#misaki x kanon
pappikapon · 1 year
hello bandori Tumblr and Some! pjsk Tumblr :] i have recently finished a project of mine that’s been in my head for months now ! please consider supporting…!!!
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cloudysleepingzone · 8 months
Girlfriend Headcanons! Hello Happy World! Ver
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Contents: All 5 Hello Happy World members x reader(separate), fluff, gender neutral reader, pronouns are not used for reader
Kanon Matsubara
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Kanon of course is a very shy girl
Very awkward when it comes to affection in public but still enjoys PDA, though she is never the one to start
Her love language is quality time
Getting to spend time with her lover is the highlight of any day
Loves Forehead kisses
If she thought about kissing you she would ask before hand every single time
Kokoro Tsurumaki
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PDA? Absolutely
It's to the point where she doesn't realize how over the top she is being when it comes to giving her lover affection
Always tries to put a smile on your face!
Love Language is Physical Touch
She is down for cuddles any time of day or night
Lots of kisses from her, making sure to cover every inch of your face
Karou Seta
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A charmer truly
She is the type to take a rose out of thin air and present it to you with a bow
She has you lay on her chest often while you talk about your day before saying a princely remark
Love Language is Words of Affirmation
Give her a kiss and say she's your everything, she will melt
Misaki Okusawa
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Not much of a PDA person
After a day of dealing with the other members of Hello Happy World she just wants to cuddle
Cheek Kisses!
Love Language is Acts of Service or Quality time
Prefers to show affection in private, it feels more meaningful to her
Hagumi Kitazawa
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Very affectionate to her lover
I don't know why but she definitely calls you "sweetheart" a lot
Love Language is Quality Time
She loves spending time with you!! No matter when or where, if it's with you she will likely love it
Has invited you to practice before just let you watch and ask how she did
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sea-of-dust · 2 years
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Happy! Lucky! Smile!
Hhw relationship headcannons
Authors note: yo I had a request and I wanted to answer it but it deleted on me...then the account deactivated....BRO IF UR READING THIS IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG. But hey I got it out for ya homie 💪
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She adores you! She pinches your checks daily always going on and on about how cute your are <3.
She doesn't like being away from you not even when she has to sleep. She will give you privacy but like as soon as your in school "Y/N!!"
She's energetic normally but when she sees you the energy multiples ten fold.
She almost jumped off a class room from the window to see you.
Your dates consist of going to carnivals, those food truck stands in random alleys, and first row seats to hello happy world shows! You even get to be the witness to hhws next big project. Totally doesn't involve Kaoru going somewhere high
She doesn't tell you outright but she has the suits on you just incase
Private time with her you always end up playing a game together where you end up being super tired so you sleep over at hers, only on breaks tho that's when you two don't have school the next day then you just leave early. Doesn't stop her from sleeping over at yours tho. She packed like she's staying for weeks.
Her dream dates a date where you two hangout quite literally when tomorrow begins she's already outside banging your window "Y/N!!! Y/N LETS GO ON AN ADVENTURE~!" "Kokoro?!? It's like 11:20?!" "Come on come on let's go!!" You stood there shocked but got ready anyway by 11:50 you two were out of there "Why are we waiting outside- ily but don't tell me you woke me out for a stupid reason..." "were waiting for it to reach 12:00" "...your kidding me" she wasn't. The rest of the day consisted of hot air balloon rides, arcades, roller coasters, and ending it off with a sleepover.
She let's you see behind the scenes that the public usually doesn't
She doesn't get jealous like at all. Your with someone else for a long time doesn't mind
You made a joke using a ring pop asking to marry her you had to convince her not to go through with the wedding like she already rented out a whole city just incase.
She sometimes sneaks up to your classroom windows during her lunch break she broke into your gym class once too...
She found out you liked video games and once she totally didn't rummage through your things to find your favorite one you'd find a present by the door of the games merch, Misaki managed to stop her from setting it up
The band also finds you fun and a better event organizer than Kokoro. She may have cool ideas but sweet Jesus were they dangerous. You made sure those ideas wouldn't flop and tested them to see.
She dreamt about settling down and maybe adopting a few pets...a whole zoo
She likes resting in between your thighs. The best pillows in her opinion besides your chest. The closer she is to your face the better
She loves it when you flirt with her publicly. Like when you wink at her, blow kisses, holding her by the waist. She takes it as a sign. A sign to announce her love to you later! She knew you didn't like public displays of affection THAT much. As soon as your alone with her...."Y/N ILY SM MWUUUU" "ilyt Kokoro but your gonna ruin your makeup.."
She loves spoiling you, you have to convince her not to overspend the times you fail...its like a mr beast episode dear christ
She sends you WAYYYY TO MANY MEMES like as soon as she finds something funny she sends it to you, scrolls sends the video to you. she sends you her whole fyp 😭
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She loves every aspect of you! Even when it's a bad day for you she still thinks your cute!
You and her started dating when she kissed you after a game during finals
She hugged you so tightly in the locker room confessing she loves you. You said you liked her back and bam
She likes hugging you from behind. A surprise attack!
Whenever your sick she sleeps next to you. On the floor. She didn't want to get sick too but she's o so clingy
She likes kissing you on the forehead, lips and checks, all the things she likes about you are on your face!
Her love language is physical touch and words of admiration. She loves every bit of physical contact you give her. Even if you touch her hair or brush your hand against her. she's more energetic and happy
She found you at a grocery store and offered to pay for it for you despite carrying her own. You told her you'll pay for it yourself, she was a little sad tho, you ended up letting her pay for snacks
She kinda expects you to lean on her more often with things. Need help with homework? I'll finish it for you! You need to cook? I'll cook a Thanksgiving dinner! She does this so much you had to basically put her on time out
She loves seeing you at her games, even if your the opposing team! In fact she makes it a challenge! If she wins she gets whatever she wants the day after the game no matter if it's a school day! You get the same
What does she usually want? A date! Maybe doing something active or if you aren't in the mood or just not active she's down to play a game or bake with you
She pretty much senses every time your gonna go shopping. She's going to join you. Not ask....join
She randomly tells you bass facts "DID YOU KNOW BASSES HAVE LESS STRINGS THAN GUTAIRS?!?" "Hagumi go to sleep..." "did you know bass strings are longer~" "Hagumi..."
Only a forehead kiss will shut her up
She has too much empathy...she falls for the homeless scams...to much you have to pull at her so she doesn't give money to em.
The band likes you. You were calm and critiqued Kokoro when needed. They even let you keep things from the show like hats or just get you your own outfit or just for a surprise something signed by your favorite celeb
Speaking of celebs you were going nuts over one at a concert. She felt jealous when you spoke about them afterward. Its not that she thought you would leave her if the celeb asked you too...but what if you did, what if you found the celeb more attractive?! WHAT IF YOU MOVE AWAY WITH THEM. You would know she was jealous if she starts pointing and tugging at your sleeve. You had to reassure her by pointing out traits her and the celeb shared.
She doesn't let you out of her sight whenever your alone with friends just because of this. When you tell her you wouldn't leave her she's like "🤨.....really?!?! 😳"
She enjoys piggy back rides after games, sleeping on your back is her favorite thing while walking home. Sure it's near impossible because you carry a bookbag and her weight and the bookbags isn't gonna be a good time. But when it does happen she enjoys it to the fullest
Plushies! She buys one for you..alot....you have a wall because of her no worries! If they ever fall you think you might drown...turns out she almost did. She knocked one off trying to reach for you. A wave of plushies almost drowned her
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You were dragged to a school play because your sibling was in a show and she saw you in the crowd looking bored. She made it her mission to make you look in awe or at least smile! She ends up looking for you during the after show
She failed to talk to you but at least she has your name
She beings asking your sibling what you like and learned your in the same class of her and began her mission!
She began casual conversion with you and learned about your liking of Shakespeare, who she quoted from time to time. You being dropping your guard around her eventually making you laugh. Seeing this for the first time she blushed looking away and covering her face. How were you this...cute..
Ok...how she wants to marry you. She should marry you! She completed her plan to make you smile now it's time for marriage!
She began by giving you a flower after school almost ignoring her fans to see you. She also "conveniently" shows up to shops you go to. You began returning the favor by giving her candies.
She took this as a sign you liked her. Que her starting to treat you like a fan! You weren't really liking it so you spoke to her. That was one of the times you got to experience Kaoru Seta not just the girl that lives to make everyone her "kitten". Kaoru apologized and you said it's fine and then you two hung out more and more since.
She confessed to you at your place where she held a ring pop up to you "my dearest ki- friend you've bloomed in my heart like a rose showing off its petals after bathing in the sun will you be my s/o" a little corny...you said yes
Ever since you became her s/o you started getting her out of situations with fans a little more just to spend time alone or go to a shop together
Her fans started speculating you two were in a relationship, you two promised to keep it secret, you just denied saying Kaoru was only a close friend
She gets treated to miso soup on the down low. Usually when her fans aren't swarming her. Usually when she's like this there's alot of hugs and she becomes just a little more shy
You and Chisato like talking about her and usually tease her together. She always ends up hiding her face. Always something to giggle about
She likes kissing your hand when greeting you
You began to learn that Kaoru doesn't know what she's saying half the time. That's where you step on to correct her from the crowd acting along with her. Her fans tried the same only for other fans to correct them
You copied some of her gestures. She started acting with you till you kiss her hand. Her speech becomes all stuttered she almost dodged a kiss in the check-
She let you meet the band. Everyone liked you but Misaki kinda thought you were just as idiotic as the three idiots. You weren't! Thank goodness. They treat you like family after stalking you for a while making sure you were good enough for there guitarist
She begged you to join a play as a love interest. When you did she wouldn't stop hakani spamming/saying fleeting while circling you. "AH MY DEAR YOU'RE SO FLEETING~" "Kaoru what are you doing- someone help-" "Hakani~"
Speaking of fleeting you had to be held back the band from telling her what fleeting means. It just wouldn't be the same...
The band kidnapped invited you to the second Hello happy phantom thief event. You were so confused who was holding you and lifting you. You tried to escape their grasp only for them to hold you tighter. You screamed as you disappeared with the figure. It was only when you were alone with the figure you noticed their purple hair. "Kaoru?...OH YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME-" "my performances are normally this fleeting <3"
You found out about her fear of heights when Kokoro left you two on the balloon with guards ofc. You held her hand and even asked to go with her. They only let you go before her for safety reasons. So when she did eventually sky dive afterward she flopped into your arms. "Did I fall like a swan my dear?" You sighed and giggled telling her "you fell like a brick a very teary fleeting brick"
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Ah yes her own personal navigation device
You tell her there's a turn and you turn and she turns another way. She doesn't notice you aren't by her side till she looks over and just sees you've vanished. You've walked with your arms locked since then
She likes knitting with you in fact that's how you told her you liked her. To made her a penguin...(attempted if ya don't knit) she panicked and ran out of the room. When class was dismissed she ran up to you and asked if the offer was still on the table
She get so shy at any show of affection. The only way you can show affection without her getting all shy is gifting her something without you in the same room as her
Speaking of gifts if you ever give her one expect her to try and return it. You tell her she doesn't owe you anything but she does it anyway
You like spooking her sometimes from behind. "Boo" and her hair sticks up and she turns around so slowly only to learn that it's you
Chisato met you and did a whole vibe check to see if you were good enough for Kanon. You passed...barely but your good enough for her so your ok.
She also likes watching movies and eating sweets with you. In a warm blanket too? She'll never wanna leave
You got to meet the band and watched them practice. They love you sm, even tho Kanon talks about you every chance she gets
She even day dreams about you while practicing causing some careless mistakes
Her ideal dates a picnic with all homemade food in a field filled of flowers
Your dates usually consist of Café hopping, and amusement parks in summer, you've noticed hello happy world watching you two
Please tell her you love her she's very insecure about it. She always thinks your way out of her league
You took her to an aquarium and you two would leave with her gushing about jellyfish
You like whispering things in her ear whenever your alone with her. The instant blushing is enough to make your heart melt
She likes doing things with you, especially cooking. Even if it turns out kinda...strange...it's still edible!
She knows when you try to sneak up on her for kisses. When your trying to scare her? Nah she doesn't sense you, but for affection. "Y/n what are you doing?"
The one time you did get her she was covering her face and rolling on the floor
You buying her new scrunchies for whatever event calls. It's like yk what hhws planning next. It's another phantom thief "I got one with little masks on it <3" they're about to sponsor plushies? "It has little bears <3"
You convinced her to sleep over. It's nice cuddling with her you do hear occasional fue~s tho and she shivers like alot. She's so nervous about you two being so close. So she doesn't face you for the other half of the night. When you wake up the next morning she just won't look at you for the rest of the day.
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You were her desk mate and only talked during turn and talk
You started conversation with her about a band called Hello Happy World
" the bears so cute~" "Yeah I guess"
She was feeling good so she decided to get you a ticket. "wait really? It's sweet but I already have one let's go together!" She didn't really mind going with you the problem was that she IS the bear. So she told the band about it. What did they do? Ask Chu2 to be Michelle! Chu2 exploded laughing "YOU EXPECT ME TO GET IN A BEAR COSTUME AND PERFORM NURSERY RHYMES HAHSHAAHAHAHA" turns out Chu2 had nothing planned for that day so you got to fangirl over hhw with Misaki
You two became even closer afterward and began going to each others houses to do school work. You had to leave to the bathroom and when you got back you saw a little "go out with me?" On top of your homework. You heard the door open seeing Misaki with some snacks you pretended as if you didn't notice as soon as she put them down. "Ilyt Misaki" she jumped back in surprise "I...I meant going out for a date" "your mumbling~" "ah am I?!" She looks away "this is so embarrassing..." "you like me don't you <3" "shut up" "hehe~" your relationship was kinda weird after than you weren't sure if you were dating or not until you asked her a week after. She looked away again bushing "I mean...if you want to"
And so you started dating Misaki. She set up a few rules when you started dating too
She prefers affection in private, she doesn't want people she barely knows making jokes about it.
Whenever you are alone she sometimes lays on your lap to scroll her phone. She also rants about her day and Kokoros antics
Speaking of Kokoro you found out Misaki was Michelle through her arguing that she was a bear with the others. You joked about your girlfriend was a bear.
Speaking of Michelle she managed to grab ya once. You jokingly started screaming and asking for help when someone actually appeared to see you getting aggressively hugged by a bear...that person was one of Kokoros guards who closed the door and let Kokoro know immediately
"MICHELLE I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS" she bursts in, only to see you and Michelle hugging. "Oh..." she closes the door once again
Later Kokoro asked if she can get free hugs too. You just gave her some yourself. That's how the band began treating you like an older sibling
She likes going under blankets with you. Because you either end up kissing, your sleeping on her chest or vise versa. It's warm under there too another good thing about blankets
You found out she knits and decided to learn to surprise her. You knitted her a small plushie and left it in her room. Then when she came over you saw a little plush on your bed. You giggled and asked her about it, she looked away avoiding the question
She whispers in your ear things she wants to do when others are with you. "Lets go get some snacks" "we should get going". This is usually with the other band members but sometimes they hear her and act heartbroken "YOUR REALLY GONNA LEAVE US MISAKI" Ok maybe they aren't acting.... you had to reassure them you'll be back tomorrow
On weekends you usually call her if she wants to go out the next day. Your dates are usually only things you can afford. A Café date here and there, a walk through the park is mostly what your dates are.
Your parents found out you were dating someone and celebrated. "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!?!? HONEY" "DAD NOOO" they invited her over started an interrogation then asked her to leave. As soon as she left your parents look at you and sighed then started tearing up. "She's perfect" "there there honey *sniffle*" "you two probably gave her a heart attack for nothing" they got up opened the Door Misaki was in and welcomed her to your family.
She likes twiddling with your hair/fingers when you two are just hanging around
She almost made a Playlist of all your favorite songs and keeps it secret like you have to get REALLLLYY close to hear small bits of your favs play and that's pretty rare considering how flustered she gets when your so close
She sometimes kisses your forehead when your asleep. She likes the expression you have when asleep. If your still awake she looks away ashamed you caught her
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frickingnerd · 1 year
The World Ends With You Masterlist
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Neku Sakuraba
peaceful mornings with neku - drabble
neku crushing on an idol - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and shiki - headcanons
Shiki Misaki
being in a poly relationship with neku and joshua - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and beat - headcanons
wearing clothes shiki made for you - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and shiki - headcanons
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
caught in the lies of our love - oneshot
joshua crushing on a tsundere - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and joshua - headcanons
Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito
beat crushing on his oblivious friend - drabble
Raimu "Rhyme" Bito
beat reuniting with his s/o after the reaper's game - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and beat - headcanons
rhyme being your entry fee to the reapers game - headcanons
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Rindo Kanade
out of sight (but not out of mind) - oneshot
yandere rindo kanade - headcanons
Tosai "Fret" Furesawa
dating tosei 'fret' furesawa - headcanons
Nagi Usui
dating nagi usui - headcanons
Shoka Sakurane
shoka & you teasing each other - headcanons
Kanon Tachibana
kanon's s/o being stuck in the reapers game - headcanons
Sho Minamimoto
sho with a s/o who understands his math talk - headcanons
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battampria · 1 month
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this is part one of this post, part two is linked here!
ALSO expect more crossovers like this one these were lowkey fun why dont ppl do these more... and I rlly love the kanon and emu layout.. theyre so cute.. and the misaki and nene.. 😭
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f2u w/ credit
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drublol · 3 months
How about some MisaKanon headcanons, please? They're just so cute and wholesome!
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youre very right anon !! they r very cute and wholesome !! i'll make sure to give u headcanons that fit JUST that !
They both had gigantic crushes on eachother, they just were too nervous to ever confess their feelings for eachother. Luckily for them both, Hello, Happy World! was there! With the rest of the band's help, both Misaki and Kanon had garnered enough confidence to confess their feelings.
It was funny, they had both confessed their love at the same exact time! The two thought it was hilarious! Afterwards, though, Kanon had took Misaki out to a nearby cafe for a 'first-date'. The two had a blast together!
Misaki is more discreet with her affection whilst Kanon is more verbal. When alone, Misaki will cling onto Kanon, whispering that she loves her.
Kanon's ideal dates are at aquariums or cafes, she'll frequently take Misaki out to see jellyfish. Misaki thought it'd be a fun idea to name each jellyfish they saw, Kanon agreed!
The two often felt little dolls together as a past time, Misaki helps Kanon whenever she is having trouble with the felting. They had once both gifted eachother felted dolls, Misaki gave Kanon a felted jellyfish as Kanon gave Misaki a felted pink bear.
Kanon often daydreams about spending time with Misaki, whenever she's daydreaming-- She'll always end up sketching out a perfect picture of Misaki's face. She's embarrassed about her drawings of Misaki.
Kanon invites Misaki to her apartment, Chisato doesn't mind this and even enjoys Misaki's presence. The idol once found them cuddling next to eachother, asleep while watching a movie. Chisato had thought the interaction between them was adorable, she knew that the two were meant to be.
While Kanon invites Misaki over to her apartment, Misaki invites Kanon to play tennis! Despite not being very good at the game, Kanon learns overtime with the help of her Misaki <3.
They can always be seen cuddling with eachother, it can be seen as a bit puzzling for Misaki... But she secretly loves whenever Kanon hugs and snuggles against her body.
aaand heres all the headcanons i have !! i hope i did you justice anon !! these two r absolutely adorable,,,
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plaindangan · 4 months
February Update
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"Happy February, the month of love~ Fun fact: Feb 1st, marks the creation of the Plain Dangan blog, so feeling sort of proud for how far this has come. Didn't quite expect it to last an entire year, but I am glad for it! It has been truly fun and I've met many great people!! Here's hoping I can make it another year!
"For this month decided to make a few special asks for people to send in:
Cupid - A certain bunny woman has decided to be cupid for the month…problem is that Human Usami sucks at her job. [Cupid][Muse x Muse] to see your pairing of choice get up to some lewd hijinks from this bunny.
Chocolate Creme - [CC][Muse] - Miu has decided to make some chocolates with quite a bit of aphrodisiacs in them. Ask for a muse to get how they’ll act after eating such a thing.
Headcanon - [VD HC] [Muse] - ask for a muse and I’ll tell you the lewd adventures they’ll have on Valentine’s Day/leading up to it.
"Here's also the muses I'm interested for the time being. Mainline Muses: Mukuro, Hina, Toko/Genocide Jill, Hiyoko, Mikan, Akane, Kanon, Fujiko, Chihaya, Older Kotoko, Seiko, Miaya, Ruruka, Kirumi, Tsumugi, Maki, Tenko, Miu."
"Misc Muses: Fubuki, Iruka, Guillaume, Ryo, Mekuru, Ikue, Misaki, Rei, Aiko, Tsubasa, Karen, Natsumi, Sato, and, a new muse adding based upon @vergilsama922's work on her: Yori Fuchisaki/Monomaid."
"For now, that's that! Wish everyone the best and hope the month goes great for all!
EDIT - "Also, added a few visual references to some of my muses in the 'Muses' section so you get a general idea of what they look like instead of canon. Such as non-buff Sakura or the older WOH girls. Just to help make things clearer."
EDIT 2: "Also, if you want to see my blog for other fandoms go here."
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fatherfigurefusion · 2 years
In honor of HHW covering "Mixed Nuts"...
Here's a list of every Bandori/Spy X Family AU brainchild I've ever thought up. (TaeSaaya/KasuAri) Saaya as Loid, Tae as Yor, and Kasumi as Anya (ft. tiny Arisa as Damian)
(MisaKanon) Misaki as Loid, Kanon as Yor (although the positions could also be swapped) and either a member of the Sanbaka or Mashiro (who I personally believe to be a MisaKanon lovechild) as Anya
(SayoTsugu/AsuRokka) Tsugumi as Loid, Sayo as Yor (ft. Hina as Yuri), and Rokka as Anya (ft. the Toyamas as the Desmonds)
(AyaChisa) Chisato as Loid, Aya as Yor, and Nanami (who I personally believe to be an AyaChisa lovechild) as Anya
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missnekonyan · 2 years
idm u reblogging things from me!! if anything i encourage it!!
but for the ask meme… how about arisa/rimi? i’d love to hear ur thoughts ! same for misaki/kaoru, i’d love to hear hehe
Thank you for the ask! I’m glad to hear that it’s okay to reblog the post even after a few days have passed.
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Arisa x Rimi
I don’t often read Poppin’ Party stories outside of ongoing events, but they sound like they could be pretty sweet together! The mix of having a more straight-forward Arisa and a soft Rimi would be a pretty interesting combination. I recall reading a story where they end up having a bit of conflict but it was pretty nice to see that they still cared for each other even when they were scared to face each other for a while. Their image colors are some of my favorite colors too and with their cute sense of styles, I think they’d look nice together!
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Misaki x Kaoru
I haven’t read all of the Hello, Happy stories, but from what I’ve seen, they have a pretty nice dynamic~ Sure, Kaoru can be pretty silly but she has a big heart too! I loved the moments where she would console Misaki when the latter is feeling down. It’s a pretty sweet ship, but with Hello, Happy being the band that it is, I tend to find myself laughing at their general antics more than thinking of them romantically. They helped Kanon impersonate someone, they get into shenanigans while helping local citizens, they laugh together, and cry together. It’s quite beautiful but also hilarious! (The duality of Kaoru being a sweetheart and helping people through rough times but also not understanding the concept of a mascot costume is really something!)
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prpfs · 9 months
hi there! 🍋🫐 i've been itching to do a bandori rp for quite some time and i'm just now building up the courage to put myself out there (so sorry to the mod who just finished clearing the askbox 😭 we appreciate your hard work!)
• i'm 20f (she/her), timezone is est – please be at least 19! i am quite awkward at first, but i do not bite whatsoever and loooove talking ooc, especially sharing hcs and such. i'm super easygoing so don't be scared! 💗
• i tend to write a couple paragraphs per response but i'm not at all picky about how much you write as long as it's in third person and you give me something to work with! i am very busy and my motivation fluctuates, so i tend to reply rather slowly but i will commit to sending at least three responses per week. i will absolutely let you know if i am for some reason unable to do so. i am also not picky about how often you respond but please don't pressure me for responses as it makes me anxious!
• i'm exclusively looking for something canon x canon (and f x f, but that's something of a given with bandori lol). the ships i'm most interested in (bolded is the character i'd prefer to play) are misaki/kanon, sayo/tsugumi, chisato/kanon, and aya/hina
• i love exploring dark/dead dove subject matter and i would also really like to write smut at some point. i do prefer to play the submissive role, but am very fluid when it comes to topping and bottoming. some things i really like are hurt/comfort, noncon, dubcon, and omegaverse! we can discuss plots, kinks, limits, and the like before we delve into our rp. 💞
i only rp on discord at the moment! if you're interested, like this post – i'll dm you on here to give you my discord handle and we can go from there! 🩶
like if interested!
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wholesomeyuri · 4 years
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✧・゚: *✧ A Gift ✧ *:・゚✧
♡ Characters ♡ : Misaki Okusawa ♥ Kanon Matsubara
♢ Anime ♢ : BanG Dream! 2nd Season - (AL, A-P, KIT, MAL)
☆ Source ☆ : twitter
.。*゚+.*.。 Art by @do_vxz 。.*.+*゚。.
♥*♡+:。.。 The artwork(s) belong to the respective artist, PLEASE support them by LIKING/RETWEETING/SHARING the original post(s) 。.。:+♡*♥
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nuukeds · 5 years
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they hold 👭👭👭
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purrsonyaa · 5 years
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happy bday misaki !!!! ur the baddest bear around !!! we lov u ... 🥺💝
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wakamiyas-imagines · 4 years
Hcs of MisaKanon!
Okay, don’t tell me they aren’t gfs 👁👄👁
• They are extremely c u t e
• Not into public affection, but when they are in private lots of Hugs and Smooches
• Everyone is jealous because they have the best and fluffiest relationship (*ejem* Evemayafluffiestship *ejem*)
• Lots of meeting each other every day
• Kanon kisses softly Michelle's head when Misaki is not seeing (actually yes but she just thinks is to cute)
• Holding hands e v e r y t i m e
• All of hhw shipping them together before dating, and when they finally are, celebrating it doing a party (Misaki and Kanon really flustered and wanting to have some privacy)
• That is why they hide they relationship until Kaoru find them cuddling backstage
• Kokoro buying an e n t i r e park or coffee shop, just to give to Misaki and Kanon time alone, literally
• Kanon inviting Misaki to the tea club
• Kanon kissing Michelle's nose (while Misaki is inside) and hhw thinking she is cheating Misaki
• Don’t really knowing how, Misaki stopped that problem
• In winter, Hot Coffee, big fluffy blanket and Kanon's comfy hugs, heaven for Misaki
• They are just really gay for each other shut up
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oceanbrine · 5 years
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so i started playing bandori
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i-love-is-kaoru · 4 years
Misaki x kanon
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