#maybe i'll write more ideas about flowers because flowers are cool...
killuagirly · 4 months
Yandere!Noah's Ark Circus[Separate] x Reader
Summary: Noah's Ark Circus members[Separate] seem to have a thing for you, but it only gets worse as you don't notice their obvious attempts to court you. What might they do in return?
Notes: I LITERALLY WAS SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS FOR NO REASON AT ALL. The idea for this was taken from this post, but slightly changed up to fit more general circumstances. [Also because this is Yandere yk] I tried to make sure they all had a lil' sum but writing for this many characters in one post obviously means less content per character. Hopefully I'll get around to the main characters too, like Ciel, Sebastian, and so on.
CW: Yandere, Obsessive tendencies, Possessiveness, Slight mentions of violence[nothing really bad], etc. Read at your own risk!!
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☆ The 'ringleader' has special tricks up his sleeve just for you. It really couldn't get more obvious to everyone around you when he's leaving gifts outside your tent that range from flowers to clothing and so much more. He'll make sure you acknowledge his tricks and jests during the announcing and performances by making silly inside jokes between the two of you during the show.
☆ Eventually he may start to notice patterns in your behavior when you take his romantic gestures lightly, as nothing more than two close friends. Experimenting to see if his assumptions were correct, he even went as far as kissing you on the cheek before wishing you goodnight after one of his shows.
☆ As he suspected, you only laughed it off and told him goodnight in return. He starts to wonder if the way you keep looking the other way is because you may already have eyes for someone. If even it may seem so, Joker keeps his cool and focuses on improving your view of him. No action will need to be taken if he can simply draw your attention away from other.
☆ If means necessary, he's not hesitant and will slowly push everyone away from you to worm his way into your heart. If it gets to the point where your unmindful habits could be taken as rejection, he may be the type to just outright tell you about his feelings for you. If you still brush it off as some kind of joke, I pray for you because this man will take it to no means end to make you understand his love for you.
☆ One of the most gorgeous women you'll ever meet, falling for you. Honestly, I'm jealous. Beast is the one who'll communicate her love for you through silent actions, no doubt about it. She'll be your shoulder to cry on, help you with any questions or concerns you have regarding the circus, and you can always come to her with outside troubles as well.
☆ Beast honestly would most likely get upset rather than offended once it hits her that you aren't receiving any of her hints in a romantic context. Maybe she was going about it the wrong way? No, you're just unaware of her feelings towards you. No worries, she can just lay it on a bit thicker so it's within your grasp. After that, how could her love for you still go unnoticed??
☆ If you still manage to get past her flirting however unbothered, she'll probably start looking for outside causes. Could it be that you've got your mind elsewhere? Beast might actually begin to grow self-conscious because of the situation, wondering if you could be judging her for 'flaunting' or 'showing off' her body feature due to her costume. She might even start thinking about changing her main performance outfit.
☆ She may also outright ask you about what you think of her choice of outfit or general body shape saying something along the lines of, "I'm only curious t' know what y' think." In the context that she believes you're thinking of another in a romantic sense however, Beast might get a little pushy with you making sure that you're out of the path of anyone who could be considered a threat.
☆ Dagger is literally a whole other story once he's fallen for you. He's very outgoing and honest, not to mention he'll literally serve you compliments on a silver platter for completing even the simplest of tasks. You wore something new today, did your hair differently, got new pair of shoes? He's dying to tell you how great you look, showering you with love and affection.
☆ Is it even possible to stay oblivious to this boy's feelings? He's all over you all the time, craving your praise, attention, literally anything and everything he can get out of you. So how and why on earth would you not acknowledge his efforts to present his feelings for you? It definitely runs through his mind that you could genuinely not feel the same for him.
☆ Honestly, try getting him off of you once he's realized you aren't giving him the attention he wants anymore. Dagger isn't the type to act desperate, but it can surely come off that way at times. He'll even outright bring up this form of, "neglect," you've been giving him. I hope that he doesn't suspect anything between you and another member of the circus, because he'll do anything in his power to keep them away from you.
☆ Dagger often proposes that you both train together, help him out with his act, or even silly little things like eating at the same table together in order to draw you out of any situation involving someone he sees as undeserving of your attention, insisting that you come with. As persistent as he is, he does know his boundaries and won't take it too far, most of the time anyways.
☆ Doll is an awfully touchy person, and she isn't afraid of showing it. When she's not all dressed up with the main cast, she'll be out and about following you around left and right. This girl could talk for hours without getting bored and proves it when she's with you by literally talking your ear off. Not that you really mind, especially when she's coming up with some new ways to compliment you. Calling you, "alluring," and "incredibly skillful."
☆ She's also very expressive with you, not caring to hide much from you. You'll probably know about how she's a first-tier member long before the sharing secrets phase in a friendship. She also enjoys helping you in every way she can, teaching you tips, tricks, and everything she can about the circus since she's, "more experienced than y'!"
☆ Eventually she comes around to flirting with you shamelessly so, trying to catch your interest. "Lookin' great t'day love," and trust me, it doesn't stop there. Coming around to your disregardful mindset started annoying her though. She'll probably go to Snake or one of the other members in hopes of figuring out what she's doing wrong. "How can't they not see 'm 'n love with 'em?"
☆ If it ever comes to a point where she believes that you may be in love with someone else, she will literally drive herself crazy about it. "Why don't they love m' like that, 'm I doin' somethin' wrong?" She'll pull you along, adamant that you spend more time with her instead of someone who's unimportant. Doll's jealousy is laid out on display for you, and she isn't shy about it either.
☆ Spending time with you has become the highlight of her days, and she could go on and on about whatever is on her mind just relaxing and being with you. Wendy fawns over things like your choice in style, your makeup on that given day, honestly anything and everything that is noticeable about you. She's such a sweetheart, caring for you and making sure you've got everything you could ever need.
☆ Wendy is the yandere who might not even realize that her feelings towards you are considered romantic at first, taking her heart's increased pace as simply enjoying time spent with you as her friend. Once she does come to this realization, she's lovestruck and infatuated with you like no other. Honestly her change in behavior would probably be considered a bit concerning by the other members.
☆ If she actually starts flirting or making moves on you and you manage to overlook her signals, she'll automatically go into overthinking mode. It would go something along the lines of, "What 'f they don't find me attractive? D' they think 'f someone else 'ere 's prettier than me??" Peter would probably be the one to notice and calm her down.
☆ In the ensuing days, she'd probably get after anyone who got a little too close to you for her liking. Her main focus would be regaining your full attention, which much to her appeal, would probably be easy given her outgoing nature as your close friend. You can take my word for it when I say this girl isn't letting you go so easily, practically dragging you along with her just for some attention.
☆ Peter is a little ignorant when it comes to showing his love for you Trying to court you for him is like trying to survive falling into a volcano, it's seemingly impossible. Don't underestimate him though, he does try his hardest for you. If you ever need help with your act, he's there for you. Couldn't grab a bite to eat from the mess tent in time? He'll share with you, just keep your mouth shut about it or he might get embarrassed.
☆ For a while, Peter might be in denial about this little crush of his. After that stage passes however, he goes right into, 'If anyone at all ever hurt them I would take them out with my own two hands.' Not to mention he just might follow you around like a lost puppy, seeking out your attention. Though he'll never say it aloud, he does enjoy your when your attention is completely focused on him and him alone.
☆ Once he realizes that you aren't understanding his hints, - bypassing his love for you - he just gets straight up pissed. What is he doing wrong? Is it because of his condition that you might find him unattractive compared to other circus members?? Bless your soul, if you thought he was clingy before he's not letting go of you now, and anyone who tries to start up a conversation with you is rudely interrupted by a short blonde who isn't having it.
☆ Peter will go off at anyone who tries to speak with you even if it's simply an everyday conversation, no romantic ideals involved. He won't make it seem like the reasoning behind the way he's treating the lower-tier members is his jealousy and possessiveness over you, but some like Wendy might notice him having more sudden outbursts. He'll go as far as physically hurting someone over a harmless compliment about you. In his eyes, he should be the only one telling you such things.
☆ Jumbo's ways of attempting to court you seem the usual, showing off his strengths and starting small talk with you. He enjoys the simple things, like complimenting your skills whenever you do well during practice, or listening to how your day went. Whether you're feeling down in the dumps, or having a wonderful day, he's always there to listen and chat with you.
☆ The silence or calming atmosphere will put him at ease while he simply basks in your presence, even being near or just seeing you after a long day at the circus is enough to put a smile of his face. He cares a lot for you and your well-being, and simply can't imagine a world without you anymore. He may become aware of his feeling much later than he should, and once he does he begins noticing the other things too.
☆ Like how you simply turn your back when he's performing, of course you watch every now and then but you only pay attention to him as much as a good friend should. Jumbo probably starts realizing that you may not feel the same way for him as he does for you, which he simply takes notice of to try harder. Playing the harmonica for you, complimenting your tastes as often as he can, and so on.
☆ Eventually he understands that his efforts are going completely unnoticed in any kind of romantic sense. Could it be someone else has you wrapped around their finger or are you simply oblivious to his methods of courting you? Jumbo definitely seems like a gentle giant, so he probably won't hurt anyone even if they are testing their limits with you. Just a menacing glare from him and they'll know to back off, and he'll only even go that far if they're getting awfully touchy.
☆ Snake trying to court you is.. practically bound to go south. Well, from his view anyways. He just wants your love and attention, but he's much more closed off than most of the other members which makes it harder to get his feelings through to you. He may absent mindedly gravitate closer to you in public settings, but he still doesn't say very much to you in his own voice.
☆ He prefers to let his snakes talk for him, not often speaking to anyone himself. However, for you, he'll start slowly trying to start small conversations even if they only last moments. Sometimes he even watches you from afar while you're busy training with your act. When you notice him, maybe even flash him that pretty smile of yours, his cheeks will get all flushed and he'll scurry away.
☆ Snake is rather insecure about himself, so he automatically assumes the way you brush off his subtle attempts of flirting with you is because you couldn't be interested in him with his out of the ordinary looks. In addition to that, he's probably not all that offended or upset if you tend to shrug him off just taking it as if he's not good enough.
☆ Although, the other members[especially Doll] may end up offended on his behalf when noticing he the efforts he's putting in for you. He's trying his hardest, isn't he? Snake may be hesitant to step in if the cause of your disinterest in him is the fault of another who's caught your eye. Given his timid nature, I highly doubt he'd go to the extent of acting upon your disinterest in any way besides simply trying even harder for you.
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sweetbbyshion · 5 months
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Eros' song
-> Shinichiro Sano x Reader (no pronouns or descriptions)
characters: Shinichiro Sano
genre: fluff
summary: you write a poem as a way to confess to your best friend
warnings: childhood friends to lovers, i wrote the poem so please don't be too mean or i'll cry, also DON'T STEAL THE POEM FOR THE LOVE OF GOD it will be my last reason, the reader is into books, first quote is from Kafka's Letters to Milena and the second is Edgar Allan Poe's Annabel Lee
network: @eveningatthemoviesnetwork
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Shinichiro has been your best friend since your first memory surfaced. From the moment you could process thoughts and emotions, the man has been close to you. Truly, it was a matter of time until one of you fell in love and you happened to be the (un)lucky one.
You were no older than thirteen when the infamous incident happened. Shinichiro (also thirteen and with a really, really ugly hairstyle) looked at you and gave you a big toothy smile, like he always does whenever a cool bike passes by you. Suddenly, flowers exploded behind him, angels sang, the sun shone brighter than it had all day and you found yourself almost squinting and on the verge of throwing up because of the butterflies in your stomach. Metaphorically, obviously.
It was a shame, really. You nearly yelled at the universe for not giving this evil curse to Shinichiro instead but, apparently, the entities above also doomed Shinichiro to a life of rejection. So, you suffered because your best friend didn’t look at you and the man suffered because no girl wanted him.
At thirteen you turned into poetry and all kinds of literature, finding pieces that you related to a bit too much and, eventually, writing things yourself. Shinichiro didn’t understand most of the stuff you read, always questioning what words meant and what was so special about those poems that had you tear up so often. You shared that part of your life with him as well, showing the poems, drabbles, verses you came up with that were messily written in your journal. Fortunately for you and your weak heart, Shinichiro didn’t really understand that most of the things you wrote were about him.
It stayed that way until you were twenty three. You were less naive, more in tune with the feelings that made you want to throw up years ago and definitely in love with your best friend (who kept getting rejected even after changing the horrible hairstyle; the Gods really hated you both). Shinichiro had his own bike shop, a gang that supported him through everything and you. He still happily reads whatever you wrote in your journal and he still doesn't understand half of the stuff you have there but the honest praise and support makes your heartbeat a little bit faster. Shinichiro is there when you publish your very own poetry book, his name deservedly on the first page. To Shinichiro, who was always there for me. As Franz Kafka said “In a way, you are poetry material; You are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out.”
So, maybe, you were a bit too obvious with the whole ‘I love you’ deal but Shinichiro didn't seem to understand all the hints you dropped. Everyone around you seemed to find out about your little secret and some of his friends even went out of their way to let you know he felt the same but you weren't so sure.
“What you writing over there?” the smooth voice of Shinichiro pulls you back to reality, the noise in the shop coming back in an instant. It was almost dinner time and you came into the shop hoping to have a meal with your best friend before going home. Deciding to entertain yourself, you pulled out your notebook and a pen from your bag and wrote some ideas that popped in your head as you stared with heart eyes to the object of your affection.
“Nothing important.” A lie. The words that stared back at you formed, yet again, another finished love poem that you dreamed of showing to Shinichiro in hopes that he would read it and return your feelings. Shinichiro knew you were lying. Somehow he always knew. You refuse to return eye contact when he grabs your pen and doodles mindlessly next to the verses, a routine he acquired when you whined about the pages of your journal being too boring with just words in it. You look at his hands gently drawing small hearts (Shinichiro couldn't draw a heart even if it was to save his family but you grew to love the blob shapes) and a random dog with stars surrounding it.
“Can I read it?” You meet his eyes, tender and sweet, which were already looking at you. Your heart flips, turns and does cartwheels when Shinichiro gives you that toothy smile that makes him close his eyes and you can only let out a small “Sure.” before closing your mouth so you don't accidentally confess.
My soul holds a secret that my pen
Now wishes to share.
In ink-stained lines, my feelings find a home:
Untold to anyone but the Gods from above,
As I convoke Eros to help me compose a piece
That will reach your heart.
But do I dare?
Do I dare trouble the deities with a greedy tone
When I can’t gather the courage
To whisper confessions when we’re alone;
The only witness to my love
Being the moon shining high up
And the paper getting stained with passion.
So sure of my affection yet,
I hesitate.
Do you dare reciprocate these heavy feelings
That only keep me awake at night or
Am I merely a friend that consoles your ego
When things fall apart?
But it’s okay,
For I have accepted the possibility
The harsh, unwanted probability
That I’m doomed to an existence of unrequited love
And a lifeless life
Without the muse who inspires me
To write the most loveful poems and
The most sorrowful verses.
You nervously glance at Shinichiro while he is reading, noticing how his eyes squint and his nose scrunches from time to time (he does it when he doesn't understand something that is written). You pay close attention to his face, the poet in you wishing to remember Shinichiro until your last day if the worst was to happen. A part of you hopes the man will finally understand all of the things you wished to say but weren’t strong enough to. You pray that your poem reaches his heart and soul, that he sees you not only as a longtime friend but a life partner. “Wow.” He sighs, lifting his eyes from the paper to settle on you again. “I’ll never get tired of saying you’re really good.” Shinichiro stands back at his full height, murmuring about back pain after leaning down for so long. You look up at the man who has your world spinning around him, waiting to see if he says something more. He doesn't.
“Is that all?” You ask, playing with the bracelet on your wrist (a gift from Shinichiro when you turned 18). He looks at you confused. His eyes scan the paper again, rereading the verses to figure out if he missed anything. He still looks lost so you grab the pen and, in a moment of courage, you write a few words at the bottom of the poem. For Shinichiro, who I “loved with a love that was more than love”. The handwriting is shaky, giving away the anxiety exuding out of you. Shinichiro reads the additional words, then stops, then looks at you. You get up, not being able to have his body towering you that way. He is standing next to you and, for the first time, you’re not sure about the emotions revealed by his eyes. You wonder if you made a mistake confessing out of nowhere, in his shop, while his siblings and friends are hanging out and the last customers exit. You should have eased your way into the subject but what’s done is done and all you have left is to wait.
“I know I’m not the smartest person…” Shinichiro’s eyes are on you, reading your every move. “But does this mean what I think it means?” You nod, not trusting your voice. His eyes widen and, in a sudden movement, Shinichiro is even closer to you. His hands are on each side of your face, forcing you to look at him. “You wrote a poem for me. A love poem.” You nod again, your movements a bit restricted by the big hands holding your face in place. “I’m going to kiss you.”
Shinichiro gives you five seconds to step back before his lips are crashing against yours. You don't think any poem, book, word could describe what you felt the moment your lips met. It’s fast and a bit clumsy but you couldn't be more happy this happened, unable to control the smile when Shinichiro stops the kiss to look at you. You want to giggle like a young teenager when Shinichiro gives you that smile you love more than anything. “Does this mean you feel the same?”
“Yeah. Have for a while. Couldn't stand the thought of getting rejected by you though.” His thumb caresses your cheek and you find yourself leaning to the touch.
“I would never reject you.” You murmur, embarrassed at such revelation. “You know there’s a quote from Emily Brontë-”
“Tell me about her in a bit.” Shinichiro interrupts you. “I want to kiss you again.”
The next time you write a poem isn't about Shinichiro, your best friend. Instead, you dumped all of the new (reciprocated) feelings about Shinichiro, your boyfriend, and the experiences you get from living with him by your side. Most of your poems were and will probably always be about Shinichiro Sano, no matter the status he holds in your life. You get to love your muse and your boyfriend gets a lifetime supply of romantic poetry dedicated to him (as well as quotes that fit each situation).
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isa-ghost · 2 months
Could I mayhaps have some hc!philza headcanons? Could be him in his hardcore, or how his time in hardcorr affects him now maybe? :D
So these will be operating off the theory that qPhil is hcPhil with his memory fucked up by the Federation. I'm gonna aim for "pre island, this is how qPhil was" but we'll see what happens as I actually write these LOL
What if I call these Pre-Dilf Edition in the masterlist SKFJSKFJSKFHF
10/10 would read the hardcore deity set I did recently to go with these :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
He either had a flawless sleep schedule (early to bed early to rise ass mf) or no sleep schedule at all (spending 3+ nights hyperfocused on smth). It made for a very loopy Phil sometimes, which his murder of crows very much enjoyed
This man can fit so much joy and whimsy in him. Everything is awesome, everything is a breathtaking work of art and everything is decades of rich history to uncover. He loves life, he loves the passage of time, he loves teaching the murder about what he finds & restores
That's his main hobby besides being a survivalist, restoration and an informal form of archiving. He sketches the builds, takes notes on the deities, adds his own little touches to each place to make it a little prettier
He could fly for hours. Sometimes he'd fly aimlessly into late into the night, too immersed in sight-seeing and chatting with the murder
He had little altars in Flowerfall, Nether Void & Greater Spawn Islands for OO, BE, and Rose respectively. He'd leave little shiny things, trinkets that made him think of them, offerings like cooked fish or blaze rods or flowers in little offering bowls. Just as a nice, more direct way of giving them thanks for creating something so beautiful and allowing him to restore it to its former glory
He fucking loves swimming and fishing and hanging out at Endlantis, he'd just very aggressively avoid the cave that is EK's tomb. It was extremely haunted, he never got good vibes down there
He sometimes considers making his own remarkable build as a sort of "I was here, I too am a mark upon this history" but looks at his house and is like "mmmmbetter not" (he's an idiot, he could 100% build something cool, just probably not on the scale of the builds the gods have created. He'd probably create it for Goddess of Death, not even himself 💀)
Obligatory gapple addiction mention. It didn't start because of the murder, but he definitely used them as an excuse to further indulge once he started devoting eating one to the crows who'd been in the murder for a year. He never really had a reason to quit, or worry about the addiction, so he never experienced negative effects from it. Gapples aren't exactly harmful, just.. tinged with just enough magic to infect the brain. (He never experienced withdrawal misery on QI bc the Feds wiped his memory so his body had no idea it should be having a bitch fit =) )
Semi-related, he loved the days where he and the murder lacked the motivation and focus to do restoration things so they'd just fuck off in a random direction for ages and go on loot sprees. Nothing more exciting than hunting for more god apples :D
He started out liking fishing. The murder got too obsessed and it became the bane of his existence. But he loves the murder, so he does it anyway. Besides, he wouldn't trade chill talks with them for the world. :')
Btw he doesn't know this but it was equal parts the Ender King & the Feds ripping rifts between the universes that got him caught and taken to QI. EK didn't plan for that to happen, he just wanted to escape to a new reality to find a vessel to come back to power. Which is why once Phil was on the island, EK went "Fuck it, I'll use that asshole since he's not only compatible, but from the same plane of existence"
Mobs never scared him much (except Enderman) despite the fact that they were very dangerous and he's a survivalist. He was practically a mob whisperer, it's how he trapped trophy ones, made certain farms and why he was 99% fearless when farming charged creepers. QI has so many mobs he's never seen in his life that his chill instincts are suddenly like AAAWTFWTF
He never felt truly alone despite being the only humanoid. He felt like Rose was always with him, very rarely OO, and the murder ofc. He could understand them and he'd talk to them all day every day. Not only that, he had pets like Pog and Champ and there were quite a few times he'd humanize inanimate objects, which scientifically helps keep you sane in isolation such as survival. He always felt like he had Something to socialize with
That said, he IS still a bit weird socially on the island. Socializing with humans is way different than crows, other animals, gods, and objects.
Btw Ian is God of Chaos (a lesser god like Goddess of Death) and other mods like Birder, D3 & Wolfy are notably larger or perhaps a different species of corvid that hang out among the murder :D
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tiny-vermin · 2 months
I want to know more about the m9 artist au!! I remember reading a post or two about it a billion years ago (and would love to read them again) 💜
hi jess!!!! thank u for being interested hehe :")
so ever since i drew that lil thing of essek painting a frank stella inspired painting (or even before), ive been thinking of what kinds of art each of the m9 would do. essek ofc is inspired by a minimalist show that i went to here, all the big names from that movement were shown, but those really dark, sinkhole-like paintings are speaking to me. another artwork of boxes made of mirrors also seems like the thing he would do too
there's a kiln here that we visited which was huge, and surrounding it were artists' studios and some other ceramic sellers, i imagine the clay family having a place like this in the middle of nowhere amongst the trees, and caleb would do his work there
anyways because at heart im a shadowgast luver its centred around them,, they meet at an artist residency or something like that and its an incredibly slow burn that involves talking and not-talking and looking and not-looking. in the end i am but a simple wong kar wai fan so. that kinda vibes would definitely influence this, i would describe it as a quiet burning i guess?? time skipy and words that are not said
i think im gonna rant a bit more about their different mediums and styles so i'll keep it under the cut
i think caleb sculpts figures and portraits, but in a sad, kathe kollwitz charcoal vibe. maybe some funky looking animals, perhaps some pots and vases to look at the pretty glazes. he's interested in using fire to burn texture into different mediums, like ive seen it being used on shellac to make a really cool net of ink looking structure.. but yknow, just seeing the aftermath of glazed ceramic from the kiln is enough, and probably better for him to keep his distance anyways
the clay family produces most of the ceramic to sell, vases, pots, plates, cups, teapots, yknow just a whole array. and its really colourful too, depicting every family members different style. i think caduceus would do some matte glazes with a lot of different colours, theyre all a little wonky but theyre better off that way anyways. he does some really mean ink calligraphy and painting though
jester definitely does,, everything, whatever her heart desires kinda thang. she makes pastel textile installations and lighthearted cute paintings, but theyre always so contemplative and soothing. she gets m9 a lot of work cus her mom has connections, etc etc. i really love the idea of jester creating works that talk about the female body and femininity (definitely not projecting no)
beau is a printmaker and photographer who's really experimental, she loves cyanotypes and printing flowers (for yasha), idk she seems like she would put fabric and rocks into the washing machine to see what would happen. u would probably catch her in someone elses studio learning about what they do or in the library learning about what old people did
veth works in a museum as a curator, getting beau to help her sometimes with gathering artworks and artists etc. she probably organises community art projects for kids and public art installations. her house is full of m9's artworks and various other artists shes worked with.
yasha does bouquets as her post-retirement part time job, prior to that no one really knows what she did ("she probably murdered a bunch of people and is now hiding from the government"). fjord draws comics for fun but is also not a job for him, molly is a question mark for me. but these guys probably wont be in it as much anyways
im still not sure what format i wanna do this in, im actually having fun just writing it in my notebook now (digital does not facilitate the creative juices) but i do want to do some visuals like fake movie stills or storyboards. maybe they will work together well???? dunno. working on the other shadowgasty thing im doing made me realise how much easier it is to draw when there's a script already there, so im writing the script for myself
im definitely not as practiced in writing as i am in drawing, but idk im just gonna have some fun and see where that takes me, meanwhile try not to feel too bad that its fanart HAHA (very bad habit)
edit: i just saw my previous thoughts on beau being an art journalist, but i kinda like this better.. but maybe she can do both muah
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Hi author I had a request English isn't my first language so please excuse me for bad wording.
A modern spy Aemond x reader when he's slightly possessive yandere for her and he's undercover when he meets her not sure about the details do I'll leave it to you .
Also, I love your work, and if you don't like this idea, feel free to delete it 🩷
Hi love!!! I'm so happy you're enjoying my work and your English is wonderful, don't even worry about it!!! This was such a cool idea, and it gave me a chance to try out that headcanon style of writing! I know it's probably not exactly what you had in mind, but I hope you like it!!!!
Modern Spy!Aemond Headcanons
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You weren’t his target, not even close, and yet he couldn’t stop himself from following you. He was one of the agency’s best, known from his perfect aim, and intimidating aura that kept the authorities at a distance.
You’re just a normal florist, who goes about her day, never noticing the man with mismatched eyes and a scar down his face. You feed the stray cats in the alley behind your shop, and visits your grandmother every Tuesday, content and happy with your peaceful life.
His target works in the bank across the street from your shop. The bank that’s definitely protecting more than just its customer’s money. Intel tell him the man has ties to the cartel, but his gut tells him it runs deeper than that.
But his target is smart and stays within the building, never leaving unless escorted by guards, too many for Aemond to dispatch in broad daylight without causing a scene. So, he waits, and while he’s waiting, he bumps into you.
In a floral sundress, with a bright smile on your face, you’re carrying a bouquet of sunflowers, and don’t see him until you’ve collided with his hard chest, dropping the blooms.
“I’m so sorry.” You say sweetly, eyebrows drawn together in distress as you scramble to brush any petals or pollen from his shirt.
“It’s alright.” Aemond says, bending down to help you collect the fallen flowers. “Only a fool would be angry to run into such a beautiful woman.” The smile on his face is practiced, smooth and charming, his voice low, and wraps around you like velvet.
Your face flushes and, you stutter out a “thank you, and again, sorry.” Before you take one of the sunflowers out of the bundle along with your business card and hand them to him, rushing past him and into your shop.
He catches the sweet floral scent wafting off you, and he’s hooked. He’s in your shop constantly, first under the guise of wanting to get his mother flowers then his sister flowers, then he drops the excuses and spends half the day following you around the store and making conversation.
You don’t mind, you like the company, and he’s a handsome man. It feels…nice to have his attention focused solely on you. So, you buck up the courage to ask him out, and he says yes.
He takes you to an expensive restaurant where everyone seems to know him, and by the end of the night you’re in his lap. Back pressing into the wheel of his sleek black sports car that probably cost more money than you’ve ever made in your life.
He says he works in finance, a job too boring to talk about, he only wants to hear about you, your dreams, interest, hobbies, every detail of your life is utterly fascinating to him. It’s flattering, and you bask in his devotion.
Aemond is split between completing his mission and wanting to spend all his time with you. He’s had the head banker tied up in his apartment for days now, hesitant to turn him in because then the mission would be over, and he’d have to disappear.
He doesn’t want to disappear, not after he’s gotten a taste of you, there must be someway to keep you by his side. He strokes your hair, watching you as you sleep, cuddled into his side. Maybe he’d suggest you both take a trip, settle in Essos and continue working from there. You could set up a new flower shop, or if you wished, you could stay home and wait so pretty and patient for him to return.
He hums lowly as he considers his options, and pulls you closer, breathing in your sweet scent. Regardless of what he decided, no one was going to take his sweet girl from him, he’d make sure of that.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010
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Just popped on here, I already read a few of your posts and love them.
May I request an Arcana M6 that forgets MC's birthday? (Whether it happened to just slipped their mind or they genuinely forgot.). But I'll leave those details up to you. Keep writing! Thank you!
Thank you so much! I’m really glad you like them, I have a few more in the works but feel free to send whatever ideas my way :D
~The Arcana M6 - Forget MC’s Birthday~
On past birthdays, you usually wake up to him cooking breakfast
This isn’t one of those days. He’s gone from the shop, with a note left behind saying he’ll be back in the afternoon.
The shop has been busy, many calls outside the shop that Asra has to tend to. Him forgetting it is understandable
At some point, about mid day- he’s helping someone and the memory hits like a train
As soon as he’s done with business, he picks up some flowers and pumpkin bread and travels straight back to shop 
The door swings open, “I’m so sorry MC!!!”
You are smothered with affection for the next 24 hours
You were expecting a ball, or at least some sort of formal dinner/event
However, she didn’t pull through
Between everything else going on in Vesuvia, she managed to completely forget your birthday
It’s not until the servants say something that she realizes
She sort of looks at the wall for a minute, really internalizing her mistake
How could she have forgotten? What does this say about her as a romantic partner and as The Countess?
Plans start immediately, there WILL be a celebration tonight. Everything else is pushed to the side
She deeply apologizes for her mistake, almost being too hard on herself
But the party that night is incredible despite how little time it was thrown together
He’s never done much for his birthdays as an adult, aside from Portia throwing a small celebration with some gifts and him drinking as usual
He’s never really had to celebrate anybody else's birthday because of that
He did know about your birthday, thought about making plans for it. Maybe a nice little boat trip? Take you somewhere nice, a little adventure?
But it completely slipped his mind
He’s reminded by Mazelinka, his face getting redder than hell
It’s like the whole world crashed on him, he’s the worlds worst boyfriend now
He won’t stop apologizing, on the verge of tears, on his knees, he’ll do anything to make it right
He takes you out on the adventure he had planned anyways, free drinks to boot
He completely forgets birthdays are a thing
He never had the chance to celebrate his own unless it was with Asra
Which was only a handful of times, it wasn’t really even a celebration
You casually~ mention it and he gets RED 
This is man is EMBARRASSED 
I can see him making a little cake, with scraggly letters saying “Happy Birthday MC”
He last minute made a little handmade craft as gift for you too
Y’all have a cute little celebration in his hut, plenty of cuddles after
She’s going about her day all jolly, not a care in the world
You think for a bit she might have a surprise planned but once 6pm rolls around, you lose hope
“MC, I feel like I’m forgetting something”
Her face looks puzzled and then her eyes widen
There’s practically tears in her eye
You sort of have to calm her down. She feels like she betrayed you almost
She’s usually amazing with birthdays, tends to make the most of them
She did in fact have presents and plans but either got the day wrong or got completely side tracked
Your birthday turns into a birthday week celebration
He’s very fond of throwing big birthday parties for himself, sort of slides by everyone else's
You ask him about what day it is and he looks confused
You tell him it’s your birthday and he sorts of huffs
“Ya…I uhhh knew that”
He didn’t, but he’s trying to play it cool
Trying to quickly make plans in the back of his head
It’s very obvious he’s lying, his face is red and he looks frantic
He’s able to gather your friends for a nice celebration (Asra, Nadia, etc.)
But only because they care about you and he was so genuine with needing help
Expect more well thought out parties after this, he basically makes it a national holiday now
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moonah-rose · 1 month
Gotta vent my frustrations with that finale because holy fuck. If you don't want negativity then don't click the cut.
So far I've been praising this series for drifting away from one of my biggest gripes with the show and that's the oversaturation of romantic couples over found family and friendships. That hasn't been much of an issue this series, I've loved all the little moments of comradery, for example how it was Isaac and Sam who came to talk to Hetty after her reveal rather than Trevor, as well as Sas bonding with Jay even if just for that one episode. I liked Flower's polyamory being brought up again and had hopes it wouldn't just be mocked again....we'll get to that.
But then this last episode decided to leave me with such a vile taste in my mouth I dunno if I'm gonna bother watching more.
First off I'm not a big Isaac and Nigel shipper so it's not like I'm super devastated they didn't get married but I thought they were cute enough. I praised the show before about having an on screen gay couple as opposed to the typical tragic bury your gays of Caphavers, even if they didn't have nearly as much chemistry as the couple who have three scenes together.
But now Nisaac is dead, or on a respite (OK that made me giggle), and we didn't even get to see them have their emotional talk, just have Isaac sum it up afterwards. The show had an opportunity for a really heartbreaking moment with just the two of them but instead we were left with "He took it well". And Isaac has been dragged into the mud which, I'll admit, was incredibly cathartic on behalf of the basement ghosts and Nancy in particular.
Honestly it's the Thor/Flower/Nancy stuff that angers me the most and had it not been there then I might not have brought up what happened with Nisaac, but it just adds into the whole "queerphobic" narrative by having your mlm couple split while the mlw couple admits their love and another random mlw couple gets their wedding (one half of which is a horrible character). I knew the throuple thing wasn't going to be long term but....why bring it in at all? Just to mock poly people? Why not just have Flower say she needed space to think before being with Thor again? Why the need to mock Nancy as the "disposable unconventionally attractive" third wheel?
As for Flower...talk about character assassination. So last week she's all "how dare you be so cruel to Nancy?" and in the premier the basement ghosts are saying how kind she was to them - now she's abandoning Nancy in the basement and doesn't care that Nisaac didn't invite them - yet Carol was there?! Flower is the only other queer main ghost besides Isaac yet her wlw relationships are treated as jokes of her being a "silly hippy" and apparently she wasn't into Nancy at all? That's that for the only wlw rep in the show I guess. It doesn't help that Thor and Flower have zero chemistry imo.
I'm not gonna pretend the main guys in the BBC show treated the plague ghosts that great but at least they were invited upstairs to watch the panto. Again the thing with Patience was the only saving grace and I like that the guys had no idea she would do that so they're not painted as evil.
As for Pete's subplot, I actually did like Donna and was glad she didn't turn out to be some femme fatal like she was coming off as. But again, we have yet another mlw romantic subplot - when instead we could have had Pete with his daughter and her family and having the same dilemma of if he wanted to disappear there or return to his new 'home'.
Not to mention how irrelevant Sam and Jay felt to the point I forgot they were even there. All previous finales have had some sort of stakes going on with them whether it be the floor collapsing or the fake cousin, but here they were barely spectators.
I think worst of all, it just wasn't that funny. Often I can forgive a comedy's writing so long as it still makes me laugh but I got nothing from this other than disgust. Maybe my feelings will cool by the time S4 rolls around but I can't see myself wanting more of this show.
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Hey so. its been a while. I havent had a lot of energy these past few weeks and when I did I didnt really wanna spend that energy on this bad book series, but its the weekend and its been wayyyy too long and I need to finish ACOMAF before shit starts falling out of my sieve of a brain. As always, I am motivating myself with the prospect of contuining to work on a proshot of the takarazuka production elisabeth after this, the 2014 flower troupe one specifically ^-^ or maybe I'll watch a fucked up black and white movie from the 20s thats two and a half hours long, we'll see
Today we're reading chapter 53, the precursor to The most infamous chapter 54. Im not gonna lie, I kinda forgot most of what happened last time. There was a mate reveal, Rhysand was being really pathetic which made him hot to me for the first time in about 600 pages of me knowing him, Feyre was super pissed so they sent her to the mountain cabin to cool off a bit and paint, i think thats it
is it just me or is it kinda weird that Feyre is fantasizing about green grass and flowers and flowing rivers when the NC so far has been defined by being a very wintery place. Like yeah, obviously they have seasons in the solar courts but like, theres a lot of mountains which means a lot of snow, its the most nothern court etc
And Feyre didnt like winter in the first book because she associated it with bad times at the cabin so that makes sense but idk. I feel like if youre retconning her so much already you could easily wrie something about how she actually likes winter now that she has the power to withstand it or something but no, sure, have her fantasize about very spring-y weather in the book where the spring court gets demonized to hell and back why not
'[Rhysand] would give me the money for my shop, for what I was offering would cost nothing. Maybe I would sell my paintings to pay him back the money. Because I wanted to do that under any corcumstance, soulmates or not.' I was gonna write something snarky about Feyre in ACOSF but then it hit me that shes never going to have financial independance from Rhysand ever again and now Im just sad and anxious for her
(sry, im too lazy to translate this whole paragraph rn) '[Rhysand and I would do a bunch of fun stuff that couples do.] Never again someones slave or whore.' Its so wild to me that shes saying all this about the guy who made her his slave and whore MULTIPLE TIMES AT THIS POINT. like hey sarah, do you think your readers dont remember all that? do you think constantly calling back to it will make them forget somehow
Ive seen some people describe this book as gaslighting and honestly, its not even that its just lying. this story is just a bunch of lies that keep contradicting or otherwise disturbing eachother because the person telling it isnt even a good liar
Okayyyyy this chapter was a lot shorter than anticipated can you tell i dont plan these out at all but i dont feel like doing more than this and also while I was reading i got a really good idea for an Anastasia AU for a different fandom im in and I keep getting distracted and I wanna start working on it as soon as possible. And also, I'd like to be focused when I finally read that most infamous of chapters, thank you and good afternoon
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marywitchingbel · 9 months
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Notes: Er, hi. This is my first time trying something in this way. This will be my first, in english, fanfic. At the moment I'm writing, is almost 4 am and well, I wanted to share a story and any mistake in my writing is because is dark and english isn't my mother language. So please just be kind with me... I promised to have some cool ideas. The story is a Jotaro x Kakyoin x Reader.
"He always was the most sweet boy I ever talk to. And one day.. Well, I just wished I could have had more time to know him better.. Never expect to be able to see him again."
Talking With Death
It all started way before I could understand what it was. Weird dreams about him. Weird memories that, maybe, never existed before. And in the middle of everything... she.
At the beginning, it was a dark and cold place. But, after some nights I could hear the songs coming from somewhere close. I could see the lights. And I just follow it. I guess I wasn't suppose to find, or discover, that place. Because when I did, I found myself trying to have more time with him.
I discover that daydreaming also takes me to that place. Well, the songs was in my mind, even after I woke up. I guess, It was suppose to mean something... right? Because in the end, it's calling me. Or at least, looks like it's calling me.
I know people treat the death of someone dear, in their own kinda way. To be clear express emotions, specially in public, was always something that I don't kinda like it. I mourning his death, for sure. Like everyone. And even more, cuz we're not supposed to talk to anyone. Everything that happen, all the trip.. It's supposed to be a secret.
You see, sharing this... all of this.. in here, Well I guess it's the best way to keep it out of my mind and help with what is and isn't happening. It's a way to keep in touch with reality, while I try to discover what it's all of this.
I'll try to be clear, but in a way only I can understand. This isn't suppose to anyone to read, anyway.
What I know for sure, until now, is that:
It HAS to be someone's who have a Stand;
I guess, it has to be someone powerful, otherwise someone close?
It can talk with the dead, or connect in some trick way people with the recent dead.
The place is an old kinda of castle with European architecture. I guess it's some abandoned ruin without many towers, at least now. Some of the interior reminds me of Bran Castle, the "Dracula's Castle" from Bram Stoker. Fair, I guess.
There's a event every night, and it's always some kind of ball, decorated with white Jasmine flowers all around. At first, I had that weird feeling when I found. The path created with the flowers keep bring me some calm energy sensation. Like someone telling me that now everything is fine.
I can see we're not alone. But I can't see their faces. Everyone else's face have a blur or some kind of mask covering. And I can't remember their faces after waking up. Have try to use Star Platinum to make a drawing, but it fails. Every single time it fails. I don't have any other faces then his..
7. It allow me to connect with Kakyoin.
And it's like he never left.
This flower perfume is an antidepressant, can relaxes the nerves and relieves headaches, while help fights insomnia and is an aphrodisiac.
The dreams started maybe in the end of November 1988. Maybe even earlier that the mind allows. Weird dreams with some know random guy from school. He's not in school anymore, he changed for some reason.
But he's still in my dreams. I talk with him during those dreams. He's sweet, the sweetest guy I ever talk to. That wasn't many, anyway. But he's one of them. With stories... stories that could only came from a another reality. Another world. One far away of me.
His way of being during those moments, took down any walls that I have built in after the years. His voice could make me fell secure and relieve. Relieve from pain... The physical and mental pain. I could talk with him about anything. And after some time, even the sorrow... the depression.. went away. I became, in a weird way, closer to him.
He said some time about some flower that would help. I guess, of course, it might have been the flower that did all of it. I mean, with the pain. It must have been the flower.
Jasmine, he told me.
And I started to dream with jasmine. Even during the day, I would catch myself feeling the perfume in the middle of my daydreams. Weird, but I didn't question it. Walking any less sad... it's good enough for me.
Then, he left.
Without a warning. Without a sound. Nothing.
Just left.
And I was alone again in my dreams. Or nightmares..
This time, holding jasmines close to a tomb. A cold and dark place, different from before. Far from our comfy little room, it all turned into a dark and cold tomb with his name on it. And I just knew, I had to do it right this time. It couldn't be like before, it had to be perfect. Flawless.
Just to be able to meet with him again. To keep talking with him... keep him somewhere safe..? I'm not sure. But I was sure enough about saving him. I don't know what kind of change I made. I guess I made some, because he's there in the next time I search for him. He had some pretty bad scars in his eyes, but he's there.
Our place also changed after that. The room, I mean, the tomb transform itself into a big old castle, like the ones in a fairy tale. But so much more cold. And dark, without life. The clothes that we had, I only took attention at them when the tomb appear, begin to change into something more... how could I describe? Fantastic. Or better, like we're using costumes.
You look like Death, he told me. You know, death... the grin reaper. But I don't fell in danger or threatened. It's like you're suppose to be here.
Everything was back to the normal. As I guess it could supposed to be. Normal.. Well, let's try again. The talk and way we treat each other was back to normal. Like he didn't had have disappear for nights, and I didn't have made a deal with the devil kinda deal to have him back.
It's calm. But I could notice that he's not like before. We talked and walk around, but he seemed more thoughtful. Sometimes lost in his own mind. During this moments, I found myself also thinking or just observing the dream. Watching the big ball occur while we sit next to it. Only been some kind of decor in the background.
It's weird to be able to see again during this dreams. It's like I never lost this ability. Well, actually it's weird to be here, he murmured one time.
I didn't try to explain. How could I? What it have to me to explain? I didn't try.
And then he appear.
Taller, big.. Like some kinda of bear. Some well come present that was invited from the woods. I never took much attention, but looks like the dream was expanding. From far away. And now, it's slowly being guide to the castle. To the ball.. To us? Well, I don't know.
I just allow it. I guess, I allow it.
He wasn't a treat.
He was just another... guest.
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waspspirits · 9 months
📘 pls share
Oh no okay don't get skittish now, let's see...
I only really have the one so I apologize to any others who have also asked eheh
Current title is "Something Sanguine and Silver", it would kill me to avoid alliteration I suppose, will probably change eventually 🤔. It'll be Dracopia x OC, and though I am not a vampire connoisseur I am a monster aficionado! So scary awesome vampire transformations will definitely be present hehe. Vampire lore is all about making it your own right? Right? Bleh there are a million versions that people like to fight over so I'll research the ones I like and make up the rest hdsjshdhdh. I don't know exactly what time period we're looking at, but there are knights and Copia will be a count. Nngh research.... I'll get to you someday..
I really want to channel a very specific look for the OC. Heavy full plate armor that obscures her gender. HAUNTED. Need this woman to have a blank, unwavering stare. Tarnished armor and multiple scars, but a sword that is cared for worshipfully, shined to perfection so much so that she looks shabby and ominous next to it. Soooo many metaphors with the armor and the sword. They're driving me crazy. I'm taking an excavator to the shallow grave of my barely repressed trauma mostly for this woman. Mmm yes Catholicism. I'm SURE there's a phrase or something to perfectly describe this but, something along the lines of "I stopped believing a long time ago but I can't stop because what if there is nothing beyond it?" Girl is on a never ending crusade against herself 💜 haven't found a name that fits her yet..
In my murmurings about this in the hell pit server I mentioned wanting to make a poem-comic as a test run, that's still my plan! I am not confident in my writing abilities on their lonesome and visuals always help me convey things better. I'd love for continuous installments to follow it so we shall see hehe.
Copia, oh Copia my beloved wet sock. Copia my stress ball, Copia my most favorite little clown boy. The setting and overall tone is very very gloomy in my head right now so I'm trying to think of how to weave our beloved sweetheart rat man into the Dracula monologues. He's so fucking lonely. Most likely lives alone in a big fortress, but maybe he doesn't actually live there? My personal fantasy of the imposing antagonistic figure just wanting a nice cottage in the wilderness follows me everywhere I go. I wish I had more to talk about for him but atm its mostly him wearing all black and trying to talk so cool and eloquently like the books he spends all day reading.
Need me some dramatic action and women with swords and men baring their teeth so we're going for enemies -> friends -> lovers 💙
Weh.. I talked about it! I did it!! I uh have no idea when anything will come of this. I really like the ideas I have but I've totally fumbled and given up on complex stories before so I'll try to be gentle with this one. I think I saw another ask before I answered this one so I'll put some tidbits I've written under that one. Oh! Alliums, garlic flowers, have been important imagery so far. 🪻
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jetsandflowers · 8 months
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Hello there! I'm Jet/Flowers! 🌼 Consistently losing my sanity over the giant space robots (as you do), I'm over-enthused and over-caffeinated and have a brain that wanders like a little fish. Sometimes I write! Sometimes I art. Most times I just stare into The Void.
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🛫MY TF FANDOMS🛫 🌼 Transformers Animated 🌼 Transformers Prime 🌼 G1 Transformers 🌼 Transformers Earthspark 🌼 Transformers Cyberverse 🌼 Bumblebee Movie 🌼 Rescue Bots
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🛫UNMENTIONED🛫 🌼 Bay movies (nah. thanks. the fanfics I've read go hard though) 🌼 Comics (may start reading 'em soon!)
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🛫FAVORITE BOTS🛫 🌼 Blitzwing (TFA): EVERYBODY APPLAUD THAT COURT JESTER RIGHT NOW he's the funniest MF here. Wife material??? Brain says yes. 🌼 Ratchet(TFA, TFP): That's Peepaw!!! 🌼 Wasp/Waspinator (TFA): I am a hard-core Wasp apologist. He was a big meanie but he didn't deserve That. Wishing hugs and therapy on that dude! 🌼 Bumblebee (TFA, Earthspark): That's The Guy. Homie who you could kiss material. 🌼 Swindle (TFA): Baddie. I love him. 🌼 Blurr (TFA): That's Zippy!! 🌼 Starscream: I love him in every iteration 🌼 Shockwave: I love him in every iteration 🌼 Soundwave (every iteration): He's the only one with brain cells! Prime has the most Shaped design to me and I love the idea about his vow of silence, but G1 will always be my true fave. 🌼 Hound (G1): no real reason. He's my little guy, a true blorbo. 🌼 Blades (Rescue Bots): just the most blorbo!!! 🌼 Nightshade (Earthspark): They're actually perfect.
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🛫MY SHIPS (I collect Blitzwing ships like cool coins at this point) 🛫 🌼 Blitzwing X Bumblebee (TFA): Ma'am, why are you shipping those two clowns together, I hear you ask. Well, maybe because they're silly goofy, and I think they should exchange clown noses. Real talk though? Vibes. Also together they could get away with murder - Actually, SIKE, no they couldn't, and that's precisely why I'm shipping them. 🌼 Blitzwing X Wasp/Waspinator (TFA): I know it’s weird but it’s like dark timeline Blitzbee for me and I dig it. I'm the only one that ships this as far as I know but it rocks anyways. 🌼 Blitzwing X Blackarachnia (TFA): Think about the body horror discussions they could have, man. Additionally, she made him Like That according to the Allspark Almanac. Like HELLO. Someone had to suggest it at least. It'll be me I'm chill with that. Also, can we talk about the actual Stein and Madusa energy they give o- aight, I'll stop now before I go on forever. Side note for persuasion purposes: they're also mostly dressed in the asexual colors. Hell yeah!!!
🌼 Charlie x Bumblebee (BB movie): HUMANS AND ROBOTS LOVING EACH OTHER: THE SHIP. YAAAAAYYY!!!! 🌼 Optimus X Megatron: When I tell you that any love story between these two is so Pride and Prejudice coded... UGH-the DRAMA. Disgusting! Give me more!!! 🌼 Starscream X Megatron (TFA, G1, Earthspark: oh I ship them, sure, but like, in the way where it's like they're in the middle of a nasty divorce. Horrible. Beautiful. Mwah!
🌼 Thundercracker X Skywarp (G1): Wholesome. Adorable. 🌼 Swindle X Lockdown (TFA) they slay and it’s everyone’s problem. 🌼 Shockwave X Soundwave (TFP & G1): I don’t gotta say anything more than they’re just top tier. They get shit done. The end, amen. 🌼 Slipstream X Blackaracknia (TFA): now this? This is beautiful.
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🛫Tags🛫 🌼 Art Tag: #Jet's art
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ginevralinton · 9 months
@its-a-hare-pom-pom thank you for the tag!!
Favourite colour and why? blue - it reminds me of the sea, it feels calm and sad but happy too. I like the sound of the word. I also love pink, because it's a happy and bright.
Five comfort movies: i don't really watch movies...
Favourite season and why? winter! i like when it's cold and you can wrap up in blankets; i like those really cold mornings and cold nights and the frost and ice; less people are out when you go to parks/outdoor places; there are several things that can't happen in winter and those things give me anxiety; i have work and while it's stressful, it's not intense like other parts of the year
Favourite book(s): Villette by Charlotte Bronte, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte are my top three
favourite aesthetic(s)and why? I think 'cottagecore' is pretty cute, or like, space aesthetics or 'arty' ones - oh, and like, horribly gaudy rainbow ones. Idk all the proper names but those ones just appeal to me
Favourite genre and why? It depends on what it is, but I'll talk about books because TV tastes are just - random. With books, I like 'literary' fiction, classics, historical fiction and short stories too? I guess I like the analyse stuff when I read, to look at the layers and structures, and I find those genres lean more easily towards that.
Favourite clothes style: honestly shifts between girly dresses and fluffy coats to dungarees, oversized shirts and DMs
Favourite music genres: most of my favourite artists fit under the 'indie' category somewhere
Favourite artists: Florence and the Machine, The Killers, The Wombats, King Princess
Favourite song(s): King by Florence and the Machine and Battle Born by The Killers
Favourite fandoms: BBC Ghosts ❤
Hobbies: writing, drawing, reading, walking
Care language you give: acts of service, I guess? or being a willing listener? idk
Care language you like to receive: willing listeners?
Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert
Morning or night person? i'm less anxious in the morning but i'm also awake most of the night so...
City, country or suburbs and why? suburbs. basically, i like where i live, the balance between having green space but also having easy access to towns/shops/cities
Favourite time of day and why? between 8:30 and 9:30pm, because day anxiety is over and night anxiety hasn't fully begun
Do you have any religious beliefs(don’t have to answer if not comfortable)? not really
What does your ideal family look like to you? me, a gf and many many guinea pigs? maybe a daschund (if i get over the fear of dogs)? and friends too? (and ofc some of my actual family now)
Dream future: no idea, can't see a thing
Dream place to visit: I'd love to go to Geneva, Brussels or Iceland, but realistically, I'd just like to go back to Haworth or Lulworth (or, lbr, the Isle of Wight)
Favourite type of nature: I like flowers, the sea and cliff tops
Favourite habitat (eg jungle, desert, tundra etc): the ocean and forests
How would you describe yourself in 4 words: awkward, anxious, serious, creative?
If you could be another thing on earth what would it be: something inanimate, like a rock
Favourite type of weather: sunny but cool (or snow, but i feel bad for saying that 😁)
If you could travel anywhere right now where would it be: Haworth
Do you have any fears (serious or otherwise): everything? dogs, house fires, burglary, the future, people in those mascot costumes, social interactions etc.
Dream job: who knows
Would you be a pirate/vampire/cowboy/astronaut/werewolf/wizard/witch/knight/cryptid and why? cowboy, i guess. i like the hats
I'll tag @sonnet-of-anarchy @thelastplantagenet @thatgordongirl @breitzbachbea @athelstan-anglecyning if you want to do it
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captainsspnanon · 11 months
C3E66 reaction
I feel like I don't have much to say about this episode, mostly because I'm writing this nearly a full day after having watched the episode.
Seeing Liam roleplay a PC with very positive family relationships and just the gentle nature of a son visiting his home for the first time in a while was delightful.
Matt having Chetney be the maker of several of Orym's toys is a pure treat! I ain't buying the father theory (I doubt any one is with any level of seriousness) but it's leading to above-table fun :)
Why is it that I've been so much more invested in descriptions of locations when they are NOT on Marquet??? Maybe it's just because we really haven't BEEN many places on Marquet, we've had Jrusar and Yios which are cities, then the forest and place they went for the museum heist, and then Max Max place. For a campaign set here, a lot of aspects of it don't take place there, especially now that it looks like a chunk of time will likely be spent on Ruidus. I'd really appreciate more actual journeying through Marquet and seeing the landscape, though with fast travel now active, who knows.
NEW LAUDNA ART IS SO GOOD i love it so much!
What I don't love? Laudna basically being fully reverted to acting fine. After the kiss from last episode, it seemed that a lot of her behaviors suddenly reverted then as well. I'm HOPING that it's more of a case of her compartmentalizing again, but I really enjoyed the Laudna we had in Issylra and at the beginning of last episode. Her placidity is not necessary enthralling characterization to watch.
Then again, I'm being a tad harsh, as this episode really did end up being the Orym episode in terms of roleplay. Pretty much ALL the other PCs took a back seat in Zephra, which is understandable if a bit disappointing. And then we didn't have much RP in the wasteland/forest/however the hell you describe the lands, as it was stealthing and looking for tracks and then combat. I'll hold off full judgement until another episode or two has passed.
I am so excited to see the new Orym and Ashton art I CAN'T. So far, Laudna, FCG, Deanna, and Fearne's new art have been my favorites.
VERY cool combat with VERY clutch spells from Fearne.
OH AND LIAM MADE A MANEUVER THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME. I was always, ALWAYS stoked when he designed new spells for Caleb, or even just flavored them such as his Cat's Claw for Bigby's Hand. So if he keeps making maneuvers??? I am SOLD.
Still would love a guideline of how the fuck Ashton's subclass works. I get Taliesin wanting to surprise people, but I'd still like to have an idea of it, more than just confusing descriptions in combat.
30 flowers filling a third of the bag is way less that I had thought would be needed, that gives me hope of this being resolved in next episode, likely with more Zephra RP and then heading back to Marquet.
I'm a little selfishly disappointed they didn't tell Keyleth about Vax screaming. It makes sense, but look. Sometimes I just like angst for angst, okay?
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pjunicornart · 5 months
Lazy Days Info Dump pt. 2
You read the title. Let's do this.
SO. I've been brainstorming ideas for the others characters within this AU, as in, the other Robinsons. These will just be little character bios, and these were made recently. So everything you see here is subject to change!
Lucille Still as lively as ever! When she's not baking or sewing, she's swimming in her family's pool. She tries to stay positive after the death of her husband, Bud... and that meant going to grief counseling.
Gaston A streamer/online personality. He started off by playing FPS games, but nowadays he's interested in the likes of indie games, especially indie horror. Yes... the other Robinsons have appeared in his videos on occasion. Like that one time Neil and Gaston made a "gingerbread house."
Art An intergalactic bounty hunter alah Celeste from HuniePop. It's from this job he met Lefty, and rescued her from danger. He's often away from the family for weeks at a time, but he makes sure to bring home cool alien artifacts for the kiddos for when he returns.
Fritz He makes OOAKs with old play line fashion dolls. He has the whole shebang... the 3D printer for more complex projects, the matte varnish, the sewing patterns, clumps of doll hair, a rooting tool, etc. He posts his creations online.
Petunia Not a puppet! She is still very much alive. Her first husband wound up in prison. He can rot in there for all she cares, because Fritz is a better man. He supported her dream of becoming a lawyer.
Tallulah A world famous model for a high end lounge, lingerie, and sleepwear brand. Her personality is inspired by Ashley's from HuniePop 2. Very chill and laid-back. Also the type to ask fucked up questions.
Laszlo Due to trauma from his past he'd rather not talk about, he's very intertwined with the internet aesthetic known as "Traumacore." This reflects in his digital art, using pastels and cute character designs mixed with dark and disturbing imagery. It's a coping/comfort mechanism for him. He's working on a graphic novel with this style.
Joe After undergoing bariactric surgery, he's taking his personal health a lot more seriously. His positive attitude online and drive to become a better him has landed him multiple brand deals.
Billie The hands on type. The type of girl to get her hands dirty building and painting model trains. She collects vintage and newer toy trains and displays them proudly on her shelf. Well, multiple shelves, actually.
Carl Built with a more cozy, humanoid appearance, he's the family's right hand robot. He's programmed with thousands of ways to enhance the family's daily lives, as well as advanced hardware to make him a truly intelligent AI.
Lefty The maid of the household. Her home planet was a desolate ocean, where a rogue group reined supreme. Now that she's on this exciting, new environment, she eagerly looks at everything with an intense curiosity.
Doris The butler. She's got some sass to her, I'll say that... She's got the same hardware that Carl has, so her developing her own personality was nothing to write about for Neil.
Spike and Dmitri Alien twins who were also rescued from one of Art's missions. They were never given names on their home planet, so the family gave them names. For some reason, they spend most of their day in the garden... sitting in flower pots. Maybe it's because their home planet was very lush? Who knows...
For more info about the AU in general and bios for the other characters, refer to this post -> Lazy Days Info Dump. For busts of the other members of the family, refer to this post -> Lazy Days Character Busts. Still wanna know more? Ask box is always open.
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x-authorship-x · 11 months
Anyway. I don't actually know how well they could work in canon, but the idea for the fic is that Hidan has been around for a long, long time (in canon it's never said for how long he's been immortal iirc and I love potential immortality-based angst, also we never really see him use any chakra except for like, sticking to trees I think? So I like to think that he's been around from before the chakra people started to be born) and he used to be some sort of mercenary hired to kill people, and one day he was sent to take care of the army of a kingdom where Shisui (maybe I'll use some different name for this past version of him but I have yet to decide) was the ruler
Used to being unmatched in a fight, Hidan finds himself stopped by Shisui who is able to fight him somehow equally and so Hidan gets basically obsessed with Shisui and they eventually end up being lovers
One day Shisui, who knows will eventually die and leave Hidan alone, performs a ritual to link their souls together and make them soulmates, making Hidan promise he'll find him in every single one of his future lives (and I think I'll put some kind of soulmark on both of them as a result of the ritual to show that they're linked)
The main story takes place around the time the Uchiha coup should happen (with past memories sprinkled here and there once Shisui starts remembering his past lives) when Shisui meets Hidan during an ANBU mission and they fight since Hidan had been hired as a temporary mercenary/bodyguard to protect Shisui's target, however during the fight something happens (to be determined, I'm not super good with writing fights but I'll come up with something) that makes it so that Shisui's soulmark is revealed, after which Hidan refuses to fight him anymore
Shisui doesn't think much of it at first, but he starts meeting Hidan on every single mission after that first one (Hidan knows he can't exactly walk into Konoha, he's not stupid and I think I'll make him a bit less psycopath as well, so he waits until he sees Shisui leaving and then follows him, and since I'd put him as someone from before the chakra times he'd have no chakra for Shisui to sense him) and after a little while Shisui decides to confront him about it
I have a bit of a bullet point list after this (Hidan telling Shisui they're soulmates, Shisui not believing him, Shisui starting to have dreams/remember his past lives etc...) but that's as far as I got and it's, like, two chapters truly fully written? And that's it (because all the past stuff will be later on so I haven't actually written it as chapters yet)
It all started because I saw a fanart with Hidan and Shisui together (not romantically, they were just in the same picture) and my brain just couldn't stop thinking about them being actual lovers
I plan on making it a bit dark and go quite heavy on Hidan's romantic obsession with Shisui, and after Shisui will realize the truth I'll probably put in there some good Uchiha-obsession as well. Not on 'yandere' levels (I don't like the yandere cliché too much) but still enough to make it clear that their relationship isn't all roses and flowers (is that a saying in english? I just kinda translated a saying from my og language 🤣), they're both very unhinged and quite co-dependant with each other
And now that I talked about it with you I feel like I wanna go write more of it, so now I need to find the WIP...
Anon, look at me, right in the eyes: we are talking about fictional characters from the most ridiculous hair-brained series that has somehow gripped us all for donkey's years. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for how you're playing around with canon, it's all make believe anyway and we should be allowed to be as unhinged as we like haha
Have fun and screw the haters!
1) this whole idea is super cool!!! I'd love to see where you go with Hidan's religion and the morals of his human sacrifice and blood letting etc (there is a fascinating Sakura-centric fic out there where Sakura is converted to Jashinism, the author has some extremely interesting takes on the religion) and how it interlines with Shisui's own dubious morality within the bigger picture of Shinobi morals being fucked up like crazy to begin with...!
2) Shisui somehow beats Hidan and gets his interest? Ayyyy Hidan can't draw blood and kill him if he's not fast enough to catch him first~
3) toxic evil murder husbands... Nice, brings to mind-
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Hidan kills people for his homicidal religious zealousness... Shisui looks like a saint in comparison but that's just because he rewrites the minds of his opponents so no one even knows how bad he is (🙏🙏🙏 Shisui deserves to be a human monster, as a little treat 👉👈)
4) Also this has the potential for that whole "A fell first but B fell harder" dynamic because Hidan has been loving Shisui as a lifestyle for DECADES but Shisui gets bulldozed by memories and pitches headfirst into obsession after fighting Hidan's claims for a little too long... 😩
Thanks for sharing, Anon! And good luck with the WIP, if you do decide to continue!
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"I missed you."
"....I missed you, too."
Prompt #2, Pitch Perfect RarePair Week
This scene now has a Part 2! Check it out here!
Artist thoughts, links to the other prompt days, and a Close Up under the cut, Image ID in the alt text!
*drags myself in out of sheer force of will, collapsing immediately on the floor, holding this post aloft like a hard-won trophy* I did it. I got the drawing for today's prompt done. Here you go.
So, backstory: this is technically related to what will now be three posts later this week (because there's supposed to be a second part of this drawing based on Prompt #7, "I can't say it so I'll sing it", that will now be posted along with my original unrelated idea for #7 on Sunday), all of which are based on a fanfic I've been writing for a couple months now. Said fic (and two of the three posts) is Jeca-centered, but it's based in a little pocket verse that has a LOT more going on in it than just their whole... Thing, and that includes other RarePairs hanging out and generally being adorable in the background. (This includes all of the rarepairs I'm featuring this week, btw.)
Enter Chaubrey, who have their own side story going on that includes at least one gay panic (Aubrey), years of pining (Chloe, literally from their freshman year at Barden onwards), a mutual realization of "holy shit there might be something here, actually!" (Seen above, more on that below), a few months of hesitant flirting and maybe-sorta-kinda dates, and, finally, a reveal of feelings through meaningful glances during a duet featuring the rest of the Bellas (and a subsequent mutual decision to sneak off and talk things through after... Which may or may not lead to smooching in a broom closet somewhere. Maybe. Yes, Fat Amy finds them, and, no, she never lets them hear the end of it, even at their wedding a year later). It's a lot, is what I'm getting at here, that unfortunately goes mostly unsaid in-story due to the POV(s) I'm writing in, but I felt it was important that y'all know about it anyways because they live in my head rent free. Constantly. So.
Now, as for this scene specifically: set roughly 1 and a half years after PP3, Aubrey and Chloe are helping Beca pick out a wedding outfit as the Chief Bridesmaid and Maid of Honor, respectively (a position that Chloe threatened to fight Fat Amy for until Beca, in fear of "the Kraken has been unleashed!", declared that Chloe was Maid of Honor and Fat Amy would officiate, end of story), a month or two after Beca announced her engagement via a group zoom call (and Chloe's excited reaction subsequently provoked a Gay Panic™ in Aubrey as she suddenly had the realization that "I want to see her smile like that for the rest of my life", a Totally Normal and Measured Reaction to have for your best friend of course). Stacie would help but she's trying to wrangle a flower girl dress for little Bella across the country in New York, and Emily is splitting her time between song writing and helping with other logistics ("I've been researching venues, did you know there's actually an old movie theatre here in LA that can be rented out for weddings?" "rEALLY?!?! 😍" "NO." "Come oooonnnn, Becs, you gotta admit that's cool!" "Not. Happening."), So it's down to Chloe and Aubrey to help find the perfect wedding gown suit for Beca, because, and I quote, "Just because I agreed to a wedding does NOT mean I'm gonna be like every other bride on Say Yes to the Dress or whatever, if we're doing this we're doing it my way, and I'm not wearing a poofy overpriced dress that I can only use once, got it?" ("But, Beca, don't you wanna, I dunno, dress up for your husband-to-be? Go the whole nine yards?" "Are you kidding?! Jesse offered to just go up to the courthouse and be done with it, he's still amazed I said yes in the first place. It was only after I reminded him that you pitches would hunt us down and murder us if we got married without you that he agreed to do an actual wedding." "...Damn. You two really are made for each other huh." "You're also correct, there would be nowhere on this planet you could hide from our wrath if you'd eloped. Fat Amy has connections.")
In the midst of the chaos of trying on outfits and assuring the sales associate at each shop (because there are multiple shops visited, by the way) that, yes, she really does want a suit instead of a dress, and no, she won't be persuaded otherwise, and in trying to find matching bridesmaid outfits for the rest of the girls, Chloe and Aubrey find some moments to just... Talk. They haven't been able to talk much since the tour, at least in person, and they've missed that. They've missed each other. (Hence, the prompt!) Herein comes the realization that they're both single (rip Chicago you'll debatably be missed), and the mutual blushes and unusually shy glances start clueing them each in that, huh. It's almost like... She might... Reciprocate??? My feelings??? But they don't quite get to unpack that because there's still suit shopping to do!
But they'll get there, don't worry! We'll get the resolution to this little storyline on Sunday, because what better way to finally confess your feelings than with the same mashup that first truly brought you and your friends together! 😎
In the meantime, I've got bonus posts going up tomorrow and Thursday (because I couldn't come up with anything for either of those prompts, though I did try), then we're back with the last 4 true Prompt Entries™ starting Friday, with two entries for Sunday!
Days I've participated in (and Entries I've posted):
Day 1 (This is me trying): Link
Day 2 (I missed you): You Are Here!
Day 5 (if honesty means telling the truth... Well then the truth is I'm still in love with you): Link
Day 6 (there's no way that it's not going to happen with you looking at me like that): Link
Day 7.1 (I can't say it, so I'll sing it): Link
Day 7.2 (part 2): Link
Plus a relevant bonus Post for this particular scene can be found here!
Close Up:
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