#its not exactly innacurate
the-kneesbees · 1 year
I hate how tiktok is teaching people this so let me clarify. furries are not the people in the hallway that bark at you when you wear shorts. those are cat callers and creeps and you should absolutely avoid them, report them, tell them to fuck of, or what ever you need to do. but they're not furries.
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lilisouless · 7 months
So, is show!wylan really inacurate or are we the ones that mischaracterize him?
yes book!Wylan could have lied on the spot but thinking about it the word "reading" hardly came out loud when he avoided the issue, so a direct question like "can't you read it?" may have touched something inside him and it took it too long to answer to deny it so lying would be too obvious. But if thats all we have then...its honestly not a lot.
He didn't have his trauma erased (Inej) goals and some personality changed (Nina) or straight up a different personality (Kaz) so, other than the reading scene how much do we have?
It comes to yesterday´s experiment
This is a poll for a shot of anyone that doesn't want to argue or talk a lot to express why they feel Wylan was inacurate. The important thing is
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"He is too cutesy/childlike/innocent/shy" seems to win, BUT here`s the thing, three of the options that are a direct contradiction (too sexual,not shy enought,not kind enought) to that one also has votes, and adding up together the numbers aren't that far behind, yes, it was a trap and while i expected the votes to be a little more even, the whole "people will choose options that contradict themselves" still happened
Compare to Kaz
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The diference between the options that contradict each other (not mean enought-too mean & too smart-not smart enought) are noticiable, the general sentiment is that most of the people that think that Kaz is innacurate seem to agree that he is too nice and not quite smart on the show. Most people who say he is innacurate agree on why
With Wylan a lot of people voted for reasons that contradict each other, so how are we going to say the show got wylan wrong if we can't agree on WHYand HOW they got him wrong? Because that means we don't have a general graps on his character so as much as i want , i don't know how to say it in english so i´ll say it on spanish "mentarle la madre" to Netflix we can't exactly speak if we don't even know how its done right.
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archie-sunshine · 4 months
I have a question: What did you think when you finished reading the MTMTE n lost light, and when you saw rodimus all alone at the end, do you think they could have at least given someone to rodimus?
It was very sad, got me crying waterfalls ;-;
Not to sound like a limpwristed snowflake but the sad ending of the lost light did irreparable damage to my brain chemistry in the worst possible way. I HATE that ending.
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AND!! THE PROBLEM IS!! Sorry I won't take too much of your time, but the REASON I hate this ending is not because it was bad, or innacurate, or unfair. Its EXACTLY what would have happened, right??? Like of course rodimus would be lost without the purpose of a mission, of course megs would go on trial and be punished for his crimes, of course. BUT FUCK ME MAN... COME ON JRO
this is why I personally deal mostly in post canon JUMP ending, instead of like... the other one. yknow? so on this blog i pretend i do not see it. live in this world of no suffering with me
[Feeling nosy? shoot me a question in my inbox!! I'll get to it eventually :V]
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coffinsister · 1 month
Hi there!
I just wanted to let you know that I'd never heard of Saya no Uta until I saw you talking about it on my dash and I was like hey I'll look into that!! I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and it was definitely an experience. I've only played the route of choosing Saya and choosing to call Ryoko, so I still have to make the other choices to view all of the game's content, but I just wanted to come say thank you for giving me the second controversial piece of media I've been able to consume without my ocd throwing a bitchfit, because the whole story is fascinating from a psychological standpoint and that definitely drew me in.
I just wish the story was a little more 3D, I guess? Like the writing is overly descriptive of things it doesn't need to be descriptive of and underwhelming with the actual voiced dialogue. It's an extremely bizarre contrast. And from what little Japanese I've learn over the years out of SpInterest there are some translation points that aren't entirely accurate.
A big one is the fact that Saya speaks in third person which is a common cutesy mannerism for small children in Japanese media. In fact, she speaks super similarly to Maria Ushiromiya from Umineko ( complete with using 'uu!' for emphasis too ) which caused me to attach quickly to her for it. While it's true that this doesn't translate well into English, it does lose in translation just how young Saya really sounds while speaking. Because in Japanese she's saying things like 'Saya did this for Fuminori because Saya wants to be with Fuminori forever!' and it's getting translated as like 'I did this to make you happy. So you'll stay with me forever, right, Fuminori?' and those are two completely different tones. In fact, it's so overlooked from the English translation that this trope of hers isn't even mentioned on the The Song of Saya tvtropes page and that's wild to me.
Sorry, I didn't meant to turn this into a rant in your inbox asjklhd. Thank you for bringing this intriguing piece of media to my attention. 💖
Hiii, I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask but it was lovely getting it, so please don't apologize! We love getting long asks, and talking about our interests <3 And I'm really happy me basically screaming into the void about it, got you into it! That's great, that's exactly why I post about the things I like.
This was very interesting to read so thank you for sending it.
Side Thought: TV Troupes actually really really sucks for this kinda thing, it is widely innacurate with big media, and incredibly lacking for small media. So personally, I would not chuck TV Tropes lacking this as much to the (very bad, like super bad) official translation, as much as I would to the site just kinda sucking.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, the website is fun, like any other wiki is, I just have personal beef against it, do not mind me, old man yells at cloud.
The first route I finished was also the one with Ryouko, and tbh, in my opinion that's the best one, but obviously seeing the other endings gives a lot of extra information, and character depth, so I hope you play through them and enjoy them too.
And yeah, I feel you, I wish it was more 3D and that I could have cared more about the characters, the writing definetly feels too much like purple prose, and way too descriptive about meaningless things sometimes, while also compeltley glazing over others.
Also big big same about the translation, I already posted my long rant about it, but it's really such a shame, because Nitro+ is actually so good at conveying character through dialogue, like actually reading some of the VNs in Japanese is a whole new experience on its own
And exactly as you said, it would have been far easier to understand Saya is a literally preubecent child if the translation had shown how childishly she actually speaks, or another big one, we would have gotten to see more of just how badly Fuminori wants to show off in front of Saya and Yoh, if the translation had actually shown him avoiding being fully honest with Saya.
Like there's so so many moments in Japanese of him just going, Well, about that, you know... to Saya when she's asking him about their plans together, and he's very reluctant to ask her for help, even when he really needs it, until she blatantly offers it, and he takes it.
In the Official English version he literally just goes "Well, the thing, Saya is that I failed to kill Koji, any ideas about that?"
So much character missed there, I feel like also missing the honorifics isn't helpful or good, like Yoh calling Oumi, Oumi-chan makes them feel way way closer, than just college friends who hang out between classes. And it gives you a better sense that they care for each other.
My hot take about translations is that they shouldn't just accomodate to what's most familiar to the target audience, in this case USA people, it should just make the media more accesible. It isn't a failure of art if it is a bit of a struggle to engage with it, it's good to make an effort to try to understand foreign art, even when the way the text is presented, isn't super familiar or relatable to you.
This is basically what everybody who isn't from an English speaking country already does lol
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sweetescapeartist · 11 months
Y'all heard about those arguements about Cleopatra and if she was black or white? Well when ya do the research, you find out that she was multiracial due to Macedonian rulers having children with rulers of other kingdoms for power reasons, but she MOSTLY Southern European. Meaning she was of a light brown color. And Cleopatra was very inbred. Meaning there is a high likelyhood that she was not attractive. And the artifacts that were supposed to show what she looks like all differ & its unsure what exactly she looked like. Here's one depiction...
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So, by common terms, Cleopatra was a slightly multiracial & she was a royal inbred Macedonian ruling in Egypt. And the concept of "race" wasn't created until the late 16th century. Don't look at history through a modern lense. Look at it through a historically accurate lense.
The Netflix thing with Cleopatra is very innacurate. The other depictions of Cleopatra through history were more accurate visually than that one. But what they should just do an animated version where Cleopatra is a woman of mostly Macedonian descent who wouldn't be considered as attractive by today's standards. We have tons of proof that inbred royals throughout history were not very attractive. And with how inbred this family was, it is very unlikely she was attractive as Hollywood often depicted her. The money & power of these rulers is what made them attractive to others more than their appearance.
Rambling incoming... Ya ain't gotta read this part. The important part is answered.
And just to add, Egyptians centuries before her were darker skinned. But over many years of mixing with lighter skinned ppl & being replaced by lighter skinned ppl, they became lighter. And many think being "black" means you have to have kinky hair and very dark skin. It doesn't. Kinky hair is a dominant genetic trait and there are different levels of curly hair from loose to tight. There are even light skinned "black" ppl who have looser kinky hair as well as tighter kinky hair. Our features differ too and only a fool thinks all black ppl are very dark toned & have wide noses and afros. You have to understand genetics. Science proves that all "races" came from black ppl, so everyone is a descendant of. Heck, there are dark skinned black ppl who naturally have blonde & red hair and green & blue eyes. Not to mention albino black ppl. Being black in appearance has many different looks. But Cleopatra was not black. Her people were from another nation and had occupied Egypt for many years prior to her birth. Those were different Egyptians there than what was there centuries before.
So, ancient Egyptians would be what we considered in modern times as "black." Modern Egyptians would be considered slightly "multiracial" when you look at the history. But, for modern Egyptians to claim they aren't "black" then, that suggests they dislike who they and their ancestors are OR... They are descendants from ppl foreign to Egypt who currently inhabit a land they only care to exploit. 🤔 And modern Egyptians are of partial or full Turkish ancestry. So yeah. They aren't the original Egyptians. The original peoples have been pushed aside for many many years now. Just like how Europeans came to the Americas and took it as their own when the aboriginal peoples were the people of these lands. Now, concerning Macedonian's appearance, the modern day ones aren't the same as the ancient ones. Ancient ones were a bit more brown, but not a dark brown. They were pretty light. Also, history & science reveals that not all ancient Europeans were what we consider "white" in modern days. The so-called "white" people were higher north and other "white" ppl were mixed in with the Macedonians who would mix with ppl of any skin tone. There were even Africans (like the Moors) in Europe who taught certain civilizations proper hygene & you can find records and artifacts that prove so. Romans were literally throwing buckets of feces out their windown into the streets, splashing & covering ppl passing by. This is why men would walk on the side close to the street when courting a woman so that they could block the backsplash of feces and urine from splashing on the woman.
But, Cleopatra was not a black woman. If Jada and those other ppl wanted to do a black documentary, then do so with historical figures that were actually black! Yeah, ppl often race swapped black ppl and made them white... I'm looking at you Gods of Egypt (I believe Egypt banned that film so there is some sort of constancy with them)... but why do the same dumb action and think you are some how better? Just keep it accurate and choose a black historical figure. We have a plethora.
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lovesick-level-up · 6 months
hey there, how are y'all doing! ^^ sorry this isn't a request ;;; but i've been SO into milgram recently & with the recent release of 'double' and everyone theorizing about mikoto, i was wondering if any of you had any thoughts on how mikoto and john are handled (especially as a system yourselves)? if y'all aren't comfortable sharing i totally understand, sorry for the sudden question ;; but i am genuinely curious to hear your perspectives on the topic, or even just on milgram in general !! yikes this got long lmao. but hope y'all are having a good day/night!
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yesssssss, anon. let's fucking go, we are totally fine with recieving asks like this, because Autism. i'm gonna put this under the cut, because it got long lmao. we hope you have a good day/night too, anon, and that you enjoy hearing our thoughts!
though there are definetly some stereotypes and stuff in how mikoto and john are written, we fucking adore them. especially me! how john is portrayed is something i love, mostly because i relate to him a lot. double is fantastic tbh, it reminds me so much of how i can feel handling the system as a whole. persecutors (and gatekeepers) are, at our cores, misguided protectors. and double shows that really well, and how it can feel to be villainised and misunderstood despite us trying to help. i'm also honestly still on the fence on whether or not john has ever actually killed people, or if its more of like. a metaphor? that's probably just wishful thinking though. i also really liked the little phone conversation we got to see mikoto have with their mom. that also reminded us of us a lot too. both the contents of the call, and also the fact it shows they are close with her. we're on good terms with our mom (though mostly out of necessity). i'd also like to see milgram hint more about what trauma they might have experienced to become a system. i know that's kinda bleak, but i think it could be really interesting. we have our own theories of course, as does a lot of the fandom lol. i want to see milgram hint more about what exactly made john be the way he is, and mikoto too. why did they have to be so covert? what drives john to hurt people? its pretty fascinating to think about. and obviously, the whole one alter is good, the other bad thing is a little. well, bad. but its also the case with a lot of systems to have an alter to blame bad stuff on. its not necessarily their fault, or the rest of the systems. but its pretty common. i'd also like to see hints to more alters than just mikoto and john (though obviously two people systems are very valid, that doesn't really fit with them much, it seems like there's two active fronter alters rather than two total).
we aren't super active in the milgram fandom outside of looking at the occassional fanart and reading youtube comments. we probably should interact more with it, but we're also a little scared lmao. we are very rarely in active fandoms while the thing is still going on, so it can be intimidating. if anyone has any suggestions for blogs or twitter accounts to follow that you like, do send them in. we'd appreciate them.
in terms of milgram in general, we fucking love it. cat is a fantastic song and made us fall for kazui. yuno is one of my favourite characters to have ever been made. we also relate a lot to fuuta. and in general, i think its such an interesting subject to make a series like this about. it really makes people think and that's always a good thing. it opens up conversations on morals, how ourselves would deal with certain situations, how our first reactions can be innacurate and damaging, how our actions can be damaging, and how we aren't always so different from the people we see as villains. its well written and so, so good. plus, the songs are catchy and the visuals gorgeous. what more could you want lmao. anyway, yeah. those are our (mostly my) thoughts on milgram lol. its just, really great.
~ moondust 😈🧷🎶
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snake-and-mouse · 3 years
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My roommates have begun making memes about the house's pets.
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megacarapa · 2 years
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jangmi-latte · 2 years
Are you a bit worried of how the English version will handle Vil's personality in EP 5 though? (Not the same anon). So far after reading his vignettes, there's nothing seem wrong that makes him OOC, but somehow I had a little animosity of how most of the translations are innacurate to its Japanese content.
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i can't exactly make a judgement, honestly. i'm not worried at all! the new terms and structure of words piqued my interest so much it honestly gave them MORE character rather than making them ooc. i haven't read much of vil's vignettes/personal stories in twsteng since i barely have any cards of him there but as far as i'm seeing, like in his r cards, he portrays his side of being a student more which is nice. we need to literally see vil as a student and not just a model/influencer since that's what he wants to focus on for now.
i'll probably make more comments when i get more of his cards + book of pomefiore but rn, that's all i have to say. twstjp is still my heart and soul most especially with vil and his way of speaking 🌻🌻🌻
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A lot has been said about Fantasy stories including rape, sexism and homophobia in the name of “historical accuracy” or excusing it as okay because “that’s what it was like back then” while also including dragons/magic/balltothewall crazy shit that never happened.
I’d like to mention a few mundane things that European (usually British) medieval era inspired fantasy stories tend to be historically innacurate about to counteract claims that it’s because it’s a medieval world where dragons/ballstothewall crazy shit did happen but everything else was the same:
Fireplaces. All those early medieval hearths and extravagant mantles? Inaccurate. You’re talking Elizabethan period (late medieval, long after the usual fantasy preference) before chimneys were invented. And even then, they caught on fire and/or exploded. Like, a lot. 
Clothes. Need I say more? There are tons of amazing people on youtube who can entertainingly explain to you why corsets would not be used in medieval times, stays would not have likely suffocated women, why passionate, spontaneous love making probably wouldn’t involve (or require) naked women, etc. etc. etc.
Unemployment. Your hero, free as a bird, travels from town to town seeking his fortune, telling possible quest givers he’s looking for work... and gets arrested for being unemployed in a town he wasn’t born in. He better be in town flashing cash or with ample evidence of his successful freelancer status.
Books. More valuable than most treasure. No, your hero did not learn to read them from a friendly local mentor. Unless your friendly local mentor was Alfred the Great I guess. Great literacy program, that guy.
Armour and weaponry. Usually all wrong for the period they’re using. Not always, but often enough to show lack of serious research into the era they’re so ardently defending via constant rape apology.
Horses. They existed, but as has been pointed out more than once, if your early medieval universe is modelled on Britain or most of Western Europe then your characters ain’t gonna be seeing them all that often, if at all. Again, you’d need to be later medieval. The kind of late that writers and directors avoid because of the silly looking outfits and prelude to the industrial age.
Bedrooms. Your character does not sleep in their own private bedroom. No, listen to me, they don’t. Yes, even if they’re wealthier than average. See previous point about fireplaces. Those fuckers weren’t about to put personal space above not freezing their balls off. Unless they’re nobility (even then heavily depending on exactly which medieval period and what time of year), they’re sharing a bedroom and quite possibly a bed with multiple people. If they even have a separate bedroom from the main living area.
Racism. Sure, it happened. But it wasn’t even vaguely the kind of bullshit we got later on and was its own flavour of nasty, so maybe shut up about it if you aren’t making any new or meaningful points and are claiming historical accuracy points. Also, black people were no strangers to British shores in the medieval period. 
If a writer writes a story full of misogyny, racism and/or homophobia it is because they want to write about misogyny, racsim and/or homophobia. It has nothing to do with historical accuracy.
Sometimes they have good reasons, most often they have bad, lazy, privileged reasons. But next time you excuse child brides or rape as “historically accurate” or “just how it was back then” in a fantasy world?
Look for the fireplace.
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svankmajerbaby · 2 years
yes i am complaining about a show i havent fully watched from the year 2015 i dont care
so there’s this amazing comic book i love called El Hipnotizador (The Hypnotist) which is Quintessentially Porteño. like, the streets, the architecture, the dustiness and early-twentieth century style of it feels extremely familiar and even comforting if you’re familiar with Buenos Aires, especially older areas like San Telmo that retain that sort of aesthetic
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(the whole comic book is available to read here btw tho i recommend buying it and seeing the drawings in their full quality, it has a lot of superb detail and its just a nice thing to have available to read at certain times)
anyway there was this adaptation which was this big publizised thing that HBO Latinamerica wanted to be the first big project in the southern hemisphere of their reach. and, because it was cheaper or sth they decided to film most of it in Montevideo, Uruguay, instead of Buenos Aires. and, because HBO Latinamerica has offices in Brazil and not in, you know, the country that the comic book is set in, it decided to pad out the cast with brazilian actors.
so far, it’s ok. it’s a rather short comic book and its understandable that they would try to add more characters, especially when each episode is around an hour long??? (i think it was a bad decision, but that’s not the focus of this rant)
BUT. my issue is. The Casting
like. look at this. this is meant to be the main character, Arenas.
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first of all the whole cast is like, easily ten years younger. but apart from that, the Absolute Lack of historical accuracy is what irks me the most. No Man With A Steady Job On Show Business In The 1930s would have stubble and badly combed hair. i get that hes meant to look disheveled and Tortured but like. fuck. also where’s the hooked nose. the jowl. the hunch. the way the guy looks like he was plucked from a crowd in an old photo. sbaraglia you’re a decent actor but here you’re so badly miscast
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then there’s salinero who was also both thinned down and made younger. cowards
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and then there’s this. which i hate even more.
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i literally can only tell the women in this show apart from the hairstyles. and even these are extremely inaccurate period-wise, especially compared with the original very well researched comic book.... like guys, you should have the resources to properly research this shit.
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and then livia. my poor livia. looking like exactly every daytime tv gossip show presenter. and Yes she has historically innacurate long straight hair at All Times, unnecessary nude/sex scenes that weren’t in the comic book, and even less of a personality than the comic book :^)))))
anyway this is all just to say we could have had an interesting concise adaptation but it was done dirty by bad historical research a need to “expand” the cast (tho with nary a person of color, even though it would make a lot of sense to cast actors that aren’t, yknow, white, especially since it’s a brazilian coproduction and clearly not set in Buenos Aires in the 1930s anymore). also HBO is terrified of old and fat people so fuck them
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percontaion-points · 3 years
Raven King chapter 15
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions.
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Chapter 15
The ride was silent, but the first sight of Castle Evermore had Neil's blood humming in recognition. Evermore looked more like a monument than a stadium, and its jet-black paint job made it even more imposing. It was half-again as big as the Foxhole Court.
I'm fucking tired of seeing this bullshit.
A line of cars was already parked at the curb. Neil wished he was surprised that they were all identical. Even the custom license plates were only a couple digits off from each other. Neil stared hard at them until he thought he figured out the sequence. The EA had to be Edgar Allan, and the numbers following
were class years and jersey numbers.
"This isn't a team," Neil said. "It's a cult."
Well, somebody had to fucking say it.
"Take a look at the sky. You won't see it again until you leave."
"I've seen it," Neil said.
Nothing quite like some illegal restraint.
It might have been Neil's decision to go, but that doesn't mean he wasn't under the threat of his friend being murdered.
"I can't even keep my ten?" Neil asked.
"Unimportant Ravens wear double-digits," Jean said. "Riko's inner circle does not.”
I feel like I'm past the point where I'm pointing out how innacurate that this is. I DON'T EVEN LIKE SPORTS, BUT I SOMEHOW KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM THAN THE LADY WHO WROTE A SPORT SERIES.
Tetsuji didn't stop beating him until he finally passed out.
The Ravens' afternoon practice ran for four hours, and Neil was in no shape for any of it. He'd been unconscious through the two hours the Ravens took for lunch; he only woke when Jean dumped a pitcher of icy water over his head. Neil was too delirious and sore to get changed out, so Jean had to force most of the gear onto him. Neil struggled, but Jean dug cruel fingers into Neil's fresh bruises to stop him. Jean had to haul Neil up to the court. It wasn't until Jean shoved a racquet into his hands that Neil truly realized that yes, he was expected to play.
They put him on as a backliner, and Neil failed spectacularly. He hadn't played defense in almost nine years and he was in too bad of shape to keep up with Riko. Every time Riko made it past him, Riko hit Neil with his racquet. Exy armor was meant to guard against fast-moving balls and body-checks, not malicious blows from heavy racquets. By an hour into practice Neil was stumbling over his own feet.
Wow, it's almost like when you beat somebody senseless, they aren't at their best a few hours later or something. How weird is that?
Trigger warning: Graphic descriptions of torture
Riko slipped the knife into Neil's mouth and pushed, hard enough to break the skin at the corner of Neil's mouth but not deep enough to do any real damage.
Do you want to know what this story 100% needed? A long scene of Riko tying Neil to the bed and mutilating him with a knife. /ALL THE GODDAMNED SARCASM
"When it's too much for you, don't hesitate to cry."
Chapter 15 summary: So I guess the only person who knows Neil is going to spend Christmas with Riko is Kevin. Neil kind of sits around as the others pack up for their own holiday plans. Neil then pretends to get off of a phone call with somebody, and tells Nicky that it was his uncle, who is going to Arizona for the holidays. Neil goes on and says his mom sent him a ticket to come out over the break. Nicky says that the others can keep an eye on Kevin while Neil is gone, and that he should go. However, as Neil is packing, he's surprised that he's got so much stuff now. He decides to leave his emergency money binder in Kevin's care.
An unholy amount of time is spent describing Neil waiting at the airport. The flight isn't long, and he's picked up by Jean at the airport. They go to the stadium, where there's randomly an entire basement dorm area. Everything is decorated in shades of EBUL and even the lights are red, and I'm so fucking bored with this. Jean shows him where he'll be staying, and Neil is deeply disturbed to find a shrine to the life Kevin once had there.
They go upstairs, where Riko stops the morning practice. He and Jean give Neil a Raven's jersey with Neil's surname printed on the back, which Neil refuses. Turns out that they're randomly taking Neil, and nobody bothered to ask him. Since he's a doormat, Neil is putting up exactly zero effort to get out of any of this. They also randomly say that David is Kevin's father, but they don't think David knows. Kevin found a letter in “Master's” house. They act like it doesn't care, but Neil is insanely bothered by the entire thing.
The team's coach aka “master” comes in and randomly beats Neil until he blacks out simply because Neil refused to kneel before him. Neil is awoken a few hours later and forced to play a different role than he had been doing with the foxes. He's terrible at it, if only because of the beating he got earlier.
Kevin had originally shared a room with Riko, and as the ravens break for the night, Neil thinks about how much Kevin must have suffered with Riko for years and years. Neil tells Riko to stay away from him, but Riko ignores him, and starts to torture Neil with a knife.
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victeazer-archive · 4 years
Alright. Lets put this kitten to bed shall we?
I am alerted to uppastthejelliclemoon's precense after she posts some shit about that racist misogynistic homophobe we all know and love for writing alpha male munkustrap fanfiction and how shit has been taken too far over some shitpost blah blah blah idk. I scroll thru her blog being like what kind of person posts this? Seriously? And i stumble upon this au she had been indulging in which is terrible and you can look it up for yourselves. Apparently this was the second time this kind of thing has happened as well (being that she writes disgusting shit and gets called out for it) so let's keep that in mind.
Anyway im discussing this with my friend as we are both disgusted by this and he messages uppastthejelliclemoon directly asking for clarification. She doesnt respond. I get impatient and point out the fact that this shit exists on my own blog and tag her so she can have an oppurtunity to explain herself. She doesnt respond.
My friend replies to my post with his own commentary and additional screenshots.
People see it and respond appropriately in disgust as it is disgusting.
Uppastthejellicle moon decides to do a non apology in which shes basically like well I didnt INTEND to and im only being positive and also guys why did you tell everyone about this thing they could find on their own and not talk to me. Directly.
Except then she only got anonymous messages?
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But then, when she is in dms with my friend, no one spoke to her? But then only anons did. BUT THEN SHE DID RECEIVE A MESSAGE FROM HIM EXACTLY. Funny that.
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Weird how the story changes like that and ours doesnt. Hm.
Weird thing you'll notice is her claiming that well this shit she posted was a while ago and why didnt we address it then and im like. Hm. Weird you think we know every post you have ever made and know exactly when and where. Sounds a little like you think everyone MUST know everything about you at all times because youre so important. So important that you decide that the homophobic racist misogynist gets the clear over a shitpost and we are bullies as your friends call us despite everything showing clearly otherwise?
To the people reading this im sure youve realized im not a pleasant speaker when i know im right and am speaking to people who will die on a hill of nasty shit of their own making.
My friend, however, as you can tell from just the excerpt of their conversation is very respectable. He's gentle and factual and calm as he explains himself. He would ask me and his other friends if what he wrote was too harsh or innacurate before sending them for you see, he has a stress condition. Its very clearly stated on his blog that im sure uppastthejelliclemoon and friends have seen as they are able to message him.
See, I think my friend here did a great job handling this situation considering his stress condition, and i do not think that him having a stress condition exempts him from speaking his mind and defending himself. (Which jelliclemoon's friend ruvyr will later say the opposite of in the screenshots that follow, which is ableist, by the way, but lets keep going).
However, when you are discussing an issue with someone you know has a stress condition and you start to dogpile onto him with your other friend who has nothing but insults and a way of twisting their words to suit your narrative?
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Maybe dont do that. Because now my friend had to vomit due to this outright gaslighting.
See, i have received zero messages from these people directly because they know that I wont be nice. They pick on someone weaker, my aforementiond friend, who did exactly as uppastthejelliclemoon had asked in the first place.
Uppastthejelliclemoon gets a callout post for their horrible shit.
Uppastthejelliclemoon, whitmerule, ruvyru and probably more then decide to knowingly dogpile on the weaker of the two that made the callout post to the point of him physically vomiting.
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* i wont be specifying who gave me this screenshot, but i believe it is a reliable source, heres the full one unedited:
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Here it all is. The whole picture for you.
I suggest you block
As they clearly do not take criticism well and as I have said, repeated the same actions that have been called out for previously.
Who has a history of writing incestuous fics and frowns down upon "antis" (aka normal people) that speak up against this nasty shit weve mentioned today, and also participates in this blatant attack on my friend who did nothing wrong.
For associating with them in the first place and just being a straight up bully as you can see in the dms they requested be posted publically
Who is literally into incest and uses terms like "purity culture" unironically to describe me saying hey, maybe racist, sexist, ableist, and just nasty shit like that, being bad!
Well you know why. If not, look up purplezprout on my blog.
And just avoid these people in future.
Me and my friend @zitface are done with this drama, specifically. I applaud them for handling this situation well, but like i have said before, I will point out shit I find gross in the future. I dont give a shit.
Feel free to reblog, and reply with your favorite love song! Im working on a not disgusting fanfiction and need inspiration. Hope you all have a good day.
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gaphic · 3 years
dude i look up an article and apparently raya would have been in production while korra was being released/hyped up, so that's concerning. and then the worldbuilding's similar and the dragon apparently has aang's personality as well as "last surviving member of a long-dead group" dealio? i'm not saying disney looked at a fairly well-done pan-asian fantasy world franchise and went "we'll do exactly this but more simplistic and culturally innacurate" but--no that's exactly what i'm saying.
,,,,,,,,,,,ok i wasn’t on the ‘disney did a ripoff’ train but if raya started production during korra hype, thats uh. well its definitely not encouraging 
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newtgeiszler · 3 years
Hey! Sorry for late reply, I'm the anon about racism from earlier. It's just innacurate to say black women and trans women are equally different from white women and that's the basis of their exclusion from womanhood. My mother (a cis black woman) is biologically nearly identical to cis white women, and even though my social status is similar because I'm passing, I am not. There is a long, ugly, racist history of implying black women have different femaleness than white women, whereas the difference between cis and trans women is important to us and our realities, not invented to oppress us. I don't know if this helps at all.
oh, yeah i totally agree with you there! there are def similarities to other marginalized women being excluded from womanhood (not just women of color but intersex women and disabled women and lesbians etc etc) but to say it's the COMPLETE same would be more racist than pro-trans.
(the similarities should not be undercutted entirely but that's more something i want to boost the voices of woc about and bring nuance to rather than point blank going "saying trans women aren't real women is exactly the same as saying black women aren't real women in every way", one would need to back that up with reason lest they just be racist imo)
that being said i don't remember saying this? maybe i did a long time ago but not in recent memory, because again its not exactly something i wanna sign off on. or did i not say that exactly but say something that could be easily interpreted as that? or reblog someone who said it?
if you find it or you don't, either way i'm sorry i said something that looked like that. that's not what i believe and i hope i can make that clearer in the future.
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maldduni · 4 years
I want to hear more about Emry, how did you create them?
Hi nonny! OK so Emry is my only original story. Pretty much all of my characters are original (Ophelia has origins in a Marvel character but isn’t exactly the same so) because I really like coming up with characters. I usually use not so original stories cause I daydream about whatever I’m obsessed with at the time.
Anyways, I don’t remember much about Emry’s creation itself, tbh. Her story is inspired by It and a part in the later Hunger Games books. I know I came up with her way too late at night and immediately wrote down the plot of the story on the notes app of my phone, which I’ve done before but she’s the only one of my originals who’s really become a para.
Also this is a horror story, so if that doesn’t float your boat you may wanna stop reading? Then again this is just a description and I don’t think it’s that creepy so read at your discretion.
The basic plot is this: Emry is a teenager whose life has been haunted both by madness and death. Her best friend died when she was 7, her psychiatrist died when she was 12, and her dad died when she was 15. Right before her psychiatrist died, she had diagnosed her with schizophrenia (I don’t know a lot about schizophrenia so I’m sorry if any of this is innacurate or offensive (please let me know!) if I was writing a story on it I would’ve researched a lot more but since this is in my head I didn’t). She experiences a lot of paranoia and hallucinations, both visual and auditory. This was only exacerbated by the fact that she believed every time someone she was close to died, she would hear a whispery voice calling her name before hand. This happened with her friend, her doctor, and her dad, but people just told her it was part of her mental illness.
Before her dad died her mom and dad had actually been filing for a divorce. They got into a huge argument over her and her dad walked out to go for a drive to clear his head and ended up crashing his car. She blames herself for a lot of things and that’s a huge one of them. She basically blamed herself for their entire divorce too cause she viewed herself as a problem child but they had already had problems, it would’ve probably happened either way.
Anyways, this is rly long so ima shorten the rest a bit. The story is framed like a movie because she’s actually a character one of my other paras (who’s an actress) plays. The movie starts with a bunch of kids visiting this old women who’s one of their grandmothers and sneaking up into the attic to look at all the stuff up there. There’s where they find an old dirty journal and the writing of the journal dictates the main story.
The main story is that it’s the summer before Emry’s senior year and her mom wanted to have some mother daughter bonding time (also cause Emry doesn’t have any friends and has been in her room basically all summer) so she decided they’re going on a cruise trip to somewhere north and Emry reluctantly goes with her. On the third night of the trip Emry is awake on her phone in bed when she hears a sound. She grabs this short metal pole she had snuck in her suitcase cause you know, paranoia, and goes to check on her mom but she can’t find her and the door to the communal hallway is open. She goes searching for her and ends up finding a bunch of kids instead, all of which are younger than her to some degree and all of which are also missing their parents. They kind of assert her as leader even though she doesn’t want to be and they go looking for their parents, though they soon find out there’s a monster on the ship. They keep hearing it call Emry’s name and Emry thinks it’s a hallucination even though everyone keeps telling her they hear it too. She’s been told so long that it’s fake she’s not ready to believe it’s real. Also that might mean her mom is about to die.
They go through the ship looking for their parents, eventually Emry agrees that the monster is real, just because it chased them down a hallway and that means that they kind of saw it. Emry is still having a hard time deciding what’s real and what’s not though cause the high stress situation is giving her hallucinations so they end up with a system where she asks “real or not real?” and the kids answer her, hence the title. This doesn’t always work cause sometimes she’s too quick to react and once she almost hits one of the kids with her pole cause she thought she saw a monster there, but everyone’s pretty much ok.
They’re trying to get to the deck now to send an sos or a flare or something. They find a door but it’s locked. Something reminds her of titanic, however, and she remembers that scene where they use the bench to ram open the door. So they do that and they get on the deck and head to the control room to send an SOS except the control room has a big window and door directly to the deck and as they’re trying to send the signal, Emry sees her mom on the opposite edge of the boat. It’s a hallucination, but Emry doesn’t realize that as she rushes forward to grab her and almost slips off, ending up holding onto the edge and dangling off. She’s able to start climbing back up but just then the monster appears in the door of the control room, trapping the kids there. Emry by now has worked out that the monster has some sort of fixation on her so she calls out to it and, in order to get it away from the kids, falls off th e edge of the deck and into the water.
It runs after her and on its way back up holding her, the kids are ready and use the pipe to smash its head in basically. They call for an SOS, rescue comes, some of their parents are found locked in the boiler rooms, some of their parents bodies were found around the ship, all except Emry’s mom. The kids who are orphaned get adopted by the remaining parents, including Emry, until her moms body is found in a fishing net a couple weeks later. Emry sort of breaks and ends up needing to live in a mental hospital, but all of the families stay close to her their entire lives and the kids who are reading this end up actually having known Emry as basically an aunt except they had to visit her in a mental hospital. She was the oldest so she died a little while ago of old age, but they still remembered her. Just as they’re reaching the end of the story, their grandmother comes in and shoos them off. When they ask if it’s real she says no, that Aunt Emry was mentally ill and that she wrote down some of her hallucinations especially as she got older. But after they leave the grandmother takes the journal to her room and sets it in a drawer beneath some socks and just as she leaves and closes the door, behind the bedroom door, the camera focuses on the rusted metal pole from the ship all those years ago.
I’m sorry that was so long! I hope you liked it tho, I just really like my characters. If you wanna know any more about her or any other character, please ask! I also have songs for Emry and a character description and stuff but this is already way too long. <3
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