#man i love this emo goth boi son of a bitch
sleipliir · 1 year
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Double-checking mouth and yep sharp teeth and long tongue still there
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favcharacterpoll · 9 months
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Ianto Jones from Torchwood faces Nico di Angelo from the Riordanverse. Who do you like more?
Ianto Propaganda:
"He is just the sweetest man and he sacrificed himself for the good of the world"
"VOTE IANTO I actually don’t agree with his propaganda it really belittles his character makes his death seem more intentional than it was no he was a complex character who died tragically attempting to save the world he’s not that sweet and he wasn’t trying to be a martyr very woobie!Ianto wording there but yes he is a very beloved character because he’s a bitch and drives cars into bodies of water"
"ianto literally has a physical shrine in cardiff that's been there for so long it's a landmark on google maps"
"He looks good in a suit and makes FANTASTIC coffee"
Nico Propaganda:
"YOU KNOW WHAT. if autism isn't enough to compel you to VOTE NICO then i will write this.
ok so he's gay & european (like the legally blonde song) and also a goth. we love our goths here on tumblr right?!
first i need to provide you a visual. please imagine a small italian boy. now imagine that small italian boy going through a time machine hotel casino in vegas, some wack crazy traumatic incidents, becoming an alt/emo kid and being so fucking powerful that even gods show a little more respect to him than others...
nico has gone through literal hell TWICE !! one time it was VOLUNTARY !! and all the while he was probably experiencing said hell in its most terrifying form. this shows us his mental resilience and selflessness are incredibly strong traits of his and that maybe he should stop being a reckless bitch but whatever !!!!!!
tumblrinas listen up... nico was the first canon lgbt+ character created by rick riordan in the chb chronicles (i am not counting all the other gods, goddesses, minor deities and other figures of greco-roman myth). he was the trailblazer. his story didn't end in tragedy, but he found friendship and love and family, which in this age of upsetting "bury your gays" media is still quite hopeful to read!!
nico has a sunshine bf who would literally walk through hell with him!! i'm not kidding. this actually happened. i'm sure he's definitely cheering from the sidelines somewhere... please do not let will solace down!!
did i mention nico's the son of hades, god of the underworld?? this means his powers include, but are not limited to, being able to communicate with spirits via mcdonalds happy meals, wielding a sword that rends souls asunder, turning people into ghosts, re-animating skeletons, shadow traveling and being able to read other people's death auras.
these powers and his terrifyingly grumpy personality (in earlier books) have created a reputation famous among the demigods and deities. also he literally summons an entire skeleton army and rises from the fucking underworld with his father, stepmother and step-grandmother (all gods) (how does this work) in tow, inspiring FEAR and PANIC among the enemy lines.
and if that's not enough, he's friends with lizard people, his signature items of clothing are a BIG AVIATOR JACKET + SKULL RING = VERY GOOD CHARACTER DESIGN and his hair canonically smells like rain on stone. just so you know
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peggy-uwu · 2 months
ok liveblogging watching the new episode because I'm insane
omf omg omg
this doesn't feel real
omg what is this opening
it has the old season vibes right at the beginning
the imagery??!?????
I'm vibing with this op so much it's so fucking metal
giant fire monster??? please don't go off plot omg I'm worried now
ok the moon skull was cool
of course he's almost late
"first impressions are crucial, I must focus" *immediately fucks it up*
Redmond the beautiful woman that you are
violet the beautiful woman that you are
waaaaaaah McMillan I love you
McMillan you're so cute 😭😭😭
"BOY UP" 💀💀💀
my poor son
let's take ibuprofen together ass pose
ciel is so sick of him already I love it
omg stfu ur not funny
oooooh the windows are prettyyyy
Redmond the beauti-
violet my beautiful princess
fuck you zombie bitch die sooner
fucking power rangers ass lineup
robot ass movements get away from my son
ohhhhhh I missed the title cards 🥹🥹
"drudges" remember what they took from you
ciels "target acquired" ass look when McMillan mentions the tea party ajbsksbdidj
McMillan the puppy that you are
what the fuck is wrong with these students omg
also why are the all either blonde or brunet and sitting next to eachother in pairs of 2
"are we little girls in cliques?" I mean if the dress fits 💀💀💀
stay away from the emo kids 📝📝📝
cheerio GOD
oooooooooh the eye is so pretty
I love love love that they feminized him it does wonders for my little lesbian heart
his eyes are so pretty ooooouggh
🦋🦋🦋 <- in my tummy
godddd he's so pretty in the dress
cheslock I am in deep romantic love with you
my poor boy he's been jumped like 3 times and it's his second day
make that 4
Sebastian's smug ass fuckin smile I love that he always finds ways to get in ciels way by doing EXACTLY what he's told
ciel I'm gonna kill you what the fuck is that pose
"senpai" I'm dead 💀💀💀
"kawaii boya" 😭😭😭😭😭
but fuck the queen fr like why don't you just fucking walk down there yourself and ask
fuck ur cousin lady
wait don't she's a royal she might actually 💀💀
godddd Sebastian's do prettyyyy
ciel is also really pretty my baby princess I love you
Sebastian's eyelashes go hardf
ooooh ending time
ohhhhh the windows for the p4 are so pretty!!!!!
oh the style is different it's so lovely
romance is real
ohhhh pretty sky
oh god oh god oh god I was going to post this to main but it has to go sideblog now
actually fuckit
it goes main anyways
falling through the sky in the sunset together be so fucking fr with me
ohhhhhh the ed is so pretty gofdd
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hopeheartfilia · 2 years
i have decided i will be posting some of the contents of my notes app on thr topic of all of us villains, because there just needs to be more content for it
Love the homoerotic tattooing happening in here.
The reason why i like Gavin and Reeds talk best is because gavin looked at Reid and was like. Well too bad, i like me some goth boys
Allistair Low my son was like. I am a sad emo boy and so Reed, a violent goth boy, was unimpressed
Our girl (isobel)Annabelle. abigail. fuck ive forgoten their names. Anyway she isnt really into goth boys at all
but gavin was just. Radiating id suck a goth boys dick off behind a bar. maybe break his nose aftewards.- energy. respect for that
Obviously Reed is playing incomprehensible games and most of what he says is specifically planned to be some fuckery with the curse designed for whichever champion  hes talking to. but. and this is a big but. he didnt need to talk into gavins year to do that. idk idk it just feels like theyre low key flirting
.. okay not anymore
Reed doesnt like it when they want to win. thats all you want. well i mean. have you imagined not wanting to die?? (im the gavin apologist in this imaginery conversation i guess)
oh dear.
I. find her extremly relatable right now. (this was about uhh basing ones descision or wherever or not their family would hate them for it)
why cant she feel magic? this is a hell of a backlash
.... reid. reed my guy why are you sauntering. Whore behaviour.
Reid you should go to Brianie. shes intrested in breaking the curse (she ended up going to him, queen shit)
Allistair are you drunk? oh my god youre drunk. man is he mourning
anyway, gavin sorry but .
Why are theese bitches so flirty
im here for it. i thought gavin was the biggest whore. and he is. but like. theyre all teenagers.
do all theese bitches think reid is hot.
(this is still unclear. i just think the overall tone of most communications in this red as flirty to me because well. sometimes it is but its always death treats so you take them as you see them and i see deathtreats as flirty almost always)
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud), Fukukado Emi (Ms. Joke)/Kayama Nemuri (Midnight), Bakugo Katsuki/Kaminari  Denki/Kirishima Eijiro, Iida Tenya/Monoma Neito/ Aoyama Yuuga
Word Count: 1,529 Words
Summary: Hitoshi goes home, an Aizawa-Yamada fashion show happens, the Todoroki-Yukimura family is having issues, and the Provisional Licensing Exam happens.
Warnings: Injury Mention, Food Mention, Cursing, Fire Mention, Trauma Mention, Arranged Marriage Mention, Caps, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, let me know if I should add anything else.
Notes: Yes, I know they met The Big 3 already, but I'm rearranging and Aizawa introduced 1-A to The Big 3 before the Provisional Licensing Exam because he wanted to inspire them to achieve their best in the exam, even the L.O.V. kids. Also, the fight between Midoriya and Bakugou never happened.
Usernames: We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars, Aizawa: hollywoodlivingdead, Shouji: fryingpan, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Aoyama: phantomtown, Honenuki: visualizedragon, Sako: halfminutetomars, Awase: distressparade, Shinokanri: simplestrategy
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
Shopping, Licenses, and Interships-Chapter 7
7:45 AM
We Are Number One™
exhausted: I'm goin home today bitches! they're finally releasing back upon this pitiful world after a week!
Dadzawa: and he's getting transferred to 1a today too.
chaoticgaydisaster: do you remember who did this, Hitoshi?
exhausted: no, I wish I did, but I don't. I only get flashes. My head got hit too hard I guess but I don't remember what happened well enough to know who did it.
exhausted: can we talk about literally anything else?
WHERE?: kay. how bout, do you want to go to the store with me and Touya later? we're getting our foods for the week. we can pick you up some stuff too.
exhausted: coolio. I need to pick up some stuff.
WHERE?: tell me a list so you don't forget anything, Hito. me and Tou always write our lists down, we'll write your stuff down too.
exhausted: kay. so I need rice, eggs, onions, scallions, tsuyu sauce, beef, chicken, shrimp, and pork for my lunches and you can bet your ass I'm picking up at least two other meal things but I haven't decided yet because the rest are dinners and I need my Mom's input.
Dadzawa: today's dinner is takoyaki and gyoza, tomorrow is your choice, Tuesday is oden and tempura, Wednesday me and your Dad need to agree on, Thursday is yakisoba-pan and ramen, Friday is your choice again, and Saturday is soba and curry bread.
exhausted: Eri already picked her two dinners?
stardust: yup!
exhausted: I'd have to say Monday is soba and yakitori and Friday is okonomiyaki and korokke.
Dadzawa: News from your Dad, Wednesday will be katsudon and onigiri.
stardust: WOOHOO!
exhausted: Yayy!
exhausted: let's go shopping, bitches.
WHERE?: Woo! Shopping day!
chaoticgaydisaster: We're going to the mall also btw.
exhausted: good, I need to get more clothes, half of mine are gone because of M****a.
WHERE?: time to spend my dad's money on nice clothes for my best friend.
exhausted: I love you, dude.
WHERE?: Love you too, Hito, now, let's go shopping.
2:46 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: Ah, that's where my son went today.
exhausted: it was fun, I got new sports bras.
Dadzawa: finally, we can burn the ones that are so old they're falling apart.
exhausted: they were spares!
Dadzawa: still burning them. love you, kid.
exhausted: hey, wait for me. I wanna burn them too!
3:17 PM
SmolMight: Is anyone else really concerned about Hitoshi? I mean, he got attacked and he won't say anything about it.
WHERE?: Izuku, I'm concerned, but it's none of our business.
SmolMight: You know what happened, don't you?
WHERE?: I may as well. But I'm not at liberty to say and Hitoshi doesn't need this right now. He went through something traumatic and I won't have you dredging it up again yet. He deserves to have more than a week to recover.
SmolMight: He'll be fine though, right?
WHERE?: He'll be okay. He's got all his friends and we'll help him no matter what happens.
SmolMight: We'll be the best damn friends to him ever!
4:41 PM
We Are Number One™
tailfloof: what's with the radio silence from all the former L.O.V.?
Emergency Exit: Kai had an allergic reaction so Tenko and Hari are with him in the ER. Atsuhiro had a meltdown and Touya is with him, Jin got hurt during a training drill yesterday and is being healed by Recovery Girl still, Himiko and Eri are at the their doctor today, Tami is working on changing her name legally today, and Shuichi is accompanying Tami.
tailfloof: Thank you inspector Iida for this enlightening information.
6:52 PM
We Are Number One™
exhausted: Mom, fashion show. I got new clothes.
Dadzawa: I know, I'm waiting in my room, Toshi. so is your Dad, Eri, and Ayane.
exhausted: Hells yeah! Family fashion show. I got a bunch of leggings.
Dadzawa: you can't just wear leggings, Toshi.
exhausted: And yet I do.
Dadzawa: you are an insufferable little gremlin child and you're lucky that I love you.
exhausted: That's the point.
8:39 PM
Trauma? Yeet. Memes? Yoink.
lapis: So how are the girls?
vulpix: All are good, they went to the store with us for food shopping.
wine: all happy.
thermostat: Good, I was worried because we haven't seen any of you in a week.
vulpix: yup. How are things back home?
thermostat: Well, it's okay. Nothing's changed much.
wine: what happened?
thermostat: Dad's setting me up for an arranged marriage now.
lapis: time to come home and beat our father's head in.
thermostat: Please don't, I don't want any of you going to jail over this.
wine: fine, but only because I respect your choices. but I will intervene if shit goes down.
vulpix: How are you okay with this?
thermostat: I'm not, but I don't want my brothers getting in trouble for me and me having to visit you idiots in a prison instead of at a school.
vulpix: As long as you know you can come to us if anything. And I mean ANYTHING happens to hurt you.
thermostat: I will, don't worry. And I'm taking care of the girls tomorrow because of you two's exam so I'll take them to school for you boys.
8:16 AM
We Are Number One™
Cthulhu: literally everyone???
spookyscaryskeletons: Good luck, you guys!
princessbubblegumknockoff: good luck yot you guys too! have fun at y'all's exam!
exhausted: Have fun you guys!
Dadzawa: Child, you fill M****a's place. You're going to take the exam today with 1-A.
exhausted: Gimme a minute. Just a minor heart attack.
exhausted: WHAT THE FUCK!? I'm not ready! Mom, you gotta pull me from it! I can't do this!
donthugmeimscared: And all of us LOVs started at UA less than a month ago! You can't expect us to be able to pass!
Dadzawa: I'm sure you'll all be fine. I have faith in you. Now get on the bus, I'll be down with my son's present in a few minutes.
8:25 AM
We Are Number One™
cena: Todoroki is asleep again. Both of the twins are.
EdgarAllanCrows: what have I done to deserve such adorable goth best friends?
shadowclonejutsu: And I thought one twin was cute, turns out both are.
lostmymarbles: Firstly, they're IDENTICAL twins. Secondly, don't you hit on my man, Jin, or you'll lose an arm.
shadowclonejutsu: Alright, alright. Not flirting, just saying. I'm with Iggi.
eye gucci: Dam straight.
shadowclonejutsu: *Dam gay.
eye gucci: You right tho.
4:17 PM
We Are Number One™
WHERE?: I can't believe we failed.
WHAT?: It wasn't even my fault! I was a nice bastard! I didn't scare them, they're just wimps!
chaoticgaydisaster: I can't believe I need to retake that.
idontfeelsogood: I only failed because of a technicality, why are you all complaing!
Akimichi: What technicality?
idontfeelsogood: I may have blown up the rock beneath me by accident because I got startled by Gang Orca showing up and hurt one of the fake civilians a little bit...?
stopwatch: Darling.
idontfeelsogood: And then I broke my left knee and sprained my right from falling and couldn't continue to compete.
stopwatch: There we go. The fake civilians said they weren't mad, they know they startled you and it was fine, but you hurt yourself and couldn't continue so you had to be disqualified to prevent you from injuring yourself even more.
idontfeelsogood: I woulda been better as a villain. I can't even save someone without something going wrong.
Dadzawa: I already told you that you all can retake the exam soon so there's no harm done. And your legs should heal up by the time of the next exam, Tenko, don't worry. You are not better off as a villain, you do have good in you, I can see it. You're doing your best, keep doing it, and we'll all be here for you when you aren't able to.
idontfeelsogood: Hang on, I'm gonna cry really quick.
stopwatch: I am hugging my boyfriend as we speak!
donthugmeimscared: As am I!
HopeSummers: Only me and Himi failed from our class, didn't have enough power to get through it all.
Iron Man: we're all proud of you both for trying your hardest, though!
mystique: And we all appreciate your support, guys.
9:14 AM
We Are Number One™
cena: 3 of the Big Six!
mylittlepony: The other three from the Big Six are here!
donthugmeimscared: Great, another thing that none of us are gonna be able to do because no agency in their right mind would ever want us.
Dadzawa: I've already matched you all to agencies that would love to have you there. It's tapes to your dorm doors. Have fun picking, children. And Toshi, you're in my agency with Light Splitter and Biolumina and all of the like.
exhausted: I love my Mom. Have I ever told you all how much I love my Mom? Because it's a lot. And entire fucking lot.
Dadzawa: yes, you have. you brag your Mom is the best ever a lot. you've done it since you were about two.
exhausted: And my point still stands thirteen years later. Must be a winning arguement.
Taglist: @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
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thirstdrafts · 4 years
The wind has blown me elsewhere.
I’m gonna open up here. This is me at me rawest.
Just get it out there. Because I’m ready to just let this shit go. I can’t let it touch me anymore.
I was born poor. My father is full blooded Puerto Rican and he left when I was 2. He’d come around sometimes. Eventually he had the son he wanted and I was made to realize he never asked for a daughter. I spent years in fragments (when I could find him) trying to get him to love me. On my 16th birthday he told me he hated my mother and I reminded him of her. He said that he thought both of us would be better off if I never existed. All of this because I didn’t want to be part of their court case. I tried with him one more time when I was 21 and he stood me up. I promised he would never make me cry again. I’ll never look for him again.
My mother is a trouble maker. An alcoholic. Did drugs. Party girl. She’s not alone her siblings are too. She likes to fight to prove how tough she is. She has borderline personality disorder and is manipulative. I Iove her, regardless of how often she hurts me. She’s the reason I know how to lock doors with knives. And idk how many times there were weird people in our house because she passed out drunk partying. she almost drove us off a pier when I was a kid and then attacked me for being upset. She’s threatened to kill me and herself and I’ve had to have her committed into the ward. Asking cops to understand the she was mentally unstable but generally a nice person. She tries to make me feel bad for distancing myself by telling me that I am dead to her or she’s numb to me. It’s part of her disorder. I know that but it still hurts. I got tired of the drama... the lying and deception... the mind games. So I left and I see her sometimes but she is too much for me. She’s on a lot of meds, a breathing machine, and doesn’t drink these days. But a large piece of her is gone. She doesn’t understand things she should. But my mother is nice. Just makes dumb decisions. I love her.
I was the weird kid and no one liked me. I went to a lot of different schools and sometimes I had no friends. In one school my only friends were an autistic girl and two mutes. I was 7 but I still remember them. The only people who accepted me. I went goth in middle school. The emo and goths didn’t want me. Or the nerds. Or like anyone. I found a tribe of misfits. Most of us drifted or became different people as adults.
I was told numerous times in middle and high school by adults I adored the I would drop out because I was stupid. That I’d get pregnant because I am Puerto Rican and that meant if I stared at a man too long I’d get pregnant due to my lust and high fertility. That I would become my mother. Family rejected me. Kids bullied me and told me to kill myself. One girl hit my in the head with a rock the size of a fist. She was a softball pitcher I believe. Boys hit me with text books and shoved me.
I got violent back. Became a bitch. Was angry and it only took me until I was a junior on high school to get that way. But then a year after I graduated I realized that I was becoming what I hated and I needed to stop. But I was still sad.
My art professors in University didn’t understand my art. The one thing I felt I was ever good at... I was told I was not an artist so many times. I stopped loving art. I hurt. I graduated with honors! I slowly stopped doing art. I got a job in a cubicle. I started dying inside. I told myself it was the best I could do until they realized I was shit and got rid of me. I burried myself in Mortal Kombat feed but never played because I never felt good anymore. I did story mode and resumed laying on the couch staring at the floor for hours. I wrote head cannons and it was the only thing I enjoyed then. Because I didn’t have to be with myself. I was in a totally different world that I’d known since i was in k5 and I loved it and I didn’t exist there to fuck it up. People liked my posts. I felt better for a few seconds each time. Then the ban list was leaked and I was on it. Rejected again. Not accepted again. Because age gaps don’t really bother me. (Btw my spouse and are 15 years different. They are amazing and caring and the most stable relationship I’ve ever been in. ) I started getting in my head about what I was writing. I didn’t want to compromise myself. I also didn’t want to upset people. And apparently I was upsetting! I became afraid to post headcannons to the point I hated writing them.
Now, 4 months on Prozac, going to individual and group therapy, and living in reading mental health books and blogs. I’m constantly getting better. My self talk is improving. The ocd still is there as is the anxiety. The depression is handled well most of the time. The shaking from nerves is better. Writing is hard... but I’ve been reading a lot and drawing A LOT. I’ve enrolled in an online course in surface design. I’m starting to try and get a career direction. I’m eating healthier (my niece’sGirl Scout cookies are pure delicious evil though!)
I still love the mortal Kombat community here. And I still obsessed with mortal Kombat! But I have to get better and MK is a very comfortable blanket for me to hide away from my life under. I need to take control if I will ever get anywhere.
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lobster-person · 4 years
I will rate saints row characters I can remember
Johnny gat 10/10 talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular. Would fuck
Troy 7/10 he was alright only has a higher rating bc would fuck
Dex 8/10 had an attitude but I fucking loved it. Outfit was iconic. A little mad he left for ultor. Would fuck
Julius 6/10 not my favorite bitch betrayed me but whatever would not fuck
Lin 8/10 loved her miss her. Might fuck
Ben king 7/10 rival so not a fan but loved the fact that he came to us for help. Wouldn't fuck
Tanya 8/10 she's iconic but I have mixed feelings she's hot but a bitch might fuck if she doesn't stab me or give me hepatitis
Angelo 7/10 hot but a bitch might fuck
Luz 7.5/10 hot even if she is wearing last seasons heels she had a nice car wouldn't fuck tho
Tobias 10/10 love him amazing king. PTA dad. Would fuck
WSR in general 0/10 fuck no
Shogo 7/10 entitled bitch but hot. Wouldn't fuck
Sons of Samedi 1/10 no thank you
The brotherhood -2/10 ew
Carlos 10/10 my poor baby I miss him so much. Best boy would fuck
Pierce 8/10 love him like a brother. I feel bad bc a lot of the characters are Mean to him wouldn't fuck
Shaundi 8/10 Iconic outfit in the 3rd game. I'm sorry I'm gonna piss someone off by saying this but in the second game she was annoying but after that were cool wouldn't fuck
Zimos 9/10 love him with all my heart. Amazing man. I would do anything for him. He has a shark in his apartment which wins him more points. just iconic all together
C.I.D cool/10 yeah he's cool
Keith David -1/10 kinda a bitch
Stag -10000/10 disgraceful, absolutely disgusting, wildly inappropriate, ew, yucky, gross, *gags*
Luchadores ew/10
Matt ok/10 would fuck he's low-key iconic I love a hot emo/goth dude
Asha ok/10 eh shez ok
Zinyak ew/ok/10 not my favorite
I left out a lot bc I didn't care to actually rate them
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