#kenneth koch
typewriter-worries · 1 year
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What will survive of us is love
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho, Anne Carson | A modern artist's recreation of prehistoric hand stencils found in caves | In Love With You, Kenneth Koch | The Lovers of Valdaro | War of the Foxes,  Richard Siken | The Kiss [Paolo and Francesca], Auguste Rodin | The Expatriates, Anne Sexton
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Woman and horse by Félix Thiollier, 1899.
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Aesthetics of Harshness to a Horse
You should never be harsh To a horse. A horse is always doing Its best. Otherwise it is a bad horse And harshness has no effect.
~Kenneth Koch
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t3chnobabble · 21 days
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growing up
ladybird (2017) // olivia rodrigo, teenage dream // kenneth koch, poem for my twentieth birthday // mitski, class of 2013 // lorde, ribs // alison bechdel, fun home // dave parish, and the world goes 'round // fleetwood mac, landslide
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garethschweitzer · 2 years
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Diane Seuss, from Frank: Sonnets
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austinkleon · 1 year
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Kenneth Koch, “Desire for Spring”
(from: The Collected Poems of Kenneth Koch)
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manwalksintobar · 2 months
Aesthetics of Harshness to a Horse // Kenneth Koch
You should never be harsh To a horse. A horse is always doing Its best. Otherwise it is a bad horse And harshness has no effect.
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biblioklept · 10 months
“One Train May Hide Another” by Kenneth Koch (sign at a railroad crossing in Kenya) In a poem, one line may hide another line, As at a crossing, one train may hide another train. That is, if you are waiting to cross The tracks, wait to do it for one moment at Least after the first train is gone. And so when you read Wait until you have read the next line— Then it is safe to go on reading. In a…
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elizabethanism · 2 years
“You want a social life, with friends.
A passionate love life and as well
To work hard every day. What’s true
Is of these three you may have two
And two can pay you dividends
But never may have three. …
— Kenneth Koch
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“She fainted
And we revived her with flowers. She smiled
sleepily at the sun.”
                                   ----Kenneth Koch
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typewriter-worries · 1 year
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In Love With You, Kenneth Koch
[ Text ID: Aren't my eyes bigger than love? / Isn't this history, and aren't we a couple of ruins? ]
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[FPC Yearbook]
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TO MY TWENTIES By Kenneth Koch How lucky that I ran into you When everything was possible For my legs and arms, and with hope in my heart And so happy to see any woman— O woman! O my twentieth year! Basking in you, you Oasis from both growing and decay Fantastic unheard of nine- or ten-year oasis A palm tree, hey! And then another And another—and water! I’m still very impressed by you. Whither, Midst falling decades, have you gone? Oh in what lucky fellow, Unsure of himself, upset, and unemployable For the moment in any case, do you live now? From my window I drop a nickel By mistake. With You I race down to get it But I find there on The street instead, a good friend, X—N—, who says to me Kenneth do you have a minute? And I say yes! I am in my twenties! I have plenty of time! In you I marry, In you I first go to France; I make my best friends In you, and a few enemies. I Write a lot and am living all the time And thinking about living. I loved to frequent you After my teens and before my thirties. You three together in a bar I always preferred you because you were midmost Most lustrous apparently strongest Although now that I look back on you What part have you played? You never, ever, were stingy. What you gave me you gave whole But as for telling Me how to best use it You weren’t a genius at that. Twenties, my soul Is yours for the asking You know that, if you ever come back. *
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laazoteainfra · 4 months
Adiós, señor Koch
Kenneth Koch, durante años, dio clases de poesía a niños y niñas. Este es el poema que le dedicaron sus bellos alumnos cuando todo terminó. Aunque de manera oral, aquí se transcribe:
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No te olvides de ir a los Alpes alemanes y de saludar a mi padre
Come mucho strudel de manzana en Alemania
A lo mejor puedes cavar un túnel para encontrar otro túnel por
donde se escapan los prisioneros de Berlín Este
Come todos los tipos de espaguetis italianos
Intenta hacer pizza
Come albóndigas matzah
Tira abajo la Torre Inclinada de Pisa
y será muy fácil: ya está inclinada
Ve a Nápoles a beber vino
y visita a Sibernus por mí
Puedes ir a rondar por Roma
y hacer que los leones del Coliseo se coman a alguien
O ir a una carrera de aurigas
Cómete el final del helado en Nápoles
Sé el tercer Colón
Toma clases de baile español
Ve a ver los toros en Madrid
pero no te desmayes
Cuando te elijan para ser el matador
huye a mil kilómetros de distancia
No comas enchiladas,
queman mucho
No te olvides de llevar bañador
y ten cuidado de no ahogarte,
queremos que vuelvas
Que no se te olvide tu idioma
Que no se te olvide abrocharte el abrigo hasta arriba
Mándanos un par de quesos suizos
No te rompas las piernas esquiando
Envíame un poco de nieve
dentro de un horno muy caliente
No montes en ninguna aerolínea israelí
No te encuentres con el Hombre Lobo
No trabajes para la Radium Dial Company
o pillarás leucemia
La señora B (como la llamaban) trabajó allí y tuvo leucemia
Déjate crecer el pelo y hazte Beatle, o cómprate una peluca
Tápate los oídos a las 12 si estás cerca del Big Ben
No mires a las chicas en minifalda (esto es una grabación)
Lleva un paraguas y un abrigo
Ve a ver a la reina Isabel y trae de vuelta algunas de sus joyas
Tráete a Charlie Chaplin
Pon limpiaparabrisas en tus gafas
Ve a visitar Camelot y róbale la corona al rey Arturo
y ve a visitar al estúpido del caballero rojo
y cásate con Ginebra
No te cruces con un policía inglés
Sube a la Torre de Londres pero no te caigas
Inglaterra se balancea como un péndulo
Cómprate un avión con las joyas y la corona
Hazte unas alas con plumas que hayas recogido y vuelve volando
Vuelve pronto para que no te secuestren
Vete nadando por el Canal de la Mancha y vuelve volando
Vete en barco y tómate pastillas para el mareo
(no te olvides de traer a Ginebra)
No te olvides de escribir
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Bulla para contextualizar:
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invisiblemotor · 5 months
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It is serious not to know/ and to know/ and to try to figure things out/one’s legs cross/ foot swings and a cigarette is blooming /a grey bouquet/and the water is boiling/serious the birth/what a phenomenon of anything
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poleronenelhuerto · 6 months
Estética de sentirse bien - Kenneth Koch
Siéntete bien y ándate.
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emmykent · 9 months
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poetryroleplay · 10 months
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From "The Art of Love" by Kenneth Koch
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