#mira rants
miradelletarot · 3 days
Based on a conversation I've seen come up a lot lately:
There is NOTHING WRONG with being vanilla. There is NOTHING WRONG with being monogamous. These are not things that need "fixing". Just like any other relationship and sexual preferences. You like what you like, and whatever you're comfortable with is OKAY!
I don't get why everyone gets so pressed about how someone else fucks another human.
Y'all need to calm down, mmk?
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mirablake-art · 1 year
i wanna kiss pretty women...
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mira-shard · 11 months
Everyone on my tumblr page: Magic awakened me: *cries in Dutch*
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Pros to long hair:
- Pretty
- Sassy Lawer Hair Flips
- Protec Neck When Hot As Heck
- Help Keep Neck Warm In Winter
Cons to long hair:
- Cat Will Try To Attac
- Have To Ring My Hair Out Like Dishrag Every Time I Shower
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miraneko19 · 2 years
Sometimes I really forget just how disconnected the tumblr and fanfic anime communities are with the Twitter anime communities. Like?? Over here in this separate world where most people are like "yeah Izuku couldve been a quirkless hero no joke just look at x, y, and z. It's only prejudice that keeps quirkless people from becoming heroes" but a MENTION of that on twitter brings an avalanche of "It's impossible to be a hero without a quirk, AIZAWA has one of the most PoWErful quirks in the series he couldnt be a hero ~without it~" like. I forget some people actually choose to live like that?? Boggles the fuck out of my mind. If I have to come into contact with one more powerscaling dudebro im gonna go straight into an aneurysm
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It's soon night 4 of my Great Hospital Escapade™ and things are pretty good. My temperature was 39° Celsius, which is quite bad and my CRPs were over 400, which is what landed me in ER in the first place.
As some of you might know I am terribly afraid of needles, to the point where I start crying and hyperventilating whenever someone needs to just draw my blood, so this has been fun, considering I had my blood drawn 4 times on the first day and then once a day after that, but really that's all I can complain about. Ofc hospitals aren't your favourite place usually, they can be scary because usually they mean something is wrong, maybe even very wrong with someone you know and care about. Or then you're sick yourself, which is another experience on it's own.
I don't even know why I'm writing this, maybe I'm going mad from being inside for so long or something lol.
I hope summer's been kind to you all, and you're getting to do all you want and enjoy life. I hope I can actually post something on ao3 soon, I feel like I've been getting my writer-juice back!
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An itty bitty rant(ish)
I low-key don't trust ppl who hate Mira, like she's the sweetest character and has done nothing wrong and somehow fans find a reason to hate her. Like her not being a favorite is one thing, but hating her for being "useless" is another. There are so many side characters that don't play massive roles, but no one hates them. She's cries a lot, but she's probably one of the most mentally strong characters in this webtoon after all that she’s been through. Also, how weird is it that Zack fans are hating her for being his love interest.
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just saw some weird ass mira hate comments and it ruined my mood a bit 😤
Anyways my mommy bought me a cute dress so I'm not too irritated. Just wild af to see fans get jealous over fictional characters
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The end of the world has a way of reminding you of all the things you forgot to say do. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#kaidan alenko#sophie shepard#EDI#shenko#fshenko#mass effect#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#OTP: you're real enough for me#i learned i am physically incapable of creating less than like 20 gifs at a time#but shenko stonks are up right now!!#gif’ing my favorite bisexuals gives me joy 🥹#even though ME2 is dry as shit for shenko content like it’s literally the sahara desert#like a whole ass 10 minutes max of cutscenes between shep and kaidan like come on#like 2 minutes in the prologue and like 8 minutes of cutscenes on horizon#and then an email and looking at the picture in your cabin before the suicide mission#i'm so sorry y'all ME2 shenko canon is absolute shit (besides kaidan being rightfully angry on horizon) which is why we ✨ignore it✨ 🥰#but i rant about ME2 VS treatment too much so i will not write another essay about it in the tags#i will say the EDI line isn't the exact quote from the game but i think about it a lot tbf#same with the quote i borrowed from anderson too lmao (which is also a tiny bit paraphrased)#i just love EDI asking shep for relationship advice when you get to follow shep and kaidan's relationship/struggles across 3 games#and anderson's quote about all the things you forgot to do in relation kahlee to is just *chef's kiss* when you think about shenko#like whether it starts in ME1 or ME3 shenko has some really fantastic moments across the series#two characters with strong morals who realize that they're falling in love and literally start to become each other's strength??#their soft place to land?? their support when they need it?? shenko will always have my heart#also the shenko quotes you get are the most fire thing in the world#you're real enough for me?? you make me feel human?? i want to be your strength- your soft place to land?? shenko you will always be famous#I FORGOT IM GONNA FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR THE CHANCE TO HOLD YOU AGAIN TOO LIKE??#but i’ll stop ranting now bc i do that wayyy to much in my tags lol. have a good day wherever you are! <3
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a-random-pillow · 7 months
Why the Bridgers(Rebles) were less then perfect parents.
After watching Ahsoka, I was reminded of this post I never finished.
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I do not respect these two, for one main reason. Ezra was never they're priority.
The Bridgers didn't get much screen time but what we learn them about them is that they
Had a secret radio station in their basement form which they would spread Reble messages.
Were Ezra's parents.
Would eventually get arrested before Ezra hit double digits.
Lead a jail break, refused to leave until everyone else did, leading to their deaths.
Let's start at the beginning, the Bridger's Rebellion. Being a Reble is good, but my problem is that they were participating in Reble activity when they had a VERY young son. These two were fully aware of the consequences if they got caught and what that would mean for their son, but they chose to literally bring the Reble fight into their home.
Well, maybe they knew Ezra was force sensitive, so they were trying to protect him?
There is a chance they knew or suspected their child was force sensitive but that makes being a Reble even worse! What did they think would happen when if they got arrested? The Empire gets another force sensitive with no home to return to. If they were aware of Ezra' force sensitivity the best option would for them to help Ezra hide it and not draw attention to themselves.
Don't get me started on the jail break! So, the Bridgers hear that their son by the grace of God avoided to be taken by the Empire and is now a Reble (They have no clue where or what he was up too for the past 7 years) which inspires them to lead a prison break. But in an act of selflessness, they make sure everyone gets out before them, which leads to their deaths. The Bridgers, even though they know they have a son waiting for them, a son who they last saw when he was seven chose to put everyone else above themselves.
This is selfness to the detriment of their son. They know Ezra is still alive, still waiting and still out their but they put the rebellion and everyone else before him.
TL:DR For all of Rebels the Bridgers never put Ezra first, they never put their family first. They sacrificed themselves for what they believed but that also meant constantly screwing over their son at every turn.
They were good people but people who should have never had a child because they would never prioritize that child.
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evilsartcorner · 6 months
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miradelletarot · 1 month
My level of "not ok" today is somewhere between I need to go home, shut the world away, and sleep all day, and maybe I should call my therapist.
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miradawhissu · 1 month
I had to say this but how pissed I feel but
Yes Illymations is in the wrong in this drama but
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aria0fgold · 1 month
Thinking bout how Josephandre felt during that time in his journey where everyone started praising him as a chosen one or someone with a rich lineage of heroes and what not. I think he'd feel similar to Mira but couldn't show it outwardly at all or even tell anything bout it towards his own companions for fear of them being hurt or leaving. I think the reveal about his true identity came off similar in the way that Mira admitted about the fact that it wasn't the Change God that blessed her.
So the reveal hit Mira harder than it should that in a life and death situation like the one they were in, she just couldn't process it well enough that her favourite series' main character, that her favourite character especially, had the Same Troubles as her. I think Mira has been relying on Josephandre as a "he's a chosen one and he's able to do aalll these great things..." and she thinks a little less of herself cuz she Isn't a chosen one like how Josephandre has been praised so far. Only for the series' last issue to show that "Hey, Josephandre wasn't actually a chosen one. He's just an ordinary guy that wanted to help people." Mira emotions must've been a wreck at that revelation that, "Oh... he's just like me."
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Okay. Wattpad users, I could use a hand here.
So I recently remembered a bts one-shot book that was very plainly titled "BTS Fantacy AU" but I haven't been able to find it, nor do I remember the name of the author.
Not much to work with, but do you think someone could help me find it?
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descendants-brat · 7 months
A trope I hate but oddly love
Just a rant on a tv trope that doesn't really make sense
The "second" love trope, it's after the Main male character (mmc) has already found his true life and she usually dies and then another female main character comes and the start a relationship with feelings but it always ends because the only thing keeping them from just being happy is that the MMC has to be miserable without this first wife. He could never love another like 'her'. I hate it because I always end up falling for the second love, examples of this are Mira and Spartacus from the Spartacus tv show and Tommy and Lizzie from Peaky blinders. It's annoying because it's always potential and could be shown as a beautiful love story if the writers had wanted it to be but they always end tragically. I guess it's romantic if we're looking at the true love perspective. but at the same time you can love more than one person in your lifetime. Most people have had exes and if you loved them I doubt it was the exact same like copy and paste type of love. Everything is usually there, build up, chemistry etc etc, the only thing holding them back is that these mmcs can't love anybody like the first wife.
A fav quote from Spartacus that pretty much shows how these relationships always end up
Spartacus: I have given you what's left of it (his heart)
Mira: it is not enough
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neozhelps · 1 year
motivos para você parar de dar palco para rpgs de harry potter.
vou ser curto e grosso. consumir qualquer conteúdo de harry potter em pleno 2023, mesmo que seja pirateado ou coisa de fã, é, sim, apoiar a mãe terf. é dar palco para ela, continuar dando visibilidade para uma mulher que odeia pessoas trans e quer nos ver mortes. rpg incluso.
por que você deveria deixar de participar de um joguinho? porque o universo inteiro é construido em cima de tudo o que ela fala no twitter. sempre foi visível, a gente só não queria ver. o racismo tava lá, a homofobia, essa velha ofende todas as minorias possíveis sempre que pode desde que colocou a caneta no papel e escreveu o primeiro capítulo da história. ela só soube jogar pózinho mágico em cima e pegar crianças que não entendem de literatura e sobre o mundo.
sei que para a grande maioria, harry potter é um refúgio. ajudou vocês em momentos difíceis, está ligado à memórias boas e etc., entendo porque você é tão apegade, mas você também precisa entender as problemáticas por trás da saga. Vou usar aqui pontos levantados no artigo "Problematic Tropes and Harmful Stereotypes in the Harry Potter Series" que estará linkado no source, porém é em inglês.
Uma das maiores provas de que a transfobia dessa nojenta sempre esteve bem na nossa cara é a própria Rita Skeeter. Por que? Rita foi descrita como tendo características físicas masculinas ("mãos de homem", "mandíbula definida"). E a Rita é para ser o quê? Odiada. E não é a única vez que ela foi escrota nos livros não.
Peguem seus exemplares de Harry Potter e leiam com atenção. Não nostalgia, TOTAL ATENÇÃO CRÍTICA. Primeiro vocês vão notar o quanto a escrita dela é fraca e o worldbuilding é péssimo, e segundo vão notar o tanto de merda que ela sempre colocou nos livros.
licantropia é uma referência à h.i.v/aids.
fenrir representa um homem gay pedófilo.
o machismo descarado do ron.
a existência da cho chang. a única personagem do leste asiático da série.
as gêmeas patel.
todos os personagens de cor ou que fazem parte de uma minoria étnica tem nomes esteriotipados. o aluno brasileiro provavelmente seria ricardo futsamba (obrigado fuji dei uma risada gostosa a essa hora, arrisquei uma multa de tão bom que foi). todos tem características 'padrões' do grupo que fazem parte, mal aparecem e são alívio cômico. coincidência?
a ideia de que bruxos do mal odeiam trouxas, bruxos do bem são amigos dos trouxas. analogia ao racismo óbvia, mas porque sempre na visão do privilegiado e não na da minoria em específico? a maioria dos trouxas dos livros e filmes são pessoas horríveis, e os nascidos trouxas são tratados como coitados e 'not like other girls'.
o primeiro vilão usa turbante! se você não sabe, isso é ofensivo à pessoas muçulmanas e sikhs (um grupo étnico-religioso que adere ao sikhi ou sikhismo).
a feiosa ter usado o bullying que o hagrid sofre por ser meio gigante para que o harry e dumbledore saiam como pessoas bondosas e melhores que os outros. o homem cis hetero branco padrão salvando o oprimido!
goblins são a representação de judeus.
centauros são selvagens. e bem parecidos com indígenas.
normalização da escravidão de elfos domésticos. claro que a única pessoa que vê o quão errado isso é, é uma nascida trouxa. e os elfos estão felizes sendo escravos, menos o dobby (também foi trabalhar justo pros malfoy).
a gordofobia com os dursley.
normalização do abuso que os dursley faziam com o harry. raramente era explorado e usado só como motivo pra odiar os únicos personagens gordos 'importantes'.
os marotos eram bullies nojento. sem discussão. eles eram nojentos.
dumbledore nunca se importou com ninguém além dele mesmo e praticamente aliciou o harry a ser a criança da profecia. o famoso grooming.
poções do amor usadas para est*pr** pessoas.
a vilanização dos alunos da sonserina, descaso com alunos da lufa-lufa e corvinal e exaltação da grifinória.
isso é tudo citado no artigo. e o artigo tá certo. como continuar apoiando um universo horrível assim? "mas mira, a saga é do final dos anos noventa!" eu sei, e nessa época tudo era ruim, essas coisas existiam aos montes. mas estamos em 2023 e a bolsonara não mudou, não se retratou, apenas confirmou tudo.
e rpgs usando hogwarts, usando os personagens dela, são sim uma forma de continuar dando palco pra maluca. quer mudar o universo? pega uma das escolas que ela anunciou depois e cria sua própria história! uagadou, mahoutokoro e castelobruxo podem sim ser maiores e melhores que as europeias, mesmo com nomes tão ruins.
enfim é isso boa noite bebam água fogo nos racistas homofobicos transfobicos e PAREM DE JOGAR RPG DE HP EU IMPLORO ME DÁ GASTRITE VER GENTE AINDA JOGANDO ISSO
e quem gosta dos comensais basicamente apoia o nazismo.
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