#maybe ill let the crossover happen
maguayans · 2 years
i’ve been working on five (?) different wips since last week. it’s writer parkour…island hopping but writing…like drinking different beverages at the same time. i’m surprised there’s no crossover yet (i’ve done it in the past :/) 😅
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tybaltsjuliet · 3 months
please tell me more about a potential snow white and coriolanus snow crossover
i never thought of it before i saw that post but now there’s nothing i want more. let’s see... well, first of all, it’s got to be coriolanus in the faery tale world. i am not about to put snow white in the hunger games; she’s suffered enough. i will restrain myself, barely, from constructing an intricate lore in which his family were former nobility who lost their fortune and status. maybe he’s dug in his claws to maintain *some* kind of minor duty at the royal court.
anyway. coriolanus knows the princess, of course, sees her around the castle while she’s scouring the steps or whatever. and snow white knows him! she’s super nice to him, because she is to everybody! she always asks how grandma’am and tigris are doing, because she cares about people! coriolanus gives her condescending and stiff replies that just barely skate under the margin of what can pass for polite. snow white, gods bless her, does not clock this, because she never assumes ill will of anybody even when she probably should. snow white thinks coriolanus is her *friend*, because she cannot think of any reason why he might not be.
eventually, it happens like it does; grimhilde decides it’s time for snow white to get her heart carved out but the huntsman has a crisis about it and tells her to run. so she does! straight to her friend coriolanus, who will surely be able to help her! coriolanus will surely do no such goddamn thing, at first, but probably sejanus and tigris could join forces to frown at him until they are reassured that he will, at least, not leave the princess to the elements.
but coriolanus is smart. he takes opportunities when he sees them, and he would see very quickly that he is now in possession of one (1) trusting and terrified princess, with a hit out on her from the evil queen regent that the whole realm hates.
coups have succeeded with less ammo behind them than that.
and if, in the midst of his scheme, snow white turns up poisoned, a victim of the sleeping death... well, the people were already baying for grimhilde’s blood. a public execution will be good for morale. and, after that, he keeps snow white’s incorruptible body lying in state, in a glass coffin, for the people to come and mourn over at their whim. symbols like that are powerful.
a man with a weaker spirit than coriolanus snow might have a fear that, sometimes, the princess’s wide dead eyes follow him across the room, but that’s ridiculous. he doesn’t even *go* into that room anymore.
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ivegennedmylastloss · 4 months
hidey hodey neighborinoes i know i may or may not have disappeared for like half a fucking year but brain does what brain do. since i am now willing to admit that i likely will not find the motivation to write a full length fic like i would want, i wanted to post the “outline” (re: complete gibberish only past me could understand). at some point i’ll try to compile all the tidbits i had sprinkled across drafts and docs and try to clean it up a little but, well, im not even sure what i meant in some spots. hopefully ill pull the writers block out of my ass one day but until then, take this word vomit:
(for clarifications sake, r= red/ranboo, g= green/charlie, b= blue/sneeg, h= hetch, sfm= showfall media)
retelling of ep three from hetch’s pov. mask broke sfm doesn’t know. reset after stab still aware of what he’s doing but can’t control himself. hopeful ending with planning to save the trio and get them out?
the closet sfm is onto hetch so he has to do damage control ran receiving no instructions. things settle scenes been dragging he panics and basically controls r to kill ethan
maybe broadcasted to a different universe. problem w family and friends recognize
maybe broadcasted to rich assholes like in the purge/gladiator type deal?
the face of the hacker wasn’t actually supposed to do things but did anyways
follow up w/ rgb saving him g and b reluctant. r insist they won’t let anyone else die because of them. idk burn the mall maybe torch it like a fuckin wasp nest
employees stop at the door mannequins little nightmares two.
all four struggling down the road maybe r passing out carried by g or b
hot wire a car
traumatize gas station clerk
fire department from fire alarm
hetch flag down car 2 options:
car sped off but called police for them
offered ride to hospital
hetch the sidewalk isn’t wide enough fourth wheel type deal mostly unscathed compared to rgb but smol bean has anxiety and left over programming. weak little noodle arms can’t help shit. b sending hella death glares
b wouldn’t want to help hetch
r electrocuted from attempted mask removal
through the power of friendship and laws of physics or electrical plasma whatever it isn’t fatal hoorah
hetch stunned doesn’t help gb fuckin pissed at him
paramedics confused about what happened to these very dedicated cosplayers that are found half dead barely hours after the live finale
r wakes and is terrified thinking they’re at the box and start screaming for gb. hetch freezes g n b have to be held back by police
hospital r coma from noggin surgery (medically induced for healing cause wtf) g and b want to kick hetch’s ass only stop cause of r
prob not ccs maybe r foster kid hinted maybe
b needs to get to punch someone. american healthcare so probably a doctor or a nurse
hetch medically released first<irrelevant travel distance. hetch watching charlie and sneeg have friends and family going in and out but r has no on so hetch goes
others not allowed in camp out in waiting room. ran wakes up and freaks. competent doc allows them in and r calms down. good doc fights for them to be able to stay in the room psych health. special accommodations are made no tv in room gets a double room for more beds/couches <<needs special room post brain surgery op icu maybe nurse/doc maneuverability <<< maybe one allowed in at a time
^the nice doctor thrown in for pity maybe philza if crossover? detective techno? or both detectives that almost beat the shit outta the responding cops for fucking up the most important case they’d ever get
sfm sends an employee pretending to be ranboos mom. the others are scared but also she is acting like a mom that lost her kid so maybe it’s okay??<< others not allowed in the room since family only? nope ran wakes up freaks cause that bitch ain’t momboo (dead question mark? orphan? don’t tell techno)
employee tries to strangle r no loose ends: doc pulls her off; trio breaks in hetch proves himself?; r is a bamf and defends themself (hitting? reverse uno they strangle her? rips out iv and stabs her?< needle to weak would have to be in eye)
r scared to sleep from cabin electrocution and execution hold hand 👉👈?
carousel saved NO FIRE IF CAROUSEL perhaps a group meet for victims ranboo and hetch reluctant to enter cause they think they’re their murderers. eef spots r and runs to hug him others follow positive to r wary to hetch b says hetch is the one responsible for saving all of them bada bing bada boom happy ending
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joeys-piano · 7 months
20 Questions About A Fic Writer
Tagged by @voxofthevoid who is pretty much a writing god as far as I'm concerned. The breadth of his works are wide, and he be doing things for the hell of it.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
230 since 2016.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
841,020. I mostly write oneshots and short stories.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Whatever scratches my writing itch. I used to settle in fandoms when I was younger, but now I wander around and write for whatever catches my interest during that season of my life. It keeps me fresh. I found my insecurities were a lot louder the longer I settle somewhere because it's easier to make comparisons. So I just stroll around. It's a lot simpler life. It keeps me from chasing AO3 stats and lets me write things I wouldn't have the courage to do in other fandoms. So that's nice.
Currently I'm writing for Link Click.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
From Yuri on Ice.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Often, I leave long replies that are ficlet length at least.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My mind tells me those fics are from the Harry Potter fandom.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe you can tell me because I've written a lot and I don't remember.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Rarely. I've written for ships people have issue with and have not yet received hate for it. It unfortunately happens to my friends and writers I respect, so that sucks. The only hate I've really received was when someone argued with me in the Harry Potter fandom that English Breakfast tea does not exist. And I was so weirded out by the comment that I just deleted the fic for my own mental peace.
Other than that, I don't recall any other hate. I have recieved passive aggressive comments, but those were from years ago. Overall, it's either positive or neutral.
9. Do you write smut?
Maybe once or twice a year. It's not that fun, really.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I used to.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge. I had a request once, but I don't think anything came out of it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. Two of them for one fandom. My writing style and process is better suited for solo writing. I've tried co-writing with what I do currently, but it doesn't mesh well.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Odazai. I don't write for it currently, but I still enjoy seeing it. Which is something I cannot say for other ships I've done in the past, so that means a lot to me. I might pick up writing for it again if I feel that's my season to do it.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but probably won’t?
Whatever is in my "Not Currently" folder. I'm of the mind that if a story or idea ends up there, it's a doomed attempt trying to resurrect it. So I let it die. Yeah I'm haunted on a constant basis if I think about it, but that's just life I think. Nowadays I write stories I do carve time for, not ones that I want to carve time for. There's a difference.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Introspection. Rhyme. Character voice. Vibes. My willingness to experiment with my writing and challenging myself to strengthen my weak areas. Nowadays, I write the stories that I write to challenge my technical skills as a writer. It keeps me from feeling stagnant and I often start writing things I don't normally write, but this gives me the mental library of how to do certain things because I've done it before.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Heavy plots. Physical affection in a romantic or sexual sense. Fluff because I get violently ill every time I write it (like covid, the flu, it aggraviates my flares up and that's not fun). Angst because it drains a lot of me and I get tired. So, I realize that limits what I can write, so I try to be really good at what I do write.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Personally, I don't do it. If I have a character speaking in another language, I summarize it through narration. If some words are borrowed, like a good example is names of food or certain phrases, I'm fine with putting that in dialogue. When I was younger, I used to italicize that stuff. I don't anymore unless emphasis is directly on those words.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
At the moment, nothing comes to mind. While writing them, I'm sure there was a lot of love because I willingly pulled the stories together. But other than that, I don't have a real favorite.
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Analysis of MY multiverse AU
Idk what do call it...I wanna call it smth different than Salt's but I need to brainstorm. Anyways here's how all the characters are feeling in this AU. Because. Uhm. COol. YIPPEE! TSBS Golden definitely sees AGA Freddy as his child, no question. He would also very much so like AGA Goldie to become his child as well. Because we all know that TSBS Golden adopts every feral mentally ill child he sees...as we know from SaMS. TSBS Phantom does not give a singular flying SHIT about Freddy. He sometimes forgets Freddy's existence. His drama is with Goldie and Golden. (haha, let the confusion begin) Of course, we have the classic drama with Golden thats already cannon to TSBS. But we also have Phantom trying to adopt Goldie...which Golden does NOT like. Phantom most definitely has very bad intentions with Goldie. For one, Goldie has powers, which Phantom can use and exploit. Goldie is also reasonable gullible in Phantom's mind and very much lonely. Here's the kicker: Phantom's story is, in a way, a little similar to Goldie's, so he can twist it make it look like to Goldie that they are "the same." He mostly wants to use Goldie...though there is complicated stuff deep inside. AGA Goldie is mostly confused. Once he gets over this universe-crossover shit, he slowly realizes that Golden and Phantom are battling over him. On one hand Golden is very nice and seems to give good advice, but on the other hand him and Phantom share many similarities with each other. So on top of all his fights with his own brother, he now has these two multiverse twins fighting over who gets to "adopt" him, and he has to choose. And if he makes the wrong choice, he will most certainly come out destroyed. AGA Freddy isn't that involved in this AU. most of his plot is just stuff from the original AGA comic, since Phantom isn't bothering him. However, he does have TSBS Golden there for him, so that's that. He is very confused when an alternate version of his little brother is trying to be his father, but eventually, after hearing some things that Golden had to say, he just kinda let it happen. Of course when he asked Golden why and Golden replied with "oh I see you as my son because that's what you are in my universe," he had a huge "WHAT THE FUCK?!" moment. sobs this is longer than I intended. Is there actual plot here? I dont know maybe. I see it as comedy.
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sirylin · 1 year
I really want a naruto/bnha crossover fic but it's just aizawa being snatched into the narutoverse somehow and he looks around and sees a bunch of tiny baby murder ninja walking around with their Itty bitty hands and extremely sharp objects and he's just. No. Immediately no.
So he becomes like an academy teacher or jounin-sensei or SOMETHING and he teaches these kids how to Not Die but mostly he teaches them how to handle their emotions. How to deal with it when a teammate or comrade dies. And of course, deep down, Aizawa is still a Pro Hero, fighting against all odds to protect and save as many as he can, and he never really cared about what the government thought anyway. So what's a couple well-placed rumors here and there, whispers to henged shadow clones (oh and wasn't that such an interesting discovery. Chakra. It's like a Quirk except mostly everyone uses it and you can invent new Quirks and something something his Quirk translated into a shiny new dojutsu that blocks people from using their chakra. Understandably, he kept this to himself... aside from the couple of ninja ((hatake and tenzo)) who just happened to be the object of his ire when he first popped up in this world and had no idea what was going on, but they didn't say anything. Yet.) in front of the older Clan members picking up their kids from the academy, maybe some simple poison in a select few's tea; It didn't take Aizawa very long from being isekai'd into a random stranger that somehow looks remarkably like him and also just got back from a five-month-long mission outside of Konoha (so of course it makes sense if his personality was a little different than before... besides, it's not like he was anything special before he came back to Konoha) to figure out that something very suspicious smelling was going on in the underbelly of Konoha, and he was going to figure out what it is. So.
He does a little sniffing around, a vague inquiry here and there, and surprise surprise, Konoha's Roots are infected. So. What does Aizawa do? Well, what any reasonable, logical, rational person would do in that instance.
He kills some people.
And yeah yeah, he's a Pro Hero, he shouldn't be killing people, but this is a different world. It's kill or be killed and he just so happens to have a bunch of very impressionable young brats to teach. He can't exactly go around accusing council members of treason, no, he'll leave the evidence behind to speak for itself after the body is discovered. So.
Shimura Danzo is dead.
Aizawa Shouta is alive and very very regretful that he took his jelly pouches and coffee (oh sweet, sweet coffee) for granted. He's not quite sure how Iruka does it, dealing with all the rambunctious brats without a single drop of caffeine. If Aizawa were any more a reasonable human (let's face it, he's utterly insane at this point), he'd probably chalk it up to:
Iruka: relatively normal Chuunin, seen some crap, unexpected genius in the form of dry wit and a sharp, calculating gaze. Also a little too used to baby murder ninjas waving sharp pointy objects in the air like they're pencils. Or suspiciously shaped chopsticks.
Aizawa: perpetually exhausted jounin (apparently), not from this world, definitely traumatized, not quite as unexpected genius in the form of sarcasm and glares that could make hell freeze over, may or may not have killed a councilman to protect his brats (but it's not like anyone else knows that).
Out of the two of them, clearly one is more capable than the other at dealing with baby ninjas.
Then again, Aizawa had to deal with the infamous Class 1-A, trouble magnet extraordinaires and professional problem children designed to make his hair go grey and his eyes to fall out from Quirk overuse before he's fifty. So, maybe he shouldn't he as surprised about baby murder ninjas as he is. Hm.
Either way. Aizawa is definitely not letting a bunch of twelve year olds run around ill prepared to do what it takes to survive. And also help people. Because he's still a Pro Hero (even if he doesn't feel like one).
I HAVE NO IDEA why I suddenly transformed into some writing genius when I genuinely haven't written in YEARS bc I can never get the flow and pacing and dialogue or whatever right... but take this! And enjoy! And PLEASE!! write it!! Take my ideas and use them!! Also please tag me if you do I am starved for good dadzawa content and also some good old naruto rewrites. I hope you enjoyed this little idk excerpt snippet plot bunny whatever it is. Please reblog and also comment! :)
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killerandhealerqueen · 9 months
Prompt: Chen Yuzhi, on his quest to find info to cure Jiang Yuelou of his childhood traumas, meets Jiang Shuo and Qin Yiheng in a restaurant who is meeting with Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao. Yuzhi asks for Zhan Yao and Qin Yiheng’s help. (Jiang Shuo may or might not be a relative for Jiang Yuelou. MYbe a cousin?)
Ohh, a big crossover...I haven't done a three fandom crossover in a long time
Chen Yuzhi sighed as he sat at his desk, staring at his medical terminology textbook; this was much more difficult than he thought.  He knew a lot about the human body and what made it tick, but the human mind?  He didn’t have a lot of experience with that or emotional diseases…And he was quiet stumped on what he should do.  He then let out a heavy sigh before he closed his book and pushed himself to his feet; it was almost lunchtime.  Maybe some food would help.
A little while later, at a relatively quiet hole-in-the-wall restaurant, Chen Yuzhi was eating a bowl of noodles in a back booth when a throat cleared beside him, making him look over to see two young men standing beside his table.
            “Do you mind?” one of the men asked.  Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened and he shook his head.
            “Oh, no.  Please” he replied.  The two men smiled and sat down before the taller of the two men looked at him.
            “I’m Qin Yiheng.  And this is Jiang Shuo” he introduced, first motioning to himself before he motioned to the man sitting beside him.  Chen Yuzhi dipped his head.
            “Chen Yuzhi” he replied before he looked at Jiang Shuo.
            “Your last name…would you happen to know anyone by the name of Jiang Yuelou?” he asked.  Jiang Shuo shook his head.
            “No, can’t say that I do.  Why?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi smiled and shook his head.
            “No, no, no reason” he replied as Jiang Shuo tilted his head.
            “So, what do you do?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi chuckled.
            “I’m a doctor” he replied, causing Jiang Shuo’s eyes to brighten.
            “Really?  Oh, you’re just like Qin Er!” he exclaimed.  Chen Yuzhi looked at Qin Yiheng in surprise.
            “You’re a doctor as well?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng nodded.
            “Mmhm.  What do you specialize in?” he inquired. 
            “Chinese and Western medicine” Chen Yuzhi stated.  Qin Yiheng hummed appreciatively. 
            “That’s impressive” he mused.  Chen Yuzhi looked at him.
            “And you?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng smiled.
            “You could say I’m a general practitioner, but my focus really is helping those with mental illness” he explained.  Chen Yuzhi looked at him with wide eyes.
            “Mental illness?” he repeated.  Qin Yiheng hummed, just as two men walked over to their table, the man dressed in navy smiling at them.
            “Dr. Qin” he greeted, making Qin Yiheng, Jiang Shuo, and Chen Yuzhi all look up before Qin Yiheng smiled.
            “Dr. Zhan” he replied before he motioned to Chen Yuzhi.
            “This is Dr. Chen Yuzhi” he introduced.  Chen Yuzhi dipped his head.
            “Hello” he greeted.  The man in navy smiled.
            “Zhan Yao” he replied, just as the man in white beside him huffed.
            “What is this, the meeting of doctors?” he asked.  Zhan Yao looked over at him and gently smacked him on the chest.
            “Bai Yutong, be nice” he chided.  Bai Yutong hummed before he motioned to the booth.
            “May we?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi nodded and quickly grabbed his bowl, scooting over so that Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao could sit down, just as the waitress walked over. 
            “Can I get you gentlemen anything?” she inquired.  Jiang Shuo motioned to Chen Yuzhi’s bowl of noodles.
            “We’ll have what he’s having” he replied.  The waitress nodded and turned, heading off to make their orders as Zhan Yao looked over at Chen Yuzhi.
            “So, you’re a doctor as well?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi nodded.
            “I’m a doctor who specializes in Chinese and Western medicine” he answered.  Zhan Yao hummed.
            “You don’t see many doctors like you anymore” he mused.  Chen Yuzhi smiled slightly before he tilted his head.
            “You’re a doctor as well?” he inquired.  Zhan Yao chuckled.
            “Not a medical doctor, like you and Dr. Qin.  But I do have a Ph.D. in criminal psychology” he replied.  Chen Yuzhi nodded slowly.
            “I see” he murmured before he looked between him and Qin Yiheng.
            “So you both understand the mind pretty well?” he asked.  Both men nodded.
            “I say we do, why do you ask?” Qin Yiheng inquired.  Chen Yuzhi sighed softly.
            “Because I’m trying to learn about the mind and mental illness to help my friend find some sort of cure…but I’m having a hard time” he explained.  Zhan Yao tilted his head.
            “What sort of…illness does your friend have?” he asked.  However, before Chen Yuzhi could answer, the waitress returned with the four bowls of noodles, placing them before down before she smiled.
            “Enjoy!” she bid before she turned and walked away as Bai Yutong at Chen Yuzhi.
            “You were saying?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi nodded.
            “He…I’m not sure, if I’m being honest.  I know it’s tied to his childhood, and it’s triggered whenever he witnesses abuse…but I don’t know how to help him.  He won’t let me” he murmured. 
            “What sort of abuse?” Jiang Shuo asked.  Chen Yuzhi looked at him before he sighed.
            “I don’t know…his first explosive episode if I remember correctly was when I mentioned his parents” he explained.  Zhan Yao hummed softly.
            “Ah…I think I know what he has” he murmured, just as Bai Yutong huffed.
            “That’s great Cat…but can we eat first before you all start talking about this?  I’m hungry” he grumbled.  Zhan Yao laughed.
            “Sorry Mouse.  Yes, yes, let’s eat” he declared. 
After eating, Bai Yutong and Jiang Shuo went out of the restaurant to give Zhan Yao, Qin Yiheng, and Chen Yuzhi some privacy to talk. 
            “So…what do you think Jiang Yuelou has?” Chen Yuzhi asked once they were alone.  Zhao Yao cleared throat.
            “Right.  I believe that your friend has trauma or potentially PTSD from witnessing IPV as a child” he stated.  Chen Yuzhi frowned.
            “IPV?” he repeated.  Zhan Yao nodded.
            “Intimate partner violence” he elaborated.  Chen Yuzhi nodded slowly.
            “I see” he murmured before he tilted his head.
            “How does this affect him?  I’m sorry if it sounds like such a silly question, but since I don’t know much about psychology and still learning, I don’t truly know the effects, like you two do” he explained.  Zhan Yao smiled and shook his head.
            “No question is a stupid or silly question.  So, when a child is exposed one parent abusing another parent, they can demonstrate internalized behaviors, like depression, anxiety, and social withdrawals while also having an increase in externalized behaviors, such as hyperactivity and aggression.  Children who have witnessed IPV also have social integration problems, lower self-esteem, and lower school performance.  He probably has flashbacks and nightmares and has had them for a while” he explained.  Chen Yuzhi nodded slowly again.
            “Well, the aggression makes sense…it would explain why he gets so agitated and violent whenever he sees someone abusing someone else…the depression too” he murmured before he looked at Qin Yiheng and Zhan Yao.
            “How can I help him?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng hummed.
            “Well…the trauma is never going to go away; you must know this.  Trauma stays with you, forever.  But you can learn to control how trauma affects you and how to cope with the effects.  Once he learns how to cope and control his symptoms…he will get better and not succumb to the anger and the hurt and the rage and will be less likely to lash out” he stated.  Chen Yuzhi shook his head.
            “But how do I help him?  He won’t talk to me about it” he argued.  Zhan Yao nodded.
            “That is a symptom of PTSD, avoidance.  But it is understandable; most people don’t want to talk about their trauma.  They think it makes them weak and vulnerable.  And people don’t like to be weak or vulnerable.  They don’t like to show people their “ugly” sides” he explained as Qin Yiheng looked at him.
            “You said the two of you were friends?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi nodded.
            “Yes.  I’d say so” he replied.  Qin Yiheng nodded.
            “Then you need to not force him to talk.  Forcing will only shut him down and you many never be able to help him.  Give him time.  As much time as he needs.  Because when he’s ready to talk…he’ll come to you” he assured.
            “And make sure you’re willing to listen.  Don’t interrupt, don’t offer solutions.  Just be there and listen.  Show him that he can trust you” Zhan Yao added, making Chen Yuzhi nod as he smiled.
            “And remember, the healing process takes time.  It’s not a competition so don’t try to demand that he “get better” on a schedule.  Let him get better on his own time, on his own terms.  You can be there to support and encourage him and be there when he fails or has a setback, because those are inevitable, but don’t force or push him to get better.  That might only cause him to shut down” he stated.  Chen Yuzhi nodded.
            “Would…medication help too?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng nodded.
            “It can” he replied before he smiled.
            “And you seem like a competent doctor, so I trust you to make the right decision to help your friend” he declared.  Chen Yuzhi smiled slightly before he dipped his head.
            “Thank you both for your insight.  I really appreciate it” he thanked.  Both Zhan Yao and Qin Yiheng smiled.
            “Your friend is lucky to have you, Dr. Chen” Qin Yiheng declared as Zhan Yao nodded.
            “And if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call, anything” he instructed before he and Qin Yiheng handed out their cards to Chen Yuzhi, making him smile before he reached into his pocket and pulled out two cards of his own, handing them back to them.
            “Thank you” he thanked.  Both Zhan Yao and Qin Yiheng smiled as they took their card before Zhan Yao hummed.
            “We should probably see how our partners are doing…I’m sure Bai Yutong’s getting antsy” he murmured, making Qin Yiheng laugh.
            “Jiang Shuo too…” he agreed before they all stood up and headed out of the restaurant, Bai Yutong and Jiang Shuo waiting for them outside, Bai Yutong’s arms crossed in front of him.
            “You ready to go?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.  Zhan Yao smiled and nodded.
            “Thanks for being patient” he thanked.  Bai Yutong huffed.
            “I know better than to rush you when you’re talking about psychology” he murmured.  Zhan Yao smirked.
            “You’re learning” he teased, making Bai Yutong stick his tongue out at him as Jiang Shuo looked at Qin Yiheng, pouting at him.
            “Qin Er!  Can we go get pastries?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng rolled his eyes fondly.
            “You foodie” he murmured before he sighed and nodded.
            “Alright, fine” he agreed, making Jiang Shuo grin as he laced his arm through his.
            “You’re going to pay for them, right?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng gave a fond look.
            “Don’t I always?” he replied.  Jiang Shuo laughed and nodded as Chen Yuzhi watched, a small smile on his face; he hoped that he and Jiang Yuelou would get to be as comfortable with each other as Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao and Jiang Shuo and Qin Yiheng were with each other.  But first…he had to get Jiang Yuelou to trust him…to trust that he would help him get better.  Because that’s all he wanted to do.  Help him get better.  But he was sure that with the advice from his new…friends, Jiang Yuelou would be getting better in no time.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Mace windu and anakin for the detailed character meme?
A more detailed character meme! Send me a character and I’ll answer…
What I like about them: He's got this incredibly strong moral core, and despite his fanon reputation, he's amazingly understanding about the things that are genuinely difficult to understand and come to terms with. Mace understands anger and Falling, yes, has struggled with these things even, but he's come through as one of the strongest, fairest, most respected Jedi in the Order, and he is... honestly every time I think about him and Obi-Wan reacting to Depa waking up from her post-Fall coma, I'm just like [jennyslate-drunkhistory-im-like-SCREAM.gif] about their understanding and forgiveness and listen he gets such a bad rap for being 'stern and unyielding' but his actions in canon are all so positive and his fanon reputation is entirely built on The Specific Delivery that GLucas insisted on for all the actors in TPM and just. [scream] I love him.
What I dislike about them: The comic where he lets Palpatine have access to Anakin at 12. It's not canon anymore but I don't Like it.
Favourite moment: His immediate response to Anakin telling him about Sidious. There wasn't any doubt, he just fully believed this admittedly unstable subordinate, because even if Anakin lies a lot and everyone knows (see: Padme situation), he fully believes that Anakin wouldn't lie about something as important as this. Runner up is Mace complimenting R2D2 in TCW.
Least favourite moment: Uhhhhh I don't have a least favorite moment, so to speak? I do hate his character design in TCW and '03, it's... I know everyone's features are exaggerated for the animation designs, but for him it feels as though the features exaggerated for Mace were kind of um. Riding the line of racism.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: I wish for more scenes where he and Anakin are alone together. I want to see one or both of them in a slightly negative situation, like injury or illness, and the other having to handle that. Both directions are good, in different ways. More generally, I want to see more one-on-one interactions between Mace and younger Jedi. I want to see those character dynamics! Show me Mace with Depa or Aayla or Ahsoka!
An interesting AU for this character: I'm always down for those "Mace survives RotS" AUs, they can be so good.
A crossover: Not counting the obligatory "Mace and Nick Fury have to interact" MCU crossovers? Hmmmm put him in Twilight. Just to see what happens.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship): I don't really do a lot of Mace ships (just the time-travel one), but I really enjoy seeing Mace/Qui-Gon in fic.
Other ships? I did write Mace/Jaster recently for an event, and that was fun, but also funny since I'm open to Mace/Jango. I'm also, obviously, a fan of Mace/Anakin in a time-travel context.
BROTP: Depa (obviously) but also...
NOTP: I'm sorry but Ponds. The power/age difference bothers me and the character dynamic I imagine is much more Best Coworkers than anything romantic.
An assortment of headcanons! - Generally kept to short cuts and fades before he went with shaving. Not counting his padawan braid, I don't think he really experimented much with growing out his hair for braids or knots or locs. Googled a few haircuts for black men and I think a normal fade and 'the Duke' might be about the area I'd consider him in. Might have done some shorter locs (like two inches) or the like, but that's about it. - He 100% knows that Padme and Anakin are going at it like rabbits whenever they're in driving distance of each other. He does not know they're married, but he knows Padme's pregnant before Anakin does. - I want to say that he doesn't have any food allergies, but does have a topical allergy, like skin contact types? Maybe space eucalyptus.
What I like about them: Absolute disaster man. Wet cat energy. Gender as hell. Unhinged. So easy to save and push in a better direction. So easy to turn into a complete monster. Impossible to be boring.
What I dislike about them: Bro he killed babies.
Favourite moment: Bickering with Obi-Wan in the arena in AotC while not even noticing that Padme's being all competent behind him.
Least favourite moment: He murdered babies. So. The Tusken slaughter.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: Willing confession of the Tusken slaughter and submitting himself to the fallout without whining about it or continuing to try to justify it to himself.
An interesting AU for this character: I have dozens for him. Just. So many AUs about this lovable moron.
A crossover: Anakin commits a homicide in 1890s London and now Sherlock Holmes is trying to find him.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship): Rexanidala, slight bias to Rexwalker.
Other ships? So many??? Anifives, Lumakin, Windwalker, Codakin, Barrakin, Foxakin, Anakin/501st, Bokkin, Anakin/Organas, Obikin (if only as a reader)... the list goes on.
BROTP: Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, definitely.
NOTP: Despite my openness to Obikin as a reader, and it having sixteen years and raising from age nine and years parenting, I run into that shape of a block with An*soka, despite them having significantly less Messy Dynamic in all directions. Like. It exists! I see it! But I do not wish to read it. Just. Cannot brain it. I tried and it doesn't work for me.
An assortment of headcanons! - Fucking. Gender. - Develops a shellfish allergy around 20 - Likes spiced food (like Indian 'mixed spices', rather than 'burn your mouth' spicy) - Had a rage crush on Mace as a teenager that nobody is ever allowed to know about (it's not as good a secret as he thinks)
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deanwinchesterpregnant · 11 months
Happy WW!! I always see you talking about ABO dynamics so I gotta ask: have you ever thought about a Supernatural + Teen Wolf crossover? If you were now CEO of the CW how would you make that play out? (Lets pretend in this make believe land that incest is allowed on tv lol)
this is a wild ask and i'm obsessed thank you. have i ever thought about it? no. am i thinking about it NOW? absolutely yes
(also fwiw there is incest in riverdale lmao, which leads me to believe that the cw is down to clown with it as long as it's m/f lol but i digress)
ok so. one thing about me and teen wolf is i ship everything. i've only seen 1-3b (i dipped when allison died moved away) and i rewatched 1-2 at the beginning of the pandemic. i forgot how fucking wild that show was?? ANYWAY!! here's a couple character interactions i'd love to see:
sam, meet lydia: lydia would initially be interested in dean, the charming, good-looking older brother, but quickly realize that sam is the one with the brains that line up more with hers. dean is smart, absolutely, but sam is more interested in typical academics, and lydia is a genius. they'd chat. they'd get into the lore (once sam does lydia a couple favors, of course). i fucking love lydia martin, she is a forever girl to me, and despite TW being an MTV show, lydia has deep flavors of sam. s2 lydia, hearing voices and visions, not knowing what's wrong with her, learning a dark family past, a harbinger of death...yeah, they'd have plenty to talk about and i'd LOVE to see these two as fast friends that nobody quite understands. sam hiding that lydia is a banshee from dean so that he & john don't hunt her...ugh <3
dean, meet peter hale: we know that dean loves a good looking father figure ;) and peter is so manipulative and creepy – he'd absolutely sniff out the J/D going on (incestuous family meet incestuous family) and use it to piss dean off during fights. i imagine this as an endless chase; peter is so good at getting away and dean is so upset with himself that he keeps losing him and getting toyed with in the process. can you imagine peter's flirting? also, with all the peter + lydia stuff happening, this would add another layer on top of it, when you have sam's friendship with lydia.
john, meet chris & kate argent: ok. incest recognize incest. what the hell was going on in the argent family lmfao bUT ANYWAY i would LOVE to see john talk with these other hunters who all three have such different interpretations of their "codes." i would love to see who john sides with – is it chris, who only hurts those who hurt others, or kate, the vicious fighter who doesn't think twice about hurting any werewolf? i would love to see the fallout of john siding with kate first only to see how that drive has corrupted her into the evil that she is.
dean should hook up with...marin: this would be so fun i think. she's smart and beautiful, which is enough to draw dean in, and she can keep up with him. he can talk to her about the supernatural world, but oh man imagine the fallout of finding out marin is working with deucalion, dean turning on her, and then finding out that she was actually double-crossing him! the self-hatred that would ensue. would they get back together after? who knows...
sam should hook up with...stiles: i almost said allison but scallison is my otp so i can't break them up lmao. i want sam & stiles to have their bi-curious phase with each other. a messy baby dom 4 baby dom virgin 4 virgin moment at one of those raves. they're both secretly constantly competing to be the smartest person in the room and stiles is sooo jealous of sam's friendship with lydia yet fascinated by him. tension off the CHARTS.
john should hook up with...melissa: hELLO? this would be so hot. while i do ship melissa/sherriff stilinski, i love the idea of this ill-advised hookup lmao. both single parents looking for a good time, john unaware that her son is one of the werewolves he's hunting, maybe rafael (her ex-husband) has it out for john bc the winchesters have gotten themselves on the FBI's radar?
oh there is SO MUCH fun stuff you can do with this crossover, also sam would love dr. deaton i think, and dean and jackson do get in a physical fight at some point and dean kicks his fucking ass lol
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ancientphantom · 1 year
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It’s time to see what happened in Phantom adaptations in February! I hope you’re all as excited as I am. (I know some of you must be!)
The Phantom of Vienna by Erick Gothenburg is a short story set at the opera in Vienna, where an eagerly-awaited premiere is pre-empted by a mysterious person bent on destroying the show.
This Great & Sombre Stage by Craig Janacek is a collection of four Sherlock Holmes pastiche stories, the last of which, “The Adventure of the Stolen Voice”, is another one for the Sherlock/Phantom crossover file! A secret Phantom causing problems, singers who mysteriously get ill right before they have to go on, and love everlasting are all mentioned.
Belongings and Possessions by Deidre S. Owen, K.B. Bailey & J.B. Rockwell is a collection of three vallet-themed horror stories, and we’re interested in the first one, “They Belong to Her”, in which a new ballet theater appears to be haunted by a ghost with a fixation on a very specific dancer, and chaos erupts when a visiting ballet troupe sets off its jealousy.
Omega of the Opera by Lilith Ramsey is a story that has it all: lesbians! werewolves! lesbian werewolves! A Phantom who IS a lesbian werewolf! Yes, this is of course set in the infamous Omegaverse, but we mustn’t let these things stop us in our quest for academic truth.
The Last Play by Nikita Valischenko is a weird little one: it’s a standalone set in a sci-fi cyberpunk universe (the rest of the series does not appear to be Phantom related) featuring a young woman trying to deliver a package in Paris, only to run into a very mysterious masked man. If you know anything else about what’s going on, you know more than I do!
And down here in the maybe file...
The Vampire’s Opera by Joy Crozier & Joseph Floyd is one of those books where it’s hard to tell if the Phantom is an inspiration or just hanging out in several adjacent genres. The book follows Nicolas and Giuliana, a pair of Italian vampires putting on Nicolas’ genius new opera only to be assaulted by misfortune. I can’t say for sure it isn’t another vampire!Phantom, but I also would have to read it to know if it is.
Universal Monsters Tarot Deck & Guidebook is most likely a good call, but I’m missing key information! It’s an official tarot deck based on all the Universal classic horror movie monsters, which should presumably include the Phantom (probably in his Lon Chaney incarnation, though you never know, sometimes Hammer comes in for a rally!). The packaging only directly mentions Dracula, Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, and The Mummy, with advertising copy adding in The Creature from the Black Lagoon and The Wolf Man, but poor old Erik goes unmentioned. Surely there’s room for him to have an arcana or two?
You know, I always expect February to be Phantom Central for romantic adaptations, and I always get to March and realize that of course if they’re being WRITTEN in February, they probably won’t come out until April or May at the earliest. So stay tuned!
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ask-a-hiding-jester · 5 months
//Hi! Hello! Yes, I am aware y'all are still on hiatus and revamping the blog and stuff but I believe I connected the dots! ... Okay, not really but I have a few theories I would like to share!
No. 1, The saturated Ragatha running towards Jax is some form or monster or mimic. I already had suspensions (as seen with my previous, which happens to be my first, ask towards this blog) but the fact that Mod Fenn directed me to the @/pomni-xddcc kissing saga I don't know how else to word that- solidified my idea as to what the saturated Ragatha could be.
Now, I know that the @/pomni-xddcc crossover is not canon but, and I'm putting on the Game Theory hat now, in said crossover (spoiler alert), @/pomni-xddcc!Pomni visited this 'verse to kiss its Ragatha and was gifted the privilege of two. One of them is desaturated, similar to what was established in this 'verse's canon, and another a surprised saturated one. You might see where I'm going with this. Pomni kissed both the Ragatha's, which would've been all fun & yuri games... Until the saturated one turned into an Abstraction-eques creature and tried to bite Pomni's face-off. (Don't worry, @/pomni-xddcc's fine. She even rated the kisses well despite the near-death experience :) ).
I'd read the crossover before but didn't think too much about it but the fact that Mod Fenn redirected me to it in their response about 'Ragatha' (alongside a compliment. Thanks for that :3 ) made me think more about its ending, hence the following sentence: Based on this crossover, I believe that 'Ragatha' is some form of shift-shaping monster.
It takes the form of a player (maybe its last meal, hence the blood in the water. Rest in Peace, Ragatha, if that's the case) and lures them into a false sense of security (perhaps its knowledgeable enough to know the circus used to be colourful & bright and that was what the players were used to. Which explains why it's Ragatha form is saturated and not dull, like everyone else. That or I'm giving the monster too much credit :P ) before mauling them, eating their remains and starting the cycle anew.
That or the crossover's ending is more metaphorical? Like, the monster is a piece of Ragatha pre-desaturation that managed to manifest after or survive the process and is now some sort of apparition or ghoul? I don't know, just another thought I had going along the doppelgänger angle.
This does still leave the question as to why 'Ragatha' is running towards Jax. Perhaps it is trying to bearhug him to death or another monster wants to eat it, for some reason. And let us all not forget the literal blood in the water. One of 'Ragatha''s previous victims or something else, somewhat hard to say.
Given the mods' statements on how they indent to 'ramp the blog up' combined with mentions of a monster encounter happening soon and recent events, I'm scared as well as anticipating the next plot point.
I was gonna include my other theories but this is getting too long so I'll spilt it up.
-K. Kat ˄·͈༝·͈˄
IM RESPONDING TO BOTH OF THESE BUT I SQUEALED/POS WHEN I GOT THESE OH MY GOD i had to put these in a google doc to read them anyways for this part this is what ill tell you: Ragatha is not dead Her (Ragathas) blood is stuffing This is Saturated Ragathas design. There was a good reason for her (saturated) to be running.
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floorpancakes · 6 months
can you post what all the results to the quiz are & what charas they have? im just curious to see the answers to what i didn't get!
ok so ill probably add to this slowly but time for some stats and answers and stuff! obviously dont check this out if you dont wanna be spoiled (thread)
first, here's the actual amounts of each results people have been getting:
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when i say i had NO IDEA we'd get so many chuunis....watching the numbers go up the first few days felt like a fever dream haha
but its comforting to know that everyone is cringe and free! i for one welcome our new gothy overlords!
i was also really surprised that gimmick idols got some of the lowest scores 😭 the space that spans is so wide so i was expecting way more people to get that result since i figured it'd catch a lot of people, but i guess you guys are rare!
now its time to look at the archetype list:
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this was pretty tricky, especially cause i was working on the quiz for funsies at silly o clock in the morning for two nights while i was dealing with some sickness induced exhaustion lol. i wanted to include more (a few like the princely type nearly made the cut), but I found there was
1. a lot of crossover between archetypes (this even happened with some of the idols i chose for the results image!!! hanayo being average idoltwt user AND a harapeko type or minori being average idoltwt user AND fake it til you make it for example)
2. some archetypes that were only based on visuals or not on personality at all
3. kind of lowkey paradoxical (eg. someone might really fit the princely type, but often in idol shows they make it so that trait is pushed on them, but they secretly wanted to be feminine all along, which like, ok but then if someone actually fits the princely vibe I'd be slightly struggling for examples and we'd get all tied in knots unfortunately)
4. the amount of answers was already getting so long that if i added any more it'd start getting difficult to come up with more answers for some of the more concrete questions (like what you'd do post graduation etc)
...so I had to kind of draw the line somewhere. especially cause i thought like 3 of my idoltwt mutuals would take it and that's it 😭 maybe I'll make a part 2 or a more extensive quiz later who knows (guess who just remembered the 'rock is life' type idols and screamed into a pillow for only just remembering...)
so the idol archetype categories themselves are DEFINITELY things I've picked up on in multiple series, altho they may require a lil bit of explaining so I'll quickly summarise each one when we go thru the characters. i should probably mention that some of these (like the chuunibyou) are word for word archetypes that people use all the time, while some were just me trying to put words to the character types so the wording was just a descriptor (fake it til you make it queen), altho i hope they were useful! ive seen a few people online using these terms after taking the quiz which is super cute...🙇 let's take a look at these categories shall we?
(note: i have varying levels of familiarity w these characters, i wanted to make it reasonably varied and recognisable but some of them i kind of just knew what category they fit and that's it)
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to those who don't know, the chuunibyou is a pretty popular archetype beyond just idols, and tends to refer to people who are stuck in or going through their 'edgy phase'; chuu-ni being short for second year of middle school syndrome (think like, 13 or 14 year olds), but the general vibe tends to be associated with emo or goth phases, claiming to have an evil eye, being or being a servant of Satan, hiding a secret shy or self conscious side with edge, yaknow. average tween behaviour. it's not limited by age tho especially in anime media! one of the examples i used is a 26 year old grown man with a job. never too late!
Like with a lot of the other categories it was really hard to narrow down the results page characters, but from left to right:
1. Todo Yurika from Aikatsu!
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Yurika takes being a lifestyle lolita to the next level, being a gothic lolita and punk idol with the chuuni character of a vicious vampire, which she desperately tries to keep up as part of her career, only letting people see her quiet nerdy self once in a blue moon. She has a secret soft spot for garlic ramen and sings some of the best songs in the entire series (which is an achievement cause aikatsus songs are god tier).
music rec (won't do this for everyone, only ones i know well, but pls feel free to fill in the blanks in the comments/reblogs!): check out Glass Doll, Onegai Venus and Eternally Flickering Flame! She has two singing voices over the series, both of which are incredible.
2. Asselin BB II (Asselin Beelzebub the Second) from The Idolm@ster SideM!
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Asselin is a genius chef in his mid-twenties that ended up on the streets being kicked from countless jobs because of his ....quirks. He's a chuuni through and through, and its something a lot of the people around him didn't know how to handle, but when he gets taken in by Cafe Parade (both an idol group AND a real life dining establishment) to be their chef, he finally finds a place where he belongs. He's goofy and crazy while simultaneously being an introverted and nervous personality, and claims to be a servant of Satan, which just happens to be an adorable plushie that he carries around for comfort and finds difficult to be without, who gets painstakingly dressed up in matching outfits whenever he's included in a card! Don't be fooled by his softness though, this servant of satan has PIPES. You may recognise his voice, as he's played by well-known seiyuu Furukawa Makoto.
music rec: check out Waga Konton no Sabbath Marriage to immediately ascend, or Reversed Masquerade for a taste of the full CafePa experience.
3. Tsushima Yohane from Love Live Sunshine!!
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Probably the most famous on the list so I'll keep it brief! She's been at this chuuni business since she was a little girl, so she encountered a lot of loneliness before joining Aqours, but she's got a cute and clumsy personality and has a tendency to yell about being a fallen angel. She's an absolute sweetheart, despite claiming that she's angered God himself, and is always there at the scene to deliver an edgy pose or stunning vocals.
music rec: check out Kowareyasuki and Strawberry Trapper for peak Yohane vocals, honestly Guilty Kiss in general should be mandatory listening homework
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m1d-45 · 1 year
IM JUMPING ON THIS MANDELA CATALOGE TRAIN HI TEDDY ANON HI MIDAS Ive watched a bit of the Mandela catalogue and watched some fanmade games
OKAY SO if the faith in the creator created the alternate (or the alternate just wanted to get in on all the free xp/power teyvat has) what if M.A.D and alternates spread through prayer/shrines?
and also like a second thing, lets say the main motive for the alternate!creator is to take down teyvat like strip it completely and maybe the best way to do that is so be a person of such high power and status literally the archons/vessels wouldn't even question you until they start feeling...weird around you. like their mind feels conflicted their body isn't listening to their commands
VENTI losses his voice after speaking with u, he starts coughing and takes break singing. ZHONGLI can't help but feel like he's eroding 10 times faster while speaking to you while kneeling to you. NAHIDA feels more encased and limited, she can't reach children's dreams as easily as she used to. and EI feels the same way she felt after her sister died, alone and angry. Because the alternate!creators presence doesn't just spread the sickness.
it's making the archons slowly lose their minds
while this is happening alternates slowly start taking over the real one, but very slowly no vision holders have been killed yet, just npcs, just Joel from dragonspine. just that child who always offers tricolor dango to Raiden. and one day jean notices that klee acting a bit weirder, she comes out of timeout strangely...quiet.
oh how I love the idea, that the children of teyvat are more vulnerable to alternates, not bc it's in the Mandela catalogue just bc I like it. bc people would be so hesitant about hurting children and alternates know this. they take advantage of it, it' crazy to see the apocalypse of a world begin through a child.
- 🍄 (this was so long lmao but I love like genshin crossovers sm, I've been thinking about the last of us x genshin and this just gives me sm serotonin) (I hope my ideas are bring something interesting to this conversation)
talk below :)
VERY interesting take. imma be straight up i can’t understand most of what you’re implying behind this but it FEELS big, it FEELS slow and insidious and like the archons are pawns who can’t recognize the board beneath them, feels like a slow rot from the inside out where the hosts aren’t even aware they’re ill.
i’m always partial to the “archons know something is Off about the creator but assume it’s nothing/their own sin/a trial of faith” but THIS?
archons who lose their character, things they held dear falling to dust, their minds swallowed by the alternate and their separate realm of existence- OH WHAT IF;
WHAT IF: archons who’s subconscious knows that the ‘creator’ is wrong, who’s soul yearns for the true god, archons with a mind that begs them to find their god and pray to be delivered from this evil BUT they go to the alternate!creator(‘s shrine) INSTEAD
and the thing of spreading via shrines?? YOU GET IT.
like- from what i understand abt the mandela catalogue it’s an alternate version of a religion dominated by a fraud instead of the true god behind it, which maps DIREVTL to sagau. the shrines, prayers with the imposter in mind, it all feeds into the false god- only those with a more abstract sense of faith, maybe those that pray to “the one true god of gods,” or “may my actions extend the reign of the king of kings” truly delay the spread of the alternates, or are safer from them. any shrine carved with the alternate in mind is tainted, any prayers done in their name is tainted, it’s only those that pray for good harvest and clear skies that are safe from the sickness that has permeated every faith.
OR ppl like rosaria and keqing who have little respect for the gods (i think? idk i don’t know them that well-) and only say thanks for the effects of the creator, not their actions. people who don’t pray for their blessing, but for the knowledge to combat the disease spreading across the earth.
idk if this makes sense but i REALLY like the idea of like two opposing factions of religion, spearheaded by a difference in fundamentals. those who worship the archon’s themselves(i. e. the alternates /those they e influenced) or those who worship their blessings (i. e. things the true creator has allowed or promoted). people like jean having to learn to switch her prayers to strategic wisdom instead of divine guidance, kujou sara praying for safety and healing instead of asking her god to remove whatever ails the shogun.
finally, the part about children being more susceptible is so true and holds so much potential. albedo who asks the creator to save klee from whatever has taken grip of her soul, unwittingly handing her over to the alternates by giving them ‘permission’ to do so. draff, praying for dionas health, but addressing it to the false creator. even just younger people, people who don’t know better- people like bennett, who 100% prays for protection, accidentally walking right into the thing he’s afraid of.
i know that derailed from whatever point you made but like- i really like this concept. people who put their full faith into a god, children taught to always trust their creator over all others, people who don’t know what to do or what they want or need, people lost and asking for a compass, only to be led south. like it’s….. man.
i love the mandela catalogue, dude.
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jeanjauthor · 11 months
(ETA: it's not letting me direct link, sorries...)
One of the biggest reasons why I got into writing in the first place was that I wanted to read certain stories...but nobody else was writing anything like those stories...and I realized that if I ever wanted to actually read them...I would have to @$%!@%!!! write them myself.
The Flame Sea novels is one of those series. A great story idea I had, that I had to write. It started with a basic idea of a rough-drafted story set in the future, then I had to set it aside to work on other things...then I got tapped to do a fantasy-romance crossover based on the four Greek elements for its magical themes. I was assigned Earth for my short story. So I went persuing through my WIP files (as you do)...and stumbled across the Flame Sea ideas.
The original story was set far into the future, after the Empire of the Flame Sea had collapsed due to Reasons™ (as they always do, lol), and the story was of a descendant of the ruling family that eventually was to rediscover he's actually a member of that family...but like, what's the point of rebuilding an empire that's been dead for hundreds of years?
The short story obviously couldn't be set in his era, so I bumped it back several centuries, to the height of the Empire (because the setting is just darn cool--think the ancient city of Petra and the desert-dwelling Nabateans, but like on steroids with magic, etc--and so I came up with the idea for the story Birthright (currently a novelette or whatever, available in ebook format).
But then I was asked by my editor a little while later if I wanted to do a fantasy trilogy set in the same universe, because they were re-releasing the stories that Birthright was in, but as stand-alone novelettes. So then I thought...well...how did the place come to be known as the Flame Sea, why are certain bloodlines so special, what is the covenant of blood between the gods and the specific family, what would be its birthplace...on and on and on... And that's when I came up with this trilogy.
Now, why do I bring it up? Because I have had 4 out of 5 days filled with traveling to several medical appointments this week (with only one of them scheduled for myself!) that I have had to sit through, mostly waiting on Other People, as their driver and/or designated "caretaker who has to attend the pre-op metting with the patient" dealie. And I didn't know what I wanted to read to fill out this week...until I came across my ebook copies of the Flame Sea series.
So I decided, what the heck, I'll re-read it!
...I had forgotten just how powerfully this series ended, emotionally.
I know a lot of people sneer at those who praise their own work, but I honestly don't think this applies, because it's been so long since I wrote it, I'm evaluating this story as a reader, not as the writer. I really liked how I handled the pacing, the characterization, the storytelling, the believability of X becoming Y becoming Z ... and yes, there are still secrets that have not yet been revealed. Who Ban really is, what actually happened to his companions' homeworld, and more.
I'm slowly getting healthier. I can finally write more days that not, these days (which if you knew me before I fell ill is like a frikkin' miracle, if you ask me). But it's still going to be a little while before I can focus on telling more stories set in the FlameVerse.
In the meantime, if you're interested, have a peek at the first in the trilogy. Who knows, maybe it's like a story you've been aching to read all this time, but never found something similar enough to it to satisfy that itchy need until now?
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jaimebluesq · 2 years
Do you take requests? Would love a h/c fic with NHS and NIe Zonghui, either gen or preslash. Even better if its injured!NHS during Sunshot.
Or a NHS/Gu Yu fic. Reincarnation? Does he remember his old life and Dage, JC?I’ve only found one and the idea is charming.
Are you on ao3? I think I’ve read some of your CQL fics before there.
Best wishes!
I love taking requests! I'm working on a lot of longer fics at the moment, which is fun in the long run, but leaves me feeling un-productive because I haven't FINISHED anything (so I also don't get that “oooh, comments!!!” dopamine shot and go into withdrawal), so shorter prompts are always a welcome change of pace :D
I think I'll tackle NHS & NZH this time, though I'm going to save the Hikaru No Go crossover for future use (and omg I just had an image of Chu Ying maybe having been alive playing Go back during cultivation days!!!!! Maybe he met NHS, maybe even played with him and definitely Lan Qiren, and when Shi Guang meets Gu Yu, Chu Ying finds he looks familiar, says something that Shi Guang repeats, and that's what kick starts Gu Yu's past life memories!!!! or something lol).
And I'm definitely on AO3 – you can find me there as JaimeBlue and feel free to read and comment on anything you like! I write both Gen and ship-type stuff and am a multi-shipper (and yeah, I'm the weirdo shipping NHS with Jin Zixun), so hopefully there's a little something there for everyone.
Now, on with the fic! (Will also post to AO3 when I finally think of a title lol).
~ ~ ~
Nie Zonghui's heart beat madly in his chest as he flicked the reins of his horse. He had left the sounds of battle behind but he couldn't be certain he wasn't being followed. H didn't want to take the risk, but he needed to stop if only for a few short minutes...
There was a pained whimper from the young man between his arms, who was only just conscious enough to keep himself from sliding off the horse's back, one of his hands loosely holding onto Nie Zonghui's leather bracer. Nie Zonghui decisively led his horse off the beaten path and into a copse of trees that was hopefully far enough from the path that they wouldn't be spotted by anyone passing through. They stopped and he listened for several moments, and only when he could hear no other sounds than the occasional birdsong did his heart begin to slow. He patted his mount's neck in thanks before placing his hands on his charge's shoulders.
“Huaisang?” The boy's eyes opened but were hazy and unfocused. Nie Zonghui felt along an arm whose sleeve was soaked through with blood, more so than when they'd left the battle behind. He carefully dismounted and reached up to take Nie Huaisang into his arms, lowering the boy to the ground and ripping the sleeve off of his robes to better access the injury beneath.
The wound was deep and charred at the surface, the result of a Wen blade whose heat cauterized half the wound as it had sliced into Nie Huaisang's arm, ironically saving the young man from bleeding out too soon. He tried to ignore how he could see what appeared to be bone through the blood and parted muscle, a sight that he'd seen far too often during the course of the war but that still made him feel ill. He focused on tearing up the sleeve in his hands, making strips of fabric that he began tying around Nie Huaisang's arm to keep the skin together and hopefully prompt the deeper part of the wound to stop bleeding, and a final one to place extra tightly above the wound to minimize the flow of blood. Only once he was assured that he'd done all he could for the physical wound did he look into Nie Huaisang's face, which was far too pale and sallow.
His jaw tightened as he pushed back the flow of emotions crawling within him. There would be time enough for those thoughts later when they were safe.
“A-Sang?” Nie Huaisang's eyes blinked, but otherwise didn't react. “I've got you, I won't let anything else happen to you.”
He didn't know if Nie Huaisang had actually heard any of his words, but they made him feel better, at least a little.
He somehow managed to get his charge back on the horse and lifted himself up into the saddle behind him, cradling him between his arms once again as he set the mount to galloping. They were somewhere near Lanling, having been travelling from Qinghe to Gusu with a small but well-armed escort, and he tried to remember his maps for what towns or cities were nearby. He immediately discounted several small villages – they would be strangers and would stand out too much in lesser populated areas, and there was no telling whether the Wen might have spies there – but he remembered a mid-sized city that was within a few hours' ride. He looked at Nie Huaisang and prayed to the heavens that he would make it that far.
He tried not to think of the other soldiers that had come with them, who he'd left behind to fight the Wen scouting party that had looked surprised to run into a group of Nie riders (who had been just as surprised to run into them), but who had still taken advantage of the opportunity to attack them. He hoped the Wen still didn't know the purpose of the Nie presence in the area, who they'd been escorting... Nie Zonghui sent another prayer for his comrades; hopefully they had proven victorious and he would eventually meet up with them in Cloud Recesses.
The sun had half-set by the time they reached the city. Nie Huaisang was growing worryingly cold in his arms and he needed to find a safe place to stay and a doctor to look at the boy's wound. He did quick mental calculations before directing his horse toward the area where they were most likely to find boarding by people accustomed to discretion.
They passed by several potential buildings before finding one that satisfied Nie Zonghui. They rode to the back where a small informal door stood, and he carefully dismounted to knock on it. A beautiful woman in expensive rose-coloured silk robes, parted at the neck just enough to be considered indecent, answered the door and looked at him curiously.
“Welcome, gongzi. We are always happy to see clients, but not often do men come to our back entrance.”
He ignored the flirtatious way she had spoken and bent into a proper bow. “Guniang, we have no need for your house's 'services', merely a room to stay with no questions asked, and a doctor to look after my companion.”
The horse made a small grunt, attracting the woman's attention. She looked to Nie Huaisang's barely conscious body then back to Nie Zonghui, her eyes momentarily focusing on the blades slung on his back. “You're cultivators.”
He stood upright and nodded, waiting to see if she would help them or sell them out. He'd bypassed several other brothels, deeming them poor enough to be willing to sell out well-paying clients for a higher fee. This one had appeared of a higher class, perhaps accustomed enough to rich clients that they had no inclination to turn them in to a higher bidder. He hoped he was right.
She leaned back into the building for a moment. “Have the Pearl Room prepared, and send someone to bring Hu Zihan,” she said to another woman inside before turning back to Nie Zonghui. “Get your friend and come inside. We'll have someone take care of your horse.”
Minutes later, he was laying Nie Huaisang down on a soft bed. His charge had stopped whimpering over an hour ago and Nie Zonghui had been trying not to worry, but seeing him on the pale bedsheets, his skin looked worse than ever. A woman dressed in lavender covered Nie Huaisang with a warm blanket and Nie Zonghui sat on the mattress next to him, brushing the hair out of his eyes.
There was a knock at the door and a serious-faced woman entered with a bag in her hand. The lavender woman greeted her immediately and escorted her to the bedside. “This is Hu Zihan. She mostly serves as a midwife, but also helps us with other serious matters.”
“Give me room to work,” Hu Zihan muttered, waving Nie Zonghui off the mattress; he rose up with great reluctance. “What happened?”
“He took a sword to the arm.”
“This is not the work of a regular sword,” she accused, prodding the blackened and puckered flesh beneath the makeshift wrappings. “Fucking Wen.”
For the first time since leaving the battle, Nie Zonghui's shoulders began to relax.
“Many of our clients are cultivators,” the lavender woman explained at his side, “and one of our sisters was saved from a yao a few years ago. The Jin receive most of our requests these days, but we used to have a local sect...”
“Let me guess,” he replied, “they were absorbed into the Wen.” She nodded.
“I thought your kind were supposed to handle injuries better than this.” Hu Zihan had her fingers pressed against Nie Huaisang's wrist. “I'm barely getting any sign of those golden cores you develop.”
“His cultivation level is very low.” Despite the circumstances, he couldn't help a small, fond smile. “He's not a fighter. He was born into the sect, and trains reluctantly.”
The lavender woman placed a comforting hand on his arm. “He'll be fine.”
“He will,” Hu Zihan affirmed with a professional nod. “I'll need to sew his arm up, and he's lost a lot of blood. He will need to rest for several weeks, though it's hard to tell how long without knowing how much help his golden core will be. But he will live.”
Could they afford to remain here several weeks when they were expected in Cloud Recesses? Could he take the risk of sending word to Qinghe to let Nie Mingjue know they were safe? What if the Wen realized where they were headed and somehow managed to track them here? He thought to the money he had in his pocket, entrusted to him by Nie Mingjue for expenses along their journey, and wondered if there was even enough to stay in the brothel for as long as Nie Huaisang needed to heal.
“Is there something I can call you, gongzi?” the lavender woman asked.
“You can just call me Zonghui.”
She nodded. “While Hu-guniang works, could I borrow you for a few minutes? I thought it would be a good idea to bring a copper bathtub into the room should your friend wish to wash later, but it's far too heavy for me to lift.”
Though he was reluctant to leave Nie Huaisang's side, he already felt nauseous at the thought of watching the healer sewing flesh back together, and so he agreed to the request. He followed the lavender woman to the kitchens and was not just enlisted into moving the bathtub, but several other items from firewood to crates of wine bottles, helping wherever a woman asked for a pair of strong arms. It helped to keep his mind off of everything that had happened that day and he was thankful for the work.
He also had to fend off several flirtatious offers. He made it very clear immediately that he had no interest in such things; after that, they continued to flirt but thankfully in a more teasing manner.
Finally, he was brought back into the Pearl Room in time to watch Hu Zihan closing up her bag. Nie Huaisang was snoring lightly but his colour was already slightly better than when they had first arrived. She gave him a few instructions to follow as well as a satchel of herbs and a pot of cream, and told him to have her brought back if there was any turn for the worse. He thanked Hu Zihan as she left, offering his services to repay the great favour she had done him. She shook her head, patting his chest and casually saying she'd send him a request for help should she run into a ghost or a fierce corpse.
The only woman left in the room was the lavender woman. Nie Zonghui pulled the money pouch from his robes and began handing it to her. “I don't know if this will be enough to cover our stay, but we can compensate for any further debt. Our sect can more than pay whatever we require.”
She pushed the pouch back towards him. “We will keep a tally of expenses and give you a bill afterwards to take to your sect leader. For now, all you need to worry about is your friend. We'll have some food and tea brought in for you, but you should rest as well. Would you like a second bed brought in?”
He almost said yes, worried his presence would disrupt Nie Huaisang's healing sleep, but had a nightmarish vision of a group of Wen bursting into the room and reaching Nie Huaisang before Nie Zonghui was even aware of what was happening. He shook his head. “I would prefer to guard his sleep.”
She nodded and wished him a good rest.
In all honesty, he was exhausted after the long day. As he lay down next to Nie Huaisang, feeling the warmth at his side, hearing the soft, sleepy snuffles that reassured him that the young man was alive and safe, he was finally able to close his eyes... and fell immediately to sleep.
~ ~ ~
He startled awake upon hearing his name. Judging by the light coming through the window, the sun was only just beginning to rise. He turned his head at the feel of a familiar hand on his arm, shaking him gently.
“I'm sorry to wake you, but I don't know where we are and I need to go.”
Nie Zonghui nodded and stood up. When he saw that Nie Huaisang was having difficulty moving without disturbing his injured arm, he reached out to help him to first sit up, then stand. He waved to the corner of the room where a screen had been set up, then crossed his arms as he waited for his charge to be out of sight.
“We're in a town just outside Lanling,” he explained. “In a brothel. They hate the Wen as much as we do so they'll keep our presence here secret.”
“How did we get here?” Nie Huaisang asked from the other side of the screen, tell-tale tinkling sounds accompanying his words.
“We rode. You were hurt when we ran into the scouting group and they attacked. I got you out of there before they could realize who you were and why we were escorting you.”
“And the others?”
His lips tightened. “They were still fighting when we left. They know our destination and should head for Cloud Recesses; we'll meet them there.” If they survived.
He didn't know if the moment of silence on the other side of the screen was a bad sign. Nie Zonghui would never regret the choice he had made – he'd made a promise to his sect leader, and to himself, to protect Nie Huaisang with his life if need be – but he also knew Nie Huaisang and knew he might not see things the same way.
“Zonghui? Can you... help? Please?”
He stepped around the screen to see that Nie Huaisang had removed his outer robes and his pants hung loosely on his hips, held up by his good hand. He shamefully looked at Nie Zonghui as he tried to tug his pants up higher. Nie Zonghui did his best to look professional as he approached the half-naked young man, trying to keep his eyes on the task before him of helping his charge get redressed. He took the little thrill he felt at seeing Nie Huaisang thus undressed and pushed it far to the back of his mind, with all of the other thoughts and feelings the past day had forced on him, to be managed at a more convenient time.
If nothing else, years of working in Qinghe Nie had made him excellent at compartmentalization. He had yet to decide whether it was for good or ill, it simply was.
He was very careful when sliding Nie Huaisang's robes over his injured arm and couldn't help noticing how he winced upon seeing the torn sleeve. Then Nie Huaisang's eyes seemed to take on a mischievous gleam as he looked innocently up at Nie Zonghui.
“Did you cut my sleeve, Zonghui?”
“You're a menace, Nie-er-gongzi,” he accused, but his heart felt lighter. If Nie Huaisang was in a teasing mood, then he was doing much better than when they'd first arrived at the brothel. “How does it feel?”
“It hurts,” Nie Huaisang replied in a familiar plaintive tone. “And I feel a little fuzzy.”
“The healer gave you some herbs last night, and left a few for you to take today. It's probably helping with the pain.” He finished tying up Nie Huaisang's robes and helped to lead him back to the bed.
Once Nie Huaisang was once again comfortably placed on the bed, Nie Zonghui turned, intending to go find one of the courtesans to ask if there had been any other visitors in the night searching for them, but was stopped by a hand on his wrist. Nie Huaisang tugged gently, and Nie Zonghui had very little resistance left in him.
“Please? I don't want to be alone.” Nie Zonghui nodded and lay down next to him, and the next thing he knew, he had his arms full of the other man, Nie Huaisang's good arm wrapping around his waist. “Thank you for saving me,” he whispered, sounding more serious than Nie Zonghui had ever heard him.
“I would protect you with my life,” he replied softly, resting his chin on Nie Huaisang's head and closing his eyes. He could smell soap and a trace of the incense Nie Huaisang liked to use, but there was blood and the scent of burned skin as well. His mind unwillingly filled with memories of the battlefield, of the Wen sending fireballs to startle their Nie riders' horses and send the riders falling to the ground. He remembered pulling his twin sabers and fighting the moment the Wen were within reach, stopping when he heard a cry behind him, panicking upon realizing the voice had belonged to Nie Huaisang, leaping to stop an attacker's second swing from doing further damage, holding Nie Huaisang in his arms as he whistled for the nearest horse to stop...
He felt his arms shake; it wasn't until he heard Nie Huaisang murmuring comforting words that he realized he was the one shaking.
“It's all right, Zonghui, we're here and we're safe.” Nie Huaisang seemed to burrow deeper into his arms, and he wrapped them tighter around him. “And we're together. There's no safer place in the world.”
Nie Zonghui began to get control of his shaking and began stuffing the thoughts and feelings to the back of his mind once again, but one kept returning to him, reluctant to be shoved aside. If he'd died, I don't know what I'd do. I would rather die bringing him to safety than to live without him.
That thought too joined the others in its tiny little box where it would wait to be opened and examined.
Some day. But not today.
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
So I said I'd get Love, Respect, Joy and Ranchin' concluded before the crossover concluded, because "how will this all end" is a tension behind everything, and then I'd switch to the (non-mcyt) exchange fic that was due last night. I got the fic done, I posted it, I became VERY ILL. Luckily the exchange had an automated extension option, so I have till thursday night, but oh my GOD i wish I'd decided to just let it go. The rift isn't even closed, no one's even seen Tango outside one cameo, nothing matters. My real concern was that something would happen that would leave me not wanting to go finish it cause I felt burnt out.
The problem with my unnamed exchange fic is that i can not think of anything to cut. There's only one scene that might not look crucial to an outsider, but it's emotionally core to the story for me, so i wrote it so no beta could tell me to drop it.
I think all I can do is take various scenes and make them summaries instead. No dialogue, just montage it all, keep dialogue for just a couple key moments. Thank goodness there's no *sex* idk if they'll even kiss in the end of or just decide they should all have a threesome.
Anyone have tips to write under pressure when you can't find anything to cut? There's no side plots, no side characters, just some people getting to know each other with some small problems and then one big problem that they resolve. I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE SHORT.
On a general writing note, i have until thursday night to get this in, then i've got a Cricket visiting for my birthday, then I have a day free and then family travel and then a day free and friend travel. I would really love to finish the "my ex stole my soulmate" sequel in 2022, to end 2022 with no wips, but i don't know if it's plausible. I don't actually remember how much I have written/sketched, maybe I'll make Cricket talk it through with me on the visit. I do have a 5h plane ride on the 2022 side of things, though i was thinking of getting really into x-life on the plane.
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