produkrakyat · 1 year
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. . #lamaran #kuekeju #lamarannikah #kuejogja #kuecubit #kuebandung #intags #kueimlek #kuebolu #lamaranmoment #kuebasah #kuekekinian #kuecantik #kuebulan #kuejakarta #kue #kuejadul #lamaranjakarta #kuejember #kuehantaran #kueenak #kuekeringbandung #kuekacang #kuecoklat #kuehits #lamarankerja #kueh #kuebalikpapan #kuekarakter #lamaranjogja (di Omah Dalang) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co9Z_CuplXw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kuebandungs · 3 months
Hi, I use this page to make it easier for you if you want to read my stories. If you feel familiar with the stories, it's because I reposted my stories on Wattpad and changed them to English language. If you're curious, you can visit my Wattpad account with the username @kuebandung, there I write stories in bahasa Indonesia. Thanks for reading this, enjoy! <3
Duty After School Imagines x fem!reader
01 : Jo Jangsoo
02 : Do Soocheol
03 : Kwon Ilha
04 : Jang Younghoon
05 : Jang Younghoon (part 2)
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iheartcake123 · 3 hours
hii hello!! I'm your new follower. I really like and enjoy your stories, especially with sweet home's fanfiction!! Eumm- if you don't mind, can you make another story about Kim Yeonghu x reader and others soldier x reader please?? I'm desperately want it, but it's kinda difficult to find more stories about them :(
anyway, have a good day and thank you <3
hello!! im so glad you enjoy my fics :) im so sorry this has taken so long😭 but i am working on more fics currently and will have some more up soon!! (hopefully lol) in the mean time here’s a jin-ho fic since i’ve never done one for him <33 let me know if you’d like a part two bc this was so fun to write hehe
bang jin-ho X f!reader for @kuebandungs
you had met jin-ho through your work with the platoon. you were very skilful in technology before everything happened and when the platoon needed help, you were first to give a hand.
you worked along side jin-ho and discovered he was quiet, he kept to himself mostly and only really spoke with those he was close to. which wasn’t many.
there’d be times where he had no choice but to converse with you. after all, you would help the platoon members whenever they asked.
this time was like no other.
“did you try disconnecting and reconnecting it?” you asked jin-ho and he sighed in response
“that was the first thing i did” he told you and you nodded.
“well it looks like we have to take it apart” you pulled a seat up and was about to sit next to him.
“don’t worry, i can do it myself” he stopped you before you sat down.
“right..” you awkwardly cleared your throat and moved the chair back the original position “well if you do need a hand, give me a shout”
you then slowly walked away, to head back to your room. as you made your way back sergeant tak was in the hallway and he joined you.
“y/n, how are things going? i heard you’re helping the platoon more often” he said accompanying you.
“yes sir, it’s mainly just with little things here and there though” you answered with a smile.
“how would you feel if i got someone to start training you, that way- you can join the platoon and help with excursions? you’d basically be a second to jin-ho”
“oh um i appreciate the offer sir but i like where i am at the moment. i don’t mind helping the platoon here and there but just the thought of helping with excursions is a bit daunting”
“i can’t say im not a little disappointed y/n but i understand, just think about it and if you do change your mind. i’ll be more than happy to sort something for you”
you sent sergeant tak a small smile with a nod before rushing back to your room.
you couldn’t possibly help the crow platoon.
before you knew it, you were in front of sergeant tak again. this time, you were agreeing to his offer.
you didn’t know why you changed your mind. but you did.
“im glad you’re joining us y/n. bang jin-ho! come in!” sergeant tak had yelled that last part and in came jin-ho who saluted the sergeant before standing straight.
“from now on, you’ll follow jin-ho’ lead. he will train you and will get you prepared for what’s ahead. once he’s happy that you can protect yourself, then you’ll start by going on excursions. is that okay?” sergeant tak told you and you nodded.
“yes sir” you voice was quieter than expected.
“good. you may both leave now”
with a nod you followed jin-ho out the room.
“uh so what do we do first?” you smiled at jin-ho and he let out a sigh.
“look y/n, i don’t know what made you want to join the platoon. i didn’t think you would but here we are. so, we will train whenever we get a free chance. follow me” jin-ho got straight to the point and you followed him.
he took you outside, it was chilly and the dark grey clouds made everything feel especially gloomy.
“you need to run from here to the fence and back 100 times” he pointed to the fence in the distance.
you let out a laugh. he surely had to be joking, right? however, when he didn’t say anything further, it suddenly set in. he wasn’t joking.
“seriously?” you questioned and he just nodded.
with a gulp you started to run. as you did each lap, you felt your legs burn as you mentally pushed yourself to continue. no matter how much your body told you to stop, you were determined to complete the 100 laps. the trick was making sure your pace was consistent and you blocked out any distractions.
by the time you had completed it, the sun was beginning to set and you felt like throwing up. you hadn’t stopped for a water break and you wanted to just collapse. a part of you was also pissed off.
why did jin-ho throw you in the deep end by making you do 100 laps? was he trying to test you? see if you’d quit and change your mind about the whole joining the platoon? well if he was, you weren’t going to give in and give up so soon.
“happy?” you voice was harsh as you tried to catch your breath while making your way back into the stadium.
jin-ho stared at you as you walked away. you desperately wanted to just fall onto the floor and curl into a ball but you weren’t going to do that in front of him. instead, you dragged yourself through the halls back to your room where you immediately collapsed onto your bed and chugged down a bunch of water.
“asshole” you cursed throwing your bottle across your room.
not shortly after, there was a soft knock at your door and you huffed before opening it.
“what do you want?” you immediately questioned after seeing jin-ho stood there.
he had his hands on his hips before he reached his hand out.
you wearily shook his hand.
“welcome to the platoon” he nodded his head and you raised your eyebrow “i’ll be honest i didn’t think you’d finish those laps but you proved me wrong. the real training starts tomorrow”
jin-ho then let go of your hand before promptly leaving.
you couldn’t understand him.
over the next few weeks you trained with jin-ho on various things like fighting, self defense, stealth and how to use a gun. this was all so that you could start going on expeditions with the platoon when they went.
it would’ve been a lie if you said it was easy. most days would end with you laying in bed with all your limbs aching but it was slowly getting easier. you had started to see a change in your self. the way you carried yourself was a lot more confident and platoon members started to respect you more. in fact, you’d become close with some of them. more specifically seok-chan.
he was just a really kind person and he helped you a lot. and while jin-ho wasn’t horrible, he was surprisingly very strict and you’d only converse with him when he was giving you orders. there was a tension between the two of you and you couldn’t quite understand it.
the day started like no other, you woke up early, got changed and headed to the training area. you started with a warm up and soon decided to do some boxing. there was a punching bag in the corner of the room so you wrapped your fists up before jabbing the bag.
one. two. one. two.
you had a rhythm going.
“balance your weight. you’re all over the place” the sudden sound of jin-ho’ voice shocked you and you rolled your eyes before doing what he told you.
jin-ho folded his arms as he leaned on the door, watching you train.
you felt yourself begin to heat up. you hated when he watched you because he always managed to find flaws in whatever you were doing.
you really did try your best to continue but you just couldn’t. you brought your hands to your side and rested one on your hip as you turned to jin-ho.
“i don’t understand what the problem is? i just want to train in peace without the pressure of you watching. you look at me as if everything i do is wrong. so please show me if you think you can do better!” you snapped at him.
jin-ho smirked slightly as he stood straight.
“okay, i won’t watch you” he answered and you breathed a sigh of relief.
“thank you-“ you began but he cut you off.
“i’ll fight you” he started to wrap him hands
your jaw dropped.
“what?” you gulped.
“let’s spar, seok-chan says you’ve improved and since you don’t want me watching. maybe fighting and sparring with you will be better. and there’s no rules with this, punching and kicking are allowed”
he finally finished wrapping his hands.
you couldn’t back down so you both got into position. you held your hands up in front of you to defend yourself and at the ready to punch.
a couple of minutes into it and you found yourself with a bloodied lip. you could taste the blood in your mouth but you refused to let him win. with one swift movement you made contact with his chin and he stumbled backwards slightly. after he regained his balance he lifted his leg and you felt it hit your stomach which caused you to fall on your back.
you winced in pain as you glared at jin-ho. you attempted to get up but he then managed to get you into a head lock. his arms tightened around you and although you tried breaking free, you couldn’t. plus it was getting hard to breath so, a few seconds later and you found yourself tapping out.
jin-ho immediately let go and you let out a harsh cough as you caught your breath. you remained on the floor with your hand on your neck slowly going back to normal as jin-ho stood above you.
when you looked up, he had his hand out to help you up but you ignored him.
you didn’t need his help to get up. jin-ho let out a chuckle as he watched you get up. you avoided his gaze as you turned your back on him, you brought your fingers up to your busted lip and winced in pain as you saw your finger covered in blood now too.
“your lips bleeding pretty bad, let me have a look” jin-ho’ eyebrows furrowed in concern and he reached an arm out to your shoulder.
“leave me alone” you instantly brushed him off and harshly moved away from him “i don’t need or want your help”
after saying those words you left the training room, ignoring jin-ho calling out to stop you.
you were now sat in front of seok-chan in the infirmary, he was cleaning your lip and trying to make you feel better.
“he only pushes you so hard because he wants what’s best for you. im sure he can see the effort you’re putting in and appreciates it” seok-chan said as his eyes remained focused on your lip.
“yeah, well it sure doesn’t feel like it. it seems quite the opposite- he hates me and i don’t know why” your voice came out in a croak as you held back tears.
why didn’t jin-ho like you? and why was he always so hard on you?
“trust me y/n, i wouldn’t lie to you” seok-chan finished up with your lip and you hopped of the table.
“i know…thank you for tending to my lip. i better get back to training or something” you blinked back tears and left to go back to your room.
meanwhile, seok-chan had gone to find jin-ho.
“jin-ho!” he called out to him and he hummed in response “you really bust y/n’ lip up pretty good. do you think maybe next time go a bit easy on her? she’s been finding it a bit tough”
“what do you mean? she did well. considering when we began she couldn’t even throw a punch” jin-ho answered.
“come on dude, she was almost in tears when i saw her. you’ve been so tough on her and she thinks you hate her. i’m not trying to tell you how to do your job but just take it a bit easier on her”
“does she really think that i hate her? i know i’ve been tough on her but i don’t hate her. seok-chan do you know where she is?”
“i don’t know, i think she’s gone back to her room or the training area”
jin-ho felt really bad. did you really think he hated you? he searched the training areas firstly but after seeing you weren’t there, he headed over to your room.
he hands banged on your door urgently and when you opened the door your eyes went wide with shock.
why was jin-ho here? and why was he knocking like a mad man?
he didn’t say anything and entered your room, closing the door behind him.
“jin-ho. why are you-“ you tried to ask him but he’d stopppef you mid sentence.
“do you think i hate you?” he blurted out and you were stunned. he was never so impulsive or erratic, usually he was very serious, calm and collected when he spoke.
this was different.
“who told you that?”
“y/n is it true? you think i hate you?”
you meekly nodded looking at the floor.
“why do you think that?” he stared at you so intently and your heart beat quickened as you briefly looked up and locked eyes with him.
“you’re just always so strict and you never say anything nice. i know im crap at this whole platoon stuff but im still learning and i think you forget that” you said honestly.
“i can assure you that i do not hate you, not even close. y/n you’re doing so well with training and i push you because i know you’re capable”
“but- you’re always so cold towards me and you barely talk to me..”
his eyes softened as he saw how upset you were and it was your first time seeing him like this. he actually had emotions.
“i promise you, i do not hate you. tell me how can i prove it to you” suddenly he brought his one hand up to cup your face.
you were in awe.
this was a whole new jin-ho.
“tell me y/n” his voice was soft and you admired jin-ho’ warm touch.
he waited for you answer.
“tell me”
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seyzelsel123 · 5 years
AA MACAROON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #macaroon #macaroons #cookies #macaroonbandung #macarons #macaron #meringue #like #macaroonenak #macaroonmurah #cakeultahbandung #meringuebandung #cakepopbandung #cakepop #bigmacaroon #babymacaroon #kueultah #cakeultah #desserttablebandung #kuebandung #cupcakebandung #macaroonmurahbanget #kuekering #kuekeringbandung #meringuecookies #bandung #codbandung #kulinerbandung #makananbandung #bhfyp♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒💓💓💓💓 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2kf9Ill2Z6/?igshid=1k3xodimvj7c0
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elizabethnna · 5 years
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Birthday Cake by @mantequilla_____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #birthday #cake #birthdaycake #cakes #chocolate #chocolatecake #coklat #kue #kueulangtahun #yummy #sweet #cookies #instacake #wiltoncake #kuebandung #kueultahbandung #f52grams #instafood https://www.instagram.com/p/BybtFGtA19O/?igshid=499gnpt0exi3
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. sudah makan tapi belum kenyang.. aha 💡 . 🍞🍫 martabak manis 🍞🍫 💰 Rp 22.000 ✔pasar krempyeng deket rumah sebenernya maunya gak pake topping 😂 tapi boleh gak ya 😬😂 kalo kalian suka di topping in apa? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #foodvideo #pancake #foodpic #tasty #food #delish #foodie #yummy #instafood #foodshare #foodtravel #foodblogger #foodie #halal #jadimakanapa #martabakmanis #kuebandung #carimakansemarang #kulinersemarang #kuliner
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Pesenannya @achi_astrianggelia Red Velvet Birthday Cake Nom.. Nom.. . Sweet and Savory Cake Bakery WA: 0878 2571 7286 . . . . . . . . #sscakebakery #kue #kueultah #kueulangtahun #kuemurah #kueenak #kueultahanak #kuebandung #kuetart #kuelucu #kuelapis #kueunik #kueulangtahunbandung #cakebandung #kuekarakter #pastrybandung #kueultahmurah #kueultahbandung #kueultahkarakter #cupcakebandung #kuefondant #cupcakebandungmurah (at Sweet & Savory Cake Bakery)
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kartunamaunik · 5 years
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Bikin unik bikin asik jualan jadi menarik. Mau? #kuejogja #kuesurabaya #kuekeju #kuelapis #kuelucu #kueonline #kuebandung #kuejakarta #kueultah #kuekering #tokokue #jasadesainkartunama #jasadesainbagus #kartunamaunik #viralindonesia #viral #viraltulungagung #viraljatim #viralhits #hitsjakarta (di Tulungagung Kota) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz9SA7fjueq/?igshid=moezs86muhc1
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ulinkadapur-blog · 5 years
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. ULIN KADAPUR CAKE SHOP @ulin_kadapur ✨ . -freshly baked by order- (Purchase Order H-2) . Apartemen Tamansari Tera Ground Floor 01 Jl. Tera 28, Braga - Bandung, 40111 (belakang Eiger Adventure Jl. Sumatera, Bdg) . info & order, call/sms/whatsapp: 📲 +62 812 27 60 1422 (Available at Tokopedia) . #ulinkadapur #kue #tokokue #tokokuebandung #restoranbandung #cafebandung #ngidam #busui #bumil #tokokueonline #jualkue #bandungeatery #infokuliner #infokulinerbandung #kulinerbandung #bandungkuliner #infocimahi #infobandung #infobdg #kuebandung #kueultahbandung #browniespanggang #brownieskukus #browniesbandung #macaronischotelbandung #lasagnabandung #kulinerbandung #jajananbandung #cemilanbandung #oleholehbandung ———————————————— Dalam kota Bandung: GoFood, GoJek, Grab Luar kota Bandung: siCepat Express ———————————————— Follow us @terassono.official https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJ1925nX3M/?igshid=rczg3al54yhh
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farhanmuhammad · 3 years
Donat Kentang 100% Sesuai Gambar Dan Kualitas
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Hal itu sebagai komitmen bahwa sebagai produsen kita mau memastikan pelanggan atau pembeli kita puas dan merasa tidak tertipu saat beli produk kita.
Jual Donat Kentang Bogor, Agen Donat Kentang, Pabrik Donat Kentang, Kemitraan Franchise Donat Kentang Bogor, Pabrik Donat Kentang Bogor, Donat Kentang Viral, Donat O . Pabrik Donat Kentang Bogor Langsung Owner 0811-1281-357 . Bukit Cimanggu City Kencana Residence Cluster Greenwood Blok KA 9 No 11 RT 03 RW 14 Kelurahan Kencana Kecamatan Tanah Sareal Kota Bogor Langsung Owner, WA. 0811-1281-357
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produkrakyat · 1 year
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. . #lamaran #kuekeju #lamarannikah #kuejogja #kuecubit #kuebandung #intags #kueimlek #kuebolu #lamaranmoment #kuebasah #kuekekinian #kuecantik #kuebulan #kuejakarta #kue #kuejadul #lamaranjakarta #kuejember #kuehantaran #kueenak #kuekeringbandung #kuekacang #kuecoklat #kuehits #lamarankerja #kueh #kuebalikpapan #kuekarakter #lamaransurabaya (di Omah Dalang) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co9ZEo0Jkkl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kuebandungs · 3 months
Duty After School Imagine
I think you'd like this story: "Duty After School Imagines" by kuebandung on Wattpad
(Written in bahasa Indonesia) https://www.wattpad.com/story/340756843?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=kuebandung
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diannafi · 7 years
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Ingat sebuah nasihat. Jika tengah mengalami kepahitan hidup, makan-makanlah yang enak. #life #food #pahit #bitter #hidup #instalike #instagood #like4like #martabak #kuebandung #tahupetis #nylimur #neverlosehope
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Cimahi crispy cake Wa :081222245540 BB: 2b494ED8 #bolu #kue #cake #kuemalang #resepkuecubit #kuecantik #kuemurah #kuebandung #kueulangtahun #oleholeh #oleholehbandung #kuliner #kulinerbdg #kulinermedan #kulinerjakarta #kulinerbogor #cimahicrispycake #matakdeudeuin #jajanan #cemilan #cemilansehat
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elizabethnna · 7 years
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"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best" - St. Jerome . #TGIF #happyfriday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #chocolate #chocolatelover #chocolateganache #cake #cakes #wiltoncakes #fondant #buttercream #kue #kueultah #simple #food #foodporn #instacake #birthday #birthdaycake #coklat #quote #quotes #bandung #kuebandung
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busanamuslimahshop · 7 years
Packaging keren dan kuenya pasti enak banget dari Janice Cake
Packaging keren dan kuenya pasti enak banget dari Janice Cake
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#spongecake#spongecakebandung #kuekekinian #kue #kuebandung #kuecoklat #foodies #kueultah #bandungfoodie…
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