#judge Vinsmoke
keysandcrosses · 7 months
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drawtober day 11-20
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tekitothemagpie · 15 days
Luffy is so crazy for this, man.
Judge is spouting out all the things that make Sanji a failure in his eyes.
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And then Luffy just says that it's all the good things about Sanji.
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That does shit to a motherfucker Luffy, calm down.
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sanjiaholicreturns · 2 months
I wonder at what point Sanji, as a child, went from seeing his father as a hero, big and strong, to being truly terrified of him.
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foxydivaxx · 4 months
Sanji: I may be a pretty boy but make no mistake, I am a Strawhat for a fucking reason and one third of the Monster Trio. I suggest you shove your fucked up, backward bullshit up your fucking ass motherfucker otherwise, I will make this an quick kill
Judge: Pfft…you do remember that you are the weak link?
Sanji: *smirks* It seems you have forgotten that I am a Germa 99 assassin. Now would be the time to remind you
Zoro: *sniffs* Look at my baby. Off to destroy the world. So proud of you love
Sanji: Oh and by the way, I am no longer Sanji Vinsmoke. Instead I am now Sanji Roronoa!!
Judge: WHAT?!
Zoro: *smirks*
Everyone else: *cheers and wolf whistles*
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moussofshroom · 3 months
The ocean is wide, someday, certainly, you’ll be able to meet kind people.
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joyboyish · 1 year
ok continuing my luffy on tumblr thing from yesterday but like imagine
👒 piratekingluffy follow
sanji makes the best food ever! he just made something sooooo yummy
🍮 blackleg follow
glad you like it captain
♞ officialgerma follow
fuck you
🍮 blackleg follow
literally what did i do
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leftsidebonfire · 2 months
💙Sanlu Week Day 4💙
Day 4: Hands/Touch Starved
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And I can hear him break And he doesn't understand And I wish that I could take his hand But where I'm going is for me and me alone
Whole Cake Island is such a good angst potential for Sanlu prompts. Eagle eyed viewers would be pleased to note that I color grabbed the hand skintones from each of the Vinsmokes, with Judge even being the one holding onto Sanji the tightest, while Reiju is the one behind him, letting go. Alternate version below the cut so you can see who's who!
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alexa-fika · 4 months
I’m at whole cake rn and can’t stop thinking about reader who happens to be Sanji’s little sibling he adopted while on the sea going with Sanji to see Germa. Bonus points if it’s winged child reader!
Love you sm!!! 💖💖
Danger Skittles ( Sanji x male!winged!child!reader)
A/N: So proud of that tittle, I havent read this arc so I had the manga next to me as l wrote so I hope it is good, maybe not a COOK but it is a cook, ya know? Sorry this oke took so long as I said Im going trough a hard moment rn. Also I will be taking those bonus point in the form of kisses Pay up 🫴🏼
Btw PISSED CAUSE TUMBLR FROZE WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO HIT POST, HAD EVERYTHING READY AND IT GOT DELETED THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I HAD TO DO THIS, thank God I write my things in grammarly and them I copy paste them here cause other wise I would have rage quit yall. IT DID IT AGAIN
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Sanji-nii, I don’t like this; your family sounds scary, and they want to hurt Big Brother.”
“I know…I know…I‘ll get us out of this,” he promises his brother, walking down the familiar hallways he had grown up in, the walls that his brothers tortured him in, walking into the dining hall and taking his seat, placing the young child on his lap, ignoring the talk of his brothers
Reader munches on the food Sanji passes to him as he huddles close to him, trying to shield himself with his wings to avoid the crude commentary of his family
“Just ignore them,” he whispers to the boy, rubbing his wings, gently stroking his hair, shielding him from the insults,
“These idiots aren’t worth it.”
Niji soon notices that his insults are not reaching his brother, so he switches his anger to the head cook, berating her for making them ‘vile food.’
Commanding her to stay still, with a sadistic grin on his face, he aims his plate and lunches it towards her face until Sanji quickly moves Reader from his lap, placing him on their chair, as he steps in front of Cosette to stop the incoming plate.
“Just what do you think you are doing, you bastard?” he hisses at his older brother, protecting the cook and shielding her from harm.
Reader Awe at his brother's actions grin growing when he sees Sanji bend down, turning towards Cosette and complimenting her on the food
Cosette chuckles nervously. She’d seen them react violently to her cooking before, but Sanji’s reaction was one she’d never seen before, his compliment catching her off guard, causing her to turn a faint pink color, her cheeks rosy.
Reader’s cheer soon changed into warning screams, seeing as Niji stomped towards him, aiming a kick his way
Sanji quickly turned around at the sound of the screams, having no time to make a move as his brother’s leg was brought rapidly down only to stop right in front of Sanji as his father ordered him to stop
“Let me go!” The boy screams, flapping his wings furiously, struggling against Judge’s grasp as he takes hold of him
“ Your mistakes keep growing. May I attribute that to this amalgamation here and this man?” he said, shoving a picture of Zeff and Reader for Sanji to look at, the sound of the child’s wings still echoing around the rooms as they struggle against the man’s grip
“I suggest you cooperate with the marriage to Pudding lest you want both of their heads rolling at your door,” he said, dropping Reader, watching him flutter back to Sanji
He walks out of the room, the rest of his children following him, glancing back at Sanji, who by now has kneeled down to comfort The child
“Make sure tomorrow’s ceremony goes without a hitch, you know what we are capable of,” he said, leaving the room
Sanji was left staring at the floor in shock and anger and then at his brother’s teary and fear-filled eyes
After a minute, he had collected himself; he looked back at Reader, his hand petting his wings gently
“ It’s going to be fine, it‘s going to be fine… ” he tells him, placing his arm around him, trying to protect him as much as he possibly could.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Sanji-nii!”
“No, there’s nothing to apologize for; I promise you’re not doing anything wrong, okay?” Sanji says softly, brushing his wings and playing with his hair gently to soothe them
“But now, because I’m here, they are making you do things you don’t want to do!”
“ Hey, hey, listen to me, you hear me? “ he says softly,
“This is not your fault, do you understand? This is not your fault,” repeating himself,
“This is not. Your. FAULT! You got that?”
“No buts! Understand?” Sanji says firmly, grabbing hold of his wrists, stopping them from saying another word,
“ I said it’s not your fault. Am I clear?”
“O-okay,” he nods, rubbing at his eyes, trying to rid himself of the tears not cascading from them
“Will Papa Zeff be okay?”
Sanji sighs softly,
“ I promise I will make sure the old fart is okay,” he whispers to his little brother, his eyes shining with determination.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yeah.. but I don’t know what’s going on, im scared. Why did Big Brother fight Uncle Luffy? Why did we have to leave the straw hats? Why did they want you to marry that woman? And why are you wearing cuffs?”
Sanji's heart sinks when he hears his brother start asking questions. He knew it was only a matter of time before he started asking questions, and he deserved to know the truth, but he was not so sure the harsh honesty of reality is something he could take, so he decided to hold most of the facts back.
“It’s… it’s complicated, ” he begins, his tone is serious as he continues,
“ Just know that all of this will be resolved soon...”
“ I promise I’ll answer all your questions later, but right now, we have to stay focused, okay?” he whispers softly to his brother, caressing his chin with his finger gently.
“I need you to be brave, just for a little bit longer, okay? “ he says, his voice a gentle, soothing tone as he takes his little brother’s hand and stands up, placing him on his feet,
“ I know I can count on you, don’t I?
Sanji smiles, hugging the small boy
“Thank you. This is why you’re my favorite.”
“That’s because your brothers are assholes, Sanji-nii.”
Sanji’s head snaps to the toddler, shocked at his words, eventually letting out a baffled chuckle
“Normally, I would have you in timeout for using those words, but I ‘ll let it slide in this situation.”
He smiles mischievously, his eyes still tear-filled, and his body stiffed with the exchange they had had with Judge
“Im glad Big Brother is not an ass like the skittle men.”
“Okay, don’t push it.”
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Maybe part two when Nil takes revenge on Cosette? I know that last part was kind of out of nowhere and a lil bit occ but I had to get that comedy in, I had to its in my DNA
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
I've had an idea where the drug/poison sora took worked on all four of the brothers to different degrees. Sanji is still cannon for the most part. Judge didn't notice that the others weren't right becase in comparison they were much better then Sanji. So his brothers still beat him and berate him for his failures.
When Sanji is locked in the dungeon Judge began to realize as the training begins to intensify that the other three are not up to his standards and he begins to hurt them as well.
Reiju trys to be a good big sister and gets them all out by setting fire to labs and stealing the raid suits. They all escape into the east blue going thire spreat ways to make it harder for Judge to find them.
Sanji still hops on the Orbit and meets Zeff.
Reiju bounces between her younger siblings never staying in one place. Latter they all stay in contact via Den den and letters. Sanji prefers not to see his brothers and only has a long distance relationship with them.
WCI all the siblings show up to help Sanji and to take thire revenge on Judge. After Sanji leaves they kill him.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
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Zeff: (to Sanji about Judge) He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy!
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straw-hat-nakama-22 · 6 months
Fic I'm Working On
So about four years after Zeff and Sanji get off the rock, Judge comes with his other sons to take Sanji back. Some Marine that ate at the Baratie recognized him and made a report which got back to Judge.
Germa nearly kills Zeff and all the other cooks, but Judge stops at Sanji's request. He asks if he knows that he will have to pay for their lives. Sanji, for the first time, doesn't waver or tremble in the face of his father's disappointment.
Sanji, slowly, from his stupid cell that he never wanted to be in again, starts to accidentally make his siblings feel.
Eventually, Reiju makes a list of what is and isn't okay. She asks Sanji whenever she's not sure on something.
"Right, sorry. Casually mentioning Mom's death is a no. Is that above murder or below?"
"Above murder but below genocide."
"Where does Patricide fall on our list? I'm asking for a friend."
Eventually Reiju does kill Judge after a bunch of other stuff happens because this guy with a straw hat asks her if she can cook. They need a cook because apparently scurvy is the worst and nobody on his crew can boil water. It's such a good chance for Sanji to get away that she poisons Judge.
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laughing-moonlight · 2 years
There's just something so satisfying about Ichjji-of all of Judge's sons-Ichiji potentially being the one to rebel and bring his brothers home
Ichiji, the first born. Ichiji, the future king. Ichiji, the most emotionless of the Vinsmokes. Ichjji, going after his brothers because somewhere, deep, deep down, he actually gives a shit
Ichiji being the first to learn emotions
Ichiji being the first to turn against Judge
Ichiji realising there are more important things (and brothers) to him than Judge's will
Because if his perfect son stands up to him, Judge doesn't stand a chance at keeping any of his children by his side. And the best part? It's all Judge's fault
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stjarnskrik · 1 year
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congratulations to the newly married couple!
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foxydivaxx · 4 months
Ram Sanji: *headbutts Ram Judge so hard he is sent flying*
Tiger Zoro: *confused Tiger noises*
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moussofshroom · 5 months
merry christmas!!!
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