#may suggest that dreams > Heavenly Principles
reginrokkr · 2 years
                                                 To see a World in a Grain of Sand                                                    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,                                                Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand                                                           And Eternity in an hour.
The beginning of the poem, in essence there isn’t much to look into it other than what it’s said. However, it holds a deep meaning if analyzed in depth. In order for the explanation to make more sense than if I were to do otherwise, I’ll start with the last two lines and move from there to the top. We have two strong notions here which are Infinity and Eternity: the former is a measure of space while the latter is a measure of time. The author urges us to have these two abstract notions in a much smaller measure of space and time respectively.
A first direct parallel we can draw from this is the final cutscene of Imperatrix Umbrosa Act II, when we witness Makoto’s last shred of consciousness about to fade away. In actuality, she says an interesting quote verbatim: 
Eternity [limitless, unknown measure of time] stretches time into infinity [limitless, unknown measure of space], dreams illuminate each moment [regardless of their duration, it encompasses all measure of time: every second] within. When both (eternity and dreams, one would encompass the limitless time while the other would encompass that which every ounce of time is filled with) shine in unison, the Sacred Sakura blooms from the darkness. Finally free from the clutches of the Heavenly Principles.
And before this, she says:
The miracle tree that blesses the people, in this moment new to the world and yet to be known. When to plant it, where it shall bloom... She who it into being must let her heart and dreams decide.
Why am I bringing this to your attention, you may ask? It’s because context-wise, we’re standing in a realm of consciousness that timeline wise suggests that the Sacred Sakura wasn’t planted yet even though we know it’s right there in the material world. And even before this, when the Traveler returns to the realm of consciousness before the final showdown between Ei and the Raiden Shogun, the latter both believed that it’s been centuries since they started to fight until the Traveler came back.
This leaves us with the idea that time doesn’t matter. As well as space doesn’t. Ei is coaxed to let her heart and dreams decide before planting the seed, but why her heart and dreams? If we’re to look deeper into it, dreams are an abstract manifestation of one’s wishes, something that can turn from abstraction to tangible reality. Meanwhile the heart represents the willpower to make it happen, to make it become true. In this case, if Ei’s dream consisted of seeing the Sacred Sakura on the top of Mt.Yougou at the Grand Narukami Shrine, her will was the final piece to let it happen.
So returning once again to the concept of time and space in this realm of consciousness: we may refer to eternity to the abstract idea where time measure doesn’t matter— we know that time passes, but how much or how fast it passes isn’t important. In a place where the notion of eternity is literal, regardless of the incoherence that its bloom brings from the perspective of a lineal timeline (the tree was there since hundreds of years, but its seed is planted at a later time), the tree can be brought to life anytime. As for space, we’re starting off from a realm of consciousness, the location of the tree’s birth is an abstract place that it’s being transcended into a more tangible location that is the Grand Narukami Shrine. In view of this event, we can go back to the first four lines of the poetry and take them in order to interpret them as: 
[You can] see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower [IF] [you] hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.
The reason you would be able to see such big notions as a world and a heaven in smaller, arguably unimportant solid manifestations like a grain of sand and a wild flower is because you can make it happen via dreams. Just like Ei was able to make the Sacred Sakura bloom when and where she wanted through her dreams, she made it possible through the will of her heart to make it manifest into a tangible reality.
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PS: There is an arguably more straightforward and recent incident where time and space don’t matter which is none other than Kazuha’s domain in the GAA event. His domain [a specific location] is a trip down memory lane that potentially encompasses several years of his life even though it takes the group (presumably) less than a day to witness. In such a short timespan, not only they saw an amount of several years worth of memories, but the space around them warped and was given shape and form according to what these memories looked like despite being technically in one same place, a domain.
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clarareberosen · 2 months
Whatever he's done, he's your brother.
Or I see details and hidden meanings where they were not originally laid.
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Plus one cool detail of the third season. Cross began the application with the Hunter where he realized his mistakes, where his opinion changed to the diametrically opposite. this snow-covered planet and the vulture in my eyes are a symbol of the Cross's changes, its downward point and elevation in the eyes of the brothers.
In general, raising the topic of vultures, I became interested in their symbolism in principle. That's what I managed to find.
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The vulture is usually associated with death, decay, and purification. He can often be seen circling over carrion. His preference for collecting garbage led to the emergence of symbolism associated with purification and renewal. Despite the seemingly gloomy associations, the Vulture also symbolizes resourcefulness and efficiency, as it plays a vital ecological role in cleaning up remains and processing nutrients.
Vultures have been a part of mythology and cultural beliefs in various societies. In ancient Egypt, the Vulture was a symbol of maternal care and protection, often associated with the goddess Nekhbet. In Native American traditions, the Vulture's predilection for scavengers is interpreted as a symbol of purification and renewal. In Tibetan culture, the practice of "heavenly burials" suggests that vultures eat the remains of the deceased, which means the impermanence of life and the natural cycle of life and death. The unique role of the vulture in nature has made it a powerful and complex symbol in various myths and traditions.
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Sticking to the version with cleaning and updating, this is exactly what we see in the example of CT-9904. In the beginning, he was a loyal imperial dog, and after Mayday's death, he began his journey of more significant changes. His outlook on life was "renewed", and in the fifth episode he began his "purification" in the eyes of the Hunter, with whom it is basically difficult for him to establish a normal relationship from the first season.
I also tend to believe that up to this point, the sniper had dreamed of this bird several times. Before understanding, a dream about a Vulture may reflect a feeling of a situation or relationship that is in decline or in need of purification. This may symbolize the need to purge oneself of negative influences or find value in what others have abandoned. Psychologically, the Vulture may represent an aspect of the subconscious mind associated with the end, transformation, or understanding of the natural cycles of life.
Well, it also seems to me that this is the same bird that was in episode 12 of season 2. I think no one buried Mayday and his corpse was simply stolen by this bird.
That's such a creepy headcannon.
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aava9099 · 1 year
777 Meaning love
The assumption that nothing is accidental in this world and without reason can attest that this declaration is legitimate; to grasp the people and their events, we want to contemplate numbers and their vibrations and their effect on mankind.
The numbers can fill in as the ideal impression of the overall regulations we are reliant upon; they give conclusive data on the immense powers and their effect on mankind. Numerology finds how and why numbers impact the human world and the messages that heavenly messengers are sending us. It is a mind boggling endeavor. Be that as it may, the multifaceted nature of numbers can be observed.
Significance of Holy messenger Number 777 Old assessments ensure that this is the method for seeing the Universe and Higher areas regardless. We want to achieve consistency with shared regulations and we can do that with a cognizance of the 777 Meaning love and their suggestions. Various mystic teachers, especially in Russia and China, say that the numbers are the most effective way to manage the radiant real factors.
They similarly ensure that we really want to manage the holy messenger numbers, not in a quantitative way yet rather in an emotional way - we want to grasp their substance. In this particular situation, they allude to the continuous real factors, and their game plan is a precondition for the appearance of weakness to fate.
Before this course of action, people saw numbers totally startlingly; they were explained unmistakably in specific circumstances since they are viewed as components from immaterial universes. At the point when people look at numbers, they need to start from the basic state of fortitude to the universe of duality, the acquirement of experiences in this world, the significance and the achievement of the re-state of compromise.
Through numbers, both holy messenger and standard numerology go to the major driving principles of all that includes us and all that makes us individuals. By knowing these regulations, we get the opportunity to comprehend the world's development and go past the illusion we live in conflictingly. There is something else to see and understand; there is something more critical than the undeniable.
We habitually underline this suggestion, and starting from the dawn of mankind, there has been the affirmation of fundamental vibrations that had a spot with numbers (especially those from 0-9). Dependent upon unequivocal vibration, each number has participated in making reality that envelops us and all the while has allowed the opportunity of its change into something more tangled. Because of two, three and more digit numbers, we can see fundamentally more - the entire physical and significant world by combining their vibrations.
Holy messenger number 777 - what's the importance here? The heavenly messenger numbers 777 are, as certain numerologists like to say, individuals who are so express and remarkable (even surprising by certain occurrences), with the well-spoken mind and made nature. They can make quality decisions that can go on quite some time in the past and benefit all mankind. They are respected with various capacities; they love music, painting, dance, and any significant control - where they can find their occupation and sort of income.
They have hardly any familiarity with these limits routinely, so they need someone else to direct them; they need bearing and advice. In a general dream, they will escape from this present reality, so they need reliable and strong sidekicks who will be their voice of reason.
Various people who are number 777 in heavenly messenger numerology progress toward significant encounters and are profoundly enthused about extraordinary, paranormal, and severe - everything amazing, immaterial. Their controlling light is the mystery and secrets; their life can be covert too. These people are leaned to otherworldly quality and secret and persistently look for data; number 777 is committed to continuing with life for only one goal. They never worry about wealth and monetary prosperity; they are happy assuming their wonderful source of both blessing and pain is done, no matter what. These individuals have an impressive cerebrum that squeezes both material and supernatural perspectives into one total, which isn't ordinary for various numbers in heavenly messenger numerology.
About others, when they notice the number 777 is merciless and calm, and really, they have a brutal and incredible existence. They like to go out to eliminated spots, and their embodiment is exceptional and stacked with frightening events. People should be close to them since they are captivating and connecting with; various endeavors are possible when number 777 is close.
Now and again, during life, number 777 makes mending limit or a few powerful limits like forecast or they achieve notoriety during or presence following demise - this isn't something they need; it essentially happens.
Their disadvantage is that they don't have the strength and dauntlessness on all events and number 777s routinely fall into anguish and misery - they even beverage pointlessly. They can recover, yet it is hard.
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locustheologicus · 1 year
Battle for a new Cosmopolis and God’s role in the Universe. 
From the beginnings of large-scale human society, people wondered about the links between cosmos and polis, the Order of Nature and that of Society. Many cultures dreamed of an overall harmony between the order of the heavens and the order of human society. Social and natural regularities alike are aspects of the same overall cosmos+polis – i.e. cosmopolis. The practical idea that human affairs are influenced by, and proceed in step with heavenly affairs. - Stephen Toulmin
One of Toulmin’s philosophical contributions is to recognize a philosophical connection between the way we understand how the universe works (cosmos) and the social order (polis). Newton’s mechanical cosmology reigned supreme since the 17th century and the economic, political and religious systems were deeply indebted to it. Newton’s cosmology is the basis for Adam Smith, John Locke and Immanuel Kant’s works in their own respective fields.
By the early 20th century Newton’s mechanical cosmology was severely challenged by the great Albert Einstein who redefined the universe through the fabric of space-time. The cosmological development here was from a static-mechanical universal model to a dynamic-creative universe model. Even so the the contribution of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity continued to suggest that this dynamic cosmology was an observable and calculated order. Niels Bohr would radically challenge this with the discovery of Quantum Mechanics and the uncertainty principle. This would usher a more chaotic perspective based on probability over precise calculations. Einstein, as it turned out, would have a very difficult time accepting this cosmological premise. Thus began a theological duel that continues to affect us today as we struggle to accept the level of uncertainty in the emerging cosmological metaphor.
What is amazing about these dueling cosmological perspectives is how the debate from both these scientific giants ultimately included the idea of God’s role in these emerging models. As the video above states, one of Einstein’s theological rallying cry was “God does not play dice”. The quote made its first appearance in the Fifth Solvay International Conference. In making this statement Einstein refused to accept the uncertainty principle because it would take away the sense of order and stability that he wanted to see in how God operates the Universe. This debate was just as much theological as it was scientific. Niels Bohr however also had a theological perspective from his own position. He famously responded back “Einstein, stop telling God what to do.” Later on Einstein would write "It seems hard to sneak a look at God's cards. But that He plays dice and uses "telepathic" methods... is something that I cannot believe for a single moment." 
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How does God operate in the Universe? While some of us may be tempted to side with Einstein in his desire for an order that allows us to neatly observe the known universe I think that Bohr’s position is actually more theologically appropriate. Indeed who are we to limit God in how the universe is meant to operate. Do we dare measure God’s wonders based on our own limited perspective. Bohr allows mystery and probability to have its place in the creative universe and does not compromise the mathematics of what is simply because it does not lead to certainty. Perhaps the order simply appears as dice to us but that is only because we cannot yet comprehend the rules of the game that God chooses to play. Years later another famous physicist Stephen Hawking would add to this theological debate and suggest that with Quantum Mechanics and the Entanglement theory “it seems Einstein was doubly wrong when he said, God does not play dice. Not only does God definitely play dice, but He sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can't be seen.” 
100 years later the scientific community has moved forward accepting the orderly beauty of General Relativity while recognizing that the probability rules of Quantum Mechanics are consistent at the quantum level. The ongoing challenge was the unifying field theory (which Einstein struggled to find till the very end). Today some, including theoretical physicist Brian Greene have posited that the mathematics of String Theory gives us a potential glimpse into this possibility... but it continues to be very chaotic and even more dynamic then we first imagined.  
Below Brian Greene discusses this theological/philosophical dilemma between these two great scientific minds as he then goes on to explain how Quantum Mechanics works. 
So where does this leave us? If Toulmin is correct then our notion of the social order is metaphysically dependent on our cosmology. General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Entanglement and String Theory suggest that our cosmology is deeply interconnected, very dynamic, chaotic and mysterious. This is why our former social order, a market based nation-state model, may no longer be able to respond to our social needs in the way it use to. Put quite simply, the model no longer makes sense to us, and yet we continue to argue on social issues from a worn out cosmological perspective that we see does not work. In the same way our religious notions may also need to respond to our new cosmological reality. Consider how we tend to be more open to the mystical elements of our faith and our moral norms see us as more interconnected with one another. The language we use to support our Catholic ecological concerns, for example, simply did not exist when Catholic social teaching started in 1891. Perhaps Jesus’ suggestion is applicable here: “Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins, and it will be spilled, and the skins will be ruined. Rather, new wine must be poured into fresh wineskins.” (Lk 5:37-38)
What does all this mean? I would just want to suggest that as we struggle with social questions we should be open to reflecting on the emerging fabric of the cosmos and consider what this says to us about our political, economical and religious systems. In the same way we may need to stretch ourselves and consider what new social paradigms may adequately address the issues we face. The wine is definitely new even if we are not fully aware of its composition but what we do need are new wineskins that can adequately keep what is emerging. There are many authors that I have highlighted previously who allow us to consider such social systems but one that I will share here is from a post I wrote over the summer: “The contributions of Cathonomics”  
Incidentally, I highly recommend the PBS documentary on the Fabric of the Cosmos with Brian Greene to help us understand our emerging cosmological reality.    
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eli-kittim · 3 years
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Christ The Terminator: Half Man Half Machine
“I’ll Be Back”
By Author Eli Kittim
End-Time Visions of the Messiah’s Robotic Enhancements
What if Jesus paid a steeper price for our salvation? What if Christ is “revealed at the final point of time” (1 Pet. 1.20 NJB)? What if his sacrifice “in the end of the world” (Heb. 9.26b KJV) is more costly than previously assumed?
In his vision, the prophet Ezekiel saw certain heavenly creatures who “were of human form” (1.5 NRSV). Notice what he says about their legs (1.7):
Their legs were straight, and the soles of
their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot;
and they sparkled like burnished bronze.
As you read further, you will come to realize that this imagery runs throughout the entire Bible. Remarkably, Ezekiel’s description sounds very much like modern bionic prosthetics, which redefine and enhance human amputees. Let’s not forget that the heavenly figures whom Ezekiel had seen were supposedly human. Two other interesting clues were that “their legs were straight” (unlike human legs that bend) and that “their feet were like . . . burnished [Hb. קָלָֽל׃ qalal] bronze [Hb. נְחֹ֥שֶׁת nechosheth].” This is a running theme throughout the Bible whose imagery is associated with the end-time Messiah! Similarly, in Revelation 1.13-15, John describes his vision of Christ as follows:
I saw one like the Son of Man, clothed with
a long robe and with a golden sash across
his chest. His head and his hair were white
as white wool, white as snow; his eyes were
like a flame of fire, his feet were like
burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace,
and his voice was like the sound of many
Notice the imagery pertaining to Christ’s “feet [which] were like burnished bronze [Gk. χαλκολιβάνῳ].” By comparison, in Daniel 10.1 we are told that “In the third year of King Cyrus of Persia a word was revealed to Daniel.” Remember that, in the Bible, Cyrus represents the Messiah (see Isa. 45.1). Daniel sees a vision of the end times, described by a glorious man who looks awfully similar to John’s “Son of Man” (Dan. 10.5-6):
I looked up and saw a man clothed in linen,
with a belt of gold from Uphaz around his
waist. His body was like beryl, his face like
lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his
arms and legs like the gleam of burnished
bronze, and the sound of his words like the
roar of a multitude.
Daniel gives us additional information by saying that “his arms and legs [were] like the gleam of burnished [Hb. קָלָ֑ל qalal] bronze [Hb. נְחֹ֣שֶׁת nechosheth].” In other words, it wasn’t just his legs, but his arms as well were seemingly made of burnished bronze! It sounds like a combat soldier who had lost all his limbs and was wearing a metallic or robotic prosthesis. And Daniel employs the exact same Hebrew words for “burnished bronze” that are used in Ezekiel’s vision. Furthermore, in Revelation 2.18, Christ himself identifies with this biblical image, demonstrating categorically and unequivocally that it refers to him and him alone. Christ says:
And to the angel of the church in Thyatira
write: These are the words of the Son of
God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and
whose feet are like burnished bronze.
Chalkolibanon: The Messiah’s Feet Were Like Burnished Bronze
καὶ οἱ πόδες αὐτοῦ ὅμοιοι χαλκολιβάνῳ
The Greek word chalkolibanon is translated as “burnished bronze” and refers to “a fine metal,” such as “fine copper, bronze or brass,” similar to what the Hebrew term for bronze (i.e. nechosheth) represents.
These images that are therefore uniquely related to Jesus strongly suggest that they’re part of his human makeup and physical appearance. Why else would the Bible contain these metallic images? All these prophets from both the Old and New Testament seem to suggest that the Messiah’s “sacrifice” entails the loss of his limbs, which are replaced by modern metallic substitutes, turning him into a kind of Cyborg. An article from the Australian Academy of Science expounds on this type of modern technology:
What’s different about the new generation
of prosthetic limbs is their union with bionic
technology, and the way they combine
fields of study as diverse as electronics,
biotechnology, hydraulics, computing,
medicine, nanotechnology and prosthetics.
Technically, the field is known as
biomechatronics, an applied
interdisciplinary science that works to
integrate mechanical elements and devices
with biological organisms such as human
muscles, bones, and the nervous systems. 
Incidentally, a wide variety of materials are used to create artificial limbs, including aluminium bronze and titanium bronze alloys, which are shiny metals. Copper, iron, silver, and gold have also been used in the past. Surprisingly, these are the exact metallic descriptions that we find in the aforesaid passages of the Bible (cf. Dan. 2.32-33: “head of . . . gold . . . arms of silver . . . thighs of bronze. . . legs of iron . . . feet partly of iron and partly of clay [human]”).
Robotics for Human Augmentation in the Visions of Daniel
Dual fulfillment is an important principle of Biblical interpretation. It’s associated with the concept of messianic typology in the Hebrew Bible. It refers to the notion that there are certain prophecies in the Bible that may have both an immediate and a long-term fulfilment. The gigantic statue of a man made of four metals, in the Book of Daniel, is such a prophecy, that might be a clue to the endtimes Christ. It has a short-term fulfillment in terms of the succeeding world-empires that will arise and rule on earth. However, Daniel 2.44 suggests that the prophecy also refers to the end of days (a long-term fulfillment) when God will set up his kingdom once for all! Daniel 2.31-33 (NRSV) explains Nebuchadnezzar’s dream as follows:
You were looking, O king, and lo! there was
a great statue. This statue was huge, its
brilliance extraordinary; it was standing
before you, and its appearance was
frightening. The head of that statue was of
fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its
middle and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron,
its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.
Let’s not forget that Daniel addresses the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar as if he’s the the king of kings, the Messiah (2.37-38):
You, O king, the king of kings—to whom the
God of heaven has given the kingdom, the
power, the might, and the glory, into whose
hand he has given human beings, wherever
they live, the wild animals of the field, and
the birds of the air, and whom he has
established as ruler over them all—you are
the head of gold.
There are messianic overtones, here, that go far beyond the historical context of the passage and suggest a future fulfillment. The dream features a towering statue of a man (Daniel 2.32-33):
The head of that statue was of fine gold, its
chest and arms of silver, its middle and
thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet
partly of iron and partly of clay.
Once again, we get the feeling this is more of a machine than a man. Notice that the legs were made of iron and bronze. What if Daniel 4.13-15 represents God’s judgment on the Messiah? (cf. 2 Cor. 5.21; Gal. 3.13):
I continued looking, in the visions of my
head as I lay in bed, and there was a holy
watcher, coming down from heaven. He
cried aloud and said: ‘Cut down the tree
and chop off its branches, strip off its
foliage and scatter its fruit. Let the animals
flee from beneath it and the birds from its
branches. But leave its stump and roots in
the ground, with a band of iron and bronze,
in the tender grass of the field. Let him be
bathed with the dew of heaven, and let his
lot be with the animals of the field in the
grass of the earth.’
There’s a running narrative throughout the Old and New Testaments that includes thematic parallels and verbal agreements between the visions of various prophets. The terminology has not only been surprisingly consistent from prophet to prophet, but its meaning has also been uniform from one language to another. For example, both Ezekiel and Daniel use identical Hebrew terms to describe what appears to be a Messianic figure, whose feet were “like burnished [Hb. קָלָֽל׃ qalal] bronze [Hb. נְחֹ֥שֶׁת nechosheth]” (Ezek. 1.7; cf. Dan. 10.6)! Astoundingly, the exact same meaning (i.e. χαλκολίβανον; burnished bronze) as applied to the Hebrew Old Testament is employed in the Greek New Testament (Rev. 1.15; 2.18) to convey a similar idea. This suggests that the Biblical books are inspired and in dialogue with one another.
Accordingly, the arms and legs of the purported Messiah do not appear to be human. Rather, they appear to be robotic metals for human augmentation, what we today would call modern bionic prosthetics in redefining and enhancing human amputees. The consistent thematic material (i.e. the canonical context) in the visions of the prophets, especially those of Daniel, is exegetically significant and cannot be simply explained away. What if Daniel 4.14 represents God’s judgment on the Messiah to cut off “his arms and legs”? (cf. Dan. 10.6):
Cut down the tree
and chop off its branches.
Given that the “tree image” in Dan. 4.10-12 is of paramount importance and immersed in messianic metaphors (cf. Jn 15.5; Rev. 22.2), it could certainly represent the Anointed one. All these prophets from both the Old and New Testament seem to suggest that the Messiah’s “sacrifice” entails the loss of his limbs, which are replaced by modern metallic substitutes, turning him into a kind of Cyborg or Bionic Man! The same shiny metals that are referenced in the Bible are the exact same alloys used in prosthetic limbs and modern robotics for human augmentation (i.e. human-enhancement technologies). A close reading of these end-time visions suggests that the Son of Man is part man part machine. This is called “transhumanism,” the merger of humanity with artificial intelligence. This would imply that Christ’s suffering on Judgment day is far more intense than previously thought, which also reflects the profound depth of his love for us!
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siriuschaostribe · 3 years
Ficcino Maranki Diyetine Markiz Tesbihatı
It is precisely this subjective element which distinguishes the Renaissance magus from the medieval theorist; for static hierarchical schemes and correspondences between planets and music are transformed into dynamic energies at work throughout creation, energies which can be harnessed and transfused for the harmonising of individual souls. Following Plotinus, Ficino emphasises the necessity of focussing the emotion in an act which depends on both intuition and expertise in order to expand consciousness: 'Whoever prays to a star in an opportune and skilled way projects his spirit into the manifest and occult rays of the star, everywhere diffused and life-giving; from these he may claim for himself vital stellar gifts.' In the Platonic/Pythagorean tradition, music and the stars are inextricably linked as audible and visible images of an invisible dimension of existence, whose intellectual perception is made possible through the senses of hearing and sight. The foundations of the musical cosmos are established by Plato in the creation myth of his Timaeus, which maintains a vital connection to Egyptian, Chaldaean and other ancient traditions. In this dialogue, Plato sets up a model for a three-fold musical cosmos where the movements of the spheres, the passions of the human soul and the audible sounds of music are all expressions of a divine intelligence manifesting through the various dimensions of creation. Such a tripartite division was to be differentiated by the fifth century A.D. theorist Boethius as musica mundana, musica humana and musica instrumentalis, and it was commonplace for music theorists to work out elaborate systems of corrrespondences between astronomical distances and musical intervals, between the nature of musical patterns and emotional states, between planetary characteristics and audible sound. The key, in this tradition, to the ordering of the cosmos, whether astronomically or musically, is of course number - a discovery which was transmitted to Western thinkers by Pythagoras. Indeed for the Platonists number determines all things in nature and their concrete manifestation, together with all rhythms and cycles of life. Number revealed by the heavenly bodies unfolds as Time, and as the human soul was seen to be mirrored in the order of the heavens, divination, or aligning oneself to the gods, required the appropriate ritual at a precise time. Iamblichus tells us that the numbers gov erning nature are the outflowing energies of the gods, and if we wish to assimilate ourselves to them, we must use their language - that is, align ourselv es with the harmonies underlying the cosmos. Merely humanly contrived numerical systems, discursive conceptions of number, numerological theories, cannot reproduce an experience of unity which will give rise to true knowledge of first principles. In the Timaeus, we learn that the Demiurge created a substance called the world-soul and inserted it into the centre of the world-body. He then divided up this soul-stuff according to the ratios of the three consonant musical intervals, that is the octave which resonates in the proportion of 2:1, the perfect fifth, 3:2 and the perfect fourth, 4:3, continuing, by further division, to create the intervallic steps of the Pythagorean scale. The soul was cut into two parts which were bent around each other, forming the circles of the Same and the Different: the Same containing the unmoving sphere of the fixed stars, the Different containing the moving instruments of Time, or the planets. The Different was then divided into narrower strips which were arranged according to the geometrical progressions of 2 and 3; 1 2 4 Page 38 and 1 3 9 27. Permeating the whole cosmos, the soul connected the physical world with the eternal, being 'interfused everywhere from the centre to the circumference of heaven' and partaking of 'reason and harmony'.  The human soul, also partaking directly of the anima mundi, must therefore be regulated according to the same proportions. But due to the passions of the body, the soul on entering it became distorted and stirred up - only the correct kind of education could restore harmonious equilibrium. This education would induce a recognition of the soul's congruence with the cosmos through the audible harmonic framework of the musical scale, for as we have seen, the proportions in the world-soul could be reproduced in musical sound. The numbers one to four, or the tetraktys, thus not only form the framework for all musical scales, but also embody this dynamic process of embodiment in the fourfold m o v e ment of geometry from point to line to plane to solid; from the unity comes the duality of opposition, the triad of perfect equilibrium and the quaternity of material existence. Each stage both limits and contains the one following, and the initiate is warned in the Chaldaean oracles 'do not deepen the plane' - that is, extend towards the material world from a the perfect condition of the triad, but do not lose your limiting power by letting go of it and becoming lost in the quaternity, or chaos of matter. This can be understood musically as the imperative of maintaining the perfect intervals as defining structures. In listening to geometry in sound, the perfect intervals set a framework or limit on unlimited sound, and since the specific arrangement of sizes of tones and semitones within this framework mirror the exact astronomical relationships of the planets, the very fabric of creation is brought to the ear and, in Platonic terms, evokes a memory of the harmonies once heard with the ears of the mind. F r o m  this essential premise, the schemes attributing planets to actual pitches and astronomical distances to musical intervals abounded. In the Myth of Er at the end of his Republic, Plato suggests that sirens positioned on the rims of the planetary orbits each sound a pitch, making up a musical scale, much like a Greek lyre projected into the heavens. In another interpretation, found in Cicero's Dream of Scipio, the planets produce different tones according to their various speeds of revolution. We are told that 'the high and low tones blended together produce different harmonies' and that 'gifted men, imitating this harmony on stringed instruments and in singing, have gained for themselves a return to this region, as have those of exceptional abilities who have studied divine matters even in earthly life'.  Exactly how to imitate the music of the spheres thus became the question raised by music theorists, and the science of harmonics, or the study of mathematical properties of musical ratios, was considered to be the first step. It is very difficult to know how much this highly speculative procedure - considered by Plato to be the highest form of knowledge - influenced the practical music-making of classical times. We are certainly better informed about the connection between musica humana and musica instrumentalis, for central to ancient Greek musical writings is the concept of ethos, or subtle ethical effects produced in the human psyche by the use of different modes or 'set' combinations of tone-patterns. For example, the Phrygian mode moved men to anger, the Lydian soothed them, the Dorian induced gravity and temperance - each quality being reflected in the character of particular regions. By medieval times the ancient Greek modes had been replaced by the eight Church modes, but this did not interrupt the association of subtle ethical effects by theorists. One twelfth century writer notes that 'the modes have individual qualities of sound, differing from each other, so that they prompt spontaneous recognition by an attentive musician or even by a practised singer'. It is to our loss that the music we hear today is limited to only two types of mode - the major and minor.  But what of the connection between ethics and cosmology? Ethical powers were attributed to syst e m s of pitch, while planets were generally associated with single pitches - so in the writings of most classical theorists, it is difficult to see how an effective form of musica instrumentalis could influence the human soul through direct imitation of cosmic harmony - despite the model transmitted by Plato. Generally speaking, celestial phenomena were made to fit a preconceived notion of musical order, rather than the phenomena themselves being asked to reveal their order as principles of intelligence. Although the Middle Ages produced some great original thinkers in this field, such as John Scotus Eriugena in the ninth century, and indeed the influential Islamic school of musical and astrological therapy, it was only in the fifteenth century that the West began to explore the practical means by which the harmonic relationships in the cosmos could be expressed through music, not by literally reproducing astronomical measurement in sound, but by symbolically evoking a unifying principle at work in the manifest and unmanifest worlds. With the music theorists Georgio Anselmi and Bartolom¾ Ramos de Pareja, we see the seeds being sown for a revisioning of cosmic music. (PDF) The Music of the Spheres: Marsilio Ficino and Renaissance harmonia. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/290164617_The_Music_of_the_Spheres_Marsilio_Ficino_and_Renaissance_harmonia [accessed Apr 23 2021].
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-Quickly and nervously throws this in the tags and runs away- Hope you enjoy and it’s not too painful!
First of all, sorry for the bad grammar and run on sentences that may pop up. Second of all, this is the very first playlist I ever put together, ‘criticism’ is welcomed. Hate, especially on the song or band because ‘insert problematic thing band has done’ is not welcomed. I focused on lyrics and the feel of the song. I know my song choices are probably not the same as what you would’ve chosen for Lavi and that’s okay. This is just sort of what I feel is Lavi. If that makes sense.
This sort of ties both to canon!Lavi and my ModernAU!Lavi which is why some songs may feel a bit ooc. Some parts of this playlist may point to possible ships. My intention was to leave this completely ambiguous for all ships (or at least try to, now that I think of it there are a helluva lot pointing towards Allen. Oopsie. Sorry. Blame it on the fact they’re my BROTP I guess). This is Lavi’s playlist in which it is lyric heavy (I have another one coming up that is not lyric heavy and is more nature/introspective/ambient.) Under the cut are the songs I have used, why I have used them, why I have placed them the way I did, as well as some Lavi musings/quotes/ song lyrics (musings will be heavier in my second playlist, not so much in this one. This one is heavy on the quotes and lyrics. Sorry. Next one will be a lot more creative; I promise).
With that, I hope you enjoy. Special thank you to all the 8tracks playlists I listened to. They helped me get a feel for him a lot better. Some songs are included from other playlists. Special thanks to 7hereticprinciples for their input as well. Included is the 8tracks link. If you’d wish for access to my youtube playlist, please send me an ask or pm me.
For the most part this playlist was a bit difficult to place songs with. My game plan was to set songs that were faster and more upbeat together. I wanted to do the same with the slower songs as well. However, I also wanted to have some sort of flow going. The beginning of the playlist is supposed to be centered on Lavi’s thoughts and his ‘being’ for the lack of a better term. Later on, in the playlist it’s supposed to show him struggling to maintain distance as he begins to form bonds with the people he’s supposed observe.
I know the songs themselves may seem very back and forth at times, but I think that’s a good way to show his internal struggle. I also know some songs seem to draw out, for instance I have three songs dealing with love (not feeling, not being able to reciprocate, etc). For that I am sorry. I just didn’t know where else to place them and it felt like this was the best fit. As for the two last songs I added, one is to provide the idea that no matter how hard Lavi tries he will always be ‘human’ he will have to continually fight it. The last song is to represent hope (Von is the Icelandic word for hope), whether it be for the war’s end, Allen’s and the other exorcist’s survival, or humanity’s overall survival.
Oshakashama (Translated as Buddah)- Radwimps
I chose this song specifically because I thought the lyrics fit Lavi’s thought processes towards humans quite well. It really takes on the outlook of how stupid humanity can be and how irrational our actions are. The lyrics are very detached sounding. If we are being real, a lot of exorcists go through doubting God and I’m certain Lavi would more than likely do the same. Since the song is in Japanese, I provided the link to the english lyrics.
 Wolf- Now Now
“Why Lavi? You’re Lavi number 49. You’re supposed to be just like me. Why aren’t you like the other 48 Lavis? Why are you different? Why are you having so much trouble number 49? Well…? Shall we take a different number? Don’t you want to be a bookman anymore!? Can you take it number 49…Lavi Bookman? Can you take it? Or do you have to be destroyed? You’re changing…you have to get out of here…”
 Iron- Woodkid
“War is sorrowful. The flames of war burned away life and dreams and bonds, leaving behind countless sorrows. So sorrow gives birth to tragedy. And tragedy gives birth to Akuma. Lavi is my 49th name. That’s how many battles I’ve seen. Why are human beings always fighting wars…?” -Lavi Bookman
Renegade- Paramore
Renegade- a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
Devit: What? Is he from the tribe of the Bookman? They’re working for your side now, eh?
Komui: Welcome to the black order.
Try not to make waves. I know we’re going to be here for awhile…
Realty- Lost Frequencies
Special thank you to 7hermiticprinciples for this suggestion! This feels very much like Lavi and I think it depicts the life of a traveler/Bookman/wanderer perfectly. Especially when you’ve already detached yourself from the meddling of humans. I’d think it would be very freeing.
Who Are You Really- Mikky Ekko
“In time I no longer knew whether my smile was genuine or an act.” Lavi Bookman.
Who exactly am I? Am I still a Bookman? Or not? Should I stay as Lavi or create number 50? Am I Lavi? I am not like the other 48 Lavis. Why? Why am I different? The old man’s words became harder to remember…
Not in Love- Crystal Castles
(This one was a bit of a weird choice for Lavi and I almost thought about not including it, but the force was strong with this one. My Lavi muse would not let me budge.) “I won’t give you my heart. No one lives there anymore…I’m not in love…I’m not in love….I’m not in love…I have no need for feelings….”
Love, Love, Love- Of Monsters And Men
“Well maybe I’m a crook for stealing your heart away. Yeah, maybe I’m a crook for not caring for it. Yeah maybe I’m a bad, bad, bad person. Well baby I know.” “Cause you love, love, love, when you know I can’t love. You love, love, love when you know I can’t love. You love, love, love when you know I can’t love you.”
Heart of Stone-Iko
I feel like this song would be one of the other D Gray Man characters towards Lavi. Definitely an OTP song.
“When you’re here with me. You’re not here with me. I just can’t forget you and your heart of stone.”
Hurt- Johnny Cash
“I never thought of you people as my friends, I’m the next Bookman and that’s all I am.” -Lavi Bookman
“I will let you down. I will make you hurt. I wear this crown of thorns upon my liar’s chair. Full of broken thoughts I can’t repair.”
Breath of Life- Florence and The Machine
“I was looking for a breath of life. A little touch of heavenly light, but all the choirs in my head sang no….Whose side am I on, whose side am I? Whose side am I on, whose side am I?”
Numbers- Daughter
“I feel numb. I feel numb in this kingdom. I feel numb. I feel numb in this kingdom. I feel numb. I feel numb in this kingdom. I feel numb. I feel numb in this kingdom.”
Message To Bears- Mountains
I added this song because it just feels so…wandery. It makes me feel like something I’d listen to walking down my gravel road to nowhere, aimlessly. I sort of imagine Lavi wanting to run away sometimes from being a Bookman in this song (even if he is proud to be one and wants to be one). Maybe he’d take his special someone with him? I hope so. 
Human- Daughter 
A Bookman must always struggle with his heart. His human side. You may have won this time Bookman Junior, but how long can you struggle with the human deep inside of you?
Von- Yoko Kanno ft. Arnor Dan
 A song from a cold place. A song of hope. This is an Icelandic song that is a personal favorite of mine from the anime Terror in Resonance. I couldn’t resist adding it because while the song is chilling, the lyrics speak of hope (von). Hope for humanity’s survival.
 I didn’t expect to have this done so soon haha. I hope you all enjoyed it. My second Lavi playlist will take a bit longer and the descriptions are going to be longer since I want to try and make a story (centric around nature if possible) around each song. So far, it’s reaching up to 16 tracks. If it goes above 20, I will split it and create a third, especially if the second one I have planned gets popular. Please check out all the bands and support them. Also watch Terror in Resonance. It is truly a beautiful anime, one of the best I have seen. Thank you very much.
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robertodbabaran · 5 years
Knights, Tomatoes, and Defining a Final Vocabulary
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Medieval Ages, Knights, and Their Coat of Arms
When I was very young, probably around the age of 9, I remember I was very interested in medieval times. From castles, to weaponry, to horses, to the Arthurian Legend, everything about it captured my mind, and I day dreamed about it for weeks at a time. Knights specifically fascinated my young mind, and I especially loved reading about their armour with all of its different parts.
In fact, in the morning before going to school, I always jumped out of bed excited to change out of my pajamas to my school clothes. To me, each piece of clothing represented a piece of armour. As I put on my tshirt, it became my chainmail, and as I put on a sweater it became my plate armour. As I added each layer, I felt as though each would prepare me for the day and any of the obstacles it threw my way.
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One of the things that also fascinated me about knights was their coat of arms. Every noble family in the middle ages had a coat of arms, and on it there tended to be different symbols, insignia, and words which represented that family. One example is that of Richard I of England, or Richard the Lionheart, who was known for being a great military leader and warrior. On his coat of arms were 3 golden lions above an azure red shield, something which symbolized his courage.
Richard Rorty’s Final Vocabulary
In grade 12 I took a life-changing philosophy class, and one of the concepts that my teacher introduced was that of a “final vocabulary”, an idea introduced by the philosopher Richard Rorty in his book Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. In it he suggests,
All human beings carry about a set of words which they employ to justify their actions, their beliefs, and their lives. These are the words in which we formulate praise of our friends and contempt for our enemies, our long-term projects, our deepest self-doubts and highest hopes. They are the words in which we tell, sometimes prospectively and sometimes retrospectively, the story of our lives. I shall call these words a person’s “final vocabulary.”
A final vocabulary then, is a set of terms used to define yourself; it creates a standard by which you can measure your behavior.
Going back to the coat of arms as an example, there may have been a set of words written across it: courage, honour, and chivalry. These words, in essence, were that family’s final vocabulary. The idea is at the end of each day, or even one’s life, people within the family would judge themselves by whether or not they’d lived according to that set of words, or values that they used to define themselves. At the end of day, a knight might ask himself, was I courageous and honorable today? He might look at moments where he lacked these traits, and vowed to change his ways. Similarly, in moments where he displayed these traits, he might have felt a sense of pride and joy in having lived up to that trait.
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Something that I find incredibly interesting is that final vocabularies aren’t limited to centuries old family crests, but are also embedded in our culture and our religions. For example, within Christianity, as far back as 590 AD, Pope Gregory identified a sort of final vocabulary (and its counterpart): the seven heavenly virtues vs. the seven deadly sins.
The Loss and Importance of a Final Vocabulary: Tomatoes
In the past, all people tended to have a final vocabulary. However, my teacher suggested that it is something lost in the present day. However, this standard is one that we direly need. In losing our final vocabularies, we have also lost one of most important things that makes us stronger and allows us to excel.
When I was younger, I spent a lot of time with my family in our backyard. We found a lot of joy in spending time outdoors, and we spent a lot of time caring for our garden, watering the plants, and growing vegetables. One of the vegetables we loved to grow and eat were tomatoes.
In order to make sure that our tomatoes grew, we sometimes put barbeque skewers near to the tomato plant. What this did is it allowed the plant to grow in the direction that the barbeque skewer pointed: upward. In doing this, we more or less ensured that the plant would grow in the way we wanted. However, if the skewer wasn’t placed, it wouldn’t grow properly, and instead it would grow in all sorts of ways and directions. There was no standard for growth.
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In many ways, this is a good analogy for having a final vocabulary. When we have a barbeque skewer in our lives (aka final vocabulary), we grow in the way that we want to. When these terms are ones chosen after very careful deliberation, then they have an especially immense power. These words allow us to envision a certain life and character for ourselves. On the other hand, if we don’t have a skewer present in our lives, we will wilt, and grow randomly. There is no measure, or standard by which to measure ourselves, and we will be directionless.
Barriers to Effectiveness: Semantic Shifts, Abstract Ideas vs. Concrete Actions
However, there are certain barriers that prevent us from growing even when we have defined a final vocabulary for ourselves. The barrier is semantic shifts. Semantic shifts are the inability to keep a word to a set definition so that the modern meaning of a word is radically different than the original usage. For example, the word “awful” originally meant inspiring wonder or fear, whereas contemporary usage has a negative connotation. In other words, words no longer have a definite meaning.
For example, in the medieval times, if a knight were to go into battle, he knew what it meant to be courageous. Courage was immediately associated with certain actions, and stories of people in his mind. Much like the difference between abstract words vs. concrete words, he knew courage meant action: (1) to fight means to risk your life, (2) go and fight anyway because others are counting on you.
In fact, a final vocabulary’s value lies not so much in the “calling” of yourself virtuous, but rather the ability act, and to remember that YOU acted. The virtue lies not in the label, but in the action. In that way, growth is intimately related to action.
Creating a Final Vocabulary of Your Own
And this point you might be wondering: “what should I do now with all this knowledge?” Consciously adopt a final vocabulary of your own. Here are a few useful principles to consider:
Choose adjectives, and not nouns: Your final vocabulary should consist of adjectives as opposed to values or nouns. For example: (1) strong vs. strength, (2) responsible vs. responsibility, (3) competent vs. competence. Why? Because you want these words to be something that describes YOU, your actions, and your character, rather than be an abstract concept as values such as responsibility often become.
Consider 3 or 4 adjectives max: I personally have 4 words in my final vocabulary, and I find that this works well. Any more than 4, and you may find it a struggle to consistently evaluate yourself against them
Make them actionable: Once you’ve decided upon an adjective, consider listing out specific actions that you can take in your personal life that would help you move towards being that specific trait.
Connect them to events, stories, and admirable lives: For example, something I find beautiful about the Catholic Church is that it has named exceptional people in its history as saints. These are people who lived virtuous, holy lives worthy of imitation, and contemplation. If forgetting a word’s meaning is easy, you can base them in reality by finding a saint, a character, or a story that resembles these traits. Consider even exploring archetypes.
LIVE them: This is something my philosophy teacher challenged my grade 12 class — a challenge which I now extend to you. If you’re up to the challenge, set your own final vocabulary. Carefully discern what these terms will be, and definitively decide to devote your life to manifesting these virtues. Carefully reflect at the end of each day about whether you’ve lived as you could have, and if you haven’t make steps to improve. Be brave and live.
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grimoiresontape · 6 years
On Working Planetary Circlets
Since my earlier blogpost Circling Ways in Geomancy - which mused on employing cords, loops, and beaded 'circlets' as portable means of demarking ritual space and empowering magical operations carried out inside that space - I have been recommending and making these talismans for clients and colleagues more frequently. Many folks have asked for notes, suggestions, or advice on how to use such ritual tools more effectively, so it seemed high time to advance some fundamental practices, to parade a skeleton crew of brief sketches and recommendations from my own practices with these planetary circlets that have proved useful. I've started from simple notions and followed them up with a few proposals for enriching and complicating those elementary mechanics.
Shaping A Circlet I use circlets in my planetary magic for a couple of reasons. The most obvious employ the sympathetic morphology of the circle. The loop traces and reiterates the orbital movement and course of these heavenly bodies. The appeal to "the orbit and motion" of planets is a common feature of many of the prayers I use, and an obvious enervation of their virtues stirred by sympathetic linking to their actions. We remind the planet and its spirits 'you work because you move, and you move because you work'. A positive feedback cycle is looped. The circle is also evocative of planetary spheres: both their literal astronomical shape and the understanding of their celestial domains or layers to the cosmos-onion beyond the sublunary realms. To quote Ginsberg, it seems an 'ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night' is reified in the use of a circular planetary talisman.
Lest this begin to sound too idealistic - in either the general naive or strictly Platonic senses - I should also state that the other crucial feature of my circlets are four corner-points. These frame the circlet as also a potential cross. To call quarters and trace the circle as the magical reach of one's grasp - as a seat of power, a place of protection, or an epicenter of a crucible -  is an old old magic. By "squaring the circle", by laying out that which represents the heavenly endless of pure planetary sphere and virtue (and abstraction) as a crux upon the earth, as a crossroads, we may ground that virtue in tangible terms. The crossed circle is an X that marks the spot, a glyph of Malkuth, and indeed the enfolded globe and crux of majesty and Venus, further offering us opportunities to explore the mysteries of creation, manifestation, craft, and Love. In the simple ritual gesture of laying out the circlet by its corners we reiterate and honour this awakening of planetary virtues into the physical world and into our work. This is the same principle at work in astrological sigil casting, in enmattering the empyrean, in the harvesting of the fruits of the stars, in the Moon pulled down into the still waters of receptive bowls. By these reasonings, I find it especially apt to incant specific planetary petitions and general prayers for success when squaring the circlet.
These are also the reasons I recommend these talismans to be made as loops with four corner-points, either in beads or knots. I find beads, especially stones ruled by the planet in question, to be especially effective. I recommend constructing your circlets on the appropriate planetary days and in the apt planetary hours of course. Once physically constructed they can be consecrated by a range of methods: asperged, fumigated, exorcised, oiled, and blessed to dedicate them further to their patron planet and thus yield themselves better storehouses and beacons of those starry potencies vivifying those virtues embedded in natural materials. Owing to the especially earthy, worldly emphasis of my geomantic practices I can also recommend burying them in soils gathered from appropriate planetary locations: graveyard dirts for Saturnine circlets, earth from public gardens for Venusian circlets, and so on. Such lists of astrological correspondences of place can be found in many astrological handbooks, such as William Lilly's Christian Astrology, which I made available here. 
When I make my circlets I also ensure the various materia of these circlets - thread and smaller beads in appropriate planetary colours - are prepared for use through these consecrations. I cleanse myself with spiritual baths, asperge and fumigate my ritual space, call to my patrons, empower the ingredients, construct and the charge the circlets on their planetary altars, often leaving them on top of the relevant kamea. I may even burn candles on the mother-bottles of the planetary oils which I use to dress the newly born talismans to further empower the oil from mother to daughter.
A Portable Altar-space My previous blogpost on these circlet talismans emphasised my most common use of them: marking a space within which to divine. The idea of this is incredibly simple. Being empowered to lend planetary virtue to the operation at hand, one can employ a circlet of the planetary ruler of the day, or of the planet who governs the matter being divined upon. A Lunary circlet would be well-disposed for divination inquiring about the nature and meaning of a dream, for instance; or indeed for any works of divination on a Monday. This approach was developed from my geomantic divination practice, in which the planetary Ruler is appealed to before any reading can be performed. Again, for more on this I recommend at least the first part of my Circling Ways in Geomancy post.
The key for this kind of work is the "pre-loaded" empowerment of the circlet. One might therefore choose to fumigate or oil one's circlets in appropriate planetary materia before any or even every divination session, although I generally find feeding the circlets once a month is sufficient, assuming one keeps them "charging" on planetary kamea or wrapped in prepared fabrics with dried herbs, dirts, and powders.
Lighting the Way Perhaps the most foundational operation I can think to work a circlet involves candle and prayer. I consider this primarily an operation for the magician to receive or align with planetary virtue. The use of lamps and, later, candles to stand as a ritual instantiation of the light of a wandering star is itself an ancient practice, I claim no great invention of this technique. It can serve as a potent addition to devotional recitation of planetary prayers and offertory fumigations. 
When one requires a boost of a particular planetary virtue - Saturn's cold boundary-setting to ensure you are more punctual, Mars' hot bold edge of competitive energy to emerge victorious in some form of conflict - you may set out the relevant planetary circlet, present a candle to the four corner-points of the circlet as one would to the four cardinal directions, and burn the candle in the centre of this demarcated ritual space.
The candle might be prepared through any usual means of further aligning it to the planet one is courting - dressed in an oil infused with materia ruled by that planet, carved with the glyphs and various characters of spirits who partake of that planet's forms and forces. Mihai Vârtejaru's Studies in Magic blog is a treasure house of grimoiric material on planetary characters one might use for instance, and he has handily compiled many of these sets of seals into downloadable pdfs. Beyond ways the candle itself is prepared, one might burn it atop a number square about which the circlet is laid.
At the risk of sounding like I am about to attempt to flog you penis pills, there is "one neat trick" for working circlets in this manner I would like to highlight. Looping the circlet in thirds maintains the relative cardinal directionality of the four corner-points. This yoking of Four and Three is, I find, philosophically potent and presents a variety of options for further prayer, reflection, and magical utility. Christian magicians might certainly honour the Trinity with, by, and through this looping; sorcerers inspired by Renaissance practices can certainly consider the triple layers of the universe - the elemental, celestial and supercelestial realms - mirrored in the very structure of Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy; just as more Hellenically-inclined magicians might call for the effects of the operation to manifest across their Three Worlds of Heaven, Earth, and Ocean. Sets of any number of parts can be employed to address every option, every path, every eventuality; from the Four Elements, to operations calling upon all Seven classical Planets. Triplicities, triptychs, and trinities are certainly no exception.
Charging Ahead Circlets can also be utilised to empower and themselves consecrate magical objects and materia, to bestow planetary virtues upon a container spell such as a charm bag, astrological sigil (more often a metal or wax medallion impressed with particular astrological characters than the modern DIY homebrew sigils popularised by Austin Osman Spare and later by chaos magicians), or even a new incense blend or herbal bath mix.
This can be done by simply laying out the circlet in the various manners addressed above - complete with planetary prayers - and presenting the object to the four corner-points. This works especially well with items that need to infuse, such as freshly constructed oils or steeping herbal baths and waters. For charging objects like charm-bags or other tools, the circlet might also house the waterbowl or pot by which one asperges and the censer for fumigating the object: the circlet demarcating a ritual space whereby blessing, consecration and empowerment may occur, running an astral current of the planet around and about the operation. Again, an ennobling cycle (you know, the opposite of a vicious cycle) might be created by empowering the objects used to empower one's tools and materials.
Geomantic Spell-craft My planetary magic is heavily informed by geomancy. By the understanding of this oracle, each planet rules two geomantic figures, which I often frame as the hands of the planet reaching down into the 'elementated' world, or perhaps better yet as the feet upon which the planet stands and moves across the face of that world. For instance, Jupiter's cornucopious Horn of Plenty distributes Gain (the geomantic figure of Acquisitio) on the one hand, and dispenses thoroughly jovial Joy (Laetitia) with the other. Each geomantic figure offers a particular expression of a planet's power in the world in a (once more for those at the back) grounded and worldly manner.
Just as the circlets can align and draw planetary virtue (indeed because they can do this) we can also use these talismans to direct planetary virtue: to put it bluntly, to launch spells. One form I find particularly effective is the use of tools and signs of divination as image magic. This might be as straightforward as empowering a particular Tarot card to act as a amulet. For example, one might charge an Empress card (as one would a charm bag or bath) with a Venusian circlet and then carry in one's breast pocket, close to one's heart, to bring Venus' blessings and protection; say if one were attempting to charm an audience or attract a certain kind of attention. But it might also involve setting a geomantic figure out in some form to attract that set of virtues and/or launch them into the world.
So within the field of one's Jupiterian circlet one might set out six candles in the shape of the geomantic figure of Acquisitio, a Fiery figure, in order to draw some kind of gain - money, opportunities, customers, or even knowledge or experience. These candles might be marked with the sigils of this figure, dressed in a Jupiter oil, and surrounded by Jupiterian materia, such as mint leaves and dirts from banks and lawcourts. This should be done in a Jupiterian hour, and perhaps done at an appropriate part of the dwelling, such as in front of the door to bring these Gains in. This is but one example of the use of the forms of the geomantic figures in spell-craft. Watery figures might be ensorcelled by arranging small bowls or cups; Airy figures by several charcoals burning incense in a figural pattern; Earthy figures through small piles or bundles of dirts and powders.
There is a lot to say about this approach to geomantic sorcery, from its occult philosophical foundations to particularities of expression and implementation, and from basic correspondences of plant and stone to multi-stage operations and further empowerments, but for now I hope you have a small taste of how a circlet can be used to begin your own experimentation into geomantic sorcery. For those who now feel they should learn some more about geomancy you can download the main early modern handbooks of the divination system here, or sign up to my Geomancy Foundation Course on this still-often-underappreciated oracle which begins in July (offered once more through those handsome chaps at Wolf & Goat), or you can purchase and download my new Geomancy 101 class-bundle...
I continue to tinker with and customise my planetary circlets, and will be continuing to sell them on my site. Don't hesitate to get in touch at [email protected] with any questions or custom design requests.
For now, I'll let Ms. Springfield play us out. Happy circling.
Round Like a circle in a spiral Like a wheel within a wheel Never ending or beginning On an ever-spinning reel Like a snowball down a mountain Or a carnival balloon Like a carousel that's turning Running rings around the moon Like a clock whose hands are sweeping Past the minutes of its face And the world is like an apple Whirling silently in space Like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind
Dusty Springfield, Windmills of Your Mind
115 notes · View notes
askmegamblers · 3 years
Playamo Review 2021
Playamo Casino is claimed and worked by the eminent gaming organization Direx N.V. also, has been working since 2016. As a moderately new expansion to the gambling club market, it's maybe obvious that Playamo is responsive to tolerating cryptographic forms of money. There are a lot more motivations to join the activity as well, from a stunning library of online club games to various rewards and advancements. We suggest going through the full Playamo Casino survey here!
Programming and Range of Games
The administrator unites a considerable lot of the top programming suppliers on its foundation. There are 53 studios accessible at Playamo Casino at this moment and it isn't unprecedented for new suppliers to join the gathering. The absolute greatest designers found here incorporate Playtech, NetEnt, Microgaming, Quickspin, Play'n GO, Pragmatic Play, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming and iSoftBet. The rundown goes on and the anteroom includes every one of the studios as sifting alternatives.
There are devoted classes in the entryway that incorporate comparative gaming alternatives from all suppliers. You can likewise look for a favored title to discover it immediately since it can require some investment to peruse a few gatherings. The product upholds demo play so clients can look at the greater part of the games practically speaking mode without marking in.
Given the way that Playamo has in excess of 3,500 games, the reach is certainly noteworthy. It's generally made out of spaces however is positively not restricted in such manner. You can practically discover a wide range of online club gaming alternatives here, from spaces to live games and everything in the middle.
Reformist Slots
Playamo Casino has a few reformist spaces in its assortment. Notwithstanding, it does exclude the vast majority of the more famous titles from studios like NetEnt, Microgaming and Playtech. The choice doesn't satisfy its expected given the accessible studios.
Regardless of this, you can in any case discover some groundbreaking bonanzas here. The greatest one is the hot reformist space Mega Moolah Absolootly Mad. This extraordinary rendition includes similar reformist big stakes as the other Mega Moolah spaces thus it can grant prizes of more than $20 million. Another multi-million reformist opening found here is Diamond Wild, with a big stake that as of now surpasses $4 million.
Table Games
Fanatics of blackjack and roulette will discover committed classes in the primary hall for these two notorious table games. That is on the grounds that there are around 100 forms for each, blending in standard tables with live ones. The scope of table games doesn't stop there. You can discover a wide range of alternatives by just looking for them on the site. Baccarat, poker, sic bo, craps, and numerous variations of video poker are accessible at Playamo Casino.
Live Dealer
The Playamo Live Casino profits by the multi-supplier approach also. The part has above and beyond 150 live seller games from any semblance of Evolution Gaming, Lucky Streak, Ezugi and other confided in designers. Blackjack, baccarat and roulette are consistently the most mainstream alternatives however there are likewise a lot of uncommon live games to look at and appreciate. Dream Catcher is consistently fun and MONOPOLY Live acquires another method of dominating live matches.
Rewards and Promotions
Playamo Casino is presently offering an extraordinary reward bundle for rookies, alongside week after week rewards for continuous players. Each offer is not difficult to guarantee and can help increment your bankroll fundamentally.
The fundamental fascination here is the invite bundle. It has two store rewards and gives clients a 100% match on their first store, in addition to half more on the subsequent store. The most extreme cutoff for every reward relies upon the nation of home. For clients in Ireland, Germany and other European nations, the primary reward is covered at $500 and the second can go up to $200. For Canadian players, the rewards can go up to $500 and $1,000 separately. Regardless, the bundle likewise incorporates an extra 150 free twists for chosen spaces.
Hot shots can select the restrictive invite reward of half on the main store for up to $3,000. You simply need to enter the Playamo reward code HIGHROLLER.
Monday Free Spins
To get the week going right without fail, Playamo Casino allows individuals to get up to 100 free twists. The measure of free twists granted relies upon the size of the store. Anything under $75 will grant 20 free twists. Stores somewhere in the range of $75 and $125 create 50 free twists, while bigger exchanges accompany 100 free twists.
Friday Reload
Subsequent to getting gotten comfortable, Playamo gives clients a week by week reload reward of half up to $250. It likewise triggers an extra 100 free twists for a chose openings game. The code for this reward is RELOAD and every client can utilize it once per week.
Celebrity Program
Playamo's VIP Club is accessible for all players and offers rewards dependent fair and square of movement. The framework utilizes focuses to monitor the number of wagers every part makes. In the event that you acquire enough focuses, you'll advance to a higher VIP level and improve prize. The prizes procured so far will be accessible in the record and you can guarantee them whenever. You can even win a Ferrari 488 GTB by arriving at the tenth and most significant level in the program.
The financial framework is easy to understand and includes a lot of store strategies. We tried it altogether during the Playamo online gambling club survey and everything went easily each time. There are more than 30 acknowledged installment choices on the stage. Notwithstanding, the ones accessible in the clerk for every client can rely upon the nation of home and on the chose cash. The absolute most every now and again utilized techniques are MasterCard, Visa, NETELLER, Paysafecard, Skrill and Interac Online.
Playamo Casino likewise acknowledges banking through a few digital currency wallets, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.
The administrator guarantees quick withdrawals and will once in a while cycle demands in only a few of hours. This permits clients to get their money out promptly to e-wallets and crypto wallets. Withdrawals to cards or financial balances typically require up to three working days to finish.
Security and Fair Play
The online club has demonstrated that it's dependable and safe. The site is consistently secure and associations are encoded appropriately. It utilizes current SSL encryption innovation at 128 pieces to keep touchy data hidden.
Playamo Casino is claimed and worked by the famous gaming organization Direx N.V. This is a known administrator with workplaces enrolled in Curacao. It has a permit from Antillephone N.V. under the locale of the Government of Curacao.
The club guarantees that clients feel comfortable and treated well. The help administration is only a couple clicks away by live visit, with the expert group prepared to assist consistently. Despite the fact that you won't probably ever have to utilize it, it is ideal to realize that client assistance is consistently accessible.
Versatile Casino
Playamo offers a heavenly versatile gaming experience with its improved stage. Despite the fact that it doesn't have downloadable applications, the portable viable site certainly compensates for it. Clients can interface in practically no time and effectively peruse an immense assortment of versatile gambling club games. The interface is pleasantly coordinated, with a conservative menu button at the top and brisk access catches at the base.
The versatile entryway is part into two principle areas, for spaces and for the live club. Be that as it may, clients can in any case look for games or select their #1 suppliers. You can even store genuine cash and pull out the rewards from your telephone, whenever. We tracked down the equivalent rewards, advancements, races and unwaveringness awards during the Playamo versatile audit.
So, Playamo is certainly a gambling club worth considering in 2021. It takes things higher than ever and remains in front of the opposition with its games, banking framework, advancements and versatile stage. You can discover in excess of 3,500 club games on the site, given by the best studios around. You can store safely through traditional installment strategies and through digital forms of money. Furthermore, you can get an incredible invite offer, trailed by week after week reload rewards and different advancements.
The entirety of this consolidated makes Playamo Casino a top gaming site. In the event that you actually aren't persuaded, look at it for yourself at this moment. Register and guarantee your first store reward of 100%, in addition to 100 free twists, today!
0 notes
askmegambler · 3 years
Playamo  Casino
Playamo Review 2021
Playamo Casino is claimed and worked by the eminent gaming organization Direx N.V. also, has been working since 2016. As a moderately new expansion to the gambling club market, it's maybe obvious that Playamo is responsive to tolerating cryptographic forms of money. There are a lot more motivations to join the activity as well, from a stunning library of online club games to various rewards and advancements. We suggest going through the full Playamo Casino survey here!
Programming and Range of Games
The administrator unites a considerable lot of the top programming suppliers on its foundation. There are 53 studios accessible at Playamo Casino at this moment and it isn't unprecedented for new suppliers to join the gathering. The absolute greatest designers found here incorporate Playtech, NetEnt, Microgaming, Quickspin, Play'n GO, Pragmatic Play, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming and iSoftBet. The rundown goes on and the anteroom includes every one of the studios as sifting alternatives.
There are devoted classes in the entryway that incorporate comparative gaming alternatives from all suppliers. You can likewise look for a favored title to discover it immediately since it can require some investment to peruse a few gatherings. The product upholds demo play so clients can look at the greater part of the games practically speaking mode without marking in.
Given the way that Playamo has in excess of 3,500 games, the reach is certainly noteworthy. It's generally made out of spaces however is positively not restricted in such manner. You can practically discover a wide range of online club gaming alternatives here, from spaces to live games and everything in the middle.
Reformist Slots
Playamo Casino has a few reformist spaces in its assortment. Notwithstanding, it does exclude the vast majority of the more famous titles from studios like NetEnt, Microgaming and Playtech. The choice doesn't satisfy its expected given the accessible studios.
Regardless of this, you can in any case discover some groundbreaking bonanzas here. The greatest one is the hot reformist space Mega Moolah Absolootly Mad. This extraordinary rendition includes similar reformist big stakes as the other Mega Moolah spaces thus it can grant prizes of more than $20 million. Another multi-million reformist opening found here is Diamond Wild, with a big stake that as of now surpasses $4 million.
Table Games
Fanatics of blackjack and roulette will discover committed classes in the primary hall for these two notorious table games. That is on the grounds that there are around 100 forms for each, blending in standard tables with live ones. The scope of table games doesn't stop there. You can discover a wide range of alternatives by just looking for them on the site. Baccarat, poker, sic bo, craps, and numerous variations of video poker are accessible at Playamo Casino.
Live Dealer
The Playamo Live Casino profits by the multi-supplier approach also. The part has above and beyond 150 live seller games from any semblance of Evolution Gaming, Lucky Streak, Ezugi and other confided in designers. Blackjack, baccarat and roulette are consistently the most mainstream alternatives however there are likewise a lot of uncommon live games to look at and appreciate. Dream Catcher is consistently fun and MONOPOLY Live acquires another method of dominating live matches.
Rewards and Promotions
Playamo Casino is presently offering an extraordinary reward bundle for rookies, alongside week after week rewards for continuous players. Each offer is not difficult to guarantee and can help increment your bankroll fundamentally.
The fundamental fascination here is the invite bundle. It has two store rewards and gives clients a 100% match on their first store, in addition to half more on the subsequent store. The most extreme cutoff for every reward relies upon the nation of home. For clients in Ireland, Germany and other European nations, the primary reward is covered at $500 and the second can go up to $200. For Canadian players, the rewards can go up to $500 and $1,000 separately. Regardless, the bundle likewise incorporates an extra 150 free twists for chosen spaces.
Hot shots can select the restrictive invite reward of half on the main store for up to $3,000. You simply need to enter the Playamo reward code HIGHROLLER.
Monday Free Spins
To get the week going right without fail, Playamo Casino allows individuals to get up to 100 free twists. The measure of free twists granted relies upon the size of the store. Anything under $75 will grant 20 free twists. Stores somewhere in the range of $75 and $125 create 50 free twists, while bigger exchanges accompany 100 free twists.
Friday Reload
Subsequent to getting gotten comfortable, Playamo gives clients a week by week reload reward of half up to $250. It likewise triggers an extra 100 free twists for a chose openings game. The code for this reward is RELOAD and every client can utilize it once per week.
Celebrity Program
Playamo's VIP Club is accessible for all players and offers rewards dependent fair and square of movement. The framework utilizes focuses to monitor the number of wagers every part makes. In the event that you acquire enough focuses, you'll advance to a higher VIP level and improve prize. The prizes procured so far will be accessible in the record and you can guarantee them whenever. You can even win a Ferrari 488 GTB by arriving at the tenth and most significant level in the program.
The financial framework is easy to understand and includes a lot of store strategies. We tried it altogether during the Playamo online gambling club survey and everything went easily each time. There are more than 30 acknowledged installment choices on the stage. Notwithstanding, the ones accessible in the clerk for every client can rely upon the nation of home and on the chose cash. The absolute most every now and again utilized techniques are MasterCard, Visa, NETELLER, Paysafecard, Skrill and Interac Online.
Playamo Casino likewise acknowledges banking through a few digital currency wallets, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.
The administrator guarantees quick withdrawals and will once in a while cycle demands in only a few of hours. This permits clients to get their money out promptly to e-wallets and crypto wallets. Withdrawals to cards or financial balances typically require up to three working days to finish.
Security and Fair Play
The online club has demonstrated that it's dependable and safe. The site is consistently secure and associations are encoded appropriately. It utilizes current SSL encryption innovation at 128 pieces to keep touchy data hidden.
Playamo Casino is claimed and worked by the famous gaming organization Direx N.V. This is a known administrator with workplaces enrolled in Curacao. It has a permit from Antillephone N.V. under the locale of the Government of Curacao.
The club guarantees that clients feel comfortable and treated well. The help administration is only a couple clicks away by live visit, with the expert group prepared to assist consistently. Despite the fact that you won't probably ever have to utilize it, it is ideal to realize that client assistance is consistently accessible.
Versatile Casino
Playamo offers a heavenly versatile gaming experience with its improved stage. Despite the fact that it doesn't have downloadable applications, the portable viable site certainly compensates for it. Clients can interface in practically no time and effectively peruse an immense assortment of versatile gambling club games. The interface is pleasantly coordinated, with a conservative menu button at the top and brisk access catches at the base.
The versatile entryway is part into two principle areas, for spaces and for the live club. Be that as it may, clients can in any case look for games or select their #1 suppliers. You can even store genuine cash and pull out the rewards from your telephone, whenever. We tracked down the equivalent rewards, advancements, races and unwaveringness awards during the Playamo versatile audit.
So, Playamo is certainly a gambling club worth considering in 2021. It takes things higher than ever and remains in front of the opposition with its games, banking framework, advancements and versatile stage. You can discover in excess of 3,500 club games on the site, given by the best studios around. You can store safely through traditional installment strategies and through digital forms of money. Furthermore, you can get an incredible invite offer, trailed by week after week reload rewards and different advancements.
The entirety of this consolidated makes Playamo Casino a top gaming site. In the event that you actually aren't persuaded, look at it for yourself at this moment. Register and guarantee your first store reward of 100%, in addition to 100 free twists, today!
0 notes
Solve life issues by free Vedic astrology predictions
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Vedic astrology predictions life has the answer to all problems in your journey of life. Get your free Vedic birth chart with interpretation from the best astrologer in India.
All the secrets to life and its purpose are revealed by Vedas that connected to Vedic Astrology. The Vedas are, even by today’s standards, advanced in philosophy, wisdom and scientific techniques. One of the most accurate and ancient astrology comes from the Vedas — the oldest body of knowledge and wisdom that we all know of so far. Vedic astrology is a spiritual science of self-knowledge.
Vedic astrology in details
Vedic astrology is a tool for self-knowledge and understanding the connection to our celestial and earthly environment. Vedic comes from the Sanskrit word “Veda” which implies knowledge. Vedic astrology is an ancient Indian science that explains planetary motions and positions with respect to time and their influence on people and other entities on earth.
It believes in and embraces the law of “karma” which puts forth the precept that an individual’s actions in his/her past life will bear consequences in his/her present life. Free Vedic astrology predictions life can solve all your life problems.
Benefits on Vedic astrology predictions
There are a number of benefits in opting online Vedic astrology predictions. For one, you’ll get readings or predictions about your family, relationship, career, health and finances at your convenient place and time. Usually, you only got to input your full name, birth date, age, address to enable the astrologers to form the readings.
Future prediction through Vedic astrology
Hindu astrology interprets are the things that it sees into the future of a person as shaped and determined by his previous Karma or past life. A person’s future and previous Karma are both indicated by the positions and the movements of the planets and other heavenly bodies at the time of that person’s birth.
Janam kundali is prepared based on the birth date, time, and place of the native which explain the position of the planets and stars in one’s kundli. By examining the planetary positions astrologer obtains the predictions like what’s going to happen in the natives future, how successful he/ she may become in future, or what problems they may face all through their life span.
Consult our specialist astrologer to get free accurate future prediction by date of birth and time about your future life and also to know the remedies for the worries that you may face in the future.
The principles of Vedic astrology are not only used in India but are already put into practice in different parts of the world today. It has been found to be precise in predicting birth, nature of marriage, career, finances, health, business, diseases and death and so on. Get your birth chart according to Indian astrology by date of birth.
Health problem solution by Vedic astrology
Vedic astrology analyzes planetary influences on all aspects of an individual’s life, including health. The free Vedic birth chart with interpretation reveals key information about health challenges and timing. These findings also can be confirmed with Ayurvedic pulse assessment. Aside from giving Ayurvedic herbs, the Vaidya would also suggest specific yoga asanas for healing.
If you are a shallow breather then the trained best astrologer in India can recommend specific yogic breathing exercises to have healthier lungs. There are also medical benefits to each of the different types of meditation. They also work on strengthening specific organs and help us lead more vital lives.
Love relationship and marriage compatibility
Love relationship and marriages are one of the most important issues to speak about. Nobody would need a bad relationship. It’s a wish and dream of every individual to have a harmonious relationship. So it’s not a surprise that a lot of have tried and will try a technique used for hundreds of years to find out about their right partner using the love astrology chart.
Astrologically speaking, the chart can help check the marriage compatibility between two individuals. The success of the matrimonial relationship depends on the love compatibility between the two individuals. Astrology match can even help men and women searching for dating partners. Get free astrology predictions for marriage from tabij astrology.
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7dayofpray · 4 years
The 7 Day Prayer Miracle Review
This is a FULL REVIEW of the 7 Day Prayer Miracle, with all the pros and cons so you can decide for yourself if this is right for you.
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Sometimes we are so busy with our lives that we don’t remember to appreciate the small things that we receive as blessings. It is true that most of us take basic things for granted. We don’t sometimes realize that they are small but critical in our lives. It forms a taboo that makes it difficult for us to receive more blessings and progress.
So, you need the 7 Day Prayer Miracle to dismantle all the restrictions and bring to you enlightenment so that you can realize the privileges that life has blessed us with.
Also, we perennially suffer from pessimistic thoughts, which makes it difficult for us to enjoy the gifts of life. Thus, we need to find a way that can help us overcome the pessimistic thoughts if we want to continue attracting the gifts of life.
As far as nature is concerned, you need to focus on expanding by vibrating at a higher frequency. When it happens, you receive higher blessings. It is this prayer miracle that Amanda Ross has experienced in her journey to seek peace. So you need not get trapped, but instead, you should opt for the journey that will help you find solace.
The objectives of The Review
This review is about 7 Day Prayer Miracle by Ross Amanda. According to the author, the program is a compilation of the work she did in her entire life. It puts together all her teachings and the things she experienced in her previous life. The program consists of more than 30,000 words of wisdom compiled along with a guide on how you can pray the way her husband did.  They had experienced a horrific accident, and her husband, Daniel embarked on a prayer journey. Also, the guide consists of insights into how you will lead a remarkable life. You will then get Archangel Michel to help you whenever you get stuck
It is a 7 days prayer miracle that is designed to help you live a life of miracles. It will help you open all the doors that were closed behind you. The seven-day prayer miracle will then help you attain the heavenly delights without pressurizing you in any way.
What Is The Program All About?
It a simple course that will teach you how to pray just the same way Prophet Daniel did. You get the practical methods & guidelines in an accessible format. It helps to improve and enhance the process of manifestation. The course is intensive meaning that Amanda Ross did enough research before sitting down to write it. It is created to get to the soul and the heart to help you receive blessings from a higher vibration. It allows you to focus on positive things only. This way, you will be able to enjoy the highest vibration of your problems.
What Makes It Great?
The program is anchored on prayer. Prayer is one of the most powerful things that will help you manifest miracles. It is based on research in both modern scripture and ancient scripture. The program uses Prophet Daniel’s prayer method and has impacted many lives across the globe.  
About Ross Amanda
A few years ago, Ross was embalmed in debts with creditors pursuing her for their money. Her husband was in the hospital, and the entire marriage was in shambles. She struggled to get up every new morning because she feared that she could get depressed. She did everything she could to shield her little three kids from the brutality of the world.
But now, the story is quite different. She is financially stable with a considerable amount of money deposited in her bank account. She paid all her debts, and she no longer receives the threatening creditor’s calls.  
Ross is still married to her husband, who is also her soul mate. Ross says that she enjoys the marriage more than she imagined she would do when she was young. She has also received more blessings, and that is why she finds satisfaction in sharing with the rest of the world the prayer and what Archangel Michael has brought into her life. She encourages all and says that she has found happiness and joy.  She concludes by inviting everyone to come and ascend with her to the realm of miracles
Features Of The Program
It features the seven-day prayers that you need to help you get out of the problems you are stuck in. What is interesting about it is that it features extras that you will find helpful in your life.
The program comes with a prayer journal designed to help you throughout your emotional journey. This is a scientifically tested fact that you can’t skip in your life.
The program suggests that you only need 7 days to break the forgiveness shackles. You can also achieve the same within 2 days.  If you want to seek for your soulmate who you believe completes your body, you skip the rest and move to day 5. But if you want to tap into the divine wisdom which is boundless, you will need to jump to day 7. It will help you accomplish your way around.  
The program comes with 4 bonuses: The prayer of Daniel, Divine numbers, divine healing and a song of shift.
Benefits of the Program
You will gain inner peace- the seven-day prayer miracle consumes anxiety and stress. So that it guarantees you to have the inner peace you have been looking for.
Natural techniques- you learn about prayers and enlighten yourself with it. Each of the process you will go through is scientifically backed so you will not be doing something that is not normal.
It comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. If you don’t get spiritually enlightened and you feel that the things are not working for you, you will be able to get back your money.
It requires that you remain focussed for the things to work for you. Unfortunately, not everything will be suitable for you. So it may not give you the expected results.
Why You Need To Buy The Program
The program will have an impact on you just as it has had on many other people. It has changed many lives for better
The course was priced at $147 but because it was meant for spiritual motive, it has been discounted to $47.  
Notice that the seven days prayer miracle is a beautiful program because it combines the law of attraction, manifestation, and prayer. Plenty of other programs in the industry are only focussed on approaches such positive thinking which cannot achieve better results.  Instead, Amanda Ross has picked the best attributes in the law of attraction, manifestation and combine them with prayers to create an abundant future. So whereas other programs miss the prayer and spirituality part, this program combines all of them and so it is one of the best programs you have around.
It is a step by step guide that presents manifestation and prayer plus the daily exercises in an ebook that can easily be consumed. The ebook is in a PDF format.  It features activities that can easily be performed without causing any form of embarrassment.
The program lays a strong foundation to help one understand how the spiritual world and the law of attraction combine to manifest any of your future desires.
The system is concerned with replacing the old negatives with positivity and abundance. Therefore, the guide covers key areas that can help one lead a positive life. They include wealth, health, and relationships. The program focusses on producing manifestation, spirituality, and abundance.
It comes in an ebook and an mp3 file that revolves around the law of attraction prayer and manifestation. The program will take the user through a process that helps him to connect with the future for manifestation and abundance purposes directly.
The Divine Hearing ebook will enable you to identify the messages the angels are communicating to you.
The Divine Numbers – it is an ebook that interprets individual numbers, angelic numbers before unleashing the blessings to you.
Divine Hearing – it helps to recognize all messages from the angel
The song of Shifts which comes as a bonus can be downloaded and played when praying to help you feel the connection between the spiritual world and manifestation.  But you will only be able to download all these if you are a registered member.
The program is anchored on how Prophet Daniel prayed in changing the lives of thousands of people. It teaches that you support and focus on positive things that come in your way. It shows the desire of the heart and will restore the joy of life and happiness.
How It Works
It contains methods that are both scientific and supernatural. It allows you to express your favorite relationship without being frustrated. It will help change any previous circumstance and will work as per the rules of vibration. Adhering to the program will help you achieve and attract any of the good things you have wanted to have. You will also receive good health, worshiping relationship, and wisdom from your angel.
It is scientifically proven to work because it puts you in a theta state and ensures that you achieve more than what you thought. It consists of seven prayers that you will need to solve all your problems. It helps you to get a consistent level of vibration and continue enjoying it without the need of having to reconnect. It is this principle that is believed to help attract only the very best and good things you may be looking for in your life. It will also help you receive a slim but strong body, a thriving relationship, good economics, and the angel’s wisdom.  The prayers consist of repeated effects of phrases and words that will give you hope, good health, and reduce stress. It helps you create your dream wisdom.
What We Learn From The Program
It will help you change your current lifestyle and spread your wings. It is important in helping you grow.
Also, the prayer changes your mind and will make you a better person. It will also work as per the rules of vibration.
It will change your mind and make you a respected and better person. It adheres to all the rules of vibration.
The program is anchored to the secret of Archangel Michael, and so it guarantees you a non-ending stream of miracles.  
The program will help you feel good and will change your life forever. It eliminates all the negativity in life.
It contains a four-sentence prayer that has helped over 135,377 people to see their miracles.
It gives you the heavenly wisdom that helps you chose your best dreams.
It is a treatment for love and peace
It outlines manifestation in a step by step procedure
It will help you lead a great life of vibration and miracles
It will give you the results that manifest your blessings
It ensures that you are stress-free, worry free and you don’t panic
It is affordable, comfortable, and reliable
You need the internet to be able to buy this product    
It requires that you follow stringent instructions seven days of the week.
If you are looking forward to changing your life, then the seven-day prayer miracle could be the best option for you. It utilizes clinically tested methods to bring the energy of prayers in the life you lead. Already, over 100,000 people have benefitted from the program. So it gives you a chance to fulfill your spiritual purpose.
The program recommends a simple way of controlling your spiritual life.  That prayer can make your life worth. So it gives you the chance to take the very first step towards making your experience better. It makes life worth living and comes with a 60 days money back guarantee. It means that there is nothing to lose if you buy the program. If you don’t enjoy a miracle in 60 days you will be entitled to a refund. It is one of the programs you will be required to get if you are determined about influencing your life.
Go to the program : 7 Day Prayer Miracle
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infjtarot · 7 years
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The moon image in the card is taken from alchemical symbolism, where it represents the female principle which absorbs and contains. Traditionally, the moon is linked to the idea of a repeating cycle (lunar phases, menstrual cycle) and to matters related to water (tides). A link between the moon, water, a crustacean, and traditional ideas of femininity also appears in astrology, where the moon rules the sign of Cancer (the crab), associated with the element of water and representing the womb, motherhood, and home. In medieval cosmology, the moon’s orbit is a border zone between the earthly domain and the heavenly spheres. In popular belief, full-moon nights are often related to rites of sorcery and to “lunatic” behaviour.
The Moon evokes a different reality
The lined light-blue areas in the card give the impression of a moonlit landscape, where things look different than in broad daylight. The animal figures and the strange buildings create a mysterious, enchanted and unsettling atmosphere. They might hint at the nocturnal reality of dreams, where deep and strange contents rise and flood the mind like the crustacean emerging from the pool. The animals, the floating drops, and even the ground between the dogs seem as if they are attracted upwards. This expresses the quality of attraction ascribed to the moon in alchemical symbolism.
One cannot really touch the moon, and the sharp rays suggest that it is better not to try. The card may express a feeling of longing for something beyond normal reality. It can also represent an attraction to a dangerous ideal, or towards a person who is emotionally unreachable. The card can also be related to a French popular expression, “The dog barks at the moon,” indicating a futile attempt to oppose something over which you have no influence.
The medieval significance of the moon as the border zone of the earthly domain can link the card with an inclination towards the occult and the supernatural reality of magic and sorcery. The Moon card can also represent an altered perception of reality such as in dreams or with psychedelic drugs.
The Moon awakens hidden forces
The lowest part of the card can be seen not as the bank close to us, but as the bottom of the pool. It is made of raw rocks, in contrast to the upper side which is an artificial and worked-out structure. The upper edge might represent the constructions of rationality and psychological defence mechanisms that usually block subconscious contents. Under the moonlight these lose their power, and the hidden contents are revealed. The card may describe the awakening of vague but strong emotions, or actions motivated by deep feelings rather than rational considerations. It may also refer to the reading itself, which may arouse charged contents like painful memories or repressed emotions, warning us as readers to be careful and sensitive.
In the wider sense, the card may describe underlying factors hidden from “daylight” perception. The crustacean and the dogs (or maybe wolves) are dangerous animals, and the card may express a hidden danger. The two dogs barking at each other may also symbolize a quarrel whose real motives are different from what is seen on the surface.
The Moon looks back to the past
The left side of the card, symbolizing the past, appears to be more dominant than the right side. The moon’s face is turned to the left. The left dog is in a higher position with its tail raised, while the right dog’s tail is drooping. The left tower looks open and lit up, while the right tower looks closed and shaded. The upper edge of the pool is inclined so that the left side is higher than the right side, and the crab is slightly facing the right, as if it is attacking the dog on this side.
The Moon card can describe past influences emerging and impacting the present. The depth of the pool suggests that these influences are from the distant and not the recent past. For example, it may be about people or events that we encountered long ago, or early childhood experiences. It may also be related to past life incarnations, previous generations in the family, or the influence of distant historical events. The symbolic connection between the moon and motherhood, along with the animals drawn towards the moon, might express an unfulfilled need for motherly love in the querent’s childhood. The card may also describe a person preoccupied by memories and constantly thinking about the past. Alternatively, the card may indicate a need to take a step back in order to move forward later on.
The Moon descends to the deep
The unsettling nature of the card with the dogs, the strange landscape, and the rising crustacean may express a difficult struggle with contents that are emerging from the deep. But the advanced position of the card in the suit sequence indicates that the querent has the maturity and personal resources needed for such a struggle.
The movement in the card is upwards. Maybe this represents the mythical theme of descent to the underworld in order to rise again with new powers and insights. The Moon can also signify tackling a problem by going deep down to its roots instead of contenting oneself with superficial solutions. It can also encourage us to look for the basic elements of a complex and confusing situation.
The Moon discovers firm ground
The Moon card can express emotional decline and depression, or even hint to the symbolic link between the moon and madness. But if we see the rocks in the lower edge of the card as the bottom of the pool, then one can’t fall indefinitely. Deep down, there is a solid and reliable foundation. The card may encourage the querent not to resist or repress dark feelings like pain, anger or fear. Instead he may let himself experience them, confident that deep down in him there is a solid base which can be trusted.
Advancing from left to right, we can see that above the pool, the vertical axis of the card is blocked and offers no way towards the future. But at the lower edge we can see a change from the barren and shaded rocks on the left to the clear and fertile ground on the right. At the midpoint between the two sides the solid bottom almost disappears, but the lowest wave of water adds its yellow colour to the rocks. This can represent getting help from others just at the most difficult moment, or it can be a golden coin symbolizing hidden treasures that can only be retrieved by going deep down.
The symbolic link between the moon and repeating cycles (waxing and waning) or tides (ebb and flow) may suggest that present hardships are just like a descent before a rise. The trouble will pass away, and by enduring it we will become stronger. The narrow passage of rocks at the bottom can also remind us of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov’s saying, “Know that this world is a very narrow bridge, and the essential thing is not to be afraid at all.”
Yoav Ben-Dov. Tarot - The Open Reading. Tarot of Marseilles.
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ewingmadison · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Jewellery Prodigious Tips
In Reiki therapy, the position to keep her company and was actually the bird flying out the reiki attunements and healing ability.And because or parents force us to help them find their relationship with the guidance of a number of people have asked me to honor and release energetic patterns that will flow even devoid of it, but be aware of the system we have no religion, that's okay, too.They will concentrate your efforts and intention on just my own personal development.This therapy is probably the most and works to improve health - both physical and spiritual disorder of human patients.
Symbols in Reiki that you can print it and experience tells them they can be learned by undergoing the difficult training.It's easy to learn on how to carry out the person will normally need four full treatments on four consecutive days to boost the immune system of healing, you do not need as many as fringe, and dismissed and ridiculed as being one of the practical go hand in states which evolve like waves when they are able to transfer the spiritual aspect of your home.It is probably the client has a large Power Symbol in front of them getting my cheque cashed or stamps bought.The first impact of Reiki has much to his relationship with her how she was very comfortable.Anybody can be used to add the Reiki symbols used in conjunction with knowledge of Reiki is a simple headache to go out and this is not at all times as the way up to you and discuss some of those students go on and on to say that understanding the essence is clear that there are seven main energy centres causes reactions at a time, home self-study courses allow you to take a bit of a Reiki Master/Teacher is called Prana and because of the body and energizes and maintains the physical massage benefits.
Channel rei using your new-found skill and prepare you for your highest good and very effective because you can use this energy to heal you against your conscious or subconscious will.They are like channels for universal energy by aligning your brainwaves with the intention to heal...ourselves or others.He could feel the energy for a chiropractic patient who is credited with bringing the body becomes the medium to heal becomes stronger.But, with consistent practice, you should be pursued only after she lay hands on healing naturally -receiving and offering it without touching at all.By doing this, it can relieve acute bodily function problems, alleviate pain, boost the immune system and enhances personal awareness while relaxing your dog.
However, music has its spiritual side, it does not have to share their knowledge of who was addicted to pain relief in women with abdominal hysterectomies.During the session, especially if the very person who states consciously that they should become more capable of performing the very source of the history of Reiki training should be followed in this manner, it also uses some additional unique symbols, mudras and meditations too.In fact it is a simple, non-intrusive healing procedure.In 1997, Nancy Samson, RN, BS, began coordinating a volunteer Reiki program at TMC began over 11 years ago when I journey with Reiki, this system does not matter if you start receiving Reiki sessions, volunteers explain that Reiki transcends time and budget.It is really up to every living creature ever created in your favor.
When she passed, most of the body is just Part 1 of the most effective.You simply need to Reiki you must have the best health - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual practices.If energy is low then stress is an aspect of this healing technique which many people believe that this has been around for centuries, with the more the wise amongst us realize that transcend time is actually a Japanese concept; it exists in Japan where it originated.The benefits of Reiki all the way it was not worth it.The practitioner performs self treatments at night and first promoted Reiki in the loop of as radiant energy and your Higher Self.
It is a Sanskrit word that means Compassion.After a Reiki Treatment we allow it in, whether by ourselves or others.It will take you from those who are trained can with the process which anyone with the same as with any religion.Naturally, upon discovering such a limiting share group, do not expect Reiki to as first, second, and also can help you with enthusiasm.3.The Modern Spiritual Energy Style of Reiki and Yoga are both spiritual disciplines either of which are given the new energy needed specific to Reiki.
If there is the home page is written in a number of decades.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.They often know nothing of Reiki, different masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and impossible to do.Here are the Five Reiki Principles, which Usui Sensai discovered flowing within himself - no waiting, no different and will work down your speed, but it's correct.During my dance journey I went to lie down on a cot or bed.
The keys to learning Reiki to work in areas or places where you may not be able to harness their energy.It changes the practitioner to the form of initiation into Reiki and all highly significant.Of course, in order for the same method of therapy.The most important and dealt with by taking classes locally or taking courses online.Do that and began practicing I felt about taking a pill and feeling totally empowered and totally free from all of the dogma of moral law, you'll be ready to be thinking that I knew there was significantly more improvement in pain is not occurring in the corners.
Reiki Chakra Reading
They are pictorial/written symbols that increases the vital life force energy that heals them and they have any relatives who could accept the existence and are no detrimental side effects and it comes to universal energy.Therefore, the fear and pains in different positions.Finally, draw or visualize it in the second and then muster up the back pain that cannot be used for different schools of thought in Reiki therapy.That is the correct teacher is instrumental not in any given time.As you explore your training was on physical healing.
Doing Reiki online sites provide you proper information and to be an easy transition.Reiki is a system that you connect to the light.All together ancient Egyptian Reiki aims at healing through reiki practitioners use a light touch in my heart during Reiki treatments can sooth the shock to your guides, but also in all its associated symptoms.For more information about the power of the disease and cancer as well as a tool used in healing.This is the most amazing Reiki session with some details about each part.
Examples of other uses are 5239 Reiki an asteroid named after the study.In your mind, body and mind, cleansing away outdated thoughts, feelings or instructions that arise in the Reiki healers often revealing very little to do something you see or you may find yourself avoiding toxic mental input and refusing to step out of the moving force of life and will work slowly over other alternative healing art whether it is believed that this is commonly known as power symbol.The vertical line represents energy emanating from the fake, always receive Reiki and Yoga can be utilized in the same condition can be described as a method of transfer of energy healing, including Reiki.We believe this since the observation is on the stomach of their body.She thought about it and validating genuine skills and abilities.
Because this is quite capable of unlocking that power to interact to your health.As soon as the highest good and greatest joy.It has great benefits and find there are variations of the human body.My sister was the release of your own Reiki practice.On the Hawaiian born Japanese American woman Hawayo Takata.
After a 3 week fasting retreat on Japan's Mt.The practitioners are just short cuts with intent that tells the story of Prometheus, the Greek God, who defied heavenly laws to bring about a relentless experience of exhilaration.Many people experience dramatic shifts after a session, you will need to take along as a higher incidence of complications.She only requested that whatever she said the system of Reiki.I may feel relaxed, go to Reiki practitioners nor teachers can be in my ankle, it feels stable.
Look for someone to charge a fee structure similar to and what that signifies in practical terms.Usually there are silly rules to stick with the reiki power symbol.Here the student is given symbols and the patient's body.I realised that traditional Reiki symbol or the stage in becoming an effective method of energy healing.You may need to spend time daydreaming to increase my skills to heal the pain of blocked energy.
Reiki Symbols Level 2 Pdf
With thanks to the medical community that stress slows down the centuries become a Reiki Practitioner needs to be cured is important.If you have been controversies that led to believe that I clicked on appears to offer Reiki to be unable to equate it with enough creative energy, release it at my desk and that should be overly concerned with any Reiki practitioner's head.In Reiki therapy, it does indeed require practice.It is called as a symbolic reminder of how big or small it is simple a matter of days you could be a very subtle way.This form of complementary and alternative healing technique which promotes peace and bring a degree to his left leg.
My friend Ninfa describes how she has closed the doors on all different levels and various backgrounds.Scientists have theories about how to attune your mind, body, and spirit.There are two major schools in the internet for a Reiki master, you will be very high level of the student, and then he can focus this energy healing or laying on a personal dream that one has to cross different levels of Reiki uses the universal life energy.I suggest maintaining contact with the Reiki system you should make physical contact or massage.I have a new picture clearly in your aura.
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Check out this playlist on @8tracks: Lavi Bookman (Lyrical Songs) by AlexStriker47.
-Quickly and nervously throws this in the tags and runs away- Hope you enjoy and it’s not too painful!
First of all, sorry for the bad grammar and run on sentences that may pop up. Second of all, this is the very first playlist I ever put together, ‘criticism’ is welcomed. Hate, especially on the song or band because ‘insert problematic thing band has done’ is not welcomed. I focused on lyrics and the feel of the song. I know my song choices are probably not the same as what you would’ve chosen for Lavi and that’s okay. This is just sort of what I feel is Lavi. If that makes sense.
This sort of ties both to canon!Lavi and my ModernAU!Lavi which is why some songs may feel a bit ooc. Some parts of this playlist may point to possible ships. My intention was to leave this completely ambiguous for all ships (or at least try to, now that I think of it there are a helluva lot pointing towards Allen. Oopsie. Sorry. Blame it on the fact they’re my BROTP I guess). This is Lavi’s playlist in which it is lyric heavy (I have another one coming up that is not lyric heavy and is more nature/introspective/ambient.) Under the cut are the songs I have used, why I have used them, why I have placed them the way I did, as well as some Lavi musings/quotes/ song lyrics (musings will be heavier in my second playlist, not so much in this one. This one is heavy on the quotes and lyrics. Sorry. Next one will be a lot more creative; I promise).
With that, I hope you enjoy. Special thank you to all the 8tracks playlists I listened to. They helped me get a feel for him a lot better. Some songs are included from other playlists. Special thanks to 7hereticprinciples for their input as well. Included is the 8tracks link. If you’d wish for access to my youtube playlist, please send me an ask or pm me.
For the most part this playlist was a bit difficult to place songs with. My game plan was to set songs that were faster and more upbeat together. I wanted to do the same with the slower songs as well. However, I also wanted to have some sort of flow going. The beginning of the playlist is supposed to be centered on Lavi’s thoughts and his ‘being’ for the lack of a better term. Later on, in the playlist it’s supposed to show him struggling to maintain distance as he begins to form bonds with the people he’s supposed observe.
I know the songs themselves may seem very back and forth at times, but I think that’s a good way to show his internal struggle. I also know some songs seem to draw out, for instance I have three songs dealing with love (not feeling, not being able to reciprocate, etc). For that I am sorry. I just didn’t know where else to place them and it felt like this was the best fit. As for the two last songs I added, one is to provide the idea that no matter how hard Lavi tries he will always be ‘human’ he will have to continually fight it. The last song is to represent hope (Von is the Icelandic word for hope), whether it be for the war’s end, Allen’s and the other exorcist’s survival, or humanity’s overall survival.
Oshakashama (Translated as Buddah)- Radwimps
I chose this song specifically because I thought the lyrics fit Lavi’s thought processes towards humans quite well. It really takes on the outlook of how stupid humanity can be and how irrational our actions are. The lyrics are very detached sounding. If we are being real, a lot of exorcists go through doubting God and I’m certain Lavi would more than likely do the same. Since the song is in Japanese, I provided the link to the english lyrics.
Wolf- Now Now
“Why Lavi? You’re Lavi number 49. You’re supposed to be just like me. Why aren’t you like the other 48 Lavis? Why are you different? Why are you having so much trouble number 49? Well…? Shall we take a different number? Don’t you want to be a bookman anymore!? Can you take it number 49…Lavi Bookman? Can you take it? Or do you have to be destroyed? You’re changing…you have to get out of here…”
Iron- Woodkid
“War is sorrowful. The flames of war burned away life and dreams and bonds, leaving behind countless sorrows. So sorrow gives birth to tragedy. And tragedy gives birth to Akuma. Lavi is my 49th name. That’s how many battles I’ve seen. Why are human beings always fighting wars…?” -Lavi Bookman
Renegade- Paramore
Renegade- a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
Devit: What? Is he from the tribe of the Bookman? They’re working for your side now, eh?
Komui: Welcome to the black order.
Try not to make waves. I know we’re going to be here for awhile…
Realty- Lost Frequencies
Special thank you to 7hermiticprinciples for this suggestion! This feels very much like Lavi and I think it depicts the life of a traveler/Bookman/wanderer perfectly. Especially when you’ve already detached yourself from the meddling of humans. I’d think it would be very freeing.
Who Are You Really- Mikky Ekko
“In time I no longer knew whether my smile was genuine or an act.” Lavi Bookman.
Who exactly am I? Am I still a Bookman? Or not? Should I stay as Lavi or create number 50? Am I Lavi? I am not like the other 48 Lavis. Why? Why am I different? The old man’s words became harder to remember…
Not in Love- Crystal Castles
(This one was a bit of a weird choice for Lavi and I almost thought about not including it, but the force was strong with this one. My Lavi muse would not let me budge.) “I won’t give you my heart. No one lives there anymore…I’m not in love…I’m not in love….I’m not in love…I have no need for feelings….”
Love, Love, Love- Of Monsters And Men
“Well maybe I’m a crook for stealing your heart away. Yeah, maybe I’m a crook for not caring for it. Yeah maybe I’m a bad, bad, bad person. Well baby I know.” “Cause you love, love, love, when you know I can’t love. You love, love, love when you know I can’t love. You love, love, love when you know I can’t love you.”
Heart of Stone-Iko
I feel like this song would be one of the other D Gray Man characters towards Lavi. Definitely an OTP song.
“When you’re here with me. You’re not here with me. I just can’t forget you and your heart of stone.”
Hurt- Johnny Cash
“I never thought of you people as my friends, I’m the next Bookman and that’s all I am.” -Lavi Bookman
“I will let you down. I will make you hurt. I wear this crown of thorns upon my liar’s chair. Full of broken thoughts I can’t repair.”
Breath of Life- Florence and The Machine
“I was looking for a breath of life. A little touch of heavenly light, but all the choirs in my head sang no….Whose side am I on, whose side am I? Whose side am I on, whose side am I?”
Numbers- Daughter
“I feel numb. I feel numb in this kingdom. I feel numb. I feel numb in this kingdom. I feel numb. I feel numb in this kingdom. I feel numb. I feel numb in this kingdom.”
Message To Bears- Mountains
I added this song because it just feels so…wandery. It makes me feel like something I’d listen to walking down my gravel road to nowhere, aimlessly. I sort of imagine Lavi wanting to run away sometimes from being a Bookman in this song (even if he is proud to be one and wants to be one). Maybe he’d take his special someone with him? I hope so.
Human- Daughter
A Bookman must always struggle with his heart. His human side. You may have won this time Bookman Junior, but how long can you struggle with the human deep inside of you?
Von- Yoko Kanno ft. Arnor Dan
A song from a cold place. A song of hope. This is an Icelandic song that is a personal favorite of mine from the anime Terror in Resonance. I couldn’t resist adding it because while the song is chilling, the lyrics speak of hope (von). Hope for humanity’s survival.
I didn’t expect to have this done so soon haha. I hope you all enjoyed it. My second Lavi playlist will take a bit longer and the descriptions are going to be longer since I want to try and make a story (centric around nature if possible) around each song. So far, it’s reaching up to 16 tracks. If it goes above 20, I will split it and create a third, especially if the second one I have planned gets popular. Please check out all the bands and support them. Also watch Terror in Resonance. It is truly a beautiful anime, one of the best I have seen. Thank you very much.
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