#ley 💜💖💖
meenah-chan · 2 years
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WOOOOOOOW 😮😮😮💖💖💖 THAT'S AMAZINGGG!! I could never get such a high score on Chaos, your dedication Ley is 😚👌💖💖
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chipichopi · 10 months
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A ella?, se podría decir que es una vampira uvu y es poco de tomar sangre solo si tiene mucha hambre, está algo acostumbrada a comer comida humana aunque no tanto (no la dibujo mucho xd)
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AHHH! Una vampira! Es muy linda >v<♡♡♡
Cuando veo a un vampiro siempre imagino aquellos rasgos de historias antiguas de como podrian ser; con una piel totalmente palida y orejas en punta, la apariencia tradicional y tipica en otras palabras aunque estoy muy aferrada en darles ojos de murciélago donde el color esta casi rodeando todo el ojo y como asi que me encanto darle esos colores unicos en sus ojos! 💜❤💜
Cuando lei su informacion imagine que como ella no suele normalmente comer comida humana y beber sangre solo si tiene mucha hambre decidi mezclar ambas comidas para ella: comida humana y sangre, asi que esa hamburgersa contiene mas sangre que verduras 👍 ademas de que podria imaginar que puede mezclarse con los humanos normalmente si lleva esa comida (Siempre y cuando tenga cuidado de que no salga una gota de sangre de alli) ¡Espero que te haya gustado mi interpretacion de ella! Olvide preguntar su nombre ;_; pero muy linda Oc 💖💖💖 (´ ω `♡)
OC pertenece a: @anaguel-bianca-34x
(☆click for better resolution☆)
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treeganart · 2 years
ALL ABOUT ENDRÉ (and Kallters in my version of Jorvik)
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Like two people asked for more info on my OCs and I was like “EEEEE!!” so here’s the first info dump on my favourite anxious himbo Endré 💙
Endré (he/him 💖💜💙) was born and raised behind the IcenGates of Dino Valley. He has a strong connection to his culture and his people - The Kallter - as they are all he has ever known.
His family consists of his father, his older brother, and his Nana. Sadly his mother passed away in his early years and he struggles to connect to his brother and father due to their vastly different personalities and interests. His Nana is his main guardian and support ❤️ However he still gets to see his mother when her spirit returns during a yearly event where the spirit realm opens up to the physical realm via the Northern Lights. (Or on special occasions where guidance is needed but I won’t get into that in this post lol)
He has two best friends (his only friends lol) Yura (she/her) and Atka (They/Them) who stuck by him despite him being an extremely shy and introverted kid.
All Kallter are raised to believe in the ‘Spirits’ and animism - meaning that everything, be it animal, human, mountain or river, has a spirit/soul. Their religion is based on experience as well as belief due to Jorvik being situated on strong ley-lines of powerful energy, enhancing these spirits so they can be felt by all Kallter and those inclined to reach out.
It’s a polytheism culture that worships multiple spirits alongside Aideen. Endré is devoted to these believes and frequently spends time alone listening to the Spirits and feeling their energies to calm him.
He has struggled with anxiety a lot of his life and luckily has had a lot of support from his family and friends in finding healthy ways to cope with his mental health - such as breathing techniques, connecting with the earth/spirits, his emotional support mare Ilya, among others.
Kallter have extra special bonds/abilities with their horses, bestowed upon them by Aideen centuries ago, that allow them to communicate with their equine counterparts (Kinda like the Soulriders).
Endré is extremely proficient in this gift - more so than the rest of his community - and therefor is the main ‘Keeper of Mounts’. He basically looks after all the horses and Caribou and trains them etc etc. (yes I will die on this hill that Kallter don’t just ride horses but a variety of mounts COZ I LIKE IT) .
Endré ends up meeting my other two OCs Bonnie and Wren (and kick starts my story (I have a whole story and prequel story for my characters so… yeah. I’m totally not obsessed 😅)) after he gets BANISHED from his tribe for *Spoiler Reasons* and isn’t allowed back until he can complete this like quest(?) to find some stolen ancient Kallter artifact. So out he goes into the rest of Jorvik on his trusty steed Ilya, into a world completely unknown to him, without his support system and completely alone. Until he meets Bonnie…. Who can’t pass up the chance to help our Kallter boi - and ends up throwing them both headlong into the biggest mystery and conspiracy of Jorviks long history of lies, deceit and power struggle.
So there ya have it 🌚👁👁 What do you guys think? I have a lot more Kallter specific lore too coz they are my fav faction in SSO. Like all about their religion, their civilisation, the Ice Witch, Kallstones, Shamans etc. it’s all inspired a lot by Inuit cultures but with my own twists coz it’s Jorvik and they are a made up culture so 😌
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megalobeats · 5 months
🌈💖✨Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 😎💜💚💙
awwwwww thank you so muchhhh
glad to have you back, Lei ❤️
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ikemenfangirl · 2 years
Yujian Love : 520 day ( May 20 )
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Title: Yujian Love (遇见逆水寒)
By : NetEase
Platform : iOS and Android
Genre: Historical, Hetero love
Language : Chinese
Website : http://yujian.163.com
Choose your protagonist ( male or female ) and meet the love interest
HL - GxB , BxG
❤️ Fang ChangYi - There are all kinds of looks, only I like them.
🤍 Wu Qing - With you, all armies can be enemies.
💜 Yan Wugui - The wind and warm is together.
💙 Ye Wenzhou - She will always be by his side.
💚 Gu Xizhou - The flying sky in the painting is there in front of me.
💖 Male protagonist and female love interest - Now, it's not just juniors.
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Fang Chang Yi CV : Ke Muqing #柯暮卿
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Wu Qing CV : Xia Lei #夏磊
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Ye WenZhou CV : Liu Sanmu #刘三木
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Gu XiZhao CV : Zhao Lu #赵路
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Yan WuGui CV : Xie Tiantian #谢添天
iOS : https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/id1382491760
Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netease.yjnshhm
iOS : https://apps.apple.com/hk/app/id1439045522
Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netease.yjnshtw
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marianeaparecidareis · 11 months
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“Ah! Pedro!... Se todos viessem a Mim para ouvir, para chorar as dores e pecados.... Para serem libertos na alma e no corpo. Se Me consumisse em lhes falar, em perdoar, em derramar-lhes meu poder... Aí sim seria feliz a ponto de não mais recordar do Céu com saudades!.. Ide aos vilarejos e dizei que irei visitá-los. Sou de todos e todos devem Me ter.” “E nós Mestre?” indagou Pedro. “Ficareis em Cafarnaum acomodando as multidões.” Diante de sua reação, Jesus o advertiu. “Pedro!! Pedro!! Que a obediência te faça feliz, porque assim Me serás um discípulo útil.”
Em Corozaim havia um homem corroído pela lepra. Um esqueleto humano vivendo em total miséria e solidão. Estava à porta de uma caverna afastada, que mais parecia um sepulcro. Olhava a estrada a perder de vista. Olhava e suspirava. De repente ouve uma voz: “Onde estás Abel??...”
Samuel, o amigo, chegou antes que Abel. Foi até Jesus e repleto de emoção, contou-lhe a triste história de ambos. “Tu foste muito bom com ele, Samuel. Por isso a graça te alcançou. Quem ama merece tudo de Deus...” Abel afinal se aproximou e se lançou na relva, aos pés de Jesus. “Se queres, podes me limpar!” As lágrimas desciam pelos olhos vazados.
Jesus olhou aquele esqueleto de homem devorado em suas carnes. Só uma verdadeira e santa caridade poderia suportar a repugnância e o mau cheiro. Estendeu-lhe as mãos. “Não! Não me toques!..” Jesus deu outro passo à frente. Pôs a mão sobre sua cabeça carcomida, e cheio de amor, disse: “Fica limpo!! Eu quero!!” Depois disse: “Vai ao sacerdote e cumpre o que manda a Lei. E não falem nada a ninguém. Sê bom e não peques mais... Nós ainda nos encontraremos.”
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carlosguide · 1 year
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💐Feliz Dia internacional da Mulher 💐🌟 💃🏽 Você é forte Dentes e músculos Peitos e lábios Você é forte Letras e músicas Todas as músicas Que ainda hei de ouvir No Abaeté Areias e estrelas Não são mais belas Do que você Mulher das estrelas Mina de estrelas Diga o que você quer..❤💛💜🤍💚💙 Desejo neste dia simbólico , claro, pois todos os dias são de vocês, mulheres que correm atrás do prejuízo, não deixam a peteca cair, muitas são os pais e mães ao mesmo tempo, um dia muito especial! Homem de verdade não maltrata uma mulher! Espero que nossos políticos revejam as leis que tanto prejudicam a todos , em especial as Mulheres que na maioria das vezes são vitimas da covardia e abuso por somente ser mulher.... * 💖 * Felicidades a Todas Mulheres do Mundo que tem a Paz e Amor em seu coração feminino.. * 💞 * Mulher é a Mãe Terra de todos nos.🌎🌷 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpiJ6UCrt9L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toruvi · 2 years
okay let me just *inhales very deeply* LEY, I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING. THIS GAVE ME A REASON TO LIVE TODAY. The chokehold this art. Omg, his boobs, HIS PECS, HIS TAIL, THE WAY HIS HANDS ARE CARESSING THE FISH. OMFG, I WANNA KISS YOU SO BAD. Your art is amazing, omfg I hope I can buy from your etsy store one day bc I really want to immortalize you. LEY I—THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INDULGING IN MY MERMAID LEVI MADNESS. I am literally crying I am so moved ahhhh Ily ily ily so lets kiss 😚💛❤️💚❤️‍🔥💜💗💗🧡💕💕💚💘💙🤎🤎💝💝💚💞💕🤍💕🤍🤍🤍❣️💛🧡🧡❤️‍🩹🖤🤍💗🧡❤️💛💛💙💙🧡❤️💗💓🖤🧡🖤💖🧡💚💜💝💝💖🧡💗❤️💜❤️❤️
milan I'M GOING TO CRY ngkgjsgsdf NO BC I WISH I MADE HIS BOOBIES BIGGER :(((( i got too focused on his slutty waist!!! THE FISH N THE HANDS are my favorite part aaaaa AW BB im so flattered. sincerely. u always hype me up and it brings me to tears every time tysm for the inspo HEHE ILY WITH ALL MY HEART sending u many many kisses!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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xxalienat7elevenxx · 2 years
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⚠️ cw // eyestrain , bright colors ⚠️
🌴🐚🌅 T R O P I C A L L O V E R S 🌅🐚🌴
🌺 Big wip I just finished up!! Here is Cali, Zoey and Lei Lei!! 🌺
🌈 Art ★ XxAlienAt7ElevenxX 🌈
🌈 Character ★ XxAlienAt7ElevenxX 🌈
🌈 XxAlienAt7ElevenxX ★ 2021 🌈
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fabioquartararhoe · 2 years
Do I know French? No. Am I still going to order that magazine? Absolutely.
How long did it take to arrive? I'm also from ro 💖
hahaha me 💜 a week and it was like 70 de lei but no regrets lol
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meenah-chan · 3 years
Hey meenah
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Seems like you made the licifucker mistake, if you still remember- :3
Uhmm I—
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I didn't uhh, I mean did...
Wait, lemme curse the past me for predicting I'd really be a Licif****r 😂😂😂
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ossicodone · 3 years
Quando a lei piacciono i vasi di porcellana e io mi sento un cesso: 💞💘💖💗💌💋❤️🧡🤍💙💚💜💛🤍🖤🤎💦💦💦🙈🙊
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Because your blog is awesome and wholesome!! It's a comfy space for others, like me! :D💖💜
Here's the truth. When I first joined tumblr, I wasn't planning on doing anything with my account. I just read fan fics. Then I found Ley's blog, and instantly felt drawn to the welcome and warm community that they have there.
It was there that I started interacting with people online for the first time until I gained the confidence to start posting my own fan fics. It was there that I realized I wanted to build a similar safe-space for Obey Me fans, only make mine SFW. It was there I made my first online friends.
Long story short, Ley, I admired you and your blog so much when I first started and it's honestly because of you and your amazing blog that The Hive is the way it is. So having you say this means so much more than I can put into words.
Love you ❤ Your Maple Anon/Maple Bee 🍁🐝
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sevendeadlymorons · 2 years
Hi xander🥺💖💜
Hi Ley 🥺❤️🖤
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deescade · 3 years
I've been great! Hopefully you've been good too!💖💜
Sorry emma, Draken seems to like me now lmao😂
I'm actually done with the anime and updated on the manga :'D
I'm glad! 💞 Yeah, I've been good for the most part! (school is continuing to stress me out but I guess I'm back here for some stress relief? hehe, but I'm happy to be talking to you again after a while!🥺❤)
Oh yeah that's right, now you've got beef with emma too! I totally forgot 😆💀Ley, you're out here being "Mr. Steal Your Girl/Man" and I'm loving it 💪😂
Ah cool, gotcha! :D
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buggerup-busters · 4 years
Happy bi day to Vee, Henry, Knotty, Lei 💖💜💙
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