#muriel was made to kill people for Lucio’s entertainment
leastdatablebracket · 8 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Lucio Morgasson
He's the villain in everyone else's route, and even in his own he's STILL kind of a dick. Like, everything bad he did before the game begins happens exactly the same, and it's only when he begins that he gets better (as in he regrets his actions and tries to fix it (it being a plague. He caused a plague because he wanted more power. (Spoilers: the plague killed the MC))). All the other romanceable characters still hate him tho so that's good. The one thing he's got going for him is that in one ending, he stepped down from being the count (idk about the other)
He literally caused a plague that kills thousands of people including THE PLAYER 😭 LIKE HE LITERALLY KILLS YOU DAWG
He is simply the worst. I'm pretty sure he purposefully infected his kingdom with the plague. He made a deal with the devil maybe. Gonna be real with you I haven't finished his storyline.
imagine a guy who is both incredibly pathetic and willing to screw over absolutely everyone for fun. lots of fun as a character, absolute dogwater as a partner
He has directly tortured or somehow harmed all the other romancable characters and every other route tries to kill the mc to take over their body, is also responsible for a plague that killed a large portion of his kingdom and *spoiler* killed the MC
I'll admit I haven't played his route but that's cause he's such a pathetic icky man that I don't think I actually can. And I pride myself in completing every route. I know people like their pathetic meow meows but I want to hit him with a brick
He acts as a manchild who needs someone to guide him through life and show him the difference between right and wrong when I'm pretty sure he's in his forties or fifties. He also abuses his power to do horrible things to people he's not in a romantic relationship with, which should tell you a lot about him.
He’s a selfish asshole who is the villain in every other route and he’s a punk ass bitch I wanna kick his ass so hard his skeleton disintegrates as he fucking deserves 
Dude, he SUCKS. He's the villain in every other route. He's a horrible husband, he forced Muriel to fight for his entertainment, he makes deals that he can't pay for. He threatens and pouts and is obsessed with people loving him. I've been with the Arcana since the very beginning and he wasn't meant to be a romance option, but the writers basically went with it because there was such a demand. So embarrassing to see Lucio fans being like Lucio did nothing wrong ever. Falling all over themselves to blame his mom or Nadia or Asra or anyone else for Lucio's selfishness and shitty behavior. It was peak uwu he's A BABY fan dementia that excuses all his shitty actions because nothing was his fault. The only sane Lucio fans are the ones that are like "he sucks so much <3 I can make him worse."
He's literally described by the devs as flaming trash. He is literally only nice in his route and the main antagonist (or at the very least a jerk) in every other route. he was a very bad husband to ex-wife. he is literally - and with 0 exaggeration- a plague upon the country he ruled. he's also a grown man who calls his fuck ups "oopsies" and honestly, i love him but that gives me the ick.
Cullen Rutherford
stupid racist cop creep whose fans cry about how hes "changed" and "you can't judge him he was addicted to magic drugs" nah he still chose to be a racist cop and abuse his power over innocent people and i hate him. the writers making him romanceable in da:i after how blatantly horrible he was in da:o and da:2 is baffling but i guess they had to appeal to the part of their audience who watch those "mafia boyfriend" videos on tiktok or whatever
He's creepy in origins, though still 100% willing to kill the female mage pc he's crushing on, as well as all the other mages trapped in the circle with him. He's the second-in-command in an even worse circle in 2, listening to and defending the increasingly obviously insane meredith until literally the end. He's one of the people still pushing for the circle system by inquisition, and yes he's going through withdrawals and working through the traumas of previous games. And to be brutally honest his was the first romance i took and while i don't remember much from it, its not worth all the girls going absolutely nuts over knockoff terrible alistair.
He's basically a cop who thinks being born a certain way can revoke personhood and by Inquisition still thinks mages are monsters to be controlled, not people. He gets a fairy tale cutesy romance that focuses on his personal struggles with addiction while showing absolutely no regard to the atrocities he committed and still thinks were justified. He can be romanced BY A MAGE and his actions and beliefs are just glossed over. He believes mages are 'not people like you (Hawke) and me', but if the Warden was a female mage he canonically had a crush on her and would deliberately hang around her despite the fact that he was her *jailer*. If that Warden romanced Leliana, there is war table dialogue in which he pesters Leliana for news of his 'former' crush despite her repeated statement that she doesn't want to talk to him about her. All this shitty behavior and lack of introspection gets swept under the rug by the game, not even giving the PC the chance to really challenge his beliefs. Like damn even Fenris could apologize when he lashed out due to past trauma with mages, and if anyone has a reason to hate mages it's Fenris. If you want an ex Templar hottie Alistair is RIGHT THERE. Tbh I know Cullen is a popular romance and I'm not here to tell anyone what they can or can't do or like in a video game, I'm just saying I think he is deeply undateable
Spends the first two games as an antagonist, fervently devoted to the cause of subjugating mages, then a bunch of "character development" happens off screen and the games treat him like he's completely reformed. However he's actions make it clear he still sees mages as dangerous and lesser. Not to mention if you romance him with an elf he doesn't pay your culture more than lip service respect like most of the devout characters 
He was a total villain in the first two games who was violently prejudiced against mages and uses one single bad experience as an excuse for it (a bad experience that is pretty much exactly what he in his job subjected graduating apprentices to, mind you, but this is never brought up). Now he says he's changed, but his words and actions say otherwise. He still distrusts mages, sympathises with the rebel Templars trying to kill them, and he never owns up to the terrible stuff he did and helped others do in the past two games. He totally knew what Meredith was doing and says he doesn't, and he still tries to defend her intentions. And you have no option to call him out on it. If you romance him as a mage, he angsts about how he might have seen you as subhuman in the past but NOW you're one of the good ones, and when you ask him if he'll kill you if you get possessed, he dodges the question. And the PC is written as being almost sad that she's a mage? Like 'can you love me despite what I am??' Also if Leliana romanced a female mage PC in the first game who is still alive, he asks her creepy questions about their relationship. Fitting considering his original purpose was to be creepy to the female mage Warden. 
I hate him and want to cause chaos. Plus his VA is an asshole.
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cloudcountry · 8 months
I have no idea who or what lucio is. Explain it to me like I'm 5 or something like that
hes a character in the arcana that half the fandom hates with a passion and half the fandom adores. hes done some fucked up shit umm i dont even think i remember everything
just realizing that i wouldnt have sworn so much if i was explaining this to a five year old oops
he's a really immmature goat man that ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands and has also killed countless people with his blade and poor decisions.
he ruined muriel's life by forcing him to fight in the arena thing for his entertainment, imprisoned asra's parents to force them to make his golden arm, he traumatized julian who is a doctor during the plague that HE brought to vesuvia, he made a bunch of really bad devil-powered deals that he DIDNT FOLLOW THROUGH WITH for power, killed his own dad because he felt entitled to the power his father had, he acts like an entitled manchild and is super immature???
so yea hes a bad person. and his route could have been handled better, because theres a scene were hes lamenting about his past and you have to choice to say "i forgive you" or "this is a lot to unpack" or something and to get the UPRIGHT ANSWER (aka the good ending) YOU HAVE TO FRGIVE HIM????? i pick the "this a lot to unpack" answer EVERY TIME BECAUSE ARE YOU SERIOUS???
but yea yk thats lucio and also hes bisexual so yay but they all but lucio actually had an affair with that wine sipping fella i think so yk
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mineshaft-birdie · 3 years
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mountain-man-cumeth · 3 years
How would you rewrite Muriel’s route?
This is the 3rd question I got with similar vibes so imma begin by saying that I am not a writer. I am a reader, a decent one, but I’m not the idea guy. I will try, though, since it seems like people are interested for some reason.
First of all I'd make some baseline changes to set the backstory proper;
Muriel chose the mantle of Lucio's executioner willingly, him and Asra had no other means to survive so they willingly worked as indentured servants under Lucio. He reasoned with himself thinking these are bad people and that he has no other skills to offer. (There might be a threat on Lucio's part that they can be replaced, he doesn't have to had given a villain speech for the implication. He is a rich tyrant and they are street kids, it the service they provide isn't up to par Lucio can easily look for alternative options.) Let me be clear, Muriel was not a gladiator. Gladiators are compensated generously for the entertainment they provide and often due to the amount of investment made on them, fighting to death wasn't a common occurrence. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Muriel, or rather the Scourge was well known and probably liked by the crowd, there's literally no reason for Lucio to utilize him otherwise. He wants people to enjoy the show, if everybody hated Muriel what use is he to Lucio?
Kokhuri are alive. The tribe had to relocate but they left Khamgalai to tend to the graves. They are nomadic and matriarchal people who likely don't adhere to mother-father-child kind of European family structure. The children are raised communally.
Muriel's curse has nothing to do with myrrh, there's a rune that can counter it and only he knows how to make it, he figured it out by himself for Asra. Any magic that can nullify a spell by Major Arcana is no doubt strong as fuck.
I'd start similar to main 3, MC is tasked to find Lucio's murderer. They find Muriel's brush or loincloth or whatever early on which leads them to the forest but because of the protective spells and the curse they get lost. They ran into Muriel or Inanna and she leads them to Muriel hunched over the corpse. They try to help, like the canon, and have a brush with Lucio's goat ghost. They tell him they were looking for the Scourge and Muriel says there's no Scourge here.
The day after they forget about Muriel but remember the rest and relay that information to Asra, who gets agitated by Lucio's return. He thinks Lucio is here for MC's body but doesn't explain anything, instead begs them to leave town until he figures something out.
They go to see Muriel and he reluctantly agrees to accompany them to the outskirts of the forest, on Asra's request.
Some point on their road trip Asra water-calls them to inform them that Lucio is looking for hearts and the Magician (or whoever else Asra consulted) implied they might find answers South. MC still doesn't know anything except maybe some comments Muriel could have made that painted Lucio in a bad light but they decide to investigate regardless. Muriel opposes, eventually caves (either thanks to MC or Asra). He lets out that he's been tailing MC on Asra's behalf for years so it shouldn't be that much different.
They go from town to town, MC helps Muriel ease into dealing with people again and it's easier since nobody knows jack about Scourge. They learn that he enjoys card games and collecting trinkets from different cultures. He might even get a little too enthusiastic about plants and gives random advice to a gardener.
We might learn here that Muriel doesn't like feeling that he's on a display or that he's performing. He prefers to lay low and blend in, not necessarily completely shut off the world.
They run into Morga(maybe they encounter raiders or a barfight or something alike), who's also been tracking Lucio. She proposes to work together. She berates Muriel for being a coward and convinces him to fight as that's all he's good for. (I think it's better if MC trains on magic rather than archery, I'm seeing alot of disabled MCs.)
She tries to train them but Muriel doesn't respond well to fighting and eventually Morga leaves. Valdemar or Vulgora catches them, Lucio's still trying to get MC's body. They escape just barely, MC gets hurt, Muriel beats himself up over it, some angst some fluff, you know the drill. Maybe he has a panic attack because panic attacks are usually not as on the nose as "Oh No I Gotta Fight Someone With a Knife". Looking for a shelter and aid, they find a cottage which turns out to be Khamgalai's. She helps them out, teaches Muriel how to heal using the techniques of their clan, I assume MC helps since they know some restorative spells too. She tells Muriel his family sent him away when they got ambushed so he wouldn't have to live on the run as Morga's clan was on a war path to conquer South. We get sad, lots of tears. Kisses might ensue.
Somehow it's revealed that this is the answer they were looking for and not Lucio (because I think the whole "Lucio's clan" plot was redundant) and Morga was just using them as bait to get Lucio out of Vesuvia.
Morga catches on to them, we learn who she is, Muriel and MC confront her but Khamgalai says her warmongering already costed her everything. She says she's trying to make up for it by killing her son and she needs MC to lure him out, they agree to work together, begrudgingly. (MC's past can be revealed here since they need to learn what's the deal with Lucio's obsession of them at some point)
Around this point MC might realize the mark's fading, Muriel brushes it off.
Instead of Lucio, Devil comes and tells them about Lucio's plan to do the ritual again. They go back to Vesuvia to warn people
Masquerade happens, people remember Muriel, Nadia or MC or someone give people an ultimatum. But oh no it was a TRAP all along, Devil told them of the ritual to get them right where he wanted. Lucio gets in MC's body, Asra sends them to the Arcana realm, same story as main 3.
MC forgets Muriel on the Arcana realm but through the power of love and maybe some guidance from the Hermit they go "oh no i forgot my boy". They return to find him in the Coliseum. What?! He was the Scourge?! Who could've thought. (this reveal wouldn't affect MC's opinion at this point since they already know he's a cinnamon roll)
This time Lucio's blackmailing him with MC's body. He says he needs hearts to make himself a new one and if Muriel grabs some for him MC can get their body back.
Story diverges to Upright/Reversed
Upright, if MC encouraged him to take it easy, but take it: MC snatches the body of someone he's suppose to fight to change his mind, he decides not to do it and instead go with defeating Lucio on the Arcana realm plan(curtesy of their friends). So here we can have a romantic scene like in Nadia's route where his chains are broken in the Arena.
They fuck around in the Arcana realm facing their fears and stuff, they bond, defeat Lucio, petrify the Devil etc. I like to think Muriel finds the forest spirit here, too, and maybe manages to heal it or learns that it's damaged but with enough time and care it will regrow. (a metaphor? in my arcana game? its more likely than you think)
Morga is charged for war crimes by the Kokhuri, the Coliseum is demolished and the love birds travel around doing their thing.
Reversed, if MC encouraged him to be strong and uncaring: MC fails to convince him and he decides to go through with Lucio's plan. He kills Morga and some more important spirits and fucks up the world. Which turns out to be a bogus plan anyways, Lucio only needed the hearts to settle his deal and Muriel kills him, too (I am untethered, and my rage knows no bounds!)
Without a body MC is stuck in the other realm so Muriel and them retreat to the magic dimension, defeat the Devil and live the rest of their days.
There might also be a 50 first dates situation going on inwhich they get stuck in a loop where MC constantly meets and falls in love with Muriel only to forget him in a couple of (magic realm)days.
idk man this aint my job im just spitballing here, im writing this long ass thing so ill look like im working
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chinateacup · 4 years
Horrible Shit Lucio Has Done:
Made a deal with a demon to weaken his parents so he could kill them.
Killed his father.
Spread the plague, which presumably ultimately killed thousands.
Didn’t give two shits about the plague in Vesuvia until he caught it, even after hundreds died.
Forced an innocent, kind-hearted person to murder people for his own entertainment (although some theorise he doesn’t know Muriel didn’t want to kill).
Lied to Asra that he would keep his childhood friend safe if he did what he said.
Force-fed Julian a plague beetle, infecting him with the plague because he was frustrated with his lack of progress finding a cure.
After commissioning Asra’s parents to make him his magical prosthetic, he imprisoned them so they couldn’t make another and his would be unique. This led to them being imprisoned by The Devil.
Killed many innocent people in order to fulfil deals with demons and become The Devil (Muriel’s Route).
Stole MC’s body.
and yet he is somehow so well written that despite all that, i still quite like him. i completely understand why many don’t, and i am not justifying any of the terrible things he did or defending him in any way. but to make a character this cruel and this egotistical and this bloodthirsty, and somehow make them likeable???
bravo, devs.
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alchimistadivezuvia · 4 years
🦇Vampire!au arcana 🦇
Main 6 + courtiers
Asra 🐍:
- Practically does not tolerate sunlight, only with the use of special magic can go outside during the day.
- He has the ability to walk on water.
- Accidentally caught vampirism in adolescence, when he was attacked by an unknown person.
- At first I was ashamed of it and tried to heal, but later I got used to it.
- Usually hunts people at night, using magic and not killing them.
- But when he worked at court, he took part in the feasts conducted by the count.
- Thinks that vampires are best kept secret from humans and not try to enslave them.
Nadia 🦉:
- A noble vampire, with a constant feeding on blood, can not be afraid of the sun and be indistinguishable from a person.
- She has the power to turn into fog. 
- Received this gift from Lucio (this was one of the reasons why she married him). 
- Her family doesn't know about it. - It gets annoyed if someone calls vampirism a "curse." 
- He does not disdain to drink people dry, but disapproves of the massive "blood baths". 
- Likes to arrange cruel "entertainment" with captive people. 
- Also appreciates and loves old wine. 
- Has the opinion that it is best for vampire aristocrats to hide their belonging.
Julian 🥀:
- An ordinary ignoble vampire, the sun's rays are deadly to him, and also has too pale skin and an unhealthy appearance.
- Therefore, he has to cover his skin and not go outside during the day.
- Infected from his patient.
- Several years ago I tried not to drink human blood, but this plan failed.
- So now he keeps leeches and makes patients bloodletting.
- He also tried to recover, but after unsuccessful attempts he gave up.
- Openly calls himself "cursed undead".
- Unlike other vampires, he does not consider it shameful to have a close relationship with a human.
Muriel 🌿:
- A half-blood vampire, outwardly completely human, but possesses vampiric strength and agility. He can eat both blood and ordinary food. 
- Well tolerates the sun's rays, and at the same time receives additional strength at night. 
- On full moon, he can take the form of a huge bear. 
- It was only in his late childhood that he learned about this, which doubly convinced him that his parents had abandoned him. 
- He considers himself a cursed creature and avoids society, because neither vampires nor humans recognize him. 
- At a conscious age, he first tasted blood at the count's court.
Portia 😺: 
- To protect herself from the sun and maintain a pleasant appearance, she regularly drinks blood and sleeps in a coffin with the soil of her homeland. 
- Possesses a strong ability to hypnosis. 
- Voluntarily became a vampire, and received it from her ex-mistress, an ancient vampire. 
- None of the people realize that she is no longer human. - She doesn't think what it's a curse. 
- Does not kill people during a meal, but simply hypnotizes them. 
- Because of her vampirism, she got Nadia's trust. 
- Believes that vampires and humans can live peacefully, without unnecessary killing.
Lucio 🐐:
- A vampire of royal blood, very proud of his resulting bloodline.
- Wryyy~! 
- In his youth, he made a deal with the supreme vampire, but then betrayed and killed him.
- Considers vampires "superior overlords", and that people are only food and slaves. 
- During his reign, he often arranged bloody feasts. - Once a year, in honor of his birthday, he held a masquerade, many people came there, but not all returned. 
- Gathered the oldest and most powerful vampires at his court. 
- Wanted to become the most powerful vampire in history, but his plan failed. 
- Due to an unfulfilled deal, he received a curse that torments and disfigures vampires, and for people it is deadly.
Courtiers 🕷️: 
Valerius is a noble vampire, turned by Lucio as a sign of his sympathy. 
Valdemar, Vlastomil, Vulgora, Volta are the oldest vampires. The original, received their gifts directly from the devil.
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lady-of-endless · 5 years
Heavy in Your Arms (Muriel x Reader)
Author’s Note: This is some sort of an AU in which the apprentice actually worked as a healer at the coliseum at first. I've crushed my heart writing this so I pray it's going to be good. Thank you for your time!
Everything was so loud that after every fight, the noise was echoing inside his head even if the act of violence was over. His whole body was not aching because of the well-known exhaustion or the constant severe injuries, but because of the sharp regret and guilt that were torturing him more than any sharp blade, heavy chain or ruthless hit. For the sake of his only one friend, Asra, he had to endure this over and over again and never dare to complain.
'He said that he'd hurt Asra if I didn't work for him. So I hurt everyone to keep him safe.'
As Muriel stepped into the light, at the start of every sick show in the coliseum, he would remind himself those phrases, repeating them even during the fight.
Blood and sport, entertainment for many people of Vesuvia, naive enough not to see how sadistic and rotten everything was.
If he could only mute the cheering from the coliseum at least for a day. He wanted peace, the sound of nature over the disgusting screeches that were begging for more brutality, more critical hits, more victims. He wanted to disappear and not be remembered for his deeds, not be remembered at all. After every long day, all that Muriel wanted was to be left alone in silence where he could not hurt anyone, being his only wish. Even if the only place where he could hide after every fight was an underground cell with bad lightning, he would sit on the ground with his back against a cold humid wall and listen to the sound of his own tears hitting the ground. It was all that he could do, taking some moments of his own silence to think about the ones he killed that day without wanting it.
Nothing was going to last, not even the apparent peace from the underground halls of the coliseum where the cells were located. It was all disturbed when you finally appeared.
As a healer of the court, you were put in charge of the area of the coliseum, moreover, to take care of Lucio's champion. There were not many healers that wanted to work there because of the risk but the principle that everyone deserved healing, even him, brought you there.
The only difficulty was that he never wanted you or your help.
Daily, you tried to run as fast as your feet could through the halls and secret rooms of the coliseum to where the fighters rest after the murderous show. As you reached his cell, the door would always close before your eyes, because of him. Being so close but so far away to reaching him and always losing the chance to help was frustrating, unfair. It burned your composure down bit by bit. Stubbornness had you waiting for him, leaning against his door until you were forced to leave the cells of the coliseum at night.
Even if no word was exchanged between you two ever, Muriel knew all that you were trying to do. He knew how you always struggled to reach him, but he still never accepted your help. He knew how you followed him every time after a match and never let you get closer. Seeing how you were running after him to help confused him and irritated him. Who would want to get in touch with a ruin? Who would care about a murderer?
“I saw today’s match, I’m glad that you’re safe but I would feel better to see you and make sure that you really are safe.” Those were some usual lost words when you waited against his door, seated on the ground, for something that could not happen.
You stole the calmness from the only place where he could find such thing as a gladiator and it bothered him more than you thought.
“Maybe one day you’ll let me in.” You’d always say, pulling your knees up to your chest. “We could talk, I could take care of you properly.”
Insistence, constant knocking on his door, your voice when you begged him to let you help, those were the elements that were being present each day. With each day of this ritual, Muriel gradually started to get closer to that door to the point in which he would also sit on the ground, back against the same door and listening to your voice, never responding.
“I know that you don’t want to do this…” You said in a more whispered voice when the guards faded temporary from the area of the cells. Carefully, you repeated that phrase every day since you discovered that truth.
You always watched him from afar during every duel, ignoring all of the rumors about him that were floating around those who watched him because of clear reasons that were visible to you. His face never showed any pleasure for another's suffering, his moves were always hesitant, and he never started the fight. In the end, when he turned his back to the crowd in order to return to his cell, the face behind his long strands of hair was a pained one, full of sorrow, while his chest was moving erratically because of the heavy breathing and anxiousness. He never wanted to do it, but only you observed it and since that moment, you decided to try and reach him harder, analyze him more.
Seeing him so often, your mind never stopped to reach new realizations. Muriel’s hair was long enough to cover his face, messy enough to indicate that he was slowly forgetting about his well-being. The metal collar and chains were the burden of a prisoner, a possession. Those were so heavy that it made him think how if there ever will be a chance to make them disappear, he will not be capable of slow or gentle moves of his hands anymore. His right arm was encased in an armor, cursed with the resemblance of the one Count Lucio had. With this, the Count only wanted to associate the strength of his fighter with him. The strongest color from what Muriel was dressed with was a brutal red that stole the attention from other colors such as the calm green from his eyes, the shade that was capturing a whole forest. Each element that could show his true self was hidden, creating one perfect weapon for Lucio to use, and no one deserved this.
How could so many people enjoy his pain so much? How could they not see the truth? Those simple questions were able to make anger overflow from you at the start of each duel when the spectators were screaming in joy and excitement.
Now, after another day and another round, he was carrying himself into the narrow dark tunnels towards his cell and you were running after him, just as always. Following the clinging sound of his heavy chains you wanted to shout for him to stop and wait. Unfortunately, your lips were sealed in this case, not knowing his name and not going to accept the thought of calling him how everyone did. 'Scrooge of the South' disgusted you. Everyone from inside the court affirmed that he was a brutal man, but they never heard of anyone being hurt after the show. That was because he was always isolating himself, keeping himself away from everyone so that he could not make more victims, but again, only one person could see this.
All of these thoughts pushed you further, made you run faster, reaching the opened cell door. Stopping in front of that door, where he was standing, you were breathing heavily while watching his intense stare, feeling so relieved and lucky that you finally caught him. The gladiator looked at you closely for some moments in which you tried to catch your breath so that you could talk.
“I found you.” You said still breathlessly smiling softly to him.
That was the only smile that looked pure and was offered to him since he has become a gladiator.
It was the first time you saw his eyes closely. The green shade was warm, clear, calm while looking at you. Muriel realized that he stopped in his tracks for too much time.
“Forget this ever happened, go heal someone else who really needs it. Leave and forget me.” He said before closing the door with a slam.
He did not have any right to be healed or taken care of after what he did. He was hurting people, you were healing them, it was impossible for him to do that to someone like you, to let you get closer to his blood stained hands.
With the sudden death of the Count, the coliseum died as well, becoming a ruin after a long time in which it should have been destroyed. Time passed and somehow, Muriel finally reached the silence he was wishing on. Even if things changed, some remained the same as a memory of who he was. Those were heavy reminders of who he was in the past, one around his neck and two around his wrists along with other scars and flashbacks.
Days were full of activities in the nature, able to wash away the times in which he was forced into something he never wanted. Muriel was not missing a thing from the coliseum, except for one act that happened on the daily basis. He did not want to admit that he had questions about your actions.
What evoked the thought of you was an innocent dream he had in which your face could be seen again. Waking up from that dream or memory, he was drenched in sweat, breathing heavily and thinking about how you probably disappeared in an excruciating way just like the other workers from the coliseum. There are myths about the ones who you dream of that are saying how those persons are subconsciously missed by you. Muriel did not believe in anything like that.
Of course, no one can be sure of myths.
Unexpectedly, in one rainy night, a memory was waiting for him, knocking on his door.
Already frowning at the thought of some unknown visitors, Muriel sighed and opened the door just to see who was it, without the intention of letting strangers in or even talking to them. His breathing stopped, his mouth dropped open slightly, his eyes were wide and his mind was trying to understand.
“I found you.”
If only you were a nameless ghost he could banish and not one of his fears. Unknowingly, you were not any of those in reality. You were the most gentle shadow of his past. Hearing your words and seeing you again made his stomach fold inside out and his head spin. It has been so long since he has not seen the relieved expression from your face and suddenly, Muriel knew exactly how many years past. Five years of change in his life in which the way you looked at him now was the same as from the past. Only the pressure of his lungs reminded him to breathe again.
He could not forget your persistence but could you forget his frustrating declines?
Muriel's grip on the wooden door of his hut tightened. It could be so easy to let you go again the exact way he did in the past, with a slam of a door in front of you, but he was too stunned to move and unsure if he truly wanted to do that once again.
“No.” He said as a reassurance for himself and a way of convincing you that you did not know him at all. “You have to go, now.” Worry that you could remember him made Muriel doubt the spell and its effects even more.
Swallowing hard when he was asking himself why was he so hesitant, Muriel averted his eyes from your face when he saw you wanted to protest.
“I can't, please listen. I got lost into the woods and you were the only one around here.” You explained everything rapidly watching the man curiously, asking yourself why he looked so shocked. “Please, do you think you can help me?” You asked before catching your breath.
From all the times in which you were asking him to let you help behind a closed door at the coliseum, now you were asking for his help.
No. you were asking a stranger for help.
Something intangible in him did not want to close that door anymore. You could not remember him, it seemed, and you needed help, those were the only reasons that convinced him to let you in.
“It's dangerous out there at this hour...” He said, already doubting his decision, moving away from the door. “But tomorrow, you're gone.” His voice sounded guttural for some reason.
Those words were not a requirement, obligation, or favor. It was just something he knew it would happen, it was just to remind him that eventually, everyone leaves him.
Remembering your burning wish to help him, made Muriel want to return the favor at least once. However, once was enough for you to want to come back frequently.
After that night, you returned to thank him properly and after that, you kept on showing up the next few days under some well thought pretext. Something was drawing you closer to him from the beginning, it was a feeling that you could not explain. It made you curious to find out why by yourself.
The hut was a blossoming place. Surrounded by flowers stuck into a healthy soil, rays of sunshine that were warming the inside of the hut along with a fire. Getting used to the slightly bitter but pleasant smell of freshly cut wood was a bliss. The murmuring sound of the river that was close to the hut was soft enough to never wake him up in the morning. Your presence from time to time almost felt natural in that place but intruding in the same time.
Some people keep happy moments in the form of memories, in their minds and lock them until there comes a time in which they want to reach the feeling from when they were happy again, fantasize about it. What did Muriel have as real peaceful moments? Before he let you in that night, it was when he found Inanna and that was all. Now, Muriel had to admit that he gathered some other memories you offered him.
Even the moment when you exchanged names was a calming memory. Watching you lay down on the ground in the forest, between forget-me-not flowers, smiling at him and inviting him next to you was another one. Helping him find wood for the fire, or cooking with him and even the times in which you'd accidentally fall asleep next to Inanna.
Muriel hated how he connected your presence with the symbol of the coliseum initially, when you never gave him the agitation of that place from his past. Guilt was starting to tie around him when he saw you smile at him unknowingly of who was the one standing in front of you.
That guilt made concentrating on usual tasks almost impossible. It dug up the past and threw it in his face.
That was not the only thing that grew stronger. As the guilt was pushing him closer to the point of telling you everything, your perception got faster to the finish line. The odd feeling you had when you saw the broken chains from around his neck and wrists was getting bolder. So strong that one day, the inevitable happened.
It all came back to you in full force like a frontal hit. The man that you found when you got lost in the forest was the man you tried to reach so many times.
You looked at him in shock and silence. Muriel was taking care of the fire from the hut, his back facing you. Looking at his scared back and shoulders, you finally remembered how each scar was created in the past, being more worried about the scars from his heart.
The echoing sound of your fists banging against his door in the coliseum filled your head now.
“Muriel.” You softly called his name, ending that terrible sound from your head. Even when you only called his name, it was so hard to understand what he was feeling exactly. This time he knew what he was feeling because of the tremble from your voice. Fear and anticipation. A part of him knew why your voice sounded so broken but the other part of him did not want to accept it. “I know you. From before...” You tried to explain, being washed by the wave of flashbacks.
The day he was most afraid of was finally here and even if he was planning it in his mind, he was now unprepared and watching you tremble in place because of him.
As you stepped closer, Muriel's posture changed immediately, backing up and making his chair fall in the process, the sound making Inanna wake up from her slumber. Day by day, Muriel tried to tell you about his past but seeing how peaceful everything was going, delaying the truth every time seemed to be better even if he was never proud of that. It was a mistake not telling you, letting hesitation devour his motivation. Now, you found out alone and nothing will make you stay. He was sure of it. He lost, once again being his fault.
“Now you finally have the best reason to leave. Staying here would only do harm to you.” He said not believing in his own words, screaming on the inside for you not to listen to what he was saying.
His deep voice was always calm when he was not letting you go but now when he had to, his voice was dead. The eyes that were embracing the whole forest in his irises were now at the bay of tears, burning.
All of the people he met along the way were scared of him, his past, face, height, scars. But not you, not at the coliseum and not even now in his hut when he wanted to be left alone again for the sake of your safety. Now, when it was logical for you to leave, you had no intention of proceeding to do so.
“I don't need any reason because I don't want to leave. Why do you want me to go so badly?” You closed your eyes in a frown remembering how hurt he is.
Muriel looked away as well and Inanna whined while tugging onto the ragged material of his trousers with her teeth. She then looked at you desperately and back at him, repeating her tries to make him stop pushing you away. Muriel looked at her and sighed. Inanna was the one to always scold him for not letting you closer but as much as he was attached to his familiar, Muriel thought how she does not understand the whole story.
“I never truly wanted you to leave.” Muriel admitted without even breathing during that phrase. “But someone like you should be protected, appreciated.” The last word was a low growl, thinking about how he never got to tell you or show you how much he appreciated you or how much he started to depend on your presence. “What you found, was never what you needed.” He explained referring to himself and the words you told him when you reached him, twice.
He turned his back, taking a seat on the ground in front of the fireplace, watching it closely. Muriel never really experienced what true warmth felt like before you. You brought that warmth where everything felt cold, and he did barley anything. Even if at first, he had no idea of how to handle it, Muriel let some unseen scars heal. Blaming himself for not showing you how special you were to him was now his current activity.
“That is exactly what you do now, can't you see?” As much as you did not like to raise your tone, you had to at that moment, trying to make sure he understood what you were desperately trying to say between tears. “I'm always so happy to come here and see you, help you with the chickens, play with Inanna, feel special, wanted, finally.” Your breath hitched with the last words.
What Muriel wanted more than anything was for you to never get hurt by him. You both saw in the past what he was capable of doing and in his mind, fear was transforming the possibility of hurting you seem true even if it was a lie. Along flashbacks at night with the screams of his innocent opponents, something more disturbing appeared. It sometimes terrified him to the point of refusing to sleep, being scared to close his eyes the next night.
“I wanted to protect you from myself.” He insisted, repeating, this time his tired eyes being directed to you with no hesitation.
His voice was always calm but not now, when all of his fears reached him, it was trembling. His eyes were always locking down hope when looking at you secretly.
“Is that why you never accepted my help in the past?” You asked even if it was all clear, recalling each time he tried to keep the distance and every word making sense.
No answer came from him after this. Muriel hid his now watery eyes with strands of hair that covered his face and sit down in front of the fire, in silence. He tried to deal with what he was feeling now alone, in silence, just like he always did when he was alone.
Inanna looked at you with big gloomy eyes while resting her nose on her paws, her ears being back.
You stepped closer to Muriel, knelt in front of him and embraced him with your whole body without saying anything yet. Muriel froze at the feeling of you clinging to him so tightly. He never really wanted you to go away from him. Not even when he was in that cursed place and you were chasing him. Muriel was feeling so heavy in your arms because of all that self-condamnation. His hands were hovering over your body without touching you. Being held by you was always feeling so fulfilling but not deserved by him.
“Tell me, how am I supposed to leave the one that makes me feel more than just safe and appreciated?” You asked in a whisper, burying your face in his hair.
You shut your eyes tightly and stayed there, holding him, feeling his heart beating hard against his rib cage. Your chest was pressed against his, heart racing as well in the proximity of his. He could not escape you and he did not want to.
Living his life on the principle that he is a burden did not let him ever want something from someone but now he wanted you, your words, presence, affection. He wanted to ask you what will happen if this want of his will transform into need, scared that he will depend on you.
You slowly pulled away from him to press your lips against his forehead while your hands traveled to the sides of his warm face.
With that, his hands finally dared to touch your skin, arms around your body pulling you closer. Seeing how he was capable to be as gentle as he wanted, Muriel buried his face in your neck, breathing in, eyes closed. Unexpectedly, he finally felt how letting go was not about forgetting, it was all about learning to move on, accepting what was happening to him.
“Thank you.” He said still not being satisfied with his own words but embracing you tighter.
Muriel kept his eyes opened, thinking how he was ready to thank you in a more effective way. If he was never good at expressing things with his words, he was ready to let his gestures speak to you and confess. His right hand gently pushed your hair behind your ear while his eyes were fixated on your lips. You froze when you realized his intention and waited patiently. You both stayed like that for some moments in which his face got slowly closer to yours, eyes looking back up at yours for consent and again at your lips. None of you knew whose heart was beating louder and harder.
You smiled softly at him and closed your eyes, thinking how he will understand that it is alright. His left hand found yours and caught it tight while locking your lips with his for the first time. He was so gentle in the kiss as if your lips were only flower petals that could bend.
Muriel felt how his soul was finally home. That place was found in time on your shoulders, where he was always laying his head on. Your shoulders that carried his suffering to the end of the line, started to carry Muriel's love after.
Your stubbornness was powerful enough to push you closer to him, closer than you ever expected. His hands were scarred from murder and yet you trusted them completely, more than anything.
Muriel learned every day how soft souls have the chance to see themselves in the mirror of the soul of someone else and how the past can be erased with help. He learned to believe in change and steps took forward.
If two people cannot stay apart, they are not meant to be apart.
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Okay! There’s no art for this unfortunately (I feel like I should commission a header with all the characters in their modern AU roles 😂)so here’s a pretty flower instead! Here’s a short chapter one! This one is Nadia centric as we introduce some of the backstory.
Pairings: Nadia Satrinava X Emrys, Andi X Asra Alnazar, Cleo Rosehyn X Muriel of the Kokhuri, Kit X Portia Devorak
Warnings: Mentions of illegal activity
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Chapter 1: The Note
Sprawling red words seemed to rip across the white paper which sat atop the Prime Minister’s desk. Whoever had written the note seemed to be angry at its very existence and took it out on the fragile medium.
Prime Minister Nadia Satrivana had been staring at the note for almost an hour now, unmoving and deep in thought.
The sky had long since gone dark outside her 12th story window. When Nadia had first moved into the office it felt so full of hope and promise. Newly married and full of determination, Nadia thought she was ready to face any challenge the world could throw at her. It had been a tough campaign. Some Vesuvians were hesitant about the idea of an immigrant being elected but Nadia’s PR manager played it to their advantage. “All People Together” was the rallying cry for many voters who wanted to embrace Vesuvia’s melting pot culture.
Andraste Ó Conail, or Andi, had been a rare treasure in those trying times. The young woman faced any challenge with the same determination as she had during her time as a journalist. The sassy blonde kept everyone informed and threw off the toughest interviewees with her short statue and big bright blue eyes. A position in the new office was quickly made available for Andi after the election. Nadia was thrilled to have her on the team.
Not all members of the team were as helpful. Lucio Morgasson, just the name was enough to turn Nadia’s stomach now. In her naivety, Nadia had fallen (very briefly) for the handsome war hero. Though he didn’t have any connections in society, his name did inspire the citizens who spoke of brave and daring missions. Lucio was a well known Army Veteran and Nadia Satrivana was the least known of her family’s good name. The Satrinava family held power and prestige back in Prakra but Nadia had lived her whole life in her siblings shadows. Being the youngest of seven, it felt like anything important was already being done by someone else. With Lucio, Nadia took her ambitions to reality. It boosted her ratings once she announced their engagement taking her from a farfetched idea to the ideal underdog.
Well when alcohol is flowing and a handsome face is involved, it was always doomed to go downhill. Nadia held onto the fantasy for the first six months but then the rumors finally reached her. Lucio wasn’t mysterious and exciting, he was just gone so much that he seemed aloof. Trashy tabloids wrote about Lucio’s new nightclubs taking in people from the street for illegal fighting. It was even suggested that children were groomed for fighting, gambling, and entertaining. What really broke through though was the photo of Lucio kissing his mistress.
It took a lot of influence to keep that out of the press.
Allegations kept building then disappearing but Lucio couldn’t run forever. The Doctors said it was stress that caused Lucio’s immune system to weaken. When Lucio got sicker it looked to everyone he had caught the illness sweeping Vesuvia and would certainly die like the others. The “Red Beetle Sickness” they called it. Something was said about germs or cells, something resembled red beetles. Most Vesuvians thought it was a stupid name and called it the Red Mist. Everyone thought they were so original.
The past caught up to Lucio faster. One of his gaudy nightclubs caught fire with him inside and burned him beyond recognition. Oh the tabloids had a field day.
“Prime Minister’s Husband Victim of Jealous Rage!”
“Who Killed The Count? Jealous Ex-Lover Gets Revenge”
“Doctor Turned Arsonist Still On The Run!”
Andi ran around as if she were on fire herself trying to settle all the rumors. Press releases were dispatched quickly.
“The cause of the fire has not yet been determined... Dr. Julian Devorak is considered a person of interest only... please do not approach...”
Just remembering could trigger Nadia’s migraines.
Truthfully though, she hadn’t been saddened by his absence. Nadia had certainly never wanted him dead but divorce was in her mind beforehand. Maybe that’s why she was being punished now? Should she have been sadder about her husband’s death? Was she guilty for feeling slightly relieved?
The sound of the intercom pulled Nadia from her somber reflections.
“Prime Minister Satrinava?”
Portia’s light airy voice came through.
“Yes, Ms. Kocourek?”
“There’s a gentleman here about... uh... well about the note, ma’am.”
Nadia held in the sigh that threatened to spill over. She was definitely too tired for this.
“Send him in, please.”
Nadia straightened in her chair and waited. Nothing could have prepared her for who walked through the door though.
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witchygalaxys · 4 years
The Arcana Alternate Universe.
I have this alternate Universe idea for the Arcana where Asra is actually a powerful evil wizard and Lucio is the true hero. Alright So here is sorta every ones new roles in this universe. In this world Vesuvia is the new capital of a cruel vicious kingdom ruled under the most vile king there has ever been. But there is a rebellion trying to fight for their freedom and the safety of their people. Two clans who were once enemies came together as one in order to fight the king and the kings love. (I do not know a gender neutral way to say king or queen soooooo spouse will have to do.)
Asra is a powerful wizard who used his power to take control of not just Vesuvia but an entire country. He is known as the blood covered King. He is ruthless and loves to torture. He rules the country with his spouse (The MC) The MC and Asra are known for their undying sick love that they have for eachother. (Its like a Joker Harley Quinn kind of relationship.) He isn't afraid to beat his spouse. But some one is wiggling into his good graces. It was true that Asra and the MC were once madly and insanely in love. Some one is whispering behind the scenes convincing Asra that he doesn't need his spouse and that his spouse is an eye sore.
Nadia is the one whispering behind the scenes. Trying to become queen by discarding MC. She is also known as a seer who can peak into the future. She gives Asra advice in battles. She is also Asra's mistress. She is sneaky and cunning. She knows how to twist words and tell lies as if they were the truth. She wants power more than anything. Being the youngest princess she sees no other way to get power unless she married into it. She slipped her way in between Asra and the MC and whispered sweet lies to Asra to get him to betray the MC.
Portia is a general in Asra's army. She is as ruthless of a killer as her king. She hates everything and every one except for the King and the MC. She has a special friendship with the MC. They like to torture people together. She is especially cautious of Nadia. She wants to rip Nadia apart but doesn't because of her King. She hates a lot of things but nothing more than her brother. After Julian left Portia was taken into slavery and taught to kill and fight for entertainment. She blames Julian for her cruel hard life. It was the MC who bought Portia off of her former master and made her into a general.
MC (You) MC is just as messed up as their husband. MC is although much more frail and can not do magic unlike their husband. MC takes out their frustration on innocent people that they capture off the streets. Like I said before MC and Asra have a very much joker like relationship. While they seem like the perfect insaine couple on the outside Asra is known to beat the MC. And the MC will always come crawling back to him. Not knowing Asra is having an affair with their advisor/seer Nadia.
Lucio is actually not called Lucio. In this Universe he stayed with his clan and became the leader keeping his name Montag and wearing it like a badge of honor. He is also one of the leaders of the rebelion against Asra. Lucio is much more serious and very smart. He is even a better fighter than his mother. He did kill his father but it was in an honorable fight where Lucio became the leader of his people. He even defeated his mother in battle but did not kill her. Instead he asked her to stay and help teach him how to be a good leader. He doesn't care for gold or fancy things. He is also much more caring of others. He tries to hide it and come off as tough but it sneaks out every now and then. Under Lucio's leadership the clan prospered and made peace with Muriels People. Him and Muriel are actually really good friends. They have also made their clans become one in order go fight a common enemy. Asra.
Muriel is also the leader of his people now. And is another leader of the rebellion. He is much more confident and brave. He actually enjoys fighting and can use his peoples magic. He can transform himself into a bear when need be. Because Lucio's and Muriels people never battled and destroyed eachother Muriels Parents ended up having another child. A son. Who is married and has two kids of their own. A daughter named Maya and a son (I dont have a name for him yet.) Muriels niece and nephew. Unfortunately Muriels father and brother and sister in law died to the cruelty of the king. He helps take care of his niece and nephew with the help of his mother Who is a shaman. His niece even calls him Big brother Muri. Muriel is as tall and strong looking as ever but he looks up to Lucio very much and admires him. He thinks of Lucio like a big brother.
Julian is a doctor for the rebellion. He believes that Portia is under an evil spell to make her the way she is. He has been dabbling in magic trying to find a way the break the "curse" he thinks she is under. Not realizing that is just the person she is now. He has a deep hatred for the king and his spouse. He practices magic on people who the rebellion has captured. He only uses it on people who are loyal to the king. His personality is pretty much the same except he blames others more so than he blames himself. He never relaxes and is constantly working on something.
Alright so the story starts sorta isekei style and you suddenly find your self in the MC's body. It can be that, you are from the original arcana story or, are from this universe and you know all these characters from the game but they are completely different from the game. Eaither way...
You wake up in a holding cell in beautiful fancy clothing but in chains. You are being guarded by 2 armed soldiers that wear fur and leather. You are sitting on a dirt floor and have no idea what is going on. You know your past life (or not and you just have amnesia) but you don't know who you are now. Afraid to say anything you just don't. Every day you are dragged out of the cell and interrogated. They are asking questions that you don't know the answer to. So you just stay silent. Afraid if they know that you don't know anything that they will kill you. You don't want to give any indication that something is wrong with you for fear that you will lose your usefulness.
You learn various things from whispers you hear in your cell. And from the interrogation. You notice that every one just wants you dead. That you are a (King or Queen) and that your husband is a King of the kingdom you are in. You notice your body is weaker than most and you bruise easily. When you get hurt the pain is almost unbearable. A cut feels like a gun shot. A lot of people want to torture you to get the answers out but the leaders refuse. Saying they do not want to lower them selves to the level of the king. You learn from an interrogation that apparently your husband has one of their people and are trying to drill you for information on where they are. You hear whispers how the king will be coming for you any day now. But as time goes on they question if the king just abandoned you.
As days go on you don't say a single word. Afraid to give your self away. They try to make you comfortable to get you to talk but you can some how see peoples true intent as an aura around them. Some one is acting very kind towards you but you can see they just want you dead. Eventually a little girl starts talking to you through a small bard window on the floor. She gives you watermellon slices and talks to you. She just talks about her day and about the mean kid who bullies her. Eventually you speak with her and learn her name is Maya. The person the king has in custody is her grandmother a powerful shaman. You ask her why she talks to you when you are a criminal in the eyes of her people. She simply says "You don't feel like a bad person." Maya is an empath and can sence peoples true nature.
She brings you a slice of watermellon everyday and talks to you every day. About 2 months later Maya is caught talking to you. You are pulled out of your cell and tied to a post. Maya tries to explain that you are not a bad person but no one knows of Maya's empathic ability. So they just believe she has been tricked. Muriel and Lucio are their standing infront of you with their arms crossed. This is the first time you have seen them in this world. Muriel punches the post just above your head and is snaps like a twig. Demanding you tell them where the Shaman is. Lucio puts his hand on Muriels arm to calm him down. Lucio tells you that this is your final chance to make up for what you have done.
You finally scream that you do not know. Maya tells every one that you have no memory. People mumble and actually believe you. They have noticed that you have been acting very different from the person they know you to be. They bring up how you even said thank you to the person who brought you food and ate all of the food given to you. APPARENTLY The food is very disgusting stuff that they wouldn't want to eat. But it tasted delicious to you.
They shake their heads and tell you that you are being traded back to the king for the Shaman tomorrow. You have no idea who the king is but he is suppose to come to the meeting spot himself to pick you up.
The next day comes and you are taken in chains to a spot in the forest. So deep into the forest you would get easily lost if you just walked willy nilly. You are taken by Lucio and Lucio alone because that was the rules of the switch. He looks straight into your eyes and asks you firmly if you truly don't remember a thing about what you have done. You nod and he just turns away and pushes you forward.
Eventually you see Asra standing with his foot pressing the Shamans head to the ground. The older woman looks so beaten up and weak she can barely move. Asra appears to be alone as well. Lucio is biting his lip trying to hold back from trying to beat the crap out of Asra.
You are in shock at the sight you see before you. From eaither of your memories of the Asra that you know or just to see who the man is that you are married to.
Asra lifts the woman up by her chains and pushes her forward. Lucio pushes you forward at the same time. You can see the woman limping across to Lucio. As you look at her you notice a glint of light coming from the trees and can see the aura of some one who is ready to kill. You immediately turn towards the woman and charge at her. Asra just smirks watching you and Lucio charges at you to try and stop you from hurting the woman. You then shove the woman out of the way just in time for you to be shot in the chest by a magical arrow. Asra looks shocked and so does Lucio.
Asra just says calmly "Kill them all." And people hidden in the trees come out from their hiding spots. The shaman wobbles over to you and presses firmly on your wound. As many assasins drop from the trees. You see Asra's intent to kill and all of them. Lucio is quickly surrounded but then his own people come charging out from their hiding places and block their attacks.
It turns into an all out battle field. In the chaos Asra walks right up to you smacking the shaman to the ground and calmly smiles and holds up what looks like a very old pistol up to your head and says. "You just had to make this messy didn't you. You arnt even worth the magic to kill you."
You feel rage inside you just boiling up. Everything starts to slow down and rocks begin to levitate. Soon even the people begin to levitate. Except for Asra who looks shocked. You grab his gun and stand up. And just knee him in the balls. Every one just stops and looks at you in shock from the air.
You then scream and every on incuding Asra is thrown away from you. The trees all fall away from you like a great force pushed them away. You then get dizzy and pass out.
(I'm trying to think of a better way for that scene to play out. I want their to be shown that you now have extremely powerful magic and for Asra to be shocked by your change.)
You wake up in a medical tent. You feel intense pain in your chest and see Julian is taking care of you. You then fade back out of contiousnes. You wake up again to hear arguing between Julian and Muriel. Julian is asking why he needs to save your life. That they should just let you die. Muriel explains its because you saved his mother's life. And that you may be useful against Asra. You then fade back out of contiousness. 2 weeks go by and you wake up to find the Shaman and Maya by your bed. Maya hugs you but tries to be gentle because of your wound. The Shaman thanks you for what you had done. You notice her wounds are looking so much better as well.
(Thats all I got..... I was working off the idea of if you were reborn as a villian who has done terrible awful things and how you would work with that. As well as seeing people you know act completely different from how you know them and how you would react. Also I should explain Asra's plan. He was planning on killing both you and the Shaman to show that they cant use anything against him because he truly loves no one. To show the rebelion he has no weaknesses. It was actually all Nadia's idea. As a way to get rid of the MC once and for all. It was also meant to be a punishment for the MC for allowing themselves to get captured in the first place. But now Asra is very interested by the MC's sudden change and sudden power. He finds it entertaining and it sparked some admiration towards the MC. Nadia is not happy about it. Asra did not have Portia involved in the plan due to Portia's protective nature over MC. Although he knows Portia would obey him no matter what, but he did not want Portia to question him at all and he knew if Portia and the people knew of this plan to kill his spouse.... many questions would be asked)
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canadian-buckbeaver · 5 years
Falling for a Count
In the early days of the plague you find yourself alone. Asra is gone. They had begged you to leave the city, to come with them and Faust, but stormed off in anger when you refused, leaving both Vesvuia and you behind.
But you couldn't bear to let Vesvuia fall, to watch as its citizens fell ill and died. Not when you thought that you could help. So you partner yourself up with Doctor Devorak, employed by the castle to find a cure for the plague and save the Count from its grasp. The more you work there though, the more you realize that there is more to the Count than you originally thought.
Hopefully you guys enjoy.  If you do, please like and reblog as Tumblr has me hidden from everything still and refuses to do anything to help me.
Count Lucio was a difficult man to work with.
Scratch that.  You were far from his equal in any sense of the word.  He was the war hero, the count, the leader of Vesvuia.  You were nothing but a peasant in his eyes, one that was to worship the ground he walked on.
Let’s try that again.  
During your work at the palace, you had discovered that Count Lucio was a difficult man to work for.  Every little inconvenience was a worldwide disaster that needed to be solved yesterday.  Tantrums were a daily, if hourly, occurrence.  Screaming matches the norm.  On the other hand, his wife, the beautiful and charming Countess Nadia, was an absolute dream to work for.  On the worst days you told yourself that at least they balanced one another out.  Add in that the castle was large enough to hide in and that Lucio demanded an entrance with every room that he entered and it was easy to simply avoid the man if necessary. IF it was necessary.
All in all, it wasn’t so bad being employed by the palace you supposed.  The servants were always busy doing something or the other so they mostly stayed out of your way.  The linens were the softest, thickest cloths that you had ever experienced.  The food was incredible – the rumours about the chefs being world-class were not lies or embellishments.  And Doctor Jules was a fantastic teacher and one hell of a doctor. He was an educated man, one that was filled with an endless supply of stories, facts and jokes.  And despite you having very little medical background, he had been able to turn you into a fairly decent medical apprentice under him.  Sure, he was a bit bashful and more than a little clumsy, especially after a few drinks at his favourite pub, but you enjoyed him as a teacher regardless.  His patients all loved him despite their dire predicaments.  He wasn’t Asra, but he would do.
Asra… what would they say if they could see you now? Your heart still ached when you remembered the way that they slammed the door behind him, leaving both you and Vesuvia behind.  They had been so angry, furious that you would choose to remain in this sick and dying city than travel to safety with them and Faust.  You just hoped that they understood.  It wasn’t that you hadn’t wanted to go with them, because that would be a lie if you said that you didn’t.  You loved nothing more than to travel with them, to explore the magical realms and dance the night away with them.  If it had been any other time you would have grabbed their hand and followed them out those doors.  However, this time, you couldn’t.  Vesuvia needed you, the people you knew and loved were becoming sick and dying around you. You needed to help save them in whatever way possible.  As long as you were alive and able, you couldn’t sit idly by and watch people die. The Red Plague needed to be stopped. It would be a crime to sit back and do nothing.
They would understand. They had to.  After all, you guys had been through so much together. Asra was your best friend, your teacher and your lover.  They were truly your everything.  They wouldn’t throw that all away just for the sake of a misunderstanding, right?
The castle at least kept you busy, kept your mind off of them.  The plague had quickly spread through the peasants and was quickly making its way through the middle class and the noble families.  It was no wonder that Asra had run off when they did. The disease showed no mercy. It came, it conquered and then it killed and moved on to the next victim.  It showed no sign of stopping, no remorse, no sign of a cure or preventative. No immunity.  That was the reason why you and Jules had been called to the castle. Lucio himself had developed the red scleras that were characteristic of the plague but currently developed no other symptoms.  No cough, no pale and sweaty skin and no blood.  Heck, aside from his eyes, he was still his pompous self (though who knew how long that would last).  He was a brat, a smart ass, a spoiled shell of a man who was used to glory and power, nothing standing in his way of something he wanted.  He was not below acting out in the middle of the hallway or in the middle of public, throwing a fit if something was less than perfect…
But there was something else about him…
Of course, many, many moons ago, Asra had warned you to steer clear of him.  They wouldn’t go into detail as to why, just that you needed to stay away from him.  Apparently both them and Muriel worked for him as young and hungry orphans.  But, other than that, they would say nothing.  Just shake their head or say that they didn’t want to talk about it.  Even when they were pressed, they would simply look over you with those shadowed violet eyes and just ask you to just trust them on this.
But now, especially with Asra gone, there was just something about the count that drew you to him.  Was that aura of mystery that Asra kept around him?  Curiosity perhaps?  He was someone that you had never dealt with before, a complete wild card. Or maybe you were just a little more upset with Asra than you let on. That was probably more or less the reason behind it you told yourself.
Days turned into weeks as you and Julian toiled into the night, searching for anything that might lead to a breakthrough.  Julian was sure that the key to a cure was in the infected’s blood.  The symptoms, to him, pointed to blood being the answer.  Their sceleras will turn red, the eyes bled, the patients coughed red spittle, looked pale and shaken.  Surely there had to be some sort of connection between blood and disease. Jules’ beloved leeches were never more than an arm’s length from him at all times.  He was constantly observing what the creatures’ reaction to the blood was. Together you two read book after book, pouring over the scribbles of doctors and nurses past.  Yet their knowledge and discoveries seemed few and far between.  And yet there seemed to be no shortage of patients or victims.  Everyday there was someone being wheeled into the little dungeon that the other plaque doctors called a lab.  Doctor Valdemar dissected brain after brain, body after body, noting the effects of the plague on the entire body.
Valdemar.  That was another that you couldn’t get a proper read on.  The green-skinned doctor seemed rather entertained, disturbingly enthralled with their work.  And not in a discovering how to stop it sort of way.  It seemed to be more of a general curiosity, an excuse to play and learn. Their smile would chill you to the bone. More than once, you had sensed their red irises on you, a creepy smile on their face.  Like they knew something that you didn’t. The thought made you shiver and more determined to not be in the same room as them alone.  Even Julian seemed more than a little shaken by the doctor’s actions.
Days passed and turned into months.  You threw yourself into your work.  Treating patient after patient, trying to provide what comfort that you could to them, reading book after book, anything to keep your brain occupied and busy. Thoughts and figures were scrawled down, reports written and reviewed.  Anything that would prevent yourself from thinking on two certain boys that kept creeping into your dreams at night.
First, Asra… your teacher, your master. Your lover and friend.  You hoped that both Faust and them were safe. Their anger still cut you deep when you recalled how they left you here but you didn’t wish them ill-will.  You loved them too deeply for that.  Even in your darkest moments you knew that they only sought to protect you.  No matter where they ended up, anywhere was indeed better than here at the moment.  Their predictions about the plaque were becoming scarily accurate.  No one here was safe or immune from the disease and there was still no stopping it.  They had probably sought shelter in his Oasis but it still didn’t abolish the thoughts that raced about in your brain.  In your reoccurring nightmares you saw white, curly hair hanging over an operating room table while Valdemar’s bloodied saw creeping closer to their skull.  It never failed to jerk you from your sleep, your heart aching in your chest.  
And then… then there was the Count.
The Count was the complete opposite of Asra.  Where Asra was reserved and secretive, preferring to keep certain emotions or parts of their history to themselves, Lucio was an open book.  The whole castle knew when he was upset or angry, happy or pleased.  Unafraid to publicly display his emotions if necessary or desired. He would reenact his greatest moments on the battlefield to any curious onlooker.  Public or private, the setting didn’t matter.  His temper tantrums were public knowledge.  He was selfish and could often be considered cruel.  And yet, there was something else, something that you just couldn’t put your finger on.  Like the hard, sharp man was a bit of a front.  On more than one occasion you had seen him playing with his hunting dogs. Two long-haired beauties that more than adored him.  They weaved through his legs, knocking him over on more than one occasion and sending him sprawling to the ground.  The two would be seen jumping up to kiss and lick at his face, their fur and drool covering him from head to toe.  But Lucio would be far from furious.  He would laugh and smile, petting them and cooing softly to them.  Praising them and finding any random, dirty stick that he could to play fetch with them. Completely different from the count that would throw goblets of wine should a drop of gravy find its way to the snow-white tablecloth.
You couldn’t help but think that perhaps there was more to the Count than first met the eye.  Sure, he was an ass but still.  Dogs were animals that could tell a lot about a person and how they really were on the inside.  His dogs wouldn’t act like this if he had nothing redeeming about him.  He couldn’t just be an ass, could he?  Right?
You couldn’t afford to be distracted by such trivial matters.  Heaven forbid should Lucio ever discover that you considered him a trivial matter.
Time turned, life continued on, and the work never ended.  
* * * * *
Stretching your back, you glanced outside of the windows of the clinic.  It was another overcast day, one that held no heat or relief from whatever winter god or goddess kept you tight in their grasp today.  It seemed that even the outside was mourning the newest deaths of the plaque today.  With a sigh, you turned back to your sheet, continuing your report.
“… Katie (patient #0735) was seen today.  Her eyes are completely bloodshot, irises remain the same colour.  Her parents state that she has been crying tears of blood.  Feeling weak, dizzy and lethargic.  High fever and sore throat.  No appetite but thirsty.  Cried out for water in the middle of the examination. Drinking water provides no relief. Sweat was pink…”
The door to the clinic was thrown open.  “Apprentice!” one of the servants from the castle called out, causing you to jump and bump the table that you were working at.
Thankfully you were able to grab the sheet of paper that you had been working on and save it from the spill of the ink bottle. Another mess to clean up.  “What is it?” you asked, trying your best not to sound too annoyed at the interruption.
“My apologies.” The servant stepped forward, giving a small bow in apology.  “It is the good Doctor.  He has requested that you grab more ink, paper and a few of his books.  He gave me a list to give to you.” The servant held out the sheet, careful not to touch your fingers.  
You sighed as you looked over the note.  That was no mere errand run.  There had to be at least fifteen different things on the list. Why hadn’t he come as well?  “Thank you.  Did he mention when he needs it by?”
“Within the hour.”
“Within the hour?!?!” you croaked, looking at the list again.  It would take the better part of that time to rush back to the castle from the clinic. He had to be ridiculous.
“I’m sorry.  He said that he was on a roll and couldn’t leave…”
“Of course he did.  Thank you.  I’ll be there as quick as I can.” You promised the servant.  Waiting until the servant left and closed the door behind them, you quickly grabbed a small satchel.  You seized ink and paper, notebooks and quills.  Anything small that could fit in the bag.  You would need your hands free to carry the books that he wanted.
Minutes later you were about as ready as you were going to be.  You gave Brundle a good scratch behind the ears before leaving the clinic, locking the door behind you.  You didn’t need anyone sneaking in and stealing the painkillers again.  That had been a mess and a half to clean up.
Rushing down the street, passed familiar face after familiar face.  You supposed that the good thing about being Julian’s apprentice was that you got to go and be out and about, meet new people, see the neighbours.  Many waved at you or cried out in greeting, others grabbed their partners or children, pulling them out of your harried way.  You were on a mission and they knew better than to get in between you and it.
Panting, you approached the guard station in front of the bridge.  The guards knew your face by now and let you in without incident.  At least that wouldn’t slow you up this time.  
But that meant that it couldn’t be your excuse for being late.
Stepping into the palace you knew that you couldn’t risk it.  You needed to take the most direct route into the labs to see Julian.  He was expecting you for a few minutes now.  You couldn’t bear to be late again.  The disappointment in his eyes had cut through your soul. He looked like Brundle when you took away his bone.
Hurrying faster, you rushed a corner without glancing behind first…
Running smack dab into a flesh and warm body.
With a cry, you stumbled, dropping the books as you tried to catch yourself from completely flattening your victim like a pancake. The person took a few desperate steps back, their hands grabbing your waist as they tried to catch themselves and you as well.
It was like slow motion.  Papers flew everywhere, spilling out of your bag, a couple of quills floating slowly to the ground. Books thumping to the ground and spilling open, losing bookmarks and dog ears.  Notes flew everywhere like a paper blizzard.  You were no longer sure which way was up anymore. Everything was white.
And then you hit the ground, the other person breaking your fall on the hard marble floor.  Even with the other person under you, the air was knocked out of your lungs, leaving you breathless and winded.  A piece of paper had floated down, covering the face of the other person. Groaning, you sat back on your heels, rubbing at your head.  That had hurt.  “I’m so sorry,” you began to say.  “I should have checked the corner first before running around it and…”
You froze, watching as a hand reached up and pulled the paper away from their face.
A golden gauntlet pulled the paper away from their face.
Red eyes stared daggers at you, sharp eyebrows furrowed, eyes narrowing into slits as they slowly sat up.  Blonde hair was tousled and messy, the white jacket crumpled, and the red sash around their torso no longer straight.
Of all the people you could have run into, you, of course, had to run over, and trample, the Count.  
The same Count who would scream at one who dared cough in his general direction.
The same Count who would hold public executions in the coliseum, the Scrouge literally ripping men apart, for something small and trivial.
And you, you, a mere commoner, had just run him over like he was some sort of speedbump.
You were so dead.
Maybe you could write a letter to Julian and ask him to share it with Asra before your passing.
“I’m… I’m so sorry, M’Lord.” You began grabbing the books and papers around the two of you.  Paper was absolutely everywhere.  It was an utter mess.  And still, still, the Count coldly stared down at you, his eyes narrowed into red and yellow slits.  “Just… just… just let me get this all out of your way and then I can help you up… I… I don’t want you to slip and fall… well.  Again I suppose.” You continued to babble and make a complete and utter fool out of yourself.  as you seized the papers that were out of his way. Only then did you offer him a hand.
He glared at you a moment.  He was still quiet, not a word had fallen from his mouth.  He stared at your hand for a moment before looking back up at you.  Oh, you must have really offended him.  You quietly gulped, already thinking of what you can put in a farewell letter to Asra should the Count decide to kill you for your transgressions.
Then, remarkably, he took your hand.  Not with his metal gauntlet, but with his flesh and blood.  His hand was warm and soft, probably having been bathed in the finest ointments that gold and money could buy.  Swallowing hard, still mentally preparing yourself for the tongue lashing that you were undoubtedly about to receive, you carefully pulled him up.
“There we are Count Lucio,” you told him once you had him on his feet again.  You lowered your head to him as you apologized, already hearing him readjusting his cloak and clothing.  “Again I am so very sorry and…”
“COUNT LUCIO! ARE YOU OK?” One of the guardsmen were rushing over to you two, their helmet bouncing on their head.  “I SAW EVERYTHING! I’LL HAVE THEM THROWN INTO THE DUNGEON TO AWAIT THEIR SENTENCING…” They seized you by the arm and had already started to pull you away from him.  Your heart fluttered into your chest.  Oh no. This was it.
And Julian was never going to get his books.
“That isn’t necessary.” Count Lucio said to the guard, brushing himself off.
Both you and the guard froze at his voice.  “Erm… sire?” the guard asked, perplexed.  “Are… are you sure? I mean… I…”
Lucio finished adjusting everything, looking every inch the Count he was.  His white linens practically glistened in the sunlight, the medals on his sash blinding you with light.  “If you truly did see everything than you would have noticed that I ran into them.”
You were sure that your mouth was hanging open by about an inch.  Count Lucio… blamed himself?  But this was the man who was never wrong.
“My lord?  Are… are you sure…?”
Count Lucio turned towards the guard.  “Did I stutter or make myself anyway unclear for you to understand?  Or perhaps your helmet of yours is too tight to help you think properly.  I said I ran into them.  You will do no such thing with one of the doctor’s apprentices.  Do I make myself clear?” his words were cold and sharp.
The guard gulped, springing into a salute.  “Yes, M’Lord.” He said before rushing back off to whatever corner he was from.
The Count turned towards you.  “Pick up your papers and books and don’t leave my hallway in such a mess.  Next time you chose to run about my castle, watch where I am walking first.  I do not want this to happen again.” Without another word, the Count tossed his cloak over his shoulder and continued walking.  Your knees were shaking as you began to gather the rest of Julian’s items.  You hoped that the ink wells didn’t crack open in your little collusion with the Count.
In what seemed like no time at all, you were rushing down the steps to the dungeon offices of the many doctors.  You could hear flasks moving, instruments being dropped and moved.  “Doctor Julian? Doctor Julian, are you still in here?” you called out.  Valdemar looked up from their table and gave you a familiar smirk before turning back to their experiment.
“In my office!  Why are you so late?” the familiar burr answered, the sound of pen scratches never ceasing.
You sighed in relief.  “You wouldn’t believe what happened…”
* * * * *
It had been some time since the incident with the Count. You had noticed that the Count seemed to be more aware of you whenever you passed by.  If you were in the same room you would see that he was always within your line of sight.  If you passed by him you could feel his eyes on you, watching you like a hawk.  If you and Julian were eating supper with the other doctors you would often see him eyeing you from over the table.  If you and Julian were outside hunting for leeches, he would be outside as well, playing with his dogs.
You would have thought that it was simply your imagination until Jules had commented on it as well.
“Seems like Lucio is keeping a closer eye on you than usual lately.” The doctor quietly remarked to you as the two of you headed back into the dungeon.
You sighed, looking around to make sure the coast was clear before replying.  “I think he’s worried about me running into him again and causing a bigger disturbance.” You said quietly.  Julian and Lucio went back, way back.  Back before Lucio was the Count of Vesvuia.  Julian could probably get away with saying a few more things than you could.
Julian shook his head.  “You should have seen the last person to run into him.  That man was chased out of the castle before anyone else could react.”
“Sounds like the man has a temper.” You said quickly, causing Julian to give a bark of laughter.
“My dear apprentice, that is one way to describe it. Have I ever told you about the time that Lucio…” Julian never got to finish his sentence before the two of you were interrupted.
There was a furious stomping heard from around the corner as the two of you approached.  The Count, again in his pristine white glory, was furiously making his way towards the two of you.  His red and yellow eyes staring into Julian.  “JULES!” he barked causing the both of you to jump.  “I have a headache, fix it!” his eyes glittered dangerously, daring him not to mess with him.
“Yes sir, right away sir!” The doctor managed to get out as he rushed away.  Leaving you alone with the Count.  Nodding to him quickly, you turned to follow Julian out.
“Not you.” Count Lucio said, his hand reaching out and grabbing your shoulder, pulling you in front of him again.  You froze as those eyes looked you over, scrutinizing every inch of your body. You quietly gulped, trying to hold your knees still and keep them from shaking.  His golden gauntlet came under your chin, poking your head up.  Forcing you to look up into those dangerous eyes.  What was he thinking? Perhaps he was thing how he should have had you executed when you ran him over in the hallway?  Or maybe he knew something about your past before you met Asra.  Or maybe…
“Feel like playing a real game of doctor today?” he asked with a smug purr, shooting you a winning smile as his dimples winked at you. There was a faint dusting of blush on his cheeks, instantly making him look more personable and alive.
You gaped at him like a fish.  Did… did he really just say that?  Like… your face was going red, you could feel it.  “I… I mean… I…”
His gauntlet seized your hand.  “Excellent.  Follow me then.  I know this castle like the back of my hands.” He winked at you again before pulling you through a seemingly solid wall.  The wall rippled around you, the magic cold and dense, before it ebbed away, swallowing you up like you were never there.
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psyche-bat · 4 years
Arcana OC asks! What inspired you when you were creating Lenna? Have you come up with any original lore to help flesh out their backstory?
OMG! An ask! I’ve never answered a question before so I hope it’s ok and not too long ^^U
To be honest, I didn’t think about Lenna until I played Muriel’s route, which was almost the last one along with Lucio’s. I had read mostly about his fear of hurting people (specially the apprentice), all the pain he suffered during his life and the small things that made him quite happy, so I got this weird idea on my head: What if the apprentice was too strong for Muriel to hurt them? What if the apprentice was so mentally or physically broken and used to pain, that could understand that need for space? What it they reminded him of something he likes?
That was pretty much the start. About her, I might say she’s pretty extroverted and kind, with a strong sense of humor and cero etiquette. Yet she shows this apathic side of her most of the time, trying to avoid bonding with people, as this fear of losing her loved ones, remains inside her, even after her death. She respects silence but can’t live silently. Plays the guitar and sings all day; her slave days gave her enough experience to love and protect her freedom and her own space, so she pretty much knows when it’s bad to push someone boundaries. Regarding her body, Lenna is almost as tall as Julian; she is strong and her bone estructure is big too: big back, big hips, big tighs, (even though I struggle to draw it accurately, i must admit). The color of her eyes and hair are the same of forget-me-not flowers… just a whim I wanted to help come true. This part is about 30% of her personality and exists in a way, thanks to Muriel.
The other 70% I would say comes from music. Her entire life revolves around music and her memories could be told through songs. Gipsy Kings is one of my favourites bands and while listening to them, those songs gave me this image of a powerful woman dancing flamenco next to the fire, among her partners, singing along the sound of a guitar. I didn´t want to be too specific about an etnicity or culture in particular; I would say that gipsy culture was a start to it, but then it transformed itself and ending up mixing with spanish culture and a little bit of my own latin american roots.
So about her past, she was a nomad, travelling in a caravan with her father, during Lucio’s military campaign. They were headed to Vesuvia, to start over, in a shop they had recently inherited. Mercenaries attacked the caravan, killed the adults and took all the children as slaves. She was trained as a dancer to entertain powerfull men involved in war but because of her agressiveness, she was usually hard to handle. She fell in love with another girl and they tried to escape but were discovered. Her lover was killed and an agonizing Lenna lost control of herself, showing her magic at all her might. She killed the guards and her captors; and recovered two sacred daggers that belonged to her father.
After that, she travelled on her own for a while, dancing, playing guitar and singing to get some money for her journey, sometimes even stealing from other people. She got to Vesuvia looking for this shop and someone who would help her to control her recently discovered powers. She met Asra, and everything that follows is pretty much history…
There are so many things to say but I don’t want to make it too long, so I hope it’s good enough! Thanks again for asking :D
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creamecream · 4 years
Arcana AUs
Names are based off of specific things, or are honestly just because I thought they sounded good.
-Dancer AU-
Former member of an dancing/entertainment troupe, Rinina is bought from their troupe by king Lucio to be a royal consort after he became smitten with them while they were preforming for the king and queen’s anniversary. Rinina rejects Lucio’s advances and instead falls for the court wizard, Asra. they currently spend their days hiding from Lucio, scared to death of what he’ll do to them once he gets bored of actually waiting for their consent.
Asra is currently brewing up a way to kill Lucio and secret Rinina away at the same time.
Alverio is the palace gardener, whom queen Nadia is lusting after, but who Nadia won’t let herself have because she is afraid of corrupting his innocent soul.
Pirouette was a medicinal healer who made the only thing that could cure queen Nadia’s headaches, up until when Valerius, a high ranking member of the royal court, became smitten with him when he went to retrieve the queen’s medicine, and had him kidnapped and shackled in his bedroom. Pirouette is now constantly locked in Valerius’ room, kept like a pet. his one saving grace is the times he manages to slip out into the gardens and spend time with Muriel.
Muriel is Asra’s herb supplier. and he wishes to whisk Pirouette away once Asra puts into action the murder of Lucio.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina. Primrose x Rinina. Muriel x Pirouette. Lycoris x Pirouette. forced Lucio x Rinina. forced Valerius x Pirouette.
-Infected Plague Doctor AU-
AKA: Bad End AU
Rinina, in an effort to cure the plague, makes several deals with different Arcana and loses their mind. the deals involve Rinina needing to remove all the current plague infection from Vesuvia, which means to them that they need to remove all infected body parts from all civilians. this includes Julian’s visibly infected eye, which they managed to remove before he escaped. they now keep the eye in a jar on their shelves and talk to it as if it were Julian himself.
Valdemar is Rinina’s partner, both in the medical field and romantically/sexually. Valdemar is extremely pleased and impressed with the amount of plague and arcana energy Rinina holds in their body, and is currently looking into a way to combine Rinina and their own, particularly hoping by forcing Rinina to bare their child.
Alverio, in order to keep his plague infection at bay, lures people and then steals their souls/arcane energy. the plant magician leaves a slew of empty bodies/husks in his wake who have flowers protruding from where he stole their energy from. Rinina extremely appreciates this as they clean up the bodies in the mornings and uses the husks as experimental cadavers.
Pirouette is kept ignorant and unaware of the horrors occurring around him. he is kept obsessively safe by Valerius, locked in his room and not allowed to leave. he is basically kept as a blissfully unaware pet.
Once Vesivua went to shambles, Daphne ran away with Asra. Daphne is currently working on a cure with Asra and Primrose, but she doesn’t dip into Rinina’s dreams as the other two do, instead opting to work quietly.
-Ships: Valdemar x Rinina. confused Alverio x Calypso. Valerius x Pirouette
-Modern AU-
Rinina works at a company owned by Lucio, and suffers constant sexual harassment from him. Rinina lives with Asra and Primrose, who have noticed Rinina’s mood dropping ever since they started working under Lucio, even though Rinina tells them nothing is wrong and they refuse to quit. Rinina works closely with Julian, and one time ends up breaking down to him and confessing all their concerns and worries, the two have been becoming noticeably closer ever since.
Alverio runs the flower shop down the street from Rinina’s work. the man has currently not noticed how his cousin’s boss’ wife and the local internet celebrity come nearly everyday to retrieve more flowers than they could possibly need.
Daphne works at a quiet bookstore and helps in Alverio’s flower shop whenever she has time. she is currently unaware of the small ginger haired girl who frequents the café across the street and seems to stare at her while she works.
Pirouette works for the same company as Rinina, but he is lower in position so he doesn’t have much interaction with Lucio. he does however spend a lot of time with Lucio’s personal assistant, Valerius, as well as his co-worker, Muriel, and he hasn’t seemed to be aware of how the two appear to be competing for his affections and attention.
-Ships: Julian x Rinina. unaware Alverio x Calypso x Nadia. forced Lucio x Rinina. unaware Valerius x Pirouette. unaware Muriel x Pirouette.
-Gladiator AU-
After rejecting Lucio’s advances, Rinina is placed in the arena to fight for their life, or until they agree to be with Lucio.
Asra and Rinina met after a match while Asra was tending to Muriel, and the two of them seem to be becoming closer.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina
-Merpprentice AU-
Rinina is a merperson who has fallen in love with a wizard, a human.
Asra frequently uses his magic to transform himself into a merperson to spend time in the sea with Rinina, but it takes a lot out of him, and Rinina is a deep water mer, so it takes a lot out of the both of them to try to spend time together.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina
-Phantom of The Opera AU-
Pirouette is Christine, hierophant!Valerius is Erik.
-Ships: Valerius x Pirouette. Lycoris x Pirouette. Muriel x Pirouette.
-Dragon Age AU-
What it says on the tin, an AU set in Dragon Age. Rinina features as a half elf rogue.
-Ships: Primrose x Rinina.
-Four Kingdom Heirs AU-
Alverio is the crown prince of a kingdom, his cousins are as well but he is the crown prince. thus he spends the most time dealing with others and he has a guard unit trailing him, particularly guard captain Evanna. Alverio has fallen in love with a queen from another kingdom, but Nadia is already married to Lucio.
Rinina is about to be married to Asra when traveler/ambassador Primrose arrives in their kingdom, and both Rinina and their betroth both instantly fall for Primrose, and both are currently trying to woo Primrose, but they seem to have forgotten to mention to Prim that they are open to polyamories relationships, as Primrose is scared they are breaking a marriage up if they take either of them up on their offers.
Princess Daphne has fallen for a lowly servant Portia, and is currently trying to make her way out of an arranged marriage and convince her mother that Portia is worthy of her hand instead.
Pirouette is forced to dress and use feminine pronouns by his parents, and in order to spite them he has begun an scandalous relationship with his teacher, Valerius. and as well he sneaks out frequently, donning the clothes he actually wants to wear and using the pronouns he actually prefers. passing himself off as a ordinary young thief and spending time with Muriel.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina x Primrose. Nadia x Alverio. Lucio x Nadia. Muriel x Pirouette. Valerius x Pirouette. Portia x Daphne.
-Monster AU-
Everyone is a cryptid creature!
-Ships: Unknown currently.
-Witch Hunt AU-
Magicians are witches. all the witches in Vesuvia belong to a coven.
Following Rinina’s rejection of his advances, and then finding them kissing Asra, Lucio starts lynching all the witches in Vesuvia, trying to force Rinina into obeying him by destroying the coven.
Before the lynches started, Rinina was trapped by Lucio and shoved into the dungeons, and they are constantly starved and beaten as Lucio tries to break their resolve.
Lucio once mentioned how much he loves Rinina’s hair whilst stroking it, so to spite him, they yanked a sharp object off of his outfit and cut their hair off to throw it in their face. they were beaten for it, but they don’t regret it.
Daphne ran from Vesuvia once Portia refused to leave with her when the lynches started. currently her whereabouts are unknown.
Portia refused to leave in order to watch over and take care of Nadia, but she has just recently discovered her own magic prowess, and is terrified of being discovered
Alverio has secreted himself away into the woods, hoping to build up an army of plants and animals in order to stage a coop on Vesuvia and safe his cousin. he only leaves the forest to continue his affair with Vesuvia’s countess.
Asra is planning to overthrow Lucio and kill him to save Rinina.
Pirouette is undercover as a medical tea producer, as he refused to leave Vesuvia once the lynches started, unable to remove himself from the suffering going on around him. Pirouette passes out his calming teas for free nearly everyday, trying to ease some of the worries of the Vesuvian people. Pirouette is committed to Muriel, and didn’t notice the hungry glances he started to get from a high ranking member of Lucio’s court. Valerius is threatening to out Pirouette as a witch if he doesn’t leave Muriel and come to his bed instead.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina. Julian x Callisto. forced Lucio x Rinina. forced Valerius x Pirouette. Muriel x Pirouette. Nadia x Alverio.
-Courtly Servant AU-
The apprentices are the assistances/apprentices of the couriers.
Rinina is Valdemar’s apprentice, and is nearly just as scared of them as in canon they don’t scream at the sight of them, but Valdemar takes a sick delight in frightening them and sneaks up on them and corners them frequently to terrify them.
Pirouette is Vulgora’s assistant, and is visibly frightened by them. Valerius is very intent on getting Pirouette transferred to him instead.
Daphne is Vlastomil’s assistant, being chosen by him because of her connection with the earth, which gives her an uncanny ability to find and extract worms from the earth. Daphne seems to take great delight in these worm related ventures.
-Ships: Valdemar x Callisto. unaware Valerius x Pirouette.
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gh0sti3x-x · 5 years
my view on Lucio's route
@ all the Lucio stans, are yall okay???? (Long rant ahead because yeah and some cursing if you're uncomfortable with cursing)
Anyways, I just decidedly (and impulsively) play Lucio's few updated chapters yesterday. And oh man, am I in fucking "love", and here's why: as someone who gets really intense with relationships, I tend to take things too quickly and I'm always a slut for affection. If someone shows me affection, I will fall very deeply in love. It doesnt really help that he just showers the apprentice with as much love and tender touches as possible (I spent all my God damn coins I had saved up for Muriel's next update just to be "loved" bro). As a Asra/Muriel/Julian stan, I really do feel guilty that I'm playing Lucio's route and decide to be a fucking slut. From the routes before, Lucio is always depicted as an asshole (esp. in Asra's and Muriel's, so much as to show he "killed" Asra's parents and forced Muriel to be a gladiator and forced him to kill just for Lucio's entertainment.) I always had a deep hatred for the goatman for making my babies lives a living hell.
Aside from this, they make him seem like such a good guy in his own route. And I got to thinking, did the devs to this on purpose to show how much of an egotistical asshole Lucio is by showing us how he views himself? He always praises and showers the apprentice with love when they first meet and basically fuck not a few chapters later. Is this to show that he's so much of a narcissist that he doesnt want the MC to view him as a bad man for all the shit he's done? Of course he's lonely! But he's lonely for a damned good reason!!
Comparing Lucio to a certain person I know is like them looking at eachother in a mirror (might I add that this person really hurt a friend of mine so fucking bad. Then there's the group's dumbass to go and defend him)! They both caused harm to the people we care about, they both have pity parties because boohoo I fucked up and now I'm all alone!, and they both always try to blame others for their own problems or for the fucking choices they made/make!! And there's some choices in there that always defend Lucio/have his back and tell him he didnt do anything wrong when everyone else around know differently. This is what fucked me up the most the more I thought about it. Because he shows a different side to MC, MC is more vulnerable to be taken advantage of and turn MC against everyone. (Now that I'm adding this last part, I could theorize this is how the reversed ending could go: Lucio manipulating MC to turn against their friends.)
And as someone who tends to give love away way too easily, Lucio can take advantage of an MC like this. An MC who is very much so generous and selfless with their love. Because as one like this, we dont usually get the same amount of love we gave away. So when someone comes into our lives and call us sweet names and shower us with gifts and hugs and shit, we technically devote our selves to them! With someone vulnerable from having so much heartbreak, Lucio can take advantage of that. Do you think he really loves the MC? I feel like he's just taking advantage of MC's help and would leave them laying on the Lazaret if it meant getting into more power again and getting his own body back.
As much as I really like all the affection in his route, I cant shake aside how much of an asshole Lucio is. He always gets so jumpy and nervous when you ask him to admit his wrongs. He tries to change the subject and try to make you believe he's a good person who's just so misunderstood! (*cough* just like our dumbass friend who just went up and straight up went out with this dude, not being fucking considerate of our friends feelings!)
In a way, I'm kind of shitting on Lucio's route (and maybe some hardcore stans) because he's just so comparable to a narcissist and a fucking perpetrator! And that's what he technically is, admitting it or not.
What broke my heart the most when playing Lucio's route is the way Asra had responded:
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As much as he didnt/doesnt want MC binding themselves with blood magic to Lucio, he still cares about the MC's feelings. Asra basically fucking admits he feels guilty for not watching out for the MC!! He blames himself because he cares about MC going out with Lucio McFuckface. (I'm getting angrier by the minute as I talk about how much of an asshole Lucio is.)
Lucio always blames Asra for not being there when he needed him, always disappearing when he needed him. Lucio is a grown fucking man, he doesnt need to be a bitch baby to Asra. Lucio always takes the opportunity and chance when given just to blame Asra. Got lost in the spiritual world? Oh, it's Asra's fault for dragging us here!! There's a wyrm chasing us through the forest because I didnt keep up my end of the deal (mind you, he sacrificed his OWN dad's heart and almost had his mom's)? It's probably Asra who sent him to kill us!! The devil's chasing after us because, again, I'm a dumb bitch baby who couldnt keep my end of the deal AGAIN?? Damn you, Asra for tricking me into thinking it'd be easy to get a body for me!!
I should probably end my ranting here before it gets even more lengthy and I break my God damn phone.
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mechaspirit · 4 years
For the new 25 lore asks! ONE, TWO, SEVEN, & TWELVE
ONE| Will your OC and their LI ever have kids? If yes, describe their children! Looks, personality, what traits they draw from which parent or whether they would adopt.
Yes they do! Eventually, Iris and Asra will have two kids, Elias (older) and Aida (younger).
Elias has long, white hair and blue eyes like Iris. His skin is light and has dimples like Asra when he smiles and laughs. He shares similar fashion sense with Asra, with the long vest and scarves in various shades of green and blue. Personality wise, he’s like his mother, Iris. Kind, determined, open-minded, and sometimes clumsy. And that last part almost cost him a date with his crush. Like Iris, Elias loves to read and often gets too focused on the books he’s interested in. He is thinking about becoming a scholar to learn more about the secrets of magic and possible different dimensions someday.
Aida has fluffy white hair, which she sometimes tied them to a ponytail to keep them still, and violet eyes like Asra. Caramel skin and her facial features mirrors Iris. Aida is more into a feminine, yet comfortable style of outfits. Her main ones usually consist of a lavender shirt, burgundy skirt and brown boots. She sometimes uses a pink scarf as a traveling cloak. Aida took some personality traits from Asra, free-spirited, mischievous yet gentle and kind. Unlike her brother, Elias, Aida rather uses magic to entertain people like how Asra used to when he was living on the streets.
TWO| Does your apprentice have a gate? Describe their gate. How did they come to make it?
Iris came across her gate when she fell asleep. In her dreams, she came across a metal door and opened it out of curiosity. There, she appeared on an island underneath the starry sky and saw a lot of magical sea creatures appearing out of the water and then floating around her. It’s actually quite a fun experience for her and she only goes there as a place to relax or whenever her magic calls to her over there.
SEVEN| If your apprentice could appear in any show, whether it be as a cross-over or maybe they would just fit particularly well in that show, what show would it be? Why?
There is one show that sticks out to me that I believe Iris would fit in. It is called “Once Upon a Time”, and if you don’t know what the show is about, OUAT involves fairy tale characters coming from the enchanted world only to be cursed by an evil queen where she sends everyone including herself to a modern world, which is a real world with no magic. Everyone’s memories from the enchanted world are erased and are replaced by cursed memories. The only one who can break the curse is The Savior, who is actually Snow White’s and Prince Charmings' Daughter, Emma Swan.
And I can see Iris being able to adapt to both worlds. In Vesuvia’s version of enchanted world, she can use magic to defeat evil and happens to be knowledgeable about curses and spells. And she loves to go on adventures. Not to mention, she was put under a sleeping curse by The Devil and then Asra wakes her up with a True Love’s Kiss. Then, they have kids some time before the curse hits and couples come up with ways to protect their children from the curse by allowing them to keep their memories of each other as family but still be able to go to the modern world. After the curse hits, Iris’s memories are gone, including the ones with Asra in it, and are replaced by the curse memories. She works as a librarian near Nadia’s mansion and looks after her aunt’s shop all by herself. Her everyday life goes on until one of her children (either Elias or Aida) knocks on her door and introduces themselves as her kid.
Iris: ...Hi. Can I help you?
Kid: Are you Iris?
Iris: Yeah. Who are you?
Kid: I’m your son/daughter.
Guess what her reaction might be, lol. 😂
I’m thinking this could be a good AU (alternative-universe) fanfic for The Arcana. I mean, some of the character traits from OUAT can befitting the characters in The Arcana.
MC (Iris)- a mix of Snow White, Belle, Emma Swan. Being a heroine, damsel in distress, and intelligent.
Asra- Prince David/Charming (for obvious reasons), Jiminy Cricket (because Asra would often give advice to his friends to help them), Merlin and Blue Fairy (he is a powerful magician and will only use magic for good).
Julian- For Julian, I’d say Captain Hook (because they’re both Pirates) and Dr. Victor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale (Minus the questionable psychological mentality). 
Nadia- also Snow White (because Nadi was put into a deep sleep after the ritual in TA). And Queen Tiana (only showed up at the end of season 7) because she wants to make Vesuvia a better place and relies on her friends and sisters for help.
Muriel- I think Muriel is more likely to be the Huntsman. Like how the Huntsman was doing evil biddings for the Evil Queen by killing Snow White, Muriel was forced to do Lucio’s bidding by partaking in battle tournaments and killing all those people.
Portia- I can see Portia as Red Riding Hood. Minus turning into a wolf part. She’s loyal to her friends and has a fiery personality that would make you question otherwise. And she’s good friends with Iris and Nadia.
Lucio- Evil Queen/Regina Mills because he was a Count of Vesuvia and made bad decisions that cause everyone’s suffering (I’m sorry Lucio Stans. He’ll have redemption arc if it makes it better).
The Devil- Rumplestiltskin (because making a deal with The Devil is just as bad as making a deal with Rumplestiltskin)
Bonus character comparison:
Either one of Iris' kids, Elias or Aida, will be Henry Mills (Emma Swan’s son) in this AU. They will search for her and help her regain her memories along with the people of Vesuvia.
Also, if you’re a fan of Disney, then I think you might enjoy this show too. I recommend it.
TWELVE | Would your apprentice, given that they’re really more of a master, ever take on an apprentice of their own? Do you have an OC in mind for it? What would they be like?
I’m not sure, yet. I mean, if Iris were given a chance to have an apprentice of her own then I’m certain that she’ll be more than happy to teach them. And maybe that certain apprentice will help her work around the shop before she can actually teach them magic.
Edit: I forgot to add this part, but Iris will teach her children magic along with Asra, Aisha, and Salim. ❤️
Thanks for the ask! ❤️
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queen-of-nerds1026 · 5 years
Muriel’s Nightmare
Warning! This mini story has mentions of death, blood, and violence! It also contains minor spoilers to Muriel’s Book X - Wheel of Fortune! Please read at your own risk!
Fandom: The Arcana
Characters: Muriel, Morga, Lucio, Fan Apprentice
Apprentice: Merlin, she/her
Route: Muriel
Rating: Angst
Word Count: 1265
He promised her to stay, and that's what he was gonna do, even if he was scared, even if he was coward. Morga's insults were nothing to him now, he was here for Merlin. Because she asked him to. Because... because she wanted him.
He'd never show it, but that actually made him giddy, his heart fluttering, and bringing more and more weird feelings into his chest. It was... strange? Uncomfortable? ... no, it was nice. Pleasant. It was weird, wild, even a little painful, but it was in a strangely good way. He... liked this.
He was reluctant to sleep in the Shinning Steppe, but, then again, he was reluctant to sleep anywhere they'd been so far. However, he knew he needed it, and Merlin wasn't going to stop bothering him if he didn't.
"Get some sleep!" She nagged with a nasally tone to her voice. Her one visible eye was sparkling playfully.
"I'm fine," He replied lowly, his cheeks flushing as he desperately tried not to look at her "I'm staying up. I'll take watch."
"Muriel," she tssked, unconsciously bringing his eyes back to look at hers. She was closer now, much closer. He could feel her gentle breath on his lips, her hands reaching to hold his. He was paying oddly close attention to her now. The pink in her hair was odd, yet fit her so well, was it natural? She was also hiding scars across her eye. Where did she- "Go to sleep, or I'll kiss you again~"
Would that be so bad? Probably not, but he reacted involuntarily. He lifted his cloak from the Countess over his face and scooted away from her "O-okay! Goodnight!"
He didn't look at her as moved away from him, her laughter ringing in his ears and her soft "Sweet dreams, Muriel," filling his heart. He curled himself into a ball, tucking his legs up and resting his head on his bicep. Inanna was curled up a few feet away.
Surprisingly, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep...
Lucio's booming voice was even louder than the cries in the stand for fights, death, and bloodshed. They had witnessed enough for today, hadn't they? Muriel was tired of this.
Lucio's guards removed the last body from the Coliseum floor, but their blood still stained the sand and Muriel's hands. He sighed, sick of this. His hair covered most of his face, long enough to reach down to his bellybutton in the front. In the back, it was knotted up in the chains that bound his neck, horrifyingly reminding him of his debt here.
"Scourge!" Lucio called to him, grinning wickedly "Are you ready for your next opponent?"
Muriel didn't answer
"I'm sure this'll be very entertaining."
The gates across the Coliseum opened and someone was pushed inside. They were wearing a heavy cloak, covering the majority of their body and casting most of their face in shadow. One the faint sparkle of one eye was visible.
Muriel was confused. Normally, Lucio brought in criminals for executions or wild animals. This person... seemed different. They seemed confused, scared. They didnt have the big build of a Vesuvian thug. This person was small. They had no weapon. And... painted fingernails? Orange?
"FIGHT!" Lucio demanded
Muriel nor his opponent moved. They stared at each other from across the arena, meeting eyes. His were green like emeralds, catching the sunlight in ways he'd never see. The other fighter had odd eyes. They reminded him of Asra and his strange purple irises. Except these... looked like a sunrise. Yellow fading into blue, more brilliant than the stars.
"I said FIGHT!" Lucio screamed again
Slowly, Muriel lifted his axe. His opponent moved just as cautiously, crossing the arena right through it's center. They held their cloak tight with one hand, looking desperate to stay hidden. They other hand, was reaching for Muriel.
Muriel froze. He could feel something coming from them. It was overtaking his senses, dying his vision a soft pink and green. It was magic. Powerful magic. They were trying to reach out to him.
"No." Muriel said aloud, dropping his axe "No."
"What are you doing?!" Lucio shouted, pointing a finger at Muriel with his golden arm "Kill them!"
"No!" Muriel turned from his opponent to the Count "I'm done fighting for you!"
A sick smirk flashed on Lucio's face. His gold hand moved up to his chin. "Are you? Too bad," he chuckled "you've already done what I've asked."
"What are you-"
The magic was gone. It left him in a whirl, knocking the wind from his lungs harder than a kick to the stomach. Though, that's definitely how he was feeling, and then some.
His opponent was gone, in their place, someone lay on the ground, face down, limbs sprawled as if they were trying to weakly crawl away. Blood puddled under the turquoise sweater. Next to them, Muriel's axe dripped with fresh blood.
The weak whimper stabbed Muriel in the chest. Merlin's head was turned, her hair cascading her face in a mess. She was trying to look at him with tears in her eyes. She tried calling him name again but his came out in a weak sputter.
The Coliseum melted away as Muriel fell to his knees. Lucio's dark laughter echoed across the fields of grass and flowers in the Steppe. Around him, it began to die and decay, just as Merlin was in front of him.
He tentatively reached for her, flipping onto her back. The wound across her chest was huge, cutting deep and flowing ceaselessly with blood.
"Merlin!" He cried, staring in horror "I-
"You did this to her!"
"You killed her! Just like all those other people. You're a murderer!"
"No, no!" Muriel squeezed his eyes shut
Merlin's voice caught his attention. He blinked, looking at her through the tears. Her bangs had all fallen aside, exposing both her eyes and her scars. Her eyes struggled to focus on his. A small line of blood was falling from the corner of her mouth.
She wanted to move her hand, reach up and console him, but her body didnt respond "Muriel."
"I'm here!" He cried frantically, panic welling in his chest as tears fell from his eyes "You're gonna be okay!"
"You... you're not... a bad person..."
"But I did this to you!"
Her body was struggling take in air, gradually falling limper as each second passed. With each second, Muriel cried louder and louder, shouting apologies into the black sky.
The voice was far away.
He didn't answer.
"Muriel,  WAKE UP!"
He gasped, bolting up so fast he knocked his head against Merlin's with a loud thump! She curled into her chest, groaning her hands went up to rub her forehead.
"Merlin!" He cried, reaching for her before pulling his back. "I'm sorry! ... Are you okay?"
"Yeah," She glanced up at him. Her eye was sparkling like normal against the moonlight. Her bangs a little messy, but in place. Her flower scrunchie wasn't tying up a part of her hair anymore. She was wearing it on her wrist. "I'm fine, you just bumped me is all, no harm done. What about you? You seemed like you were having a nightmare."
"I-" he blinked, checking his surroundings. It was dark, but he could still feel the life around him. "I was."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Merlin scooted closer to him, offering him both her hands with a gentle smile.
"...yes, please."
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stargazer-writing · 5 years
*slams fists onto desk* So how about a Hunchback of Notre Dame AU with Muriel as Quasimodo? Also, I love your blog!!
Aww, thanks Anon
Muriel: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Muriel was born as a member of a small nomadic tribe that lived near Vesuvia and were often looked down on by the citizens there
Vesuvia’s count, Lucio, especially hated Muriel’s people, and eventually ordered to have them removed
After discovering a young Muriel left behind after his people were gone (killed or just banished, your call), Lucio decides he can use him to his own advantage, and forces him to live in the Colosseum
In order to control him, Lucio constantly tells him how worthless, ugly, and terrifying he is, and that the only one who can stand to be near him is himself
Muriel eventually becomes a gladiator when he’s old enough, and grows too fearful of other’s reactions towards him to leave the Colosseum 
However, he one day gains the courage to leave his prison during one of the Count’s masquerades, and while disguised he is finally able to see what the outside world is like
It is also at the masquerade that he sees MC, who is a magician entertaining Lucio and his guests
He is enraptured by them and their magic, but his new-found freedom is cut short when Lucio spots him, and he is exposed to the guests, who are horrified by his presence
Before Lucio can humiliate him further, or worse, MC manages to rescue him, and they escape to the Colosseum to hide from Lucio’s guards
Muriel expects MC to be horrified by him, but is shocked when they don’t bat an eye at his giant stature or grisly job
Meanwhile Lucio, determined to punish both MC and Muriel, hires Asra, another magician, to track them down and bring them to him
He eventually finds them hidden deep in the Colosseum, but upon hearing what Lucio has done to Muriel and the abuse he has suffered, decides to help them both escape him
MC eventually has to leave the Colosseum, but not before giving Muriel a way to find them if he ever needs their help
Lucio, finally going to confront Muriel, informs him that if he plans to find MC and have them arrested and killed for their act of treason against him
Muriel and Asra find MC to warn them, but then realize Lucio made up the whole thing in order to find them, having followed the two to MC’s hiding place
He arrests MC and plans to put them to death, but Muriel and Asra rescue them just in time, and end up protecting them from Lucio’s guards in the Colosseum
Muriel finally has the chance to stand up to Lucio, and after chasing him off, the three decide to leave Vesuvia and live freely how they wish
Who MC ends up with, whether Asra like in the movie, or Muriel, is up to you, but either way they all live happily ever after
This one didn’t turn out as good as the others, sorry Anon T-T
If anyone else has any headcanons or Arcana AUs they want me to do, Disney or otherwise, feel free to send me a request!
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