#landlord discourse
aprillikesthings · 1 year
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Landlords be big mad aaahahaha
He did argue with some of them, and it was GLORIOUS
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Seriously he’s on fire this is GREAT
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sealwomyn · 22 days
I'm sorry followers but I have a complaint post to make. If I had a nickel for every time another lesbian I knew said she had a dream to be a goddess damned landlord and rent housing to other lesbians and just literally live off their hard work so she can rest and do her fun side jobs or art or whatever, I would have at least five nickels.
That's not lesbian community housing, that's not pooling our resources to survive this bullshit economic system together — that's you wanting to have your own housing security and personal freedom at the literal expense of other women's, and build your life off of their backs, and calling that a community. Don't say you are an adherent to a leftist, feminist belief system and then announce this shit.
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dyketennant · 3 months
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steeleyespan · 1 month
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this kind of shit annoys me like idk how to phrase it but i think its actually perfectly fine to dislike landlords for being lazy if youre working your arse off to pay rent and they. arent. Obviously the idea of laziness is like a product of capitalism to make ppl feel bad about not working hard enough blahblahblah but i mean just on a basic level, people are toiling in the retail/amazon mines to earn a pittance that then goes to your landlord who has done fuck all to earn that. They literally get to be "lazy" BECAUSE of your hard work its a privilege. Am paying this cunts mortgage for him am allowed to call him lazy
also people working 40 hour weeks in 'unskilled' jobs, get called lazy/told to get a "real job" all the time as well LMAO why are we dying for landlord rights. Like yes if we lived in the dreamworld were we'd moved past the very concept of laziness and disentangled peoples worth from the amount pf work they do this would be different but we uh dont. It's actually praxis to tell landlords to get a job in mcdonalds
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bloodyrakshasi · 2 years
I just saw a post that said that fictional characters cannot be abused- they absolutely can. These fictional characters are representations, and the trauma they face can more often than not, in some way or another, be replicated in real life.
On that note, I fully believe in shipping whatever you want to. Why? Because although fictional characters can undergo abuse, they are also not real. If you are shipping abuser x abused irl then yes, we need to have a talk, but in the fictional realm the world's your stage.
I genuinely do not get why people feel the need to police the media that other people consume- that's their own right. I definitely don't agree with certain ships and can't read fanfics of them but how the hell am I supposed to judge someone enjoying that? You know nothing about this person. For all you know, this could be the only light in their life- are you really going to shame someone for having this?
And besides, shipping something problematic is not the cause of problematic behaviour. It never will be. Perhaps it might be the result of it (i disagree, but for argument's sake), and if so, what effect will that ship have on them? It's only a symptom, attacking it will have no effect.
ALSO, how is this any different to the libraries in america banning books?
There's a difference between disliking something and attacking someone. For example, as someone into the grishaverse, I've noticed that a deeply polarising subject is darklina (I don't care about darklina or malina, so consider me a neutral party). Some people like it, some don't. I know people who have gone as far as to block that tag from their dash, which is totally! okay! Encouraged even. But the trouble comes when you attack another person for liking it.
Now that's for consuming, onto producing.
The ethics of fanfiction are wildly different than that of original fiction. Firstly because, as a fanfic author, you are writing for fun. You are not commercialising your craft, which also means you don't have that much of a responsibility towards what you are spreading- it's only going to reach a small percentage of people anyway. This is why published authors get bashed for toxic relationships but fanfic authors generally get a pass for it- because fanfic is primarily for indulgence. It is primarily written "for fun".
(By the way, I don't mean to trivialise fanfiction, i love fanfiction)
This is why if someone ships a problematic ship I will not care. But if this ship becomes/is canon, then I will criticise the author. It's not that deep.
There's a fine line between it's just fiction and let's critique the values and messages this piece of work espouses because it is harmful and fanfiction or any fanwork will lie safely in the territory of the former. Try criticising fanfiction and you will feel like a fool. Why? Because these authors of fanfiction are not making money off of their work. It's that simple.
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instigmia · 2 months
Lol wtf. Landlords are giving people places to live without having to commit to buying a house. People dont all want to buy houses. Most want to rent. But no go ahead and act like giving people a place to live is soooo evil. You'd rather people be homeless or stuck in a place they bought and can't afford for years? What a clown.
A) "giving" people places to live implies that "rent" is a synonym for "borrow"
B) how's that privatized fire department workin' out for ya over in Theoreticalville?
C) much like the rest of crapitalism, you can jigger and finagle the words until they sound appealing, then accuse the opposite side of supporting a hypothetical that actually occurs when your thing is put into practice--I mean, really? "There's gonna be homeless?" Nibba, there are homelesses now and crapitalists already complain that they're all over the place. Landlords exist, yet homelessness is not cured. Any more bright ideas, middle-school flunky?
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What kind of Internet Vibes do the different Vampire Clans have?
Assamites: The most impenetrable discourse you've ever seen in your life. The kind of callouts where you need 350 years of context and several PhDs to figure out what the person's actually being accused of. Despite the fact that maybe 10 non-vampires on earth know what any given post means, it still gets 80,000 notes worth of argument.
Brujah: An otherwise blank page that simply says "if you venmo $20 to this account I will eat your landlord no questions asked"
Followers Of Set: As a group of soulless immortal monsters dedicated to spreading wickedness in service of an ancient god of evil, the Followers Of Set's profiles sometimes make the top ten most fucked up things you've seen online today.
Gangrel: Extremely distressing furry art pages.
Giovanni: They reanimate dead memes and send them after you. More then one prince has been destroyed after having a LolCat captioned "I can has your soul?" myspaced to them.
Lasombra: The Lasombra don't show up on camera so instead of putting out content they just break into your house while you sleep.
Malkavian: Listen. Listen. You look me in the eyes and tell me you aren't following at least one blog obviously run by Malkavians right now.
Nosferatu: Monsterfuckers but the other way round.
Ravnos: Sadly if I continue White Wolf will delete my blog for bringing up that time they wrote the Ravnos.
Toreador: Toreadors have literally never experienced anything they have loved more then Instagram. The entire clan has gone feral, several elders have been killed over follower counts and the Toreador Antediluvian reentered torpor because it couldn't stop Instagram scrolling. It's a fucking bloodbath.
Tremere: You know those "occult safety" tumblrs that say things "don't use Ouija boards on Halloween"? The opposite of those. "Hey kids! Break a cursed doll over your head while yelling the true name of Satan! It'll be cool and fun!"
Tzimisce: Yet more unrealistic beauty standards for women.
Ventrue: Those weird focused group "cool tweets" designed to appeal to the youth, except the focus group is 1000 years old. Ever had a tweet show up in your feed "You know what's leet and unsus? The divine right of kings"? You're welcome!
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Cost of Living Pressures...
Anywhere you turn right now, you can't escape the growing public discourse around the ongoing cost-of-living pressures many parts of the world are facing. In many developing countries this has been prevalent for a while now but when it starts to affect people in lucky first world countries, everyone talks about it. And the more I hear discussion about it the more I can't shake that deep tingling arousal I feel...
We get so far behind on our rent that my husband sends me down to our landlord's unit to ask for rent relief. Our landlord is a cruel, ugly man (both inside and out). He ruthlessly uses my vulnerability to make me his cheap whore. He makes me strip naked and crawl to him... then places his shoe on my face while he makes me beg him to defer our rent. He belts me, chokes me, slaps me... and makes me keep begging him as he r4pes me pumping me full of his cum. Then he makes me go back up to my husband naked, bruised and leaking his cum from my pussy. From that day on, I am his whore at any hour of day or night when I am home... I am summoned to choke on his cock on demand, offering all of my holes for his amusement, serving him and his horrible friends as his maid and then being gang r4ped by them as their release and entertainment...
It doesn't get any better at work. I desperately need to keep my job and my Boss knows this. She is a conniving dominant dyke who has always wanted to control me and now she knows she has me at her mercy. She berates me in front of everyone and mercilessly r4pes me in her office. For fun, she makes me available to her mates (both male and female) who use me at will, sadistically beating me, fucking me and degrading me. I come home exhausted and pray that my landlord does not want to use me at least for a few hours...
With both work and home becoming quagmires of sexual slavery for me, my only respite remains is the comfort of my husband's arms. In his love I hope to find some solace and the strength to continue being abvsed like this. Alas, he feels terribly emasculated from all that is going on. His feelings of inadequacy manifest themselves in him taking out his anger, frustration, helplessness and ineptitude on me. Seeing me marked, bruised and dishevelled with cum and spit stains all over my face, body and between my legs makes him both angry and horny. He slaps and degrades me, not letting me shower and wash my r4pe off me. He ties me up and fucks me in that filthy state - smelling of sperm, spit and sweat. Then as his sperm drips down my legs, he makes me do the housework, cooking and cleaning for him...
Who ever said that suffering the cost of living pressures did not lead to have some benefits?!!!
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aprillikesthings · 1 year
Multnomah county Oregon (the one with Portland in it) has a ballot measure next spring for tenants in eviction court to have public lawyers!! Very cool!!
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lovesickry · 9 months
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- come out and play.
┈⋆⭒ daniel ricciardo x fem!reader [3.1k] ┈⋆⭒ part 1 !
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ find all parts here ! .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ contents: none. .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ backround: Dylan tait. Born in Melbourne, Australia, moves to London to study at London University in her final year, upon moving she acquaints herself with none other than Lando Norris, meeting in a nightclub in downtown London and becoming fast friends. This story will tell the events that soon unfolded as Dylan lay her eyes on the driver from Perth for that first time sitting on Lando's couch that one day, looking at everything but her and the feelings and discourse that follow as Daniel finally looks back at her. based at the time in which Daniel was in McLaren. .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ a/n: you don’t meet daniel this chapter. apologies. .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ disclaimer: I try to make my writing as realistic as possible, but sometimes as a writer I get bored with the plot myself, so ignore it if there's a few potholes. im not Jane Austen this is filth and sadness and angst and love, so much love and thank you.
your first days at University College of London were oddly isolating, even more so than you had originally imagined, moving across the world. the atmosphere was chilling in the January air and you were posed with the thought that you didn't entirely know what you were doing here. you pulled your jacket tighter around yourself, both hands in your pockets as you reach around your self. you knew you had moved across the world slightly to get away from your parents, though you had no real excuse as to why you had despised them such. it was simply that you thought they had grown sick of you, and you of them. the space would be good for everyone. a mutually beneficial endeavour you thought. the obscure course you were studying, (philosophy, politics and economics), was what your father had called. "a course for rich people" and a "dead end". his words had only seeped so far as you were convinced this is what you were good at, this wide range of worldly thinking, you'd tried medicine, you'd tried law. you were good at both, but they were not good to you. so you had ended up with this. entirely interesting, entirely consuming, but entirely open-ended. what would you do once this was over, it was entirely unclear. would you be an author, a journalist, a politician. would you be anything? the train of thought was endless and yet came to a halt before any real conclusion could be made by you. you'd always been the person who enjoyed school, enjoyed the learning and you wanted to stay at uni to excel in everything. but you weren't too sure if that was simply because you possessed a fear for the "real world".
your eyes snap up to the person saying your name. your only friend at this place, you'd thanked god that she was finally here. shed moved before you and you'd met her over here. she was living off campus, like you and you much too quickly agreed to getting a place to split the rent. grace black, increasingly your other half and your current favourite person ever to exist.
"my dear grace" you exhale quite dramatically (sarcastically), putting a hand on your heart, acting as though it were aching without her.
you put an arm over her shoulder and make big strides to catch the tube back to your apartment. it was friday and you hadn't had a welcome party for yourself yet. you'd needed alcohol, regrettably, ever since you'd heard any single man in your class say anything regarding gender within politics, which truly made your brain hurt and your nose screw up in plain judgement and disgust. yes alcohol and music and warm bodies and dancing would do you good. you were also a fan of an English accent and if any men were getting as drunk as you planned to tonight you were looking forward to hearing your name coming from an accented mouth.
your apartment was small but your landlord was a sweet little old lady who made tea and biscuits and thought it was adorable you and grace being friends for so long and both coming to London and it was in a good spot. getting changed was always an ordeal, drinking cheap Prosecco and throwing clothes around at each other, trying on outfit after outfit. the balance between class and college student was integral to the 'clubbing' experience. once you finally settled on an outfit it was 11pm and you were feeling slightly fuzzy.
faulted by the cheap and hastily drunk Prosecco. you'd just hoped that Saturday would be enough to overcome the hangover as you needed to go in for work on Sunday. grace was secretly rich and by secretly you meant quite loudly. it was no secret her parents, unlike yours paid for everything shed ever done and hence when sending her to London gave her an absurd monthly allowance, which you shamefully benefited from. so when she pulled you into a much nicer looking club, you'd tried to drag her to the much less nicer one down the street. but she had insisted you'd go here, telling you that it just looked swanky and the drinks weren't even "that expensive". you'd see about that, as you ordered a vodka lime soda and it was 12 POUNDS. christ, you'd have to rely on flirting and batting eyelashes because if you vowed to get as drunk as you'd wished, you shit your whole three years of full time work down the fucking toilet that way.
you found grace, drink in hand and standing next to the place looking up at the DJ booth, holding your drink up and dancing to whatever kind of remix the DJ seemed to be playing, his face was distorted the red lights and the angle in which you were looking at him but he seemed oddly familiar. you were just happy the music was loud enough to feel and that finally the air was warm and moving and not cold and still. a complete juxtaposition to the chilling, academic, gloomy university experience of the past week, coming from Australian summer would always serve as a shock. you'd successfully downed 4 more drinks coming from 4 different very suspiciously nice people and grace had find a girl that she was ogling and pretending not to, stating she wouldn't leave you on your "genius party night occasion". you'd ushered her away, in a drunken haze stating that you would take over the DJ booth and that you would play a song so she could kiss the girl shed been staring at the whole night. you moved towards the booth, shouting if you could "take over" and "its an emergency" the man next to the man with a cap, looks over at you and laughs and nods towards the secuirity man with the rope. leading you up the stairs and coming face to face with the respective compulsive DJ's. an unnecessarily ugly word. you exchange hi's and hello's and then the guy with the cap asks.
"so what's the emergency?"
"emergen-? OH"
"uh yes well the emergency is that my friend" you point to grace in the crowd, squeezed next to the girl who you planned to second handedly kiss in the next few minutes.
"has been staring at that girl all night but hasn't done anything because she didnt want to leave me alone on my very apparently special night" you motion inwards at yourself.
"thus. I am here as a hero to save her"
they laugh and step back, gesturing to the audio mixer. you had no idea how †o DJ and also no idea how to even find the song grace had requested.
you step forward, but turn your head slightly over your shoulder.
"names?" you'd ask for their names before you embarrassed yourself like this.
"max" the man who ushered you up the steps says.
"max" you repeat to him. and then nod towards the man with the cap.
"lando" he says.
"lando" followed by a slight giggle.
"okay lando and max I don't know what the fuck im doing so if you show me how to play a song then ill be on my way."
"what's your name?" lando asks
"Dylan, move over" as he slots in next to you and plus with whatever the fuck was causing the music to do whatever the fuck it was doing. you whisper to him the song grace wanted and he tells you as he's doing it what some of the buttons do, you're not paying attention as such, the vodka sinking into your blood, eyes getting heavier, head getting lighter, your smiling in an uneasy way.
"your smile is really fucking creepy"
"shut up, all I've had tonight is strangers vodka limes and a bottle of 4 pound Prosecco you're getting creepy"
"hmmm" he nods at you
"hmmm" you squint your eyes and nods back.
your looking back out at your audience now, and you find grace finally. and she's, KISSING HER YES.
"LOOK" you grab his face and turn it towards grace and point.
"oh it worked"
"oh im a genius, she was right I should have a party for it every week"
"you're not a genius im just a great DJ"
"oh no but you see mr DJ I have 2 degrees already I am a genius"
a lie as you had finished neither of them, but you were drunk.
"shit how old are you" he leans in
"how old are you" you poke his chest.
"21" your head pulls back in slight shock
"christ you're a child my god, do you even have pubes yet? a degree?"
"oh and how old are you?"
" im 24 bald man"
"shut up I have pubes"
"yeah okay thank you mr DJ, its been fun"
"I don't have a degree though" he trails off.
"eh university is overrated anyway"
"no" you pop the p and you weren't lying you needed to learn and you loved the routine.
"are you Australian?"
"did the no give me away"
"yes and you sound like the only other Australian I know"
"yes I am, im from Sydney, proud to be the 2nd Australian you know."
"should be, starting to like you better than the English"
"WE ARE" "I swear im not this patriotic when im sober"
"sure. would you let me buy you and your friend and her friend a drink?"
" oh so your rich, why of course wouldn't pass up on free alcohol."
you walked down the stairs meeting max at the bottom and found grace and her friend who introduced herself at "Jane" to you all. and you sat at the bar and talked for the next two hours. the lights were less intense and the alcohol was flowing through you, making all this conversation shamelessly easy. lando and max were funny and grace was the perfect following act, knowing just when to punch in while staying completely enamoured with jane.
"do you two just act like you hate each other all the time" you're speaking to max and lando who seem to be bickering 90% of the time.
"yes" they look at each other while they answer and you laugh.
“is that fun for you guys?”
they look at eachother again “yes”
before you look at the man standing above lando in the seat beside you. you look up at him before lando even notices anyones presence.
"hi im so sorry but are you lando Norris?"
you look at max with a look of "what the fuck?" and he ignored you completely.
"hey mate, yeah I am"
"oh my god, uh could we take a selfie?"
he takes a breath and for a minute you're thinking that he’s gonna say something like "no its actually not lando Norris because who the fuck is that" or a simple "no".
but he stands up and takes a selfie and the man thanks him profusely and walks away.
"um" your mouth slightly agape.
"your famous?" you head tilted to one side with the question.
"I guess"
max interjects "he's faking humble, yes he's famous"
"are you a porn star or something why are you so embarrassed"
they look at eahcother and throw their heads back.
"no i’m not a pornstar i just-" he says
"im a formula one driver" he admits
"formula one?" you rack your brain, it sounded oddly familiar.
"OH FORMULA ONE." your eyes widened
"right right right formula one, the car one, lewis Hamilton, champagne, Micheal Schumacher, Ferrari , grand prix, downforce. of course." the understanding was there
"yes that one, wait you didn’t know who I was"
“i thought that’s why you laughed at my name”
"i laughed at your name because i’m drunk, and it’s funny. i knew you looked familiar, i used to watch formula one. after uni started i forgot about it mostly must have missed your debut"
you seem to be speedily connecting dots
"oh yes the 2 degrees miss genius"
"about to be 3" you correct him
max speaks up "oh shit"
grace taps you on the shoulder and asks if you wanna catch an uber home and they could drop Jane back on the way. in a weird train of thought you vow you'd find your own way home and give her a nudge and a wink that you'd give her enough time with Jane to ........
she incessant but you reassure her that you'll stop drinking soon and text her on the way home, you have a key. lando says that he could even get in the uber with you, if that makes grace feel better.
you talk with lando and max for a bit longer after grace leaves, until at least 3am, in which max brings up the prospect of leaving. you do take the boys up on their offer getting into the uber with you,
threatening them that if they were to do anything harmful,
"I know who you are no lando Norris and max fewtrell, be nice"
chatting and laughing drunkenly all the way home, in fact much too drunk to remember he's a formula one driver and has a lot more money that your tiny flat above the home of an old lady with 4 cats. the car pulls up and before you get out lando catches your arm and says,
"can I get your number?"
you smile and take his phone.
"if your ever DJ-ing again, either of you" making sure to include max as you didn't want to make anything awkward, and that moment you liked lando, but purely in a friendly way. albeit sadly.
"call me and ill come running, well me and grace"
"as long as your paying for drinks again"
"never again" max pipes up
"hmmmmmm, bye bye mr famous and mr everyone sucks but golf"
you close the door, walk up the small stairs the front door, watch as the car drives off and unlock the front door, going inside, using your phone torch to navigate your way to the fridge. downing 2 litres of water, an electrolyte shot and the leftovers from last night. you go to sleep when the headspins stops and you don't ignore the 2 sleeping figures where usually only grace would lie.
unknown number:
💬 everything good? didn't trip on the doormat or on anyones vomit?
you squint reading the message and remember the encounter with lando 20 minutes prior.
💬 everything is swell, your heart may rest 😉
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astercrash · 21 days
I often see the anarchist disdain for voting-centric activism mischaracterised as nothing more than whining that the candidates are not morally "pure".
Anarchy doesn't oppose candidates, anarchy opposes government. The problem is not with the representatives, it is with representative democracy.
The reason for opposing representative democracy is that from the beginning it has been a swindle on the part of the capitalists to launder a ruling class through the hands of the people and say "these people get to run your lives. After all, you chose them yourselves!"
At every opportunity capital has captured this new ruling class and turned it to its own interests. There is a reason the majority of politicians are landlords. There is a reason even parties traditionally aligned with trade unionist movements have been turned against them over time as their institutions grow languid with conflict of interest.
For the parliamentarian, maintaining power is the primary reason for exercising power. Once in a blue moon this aligns with the public interest and in times of great outrage there can even be genuine progress, mollifying the working classes back into a compliant stupor, but that stupor is the goal, not progress.
Representative democracy, particularly in systems with single member electorates and without preferential voting, exists to drive all discourse towards the centre, nullifying extremes and preserving the status quo.
So vote for your lesser of two evils, enjoy a slightly more comfortable state of injustice, lord knows the lack of education in the working classes makes revolutionary change borderline impossible within our lifetimes.
But quit accusing the people saying this shit stinks of improperly fastening the clothespeg on their nose. We're objecting to the shit, not the smell.
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eightyonekilograms · 7 months
What are the left-NIMBYs' policy positions? What are the YIMBY policy positions? I mean I know what they are in a broad sense (more regulation on constructing housing vs. less), but I'm curious to know in more detail. Obviously some regulation is good (living in California, I'm glad there are standards for earthquake safety), and some is bad (I'm generally against single-use zoning for a bunch reasons you probably agree with). The basic supply and demand stuff and how it affects the cost of housing is obvious enough to me, but the weeds of how specifically regulations should be changed in light of this seems like a more complex issue.
I don't identify as either a NIMBY or a YIMBY; this discourse is somewhat foreign to me, but I probably have some mixture of NIMBY-sympathetic and YIMBY-sympathetic positions, and I'm interested in getting a better picture of the details of the debate from someone who clearly knows a lot about it.
Also as an aside, if you have any good sources of information you can recommend on the present state of housing policy in San Francisco, and/or how it's changed over the years, I'd be very interested in them.
At least from my POV, left-NIMBY policy prescriptions generally seem to fall into one of three camps (arranged from least to most radical):
non-zoning regulatory updates to try and make housing more affordable; the canonical example being adding low-income requirements to new housing developments
large expansions in government-funded housing projects, possibly to the point of having all housing construction be government-funded
"housing can't be fixed until we abolish capitalism"
Each of these has a flaw, although they need to be analyzed separately.
The people in camp 1 are well-intentioned, but unfortunately in practice they are useful idiots for the people who want less housing to be built (landlords, homeowners who want to Preserve the Neighborhood Character, the aforementioned BlackRock investors from my original post, etc.). Those people know full well that the actual effect of attaching more requirements to new housing construction is that less new housing (of all kinds, low-income, high-income, etc.) gets made, because projects which were just-barely profitable get pushed into being unprofitable, and so they don't happen. Obviously individual cases vary, but in general, if you say "you can't build those 50 new housing units unless you also add 15 low-income units in that development" is not that you get 50 market-rate units and 15 low-income units, but that you get zero new units. Which helps nobody.
This is one example of a depressingly common pattern where left-NIMBYs unfortunately make it very easy for themselves to get played like a fiddle by people who say they have the interests of low-income renters at heart, but absolutely do not. As I said, the sorts of "wealthy suburban single-family homeowners" who go to their community meetings and demand that new construction include low-income unit requirements are doing that to murder low-income housing, but because it's an invisible murder (since the development simply doesn't happen), those homeowners with their In This House We Believe signs can keep saying they want to help the poor get housed, while guaranteeing that won't happen.
With camp 2, in general it seems to me like a lot of them aren't paying attention to what YIMBYs actually say, and instead have built up a strawman in their mind of YIMBYs as diehard anti-government libertarians. Some of them are, but most YIMBYs— myself included— do want more government-funded construction and think it definitely should be a part of a comprehensive solution for housing affordability.
The issue is, if you want government-funded housing, the government still needs to pay for the land, and the construction. And if land and construction are more expensive than they could be because of limited supply and burdensome, then the government has to pay more for this housing, and gets less for its money. I know a lot of left-NIMBYs tend to scoff at fiscal/budgetary constrains, but they are a real thing, if only because eventually you'll get voter revolt, and if you have X dollars of taxpayer money to spend on new housing construction, it would surely be better to make that X dollars go as far as possible and build maybe 5,000 units instead of 1,000. This is a case where the libertarian and socialist views do not need to be opposed and can in fact work in concert: the more land reform you have, the cheaper land gets and so the more bang for you buck you get. So even if you are a Camp 2er, you should support YIMBY policy reforms anyway.
The people in camp 3, well... I wanted these posts to be as factual and non-ideological as I could, but at some point there's no getting around the fact that camp 3 is delusional. We're not going to abolish capitalism, at least not any time in the foreseeable future. It could happen in succeeding decades, but in the meantime, wouldn't it be nice if people could have an affordable place to live now? Note that there are differences in housing affordability across areas, based mostly on to what extent they have YIMBY-like policies in place, so the claim that only abolishing capitalism can help seems empirically wrong. (And if the response to that is that helping people now is bad because it would delay the revolution, that's when I start yelling and pounding on my keyboard again. Accelerationism is fundamentally a monstrous, evil ideology, gleefully throwing people under the bus for the sake of a fantasy world).
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sixpennydame · 1 month
"so if eruri is triggering for you, I’d suggest you start filtering certain tags so you can curate the kind of experience you want here."
I guess you think I don't really filter them out, but you're wrong. Believe me, no matter how much I ban everything related to this ship, it comes up in every way. For example eruri shipper Levixreader writers. Even in the Hcs/fanfic's they write, they are in every way squeezing their own ship under the guise of "this is not ship discourse" and they write the dynamics of that ship under the name of 'levixreader' in order to show that their ship is canon. And you naively Rb'd them and think that Levi's character is really like that. He's a perpetually angry man, he's a cruel selfish man who hates the weak and who hates the weak and who immediately abandons you because he's weak, who puts his feelings for erbin ahead of his duties 🥺 who puts humanity through hell for erbin. but someone who is a dog and a softy for him and someone who threw S/o out of the window for him. Yes he loves S/o but he would even sacrifice S/o for the landlord whose dog he is 😔 But again keep saying "great Levi fic post 😭".
And that's what I'm talking about when I say don't let them manipulate you, because even one of your recent articles is similar to their writing style. I wouldn't be surprised if you soon write Levi as an ass upturned, bed whining, super fanon twink whiny lowlife sub. One of your Rb's in particular is a super delulu shipper levixreader writer, and they so much portray Levi as Erwin's lapdog, order dog, loyal dog, someone who never questions whatever action he takes, never wavers in his loyalty, that Cosmic finally had to write them a misleading reply that Levi is not like that Lmaoo. And they are egotistical and self-righteous enough to say "I know better than you" when they see criticism that contradicts their fanon thinking. Man its 2024 and fucking ackerbond has been debunked years ago and even Isayama's dusty old interviews deny it. Yeah, no matter how much I filter eruri, I see exactly that in both Levi tags and Levixreader tags 🙃 and now whenever I want to read fic or browse Levi posts, I have to look at them with hesitation and fear. I don't understand if I should filter Levi directly?
I'm so tired that I would love for Isayama to drop a bombshell that will disprove both the selfshippers and shippers and all their rhetoric, all their Hc's, and leave us all in a big disappointment. For example to give him a really random female partner. Or I would like him to write a characterization where he really doesn't care about everyone and throws them into the fire, where he thinks about himself and his life instead of thinking about them, where he focuses on himself, where he is truly selfish. Then we wouldn't have to see discourses, dramas and fights like "Levi cared about X the most" "He did this and that for X" "Levi doesn't have a canon ship, but if he did it would be X"
*sighs heavily*
I don’t know what to tell you, Anon. If my reblogging and my moots bring you so much distress, you are free to block me.
I refuse to get involved with ship discourse - that’s not what I’m here for.
But I will say this: the writing I do is xreader, but I love to read and view Levi in many forms - canon and AU, eruri, LeviHan, and everything in between. I’ll be sure to make that clear on my ‘About Me’ page.
I love my moots’ writing and art, and will continue to reblog anything that I find beautiful or pleasing to me. Because that, dear Anon, is why I am here.
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suncaptor · 4 months
we need to make the Sam class traitor discourse juicier *takes an alternative dimension machine and lands in a place where the characters are fundamentally different* Sam went to college last decade or so, but he ended up lucking out of some investments and now is a landlord of some complex. When Dean is homeless at some point after John dies and he doesn't want to hunt alone Sam refuses to give him a place to stay without signing a 1 year lease paying 2k a month with a 800 deposit.
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gatheringbones · 8 months
[“Both the US and UK typically tie domestic workers’ visas to a specific employer. As a result, a staggering 80 per cent of migrant domestic workers entering the US find that they have been deceived about their contract, and 78 per cent have had employers threaten them with deportation if they complain. In the UK, these ‘tied visas’ were only introduced – by Prime Minister Theresa May, who was home secretary at the time – in 2012, so it is possible to see their effect very clearly. Migrant domestic workers who entered the UK after 2012 on a tied visa are twice as likely to be physically abused by their employers as those who arrived on a visa that gave them the right to change employers. Compared to migrant domestic workers on the previous, more flexible form of visa, those on tied visas are substantially more likely to be underpaid, assaulted, and overworked, to be expected to sleep on the floor, and to have their passports confiscated by their employers. Punitive immigration law produces harm.
However, much mainstream trafficking discourse characterises the abuse of migrants and people selling sex as the work of individual bad actors, external to and independent of state actions and political choices. Sometimes this discourse works not only to obscure the role of the state but to absolve it. One feminist commentator, for example, writes of the sex trade that ‘criminalisation doesn’t rape and beat women. Men do’. From this, we might conclude that changing the law is pointless because, what makes women vulnerable is simply men. This may feel true for women who do not have to contend with immigration law, police, or the constant fear of deportation, but we can see from the results of tied visas that the legal context – including migration law – is heavily implicated in producing vulnerability and harm.
For undocumented migrant workers looking to challenge bad workplace conditions, penalties do not stop at deportation; instead, these workers face criminalisation if they are discovered. In the UK, someone convicted of ‘illegal working’ can face up to fifty-one weeks in prison, an unlimited fine, and the prospect of their earnings being confiscated as the ‘proceeds of crime’. This increases undocumented people’s justified fear of state authorities and makes them even less able to report labour abuses. Such laws therefore heighten their vulnerability and directly push them into exploitative working environments, thereby creating a supply of highly vulnerable, ripe-for-abuse workers. Increasingly, border enforcement is infiltrating new areas of civic life. Landlords are now expected to check tenants’ immigration status before renting to them; proposals have been floated to freeze or close the bank accounts of undocumented people, and a documentation check was introduced in England when accessing both healthcare and education, as part of an explicit ‘hostile environment’ policy (although both have been challenged by migrants’ rights organisers, including in court). The UK devotes far more resources to policing migration than it does to preventing the exploitation of workers. Researcher Bridget Anderson notes that ‘the [National Minimum Wage] had 93 compliance officers in 2009 and the Gangmasters Licensing Authority [which works to protect vulnerable and exploited workers] had 25 inspectors … The proposed number of UK Border Agency Staff for Local Immigration teams … is 7,500.’
This is the context in which commercial sex frequently occurs. Undocumented or insecurely documented people are enmeshed within a punitive, state-enforced infrastructure of deportability, disposability, and precarity. Any work they do – whether it is at a restaurant, construction site, cannabis farm, nail bar, or brothel – carries a risk of being detained, jailed, or deported. In any work they do, they will be unable to assert labour rights. Even renting a home or accessing healthcare can be difficult. All this makes undocumented people more dependent on those who can help them – such as the people they paid to helped them cross the border, or an unscrupulous employer. It should therefore be no surprise that some undocumented migrants are pushed into sex work by those they rely on, or that some enter into it even if the working conditions are exploitative or abusive.”]
molly smith, juno mac, from revolting prostitutes: the fight for sex workers’ rights, 2018
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totally agree with your tags on that post about jean. i try to stay out of jean discourse because i have mutuals who say that he’s their fav character, but…i just don’t get it tbh. also yes kimjean makes absolutely no sense to me. i feel like it’s more like playing with dolls than anything else. like if your headcanons deviate from the source material that much, what’s the point? why is it fun?
thank you for your ask! and i agree!
part of it is falling into the trap of 'colouring in the blanks' vis-a-vis harry's memory loss, i think. but as you said - at some nebulous point, you're just making an OC.
my mutuals range from indifferent-to-utter hatred when it comes to jean, so i have no problem writing a few more of my thoughts. this is mainly about the failures of capitalist institutions in general to keep people alive. bit of a sprawling rant under cut:
personally, jean (and the rest of the Precinct 41 cops) struck me as a mouthpiece for one of the clusters of problems that institutions like the police fall into: using 'personal' bias under the guise of 'for the good of the institution/society' to cut off a member/member of the public in need. looking out from the institution's windows, one might liken it to pruning dead flowerheads off a tree. from the outside in, it is tantamount to manslaughter.
that might sound like a large step to make - however, if you think about how it is, in many cases, legal for a landlord to suddenly evict one of their tenants and make them homeless in the middle of winter (for them to go on and die of cold on the street) - what is that, if not manslaughter with extra, authorised steps?
with that, i think what jean is capable of doing in the bad ending... harry, possibly going through withdrawal, disabled, healing from recent GUNSHOT WOUNDS, destitute, mentally ill, suicidal, amnesia-ridden and isolated, is left in the fishing village by jean to fend for himself. not even 'here are your house keys and a few rèal for a train fare. go home, you're fired'. he is just Left There. and there is nothing there for harry. unless he joins the fucking hardie boys or some shit, there's no way he's getting a job again. that's it - harry's dead to us now; which means he is dead, or will be very soon. the only thing that would keep him alive at that point would by the kindness of isobel and lilienne and the other residents of martinaise, which proves my point that the RCM itself is a failed, bigoted institution. when even the hotshot lieutenant double-yefreitor is ejected for being 'more trouble than he's worth' without the disability/pension pay that he honestly rightfully deserves, the place is fucked. jean knows that nothing harry can do or say can prevent this. harry can't afford a fucking lawyer to fight for his case.
as soon as harry purposefully drove him away while imploding in a suicidal mania, that was apparently reason enough for him to 'fuck off'... for him to just sit there doing fuck all while harry wakes up not knowing who he is, gets shot, and actually solves the fucking murder for him. and then jean sees the detritus of harry's many, many attempts at ending his own life, and all he can see is wasted assets; wasted budget; wasted time. and to rub salt in the wound: the only reason he brings Trant along is to 'see if harry's lying'. WHICH. jean KNOWS that harry's had amnesia blackouts before. judit knows that harry's had amnesia blackouts before. jean just wants to see if he can leverage enough over harry to get rid of him for good.
when it comes to jean in particular, i think people can project their own ideas about what he is 'meant to be' onto him. hell, i'm doing it now. but to some people, jean is meant to represent the 'long-suffering addict handler' who has been at the Mercy of the Big Bad Addict, just trying to do his job but inevitably dragged down by him. i don't want to disregard anyone who has tried for years to do damage control with friends and relatives who are addicts - however, i just don't think that the writers intended for this reading of his character. harry, historically, used drugs and alcohol as a method to solve cases more efficiently and probably self-medicate for mental illness and post-polio syndrome. he has a massive caseload which he shouldered for years, grinding his spirit against the murders of revachol. it sounds like he only became a 'non-functional addict' relatively recently (don't quote me on that). and as soon as he starts inevitably imploding, jean - the guy who was basically only playing second fiddle in that caseload - is already right there to kick him onto the street.
because that's what cops view mentally ill addicts as, right? it doesn't matter if they're prestigious in their own goddamn precinct. as soon as they've outlived their usefulness; their cost-effectiveness, they're gone. and That is what jean was there to carry out - in the bad ending. it doesn't matter that jean is clinically depressed. they both can't afford therapy, but only jean can continue working because his mental illness apparently isn't severe enough to the point that he's driving his car into the ocean in a desperate attempt to end his own life. because he is 'functional'.
and the worst part is - they're both miserable! they're both suffering! jean wants to kick harry out because he's sick of dealing with him. what makes jean sitting around the whirling-in-rags in a wig being useless Funny is that HARRY IS DOING HIS JOB FOR HIM! while not even knowing what money is or who he is or where he lives! and then jean can kick him out the RCM and leave him to die for not being 'functional' enough.
now there's more to say about the different endings. how the 'kim *truly* trusts you' check and make or break an ending and the variety of ways in which you can play harry and how your actions 'mid-game' can impact how the world interprets 'pre-amnesia harry'. different shit. you can play harry as a racist, fascist asshole. and as much as i would like for every racist, fascist asshole TO die in a ditch - safety nets such as universal healthcare/basic income & unconditional housing should be there to benefit Everyone. even racist, fascist assholes. otherwise, the point is defeated: like jean the RCM denying harry his past and a stable future because of illness and poverty. jean raging about 'the liberals' and the horrific ableist shit he said in regards to harry's disabilities should have sent alarm bells ringing in the minds of people who want to woobify him. (plus judit's 'well-meaning' infantilisation, and trant's poverty-tourism schtick. ew.)
failure of institutions and different rules for different groups of society based on bigotry aside, jean is ultimately only there for like 5 minutes. if you want an asshole with a mushy core, why not titus? if you want a guy with a lot of 'fill in the blanks' potential, why not goraçy kubrek?
why not tiago? why not mañana? why not ruby? why not lilienne? why not cunoesse? why not the dicemaker? why not the ravers? why not the student communists? why not lizzie? why not cindy? hell, the guy who gives you a slice of salami showed more humanity than jean did in the entire game and the only reason he's there is to give you a slice of salami! why jean?
it's a little detached from what i've said here, but social institutions & contracts and ignoring/bending the law for the purposes of third parties are talked a lot about in this great video by philosphytube!
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