#lgbt full acronym
trans-wojak · 8 months
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Tumblr mogai artist: *le drawing of an overweight shirtless female with wide hips wearing a skirt & the most ugliest red angry grotesque scars from top surgery on full display* my new oc that’s a trans man uwu :)))
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montrosien · 1 year
Found out one of my semi-friends is aphobic and doesn't think asexuals belong in the LGBTQ+ community tehehehe gonna cry
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hostilemuppet · 2 years
theres an interview w the creators of happy tree friends in the year of our lord 2022. there hasnt been an episode since 2016. do you think we can get them to confirm flaky as nonbinary since it will not affect literally anything and its pride month
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abimee · 1 year
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whenever i think of urianger i think of when i was fighting mags in triple triad and when i put urianger down they asked me if i was ''playing my gay community deck''
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pyreorpyre · 7 months
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h... how are they not the same
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yourbabies-thenmine · 8 months
Historians speculate she first felt LGBTQIA feelings while playing pretend as the role of the husband who gets to flirt with her “wife”, quickly reassured as being bisexual when roles reversed and she too had a pretend husband to fawn over
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evilittlecrow · 1 year
Why is my only new follower who isn't a bot an exclusionist 😭
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AITA for possibly emasculating my husband?
My husband (27 M) and I (32 F) have recently gotten married and bought a house together. For context, we started dating three years ago, and I immediately fell in love with him. We met through a mutual acquaintance and he asked me out after twenty minutes of conversation. He was a perfect gentleman, incredibly intelligent, very handsome, funny, hardworking and kind. On our third date, when we began to get serious, he told me he was transgender – that he had been born female but transitioned to male in his early twenties. This came as a surprise but didn't really change anything. He was the perfect boyfriend and is currently a fantastic husband. He's not out to most people, but a few mutual friends know.
Since we bought a place together, we've both started jobs in the area. He has a very good full-time job at an office about twenty minutes away, and my job is part-time, about ten minutes away from home and five minutes from his office building. His office building has a fast food place next door where most employees get lunch.
Often, my husband forgets his homemade lunch, and I make sure to bring it to him during my lunch break, or after my shift ends. I take a lot of pride in my cooking, and I want to show off to him, so I like to bring him different kinds of meals, in what I've been told is kitchy and cutesy presentation (I write him a love note on the napkin, or make a heart out of vegetables, or fold a rose out of salami slices, etc.)
I take the elevator up to his office, hand him his lunch, give him a kiss, and then I'm off back to work. It's almost like a ritual of ours, and sometimes I find myself looking forward to him having forgotten his lunch. (Does that make me a bad person?)
A mutual friend of ours who works at my husband's office told me in private that I'm emasculating him by bringing him overly cutesy lunches and, her words, not mine, "fawning over him." She also knows about my husband's past, and is very educated and active in LGBT+ rights outside of work. I'm really not as educated, and I grew up in a conservative immigrant household and neighborhood where I hadn't even encountered anyone LGBT+ until I was in college. When she brought this up to me, it made me incredibly self-conscious, and worried that I wasn't validating my husband's masculinity. Recently, I didn't take him his lunch when he forgot it, and he asked me if I was mad at him when he got home. I assured him I wasn't, but now I'm worried.
I'm also worried to ask him what to do, because I don't want it to seem as though I'm treating him any differently because he happens to be transgender. It's never been an issue before, but now I'm thinking more deeply about our relationship and wondering whether I'm unconsciously emasculating him. I love my husband and don't want to hurt him, but I'm wondering whether I have already, by making him seem less masculine in front of his coworkers.
Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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littlefankingdom · 1 month
Bruce Wayne isn't straight. The thing is, he's unlabeled. He didn't have the time or the need to do research on the subject, he had a city to protect. It's such a silly thing in the grand scheme of thing, who the fuck cares about who he is attracted to, as long as the tabloids are painting him as a playboy incapable of being a vigilante, he has a new fear gaz to analyze. He really doesn't care, it doesn’t affect his life. He answers "No." with the straightest (lol) face when asks by anyone if he's straight, and that's it. There isn't more information.
It's only when his children start coming out to him that he starts doing research on queer terms and labels. But it's only for his kids, to understand them and please them, not for himself. Just like the A in the full acronym is for Asexual, Aromantic and Agender (and any other A identity), the B in LGBT+ stands for Bisexual and Batman.
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trans-wojak · 1 year
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ewesless · 3 months
I have nothing nice to say tonight.
Edit: this was a quick rant with a brief explanation. It's not meant to go into depth on any subject matter and has a hostile tone throughout, including the notes. I ignore men and politics in real life, I have no desire to learn about them or explain anything beyond the post's scope. This is drawn from when I had a passing interest in learning about the diseased male thoughts. I've clarified and expanded the original post.
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Barbatos does have the admirable Sigma traits, but he is just as hopelessly in love with the player character and panders just as much as the other males in the game which is only one of many ways that negates a self-respecting Sigma 😂
I honestly hate that words like Simp made it into Obey Me. In a sexual context it has been appropriated from incels and MGTOW language. It's 'reclaimed', redefined and is used unironically again everywhere, but it is still completely sexist bullshit. Women can't even get basic respect and sympathy from a man without this type of men degrading, jeering at and insulting both.
It's a term heavily used in this fandom so I can't really fault the writers. They use catchy slang to stay hip and contemporary, especially with Levi and his jargon. It's in awful taste to use a misogynistic term FROM a character who is identifiable as an incel, towards a character meant to represent anyone, in a game and genre specifically intended for women.
I doubt that anyone who uses the term on themself cares about the implications or origin of trendy labels. The term Simp, used in a sexual context such as this, is from the Manosphere (Far Right, Masculinist, Anti-Feminist, Anti-Woman and LGBT-phobic "Movement".) It is an acronym that means "Simpletons into Mediocre P*ssy". For Levi to call himself a Simp is to specifically refer to MC mediocre pvssy. These are characters meant to represent idealized fantasy men and yet the writers decided to invite concepts from men who violently oppose, objectify and hate Women and LGBT?
While it's believable that Levi could operate out of this belief system, they shouldn't have actually done it. 🙁 OM runs absolutely counter to Masculinism, the character are PROUD "SIMPS" that aggressively pursue, "paypig"/throw money, gifts, fawn over, pander to and compete against one another in hopes of getting attention from someone who can be interpreted as a woman. The characters are "pathetically" obsessed with gaining favor, monopoly over and a romantic and/or sexual relationship with the player. It is ANATHEMA TO THE MASCULINIST CONCEPT. Masculinism is, in other words, male supremacism and a call to arms for "oppressed men" to reject progress towards equality, retake full patriarchal control and force everyone else to submit to their ideology and social order and accept the "inherent worthlessness" of equality, the female sex, non-whiteness, LGBT, Liberal/Left and those that disagree with them.
OM promotes a progressive and LGBT friendly stance while remaining solidly as the otome genre's woman oriented escapism + power fantasy, romance game. That isn't to say OM players/Otome/Joseimuke players aren't also literally Simps who paypig for mediocre prick, but this game is supposed to be about "good men" and romantic fulfillment.
It's ridiculous 😂
There will be no tolerance for "Not All Men" or "Not Just Women/Female Players" on my post. This is about specific men and their ideology that specifically attack women, their lives, safety and futures in horrific, vile, life ruining ways.
Edit: you know the trendy phrase of "death of the author" and how viewer interpretation trumps creator intention? Yeah, this is that.
Edit 2: I know I'm acting "butthurt" and being "sensitive about no big deal, it's just a localized, foreign, gacha game" but that's just part and parcel with any form of protest and activism. Why else is anger the primary, force driving, motivation?
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sistervirtue · 3 months
oops yeah please share the story I am in dire need of your webweaving
Sorry this is so late, I was struck immediately and viciously by the wrath of god (and sedatives), so needless to say i was away from my computer
anyway so . the setting is: bnha roleplay server. let me introduce our cast
we have ME, 18, playing Monoma
we have the Bakugou and Shinsou roleplayers, who are a couple also. They are also the server mods. Notably, all three of us are some kinda gay-guy-adjacent-moment
you have Snow, 19, playing Kaminari and Summer, 20-something, playing Kirishima. Snow was ace/agender/aro and summer was identifying as cis bihet
I, unaware of summer identifying unironically as like, biromantic heterosexual, had accidentally started a fight about microlabels in the discourse channel, which ended in her refusing to speak to me further on the topic because she "couldnt control herself from hurting me", which were big words from someone i was not scared of in any way, but slay.
Regardless, the server moved forward.
Kirishima was, in this setting, a gay guy. I'm pretty sure he also had lesbian moms. Summer decided to take the exciting "discovering your identity" approach, despite confiding in us that she really didn't come out until well into adulthood, but one is not limited to live experience in the world of fiction, yeah? however, i think some people should be.
anticipation builds in the ooc chat. monoma makes an off-hand comment about being gay. kirishima asks, "what's that?"
we are aghast. this continues. not only does imaginary gay kirishima not know what gay is, he doesnt know what lgbt stands for. when a comment is made that he could google it, a joke about it all being inappropriate images is dropped. the homophobia is beginning to stink. however i have promised i would not get into more fights (liar) so me and the shinsou and bakugou rpers are just like, ribbing at it a little in the ooc chat. like, "man, i wish i was this sheltered growing up, maybe i wouldnt have been bullied in school" or something to that effect, which summer takes very personally and adamantly defends her right to imagine a world where it is in any way realistic for a sixteen year old who is gay and has gay moms to be this stupid.
but nonetheless, the in character chat goes on. kirishima is still getting hooked on phonics style sexuality. and then kaminari decides to whip out a chart. which chart?
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needlessly to say, we were baffled. surely no one believes this is how anything works, yes?
the vilification of hypersexuality (medical symptom, often of trauma). the bizarre insistence on carefully organizing every aspect of attraction on a gradient. its such a fascinating little piece of bullfucker, but furthermore,
in a world in which the LGBT acronym is too hard for someone to grasp, im supposed to believe he just clicks with Sexuality Battleship??? I'm a professional faggot and this thing confuses me.
It was such beautiful insight into their minds. A world in which one can skip all the annoying gay people parts of sexuality labels and instead dive right into the microcosms of what was solely relevant to them. it also fantastically predicted the future homophobia i would be subject to, including a line about how "gay people had enough and wouldnt stop stealing ace rep" about the magnus archives, and also the todoroki conversion therapy moment, but this was really just a truly incredible appetizer to the full course of dumb fuckery.
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tunneldweller · 5 months
ladles and gentlebeasts, our former minister of justice/prosecutor general!
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[image description: screenshot of a dec 5, 2023 tweet by zbigniew ziobro. there's a photo of a hand holding a rainbow flag linking to radiomaryja.pl, captioned "remember: LGBTTQQIAAP. soon you'll be opening yourselves to prosecution if you omit any of these letters."
readers added context: "not only there's nothing about making the full "LGBTTQQIAAP" acronym mandatory at the provided link, it even quotes Barbara Nowak as talking about "the LGBT community"."]
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lol I have my DNI very clear and you still followed me. shame on you. Fuck you
I’m making it very clear rn to everyone that follows me.
If you think aro/ace people aren’t lgbtq, unfollow me.
If you’re anti mspec, unfollow me.
If you believe queer is a slur, unfollow me.
If you’re a transmed, unfollow me.
If you’re anti neopronouns/xenogenders unfollow me.
If you think LGBT is the full acronym like this dumbass also unfollow me.
And just cause why not, if you support endogenic “systems”, unfollow me.
If you’re a TERF unfollow and fucking block
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just-antithings · 1 year
I’ve come across many exclusionists who are bi and/or trans / bi & trans inclusive and I’m…so confused?? They say shit like “the full acronym is LGBT no other stupid letters” and I’m just here like…. haven’t exclusionists tried to exclude bi and trans people too?? Do they not know about the whole drop the T movement and terfs?? How biphobes say bi women dating men / bi men dating women are traitors and no longer LGBT? What is their thought process??“Gatekeeping is good but only if I do it UwU”😒
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wibta if i sic a handful of people on my house to help fix it?
i live in a house with my dad that's in a massive state of disrepair (a lot of it is from renovation that motivation was lost for) to the point where multiple rooms don't have drywall and have exposed insulation and shit. the bathroom upstairs has a hole in the floor where the toilet should be. the bathroom is also, not joking, carpeted.
im in a server full of local lgbt people and ive spoken with them before and a number of them know shit about renovating houses and have offered their help to us
However. my dad will get fucking pissed at me for even implying that i do this, despite the fact that we live in a fucking hovel that he doesn't have the energy to fix himself. he doesn't want to hire anyone to fix shit either because hes retired and on social security yet seems to think he can fix everything himself.
i don't have anything planned yet, but will i be the asshole if i invite a bunch of them over here to help us fix shit anyway? im so goddamn sick of living like this holy shit im going to turn into the joker
What are these acronyms?
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