smile grew on Luna’s face. “So, you do not have anything to tell me right?”
“Luna, no.” Nina rolled her eyes after catching onto what she meant. 
“Oh well, had to ask.” Luna laughed, “You never know what happens on the honeymoon.”
“Luna, neither of us is even 25 yet. I am trying to finish my second book. Gastón has been at his job for only six months. He is doing extremely well, but still new there. Not to mention that we got married only a month ago. We have talked about it, there is no rush.”
“Okay, but I just wanna be an auntie,” Luna jumped on the bed.
“Then pester Simon and Ambar about it.”
“Okay let's change the subject,” Luna relented. “I went through the English phrases you provided.”
“You probably were the only one,” Nina sighed. Their group was tragicomically very mismatched in their English abilities, but at least Luna was trying. 
“So, if I need to find something I’ll just ask: Where is and then the thing I am trying to find, right?” Luna pronounced, surprisingly quite well. 
“Yes, that is quite good,” Nina nodded. “More polite phrasing would be Where can I find or How do get somewhere, but for you that can work fine.”
“Jim, do you have the tickets?” Yam came into their living room while dragging an empty suitcase.
“Yes, I do. We need to be there at 12:15.” Jim was already sitting on the floor with her empty suitcase. 
They had decided that this time they were going to be orderly and get the packing done well in advance… the night before the flight… but that was in advance. 
“But… How are we getting to the airport? The bus will take at least an hour.”
“Maybe Ramiro can drive us,” Yam pondered and started texting on her phone. “Okay, so we need to get to packing…” She put her suitcase next to Jim’s and sat on the floor. “What first?”
“Let’s put the special outfits in first,” Jim suggested. “Can you go get them, and I’ll get our shoes from the closet.”
Yam nodded and got off the floor and pulled Jim with her. Jim walked to the door and opened the closet where they kept their shoes in. She was just about to grab another pair of sneakers when she heard Yam shriek, and she soon came running from the bedroom. 
“What happened? Were our special outfits not there?”
“No, I got them here,” Yam dropped the pile of folded clothes into the suitcase. 
“Then what is the problem?”
“We don’t have any other clothes!”
“What, why, how?” Jim looked at Yam flabbergasted…
“THE LAUNDRY!”  They exclaimed in unison. “WE DIDN’T DO THE LAUNDRY!”
They ran to the bathroom as fast as they were able, and Jim threw her head into the laundry basket.
“How did we forget to do the laundry?”
“I don’t know, but we need to hurry!”
The girls threw all the clothing from the basket, not caring what color they were, into the washing machine, poured the powder into the slot, and turned the washing machine on.
“Pheeewww, disaster avoided,” Jim sighed.
“Hey, Ramiro said he is going to pick us up at 11:20.” Yam said while looking at her phone. 
“Now we just need to get the stuff together and our clothes will be done in two hours.” Jim looked at the clock on the wall. “We’ll be finished by midnight.”
“No, wait.” Yam suddenly looked up, “We don’t have a dryer. How will we make the clothes dry? We can’t leave them overnight… we’ll forget them.”
“Won’t they dry in the suitcases?” Jim suggested.
“You know what,” Yam looked at her, “That is our only option.”
Delfi sighed and closed her wedding folder as her phone started ringing. Of course, it was Jazmin. 
“DELFI! Have you packed yet, because I can’t choose—” Jazmin’s voice rang as soon as Delfi picked up the call. 
“No, I haven’t packed yet. I need to call our wedding planner and florist before I can focus on that,” Delfi sighed. “What’s the problem?��
“I can’t choose the shoes.” Jazmin said from the other end. “But shouldn’t you relax a bit. That is what this trip is about?” 
“Pedro is saying the same, but I need to inform everyone that I can’t be contacted about anything wedding related for a week,” Delfi shook her head. 
“Relax and listen to your Maid of honor here,” Jazmin grinned, “the wedding is not going anywhere even if we have some fun. Anyways, about the shoes…”
“Take something you can walk in.” Delfi responded. “Pedro is probably just packing his drumsticks, so I need to sort his stuff too.”
“Also, did I tell you that I got a new GoPro? Perfect timing. Now I can live stream from the parks and do a lot of interviews.”
“So much about this being a leisure trip.”
“Well, I can still get amazing content,” Jazmin continued, “I am getting a ride, right?”
“Of course, you are, but maybe it is time for a car Jazmin,” Delfi sighed, “You can afford it.”
“That kind of shopping is not fun at all.” Jazmin whined. “Anyways, send me pics of all the outfits you are packing. See ya!”
Delfi sighed and put her folder down after Jazmin had hung up. She really should get to packing. She walked to the cupboard they had next to the kitchen in their apartment and pulled suitcases out of it and dragged them to the bedroom where Pedro was laying on the bed. 
“I just got off the phone with Jazmin. We’re giving her a ride.” 
“So, I did more research and apparently you can go inside the castle!” Luna was rambling to Nina on the back seat as Gastón pulled up on a ramp in the airport’s parking garage. They were going to park on the top level’s gold premium parking lot, which Gastón had access to through his parents. “There was a restaurant inside the castle! We so need to eat there.”
“I don’t think that is there,” Gastón said from the driver’s seat after flashing his ID to the guard on the gate of the parking lot. “That sounds like Disney World to me.”
“I think so too.” Matteo remarked from the shotgun seat. 
“Huh, thats a bummer,” Luna pouted as Gastón parked the car and everyone got out. 
“Didn’t we go eat at that restaurant in the castle when we were there?” Matteo asked while pulling Luna’s second suitcase out of the car. “What did you pack in these? Bricks?”
“Wait, you ate at the Disney World’s castle when you were 14?” Nina questioned. They had left the parking garage and were now walking toward the bag check area. They had done the flight check in online, so they didn’t need to worry about it anymore. 
“I think we did,” Gastón said with a pondering voice while lifting the bags on the conveyor belt. “What? Did you think we would have thought ourselves too cool for that? You should have known me and Matteo when we were 14…” Gastón quieted once Matteo made a shushing noise. “...on another thought, maybe it’s better that you didn’t know us.”
“You’re afraid that I’d run away if I had?” Nina raised an eyebrow at him, “I think it is a bit too late for that.”
“It is still nice to hear you say it,” Gastón smirked while wrapping his arm around Nina as they had gotten released from the bags. 
They went through security with no additional problems, outside of Luna almost forgetting her carry-on bag on the TSA conveyor belt.
“She will probably never stop forgetting stuff,” Matteo shook his head as they watched Luna dash for her bag after they had already started to walk away. “I’ll need eyes in the back of my head not to lose her at the parks.”
“Either way it will be an adventure.” Gastón shrugged as Luna caught up with them. “One good thing about this is that the gate is right there.” He pointed forwards as they rounded a corner. 
The airport was relatively crowded but there was no one yet waiting in front of their gate, outside of two people who were sitting on the benches. They were Simon and Ambar who were facing away from the four of them.
“Booo!” Luna dashed towards them in lightning speed. 
“Luna!” Ambar and Simon got up from the bench, “You scared us!”
“Is anyone else here yet?” Matteo asked as everyone else got to the gate. 
“NO, just you,” Ambar shook her head, “Not surprised. We’re very well in schedule and I'm glad to see that you two are in time,” she pointed to Luna and Matteo, “but not also surprised, since the Peridas were driving.” 
“Again, huge congratulations again! Thank you for not making me and Simon feel like the old married couple anymore,” Ambar turned her attention towards Gastón and Nina and she and Simon hugged them both. “I can’t believe we have not been able to meet up since you came back.”
“Well, it only has been two weeks.” Nina hugged Ambar back. “Life keeps being busy.”
“Yikes!!!” Jim screamed from the backseat as Ramiro rounded a traffic circle. “Can’t you drive slower?”
“Yeah, seriously, we don’t want to die!” Yam tried to slap Ramiro from the front seat but he ducked. 
“Assault the driver, you end up on back with Jim.” Ramiro snarked, “Do you want to be on time or not? You were the ones who were not ready when I came to pick you up.”
“We thought you were going to be late.”
“When will you start having any faith in me? Not my fault that you don’t drive.” Ramiro shook his head as he pulled into the car park. “Can you put that energy into use, and use your eyes to find me a parking space?”
“Oh oh oh, there is one!” Jim pointed to the corner. 
“And don’t you dare to give me any parking advise,” Ramiro said as he expertly drove the car between two other ones. Jim and Yam both had to admit that he really was a pretty good driver. He even knew how to parallel park and would never risk scratching his new car. 
“What do you have in these?” Ramiro kept complaining when he lifted girls’ suitcases to the ground.
“Important things,” Yam shook her head. 
“Then why are these damp?”
“None of your business,” Jim said quickly and grabbed her bag’s handle. 
“Can you believe we are actually going to Disney?” Jim continued gushing as they were walking towards the TSA checkpoint. “I am so excited!!”
“This was super generous from Luna and Ambar.” Yam nodded as she started to unload her carry-on stuff to the security tray. 
“I know, right? Luna’s the best.” Ramiro did couple a of dance moves while going through the metal detector and got a long stare from the TSA agent. 
“I wish I’d had done more research,” Jim said while waiting for Yam to pass through. “There are going to be so many rides—” Suddenly she was interrupted by a loud beep when she passed through the metal detector.
“Miss, would you please stay still?” Two security agents suddenly approached her. 
“What’s going on?”
“Jazmin come on.” Delfi urged Jazmin who was stuffing all of her respective gadgets back into her bag. She had a tablet, phone, a camera, a tripod for the camera, three different microphones… the list went on for ages. At least the laptop had been left in the checked suitcases.
“Just a minute,” Jazmin said as she zipped her ginormous purse closed. 
“For what do you need all of that?” Pedro shook his head next to Delfi. 
“This trip will be the feature of Ja Jazmin this month,” Jazmin just shrugged, “The content will start from the airport.” 
As they started walking away Jazmin was already rummaging for her camera from her bag already. 
“Hello, my dear viewers!” Jazmin started speaking to the camera, “Today as you know, the adventure begins. I am on the airport right now with my friend Delfi and her fiancé Pedro, and were about to meet up with the rest of our friends because today we are flying to California. Because we’re going to Disneyland! Delfi how are you feeling?”
“Excited.” Delfi gave a forced smile towards the camera, “Almost none of us have been to Disney before.”
“She had to put her wedding planning on hold for this trip so thats why she may seem a bit grumpy,” Jazmin kept talking. 
“So, I have to get your two cents on this,” Ambar asked as Gastón came back to the gate with a coffee and an iced tea that he handed to Nina. “Simon always claims that the reason why I keep finding his ring in the sink after he washes anything is because it happens to everybody. Does it?”
“What? No.” Gastón looked at Simon suspiciously while Ambar also threw him a look. “Want my wife to confirm?”
“Honestly, if someone loses the rings, it is going to be me.” Nina responded. 
“I doubt that will happen.” Ambar reassured her, “Just don’t take it off. You sleep with it right?”
“Of course.”
“Matteo, I told you the chicken nuggets are much better—” Luna and Matteo walked back to the gate. They had been getting some food from McDonald’s and had apparently gotten into a fight about what to order. They quickly stopped as they joined the others. 
“Has no one else come yet?” Matteo asked while trying to sneak a french fry from Luna. 
“No,” Ambar said while glancing at her watch. “Wonder what is taking them so long…”
“Guys, we’re here!” Everyone looked up and saw Jim, Yam and Ramiro sprint towards them. 
“We’re not late are we?” Yam sat down on a bench breathing heavily.
“No, just in time actually.” Ambar was clearly embracing the group leader role during the trip. 
“You won’t believe this, but security tagged me!” Jim exclaimed. 
“For what?” Luna asked while shoving a second nugget in her mouth and ended up almost choking. 
“Why do you ask?” Ramiro joked “She obviously tried to smuggle a gun here.”
“My keys were in my pocket.” Jim slapped Ramiro on the shoulder. 
“Well, at least you didn’t get arrested.” Nina shook her head. 
“I wonder what is holding up Delfi and Jazmin…” Ambar mumbled while looking at her watch again. “...We still have time.” Then she turned towards Gastón again, “As we are waiting, can you go over some basic phrases with Simon?”
“But, but…” Simon tried to protest.
“Darling, I would love for you to find the bathrooms by yourself. I don’t trust those translator apps.” Ambar gave him a look that made him quiet down. “There will be a big crowd and I bet my whole lawyer career that we will accidentally get separated at some point.”
“Pheeeew, I finally found here.” Suddenly Pedro was standing in front of them. 
“Where are Delfi and Jazmin?”
“Jazmin saw something she needed to get footage off and Delfi went with,” Pedro explained before sitting down next to Simon. 
“Hmmm, they should be heading towards here. There isn’t that long until boarding.” Ambar picked up her phone and pressed Delfi’s contact. “Hey, Delfi. Where are you heading? Yes, Pedro is here already. You and Jazmin should start coming here as well, so you won’t be late— What do you mean you are lost?”
“Wow! This is so beautiful!!!” Luna was jumping up and down as everyone entered in the lobby of Disneyland Hotel. She was twirling around trying to look at everything at once. 
“The check-in seems to be right there,” Ambar said pointing toward the desk in the lobby. “Luna, wanna come to do it with me?”
“Actually can you go do it without me?” Luna shook her head. “I don’t know how much help I’ll be on the communication side.”
“Okay, then.” Ambar just nodded and headed towards the desk. 
Luna still tried to find more things to look at. The ceiling was so beautiful, with lot of stars on it. It looked so magical—
Suddenly Luna’s eyes focused on something on the corner. GIFT SHOP!!! 
“Look, there is a gift shop right there!” Luna started tugging Nina’s arm. “Lets go!” 
“I think we should probably wait until Ambar is done with the check-in…”
Luna didn’t pay attention since she was already running towards all the beautiful and colorful Minnie ears. 
“I’ll get her.” Matteo said and started walking towards Luna. 
“Matteo aren’t these incredible?!” Luna was holding rainbow sequin ears on top of her head. 
“Yeah, they are, and I’ll buy you three sets of ears later but right now we should go back.” Matteo took her by the arm, “Ambar and everyone will be waiting for us.”
“Okayyyy.” Luna whined and put the rainbow ears back. “I am coming back for these.”
“Adventure is out there!”
Yayyyyy! Now the chaos can really begin... I am coming for you all. Plus, do not ask me how everyone just has time to do this, especially Gastón who just two weeks ago had a 2.5-week long furlough from his new job for his wedding.
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A Minor Slip
Rabbit has had a long day, and it's not even 10 am. It's time for ye olde Record Keeping Audit, and... as usual, there's a wee bit of a backlog. Doctor Gears is as close to panicking that Rabbit's ever seen, due to some missing reports. She's been ordered to search her boss' filing cabinet, which seems to be anomalously large. In her annoyance, Rabbit slips up.
"Are you sure you checked?" Dr. Gears is giving me major side eye. It's not my fault that a few reports are missing, I didn't file them. Yet here I am, on my knees on the floor, up to my elbows in old files and reports. There are piles of manilla folders on every flat surface.
"I checked, checked again, checked once, then got bored and checked again. The reports on 682, all of them, are not here. I do not know where they are, but they are not in this office, Big Boss."
"Did we send them out for backup?"
"Unsure. Let me call our resident data analyst, maybe he knows something. I know they weren't on the list for this week." I pick up the boss' desk phone, call Cain. "Hiya, Eldest Brother! How are you? I'm okay, just a bit confused. You haven't run across the 682 files today have you? No? Weird, even for us. We're having a real life 404 error, the files aren't in Dr. Gears' office either. Well, if they turn up, please let either myself or Dr. Gears know, the poor man is tearing his hair out. Well, not really. Thanks, Eldest Brother." I turn back to Dr. Gears. "Cain doesn't have them. We don't have them. Where in the wide wide world of WTF did they go?"
Cue Alto Clef, blundering in under a literal mountain of paper and file folders. He looks at us, sheepish.
"Did I miss something?" He winks at Gears, whom, while holding a very pointy pencil, resists the urge to John Wick Clef.
"No, but we are. Hand over the files, and no one has to hurt you, Alto."
"Files? What files? These are... aw, crap. I can't mansplain, malewife, or manslaughter my way out of this, can I? Fine. Thought I'd have another good running stab at putting the big scaly asshole down again. But... I'm out of ideas. The undead demented Kirby-Godzilla crossbreed just stubbornly refuses to die."
"Uh huh. Thanks for the update, Boss. I'll file that under 'Shit We Already Know'. Now... since you purloined the paperwork, I think it's only right that you refile all of it. Wouldn't you agree, Doctor Gears?"
"It's only sporting, since we spent hours playing both Silly Buggers and Hunt the Files all morning, neither of which are fun party games, I assure you. I prefer my files to be alphabetical, cross-referenced by number. Good afternoon, and good luck. Get most of it done by 2, I'll send up a few of the more... problematic D-Class to assist you, and by assist I mean terrorize them."
"Oh goody! Incentive!" Clef gets filing.
"Rabbit, my wee bunny, I think you have somewhere else to be. Rumor has it 053 is asking about you, why not run along and play?"
"Okay Dad." Yikes. I really just said that out loud. But... it got our notoriously straight laced boss to crack a tiny smirk.
"Rabbit, if you were my daughter, you'd be getting a raise in your allowance. Now, off you go, I need to have a talk with Dr. Clef about borrowing files and the importance of leaving notes." On that note... I exit stage right.
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
October Halloween Movie Fest Day 30:
Tonight I watched Trick R Treat for the first time! I thought I knew what this movie was going to be, but I did not! The only thing I was apparently aware of in advance was the adorable trick or treater eldritch abomination fellow—his burlap sack screamed Genuine Spooky Boy, and I feel like I saw ads maybe? showing him looking ominous? Anyway, my feeling was “Aw, look, an r-rated variant of creepy trick or treaters, like the ones in Nightmare Before Christmas! Obviously you have to give him candy if you want him to stop murdering you!” I’m not sure I followed the individual plots very well, but it was lots of spooky fun. It was like reading a stack of random horror stories in a series—idk maybe Fear Street—and I had no idea what was going on but people kept popping up that I recognized from before. And thinking it over, I am pretty sure each individual story was great with just the right amount of Asshole Victim and Spookiness. Serial Killer Principal Dad was fun, I guessed that the sexy college ladies were werewolves right around “runt of the litter” and I was not disappointed, and I am pretty sure the tiny nerd witch would have been me if I was in a horror movie at age 11. I don’t think it has displaced my favorite New To Me movie, Poltergeist, but it’s definitely on the Will Watch Again list. Thanks again @devantheimpaler, good recommendations all around!
Oh, and I am now convinced I know where a certain someone got the inspiration for a certain summer Halloween episode. Am I right folks?
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Treehouse of Horror 30 (Danger Things/Heaven Swipes Right/When Hairy Met Slimy):
This one’s pretty decent. The intro’s good, but it feels a little repetitive since there was just a Possessed Maggie episode two seasons back. I remembered loving Danger Things, and it’s not bad, but it’s not as amazing as it is in my head. The designs are spectacular of course, and I appreciate that they took the Stranger Things concept and made it their own instead of trying to mimic it too closely… but the story wound up a little weak. It feels more like a series of vignettes than an actual story. Good, interesting vignettes, but I really feel like it could have been fantastic if they had done a complete story instead. Heaven Swipes Right was… fine. Not great, but fun enough, a nice little story, and different. Again, I am awfully sick of the show pretending Homer/Marge/Moe is a viable love triangle and not just a couple and the guy who creeps on one of them sometimes, but it’s just a brief joke. When Hairy Met Slimy is fairly good. Respectable parody, a functional story, and very in-character. I… sort of wish they had simply revisited the fact that one time Kodos’ introduction was “this is my sister, Kodos” rather than piling up a mountain of sexual identity jokes, but whatever, as long as Patty and Kodos can enjoy being queer together. My list is now 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 20, 9, 8, 28, 17, 27, 23, 16, 15, 25, 30, 26, 19, 13, 24, 21, 29, 12, 14, 10, 18, 22, 11.
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problemswithbooks · 2 years
Is Dabi a good character and easy to relate to in your opinion? Do you also feel sympathy for him after his reveal?
I'd say his concept is good, but the execution was highly lacking and it makes him hard to relate to (at least for me).
To be honest I sympathized with him far more before we had the reveal and got his backstory. I will admit that Endeavor's redemption arc also played a role--not so much as I think that Enji did nothing wrong, but that when I saw him being set up for that kind of arc, I knew that a lot of the really over the top theories about Touya's death weren't going to be true (like Enji purposely burning him or forcing him to train until he died).
Yes, Touya was neglected and Enji did not help him in any meaningful way. Yet, at the same time it didn't come across as purposely malicious. His intent doesn't matter of course, but it comes across as very different from what happened to Shoto, who, although Enji trained, it was clear he was also taking his frustrations out on. It's a lot easier to understand how Enji could convince himself that cutting Touya off from the Hero world would help him, even if that includes not spending time with him and putting all the work on Rei. Meanwhile, his treatment of Shoto was no where near being simply training. It's clear he full on beat a four-year-old, which would take mountains of denial to blind yourself to the truth.
Hori also hasn't done Touya many favors by refusing to show him having any positive interactions with his family outside of Enji. He gets mad and snaps at Natsuo when he says he's tired, he tells Fuyumi that a girl could never understand him when she shows concern for his burns, when his siblings ask him to play he's clearly not having fun and instead glaring over at the training building, jealous of Shoto.
It's not that I don't get where his frustrations come from, but I really wish Hori had shown a mix of interactions. Maybe he snaps at Fuyumi, but doesn't at Natsuo. Maybe when he's playing with them he's happy, but then he hears noise form the training room and is pulled back into his negative emotions.
But to me the biggest thing that sapped all my sympathy for him was the reveal of what happened to him after he burned on the mountain. AfO/Ujiko being involved made sense even if I think it's a waste having them be involved in another main villain's backstory. But what really turned it from boring but believable to "I can't take this seriously” was Touya going back to his house. It was a string of convinces, and plot holes. Also, having Touya wake up and be desperate to see his family, but then 20 min later saying 'fuck 'em!' because his dad was still an asshole, continued to undermine the idea that Touya gives a shit about anyone but Enji.
And sure, on a fundamental level I feel bad for him. He didn't deserve what happened to him. His father and mother to a lesser extent failed him. But at the same time I don't feel that sympathy in my core--it's more that I logically get that what happened was bad. It’s kind of like when a story piles one bad thing after another on a character in rapid succession in a clear attempt to force the audience to feel sad for them, but it just feels forced. My brain is like, yes that is unfair and sad, but my heart just doesn’t feel anything. 
To me Dabi is a wasted opportunity. He really could have been great--if you want any evidence of that just go read the many character analysis’s of him by the fans who love him. The way the describe him and view him, is the way I think he should have been written. My issue is that all that good stuff is either tiny nuggets hidden under a bunch of other stuff or even missing entirely. For a lot of people the shadow of what he could have ben and what little is there is enough and they love him to death. For me personally though, that’s not enough.  
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frogsandfries · 3 months
This is going insanely better
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The tension is so even, it has almost no flex, which is better than the first one. I'm very excited about the bottom of this box being much more stable than my first box. The curveball I threw myself was that I may have chosen about two too many colors. Firstly, only four fit on my work surface, but second, I had to label little pieces of masking tape with the corresponding symbols to identify the colors. Luckily the first and last colors are the least used, so I can just pour myself a couple when it comes time for them and put any extras back right away. But the main four, I've poured a little of two colors into one rows and the others in the second row, and put the labeled containers next to the little piles of beads. Maybe eventually I'll get like some of those diamond painters that have a bunch of trays of drills spread out in front of them, but with seed beads.
In lesser news, I'm newly not sure I chose the right colors. These two darker blues are seeming to bead up very similar in color, and somehow the lighter beads feel like they're doing the same. But I'm just going to trust the process. Experimenting with patterns is fun, but it's more important to get good at building these containers. And even if this goes poorly, I'll learn something about how colors function in different arrays of beads.
Total aside, but one of the cool things about ordering from Fire Mountain is the freebies. They sent me some glass shell beads with this AB finish in the texture. I'll have to take a picture of them. It's too tempting to figure out how to make them into feet for this box. The problem with Fire Mountain is, I think what I paid for the amount of beads that I actually got was too expensive. It remains to be seen. I managed, I'm pretty sure, to find the vendor who originally sold me those 15/0 seed bead color mixes aaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way back in 2013. I'm eager to purchase from this vendor again.
On another, other note, I also can't wait till payday. I really want to start stocking up on beads for a lantern that I'm eager to weave up. I'm taking inspiration from Beadflower UK, but I want to do a more irregular lantern shape, and I do love the idea of the changeable windows, so I could do like, butterflies for one set and maybe Halloween or silhouettes or something. I thought the Disney Aurora and the prince dancing silhouette might be cool, maybe for two window panels. Idk something like that. There's this one metallic color that only seems to come in size 11/0, but I will hardly let that deter me. I might do some kind of gradient or mix, but really, I'm so stoked about the idea of making those windows. These clear beads are so fucking cooooool. I can NOT wait to see them in action.
I'm eager to see how far I can get with just some regular fishing line.
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