lovs-ck · 4 months
i just want you to bash my skull in and fuck the wound (flirting)
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fllowered · 1 year
hi ! i changed my url from @/floweredmp3 to @/changkkyun ❣️
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gojuo · 2 years
yugyeom's thot anthems ......
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 5 months
It’s very obvious that about changed the entire plot after realising he likes riding Bakuhoe’s d*ck
There was Tenya the Legacy Heir and Ochako the Civilian-born.
Two good friends as a base of a good power trio.
Then there was Shouto who was likely set up to be the aloof enemy turned friend aka the Vegeta (I have no knowledge of DBZ, I just know Vegeta is the enemies turned allies)
Bakugou’s storyline would have been so much more compelling if he had been rejected from UA maybe for only getting villian points, and turns to the LOV because of his inferiority-superiority complex and been one of the enemies Izuku faces, to overcome his bully and realise his own strength, and also redeem Bakugou in the end by making him realise what a dick he’s been. The building blocks were right there.
But Hori was too busy with his Bakuboner that he couldn’t write a basic good redemption arc.
Then again, it’s become apparent he sucks at redemption arcs anyway, with Endeavour’s bullshit storyline
Agreed with all of this. I really don’t believe Katsuki was going to have much of a role after Kacchan vs Deku 1 but Hori fell in love with him for some reason and clearly wishes he wrote Katsuki as the protagonist instead.
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Fuck it Friday!
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
I was tagged by @spotsandsocks. Thank you for tagging me😁💕.
Here's a snippet from an emotionally angsty WIP that's been in my drafts since before the end of season 6. I'm 3/4ths of the way done but I haven't finished it yet because every time I try to complete it, I have to stop because IT'S EDDIE DIAZ! HE IS BAE and I don't like to see him hurt. I'm working on it again and my goal is to finish and post it soon (hopefully within the next few days).
Buck’s brain is spiraling as he tries to think of a way to keep Eddie alive.  He’s already taken off his turnout coat and pants to put pressure on Eddie's wound because it's bleeding more than it was before. Also, for the past ten minutes, Eddie’s been fading in and out of consciousness, he's been more out than in but Buck's trying not to think about what happens next since he can see Eddie's olive skin is even more drained of color than it was just a few minutes ago.
Buck leans in, he meets Eddie’s half-closed eyes and whispers, “I’m sorry I hurt you.”
Eddie gasps but it’s pained since he can’t really breathe anymore and even though his eye lids are heavy and he knows he's not going to be able to fight to stay alive much longer, he manages enough strength to respond. “I—I know you… didn’t mean to.”
Buck can no longer hold in the sob that's been trying to crawl its way out of his throat for the last 45 minutes. He hiccups and starts crying because he wants to go back so he can fix it. He wants to take it all back because he knows he didn’t mean what he said the day they were in the cemetery. He remembers the way he frivolously and haphazardly said Natalia is the only person who truly sees him but he knows that's not true since it never was and it never will be. He's always known Eddie’s the only person who sees him. Actually, Eddie, his Eddie knows him better than Maddie and he believes she knows that now too.
“Ed—die I… oh my God.”  He sobs then deeply inhales. Hot tears are rolling down his cheeks and his mind is screaming for him to say it before he won't have the chance.  “Eddie, I know you… see me but I—I’ve been too scared to admit it.  But now… I need to tell you that I lov...”
Eddie interrupts him.  “Shh... it’s ok… Bu-ck because I know you…”  He trails off as his eyes roll into the back of his head. 😭
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cringelordofchaos · 9 months
I have an Omori related confession ti make
My favourite character might appear to be KEL. Which is partly true. I mean, he's the only character ice really made "fan art" of, the only character I posted about on here (I didn't really post too much Omori related stuff on this blog though), he's simply relatable in so many ways to me and means a lot to me. He's a character personal to me and i will beat you anyone who insults him. Yes, there are some things I find hard to relate to, such as being a basketball player, or -havingahardtimegettingoveryourboyfriendssistersdeathandbeingunabletocopeeithitandandd- but overall he's relatable enough. I love him dearly. I would kill for him. I will defend him.
He's my second favourite character.
My *_actual_* favourite character is someone far more embarrassing and I suppose "comedic" to an extent.
Perhaps one of the biggest losers in the game, he actually holds quite a special place in my heart. The most Omori fanfiction I've read is centered around him (and moreso specifically him x kel) and I wouldn't kill for him, I would kill him. He's such a loser. A lovable one.
I don't think I can quite express it with words accurately, but I will make an attempt.
Like. He's so lovable and kick able. Hes dramatic, theatric, is definitely a huge anime fan, has an ARCH NEMESIS for titans sake (having an arch nemesis your age? Kinda gay /j), he made a name for himself, said "f*ck you, I don't care that i was named this way because of my family members and society, I'm gonna take it into my own hands" and I can't blame him.
Most importantly he is one of those characters that has an overconfident facade to cover up his actual deep insecurities.
DAM do I lose those characters!!
It has been shown he's quick to get insecure, such as people calling him his given name is seen as an instant trigger of some emotion, where he gets really anxious and nervous. He made such an attempt to distance himself from his family, and if we go deeper and fetch it farther, he's made such an attempt to distance himself from who he is.
Obviously, he wouldn't express his insecurities. He's bad at almost everything, just trying to become popular, loved, going as far to pay girls to date him. He wears a wig, people have said that he tries everything in order to stand out.
We have seen him get extremely insecure from people like KEL calling him "MIKHAEL". Perhaps he's trying to impress everyone, with his own forged identity rather than his given identity.and while I do love that it's more hinted that THE MAVERICK isnt necessarily who he is but a slight facade (his theatric personality is not a facade though because I say so). THE MAVERICK is by some extension someone to mask MIKHAEL. So when people see and know who he truly is, MIKHAEL, he gets scared and his supposed overconfidence waters down and gets in touch with fire, forming into smoke quickly escaping and joining the air it's invisibility.
He has been shown not feeling uncomfortable with THE HOOLIGANS calling him his given name.
Proof: (just search "Aubreys birthday comic" you'll find it (official comic made by the creator, OMOCAT)
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When Aubrey asked, "wheres MIKHAEL?" I fully expected him to barge in and get upset over it. However..
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Nope! It's completely normal! THE HOOLIGANS just casually address him with MIKHAEL and he shows zero problem with it.
Might be very far fetched, but perhaps it's because he feels safe and accepted by the hooligans- like he doesn't have to hide who he truly is, his true identity is completely safe around them.
This shows that MIKHAEL is able to be more personal and open with THE HOOLIGANS. Because he feels more accepted.
Not having to buy them for attention, like he literally bought two girls to act like they're dating him, he can just be himself
Or maybe I'm just too obsessed with him and completely overanalyzing him.
Oops! I'm sooo sorry!! (NOT)
Now that we have reached the end, I would like to say that while I had already seen MIKHAEL as queer, making this post made me realize that he's even more queer than I initially thought.
That or I'm queerbaiting myself. (Either way is fine!)
Farewell folks!
(My favourite OMORI characters in order:
2nd place - KEL/KELSEY
3rd place - BASIL and HERO
4th place - SUNNY (or maybe he's third place idk) and MARI
AUBREY (I'm sooooooooo sorry I might change my mind I'm so so so sorry)(she is bad*ss but i don't really care about those types of characters)(i LOVE AUBREY I just don't like her as much as I like MARI or others I'm so sorry AUBREY please forgive me (I know your girlfriend won't though)))
Also, you cannot convince me he wouldn't have a huge crush on KEL and try desperately to impress him only to fail and you cannot convince me that he isn't homophobic homosexual transphobic trans (all of the hooligans are)
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Rosenion (and concepts) Themed 1st and 2nd Person Pronouns
1st Person: i/me/my/mine/myself
Ro/rose/rosen/rosenion or rosine or rosenine/rosen(ion)self (rosenion)
L(i)/lo/lov/love or line or lovine/lov(e)self (love)
A(i)/ama/amato/amatopunk or amatine or amatopine/amato(punk)self (amatopunk)
Br/bri/brigh/bright or brine/brigh(t)self (bright)
Co/com/comfo/comfort or comine or comfine/comfo(rt)self (comfort)
C(i)/ca/car/care or cine/car(e)self (care)
S(i)/sa/saf/safe or sine or safine/saf(e)self (safe)
W(i)/wa/war/warm or wine or warine/war(m)self (warm)
Lov/love/lovestru/lovestruck or lovine or lovestrine/lovestru(ck)self (lovestruck)
O(i)/obs/obsess/obsessive or obsine/obsess(ive)self (obsessive)
S(i)/so/sof/soft or sine/sof(t)self (soft)
2nd Person: you/you/your/yours/yourself
Rose/rose/rosenior/roseniors/roseniorself (rosenion)
Lov(e)/lov(e)/lover/lovers/loverself (love)
Ama/ama/amator/amators/amatorself (amatopunk)
Ama/ama/amatopur/amatopurs/amatopurself (amatopunk)
Bri(ght)/bri(ght)/brighter/brighters/brighterself (bright)
Com/com/comfor/comfors/comforself (comfort)
Ca/ca/care/cares/careself (care)
Safe/safe/safer/safers/saferself (safe)
Warm/warm/warmer/wamrers/warmerself (warm)
Love/love/lovestr/lovestrs/lovestr(uck)self (lovestruck)
Obs/obs/obsesser/obsessers/obsesserself (obsessive)
Soft/soft/softer/softers/softerself (soft)
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edzephyr · 2 years
Thank you to those acknowledging Daddy Spock this father's day
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throes-contempt · 2 months
My stpid bull morail w•s all like
“€ Akr! stup being a d!ck”
But like???? im NOT bein • dck !!! im jst pissd bc i lost my fckin f•vrit rock
…..Shes not stpid, i still lov her ig
Gl•d she doesn h•v grmblr or els she would prob•bly get me ( ̄  ̄;)
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playroom78 · 1 year
Get This Report about 平和堂イメージソング「かけっことびっこ」
お馴染みのTVアニメ『創聖のアクエリオン』のテー マ ソング で お なじみのAKINO along with bless4は圧巻の歌唱力をみせる。 kawaii-girl.jp AKINO with bless 4, [.] widely known f or the th eme song for th e po pu lar TV [.] animation “Genesis of Aquarion” showed her superior [.] vocal ability in front of the audience. kawaii-girl.jp 暗闇から光へと抜け出すような感覚を持ったラ ブ ソング だ 。 museonmuse.jp I t ’s a l ove song wit h a sens e of moving [.] out of darkness into lighting. museonmuse.jp ラ ブ ソング と も とれるし、自分自身と向き合った前向きなメッセー ジ ソング と も とれる深いナンバーだ。 kawaii-girl.jp It might be taken a s a lov e song a s wel l as a favorable m es sage track in w hi ch the girl encounters her interior personal. kawaii-girl.jp パッチウインドウの下部右端 に ソング タ イ トルと再生ボタンがあ る場合は、そのシンクにはレコーディング済みのイベントシーク [.] エンスが含まれていることを意味します。 arkaos.net I f ther e i s a track boob le and P la y button [.] in the base appropriate edge of the Patch home window, this implies that the Synth consists of a prerecorded celebration pattern. arkaos.net そのアーティストは日本の七夕にリスナー念願のデビューアルバム"zatracenie"をリリースするmatryoshkaを始め、これは現代音楽の中で最も希有な音楽、上海のアーティストで陰陽五行説にのっとりアブストラクトアルヴァムのカラムを構成したと言う藤翠(Toh-Sui)、ファーストアルヴァムで国内外で高い評価を得たHEADPHONES REMOTEなどこの時代の素晴らしい音楽 を ソング ラ イ ティング、あるいはマニュピレイションするアーティストが所属している。 japanese.shimmer.jp That musician starts matryoshka which discharges debut album "zatracenie" of the audiences want at Tanabata in Japan, This is the very most unusual music in present-day music, Toh-Sui recommended to as having complied with the Yin, Yang and five components blend idea through the performer of Shanghai, and having comprised the column of Abstract cd, HEADPHONES REMOTE which acquired higher analysis in in and outside in the first cd, the track writing or carrying out manupilation the artist. japanese.shimmer.jp 訪問サンタ」は、横浜市内の児童養護施設4カ所を訪問し、プレゼントを手渡しし、 クリスマ ス ソング を 歌 うなどして交流(12月実施 )。 mazda.com The going to Santas paid out gos to to four orphanages in [.] Yokohama City, where they handed presents to little ones [.] and san g Chris tma s tunes w ith them , deepening [.] our mutual interaction. mazda.co.jp 20数年他人の曲のプロデュースとアレンジをし、そしてもちろん時々バッキングとゲストヴォーカルをしたが、イーノのスタジオにポッ プ ソング が 帰 って来た様だ。 nishigawakobo.com After twenty-odd years of creating and arranging various other people’s tracks – and, [.] of training course, including support and guest vocals from time to [.] opportunity – i t appears li ke pop so ngs are ba ck in type [.] at Eno’s workshop. nishigawakobo.com ロックステディがレゲエに変わる頃、彼の飛び切り上等なラ ブ ソング の 数 々は真実と権利についての歌になり、彼の思想に富んだ歌詞は黒人の人権問題一色になった。 reggaecollector.com And as stone constant switched into reggae his [.] superb lo ve songs we re matched b y songs o f fact [.] and liberties and a lot of of his well thought-out [.] verses came to be engrossed with black personal resolution. reggaecollector.com 根岸宗一(松山ケンイチ)は、オシャレなボッ プ ソング ミ ュ ージシャンを夢見て大分の田舎町から上京するが、奇抜なメイクと演奏で人気を博す悪魔系デスメタルバンド「デトロイト・メタル・シティ(DMC)」のギターボーカル「ヨハネ・クラウザー二世」として活躍する羽目になる。 jfdb.jp Negishi Soichi (Matsuyama Kenichi) moves from a country town in Oita [.] prefecture to Tokyo to chase his goal of [.] coming to be a tren dy stand out mu sici an . Instead, [.] he finds himself in a death steel band [.] named Detroit Metal City (DMC) which is well-liked for its eccentric make-up and efficiencies, as their guitarist and vocalist under the phase name of Johannes KrauserⅡ. They additionally had the epic drummer of Iron Maiden – who also plays guitar on the group in Detroit Metal City and DMCⅡ - David Gass and in the overdue 1970s, and some various other regional bands like Black Sabbath and Fiery Legion.
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jfdb.jp P L : ソング ラ イ ティングというのは自分にとって常に最優先される要素だ。 museonmuse.jp PL : The songwriting is consistently my very first concern. This was a big task, thus I just began off writing now, but I ultimately received my hands on the concept. museonmuse.jp Top Notch [.] Pop Songbook は40曲のオリジナ ル ソング を 収 録!どの曲も語彙や文法、発音をしっかりとかつ楽しみながら強化できるよう、バラエティ豊かなスタイルで書かれています。 longmanjapan.com The Top Notch Pop Songbook includes forty initial, [.] expertly w ritte n tunes i n a v ar iety of [.] styles comprised to enhance vocabulary, sentence structure and accent. longmanjapan.com 新しいEAGのビデオがテレビで放映され、有名な国際的歌手、地元歌手が歌うEAGのテー マ ソング が 定 期的に流されています。 businesswirechina.com A brand new EAG video is presented on television [.] and the E AG th eme track through well- kn possess international [.] and local area performers is listened to regularly. businesswirechina.com イーノの「ヒア・カム・ザ・ウォーム・ジェッツ」のプレイリストで書いた様に、私はとてもイーノのヴォーカルが好きなのだが、彼はやれる事はもう何も無いと思いポッ プ ソング を 止 めてしまった。 nishigawakobo.com As I discussed in my ‘Playlist’ customer review of Eno’s ‘Listed here Come the Warm Jets’, I’m incredibly sentimental of vocal [.] Eno; but one may understand his selection [.] to giv e up on po p songs – he fe lt there [.] was nothing more to be carried out along with them. nishigawakobo.com 早送り・早戻しやテンポ変更など、読み込んだユー ザーソングと同じように再生をコントロールできま す。 support.casio.com Fast onward, fast reverse, pace improvements, and other functions are the very same as those during playback of a individual track in Digital Piano moment. support.casio.jp 海が汚れりゃ、クラゲとバクテリアが増える」という、私たちが作った映画のテー マ ソング 通 り です。 patagonia.com A s our the me song sa ys, "Jel ly fish and [.] microorganisms, that’s what you obtain when the ocean is infeer-eee-yah. patagonia.com そして夢中夢のテー マ ソング と も いえる「反復する世界の果てで白夜は散る」依田のバッキングヴォーカルとハチスノイトのヴォーカルが美しいリフレインを紡ぎドラムは前半のダンスビートをサビでは一変させて激しいブラストビートになる主旋律はミニマル、クラシカルな美しさを表現している。 Source and Yoda's baking vocal and vocal of Hatis noit turn a attractive chorus through "repetitional life" which can be stated likewise as the motif tune of mutyumu, and a drum the dancing beat of the 1st half In rust, it is helped make to alter fully, and comes to be an rigorous great time beat, and appeal minimal the major melody and classic is shared. japanese.shimmer.jp そんな常日頃の想いを胸に、今回のツアーではEXILEエンターテインメントの新しい挑戦の一つとして、このツアーのテー マ ソング を 創 ることにしました。 ldh.co.jp We maintain the daily desire in thoughts and start to develop [.] the tou r’ s t hem e tune , one of t he new challenges [.] in EXILE amusement of this scenic tour.
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lovs-ck · 2 months
"what do you want to be when you grow up?" a snuff film star
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familymay18 · 1 year
Not known Factual Statements About 平和堂イメージソング「かけっことびっこ」
お馴染みのTVアニメ『創聖のアクエリオン』のテー マ ソング で お なじみのAKINO with bless4は圧巻の歌唱力をみせる。 kawaii-girl.jp AKINO along with bless 4, [.] famous f or the th eme song for th e po pu lar TV [.] computer animation “Genesis of Aquarion” verified her impressive [.] singing capability in front of the target market. kawaii-girl.jp 暗闇から光へと抜け出すような感覚を持ったラ ブ ソング だ 。 museonmuse.jp I t ’s a l ove song wit h a sens e of moving [.] out of darkness into light. museonmuse.jp ラ ブ ソング と も とれるし、自分自身と向き合った前向きなメッセー ジ ソング と も とれる深いナンバーだ。 kawaii-girl.jp It might be taken a s a lov e song a s wel l as a favorable m es sage tune in w hi ch the woman encounters her internal self. kawaii-girl.jp パッチウインドウの下部右端 に ソング タ イ トルと再生ボタンがあ る場合は、そのシンクにはレコーディング済みのイベントシーク [.] エンスが含まれていることを意味します。 arkaos.net I f ther e i s a tune tit le and P la y button [.] in the lower best section of the Patch home window, this implies that the Synth contains a prerecorded event pattern. arkaos.net そのアーティストは日本の七夕にリスナー念願のデビューアルバム"zatracenie"をリリースするmatryoshkaを始め、これは現代音楽の中で最も希有な音楽、上海のアーティストで陰陽五行説にのっとりアブストラクトアルヴァムのカラムを構成したと言う藤翠(Toh-Sui)、ファーストアルヴァムで国内外で高い評価を得たHEADPHONES REMOTEなどこの時代の素晴らしい音楽 を ソング ラ イ ティング、あるいはマニュピレイションするアーティストが所属している。 japanese.shimmer.jp That musician starts matryoshka which launches debut album "zatracenie" of the listeners desire at Tanabata in Japan, This is the most uncommon music in contemporary popular music, Toh-Sui referred to as having followed the Yin, Yang and five aspects combo theory through the musician of Shanghai, and having constituted the pillar of Abstract album, HEADPHONES REMOTE which gotten higher evaluation in in and outside in the 1st album, the tune writing or doing manupilation the artist. japanese.shimmer.jp 訪問サンタ」は、横浜市内の児童養護施設4カ所を訪問し、プレゼントを手渡しし、 クリスマ ス ソング を 歌 うなどして交流(12月実施 )。 mazda.com The visiting Santas paid out gos to to four orphanages in [.] Yokohama City, where they handed gift to children [.] and san g Chris tma s songs w ith them , deepening [.] our reciprocal interaction. mazda.co.jp 20数年他人の曲のプロデュースとアレンジをし、そしてもちろん時々バッキングとゲストヴォーカルをしたが、イーノのスタジオにポッ プ ソング が 帰 って来た様だ。 nishigawakobo.com After twenty-odd years of creating and arranging other individuals’s tunes – and, [.] of training course, adding support and attendee vocals coming from time to [.] time – i t appears li ke stand out so ngs are ba ck in design [.] at Eno’s center. nishigawakobo.com ロックステディがレゲエに変わる頃、彼の飛び切り上等なラ ブ ソング の 数 々は真実と権利についての歌になり、彼の思想に富んだ歌詞は黒人の人権問題一色になった。 reggaecollector.com And as rock constant transformed into reggae his [.] superb lo ve songs we re matched b y songs o f honest truth [.] and civil rights and several of his considerate [.] lyrics ended up being preoccupied along with black personal judgment. https://blogfreely.net/shadowmen1/the-smart-trick-of-songu-that-nobody-is-talking-about .com 根岸宗一(松山ケンイチ)は、オシャレなボッ プ ソング ミ ュ ージシャンを夢見て大分の田舎町から上京するが、奇抜なメイクと演奏で人気を博す悪魔系デスメタルバンド「デトロイト・メタル・シティ(DMC)」のギターボーカル「ヨハネ・クラウザー二世」として活躍する羽目になる。 jfdb.jp Negishi Soichi (Matsuyama Kenichi) relocates from a country town in Oita [.] prefecture to Tokyo to go after his desire of [.] becoming a tren dy stand out mu sici an . Instead, [.] he discovers himself in a fatality steel band [.] called Detroit Metal City (DMC) which is well-liked for its eccentric make-up and functionalities, as their guitar player and singer under the stage title of Johannes KrauserⅡ. They likewise possessed the fabulous drummer of Iron Maiden – who also participates in guitar on the group in Detroit Metal City and DMCⅡ - David Gass and in the late 1970s, and some other local bands like Black Sabbath and Fiery Legion. jfdb.jp P L : ソング ラ イ ティングというのは自分にとって常に最優先される要素だ。 museonmuse.jp PL : The songwriting is constantly my 1st concern. This was a huge venture, thus I only started off writing right now, but I lastly got my palms on the idea. museonmuse.jp Top Notch [.] Pop Songbook は40曲のオリジナ ル ソング を 収 録!どの曲も語彙や文法、発音をしっかりとかつ楽しみながら強化できるよう、バラエティ豊かなスタイルで書かれています。 longmanjapan.com The Top Notch Pop Songbook includes forty initial, [.] expertly w ritte n songs i n a v ar iety of [.] types made up to reinforce vocabulary, syntax and pronunciation. longmanjapan.com 新しいEAGのビデオがテレビで放映され、有名な国際的歌手、地元歌手が歌うEAGのテー マ ソング が 定 期的に流されています。 businesswirechina.com A brand-new EAG video is presented on television [.] and the E AG th eme tune through well- kn have worldwide [.] and local area performers is heard regularly. businesswirechina.com イーノの「ヒア・カム・ザ・ウォーム・ジェッツ」のプレイリストで書いた様に、私はとてもイーノのヴォーカルが好きなのだが、彼はやれる事はもう何も無いと思いポッ プ ソング を 止 めてしまった。 nishigawakobo.com As I mentioned in my ‘Playlist’ assessment of Eno’s ‘Right here Come the Warm Jets’, I’m very warm of vocal [.] Eno; but one may comprehend his choice [.] to giv e up on po p tunes – he fe lt there certainly [.] was nothing more to be done with them.
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nishigawakobo.com 早送り・早戻しやテンポ変更など、読み込んだユー ザーソングと同じように再生をコントロールできま す。 support.casio.com Swiftly ahead, fast reverse, beat changes, and various other functions are the same as those during the course of playback of a customer track in Digital Piano moment. support.casio.jp 海が汚れりゃ、クラゲとバクテリアが増える」という、私たちが作った映画のテー マ ソング 通 り です。 patagonia.com A s our the me song sa ys, "Jel ly fish and [.] bacteria, that’s what you get when the ocean is infeer-eee-yah. patagonia.com そして夢中夢のテー マ ソング と も いえる「反復する世界の果てで白夜は散る」依田のバッキングヴォーカルとハチスノイトのヴォーカルが美しいリフレインを紡ぎドラムは前半のダンスビートをサビでは一変させて激しいブラストビートになる主旋律はミニマル、クラシカルな美しさを表現している。 japanese.shimmer.jp and Yoda's baking vocal and vocal of Hatis noit spin a wonderful chorus by "repetitional presence" which can easily be pointed out likewise as the style song of mutyumu, and a drum the dancing beat of the very first one-half In decay, it is made to transform fully, and becomes an intense great time beat, and beauty minimal the main tune and standard is expressed. japanese.shimmer.jp そんな常日頃の想いを胸に、今回のツアーではEXILEエンターテインメントの新しい挑戦の一つとして、このツアーのテー マ ソング を 創 ることにしました。 ldh.co.jp We keep the everyday dream in mind and start to produce [.] the tou r’ s t hem e track , one of t he brand new problem [.] in EXILE home entertainment of this excursion.
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Sketches of Touya~
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There's something so fcked up about Bakugo being a hero AND one of the main characters with his nasty attitude and that bullying he never fully grew out of.
It really sends the wrong message, if you think about it, to anybody that may be in a toxic relationship that resembles that of Bakugou and Deku. As a kid I used to be absolute garbage with this one other kid, and watching BNHA at that time made me believe I was right and validated my behavior, since "this hero was also like that and he never got any consequences, so why should I??" Not the best message to give a kid with behavioral issues 💀💀💀💀
Thankfully I got help, stopped being a d*ck, grew out of it, and started giving steps to mend our relationship (and thankfully the other person was open and receptive to that), but BNHA sure as hell didn't help make me realize that what I was doing was wrong.
I legit thought—I'm not kidding—'he's a hero and he's doing the same stuff as me, so he must be in the right. And nobody ever says anything to him/calls him out on it, so that's just proving my point (that he's right)'. It was. Yeah. 💀
TLDR; Bakugou you're awful and I hate you with all my heart
First off, I’m really happy about your self growth 😊. I wish you the best 🙌
Secondly, I 100% agree. Katsuki sends awful messages to viewers. Let’s look at all the “consequences” he received for his behavior:
Suicide baiting Izuku: nothing. Even though his own goons call him out on it, nothing happens and it’s completely hand waved away.
Kicking that water bottle and getting trapped by a sludge villain: how the hell was he supposed to know that a stupid bottle had a villain inside of it? And that wasn’t even him doing anything wrong.
Sabotaging Izuku’s score on the Quirk Apprehension Test: nothing.
Nearly killing Izuku in the first battle trial: only told to grow up, but is also complimented.
Savagely beating Ochako: heroes call him out, but then “Mr. Always Right” Shota makes them look like fools despite them being right.
Being chained in the Sports Festival: Caused by his behavior, but the fact it leads the villains to want to kidnap him isn’t his fault as they thought he was victimized by society. Also who the hell chains up a child? I believe he should be locked behind bars, but U.A isn’t a prison and he was only chained cause he was being violent, not for his other behavior.
Getting less offers than Shoto: still gets to work with the Number 4 Hero.
Smacking Izuku and trying to fight All Might on his own: still passes the exam despite getting his shit rocked. Hanta meanwhile fails despite doing far more in his fight.
Being a dumbass and rushing the villains, which leads to his kidnapping: Again, not his fault he was kidnapped and even if he played it safe, there was a good chance he would’ve been kidnapped anyways. After all, the LoV had powerhouses such as Moonfish (who was kicking his ass), Muscular (who’s strong enough to eat blows from OFA), Dabi (who has flames hotter than Endeavor), and Twice (who can clone anyone he touches. He most likely would’ve been kidnapped anyways, but his dumbass didn’t make anything easier.
Failing his Hero License Exam: isn’t alone in that plus he gets it in like a month anyways. He even gets praised by the test scorers several times and gets to show off his fake growth.
Kacchan vs Deku 2: Katsuki gets put on house arrest, but so does Izuku, ya know, the person he dragged out to fight. Not only that, but he also misses out on getting stomped by Mirio AND gets to be a part of Izuku’s secret.
Stabbing Izuku with his costume to the point of brain matter flowing out of him: no one calls him out. It’s played as a “haha” moment.
Him completely misunderstanding Izuku when he went solo and delivering that horrid speech before apologizing: narrative makes him out to be in the right.
Such consequences are basically non-existent or aren’t a direct result of Katsuki’s behavior. As you mentioned yourself, if anything, Katsuki’s behavior ends up being validated, which in turn leaves other people to believe their behavior is validated. It’s a sickening message in a story about heroes.
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ihatebnha · 3 years
Weird boys like Spinner who are absolutely obsessed with you…
He’s so shy, and not used to getting positive attention from others, so ANYTHING you say to him, he’s listening to… be it praise or demand.
He practically chokes and dies every time you make jokes about letting him fuck you, scrambles around trying to impress you so that at least you don’t seem stupid for showing the interest in him…
But the moment it all comes to fruition (maybe you teasingly hang off his arm after a mission, or ask him to buy you a seven dollar drink from that new coffee shop down the road), he isn’t hesitating for a second and it’s all “okay, darling” and “sure, baby,” with that sideways expression of his until he knows he made you happy.
Spinner’s just so fun to mess with… even though he really is so sweet to be trying so hard. Give him a kiss on the cheek and he’s yours :(
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jrueships · 2 years
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