#just for her
lovandfear · 1 year
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Danielle Galligan as Nina Zenik in Shadow and Bone, season 2
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dailysuemiley · 24 days
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Day 14: serve
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ref/origin ^^
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 27 days
I’ve never had a crush on a fictional character before but I’m seeing some clips of Miss Heed and uh…
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help-the-horse · 4 days
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midnightsk13s · 10 months
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You tell me 🥰
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 9 months
ELSIYE!!!! MY LITTLE BRITISH BISCUIT ❤️🫶💋 it’s your fav non bio sis!
anyway, I NEED a lil Hannah Waddingham incorrect quote thing with fem!r bc I’m in desparate need of Hannah fangirling over a celeb. THANKS TEA POT
Interviewer: Y/n Y/l/n is here today, have you seen her? Hannah: Oh no, shut up. Is she really?
Interviewer: Yes, she was here earlier, she actually told us how much she loved your work!
Hannah: Oh, oh no, if I see her someone might just have to hold me back, I might just lick her cheek or something, I’m gonna embarass myself *laugh*
Y/n: Hannah? Oh, Hello!
Hannah: *flustered stuttering*
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broomiepen · 1 year
Ok so my OC has the same body as the profile pic but the red mark on the mouth is actually a slit mouth, blue glass is optional and has blue eyes, she actually a dark princess
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I don't know if I draw her well😰
Welp here yahh go
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felrend · 2 years
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“That’s my girl!”
Yes I am! 😭 Grandma Enduring
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botslayer9000 · 2 years
Narratively and in terms of character it makes much more sense for Oliver to be a healer, while Esther is the fighter and Swaine is the familiar taming guy maybe. I know that for the game to like. Work properly within the general RPG formula and have all the build up before adding party members that this probably can't happen, but think about it.
Oliver's whole thing is that he wants to save people, that he in fact must save people. He's the Savior. He wants to save his mom from death and his whole schtick is healing the broken-hearted. Being a healer just makes sense for him. Of course no wizard is safe in these trying times without some offensive spells, but that's what his familiar is for, yknow? Familiar does offense and defense, while Oliver heals and supports, yeah? Not saying this is a perfect strategy, but I am saying that it would be interesting for an RPG, and narrative cohesive with Oliver's character and powers (and possibly his soulmate's as well....? It could be foreshadowing, even - the Dark Djinn breaks hearts, and the Savior heals them. There's a strong connection there that can be good set up for the whole "Oliver and Shadar are soulmates" plot point!) Plus, it would be really interesting to see an RPG with a healer MC rather than a combative spellcaster.
Esther and her soulmate Myrtle, on the other hand, might fit more for fighters because of their narrative around regaining courage and the strength to stand up to evil even when all seems hopeless. She's full of conviction, so much so that Shadar straight up had to break her heart to get her and her father to stop resisting his rule, kind of implying that she was one of the forces encouraging him to not give up. She's full of get up and go attitude, and while she doesn't have "as good" of a reason to fight as Oliver, the fact that she still is fightong is more than enough for me to peg her as a fighter all the way. Also she shouldn't be white
Swaine is there. He has a gun. He steals stuff. Stealing familiars' hearts, even, maybe????
And the things it would do for the characters! One option for Oliver in this situation could be learning to balance his shit, not giving too much and exhausting himself between offense and support. Learning to rely on others and not exahust oneself is a cliche arc, sure, but it could work for someone as zealous as Oliver. He's only human, too. Another aspect could also be Oliver having a stronger connection to hearts and souls in general, since his situation is so fucky, and that could allow for more exploration of ~the lore~ as it relates to those concepts. Maybe, just maybe, Oliver could be allowed to find out stuff on his own, rather than having it dumped on him for the sake of the narrative. Hell, if he finds out about his connection to Shadar before the Alicia reveal, or even just before the final boss battle and he's got time to come to terms (or not) with what he has to do, his sacrifice and the rest of the gang's reaction to the truth might hit harder in the tragic sense. Oliver's done all this work, adevnturing, and learning, and now he must use it one last time in the Miasma Marshes and Nevermore before throwing it all away to save the world. Now that's what i call tragedy!
Esther, though? I just care about developing her character at all. Making her an active fighter rather than a passive healer type might allow her motivations to come to the surface more. Plus, I would just really like seeing a woman fight and still meaningfully preserve her femininity in media, not existing as an object to ogle or gape at, but as the developed subject of her own story. Honestly, though, I don't even care for the specifics. Esther has so much potential and it makes me cry for what could have been. Like, she's a native resident of the other world and somewhat of a sisterly or friend figure to Oliver. What does she naturally know about this world that Oliver doesn't? What insights might she have on combat, familiars, songwriting, history, diplomacy? What has she done, if anything, to resist Shadar? And more importantly, what led her to do so? She says she wishes she had as good a reason as Oliver to be fighting evil, but unless im remembering wrong, she never states what her reason even is. If she took up magic as a personal passion, that's understandable as a "selfish" reason, but is not inherently worse than Oliver's. If she's following in her father's footsteps, she might have a reason to want to preserve the old ways of the sages before they're lost to time. Maybe she's just passionate about helping those suffering under Shadar's reign or preventing such things from continuing to happen in the future, and if she hasn't been directly affected by that suffering, i can't think pf any reason more selfless than that. Her being a combative magician can be more obvious of an act of opposition, of course, but even being a magical songstress answers of these questions - or it would have, if the game had bothered to ask them.
I again don't have much to say about Swaine sadly because I don't really like him that much (haha jk jk please don't kill me guys please) (also i honestly think that he works perfectly fine within his role in the party and story)
Anyways that's it that's the post yell at me in the comments pls I need ppl to talk about this game with
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ani-muse · 2 years
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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The math just adds up!
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calamitys-child · 2 months
What's everyone's favourite flowers that aren't like. The normal ones. Like everyone's a fan of roses and sunflowers what's a more niche one. One you don't get in gift sets. Mine's sweet peas
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jacqcrisis · 8 months
Put salt in your baked goods. Put salt in your desserts. Just do it. Please. Salt isn't just for savory, it's literally a flavor enhancer so even a pinch can take a meh recipe to one people can't stop eating. Listen to me. Your cookies and cheesecake bars are bland and uninteresting. I'm taking your hand. I'm guiding you with a gentle touch to the back. We can do this together. Trust me.
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julnites · 4 months
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Red riding hood comic collab with the wonderful @yeehawpim (go check out their blog for loads of great comics!) 🌷 See the layouts he did here!
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shrimplovercat · 1 month
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the touden siblings are so so autistic
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marypsue · 5 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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