#like Gia's nails
kristina100000 · 1 year
nicknames like kitty and dolly really need a comeback i am so sorry what is this world... this is my dear friend katherine from work. she served 5 years in prison we call her kitty because she always has long nails. this is gia but we call her dolly because she wears a voluminous blonde wig and always smells like hairspray
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dreamgrlarchive · 7 months
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ some updates:
hi, since i’m no longer active on here i’ve been doing a lot on other platforms and i just wanted to show you guys what ive been up to!
#1: the looks i’ve been styling!
i had a huge shopping spree recently and it inspired me to plan more lookz. i’ve been on a huge black + pink, and pink + brown kick lately. the vibe is very preppy yet sexy and glam.
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#2: i’ve been building my tiktok audience!
i recently made slideshows talking about my bedroom and pinkmas wishlist. also been really into glamour magick too (basically doing my makeup and dressing myself with spiritual intent)!
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#3: shopping!
i actually checked some things off my wishlist. those including my new phone and my fall wardrobe! here’s a peek at one of the hauls (expect a try on haul soon pretties) i got stuff from i am gia that i’ve been wanting for a while and WILL BE supporting @finegirl on their next drop! stay tuned, xo!
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#4: youtube planning!
i’ve been making my “youtube kit” which is just elements i’ll be using to boost my brand in my new vidz!
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#5: dolly wishlist!
finally SAT DOWN and started making my doll wishlist. i’m not done but this thing is longgg. but i like that, it’ll give me a reason to take my time expanding my collection!
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#6: career planning!
most of you may not know, but i was in cos school in 2019 and unfortunately had to drop for personal reasons. but i’ll be going to this beautiful school in my city come the end of this academic semester to start my advanced esthetics, + then nails certification. i’m so happy because this career will support me through finishing my credits for my degree. just a focused barbie on a mission right now.
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#7: posting on my moodboard again!
i kinda abandoned my instagram moodboard a while back but i’ve been using it again and it’s really fun seeing what’s changed and stayed the same with my aesthetic. luvs it!
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thank you for reading! let me know if this is something yall want me to do every now and then! i know a lot of you only really use tumblr. but till next time babes, muah! ❤︎︎
- amara noelle
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deathbecomesthem · 3 months
An Eddie Munson x Dog!Reader fic - yes most of this is written from the POV of a dog.
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Edit by the one and only @somnambulic-thing, and used with their permission for this fic- Peruse all their edits here.
*This story was originally on Chestylarouxx, and it came about in the form of a special request from my sweet Gia, @onegirlmanytales. This reupload is at the request of @jo-harrington.
WC - 2K Warnings - Dog bites. Mentions of blood. Angst. Mistreatment of our sweet reader pup. She deserves the world.
It’s hard to trust a man after you’ve been burned in the past. Skittish, that’s how you’ve been described. Distrusting. Nervous. It’s true, you’ve learned hard lessons over the years, you have the physical and mental scars to prove it. You’re made for love and softness, you’re made for snuggles and kisses. Being too scared to let yourself feel safe enough for those things only makes you harder, it only makes you push away at anyone that might try to show you the tenderness you deserve. It’s not your fault. 
When Eddie was 5 years old, he got bit by a German Shepherd. He still has a very small scar in the crook of his left elbow. He was scared, but his friend assured him that the dog was friendly. That was the final nail in the coffin for him. All trust in the canine-kind was gone, he preferred the companionship of cats from then on. Even when they bit it didn’t require a trip to the hospital where you’d need needles and stitches.
When Eddie was 19, he had a run in with a Doberman. The thing about Dobermans, he learned, is that they’re excellent guard dogs because they’re so quiet. He hopped the fence at the junkyard at midnight on an unseasonably warm spring evening. In his mind, it was a victimless crime. He could search out small parts from the cars that have been sitting to rust in the yard for years. Instead of them going to waste, he can reuse them and save himself some serious cash. He wasn’t reselling anything, it was strictly for his own use. 
Unfortunately for Eddie, the junkyard guard dog couldn’t be reasoned with. He made it back over the fence that night with all of his fingers, but the dog got a piece of his favorite jeans. And he didn’t make it out with any car parts. That was when the distrust turned to distaste. He let himself believe that all dogs hated him as much as he hated them. Not meant to be. Man’s best friend? Not for Eddie.
You were lucky to get away this time. This last place isn’t the worst place you’ve been, but it’s not good. The kind words and gentle touches were few and far between. You’re tired. You’re not as young as you used to be, and having a soft place to lay your bones at night is the only thing you can hope for. Even that seems like a dream that can never come true. 
The woods aren’t so bad, though. You’re pretty hungry a lot, but there’s a place close by with lots of people. You’re very careful to make sure they don’t see you when you sneak by their small homes at night. You don’t need too much, it’s weird that they throw out so much good food. You sniff out the good stuff easily, and your teeth and paws make getting through the plastic garbage a cinch. Sometimes, even though you’re so careful, someone might see you and chase you away. That’s ok, as long as they don’t get close enough to hurt you it doesn’t bother you.
Eddie spots you for the first time when you’re skulking around the tree line behind his trailer. A skinny thing, too skinny. He thinks about calling animal control, but decides against it. That’s like calling the dog cops, and he’s absolutely not a snitch. Plus, you don’t seem dangerous. You seem scared. When you noticed that Eddie was watching you, you ducked back into the woods. 
Every day after that, Eddie found himself scanning the tree line for you. It was day three when he realized that it wasn’t curiosity driving his thoughts now, but sadness and fear. He’s starting to worry that one of these days he’s not going to see your silhouette behind the trees, that he won’t hear his neighbors yelling in the morning about the “goddamned strays” getting into their trash at night. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something bad happened to you, even though he couldn’t explain why that is.
Kibble. Eddie bought kibble - $10 for 5 lbs of the stuff. You’re already costing him, and you haven’t even been close enough for Eddie to see your face clearly. This is how it happens, he knows it. This is how he gets suckered into caring for an animal, one that he can’t afford. One that will probably be a complete dick. One that will probably bite him as soon as he reaches his hand out to pet it, just like when he was 5 years old.
The man keeps watching you, and you keep watching him. He’s different, you’re sure of that, but you don’t know what that means. Could be bad. Could be good. Either way, you’re going to find a way to get to the food he’s leaving out on his porch at night without getting close enough for him to touch - hit, slap, punch, kick - you. You’re a smart dog, and you’ve already lost enough. Your left ear for one thing.
You don’t know why you feel this way, but there’s a desperate need inside of you. It’s ingrained in your canine DNA, right alongside your curious nature. Your instincts tell you that you should have a person to trust, a person to care for you. It’s only the years of harshness that have eroded that instinct. You fight it always. You can feel your feet itching to move closer to the man now, to see what his face looks like. To smell his hand and see if it feels nice scratching behind your ears. But then you remember what other men have done, and how cruel they are. So, you shrink away and wait for a quiet time to taste the food that’s being left out for you.
Eddie’s worried about you, he can’t deny it anymore. He’s noticed that you’re eating the food he leaves out, and that you drain the big bowl of water each day. These are good signs, he’s sure. But he expected for you to start to get friendlier with him by now. You still hide from him, only peeking from behind the tree line to watch him when he fills the food bowl. He doesn’t know a whole hell of a lot about dogs, but he knows they usually seek out human companionship when they’re being fed like this. 
He found himself standing in the pet section of the local department store looking at toys. He has no idea what he’s doing, the toys are all different depending on the size of the dog. You’re not a small dog, and he wouldn’t say you’re big either. He decides to go with the safest option, grabbing a ball and a rope for a medium sized dog. The treats he spends less time thinking about, grabbing a couple of different kinds. One bacon flavored, one chicken flavored, and some that are shaped like little cookies. Eddie’s smile is wide, thinking about you licking your chops and sniffing at a little cookie in his hand.
It’s slow moving. On the first day, Eddie stands about halfway between his trailer and your spot just inside the woods behind it. He holds the bag of bacon flavored treats - go big or go home, he decides. He takes a handful of the treats and sets them in the dirt before taking about 5 big steps back. He waits. He can see you poke your head out  from behind a tree. This is the closest he’s been to you, and he can see now that you’re very pretty. Big brown eyes that have a concerned look to them. He can also see that your left ear is torn, and you have a scar on your snout. It sends a pang of pain through his chest. He takes another 10 steps back and sits on the ground. 
It smells like the good food the last man would make sometimes. Like fat and salt. Your mouth is already wet, already tasting it on your tongue. You’re not as hungry as you were a few days ago, the food that this man leaves for you fills your belly. You’ve been sleeping better because of it, but each day is getting a little colder. He’s still sitting there, and you think it’s worth the risk to go ahead and get the good food stuff he left for you.
Small steps, slow. You keep your eyes on the man, making certain he doesn’t move while you get closer to him. He doesn’t move, not even when you lower your mouth to the small mound of treats to take a sniff. Smells better up close, so you open your mouth and suck them all into your mouth at once. You were right to do this, these are very good food. As soon as you swallow, you want more. You look back and see that the man is still sitting in his spot, and he has the bag in his lap. You don’t push away those instincts, instead you decide that the food is good - maybe the man is good too.
“You’re a very pretty girl, do you know that?” One of Eddie’s hands is scratching behind your good ear while the other wipes away a tear that’s leaking from his eye. He can’t believe it, how sweet you are. You came up to him and ate out of his hand, and then laid down next to him. You’re so thin, and your fur is patchy from bites. He thought it would be harder to get you to come to him, but all you needed was for him to show a tiny bit of kindness. 
When the sun starts to set, Eddie’s bladder tells him it’s past time to get up. He’s scared to move, worried that you’ll take off and this perfect moment of calm trust will be broken. He can’t sit in this spot in the dirt forever, and neither can you. As he stands up, so do you - but you don’t run for the trees. You look at him with your big black eyes. They’re pleading. 
“I would very much like it if you would come home with me. Would you like that? I have some very warm blankets, and a bed I bought in case you decided you might want to stay with me. Oh, and I have more treats. And a rope. I know I sound crazy trying to reason with a dog, but I promise I’ll be nice to you.” With his case made, Eddie begins to walk to his trailer with the desperate hope that you’ll follow behind him.
Of course you have no idea what the man said to you, but you know the way he said it was very nice. Very, very nice. His voice is soft and low, and it makes you feel safe and warm. His hands are good, too. They found that good spot for scratching behind your ear. Plus he has food. Oh, the food is very good. You think he might let you into his little house, so you decide to ask him. 
You follow behind him, not wanting to get too close. You don’t want to make him mad, especially not now that you know he is much better than the other men you’ve known. You wait at the bottom of the stairs and watch as he opens the door. You tilt your head to get a good angle, making sure you can hear, smell, and see everything right now. 
“C’mere,” he says to you, and pats his thigh. You know what that means, and you happily oblige. 
6 months later:
Eddie’s holding the receiver to his ear, he’s talking quietly so as not to rouse you. You’re curled up next to him in his bed. It smells so good, so much like him and like you in his bedroom. It’s soft and warm. He’s scratching that good spot, he always knows where to find it. You’re so glad to be here, and you think there’s nowhere else as good as this place.
“Listen, Harrington, it’s not that I don’t want to go. You know I want to. I can’t leave her. Outlaw is a very good girl - she’s not going to ruin your party. I won’t go without her.”
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karie-on · 1 year
Last updated 02.12.2023 As a few people have come here recently, I wanted to make a post in which I will write a little about how I like to play, what I use most often and what are my must-haves in the game. This will be a bit of a resources/faq.
Am I WCIF friendly? Yes I am, text me I’ll be happy to help.
How do I like to play Sims 4? I like cozy vibe gameplay. I basically love everything about this game.
Maxis match or Alpha? Maxis match only!
What presets do I use? I use gshade, Gia by Kindlespice for screenshots and Luminescent by Hazelminesims for gameplay.
What do I use to edit photos? I don't edit my photos, I only use gshade (Gia preset). Buffs, emotions pop ups I add in Canva
Will I upload my sims to download? Yes I don’t have problem with uploading any of my sim, they don’t feel personal for me at all. It’s just a game. But I create sims usually only with CC so below is the list of what I use.
Skin details/Body details: Eye shine remover Beetle eyes (default and addons) Teeth replacement Pregnancy belly overlay Pierced ear detail Tan lines Little details Belly overlay Stretch marks details Skin detail cc pack by peachyfaerie (clevage and collarbones) Clevage overlay Starch Masks Cellulite overlay Age wrinkles (just a few of all set) Face definition NosemasksSD-faaeish Misc. face details About face skin details by pyxis To the bone nosemasks by pyxis Under Cover Nose Details Dimples by PoyoPoyo Eyebags by Tamosims Wedding ring tan line by XUrbanSimsX
Teeth: Nondefault Maxis Teeth Imperfection Teeths Set Happy Gappy Teeth Set Skinblends: Bare Skintones Agave Default Skinblend Cartoon Skins Thuja Skinblend Aeonium Skinblend Pufferfish Skinblend Posie Skinblend Sage Skinblend
Sliders: Breast sliders Teanmoon Mouth Scale Slider
Nails: Natural Nails True Almond Nails Serpentine Nails Classic Ombre French Nails
Makeup: EA Eyelashes Remover by Kijiko 3D Lashes Uncurled Eyelashes by Kijiko Eyelashes by Obscurus Eyelashes NO.1 by TwistedCat Eyelashes Part [1] [2] [4] [5] by Miiko Petals Blush by Breezytrait Eyebrows N4-N6 by Northern Siberia Winds Every eyebrows (No. 2- No.7) by TwistedCat Maxis Match Eyebrows (61-65) by Obscurus Eyebrows 68 by Obscurus Eyeliner N26 by Cosimetic Lip Kit by Peachyfaerie Honey and Suga Gloss by XUrbanSimsX
Gameplay Mods: MC Command Center by Deaderpool Tidy CAS by YoruQueenofNight Stand Still in CAS & CAS Close Up by Helgatisha CAS Tuning by NSW More CAS Presets by Zerbu UI Cheats by Weerbesu Control any sim by TitanNano Sleep All Night By LittleMsSam No Cold Clothes Inside by scarletqueenkat, (stopped creating so link doesn’t work) Dance Override 2.0 by Steven Studios Shorter University Degrees by Peridot (I'm using 6 credits) Selfie override (single and paired) by DearKim Faster Uni Homework by LittleMsSam Longer Parties & More Guests by Weerbesu The Missing Plumbob by mintvalentine No Zzz by Krys29 Memory Keeper Journal by Ravasheen ISO Full Control Camera by Ravasheen Photographic Memory 2.0 by Ravasheen Sims Portrait Maker by Ravasheen Indoor Dog Potty Pads by Ravasheen Music Festival and Concert Mod by Mercuryfoam Change outfit in Mirror by BrazenLotus Phone replacement by FrenchieSim Steady Sit & Seat Any Sim by Amellce
Food Related Mods: Drink Tray by Somik and Severinka, Grannies Cookbook by Littlbowbub Functional champagne bottles by Somik and Severinka 2xSlower fish and food Spoil by simmythesim Home Chef Hustle Pizza fix by Channel4sims Drinkable beer by Icemunmun Custom Drink Interactions by TheFoodGroup
Romance mods: (because I'm all about the love and drama relationship in my Sims) Wicked Whims by Turbodriver (E404P, Amra72, Kiki, lupobianco, Mia, Mike24, ooOLaLaWorld, Yummy-o-Tummy) Cute Romance by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii First Impressions by Lumpinou Kiss-n-Grind 1.5 by Utopya_cc Passionate Gifts 0.1 by Utopya_cc Carry and Kiss animation interaction mod by Khlas More kisses 1.5 by Maplebell Bed cuddle by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii Romance Interactions by KiaraMods Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul by Lumpinou Expanded Storytelling Relationship Bits Mod by Maplebell
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hoodharlow · 2 years
Birthday Revelations
AN: not me posting within the same week as part 9 🤭🤭🤭
Requested? This one scene for my bby Zooty
Warnings: angst Jack and Miriam argue in the first half but make up , brief mentions of smut, and nosy tiktokers
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Miriam was in one of the guest rooms in Jack's house in Louisville sorting some of her clothes. They flew in last night from Miami. They had just gotten back from Jack’s work trip to Turks and Caicos. He got his dream collab with Drake and they recorded their song there. Miriam didn’t do much other than work on her tan, read her script for the movie role she auditioned for and got, and hang out with Adonis in the resort Drake rented out. 
“Are you ready?” Jack asked, popping his head in the room.
“No, I have no idea what to wear.” she sighed. She was in a Calvin Klein bra and panty set with one of Jack's flannels over it. 
“We’re having breakfast with my parents and grandma. I don’t think they care what you wear.” 
“Okay give me ten minutes.” she said, waving him out of the room. 
She decided on a Paco Robanne crystal net and chain-link dress from the fall 2019 collection to go on top of a black tight, long sleeve knit dress from Cult Gia. She finished off the look with her black Versace platform boots. Since it was still cold she was wearing the ACNE Studios leather shearling jacket Jack gave her.
Once she was ready, she disconnected her phone from the charger and slipped it in her jacket’s pocket. Lastly, she grabbed Jack’s present from one of her trunks. When they were in Miami, Katalina was there on a girls trip with her other model friends and dropped off a trunk for Miriam. It had more appropriate clothes for the cold Kentucky weather. She also stored Jack's present there because he was nosy and liked to go through her luggage. He was too jetlagged to even notice that Miriam had another bag with her. 
“Are you serious?” Jack asked her when she made her way, taking her in her disco ball look.
“What?” she asked. 
“You didn't have to dress so fucking extra, Miriam.” he said, opening the passenger door for her. 
Miriam was taken back by his comment. She knew she tended to over-dress for every occasion, even if she was being unintentional about it. So hearing Jack say that hurt her feelings because it was Miriam's thing. She used fashion as a way to express herself and she hates it when people dismiss it. 
Fashion was very time consuming and analytical. It's not just thinking something is cute and pairing it with something else and calling it a day. A lot goes into making a look, designing a clothing collection, planning a runaway show, a magazine lookbook or anything that has to do with fashion.  
Jack noticed the large box wrapped in the Cardinals logo with a red bow in the corner sitting on her lap. “What’s that?”
"Your present." She mumbled. 
"You okay?" He asked, noticing her demeanor change. 
"Yeah, I'm just jet lagged." 
She shifted in her seat and curled up aguant it, giving Jack her back. She pulled out her phone to check with her parents. While she was at it she posted a video of the Tesla Miriam drove in the Nail Tech video getting towed and Jack was laughing songard he couldn't breathe to her Instagram Stories. She also reposted Lil Nas X's birthday to post Jack. Specifically the slide. It was a picture of the three of them from Jack's birthday last year. Jack had his arm wrapped around her chest and she hugged his arm while his other arm was lazily around Nas's shoulders. 
She checked her texts and saw one from Jenna Ortega. She was asking if she could post a video of the three of them. It was from last year when she and Miriam were filming their show, which has been getting rave reviews (especially about Miriam because she was able to dominate the screen even though she had a recurring role). Miriam and Jenna were supposed to film a scene where they're at a high school party and a song they both like played in the background as they took shots. The director let Miriam pick the song so she chose SUNDOWN, but Jenna didn't know it. Coincidentally Jack had gone by to drop some snacks for Miriam so he taught Jenna the lyrics. He took the teacher role a bit too seriously and had the girls clutching their sides with how hard he was making them laugh. 
"Jenna wants to know if she could post the video she took from when you were teaching her the lyrics to SUNDOWN." She asked him, breaking their silence. 
"If you're okay with it." He said, turning to the street he used to live on. 
Miriam nodded and texted Jenna it was okay to post it. 
They reached his parents' house and exited the car. Jack noticed Miriam didn't wait for him to open the door for her. He quickly deduced she was mad at him based on that alone. He didn't know why, but it explained why when he tried to rest his hand on her thigh, she was facing toward the window. He watched her walk ahead of him and greet his family. He hugged his parents and grandma. 
When they all went inside, Miriam had disappeared. Monét, Clay's girlfriend, told him she excused herself and went upstairs to get something. While his mom and grandma set up the table, Jack snuck upstairs to check on Miriam. 
He walked in and found her folding the clothes she arrived in. For some reason she changed out of them into a pair of jeans and a black turtleneck shirt she had left with him. 
"Why did you change?" He asked her. 
"You said I was dressed extra." She said, not looking at him. 
"Are you seriously upset because I said you’re dressed extra?" Jack asked, chuckling in disbelief.
Miriam huffed angrily and quickly composed herself, saying, "I'm not gonna start something that's obviously going to lead to an argument at your parents' house."
After breakfast Jack and Miriam went back to his house to catch up on some rest because they had a long night ahead of them. First they were having dinner with Jack's family then they were going to meet with Jack's friends to celebrate him and Urban. 
Miriam gave him the silent treatment the whole drive home. When they got to his house, she went straight to the guest room. Jack, not in the mood to argue with her, retreated to his bedroom and napped. His sleep schedule was off from all the traveling they did in the last few days. But now it was time for them to get ready for dinner. 
He knocked on the guestroom door and poked his head. Miriam was laying in bed, watching Jersey Shore on her MacBook wrapped up in her blanket. 
"We have about two hours before we have to meet my parents for dinner." He said.
"I'm not going," she said, pulling the blanket over her head. 
"Why?" He furrowed his eyebrows. From what his mom said, Miriam was the one who made the reservations.
"I don't have anything to wear." She said still not looking at him. 
"What do you mean you have nothing to wear?" He asked confused, looking around the room full of clothes. 
"I don't have anything that isn't 'extra'." She finger quoted as she got off bed.
'Not this shit again' he thought to himself when she brought up 'extra' once more. He rubbed his temples. "Why are you so upset? They're just clothes."
"They're not just clothes to me!" She yelled, frustrated. "You obviously don't get that because half of the time you're dressed like a gym teacher dresses like he tries too hard and the other times you get clothes picked out for you. I could easily go off talking about your music, but I won't because I respect you enough not to talk out of my ass about something I don't understand but is important to you."
She took his silence as a response and got back in bed. She pulled the blanket over her and pressed play in her show. 
Jack, not wanting to make her even more upset, left the room. He pulled out his phone and texted Mede. She got upgraded from friend's baby mama to assistant because of how organized she is and was able to help Miriam sort her traveling schedule. He wrote that he upset Miriam by calling her clothes 'extra' and he needed help to fix things. Mede replied with her go-to Jerry meme where the mouse made a 'you're joking' look. Seconds later she sent him a series of articles from various fashion magazines. 
What caught his attention was that all the articles were written by Miriam. The first one that was published was from 2016 for Cosmopolitan Mexico and the most recent was for Vanity Fair posted a few days after The Batman premiere they attended. Jack skimmed them all. He was caught off guard at how articulate Miriam was. Obviously he knew she was smart. She never lets him forget that she got a degree in applied mathematics with a focus on quantum mechanics from UC Berkeley. He was just impressed at the attention to detail and how she was able to break down and explain things for people who didn't know much about fashion, but still write eloquently. 
All in all he felt like an asshole. He should have known better than to have called her extra. He texted Mede thank you and she replied with another meme. This time it was a sassy chihuahua. 
He went down to the kitchen and fixed her a matcha latte with oat milk as a peace offering. He added a handful of the tiny ice cubes Miriam liked. He followed the instructions of the back of the matcha tin and whisked some matcha powder with hot water. Lastly he poured the matcha and oat milk into the cup of ice and he carried the drink upstairs. 
When he reached the guest room, he saw that the door was open, but he still knocked. Miriam sat in front of the vanity, outlining her face with different shades of brown and pink. She was dressed in a short silky robe. 
"Yes?" She asked, squatting down in one of her trunks and grabbed a pair of tall red bottoms. "Did you need something?"
Jack was taken by surprise with how calm Miriam was. They had argued not even an hour ago.
"Jack? You okay?" She asked, reaching for the beauty blender when she sat back in the vanity. She gently dabbed it on her face. 
"Uh," he cleared his throat. "I just came to apologize."
"You don't have to." Miriam said. 
Through the mirror she watched Jack sit on the edge of the bed. 
"Yes I do. You were right. I shouldn't have minimized what you do and–"
"Jack, you're not the for nor will you be the last person to make those types of comments." She said, turning around to face him. "No one really takes me seriously. People see me as some spoiled rich girl who buys whatever I want and thanks to my parents I get everything handed to me. When I was in college I went through the same shit. There was a girl in my Latin American studies who took every comment I said out of context and tried make me sound stupid. The classes I took for my major were filled with rich dude bros who tried to make me feel inferior. At the end of the day, I don't care about what other people think. I was just hurt by your comments, but I'm over it."
"Miriam, let me apologize."
"I already told you I'm over it."
"You deserve an apology though." Jack said, pulling her to his lap. He ran his hands over her thighs then his blue eyes met her brown ones. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I was out of line for calling you and your clothes extra. I have no excuse other than being an idiot. One of the things I love about you is how confident you are in your style. And–"
"Jack you're rambling." Miriam said, wrapping her arms around him.
"Shit," he mumbled as his cheeks flushed a bright pink. 
"But I accept your apology." She said, gently scratching his beard. 
They both leaned in for a kiss. Miriam cupped his cheek and deepened their kiss. She pulled away and gently pushed Jack down onto the mattress. With one arm, Jack wrapped his arm around her and gently tossed her onto the middle of the bed. He hovered over her and they resumed kissing. 
One of his hands made its way down Miriam's body and untied her robe, revealing that she only wore lace thong under. He slightly pushed her legs apart so he could fit between her thighs. He wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her collarbones. He made his way down, nipping and sucking her breasts, not carrying that he left any marks. 
"Were you being serious when you said that I could do whatever I wanted to you since it's my birthday?" He asked, looking up from her stomach. 
"In theory." Miriam shrugged. 
"Mhm." He responded. 
Jack cupped Miriam's breasts and shoved his face between them. He pushed her breasts against his head and shook his head from side to side whilst making motorboat sounds.
"Did you just motorboat my tits?" She asked him, watching him kiss down her body. 
"Yes, and I'll do it again, but first I want to eat my favorite meal." He said.
He sat on his knees and tugged Miriam's thong off her. He settled back down, placing her thighs on his shoulders, and dug in. 
"Unzip me." 
Miriam turned around so Jack could unzip her dress. She wore a custom black Valentino cocktail dress that reached mid thigh. It had a unique design of a semi, yet elegant, but revealing opening on the bodice. She paired it with thigh stockings, a pair of black five inch red bottoms and of course her black ACNE Studios coat that Jack got her. 
"Damn, Miriam, you couldn't have waited until after the parking lot emptied." Jack teased her as he unhooked the fastener that had the zipper. 
"You wish." She said before climbing to the backseat. 
They had just finished dinner and were on their way to a bowling alley where the original birthday party was supposed to be held. Which meant it was time for an outfit change for Miriam. She quickly put on a black, off the shoulder, feather lined Christian Cowan minidress. She switched out her red bottoms for a pair of satin D'Accori platform sandals. 
Miriam made her way back to the passenger seat and buckled up. She glanced over to Jack. He wore a shit-eating grin. 
"What?" She asked, tugging down the dress.
"You look beautiful." He said.
"I know." She said as she pulled out a makeup wipe. 
"You're not gonna compliment me?" He gestured to his outfit. He wore a blue and white plaid button down with black pants and all white 550s. 
"Uh," she began, trying to find something that stood out to her. "The blue is a nice shade?"
"You're an ass." He fake cried. 
Miriam rolled her eyes and sorted through her mini makeup bag as Jack drove to their next destination. She had on a bold red lip for the dinner, but she decided to go for a more natural color. So she wiped off the red lipstick and she swiped on some lip balm and a shimmery rose nude gloss over her lips. She reached for Jack’s hand that was on her thigh and kissed the back of it, marking him. Jack glanced and softly smiled at her. 
"I'm sorry everyone crashed the dinner you planned." Jack said, breaking their comfortable silence. "I don't know how Neelam took me telling her you planned a dinner for her to invite everyone to the restaurant. I'll pay you back."
At some point when she was getting ready, Neelam had called Jack to discuss what they were doing before the actual party and he told her that he already had plans. Miriam had rented out an entire upscale steakhouse for Jack and his family to enjoy a nice private meal where they wouldn't be bombarded with people filming them or interrupting Jack to get a picture with him. When the couple arrived at the restaurant, all of Jack and Urban's friends and family were waiting for them. Miriam went inside and tried to sort out with the restaurant because they had an additional thirty more people to feed. Fortunately all their staff was there and the dinner went by smoothly. 
"Jack, you're not paying me back. I wanted to treat you and your family to a nice dinner. Sure there were a few more people that attended but I still accomplished what I had planned. Unless you didn't like the dinner." 
"Oh no that shit was good," he said, patting his stomach. "Not as good as your pussy I had earlier though."
"You're so annoying." She rolled her eyes. 
"Isn't that why you love me?" He grinned. 
"Yeah and I'm starting to wonder why?" 
Jack rolled his eyes at her comment and placed his hand on her thigh. Miriam flipped it over and clasped her manicured hand over his to cover his PG ring so she could take a picture of their hands. She posted it and placed her phone in her bag. 
They arrived shortly at the bowling alley. It was the one Jack was supposed to take Miriam for their first date but they missed it because they ended up spending over three hours at Vincenzo’s talking and enjoying each other's presence. 
Jack turned off the engine and quickly got out of the car to open the door for Miriam. He helped her out of the car and placed her jacket over her shoulders. Miriam held onto his arm as they walked over to meet up with everyone. 
At the bowling alley there were more people inside. Friends of friends who somehow knew Jack or Urban and managed to get invited. Jack led Miriam to the VIP area where his friends and family were. They went around greeting the group and settled in a navy blue armchair. Miriam sat on Jack's lap. 
"Do you want something to drink?" Jack asked her, mindlessly running his hand over her thigh. "We can get you a cocktail or something."
"I'm good." She said nestling, in his chest. "The three wine glasses I had at dinner just hit and I wanna sober up for later tonight." 
"What's happening tonight?" He asked her, gently biting her neck. 
"Some of that," she whimpered. "But also something involving the teal thong I have under."
"Fuck," Jack groaned.
"But that's later. Right now I wanna bowl." She said, standing up. 
Jack led her to the shoe renting station. A server called his name and he went to get the food he ordered whilst Miriam got their shoes. He noticed that when they were at the restaurant she only had a Cesar salad and some mashed potatoes, so he ordered her some plain wings and fries. He made his way to an empty lance and waited for Miriam. Minutes later she came over and sat next to him and pulled out some wet wipes to clean their table. 
"You missed a spot." Jack pointed in front of him. 
Miriam stood in front of him and leaned forward to wipe down, oblivious to his true intentions. That was until she felt her skirt of her dress bunch up around her hips, exposing her ass to the bowling alley. His hands playfully smacking her ass like he was playing the bongos. 
"Stop," she said, reaching back to pull down her skirt. She turned around and found him proudly smiling.
"I like watching your ass jiggle." He shrugged, bringing her down to straddle him. His hand slipped in her skirt, toying with the teal thong. "These feel nice. Are these from Victoria's Secret?"
"Victoria's Secret?" She cringed. "Last time I wore that shitty brand was when I was in high school. My pussy is selective about what goes near it."
"Glad I made the cut." He grinned confidently. 
“And now I’m starting to reconsider.” she said without missing a beat. “Anyways, we should start bowling, that's what we came for." She said, grabbing a tray of wings and carrying them to the scoreboard in front of them.
"Wait, we forgot to give you the kiddie lane." Jack said. "At Calum's birthday your bowling ball spent more time in the gutter." 
He was referring to Calum's birthday a few weeks ago that was also held at a bowling alley similar to the one they were in. 
“I don't need them, I’m actually good at bowling. At Cal’s party you were distracting me.” she said, typing their nicknames on the scoreboard. Jack’s was ‘Harleezy’ and hers was ‘movie star’. 
“I was not.” he totally was. She wore a mini skirt and Jack stood behind her to make sure no one saw her lack of shorts under her skirt. 
“Whatever, this time I’m not gonna let you distract me.” she said, tying her bowling shoes. 
“I don’t need to if you’re gonna just be in the gutter.” he said walking up to the lane. 
“Your balls wish they were in my gutter.” she said as he tossed the ball. 
Jack dropped the ball when he heard her say that. He cursed and watched the bowling ball roll into the gutter. He dropped his shoulders in defeat and walked back to Miriam. 
“My turn.” she said, picking a bowling ball. She effortlessly scored a strike. Miriam turned to Jack and shrugged.
In the hour they’ve been playing, Jack was quick to learn that Miriam was really good at bowling. She mostly got strikes, saved for the occasional spare. They were tied which meant their last round was the tie breaker. 
“Jack, we’re gonna cut the cake in five.” Neelam said when she approached the pair. 
"Okay, we're gonna finish this last round." Jack said, waving her off.
“Jack, c’mon.” she said in a more stern voice. 
“I said, we have one more round.” he snapped.
“Jack, it’s fine.” Miriam whispered, not wanting things to escalate. “We can bowl some other time.”
“No!” Jack whisper-yelled. “Why can’t she wait three minutes.”
“Jack, please.” she said.
“Fine.” he rolled his eyes. 
The pair took off their bowling shoes and made their way up to the VIP area. Jack went up to the DJ booth with Urban meanwhile Miriam went to sit with Jack’s friends. Her face lit up when she spotted a familiar face.
“When did you get here!” Miriam said, wrapping her arms around Aleena.
“Like ten minutes ago, I was adding the finishing touches to some orders I had.” she said.
Aleena was Sunni’s girlfriend but she was also one of Jack’s friends from high school. Miriam met her last summer when she visited Jack in Louisville for the Fourth of July. But she didn’t get to see her on the 'No Place Like Home' tour because she was in Mexico visiting her family. Aleena owns a panaderia- pastry shop and she always made sure Miriam had her conchas. 
Miriam and Aleena made some small talk until it was time for everyone to sing to Jack and Urban. 
Jack looked around to everyone as Bryson Tiller got everyone singing ‘happy birthday’ to him and Urban. Jack’s eyes landed on Miriam and he gave her his signature smile. He got everyone to sing to Urban then the two best friends cut their cakes. A server came by and cut pieces of cake for the guests and another one was placing them in a tray to hand out. 
Jack took a corner piece for Miriam and took it to her. 
“Where’s my cake?” Aleena asked him when he set the slice down in front of Miriam. 
“Right here.” Sunni said, squeezing her ass. 
She gave him an unamused look then pulled her phone out of Sunni’s pocket and handed it to Jack. “Make yourself useful and take some pictures of us.” she said, fluffing her dark waves. 
“What she said.” Miriam said, getting in front of her. 
Aleena knelt on the velvet couch so her and Miriam can have height difference in their pictures.  Miriam leaned back into her, so Aleena could wrap her arms around her. 
“You’re in the frame,” Aleena told her boyfriend, gently nudging him to get off the couch. 
They got in position once more, but Aleena had no idea where to put her hands. Given the pose they were doing, the only logical place to put them was on Miriam’s chest. 
“Don’t be shy, get a good handful.” Miriam said, pressing Aleena’s hands onto her breasts. 
“Or not, Aleena. Keep your hands to yourself.” Jack said.
“Tú no me mandas.” Aleena sassed him, squeezing Miriam’s breasts to annoy him.
Jack looked at Sunni and murmured. “I’m not liking this friendship.” 
When they got home, it was close to three in the morning. Miriam yawned as she made her way to the kitchen for some water. She washed the cup and put it on the dish drying rack to dry. She was about to exit the kitchen when she saw her gift still intact sitting on the counter. She furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed it, taking it upstairs to Jack’s room. 
“Why is your present still wrapped?” she asked him as he got out of the bathroom in his tank top and grey sweats.
“I felt weird opening it knowing you were mad at me.” he said putting his shoes in his closet. 
“Okay, but I’m not mad at you anymore, so you can open it.” Miriam said, handing him the box. 
“I forgot to say this, but thank you.” he mumbled between kisses.
Jack took the gift and sat next to her on the bed. He lifted the box close to his ear and shook it, trying to figure out what it was. It sounded big and the box itself was kinda heavy. He placed it on his lap and carefully tore the tape off the wrapping paper so he wouldn’t rip it. He looked at Miriam and rubbed his hands together like Anthony Adams, making her laugh. He pulled the paper off, revealing a blue shoe box with the UK flag on top.
“This better not be what I think it is,” he told her. 
“We’ll never know unless you open it.” 
Jack removed the top and it was exactly what he thought. They were the exact pair of  blue suede Reebok sneakers he had in the fifth grade. He vividly remembered the night of the baseball game when he ruined them in the rain. 
“How–” Jack cleared his throat. He sniffled. He looked up at her with tears pooling around his eyes.
“Don’t cry.” Miriam said, hugging him.
“I’m not.” he said, wiping his eyes. “I got something in them.”
“Shut up.” he mumbled, wrapping his arm around her. He pecked her lips. “Thank you.”
“You should thank Claudia’s mom. Soni has connections everywhere and she was able to get them for me.” 
“Yeah, but I can’t thank her.�� he said. 
Jack reached to the back of her dress and unzipped it. 
Miriam pulled away. “Wait, I had something planned.” 
She got off the bed and went to the guest room. She grabbed the teal bra that came with the thong she had under and shimmied out her dress and put it on. She slipped on the silk robe she had on earlier and made her way to Jack’s bedroom. 
She entered the room and found him sound asleep. She removed her robe and bra. She opened one of Jack’s drawers and grabbed a t-shirt. She quickly did her nighttime routine and got in bed. She kissed his freckled shoulder.
“I love you Miriam.” he murmured in his sleep.
Around ten in the morning they woke up. Jack laid her down on the bed. With one hand he slightly lifted her head and kissed her. He used his other hand to pull one of her legs over his waist as he deepened their kiss. Miriam pulled away to catch her breath, giving Jack access to her neck. She whimpered his name when she felt his teeth gently biting her.
Having enough of him on her neck, she pulled him back to her lips. She loosened the grip around his waist and used her thighs to grind into him. Jack groaned, feeling how ready she was for him through the sleep shorts she wore. He pulled away from her lips and kissed down to her chest. He tweaked one of her nipples while he nipped and sucked her other breast. 
Mede’s designated ringtone blared, making the couple jump. 
“Ignore it.” Jack mumbled. 
“It has to be important. I told her not to call me before noon.” Miriam said, rolling over to get her phone from the nightstand. “Bueno.”
“Dude your shit got leaked!” Mede yelled.
“What?” Miriam sat up.
“Some gringa on tiktok posted this whole thing from Jack’s party and added a bunch of videos of you and Jack.” she explained. “I’ll send you the tiktok. Please hold.” 
“Okay, thanks for calling me.”
“You’re welcome, and your mom said to call her so y’all can work it out.” 
“Bye.” she hung up and groaned. 
“What happened?” Jack asked her.
“People know now.” she sighed.
Seconds later Miriam got a text notification from Mede. It was a screen recording because apparently the tiktok got deleted just as she was looking for it, but Claudia had screen recorded it. 
“Mede sent me the tiktok.” 
Jack sat back and pulled Miriam to his chest. She pressed play. 
"I don't want to share this, but I feel like it's my duty. As a woman I have high morals and have to expose the truth." The influencer took a dramatic kong pause then took a deep breath. "Maria Dominguez is cheating on her boyfriend with Jack Harlow." 
Miriam paused the tiktok and looked at Jack. A few seconds passed and they burst into a fit of laughter. Once they collected themselves, they continued watching the video. The gringa that posted the tiktok was Jack’s old hook up that was there when Miriam visited Jack when he was touring in the fall. She went on saying that ‘Maria’ was a terrible person for coercing and manipulating Jack into being her side piece. The last minute was just a bunch of clips stitched together of Jack and Miriam kissing and being couple-esque.
“Now what?” Miriam asked Jack. 
“Let me call Chris.” He got out of bed and hit up his manager. 
Miriam took it upon herself and checked twitter. It was a shit show. Some people genuinely believed the tiktoker while some used their logic and pointed out that Miriam never said who she was dating. And based on the pictures she’s posted and how her and Jack were always together it would make sense that they were dating. Both talked about being private and not wanting their business out there for everyone to comment on. Lastly there were a few who theorized that it was all PR because they have projects to promote.
A few minutes later he came back and plopped next to her. 
“What did Chris say?” Miriam asked.
“He said we can either ignore it and hope it passes, or to make some sort of statement that confirms it. I say we go with the latter because I don’t like that people are taking shit about you.” Jack frowned. 
“I’ve been called worse.” she shrugged.
“I’m just saying.”
“How about I order us some breakfast and we sort this shit out after we eat.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Miriam nodded. She kissed him. “I’m gonna shower.”
Jack nodded. He made their bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. He ordered their breakfast from his favorite deli shop. To pass some time he went on twitter. He was annoyed with all the comments people had made about Miriam. But he did laugh at some of the memes people posted reacting to them being in a relationship. 
PopCrave had reposted the now deleted video and Jack decided to retweet it and added 'If you're gonna make up some bullshit lies about me and my girl at least get her name right. You sound racist calling her Maria.' He checked Instagram and saw that Miriam had posted a bowling recap from last night. The first slide was of her sitting on her heels with her ass out like she was twerking. The second slide was of her doing the dougie when she got a strike. The third slide was her and Jack's names on the bowling score keeper. The fourth slide was one of the pictures Jack took of Aleena squeezing Miriam’s breasts, and the last slide was a picture of Jack's hand on her ass from the video he took of her grinding on him. Her caption was 'changing my name to Maria.' Jack snorted when he read it and commented 'I like saying Miriam when I cum in you tho.'
Seconds later he heard Miriam open the bedroom door and trud down the stairs.
She pulled off the towel of her head and tossed it at him. "Delete that comment." 
taglist: @cherryxcreme @heavyhitterheaux @carma-fanficaddict @youngharleezyxo @deannaard @meyocoko @babyharleezy @whywontyoulovemecami ​ @harlowcomehome ​ @nattinatalia @youngharleezy @webinurcloset
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gendersouponao3 · 9 months
Bottom Bitch
read on ao3! (NOT a new work, just new for tumblr)
6959 words, Explicit rating, nb/f butch sub/femme dom, anal, overstim
Oh, Leo is nervous. 
He met her at a party. He saw her, by the light reflected off of her sequined dress, across the dark lawn. He almost felt like the music was bouncing off of her. It obscured whatever she was saying, but it didn’t matter, he was too far away to hear anyway, and all he did was stare at the way her lip gloss shifted and melted in the light, looking like he could sink his teeth into it and drink it. 
And she found him, while he was trying to escape to the bathroom. She stood close to him, but not too close, and his mind raced with whether she always does that, whether it’s just for him. Her glossy lips were just as mesmerizing up close. His eyes flitted down to them, again and again, and he forced them back to hers. It wasn’t fair. In her heels, she was taller than him. 
Her dress flashed rainbow spots of light at him, hypnotic, beautiful. He stared. It melted into her skin, her shoulders glittering, her collarbones glittering, deep, slinky V glittering at the center of her chest. 
She smelled so good. Sweet, like caramel and vanilla. Definitely perfume. Her hands were small. Her nails were long and sharp and painted deep, shiny pink. 
Her hand slipped down his chest. Dusky, gleaming pink against the soft nude of his shirt. She didn’t pull him closer, didn't push him towards the wall. She just rested it there. 
He knew he was supposed to take the lead then. But he didn’t know how. Even right up against him, she seemed far away, like a dream. 
Slowly, carefully, he set his hand on her waist. She cocked her head, smiled at him expectantly. She was so small. Shorter than him if it weren’t for the heels. 
Kiss her, his brain supplied helpfully. That’s what we’re supposed to do in this situation, I think. 
He didn’t know. He wanted it. He felt like she might melt away in his arms if he touched her. He feet like he might melt away. Still, he leaned in. He breathed in her scent again, sweet sugar. His eyes fluttered shut….
At that moment, the door to the single bathroom stall slammed open, and he jumped, blinking in surprise. His hand dropped away. The moment was  over. And he really did have to pee. 
Mumbling apologetically, he ducked away, closing the door behind him. When he came out, she was gone. 
He couldn’t forget her, though, couldn't get the smell of sweet vanilla out of his nose. 
There’s nowhere for him to hide now. Not with just the two of them and sparse furniture and no distractions. He wants to feel that delicious, simmering tension, but all he feels is nerves. He fiddles with his hands nervously, and then shoves them behind his back instead because he’s trying to work on having more open body language. There’s a reason he doesn’t do it naturally. It immediately makes his nerves worse. He looks at the ground, blushes, forces his eyes up. 
Gia looks at him like she’s trying not to laugh. It makes him blush harder. There’s something else, though, in her eyes, like maybe glee. Glee at his shyness, at the fact that he’s managed to embarrass himself before they’ve even done anything, at the little bit of fear she sees in him.
Finally, taking mercy on him, she breaks the silence. “You still want this, puppy?”
“Yes,” Leo squeaks. He blushes deeper still. His face feels uncomfortably hot. “Tell me —- um, where do I, um…go?”
She raises a slender, sculpted eyebrow at him. “What do you mean?”
“I mean like, where do you want me to —- sit? Or…lie down? Or whatever?” Oh god, Leo is burning up. He can’t even look at her. He looks down at the floor again. 
“Well. On your knees would be a good starting point.”
“Oh,” he breathes, and rushes to obey. “Yes.”
“Jesus,” Gia says. “That was quick. Take off my pants.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Leo says, all thoughts pushed out of his brain by her command. He shuffles forwards, undoes the hidden clasp of her pants. Fuck, she didn’t tell him to call her that. He’s too eager. She thinks he’s weird, she already thinks he’s weird. He undoes her zipper. It comes easily. Her pants are white and pleated and delicate. He tugs them off her hips and she’s wearing black underneath, simple briefs with a bold white elastic waistband. 
She fluffs his hair with her hand. Her nails scratch over his scalp. He stops breathing, and then his breath comes faster, shallower. 
“I brought you toys, puppy,” she says. 
“Oh, god,” he breathes, surprised, heat pooling in his stomach. “I wanna —- can I see?”
“One at a time,” she says. “You’re gonna like them. You wanna get fucked like a good little boy slut, don’t you.”
His eyes go wide. He nods, looking up at her, dumb excitement already on his face. “Please.”
She laughs at his expression. “Yes, you do,” she says. “Get on the bed. Take your pants off.”
He immediately flops onto his bed, on his stomach. He wants it like that. He wiggles his pants off, soft denim catching on his heels, and he takes off his underwear too, and his packer in its pouch. He feels so naked. He thinks he can feel the weight of Gia staring at him, but he could just be nervous. It’s a weird, cloudy kind of fear, buried in and mixing with his arousal. He squirms under all of it. 
He jumps when he feels Gia’s hand on his butt. She giggles, cute and femme and so in charge. He feels the tip of her acrylic dig into his skin as she spreads him open, rubs one soft finger over his cunt. He’s wet already, from her teasing, from the promise of toys, but not wet enough. He tells her that. 
“If you want — if you want me to take it inside I need lube or something.”
She considers, teases her finger over his cunt more, feels his swollen clit, the pink folds of his labia. He’s turned on, more so every second. He knows she can see it. 
“Do you have some?” she asks. 
Of course he does. She tells him to go get it, and he does, self-conscious of his bare legs under his t-shirt. She takes it from him and he lays straight back down on his stomach. He wants her to do whatever she wants. 
He hears the soft squelch as she flips open the cap and squeezes some out onto her fingers, and then a wet noise as she rubs it to warm it up. And then her hand is back on his butt, her fingers a little cold and very wet, and she spreads him open, right at his core, and he moans slightly and wiggles. And then she puts two fingers inside him. All at once. He lets out a yelp that turns into a moan halfway through. Her fingers are cold. The acrylics don’t hurt. He can’t even feel them. He just feels the cool, artificial wet, stretching him open, filling him up. So much, so good. God, he loves being fucked. 
“Oh,” she says, voice a laughing, teasing lilt. “You really like that, don’t you. Being filled right up like that.”
“I do,” he moans. It’s fucking embarrassing, how much he likes it. 
She fucks him a few times, quick and deep. He gasps and writhes at it. Oh, it’s so good. He wants more. And then she takes them out, just as fast. He goes soft into the blankets, unclenches his fists. Gia traces over his pussy lips, spreads the wet that leaks out of him. 
“That’s a good boy,” she says. “You want your toy?”
Leo nods frantically into the cushion. “Yes.”
“Stay there,” Gia says. “I’m gonna show it to you first.”
“Okay,” Leo says, muffled. He’s not worried about sounding stupid, even though he should be. He props himself up on his elbows, watches Gia cross over to her bag, bend down to dig through it. She’s amazingly graceful. She knows she’s being watched, and she celebrates it, standing with her soft perfect hip cocked. The muscles in the backs of her legs are on full display, sharp and perfect and leading his eyes down to the tops of her high heels.
God, she’s pretty. He’s so distracted, he’s not even wondering what the toy could be, until she pulls it out, and at first, he can’t tell exactly what it is. It’s pale purple, and in a sort of U shape, and there’s one part that’s definitely a cock, nice and thick and straight and not too big. He’s not sure what the other part is for, a strange curving bulge. He doesn’t worry about it. He squirms in excitement and anticipation. Oh, he wants that in him. 
She turns and sees his expression. (God, the way it looks in her hand.) Her beautiful hypnotic lips part in a smile. She dangles it from her hand by the curved part, wiggles it back and forth. He almost whimpers. It could be ridiculous but god it’s not, it’s brain-meltingly hot. 
“You want this, baby?”
“Yes,” he whines. He doesn’t even know what it is and he wants it. She’s smiling at him, pleased, cocky. She walks over to where he’s lying propped up on his stomach and takes him by the hair and brings the toy to his mouth, and he opens it eagerly. She rubs it gently over his tongue. It’s cool, smooth silicone. The part that she’s putting in his mouth is a thick, round bulb that’s attached to the end of the shaft at an angle. He laves his tongue over it, and his spit streaks on the surface. This is making him so, so horny already, his mind going dumb and ready to be used. 
She lets him go, carefully so he doesn’t fall over. “Turn over,” she says. 
He scrambles to flop over onto his back, his arms braced behind him so he can see what she’s doing. 
“Come here. Spread your legs.”
He scoots towards the edge of the mattress, his legs dangling off the side, his knees falling open. He’s nervous, but it’s overshadowed by his urgent eagerness and the reassurance that Gia knows what she wants him to do and is telling him. He doesn’t even think to hesitate to follow any order she gives him. 
She looks so good standing between his legs, holding the toy that makes him drool, grinning down at him like she wants to eat him. He should be scared, maybe, with a girl he doesn’t know and all his power taken away from him. He’s not. It just makes him hotter, makes him dumber. 
She bends down and puts one hand on his thigh to hold him open and rubs the spit-slicked bulb of the toy over his cunt. He gasps and his legs twitch open further. She presses her nails into his thigh to keep him down and his breath hitches at the little spike of pain and then in one thrust she pushes that thick bulb into his cunt. 
“Fuck!” he yelps, more in surprise than pain, as it settles right behind his pubic bone, filling him up and pushing against the back of his cunt and against the inside of his bladder. His cunt clenches around the sudden intrusion. She’s holding it by the base of the shaft which is pressed up against his stomach and - oh. It looks like - he - it’s his. 
She strokes her hand up the toy, and it moves inside him. He lets out a whine. Oh, it’s so good, it’s so good. It fills him up so well. The sight of her hand on it, her small, delicate fingers wrapped around the silicone, touching him touching inside him oh god. It’s so hot. So hot. 
She pushes her thumb into the tip, and it presses against his clit, and he throws his head back and moans helplessly. He can still feel her, even when he can’t see her, moving it against him, jerking him off. He thought he wanted to be fucked but he could come like this. He gasps and whines as she works her hand, making it move inside him, so helpless under her. 
Gia has other plans, though. She takes her hand off the toy and it settles stiff against his stomach. He pants, looking at it, trying to settle down. The purple head lolls against his stomach, the bulb on the end still pressing into him, shifting with every movement. 
Gia carefully stands up off of him and leaves him. He can hear her rustling around behind him again. When she comes back she has a little round glass object that he can immediately tell is a butt plug. He shivers, interested and nervous in equal measure. He’s never tried that before. 
She shows it to him, rests it on his stomach next to the tip of his cock. It’s small but not that small. His muscles clench just looking at it. It’s heavy and cold. The base is round and flared, and the whole thing is smooth, shiny glass. It’s maybe as big as two fingers at the widest part. 
“Have you worn a plug before?” she asks him. He blushes hard and tells her no. 
“Do you wanna try?”
He does. She has him sit back on the cushion, adds lube to the tip of the plug, rubs it against the stretched skin of his cunt, over the outside of his hole for just a second. He gasps and flinches at the cold of it. She rubs it in until it warms up a little bit and then presses the round tip of it against his hole, gently dipping the tip inside. He lets out a hard breath at the feeling of the cold glass pushing against his tight muscles, pushing inside, slow and slick but still intense and almost painful. 
She presses it into him harder now, and he clamps down around it anxiously, and all of a sudden it hurts much more. He doesn’t know how much is inside, but it feels big. 
She eases up and lets it slip out, and it feels like nothing, and he already feels sore. His muscles feel raw and strained. He hears the click of the bottle as she adds more lube. She rubs it into his hole, and he tenses nervously, and she tips the plug and starts pressing it into him again, slow and firm. He winces.
“Does it hurt?” she asks. She doesn’t stop pushing it into him. He feels himself take more, more than he did before, his hole opening up around it. 
“‘S a little weird,” he says. 
“Okay,” she says, “relax your muscles and then push against it.” That sounds like an oxymoron to Leo, but he tries to do it. She pushes back against him, and he feels it slip in further, not entirely comfortable, the glass hard and unyielding inside him. God, the way it’s stretching him open is so strange. It doesn’t feel like anything he’s felt before. It feels like his body doesn’t want it to happen, and it’s happening anyway. 
“‘S it close?” he asks, feeling it in his guts, stretch and fullness like he’s never felt before. His voice is strained. It hurts a little. 
“Yeah, almost there,” she says, holding the base against him, making him take more. Please, please let this be the biggest part. He squirms a little, trying to take more, trying to get away. It’s not going anywhere. 
She puts her hand on his thigh and holds him down and gives one final, inescapable push, and he moans in pain as the breadth of it fills him up, and then it settles in place inside him, holding him open. Oh, god. It feels so full. He can feel the plug pushing up against the bulb in his cunt. Every tiny movement shifts everything inside him, and he feels like if he moves wrong he might break open and spill everything out of him. 
“There it is,” she murmurs, stroking over the stretched outside of his cunt, “it’s in. Good puppy.” She presses on the base of the plug, and he yelps. It hurts every time it moves deeper. “It’s gonna get you used to being full down there.”
“Okay,” he breathes. He hopes he gets used to it. Right now it feels like almost too much. He doesn’t move for fear of shifting it. 
Gia kneels on the mattress next to him, and from this angle he has to look up at her to see her face. She’s just in panties and a shirt, and as he looks she pulls her shirt over her head and drops it on the ground, and he stares up at the expanse of beautiful tan skin that she reveals. The dimpled plane of her stomach, the shape of her breasts from underneath. God, he wants to drown in her. 
It must show on his face, because she smiles at him like an angel and cups his cheek in her hand, turning his face towards her. He blushes deep red at the lidded, molten look in her eyes, but this time, he’s not embarrassed. He just lets the heat wash over him. 
She swings her leg over his shoulder and sits down lightly on his chest, still supporting some of her weight on her knees. He inhales sharply and sets his hands on her thighs, urging her closer. He knows what she wants from him, and he wants to give it. Her thighs are so soft around him, and her weight feels so good on top of him, and he feels so good like this, all full and completely used and completely submissive. When she moves up to kneel over his face he settles back against the cushions and half-closes his eyes. And then she’s hovering over him, just lightly but he can smell the metallic bite of her wetness, can feel the heat radiating from her.
Gently, hesitantly, he pulls her down towards him, opens his mouth against the soft heat of her cunt. She tastes sweet and salty and bitter. He licks her open, a little clumsy but firm and soft, and the taste of her spills onto his tongue. She’s so soft, so warm, so wet. He moans at it, and she feels it and sinks into him harder. 
He licks at her hole, hungrily, intent on coaxing more wet out of her. He leaves her clit alone for now but his nose brushes against it, again and again when he bobs his head to suck at her folds. She makes little sounds, grunts, quiet moans when he laves his tongue over her opening, teasing sweet slick out of her. So he keeps doing just what he’s doing, waiting for her to direct him to do something different. 
She does, when she gets impatient, grabs his short hair and holds him against her clit. He closes his eyes and opens his mouth and licks wet and messy, his tongue teasing over that hard nub over and over. She growls and holds him down harder and ruts against his tongue, so he holds still and lets her use him and then when he feels her legs start to tense around him he closes his mouth around her and sucks, and she grunts and gasps and pulls him off her by the hair before she comes. He blinks up at her, confused. She’s left her slick smeared all over his chin, and she’s dripping, he can see it. 
She looks down at him, hot and predatory and as hungry as she’s ever been, and he realizes that she wants more. 
She’s holding him down hard against the bed, holding him off her, and her thighs are trembling, the long corded muscles barely holding her up. He wonders that he could possibly have that effect on her. God, the way she looks at him, lidded and exhausted and still hungry like she’s gonna tear him apart and eat him. He feels like a piece of meat in front of her. 
“Puppy,” she growls, and just that almost makes him groan out loud. “Puppy, I’m gonna fuck you now, yeah?”
“Yes,” he groans, his body clenching around where he’s stuffed open. She climbs off him and drags her bag over and searches through it, and he squeezes his thighs together in anticipation and feels the hard line of his cock pressing into his clit between them, the bulb rocking inside him. He whimpers. 
She drags the strappy harness up her legs, and as she yanks the leather tighter it bites into her thighs and her stomach and his mouth waters. The ring settles against the black background of her underwear, and gleams in the shitty overhead light. She turns to the side to tighten it around her other leg and the way the strap cuts into the bottom of her ass makes her look so big, so powerful. He wants her on top of him so badly. 
He wants to see what she’s going to fuck him with. He rolls over to watch her look for it. 
“Turn over,” she says when she sees him. He obeys, ending up on his hands and knees because it’s too sensitive to lie on his stomach with the cock pressed up against him like that. He waits as she pulls out a mostly pink, soft dildo with a flared base. And he whimpers when her hand closes around it, because holy fuck it’s big. Not, like, unrealistic, her little hand can still wrap around it easily, but definitely big for him. 
“Oh, fuck,” he breathes, “Gia, that’s big.”
“No it’s not,” she says, tucking it into the ring, coming towards him, taking his hair in her fist. She pulls his head back to look up at it, and oh, god, yes it is. It has a wide strip of orange and purple in the middle, and it’s so heavy it sags down in the harness, dipping towards his face. “Look, it fits in my hand. You’ll see, open your mouth.”
Leo half-whimpers again and opens his mouth, and she shoves her cock inside it. Oh, it fills his mouth so full. His lips stretch around it. It’s soft and it’s pressing against his palate and down on his tongue. Just the head is in and it’s filling him all the way up. There’s nowhere else for it to go. Leo is almost going to choke already, and he feels so small, so fucking helpless. She holds his hair and slides it back on his tongue a little and he gags lightly, and thank god she doesn’t force it, just lets him choke around it a little. 
“Good puppy,” she husks, holding him down while he chokes. He coughs and drools and struggles to breathe through his nose. When she pulls him off her a thick, sticky strand of spit connects his mouth to her cock. He feels fuzzy. 
“Good boy,” she tells him. She rubs his drool down the shaft of it. “Get it wet for me.” The slick makes webs between her fingers. Leo is drooling for it, already has his mouth open. She pushes back in, and Leo’s eyes shut in contentment. It feels so nice to have his mouth full like that. 
She pushes straight back into his throat, and it’s sore, and he chokes again. She growls and holds him down. His eyes flutter, the back of his throat forced open, thick ropes of drool already pooling under his tongue. He’s hard and swollen around the bulb inside him. He struggles for breath, and chokes again, harder, and she lets him go. He coughs and drools and it drips down his chin and from the thick head of her cock. She catches some of it in her hand. God, that’s so dirty. Leo watches her smear it over her cock, streaking on the silicone. He feels so fucking filthy, looking at that thick, wet fucking mess he made. 
“I’m gonna fuck you with this now,” she tells him, and if he wasn’t already dumb and drooling he would be now. His tummy feels full and hard and hot and he’s brainless, needs nothing but that cock inside him, needs her to make it fit. She sees it on his face and laughs at him, puts her fingers in his mouth, drags the drool from his tongue. He whines. 
She takes her fingers out and grabs his jaw and shakes his head back and forth like a toy, and his eyes half-shut and he moans a little. She laughs at him again and slaps him across the cheek, lightly. He makes a pathetic helpless sound of arousal. He feels so dumb right now. She could probably step on him and he would thank her. 
She reaches around to tweak the plug in his ass, and he yelps. He had almost forgotten it was there, but moving it makes it feel just as sore and stretched as it did when she put it in. He arches away from it. God, it does make him feel nice and full, though, pushing against the bulb in his cunt, making it better. He kind of likes it. 
She tugs on it again, harder. The thick part of it pulls against the rim of his hole. Oh, fuck, he has no idea how she’s going to get that out. It’s so thick and the glass is hard and unyielding, stretching him open forcefully as she pulls back on it. 
“Look at that,” she murmurs, easing it further out, the thickest, roundest part pressing against his hole. She brushes her thumb over his pink stretched skin and he whimpers. It’s so sensitive. He imagines what he must look like right now, both his holes stuffed and cock hard against his tummy, that glass plug spreading him so open and showing Gia everything. Drooling and whining for it on his hands and knees. 
She twists it, and tugs it insistently further, and oh he feels it like his muscles are going to tear, sharp shooting pain radiating outwards. He makes a sound that’s halfway between dumb arousal and real fear, and embarrassingly loud. 
She laughs at him. “That sensitive?” she asks, and rubs her thumb over the raised outside of his hole where it’s stretched around the plug. He whimpers again, helplessly. “This is gonna feel so good for you, puppy.” She tugs gently and can’t get it any further out, his poor hole tight and tense around it. “Relax. Let it out.”
He does, and she gently wiggles it inside him and softly tugs and slowly, finally, it stretches him open until he just can’t take it anymore and then the biggest part is out and the rest slips out easy, dropping into her hand. Oh, it feels so weird to be empty now. He feels raw and sore and open. He can feel the wet slickness of lube inside him. It makes him feel like a sex doll. It makes him want to be full again. He wants it so bad, knows it would feel so fucking good…
“There we go,” she purrs, the plug set aside and her hands on his ass, gripping into the muscle. “Goood boy.” He feels the cushion dip behind him under her weight, and when he turns she has her knee propped up on it. Her hand comes to his waist. It’s heavy and grounding and nice. She strokes his side, and guides him back a little and he feels the blunt head of her silicone cock rub against his ass. 
“Oh,” he says, belatedly. “Oh - no - I can’t-” It’s hard to think clearly enough to say it. “I can’t do that, it’s too big.” Fuck. He sounds like a porn actor. She’s not gonna listen to him. He almost isn’t listening to himself, a big, blurry part of him wanting to give up protesting and just take it. The other part of him knows how much it’s going to hurt, though, how fucking stupid it is to let her fuck him with that when he can barely take a little plug. His breathing picks up, catching in the top of his chest, making him dizzy. 
“Yes you can, puppy,” she says, pressing herself against his back. Oh, fuck. The thick length of her rubs against him, and it short-circuits his brain, shuts down the part that’s scared. God, he fucking wants that inside him. He can’t stop himself from moaning pathetically into his hand. 
“Yes, baby,” she groans, rutting her hips against him a little, mindlessly. “That’s it. Gonna feel so good.” He’s gonna let her. He knows it. He’s too stupid to fight it. 
She gropes around for the bottle of lube and finds it, and clicks it open and drizzles some haphazardly onto him. He whines and twitches at the cold. God, he’s pathetic, he knows it, so stupidly reactive, such a fucking slut he’s gonna let Gia hurt him just to get her cock inside him. Even worse because he gets wetter at the thought. She uses the head of her cock to rub the lube into his hole and he cries out at just that, just the feeling of her close to being inside him. 
“Please,” he chokes. Please don’t, he means. Please fuck me is how it comes out. Gia growl-laughs at him. 
“Yes,” she says. “Yes.” 
She takes the shaft of her cock in her hand and presses the head into his hole. He feels the cold, blunt roundness against him, pushed harder, the very tip forcing him open just a little and holy shit, he is never going to be able to take it it’s so big. He moans. She pushes harder, and it slips out, and she forces it right back into him, opening him up a tiny bit more and it hurts it hurts it hurts. Oh god, it feels incredible. He’s never felt like this before. It hurts and it feels impossibly big and the stretch is like being forced past his limits and he needs it. His mouth falls open and hangs there. 
She uses her thumb to hold it in this time and rocks her hips forward, and his body refuses to open up any more. Instead he’s forced forward over his wrists and almost falls onto his tummy. Gia catches him by the waist and holds him up and tells him to stay still, and then she rocks her hips forward slowly, forcefully, holding him against her and guiding herself inside him. It slips in another centimeter. Every time she moves inside him he feels like he’s gonna burst, like he can’t possibly take any more than this. He doesn’t even think the whole head is in. It’s still getting wider. Fuck, he’s scared again. And so turned on his guts ache. 
“You’re doing good,” she tells him. “This is right for you, you’re gonna see. I’m gonna make it fit.”
“Okay,” he squeaks, trusting that she knows what she’s doing because it seems impossible that this is ever going to be anything but pain. He doesn’t think he can take it that thick, he really doesn’t. It’s so far beyond anything he’s ever done. It hurts so much he almost sees stars. 
Suddenly she grips into his waist and pushes in hard, and he feels the rest of the head slip in and settle inside him. He clenches his hands into the sheets and yells, a loud, painful “Ah!” that he bites back as soon as he can control himself. It feels so big that he’s pushed out of his own body. The sensation is strange and hot and pulsing, and it takes him over. He can’t think, can’t feel anything but the impossible stretch inside him. Ripples of pain radiate through his whole core. And he knows there’s still more. 
“Hah,” she grunts, “fuck, there it is, puppy, feel so good.” Her hands are dug so deep into him. He can feel her bent over his back, the heat of her body against his. He cries out again. The hurt comes in big, pulsing waves. 
She rocks her hips further. He yelps in pain. She’s holding back a little, pretending to care about his noises, but he knows all she wants is to be inside him, and she barely gives him any break before she tries again, pushing him forward and down until he falls onto his stomach trying to get away from her. As soon as his front hits the cushions he feels a startling, overwhelming shift inside him, the bulb of his cock jiggled by the impact. It presses straight up against where she’s inside his guts. Holy shit, holy shit holy shit holy shit. He moans, high and lyrical. 
“Oh, my god,” he breathes, “holy fuck feels good.”
“Aw,” she says, already holding him down, heavy on top of him, pinning him between her body and the cushion. “Are you all full, puppy?”
“Yes,” he gasps. “Oh my god yes. It’s all—” He cuts himself off as she pushes forward, slowly, forcing a little more inside. The head is already in and it’s smooth and it goes easy. “Hooooly shit Gia please hurts. ‘S full, so fucking full.” He can’t even string together a sentence to ask her to stop. 
“Good boy,” she says. “That’s a goood, good boy. You’re gonna take all of it for me, aren’t you? Gonna feel so good.” 
He can’t tell her no. He can’t say anything. All he can do is gasp and moan and try not to cry as she slowly, slowly forces herself further inside him, until his stomach hurts with it. He can’t move, he’s so full. The different sensations of the cock in his ass and the bulb in his cunt and the shaft on his clit have blended together into an indistinguishable mass of pain, stretch, burn, pressure, pleasure. 
Finally, finally, she settles all the way inside him, the front of her thighs settled flush against his body. He’s breathing quick and strained from the pain. 
“There you go,” she murmurs, distractedly, her hands busy smoothing over his ass, playing with him. She cups him with her palm and her thumb and spreads him open a little, and he feels that stretch behind everything else, an ache in his muscles. He moans, wavering, unguarded, overwhelmed, into the cushion. 
Slowly at first, carefully, she rocks back, drawing out of him. Oh, god, this is just as hard as the plug was. He tries to relax and let it out. Thank god she’s careful, and gives him another glob of lube, rubbed into his rim right where he’s stretched around her cock. He fucking whines at that too, because god he’s sensitive there, his hole stretched and wet and pink. His leg twitches up at the cold of it. 
She draws out until the ridge of the head is just tugging at his hole, and then pushes back in, filling him straight back up with what feels like bruising force. He feels it press against his cunt from the outside as it goes in. It’s viscerally creepy, like he could just tear right open, and dirty, and stupidly hot. She growls softly as she fills him. He knows what he must look like, face buried in the cushion, his little waist and his broad shoulders and his little pink hole opening up obscenely around her, his cunt drooling around his cock. It just makes him wetter. 
She pulls out and thrusts in again, her cock almost slipping out and then fucking all the way deep inside him. He moans, twists his fingers into the fabric. 
“Oh, good,” she tells him. “You’re such a little slut for it. I knew you’d like this.” 
He can only respond with another high moan as she thrusts again, picking up the pace a little, starting to fuck him slow and steady. It does feel good, now that he’s settling into it, the deep rocking thrusts that move everything inside him against his g-spot. He already knows he can’t come from this but this feels fucking better than coming, better than anything he’s done alone. 
She pulls out and fucks him again and he groans, legs going lax. The force of her fucking rocks his body on the cushion and he flops like a ragdoll, blissfully, dumbly overwhelmed with sensation. He can feel her hips against his ass with every thrust, filling him up, up to his guts, so fucking deep and stretched and open that he can’t do anything but lie there and take it. 
“Ohhh, ohh, ohh,” Gia moans, lost in the feeling of him, rubbing herself hard against the base of her cock. He whines and clenches around her. “You wanna come? Wanna come for me, baby?”
“Fuuck,” Leo chokes out, “yes, yes I do, please.” 
“I’m gonna-” she cuts herself off with a gritted groan “-gonna turn on the vibration, go on and fuck your little cock against the mattress for me, puppy.” 
“Okay,” Leo whimpers. “Okay, I-” she reaches around his body and flicks a hidden button and the bulb whirrs to life inside him, and he cuts himself off with a muffled scream. He can’t even muster the energy to move himself, so he just clings desperately to the sheets and pants, the vibrations inside him and on his clit filling him up filling him up radiating out and higher and higher until he comes hard with another shuddered scream. His body clenches down in waves, around the cock in his ass and the bulb stuffing his cunt, and still the vibrations press against his clit and he comes again, his fingers twisting in the sheets, his eyes actually rolling towards the back of his head. He trembles as he comes down from it, every muscle in his body suddenly feeling like rubber. 
“Fuck,” he gasps, when he can breathe again, He doesn’t think he can move. His face is pressed into the cushion, and his mouth is open, and it’s wet. He’s drooling. 
His cunt hurts. His clit is somewhere between numb and pain. His tummy is sore from tightening so hard. 
When Gia moves inside him, he almost shrieks, all the pain and the little bit of pleasure too much. She pulls out a little and then pushes back in, and Leo whines and writhes. The vibrator is still on, and it feels like torture. He gasps out that it hurts.
“Boys hurt when they cum,” she tells him, and keeps fucking him. “I’m not done so you’re gonna take it until I am, huh? You wanna be a good boy?” He can hear the strained pleasure in her voice. She’s almost all the way on top of him, holding him down with her weight so he can only struggle a little against the mattress. She’s so, so deep inside, so deep it’s hurting his stomach. 
“I - fuck - I - it does, it does, it hurts, please make it - make it -” There’s no fucking end to that sentence, his mind is mush, useless. His cunt clamps down pathetically around the bulb. He has no control over his muscles anymore, his cunt twitching and clenching with endless aftershocks, his hole hurt and violated and full. 
“That’s it.” She sounds absent, focused, lost in the feeling of fucking him. “You’re a good fucking boyslut. Wanna be a fucking cumdump for me?”
“Hh—  ah,” is the only response he can make to that. Fuck, it hurts so much. It feels so good. He can’t think. If he could, he would think that he’s meant to be hurt. That this is what he’s made for. 
Gia winds her fingers into his hair and holds on the same way his hands are twisted in the sheets. He cries out again for her. She’s gonna come, he can tell by the way she holds him against her so desperately, legs tensing on top of his. “Fuck,” she groans, “fuck, fuck, gonna come in your little fucking cumdump hole, come on, scream for me.” And he does, gasping at the ache as she forces herself deep and holds him there, until he feels her tremble against him, her hips bucking impossibly deeper as she comes. 
After, she collapses over his back, her whole weight pressing inside him and her chest against his shoulder blades. She doesn’t bother to turn off his vibe or pull out of him. His body clenches down uselessly around her, and she can’t even feel it. He has to beg her to get up off of him and let it be over. When she finally slips out of him, flicking the vibrator off soon after, he can feel his hole wink weakly open, aching, emptiness feeling strange now. His clit throbs sharply. 
He rolls onto his back, and watches her unbuckle her harness and throw it to the side. She comes to sit by him on the bed, and rubs the sharp points of her nails through the short hair on the back of his neck. 
He thinks of telling her how bad that hurt. Something in him wants to. Make sure that never happens again. Another part of him doesn’t want her to go any softer next time. He stays quiet and lets her scratch behind his ears, like a puppy. 
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
What are some of your ocs favorite shows?
Thank you!!
Rae: In her time, maybe something like Alf? In the modern time, she'd probably use foreign shows to help her learn new languages, so she'd bounce around a lot.
Robin: In her time, Golden Girls. In the modern time... probably still Golden Girls, but she'd really like the use of ASL in Echo and would appreciate that
Madison: In her time... maybe the Twilight Zone? In modern times, she'd like watching survival shows like Alone or Naked and Afraid and pointing out what people are doing right versus what's really wrong
Ophelia: Mythbusters!!! She'd LOVE that show, and it probably contributed a lot to her becoming an engineer to begin with
Gia: Hm... would enjoy some lighthearted fun shows while she's working on arrangements, mainly craft or baking shows like Nailed It!, Bake-Off, Making It, etc.
Jasper: Loves watching shitty medical dramas like House MD or Grey's Anatomy, just to poke holes in all the medicine
Kestrel: Doesn't really watch TV, their only associations are of random sitcoms they put on while in hotel rooms so... I guess those?
Katherine: Doesn't watch much cable TV, but would love YouTubers like Jazza and ChloeRoseArt and SuperRaeDizzle
Quinn: Actually really enjoys trivia shows and plays along with the contestants, and would really love Taskmaster too
Eris: Hm... M*A*S*H? They'd enjoy war shows, and actually like the comedy in that one as well.
Nikoletta: Would probably enjoy some dark, macabre shows like Grimm or AHS (and would find it funny that she's walked past LaLaurie's house and the Coven house since she lives in NOLA)
Jimmy: Died before home TV was invented, but would probably enjoy (or at least love to hate) TV adaptations of his favorite books - Sherlock, Anne with an E (based on Anne of Green Gables), etc.
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z-paladin · 16 hours
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Alright so Kogu (Who I have given the Saiyan Name Aiko from the Daikon Radish - which Goku grows - cause I didn't wanna just use Kakarot again. This is a whole different flavor of the same guy.) And Turles
I messed with the things said in the actual episode, because I have some Thoughts. RHatAF is all about Mixin Shit Up, so I'm sure they won't mind me playing with their text right back.
Under the Read More cause I thought a Normal Amount about this concept.
Alright so - Universe 11 Saiyans If the Uni 6 Saiyans have Semi Roman aesthetics by Cabba's armor and Uni 7 Saiyans have Barbarian Aesthetics pre-frieza's "employment", then I wanted to nail down a Look for Uni 11 Saiyans. What better to contrast the major focus on the Pride Troopers to translate the Fighting Spirit of the Saiyans to Biker Gang Vibes. I imagine that they mostly fight among themselves for Zone Control on the planet. Mad Maxing it up all for fun and profit.
Now These Fucked Up Brothers While Aiko goin to Earth, if Universe 11 even has one of those, would be fun, I had a thought for something else. The boys? Twins - much to Turles' utter annoyance to be compared to Aiko. Turles gets his hand on a fruit of the tree of might somewhere and decides "Either we use this to take the planet over for ourselves or we just blow it up and get a new one." Aiko hits him with the classic "We Fucking Live Here Don't Do That" The fight still happens between them, but the way that Aiko absorbs the tree of might is getting punched in the chest will the fist Turles holds the fruit with. Being a shitty little brother and Not Wanting Their Home Destroyed, puts his own energy into the fruit to have it take root in HIM instead of the planet... Which he ends up destroying anyway once the seedling has his way with him. Oops.
Now for the shambling corpse in the room - Super Saiyan Gia. Figured if Rose got to have a fun name, this plant-y green form they described should get one too. I imagine rather than the hair going Up it's more, like, always Billowing in Unseen Wind, spreading the influence of the Tree of Might. How much of Aiko that's left is...not very clear. It's like if he stood still too long, the body would just fall right off the bones of wood. He must keep moving, keep fighting, if any piece of Aiko wants to live.
What Uub does to this thing that was once a Saiyan is frankly a mercy to not just all the universes but to what remains of them.
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stluvrrr · 6 months
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SPIT - Chris Sturniolo, (Probably Part 1)
A/N: This is my first time writing a story AND I JUST GOT MY NAILS DONE SOO CUT ME SOME SLACK!! Also this story is quite long so have fun!
Warnings: Use of drugs and alcohol, heated make outs, DEFINITELY SMUT!!
“Gia I told you, i’m not going to this party! I mean i’m only gonna know some people there!” I was never the biggest party person, especially when it came to “influencer” parties, and my best friend Gianna knew that.
“Monet pleaseeee! I’m begging you! I swear it’ll be worth it!” I could hear the desperation in her voice, I mean it was the weekend, I didn’t have work or anything, fuck it. Let’s go.
“Be here by 9.” I could hear her cheer and clap and jump around behind the phone, causing me to let out a chuckle. “You won’t regret this Monet! Dress cute and be ready to get plastered i’ll be there soon!” She exclaims, hanging up the phone, I set mine down and huff looking at myself in the mirror, groaning as I begin to get ready.
I hear honking from outside my house, and I pick up my stuff, I was wearing a tight sleeveless white dress, with a little bow at the top of it and of course, my Doc Martins, the honking continues and I rush downstairs, exiting my house to see Matt’s car, the tan mom van, the door slides open and i’m met with Matt in the driver, Gia in the passenger, as Nick and Chris are sat in the back, the smell of weed immediately hits my noise, and I realize Chris had a blunt between his lips, they all greet me as I enter the car.
Matt: “Hey dude”
Nick: “Hey queen!”
Gianna: “Sexy mama what’s up?!”
Chris: “Wassup Mamas”
I let out a chuckle and nod my head “Hey ladies, how’s it goin’?” They all exclaim about how excited they were to party and I shrug slightly.
Chris: “Oh come on ma, you never go out with us! Live a little!”
I laugh back, and shake my head, he holds out the blunt that was between his fingers to me, I gladly except it, and take two hits before passing it back to him, he pats my thigh twice with a grin, leaning back on the seat. “Atta’ girl.” he let’s out a chuckle, and so do I, we pull up to the house and Matt parks on the street, we all pile out, and immediately split up as we enter the house.
After around, an hour or two of me just wandering around, progressively getting drunker and drunker, I stumble into a room, being met with yet again, the smell of Marijuana, I look closely at the guy sitting on top of the bed, rolling trey in his lap, it was Chris of course, the creek of me opening the door makes his head shoot up, and he gives me a smirk.
“Hey ma you drunk yet?” I shake my head, obviously drunk, and sit down next to him on the bed, just…watching him roll, he shoots a quick look over at me and chuckles, the room falls silent for a moment, before the beginning of ‘Poison by Brent Faiyaz’ begins to play downstairs, but it was so loud we could hear it perfectly, I fall back onto the bed and giggle.
“God I love this song Chris..” I say with a huge grin plastered on my face, he looks over at me again and shakes his head..looking up and down your body, then turning his attention back to rolling up.
“God it gets me like..horny.” I say, not really aware of what just came out of my mouth but, it did, and for some reason there was no regret, he looks back over at me with sort of widened eyes as he begins to lick the blunt shut, keeping his eyes on mine as he does, I mouth the words of the song, watching him finish the blunt, I sit up as he lights it and takes a hit.
“Aint nothin better for me now, than your poison babe…” *I mumble softly, a bit confused as to why he was so silent, he chuckles again as I recite the lyrics, handing me the blunt, I hold it between my fingers and take a hit.
“..With my hands around your throat, I know you like that.. girl i’ll do anything, to hear you scream my name..” He recites with another laugh, as I hand the blunt back to him, we stop to, very badly harmonize to the “I doooo~” we laugh at each other for a moment, as he takes another hit off the blunt, and in that moment I feel as we both say, Fuck it. And smash our lips together, the blunt still being held securely in his right hand, as his left slides up my thigh, it didn’t feel real, his cold rings on my bare skin sent a shiver down my spine, he pulls away, and I stare for a moment.
“I didn’t-“
“Im sorry I think it was the song..”
“Yup, yup mhm, the song”
We share a small awkward chuckle as we talk over each other, and he takes another long hit of the blunt, handing it back to me as he coughs.
As I hear ‘All The Time by Jeremih’ begin, my jaw was slightly agape and I chuckle.
“Wow whoever is on Aux just wants people to fuck huh?” I ask, giving him a nod cross faded grin, I take a hit of the blunt, and ghost the smoke before motion for him to come closer, I cuff his face with my left hand, and we shotgun..as I pull away, he nods.
“You have no idea how hot that was..how hot you are Monet..now I wanna do it.” He takes a final hit of the blunt and does the same, cuffing my face with his hand but as we shotgun, our lips meet, the kiss continues to grow more passionate, as he begins to push me back on his bed, pulling away from the kiss wanting to put out the blunt, I bite my bottom lip and motion my eyes down to my thighs, he picks up on it and raises and eyebrow.
“No way..wouldn’t that hurt ma? I mean it’d be sexy but, painful..” I nod my head in agreement, that’s what I wanted.
“Just do it..I swear it’d turn me on even more..” I reply, giving him those eyes as I look up at him, that look of lust, desperation, and being incredibly horny, he shrugs, and moves down to my lower waist, he grips my left thigh with his left hand and looks up at me as he puts the blunt out, leaving small circular burns up and down it, I whimper in pain, but a good pain, as I pull my legs up a bit.
“Fuck, that was..” He stops his sentence, and begins to kiss the burns, trailing his tongue up and down my thigh, he lifts up my dress, leaving it rolled up past my belly button, and his fingers begin to fiddle with the waistband of my black laced panties, I let out a shaky breath, feeling my excitement grow more desperate for his touch, I take off his blue fitted hat, and place it next to me so I could slide my hands into his hair, he slowly pulls my panties down and smirks.
“God you’re fucking soaked, I haven’t even done anything..” All I could do was let out a breathy giggle in response, he holds his hand up to me and I look down at it.
“Spit.” He demands, I immediately do as he says, and spit onto his hand, he nods and brings it back to my core, sliding his middle and ring finger up my folds, causing me to let out a moan, bucking my hips.
“God dammit..” I mumble, leaning my head back onto the bed board and gripping his hair tighter, he lets out a soft groan as I do, his face moves closer to my core, and he licks up to my clit, softly twirling his tongue around it, my back arches and I let out whimper, I push his head down slightly, causing his tongues to slide down and slip inside me.
“Chris! Chris!” I moan out, his tongue continuing to lick around me, he moves his hand onto my stomach, his thumb gently rubbing circles around my clit, I buckle my hips again, feeling that knot in my stomach form, and my grip on his hair slightly loosens, he definitely feels me about to finish, so he stops, pulling away from my pussy, I look down at him confused.
“W-Why’d you stop? That was..god that was so fucking amazing.” He nods in agreement, his eyes were red and hooded, it was definitely a sight to see, he pulls me back into a passionate kiss, and my hands travel down his body, pulling at the rim of his shirt, he gets my signal and pulls away from our kiss as I lift his shirt over his head and on the floor, and without me saying a word he unbuckles his belt, and pulls down his pants, I look down at his bulge, basically jumping out at me, and I begin to palm in through his boxers, looking up at him as I do, he lets out a low groan, and sways his hips forward, so I could keep going, biting my bottom lip as I do.
“Mmm do you like that Chris? Do you want me to keep going~” He leans his head back a bit, but I didn’t wanna waste his high, nor his climax, I pull his boxers down and it springs out, sort of hitting my stomach, I look down at it, and spit in my hand to lube it up, I begin to stroke up and down his shaft, letting my thumb massage his tip, he lets out a whimper, sort of taking me by surprise.
“Okay..okay no more.” He says with a breathy chuckle, as I move my hand away, he spreads my legs aligning himself with me, he gently rubs his tip up and down my folds, we didn’t even need the spit, his precum was enough. We both share a soft gasp as he gently slips into me, I push out a moan, leaning my head back on the pillow, he starts off with slow thrusts, gripping my thighs and bringing my legs up and spread.
“God you’re so tight.” He says through gritted teeth, his thrust beginning to speed up, I couldn’t say anything breathy chuckles and moans, I squirm a bit, but he spreads my legs back apart.
“Don’t move..” I nod my head but god it was so hard, I move my arms back behind me, gripping the top of the backboard, squeezing my eyes shut.
“Chris..Chris im already close..” I say, feeling that knot in my stomach comes back, and he slaps my thigh, gripping it tighter as his thrusts get faster.
“If you cum before I say so I won’t hold back, now wait for me.” I was surprised by his change of attitude, I liked the dominant side, the sting on my thigh from the slap, his pase getting faster, it drove my crazy, I couldn’t even respond with words, the feeling of his cock hitting my G-spot with every thrust, his hands gripping my thighs, he was a nice guy, but when it came down to sex, he was rough, he treated you like you were nothing but a worthless slut.
I feel his thrusts grow harder, his legs were shaking, his nails dug into the skin of my thighs, and I was scratching his bare back, definitely leaving big marks up and down it, he was groaning more rapidly now, I knew he was about to climax, and I couldn’t hold mine in any longer.
“FUCK! Fuck, Chris please! Please let me cum!” I exclaim, he quickly brings a hand to cover my mouth, we were still at a party, even though it was his room he didn’t want anyone to waltz in or hear us.
“Shut up.” He growls, his hand still over my mouth, he was whispering and groaning under his breath as he shoved two fingers into my mouth, I wasn’t sure how he knew it’d completely shut the hell up, but it did. “Suck on my fucking finger…you slut.” His words were covered up my breaths, as he sped up more, thrusting harder. “Come on Monet cum, cum all over my fucking dick!”
I open my eyes, my mouth was agape as my whispering and moaning grew louder, as I finally climax, after a few more thrusts, I feel his dick twitch inside me, as he finishes, we ride out our high for a moment, and he finally slides out of me, planting another weak slap on my thigh, as begin to get our breathing back to normal, and he leans his head back , to my surprise he strokes his dick, and more shoots out of him onto my stomach.
“You weren’t done huh?” I ask with a chuckle, he shakes his head and plants another kiss on my lips, plopping down next to me as he uses his shirt to clean ourselves up.
“You wanna smoke again?” I swat my hand in face playfully, continuing to stare up at the ceiling.
A/N: I’m sorry that was so long! But I definitely wanna write more sooo lmk 😜
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fukin-shortass · 7 months
FINE HERES THE FREAKIN STORY- @iwanttobepersephone >:[ i hate you /j /lh
“Y-you’re not..my mother..my..my mother wouldn’t do such heinous actions..” Gia whispered.
“You’re correct, Giana-”
“Let me finish you bastard,” Gia interrupted, “the mother I knew wouldn’t throw away her life, throw away everything she knew just to prove herself to-” she paused to cough up excess amounts of blood onto her ripped shirt and jeans. She never expected her own mom to hit, let alone nearly murder her own child. How far gone was she? Gia took a deep breath and continued. “She never would have thrown everything away just to prove to her sisters that she can seemingly do the impossible. You’re..you’re not her.. I don’t know who you are, but you’re not Jamie..”
Jamie’s smile widened and she flipped her scythe around, sticking the blade into the ground. “Giana, you poor..poor soul. You clearly didn’t know me well at all. You know what happened to my dear Maeve, you know the horrors I had to induce after she killed herself. You could find it relatable, after all, you did lose your own child, at such a young age too.”
Gia bared her teeth and dug her nails into the blood soaked dirt. “Don’t bring Maggie into this. All of this was for nothing, Maeve and Maggie are dead again, like they should have stayed-”
Jamie ended Gia’s sentence early with a kick to her jaw. Gia yelled in pain and hid her head, holding her jaw. At this point she was curled over on the ground, writhing in pain.
“I did what I had to, Giana. I was losing my mind more and more everyday that Maeve wasn’t in my arms again, you know that pain. You know damn well the pain I’m speaking of. My experiment worked though, didn’t it? Not only did I bring our children back, but I brought Lilith and that pesky vampire back as well. You can’t deny that my achievements deserve some credit. But, even after all I’ve done for you, you still take away what I made, killing my child and yours just to have ‘peace’. If I could’ve just had them for one more month, they’d be good as new. Perhaps even better than before! But your selfish desire to have things unchanged ruined everything, like they always do. You’re selfish, Giana. You always have, and always will be.”
Tears ran down Gia’s face. Maybe she was the monster of this story. Was she really the selfish one? She just didn’t want her child and sister to be in pain. She already knew she was horrible for killing Maggie with the cure, but she didn’t know the pure extent of how bad she actually was.
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doloresstarfish · 8 months
(Can't Finish What You Start)
Remus Lupin & Original Male Character
cw: slight implied domestic abuse, angst, slow burn
       When Remus woke up the next morning, Elliot's bed was empty.
        He had slept uninterrupted until 9am, so that made almost 13 hours of sleep, wich was crazy. But in his defense, he hadn't rested well enough since the full moon of a couple days ago, because of the stress about the internship and all, he barely closed an eye. So he let it slide. Besides, Elliot wasn't home, so it would be awkward to hang around the house without him there for so much time.
             Remus found a little note in Elliot's dresser, written in hasty, sloppy letters. "Late night shift. Be back 10". Okay, one hour of awkwardness. That wasn't so bad, right?
            He made his bed -mattress- and marched to the bathroom after finding another messy note. "Don't be lame. Take a shower". That one made him laugh. So after he did, he slipped some clothes on -not too librarian-y this time- and braced himself to get out of the room and greet the whole family.
          But when he did there was only Gia sitting in the armchair at the living room. She stopped reading her big book to look at him. "Hey... Rudolf, right?"
           "Uh, it's Remus, actually. Good morning"
           "Oh" they stood in an uncomfortable silence for a couple minutes. Remus sat on the couch, trying to act busy. Well, as busy as you can look while assesing the chipped paint on the walls.
           "Um, what are you reading?" He liked books, maybe that would be a nice conversation.
          "Some History book I got assigned" she answered, tucking a long braid behind her ear with hot pink painted nails.
         "Are you in summer school or something?" Remus asked, raising an impressed eyebrow. He remembered yesterday, when Elliot went into her room and told her not to study too hard. She shook her head.
          "I'm trying to get a scholarship at this fancy private school. They got a kickass Math program" she said, like that was the coolest thing in the world. "I have to know about the school's history or some shit" she winced, signaling to the book on her hands "Old white people are weird. No offense"
          "Non taken. Where is the rest of your family?" He asked, more to keep the conversation going than actual concern. Besides, Gia looked glad to take a break from the boring read.
          "Mom took Dominic with her to the store, Elliot's probably coming back from his shift at the bar right now and Lupe and Eric sleep as long as they can in summer"
           "What about your dad?" It was a cunning question to ask and Remus inmediately felt like an asshole after the young girl seemed to slightly flinch at his words.
             "Um, work trip. He'll be back this afternoon, probably" she answered quickly, going back to the book on her lap.
          Ten silent minutes later Elliot arrived home, wearing blue jeans and a worn down messenger bag on his shoulder.
           "Oh, hey. You sleep fine?" He directed to Remus after looking at him like he had almost forgotten he was there.
          "Yeah, thanks. Maybe a little too good. Just got up" he explained, making the other boy smile.
          Elliot didn't seem to care much about covering his arms anymore, now sporting a loose shirt with the sleeves chopped off. Maybe because Remus already knew what hid underneath, or perhaps it was because Remus was the outsider and Elliot could kick him out anytime he wanted if he did something out of his liking. And it was fucking hot outside. Yeah, that was probably it.
          "Want some breakfast?" Elliot asked, looking inside the mostly empty fridge.
          "Not really, I had like- three servings last night" Remus put a hand on his stomach, as to really probe how full he was.
          "As you wish. There's probably just stale cereal anyway" Remus laughed.
           "So..." Elliot leaned on the kitchen counter, arms crossed.
           "No internship today?" Remus shook his head.
           "I start as a regular this monday. The last couple weeks I had to go was to meet some people, see how I adjusted to the way the office worked..." he explained.
          "Don't wanna pay you 'til next month, huh?" Elliot said, smiling knowingly and tilting his chin up a little. Remus cackled loudly, the type you let out when you hadn't expected to laugh anytime soon.
          If he was having this conversation with any of the Mauraders it would be very different. They would probably tell him how great it was to only have to go a few times a week, checking the place out and that he should take advantage of his last days of "freedom", no strings attached. It would be great if he hadn't actually been running errands for almost everyone in the office and working without pay for those "adjusting" first days.
          But Elliot wasn't part of the Mauraders. He lived in Jaywick and earned his own money since he was ten, took care of his family and knew how the real world worked. More than Remus, anyway.
          "Pretty much" Remus answered, still laughing softly.
          "Been there"
            Remus went in to say something, but the door opened and Marian came from outside, Dominic following close behind her. Elliot inmediately took some of the very few plastic bags she was holding and placed them on the kitchen counter.
          "Good morning!" She said, panting slightly at the long walk. The three of them greeted her in the same way "Look!" She pointed to the baby looking around the house and still standing on the doorstep.
          "He's walking!" Exclaimed Elliot after his little brother walked up steadily to him, arms streched to the boy, who took him happily in his arms.
          "Left him on the store's floor for a second and went straight for the Cocoa Puff's as soon as I turned around. Hasn't stopped walking since then. Well, 'til now" she said, looking fondly at her two sons while Elliot bounced him around and contratulated him "Had to get them" she said, taking the box of chocolate marbles out of one of the bags.
         "Good job, Dom! Go for the vodka next time, 'kay? I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" Elliot said when his mother slapped him playfully on the arm and sent him a stern look. Remus and Gia laughed.
         "You better be" she finished the conversation and going to put the groceries away.
          Elliot sat on the couch next to Remus, sighing loudly and closing his eyes while Dominic played with his long curls.
          "Tired from the shift?" Remus asked, looking at his friends puppy eyes and freckled covered button nose. Merlin, he was truly beatiful.
          "Six hours of sleep isn't that bad" Elliot said, turning his head to look at Remus. They stayed like that for a few seconds, like they finally had the time to study eachother.
          Maybe that was true for Elliot, but Remus has been watching him from a lot of time ago. Ever since the first months of third year, when Elliot and Lucas Servin -a really gnarly Sytherin boy- got into a passionate fight in the middle of Potion's, wich ended in the entirety of the ingredients shelf destroyed on the floor. That was the first time he noticed him, with a bruise forming on top of golden skin and another bruise.
          After that, no one in Hogwarts had Potion's Class for a whole week, since the professors had to replace everything. He remained a hero for the rest of the year, before everyone forgot about it.
          Besides that, the rest of the Mauraders never payed him much attention aside from the rare comment Sirius made about how 'rad' he seemed to be, with his cigarrettes and permanent too-cool-for-school demeanor. Elliot was the reason Sirius took up smoking in the first place -James kinda resented him for that-. But Remus liked it that way. It felt like Elliot was his underrated little secret, only a view for him to admire.
            Until that had to stop, anyway. The universe seemed to know that the little crush he had had only grown stronger by sixth year and that he intened to do nothing about it. So the universe decided to give the matter a little push. In the form of a socially clueless Sirius Black.
         Remus can still remember the day the long haired boy bursted open the door of their room while holding a bored looking Elliot from his wrist, screaming "He has muggle records!". Remus nearly choked on air at the sight. Partly because he was laying down in only his boxers when it happened. Marvelous for a first impression, really.
           After that, Elliot bonded with Sirius about music, leather jackets and the apparent admiration the other boy seemed to have for him (after spending more time with him neither could deny that Elliot was, indeed, the coolest out of them). But Remus and him always seemed to gravitate towards one another in a strange, nochalant way.
          "I was gonna hang out with some friends later. I can tell 'em to fuck off and we can do something together" Elliot was the one to break off the silence, but his eyes still fixed on Remus golden ones, who was the one to break eye contact. As nice as going out with Elliot sounded, being a burden to the boy was the worst thing that could happen to him. Remus didn't want Elliot to change anything of the way he lived just because he was there.
           "No. It's alright. I reckon I can find something to do" he answered quickly.
           "You can come with me" Elliot shrugged.
           Thank Merlin he didn't add "If you want" to that sentence, Remus thought.
            "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude" like he wasn't intruding enough already.
             "You won't. It'll be nice, you can meet my friends. You'll like 'em... I think. They're assholes but only with people they know" Remus laughed lightly and nodded at Elliot.
          "Alright. Sure"
          The rest of the day went by rather smoothly, Lupe and Eric woke up, they all had some lunch together and Elliot took a nap while Remus read 'A Room with a View' by his side. Soon it was time to meet the friends Elliot mentioned, so he changed into some old faded shirt and a pair of sport shorts, advising Remus to do the same, but shook him off saying that what he wearing was comfortable enough. Elliot had only looked at him up and down and said "Suit yourself".
            "Ma, we're going out" he said before opening the door.
           "But your father's coming today!" she answered.
           "Yeah, that's why we're going out" he said, lightheartidly.
           "Okay... be careful"
              They said their goodbyes and stepped outside, where a thin girl leaned on what was left of the torned down fence. She smiled at them.
           "Hey!" She waved as Elliot smiled back at her.
             The girl was absolutely beautiful, she had glowing skin, a pair of teal colored earings dangling from her ears and an afro so big it made her almost taller than Remus.
            "Hey, Mar. This 's Remus. Remus, this is Marcia" he pointed at him. The three of them started walking down the street.
             "Pleasure to meet you" Remus said, shaking her hand.
            "Woah, this must be the first person I shake hands with on this block" She joked, althought looking sincerly surprised, wich made Elliot snort "Where did you find such a cute, polite boy?" She directed to Elliot, who rolled his eyes at the blushing boy.
             "Boarding school. You coming with us?" He inquired, not leaving a second for her to say anything else. This was her turn to roll her eyes with faken annoyance.
            "Yup. Richie phoned me, said he wanted to spend as many time as he could with me before moving back to America" she kicked a pebble on the floor, grimacing slightly.
            "How you doing with that?" She shrugged.
            "As cracking as I can. I'll miss him but I believe trying long distance would be worse" Elliot nodded in understanding.
            The three of them enganged in some small talk after Mar said she would "get depressed" if they kept talking about it. She asked Remus about school and made jokes about how annoying Elliot was. She was nice, and it was funny seeing the curly haired boy pretend to be irritated by her antics. They were clearly comfortable with eachother, and Remus learned they became good friends after Elliot and his family moved to England, since she lived right next door.
          They got closer to the small basketball court where there were already a few boys running around. Elliot took off the moment they arrived and stole the faded orange ball from one of them, dodging exaggeratedly and finally throwing it inside the hoop. Show off, Remus thought.
          "Yo, I just got here and I'm aready kicking y'alls ass" he said jockingly, shit eating grin on his face.
          "Fuck you, man" one of them said, but he was also smiling widly. They started greeting eachother and Elliot introduced Remus to them.
            Mar went to give a shy kiss to a boy with short tight curls, who Remus supposed was Richie.
          "You wanna be on my team, Mar?" Elliot asked her, boucing the ball on the floor. "Ew" was all she said before going to sit down on one of the benches in the side of the court, making him snicker "Remus?"
          "Oh, no. I'm absolutely terrible. I'll just sit down with Marcia" he answered "Yeah, cheers, though" he said after Mike -a boy with a very strange mustache- politely asked him if he was sure.
           "Okay. More space for me to fuck y'all up, then" Elliot said, squating down to start the game.
           "You wish you could fuck me, Faye" was the last thing Remus heard before sitting down next to the girl, who pulled out a nail polisher from God knows where.
          "Elliot never told me he had friends from the boarding school" she told him without looking up from her hands.
          "We met properly last year. My mates pretty much stalked him everyday until he agreed to hang out with us"
            "That sounds like Elliot" they laughed lightly "I'm glad he met you, then. Doesn't seem so much against going back this summer. He always goes round and round about how much he hates all of that potions and charms stuff" Remus face paled.
          "You- You know about-?"
          "About the magic? Yeah" she said, shrugging like it was nothing "We went to some party on Christmas and got pissed, like- really pissed, and 'Lio wanted to smoke a fag but couldn't find his lighter, so he took this stick from his boot and lighted it. In front of bloody everyone!" she was laughing sterically while telling the story "He was lucky everyone was too fucked up to care. Except me, of course. I'm the only one who knows"
          "That's... an extremely careless and stupid thing to do"
          "Yeah, well, Elliot is extremely careless and stupid sometimes"
          Like if summoned, the boy trotted up to them while breathing heavily, wet curls already stuck to his sweaty forehead.
         "Jesus fuck, it's hot today" he said, more to just complain than to obtain a response. He pulled off his almost drenched shirt and throwed it to Mar's face, who grabbed it with the tip of her fingers and a disgusted grimace "Oops" Elliot faked, running away before the girl could throw a punch at him.
         "Ugh, he's disgusting"
         They kept talking while watching the boys play for a couple more hours until they were quite literally about to pass out from exhaustation. Mar had to get in 'Mum mode' and tell them to at least rest for a couple minutes, so they all sat near them, panting and passing a single bottle of water around. Elliot was sat on the floor next to Remus legs, resting his back on the bench. All they could hear for a couple minutes was eachothers heavy breathing, their lungs trying to get to normal.
          "Who's going to The Butcher with me tonight?" Asked 'Mouth' after a while, Remus almost didn't even understanding him by the accent and tired mumbling.
          That was something Remus noticed quickly, that the majority of the group had an American accent, foreign to him. Jay, Mar and himself being the only ones with a british one.
         Also, what the fuck was The Butcher?
           "Not me, man" said Richie, looking lovingly at Mar and grabbing her hand "I'm taking Mar to Lucille's" they all faked gagged at the smiling couple "Say whatever you want. There's a reason the ladies don't want any of you dogs" they boo'ed at his declaration and punched him in a friendly way from their places.
          Lucille's was the fanciest restaurant in Jaywick's perimeters. It wasn't expensive or anything, but they actually had tablecloths and served more than one option of pasta. That had to count for something, right?
          "Me either" said Mike "Rugby practice" they nodded, knowing that if he wanted to get that sports scholarship next year missing practice was off limits.
          "Jay?" The boy only shook his head sheepishly "Come on guys! None? What about you, Elliot? We are the only ones who participate, anyway"
            Elliot tensed. He rested his elbows on his knees, throwing a quick glance at Remus and trying to not look so obvious, but failing "I don't know, man"
          "What? You afraid white boy here getting heart burn?"
          Okay, they called him Mouth for a reason.
          "Shut up, Mouth" he scolded him trying to ignore the way Remus seemed to get a little uncomfortable and throwed a tiny piece of concrete at his head. Even Mike seemed to sense it, and shoved his shoulder.
          "It's double bets today, you can't miss that" he insisted, but Elliot still seemed unsure.
          "We'll go" said Remus, before Elliot had time to refuse the proposition. They all looked at him, suprised. It was obvious Elliot wanted to go -whatever The Butcher was- but was holding back because of Remus presence. Then again, all he wanted was to not be a burden. And maybe, just maybe, because Mouth's comment had pissed him off a little.
          It was getting dark already, the sun was just finishing hiding in the distance.
          "You sure?" Elliot asked him. He nodded surely "Okay, then. We'll go. But I should go pick up some clothes"
           "The Betting Pool starts in like- 15 minutes. We don't have time" said Mouth, checking his wrist watch.
           "You know they have a no shorts rule" Elliot directed to him.
           "I have a pair of extra jeans in my bag, I'll loan them to you" said Mike, unzipping the said bag and throwing the pair of pants to him.
           "You sure? I'll get 'em dirty"
           "Yeah, man. They're old, anyway"
          So Elliot stood up and pulled down his shorts right there and slipped the dark washed jeans easily. Mike was a lot bigger than him, Rugby and all, so they fit a little too loosly around his hips and legs. Remus thought he should start getting used to his friends lack of modesty and asked himself how could he look so good in anything he wore, baggy and all.
          "We should get going" said Mouth, getting up from the floor.
          Elliot, Mouth and Remus greeted the other boys and started walking down the street. Until Mar called for Elliot and pulled him apart.
          "You know I don't like you going to that place. And I'm sure your family doesn't fancy it any more than I do" she crossed her arms over her chest, stern but concerned look on her face.
          "Mouth's going too" he protested like a little boy who got denied to a sleepover.
          "Elliot, I don't give a bloody fuck what Mouth does. I worry about you"
          "Look, Mar. I aprecciate it, really, but don't worry, okay? It'll be fine, I always come back safe and sound" Elliot rested his hands on her shoulders reassuringly. He looked at her with his big puppy eyes until she gave up.
          "Fuck! Okay, just be careful. But I don't want to bloody see any teeth missing from your mouth tomorrow" Elliot laughed.
          "I promise, you'll see this beautiful smile again" he started walking backwards to meet Remus and Mouth again, talking loudier so she could hear him "Besides, it's the other guys you should be concerned about!" He smiled cockily, making her roll her eyes and fipping him while turning around to go to her boyfriend.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
I feel like I’ve really been struggling to find books that I enjoy/am super excited to read. Can you recommend any books that you love or that have helped you get out of a reading slump? Contemporary/historical/paranormal are all great! Thank you!
Yeah, for sure! I haven't been in a true slump for a while. I have been through a bit of a book hangover these past few days just because I keep wanting to reread what I read before versus committing to new stuff, but that's different. I will say that I think combining audiobooks and standard reading has helped me avoid slumps. But audiobooks aren't for everyone, obviously!
Anyway, here's a lot of books with more info than you needed.
Okay, so.... I've been trying to lay off ranting about them too much because I still have friends who need to read them, and I'm working on a powerpoint/intro thing about them, but it's hard because Mila Finelli's Kings of Italy series is like. The best shit I've read in a while. Easily the most a series has consumed me since the next series I'll mention, which I read around October of last year--and it's a lot shorter, so it's easier to read through. I literally just ran through these books like a madwoman. I read through the wee hours of the morning; I read on a bus with a weird individual reading over my shoulder; I read on the subway; I read waiting for the subway; I read on a bench; I read in a restaurant while doing a solo bottomless brunch which was one of the most transcendentally peaceful experiences of my life. And now I've just been reading again, and trying to convince myself not to get the audiobooks because that would be RIDICULOUS but IS IT??? IS IT THO???
The series should be read in order, imo, and the first two books are a full duet, so not standalones. What I think makes this series stand out, aside from the emotionality combined with eroticism (these are.... definitely among the very hottest books I've ever read) is the choice to focus on the mafia in Italy, versus the mafia in America, which is what a lot of mafia books do (from what I'm told). So you get like, actually Italian characters and culture, versus Eyetalian (the Americans that love chicken parm and have their own unique culture that is nonetheless *nothing* like Italy Italians, who to be fair have many different cultural nuances due to the regionality of Italy, dialectal differences, economic--). I'm not Italian, but I have lived in a couple different parts of Italy and make it a priority to travel there whenever it's possible (which isn't often because money, but if I can I do it). The dudes in these books feel like Italian men, albeit with obligatory romance novel exaggeration. In most romances, they feel Eyetalian.
Mafia Mistress and Mafia Darling are about Fausto Ravazzani and Frankie Mancini; he is a don in Siderno, her dad is a part of a Toronto branch of the organization who runs afoul of him, Frankie is basically given to Fausto's son and heir Giulio in marriage. But before Giulio and Frankie can marry (she is not happy about this arranged marriage thing, and tbh neither is Giulio) Fausto decides "fuck it, she and I are vibing, she's not a virgin anyway, she's gonna be my new mistress" because Fausto is That Guy. It is age gap, it is very daddy, it has a heroine who's like defiant but is she really? Because she really does love the daddy thing. There is spanking and some light degradation and rough sex and a loooot of spoiling. And also DRAMA. If you have ever wanted to try an age gap romance.... this shit nails everything I personally love about it. Fausto is classy and old school and will also cut a man up into a million pieces and feed him to dogs, probably.
Mafia Madman, my favorite in the series, comes next, and it is a VILLAIN ROMANCE. The villain of the previous duet, Enzo D'Agostino, kidnaps Frankie's sister Gia as a part of a REVENGE PLOT, because he is both very smart and incredibly cracked. Like, my dude is living on a VILLAINOUS YACHT. His plan is to keep Gia in a cage and break her will and then dot dot dot, he hasn't thought it COMPLETELY THROUGH, but then! Gia turns out to be the greatest weakness for a man such as he: a FUCKIN' BRAT. This bitch is doing naked yoga in her cage, she's telling him all the filthy things she'll do to him (not that she waaaants to ohhh nooooooo, she haaaates him especially when he DOES STUFF to her), she's driving him out of his mind which is already very tenuous! A new classic for me, I can't stop thinking about it, and again, even better if you read the first two books first (and they're absolute bangers so you should). 15/10, would stay in the cage. Enzo and Gia are a perfect match of wills, and watching them break and fall in love is gorgeous. A top tier grovel, too, if you see
Mafia Target, the most recent release, also incredible. This one follows Giulio, Fausto's oldest son, who's hot as fuck, and naturally a MAFIA TARGET. Someone, someone whose name perhaps rhymes with Schmenzo, has in fact taken out a hit on Giulio (and semi forgotten about it? Because Gia's pussy is God? Gia fucked that man so good he deadass forgot about a really important mafia hit he put out? I love them) and has hired the best assassin in the game, Alessio Ricci. Anyway, Giulio sees a guy in the club, he gets head from him, as he does, and then he's advised that Alessio Ricci is trying to kill him and realizes THE GUY IN THE CLUB WHO SUCKED HIM OFF WAS ALESSIO RICCI LMAO. Anyway, this one is a extremely hot, extremely emotional, and probably the most straightforwardly romantic book in the series? Because Giulio and Alessio are better at Feelings than Fausto and Enzo, if still very Bad At Feelings. Another top fuckin' tier grovel. (For the record, Fausto does a good grovel in his duet, but imo the subsequent books have better grovels.)
These books are pEAK. And if you're interested in an historical series by the same author with a different name to break you out of your slump--Mila Finelli is Joanna Shupe, and I'd recommend reading her Uptown Girls trilogy for slump breakage. I also love love LOVE her Fifth Avenue Rebels series, but Uptown Girls might be a bit more... compulsively readable? The similarities and differences between her historicals and her mafia books are fascinating (Clay Madden -> Enzo D'Agostino... there is a pipeline).
The other series (and I do feel like a good series is a great slump breaking tactic, because if the series is good you domino them) I find incredibly readable is, of course, Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark. There are like, 19 books in this series, I enjoyed all of them though some are stronger than others. They are probably best read in order. I just blazed through them, but you could always read a few, break, read a few, break.
Of course, Lisa Kleypas's Wallflowers is a great historical series. I also find her Gamblers of Craven's duology so so good from a duology POV, and I say this as someone who read Dreaming of You by itself and read Then Came You years later.
Lorraine Heath is obviously incredible. I'd read her Once Upon a Dukedom series for slump breakage; I adore the first book as one of my favorites of hers, and the second is a general fan favorite.
Tracey Livesay has an amazing contemporary called American Royalty, which is about a British prince falling in love with an American rapper. It's very "Harry and Meghan if Meghan was MEGAN (Thee Stallion)" and it's super hot and lovely. The sequel is out this summer, so you might wanna get a head start!
Heated Rivalry and The Long Game by Rachel Reid are two of my favorite contemporaries ever--and it's a duet! Focuses on Ilya Rozanov (cocky, charming, self-assured) and Shane Hollander (golden boy, uptight, anxious), hockey arch rivals who have been hooking up on the DL since their rookie season. Very much a FEEEEELINGS duet, but also very, very hot. I've read both a billion times.
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb and The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes (in that order) by Cat Sebastian is a pair of queer historicals that can be read as standalones but read better together and in order. Kit is a retired highwayman who's approached by Percy, a nobleman. Percy and his stepmother, Marian, need Kit's help to rob Percy's father; in the process of training Percy to do it, Kit, of course, falls in love with him. Percy is one of the more relatable characters ever, he is a BITCH AND A HALF LOL.
Something Fabulous and Something Spectacular (out today!) are a pair of hilarious queer historical romcoms by Alexis Hall. Begins with Something Fabulous, which is about Valentine (a duke!) proposing horrifically to a woman he's been pledged to since childhood. She responds by running away, and Valentine goes on a cross country adventure to catch her, alongside her twin brother, Bonny--who he begins falling for.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez. Self-made lady billionaire wants a baby, and convinces a prince of an impoverished nation to marry and impregnate her in exchange for a financial bailout. HOT. ENEMIES TO LOVERS. INSANE.
Nobody's Baby But Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, for an older contemporary. A fucking insane book wherein a genius scientist tricks an aging NFL star into knocking her up so that she can have a baby of middling intelligence, who's "normal". Her thought process is that she's super smart and he's super dumb, so they'll make an a average kid. Except oops, this motherfucker is actually QUITE smart, and when he figures out her deal he's like "nO KID OF MINE WILL BE A BASTARD" and forces her to marry him. Has a scene where he shows up at the class she's teaching, leans against the doorway, and menacingly goes "CLASS IS OVER" and honestly? It worked real hard.
Priest by Sierra Simone. Erotic romance about a Catholic priest who starts getting worked up by the woman telling him all this dirty shit during confessional, except they actually fall legit in love and there's some really gorgeous religious pondering throughout.
Queen Move by Kennedy Ryan. Childhood friends torn apart by circumstance meet again later and feel sparks, but she's a hardcore political fixer and he has a id and a baby's mother. Angsty drama and reconnection, I fuckin love it.
Ruby Dixon's Aspects and Anchors series, which is a cross-universe fantasy romance series in which the heroines get thrown through portals into this high fantasy world. They basically have to serve these gods as their tethers to the mortal realms, and obviously... the gods fall for them. Can be read a standalones but I'd read them in order. Hot, romantic, and fun in a way Ruby Dixon excels at.
Preferential Treatment by Heather Guerre is a romance about a woman who becomes her CEO billionaire boss's dom. It's hot, it debates whether or not a billionaire can be ethical, and he gets. on. his. kneeees.
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gianninnaa · 1 year
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is that giannina castro ? a freshman originally from anaheim , ca , they decided to come to ogden college to study music . they’re the influencer on campus , but even they could get blamed for greer’s disappearance .
name: giannina castro. nickname: g, gia, gigi, nina. date of birth: june 5th 2003. age: nineteen. zodiac: gemini sun, leo moon, taurus rising. gender: cis woman. pronouns: she/her. sexuality: bisexual. hometown: anaheim, ca. major: music. trope: the influencer.
positive traits: ebullient, grandiose & affable. negative traits: profligate, fickle & superficial. character inspo: jackie burkhart (that 70’s show), emma mountebank (the quarry), sharpay evans (high school musical), daisy jones (daisy jones and the six), serena van der woodsen (gossip girl), hanna marin (pretty little liars), haley dunphy (modern family), alexis rose (schitt's creek) – some more than others. likes: lip gloss, moscato, sweet candy scented perfumes, glitter, being adored, lively parties, having someone to take pictures for her in public, white chocolate, shopping, the feeling of having your hair and nails both freshly done, cats, validation. dislikes: dirt, spiders, being ignored, walking home alone after a party, super drying matte liquid lips, the combination of chocolate and orange, fireball. habits: dots her i & j with hearts, twirls her hair when she thinks, shamelessly takes photos in public, still writes in her diary, if you hold her hand- she will swing it while you walk, blows bubbles whenever she has bubblegum, laughs when she's nervous. skills: batting her eyelashes to get whatever she wants, writing songs, figure skating, symmetrical winged liner, cheerleading, can make conversation with anyone. flaws: tries too hard, gossips, switches sides when it suits her, compares herself to others, takes no being like very very personally, changes to be what she thinks people want from her. aesthetics: becoming the ideal and losing yourself in the process, the battle between girlhood and godhood, perfume clinging to silk sheets, a lonely mansion on top of a hill, clinking of champagne flutes, the future is covered in roses, late nights spent dancing under the moonlight, girlhood forfeited in lieu of greatness, laughter like sodapop, venus in her scallop shell, multiple hearts but not one is capable to love, shooting for the stars because the earth is not enough, the chaos of a lively city, warm as the sun and burning as bright, childhood dies with thundering applause.
physical appearance
faceclaim: jenna ortega. height: she's 5'1, but she's always wearing some kind of heel or platform. even casually, she's got a cute lil pair of chunky white platform sneakers. she says being taller makes her legs look longer, so she'll never give it up. hair: the cutest little curtain bangs bc i love them!! she's very very on trend. all the little braids and space buns that have come into fashion are so gia. heat styles her hair every day. makeup: she doesn't go Crazy on her makeup. she has a stupid long skin care routine to make sure she always appears as flawless as she wants people to believe she is. light weight foundation that lets her freckles show through. winged liner and half lash is a staple. gloss > lipstick any day,, but like a tinted gloss. she's still fun. fashion: gia doesn't have a set style of her own. she just follows the trends. back in the day, trends lasted a little longer. now?? all those micro trends? girl buys a new closet like every month.
connection to the trope
giannina’s life has been in front of the camera since the day she was born. every talent show or dance recital recorded by her parents. photos from every first day of school, birthday, school dance, and everything in between. it was just another part of her life. like every other teenager growing up in the ‘10s, gia had social media. none of it was out of the ordinary until 2019. giannina’s tiktok account was mostly just slice of life content. messing around with her friends, outfit checks, lip syncing to her favourite song. she got a decent amount of follower from simply being attractive one the internet, but she didn’t really start to blow up until she started posting her songs. originals, covers – they started the career gia has now. the more she posted, the more followers she got. though she'd like to say she worked hard to get where she is now, that’s not really true. she just got lucky. her rising stardom was basically an overnight change. at least, that’s how it felt. suddenly, there were brand deals, teen choice awards, invites to red carpet events, record deals. it was perfect. original songs became a bigger part of her platform now that she was actually able to start releasing singles. more vlogging / day in the life style posts to show all the glamorous things she was doing (with a touch of “i’m just like you!”) get ready and unready with me. gia constantly has her phone on her; insta stories, tiktoks showing her life here at ogden. she’s a social media princess, and she intends on getting even bigger. ( career inspo – charli d'amelio, loren grey, nessa barrett )
connection to greer
her relationship to greer is one big “ what could have been ”. at least, that’s what gia says to anyone who will listen. two ships in the night, greer unfortunately going missing right before giannina’s freshman year. all she could do was mourn the ‘big sister mentor’ figure she’d never get to make greer. the truth, however, was a little less simple.  when looking into ogden college, it was impossible to miss whispers about their very own golden girl. gia didn’t attend that party just for greer– she isn’t crazy– but when they found themselves in the same room, gia couldn’t let the opportunity pass. everyone would be swarming her when school started. even though giannina knew she could command an entire room’s attention, she didn’t want to lump herself in with the pathetic crowd begging for salvation. she approached the other girl at the party, champagne flute in her hand like an offering to some goddess. they hit it off the way gia knew they would. by the time she was walking into college, she’d already be royalty without having to try. who knew so much work and planning went into seeming effortless! it was all perfect until the news broke about greer going missing. while many people believe gia would operate on some kind of “there’s no such thing as good or bad attention, just attention!” mindset, that couldn’t be further from the truth. greer’s drama seemed messy and complicated, so gia severed all ties. forgot every word they spoke to each other (the drinks flowing definitely helped). all greer ever was or ever would be to gia is an almost. hmm, if only she remembered to purge her insta as well as her memories!
💓 tba!
wanted connections
𝑷𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑪 💓 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 — young, wild and free; that’s always been the goal. you’ve both met your match. though you probably bring out the worst in each other, you have so much fun when you’re with them. something that burns this bright is bound to burn out quickly, but it’s going to be one hell of a ride until you crash! 💓 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 / 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐢𝐚 — tba! 💓 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 — someone that followed gia on social media before she came to ogden. 💓 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 — in the eye of a hurricane, there is a quiet kind of peaceful. they bring out this kind of stability in gia. they don’t force her into it or make her feel bad when she has those days she feels like she can’t slow down, they just embrace her regardless. gia knows she always has a safe place to land, whether it’s controlled or a crash. 𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑨𝑮𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪 💓 “𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐦𝐞” — point blank: gia is a bit of a fake. though she's charming to most, this is someone that just sees right through her act. they don't buy any of her fake kindness. 💓 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐚 — tba! 💓 𝐞𝐱-𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 — tba! 𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑪 💓 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 — it’s hard not to fall for someone like gia. handing affection out like candy, it was only a matter of time before someone took her seriously. sometimes it escapes her mind that some people flirt for love rather than fun. other times, she truly were just being friendly and now has someone pointing the finger and saying she led them on. 💓 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 — tba! 💓 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 — there was a small talking stage between them, but it ended- or more accurately, fizzled out- when gia stopped responding to them. could be on bad terms/hurt/upset by it or neutral/not caring. 💓 f𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 — similar, but gia friendzoned them. could be mutual friendzoning, could be bitter, anything!
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punkscowardschampions · 11 months
Grace & Nancy & Teddy & Gia Pt.2
Gia: And let me guess, you haven’t slept with her yet?
Teddy: It’s irrelevant
Gia: No, it’s entirely irrelevant and I’ve hit the nail on the head
Teddy: You don’t know the first thing about this
Gia: Oh, please
Gia: all boys your age are the same
Teddy: I’m surprised you can remember
Gia: Gosh, thanks
Gia: I’m actually thrilled my teenage years are well behind me though
Teddy: I’m not, you used to be somewhat bearable
Gia: If only I could extend the compliment to you, Teds
Teddy: I should insist upon being called Theodore if you’re going to be this rude & boring at the same time
Gia: Now my family has left, you’re free to kick and scream about whatever demands you want
Gia: Heaven knows why dad puts up with it, or how
Teddy: What else is he going to do, take off his [a boujee brand of belt that this dad would wear]? 
Gia: I don’t know, insist you move into accommodation and get a job to cover your bills like everyone else?
Teddy: Ha ha
Gia: Seriously, if you’re that upset, why don’t you talk to mum, seeing as you two love your cosy chats
Teddy: I already know what she would say
Gia: Is she sober for this opinion or
Teddy: Sober or smashed the opinion is no-one is good enough for me & I don’t want to hear it right now
Gia: Hmm, fair point
Gia: Coddling is the last thing you need
Teddy: Nonsense is the last thing I need, she’s perfect for me
Gia: Is she on your course?
Teddy: Don’t be absurd, you’re well aware my course is tedious
Gia: Okay, so you met her in the SU?
Teddy: No, why are you OBSESSED with this being a uni meet cute?
Gia: You’ve just started… where else are you meeting some random girl?
Teddy: Everyone besides you has a life outside the classroom while they’re there
Gia: You go to the same clubs and the same parties, only Uni has changed your social scene
Teddy: It doesn’t matter where or when or how I met her
Teddy: What disorder do you have, seriously?
Gia: Excuse me for taking an interest in your melodrama
Teddy: It’s over, there’s no reason to trouble yourself
Gia: So you had to ruin lunch over nothing, cool
Teddy: Lunch had to be ruined regardless
Gia: Why, and what is wrong with YOU, more to the point
Teddy: How long do you have before you have to take your husband to the bathroom or put him down for his nap?
Gia: You’re seriously unfunny, like anti-funny
Teddy: I’m hilarious, it’s your life choices that aren’t funny
Gia: I fell in love and you’ll have to get over that eventually
Teddy: No you didn’t, be honest with yourself
Gia: It’s so cruel of you to doubt me
Gia: I wouldn’t be married and planning a family if I wasn’t, would I
Teddy: With this family’s track record, it’s a given you would
Gia: They’re in love, and they were
Gia: Whatever inappropriate things mum has told you whilst sloshed is over-emotional exaggeration
Teddy: You should try having some emotions
Gia: I have the normal amount of emotions, thanks
Teddy: An overwhelming amount of pity, for yourself & that old man, is normal, yes, but there are others available
Gia: You’re the one feeling sorry for yourself
Teddy: Yeah because I’ve lost something really important
Gia: Important how?
Teddy: I’ve never felt like this before, I didn’t know I could
Gia: Oh, then that’s tough
Gia: What happened?
Teddy: I don’t want to talk about it, everything has gone wrong
Gia: If you did something wrong, you should fix it
Teddy: I love how you assume it’s my fault
Gia: If it wasn’t, you’d want to complain about it
Teddy: She doesn’t think she’s good enough for me
Gia: Oh, Lord
Teddy: & naturally she didn’t appreciate when I called out her insanity
Gia: It sounds like she has terrible self-esteem, you’re probably better off out of it
Teddy: I just want her to trust me, I’m right, she’s wrong
Gia: That’s not really how that works is it
Teddy: It should, she’s fantastic when she’s not losing it & we could be such an incredible couple
Gia: Have you told her all that?
Teddy: Yeah, but she isn’t convinced, like you, she thinks I only care about sleeping with her & then I’ll leave
Gia: Your reputation must proceed you, then
Teddy: It isn’t my fault, I’m trying extremely hard to be everything she wants
Gia: Some girls are just messed up, you don’t know what she’s been through before, that isn’t your fault and you can’t fix
Teddy: She’s been through a lot, I know that
Gia: There you go, then she’s going to be a lot, sadly
Teddy: Is that how he describes you?
Gia: No
Gia: I haven’t been through a lot
Teddy: Are you sure? It feels like you’re bringing a lot of projection to this instead of focusing on the girl I love
Gia: Wow, love, is it
Teddy: You’re being immediately patronising 
Gia: I’m not, it’s just very unexpected
Gia: and you’re telling me nothing, I can only focus on the little you’re saying
Teddy: Unexpected for you? How do you think I felt when it happened?
Gia: I’m familiar with the feeling
Teddy: She doesn’t want me, she’s too afraid
Gia: You have to prove you’re not scary then
Teddy: I haven’t been, I can’t help it she’s intimidated by the fact I’m the full package
Gia: I doubt that’s what she’s afraid of…
Teddy: & I can’t prove I’m not going anywhere when she’s the one who’s running away from me
Gia: Girls are usually scared for their reputation, how they’ll look
Teddy: You’re mentioning that to have another dig at my reputation
Gia: Well, if she thinks you’re going to treat her however she’s heard, or that she’s the next story
Gia: I’m not surprised 
Teddy: You want to take your turn being cruel, but you’re not very good at it
Gia: I’m trying to point you in the right direction
Teddy: Towards steering clear of her, you aren’t subtle either
Gia: Towards not being such a prick, if you want to start having serious, adult relationships 
Teddy: You’re my sister, our relationship couldn’t be less serious or more childish, it isn’t the benchmark you should be using to try & measure any of my others
Gia: I know what you’re like in general
Teddy: Liar, you barely know who I am
Gia: Sure, I’ll stop trying to help you as it’s clearly not your fault, at all
Teddy: How many times? It isn’t 
Teddy: I went above & beyond
Gia: It isn’t me you need to convince
Teddy: I can’t convince her, I told you
Gia: Then… get over it?
Gia: You can’t take it out on all of us
Teddy: You’re awful at this
Gia: What do you want me to say? I give you advice, you don’t want it
Teddy: Get over it isn’t advice, if I wanted tough love I’d go to my father
Gia: Did you even listen to anything I said before then?
Teddy: No, you aren’t helpful or comforting
Gia: You said you didn’t want to talk to mum right now
Teddy: You’ve got jokes again, neither is she, though it’s true she doesn’t make digs at me constantly like you have
Gia: I’m not going to baby you
Gia: It’s not proper heartbreak
Teddy: How would you know?
Gia: Because you haven’t even gone out with this girl
Teddy: When S dies it still won’t make you the heartbreak expert because everyone knows you won’t actually care
Gia: How dare you
Teddy: As I said before, you are clueless about my life, Gia
Gia: Yes and I’m remembering why I have no desire for it to be any different
Teddy: Please don’t feel the need to attempt change on my behalf, everyone also knows you only have the capacity to pretend you’re invested in one family at a time & his takes precedent while he holds the account details
Gia: Whoever this girl is, she’s made a lucky escape
Gia: Goodbye
Teddy: More projection? We can come up with a hand signal which isn’t a 👋 & free you, the parents will take you back, it’ll be okay
Gia: Grow up, seriously, everyone is tired of your shit
Teddy: I’m tired of yours, commit fully like J, it’s embarrassing he’s got more of a backbone than you
Gia: If you want to whine about your feelings, you’d be better off talking to him, actually
Teddy: Okay, now that comparison landed, finally, you’re getting somewhere 
Gia: I’m not interested in any of this
Teddy: But I so miss the old you 💔
Gia: I have literally no idea what you’re talking about
Teddy: Well, it’s what happens when you’re brainwashed
Gia: By who, and for what?
Gia: If I’m just after his money, it would be a really poor decision from Seb, and that isn’t how he got rich
Teddy: I wasn’t giving him the credit
Teddy: JI started it, father dearest can be relied on for so few other things in this life
Gia: Just handing you a career and thus a living you absolutely will do nothing to deserve, you ungrateful brat
Teddy: Exactly, I can’t wait to squander it, there’ll be almost no greater joy
Gia: Enjoy living in poverty, idiot
Teddy: I can always marry an old man, follow in your footsteps
Gia: Don’t be stupid
Teddy: My point entirely, you have no idea I would
Gia: If you want to use Sunday lunch as an opportunity to come out, just try it
Gia: I’m sure mum will support you
Teddy: Maybe if it’ll guarantee you & your husband’s empty seats
Gia: That remains to be seen, no thanks to you
Teddy: There’s a saying about not being able to handle you at your worst & therefore not deserving your best, you should look it up
Gia: If you have a good side, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it
Teddy: & I don’t doubt the man you married has yet to see one real side of you, but it’s none of my business apparently
Gia: Seb knows me better than anyone, that’s how it is meant to be
Teddy: Yeah, it is meant to be that way, I’m sorry for you it’s not, how terribly sad
Gia: You’re the sad one, go back to getting laid by other mindless idiots so I can talk to my parents in peace
Teddy: No, I’m a reformed character, you’ll have to carry on trying to talk over me
Gia: The adults just ignore you anyway
Teddy: They can’t ignore the elephant in the room, it isn’t the done thing even when he is only an in-law 
Gia: You have no idea how the real world works
Teddy: & you do? 
Teddy: you haven’t fully committed to what a turn on you find poverty, a part time marriage still counts as you staying rich
Gia: I don’t, that’s why I work hard and always have, another thing you have no idea about
Gia: You’re committed to being a waste of space, do it in your own life, I don’t have it in mine
Teddy: The Saint Gia thing is super tired
Gia: I don’t care, Teddy, I literally do not care
Teddy: Are you going to cry now? 🥺 Very grown up
Gia: That’s the opposite of what I just said
Gia: Go away
Teddy: I don’t want to
Gia: Tough
Teddy: You’re absolutely no fun
Gia: I’m not a children’s entertainer
Teddy: But you’ve got the 🐘 already, come on 🎪🤡
Gia: Sort out your own life so you get out of mine, you nuisance 
Teddy: Aside from this romantic blip, the life I lead is charmed
Gia: And we’re all meant to ignore you’re living in denial
Teddy: Address your own denial first
Gia: My life is on the right track, yours isn’t even on the rails
Teddy: Being off the rails is fantastic, I just want you to be happy, G
Gia: I am happy, you need to believe me
Teddy: Say it like you aren’t holding up the Sunday papers with it
Gia: We aren’t all over-emotional like you and mum
Teddy: You mean you & father aren’t 🙄 
Teddy: don’t be trying to embody him, it’s fucked up
Gia: I mean it’s very strange how in-depth you try to force these chats, I am happy, don’t be ridiculous
Teddy: You’re my sister, am I not allowed to care about you?
Gia: We don’t need to do this, on a Sunday afternoon, no, it’s too much
Teddy: You’re too sober
Gia: It’s a Sunday afternoon, I repeat
Teddy: Precisely 🥳
Gia: Some of us have to do more with our Monday than ponce about in some dossy lecture
Teddy: Which is why hair of the dog exists, for people like you
Gia: I’m fine, thank you, I’m not drowning my sorrows
Teddy: I don’t want to think about what she’s doing, that’s all
Gia: I’m sure she didn’t imagine you were having a family dinner so, it’ll probably be mutual
Teddy: What do I say, what do I do?
Gia: I don’t know the girl
Gia: Wait until you’re suitably unsober and tell her what you’ve told me, easing off on the none of it being your fault bit
Teddy: I could lie & tell her it’s all my fault
Gia: You could but that could sound like what it is, a lie
Gia: she might not appreciate that
Teddy: She would see through it, it would be typical her
Gia: Just, try to be honest, if you think something will cause an argument, maybe avoid that part
Teddy: BUT my talent is for causing arguments
Gia: Do you think she wants to have an argument?
Teddy: No
Gia: then try to refrain
Teddy: She’ll want a romantic gesture, she adores those
Gia: Oh good, is she overly emotional too…
Teddy: Nobody wants to date a robot, fuck perhaps
Gia: Yeah, okay, thank you
Teddy: She has the same amount of emotions I have, we have a lot more than that in common, but since you asked
Gia: Then I’m sure you’ll make up
Teddy: We have to, I can’t do this
Gia: You actually like her
Teddy: She’s special, I liked her immediately
Gia: Well, good luck, actually
Teddy: Good luck with your drain of a Monday, you’ll need it
Gia: Don’t concern yourself with my Mondays
Teddy: It’s fine, I won’t remember this convo by then
Gia: Sure 
Teddy: Thanks for still being here
Gia: You’re being that concerning, obviously
Teddy: Love is difficult, that’s seriously not my fault
Gia: It can be
Teddy: I wish I was better at it
Gia: Is it your first time?
Teddy: Phrasing it in that way was utterly unacceptable, but yeah
Gia: Ugh, don’t be gross
Gia: because all I was saying is you can go easy on yourself
Teddy: No, I’ll lose her & I wouldn’t be able to bear it
Gia: It always feels like that
Teddy: She’s gone, it’s more than a feeling, it’s a fact
Gia: Bearing it, but everyone always does
Teddy: Everyone doesn’t love her, I do
Gia: Oh, Teds
Teddy: She is perfect, she literally is
Gia: You really should save all this for your romantic gesture
Teddy: I have to think of one first
Gia: How hard can it be, come on
Gia: You’re meant to be in love
Teddy: You’re marginally less awful at motivational speeches, cool
Gia: It’s more within my wheelhouse
Teddy: I’ll see you next Sunday, Gia
Gia: Laters
Teddy: [Send her the deets of this holiday you’ve literally booked rn immediately for y’all because that’s a good idea honestly, we’ll just have to hope your fam don’t ask questions because it doesn’t fit with the Grace vibe and you’d have to pretend you did it because you’re heartbroken until she’s back lol]
Nancy: [lbr, it’s not as if your fam is ever buying this Grace thing, they just think you’re being a moron, so it’s fine lmao]
Nancy: Are you just telling me how out of town you’ll be or…
Teddy: OR there’s a car waiting to take you to the airport
Nancy: You’re serious
Teddy: You know I am
Nancy: I didn’t put a ?
Nancy: and you’re going to be there, you aren’t sending me away so you get some peace and quiet
Teddy: What happens on this hol stays on this hol, so if you still wish it didn’t & you could throw me out again after, I’m making it super easy for you
Nancy: Of course that’s not what I want
Teddy: No risk to your heart or your new bed whatever you want
Nancy: You know what I want
Nancy: I can’t believe you’ve booked this
Teddy: You can’t believe I seriously need to be with you, but I do
Nancy: I believe you right now
Teddy: Are you going to get in the car & meet me here?
Nancy: Yes
Nancy: I just need to get everyone to leave first
Teddy: Rex will help you
Nancy: Oh, shit, I’ll have to call someone to look after him
Nancy: right, when is the flight?
Teddy: [Tell her, the vibe is clearly that it’s soon in that chaotic way of like you gotta come now, but not like to the level we’re guaranteeing she’ll miss it] & the next one is [whenever, like in case we do miss this because know what y’all are like tbh]
Nancy: That’s okay, it’s meant to be a challenge, I’m not going to turn it down or disappoint you
Teddy: What have you taken? Perhaps it’ll help too
Nancy: I’ll have to counteract [the uppers your vibe has clearly been to be wired and chaotic] so I get through security 😎
Nancy: At least I didn’t go the other way, I could’ve been passed out and missed this 
Teddy: My next move would’ve been to crash the party & wake you
Nancy: The door is open
Nancy: I might just call the feds and leave, it’s only the dregs here at this o’clock, no one important
Teddy: I’ll call them, you get ready
Nancy: I’m gonna make Ava look after the dog, act like it’s for the kids, there’s no one else to call this short notice, I don’t have friends rn
Nancy: What do I pack?
Teddy: I love that, say goodbye to him for me
Teddy: Anything you can’t buy at [whatever shops there are at the airport that are boujee enough for y’all]
Nancy: 🥺🥺🥺 He’ll come next time, when he’s bigger
Nancy: If you don’t like how I look, you can fix it, I don’t care, I’m too excited
Teddy: I adore how you look, but I do need to fix how you feel
Nancy: 💗☀️🌊💗 fixes everything
Nancy: you’re not cross at me?
Teddy: I’m cross at me, I didn’t mean to hurt you
Nancy: I’m stupid, you’re stupid, we’re perfect for each other
Teddy: That’s what I told G
Teddy: we’re perfect & you’re perfect, not you’re stupid
Nancy: you been talking about me? 😁
Teddy: She wasn’t listening, she was far too busy crying about her hubby’s mood swings, but I tried
Nancy: He’s having his end-of-life crisis? Awkward
Teddy: Yeah, all because I refused to be seen but not heard at lunch
Nancy: Okay, you didn’t sign up for him to be your daddy too
Teddy: He’s irrelevant, I missed you
Nancy: I missed you more, my face hurts from clenching my jaw about it
Nancy: my heart hurt in my chest too
Teddy: 🥺 I should’ve booked this sooner, before you had time to feel any pain
Nancy: it’s okay, it’s good, it’s real
Teddy: They wouldn’t leave me alone & I had to think, or it wouldn’t have taken this long, it’s entirely my family’s fault
Nancy: I can’t believe you were having lunch like it’s normal 😂
Nancy: what meat did you have, most importantly
Teddy: [idk what posh people eat but pop off about it, clearly it’s whatever your dad wanted so expensive af steak or lamb is probably the vibe if we posh up my dad and most dads lol]
Nancy: I love you
Nancy: you must’ve been in such a bad mood
Teddy: Hence my sister reaching out to chat, she has to appear to care or commit fully to the evil stepmother role
Nancy: Rih always does that too
Nancy: probably just nosy
Teddy: I can’t blame her, her own life is empty, she literally opened by calling it a nightmare
Nancy: 😬
Nancy: She can’t have my ticket, I’m afraid
Teddy: She has no one else to blame
Teddy: & no, she can’t, it’s yours for a reason, I also told her how special you are
Nancy: 🥺🥺🥺🥺 She must think I’m unbearable 
Teddy: She thinks her husband isn’t unbearable, apparently, her opinion is invalid
Nancy: I don’t care, you think I’m special
Nancy: and you’re telling people
Teddy: I’ll make an on board announcement once we’ve caught the flight, I don’t care
Nancy: 😋 you’re gonna be way too busy
Teddy: I love you
Nancy: [show him your ‘packing’ which is you just throwing things at this suitcase because you’re high, excited and rushing, not that I think you’re any less chaotic ever]
Nancy: I’ve not stopped thinking about you, that’s why I didn’t want to get tranq’d, going up made you buzz around my head harder
Teddy: [tell her what you’ve been on in that hard same way whether you’re just getting drunk af with your mum during this meal or you were also taking something between courses cos both I can imagine]
Nancy: I knew you’d be doing that too, anything else I tried but failed not to think about
Teddy: I was going to show at your place, party or no, but I couldn’t bear you having not even the slightest interest in seeing me
Nancy: That’s never going to be the case
Teddy: Never?
Nancy: I don’t even know how convincingly I could fake it
Teddy: It’s another challenge you aren’t going to turn down or disappoint me with, but not yet
Teddy: this is our time, you & I
Nancy: I’m not even thinking about it, nothing but you
Teddy: I’m thinking we could get married in [wherever y’all are going]
Nancy: Who can stop us, no one
Teddy: G believes I’m incapable of being serious, but you believe me now
Nancy: She wouldn’t think this is serious, everyone has different versions 
Nancy: ours are compatible 
Teddy: Any time spent with my family reinforces how much better ours is
Nancy: I can’t let them have you anymore, I’m not even sorry
Nancy: I need you
Teddy: I’m not sorry I’m yours, not at all
Nancy: Can we really, get married, I mean
Teddy: Of course
Nancy: then it’ll be official
Teddy: You’ll belong to me, you can’t up & leave or throw me out
Nancy: I won’t have any reason to doubt you or your intentions, you’ll have shown me
Teddy: I will
Nancy: Close
Nancy: They’ll let us practice 💘
Teddy: We’re both dyslexic, tell them I need to practise the kiss over & over again as well
Nancy: I need it just as much, maybe more
Teddy: I was scared I would forget what kissing you felt like
Nancy: We’ve not done it enough yet
Nancy: like, it’ll never be enough but not even not close
Teddy: No one can stop us, I’ll do it whenever I want
Nancy: I want it all the time, just so you know there’s no reason to ever stop
Teddy: Well, you’ve given me the best reason to always keep going
Nancy: I’ll give you more, when I can get my hands on you again
Teddy: Are you on your way yet?
Nancy: I don’t trust anyone here to keep Rex from running out the door when they all do
Nancy: Ava is meant to be on her way though 🕛
Teddy: You’re such a fantastic mother, Nance
Nancy: I don’t want to lose either of you
Teddy: It isn’t going to happen, darling
Nancy: and I know you love him too
Teddy: Does he know we were fighting? What did you say about me?
Nancy: [tell him all the mean things you undoubtedly said because you’re crazy and were upset]
Teddy: He must hate me 💔
Nancy: I only told Grace to get real though, that your finger probably slipped, like you said
Nancy: so I haven’t ruined it
Nancy: I didn’t mean any of it
Teddy: We aren’t thinking about her right now, like you said
Nancy: Rex is super forgiving, he’s that loyal
Teddy: [just be buying this dog things rn with no thought to the fact nobody will be there to accept those parcels cos kinda boy you are]
Nancy: See, you’re the best daddy too
Nancy: I’m telling him ALL the nice things now before he leaves
Teddy: [do a voice note apology to this dog despite the fact you haven’t actually given her a verbal one, we stan a toxic king]
Nancy: [this dog doing whining noises probably ‘cos he’s stressed about all these randomers but we’re acting like it’s for you, of course]
Teddy: I knew he’d still love me
Nancy: the most
Nancy: I’m so 🥺 over it
Teddy: If he wasn’t with Ava I’d call him every day we’re away
Nancy: You’d seem like the most doting uncle
Teddy: Which everyone knows I’m not
Nancy: You might have to fake that, when you’re with her
Nancy: not now
Teddy: It’s a holiday from fake
Nancy: everything that’s not us
Teddy: I need it
Nancy: I know, everything else is draining
Nancy: you just give and give to me
Teddy: You’re the most important & I’ll have time to focus on you
Nancy: I need your attention, Teddy, desperately
Teddy: I’m as desperate to give it all to you
Nancy: The way I’m throwing this dog at her and leaving her to deal with the cops too
Nancy: sorry but 😈 I HAVE to go
Teddy: You can’t keep me waiting any longer than traffic in the city dictates, it’s already going to be SO unfair
Nancy: Is there anything I can do for you now? Poor baby
Teddy: I just want to be with you
Nancy: I’ll make everyone move faster, be here so I can not be
Teddy: Please
Nancy: [not you blowing up your sister like you’re not the adult, showing him as much, you mess]
Teddy: [so soz Ava, you literally deserve none of this, but we can all thank god at least java weren’t at the fam sunday roast]
Teddy: She’s still exactly the same as she was in school, priorities all over the place
Nancy: If I didn’t have the dog, she wouldn’t come at all
Nancy: luckily I do 
Teddy: If you didn’t have Rex she’d be useless to you
Nancy: That’s how she sees me, all of them do
Teddy: They’re wrong, I’m right
Nancy: I don’t want to be any use to them, they don’t deserve it
Teddy: You deserve to be appreciated
Nancy: By you, that’s what I want
Teddy: I won’t take you for granted, I can’t, you’re too rare
Nancy: I keep forgetting this is real, my suitcase is right there, you’re waiting for me
Teddy: It’s the [whatever drugs she took], baby
Teddy: but I won’t let you forget
Nancy: I just think you’re unreal
Nancy: it was [some unsavoury character who is available for Sunday morning/afternoon seshes]’s shit, not even that good
Teddy: I’ll remember to have a chat with him when we get back then
Nancy: Hot
Nancy: Can I watch?
Teddy: Yes
Nancy: 🥴 now I’m properly gone
Teddy: I have to protect you, Rex is only a baby
Nancy: You should’ve had a younger sister, you’d be good at it
Teddy: I’ll have a daughter instead, thanks to you
Teddy: which is all the more reason to take nothing but the finest [whatever drug lol]
Nancy: I’ll behave better now I have incentive again 😇
Nancy: and I can come up with any and every excuse to NEED to go on this trip, Ava isn’t putting 2 and 2 together
Teddy: It was thoughtful of J to put her off going to King’s, imagine having to see her whenever I go into uni
Nancy: I definitely couldn’t sleep with your whole rugby team then 🙄🥱
Nancy: It’s weird you didn’t hook up back in the day but I’m the opposite of mad
Teddy: She’s weirdly monogamous, I did try
Nancy: We did have some people like that too, avoiding the whole wifeswap energy that was inevitable once everyone started hooking up
Nancy: her loss
Teddy: You can tell she’s boring in bed anyway
Nancy: I can tell her you’re not
Teddy: Thank you, darling
Nancy: 🤤 THANK YOU
Teddy: Thank me later
Nancy: but I’m thinking about it already
Teddy: Me too
Nancy: Do we have to wait ‘til we’re there? 😨😨
Teddy: No, it’s a [however many hour idk where we’re sending you] flight
Nancy: I cannot do it, I’m dead serious about that
Teddy: I’ll want you the moment I see you
Nancy: We can find somewhere private
Teddy: Immediately
Nancy: Yes please
Teddy: You could stay in the car & I pay the driver to get out?
Nancy: That is a really good idea, do that
Teddy: It’ll be on my mind constantly until I can
Nancy: I’m not going to be able to sit still
Teddy: I like watching you, you can show me
Nancy: I’ll show you what I didn’t bother packing, what my skirt is just long enough to hide
Teddy: Fuck, I won’t be able to sit still either
Nancy: Tell them we only need one seat actually, you’re mine
Teddy: I’ll do that, it’s a really good idea of yours
Nancy: thinking about riding your cock for [however long this flight is] has me ready to come home before we’ve even landed 
Teddy: You didn’t let anyone in our bed, did you?
Nancy: No, I didn’t want to be in my room, see it
Nancy: just got fucked up, I swear
Teddy: I believe you
Nancy: It’s still special, I barely got chance to touch myself in it before we were fighting
Teddy: I’d have to take it apart otherwise & I don’t have the first clue how to do something like that
Nancy: Help me try to break it the fun way instead
Teddy: Are plane seats breakable?
Nancy: Test it, test me
Teddy: Okay, I will
Nancy: see what we can get away with, how far we can take it
Teddy: This is the start of us getting away with anything
Nancy: Everything 
Teddy: Yes, everything
Nancy: Oh, I see her
Nancy: hold on whilst I throw Rex at her, she’s going to try to stop me
Teddy: I’d say give her my love, but now is hardly the appropriate moment
Nancy: I wish I could be that blatant
Teddy: Soon you can be as blatant as you like
Nancy: God, I can’t fucking wait
Teddy: We’re going to have a fantastic time
Nancy: [give you a moment here to clearly beef with your sister but ultimately hand this dog over and your keys to your flat like thank you goodbye, so rude, so immature and crazy]
Nancy: Better than the best week ever
Nancy: and we barely wasted any time
Teddy: I’m very proud of you
Nancy: [send a car selfie like you are correct to be]
Nancy: We’re doing this
Teddy: Were you wearing [a really boujee brand that’s expensive af and she had no business wearing to party on a sunday and be sad and messy is the point lol] at your party?
Nancy: If I’m going to fall apart, I’m still going to dress well doing it
Nancy: I didn’t need to go full trap house 
Teddy: You mustn’t ever stop being this perfect
Nancy: Though you would think I’d been letting people blow crack in Rex’s face, the way Ava just went off 🙄
Nancy: You might have to take your perfect self along and claim him when we get back, James is less stubborn than her
Teddy: I can go off back at her without needing to blow our cover, her lifestyle fully entitles me
Nancy: 😍 Okay, my hero
Teddy: But if she intends to steal Rex, of course I’ll step in physically as well
Nancy: I love you so much
Nancy: She talks to me like I’m a child
Teddy: My sister does the same to me, it makes them feel grown up & obviously because they aren’t actually so few other things do
Nancy: You would feel like a child if you were dating someone so old and boring
Teddy: True & that is the case for them both, J has prematurely turned himself ancient, G’s husband is
Nancy: It’s not fun if it’s not for sex but for all the time
Teddy: I couldn’t bring myself to ask you to sleep with my new brother in law, even for the fun of the divorce
Nancy: Do you think he’s into monogamy?
Teddy: Assumedly, I doubt the bore act is a bluff to hide the fact he’s really a dark horse into all kinds of dark things, we’d be able to tell
Nancy: You definitely would
Nancy: It’s a shame she has to wait for him to die then 😕
Teddy: She’ll go behind his back & cheat, my father is her hero, after all
Nancy: We could help her get caught
Nancy: If he’s truly that boring, he’ll want her gone before she can get her hands on his fortune
Teddy: That could work, well done for being so clever
Nancy: Who does she really like, what type, you’ll have to find out
Nancy: can even engineer the meet cutes to give her the easiest job
Teddy: She isn’t going to open up to me, or my mother who would give the info up to me, you’ll have to befriend her while I’m busy with Grace
Nancy: There’s no better use of my time
Nancy: I’ll do it, and tell you all about it
Teddy: She won’t make it easy, she’s an undiagnosed autistic or something, basically like a robot
Nancy: I don’t mind a challenge
Nancy: People act like that when they need to, it’s not gonna be the whole story
Teddy: It definitely isn’t, she hasn’t always acted how she does now 
Teddy: J left a place for her to be my father’s real II when it became clear he was fit for it in name only & since then her special interest is licking his [a boujee brand of shoe]
Nancy: I’ll refrain from suggesting she just bites the bullet and goes there…
Nancy: I bet her type is someone your father would hate then
Teddy: Yeah, naturally, it makes too much sense to not be accurate
Nancy: So, assuming she’s not secretly queer, what other minorities can we focus in on 🤔
Teddy: She refuses to shut up about work, there’s definitely poverty porn in her history, she’s desperate to be middle class
Nancy: Awh, how predictable
Teddy: If they weren’t too young to pique her interest I’d throw one of the council estate kids from uni at her
Nancy: Someone from Uni IS a good idea though, a professor or someone doing a master's, maybe
Nancy: She’s that sort of girl, right?
Teddy: What a 🥱 prospect, but yeah, absolutely she is
Nancy: Poor AND stupid would really be painting a picture of her I’m sure she’s not interested in being shown
Teddy: [do a kiss and tell about like a boy who cleaned your parents pool or mowed their lawn or some other cliche who was poor and stupid that you hooked up with just cos]
Nancy: No one else is you, unfortunately 😖
Teddy: I need you to start once we get home, she’s planning a family
Nancy: I promise, I’ll get her back for you
Teddy: Viagra will have too much to answer for if she gets pregnant before he gets cheated on 🤢
Nancy: If she’s so like a robot, why does she even want them? 👶👶
Teddy: It’ll please my parents? It means she’s guaranteed more of the fortune? 
Nancy: Yeah, that makes sense
Nancy: Her being a perfectly respectable age to breed and all
Teddy: Maybe he’s disappointed with how the brats he had with the first wife turned out, having met them, I would be
Nancy: Are none of them cute?
Nancy: A wasted opportunity
Teddy: [give her the step kid tea whatever it is]
Nancy: You could take one for the team and do it, that would be maximum chaos
Nancy: doesn’t sound like she’ll commit to the step-mum fantasy for them, they are rich and boring, after-all
Teddy: Would you mind?
Nancy: I don’t think so
Nancy: I don’t know
Teddy: I’d hate to act in a way which would cause problems between us
Nancy: I don’t want you to feel like you can’t do what you want, then you’ll just resent me
Teddy: BUT I’ll be upset if you’re upset
Nancy: I wish I could do it with you, yeah
Nancy: but that’s not always possible
Teddy: 🥺💔
Nancy: Would it make you happy?
Teddy: Causing chaos is my favourite, but so are you
Nancy: Darling
Nancy: I want to know exactly what you want so I can help make it happen, that includes letting you do this
Teddy: Having another pet like Grace would be fun, I’m sure
Nancy: Think about it
Teddy: Who do you think? Pick for me
Nancy: [go through these step kids socials so you can vibe out who you actually think would be the easiest target, telling him why]
Teddy: Okay, I’ll do it
Nancy: I really want you to, the more I think about it
Teddy: Share your thoughts with me
Nancy: I like the idea of you being that satisfied, having someone so willing to do anything for you because you manipulated them into being that way
Teddy: Your explanation is really selling the idea
Nancy: Don’t be afraid to want it
Nancy: I want it for me too
Teddy: I’ll be brave
Nancy: Tell me what worries you about it
Teddy: What if I can’t do as good of a job as you have with Grace?
Nancy: They aren’t as vulnerable
Nancy: You aren’t as lucky
Teddy: I don’t want to fail
Nancy: You’ll have to take it slow, it’s not easy
Nancy: I can coach you
Teddy: I can’t do it without you
Nancy: You’ll have me, I’m yours now, remember
Teddy: Officially
Nancy: No one comes between us, it’s hierarchy, and we’re at the top
Teddy: 👑 & 💍
Nancy: Anyone else is a pet or a toy, just like you said
Nancy: but you’re so real
Teddy: You’re mine the way nobody else is
Nancy: you’re giving me your name, your children
Teddy: As soon as possible
Nancy: I want it all
Teddy: You’re torturing me by not being physically here now
Nancy: and you like how much it hurts
Teddy: Yes, I love it, but knowing that will do the opposite of hurrying you along & I’d also love to have you with me
Nancy: Hey, I’m not driving 😏
Teddy: But you could influence the driver
Nancy: To slow down, maybe
Nancy: don’t want him thinking this is for him
Teddy: Unless his ‘celeb’ lookalike is [someone famous Nancy won’t have heard of possibly in the vein of when Grace said he looked like somebody famous to take the piss out of her for that one], I highly doubt he’s supposing a girl like you could be for him
Teddy: Besides which, I’m not paying him to think
Nancy: No… he looks like [a really old man celeb, not a compliment, not a vibe]
Nancy: 😍 stop being that hot
Teddy: Oh, what a shame, poor you
Teddy: No, I refuse, I’m winning you back
Nancy: Haven’t you already won?
Teddy: You aren’t here yet, you could still demand the driver turns the car around
Nancy: I’ve traumatised you 
Teddy: A little
Nancy: Why didn’t you give up?
Teddy: Because I’d have done the same thing, even if it traumatised you
Nancy: Both times?
Teddy: You’re more or less a female version of who I am
Nancy: I won’t pretend to be offended by that
Teddy: You’re too aware of how much of a compliment it is to be offended
Nancy: The only other comparisons I get have me not measuring up, or looking like my father
Nancy: it isn’t any competition but, yeah
Teddy: You should’ve told me, I’ll happily split your parents up by sleeping with your father if you look that alike
Nancy: 😂 Sorry to dash that dream
Teddy: I’ll eventually get over it, providing you don’t dash any others
Nancy: Keep me making them come true for you fun and I won’t
Teddy: I’ll keep everything fun
Nancy: I can’t be bored, I don’t do it
Teddy: I don’t bore people, they bore me
Nancy: You want me to be happy, don’t you?
Teddy: It’s a priority, obviously
Nancy: Nothing about this is going to be boring then, promise
Teddy: Starting now?
Nancy: Traumatised, fine
Nancy: but don’t act like you’ve been bored
Teddy: Joking, I promise
Nancy: I’ve not asked to turn around, it’s okay
Teddy: I’d track you down, should you be foolish enough
Nancy: Good
Nancy: acting like you don’t care when you do is the most boring thing you could do
Teddy: Lies are for anyone who isn’t us
Nancy: Everyone
Teddy: There are no circumstances in which I’m willing to give up on this
Teddy: not on you, you’re mine
Nancy: None, I’m not allowing it, whatever happens
Nancy: you’re mine
Teddy: We aren’t having any more blips though, they won’t happen
Nancy: I’m sorry
Teddy: It’s behind us now
Nancy: Maybe
Nancy: I’m still crazy
Teddy: You’re my ideal woman
Nancy: You’ll make me crazier, saying things like that when you’re so incredible yourself
Teddy: No one will blame you, going crazy for me
Nancy: No one knows but they could and I wouldn’t care, not if everyone knew
Teddy: It’s okay, you’re allowed to care about the plan too, it’s still a good one & I can’t blame you for wanting to go ahead, we’re both committed to it as well as each other
Nancy: It’s half finished, if anything, she’s just had an ego boost paired with an embarrassment so far
Nancy: it’s not enough
Teddy: & I know the ego boost upsets you the most
Teddy: but we’ll see it through & she won’t have an ego left to speak of
Nancy: 🥰
Nancy: Alright, dirty talk
Teddy: Until you’re here, it’s all I have to content myself with
Nancy: I’m assured we’re going as fast as we can, darling
Teddy: Give him my assurance if he manages to go faster it’ll be extremely worthwhile
Nancy: I suppose he should be let in on that secret
Teddy: My financial generosity is no secret, but everything else can remain so, I’ve already told you I like it that way
Nancy: I meant the general worthwhileness, which for me has little to do with your cash
Nancy: not nothing but 😘
Teddy: You want to tell the driver all about me & the plan I have for you? Well, I suppose I should allow it as I couldn’t keep my mouth shut to my sister
Nancy: I’m sorry she didn’t care, that neither of my siblings would either 😔
Nancy: you deserve excitement 
Teddy: You are exciting
Nancy: That’s a promise 
Nancy: What will she think of Grace?
Teddy: As she’s one of your poor relations, G should be a fan, this is going to test whether her devotion to the working classes is all talk or something she’s actually willing to stand by
Nancy: Good luck to her
Nancy: Grace is entirely mortified by her lack of class, she’ll be doing everything to fit in and failing, as per
Teddy: As Grace should be, I’m truly the lucky one to have you as a palate cleanser for the bad taste your cousin inevitably leaves
Nancy: Being compared to an aperitif is a new one…
Teddy: Maybe, but in this instance, it’s completely fitting
Nancy: You’re such a weirdo 😏
Teddy: Which is equally fitting considering nobody but a weirdo would seduce Grace
Nancy: Her dating history may as well be the sex offenders register, one in the same
Teddy: She does act a lot younger than she is
Nancy: Easiest way to get the easiest men, you can feel desirable if your standards don’t exist 🤷‍♀️
Teddy: G will be delighted at the excuse to shoo us both onto the children’s table with the brats
Nancy: You’re clearly not the company she can keep now she’s a mature sophisticated adult
Nancy: I’ve been there 
Teddy: She’s just jealous I’m not lacking in far superior company
Nancy: I bet she’s missing someone, that’s how I’d act, if one of mine was trying to tell me about their great new relationship 
Teddy: You’ll be able to discover who once you get her to open up to you, we may not need a new romance after all
Nancy: As boring as it’ll be to pretend I’m serious too
Nancy: I’ll suffer it for you 
Teddy: You won’t be as indebted to me for having to suffer Grace, think of it that way
Nancy: Perhaps I like being indebted to you 😋 
Nancy: but really, it’ll be so easy, just like talking to my mother
Teddy: If so, fear not, darling, my workload & struggle is much greater, you’ll still owe me plenty & I intend to collect
Nancy: Jesus Christ, please do
Nancy: don’t let me clear it, ever, pile on the interest
Teddy: It’s a promise
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Rose, orchid, daisy, tulip, dandelion, lavender for Gia, Rae, and Robin?
Thank you so much!!
Flowery OC Asks
Rose - What is your OC's favourite form of self-care?
Gia: Maybe a home spa day :D A bath with a fancy bath bomb, re-bleaching/toning her blonde hair, doing a face mask, painting her nails... she doesn't do it often, but it helps her feel pampered and put-together.
Rae: Taking a day off her translating work and X-Men duties, taking a walk around and enjoying what's around her.
Robin: Her self-care is synonymous with vocal care, and usually happens during late-stage opera rehearsals. Vocal rest, some Throat Coat tea, a good hot shower for the steam, that sort of thing.
Orchid - What is your OC's biggest fear?
Gia: HYDRA, though that gets extended to a general fear of other people.
Rae: Having her mind affected in any sort of way (telepathy, drugs, alcohol, anesthesia, etc.)
Robin: For her family, particularly those that aren't mutants, to be hurt because of her connection to the X-Men (i.e. for them to be attacked by either bigots or supervillains)
Daisy - What inspired you to create your OC?
Gia: I was in rehearsals for Little Shop of Horrors and was thinking about the weird codependent relationship between Seymour and Audrey II, and started thinking about an OC whose life and success was linked to a plant as well.
Rae: I think I answered this before, but it basically boils down to me wanting to fix Warren's death in X-Men: Apocalypse, plus just liking him as a character and wanting to give him a spitfire partner. She was one of my earlier OCs, so I didn't have any super unique inspirations besides just wanting to write.
Robin: Also an early OC, but I wanted to explore a superhero whose powers were put at-odds with their disability (i.e. Robin having sonic powers, but being born Deaf), and putting her in the Cassidy family was a fun idea I wanted to play with.
Tulip - If you could say/do one thing to your OC, what would you say/do?
Gia: "Reach out. It'll be hard at first, but you'll feel so much better once you do."
Rae: "You're not responsible for every problem you encounter. It's alright to let some go, especially if it means you're out of your depth"
Robin: "Sometimes you are going to lose people. It hurts, but it's not your fault. Don't feel guilty for the ones you weren't able to save."
Dandelion - Does your OC get overwhelmed easily?
Gia: Absolutely. She's the human equivalent of a retired racing dog, just a big old ball of anxiety and PTSD.
Rae: Not usually, unless it has to do with her phobia. Most of the time, she'll tackle problems head-on whether she's prepared for them or not, but any though that her mind's been invaded or tampered with will shut her down in a heartbeat.
Robin: About as much as any normal person, I think. There are some things she's completely comfortable with (including some things that would overwhelm another person, like live performance), but she also can get overwhelmed by stress or emotion like anyone else.
Lavender - How does your OC cope with loud noises?
Gia: Jumps out of her skin, like she's expecting to get shot or something.
Rae: Tenses about as much as a normal person would, and looks around to find the source of the noise.
Robin: She's Deaf.
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cryptidlori · 1 year
All about me
Favorite show: toh, helluva boss & the rose of Versailles
Favorite food: sushi waffles and fried fish
Favorite drink: monster energy and apple juice
Favorite movie: Heathers & in the heights
Favorite musicals: six, Hamilton, Anastasia & grease
Pet peeve: ignorance & nails scratching on walls
Favorite color: earthy colors
Friends: lily, sofia, cece, sam, nila, hemlock, ollie, jerry, ash, ayra, ella, abby, gia, tarrio, alex, kade and asher
Aesthetics I like/interested: cryptidcore, goblincore & fairycore grunge
Favorite animal: frogs, cats & raccoons
Favorite ice cream: ube ice cream
What I like/love: anime, studio ghibil, graphic tees, old rock, writing, rain, forests & death cab of cutie
I also love my boyfriend storm <3
Relationship status: taken
I’m a genderfluid queer and I post random shit & fanart
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