#maybe false facts
maybefalsefacts · 2 months
The only reason you can't do magic is because your brain tells you it's not possible. If you believed it 100%, you could do it
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keideez · 26 days
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m-kyunie · 1 year
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"The supposedly sealed memories of a miniature garden"
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ninicaise · 11 months
everyone likes to make fun of damen saying his argument at the trial was just “your honor he is innocent bc. i love him” but that’s not true at all!
damen speaks specifically of laurent’s character and behavior with his army, his servants, his people, and his devotion to vere in general. he calls laurent dedicated and honest, all relevant contradictions to the accusations made against him in this stupid ass trial.
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he gives a coherent testimony about laurent as a person from his perspective since the first time he met him on the way laurent was outside of the fact that they were lovers and AFTER that the very last thing he adds in for a little flavour is that damen enjoyed laying with him implications of that being basically no guys laurent is not a depraved freak
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and in fact the first person who claims damen’s testimony is just a love declaration with no weight is the regent.
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which it's not to say that it wasn't a heartful declaration when it was, but it was also a valid testimony for god's sake, literally no worse than guion’s was. it just wasn’t aligned with the regent's intended result of the trial.
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angeltannis · 2 months
if I see that prok0//petz OW post on my dash one more time I s2g I’m gonna start blasting
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skylarbee · 7 months
milex and 'white nights' by dostoevsky
if you love milex do not, for the love of god and the well-being of your mental health, read 'white nights' - i am crushed and utterly inconsolable, and the fact that this whole story fits so well with the lyrics of 'killing the joke' and 'the meeting place' and the la cigale performance has me wanting to cry until tomorrow, and i can't keep all these thoughts to myself.
for those that don't know, it is the story of a man who meets a girl and falls in love with her; unfortunately, the girl is in love with someone else and is waiting for him to come back to her; and in the end, she returns to her lover, but wants to remain friends with our nameless character.
the two characters meet during the night, always in the same place - 'but I want to see you tonight'
the man can't sleep, he is too excited about their next night when they'll meet again; he even goes back to their meeting place on his own: - 'he struggles to sleep at night and during the day/he's worried she's waiting in his dreams/to drag him back to the meeting place/his love had left him there' - 'he's crying out from the meeting place/he's stranded himself there'
things taking a wrong turn is indicated by grey and gloomy weather, rain and dark clouds - 'cause the clocks count down and we're in for bad weather'
the man confesses his love to the girl, despite knowing that she can't love him, knowing that what he is going to say "is all nonsense, all impossible, all stupid! I know that this can never be, but I cannot be silent" - 'why do I always have to go killing the joke?'
the man has been lonely all his life and has been unsuccessful with women, but despite his loneliness and despair, he manages to make the girl laugh multiple times - 'but I, I live a lonely life / but I, I know I'm a funny guy'
at the end, she writes him a letter, asking him to forgive her for leaving him - 'her voice still echoes/ I'm sorry I met you, darling, I'm sorry I've left you'
nastenka's lover has been away for a year, but before he went, he promised her that when he comes back, he'll marry her. but when he does comes back, he doesn't go to her and the girl begins to doubt his love for her - this is when how our character finds her. in her misery, she wants our narrator to come live with her and tells him that she will love him; but after discussing their plans, her lover turns up - and tell me that this does not remind you of la cigale:
"Come along! Look at the sky, Nastenka. Look! To-morrow it will be a lovely day; what a blue sky, what a moon! Look; that yellow cloud is covering it now, look, look! No, it has passed by. Look, look!"
But Nastenka did not look at the cloud; she stood mute as though turned to stone; a minute later she huddled timidly close up to me. Her hand trembled in my hand; I looked at her. She pressed still more closely to me.
At that moment a young man passed by us. He suddenly stopped, looked at us intently, and then again took a few steps on. My heart began throbbing.
"Who is it, Nastenka?" I said in an undertone.
"It's he," she answered in a whisper, huddling up to me, still more closely, still more tremulously.... I could hardly stand on my feet.
"Nastenka, Nastenka! It's you!" I heard a voice behind us and at the same moment the young man took several steps towards us.
My God, how she cried out! How she started! How she tore herself out of my arms and rushed to meet him! I stood and looked at them, utterly crushed. But she had hardly given him her hand, had hardly flung herself into his arms, when she turned to me again, was beside me again in a flash, and before I knew where I was she threw both arms round my neck and gave me a warm, tender kiss. Then, without saying a word to me, she rushed back to him again, took his hand, and drew him after her.
I stood a long time looking after them. At last the two vanished from my sight."
and despite all this, the man is not angry with her; the last thing he'd do is hurt her in any way; he wishes her to be happy - and realises, that all his life, he's only been truly happy during these nights with her:
"my god, a whole moment of happiness! is that too little for the whole of a man's life?"
which hits even harder if we read the epigraph of the story:
"Or was his destiny from the start
To be but just one moment
Near your heart?" (Ivan Turgenev)
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fyodorkitkat · 1 month
If Sigma turns out to be Ian Fleming what if this was 5d chess and Agatha was actually playing against Fyodor this entire time and she had something to do with Sigma's amnesia and circumstances and it was all her predicting somehow Sigma would get information on Fyodor and her resources through the order of the clock tower allowed for her organization to have brief posession of a page or something to do this and better yet Sigma was in on it and an order of the clock tower member and a spy maybe even and does not remember sry sry I fell asleep and immediately had a weird dream it was about this but what if?
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torgawl · 1 month
okay, i was reading "the pale princess and the six pygmies" and this book really consolidated my belief that paimon is a seelie and that the traveller and their abyss twin are shade of phanes, more specifically traveller being the shade of life. i swear, it feels so right!!!
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the description of the people from the moonlight forest sounds oddly familiar to a little flying lavender melon we know of. their monarch (the pale princess) and her people are symbolically very tied to the moon, much like paimon. i'm not trying to say paimon is the pale princess, but there's a lot of similarities between this story and the liyue tales about seelies seen in "records of jueyun".
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seelies are known to be remnants of a bygone race that once held beautiful forms (common characteristic between the moonlight kingdom's people and seelie ancestors) and immense wisdom which they used to guide mankind; travelling alongside them and teaching them languages (as paimon does to traveller) and philosophies of nature.
but more interesting, the ancestor of the seelie from the liyue tale is said to have once met a traveler from afar, whom they swore an oath of union with. something that was witnessed by the three moon sisters. thirty days after the union, a calamity struck; the seelie and their lover fled into exile, but the disaster eventually caught up with them. as punishment, they were separated, and their memories were wiped. the seelie and the moon sisters' previous form, voice, and wisdom were then lost, leading them to offer only small treasures to those willing to follow them.
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this tragic ending for the seelie ancestor is actually a bit similar to the end of pale princess' story, in which the pale princess and her people are cursed by the night mother to linger forever in a point between life and death. the pale princess also ends up separated from her lover (who's a prince of the kingdom of light from the other side of the world, someone who can calso classify as a traveller from afar), who dies by the ends of the pygmies that betray them. but the night mother also proclaims a prophecy: her greatest foe shall descend in thousands of years. he who wields a sword that heralds the dawn and wears armor that can reflect the shining sunlight will destroy her kingdom and bring the prince back to life. the princess will then be free from her eternal torment. i will comment more on this prophecy later on but for that to make sense, i need to contextualise something else.
do you know how the elemental gemstones are named after hindu deities? the hydro gemstone is called varunada lazurite, after the deity varuna. remember nara varuna, the golden nara who aided the aranaras during a calamity hundreds of years ago? yeah!!! so varuna is actually a hindu god associated with the sky, oceans and water and until this point everything fits perfectly with the hydro archon which isn't weird for the hydro stone, but there's a catch.
varuna often appears twinned with another hindu god, mitra. in the rigveda, the oldest vedic text, mitra is mostly indistinguishable from varuna, together with whom mitra forms a dvandva pair and it has essentially the same characteristics as varuna alone (doesn't that sounds like twins?). mitra-varuna are considered protectors of the righteous order of rta, the principle of natural order which regulates the operation of the universe and everything within it. now, get ready for the juicy part. mitra-varuna are also addressed as devas, meaning "shiny", "exalted" or "heavenly being", and they're called sustainers of mankind. yes, like the title "sustainer of heavenly principles", also known as the unknown god!!! but it gets better. mitra is heavily associated with the light of dawn and the morning sun, while varuna is connected with the evening, and ultimately the night - morning star and evening star, respectively. which is funny considering the traveller and their twin appeared like shooting stars in the opening cutscene of the game (traveller being the one associated with the morning star and mitra).
we know that in genshin, the shade that took the heart of the primordial sea to create egeria, the first hydro archon, was the shade of life. so it wouldn't be that weird that the stone would contain a reference to them. it's just extremely curious that it simultaneously connects this idea to the twins.
in adittion to all the light motifs around the traveller and the abyss twin, like their names which mean light and clear sky, lucifer is also known as lightbearer and the morning star. he's also associated with the idea of falling from the sky and in poetry, he's referred to as herald of the dawn. what makes this even better is the fact paimon also has a demon name. paimon being the 9th spirit of the ars goetia and the king of hell that is the most obedient to lucifer. and, isn't it fun that paimon is such a faithful travelling companion of the traveller?
going back to "the pale princess and the six pygmies" and the prophecy proclaimed by the night mother, it's curious that the prince from the kingdom of light is described as able to make life flourish around him. it's even more interesting that the one who's prophecised to save the princess and revive the prince wields a sword that heralds the dawn (lucifer's title) and wears armor that can reflect the shining sunlight. can we agree not many descriptions scream traveller so much as much as this one? the fact they started their journey hundred of years after their twin has travelled through teyvat and they're reconstructing their steps in hopes of reuniting with them could also be paralleled to the scenario. especially if the the kingdom of light is supposed to represent the abyss and the prince, by extent, the traveller's twin. this could also fit with the theory that the twin is actually the third descender and someone wants to revive them using the gnosis, but i guess that's a theory for another time.
the books in genshin are often told in allegories or metaphors, or are simply very embelished versions of reality. i don't expect these texts to exactly portray what happened with the seelies or the characters in "the pale princess and the six pygmies" to relate in a super straightforward way to actual characters in the game, but i think the connection between the two books and the repeated themes that point to the traveller are pretty convincing.
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maybefalsefacts · 7 months
Pluto is part of the nuro-spicy family and we love them.
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satanfemme · 11 months
"no mental disorder makes you a bad person" is very very true and a good statement to promote, but "if someone does something bad, they must've chosen do it, there's never any other possible explanation, and it's especially never b/c of any mental disorders" isn't true?? besides the fact that people can make honest mistakes (even big ones) without realizing what they're doing, or the fact that life circumstances can influence what choices someone even thinks are available to them in the first place, my hot take is that mental disorder can influence you to do bad things sometimes and that should be acknowledged.
that does NOT mean a person with a disorder would be a special extra evil kind of abuser compared to a neurotypical person (ie "narcissist abuse" is still a meaningless and harmful term). it also does not mean that abusers are more likely to have a disorder than to be neurotypical. but disorders are disabling, they cause disorder, it's right in the name, they negatively affect you and your connection to others... why do you think that wouldn't that affect your behavior too sometimes? I know my disorders affect mine. often in negative ways!
besides just "mental disorders are never disabling in ways that make me feel uncomfortable" being ableist, understanding this is important if you believe in prison abolition (which you should). "someone did something bad because they randomly chose to be bad idk" is just as unhelpful as "someone did something bad because they were born bad". but "someone did something bad because of X thing they're struggling with, or their Y need is unmet" is helpful, that's something you can work with and fix. integrate this into your anarchist worldview.
and lastly, tbh it's isolating to have "scary" or "bad" symptoms, and then get told by armchair "mental health advocates" online that you're just choosing to have those symptoms and maybe you could be a better person if you simply chose to stop having mental illness in the first place. so you know, don't be fucking rude lol
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flowery-king · 1 year
HEY noticed The woodcarver from Inscryption could possible have Native American elements inspired for her design so I wanted to do some research before I make a design and outfit for her and stumbled across a fact that seemed pretty cool: that wood carving are primarily done by the guys?? Is this correct?
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randomnameless · 6 months
Which story do you like more, Scarlet Blaze's or Golden Wildfire's?
It's SB!
I mean, have you seen that ending?
Slap a kickass song on it, and you have a sentai ending where the hero "disappears" taking down the "evil bad guy" in an explosion! Forget SS, SB's ending is really the ending where Rhea goes down like the champ she is, to save the world.
(wait someone told me Rhea isn't the protagonist of that route?)
Much like CF, I like SB not because of what the playable protagonist cast does, but because I like the antagonists (and it's the only route where you can get rid of Clout!).
Granted, it's a Supreme Leader route, so that also helps : the cast isn't forced to swallow cobras to justify her uwu conquest since we're playing as her and her Court - in a way it's more bearable than the uwu sobfest AG gives us about "wah wah we're participating in this war we BaD" and the "we are invading Adrestia the people here must hate us :'( even if we are fighting to get rid of the people who are playing bowling with adrestian citizens used their heads as a ball :'("
It's also the route where, despite what Supreme Leader and her Court parrot, we see how the so-called "nefarious values" of the Kingdom like chivalry, self-sacrifice and loyalty/devotion are rooted in love, aka affection for people those so called knights have to protect (iirc that's what happens when House Dominic takes the fight!) - and it shows how far Adrestia has fallen (Adrestian Nobles would never do something like Baron Dominic did!), ditto with Rhea knowing "secret routes" in Enbarr's palace, unknown to the current Emperor and her long list of predecessors : a person who was there 1100 years ago knows more about the City than people currently living in it.
In a nutshell, much like Tru Piss, Supreme Bullshit is a route where, if you squint a bit, you can see things that are completely opposite to what your playable cast is telling you (remember Ferdie and the crested Kingdom nobles?), informing the player that the protagonists are, just like in Tru Piss, full of nonsense.
What is shown contradicts what is told!
But I confess I'm biased, because Supreme Bullshit at least gives some spotlight to Nabateans, especially Rhea, who doesn't reappear in the plot only to die - and what kind of spotlight ! She literally steals the show at the end, defeating the Mole People while Supreme Leader is watching the spectacle, eating popcorn and giving a high five to her pal Barney.
There's also the Shamir'n'Catherine scene - that obviously ceases to be interesting the moment when Shamir becomes a part of Supreme Leader's court - where, again, we can see another instance of a knight (even if Shamir would deny it! She is a tru merc, not a knight!) sacrificing themselves to save a loved one.
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reloaderror · 9 months
the problem w the question “got any hobbies” is that i cant very well say im an artist occupying a very small and very niche corner of the internet with a newfound interest in danmei and lesbian among us now can i, accurate as it may be, that would not be appropriate
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darkclouud9 · 1 year
have some random hc x spm doodles. I was meant to colour them and then post but I got too excited whoops. also drew spider Mimi-Cleo but I didn't like how she looked so i went with Tippi n Bleck instead
funnily enough, I already drew Stress with butterfly eyeliner (?) and even the little antennae.
right at the end i started properly naming them so everyone else just gets. their name. and the person they take the role of :/
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also I'm so in love with Astro-Squirps. silly guy.
also just the guys in case you don't know em. also some descriptions for them :))
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
The fact I can never tell if the woy fandom has improved its media literacy when it comes to Lord Dominator or nah is so terrible jtncvcjsbsbmn
#i mean ykw i blame a lot on the fact that woy is OLD and like.. who even rewatches it a TON ton#let alone that closely#but like. the way it feels like ppl watched her every scene with their eyes closed (or fixated on nothing but her body) is insane 😭 yeurgh#she is literally so straightforward#some of the takes ppl have on her remind me of those#''UGH wander is so STUPID i wouldnt be surprised if his pacifism were literally selfish & malicious he's so shitty!!!!!!!!''#takes you'll see in like.. youtube comment sections or on the occasional tumblr post euurhghghghhh#like bruh these characters are VERY SINCERE but at least with wander u have the fact that his naivety is a total ruse#like i understand stuff like that tripping people up on stuff in some ways bc he's really really complex despite how simple his motives are#but dom is like.. she has really interesting complexities but not in a way where they're important to delve into to get the character#but naw people will actually be out here thinking that she lives to be sexualized 🤢 and likes men or is angsty or redeemable or hrGDHBVbfG#LIKE WHAT!!!!!!! WHAT!!! WHAT THE FUCK??! granted some of those are way less insane/bad than the others#*beats the lesbiphobes with a brick beats the lesbiphobes with a brick beats the lesbiphobes with a brick*#but BROOO euwiahshdhqnshshajahds#her character is literally just.. ok take wander. replace his love for helping ppl w/ love for hurting ppl. delete he angst. THERE DONE.#THAT'S HER TYHAT IS LITERALLY HER AT HER CORE HER VERY CORE AHSHANABXSN. THEN JUST ADD HER PERSONAL QUIRKS/LIKES/SKILLS IN & THERE U GO#bully personality on steroids and crack and ten THOUSAND energy drinks. just the most maniacally fucked up guy imaginable#funny opinion: i thjink maybe the only woy fans who r good & sane when it comes to her..#r the ones who LOVE her for being Fucked Up & the ones who haate hate HATE her for beign Fucked Up.......... evry1 else is so scary /hj#ok that's silly.. but also fr everyone who 'loves' her for [insert gross shit here] or hates her for [insert blatantly false shit here] 😨#SCARY!!! but anyway ok that's enough negativity dhdjndn in writing all this i really feel assured that things actually ARE better now#like whether or not people actually get the character or not is whatever :o#(at worst it's just like.. a bummer bc u miss out on sm fascinating stuff irt the mains & the world's logic & character development & aAA)#we're finally free of the constant influx of stupid horrible sexist opinion pieces about Dominator !!!!!!!!!!#and of all the folks who marched up to frank & craig all ''YOUR SHOW SUCKS & IS BAD BC SHE CLEARLY ONLY EXISTS TO BE A LOVE INTEREST!!''#maybe i have enough insane ppl blocked to never see stuff like that but JSBFBDHSS nobody's wrong about her in a shit idiot way anymore 🙏🙏#now it's only ever like.. wrong in a way that is bad and kinda sucks but like whatever :O#btw this is all me speaking very very generally (sans the specific examples) & any tumblrs this could pertain to r inactive or long blocked#(& this wasnt even written w anything frm tumblr in mind 2 begin with; i've been reading somE TAKES on LD & Wander lately and mMmvj..)#(hence that v specific example of yt commentary on wander i gave earlier.... bad LD takes are wAy more common but MY GOD 💥 in 2023!?!😭)
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wannabepapa · 1 year
My last ask was about royalty, so this is a bit of a step down the societal hierarchy, but I promised I’d send any soft thoughts I had, so here I am
We’re office workers who work in the same department. A handful of meetings in the break room, a few times running into each other in the parking lot, a couple of sales trips together, and we start dating. It doesn’t take long for a strong relationship to blossom, and with our combined incomes and powerful love, a baby blossoms along with it, nestled sweetly in your belly. Now, with you starting to truly waddle and your paternity leave cresting the horizon, I spend every chance I have making sure you’re comfortable at work. Stopping by your cubicle with extra containers of your cravings, wrapping my ankle around yours during meetings, making you tea in the break room. Every time you waddle by my cubicle, or in to meet me in the break room, I fall in love, all over again. Each tired look at the end of our shift, every morning when you put on that suit that used to fit so well, every time I help you get your tie on, I want nothing more than to mother as many children as you want.
This is definitely rambly as fuck and softer than I meant for it to be, I went a lil crazy with this one. I am very eepy, so forgive any long sentences or wonky phrasing, or spelling errors, I’m too tired to look over this. Oki gnight, enjoy the ask and these spiritual forehead kisses I am sending you!!
any soft thoughts you have is perfect, no matter what hierarchy there is! i love reading about you being so sweet with a pregnant partner it's the best.
our relationship is out of the ordinary since most office jobs tend to frown upon being romantic partners with members of staff. it's very lucky that our job is very lenient—the managers and owners of the company actually sent us a wonderful gift basket with the paperwork we needed to sign for HR. i waited for the other shoe to drop the first month's we started dating but it never did. it wasn't until everyone had given positive encouragements and you coming around just to give me a little kiss or say hi with no one seeming to care did i really relax.
with all of that relaxing and traveling for work it ended with us falling pregnant with our first! we were totally unaware for the first few weeks—not noting the tightness of my suit being anything but indulging to much at our last luncheon and the intense nausea being from the stomach bug going around the office. my cubicle neighbor had been the one to point out the stash of crackers in my desk while making an off hand comment that was all they could have when they were pregnant. when we had our break i mentioned it to you, wondering if she had been right or not. you're not certain though as we go through the list of symptoms i've had and how long it had been since our last rendezvous it seemingly added up.
a quick stop for a test after work and lo and behold! we had a positive! we did get to keep the pregnancy quiet for long since it became office gossip so we let the cat out of the bag. everyone was elated and congratulating us, excited for another office baby to spoil after the last worker having one years ago. telling HR was complicated (mainly the paperwork for our leaves and needing to get doctor's notes) but everything was smooth sailing from then on. i stopped by your cubicle often in the first months when my cravings were insatiable and i wanted your company. my suits had gotten tighter around my midsection faster than i could get a new one. the belly had just popped over night and not even my biggest button ups could stay closed. i did manage to get through the day with only one warning at lunch time when a manager pointed out how big i was getting. you grinned at them with your hand rubbing the apex of my bump like the proud mom you are.
the following months were difficult as my body grew to accommodate the little passenger. my jackets had to be oversized to properly fit my gargantuan belly and chest that filled out in the last months. everything was stretchy now and i had to wear a belly band to ease the pains in my hips and back. most of my shift was sat at my desk unmoving so i didn't get tired from walking everywhere. i could barely fit there now, my chair turned to the side so i could still continue working without being pressed into the desk. i couldn't complain though. everyone here was so accommodating and you helped keep me sane as the time ticked closer to our leave dates. maybe it hadn't been the smartest idea to stay working until i was nearly eight months pregnant and bigger than a house. it was all worth it in the end when we got to spend our last moments as a two person household preparing everything for our newest arrival on our second anniversary of us dating.
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