#mr. Davidson
nocakesformissedith · 5 months
Pokey: Welcome to the first meeting of the "Fuck Paul Matthews" club! Members, please introduce yourselves. 😊
Emma, Mr. Davison, Greenpeace Girl, Melissa, Bill, and Ted, sweating: Um, I think we misunderstood what this club was about.
Pokey: No…. you were right. 😔
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atoneofconscious · 7 months
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Onion Headlines in Hatchetfield
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hatchetfield · 6 months
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TGWDLM + Mini Parallels
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violetheart77 · 8 months
She’s everything 💖
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He’s just Ken 💖
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ghostface-knight · 5 months
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autistichyena · 2 months
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(man in a hurry voice) aww yummyyy
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raspberrysmoon · 6 months
ok so i was rewatching tgwdlm in math class today and
no idea if this is intentional or even real but im pretty sure that in early tgwdlm, mr. davidson (the boss) says "i hire you PAULS to keep our stock high" paulS. with an s. plural paul. like the clones mentioned in 'forever and always'?
i hire you, clones of paul matthews, to keep our stock high. i hire you repeatedly because you are easy to use, easy to direct, and hard working.
thats what i hear from it anyway. he might just be slurring the two words together (me fr) in an attempt to work them together better for the music but, think about the implications, yeah?
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gone-to-oregone · 7 months
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infectedpaul · 8 months
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nabwastaken · 6 months
if the infected in tgwdlm were ghosts (I know this would never happen because lore but it's just fun to imagine)
charlotte: where am i
sam: heyyyyy
sam: sorry babe but that wasn't me
charlotte: huh wdym
sam: so you see i was at the theater and then this weird meteor thingy came and next thing you know *shrugs* im a ghost and my body is walking around singing and pretending to be me
charlotte: so your saying that that thing isnt you but instead some evil singing zombie thing
sam: yeah basically and now me, your boss, and this guy are watching you guys *he points to another guy across the room that looks kinda like ted*
charlotte: who are you
???: I've never known darker times since I've covered the protests live at the Hatchetfield kennel
charlotte: okay but who are you
???: I am Dan Reynolds.
charlotte: okay good to know hey mr davidson how are you
sam: oh yeah hes been pretty unresponsive and hes been moping around ever since his evil zombie self revealed what he wanted to do with his wife-
mr davidson: sam stfu or i will... will..
sam: what?
*meanwhile in the real world* bill: kick your head!
mr. davidson: exactly!!!
sam: yknow we should probably keep watching something interesting seems to be going on with those paul and emma guys
charlotte: well i guess i have to accept that im dead..
*suddenly, the door slams open*
Infected Charlotte: It is time....
charlotte and sam: ah fuck.
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hi! Here's my ocs age regress head cannons (I'm sorry it's so long I've grown so attached to them)
Katrina Kacey and kelly age regress headcannons
-she's 35 and regresses 10-12
-even regressed she still feels the need to protect her sisters (there home life is terrible)
-she loves to talk. She hardly ever does on a regular day cause she's deaf in one ear which makes conversation scary for her so when she's little she will talk about anything and everything for hours cause she's not bothered by her deafness as much
-her primary cgs are linda gerald Gary and becky-when she regresses wiggly will kinda show up and regress with her (that's a whole other list of headcannons I can send if you want)
-she loves to build. Like Linda and gerald have bought her like every lego friends set in existence
-whenever she’s little she goes to the monroe house cause it's kinda like an escape for her since it's so different from her everyday life
-linda and gerald even made her her dream kids room
-sometimes she'll play with river. But the other boys make her nervous
-sometimes when she gets really exhausted from talking gerald will carry her to her room and linda or Becky (sometimes Gary when it's just him and gerald) will cuddle with her while she rests
-likes to be called Katty darling and sweetheart
Next is kacey
-kacey is 28 and regresses 6-9
-she works at ccrp. She never wanted anyone to know but one day ted was being well Ted and she had a deadline she didn't know about and started regressing so she ran off mid conversation with Charlotte and Bill. They followed her and thats how they found out
-eventually they helped her tell paul and emma
-her cgs are obviously Charlotte bill Paul and emma
-once Mr Davidson and Melissa took care of her while the others were away on a business trip. They don't speak of it cause she's embarrassed
-she likes to be sang to so Charlotte and Bill will sing to her when she gets tired
-she has terrible arthritis so bad most of the time she needs crutches or even a wheelchair to get around so when the pain gets really bad she has terrible meltdowns.
-these meltdowns are the reason Charlotte bought a weighted blanket and multiple heat pads (the pressure and heat makes the pain more bearable)
-she hates uses her crutches when little so Bill or Paul usually have to carry her around
-she likes painting and drawing when little so she'll set up in Charlotte or bills living room with a movie and just draw or paint for hours
-she has a service dog that somehow just knows when she needs to regress and immediately grabs one of her cg
-for some reason she'll also just like Lay on her back on the floor and stare at the ceiling they aren't really sure why but she giggles a lot when she does it so they're fine with it
-she also loves playing superheros with paul and emma
-she likes to be called ace kid and sweety
Finally kelly:
-she's 18 and regresses anywhere from 1 to 5
-primary gcs are steph grace pete Ruth and sometimes miss holloway and duke
-she was scared for her friends to find out but then she found out Richie regressed and slipped in front of them and they were so sweet about it cause she regressed pretty young
-she does not talk at all when little. She doesn't talk a ton anyway but when little she goes completely non verbal will not make a sound
-she likes when grace sings to her even though it's church songs
-most of the time she'll just sit in front of the TV with one of her cartoons on
-her favs are bluey and backyardigans
-she's blind in her left eye so whenever she walks she gets way more clumsy and will just run into walls
-they are all very concerned so someone usually pete has to go with her wherever she goes
-she also gets very picky and will only eat like stephs grilled cheese sandwiches and ruths French fries
-she likes to be called kels bub and angel
Again sorry it's so long your the first person I've told about them and they are precious to me. Thank you for bring a safe space!
OH MYYY I HEART THEM ALLL <333 also. Wiggly. I heard about wiggly. Say more :3
And, it’s completely ok! I get a tad bit overwhelmed from long messages w/o warning so Ty!! And, lastly, your absolutely welcome! I believe every fandom deserves a safe space for anyone(or at least to the non-toxic side), and I want to be someone to help with that <3
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pastriibunz · 6 months
i just realized that I never released the ending art I did for TKWDLM sooooo here it is
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aaand a couple zoom ins on my fav frames
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I love this final shot it’s like playing spot the silly
Okay peace peace y’all
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local-soda-can · 9 months
…..so me and my friends came up with awful(/pos) mr. davidson lore-
knows every manager in hatchetfield (+ everyone in the multiverse-)
Bill’s paycheck is now 100k/year bc he’s a Kai Drew fan
Paul’s paycheck is now 1M/year bc he’s a Kai Drew father figure
Bean: “_____, do you know Mr. Davidson?” ____: “OH MR. DAVIDSON?!?! :DDDD”
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"It should have been a small thing, a misunderstanding immediately left in the dust..." After Steph and Pete have their first big fight, Steph goes to Lakeside to grab an apology gift. And the perfect thing has just hit the shelves... (Steph Lauter gets caught up in the events of Black Friday)
Started for Day 6 of Lautski Week 2023--prompt of "gift." Finished two days later.
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violetheart77 · 1 year
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“Et tu, Paul?”
Happy Ides of March everyone
(cursed bonus under the cut)
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"Mr. Davidson?" Melissa says as she pokes her head into his office.
He hastily pauses the video he's watching. "Hmm? Yes, Melissa?"
Taking a deep breath, Melissa steels herself to say, "Could you turn down your computer volume, please? Everyone on the floor can hear it and they're… uncomfortable to say the least."
"I… uh…" He tugs at the collar of his shirt. "Yes, yes of course! Sorry for the disturbance." His eyes scan his keyboard desperately, looking for the volume buttons.
"It's the button with the speaker on it," Melissa directs him patiently.
"Yes, of course. Thank you, Melissa."
Send me an emoji and I'll write a drabble!
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