boscva · 8 months
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Eeee anlat sen dinliyorum
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Balımı öptüm ve çok şaşkın.. sanki her gün öpmüyormuşum gibi.....
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timeisacephalopod · 9 months
When American politicians discuss doing universal healthcare in their country and start whining about the possibility of "medical tourism" where people would theoretically go to America to get healthcare I want to scream and shake them. That already exists- Canada is where Americans went to get their fucking insulin because their own government failed them so hard another country nearly had an insulin shortage a few times over the course of the pandemic alone.
If you want to talk about medical tourism and that """"straining""""" the American healthcare system then maybe take a look at the way Americans are consistently causing strains to Canada's healthcare!! And I assume Americans don't just travel here for healthcare either, so when American politicians act like they're Just The Best and everyone will go to America for healthcare I want to be like THE ISSUE YOURE BITCHING ABOUT EXISTS AND ITS NOT HAPPENING TO YOU ITS HAPPENING TO CANADA AND ITS BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO ADEQUATELY SERVICE YOUR POPULATION AND MORE THAN ONCE CANADIAN DIABETICS WERE THE ONES WHO'D SUFFER FOR IT. Like you want to talk medical tourism without ever acknowledging your population using other countries healthcare, which I guess is fine because it's not America footing the bill, really?
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cemjuju · 1 month
Poetry in Translation - Nihat Ziyalan
Below is a free-hand attempt at translating Nihat Ziyalan's touching poem on a pet cat that had passed away (or at least that's my take on the meaning) I have included the original here, which I borrow from the Sözcükler issue July 2023. Sorry for any copyright business. I only mean well...
yılı oldu
oktan hızlı fırlaması geceye
rüzgarından yıkıldı ağaç
kabındaki su kurudu
karınca bastı mamasını
rüyamda miyavladığında
unuttum kaç kez
çırılçıplak koşturdum kapıya
kavgadan çıkmış tüylü
tosladım karanlığa
torunlarım, kızım
artık boşluğu mıncıklayıp
okşuyor geçmişi
sayesinde kedice öğrendim
abecesi salt ona ait
konuşamıyorum başka kediyle
kırıldığı yerden
filiz verdi
miyavlayan yapraklar yeşerecek
konacak kuşlar
karımdan gizli yazdım bu şiiri
biliyorum ağlar
her okuduğunda
been a year
since like an arrow flung into the night
the tailing wind so strong
a tree fell
stood there waiting so long
that the waterhole dried up
her food invaded by ants
upon hearing a meow
I forget the count of the times
how I rushed to the door stark naked
all fluff, back from some skirmish
only to bump into darkness
my grandkids, my daughter
stroke only emptiness now
and caress the past
thanks to her I learned meowese
but its script she kept to herself
so I only know how to speak to one
the tree
sprouted anew
where it broke, from the gash
when it grows into a trunk someday
leaves that meow
will clutter its branches
birds will perch and park
I wrote this poem without my wife knowing
I know how hard she'll weep
at every read.
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Can't stop thinking of the scene of Obito's reveal, Kakashi and Gai are already there in canon now add Rin to the duo (trio if you count that Naruto was there as well, but I'm talking KakaGaiRin)
Kakashi might fall to his knees and watch as the very person he considered a hero was revealed to be a villain and the reality of it all hits him right in the face (I mean, he does have quite the mental breakdown in that moment in canon if I remember correctly), but I'm pretty sure Rin would try and smack the shit out of Obito before he even finishes talking (too bad the bastard gets intangible, but she tries while Gai makes sure Kakashi recovers by the metaphorical blow)
Gai’s trying to pull Kakashi back into the fight, reminding him that they can’t be dwelling on this right now. They’re in the middle of a battle
Meanwhile Naruto’d cheering Rin on because she just stormed up to Obito and started screaming at him and smacking him. He could fight back (and he does grab her arm at one point) but he also has this idea that this isn’t the ‘real’ rin, because ‘His’ rin wouldn’t have fallen in Love with Gai and Kakashi.
She was his love.
She’s supposed to love him
I want broken Obito who tried to pull away from darkness but saw Rin falling in love and moving on without him and it broke him in a new way. He still hates the shinobi system. He has seen how it uses and discards people that he once thought precious to him (Kakashi in his anbu days, how Rin can often be dismissed for being ‘just a kedical nin’ even though her traps are top tier, etc)
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1st-worldsaver · 6 months
"en tiempos precolombinos existian grupos llamados chorotega, matagalpa, chontales, sutiaba, mangue, nahua, uluas etc."
Yo: muy bien
Wikipedia: "Segun Eddy Kedices, los matagaplinos no eran de origen mesoamericano como los mangues (grupo chorotega). Segun historiador Alonso pontelaspilas, 'Matagalpa' es de origen nahuatl. Y eran uluas. Y por supuesto, como los sutiaba eran maribos
Yo: si les amenazó con el suicidio capaz se ponen de acuerdo
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emrekrc · 9 months
Afiyet olsun paşaammm ayy bak benimde şimdi canım çekti
Yanimda da kedi var de tam olsun 😂 mesela benim penceremin önünde bi kedi var şuan ve ćok miyavliyor
Bisey dicem seni şu kedi sevdan için kedice dilini öğeenmişsindir şimdi dimk
Bu kedi ne diyo bana tercüme etsene söyle diyo Miyavvv meeyyomeyyiiyoovv kxnslxnjska_
Yohartık 😂 bence senin uyku vaktin geçmeye başlamış 😂
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guleramagulmuyor · 1 year
Kedice bilmiyorum
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evdekilwreselam · 4 years
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quietoodisparo · 5 years
Estuve teniendo una adolescencia tardía.
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Todo empezó una tarde en la que encontré una noticia sobre Harry Styles, el único hombre que puede volverme loca y lograr que mi fanatismo por él y por One Direction me consuma completamente. Buscaba en el feed esas notas que son una porquería pero que aún así me detengo a leer porque… Bueno, porque me gusta el cotilleo de los famosos. Lo admito.
La noticia contaba sobre sus proyectos como solista, la firma con Gucci, su “nuevo estilo” (que siempre estuvo, pero que a lo largo de los años aprendió a soltar) y el tiempo que había transcurrido desde que One Direction se había separado. Muy a mi pesar, saqué las cuentas: cuatro años de una triste despedida para ellos, y para nosotros, sus fans.
Casi sin quererlo, recordé la primera vez que escuché una de sus canciones: Flor, quien era una de mis compañeras en el secundario, ese día llegó muy emocionada. Con una alegría incapaz de ser contenida, me tendió un auricular y me dijo “Tenés que escuchar esto, sé que te encanta descubrir nueva música. Encontré esta banda, dales una chance.”
Desde ese momento y un poco hasta hoy, me volví loca de remate por ellos. Mis compañeros indiscutibles, si miro para atrás están ahí, en prácticamente cada momento que recuerdo de estos últimos siete años. En las salidas del colegio, en mi graduación, en esas circunstancias en las que me reí y me ahogué de regocijo o en las que lloré a moco tendido durante una semana entera. Incluso me atreví a dedicarle varias canciones a Franco cuando mis palabras parecían no ser suficientes. Una locura el hecho de haber vuelto mi fanatismo algo tan intenso, tan lleno de alegría.
Me desvío de mi punto, volvamos.
Con un pedacito de melancolía a flor de piel, abrí Spotify y busqué mi lista de reproducción a la que llamé “Nostalgia”, en donde tengo todos sus CDs, e incluso el material que sacó cada uno como solista. Auriculares puestos, me embarqué en un viaje hacia mis diecisiete.
Y ahí me quedé.
Cada día que pasaba, más me decidía a repetir cada tema, una y otra vez, non stop 24/7. Era una sensación única: yo cerraba los ojos, y podía verme a mí misma con mi uniforme de colegio llegando a casa, bailando en mi habitación sus canciones mientras deliraba alguna fantasía con Harry quien, por supuesto, tenía sentimientos por mí.
A unos días de ese episodio y habiendo bajado un poco de la nube, me llena de inquietud el hecho de querer retroceder a determinada edad y, no conforme con eso, querer quedarme ahí, Dios sabe por qué. Yo no fui feliz durante mi adolescencia: tenía problemas en el colegio, mi familia estaba desarmándose en pedazos cada vez más irreparables, y yo estaba demasiado enojada con el mundo y era horriblemente rebelde como para aceptar que, aunque todo lo que conocía tambaleara, tenía a un Dios y a gente que me amaba y que quería que yo saliera de la porquería que tenía, que hacía y que decía.
La pregunta que me resuena después de haber zanjado mi fanatismo es: ¿Por qué a veces queremos volver a determinados momentos en los que sabemos que no estábamos bien? ¿Por qué intentamos recordar y traer al aquí y ahora ciertas situaciones en las que nos vimos hundidos en caca?
¿Por qué nos cuesta tanto avanzar, superar, dejar atrás? ¿Acaso no sabemos que lo mejor de la vida es precisamente lo que está por venir?
Lo maravilloso de esta situación fue que, algunos días después, me encontré con ellos mismos diciendo, en una de sus canciones: “Hey Angel, do you look at us and laugh when we hold on to the past?” Algo así como “Hey, Angel, ¿nos miras y te ríes cuando nos aferramos al pasado?”.
Si supiéramos todo lo que viene en nuestras vidas, probablemente nosotros nos reiríamos también.
Después de este episodio, entendí que quizás es mejor hacer de cuenta que sí lo sabemos.
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cori-does-art · 3 years
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Rat demon feels an emotion for the first time in over 800 years.
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eskibirhirka · 4 years
Balkonumuzdan yan komşunun bahçesinin önüne uçan poşetleri toplamak için indim bahçeye. Sürekli beslediğimiz bir kedi var buralarda. Annemin "Minnoooşş" diye seslendiği. Benim ardımdan o da gelmiş bahçeye. Sürekli ayaklarımızın dibinde falan dolaşıyor. Salak yine gelmiş ayağımın dibine. Çöpü aldım tam geriye döndüm, eve gireceğim. "mğğiiyyyeeeeeeooooovvvv" çığlıklarıyla yerimden zıpladım. Şimdi siz kedice bilmezsiniz, ben de bilmem ama dönüp minnoşla göz göze geldiğimizde dehşet dolu gözlerinden anladığım kadarıyla size tercüme ediyorum. "Tırrek, embesil, yüz tonluk dev ana! Ne basıyon lan üstüme karı! Önüne bak önüneeee maaaağllll!"
Ay yok kızz! Öyle deseydi daha iyiydi. Hiç tırmalamadı bile, sadece dehşetle yüzüme bakıp bağırdı. "Neaaptın, kurban olduğum, ezdin ya beni. Aşk olsun!" der gibi baktı. Aldım hemen kucağıma. Özürler diledim, kontrol ettim tüm patişlerini, kuyruğunu. Bir sıkıntısı yoktu. Sevdim, öptüm, besledim. İyi şimdi. Arada gidip gidip özür diliyorum. Yazık çocuğaa bee... Gidem de yine özür dileyem.
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duvarsurungeni · 5 years
Ben: miyav
Kedi: miyav
Ben: oha kedice konuşuyorum
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chicledementira · 7 years
O por ahí me estoy enamorando, no sé
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sleepysnek · 2 years
Vent/Long post warning
I wish I didnt get super frustrated over the littlest of things
I wish I didnt have to work and have to apend essentially entire days of the week not being able to be with my partners
I wish it was easier to get around without a car
I wish I didnt see a boy every time I look in the mirror
I wish I had the energy to cook for myself
I wish I was able to do things without having to yell at myself internally for hours if not days to do the thing
I wish my body wasnt already falling apart with more and more medical problems despite me only being 21
I wish medical supplies werwnt so fucking expensive and I wish my thyroid kedication didnt make me nauseous and tired
I wish I could sleep through the night without waking up and that sleep came easily
I wish my ideas and wants weren't the ones usually pushed to the side
I wish the world was kinder to me and those like me and those not like me
I wish I wasn't constantly in the house by myself and that I wasnt always fucking bored with myself
I wish my partner didnt live 10 hours away from me or that my best friend lives three days away
I wish the 100 or so people in charge/have money weren't only concerned with making more money, systematically fucking over eveyone and everything else over to obtain it
I wish I had a job I actually enjoyed that actually pays decently
I wish I can get myself to work on props or stream consistently so I could do something with it beyond just a hobbyist level
I wish people took covid seriously and the CDC didnt just say "lol people with ore-existing conditions can fuckin die we dont care"
I just want things to be better. And I know others have it worse so I have no room to complain but just, im exausted. Im sick of being exhausted. Its frustrating to no end and everyone doesnt seem to be and it makes me feel like theres sometjing wrong with me
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Okay peeps I have an OC problem... Like really big... As in 33 of them....
Darren mayton
Morgan Mayton
Jason Mayton
Joanna mayton
Christine Mayton
Freya Mayton
Freyr Mayton
Elder scrolls
Mad max
Star wars
Alden hux
Random aus and stories
Mason hyde
Dillion hyde
Bruce Ichabod
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tosunaykut · 3 years
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Anlattıkları, anlattıklarım, anlattıklarımız... Öyle kıymetli ki... Biz insanların dili gibi değil elbet, kedice de değil; candan cana başka bir yol... Yine böyle bir hasbihâl vaktiydi. Epeyce halleştik. Anlam veremediklerinden dert yandı. Gereksiz telaşından, lüzumsuz kederlerinden, sevgisizliğinden, merhametsizliğinden bahsetti insanoğlunun... Geçici dedi insan babam, hepsi mum alevi kadar geçici, her şey insanların kendilerini adadıkları kadar gerçek değil dedi. Haklısın canım kızım dedim her anlattığına. Haklıydı. Güzel bir pencere gösterdi bana. Bak insan babam artık hep burdan bak dedi bu aleme. Görseniz, keşke görebilseydiniz... . . #arya #canımkızım #britishshorthair #kediler #kedi #instacat #instagood #aykuttosun #aykuttosunofficial #instapic #instaphoto #instalike #can https://www.instagram.com/p/CHsDuVTHrXH/?igshid=qnuas2mg8utq
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