#lmao i got an anon ask in response to this that was just the puking emoji
i am so proud of the majority of the OFMD fandom. i have seen so many well thought out and well written analysis pieces of the finale. the amount of levelheaded and insightful takes is unlike anything i’ve seen in fandom before. i know people are upset but i’m so glad to see so much critical thinking and wisdom from people in response to the negativity.
it’s ok to be upset. but it’s not ok to be unkind to the creators of the actual art you are consuming.
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nightingaelic · 2 years
hi!! are your reacts still open? if not please ignore this lmao. i was wondering if i can get nv companions reacting to a courier suffering chem withdrawal?
also, i adore your writing!! you characterize everyone so accurately and well, by far my favorite fallout writer ❤️❤️
Thank you, anon 💙💛 I strive for good characterization in all of my works, so it means a lot for you to point it out
TW: Bodily fluids, physical illness
After returning from their latest excursion, the courier didn't leave their suite in the Lucky 38 for nearly two days. While the Securitron forces in the casino went about their routines as usual, the courier's companion grew restless. There were only so many times they could wander the Strip, look through Robert House's possessions, and ride the elevator before they found themselves staring out the penthouse windows, wondering what was keeping the courier isolated. It had been a routine package delivery, or so they thought... had something gone wrong?
Near the end of the second day, the courier's companion finally convinced the Securitron that guarded the presidential suite to stand down. They found the courier in the master bedroom: Ashen-faced, shaky, curled into a ball of blankets, and clinging to a metal bucket for dear life. They offered their companion a weak, pained smile once they caught sight of them. "De... detox," they said, by way of explanation. "I decided... I decided it was time."
Arcade Gannon: "Oh, Six." Arcade sank onto the bed next to them and took in their disheveled appearance. Their posture suggested stomach cramps, and the sweat on their forehead and hands were hallmarks of fever. By the looks of the bucket, nausea and vomiting were on the menu, too - they were well into the worst of the symptoms. "I told you to tell me, if you ever wanted to get clean."
"I know." The courier turned a little more green and buried their face in the bucket in anticipation. Their mournful voice bounced along its aluminum sides. "I just didn't want you to see me like this."
"Hey." Arcade steadied the bucket for them, sliding his fingers over theirs. They were clammy, trembling. "I've seen you in worse conditions. Remember that time you got between a night stalker and her pups?"
Their response was a fresh round of puke and some coughing. Arcade rubbed their back and sighed. "You know, I told you to come to me because there are chems that can help you work through this a little easier."
"Chems to treat the chems." The courier wiped their mouth and sniffed. "Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the whole thing?"
"Not if the chem's name is literally 'Addictol,' and it's been used to ease addiction symptoms since before the Great War." Arcade gently began to unwind them from their blanket cocoon. "Come on. You're lucky enough to have a shower and a wardrobe full of clothes. We can go visit Julie together, I know she has some doses hidden in her desk at the fort."
"Can't we just send a Securitron?" the courier moaned.
"Nope. Get up. You shouldn't be doing this alone, anyway."
Craig Boone: "Good." Boone grabbed a nearby chair and turned it around, facing the courier over its back as he took a seat across from them.
"What are you doing?" the courier asked, resigned. "Just watching me suffer?"
"Do you need water?" Boone asked.
When the courier nodded, Boone got up from his chair and retrieved a glass of water from the adjacent bathroom. Noting the courier's shaking hands, he steadied the glass as they drank from it.
"There was always one, every round of training," he said when they were finished. He set the glass on a nearby nightstand and sat back down in the chair he'd claimed. "New recruits looking for gear and meals. Not knowing they'd lose everything they came in with, and that chems are hard to come by in the NCR elite forces. We sat up with them, until they made it through. Or didn't."
"Swell." The courier wretched into their bucket a bit. "I've made it two days already. Think I'm cut out for the NCR?"
When Boone didn't answer, the courier made a face at the contents of the bucket. "I always thought this would be a breeze. I'd pop some Med-X and come down easy, prove I was invincible like everyone says I am. Would you believe me if I said this was me using Med-X, and that I'd probably be long gone if I hadn't?"
The corner of Boone's mouth turned up sympathetically. "You're stronger than most, Six, but you aren't invincible. No one is."
"Will you stay with me?"
In response, Boone settled deeper into his chair.
Lily Bowen: "Dearie, why didn't you say anything?" Lily demanded. "If you aren't feeling well, Grandma can make you chicken noodle soup and find you some crackers and peanut butter."
"Even if you did manage to find chickens or peanuts, I don't think I could keep anything down at this point," the courier replied. They tilted their bucket forward to illustrate their point. "All I've had today is water, and even that's giving my stomach a rough time."
"Broth, then." Lily caressed their clammy face and began writing a grocery list out loud. "Maybe some fruit, some tea... not the sugary kind, the hot kind, for your throat... you like melons, pumpkin, don't you? Grandma can go get some melons from the marketplace in Freeside, make some ice pops from the juice."
"What's..." The courier coughed, a dry wheeze. "What's... an ice pop?"
"Oh, you'll love a good ice pop," Lily assured them. "Stay right here. Grandma will be back in a bit."
About two hours later, the nightkin was back with a hot mug of bone broth and some very dry Potato Crisps, and she coaxed the courier into trying a little of both. To the courier's surprise, they were able to keep it down, and they munched and sipped at the salty food in moderation. Lily cleaned their bucket out while they ate and unearthed a thermometer in one of the Lucky 38's first aid kits, which she thrust upon them at frequent intervals to monitor their fever.
By the time the melon ice pops had frozen in the presidential suite's refrigerator, the courier was asleep. Lily watched over them lovingly as they tossed and turned, and when the Securitron guard came to check on the pair, she frowned so ferociously that it spun right around and didn't come back until morning.
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Raul put a hand to the courier's forehead. Even through his ruined, twisted knuckles, he could feel they were burning up. "Te duele la cabeza?" he asked.
The courier nodded under his fingers. "Like I have a cazador buzzing around in there."
Raul screwed his mouth up in concern. "We should get you to a doctor. If you can't keep things down, you're probably all dried out. Like me, if I'm left in the sun too long."
That earned him a slightly wider smile. "Like a raisin?"
"Sí, like a raisin." Raul smiled back at them. "Might as well bake me up con queso en la capirotada. You're dehydrated, Six. Let's get you to Julie, or Arcade if she's not around."
"I can't move," the courier whined. "Does Julie make house calls? Casino calls? Arcade has to, and he owes me-"
Rather than argue, Raul slid his arms under their frame and lifted them free of the bed. The courier yelped in surprise, but the old ghoul crushed them against his chest and eased their weight around until he could stand comfortably. "You're heavy," he said reproachfully.
"Put me down," the courier insisted. "Or get one of the Securitrons to do this, viejo."
"'Viejo' this, 'viejo' that." Raul shook his head and headed toward the elevator with them. "I'll probably outlive you, too, Six. Consider that, next time you decide to detox all on your lonesome."
"I was, that's why I didn't tell you I was going to."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Shit, Six, why would you do a damn fool thing like this?" Cass asked, clearly nettled.
"I thought..." The courier grimaced. "I thought you'd be... happy."
"That you're kicking that poison? Absolutely." Cass rolled her eyes. "That you tried to do it without telling me first? Not in the least. Better people than you have died, trying to ride their demons out alone."
She seized the bucket from them and disappeared into the suite's bathroom to rinse it out. When she returned, she had a wet washcloth in her hands and the worn copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor that usually sat next to the toilet. She slapped the washcloth onto the courier's forehead, plunked the bucket down in front of them, and settled into a nearby armchair with the magazine. "If you're coming off that stuff for good, you need someone to make sure you don't choke on your own sick, and you need a distraction," she explained. "Normally I'd say the best distraction is a stiff drink, but seeing as you are where you are, it might just make things worse."
"So why the magazine?" the courier asked, settling the bucket back between their knees.
Cass flipped it open and paged around a bit. "Because there's a quiz in here that they ripped straight out of some other pre-war book, and I want to know what your results are."
"What's the quiz?"
"'What Are You Best Fitted For: Love or a Career?' I took it a while back, and it told me I'm cut out for love, but only just by a hair - it was practically a tie. Dying to know what it has to say about you."
"Oh, fucking hell, Cass..."
Cass cleared her throat and shook the magazine theatrically. "'Question one: Would you be inclined to look down on your partner if they made less money than you?' Now, I said yes, but only in the sense that I'd find it funny."
Veronica Santangelo: Before the courier could protest, Veronica had climbed into bed with them. She seized their face in her hands and peered deeply into their eyes. "How's your focus? Sense of balance? Can you see me okay? Did you take anything for pain, or try to go out with a bang and use everything in the medicine cabinet up?"
"God, no." The courier tried to push Veronica away, but their arm was weak on her torso.
"What did you do with the rest of the chem stash, then?"
"I sold it." The courier coughed a few times. "On my way back. Got rid of it all over in Westside."
"Good." Veronica released them and sat back on the bed covers. "You know I'm going to rummage through the whole suite just in case, right? Probably the rest of the casino, too."
"I know."
"Oh, Six." Even though the courier looked like they'd been dunked in Lake Mead and wrung out by an angry yao guai, Veronica beamed at them. "I'm proud of you. This sort of thing isn't easy, at all."
"Tell me about it." The courier smiled back, between coughs. "I can't get warm, and I feel like I swallowed centaur acid or something."
In response, the Brotherhood Scribe crawled under the blankets and snuggled up to them. "I can help with one of those," she said. "Here, get under my arm."
The courier obliged, sinking down to settle into her embrace. Veronica squeezed them tightly. "I've got body heat to spare. We can send the Securitrons for drinks, snacks... once you can keep things down, that is. And if this doesn't help, I can go get some of the Followers to help you work through it. Okay?"
ED-E: ED-E cooed its concern and floated over to the bed, hovering just within reach of the courier's fingers. They brushed the bot's chassis gently as it scanned the room, taking in the courier's increased body temperature and ragged breath rate. When ED-E finished its assessment, it slowly lowered itself to face level and let out a disappointed blat.
The courier pressed their burning forehead to its relatively-cool metal plating and sighed. "I know, I know. Please don't be mad at me. I know you would've gone straight to the Old Mormon Fort or something, if you knew I was like this."
In response to ED-E's questioning blips, they made a face. "You know how Arcade is. If I told him I was on chems at all, I'd get such an earful... I thought maybe I could, you know, get it mostly out of my system before I went down there. But now I can barely move."
With a whistle and a beep, ED-E whizzed off and out the door again. The bot returned with the Securitron guard in tow, its flexible arms outstretched. "Prepare for transport to medical care, honored guest," it said in its usual, no-nonsense tone.
The courier eyed it with misgiving, then struggled to the edge of the bed. "No... no thanks. I'll walk. Somehow."
Rex: The scent of the courier's illness overwhelmed Rex's nose, and the faithful dog whined. He leaned over the edge of the bed as far as he could reach, and the cold point of his muzzle pressed into their blanket bundle.
"It's okay, buddy." The courier patted the mattress next to them. "Come on up. Just this once."
Rex whined a few more times before he finally jumped onto the bed. The frame creaked a bit from the added weight - German shepherds were heavy, and cyberdogs were even heavier. Rex padded around in a tight circle before curling up next to the courier, placing his chin in their lap.
The courier stroked his ears, careful not to bump the brain dome that was nestled between them. "I feel like absolute shit, Rex," they admitted softly. "But I think... I think it's for the best. For you and me."
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Suga, Atsumu, Akaashi, and Sakusa saving their S/O from traffic
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Hey anon! I normally only take 3 characters for headcanon requests, but I decided to just go ahead and do all four this time. Please make sure to read my rules before making requests 😊
Word count: ~2k
AN: I may have gone slightly overboard with Atsumu’s but y’know. This is my first time writing for Sakusa and Suga though! 
part 1: Tsukishima, Kuroo, Osamu saving their S/O from traffic
⭐ So, you and Suga have known each other for years 
⭐ After all, you were Asahi’s younger sister
⭐ Both Suga and Daichi were very familiar with you
⭐ It was not surprise that after knowing you for so long, Suga caught feels
⭐ Suga liked that you had the same gentle temperament as your brother BUT you weren’t as “cowardly”
⭐ He enjoyed whenever you let loose and indulged in your wild side
⭐ Of course, the only people in the group who realised Suga had a crush were Kiyoko and Daichi
⭐ You and Asahi were hella oblivious I swear LMAO
⭐ Anyways, eventually Asahi catches Daichi and Suga talking and he’s like OMG SUGA HAS A THING FOR (NAME)???
⭐ But at the end of the day, he’s like, well Suga’s a nice guy
⭐ Of course, you and your brother were super close too!
⭐ Later that night, you end up accidentally confiding in your brother that you also had a thing for Suga
⭐ Leading to Asahi confessing for Suga that very moment
⭐ The next day at school, you go out of your way to avoid Suga because omg my crush LIKES ME BACK?!
⭐ Suga’s super sad and is like, why are they doing this?
⭐ Asahi’s awkwardly scratching his neck and is like, I may have said something
⭐ SO, Suga finds you at your house later that night, asks you out, and you’ve been dating ever since
⭐ At the time of the incident !
⭐ You join the rest of the third-years in going to the shrine for new years
⭐ By now, you and Suga have already been going strong for over a year
⭐ As you reach the bottom of the steps, a biker is speeding past
⭐ They all react simultaneously
⭐ Asahi is frozen, his heart is beating so loud he swears everyone could hear it
⭐ Daichi is lunging forward, ready to use his defensive volleyball skills to do something (though idk what would have helped in this situation)
⭐ Kiyoko’s eyes are wide
⭐ But Suga!! man is moving at lightning speed
⭐ Like he is on a MISSION and that is to protect the love of his life!
⭐ He grabs you by the waist, hoisting you back up onto the steps and pressing you against him
⭐ You blink, confused until you hear the biker ringing his bell, shouting apologies as he speeds along the path
⭐ “Y’know, that would’ve sucked to start the new year off like that” you chuckle, looking up at Suga
⭐ He chuckles too, nodding as he brushes your hair back
⭐ Pulling you up, y’all face the third years as they unfreeze and make their way towards you
⭐ (Name)!” -Asahi
⭐ “Suga!” -Daichi
⭐ “Are you guys okay?” -the goddess Kiyoko
⭐ After breathing a sigh of relief, Asahi’s doing that little clap thing he does when Nishinoya receives his serves in the commercial break
⭐ Asahi’s giving him that look that says “i owe you everything. you have saved her life. i give you my permission to marry her”
⭐ Suga’s just laughing and is like “i would’ve done that with or without your permission 💝 ”
⭐ Honestly, this was an enemies-to-lovers, slow-burn situation
⭐ You were in the same friend groups after playing at the club together as children
⭐ He was hella STINGY! he did not like that you were a setter AND that Osamu would ask you to set for him sometimes out of spite
⭐ Anyways, that rivalry continued up until high-school
⭐ Unfortunately, right before high-school starts, you suffer from a critical injury and had to quit volleyball
⭐ Atsumu felt bad about it
⭐ Like though he saw you as a rival, it just wasn’t fair that you had to quit so early
⭐ SO! He offers you the next best thing
⭐ Being his manager!
⭐ You laughed in his face the first few times he offered because you’re like, are you just being petty right now?
⭐ But after a while (and after he’s asked you like 20 times) you finally accept the offer
⭐ Now that you guys are no longer rivals, and you’re around each other all the time, Atsumu is like wait a second, you’re kinda attractive
⭐ AND the fact that you talk volleyball to him!
⭐ You were roped into his late practices more often than he’d care to admit
⭐ Of course, as manager (and ex-rival), you’d give him tips on how to improve his serves and setting
⭐ At first, he was kinda salty when you gave him advice and kicked him out of the gym
⭐ But eventually (aka, after Osamu kicked his ass), he realised that you were doing it out of care!
⭐ Thus, he spiraled into full-on affection for you
⭐ On your end, you didn’t really care about Atsumu
⭐ You thought the rivalry was stupid
⭐ And like, the boy bullied you!! Because his twin liked how you set!
⭐ But after you stopped playing, you realised that he was just a dummy who lived-and-breathed volleyball
⭐ Proven by the early mornings and late nights at the gym
⭐ Eventually, his passion sparked something inside of you
⭐ Like although you couldn’t play anymore, it was really nice seeing this passion and it made you care more about the team
⭐ This translated into more hangouts with the team, and eventually Atsumu just hits you up out of nowhere like “we’re always together”
⭐ You: Yes and?
⭐ Atsumu: We might as well date?
⭐ You: LOL! ...sure
⭐ And that’s how y’all start dating!
⭐ you’re on-campus ridiculously early, waiting for the bus that’ll take you to Tokyo for nationals
⭐ Mid-yawn, you’re complaining about how a POWER HOUSE school has to take the bus all the way there
⭐ “Like, we’re the favorites to win!”
⭐ (you just hate being awake before the sun is)
⭐ The bus is arriving, and you step down off the curb to walk around the bus and start loading your stuf
⭐ Of course, Atsumu is ALSO dead tired and his brain short-circuits, thinking the bus is about to hit you
⭐ SO, he’s sprinting at you, throwing his food onto the ground (osamu is screeching behind him)
⭐ You turn, confused when a muscular body slams into you
⭐ Y’all both tumble down onto the concrete and you’re just like, Atsumu I’m going to kill you
⭐ Osamu is just like, not if I kill him first!
⭐ Atsumu’s just like, but! The bus! Was about to hit you?
⭐ Kita’s face-palming and is just like, the bus literally stopped 30 feet away from them
⭐ Suna’s cackling while he records this mess
⭐ Your boyfriend’s blushing and is just like, “well maybe I just wanted to be a hero for my boo”
⭐ NGL, it would’ve been sweet EXCEPT he crushed the bag of snacks you’d packed so you were pretty peeved
⭐ Leading to a sulking Atsumu
⭐ Once y’all are on the bus, you lean over and give him a kiss
⭐ He short-circuits again. “Aren’t you mad at me?”
⭐ You shake your head, “a little, but I can’t just refuse to give my hero his reward, right?”
⭐ Atsumu’s heart swells and he’s promising himself to always be your hero
⭐ Alright, so y’all weren’t dating yet!
⭐ Nah, you were just a Fukurodani manager-in-training
⭐ But TBH, Akaashi had the biggest crush on you
⭐ He liked how responsible you were, and how you weren’t really overbearing and obnoxious like the other managers (and his captain but y’know)
⭐ Since he was the vice captain, the other managers trusted him to show you the ropes
⭐ (they’d also noticed the way y’all looked at each other and was tryna make their ship sail!)
⭐ This happens during that first two-weeked Tokyo training camp where Kageyama and Hinata are running late
⭐ SO, Akaashi and you had gone outside to get some fresh air and just to get away from the chaos of the team
⭐ Bokuto and Kuroo were both tryna rope him into some shenanigans, so you benevolently bailed him out and brought him outside to help you fill the bottles
⭐ Cue side-eyes and winks from the other managers to you both
⭐ Just as you’re making small talk, a screeching sound interrupts the conversation
⭐ She barely manages to brake in front of you
⭐ But sweet Akaashi had already pulled you back into him, his back facing the car just in case he wasn’t fast enough
⭐ “Are you ok?” he asks, leaning back to scan your features
⭐ You nod, sheepish
⭐ Akaashi turns back to the driver, eyebrows raised
⭐ Saeko gets out of the car, apologising intensively
⭐ Of course, Hinata literally pukes when he gets out because he’s overwhelmed with everything that’s happened
⭐ Kageyama is like, uhm, can I just go play volleyball now pls?
⭐ After numerous apologies, Akaashi points them towards the gym and spirits you away to a bench
⭐ He keeps giving you water, an unreadable expression on his face
⭐ “Uhm, Akaashi? Are you ok?”
⭐ Akaashi just SIGHS, nodding
⭐ He fixes you with a hard stare, a slight tremour in his voice. “I’m sorry, (Name). I just...I don’t know what I would’ve done if something had happened to you”
⭐ You tilt your head. “I mean, I doubt that I would’ve died from that”
⭐ Akaashi chuckles, shaking his head slightly as he slots your fingers together. He squeezes your hand. 
⭐ “Yeah, but my heart would have”
⭐ Y’all both get flusterd as heck!
⭐ Like, was that a CONFESSION?!
⭐ Turning back to ask, you get the answer in the form of him kissing your cheek
⭐ Akaashi short-circuits. You short-circuit. Did that really just happen?!
⭐ “So..does that mean we’re together or..”
⭐ And before Akaashi can respond, the rest of Fukurodani appears!
⭐ They heard what happened from Hinata (who cannot keep his mouth shut I swear)  
⭐ As you’re both swarmed, you peek at Akaashi
⭐ Over the noise, he gives you a small smile, nodding
⭐ Your hearts are warm! Like finally!!
⭐ TBH, I feel like Sakusa wouldn’t really care to find a partner
⭐ UNLESS, it is someone he grew up with and is very familiar with
⭐ So! Enter, Komori’s best friend
⭐ Sakusa and Komori were always together
⭐ You and Komori were always together
⭐ This made it very easy for you to get close to Sakusa!
⭐ He liked that you respected his space and desire for cleanliness
⭐ You always went out of your way to carry around extra face masks, wipes, and santisier just in case people got too close to him (and you)
⭐ Sakusa wouldn’t have made the first move though
⭐ UNLESS! He realised he was about to lose you
⭐ Which almost happened
⭐ You ended up not hanging out with the duo as much because of a school assignment
⭐ Coincidentally, Sakusa overheard one of his teammates talking about you and the other dude
⭐ The other dude had the biggest crush on you, and was going to ask you out after y’all were finished with the project
⭐ Of course, Sakusa was just like absolutely not
⭐ Right after practice, Sakusa went to go look for you only to find you walknig towards the gym
⭐ “Oh hey Sakusa!”
⭐ “Call me Kiyoomi”
⭐ “Ok Kiyoo- wait what?!” 
⭐ Your eyes went wide
⭐ His heart stuttered, why were you so cute?!
⭐ “I mean, you would call your boyfriend by his first name, right?”
⭐ “B-boyfriend?!?!”
⭐ Komori appears, throwing his arm over your shoulder to Sakusa’s disgust. “I think this is how Sakusa’s tryna confess to you, (Name)”
⭐ Sakusa just nods stiffly, pulling out some wipes 
⭐ Heat sweeps over you as you awkwardly nod, “oh! Sure, Kiyoomi”
⭐ Sakusa was grateful that the mask covered his face because boy was BLUSHING
⭐ SO! At the time of the incident~
⭐ You had gone with Sakusa to the training center for the Tokyo Training Camp
⭐ Komori had already gone without y’all
⭐ You were from around the area, and were going to go visit your family for the week
⭐ (It was also a chance for you to introduce Sakusa to your family after he finished up with the training camp)
⭐ Anyways, you’d just dropped Sakusa off, waving goodbye to him as you turn to walk off
⭐ There was a loud honking noise
⭐ Some dude was trying to park and was being SO RUDE to you as you were walking through the lot
⭐ You turn to face the car, only to have your arm yanked out of its socket as someone leads you away
⭐ “Whah?!”
⭐ Your eyes follow the arm, finding Sakusa on the other end
⭐ “Weren’t you supposed to be warming up?!”
⭐ “You forgot something”
⭐ He finally stops as you reach the sidewalk
⭐ Your brows furrow. “What did I forget?”
⭐ Suddenly pulling his mask down, he presses a kiss to your forehead
⭐ “That”
⭐ Whirling around, Sakusa stalks back to the training center, blushing brightly as he realises what he had done
⭐ Your hand is touching the spot where he’d kissed you, your heart beating fast
⭐ “Holy cr*p” you whisper
⭐ “oh my god” Sakusa mutters
⭐ “Why are you blushing?”
⭐ “Shut up Komori”
general taglist: @scrappydaisies​ @newfriendjen​  @kyomihann
Please contact me if you would like to be a part of my general taglist! 💞 Check out this link for information about my taglists.
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yeaaabudddy · 5 years
The Missed Years
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Ship: Peter Parker x Reader (Y/N)
Type: Angst
Requested: Yes, by anon. (Y’all love angst lmao)
Words: 1 505
Notes/Warnings: SOME FAR FROM HOME SPOILERS(?). It’s sad and now I want to write a cute peter parker with a spider baby or something. Let me know what you think of this and if you enjoyed it!
You look at the baby in the crib as he made grabby hands at you, his crying stopping as he saw you enter his vision. You picked him up, your heartwarming as he babbled on and drooled all over your oversized shirt.
You had given up actually getting ready nicely because he managed to ruin every nice shirt you owned somehow. You'd think you had gotten away from his bodily fluids but at the end of the day, you’d realize that he had puked a bit on your shirts and left his mark.
“You love making my life hard, huh?” You poke the tip of his nose and he giggles in response, laying his head in your neck. You look at him with complete adoration, he was your entire life now.
It has been 5 years since the blip and you finally have your life on track. Before this life, you were with Peter Parker. You loved him so much, he was all of your firsts and the opposite was true as well. You both were so in love with each other and you knew about his Spider-Man duties.
You had a whole plan of what you guys would do after high school. The plan would be changing constantly because of your inability to choose a subject you would want to pursue and you trying to convince Peter to actually go to college.
You knew nothing good was gonna come when Peter left the school bus to go check out some weird contraption that was landing on the Earth. You had such a bad feeling but you gave him a kiss and told him to come back to you safely.
But he didn’t.
In fact, Ned and MJ also left. You were completely alone and had no one left. All your friends had gone and all you could do was remember them and live on. It took you a lot of time to try and move on with your life, graduating was the hardest. Peter was supposed to be there with you, up there.
You teared up getting your diploma and stepping out without seeing the lovely face of your boyfriend in the crowd.
You went to a few group therapy sessions to try and find comfort in other people. Try to move on with your life because they weren’t coming back and you had to live with that fact.
2 years after the blip, in one group therapy session, a guy had come over to you and asked you out. At first, it was just to make friends because you guys had similar situations. He also lost all of his friends and had to continue high school alone, he was just a year older than you.
After hanging out as just friends for a while because you both took time to heal, he had asked you out on a real date and it was nice.
You didn’t think you’d be going out on dates with someone other than Peter and to sit there with someone else was really emotional for you. He was so kind and understood your feelings though so he let you take your time to fall in love with him, which you eventually did.
It was different from the love you and Peter had, of course, because you both were younger than ever and new to everything and this one was more about rediscovering.
You both had realized how short life could be and sometimes it was good to take risks. You both were trying to fill the holes in your lives that were left and that’s when he proposed 2 years later.
For a lot of people that is very early and especially since you were only 20 and he was 21 but in this situation it was different. You both didn’t want to let go of each other because you were scared the other would leave right in front of your eyes.
So you got engaged and shortly after, got married. You didn’t realize how fast-paced your life had gotten with him until now as you reflect on it while holding your 5-month-old baby in your arms.
You walk out of your room and stop in your tracks as you heard the doorbell ring. You grow confused as no one was supposed to come over today at least to your knowledge.
You open the door and stared in shock at the sight before you. You start to feel faint and hug your baby tighter in response to the shock.
Peter Parker was there standing right in front of your house looking 16, just like he had when he blipped. You think you’re about to pass out or wake up from this weird dream but then he speaks.
“Oh- I-i, I just got back… and I was looking for you and your father told me this is where I could find you…” Peter trailed off as he stared at you and then moved his gaze to the baby on your hip.
The baby looked at Peter with curiosity, looking him up and down to figure him out. You’re still too shocked at the sight to speak because you don’t know if this is a dream or not.
Peter feels the same as you since he didn't know that you were at this point in your life yet. This was something that you both were supposed to do together. You had planned it all out one night when you guys were supposed to be studying.
You said you wanted a girl and then a boy hopefully. 2 kids was your perfect family dream. He couldn't believe that you had gone on to try and accomplish that dream of yours without him but he couldn't blame you.
But you were in more shock than ever. You mourned Peter Parker for years.
Peter Parker, your first love, your first boyfriend, your first kiss was here standing in front of you and your baby.
“This is not possible.” Your voice was barely audible but Peter seemed to pick up on what you said.
“Well, t-the avengers brought us all back, apparently it’s five years later and I guess you didn’t end up dying 5 years ago.” You took in the information still feeling like this was some sick joke.
Your past literally stares at you and all of your plans that you had together come rushing into your mind, you loved him and missed him so much and now he was here, in front of you. The same old Peter.
Your baby had started babbling and broke you out of your thoughts, he put his mouth on your shoulder so he could slobber over it.
“I see that you built a new life. That’s good.” Peter tried to break the silence between you both.
“I… I spent so long without you.” Tears that had weirdly been stuck in the back of your head had started to surface onto your face, your emotions catching up with the situation. “You were gone- you were all gone and I was alone and then I had to live without you.”
You try and push your tears back as you talk to Peter, his heartbreaking as he looked at you. He knew that you had survived because your father had told him but he still wanted to see you because obviously, it’s you, and he wants to know what happened.
For Peter, it was yesterday that you had kissed him and told him good luck and now today you had a baby in your arms, probably married to another man.
“That’s a cute baby, what’s his name?” Peter tried to shift the conversation because he started tearing up at realizing how complicated life is going to be for him and how he’s going to have to change his whole future because you were his future and now he doesn’t have you anymore.
You looked at him hesitantly and then looked down at your own baby, a sad smile on your face. “His name’s Peter…” Your baby had lifted his head from your shoulder to look at you as you call his name and Peter stared in shock at the baby who was named after him.
“Oh- um is it…” You knew what Peter had wanted to ask you because he had the look on his face where he was contemplating if it was okay or not. ‘After me?’ is what he wanted to say and you saved him the embarrassment and answered.
“Yeah… I named him after you.”
You always thought that you would be able to give your life up for Peter but someone else took his place and you would never hurt your own baby. This meant that Peter and your story is fully over now. You had 5 years to get to acknowledge that fact but for Peter, it’s only been a few moments after you opened the door to recognize that things between you both will never be the same again.
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llzehs · 5 years
(cont.) . If Dean really had a problem with Renee speaking about his personal life they probably would, I don’t know, talk about it like a married couple, which is what they are. Don’t act like you’re a “better fan” because you think you know who Renee is just off her presence on social media.
Naive stans are still at it. This is the last time I’m gonna respond to you cuz idiots like you usually think they are right if they are ignored. Embarrassing people like you is fun for me, but it clogs my blog and my followers are not here for stupid shit. The second part of this anon was so fucking stupid I’m not gonna even bother posting it here. As for a response for you…
I would like to ask some questions. How old are you? Did you get a chance to fully grow into a proper human being with a proper mind you sometimes, I don’t know like to use? Why do you sound like you live in some kind of a bubble? Do you have any idea how real life actually works? How there are negative and positive aspects of everything and not everything is as pure as the actual concept is? 
Here’s the thing. You stupid fucking stans keep talking in circles, not even trying to make an effort and get the actual point. You live in a fantasy world and cry like babies if someone remind you that your fictions are just that, fictions. I’ll be nice and lay down some truths bout life here for you, even though there is a 99% chance you will once again fail to understand it. I still feel like you are in a desperate need for a rude awakening so here we go. 
People make mistakes. Bad marriages are a thing. Abusive/Toxic relationships are a harsh fucking reality. These celebs don’t always make it just cuz they are married or ‘choose’ each other. Brad and Angelina were couples goals but where are they now? Johnny Depp and Amber Heard were ‘married’ but a year later we found out it was an abusive relationship so how come being ‘married’ didn’t stop that? Seth and his fiancee were the best couple in the world and what happened to them? 
What the fuck do you think a marriage is? Does it give you a certificate that you apparently are an angel and can do no wrong? Don’t people make wrong choices? Don’t people with low self esteem settle down with someone they probably think are the best they can do and their other half happens to be manipulative and keep telling them they are lucky they choose to be with them and they cannot find anyone else who can put up with them? Cuz, hello?? That is something that actually happens. There are men, there are women who take advantage of people with low self esteem and mistreat them in a marriage and a relationship and the other half puts up with it cuz they don’t know any better. Life is not a bed of roses. Shitty things happen. Shitty people exists. Who mistreat their ‘husbands’ and ‘wives’ even though they are ‘married’. Just cuz one person is linked to another doesn’t make them untouchable. You are gonna get judged on how you act, what you say and what you do. Not what your husband or wife does. Cuz in real life, being a husband and wife doesn’t mean you have got a certificate for your relationship being perfect or pure. Also, people let others abuse or disrespect them when they love someone. Doesn’t make it right. You can be upset or angry at your husband/wife, you can feel they are disrespecting you but you might put up with it cuz you don’t want to fucking fight all the time. IT STILL DOESN’T MAKE IT RIGHT. And all of this, its not even in regard to Dean/Renee. Its the fucking real life in general I’m talking bout. 
You guys keep throwing bitch fits if I mention Renee but then you sent me stupid anons and MAKE me talk bout her then get upset even further. What am I suppose to do? Not expose you as a fool? Not embarrass you until you run away and cry in your mama’s lap? Listen, if my opinion is so important to you and you cannot stop getting your feeling hurt over it, maybe you need to ask yourself why is that so. I speak with logic, you blind stans can’t counter me so you keep doing what you do, and that’s whine like utter brats.
I AM a better Dean fan. Your sweet Renee’s internet presence IS her whole life. She loves to discuss her marriage and what goes on in it with strangers online more than she probably does with her actual husband. Lmao, you stans need to start listening to her, follow her stuff. Cuz she’ll let you in her married life all the way. From when she and Dean have sex and what her dogs do when they are getting it on to when they first had sex and what Dean thinks bout her pukes and farts and periods and boobs and what he does when she run to him and cry bout ‘online hate’. In her own words he tells her NOT TO GO ON INTERNET. So yeah, according to her own mouth Dean has several times told her to stop living on her phone but she loves the attention too much. 
There is a very simple example. Renee said she loves making Dean take pictures with her when there is a camera around cuz then he cannot say no, implying he doesn’t like it but she loves forcing him in doing so cuz if he doesn’t he’ll look like an asshole or abusive since he’s a man. She also only shoves a camera in his face when they are out in public. For blind sheep that might be adorable, but for people with sensible brains that’s manipulative. If you are allowed to call it ‘adorable’, people are allowed to call it shady. Not everyone’s gonna perceive things like you. There are people with superior brain cells than you. We are not gonna apologize for that. 
If stupid stans are allowed to assume they are ‘oh so in love’ just by few pictures, people are allowed to assume things by what actually comes out of her mouth on her several podcasts where she loves making very personal and invasive comments. You guys should get out of your homes and start living your own lives instead of trying to live through these couples you ‘stan’ for.
Renee has several times said she’s an open book, she HAS to be on internet and get that validation. You cannot have it both ways. Both her and her stans need to understand this. She can play a victim all she wants, her stans can be brainless sheep all they want. Doesn’t change the fact that she brought it upon herself and the obsessively creepy Deanee fanbase need to stop bullying others for seeing things for how they are. Also your queen actually loves the attention, so its a win win for her anyways. But you didn’t know that now did you? Cuz funny thing is you don’t even follow the people you are always bending backwards in order to defend. If anything, it makes you pretty damn pathetic. 
At the end of the day, hating Renee gives me no pleasure. Dean married her and I like Dean and want him to be happy, so I hope she genuinely makes him happy. But its not hard to judge her considering how much she loves to overshare. I used to listen to her pod, follow her on twitter cuz I liked her. But in the end all of that made me dislike her and her relationship with Dean. If she had kept her mouth shut, I would still be rooting hard for them as a couple cuz visually they do look good and Dean knows how to keep his shit private. The impression I get from her is that Dean’s a possession to her. And that’s the bottomline. I’m entitled to feel how I feel.
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justpeachyicedtea · 7 years
Anonymous said: Hello^^ I was just wondering if you’ll continue “Pinup Boy” from Michinoku Atami. No rushing or anything. I just really like it and I wanted to confirm that it didn’t get dropped. I love your work~ 😊😊
Hello! Pinup Boy was only 2 chapters so it’s been completed! I feel like I get this ask a lot lmao. But no worries, that couple shows up in other chapters in the Midnight Love Alliance universe!
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(taken from a chapter I’m currently working on)
Anonymous said: I know that some people’s pet peeve is scanlating using ebooks found wherever, but please keep in mind some of us solo scanlators buy the books and use found ebook raws simply to save time.
I… wasn’t talking about you then?😭😭 That reblog was about scanlators who don’t buy what they work on but still tell others to buy them. You said you buy them, so that’s awesome! Keep doing you, let us support the mangakas any way we can 💕
Anonymous said: I understand that you won’t translate the manga of your future list of projects. Did you find any groups that took them?
No one has contacted me to use my raws, but I’m sure there are groups that will pick them up! 
Anonymous said: Hi! This is completely unrelated to translations and you don’t need to answer but did you know there’s this makeup brand called TooFaced and they came out with this peach line and their new palette is called just peachy? I thought i’d mention it because of your cute name!!
GIRL. (or boy or however you self-identify) DON’T START THIS HERE YOU DON’T WANT TO START MY MAKEUP RANTS HERE. OF COURSE I KNOW ABOUT IT!!!!!! The moment they announced it I was ON IT. I’m sad because I bought their previous Sweet Peach palette for Nitsu but I should’ve waited for this JustPeachy one 😩 I haven’t bought it and idk if I will bc I don’t wear eyeshadow, and I’m more skincare > makeup so I’m saving up for some new essences and creams instead 😭 Thank you for this message though I got so excited!!!! 
reikicchi said: Nothing related to scanlation, I just wanted to say that I like your kakao icon XDD ♥
Thank you!!! Though I feel bad, I only chose apeach because he fits my justpeachy vibe, my favorite character is actually muzi!!!
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HE’S A PICKLED RADISH IN A BUNNY COSTUME. Try and tell me that’s not cute I dare you. I’m going back to Korea next year so u kno I’ll be stopping by the kakao friends store and stocking up on some muzi merch 😭😭
Anonymous said: Hi Tea-San, 1. Did Crackster get finished translating I didn’t know if it was dropped or still ongoing either way I understand I just recently discovered this title? So good! 2. Isn’t really a question, but how did you come up with the adorable name? Love your translation keep up the good work! じゃあね
1) The translations for Crack Star has been completed, the releases are up to the anon and they will be private releases on her site! I DEFF get a lot of asks about this lmao. Oh man did you guys read the spinoff series with the idol brother?? I’m so psyched for the next chapter  👀 2) Story time! My online username has been icedtea since the beginning of time like since the og club penguin days lmao. It’s from Sugar Honey Iced Tea… My best friend was sugar honey and I was iced tea. If you know what it means I’m sorry ok if it makes you feel better it was my friend’s idea and not mine. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it. And for the justpeachy part, I think this was when I was doing my internship and also worked part time? Yall og followers know when I’m talking about. It was like 10pm on a tuesday after my part time job and I’m giving my best friend a ride back and- here, let me just copy paste my response from another ask: My friends came to visit at my part time job (I worked at a Korean/Japanese restaurant and could sneak them some free food) and one of them lives close to me so I’m giving her a ride back, she says she’s craving a snapple iced tea so we stop by a store and this dumbass buys the diet lemon iced tea which who tf gets, come on step your game up. Well, on our drive back, she takes a sip and says, “this is disgusting, do you want it? I should’ve gotten the peach”. And bam. What a great and touching story, right? Aren’t you glad I told you? Though honestly… diet lemon iced tea? get out of my house… My go to iced tea flavor will always and forever be peach. Though guess who’s allergic to peaches 😂😂😂 OH! SPEAKING OF!!! LOOK AT WHAT I SAW THE OTHER DAY
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Anonymous said: May I ask why you are closing down? Thanks for all the hard work you have done! Anonymous said: Hey I was just wondering why you were closing down by the end of the year?? Anonymous said: “Code: will be the last justpeachy scanlation, it’ll be released as a volume once I’m done with all my other projects” What do you mean??? You’re closing down??? NOOOOOO T_T I LOVE YOU I DON’T WANT YOU TO GOOOOO Anonymous said: Hi !! Thanks so much as usual for translating Batsu Game <3 . As i saw from your ‘About’ , you will be closing down by end of the year. Can i know the reasons for it and will u drop those project that were on hiatus ?? Appreciate if you can reply me thankss <3
Yes, I’ll be finishing up the projects I currently have listed (Batsu Game, Koiyume Lover, Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya, Code) before I close down so no worries. If Family Affair comes back, I’m not sure if I’ll be down to work on it, I’ll have to see what my rl situation is like. The main reason I’m closing down is that I’m over this whole thing 😅 I barely read yaoi anymore, I’ve watched the groups I was in and grew up with disappear, there’s a lot more readers now which is good! But that brings more of the toxic stuff and even though I don’t read the comments on reader sites anymore, it’s a little depressing seeing that side of things 😂 This ‘scanlation group’ was just me doing my thing, but because I’m lazy and have no skill, I asked friends/strangers for help. So it’s not like I have group members to worry about. And they’re in other groups or have their own groups anyway. I guess scanlating just isn’t fun for me anymore so 
🍑 Peachy Updates 🍑 
Koiyume Lover ch 5 is completed, just waiting to be released (I’m wondering if I should do what I originally planned and wait to release the rest of the chapters all at once? Or release one by one…)
Rift extras currently being typesetted
Finished translating chapter 2 and 3 of No Color Baby for Sentimientoyaoi (shit’s wild 👀)
The new Michinoku Atami has been cleaned, waiting for me to finish translating, then will be sent off for some font magic
Lmao I haven’t touched Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya and I prob won’t for a while 
Code: has been cleaned, I’ll eventually start translating it
Is this it? I feel like I’ve been a lot more productive…
Oh, it’s bc I’m helping kr proof this one series and proofing takes a lot more work than translating…
And also bc I did half of what I listed today lmaooo
I have a friend coming to visit this weekend so no work will be done bc we’re about to hit up all you can eat sushi and study for exams
Homecoming is next weekend so no work will be done bc I’ll be out of commission. Hopefully not puking.
The weekend after that I’m spending in the city for a friend’s birthday so I definitely will be out of commission and will definitely be puking.
Some angst is coming your way
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♬ Floria - Tomohisa Sako (Natsume Yuujinchou Roku OP) ♬
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