#it's so friggin....AHH i love!!
bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Weekend! How exciting we have a premiere date! Feb 20th. The light is at the end of the tunnel wonderful fandom. It’s beautiful and bright. I’m going to crank up to 3 reviews a week so I finish the week before s6 premieres. So this worked out nicely heh
Ahh this episode is another giant friggin work flirt. That competitive fire that drives one of their love languages is prominent af in this episode. Only they could take a shift apart and turn it into a flirtatious competition. The marriage vibes are extreme in this one in the best way ha Let’s get going.
4x06 Poetic Justice
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We start off with Tim getting an assignment from Grey. He wants to get Jerry Mcgrady to retire. They’re running out of things to assign him to that aren’t a strain on him. Front desk he takes too much time telling stories. Even the kit room is becoming too much for him. So it’s Tim’s job today to have the ‘It's time to retire talk.’ Tim being Tim says it’ll be a piece of cake. Wanting to prove himself to Grey he can handle it no problem. That the tough conversations aren't an issue.
That if he doesn’t agree he can use his injury for an involuntary retirement. Cold Timothy. Cold. Tim makes it to the Kit Room and is instantly thawed. He is ready to hit him with the cold hard truth as he put it to Wade. Before he can Jerry gives him a load of praise right off that bat. It makes Tim stumble off the blocks super early. It's so sweet and genuine too. How could he not struggle after saying he's proud? I'm sure those are words he never got from his own old man.
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Tim tries again and fails for a second time. It’s the way Jerry is looking at him. Tim can’t pull the trigger. Instead he invites him out to ride with him LOL Well done Tim baha This was not the plan at all my love. Tim Bradford is a softie and we all know it. Grey walks up asks how it went? Tim admits he faltered and he’s riding with him instead.... Grey is beaming. Knowing he wouldn't be as ruthless as he claimed in his office. Wade can’t help but give him crap on top of it. Asking what happened to the 'Cold hard truth?' Tim swears by end of day he’ll get him to retire. Mmhmm sure.
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In the cold open Nolan and Harper arrested a man digging in a city park. He was following a treasure hunt riddle. With Tim swapping Lucy out for Jerry she is riding with Nolan. He hands her the riddle and she starts to decipher it. Lucy figures out the first clue and they go to the pier. When they roll up people are fighting. A young woman is killed by getting an ax to the chest. People are insane.
This is what brings it to the LAPD’s full attention since there is a casualty. They find out the author of the riddle is a previous criminal. He was apart of a robbery where he hid 2 million in gold coins. They never recovered them. So the city is losing it's collective mind trying to find it. They need to be the first to get it. Grey calls Lucy up cause she was the first to solve a clue. She is beaming as she makes her way up.
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Let’s first admire the forearm porn we’re getting in this first gif. Man makes me so thirsty I need a glass of water. Arms-crossed Tim is one of my fav poses. Those glorious biceps popping out of those sleeves too. Whew lord. Anyway Lucy is so very excited to present her findings. How she got the clue she did. It’s adorable how proud she is of it. Look how Tim never takes his eyes off her the entire time. You know he loves when she analyzes and breaks things down.
Her intelligence is a turn on for him whether he wants to admit it or not. He can’t let anyone catch onto his admiration... So he calls her ‘Nerd.’ to make fun of her. Which fails because it comes off super flirty. Negating his idea to to tease her for her brain. It comes across as banter more than anything else. Fail Timothy big fat Fail. Your mouth is saying one thing. Your body language and intense gaze say another...
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Jerry is a sweetheart and tells her not to let Tim shame her. It’s a great catch. This is why it's hard for anyone to have the retirement talk with him haha A kind station grandpa to them all. Lucy goes from being annoyed to thanking Jerry. Tim’s sly little smile when she does is so cute. You know he’s proud of her being in the spotlight. Sporting her brain but has to tease her. It's how they function haha They’re so cute I can not. Flirting once again for all of the station to see. It's truly a wonder they're in the dark about it.
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I love this moment between Harper and Tim. I'm glad I had the room to add this in. She joins in with Lucy's train of thought for the rest of the poem. Flaunting her brain as well. Tim gives her a look wanting to make fun of her as well. Nyla is on it and dares him to call her a nerd too LOL The looks between them make me laugh so much. I love their teasing camaraderie. It's my favorite. It's how Harper and Lucy get paired up to decipher the rest of the clues. Nolan feels left out cause well it's Nolan. Like that kid picked last for dodgeball. Grey tells John if he asks nicely he's sure he can join them. SMH. Friggin Nolan ha.
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The cuteness continues when Lucy asks if Tim and Jerry wanna be part of her task force? That she can make it happen haha She’s adorable and I can not stand it. Tim does what he does best battles back with a flirty tone. Trying to talk down about her ‘task force’. Saying old fashioned policing will get it done just fine for them.
Flirt more you two…oh wait they do. Ha Lucy offers up a bet she knows Tim won’t refuse. Because once again why deal with feelings when they can channel it through a work flirt instead? Honestly how Jerry could allow Tim to date his daughter after this display I couldn’t tell ya. It's so painfully obvious how into one another these two are.
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They lay down the terms for the loser. Tim saying she has to be quiet an entire shift. Please Timothy like you really want that…but ok that’s your “reward” if you win. I mean it would drive her crazy not to talk so it’s not the worst pick. Lucy choses something way more apropos IMO. He would have to do something out of his comfort zone. Not only that but it’s her choice. Can only imagine what Lucy would've chosen. Something that would've been good for him I'm sure. Cause she's good like that. Her track record with him is solid.
Lucy's face is so smug from the minute she brings this bet up. So convinced she has this in the bag. Gah these two love a good competition and flirting it up a ton in the process. Like pre-get together foreplay for them haha They then start the worlds longest handshake to seal the deal. They once again are in their own world. Like Jerry isn't even there…
The best part is while they continue to work-flirt they're holding hands. They could've broken it off but nope. Basically holding hands while they fiercely flirt. The flirty competitiveness continues with their jabs. The poetry club shot from Tim. Her being sassy af about their 18 old case files. Saying how ‘easy’ that’ll be for them to crack. LMAO Shots fired. All the while still holding hands. Because the work flirting wasn’t enough of a bat-signal to everyone else. They continue to hold hands while doing so. Seriously Jerry couldn’t you see the man was already taken?
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We return to Lucy still at the whiteboard with Harper/Nolan. She gets a text from Tim saying they had a big breakthrough. Lucy could not be more dejected and anxious for them to get their own. Nolan and Harper tell her to ignore Tim. He’s just trying to get into her head. Yeah that's what he does. He kinda lives there rent free and vice versa with this kind of stuff. Good luck getting her to listen to that advice haha She is far too wrapped up in this competition with Tim to have that clarity. She does eventually put her phone down though.
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Her taking a phone break does help her focus a bit. Because once she does they have a breakthrough of their own. They’re headed to the Griffith Observatory. Lucy is vibrating with excitement over this. She’s more excited to tell Tim they got something more than anything else. It’s so funny and adorable. The commentary in the gifs above is hilarious.
They are legit just trying to solve this case. While Lucy gets amped that they're gonna catch up with Tim and Jerry. Harper and Nolan’s reaction to her is priceless in the second gif. Lucy is too caught up in her work flirt. Telling them before they go she has to text Tim first. Let him know they’re gonna kick his ass. Because priorities LMAO
The way they look at each other is the funniest part. First and foremost they didn’t ask to be apart of this flirty bet haha They’re in it just to solve a case. Second they’re thinking does she not see it? She has to see it right? We know she doesn’t baha If she does she’s pushing it down real hard since 4x01 and it’s coming out in other ways. I.e. this moment. It’s so funny how lost in her bet she is. Doesn’t notice their hilarious reactions at all. I’m dying haha.
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Tim tries again to have a frank conversation with Jerry. Since it’s day 2 of him riding with him and he was supposed to retired by yesterday... Jerry looks at the file again while Tim tries to muster up the courage. It's then he has an epiphany. Says he knows where the gold is. Tim asks if he’s sure? Jerry replies absolutely.
Now Tim’s first thought isn’t yes we solved the case. Or they got redemption for Jerry and his friend who never found the coins. No it’s excitement he’s going to beat Lucy in a bet LOL Man is amped about beating her to it. Like a high he’s been chasing the entire episode. God I love this so much. Flirty idiots in love have no idea.
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This next portion is their married moment of the episode. Lots of work flirts but this interaction is all married. They are so ridiculous and I love them for it. The trio have figured out where the treasure is through the poem. An underground subway system sitting beneath the city. One of the people that has been chasing this thing since the jump causes chaos once the trio arrive. He shoots the last person also going after it. He takes off Lucy and Harper leave Nolan with the wounded one so they can pursue him.
They find him and he starts running again. Out of nowhere Tim comes into the picture and uses that sexy forearm of his to clothes line the guy. Lucy is shocked and impressed all at the same time. Me too. *fans self* Asking how they got here so quickly? Tim tells them they were already down here. Lucy then asks if they found the treasure? Tim smirks and says they’re gonna find out. Walks them over to a hole with a suitcase in it.
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The final competitive flirting begins. Tim immediately claiming victory for him and Jerry. Because that suitcase is holding the missing gold. Nyla fights him on it though. Saying they would’ve been here first, but they had a police matter to deal with. Tim scoffs and tells them good job but they still won LOL The absolute sass coming off this man.
Lucy backs Harper in agreement and doesn’t let Tim battle back. Sassy return fire with her cocky smirk. Then the ladies just decide it’s a tie LMAO That Tim gets no say in the matter. I love their body posture mirroring one another in this moment. Lucy leans towards Tim then Tim does the same when he's upset it's considered a tie.
I saw someone call Tim ‘Sargent Sore Loser’ for a parallel of this moment hahaha it’s pretty apt when he loses to his wife. I love it sfm. Lucy waving by then pointing at herself as they walk off is amazing. It's hilarious. It's decided it's over and there is nothing he can do about it. Their flirting was off the charts in this episode. It was wild. Their string of work flirts continue on. One of the themes of S4. It makes me so happy.
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I do love this next part with Jerry. It’s very sweet. It shows Tim’s wonderful heart. He went into this trying to prove he could handle the rough convos. That he could dispatch people with the cold hard truth. When it came to it his empathy won out. I truly believe he’s always been a sensitive empathetic person. It's been at his core this whole time.
Talked about this before. Just got lost in the shuffle of everything he went through with Isabel. Lucy reawakened that part of him. Now he taps into it like he does anything else. That heart of his let Jerry go out in a much better way. It’s why he thanks Tim for it. He knew what was coming and appreciated Tim for indulging him one last time. It's so sweet I might have a cavity.
Jerry's send off is equally as lovely at the station. Ashley is there to help celebrate his retirement. They all do their radio tribute that is beautiful to watch tbh. Once everyone clears Tim ends up asking Ashley out. (boo) She says yes and he smiles BUT it was most definitely not a 'Lucy smile.' No one compares at all. It’s unreal how by a smile you can tell when it’s Lucy driven and when it’s not. This for sure was not. So ends another ep. Such a good one for them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
The introduction to Ashley….how I dislike her so….just gotta make it to 5x05 and she’ll be gone LOL Was around longer than she should’ve been but we’ll get into when we hit s5 heh Also I’ll add more of why I don’t like her as the season progress in this rewatch. There is a reason he dates her IMO which I will also go over at some point as well.
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I love any and all Lucy and Harper scenes we get . This one had loads. Amazing how they've bonded over the last 2 seasons. I love it so much. Them working on the riddle together at Lucy's place over beers. My heart. Watching them working this case together brings me joy. Hopefully we get more of this in s6. I need more Nyla/Lucy in my life.
Thank you forever and always to those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You all make me so happy ❤️ See you all in 4x07 :)
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fandom: hsr and genshin 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫
The first character I first fell in love with: Dan Heng The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Friggin Jing Yuan???? The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  The character I love that everyone else hates:  The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Gepard The character I would totally smooch: Ahh so many, prolly Aventurine atm The character I’d want to be like: Welt The character I’d slap: Sunday A pairing that I love: Dan Heng x Jing Yuan (sometimes with x Blade if its written well enough) A pairing that I despise: Kafka x Caelus/Stelle or Kafka/Blade (idk, Kafka gives me lesbian vibes???)
The first character I first fell in love with: Zhongi The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Neuvillette (I honestly thought I'd hate him from the trailer, but then his little awkward scene in the Opera Epiclse just made me go oh. Oh no I like you) The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Yae Miko and Ayato The character I love that everyone else hates: Scaramouche (pre Wanderer era, and even then its pretty common to like him but he's the best I got soz) The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Kit wise - Childe, cooldown too long and his ER is shit on my acc so I get cranky having to rebuild his burst. Peresonality wise, none that I can think of?? The character I would totally smooch: Again, so many, but the main one is Wanderer The character I’d want to be like: Thoma (I just wanna be able to run a household tbh and be so happy/unconcerned by other's opinions like he is) The character I’d slap: Yae Miko and also Diluc A pairing that I love: Zhongli/Childe and Wrio/Nutella A pairing that I despise: Aether or Lumine/Anyone (again, this is more of a hc thing, view them as ace)
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Look, no disrespect, but ahh, I'm not exactly a believer.
Casey: Do you believe in God, Dean? I'd be surprised if you did.
I don't know. I'd like to.
You didn't toy with us, Chuck, okay? You didn't create us. (...) Chuck, you're not a god!
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Well, I feel stupid doing this. But… I am fresh out of options. So please. I need some help. I'm praying, okay? Come on. Please.
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Prayer is a sign of faith. This is a good thing, Dean.
Listen, Chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead—and that's the generous theory—
He is out there, Dean.
—or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us.
I mean there were times when I was looking for my dad when all logic said that he was dead, but I knew in my heart he was still alive. Who cares what some ninja turtle says, Cas, what do you believe?
I believe he's out there.
Good. Then go find him.
And you're just gonna do whatever God says.
Michael: Yes, because I am a good son.
Okay, well, trust me, pal. Take it from someone who knows—that is a dead-end street.
Yeah, don't mention it. Yeah, I've been there. I'm a big expert on deadbeat dads. So…Yeah, I get it. I know how you feel.
Listen, I need you to pray to your angel buddies and let them know that I'm here.
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Cas, are you God?
That's a nice compliment. But no.
What do you mean you don't know?
Sam: I mean, no idea. I–I'm just back.
Well, was it God, or– or– or Cas? I mean, does Cas know anything about it?
Sam: Castiel…This is really important, okay? Um…We really need to talk to you.
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Castiel…Come on in.
Cas is busy.
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I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new god. You will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord, or I shall destroy you.
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What's the point if you don't mean it? You fear me. Not love, not respect, just fear.
Yeah? What about God part deux?
Sam: Dean, all we can do is talk to the guy.
He's not a guy. He's God. And he's pissed. And when God gets righteous, you get the hell out of the way; haven't you read the Bible?
Sam: Well, I mean is there some kind of heavenly weapon? Maybe something out of that angel arsenal that Balthazar stole? There has to be something that can hurt him.
He's God, Sam. There's nothing, but there might be someone.
Cas, you got your ears on? Listen, you know I am not one for praying, 'cause in my book it's... it's the same as begging. But this is about Sam, so I need you to hear me. We are going into this deal blind... and I don't know what's ahead or what it's gonna bring for Sam. Now, he's covering pretty good, but I know that he is hurting, and this one was supposed to be on me. So, for all that we've been through, I'm asking you– you keep a lookout for my little brother, okay? Where the hell are you, man?
Doctor: I'm afraid that's in God's hands now.
You're a doctor. You're a medical professional. You're trying to tell me that my brother's life is in God's hands? What, is that supposed to be a– a comfort?
Doctor: Mr. Dougherty–
No, God has nothing to do with this equation at all.
Doctor: I didn't mean–
That's not good enough.
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Cas, are you there? Sammy's hurt. He's hurt, uh– he's hurt pretty bad. And, um... I know you think that I'm pissed at you, okay? But I don't care that the angels fell. So whatever you did or didn't do, it doesn't matter, okay? We'll work it out. Please, man, I need you here.
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There is a God. *answers the phone* Hello?
I may have a case for you.
Metatron is trying to play God.
Sam: Play God? Cas, he erased angel warding. He friggin' blew out Holy Fire. He is God. He's powering up with the angel tablet. How the hell are we supposed to stop this guy?
All right, so what if there is a stairway to heaven? We find it and get a drop on the guy.
Tessa: There's no God. There's only Castiel.
I believe there is a God. But I'm not sure he still believes in us.
Don't count on God. Okay? Count on us.
Chuck: Well, I've been mulling it over. And from where I sit, I think it has.
Well, from where I sit, it feels like you left us and you're trying to justify it.
Chuck: I know you had a complicated upbringing, Dean, but don't confuse me with your dad.
Gail: Do you know God, gentlemen?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, we're– we're besties.
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Okay, Chuck… or god, or whatever. I need your help. See, you– you left us. You left us. You went off. You said… You said the earth would be fine because it had me… and it had Sam, but it’s not, and we’re not.
We've lost everything. And now you're gonna bring him back. Okay?
God's not listening. He doesn't give a damn.
Okay, that's it. I'm done, all right? 'Cause he's not God, he's not Cas, he's not Simba. He's the friggin' Devil!
Oh, I believe. Hell, I know. God? He doesn't give a damn about you or me or anyone else. So, if you're expecting some sort of a-a miracle to happen, well… good luck.
No, we're done talking. 'Cause this– this isn't just a story. It's our lives! So God or no God, you go to hell.
Fight God? Without the gun? It's God, Sam. And he's coming for us. How the hell are we supposed to fight God?
Listen to yourself. "We're owed." "We deserve." Come on, man. You're not God. Hell, God's not even God.
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Cas? Cas, I hope you can hear me... that wherever you are, it's not too late. I should've stopped you. You're my best friend, but I just let you go. 'Cause it was easier than admitting I was wrong.
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I– Ohh. I don't know why I get so angry. I just know– I know that it's– i-it's just always been there. And when things go bad, it just– it comes out. And I can't– I can't stop it. No matter how– how bad I want to, I just can't stop it. And– And I– I forgive you. Of course I forgive you. I'm sorry it took me so long– I'm sorry it took me till now to say it. Cas, I'm– I'm so sorry. Man, I hope you can hear me. I hope you can hear me. Okay.
Okay, Cas, I need to say something.
You don't have to say it. I heard your prayer.
Sam: So… does this mean you're the new… I mean, what do we call you?
Who cares what we call him? Look, all that matters is he got us back online.
Do not make any idols in any form, because the Lord your God hates for his people to worship other gods. The Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. He tolerates no rivals.
[Deuteronomy 4:23-24]
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annachibi · 3 months
liveblogging episode 1 of Twin Peaks
this is a very long opening credits sequence
oh that's not trash
sure is the early 90's with these ladies' perms lol
GENERAL HAMMOND? sorry, my stargate sg-1 is showing
um why did that guy just dance across the hall?? lmao
the slight level of cheese in this show makes it difficult to tell if people are just cheesy actors or if the characters have suspicious reactions
"I can tell from the sounds that it isn't her" oh mood I can tell who's coming up my stairs by the sounds
she had a fuckin camcorder?? no no that's suspicious, right? my DAD didn't have one of those until I was like 3 or 4! this family doesn't look THAT loaded
the heck kinda wounds were those on her? cigar burns? but they were raised
sir, you need to pay more attention to your driving instead of wondering about the trees lmao which are probably redwoods or something
the friggin TREES lmao oh douglas firs that makes sense - I just went to ask my mom and apparently we have a douglas fir by the house but we had a dawn redwood when we lived in PA and I thought they were the same kind all these years lskdjf I'm not a tree person
what the HECK how on earth would that get in there
is there even a Diane or is that just how he likes to take notes lol
aw poor Andy
Bobby didn't do it but he IS a piece of shit
LESBIANS? lol jk but the cut from mentioning she was seeing someone else to "look how happy she is" with her friend in the video made me think it
"You didn't love her, anyway." WHOA DAMN I mean he's right but that was a hell of a move to say it
Donna's so purdy
lol tv said ENHANCE
that is uh. a whole deer head
I don't know how those things are fixed to the wood plaques but it looks like there was another one nailed up right next to it that's gone now for some reason
is Cooper just that good or does he know something already because he's gettin a bit Sherlock Holmes
I'm glad they didn't re-curl Donna's hair to the way it was before the bike ride, I appreciate the realism
Lucy's the best, I love her
buddy cops! cop buddies!
oh. so she can see stuff, neat. gettin into the weird already
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inventedfangirling · 11 months
okay so now the specials are over and the cuteness from today have been layered over yesterday's mess (which did deserve better execution), i actually don't feel as disappointed as i did yesterday. like sure yesterday's issues still stand, but its nothing conversation can't address and while im disappointed we didn't get to see that im also so happy we got what we did this episode.
patpran at the beginning with the breakfast and their cute notes and their "love sprout" and all their smiles, were so cute, my heart felt so full watching that, and then when tian and pran hugged like that it swelled to such heights ( always love it when gay people get to meet senior gay people like yes i see you, you've been me ahh my heart), and then pat and phupha have their moment and then flash forward to the inkpa-phuphatian-patpran scene, a queer little family of their own in some ways i friggin DIED it was so cute and so meaningful and special!! the scene set in their home actually felt like typical patpran altho it really sucked that they got interrupted again, we still got the finger licking and the kissing and the pran giving the cheek kiss so all in all i am NOT complaining about this episode at all.
a little word on phuphatian eventho theyre not the reason i watched the special, their arc which could have been fleshed out a bit better was still so cute, i broke into smiles and giggles so many times they were on screen together, and the infinite parallels with bad buddy that they were trying to draw, especially the final scene i SCREAMED, it was SO good. the proposal was a great way to end the show and my word Earth can act, i almost teared up when i saw that tear drop run down his cheek as he kissed Mix.
And also we got Pran's mom being okay with him and Pat in a play together and that actually is a HUGE deal considering her past reaction to them partaking in an extra curricular together and makes total sense with regards to her (sorta) coming around in ep12 so yaay for that touch.
Also while few things could top seeing inkpa giggle watching patpran on the stage, while sitting behind phuphatian, my fav moment from the special HAD to be Wai and Korn doing THAT. I legit howled. Really good stuff good stuff.
All in all i actually do have only good feelings about this episode so yaay im so glad i got to say bye in a (mostly) happy way courtesy this one. Now time to get back to my daily rewatch og bad buddy, cos the og never misses.
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shadow-says-hello · 1 year
The Outsiders Tickle Headcanons Part 1
My favorites- Johnny, Pony, and Dallas. I just have to.
Ponyboy Curtis
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-He’s like the baby of the group so I like to imagine him being the most ticklish or the one who is tickled the most
-maybe a 9/10
-He has ticklish sides I can definitely see, as well as ticklish feet, ribs, and neck
-he has a really cute and hot ass laugh because he’s hot asf🥵🥵🥵
-the group tickles him the most, maybe a lil bit Cherry but I can see the group being able to easily pin him down to the floor and tickle him to death
-why can I also see him being super raspberry sensitive tho- like maybe that’s something him and Soda did a lot
-I think Darry and Soda tickle him the most. I can see soda being super skilled at it while Darry is just holding Ponyboy down while he laughs and thrashes
-ponyboy is gonna try to push you and shove you as much as he can to get you to avoid touching his worst spots. Even though I think he enjoys it a lot
-I imagine he is really skilled at getting revenge lmao
-why can I also picture him being really good at teasing too? Like I mean he is real smart and brave in the movie so I think he is really good at teasing
-him and Johnny get into a lot of tickle fights but they’re like the friendly kind, the kind where they’re just having the time of their lives
-and the rest of the group just stares at them like “tf going on”
-pony is prob gonna be super mischievous with tickling too. For example, if you say something mean to him he might try to use some fake excuse to get the group to tickle you
-and then sometimes if you’re just regularly cuddling with him he might say “tickle fight” unexpectedly and launch his hands onto your sides
Johnny Cade
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Omg he’s so sweet just look at him 🥺
-bros prob like a 9.1/10 and just slightly more ticklish than ponyboy. They come in a close tie though.
-johnny has extremely ticklish hips, as well as his feet and his back
-johnny is kind of weak so when he is pinned down he can never escape which I feel really badly for him but I mean that’s life
-johnny is also a very good boi so I don’t think he is the victim most of the time. But instead I do like to imagine that when he’s sometimes looking very sad and acting depressed that ponyboy will get the group (or just by himself) to gently tickle Johnny to make him feel better
-johnny is also super sensitive to raspberries and he is a huge squirmer everytime someone blows raspberries on his sides
-johnny also does cheer up tickles a lot for other people because he is just sweet like that
-he also has a very high pitched cackly type laugh ❤️
-sometimes he gets pokes for fun from the group that make him jump or something
-he usually is a bit shy to tickle people on his own or be apart of group tickle fights. But if you tickle him he might stand up for himself and get revenge.
-johnny can come up with pretty good teases in the moment and sometimes they can be really really flustering
-johnny never really grew up with tickling in his life until he was around ponyboy and everyone else. Ponyboy is still trying to get him to be more open about it
-sometimes ponyboy will be nice with Johnny and when they have tickle fights ponyboy will make johnny win
-johnny really loves it when pony tells him where everyone else is ticklish because when Johnny is getting revenge out of playfulness he can just jump right to the spot
Dallas Winston 💋
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Shit is he adorable or what
-so… dally has a real goofy ahh hot ass spicy asf laugh that everyone would love to listen to
-dallas is also a really really feisty lee and everytime he is fully pinned down he just cannot accept it and he tries to punch or fight you to get up
-dallas freaking hates tickling but usually he looks like he’s enjoying himself and I think sometimes he does
-he is so friggin competitive every single time and probably shrieks and squeals while you just sit on top of him and TORCHER HIM
-he has a really sensitive tummy, ribs and armpits
-he cannot help but squeal or scream every time he gets raspberries blown on his belly. And then when he gets raspberries he swears as much as possible. I guess he doesn’t like being treated like a baby and being small, adorable, and helpless 😝
-he cannot, he absolutely CAN NOT handle teasing. He will swear and get as violent as possible if you tease him.
-if you’re shy like Johnny, you would not want to tickle dallas.
-he is scary, some fear he might kill you
-however I think on rare occasions he might really enjoy it and have a lot of fun. And sometimes he does have fun during play fights, like with pony for example, they’d be having a play fight/roughhousing match and then ponyboy would pinch his side and then it would result in them both on the floor trying to win a tickle fight.
-and in those play fights with dally and pony, dally wins.
-dallas is ruthless.
-dallas is evil.
-Dallas will make you tell him your tickle spots, and if you don’t know them because it’s your first time or you don’t remember, Dallas will discover all of them for you, and he’ll remember them forever.
-johnny and ponyboy fear dallas a little bit
-And also, Dallas blows KILLER RASPBERRIES. If you’re raspberry sensitive, fear Dally. No one knows how he does it so good.
-he also nibbles and “bites” your stomach or neck like an animal, and it’s extremely tickly.
-dallas is the master at revenge, usually ponyboy and Johnny take note to run away as fast as they can after tickling dallas. Spoiler alert, Dallas catches up really quickly, there’s hardly ever any escaping for them.
-dally is honestly really good with teasing, he just might be a little bit rough
-sometimes dallas doesn’t know when to stop, especially because he has a lot of fun being a ler
Thanks for reading these! They took me quite some time, but I did finish them. I honestly just had to write for these 3 cuties. I might write more headcanons for the other characters too. :)
Bye! ❤️👋
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tongue-like-a-razor · 10 months
I’m obsessed with your BBF Jake fic!! And I have a lot of thoughts 🫣🫶🏻
THREE THINGS!!! Not in any specific order lol
1) Soooooo I know this is skipping the whole slow-burn plot BUT I absolutely need to see Bradley walking in on Jake and his sister hooking up (just making out or something) and he is super grossed out and gives them the silent treatment for a few days lol
2) Also, I just picture Jake and Bradley getting off work one day and Bradley’s like “hey man, can I talk to you for a second?” And Jake’s like “sure, what’s up?” And then Bradley gives him the whole “what are your intentions with my sister?” Interrogation bc he knows Jake is kind of a tool when it comes to women.
3) Last thing!! I could totally see her being absolutely terrified of flying… it could be trauma from knowing that’s how her dad died or just because she’s a normal human who prefers staying on the ground. But one day Jake’s finds out about her fear, teases her for it but she gets all upset and he starts to take it seriously and he vows to help her work through her fear. And when Bradley sees them flying one day he’s like “you NEVER let me take you flying??? Wtf?”
Ahh thank you so much!! I love hearing everyone’s thoughts on these two so I was super excited to get this ask ❤️
Here we go:
1) I have the Bradley finding out thing PLANNED y’all 🤭 And it’s gonna be so epic 😆
2) I adore this idea!! There will definitely be a talk.
3) WHAT!!! I friggin LOVE this!!! Ahh I can just imagine how cute this would be 🫠 Jake being like super competent and professional when it comes to flying 🥵🥵 (as opposed to his goofy self elsewhere) and very serious where safety is concerned, and his confidence will help reader feel more at ease about the situation.
Thank you so much for this ask, anon! What a treat 🥰
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Monster Musume Girls Thoughts and Opinions
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Miia- I adore her design but her personality is a little strong for me, based on my personal preferences, as she can be a little pushy. However, I also admire her drive and determination to obtain her goals.
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Papi- One of my favorites, she’s so adorable, but so friggin dumb, I love her to bits. Design wise she is adorable, the color of her hair and wings are stunning. She’s so funny and when she’s on I can’t help but smile.
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Cerea- She is another character who’s design I adore; her long hair is beautiful, and I like how they gave her more horse looking ears. She is another one who is hysterical, she’s so serious but when she gets flustered it hits me right in my doki-doki. She is a little naive sometimes and can come across a bit strong, but it fits her character nicely.
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Mero- Ahh gothic Lolita meet pastels, she’s absolutely stunning and her personality is hysterical. She wants a tragic romance so badly and is willing to go great lengths for it, nearly drowning Kurusu, but when she finally realized that The Little Mermaid, the basis of all mermaid’s love for tragedies, just wanted to be with her love, she did grow, but only a bit.
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Suu- Ahh the most adorable one of the bunch, Suu is without a doubt, one of my favorite characters in this whole series. She’s funny, cute, and a lot like a child, learning about the world, at least until she attacks the others.
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Racnera- Ohh mama, favorite character right here, she brings out my inner lesbian and I’m okay with that. She’s funny, sadistic, but also has a heart of gold, which I love gets her shy when others mention it.
I love this series, it’s nothing but fan service, but it’s also hysterical and definitely a fun series to watch.
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solradguy · 2 years
i don't know if you're still accepting character asks but if you are; testament
Testament? More like BESTament AYYYYYY. When Testament was announced for Strive, I was listening to a lot of Testament the band at the time. It felt like I’d summoned them haha 
💀 Overall opinion of them:
I gotta admit that I wasn't really interested in Testament until they got added in Strive. Their original design isn't something that usually appeals to me, but I love their Strive redesign a lot!! It's cool seeing them back again, and that they're happy with themselves too. As a fellow LGBT humanoid, any LGBT character getting a good ending is instantly a favorite for me. Guilty Gear having at least TWO (3, if you count the Justice mistranslation) nonbinary characters right from the start with Testament and Baiken back in friggin 1998 is so goddamn cool. Even if Daisuke didn't know the correct terms for everything back then he still at least tried. Thank you Daisuke and ArcSys 🙏
💀 Gender/sexuality headcanons:
Testament is musei, which I think the ArcSys English team decided to translate to agender? I’ve never thought about what their sexuality might be though...hmm... Other than a few close friends, it kinda feels like they enjoy being alone. Maybe they’re aro/ace or demisexual? 
💀 Favorite moment in canon:
Strive reveal trailer with their new design 😩💖💖
I hope we get the bit of lore where Testament realizes they’re not under Justice’s control anymore and can have hobbies and a life of their own again. That would be really nice. 
💀 Favorite line, in canon or otherwise:
Ahh... A lot of Testament’s dialog is just like “DIE MONSTER I HATE YOU” until Strive... Their intro dialog in a mirror match in Strive is pretty good though:
(P2) "You there, arms up a bit. It's more graceful."
(P1) "Is that so? I was just thinking lower would be better."
💀 Characters I love seeing them interact with:
DIZZZYYYYYY. I think Testament would get along with Ky pretty well too. Maybe the three of them have regular tea dates together? It would be cool if Testament and post-Strive Sol got to have a conversation and work out their differences too. Testament seems to have/had a lot of resentment towards Sol because he was close with Kliff while Testament kinda got pulled out of the picture when the whole Justice thing went down. 
💀 Last thing before sleeping headcanons:
Testament’s been confirmed as being a bubble bath enjoyer so they definitely take nice long pre-bed bubbly baths when they have the time too, with music, candles, tea, and a book. The whole shebang, ya know? When they don’t have time for a bubble bath, they still have a pretty lengthy nightly beauty routine. There isn’t a place in this meme template to put it so I’m gonna put it here haha I like the imagine that one of Testament’s hobbies is making their own clothes. One of their hobbies is confirmed embroidery and a few of the others are pretty crafty too. Maybe before bed Testament enjoys browsing fashion boards for outfit inspiration ideas and has a scrapbook of ideas they’d like to try out some day. 
💀 Sleeping habits headcanons:
Probably Testament has a pretty standard bed (though one with a huge canopy) and sleeps like a normal person would, but Gears are FREAKY and I think it would be much funnier if they slept hanging from the ceiling by their feet or something wild like that. 
💀 First thing after waking up headcanons: 
Morning tea, absolutely. Then breakfast. I think Testament enjoys trying new recipes when they can so if they aren’t in a hurry that day, they try something different each morning. Testament feels like the type who would subscribe to all kinds of different topics of newsletters, several of which are from recipe/cooking sites. They have neatly hand-written index cards of recipes they tried and liked that they bring out when guests come over. 
💀 Favorite locations headcanon:
Out in nature for sure, but mostly resting by streams in forests or in the shade on a beach where they can catch up on reading and planning new projects or trips. They don’t like the mountains as much because it’s too windy that high up and it makes it hard to keep the right page open in their book. 
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
SIL MY BELOVED!!! I’m so sorry you’re not feeling great, I am sending you all of the love and hugs and kisses and snuggles and all of the cups of tea you could ever ask for!! I love you so friggin much and I hope you feel better soon
just imagine how attentive boyfriend Stephen Grant would be when you’re feeling down, literally so frantic to take care of you, running around in circles just to make sure you have everything you could possibly need / want to feel better ahhhh he’d be so cute!! also not to mention the puppy dog eyes he’d give you as he ate you out to make you feel better too, anything to make his baby feel good
ily and I hope you feel better soon!!!
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I honestly I feel like I always complain here about not feeling well, people are gonna get sick of me fgbfgf I am feeling a bit better now the power of tumblr mutuals 💜💜💜thank you so much bby I'm eternally grateful to you <3333
also ahem-- IT'S STEVEN WITH A V-- how could you do this to him he would be so offended lmaodvdf
but anyways jokes aside YES he would be perfect, like steven will forever be my comfort blanket and also I know you probably didn't intend it but that last bit made me feel a bit heated 🥵🥵 the idea of steven just eating you out and trying to make you forget by making you come over and over again until you can't speak-- ahh what a man <3333
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moonlitinks · 1 year
I love hoax so. Friggin. Much. It's a perf balance of angst, unrequited love, enemies to lovers, and arranged marriage trope. You are so talented and I send you lots of love and hugs for this series. Can't wait to see what happens next!!
YOU'RE LITERALLY SO SWEET THANK YOU. i genuinely thought that there would be too much angst, but i'm glad you think that there's a nice balance of other tropes! i love mixing tropes and playing around with them, but as a consequence, that means i have to deal with them and make sure they tie up nicely haha, which it why it takes much longer.
but i still have a lot more scenes to sift through! with everything i have right now (including the next chapters) it's around 17k so far... might even be 25k or longer when we get to around finishing, which is so surreal to me! that's a 100 pages!
anyways. i do need to get to writing hoax. i swear if my attention goes somewhere else i abandon other projects - literally my fatal flaw in the writing world lmao. i just don't have the attention span.
ANYWAYS ANYWAYS. ahh sending you so much love and hugs as well! thank you so much for reading, i didn't know hoax will do so well and i love writing it all!
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brunetteboyfriend · 1 year
hello! deimos here~
can you believe the only thing i watched on your list was back to the future? i havent had the opportunity to watch the others, but i've heard of most of them (and want to watch them)
ahh, except for victorious. i've watched a few episodes, but i'm more of an icarly person (every once in a while i binge watch it) :)
honestly, i think my favourite part of the presentation was watching my friend's performance. we played an adaptation of the addams family musical. he played lurch and it was SO amazing! i liked our dance bit as well but it was quite stressful (we were all so nervous!) and our three minute song seemed to be like 30 seconds long when we were dancing so.......it was weird jfnwkfnekfnsj
i like pluto a lot as well (i know that technically it isnt a planet anymore but its too precious! justice for pluto!!!!). its a bit hard to research about it because in greek mythology there's pluto, who later became hades, and plutus, son of demeter with a mortal man. the planet's name is from hades as far as i know, and i must admit i LOVE hades. the man is just so precious. i dont know if im biased because of lore olympus (i read the webtoon a few years ago. never finished it, but liked it so much) or if i actually have canon reasons to love him, i just know i do.
have a lovely week <3
hello deimos! i hope you’re having an amazing week, wherever you may be!
ahh, back to the future is my all-time favorite film! what did you think of it? have you also seen sequels? if not, i highly recommend that you watch them! the second installment in the trilogy takes a weird route, but the third movie perfectly ties it all together i promise!
yesss, icarly and victorious are the perfect shows to watch for a nostalgic binge-watching session! i don’t blame you for preferring icarly because the show lasted a bit longer and, unlike victorious, it had a proper series finale that’s actually canon. although, i still personally prefer victorious because for some reason i like the friendship dynamic between the main characters better. (oh, and sikowitz. who doesn’t love his endearing eccentricities?)with that being said, what are your favorite episodes of icarly? who, in your opinion, is the best character?
omg that’s awesome!! that must’ve been such a blast to do an adaptation of the addams family musical! you guys must’ve had so much fun, especially when singing the famous theme song! and yes, stage fright is extremely terrifying—there is no doubt about that! the thought of performing in front of a bunch of people can immediately place you into a state of apprehensiveness. but once you go out there, all those nerves just dissipate and as you said, a 3 minute song feels like 30 seconds. time really goes by when you’re preoccupied.
honestly? pluto still is and forever will be a planet despite what anyone else has to say about it. are we just going to completely disregard what we learned in elementary school about all the planets? hell no. we should start a sociopolitical movement called ‘justice for pluto’ because it doesn’t deserve this slander. also, i just finished reading the 20th issue of the ‘lore olypmus’ webtoon you mentioned and you’re absolutely right about hades being precious! he’s so in love with persephone (who’s also incredibly adorable herself) hopefully, minthe won’t try to ruin anything between them because they’re so friggin cute. i wonder, if deimos is in this story too? that’d be a nice addition!
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professorrw · 2 years
LOVE eddie and readers interactions in cheerleader!!! it's everything i hoped for and more. just so friggin sweet
AHH IM SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!! cheerleader should be back soon and it’ll follow the events of season 4. so basically when i write what happens in episode 7 it’ll be on hiatus until volume 2 of the season comes out. i’m taking a little break right now to figure out what i want to do next!
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Update about that post mom! 🙌
So first off, I did not get it back. Unfortunately, even if my dad restarted the Wi-Fi it did not save.
And to make things even worse, IT WAS POSTED BY ACCIDENT. IT WAS SO EMBARASSING 😭😭
I had to rewrite the whole friggin thing 🥲 Fortunately I got to finish it!!
But when I went to post it on my phone, the same thing happened- SO I PANICKED AND CHECKED MY LAPTOP 💀
And it went through 🥳 FINALLY IT WENT THROUGH I'M SO HAPPY 🥺💜
And about that Akagi post? I'm half-way through it 😌
Omg I've had so many things post on accident before so I completely understand! It makes me so mad that Tumblr makes it so easy to accidently post things. Like can we please get a checks and balance system? Like ask me if I want to post it please!
I'm glad it finally went through tho!! And I can not WAIT for thay Akagi post!! Ahh please him and Omimi deserve more love 🤚🏻 I said what I said!
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oh-itskitkat · 3 years
Yellow, Green, and Cyan.
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I- 😳😳
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2samey · 3 years
the fact that lu/pin would be THE most supportive partner and would treat his s/o like the most important thing in the WORLD
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