#it's not the end of the world
apollos-olives · 4 months
evil eye is shirk, just a heads up
maybe i just like it cuz it looks nice. i don't care. i don't believe in it or worship it. as long as i know allah is one and only then i think i'm fine 🤷‍♂️
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quantumshade · 3 months
job interviews are so fucking evil i'm so stressed for literally no reason
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thescarvedinsect · 4 months
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I did the meme lol (featuring my OC Ash)
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aventvrina · 8 days
@zorkaya gambled...
The game is over before it reaches the climax, the end is here and the person who stops is none other than the bodyguard herself. The men scatter away, picking up their coats and storming out of the playground of her client. However, it's not what Aventurine wished for, he is a gambler but she doesn't know yet how far he's willing to go. Eyes scan the premise before turning to look at the Stoneheart. "It was dangerous, if you lost they would've pulled out their guns." Her frown is evident as she looks at him. Why is he not glad and letting out a sigh of relief that she stopped an eminent danger? "It was an unnecessary risk, sir. Are you hurt anywhere?"
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Aventurine's gloved fingers scrape wood as everything comes to a halt. Since of tender age he has realized that survival takes immolation. Something must always be burnt in order for continuity, be it his family, be it his people, be it his own self. Survival demands it's fuel and sometimes, that's just the price, to have the head beneath the guillotine, extortionate or not, it must be paid. As Jade had so eloquently put it, such is the fate of a gem, to be desired, to be chased, to be cut, to be sold. It's easier to accept it if it has always been decided since the beginning. Even easier if he had carefully crafted it in such a way that the guillotine will always be there, wanting to quickly kiss his neck but never quite falling. He was prepared for this, one could even argue he was born for such a role. So why did it burn so much to have the cycle halt.
He glares. His eyes feel as crystals, clear enough to see intent, sharp enough to feel the unseen cut they make on Zarina's image. It's been nearly a life time since he has felt this livid. It's almost uncharacteristic, the Aventurine image has been curated to such a point that his hoax as Jade's dupe is flawless even in temperament. Yet, his hands tremble, clutched fists over the table that was to be the podium of his grand play. The final act was upon him, he had been so close to the final call only to have it spoiled. And all in the name of what.
It was dangerous?
He has to laugh, short and dry, oozing with disbelief.
"Unnecessary risk..." The chair shrieks with him standing, a calm stride, near stalking as he crowds her. An unnerving contrast to his inner rage.
"Unnecessary risk, do you hear yourself?" Where was this concern when he had taken the test. Where had the cold gold wondered when the gun had been fired six times, six empty chambers, six missed chances. The gun ends on his hand as planned. She had been there, she had been witness. She knew of the lengths the stoneheart would go to achieve results.
"Did you forget who you are?" No, that didn't feel quite right. "Did you forget who I am perhaps?"
It was only logical, cause how else was he to explain this other than Zarina forgetting that the gem is to be cut. In that moment he wishes he'd see repent, he wishes his words would crack ice and cold gold would turn molten with regret. It's hard to remind himself of the role. All his careful work wasted, all the exuberant thrill chilled in his veins, whatever satisfaction he might have gained if he won was ripped out before he could even grab it. She had deprived him of it all.
"Look at what you've done. They're all gone." Resentment finally takes over, cooling the fury inside him as he reminds himself of their mission. Diamond wants results regardless of the means, he has to deliver something. Even if that something is sloppy in comparison to what he had forged, it'll have to make do. They can't leave empty handed. The thoughts of a gem are guiding, they're structured, he can fall into this again. He has to forget, momentarily, that his fun was ruined.
The bigger picture demands his attention, even if now it's impossible to ignore the giant stain that covers it.
"You are not to intervene like this again." It comes out petulant but he feels that he's allowed. This is why he tends to work alone, while all chips are worth a miracle, the ones who think themselves as more tend to throw the ball out of the roulette letting it fall to nowhere. He had expected Zarina to behave much as she had when she worked with Jade. Perhaps that had been his mistake, to think that he had perceived her. To think her vow was as empty as the pockets of her jacket had been that day.
He stares at the door which the guys had ran to.
"You wanted orders did you not?" She had made it impossible to ignore her suggestion. So often had she repeated she needed his words, words that would service only him. At first he had found it amusing, to have a shadow at his command can be empowering but it's not Aventurine's style. He had dismissed it, thinking it as nothing but a passing promise that she'd grow bored to repeat. Now however, he could see it for it's true value, and right now the less he saw of her the better.
"Catch them. All of them."
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"Bring them back here, our business isn't finished." He takes his seat again, trying hard to ignore the disarray the stage was left in. "They have to forfeit themselves to us."
The mission was far from over.
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pickletrip · 1 year
Oh, and I'm afraid that's just the way the world works
It ain't funny, it ain't pretty, it ain't sweet
Oh, and I'm afraid that's just the way the world works
But I think that it could work for you and me
Just wait and see
It's not the end of the story
Watching 'The Eighth Sense' gave me an inkling of hope that in this messed up world there is always beauty and love somewhere. Kinda hard to find... Sometimes it's really hard to hold onto. But it's not the end of the story.
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my-rheality · 1 month
I hate when things that should be straightforward and correct somehow end up confusing and incorrect 🙃
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luimagines · 10 months
Hiiii I love your stories and I think I've re-read them a hundred times :3 , you're sooo talented!!!
I don't know if it's okay for you to write something other than Lu but I'd like to suggest it anyway '^' I recently met this au with Links with a different personality and I was wondering, obviously with a free theme of your choice if you could write something about them ^^
I especially love something about Grumpy Time and Twilight ♡ The Au is @zelda-the-sacred-realm
If you can't I understand thank you for all the beautiful stories you write!! ♡♡♡
Oh thank you!!!
I didn't know it was a whole other au!!! I've only seen the art for Twilight and Wind <3
Requests are closed right now but I don't mind writing for other Links. I'd need to just do some research first on how the other people are portraying them. It wouldn't seem fair to just copy and paste the same thing when their storylines are different due to the au.
Such is the nature of the beast.
I'll have to check them out though!!! I had seen the art but didn't know it was it's own story. :D
Now I'm excited! New stories!!!!
Just send this in again when requests are open <3
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whchwitch · 8 months
so taringail is officially booted off the show?
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arielmagicesi · 10 months
Guaranteed way to get myself to read something fucked up at night is to say "hey, I'm gonna go to sleep early tonight. How nice will that be" I will always end up reading something horrifying. Tell me why I reread Preludes and Nocturnes tonight for zero reason despite setting everything up nicely to go to sleep early
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I'm just going to say this once, but different people vibe with different things and acting like everything that you, personally, don't vibe with comes from TikTok and is therefore Wrong™️ is a pretty reductive and self-centered take. Let people connect with what they connect with.
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buckttommy · 1 year
I had to take a deep breath yesterday and let it go. It's hard to want to talk about things when it seems like just talking about one person in particular can set someone off. I know it's my blog and I can speculate all I want but fandom can be exhausting. Just let me speculate on why this is happening and not be made to feel as if I don't want the others stepping up when it appears to show why they aren't the ones doing so!
You know what, you raise a good point there and this is why I hate when people say, "it's my blog, I can post about what I want" because, like. It is but it's not just your blog. Nothing we say or do here exists in a vacuum. Posts spread. They get reblogged out of your inner circle. They leave tumblr altogether. Was on twitter yesterday and saw a couple screenshots of some bloggers' posts, and that one little innocent thing you said has suddenly become an international incident that causes you or others to get dogpiled/vagued/shaded and it's all so. Well, it's immature, yes. None of you people (and by that, I mean people in this fandom but also fandom in general) know how to have adult conversations with people that upset you. But it's also, like, people aren't careful about what they post and the greater impact of what they post — on either side.
So yes, your blog is your own but you can't always treat it like your own. You have to treat it like it's part of a bigger whole. Because it is! Because people see it and react to what you're saying. Because that's the nature of how tumblr works. And it's not always fair but I swear everyone in this fandom needs a lesson on shutting the fuck up sometime. Not everything deserves your comment. If you don't like something someone said/did/speculated, you can always say "damn, I didn't like that" and let it go. Take a screenshot of the post and send it to someone if it'll make you feel better. If you don't like someone's thoughts or theories, that doesn't need your comment. Or if it does, you can easily say, "I disagree but..."
like the constant harping on things/people that do not spark joy informs the overall atmosphere of the fandom. And for all we talk about the toxicity around these parts, no one wants to take responsibility for their part in it. Answering shitty anons, airing out beef, vaguing people for a difference of opinion, etc — it all adds up. Blogging is like a currency, you know. Everything we say adds to the overall coffers. And when you've got a bunch of genuinely kind people making genuinely mean or toxic posts, that adds to the overall vibe. Next thing you know, you're in a shitty fandom with shitty discourse, daily discourse about absurdities that could've either been addressed privately one on one with the person you have beef with, talked about amongst friends, or just fucking ignored.
It's sad but like I said, no one's going to take responsibility for it.
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glassandmetalwings · 1 year
Oh surprise! Bank account is lower than expected.
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thescarvedinsect · 17 days
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Why don't I partake in these memes more often? XD
I've been seeing another pecs art meme going around where the character wears a gym top with their nipples peeking out. My OC Ash already has his chest out like this in the leather vest he wears by default, and I thought it would be good low angle/foreshortening practice.
I think I'm getting slightly better at noses, but I still struggle a lot.
(Part 2)
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
did you change the ages of the two eldest endless on purpose? is there an intent to the implication that only humans have destinies? or was that just an oversight from not having read the comics?
Possibly some of a mistake, possibly some of thinking it made sense for Death to be the oldest, etc etc. Also I mean this in the nicest possible way, but this fic is a) based on TV canon and therefore anything not explicitly shown is technically up for renegotiation from comics canon, and b) it was like, one line in one chapter and yes, I get it, Death and Destiny flip birth order in the comics. I may go back and fix it, or I may not, because you know, /shrug.
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Listen, I love Critical Role and know it’s on me that I’ve not seen most new episodes... For this reason, I don’t follow any hashtags or dedicated blogs. 
And STILL, I always get spoilers and minor reveals that I really don’t want to know.  Now I’m 10 episodes behind but I don’t really want to see them. I know most of the extreme, unexpected, and wonderful plot twists.
Again, I know it’s mostly on me because I should have already seen them, but for the new viewer, it’s impossible to keep the element of surprise.
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colth0und · 1 year
i am . still thinking abt last night's steel soul run
i had everything i needed. all the dreamers. i beat watchers. in STEEL SOUL. and i died. to the hollow knight. i am so distraught over this run it is so upsetting orz
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