#koko bonten
ageingfangirl2 · 29 days
Let Me Help You Idiot! Hajime Kokonoi (Tokyo Revengers)
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You met Koko when you were younger, and he took you under his wing. As an inspiring designer, you loved to make him nice clothes. As you get older, you want to be more independent, but Koko will always look out for you. Kokonoi x Reader (Bonten Timeline)
From the moment you were born, you had to fight tooth and claw to survive. Your dad left when you were three, leaving you and your mum with nothing. Your mum went back to being a hostess, meaning you were left alone in the single-room apartment you had. She was good at her job, earning lots of money and expensive gifts from suitors. But she had addictions and spent the money on drugs. From a young age, you had to fend for yourself and learn to survive, from clothing and making meals to keeping the apartment clean and ensuring mum put enough money aside for bills. Luckily, the neighbours took pity on you and helped pay for your school things, and one lady taught you how to sew, saying it would help you in the future to have a skill to pay the bills. You kept up your sewing throughout school, getting better and managing to sell some of your wares at a local market on the weekend.
This is where you met Hajime Kokonoi, and you took pride when he complimented the intricate details you embellished your clothes with. He decided you were going to be his personal designer in the future, and he was going to help you make a name for yourself.
Koko kept his promise to help you, using his money and connections to get you into a good design school. All he asked in retum was you make all his clothes custom and free of charge, and of course you said yes because it was the least you could do. By now, he was on executive in Bonten, a criminal organisation and he liked to look nice because he had an image to maintain.
After working for a couple of designers, you saved enough to open your own shop in Tokyo, and it felt nice to pay with your our money instead of Koko's. Bonten kept Koko busy, so you didn't like bothering him unless he called you. You had one big problem, you had no real clue about money and expenses of running a business. And now you had to pay taxes on top of that, which went over your head. You chose to focus on commissions to make more money and filled in all the forms to the best of your abilities. Little did you know it would come back to bite you in the ass.
I was busy dealing with the financial mess Sanzu had left for me after his last mission.
'I'm surrounded by idiots,' I groan, rubbing my temples.
'Err boss, I have the reports you asked for,' some lacky who's name I didn't deem important to lean stutters, standing in the doorway of my office. Even though y/n had paid for their shop and was getting quite a few comissions, I liked to keep an eye on them. They were a year younger than me and had become like a younger sibling I felt protective over. When we met up, we didn't talk about money, and I knew if they had a problem, they would come to me for help. However, my eyes widened, seeing the financial report in front of me.
'What the hell?' I gasp.
How could they be so careless when it came to finance? Firstly, they were paying way too much rent for the area, and secondly, the government wasn't happy with their taxes, which they had underpaid. They were close to losing their shop and facing a big penalty from the government who thought they were committing fraud.
I grabbed my jacket and car keys, needing to see them before the problem got out of hand. I run out of my office, ignoring Sanzu, having bigger fish to fry.
The light was still on in the shop when I pulled up outside. They liked to work late if they had a deadline. I enter the shop and the bell pings. I lock the door behind me and turn the open sign to closed.
'Hi, how can I help you - Koko, what are you doing here?' y/n stares at me, tilting their head to the side in confusion.
I walk over to the counter and put the file down in front of them, 'if you didn't understand, why didn't you ask me to explain?'
They open it, and the colour drains from their face, 'am I in big trouble? I thought I'd look dumb if I had to keep asking you to help me!'
I sigh loudly, 'yeah, well, you look pretty dumb right now, so that didn't work out for you.'
They look down at their feet and shuffle nervously, 'the last time we had coffee, you were stressed dealing with your colleagues' finances. I didn't want to give you any more stress, so I did what the internet told me to do filling out the forms. I'm sorry Koko. What do I do now?'
I walk and the counter and pull them into my arms. I didn't like to show emotion in front of the other executives, but y/n was the exception. I needed to protect them.
I kiss the top of their head, 'in the future don't take any extra comissions after you've submitted your taxes for the financial year until the new one starts or the govenment will think you're committing fraud. I'll get this sorted for you, and remember you can come to me whenever you need help.'
They squeeze me tightly, 'I'll never be able to pay you back, Koko. Sorry for being an idiot.'
I snort, you're the only idiot I can stand.'
Not wanting them to stress anymore, I'd also handle the rent problem for them, no one messed with the people close to me.
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torasplanet · 3 months
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; you didn't plan on showing your new tattoo to save your ass but this wouldn't have happened in the first place if you weren't being such a stupid slut in the club!!
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 ; smut, gangbang/groupsex, rough sex, sloppy sex, degradation, praise sorta, p in v, oral (reader giving), handjobs, anal, like a lot of sex, voyeurism, belly-bulging, reverse cowgirl, dumbification, humiliation, recording, jealousy sex, reader wears makeup, petnames (baby, dollface, princess, etc), UNEDITED and skin color not mentioned
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It wasn’t your fault. You just wanted to have fun at the club for once because finally, none of the Bonten members were looming over your shoulder like a hawk because they had ‘different’ business to attend to, well that’s what they told you. Still, you knew that just meant they were going to kill someone or something like that. It’s not exactly ‘okay’ to do that but you were kind of glad it was happening because usually, they didn’t even let you have more than three shots at the club; Haruchiyo sometimes snuck you one more or let you get a bit of his coke but that’s it and you weren’t able to actually go clubbing. Regardless of what you took, you still had to sit next to them wherever they went and by the slight chance that they’d allow you to, someone would go with you.
They were so protective that it was annoying. Couldn’t even talk to the bartender without Koko or Takeomi coming behind you draping their arm somewhere on your body and asking what you were doing. So of course you weren’t paying attention to shit when you were finally left alone.
As you danced with your friend, running your hands all over your body and smoothing down the fabric of your short dress to the rhythm of the music. Your tongue hanging out and everything with your eyes closed; you were lost in the moment. So lost that you didn’t realize your friend was no longer behind you and instead, there was a guy. And yes, you will admit that maybe you should have noticed this or at least looked back at your friend but it’s still not entirely your fault! If you leave your cat in front of a open door, they’re gonna leave without a second though so what did they expect you to do?
But when you heard your name getting called and saw Mikey and Rindou glaring at you hatefully, you realized that there’s a reason why cats are supposed to be kept inside. Well, you didn’t realize that immediately because at first, you just didn’t understand why they were all ignoring you. After all, they weren’t explaining anything…you hated it when they did that. They knew you weren’t the brightest so you spent practically the entire walk to the car, and when you got in the car, begging Mikey just to explain to you but he stayed silent. Barely spared you a glance and everyone else did the same.
You sat on Mikey’s side staring at him with a frown on your face just wanting him to pay you some attention and tell you what you did wrong. “Mikey, please…’m just confused.” You whined grabbing hold of his arm. You’d been begging the entire time and he hadn’t even said anything to you, only pushing you away. Hell, you even took off your heels to run after him and the rest of the guys on your way out of the club because they were ignoring you purposefully and walking fast as hell. Probably by the orders of Mikey.
Ran sighed and ran his nimble fingers through the multi-colored strands of his hair “Shut the hell up, god.” He said with a groan and Haruchiyo chuckled, his diamond-shaped scars on the sides of his mouth stretching.
“Can’t really expect her to be quiet can you? I mean baby girl just confused, ain’t you?” The pink-haired man said turning his attention to you and you nodded violently as Mikey pushed you away from him. You quickly hopped over to the green-eyed man who was welcoming you with open arms to sit on his lap while Takeomi grumbled about Haruchiyo’s sweet spot for you which was ridiculous for him to say.
If anything, Haruchiyo was the most sadistic out of them all. Shoving a gun down your throat and making you suck on it, inviting you into the execution room and making you shoot one of the traitors knowing how sensitive you were about that and that you were going to cry about the blood and how it splashed on you. He only did shit like this when everyone else was mad to piss them off even if he was just as mad. Kokonoi, Kakucho, and Rindou were the ones with the soft spots (any maybe Mikey just a bit) but that’s for another time…
“Haru, what did I do…? Tell me.” You asked into his ear whilst wrapping your arms around his neck, you really wanted someone to tell you what you did wrong so you could make up for it. Haruchiyo merely shrugged at you with a sick grin on his face, you turned your head to locate the heterochromatic-eyed male who was always sure to stick up for you when everyone else was being so mean. “Kaku…” You muttered standing up from Haruchiyo’s lap while he tried to get a glance under your dress. Kakucho merely sighed as you plopped down onto his lap looking at him with those wide teary eyes.
He felt bad, he really did but it was your turn to learn. Almost every punishment, he was there for you; kakucho always went soft on you and praised you but he couldn’t do that this time.
This wasn’t a just normal thing you did like annoying everyone, it was more than that and he was upset too. So he stayed silent. “Sorry pretty.” He muttered placing his hands on your hips. You opened your glossy lips to let out pleas and whines once again not even noticing the sound of the safety of a gun clicking off.
“Shut the fuck up,” Mikey said in an unnaturally soft tone interrupting whatever you were going to say. Your head turned to look at him to ask why he was being so mean but your eyes widened seeing his gun pointed right at you. Mikey’s finger was nowhere near the trigger but you didn’t look at small shit like that, you saw a gun in your face and you went quiet. It’s hard to keep talking when Bonten’s leader has a gun pointed at your forehead.
You stared at Mikey with your lips parted slightly in shock. Ran grinned in amusement at this as did Haruchiyo and Koko but everyone else had a straight face waiting for more to happen and wondering what you would do. Would you keep talking like a dumbass or shut up? It was always a surprise which one you’d choose. “Hopping from lap to lap asking what you did wrong like a stupid slut. If no one’s answering you that means we don’t want to hear your fucking mouth!” Mikey shouted making you flinch and shut your eyes.
“While we were doing our job, we got word that you’re in the club acting as if no one fucking owns you all over some fuckhead; so I had to stop our meeting mid-way because clearly, you have no fucking brain in there!” Mikey said with a frown decorating his face, he was clearly pissed off at you. More than anyone else and it made sense. You may have been Bonten’s whore but in the end, you were Mikey’s, you went home with him, and slept in the bed with him beyond sex so of course he was the most upset about it.
It didn’t matter what you had to say about the situation and thinking that it was your friend because it wasn’t making Mikey any less angry. It wasn’t making any of them less angry at you.
“But–” “Get the fuck over here.” Mikey interrupted you with a demand which you were hesitant to oblige to. You didn’t even get a chance to look at Kakucho or anyone for help because the Hitto man gently slapped your bottom before taking his hands away from your hips signaling you to listen to Mikey. You hesitantly stood to your feet and slowly walked over to the white-haired man with your hands balled up in fists. Mikey tilted the gun down in a direction for you to get on the ground and you nervously played with the hem of your dress.
Staring up at him with your mascara-coated lashes just waiting for him to give you a direction made him rock hard “I’m tired of hearing your excuses, you’re gonna stuff your mouth until I feel like hearing you. Understand?” Mikey asked. You were lucky really. Usually, when Mikey was this upset at you, he wouldn’t ask if you understood or not and just would’ve shoved your head down on his cock because you had no choice but to not understand. But you still had something to say.
Maybe if you told him about the new tattoo you got, he’d stop being so mad at you. You got the Bonten tattoo right on your pelvis and was just waiting for the moment to show them all; this was not the time you planned but it’d hopefully get them off your ass about this situation. You hooked your fingers on his boxers and pants, pulling them down slowly debating if he’d let you live long enough to even mention the tattoo once you opened your mouth. Blinking up at him ignoring the gun above your gaze, you grew nervous but still decided to speak “M-Mikey…I–” Mikey’s other hand came to the back of your head before shoving your open mouth down on his hard dick not letting you get another word out.
“Didn’t I tell you I was tired of hearing you?” Mikey said as tears burned in the back of your skull from his harshness, your acrylics dug into his pale thighs as you sat there on the floor of the limo under all their eyes. It was embarrassing and it made your panties drenched in your arousal. “She’s stupid, what’d you expect?” Koko said with a scoff as he typed something on his phone, hardly interested in what was happening because he wasn’t getting his dick wet. 
Ran leaned against the back of his hand staring at Koko “Boss said he didn’t wanna hear her whining, think you should shut up too.” He said and the long-haired male rolled his eyes muttering ‘Whatever’ and then he began to type harder on his phone before turning it off and putting it in his life. Sheer seconds later, Ran’s phone notification went off making the male’s grin extend but he stayed quiet. “We need to do something about Misaki.” Mikey started to lower his gun as he spoke before discarding it on the seat beside him letting you relax a bit but you didn’t dare take your mouth off his cock. He’d be upset if you stopped sucking.
No one said anything and just waited for him to continue “Sanzu, Takeomi, you’re going to keep track of him and all his guys.” Mikey said with a small grunt and Haruchiyo’s face twisted into one of confusion and anger.
“Why the hell do I have to go with the old man!? That’s what Mochi’s for.”
“Believe me, I’m not exactly joyful to go with you either.”
Ran laughed at their banter before his gaze traveled to you “Well, if you haven’t noticed, Mochi is taking care of that animal back at the club because little miss slut…” He places the bottom of his incredibly expensive shoe on the back of your head making a whimper come from your mouth “Wanted to get her princess parts touched…” Ran ended with a mocking tone almost talking in a baby-ish voice whilst pressing his foot down harder on your head. You gagged around the shorter male’s cock as tears slowly came down your face.
You hadn’t even noticed Mochi was missing because of how busy you were trying to find out what you did wrong and even apologizing despite not knowing what you did.
You just didn’t want them to be upset but it seemed your attempt at that just made them more angry at you “Ugh, should’ve let me do it. I’d make that fucker suffer.” The mullet-haired man said leaning back against his seat and grabbing the cigarette from Rindou’s hand “You get too messy.” Mikey stated simply glancing down at you as you continued to look up at him but when his dark and gloomy eyes met yours, your eyes dropped immediately “Oh like you’re not gonna make her a mess.” Haruchiyo replied and grinned at his boss with narrowed eyes.
Mikey didn’t reply and only looked down at you once again and you did the same thing as before. He didn’t like that at all.
He knew you wanted something from him or more like you needed to tell him something but for some reason, you didn’t. You never made eye contact with him when you were keeping something from him “Stop looking at me like that. Talk.” Mikey said planting his hand on your forehead before pushing you off his dick harsher than he intended making you fall back on your elbows.
You coughed lightly while wiping the small tears that hadn’t yet dared to mess up your makeup. “I-I…I wanted to show you something.” You said nervously as you shifted onto your knees grabbing at the hem of your dress and trying to gather up the confidence to look at him in his eyes, you knew how he hated it when you didn’t look at him when he talked to you and he was getting a bit upset with how often you were looking away from him.
Mikey lifted his hand off his knee gesturing for you to do what you wanted. You slowly stood to your feet in front of Mikey, his knees on either side of your body leaving a bit of space between himself and you. Mikey watched as you lifted your dress just below your boobs and his eyes immediately caught the tattoo on your pelvis that dipped into your panties. It was the Bonten tattoo with the only difference being the dot in the middle was a heart, he ran his thumb over the tattoo and pulled the waistline of your thong down just a bit so he could see the full inked skin. “…Wanted to make it cute.” You said with a smile forming on your lips at his reaction.
Mikey continued to stare at the tattoo in awe running his fingers over it to see if it was real and wouldn’t wipe off “It is cute baby.” His voice was softer than before as his eyes flickered up to yours, his hands went to your hips “Think you should show everyone else.” The Sano man didn't give you any time to react or protest (though you wouldn’t have) before he turned you around making your bare torso visible to everyone.
“Holy shit…” “Fuck pretty you’re so hot.” “Cute.” “C’mere dollface.” The compliments from the men made you grin wider, almost giggling at all of the attention. Koko then grabbed your wrist gently and pulled you out of Mikey’s arms and toward him before he began to rub his fingertips over the tattoo “You pay for this yourself love?” The long-haired male asked not looking up at you, you merely shook your head with a negative hum “Used your card.” A smile stretched across Koko’s mouth at your words before he pressed a small wet kiss to your pelvis on the ink “Good.” Rindou then reached over and grabbed your other arm, pulling you over to him and into his lap before you could respond to Koko.
His palm was placed directly onto the tattoo as he chuckled in your ear with Haruchiyo and Ran on either side of him chuckling as well “Gonna have fun with this, that’s for sure.” Ran said and Haruchiyo nodded in agreement with a devilish grin on his face, Rindou’s hand slowly drifted into your thong with his fingers trailing down to your clit “This why you wanted to be ass up so bad the other day?” Rindou asked tilting his head, his lips ghosting over yours and of course, when you went to connect them, he pulled away.
As nice as rindou was compared to those monsters, Takeomi, Haruchiyo, and Ran, he could be just as mean well…not exactly as mean.
Haruchiyo’s hand grabbed your chin harshly and he turned your attention toward him “Gotta let me eat this pussy baby…” He said licking his lips and once again, before you could even say anything, you were interrupted. “Who says you get to have ‘er first?” Ran said with a scoff as he put his hand on your leg, it was only adding to the small bit of pleasure his brother was giving to you by circling your clit. Takeomi scoffed as Kakucho just shook his head “She needs someone soft first. You guys will tear her in half.” The scarred-face man said folding his arms across his chest but his words only earned more noises of disapproval.
“Oh please! You’ll end up coddling her anyway.”
“Dollface loves getting split in half right?”
“You’re a bunch of selfish fucks.”
“And you’re not? Don’t act like you didn’t keep her to yourself all day yesterday Koko.”
As the men began to argue, you felt yourself being torn from Rindou’s lap and it seemed no one noticed.
You looked behind you to see the culprit of the action, Mikey. You gave him a small smile as you sat down on his lap but he didn’t return it and just continued to stare at you with his tired eyes “Take them off.” You weren’t really smart but you didn’t have to know rocket science to know what he was referring to. Nervously glancing at the men who were raising their voices at each other fighting over who got to use you first and then back at Mikey who was, surprisingly, waiting patiently. You began to pull the panties from your hips and let them drop to your ankles before stepping out of them staring at the damp spot in them as they lay on the floor useless as they always were.
You went to turn around to face Mikey but he stopped you “Look at them and be quiet.” And you did as you sat back down on his lap but this time, you felt his cock sliding inside of your slick hole making you shiver. You let out the smallest moan but it gained the attention of most people in the room, the people who didn’t hear only looked at you because everyone else went silent and turned to you. “Didn’t I say be quiet? Can’t listen for anything…” The short-haired male whispered in your ear while he held onto your hips.
“Oh shit look,” Ran said pointing at the bulge in your tummy that happened to be angled right where the tattoo was, making it poke out. “Fuck…are you gonna have her all to yourself, Mikey? Shit’s not fair.” Takeomi said letting out a low hiss and Haruchiyo nodded in agreement “Yeah, you told–” “She gotta get her present before her punishment.” Mikey said interrupting the long-haired male as he put his chin on your shoulder to look at you with his dead eyes. You glanced at him nervously, you thought that this would make him less mad at you and stop this ‘punishment’ but I guess not. “Well…shouldn’t that be the other way around?” You asked putting a manicured finger on your lip.
Mikey hummed raising his voice a few octaves to mock you “Well…you’re taking it this way.” His voice returned to normal halfway through his sentence “And stay quiet, we’re still talking. Now get moving, I’ll help after.” Mikey demanded slapping your leg and earning a whine from you but you nodded in agreement before beginning to move slowly with your lips glued shut not trying to let out any noises as all eyes were locked on you. When Mikey cleared his throat, their gaze focused past your form.
Your hands grabbed at Mikey’s skinny thighs as a support line as you heard him open his mouth to speak “Sanzu, Takeomi, I expect you to be professional about this. Do not have a repeat of last time.” It was ridiculous how he could speak so calmly when he was stretching you out. You felt like you were getting torn in half from the way his girthy cock was bullied into your…
It was too hard for you to move when he was stuffed inside of you like this but you kept trying, Mikey would never help you get what you wanted if you didn’t do it by yourself for a bit. That’s something about Mikey you hated! It didn’t matter if he was rewarding you or doing the opposite because he’d make you work for it just for a while until he took over; Mikey didn’t believe in that pillow princess shit, if you wanted something, you were going to work for it but maybe if he was in an extraordinarily good mood…the most he’d do is make you tell him what you wanted in LOTS of detail.
“Yeah, Yeah, I won’t shoot him or anything,” Haruchiyo said folding his arms across his chest with a sigh of annoyance but when he caught the sight of you resisting the strong urge to moan made him grin. He didn’t give a damn about going with Takeomi because of what you did at the club because he still gets to have you every day and see you in that state every time and Kakucho nor Koko could complain about how mean he was being because…well, you deserved it this time.
Haruchiyo looked at you like he wanted to do what Mikey wasn’t: Fuck your brains out and you wanted him too. It didn’t matter if it was him honestly, you just wanted to be taken care of…was that too much to ask? “Haru’...” You mewled looking at Haruchiyo through the mascara-coated lashes that you batted at him in hopes he’d give you what you wanted before Mikey could condemn you for talking. It’s best not to get your hopes up when it comes to him especially because all he did was laugh at you and grab his phone. “Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?” The sano man asked you as your makeup started to smear with you knuckling away the tears in your eyes. Haru was ignoring you and starting to record you in such a vulnerable and pitiful state.
“Yes but–” “Then shut up, it’s as simple as that,” Mikey said interrupting you once again and making it clear that he did not want to hear any of your excuses but you needed him too! It wasn’t fair that he had you sobbing like this while Haruchiyo was busy recording it. He never posted them but he did send them, especially to the guys who had the confidence to text you or give you their number with a text about how you were busy and it was so embarrassing. Haruchiyo just loved to humiliate you even when you were getting a reward. You could only imagine what he would do when it was time for you to be reprimanded.
Haruchiyo turned to Rindou and bumped him with his elbow “Put ‘em in her mouth.” He said gesturing to the thong on the floor and Rindou grinned before leaning down to grab the undergarments. The long-haired brother reached over grabbing your jaw with his hand “Open wide sweetie.” You did as he asked opening your mouth but you were barely able to open it wider before he stuffed them inside of your mouth silencing the pathetic whimpers that were an attempt to get him to pity you so maybe your punishment after this wouldn’t be so bad. You saw that it worked on him a bit but not enough for him to say anything.
“Since you can’t do anything on your own, I guess I’ll just give you what you want,” Mikey said running his hand up your thigh, dragging his fingertips over the tattoo to your scrunched-up dress before snaking his hand under the fabric. His fingers wrapped around your tit squeezing it lazily as he began to man spread forcibly spreading your legs for everyone to see what was between them. His other hand grabbed your hip before bringing you up and slamming you back down on his cock making you whine behind the fabric as hot tears ran down your face messing up your mascara. The black droplets of tears stained your pretty face as Mikey forced you up and down his cock.
You heard his grunts from behind you before they went quiet with his deep breath “I meant what I said. I don’t want no fucking shoot-outs.” Mikey said to the other men in the car. It seemed like you should have stopped at the hideout by now…wait, was the car even moving? You hadn’t even noticed if it had stopped. “Got it.” The voice was familiar but you couldn’t tie an exact face to it. Your eyes were squeezed shut and you were losing yourself in your pleasure already. Haruchiyo was probably having the best time of his life watching you fall apart in Mikey’s grasp and getting it on record.
“Do you? Last time you said that and I had to take funds out of the Bonten portion to pay off the cops because you are an idiot!” That was easily recognizable as Koko’s annoyed voice. Your eyes opened at the feeling of fingers grazing your chin and you were met with the camera of a phone. Your eyes trailed down to see the Sanzu man on his knees grinning up at you, his diamond-shaped scars stretching on the ends of his lips “Uhm, hello? I’m talking to you.” Koko said looking at the pink-haired man annoyed glaring at him whilst the man ignored him and just focused on capturing all of your whining excellence.
Haruchiyo clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth “I don’t give a shit. Pretty girl’s more important than anything you’re talking about.” He said dragging his fingertips over your skin making you shiver into him and Mikey’s touch. You whimpered through the fabric that was dampening from your drool. Koko didn’t respond and only rolled his eyes before relaxing further in his seat to add to the other eyes concentrated on you.
Mikey’s hand ran all over your body “Gonna cum?” He asked lowly in your ear with that baby-talk voice he and everyone else used to mock you but you didn’t care; you only nodded dumbly in response “Uh-huh! Uh-huh!” You screamed and your mumbles were loud enough to be understood by everyone. You began to bounce on your own chasing your orgasm, the back of your thighs slapped loudly against Mikey’s which were much skinner than yours “Yeah?” Mikey asked as Haruchiyo grabbed your panties from your mouth before forcing you to look down at him and not just at the camera.
“Feel so-oh good! Want more!” You moaned loudly glad that your cries were finally being heard. Haruchiyo’s smile widened evilly at your words as he lowered the camera down to take in how you sucked in Mikey with ease “Don’t worry, we’re gonna give you what you want.” Obviously, you didn’t think much of these words. It’s not like you thought much but he was telling you about giving you what you wanted…and that’s all you cared about.
You moaned louder, your sounds becoming more high-pitched as you grew closer to the edge “Cummin’! ‘M cumming!” You squirted all over Mikey’s cock triggering his own orgasm that was unwarranted. You gasped in shock at the warm feeling of him filling you that you were so used to, you felt yourself slipping from not only your thoughts but Mikey’s hands. Mikey didn’t catch you when you began to fall forward and neither did Haruchiyo but Koko (being the closest to you other than those two) did. 
You blinked up at the white-haired man with a blissed-out look on your dirtied face with small sobs escaping your lips that were in a pout. He didn’t say anything and allowed you to climb onto him; when you landed in his lap, your cunt leaking all over his expensive clothes, your arms immediately found their place around his neck “Aw…so sensitive.” Koko said teasingly when you spazzed into his body at the feeling of his hand just grazing over your clit.
“Don’t get too comfortable over there.” Your head turned at the voice and you saw all the eyes that were staring at you now with a hungry look in their eyes like you were their prey. You were and you have learned to accept it but it never failed to make you quake. They were not done with you whatsoever.
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“Ah, ran that hurts…” You muttered gripping Mikey’s shoulders tightly as Ran pushed inside your second hole but you couldn’t even do that because Haruchiyo grabbed your hand and Koko grabbed your other so the only support you had was Mikey’s hands on your hips. It was a small burning pain but the pleasure from…everything overtook it by a lot. Whimpers left your messy lips as they manhandled you not caring that Mikey was still inside of you and you were moving all around him. They treated you like you were nothing but a toy for them, yet you found yourself growing wetter at their actions.
Your fingers wrapped around Haruchiyo’s cock with your other hand doing the same thing to Koko “Ah, you’ve taken it here before. You’ll be fine.” The eldest haitani brother responded to you with his hands creating hand-shaped bruises on your hips. Kakucho, who sat closer than before with his cock in his hand, rolled his eyes at Ran’s harsh treatment of you “Could have at least lubed her up, I see why she comes to me all sore.” Kakucho said which only earned chuckles from the other men in the room. You couldn’t even begin to respond to him, you could barely form anything other than moans and whines from how you were being used and pulled in every direction.
Despite this mindset, you saw Rindou stalking over from the side of your eye and your attention turned to him. He sat down in front of you on the seat as you along with Ran and Mikey, who were buried deep into your holes, sat on the floor “Keep your mouth open pretty.” Rindou said beginning to slide his slacks down to pool at his ankles, you did as he asked and opened your mouth wide and it wasn’t long before he shoved himself into your mouth muting your mewls “Tch. Why do I always get left out?” Takeomi questioned taking in the sight of you being stuffed in all holes possible.
Haruchiyo threw his head back as you moved your hand up and down his shaft, his pre spilling all over your hand and your long nails. He tilted his head back to look back at the older man “‘Cos it’s playtime and you’re too old for that.” The mullet-haired man said with a laugh triggering another mini argument between the two of them which no one paid attention to but at least it distracted him from recording you. “So pretty. This color looks so nice wrapped around my dick.” Koko complimented as he slicked his hair back to prevent it from sticking to his forehead which was growing wet with sweat. Koko was so glad he got to pick the color of your nails this time, his pleasure felt so much better knowing that especially because he picked it specifically because of how beautiful it looked around his dick.
You tried to thank him for the compliment but you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of Mikey taking in your nipple in the wet cavern of his mouth; not like he’d be able to hear it anyway…
Mikey took full advantage of your tits being shoved in his face because you attempted to reach Rindou as you sucked him off. Ran groaned as he threw his head back while he continued his strokes deep inside of you “Fuck keep doing thing, she likes that, yeah?” Ran said with his hand snaking around to lie on the moving bulge in your tummy that was right under that tattoo, he’d be sure to pay some extra attention to that later. You weren’t even able to nod because Rindou had a tight hold on your hair as he practically fucked himself down your throat.
“Mmph!” Mikey’s cold hands groped your other tit as the other rested on the fat of your ass, you felt him smile at your muffled moans as he continued to fuck up into your sloppy cunt. Your body shuddered as his mushroom tip grazed over your g-spot “Oh fuck–ngh…pretty, you’re doing so–fucking–good.” Rindou moaned bucking his hips into your mouth slightly, you glanced up at him with teary eyes as makeup continued to run down your face showing your pathetic and slutty state.
Your stomach tightened and your legs nearly clenched together if it wasn’t for Mikey sitting between them as you felt your orgasm coming. “Gonna cum? Yeah?” Mikey said taking his mouth away from your nipple as he grunted at the feeling of you squeezing around him, he had to hold himself back; he had an issue with cumming as soon as you do just because of the feeling. “Mhm! Yeah, Yeah!” You shouted as Rindou yanked your head away from his cock as he began to jerk himself off for a few seconds until he came all over your face only adding to the mess “Ugh! C-Cummin’!” Koko laughed at your sputtering while you bounced up and down on Mikey to work yourself through your orgasm.
“You always cum so easy, don’t you beauty?” Koko asked with a teasing laugh.
You didn’t even respond and just murmured as you kept rocking back and forth because of Ran’s thrusts, he wasn’t letting up until he came and you couldn’t feel it coming yet. “Says you, every time we share ‘er, you cum within seconds.” Haruchiyo added looking back at the white-haired man who breathed heavily “You’re boutta cum right now, aren’t you?” He added making Koko grunt in annoyance, he placed his hand onto yours as you continued to jerk him off.
“Ugh, if you wanna kiss me just say that.” Koko responded with a roll of his eyes and Haruchiyo’s grin widened.
“If you cum easily like a virgin, just say that.” 
“I don’t!”
“Prove it.”
“Shut the hell up, nobody wants to hear you,” Rindou said with a raspy voice as he scooted away from his place on the seat. Dragging himself over to a farther seat to sit there and relax, rindou glared at his co-workers who looked at him and then at each other. Haruchiyo didn’t say anything but his look seemed as if he was challenging Koko and the other man accepted.
Your skin burned at the feeling of Ran’s long fingers digging into your skin as you breathed heavily slumped over onto Mikey’s shoulder. Ran leaned forward and kissed all over your shoulders while his hips continued to snap into your ass faster than before “Gonna give you two loads, ‘kay baby?” Mikey said pushing you off his body so he could look at you, his eyes narrowed at you when you didn’t respond and just mewled while sniffling and it made more globs of tears spew from your eyes as you nodded.
“C’mon love, use your words…taught you better,” Kakucho said as he slid into the empty space that Rindou had currently sat in. “Okay Mikey…” You said glancing up at Kakucho. He always tried his hardest to keep you out of trouble, even if you deserved it. Kakucho’s hand was placed on your head as to congratulate you for being good.
“Fuck, I’m cumming right now,” Ran grumbled as he pounded into your tighter hole harder making you yelp and your back arch. Your arms wrapped around Mikey’s head as you cuddled closer to him, your legs were numb by now but you felt them quake as Ran filled you to the brim and soon Mikey followed. So that’s what he meant by two loads…
Your tongue lolled out at the feeling of being filled up completely while you breathed heavily but your comfort didn't last long because your hands were snatched back and placed back on the cocks you took them away from “Stop playin’ dollface, we’re tryna have a competition here.” Haruchiyo said as he moved your hand around his dick again while Koko tried to resist cumming, he couldn’t let Haruchiyo win another fucking bet. “Sor–ah!” You couldn’t count how many times you’ve been cut off this night from saying anything.
You gave Koko an apologetic look as you winced at the feeling of Ran’s touch leaving your skin after pulling out. That’s what did it to him, there’s no way he can hold back when you’re looking at him like that…so Koko let go and allowed himself to cum all inside of the palm of your hand. You gasped and looked down at your soiled hand as your fingers unwrapped from him. Staring at his burning red tip that was twitching, you smiled a bit before looking back at him “Looks like you lost pretty boy.” Haruchiyo said grunting. You had completely forgotten he was there. “Shut up,” Koko said joining Ran and Rindou who were busy tucking themselves back in and coming down from their high.
Your head turned as you brought your hand to your lips gently licking Koko’s mess from your hand “Hm, haitani already ruined your face…” Haruchiyo said as you glanced up at his phone that was lazily held in his hand, you weren’t even sure if the camera was taking in your filthy form. You wondered what Haruchiyo was going to do next but your thoughts were ripped away when your hand was brought away from your mouth to wrap around yet another cock making you whine. Your arms were almost as sore as your throat, you were getting extremely tired…
“Don’t act all tired now. You can rest all you want after.” Takeomi said with his gruff voice as you began to lazily move your hand around his cock, rubbing your thumb over his tip to tease him a bit. Before you even got to say anything, you felt warm ropes of Haruchiyo’s cum not only landing on the side of your face but in your hair. “Mikey! Haru made a mess in my hair…I paid so much to get it done…” You complained looking at your boyfriend(ish) not paying attention to Ran commenting how he actually paid.
See, Mikey didn’t really give a shit that your hair got fucked up or any of that shit because it was supposed to be a punishment. However…he did not want to deal with you whining to him the whole time after this about your hair, you were already going to be upset about your makeup and your underwear that had been torn to shreds by now and he really did not want to hear this. He never heard the end of it when some of his cum accidentally landed on your hair when he was giving you backshots. “Get away,” Mikey said to Haruchiyo as you wrapped your arms around his neck looking up at Kakucho who looked at you sympathetically.
“Come on Mikey, I’ll buy her a new one or whatever,” Haruchiyo said a tad bit annoyed that he was getting scolded over this. You weren’t really focused on Haruchiyo anymore or what Mikey was telling him, only on Kakucho now that you were facing him and you had discovered that he had been jerking himself off. Well, he wasn’t anymore but he was.
Kakucho’s unused hand went to your head and he pulled apart strands of your hair to see if it was as bad as you thought it was “It’s really bad, right…?” You asked to sniffle and Kakucho grimaced at the sight of Haruchiyo’s seed on the side of your head but he still tried his best to get it out regardless of his disgust “Not that bad. I can help wash it out.” Kakucho told you with a sweet voice. That’s what you liked so much about Kakucho…he was so nice to you no matter what you did wrong.
And you’d never say it aloud because of how jealous most of them would get but Kakucho would be the first person you’d run to in a situation when you know you did something wrong. He was always just so nice to you…he deserved a lot for being such a sweetie all the time! “Thank you…” You muttered as your hand that was free of Koko’s mess trailed up Kakucho’s leg and grabbed him making him stiffen. “Oh, that’s bullshit. How come we have to sit out but Scarface over there still gets his?” Haruchiyo asked with a frown ignoring how Takeomi was glaring daggers into the side of his head. You felt the need to mention how most people in Bonten had scars on their faces but you made your first smart decision not to. They’d probably get offended…
“He’s nice to me.” You said glancing back at the pink-haired man as Mikey sat below you silently, leaning his temple against your bare side. Your whines of sadness instead of pleasure had brought out that soft spot in him and he just wanted to be as close to you as possible. “Sweetie, I don’t give a fuck about that nice shit,” Haruchiyo said rolling his eyes as he snatched whatever Rindou was lighting up. You merely huffed and looked back at Kakucho who stared down at you in all of your glory.
He observed how your body would jolt and the little noises that would leave your throat ever so often maybe because of the lingering pleasure or Mikey moving in the slightest. Either way, your blessed-out expression was so cute, especially with that pout of anger. “Well, I do.” You muttered before beginning to move your hand up and down on Kakucho’s cock while resting your cheek on the top of Mikey’s head.
“O-Oh shit…” Kakucho mewled as he watched as you took him in your mouth, your hand remained around the length that you could not take in. His back arched just slightly at the vibrations that your whines and groans sent to his dick that rose to the pit of his stomach where his orgasm formed. “Mmpfh…” You said lowly as you rocked back and forth to grind on Mikey which just made him even more impatient to get his way with you. He needed Kakucho to hurry and finish.
Kakucho’s large hand found its way to the nape of your neck just resting there as he moaned breathlessly. He resisted the urge to fuck your face because he didn’t really want to but it was just so good that he couldn’t help but crave more. That feeling in the pit of his stomach grew so large that he could barely keep his eyes open anymore but he tried to, he wanted to see those eyes that stared up at him so teary and wet. So beautiful.
He could see how Koko came so easily just from how you looked at him. His ring-clad fingers traveled from the back of your neck to the back of your hair. Running his fingers through the clean strands and gently pulling at it “You’re going so good…shit oh my–” Kakucho’s words were cut off when he came without warning into your mouth making you choke just a bit. Taking him out of your mouth, you stuck your tongue out as you lightly coughed and he gawked at the sight.
Mikey’s hand went from roaming around your back and grasping your hips “You done with her?” The tired male asked in his usual raspy voice and Kakucho confirmed that he was with a puffed-out response. Within a few seconds of Kakucho’s response, Mikey had you on your back on the floor of the car and you grew a bit embarrassed at the eyes on you. They were always there, staring but instead of feeling their gazes, you could actually see them.
The roughness of his fingertips pressing against your love handles made you squirm as you babbled about how he was being so rough. “You know who you belong to, correct?” Mikey asks as he begins to move inside of you with slow strokes. His hands trailed down to your thighs and found their place on the back of them “Uhm, y-yeah…” You replied trying not to moan so you could at least answer him properly. Mikey pushed your thighs up so that they met your chest as he continued to stare at you “So why act like you don’t?” He continued to ask as you groaned at the new angle.
Only babbles left your lips as you insisted that you didn’t act like that and that’s why you got the tattoo but it seemed that no one was buying it. “I mean you were all over that…ugh. So clearly you don’t.” Koko said shrugging his shoulders and you only whined at his words. “How many times do we have to teach you? We know you’re a little dense but you’d think you would learn by now.” Mikey said bluntly watching as you arched your back at the little pleasure he was giving you.
“Mikey…p-please jus-just want more.” You babbled to him as hot tears streamed down your face. Haruchiyo smacked his tongue across the roof of his mouth. This was supposed to be a punishment for you but you were too much of a cockwhore to not want more of what you were given. Haruchiyo had so many more methods for putting you in your place but apparently, he was ‘too harsh’.
Mikey blinked at you and leaned closer to you only getting deeper into your warmth. His lips brushed over the shell of your ear as you waited patiently for him to talk “You’re lucky if I ever let you go out with those fucking friends of yours again, understand?” He whispered to you and you nodded immediately not thinking much of it. “Great then don’t fucking complain later.” The short-haired male said narrowing his eyes at you.
The sano didn’t waste any time to begin thrusting harshly inside of you. The prominent veins on the sides of his cock rubbed against your fleshy walls that were already soaked with his seed “Ugh! F-Feel so g-go–ood!” You shouted dragging out your sentences as you moaned loudly. Your arms wrapped around Mikey’s neck and you clawed at the back of his shirt while trying to contain yourself. Your body moved up and down and even though your eyes were squeezed shut, you could practically see the smirks on the haitani brother’s faces at the sight of your tits bouncing.
They were also probably smiling at the noises that came from Mikey’s cock leaving and entering your soaked cunt. The sounds were so filthy and so wet, it was like music to their ears. One of Mikey’s hands found its place right back on top of your tattoo and he groaned loudly throwing his head back at the feeling of his cock poking through your skin and rubbing against his palm. 
Your walls tightened around him as you felt yourself nearing the edge. “Hold it, I want you to cum with me,” Mikey told you. “No! I-I can’t…” You shouted out as you brought him down to be closer to you. “If you cum before I tell you to, I swear to god you won’t cum for a month.” Mikey threatened making your skin run cold. Mikey was so mean to you sometimes…it wasn’t nice at all!
“I’m s-sorry! Ngh…I won’t–fuck–go with another guy e…ever!” You were barely able to get out a clear sentence as you felt Mikey hit your G-spot. You couldn’t hold it in for long, it just felt so good that you needed to cum now. “Tch. If you can even call it that.” Rindou snickered not taking his eyes off how you couldn’t even close your mouth with how many moans were continuously emptying from your lips. 
Mikey put his face in your neck as his hips sped up, undoubtedly to discolor under the pressure of hitting your thighs. He breathed heavily into your neck occasionally letting out groans with how you pulsed around him eager to cum under his touch and only add to the cum ring that formed around the base of his dick.
He groaned at the feeling of you sucking him deeper than he could possibly imagine. It always happened. No matter how much he thought he couldn’t get deeper inside of you, he did. Mikey loved the feeling of your plush walls hugging his cock tightly and he loved it more when you let out sobs and purrs expressing how much you loved it when he fucked you like that. It only turned him on more.
“Now.” He commanded and just as he pleased, you both came together with your moans swirling with his beautifully. Your back only arched off the floor more at the feeling of him stuffing you full of his cum once again “Uhn…so full.” Your eyes closed as you relaxed against the floor and Mikey’s harsh press of your thighs to your rest softened. Mikey pulled out making you gently wince and peek your eyes open.
The short man sat on the seat of the car before he began to pick you up so you could sit next to him. Mikey stared at you for a moment taking in how pretty you looked with a tear and cum-stained face with small touches of ruined makeup here and there before he went to get your dress from one of the executives. He smiled a the sight of you knowing that he couldn’t stay mad at you for long and of course, you had to make him smile just a bit more with your words and girlish giggles that adorned it. “Nice butt.”
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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dior-and-dietcoke · 3 months
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starring! : mikey, sanzu, ran, rindō, kakucho, koko, takeomi
warnings! : 18+, actual corruption, reader smokes, petnames (good girl), drunk sex, anal sex, oral, really long
a/n! : This is an alternative to the first model!reader fic, this time with bonten (there's also gonna be a part two of this one)
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The guys did a lot of things
Drugs, murder, theft, gambling, more drugs and
Going to fashion shows.
It's mostly just to wind down and be social..plus the men are fashionable, it's just a thing that comes with being born in Tokyo. It became a ritual, whenever one of their favorite designers did a show and there was nothing important to do that other people couldn't do, they would check it out.
They'd sit in the front while photographers huddled the very front of the stage.
The haitanis and koko enjoyed these shows the most, especially the Versace, dior and dolce shows. Before every show started, they'd look through the small brochure they'd give out, showing the clothes and, of course, the models.
There was this one beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, elegant, fierce model that caught their eye everytime. They've seen her already many, many times, and that model was you.
Your legs, your walk, your hips, and your face. Your very presence made these cold men feel something again, admiration.
Sanzu was high as fuck at all the shows, having just done a few lines in the bathroom but no matter how dazed he was, he'd always took notice of you..being high made you somehow even more ethereal. You looked like an angel, like a holy vision.
"Oh..she's here again," Ran mentioned, reading the brochure, staring at the picture and tilting the thin pages to show his brother, rin immediately smiled before taking a drag of his cigarette.
The anticipation of you arriving on the runway was like foreplay, but when you appeared in skimpy clothes, showing off that sexy body of yours, walking with purpose and confidence made these men horny. Even mikey, he just liked that menacing aura around you, especially when you wore that heavy smokey cat eye that made your eyes look like daggers, ready to kill.
The men would notice the looks you'd give them, and only them. Sometimes, even sly and sexy smirks when you wouldn't be dead focused on the way in front of you. You recognized the men, of course you did. It's hard not to notice them. They were admittedly flashy and attractive men. You had no idea what horrible and dangerous men they actually were, though..
One fateful after party with your co worker's and fellow models, drinking champagne in a tight black mini dress, you spotted the men from the show at a table, smoking and drinking. Eyes set on you.
With your mind a little buzzed and feeling extra sexy, you thought you might excuse yourself and go outside for a smoke, but not before walking past their table and smiling at the two lilac haired men.
You were standing outside on your Louboutins, feeling the cold night air hit your hot skin. You heard the door open and sure enough..
It was the two men.
they were walking right up to you. as you put your cig between your glossy lips, they both held up lighters next to you. You eyed them up and felt a shiver up your spine. You smirked and leaned forward to let one of them light your cigarette.
"The show was fabulous tonight.." the taller one said before holding out his hand. "Ran." He introduced. "Rindou," the other followed.
A smirk crept up on your lips again before blowing smoke out of your lungs and you continued to tell the men your own name
"We know." Rindou said, with his hand and cigarette covering his mouth.
Not long after the little meeting, you went back inside and met the other men since the brothers invited you to the table.
As you all talked, you felt how the white hot stares of the men made you sweat and feel their lust radiating. You felt high, exchanging lustful looks with each of the men..
Koko was particularly interesting to you, the way he carried himself and his slightly feminine demeanor made you attracted to him.
Kakucho had that boyish and shy charm to him, takeomi was a hot older man and sanzu seemed like he'd be a crazy fuck.
You'd die to get tag teamed by the brothers.
Mikey had that mysterious and melancholic aura to him.
They were all sexy and you'd let yourself get whored out by them. You'd definitely meet these men again..
Luckily, the brothers gave you their numbers, saying, "Come by our Penthouse sometime, yeah?" Making you smile as you saw they already gave you the address. "We'll see.." you said teasingly before getting up and walking back to your friends.
One of your friends and Japanese model, sachiko, came up to you with a concerned look on her face. "Did you just talk with those men?" She asked, flipping her long black and shiny hair back.
"Yeah, why?" You asked with a raised eyebrow
She softly grabbed you by the shoulder, turning you around so the men were out of sight. "You don't know who they are?" She whispered, you shook your head and let out a quick laugh, "No, but I'm trying to" you responded, jokingly.
"You should stay away from them, I'm telling you..they're dangerous."
You just laughed again, thinking she was joking, or trying to get you away from some kind of players. but she didn't seem to smile or change her worried look. She was serious.
"I'll be careful." You smiled. Trying to calm her.
Sachiko let go of your shoulder. She didn't look like your words calmed her, but she knew you're an adult woman and could take care of yourself..
She couldn't do more than warn you and hope you listen to her words.
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A week afterwards, all the shows were done and you found the little note from the hot guys.
You were just done showering and took your phone out, it was 20:30.
You don't have anything to do right now, and you don't wanna sleep yet, so..
Maybe you'll be a little bitch and just show up without a warning..but no, for the first actual meeting you should call beforehand.
You picked up your phone and typed the number in. For the first time in years, you felt nervous to call someone..you felt like you were 14 again and you're about to call your high-school crush. It felt nice to feel like that again, but your hands were slightly shaking when you heard the phone ringing, waiting for someone to pick it up. Your heart raced and your body tensed up
"..yeah?" rindou picked up, and he sounded out of breath and his voice echoed
"Rindou, right?" You confirmed, and he went quiet for a second before he sensually chuckled
"Y'know, in Japan, if you don't know someone that well, you use their last name.." he smugly corrected you
You grinned. "Right, I'm sorry, Mr.Haitani." he went quiet again before-
"Good girl,"
Your body tensed up, and your blood ran hot. "How come you're calling so late?"
"You mentioned that you and your brother owned a club, I just wanted to know which one it was"
Not long after that call you dried your hair, did your makeup and picked out a sexy I.am.gia black mini dress with some miumiu heels. you grabbed your dior saddle bag and put on your jewlery as you adored yourself in the mirror, striked poses and kissed the mirror before you grabbed your keys and happily went out.
you hailed a cab and told the taxi driver to drive you to roppongi at the haitani club, the man then side eyed you and asked what a woman like you wanted at a club like that, you just laughed and didnt answer.
truly you didnt wanna know why every person was so on the fence about these people, you just wanted to have fun and maybe get some dick.
once the man dropped you off, you thanked him and handed him the money, as you stepped out he said "hey, be careful." before he drove off again.
as you set your eyes on the club, the building was gigantic, booming with music and bright flurescent purple lights. there was a line of people in front of the entrance. You did not have the nerve to wait THAT long to get into a club you didn't even know was worth the hassle.
but thankfully, a man with a lilac mullet and a cig in his mouth stepped out of the vip entrance. It was rindou. your eyes met, and his immediately widened as he choked on his cigarette smoke. He waved you over to him, and you skipped to him on your pretty heels, clacking against the smooth concrete.
he hugged you as a greeting and you smiled
"You.." he chuckled, slightly embarrassed biting his bottom lip."You look amazing." he complimented, eying you up and down as if he was ready to just pull you into the club and eat you up
..or out.
he looked at the bouncer and grabbed your hand. "She's with us," he mentioned, to which he nodded. "Yes, sir"
rin motioned his head for you to head inside with a playful smirk while he kept holding your hand.
the music inside was even louder than you expected, the second you looked around you saw multiple hot people dancing, drinking and making out.
rin led you to a glass staircase with a tall man standing in front of it, but he stepped aside as soon as rindou walked up to him. you looked at rin. Obviously, he's one of the owners. Of course, he's gonna be let through. the two of you reached the top of the staircase and saw couches with glass tables in front of them
people were also drinking, and women were dancing, but some people were also doing cocaine. rindou just put his hand on your shoulder as you approached the table where his brother was sitting. he stood up when he saw you to hug you. "heyy, god, you look gorgeous.." he said with both his hands on your hips. "Come sit with us." You did as he asked and sat down on the white couch, crossing your legs.
rindou sat down next to you just like his brother, so now you were sandwiched between two hot men in business suits that wore beautiful smelling perfume. "whatdya wanna drink?" the younger brother asked, showing you the drink menu.
you ordered some rosé and the two just ordered the same. once the three of you were a little tipsy, you got handsy, and both of the brothers had their hands on either your lower back or thighs, close to being under your mini dress.
you also kissed them multiple times with tongue, rindou took the bottle and held it to your mouth, letting you drink, watching some of the alcohol spill from your mouth down between the valley of your tits. you giggled and kissed him afterwards. He softly groaned into the kiss as you suddenly felt rans lips against your neck, sucking harshly, trying to get your attention again. you looked back at him with a smile, he was pouting "dont forget about mee" he complained playfully before grabbing your hot and flushed face to press his wet lips against your own, immediately sliding his tongue into your mouth, seeking your own. rindou rolled his eyes. " You've been hoarding her all for yourself the whole time." ran, broke the kiss, and looked at you, "then let's just ask her who she wants to go home with"
you bit your bottom lip and swiped some of your hair from your face. "dont be mad if i ask this.." You began, and the brothers just stared at you in expectation as their ringed hands grabbed at your soft thighs, feeling burning cold against your hot skin. "Can i go with both of you?" their eyes widened, they didnt expect you to ask that, but they weren't mad, far from it, actually.
"i mean, we've never actually shared a girl before, but.." ran began and kissed behind your ear. "we'll be happy to have you being our first..right, rin?" he asked his brother, to which his hand turned your head to look at him. "i don't mind that.." he said softly against your glossy lips before kissing you.
the three of you stumbled out of the club and the flashing lights of cameras suddenly blinded you, you rolled your eyes as they yelled your name, you had no idea how the fuck the stalkerrazzi even found you. "You're so populaaar," ran drunkenly hummed, just continuing to drag you along. you just rolled your eyes again, shielding your eyes from the lights. There's nothing you hated more than these fuckers..
suddenly, in your drunken mind you had an idea that you were probably gonna regret in the morning.
so you just suddenly grabbed rin by his tie to aggressively make out with him as your other hand grabbed at rans crotch, you love to shock the paparazzi, you know they wont leave you alone, so you can at least make them uncomfortable while you tongue fuck this hot and apperantly controversial guy and grabbing the cock of an also controversial man
you broke the kiss and looked back at the cameras, holding your middle finger up with a big smile, putting on your dior shades, rin just stuck out his tongue as his brother did the same,
ran dragged you back to their black Bentley, you then pulled both of the men into the back of the car, the flashing lights following you to the car and you just sat yourself down into ran's lap as you kept kissing rindou, swinging one of your legs across his lap. the driver hesitantly asked. "..wh-where to, sir?" rin tore himself away from your enchanting lips "home."
you bareley remember the drive home, all you remember was having rins cock on your mouth and rans slim but long fingers in your wet cunt. And you remember when you two were in their bedroom you were completely naked except for your heels, getting pounded in the ass and having another hard cock in your throat, ran was in the front and rindou was in the back, you whimpered and whined as you felt their long and hot cocks filling you to the brim, you faintly heard their heavy breathing and little compliments that made you drool on rans cock even more.
"You're so good- so fucking good," ran huffed before letting out a gutteral moan, moving his hips into your face, looking down at you with his hand softly settled in your beautiful hair.
"Her fucking ass is so tight-" rindou groaned lowly before giving you a firm smack on the ass, while his other hand held your hips in a tight grip. "You've never done anal before, did you?" He asked, out of breath.
Ran pulled his dick out of your glossy mouth for you to answer, but your hand kept stroking him "no.." you paused to moan but it feels fucking good.." you mewled, biting your bottom lip, smearing your lip liner even more.
Rindou grinned down at you and huffed out a small chuckle "I can tell, baby" he said "can feel how wet your pussy is" he said before continuing to pound into you
Ran smiled down at you and took your hand "your pussy needs some attention too, huh?" He smacked his lips as if he was pitying you "my selfish brother completely ignored your pretty clit.." Ran helped you up and rindou immediately took your arms into his rough hands, his cold metal rings burning your scorching hot skin.
The older brother got in front of you to lift your leg and put it around his waist, aligning his cock with your pussy.
You thought you'd finally get to cum soon but then he slid the tip of his cock through your wet cunt and circle your clit with it "your gasps when it hits your clit are so cute" he teased.
You bit your lip even harder, not even caring if you're gonna bruise it or draw blood. You just wanted his cock, you never wanted anything more.
"Please ran--" "ah-ah" rindou interrupted you. "Remember what I told you about formality?" You let out a frustrated moan, throwing your head back feeling rindous fat cock breaking you in, almost feeling him in your guts. "Please, Mr.Haitani..fuck me stupid, sir"
That was all you remember when you woke up in-between the two gorgeous men, their arms over you under the soft blanket. As comfortable as you were, you had a splitting headache and aching legs. you planned on getting up but you saw your phone light up on the bedside table behind rindou, you reached over him carefully to not wake him.
Once you read the messages you almost jumped up and screamed in anger and embarrassment.
Last night events with the paparazzi went viral and everyone was texting you about it, your friends were just cheering for you but the news sites were shocked about the "alleged mob members hanging out with supermodel"
Alleged mob members??
You looked at the sleeping men next to you and froze up, it felt like time stopped. You sat there for ten minutes before continuing to read the articles your friends sent you, you looked so fucked up in those pictures, still hot but...fucked up.
Surprisingly, you didn't care that much about them being part of a criminal organization, you were just shocked that no one told you up front.
You carefully got up, put on your bra and panties before getting out of the room to get yourself a glass of water to sober up a bit, then raid their bathroom cabinet for some painkillers.
Your arms, thighs and ass hurt like hell. You got to the kitchen and immediately filled a glass with water, you chugged it down and filled it up again.
As you drank your second glass you heard footsteps, probably woke one of them up as you climbed over them.
You suddenly choked on your water when three of the other guys you met walked around the corner, seeing you almost naked, messy hair and messed up makeup. It was koko, takeomi and kakucho.
They stopped in their tracks, trying and failing not to look you up and down
"Fuck- sorry I didn't know- I thought this was the brothers' place" you tried to explain, wiping the spilled water from your chin
Kakucho looked down at the floor while shaking his head "don't apologize, we're sorry we didn't know you were still here.."
"Still here?" You asked, placing the glass down on the white marble counter
Takeomi chuckled. "You guys weren't exactly quiet.." kakucho awkwardly coughed. He was so cute..you'd suck him off right here, even with your sore throat. "uh..do you want some painkillers?" Kaku asked politely, still making eye contact with the floor.
You smiled "yes, thank you.." kakucho nodded and walked away, he expected you to wait there for him to come back but you followed him, you noticed his eyes quickly flicking yo you every now and then.
You leaned against the sink once you two reached the bathroom, your hips right next to his face, you looked down at him and he looked up at you after he tried to find some painkillers, he tried to look back down but you kept his head up by his chin, making him gulp heavily and keep his eyes fixed on you this time
He was immediately hard and he didn't know why, nothing happened..yet.
But It didn't take long, or many words
For him to have your cunt on his mouth and your gorgeous legs on his shoulders, he didn't seem like it, but the way he was moving his tongue now made up for the little words you exchanged, and before you knew it you were cumming in a shaking frenzy, moaning and biting your fingers to keep quiet. Your fingers in his pretty and smooth ebony hair, feeling his heavy breath on your mound while grinding back on his face.
Once you came back, you were wobbly on your legs, but held onto kakus strong arm for leverage. You leaned over to him "maybe next time we'll have more time to do more" you whispered before kissing his cheek.
You turned the corner and more men were there. The brothers, sanzu and mikey..
"There's the one that got away" Ran said taking a drag of his cigarette while rindou just looked you up and down while drinking some type of alcohol, in the morning.
His eyes told you that he was ready to go for another 4 rounds.
Sanzu stared at you intensely before speaking up "next time you guys hold a whole ass concert, I better be invited" rindou furrowed his eyebrows, looking like he was ready to vomit
"In your dreams, coke-head" Ran responded, reading the newspaper with crossed legs
You chuckled and sexily turned on your heels to walk back into the brothers' bedroom to get your clothes before heading back out, "let's party sometime again, huh?" You smiled, looking at the brothers, then sanzu..you don't know why but he seemed like fun to party with.
And lucky you, he stood up and walked after you, "let me drive you, it's pretty cold out and..you're not dressed for the weather" you chuckled and rolled your eyes "lead the way then.."
Surprisingly he didn't try to hit on you, the drive home..which disappointed you a bit. But when you saw your hotel you grabbed his shoulder and said "you can stop here" the pink haired man stopped his luxury car and got out before you to open your car door, what a gentleman.
"Ugh, you know what's crazy?" You asked him to which he grinned and tilted his head "what?"
"I'm already ready to party again.." you giggled to which he got a smug grin on his face "that's because those two snobs don't know shit about partying right."
You turned your head to him and smiled curiously "and you do?" He nodded and reached into his pocket, giving you a card with his number
"Call me when you're ready to party for real" you took the card with your index and middle finger, you grinned getting closer to him and give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
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l-tora-l · 2 years
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Credit: @/heizei_img on twitter
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aleapple1216 · 7 months
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But darling, THAT hair...
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wingo5 · 2 months
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Click for better quality
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rainyrindou · 2 months
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everything abt him has me like 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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buccini555 · 3 months
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𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
♡ What would it be like to have a secret relationship with one of the city's most dangerous gangsters? (NSFW Imagine)
♡ H e a d c a n o n s/I m a g i n e s .ᐟ .ᐟ
♡ 𝑭𝒕. Kokonoi Hajime
𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨 . 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨 . 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨 . 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 . 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 . 𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞 ♡ . 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢
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tw: none, he's a sweetheart
𝗞𝗼𝗸𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗶 𝗛𝗮𝗷𝗶𝗺𝗲: Kokonoi had already kept his eyes on you for some time, never ceasing to show interest, Koko waited anxiously to be reciprocated by you, of course, wherever you were in the same environment, he would do everything to get your attention and as soon as he finally won you over, he would become the romantic and passionate type.
Koko has no limits when it comes to you, he is totally obsessed with you, there is nothing that Kokonoi wouldn't do for you, despite being a criminal, he treats you with all the passion that someone could treat, even making you feel forget about his "dirty work", he has no toxic traits and tries to keep your relationship healthy and respectful, despite being completely crazy about you.
Your meetings usually take place in luxurious places, hotels, resorts, apartments, suites or restaurants, he makes a point of taking you to the best places he can provide you, Kokonoi wouldn't mind taking over your relationship if he didn't belong to a criminal organization, he just keeps your relationship private as a precaution, even so, Koko doesn't mind appearing with you in public rarely.
It's a fact that Kokonoi's way of showing love is through gifts, jewelry, designer clothes and shoes, special treatments, you never lack that, he makes a point of always keeping you at your peak, Koko never denies how passionate he is for you even though on many occasions he ends up being somewhat absent due to his work, even if such work is stressful, Kokonoi has never shown irritation with you, on the contrary, you keep him calm after so many hours making some money for prioritize spending on treats aimed at you.
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tw: Kokonoi being a sweetheart, oral sex mention, unprotected sex, a lot of pet names(sweet, sweetheart, honey, baby, babygirl and others) Kokonoi asking to be called "daddy" and I think that's it
"You look perfect as always, my sweetheart." Kokonoi entered the suite door surreptitiously and when he saw you getting ready in front of the mirror to go to bed soon, he couldn't stop being impressed and praise you, the taller remained leaning against the doorframe watching you attentively from top to bottom, noticing every detail in you while smiling subtly.
You turned to him zipping up the top of your lacy nightgown, returning the smile he maintained, you stood up from your vanity chair and approached Kokonoi. "Thank you, you must be so tired, you should get some rest, don't you, sweet?" You questioned, holding the taller's face and bringing him closer.
"It's true, I'm tired, but not for you, babygirl." Holding your hand and kissing it gently, he responded, still looking you up and down.
"Are you sure, Koko? You spent so much time working today..." In a tone of concern, you questioned him again, noticing those looks coming from him and returning them.
He smiled again, maintaining a smirk as he looked into your eyes. "Thank you for worrying about me, I'm fine." Kokonoi cupped his face and kissed his lips in a brief touch. "And I really don't want to talk about work right now..." Kokonoi brought you closer, pulling you tightly by his waist.
"So what do you want, Koko?" Biting your own lip, you asked your question while the taller made your body shiver with every touch of your newly hydrated skin.
He laughed, looking away from you for a moment. "What a silly question, it's obvious, I want what's mine." Kokonoi stated, returning his attention to you.
"What?" You asked in order to provoke him even more.
"You." He said, picking you up and putting you on the bed right away.
You linked your arms above the older man's shoulders, making him stay even closer while Koko occupied your lips with a slow and intense kiss at the same time, the thin fabric of your nightwear kept your body semi exposed, making it so the moment became even hotter, the touches intensified as the taller's hands ran all over your body, making your heart speed up, then he slowly pulled one of the straps of your clothes, keeping you practically naked in front of his eyes.
"You're hot... Like... So fucking hot, girl." Keeping you on top of him, Kokonoi said somewhat breathlessly.
"I'm yours." Soon after, you responded by caressing his face while keeping your hips steady.
Again, he held you for a kiss that extended to your neck and breasts, Kokonoi didn't mind leaving you with some marks and did so, leaving your lap full of hickeys while he grabbed your breasts without so much kindness, making you let out a few noises.
Pushing Kokonoi's platinum hair aside, you unbuttoned the crimson shirt he was wearing. "What are you waiting for?" You questioned, also leaving your pajamas aside.
"Fuck, love." Seeing you naked, he exclaimed. "I love it when you show off for me." He held you again, this time, putting you against the bed, getting on top of you and holding your wrists in a way where you remained completely still, so he kissed you again, moving each kiss down your body until he reached your pussy, Kokonoi knew exactly how to use his tongue, making your body go into ecstasy while he was doing his job, he licked your clit like a kitten, Koko would definitely not leave his legs until she felt your entire body tremble announcing one more orgasm.
"K-koko..." You moaned his name as he used his tongue and fingers, then, making you fall apart on his lips, it was as if time had stopped and you had simply lost control of your body that he was shaking and sweating. "I'm just getting started, princess." Standing up and wiping his face, he said directly in a few words. "I-I, I want more." After Koko spoke, you ordered from him while watching him panting. "You'll have it, sweetheart." Unbuttoning the buttons on the tailored pants he was currently wearing, he said, moving closer to you, pulling your hips forward on the bed. "I love you so much, my precious." Before starting such an act, he said, making you moan instantly, he was definitely worried about your well-being and started with subtle and at the same time deep movements that soon intensified, Koko He wouldn’t mind fucking you until you begged him to stop and so he did, making you feel every thrust. "I have to get back to my work, dollface." Holding your neck lightly, he said as he kept thrusting into you. "N-no, stay, Koko, p-please." Amid your heavy breathing and moans, you asked him to keep crossing your legs around the taller's waist, ending up making him go even deeper inside you. "F-fuck..." He sighed soon after, feeling how hot and tight you remained, making him even more excited and urged to satisfy you completely. "I-I'm not leaving here until I see you satisfied, my princess, so... I'll have to be faster." From that moment on, he completely lost his fear of hurting you, going even faster and deeper, more and more until he reached his peak again. "K-koko, I... I can't take it anymore, I-I..." You said as you tried to control his body, but, he was really willing to test your limits. "Shii... Stay quiet, babygirl." Covering his mouth, he exclaimed, keeping the same pace, Kokonoi knew that his goal would be achieved soon, so he just focused on giving you as much pleasure as possible to compensate for his absence.
"What are you mine? Tell me right now..." He questioned after fucking you for a few minutes without stopping.
You couldn't even respond amid each thrust, so Koko questioned again. "What are you mine? Mm?" You looked at the taller one with teary eyes. "I-I'm yours, only yours." Responding Kokonoi, you delivered your speech briefly.
"Who's your daddy?" He questions again as he gets more and more fucked up.
"Y-you're my daddy, Koko." You responded, feeling his dick going deeper and deeper as he gets excited about being called daddy.
At that point, Koko already knew that you couldn't take it anymore, so, finally, he kept going faster until you definitely couldn't take it, withdrawing from inside you while attentively watching you already satisfied.
"I have to go, baby..." Getting off of you, Kokonoi said in a crestfallen tone.
You grabbed his arm and hugged him. "Come back later, you'll be back, won't you?"
He let go of the hug and went to get dressed right away. "I have to go back to finish what we started..." With a smirk, he replied, shortly after, Koko kissed you on the forehead and placed you under the linen, caressing your face before getting ready for return to the work he had left behind.
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cheesus-doodles · 5 months
Going Home: Chapter 4
Yandere Platonic Toman + Time Leaper Darling
Going Home: Chapter 1 | 2 | 3
I kept my promise!! Editing tmr, I'm dead on my feet rn
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The neighborhood that Takemichi and Naoto found themselves in was a far cry from the dazzling city lights of Shibuya City that Draken once called home: a suburb outside of the bustling city, where houses and apartments alike that lined the streets as far as the eye can see with the occasional shop breaking the facade. Yet even with the shop entrance nestled off on a side alley, the roads still noticeably buzzed with life as the time drew closer to noon, the hustle and bustle of non-stop traffic and office workers swarming through town that Takemichi remembered had instead been replaced smaller, livelier groups of students filing past with nay a glance at the duo, too caught up in their chatter and gossip of the day.
It was jarring, the former Toman member had to admit, watching the rest of the world go by uncaringly at its own relaxed pace when compared against the urgency of the sticky situation he was in the midst of. Whatever time he spent in the present was time that he couldn’t spend twelve years in the past fixing the future after all. Blue eyes nervously glanced around at every passing soul, before they turned to meet gray ones for the umpteenth time. “Are you sure this is the right place?” The former delinquent asked again, anxiously wringing his hands. He couldn’t help himself, even if Naoto’s sympathetic look had long given way to an annoyed frown. “Maybe we should ring again?”
"No, just give it a minute."
Something felt wrong, yet this ordinary bike shop was precisely where the detective’s digging had pointed him too, the name on the business license unmistakable. So why did it feel so strange? So out-of-place? Takemichi glanced at the shop sign again, the unlit signboard ominously looming over the small alley. 
The questions quickly faded as footsteps started to thunder down what must have been a flight of steps after the doorbell announced their presence outside the nondescript motorcycle shop, the sound of annoyed mumbling growing louder as the footsteps approached. Takemichi held his breath. The door rattled for a brief moment before it was yanked open.
The single word was growled out before the figure behind the door was fully visible, and Takemichi’s soul nearly left his body as he came face to face with a clearly pissed off Draken. The former Vice Captain of Toman had only grown taller and more intimidating with every passed year, and now twelve years in the future, he made for one formidable figure, blond hair now back to its natural black. A minute of silence as Draken looked between the two, before recognition sparked behind those abyss eyes. “Takemichi?” 
“It’s me,” was all said man managed to squeak back.
Letting out a sigh, the bike mechanic dressed in overalls visibly relaxed, the hand clutching a wrench dropping to hang loosely by his side. “It’s been years.”
"It has been," Takemichi nervously laughed, before waving over to a very calm Naoto. “This is Naoto, a friend of mine.”
"So what do the two of you want?"
Straight to the point huh. The time leaper took a gulp of air, steeling his nerves. “W-well, um, Draken-kun, we actually wanted to ask about the… seventh founding member of Toman.” They wanted to ask about you was, what Takemichi wanted to say, but all those instances of being drilled again and again by Chifuyu to avoid saying your name at all costs twelve years ago stopped his heavy tongue from spitting it out.
Another pause as the larger man stared him down, and this time, the stillness was palpable. Takemichi could feel the sweat rolling down the side of his head, waiting for a reaction. His gut only churned more. This was not good,
Quicker than he could see, the next thing the time traveller could process was him being lifted cleanly off the ground by the front of his shirt, his face suddenly leveled with a furious Draken’s. “What?” The Toman founder hissed, the vein on his forehead throbbing. “Wanna repeat that?”
Slamming the door shut behind him, the once-Toman Vice President cursed under his breath as he stormed out from the back room. How fucking dare he. How dare Takemichi come asking for information on you. He had been inches from turning that turd face into a smear on the ground for soiling the memory of you with his thoughts.
Yet for all the anger smeared across his face in plain sight for customers and passers-by alike to see, it was an uncomfortable turmoil that brewed in the base of his gut, one that Draken knew came from a lack of closure. Of course he had been keeping his ear to the ground all these years - how could he not, when you meant and still mean the world to him - but the last thing he expected to happen today would be to be reminded of you and your sudden disappearance twelve years ago and the quick downfall of everything else that followed. You had always been the center of the Tokyo Manji Gang, after all. 
In a vain attempt to distract himself from the sudden flurry of memories and thoughts, the former delinquent picked up a socket wrench and pulled out a stool. There was nothing more he could do at the moment, Draken tried to convince himself, busying his hands with loosening the bolts of a motorcycle engine; all Takemichi and his detective friend had brought were more questions instead of answers, but he was certain that he would have heard of any news regarding you.
A buzz as the bell to the backroom door went off once more, and every last shred of concentration the man with the dragon tattoo had left instantly went down the gutter. His mind leapt straight back to Takemichi as the vulgarities and curses started to flow once more. If it was that bastard again with his questions, he swears- “What?!” He barked out as the door flew open once more with a bang, not sparing a second glance as to who it was.
But it wasn’t the two black mobs of hair he had expected to see standing outside, instead being greeted by an awfully familiar swish of a ponytail that Draken hadn’t seen in years, the green of an apron with the logo of a pet shop striking against the backdrop of a dull, gray alley. Those distinct yellow eyes of Baji, once sharp and methodical, were instead completely blown wide with panic, the other shoving the screen of a smartphone straight at him. “It’s- it’s-” The words died away before they could leave his tongue; the former Toman’s First Division Captain clearly too shocked by something to say a hello or even notice Draken’s foul mood. And the temperamental pet shop delinquent would have never let that kind of tone drop without a fight.
The motorcycle engineer simply snatched up the phone to take a better look himself. “What am I looking at?” A pause, a sudden silence as Draken continued to squint at the screen while Baji collected his thoughts and emotions.
“It’s her.”
Draken almost dropped the phone as soon as the other blurted out those two laden words. “What?” The man muttered, his voice lost to disbelief. He knew, of course, who Baji was referring to. “That’s not possible.” It simply wasn’t. He would have known if you had been seen.
“Look.” Snatching back his phone, Baji clicked into one of his conversations, before turning the screen back around. “A message from her number. Yesterday night. I only saw it when I woke up.”
Draken’s mind instantly jumped to his earlier visit, and Takemichi’s probing questions about you. Was this related? Did he know something that Draken did not? Logic told the tattooed man otherwise - as much as he would have liked for you to have appeared out of thin air, there must be a different explanation. “Could it have been Mikey?” It must be, since they both knew that Bonten had continued to maintain your number all these years, Mikey having never really gotten over your sudden disappearance.
“So you don’t know about this either, huh?” The once First Division Captain shook his head, frowning as he concentrated. “Why would he send something like this?” 
And that was true: the way the message started with a very hesitant “to whoever this number now belongs to” and directly addressed to a “hopefully Baji-kun”, there was no doubt that it must be you. What was the chance someone else with the same name as you would also know that this was Baji’s personal number? But how?
Any conversation left between the two died away, the two men left to ponder. The world, of course, simply kept turning, passersby eagerly making their way to unknown destinations, strolling past the small alley without a second glance at the duo, while the occasional vehicle rattled and raced down wide, empty roads.
Letting out a sigh, Draken stepped aside, waving at his once close-friend into the dimly-lit backroom. “I think you best come in. I’ll close up shop for the day.”
Twelve years in the past, despite your best efforts, you once again found yourself in the thick of things.
You sighed. “This is a bit of an overkill, don’t you think boys?” The rattling of chains seemed to agree with you, the metal links rubbing and clanking against each other as they followed the cuffed hand you raised to shake amusedly at the Toman founders huddled around you. Back twelve years in the past and once more separate from Takemichi’s time leaping woes, things were hardly going any better for you. “I’m really not going anywhere, I promise.”
To no one’s surprise, the boys disagreed, and they were far from afraid to make that known despite your assurances; you could tell from the tightening clutches and tugging on your shirt, and that was if you could ignore the immediate protests and whining and whimpering that broke out. But you couldn’t really blame them, you suppose, musing to yourself as you rested your chin atop a shifty Mikey’s head, unchained hand moving to gently hold Draken’s much larger one as Kazutora tried his best to snuggle his way into the crook of your neck and probably under your skin as well. After all, it had been just a single night since you had made your sudden reappearance in the small alley a stone’s throw away from your school in a gust of wind, and three nights since you first disappeared. You were sure this was the first and longest time your boys had been apart from you ever since they entered your life.
“You did disappear though,” Mitsuya’s voice cut above the others, those dark, heavy eyebags that clung to the bottom of his and everyone else’s eyes telling you everything you needed to know. “And we still haven’t figured out what caused you to… vanish.”
“To time travel,” you corrected gently. It was easy to tell that the delinquents around you were still uncertain about how you managed to slip their grasp without their knowledge, let alone accept the idea of you having somehow leapt into the future, somewhere that they were unable to follow you to. They had always been protective of you, perhaps because of the difference between their strength and yours.
Allowing your gaze to take a wander away from the mobs of hair of various colors gathered around you, your bedroom was exactly how you remembered it had been even twelve years in the future, your belongings having been left in the exact same spot all those years. Well, aside from the unmade bed where you had fallen asleep amidst the pile of delinquents the previous night, that is. Your present blankets were left still tossed aside into a messy pile, and you couldn’t help but wonder how your Toman friends knew how to fold them back the same way you always had. Did they also take turns keeping your home clean all those years? You wondered if they had managed to share such a difficult task that would have carried so many possibly painful memories. Which inevitably led your line of thought straight back to the various questions that had been plaguing your mind: where was the future you? What happened to Mikey that left him in such a state? And where were the rest of your Toman friends?
Yet all you had were more and more questions. Shaking yourself out of your ponderings, you focused your gaze back onto the lively group of delinquents. “I don’t know what’s going on either, but it’s probably linked to the onomori you boys gave me for safekeeping.” The same purple-and-gold charm from the very founding of the gang, the same onomori that had been stabbed during that life-threatening attack on Ken-chin you tried in vain to stop, the same one that Sanzu had accidentally discovered could summon you back from the future: it now hung from a metal chain under said Vice Captain’s shirt, pressed tight against his sternum where it could get constant skin contact, and more importantly, safe from the grabby fingers of Mikey and Kazutora.
The blond-haired delinquent with the intimidating dragon tattoo only instinctively reached for the onomori once more, as if to assure himself it was still there, the collar of his shirt crumpling as he closed his fist around the bloodstained, amateurishly-patched charm. Now that they had it, you mused, there shouldn’t be any more issues.
Baji, who had earlier been shoved aside by a bawling Kazutora, grumpily poked your side, and you jumped a little in response. “So what happens in the future?” The black-haired boy asked, as you beckoned him closer, patting an empty spot to your right where he could lean up against your shoulder.
Ah, you had hoped that their line of thought wouldn’t have gone there. Because how were you supposed to respond? You hesitated, the white-haired bony, tired figure of the future Mikey roaring straight back to the front of your mind with that question. Should you be telling them about the future? Sure that would be the easiest way to ensure that that particular timeline never happened, given you were sure this would be the first time your boys will have ever heard of this predicament you found yourself in, but what if you accidentally changed the future for the worse? What if you did something irreversible that only made a bigger mess?
Maybe it would be better if you kept things to yourself first - you could always tell them the full truth later on if you needed to. Keeping that in mind, you were quick to school your face back to a neutral expression, though the brief flash of internal panic across your face at that question was enough to raise suspicion. Kazutora instantly leapt to his feet, tears that had already been dried starting to well once more at the corner of reddened eyes, lips starting to quaver once more as he jabbed a finger in your direction. “Y-you left us,” his word ladened with accusation, those sandy brown eyes clouding over as the waterworks flowed. “You did, didn’t you? You m-married someone else in the future.”
And he sounded so convinced by his own words too, you amusedly noted, as if it had already happened because he said so. “I did not,” you stated simply, reaching over to affectionately pat his knee. “I told you, you boys will always be my priority.” You weren’t sure how the delinquent with the duo-colored hair came to that particular conclusion, though you supposed it was simply just jealous. 
Draken raised an imposing eyebrow. “And you don’t want to tell us what happens because?”
“Because I’m afraid it changes the future for the worse.”
“What can you tell us?”
You hummed, your eyes glancing momentarily towards the ceiling as you thought before returning to meet Draken’s gaze. “My room was still exactly the same in the future.”
“Really?” Pah looked intrigued at the idea.
“Yup! Whoever did it did a good job too, my blankets were even folded back neatly.”
Outside, your neighbor was quiet as it always was right at noon, with students yet to be released from their classes and workers still congregated under the big city lights. It was strange, looking over roads and houses that you knew would stand the test of time, leaving you to wonder if the neighbors you were well-acquainted with still occupied their homes in the future you came from. Letting out a sigh as you leaned back onto your bedroom wall, you stretched out lazily as best as you could. “Say,” you ventured. “Did you happen to meet future me?”
Kazutora sniffled, just as Mikey lifted his head to stare blankly at you, as if your question had been asked in Martian. “W-what?” “What?”
”Nothing,” you hastily concluded. Seems like the ‘future you’ was somehow missing, and you noted that down mentally in case you needed that.
Thankfully the subject of your apparently strange question was dropped before you had to elaborate any further on your awkward question, with dirty looks immediately being exchanged between the two still clung to you, though the black-and-yellow haired boy’s ire was quickly stolen 
You hadn’t missed Mitsuya’s unwillingness to mingle with the rest for the entire length of the time the six boys had been gathered, the lilac-haired boy keeping a careful distance from Kazutora in particular, nor did you miss Kazutora’s and Mikey’s seeming aversion to each other’s presence as well, the ugly stink eyes they shot at each other over your shoulders while attempting to jab at each other when they thought you weren’t looking hard to pass over. It was clear that your disappearance had sparked a fight between the Toman founders, and though the exact details were still lost on you, it wouldn’t do to leave this crack to split any further as far as you could help it. Huffing at Kazutora’s more insistent grip around your waist, an indulgent smile pulled at the corner of your lips as you beckoned at Mitsuya to join the huddle, before your hand moved to gently stroke a pouting Mikey’s back. “Have you boys been fighting again?”
“No.” “No.” The immediate denials, combined with their gazes instantly dropping from yours, were suspicious to say the least. You imagined that they had, in fact, been fighting while you were lost to the flow of time. You wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest.
Tutting, you dished out forehead kisses to the beefing delinquents, feeling them melt away against you. “If I cook some tempura for everyone for lunch, would you be willing to make up?”
You didn’t need to wait long to get your answer.
Days started to pass, the hours slipping through your fingers like water. Every minute brought you further and further from your little trip to the future, your disappearance from this present. Your boys had yet to let up with their obsessive observations of you as you expected. It had, after all, just been four days since your return. You simply took it in stride, having no qualms about them wanting to tail you anywhere and everywhere, clinging to a limb or to your back as you went about your day; it definitely beat being confined to just your bedroom and cuffed to your bedpost. With enough reassurances about how you really wouldn’t leave them, and that no, you couldn’t control your time traveling, you even managed to convince your delinquents to let you back out into the wider world for accompanied trips to the supermarket and snack shops. School, however, was still out of the question for the foreseeable future (you tried).
The afternoon sky overhead was unusually overcast, the threat of rain only growing more convincing with every passing minute. Strong gusts of wind rattled windows and doors, ferrying the heavy gray clouds straight in your direction as the humidity only seemed to climb higher and higher, and you were very certain that a thunderstorm was brewing despite the continued absence of thunder. Yet here you were, you mused, as you sat on a curb with a drink in hand, alone outside for the first time in a week while you waited for Baji to settle some differences with the other delinquents inside the store. Come to think of it, you couldn’t remember the last time you had been left truly alone ever since your disappearance, though clearly, Baji not wanting you to watch him fight sat higher on the priority list. It probably wasn’t going to take long anyway.
A pause as you scratched mindlessly at your skin under the cuff. Did Baji from the future also like to fight as much as your current Baji?
Despite the possibility of you returning to that particular future being close to zero in your opinion, given that the boys had a good handle on that purple-gold charm, but you couldn’t help but think back on the white-haired Mikey from the future that had melted in your arms, that you had left behind. Ah no, not left behind, you corrected yourself, as you tried to wave away the instant guilt that settled in your heart. Technically - technically it was just one of many possible futures, and that particular future where your friend had suffered so much could have already been changed.
But something deep in your gut told you that you were wrong. Pushing that line of thinking to the back of your head, you instead opted to amuse yourself with the shenanigans of the past few days as you waited.
You had, for one, been cooking almost non-stop for your boys ever since your return: breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snacks. Unusual, certainly, and you didn’t have to of course: no one was forcing you to, even if your clingy trio had the strongest pouty faces and watery eyes you knew, but you did feel like you had to make it up to them for all the worry. You did however get a lot of amusement attempting to send them to the supermarket with a grocery list. 
And then there was the matter of Sanzu and the residue guilt that you couldn’t shake off. Sure, this Sanzu was not the same as the pink-haired man from the future with the crazy eyes, but you still wanted to put things right. Consoling yourself that even if it did change the future, a Sanzu that you were on amicable terms on was much better than dealing with someone that absolutely hated your guts for reasons beyond you, and apologizing in advance never caused any harm. It did take a lot of pleading, cajoling and outright bribery, but you finally manage to get Mikey and Draken to reluctantly agree to allow you to meet with the Fifth Division Vice Captain, though the two did remain very suspicious of how you knew the other.
Your lips were sealed from any further details, and you said your apologies and your thanks without giving out much information to the confusion of the boy with the mask, though thankfully for everyone involved, the meeting went rather uneventfully. Much to your dismay, the other was most likely forbidden from speaking to you, simply opting to listen quietly and then nodding at the end of your rambling, but you didn’t want to give him any more trouble - you didn’t trust your boys’ usual excuse that Sanzu was just quiet by nature and didn’t like to talk; they have been using that excuse for years by now. At least, you comforted yourself, you did manage to slip him another bag of karaage while a pouting Mikey was distracted.
You breathed out, watching another car whizz by as you took a sip from the bottle of iced tea. Beaded sweat that clung to your hair was dabbed off with a handkerchief, the humidity of the already hot afternoon only rising as the rain-laden clouds, gray from their load, rolled threateningly closer.
Glancing at your watch, you decided that it had been a long enough period of time for you to venture back into the small shop, the plastic bag hanging from your wrist rustling as you stood - your delinquent friend should be about done by now. But all you managed to take was a single step before you were quickly stopped once more. “Oh-” You blinked, shaking off the surprise, the black of the other’s shirt that you ran into momentarily blocking your entire field of vision. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
An annoyed tsk was all you earned it seemed as you quickly moved aside, and as your gaze was raised from the ground to meet the other, your obstacle was quickly revealed to be a boy with streaked yellow and blue hair, pierced violet eyes staring down at you through the circle lens of gold-rimmed glasses. A face you didn’t recognize from anywhere, not even the future. One that you would usually apologize again, write to the back of your mind, and then quickly move on to avoid any trouble, though the trailing blood leaking from the other’s nose and the bruises that decorated his face made you pause. “You’re hurt! Are you okay?”
”Fuck off.”
You didn’t let that bother you. “Don’t worry,” you assured, showing the other the scar left on your palm back from when you tried to save Ken-chin from that knife attack. “I’m a professional.” 
That seemed to confuse the boy enough for you to leap into action as his violet eyes looked bewilderedly between the small mark and your confident gaze. Whipping open your bag, you produced a small bottle of ointment and a few bandages, basic supplies that you always kept on hand for your own delinquent boys. “What’s your name?” You asked cheerfully as you ever so gently dabbed the dark spots before sticking a bandage over. 
“Rindo,” the boy answered. You replied with your own name, and that was that.
Carefully rinsing and repeating your procedure with each bruise till you were done (you were rather surprise he let you, if you were being honest), you passed him a tissue for his nose after with strict instructions to blow out the blood and not swallow it.
The other obediently held the tissue to his nose without complaints, as if silently asking if you were done now and to leave him alone. Not that you noticed, too busy rummaging through the convenience store plastic bag and retrieving a wrapped piece of taiyaki, to which you pressed it into his hand. “Here! For you,” you lifted your own open drink. “Sorry, I only bought one drink.” 
The ring of the convenience store door opening again was a bell that cut off any further conversations, and you waved a short bye to your newfound friend before rushing over to meet an exiting and very grumpy Baji.
Once more separated from you by simple time, the gunshot shattered the tension weighing down the freezing air of the refrigerated warehouse, finally silencing the annoying muffled begging as the bullet cleaved through flesh as effortlessly as a butcher’s knife through tuna. A click as the used shell was expelled, yet hushness was quick to fall once more over the warehouse despite the area being far from empty. Mikey exhaled, his warm breath leaving a trail of fog behind in the cold air even as the man simply continued to stare blankly ahead, abyss eyes fixed on some unknown spot off from where the traitor’s head had been just a minute earlier, gun lowered to hang limply by his side. 
A stone’s throw away, unusually alert green eyes framed by long pink lashes remained trained on the unmoving Mikey, the corners of Sanzu’s scarred mouth remained downturned as he contemplated what he had just witnessed. Far from the blood and death that bothered the made man, it was rather the sight of Mikey being there amidst the pooling blood instead of him, Bonten’s Hammer. After all, it was rare - unheard of - for the boss to personally bloody his hands with the dirty work, yet this was far from being the first instance of such an exception happening this week alone, be it to rivals, traitors or Bonten members alike. There had been several close calls for even the executives where the various members had found themselves at the business end of Mikey’s gun, Sanzu included, though fortunately there hadn’t been any accidental deaths yet. 
And it was clear they remembered the past week’s incidents, Bonten’s Number Two breaking from his thoughts to throw an accusatory glance Kakucho’s way, given how everyone else was happy to let the boss stew, content with their quiet observation from a safe distance. Said black-haired man returned Sanzu’s icy look with a shrug that said everything: no one was too sure what was going to accidentally set Mikey off next, and with how trigger happy the man has been in the past few days, no one was quite keen to find out either. 
Which left only Sanzu to do the job - the same man who had just been discharged from hospital after committing the ultimate sin and still very much neck deep in Mikey’s shit list - but still the only person left willing to risk his life. And he didn’t even have any drugs left - that shithead of a doctor in Bonten’s infirmary ward had confiscated his own stash on top of denying him any painkillers. Traitors, the whole lot of them. 
The soles of Sanzu’s handcrafted shoes crunched atop the icy floor as he hesitantly took a few steps in the direction of his king.“Mikey?” 
No response. Not a twitch. 
The white-haired man seemed to barely even be breathing, lost to the breaking world in his mind. And there was no doubt about what caused this spiral. After all, it had been a mere three nights since you disappeared from his arms. Four days since Mikey had completely stopped eating or sleeping; and the few times Sanzu had caught the other nodding off for a few minutes before something wretched him back awake once more didn’t count. Short stubble dotting his chin, his mob of white, uncombed hair unkept atop his head, and still dressed in the same days-old clothes, it was as if he had ceased to function completely, and it was because of you that Sanzu’s king was rotting away, perishing before his eyes. A ruthless, cold man Mikey was as the head of the largest criminal syndicate in Japan, but twelve long years apart and for him to have only a taste of his darling you before some unknown force wretched you away from him again; it was as if the spark to keep slugging onwards had finally been extinguished from the broken man, and the strongman facade was starting to crack. 
Despite the pink-haired man’s continued disdain for you, he understood, but there was nothing more he could do. Every available resource at Bonten’s disposal had already been committed to combing every inch of Tokyo, and all they could do now was wait. Letting out a sigh, Sanzu closed the distance, taking the few steps that brought him elbow to elbow with the boss, with just a couple of inches between the two. “Mikey? You alright?�� He tried again.
Silence once more blanketed the area as his words drifted off and died, the freezing air in the refrigerated warehouse thick and heavy and hard to breathe. Off in the distance, Rindo shivered from behind the seat of a forklift, the chill finally getting to the younger of the Haitani brothers, but the world still fell silent. 
At least this time Mikey did react, though not to Sanzu, the Bonten boss simply turning away from his right hand man, slippers making nay a sound as he padded away towards the exit, body listing from side to side with every step. “Ah, is it?” The ragged whisper that fell from Mikey’s lips seemed to echo louder than the earlier gunshot, unsteady steps threatening to give way under the man’s frail frame as he muttered to himself. “It was me? I see.”
All Sanzu could do was watch and grimace, hand moving to grip the bottom of his striped vest, knuckles turning white from his tight, frustrated clench. Mikey wasn’t speaking to any of the executives present, no, but to you: the whispering, taunting version of you that lived rent-free in Mikey’s hallucinations and delusions. Like a ghost that refused to depart, your shade haunting the white-haired man’s every move despite your absence, staying just beyond his grasp yet so mockingly close - who knew what kind of vicious words you were tormenting him with?
Even as he still questioned what had led to his intense dislike of you in the first place, he knew that the real you would never do such a thing, especially considering the tenderness with which he had previously witnessed you holding Mikey’s bony hand with. Definitely not to Mikey, but that was a matter for a different time. Shaking his head to clear his mind, the second-in-command tuned out those nagging voices, letting out a sigh that instantly fogged up into a cloud of white fog as he turned his attention back on the unstable man in front of him. Truly, having to live with this amount of clarity at all times was painful.
One step wrongly placed, and time felt as if it came to a crawl as Mikey’s slipper failed to get a grasp on the thin layer of ice that coated the cement tiles, the already lethargic man looked as if he would be meeting the ground under his own weakened legs, white hair streaming out behind the Bonten boss as he descended. 
Sanzu moved. “Wait Mikey, you’re-” Calloused hands shot out in an attempt to catch his falling king, though it seemed too little too late, that signature black shirt brushing past the tips of his fingers.
But in that instant, the former up-and-coming delinquent was quicker, a speed reminiscent of his glory days as Toman’s President as he caught himself with little difficulty. “Don’t you fucking touch her,” the guttural growl reverberated across the tin-roofed building, and in one smooth move, the black pistol whipped around to lined straight up with the centre of Sanzu’s forehead, the black, heavy eyebags that clung to the bottom of Mikey’s eyes scrunching up as his gaze narrowed dangerously.
The world held its breath as green eyes met abyss ones. 
A second ticked by. 
A bead of sweat gathered along Sanzu’s pink hairline despite the freezing temperature, trickling down the side of his face. Was this it?
Another second.
Perhaps it was a mere moment of recognition that glimmered behind those exhausted eyes to which clung black, heavy eyebags, perhaps it was your specter taking pity on him, saving him from what was an unenviable fate. Whatever it had been, the heaved sigh of relief that slipped out from Sanzu’s scarred lips started his world spinning once more as the barrel of the gun was lowered, the other’s bony arm shaking from the effort of holding up the pistol. He hadn’t been sure if Mikey would squeeze the trigger, and even though he wouldn’t have been too angry to die by his liege’s hands, it was far from the right time to leave the other to those spiralling thoughts. He did, after all, swear an oath to keep the former Toman President safe; he had for all this time and he will continue to do so, even if it meant keeping Mikey safe from himself.
The palpable stillness persisted as seven pairs of various colored eyes watched Mikey turn once more to leave, soundless steps reverberating through the tense air as his abnormally delicate figure grew smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared behind the half-open warehouse door, long tendrils of cold fog lazily trailing out after him.
Running one hand through his mob of pink hair, Sanzu took a glance around at the rest of the executives present as a silent grumble slipped his lips; it was rare to see anything but amusement on the faces of these usually desensitized criminals, and even rarer for everyone present to be of the same thought. And if it had been anything but this conundrum, the pink-haired second in command wouldn’t have wasted any time in giving it to them for showing such useless emotions. But with the quickly deteriorating state of their boss as the hours and days go by and no sign of your return or your presence anywhere, there was little they could do but watch with concern as Mikey wasted away. 
Despite the already ongoing search looking non-stop for you, all day and all night, a tightening knot at the base of his gut combined with a nagging feeling told Sanzu that they were unlikely to find you anywhere, his mind instantly leaping back to the pounding headache and the change in his memory back when he awoke in the infirmary four days ago. Why did he stop hating you with every fiber of his being previously? How did you do that? No matter what the others said, there was definitely something off about his sudden change of heart with regards to you, Sanzu knew without doubt, and he would get to the bottom of this.
For now, what he needed to figure out was what combination of begging and groveling would be enough to get Mikey to at least accept some water.
Yet just three hours later, Mikey’s situation had already taken a turn for the worse. Four days without food, let alone sleep, would do anyone in, and even the once undefeated Toman President was no exception. Now standing alone, consumed by the darkness of the last untrodden area in Bonten headquarters, Sanzu knew he was breaking every rule worth remembering, doing something so explicitly forbidden by his king. But as he rummaged through mostly empty cupboards and amidst the little belongings owned by the infinitely wealthy yakuza boss in a bid to find something, anything that could help, the black hole of spiraling thoughts that encompassed the events of the past thirty minutes overriding any awareness he had the items passing through his hands. 
After all, it had been him who had come across Mikey, his near-skeletal figure sprawled unconscious across plush carpets halfway down Executive Row, just meters away from the worn white door of his bedroom. It had been him who had scooped the man into his arms and rushed him down to the infirmary, grimly noting how the man weighed barely anything. And it had also been him, on his knees and his forehead to the ground, pleading with a conscious Mikey to allow the doctor to administer a fluid IV, only for the other to reject his fervent imploring with a simple turn of his head, those exhausted abyss eyes breaking from his teary green ones wordlessly to stare blankly at the ceiling. Because no words needed to be said for Sanzu to know what the boss demanded: he would accept nothing less than your return and your cooking.
Despite the white-haired man not being present, allowing the light from the hallway outside to pour into the usually unilluminated room - the gloom and morbidness just as Mikey likes it - felt too much like the discretion of such a sacred space to the ever-loyal Sanzu, though this did leave him to conduct his hunt with just the sliver of light that sipped in from under the door. The cold sweat that gathered and pooled on his palms was hastily wiped away on striped pants as the usually high second-in-command attempted to focus back on his searching, green eyes scanning around in a desperate attempt to find something that could help, a clue that could point to where you were, anything. 
This was all your fault. Was there nothing he could do but let fate play out?
It was only as Sanzu threw up his arms in exasperation did a glimmer from the furthest end of the room catch the corner of his eye; the small amount of light that reflected back seemed to sparkle even in the dark. The faintest shimmer of gold. What was that? A cautious few steps revealed the source to be a school bag - your school bag, judging from the neatly written name on the tag - that you had failed to take with you for whatever reason. And more importantly, hanging from the front of the bag from a zipper was that notorious purple-and-gold onomori that had him recoil his hand as if burnt. 
No doubt it was the same one that still haunted his every step, one that marked you as off-limits all those years ago on the threat of torture and death. Yet -
The Bonten man reached out, gripping the onomori with one fist. He vaguely remembered something from many years ago, maybe twelve or more, when you first disappeared, when you first gave him that bag of karaage. He had been the one to find your charm, and if his scrambled memory hasn’t failed him, the simple of act of picking up this charm had summoned you out of thin air. Though after holding it for a rough five minutes, Sanzu sighed, undoing the simple note that kept the charm tied to your bag before standing. He probably just dreamt that particular one up during one of his highs.
Still, the man noted as he wrapped the small item ever so carefully in a clean handkerchief and tucked it into his breast pocket, it was probably precious to Mikey. Something to lift his spirits a bit maybe, if it did nothing else - anything that would keep his king going until you could be located. 
And pressing it into said man’s weak hand later, and watching the charm disappear under sterile white blankets as Mikey retracted his thin arm, it was all too clear to Sanzu that the other was running out of time. If they don't find you soon, Mikey dies. 
Turning to leave his boss to his thoughts, the right-hand man decided that he didn’t quite enjoy all the stress. He could use a smoke about now.
The sight of the empty lot where your school building formerly sat brought that familiar gut-sinking feeling back to your abdomen, one that you didn’t think you would be feeling again. Running one hand through your hair, you let a sigh escape your lips. You were back in the future again, it seems. Whether this was the same future or a different one, or even if you had skipped ahead the same number of years was something that was beyond you at the moment, and you had even less on you this time then the previous incident, having been caught in your literal pajamas right as you were about to head to bed. Which came with a secondary problem, one that you found by simply looking up - it was still the middle of night.
The neighborhood where your school once was was silent as it always was at this time of day, with most students and adults alike usually asleep by this time of day. Slipping your phone out from your pocket, you noted that the battery was dead once more: was it just a side effect of the time leaping?
Patting down the rest of your pajamas only confirmed that you had none of your house keys on you unlike your previous experience, which only meant that you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. Though heading back home wouldn’t be a bad idea if this was still the same timeline, and your feet started to carry you down familiar paths once more. Yes, you were sure at least someone would know you were back if you waited by the front door.
Takemichi let out an exasperated grunt, ruffling his hands through his hair. He had been back and forth from the future twice in the last four days alone, plus that disaster meeting with Draken, and nothing. No clues, no progress, nothing. You were still nowhere to be found. Kicking a stone down empty roads, the former Toman delinquent felt truly helpless for the first time. If his time leaping ability was being overridden by yours, then there was no point to what he was putting himself through - he couldn’t change the future until they could figure out how to stop yours.
And that meant…
The black-haired man shook his head vigorously in an attempt to stop his thoughts from going down that beckoning abyss. No, he couldn’t give up now. Taking a deep breath, Takemichi looked up, fists clenched determined by his side. 
It was the middle of the night now, and the streets were completely empty of souls, with the exception of him wandering down aimlessly. In the distant, an occasional rumble of the engine of a passing vehicle, though none passed his way. But Naoto had mentioned that this area was where your school once stood, plus you lived not too far away as well, and therefore if you were really a time leaper, then there was a high chance this was the place you would return to. It made sense, Takemichi agreed, but this was already the umpteeth time he had searched.
Pulling one hand down his face, a flash of hair in the distance caught the man’s eye before it quickly disappeared behind a wall, too fast for him to even register. That looked like…you? Was that a hallucination? 
A quick jog forward took Takemichi to the bend in the street, but when he looked round the corner, whatever trace of whoever it had been walking the roads was already gone.
Across the bustling city of Tokyo, Rindo froze mid-step. 
Yet the sudden lack of movement was lost on Ran. The evening traffic had yet to let up outside, the rumbling of cars and the occasional horn cutting through the unnatural silence that hung inside the tiny shop tucked just a street away from the main road, though it was precisely the quietness that had carried with it the promise of an earlier rest. Careful to avoid dirtying his shoes with blood, the older Haitani had already made his way to the exit, suit jacket casually swung over one shoulder, gun tucked away safely and out of his side under his vest. “Let’s head straight back to base, Rindo,” Ran groaned, running one hand through his short purple hair only to grimace upon realizing that said hand was caked with someone else’s blood. Today was really not going his way. “You can grab a drink at the rooftop bar or something, I don’t know.”
Yanking the front door open with a grunt, said Bonten executive didn’t stop to hear if there was a response from his younger brother, instead opting to step straight out and back onto the narrow side alley, the buzzing streetlight overhead as if a welcome back from the grim of that filthy store and its dead, traitorous owner. Taking a breath of the comparatively better smelling air outside, Ran stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants, pulling out a sole crumpled cigarette and a handful of change - but no lighter. Not even a match. Fuck this fucking disgusting job.
Ran turned, hand already outstretched. “Rindo, do you have a light -” And it was only then did it hit him that his brother had not followed him out. Rindo was still in the store for some goddamn reason, and he had to go back in there. The feared mafia officer sighed. This had better be important.
Alas, he spoke too soon.
“I think my memories just changed,” was seemingly all that Rindo could bring himself to mumble at the chime that came with the opening door, the man with the long purple hair still standing by the row of unpowered display refrigerators where Ran had last seen him, violet eyes staring down at the blood pooling around the cooling bodies sprawled on the floor. The stench of iron didn’t seem to bother the younger Haitani, too caught up in his jumbled mind as Rindo tried to make head or tail of what had just happened.
Ran, however, was far from impressed, simply propping both his hands on his hips and raising one eyebrow at that statement. “Did you get into Sanzu’s drug stash?”
The sheer vileness of that statement alone was enough to shake Rindo out from his own little world, with said man snapping straight back into reality ready for a fight. “How dare you-” the younger of the two let out a cough, the sudden thick smell of death and blood that made itself known to his previously oblivious nostrils choking up his airway momentarily. “How dare you say that.”
“Well, what else am I supposed to say when you talk dumb shit?”
“It’s not dumb shit, fuck you Ran! My memories changed!” Rindo insisted, carelessly stepping over the bodies at his feet, Ran wincing at the blood splattering up and all over his brother’s shoes. That would be a pain to clean later. 
But still, the older Haitani led the way back outside and into the fresher air of the alleyway, before turning around to better understand the situation his dear brother seemed to have found himself in. “Alright, if not pink pills, then what happened?”
Rindo himself still seemed to be struggling to make head or tail of what had just happened, letting out a groan as the man with the long purple hair rubbed his temple with one hand. “It was after we shot those two inside. All of a sudden, my head felt like it was about to explode for a second, and I suddenly knew…stuff. Things that I didn’t know before."
“Like what?”
“You know you were telling me about Mikey’s girl earlier?”
“Uh huh.”
“I’ve never met her, and before the job, I couldn’t tell you what color her hair was. I can pick her out from a line of schoolgirls now.”
Violet eyes met each other, and as if on instinct, both men thought back to the Bonten infirmary just days earlier, where an eerily similar sentence had been muttered. Sanzu. Ran sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “So it wasn’t the drugs.” This day was just getting worse and worse. “Let’s head back and sync up.”
“Sure,’ Rindo shrugged, scratching the back of his head as he nonchalantly followed his older brother, the purple-haired duo stepping out onto the busy main street and blending into the crowd, blood splattered shoes a distant thought. “I do remember her being pretty nice though.”
Ran raised an eyebrow, as he absentmindedly fiddled with his earring. “Pretty nice or pretty and nice?”
The younger Haitani audibly tsked, raising one leg to kick at the other’s. “You know what I said.”
The lighter, joky mood that the brothers shared didn’t last past their return to Bonten HQ, much to Ran’s disappointment, the usually silent place abuzz with a rare, panic atmosphere. Men and women alike dressed in neatly pressed suits rushing every which way, the small bulge under their suit jacket where their guns were strapped to an unspoken reminder of where they were - no doubt the communicators fixed to their ears were all but alight with barked orders and updates. Casually grabbing a passing grunt, it took a mere moment and single shouted objection for the poor soul to realize who exactly had grabbed him by the back of his shirt, the purple and green striped suits too iconic to be mistaken. “Ah- oh, Haitani-sama.”
“What’s going on?” Ran didn’t need to see through those dark sunglasses to see the other’s shifty look: the nameless Bonten grunt was definitely contemplating the chance of him being dead within the next five minutes as opposed to the next hour.
Rindo reached threateningly into the depths of his suit, and sweat began to pour off the other’s forehead. “You know,” the younger of the two Haitanis started. “I’ve had a really bad day.”
”No, please, Haitani-sama, I’m not sure-“
Fortunately for all three men involved, the interrogation was brought to quick and uneventful close with the appearance of an all-too familiar mob of pink hair just as Rindo pulled a lollipop out to pop into his mouth. The grunt was let go to scramble off as both sets of violet eyes snapped to the unusual sight of Sanzu impatiently tapping his foot soundlessly against the plush carpet of the foyer, smoking cigarette held between scarred lips as the man looked around before glancing once more at his watch. 
A smirk instantly began to pull at Ran’s lips as he stuffed both hands into the pockets of his pants, strolling over. “Oh Sanzu~”
“I’m busy,” came the other’s curt reply, green eyes looking Ran up and down a mere moment before turning away.
”We know, we know,” the man with the short purple hair pacified. “It’s just that-“
Rindo quickly butted in, having closely followed his older brother over. It was clear that Sanzu, far from his usual drugged up and easily bullied state, actually had things to do and places to be. “My memories changed.”
Sanzu’s unusually alert gaze slid over once more to meet Rindo’s, and it seemed the severity of what the younger Haitani said set in quickly as his eyes steeled. “Mine did too. Again,” the Bonten second-in-command disclosed, though he said no more as the glass doors of the foyer slid open and Kakucho stepped out, gloved hand lightly touching where his gun was strapped to his chest under his jacket. “We’ll talk about this later. House alarm tripped again.”
Ah, your little pick-up party, Ran noted from the side, watching the two top Bonten executives slip effortlessly into a black, featureless car that quickly pulled away from the compound. So you were back - and your arrival must have something to do with the changing memories.
How interesting.
Across town, Draken cursed out loud as his feet flew over concrete paths down empty streets. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
You were a fucking time leaper.
He had been working late on a client’s bike as he always did, the closed garage a quiet refuge after the hustle of the normal work day. The headache had hit him like a clap of thunder, with his brain feeling it was pressing up against his skull; and memories of twelve years past suddenly started to flood back, a recollection he couldn’t control. But they were all memories that he didn’t previously have, freshly added memories: some of your reappearance in his past, some of a fight he never recalled having with the other Toman founders, and most importantly, memories of you telling them what had happened.
It changed him, Draken admitted. It gave him a renewed hope that he didn’t remember possessing, that they might be able to fix this entire mess, that you were somewhere out there. All this time you were missing - it was true. You couldn’t control it like you had admitted. But if the past him still had that onomori, then why were you back in the future? 
Turning a corner, a quick step aside was the only thing that kept him from running straight into someone else, though those fast, honed reflexes also almost had Draken swinging his fist into an all-too familiar face. 
Baji was panting as if he had ran a full marathon, his apron half undone and left swinging from his neck, his hand clutching his open phone. It seemed like the other Toman founder had been struck with the same revelations, Draken determined, judging from the half-dressed state he was in. 
And then those two fateful words tumbled from Baji’s lips. “Time leaper.”
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fushiguroslvtz · 1 year
Bonten thirsts
Characters: Koko, Rindou, Sanzu, Ran
I strongly believe that Koko is a switch. He loves spoiling you in every way possible, but also will melt if you call him a nasty slut and choke him.
“Baby, I’m home” he yelled after walking into your shared home. He made is way through the large house, until he found himself at the bedroom door. He enters the quiet room to see you sitting perched on the bed, wearing his favorite lingerie. “Did you think it was okay to send me those pictures while I was at work?” you questioned. Koko has flashbacks to the rather suggestive photos he had sent you earlier in the day when he was feeling needy. “You’re such a slut, Hajime, anyone could have seen those lewd pictures, but then again, you’d probably like that.” you said in a taunt. He stuttered out a gibberish response, trying not to pay to much attention to the throb of his cock at your mean words. You noticed this and grabbed at his belt loops to pull him in. The tent in his slacks was painfully noticeable, but he didn’t want to admit that he was so turned on by your taunting and teasing. You pushed him down onto the bed a straddled his lap. “Wasn’t very nice of you to leave me home alone, all hot and bothered, now was it Haji?” you questioned while slowly rocking your hips against his painfully hard cock. He let out a moan and before he could get a full answer out, you reached for his throat and began to squeeze. Small diamond-like tears formed in his eyes as he pleaded for relief, but you simply denied. “Nasty sluts don’t get rewarded.” That’s all you had to say to make him cum in his pants.
Rindou likes to talk a lot of shit, but the way his hips stutter when he enters your cunt always say how he really feels.
“Hey love, how was your day?” you call out to your boyfriend as he enters your home. He mumbles out a response and storms off to his office. You followed behind him but upon entering, he scoffs and glares at you, “Clearly I’m in a bad mood, so kindly, fuck off.” he barked out. You backed out of the room giving him his desired space, you decided to hop in the shower to distract your mind from his dicky behavior. As the warm water flooded your back and the steam clouded your senses, you began to feel needy. The sound of the door opening brought you out of you thoughts and soon after, you felt the arms of your boyfriend lace over your shoulders. “I’m sorry for be’in an ass earlier, work was really shitty today. I love you, I’m sorry.” he sounded sincere. “I’ll forgive you this once.” you said in a playful tone, knowing that you would forgive him regardless. His hands roamed further down until his hands met with your breasts. “Need you.” he said breathlessly as he began to kiss and nip at your neck. He pushed you onto the tile wall and gave you a questioning look, seeing if it was okay to proceed you replied back with an affirmation, and he rammed his stiff cock into your plushy walls. “Fuck pretty girl, s’tight ~ngh” he moaned out as he rolled his hips. He kissed your neck and gave a slight tug to your hair which caused a moan to bubble from your chest. He continued to pound into you at a ruthless pace until he felt his cock begin to twitch. “Fuck baby, I won’t last much longer.” he stuttered out. He brought his hand to your clit and began to circle it perfectly. “m’gonna cum, Rin.” you barley managed to say in between moans. “Go ahead baby, let go.” and with that you came, hard. You felt his cock twitch one last time before you felt him paint your inside with his cum. “Ah, fuck baby.” he groaned as he came, abs flexing and hips stuttering. As he is coming down from his high, he whispers something in your ear. “Please don’t leave me.” he says. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Sanzu is like reallyyyy into aphrodisiacs.
Sanzu Called you at 2:00am, which is something that you’ve become used to as your relationship with him progressed. You weren’t quite dating, but you were also more than a fuck buddy. It was complicated. You arrived at Sanzu’s penthouse, only to be greeted by the pink-haired-man eagerly opening the door. The moment you stepped into the house, he was on you. He pushed you up against the door and kissed you hungrily. After a few minutes you questioned him about why he was so horny. “I took these pills that make you really horny, and I’m kind of dying.” God dammit. You were less than content with that answer, worrying about his safety and well being, but you were also worried about your stamina. “This is going to be a long night” you thought to yourself. Haru sat there, eyeing your form. Considering that it was two in the fucking morning, and you came here for sex, you weren’t wearing much clothing, opting for a low cut tank top and a pair of stretchy shorts that hugged your body perfectly. The sight of you alone could have him falling apart. You gaze down at his erection, it looked so painful, and after weighing the pros and cons of this situation, you sink down to your knees and undo his belt. “Please Angel..need you s’bad.” He chocked out. You pull out his cock and begin to experimentally lick the tip. “Fuckfuckfuck yeah baby…jus’ like that-ahh” his hand finds purchase in your hair as you begin to take his length down your throat, he practically screamed when your throat tightened around him. “Baby, I can’t hold out anymore, m’gonna cum.” He whined. He was so perceptive to all of your movements, you actually enjoyed this. With a few more bobs of your head, he came down your throat with a loud cry. “M’so sensitive baby, m’sorry.” Of course you didn’t mind, it was really hot seeing him break in front of you.
Ran reallyyyyyy likes when you call him daddy.
Ran Haitani is a tired man. He works long hours all of the time, has nightmares that prevent him from peaceful slumber, and to top it all off you have a newborn son together. Ran steps into the role of fatherhood surprisingly well. He does his best to let you rest while he does his best to care for your baby. You honestly are great full to have him. He loves your sweet little family, and he stays composed and hardly lets the stress of his life get to him. He usually remains calm and laid back. Usually. He finds his facade crumbling at one sentence leaving your plump lips. “You look tired daddy, let’s go up to bed so we can have some alone time.” That fucking name. “What did you say, doll?” He needed to hear that again, he needed to make sure he heard you right. “I said we should go up to bed?” You gave him a questioning look, confused as to why he suddenly seemed riled up. “Not that baby, you know what I mean.” You realized what he was referring to. You honestly didn’t mean anything by it, you had just become used to referring to him as “daddy” around your son, and it happened to just slip out. “Say it again.” What did you get yourself into. You utter the name again, and suddenly his lips are on yours. He lifts you off of the couch, and carries you into your shared room. “Sit still and look pretty for daddy.” He utters out, as you make your way onto the bed. He removes his cloths, the only article of clothing that remains on his chiseled body is a pair of black boxers. Before you know it, you’re stripped down completely, caged underneath his large frame. “Daddy’s gonna fill you up till your nice and full tonight, princess. Is that okay with you?” All you could manage to do was moan back a response. He moved his fingers down until they found purchase on your clit. You were already soaked. “My princess is all nice and wet for me. Such a good girl.” You allowed beautiful moans and wines to leave your throat, which only encouraged him to continue. He stuck two fingers into your tight cunt and began to scissor them in and out to prep you for something bigger. “Daddy, I’m close.” You moaned out, causing him to flip you over and sheath his cock fully inside of you with a single thrust. “Ahhh, fuck” you wined out, the pain slowly disguising itself as pleasure. “Still so f-fuckin’ tight baby” he set a quick and ruthless pace. “Da-daddy, I’m s..so…fu-fuckin-ahh” before you could finish your sentence you came all over his cock. “Look at my messy -ah fuck- girl” he could’ve came then with the vice-grip your pussy had on his cock. “I’m gonna get you nice and full of my cum, maybe get you pregnant again” the coil in your core began to tighten again, you were close. “Please daddy, I want your cum” “don’t worry baby, I’ll give you every last drop” with that, Ran came deep into your cunt, painting your walls pearly white, causing you to reach your second high. He collapsed on top of you. You tried to get up so you could clean yourself, and him, up, but his strong arms held you close. “I wanna stay like this for a bit longer, please baby?” How could you say no when he looked that angelic. Just like that, you fell asleep in each others arms, with his softening cock still inside of you.
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sokonoi · 2 years
how they send nudes — tr edition
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never ever ever ever sends nudes. 
always sends them when he’s very horny, hasn’t seen you in awhile, or is intoxicated. 
never sends a video, it’s always 2 pictures. 
usually with him holding the base of his pinkish cock
the second photo consists of what you did to him a.k.a cum on his pants 
he’s usually frantic not bothering to even pull pants down fully only unzips the front pulling his cock through the tiny hole
leaves a mean msg afterwards something along the lines of “this is ur fault” 
the king 
he sends not explicit videos, but basically porn films & does it regularly 
this man always catches the golden hour
making sure you see his glistened sunkissed abs and all
not much of a groaner, he’s a panter. 
calls your name in breathy pants & whispers 
he’s a pretty boy what do expect?
sometimes he cums untouched 
he’s shy about it, but when you get needy he does it. 
the lighting is always low, but the groans whew jehova and all his witnesses it’s too good
his voice is so soothing. 
he makes sure you can hear him clearly always
he’s the sweetest and always makes sure to give you affirmations & aftercare at the end of the video. 
especially if he’s busy at the moment & can’t text back.
“I know you did so good for me.” 
marry that man
aesthetic photos & their always in black n white. 
close up of his cum covered tip 
or your panties wrapped around the base, rarely sends videos hates his voice. 
even though you happen to think those pretty whimpers are golden. 
always asks you what you thought of it.
he needs your validation ASAP
another pretty slut
always does it to tease, the sound is always off 
he’s sick
even uses a fleshlight, shaped like your pussy
of course he’s not that mean :(
inupi is almost always standing in his videos 
cutting it off just before he cums.
this guy is so unserious 
and he almost always does it to surprise you 
wakasa always does an outfit of the day
but, somehow it ends up with his dick out.
he’s get’s his full body in it, so you able to see the curtain of hair 
and the way his brows furrow when he’s getting ready to cum 
cums on your stuff, when he’s mad at you for making him so hard 
it gets him off strangely.
his face is never in the videos the camera is always angled toward the stuff he’s defaced 
Sometimes he’ll rut his hips into the panties or your satin pillow. 
he hips shake desperately as he cums 
koko cums alot, nice thick ropes of it too
no wonder he loves facials…
he’s the sweetest, most perfect man to ever live. 
the set up is cute… he’s alone in his bed the angle is perfect 
mitsuya always makes it known in his videos that he’s thinking of you.
he whimpers your name endlessly. 
eyes are screwed shut with only you on his mind 
his cum oozes out like a fountain dripping onto his closed fists 
almost always says “hope you enjoy pretty girl.” 
before sending it your way
his videos and pictures are gold, they’d have to snatch it from your dead hands in order to get it. 
the only con is his feet, they’re like there and he doesn’t bother to crop them out
doesn’t gaf either 
on the good side, you get to see those beefy tattooed thighs in all their glory
he doesn’t send ever, but when he do
pls go to a quiet room bc its raunchy 
spit, slapping, edging, and dirty talk are through the wall. 
his groans are deep and loud as ever & can be heard even at low volume
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tatakaebomb · 2 years
Working overtime
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ꕥ Pairing : Bonten x Reader
ꕥ Synopsis : Who woulda thought tattooing gang members could lead to a gangbang.
ꕥ Word count : 3.15k ( i think )
ꕥ A/N : This took a while n i feel like it could of turned out better but at least i'm back to writing :)
ꕥ TW : smut, 18 +, tattoo artist!reader, rough, gangbang, dubcon, 5 (?) some, use of slut and whore, degrading, slight praise, sub!reader, anal, double penetration, handjobs, oral , mouth fucking (fingers), dumbification, voyeurism (?), fingering, slightest bit of knife play, unprotected, creampie, impact play ( kinda ), they r kinda mean, yes i have favourites i think it's obvious who they are // maybe i missed some lmk
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It was a weird day for you to say the least, when you get scheduled for a tattoo session with a group of dangerous men you've heard way too much about on the news - you re bound to over think it.
Since usually you do your tattoos in your studio, having to move to a random location in the middle of nowhere and being taken there blindfolded - it wasn't like you to take a job like this.
But the sum of money was too large to turn down, although that was a bit odd in itself. You ve written it off as you just being the lucky one they picked, completely dismissing all the red flags.
" You can take it off now, love " Sanzu's voice coming from the drivers seat soothes your nerves as you felt the car come to a complete stop. You do as he says, sliding the silk cover off your eyes, squinting slightly while adjusting to the light.
Sanzu smiles at you, opening the back seat door to let you out while you grabbed your bag, looking around you ended up freezing up. It was a massive garage filled with expensive cars one next to another, from Ferarris to Porsches, nothing seemed to be missing.
" I'm sorry " You apologise, feeling embarassment as you realised you ve been staring around for too long, the bright spot lights shining down on the man next to you, his blue eyes seemingly glowing as he raises an eyebrow.
" No need for apologies, you can relax - come " Sanzu grabs your hand, guiding you towards the big lift in the middle of the building.
You exhaled, looking at yourself in the mirror as Sanzu pressed the button leading up to the 2nd floor before turning around to meet your gaze in the mirror, giving you the same comforting smile.
You couldn't help but notice his scars, although you ve seen wanted pictures around everywhere - you would of never guessed how he would look like in person. Nor did you ever expect for him to act so nice to you, but regardless of that - your anxiety started to fade as you reached the floor.
" So the picture you sent me - that symbol , how many of you do i need to ink it on ? " You try to make conversation as you start walking through the hallway, pacing next to Sanzu.
" 5 of us, shouldn't take too long though - for me, i want it here " He said as he slid the sleeve of his shirt up, revealing his arm and showing you the area he d want covered .
You nodded in affirmation, humming an " ok " while trying to ignore the predominant veins on his arms along with his knuckles which were bright red and looked rough - who were you to question it anyway, you knew what you were getting yourself into from the very start.
" Ah , we're here "
You come to a stop in front of a big wooden double door, gulping as you feel your anxiety pile up again.
" Hey, you good? " Sanzu places a hand on your shoulder to comfort you making you turn your attention back to him with a lazy smile.
" Yup - all good " You laughed nervously, appreciating the small gesture. As Sanzu pushed open the doors, you pulled down on your skirt and shook your head deciding to fake it till you make it.
There was no going back now so you might as well be confident with it. As you walked behind Sanzu in the room, the first thing you noticed was the table in the middle of the room, 4 other men you ve recognised as Bonten members crowding around it, mindlessly scrolling through their phones while one was taking a long drag from a blunt - the intoxicating smell filling your senses as soon as you took a step closer.
You coughed, catching their attention and the man placed the blunt on the ashtray, sitting up and offering you a hand with a deviour smile, his hair loosely styled as a few strands fell on his face.
" The names Ran , pretty "
You smiled back and shook his hand, introducting yourself slowly to the other members before taking a seat at the table, facing Mikey - the one person who hasn't really talked much.
As you continued your chat with them, you got to know them one by one and your nerves eased completely, they looked intimidating but weirdly enough - they were so laid back you began to lose track of time and had to remind yourself you were here for business and needed to get started.
" So , Sanzu on the arm, Haitanis on their neck, Koko , you want it on your temple - and Mikey ? " You raised an eyebrow, taking the tattoo gun out and getting everything set up.
" Neck, the back of it " Mikey answers, his words barely coming out as he avoided eye contact with you. You shrugged it off and turned your attention to Sanzu who would be first.
He opted to unbotton his dress shirt and take it off to make things easier for you, but in all honesty it made it much harder to concentrate - you would never show that though.
You crouched down next to the chair and placed the stencil on, beginning to outline the symbol with the tattoo gun, pausing once you hear the man above you his through his teeth, a small smile on his face.
" Oh i'm sorry, shoulda given you a warning " You laugh it off, looking up to meet his eyes again.
" It feels kind of good , actually " Sanzu replied back, not breaking eye contact as he relaxed further in the leather chair.
From this angle you hated how your dirty mind made you think, being so close to his crotch didn't help your case and the small grunts were not ideal but nontheless - you did your job.
The room was quiet most of the time, you could only hear the small buzzing noise from the gun along side breathing, small noises that you immediately picked up on. You made your way through the rest, arriving at the last person which would be the younger Haitani brother, Rindou.
" I'm gonna be honest, this place will hurt like a bitch" You gave him a fair warning, tilting his head back before hearing his brother complain from behind you.
" Coulda told me that as well " Ran teased, making you roll your eyes as you changed the needle up.
" Well, i had a feeling you could handle it " You chuckle, beginning on Rindous tattoo. As soon as the needle came into contact with his neck, he exhaled before biting his lower lip, his eyes shutting and opening - slightly watering looking up at you.
You froze for a second, letting out a small 'fuck' you thought noone heard but once you felt Ran's slender fingers land on your hips from behind you, you knew you were in trouble.
" What was that ? " Ran says making the younger Haitani chuckle , your hand slightly shaky as you felt yourself lose that fake confidence instantly.
You were turned on and it was so painfully obvious there was no way any of them could of missed it. The tension was there since the moment you walked in and it just kept getting worse and worse.
The sound Koko made when you accidentally tugged on his hair to get it out the way, the way Sanzu looked down at you as you were crouched down and now this - this was dangerous.
" Oh, i meant fuck like i had to pause because my hand was shaky -" You stutter trying to come up with the terrible excuse on the spot, continuing to ink Rindous neck.
" Right, of course " Ran gave you a snarky reply before letting you get back to work. The breathing on the nape of your neck as you felt him look past your shoulder from behind you, it send shivers down your spine. You ignored it as best as you could but Ran's hands slowly made their way to the bottom of your skirt - and by then , you felt him raise it up slowly.
You were about to be finished but you took a small pause again , trying not to mess it up while glancing towards Sanzu - hoping for the same comforting smile from before.
Instead , though - you were met with the sight of him shirtless, twirling a glass of whiskey in his hand as he watched you contently from the small couch, Koko and Mikey on either side of him quietly chattering among themselves.
You tried to concentrate to the best of your ability and once you placed that final dot on the Rindous tattoo and placed the tattoo gun back on the table, you thought it was over.
Rans hands never once left your body, and you realised soon enough that it was far from being over.
You let out a gasp when you felt his hand push down on your back, bending you down roughly before you heard the sound of your tights ripping , your ass now on full display for everyone to see.
" What are you - This isn't - " You tried to speak, your hands grabbing onto Rindous shoulders tightly as another gasp leaves your lips, your hips swaying once you felt Ran's cold hand run between your clothed folds.
" I was right - this slut is dripping " Ran scoffs, pinching on your clit causing you to whimper. You looked back towards the couch, watching Sanzu stand up and pace towards you, pulling Rans hand off leaving the other man confused.
" Leave it - "
You breathe out in relief, but once you felt yourself being picked up, you could sense what was to come.
" She'll have to take me first " Sanzu placed you on the table with a smirk, parting your legs as he began kissing on your neck - earning quiet moans from you.
You wanted to push him away or say anything but you couldn't - ever since your eyes first met you had dirty thoughts running through your mind. You couldn't help it, he was attractive.
Rindou stood up and you couldn't process how it happened , but the two brothers ended up behind you, quickly slipping off your top and bra as Sanzu continued to roughly kiss you, his fingers reaching into his back pocket.
You looked down, your eyes widening once you saw the small switch blade swing open, the adrenaline kicking in mixed with the pleasure of the Haitanis rolling your nipples between their fingers, roughly grabbing onto your body before unzipping their dress pants and taking their hard cocks out, giving it a few pumps before going back to focusing on your chest.
You glanced at them and then at Sanzu, finding yourself surrounded as you begin to pump their cocks with your two free hands quickly, earning small words of praise and groans from the pair.
" Sanzu -" You got muffled by two fingers being placed into your mouth, your eyes looking next to you to see Koko towering over you, his red liner smudged as his expression focused on your lips.
" Stop whining and start sucking " Koko demands and you look at him through your damp eyelashes, twirling your tongue around the pad of his fingers and sucking obediently as small muffled moans leave your lips, trying to please him.
You felt the blunt size of the knife along your thigh, instinctive jumping causing Kokos fingers to slip out of your mouth, earning you a slap across your cheek before he grabbed your face to look at him.
" You seem pretty calm " Koko chuckles, pushing his thumb back past your lips
" How many times have you done this ? " Koko asks as Sanzu cuts through the fabric of your skirt and panties, further teasing you with the blunt edge of the knife on your thighs causing you to let out a shaky moan .
" Never sir " You manage to choke out, your lips parting once you felt Sanzu plunge his slender fingers inside your wet cunt, making your attention turn back to him.
" Lying whore - bet you've been passed around like this before " Sanzu growls against your ear , pushing and scissoring his two fingers against your spot causing you to moan his name out loud, clenching your fist around Ran and Rindou.
Suddenly, Sanzu takes his fingers out of you and flips you over, bending you over the table so Koko would position himself in front of you.
You resume back to the Haitanis, feeling precum leak onto your hands as you picked up your pace again, feeling your legs start to shake when you hear Sanzu taking off his belt .
Looking up at Koko , you saw him grinning down at you, taking out his cock before tapping on your cheek.
" Open wide , darling "
You follow his instructions, tears welling up in your eyes as you take the tip of his long cock in your mouth, focusing on that before gagging once you feel Sanzu drive himself into you in one long stroke, your eyes rolling back with a moan.
" Fuck , 's too big " You try to say but it ends up coming out muffled, Koko grabbing a fist full of your hair and pushing you down till your nose touched his pelvis, continuous gagging as you had no time to think of anything.
" You can take it " Sanzu lets out a breathy laugh before landing a smack to your ass, the sound of skin against skin filling the room along with your loud moans and their groans.
" Did i say you can stop, slut ? " Koko's words were fuzzy in your mind as you resumed and carried on sucking his cock, looking up at his throwing his head back as you felt yourself come closer and closer to cumming, Sanzu reaching deep inside you with every rough quick stroke.
" If you want it, better ask " Sanzu sends another smack to your ass before pulling you away from Koko. The impact of the smack nearly sent you over the edge, Sanzus cock hitting against your spot repeatedly as you tried to keep up with the Haitanis as well.
" Please - can i cum " You plead, your mind already going blank as you looked around you, noticing Mikey has been standing and watching the whole time, not saying a word.
Your eyes meet his and you felt your mascara run down your face with tears, whimpering a small please as another slap lands against your ass .
All you saw was Mikey giving you a small nod before you let go completely, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you came all over Sanzu's cock causing him to groan when you squeezed down.
" Fuck, dirty slut - you ever had it in here ? " Sanzu licked on two of his fingers, pushing them past the rim of your ass causing you to shoot up in pain, earning a few chuckles from the rest.
" Guess not " He moans in your ear, carrying on loosening you up as he drove his cock in and out of you roughly.
" Shit - I'm gonna - " Sanzu strokes in a few more times before you felt him fill you up completely with his cum before pulling out of you, the overstimulation of his fingers inside your ass along side his cock making you cum again with loud moans.
" Oh fuck, please- " You once again got muffled by Koko as he pulled you back down on his cock, the Haitanis making their way behind you quickly.
You felt a sharp pain once Ran slid the tip of his cock past your ass making you whine on Kokos cock.
" Shit, fucking tight " Ran coos , smacking your ass making it harder and harder to focus on Koko. Just when you started getting adjusted, Rindou slid himself into your cunt , exhaling loudly as he picked up his pace along side Ran.
The pain slowly faded turning into pleasure as you felt yourself being filled up by the three, your mind going blank as you roll your eyes back and cum over and over again, driving you insane as they continue to abuse your holes.
Kokos grip tightens on your hair and you feel him push you down hard making you choke while without warning he shoots streams of cum down your throat with load groans before pulling out suddenly.
" Good girl " Koko taps your cheek before taking a seat down and catching his breath.
You try to breathe after you swallow, your stomach feeling full as you didn't have any time to process anything, your eyes instinctively search for Mikey from across the room with every time you cum.
" Holy- fuck - please " You couldn't speak as your vision starts to blur, feeling your body begin to get exhausted as you continue to get fucked even rougher.
" What do you want whore ? " Ran groans into your ear after he pulls you up by your hair, Rindou drilling himself deeper and deeper - bumping into your cervix with every stroke.
" Please - fill me up " You moan, choking on your spit as you try to push yourself back on them, meeting their thrusts as the continued to fuck you dumb.
" Im your slut - 's so good " You slur on your words, quickly getting the two to reach their highs.
Your legs feel like they are about to give out as the two stroke in and out a few times before cumming at the same time, finally granting you your wish.
Ran and Rindou pull out of you and join the rest, catching their breath as you feel yourself already almost drifting to sleep - cum leaking out of everywhere down your legs.
" Fuck - Mikey " You quietly call out in exhaustion, your eyes struggling to stay open before they meet his again.
Mikey was the only one who hasn't done anything so when he stands up quickly, your heart jumps expecting more but instead of taking his turn he lifts you up on the table, leaving the other men confused.
" All of you, out " Mikey speaks, looking at the rest as they hesitantly leave one by one, closing the door behind . Your breath regulates as you try to face him, embarassment creeping on your face as he shakes his head with a half smile.
" Why didn't you -"
You get interrupted by him chuckling a response,
" I don't like sharing like that "
You couldn't help but get this weird feeling in your stomach as he helps you up quietly, leading you up to the couch and laying you down on the cushions carefully.
" You can crash here tonight, i'll give you the money n send you home tomorrow " He tells you before facung away from you and you impulsively reached out for his hand and pull him down, making him turn back around.
" I want to ... see you again " You manage to choke out before drifting off to sleep, earning a quiet laugh from the shorter man .
" Don't worry, you will "
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🏷 @kaedeakeshisworld @zoqcid @katelyurrr
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theanimeroom · 7 months
NOVEMBER 11TH, 2023 — 4:56PM
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kokonoi hajime was a strong individual, that was one thing that you knew. despite his undying loyalty to inupi and the way he never seemed to leave him alone, he could handle himself quite well. his self restrain was something to be admired, but when it came to you, the situation was quick to change.
you were a sweet girl, you always were very doting and caring when it came to koko and the things he needed. that’s what made him fall in love with you in the first place, your loving nature and the way you took care of him so well.
even after he decided to participate in the challenge with inupi, you were still in his corner the whole time.
“i know you can do it baby! i believe in you,” your tone was soft as you kissed his lips softly, and that was all it took to make his cock hard in his pants. the way you always supported him with everything he does, the way you always smile so pretty at him when he comes over to your house, he just love everything about you.
he tried his best to contain himself, honestly. he watched you wander around the house happily, smile evident on his face as you clung to him every time he came around. he stopped his fingers from curling under your shirt whenever you laid on top of him, your body mindlessly rubbing against him as you tried to get comfortable.
he forced himself not to suffocate you with his lips when you peck him gently after he gets home, your soft lips sending his brain into overdrive as he tried to control himself. you were a walking temptation, and he was slowly but surely losing his composure.
it wasn’t even two weeks before he lost his cool completely, the calendar hitting 11 days into the month before he was pressing your body against the wall, mouth against yours in desperation.
needy moans left his mouth, hands tangling in your hair as he moved your figure to the bedroom. you followed his movements, following behind him until you were in your room with your back against the sheets of your bed.
heavy grunts left kokonoi’s mouth as his cock slipped between your folds. “fuck!” you sighed, hips pushing down with every thrust into your pussy. your lips were swollen and pink as they wrapped around him, sucking him in as they had been for the whole night. “koko, pleaseeee.”
a dry chuckle left the male, his hands dragging along your chest until they were holding onto your breasts, index finger and thumb pinching at your nipple. your back arched as a wail escaped you, fingernails digging into his forearms. “yeah?”
his pace didn’t slow in the slightest, a cocky smirk crossing his face as you begged him for more. he loved the sound of your voice when you were fucked out and desperate, eyes welling with tears in hopes of koko having mercy on you. “gonna be a good girl and come on my cock, baby?”
you nodded with fervor, feeling your skin heat up as the knot in your stomach grew tighter and tighter.
“want to fucking ruin you…” his words cut through you like a knife, slowing down his pace just enough to make you whine, face scrunching in want as you pushed your hips down against him once more.
the tip of his cock was nearly at a bruising pace, pace slower but power still through the roof. if he wanted to ruin you, then he was certainly accomplishing his mission. your mind was blank as you followed his movements, holding his body close to yours.
“fuck!!— you’re gonna make me come,” you exasperated. his cock felt like heaven inside of you, the sounds of his short moans and grunts sending you into overdrive. “gonna fucking come!”
the moment those words left your mouth you were rolling your eyes, back arching as you clamped down on his cock. you clenched him so hard that the man above you moaned heavily, pounding into your sensitive pussy as you groaned in overstimulation. he was always so good at ruining you, and when you came all over his cock it was like your whole body turned to mush.
his stomach was clenching, eyes screwing shut as his eyebrows furrowed together. your cunt felt so good around him, squeezing tightly as he thrusted into you. your wetness created a squelching noise that sounded like music to koko’s ears, arousal coating him as his own orgasm started to cloud his vision. the waves of pleasure rolled through his body, eyes rolling to the back of his head as ropes of come coated your insides.
“fuck… your pussy is so fucking good…” his voice was low in your ear as you tried your best to listen. it felt like you were talking to air, his own needs closing his usual attentive nature off. his movement started to become more sporadic, moans and groans growing more aggressive as his lips pressed against yours.
ropes of come painted your insides, kokonoi squeezing your hips as his arousal finally became too much for him. a guttural moan slipped through his lips as his hips stilled. you felt so full, voice cracking as his come filled you completely.
kokonoi pressed soft kisses against your neck, soft groans slipping past his lips as he fucked you through both of your orgasms. already being exhausted, you couldn’t help but grind down onto his cock even after the orgasm that rippled through your body. “your pussy feels so good for me, baby. think you can give me another one?”
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don’t plagiarize, it’s not nice <3
©️ theanimeroom
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hey could you do some headcanons plus a little drabble about being bonten!haitani brothers little sister who's in her 3rd year of high-school??
mayhe she drops by to bonten headquarters sometimes when no one is at home and itd be so funny if she was also a raging feminist and talking back to her brothers (and maybe even the other members) if they make any sketchy comments (probably abt the prostitutes in bonten)
Aw Heck yeah I'll do this!
BUT!!! Please keep in mind that I never really watched tokyo revengers, so please bear with me. Anyways I'll try my best!!!
The feminine Haitani Feminist
Scenario: You are Rika Haitani, the youngest sister of the Haitani, already in your third and hopeflully last year of high-school. Since you know of your two elder brothers daily activities, you visit them at their meeting with Bonten to scold them for not eating with you.
To say that you were angry was an understatement.
You were fuming at the sight of the dusty and dirty apartment you asked your brothers to clean up before leaving for school, but they never listened. Now, as you were heating up the soup you cooked the day prior to eat with your brothers, you called Ran.
"Hello, my sweet sister-" "Do you have any idea how fucking angry I am right now?! I told you guys to clean our home and you and Rindou just up and left!"
"Okay Rika, let's talk about that a little later-" "No, I'm coming over. I know that you two didn't eat shit the moment I left the house."
And after hanging up on him saying something mid-sentence, you turned off the stove and put the soup in metall containers and locking them securely.
It took you a while to get there but you could already make out the many familiar faces of the girls and women working there, and you greeted them all with a smile, but in your head you frowned.
They were doing a dirty job for even dirtier men.
As you knocked on one of the doors you frequented where your brothers were often in meetings, you opened the door after a silent "come in".
And as you were holding the two containers, you saw your two brothers, your frown deepening and Ran giving you uneasy smiles. Rindou frowned right back at you before looking back and forth between you and his older brother. "Rika, what brings you here?", the middle sibling asked dumbfounded, making you look at him.
It seemed like you didn't even aknowledge the other members' existence, because Mikey was looking at the scene unfolding him with a poker face and even though he might have gotten more depressed over the years, he didn't loose his love for drama, even if it was sibling bickering. It was something he couldn't have anymore. So he always watched with slight fondness and longing instead of interfering.
Haruchiyo Sanzu, Mikey's right hand man as he always dreamt, was looking at you with bewilderment, you interrupted his "king", after all. But seeing the man next to him look at you with something like...fondness? on his face, so Sanzu didn't dare to say anything, fearing that he'd get an angry Mikey like the time he beat up and shaved some Mikey-haters' hairs for Mikey's birthday.
"First off, I told you guys to clean up the apartment before I left for school, and second, you BOTH promised me that you'd eat lunch with me, so why didn't you guys hold your promise?!"
Kakucho was also looking at you, but with slight annoyance. 'Why was this little girl here again? And she just has to be the younger sister of the Haitani brothers, of all people'... Still, he was watching his mouth around Mikey.
"We're sorry Rika, we really didn't want to make you feel forgotten, it's just that-" "You guys were so busy talking about 'Bonten stuff' that you even forget to eat? Tell me, when was the last time you two ate something today?", you unterrupted, looking at your two elder brothers expectingly.
While the two brothers were looking in front of them in shame and you sighing in dissapointment while opening the still hot containers, Takeomi Akashi opened his mouth and letting his inferiority complex speak. "Jeez, letting yourself get belittled by your little sister sure is humiliating, huh? Why don't you tell her to shut her trap so that we can keep going with the meeting, Mikey?", his voice asked, smirking at you smugly while he stroked his ugly beard.
But, you were smiling. "Shutting my trap you say? And who are you to tell me that? Huh?", you asked, your voice bittersweet and your smile too forced. Mikey had a ghost of a smile on his lips, making Sanzu flinch and look at you in amazement.
The pink haired man didn't understand what you did to bring a smile to Mikey's lips, but he sure as hell wouldn't omplain about your sudden visits anymore.
Rindou and Ran were fuming in the meantime. "What did you just say?!", Ran asked, already standing up and Rindou was about to put on some gloves when you snickered and took one container.
"I'm just sayin', she just nags you guys around and brings you food, she might as well become a prostitute like the other women here."
Annndddd, that was the last straw.
As you walked over to him with the containers while staring at him menacingly, takeomi felt slight unease. Why was he feeling so nervous? Were you about to give him something to eat? But there is no spoon-
"AARHRGHRGRH SHIT, Fuck, You FUCKING BITCH!", he screamed as you flung the soup at him, giving him second degree burns, but your glare was ice cold.
There was a long moment off silence, when ignoring the tall man's cry of pain. Sanzu and Kakucho were glad they didn't open their mouths, and Kokonoi was looking at you with wonder in his eyes. Takeomi was at least a whole foot taller and at least ten times stronger than you, and still you had the guts to pour soup on him. You were a brave woman.
Mikey giggled and Sanzu wanted to call the ambulance upon hearing his leader laugh like a child. sanzu also might have gotten scared by your actions, unconsciously touching the scars on the corners of his mouth. Ran laughed his ass off and gasped for air while Rindou stared with an open mouth.
Meanwhile, you were putting the now empty container on the table the men were seated around at, and stepped closer to the guy who was now holding his face. "You know, I don't really like it when people talk about women like that. And do you wanna hear the fucking truth? There wouldn't be no prositutes if no man asked for it. And looking at you, talking about how I could become a prostitute -like the other women here- really makes my blood boil, y'know? Also, aren't you embarrassed for telling that a high-schooler? Let alone the younger sister of your collegues?"
Takeomi had trouble identifying you through the thick liquid threatening to also burn his eyes but when he opened on eye, he was met with a scary grimace of yours with your fist right next to it and in the next moment, he was out cold.
You sighed out before looking at Mikey and bowing in apology. "I'm sorry, Sano Manjiro, for my rude behaviour. I will take my leave now." "Stay. I hadn't had that much fun since I could last remember, Haitani. Please, make yourself comfortable."
And at that, you sat yourself down on Takeomi's stool and he got dragged away by some nameless underlings. Your brothers were giving you and their boss uneasy glances, not sure whether they should do or say something too. The other three conscious men, Kakucho, Kokonoi and Sanzu, were holding respective space from you, also swearing to not step too close to the women working in this facility.
"I'm craving Taiyaki...can someone order food?", Mikey chirped, making you giggle while you took out your phone. "Sure thing! And you two will eat too!", making your elder brothers nod eagerly.
Ran and Rindou didn't know that you could knock somebody like Takeomi out with a single punch, let alone fight.
They'd have to convince whoever was responsible for hiring women for their sinful needs should have a talk with them.
HEY HEY HEY!!! I hope that was what you were looking for... I tried to make the characters fit their personalities as well but also not too long, because then it'd would have to be a longer story, and yeah. I also wanted Mikey to have a laugh in a while, poor baby. It was actually fun looking up the Bonten characters to be honest!
I hope I'll get more requests like these!
Read you in the next post!!!
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aryomengrande · 2 months
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money is the reason we exist, everybody knows that (kiss, kiss) ( ˘ ³˘) 💴
happy birthday koko! ^-ڡ-^ + tokrev collab w @half-baked-biscuit
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musei-thoughts · 4 months
𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳. [𝘉𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳]
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(𝘯.) 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨; 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘶𝘳𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦
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"𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙪𝙥 𝙍𝙖𝙣! 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮'𝙧𝙚 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮!"
The night pulsed with danger as Rindou's frantic voice cut through the tension, "I'm trying. The road is packed. Damn it."
In a chaotic symphony of adrenaline, Rindou reloaded his pistol. The bullets from the enemy rained down on them, trying to get them off their tail.
"Shit. They have more men?!" Sanzu yelled, dodging the bullets as more cars with shooters began to fire at them. 
"Hold on, I'm gonna try to get past these trucks!" Koko paled, seeing the slim chance of the car slipping in between the two trucks ahead of them. "Are you kidding?! There's no way it would fit!!" He screeched, grabbing onto the sides of the car for dear life.
“That’s what she said.” The Haitani’s said in unison.
"If I die I want you to delete my search history for me, bro." Ran muttered, shedding a fake tear. 
Ran thought for a moment. "Oh well. Then let me confess that I wore your tongs." 
"I DON'T HAVE TONGS!" Rindou retaliated.
"I do." 
The two Haitanis turned their attention to Sanzu, who was glaring at Ran. "Well, shit. Let's talk about this after we've dealt with these imbeciles." 
With that, he focused on the road and sped up. As the trucks got closer, the distance between it grew smaller. 
Rindou gripped on his seatbelt while Sanzu hugged Koko’s arm, dialing Takeomi. 
"Why you fucki-"
"ALSO, I'M GRANMA'S FAVORITE GRANDBABY. BYE." He hangs up, hugging Koko's arm tighter when they were only a few feet away from the trucks. 
"TELL AKANE I LOVE HER. AND IM SORRY FOR FUCKIN HER BROTHER. I COULDN'T HELP IT, HE LOOKED SO MUCH LIKE HER." Koko added to their pitiful confessions, crying like a bitch. 
The three gave him a ‘wtf’ look, "Tell her that yourself when we get there dude." Koko rolled his eyes at them and flipped them off. 
The tension escalated as they hurtled toward the narrow gap. Koko, gripping his seatbelt, exchanged a glance with Sanzu, both silently praying for survival. Ran focuses on the road for the umpteenth time, relaxing his shoulders and begins taking deep breaths. 
Don't choke on your spit now, Ran. 
"*cough cough* w-water...Rin..water..." He choked, struggling to breathe.
He turned around towards Rindou, his eyes pleading. "WHERE THE FUCK WILL I GET WATER?!"
"There's apple juice here." Sanzu said, handing them a bottle of 'apple juice'.
"Thanks." Ran takes a big sip, coughing out as soon as he tasted the bitter taste of the ‘drink’. “oh, wait, it’s gasoline.” Sanzu states after reading the bottle’s label. “My bad.” 
Ran wipes his mouth, regaining his composure as they neared the trucks. The Bonten men closes their eyes shut, waiting for the next thing to happen. 
"Are we in heaven now?" Sanzu asks, afraid to open his eyes. 
"We're criminals Sanzu, what the hell do you mean- RAN DUCK!" 
Ran, who stupidly had closed his eyes, opens them and turns the wheel at the last minute, dodging the crossing duck in the nick of time. 
"We're alive...." Rindou pants. "WE'RE ALIVE!" He exclaimed, slumping into his seat, relief washing over him. Koko, however, passed out, his face paler than his hair as his soul threatened to leave his body.
Sanzu's maniacal laughter broke the moment, "Fuck...that...turned me on." His adrenaline-fueled amusement clashed with the others' disbelief as he leaned back into his seat, the excitement between his legs in full display.
Rindou gave him a side eye from the rear mirror, "Sanzu, what the actual fuck.”
"Where are those bastards?" Ran whispered under his breath, unable to detect the rival gang’s vehicles. "Those fuckers got lucky." 
"WE CAN'T STOP NOW! THEY HAVE MY DRUGS!" Sanzu whined, pulling on his hair out of irritation.
They have been chasing this white BMW for almost an hour now, the men behind it were a new and uprising gang called Sigma. They decided to blow a low move and stole samples of a special drug that was personally made for Bonten along with other drugs like Methamphetamine.
Koko soon regains consciousness, holding his head in his hand while leaning on the driver's seat. "I'm gonna throw up." 
Ran looked back, noticing Koko's pale face. He quickly grabbed a plastic bag from the glovebox, gave it to the poor male before his phone out of his jacket pocket and called Kakucho.
After some shuffling, Kakucho came through the line. "Hey Ran, what's up? Where are you?"
"We found those damn bastards but they got away." Ran explained.
The male on the other line let out a sigh, "Where are you guys?"
"Near the city limits. We lost sight of it awhile ago but there's still a good chance that they’re still around."
There was shuffling again and then Kakucho finally spoke up. "I'll do what I can. For now, get back to HQ. Mikey wants you back."
"Got it." Ran hung up, leaving the car in silence, except for Koko who was puking his stomach out. Poor guy. 
Now, they were stuck in traffic. It was also getting dark as the street lamps slowly began to light up. A car behind them honks at them, trying to make them move. Rindou angrily glared over at the car, flipping them off. 
"Can't they fucking see that we're in the middle of a traffic?"
The line of cars moved slowly, boring the four men out of their wits. Koko was passed out once more in the back, hoping that he could sleep the nausea off. 
They all stared at the road, hoping to catch a glimpse of any sign of movement.
But no. 
They were stuck. 
Out of boredom, Rindou played DDLC on his phone while Sanzu was getting high from the remaining pills that he had on hand, thinking of different ways on how he could torture those men from Sigma once they catch them.
An hour had passed yet they barely moved. They were still on the same road. "What the hell is going on?" Ran clicked his tongue, honking on the car's horn. 
He closed his eyes to calm himself, stepping on the pedal everytime the traffic moved by an inch or so. 'Calm down, Ran. Think of your happy place...' he tells himself, imagining himself in ponyville, playing with pinkie pie and rainbowdash.
Ran opened his eyes and as if thinking about ponies did something, the traffic began to move. 'Yes! The magic of friendship does work!'
'Or not...'
As the traffic came to a sudden halt, Ran glanced at the lane beside them. The loud crashing sound came from a white Mercedes smashing against the back of a black Bugatti Atalante, ruining the beautiful paint job on the expensive car.
The Bonten men glanced at the accident, pretty uninterested till a woman steps out of the expensive car. Her presence attracted the men, as she walked towards the white Mercedes with the sound of her heels against the asphalt road echoing through the traffic.
She wore a black dress that hugged her body confidently showing her beautiful curves along with a lower neckline which exposes an ample amount of cleavage. Her head was adorned with a black sun hat while leather gloves covered her petite hands, giving her an elegant and eye catching look. 
The driver of the white car exits his car with an aggravated look till his eyes lands on her. Seeing that it was ‘just’ a woman, he smirks at himself, knowing that he could deal with this situation easily. 
Interested in the drama—well, most likely on the woman—Ran rolled the window down to eavesdrop. 
"Sir, It would be better for you to cooperate and provide me your information in order for me to charge you with the damage that you caused to my car." Your sultry voice was calm yet stern as you stared up at the man who loomed over your figure. 
"What are you going to do about it, little lady?"
Your eyes narrowed as your lips formed into a thin line. "Sir, heed my words. Cooperate, or I will call the authorities." your cold tone didn't waver in the slightest and your eyes never left his own, glaring at him intensely. 
The man scoffs at your confidence, belittling you. "And what makes you think I'm going to listen to you, huh?" he spat in a low tone, grabbing you by the arm. 
In an instant, the man was pinned against the hood of Bonten' car with his hands tightly held in your grasp. 
Rindou and Sanzu (who was currently high from xanax) gaped at the scene unfolding before their eyes. They shared an amused and excited glance at each other before shortly after, they childishly began to cheer you on, "Beat him up! Beat him up!" Their chaos was unnoticed by you due to the tinted glass and partially closed windows. 
"Might I tell you, this car belongs to the Ootori's. From the looks of the uniform of the woman in your car, she works for them doesn’t she? It would be a shame if your partner wouldn’t have a job to come back to If ever they heard that you caused such damage to the family's precious car." You whispered in his ear threateningly.
At the mention of the successful and powerful family's name, the said woman frantically comes out of the car, "Tori, just listen to her! I swear if I lose my job because of you, it's over for the both of us, you imbecile!!"  
Tori, the perpetrator, clicked his tongue in defeat, giving you his contact information before heading back to his vehicle. With a sigh, you walked over to Ran's car, leaning down towards the window, knocking on the glass to get his attention. 
Though you didn't have to, you had their attention the moment they laid their eyes on you. 
"Good day, gentlemen. I apologize for the commotion back there." Ran couldn't take his eyes off of you, looking intensely at your dolled up face, eyes staring down at your plump lips as you spoke. He was so tempted to just sweet talk you into getting in his car and take you home to have some fun, but he didn’t want to risk scaring you away.
"Here's my business card in case you want compensation for potential damages on your car." 
Your gloved hand rummages through your purse, handing him your card. The older Haitani takes it, but not without grasping your hand in his and placing a kiss at the back of it. "Don't worry about it, doll. Though, I would prefer spending a day out with you as compensation." He winks at you, smiling flirtatiously.
You stared at him with amusement, bursting out laughing from his cockiness. God, your laugh was like music to their ears, entrancing them, making them more invested in you. "Well, I better head back to my car before the traffic starts moving again. See you around, boys~" With a wink, you blew a kiss towards them. 
Silence filled the car as the men tried to process what just happened. Ran looks down at the business card that you had given him. “Olivia Rossi, huh…”
"I want her."
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𝘢/𝘯: 𝘚𝘰, 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘺'𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬? 𝘐'𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘶𝘻 𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘵𝘩𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘐𝘧 𝘺'𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳, 𝘱𝘭𝘴 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 :)
𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰, 𝘪'𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘴.
𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥: 2/27/24
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