#my reed is chipped
the-kneesbees · 5 months
sometimes, in brief moments of weakness and frustration, I wish I was a brass player
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robot-carl · 6 months
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I’m a big fan of nines wearing other things besides his cyberlife jacket. Like Gavin. Big fan of nines wearing Gavin.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 6 months
meinnnn gott i was like boy this song can't be 8 & a half minutes....well the first 6 minutes of the video are phyllidia krampington loosing george salazar the krampus on everyone & their asshole (here her cousin, b/c although i swear on my life i have seen [phyllidia seducing the krampus via baby it's cold outside] photos, in this 2018 show that sequence is definitely about her trying to fuck melvin cooterstein in the ass. (note that she mentions the xmas villain's long-lost daughter harriet, as the [why are you so evil? / i don't kneauuraeaough....but it definitely doesn't have anything to do with xyz] but no long-lost presumed dead spouse, who would've been already mentioned in the 2019 show at this point though that's no incontrovertible evidence it's not relevant in this show. & my hypothesis is that if melvin is a long-lost anyone, phyllidia would be His long-lost daughter. but 50/50 could go either way! a beautiful relationship ft. the convenience of all these colonoscopies he keeps scheduling)) and then we meet the fancy tree! and don't get around to singing until phyllidia's exit & the krampus's partial sendoff to go feel better having some snacks (i.e., mingle & meander)
#it's GONGEOUS in here#fantastic delivery on ''until you all poo out of your butts''#the krampus does seem to have a range of Half Demonic Half just some guy & fairly timid/sensitive really but glad to be here#of course doesn't Actually continually disrupt the show or strike anyone's asshole with birch reeds hence the need for a pickmeup tiramisu#that's tiramisu as a generic term which is something i'm making happen in my own vocabulary#& from there things can diverge lol...not being seduce in this year or 2019's so seems in that case: trying to fuck the fancy tree#who has a mwah line about this as exquisitely delivered as you see here. but i can't recall it exactly Need to be rehearing things#and Need this energy and delight and magic to go into [cyril krampus 2023 baby it's cold outside video PLEASE (please) PLEASE (please)#x 2 baby please. hit post....will do the Opposite of hitting your asshole with birch sticks. stand facing away from your ass wielding like#ostrich feathers & moving them in the gentlest patterns away from you. for being Great this year]#joe iconis christmas extravaganza#phyllidia krampington#apparently not always but here indeed with some relation to#the krampus#who based on knowledge & documentation does seem to have been frequently portrayed by george salazar#got that :3 little voice going lmao. she yelled at me....loud :'3#krampus just wandering around peeing in bernedette peters' plaintain chips. maybe humping a tree's skirt (costuming not needle collecting)#you know how it is#Youtube
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tudorgothic · 6 months
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allieisacrybaby · 1 year
update I forgot to tell you guys she’s very much a Jake girl, we’ve already established this before the masterclass videos.
She thought Dr. JMK was soothing because he talked slow and that he was funny. She was dying over “everything fucks”
She loved Oliver and she said he reminded her of Captain Jack Sparrow so of course I showed her the picture of Jake edited as him and she died. She also said he was an amazing actor. Laughed at “Luke I am your daddy”
Wants to take cooking classes from Cal and loved the background music.
Thought Chip hit the ball bad and and she loved his, and I quote “boss mode aesthetic” no I couldn’t tell you what that means.
Overall she said she loved all their different personalities and that they were all very funny.
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rileyisclass · 6 months
V: There's this chip in my head, it's overwriting my brain with an old musician's digital construct. I took this job because So Mi said she could stop it.
Solomon Reed: Digital musician? You mean Hatsune Miku?
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saccharineomens · 14 days
Laimay Day 24: Selkie AU
I didn’t finish my drawing for this prompt, but I did write a little fic for it! (~1.6k words)
Laios had been kicking himself all morning. How could he have been so careless as to forget his notebook on the beach the night before? He’d been half-asleep by the time he’d dragged himself off to his van, but that book was his *lifeblood*. It was more important to him than his next meal, or his parents, or his *sister*.
Well, that was a lie. Nothing was more important to him than his sister. Still, inside that notebook were all the coordinates of sightings, details on all the local legends, contact information of the park ranger, and various jokes and theories he had about the habits of different Cryptids. He couldn’t *believe* he’d been so careless with it, and Laios nearly tripped in his hurry down the rocky cliff side. The tide had come in last night, and with just his luck, it would have waterlogged the notebook if not pull it out to sea. He should have invested in waterproof paper, he *knew* he should have, but working odd jobs every other month didn’t pad his pockets as much as he’d like. 
His camera thudded against his ribs and gravel scattered as he hopped down a boulder and straightened, looking around desperately. He was right in this area last night, observing the bioluminescent algae that washed ashore. Laios caught his breath as he took note of his surroundings. Ahead, the water stretched out endlessly, the waves shallower after the tide had receded. Off to the north, a herd of seals were bathing in the sun-warmed rocks. Laios leaned to look into the reeds beside the path, searching for a glimpse of the tattered yellow cover of his book, but there was nothing but some littered chip bags and a broken beer bottle. 
“*Come on*,” he muttered, eyes sweeping the rocky shoreline as he walked further out to the water’s edge. The boulders were smoother and more damp, here, and his pace slowed. A few seagulls circled overhead, and to the south some were pecking away at something. A glimmer of hope flickered in his ribs as he picked up speed, jogging to where the birds huddled, but as one cawed irritably at him and took off, it revealed they were picking at nothing more than a dead fish. Laios’ stomach sank, heat draining from his face, and he swayed. *No, no.* No despair yet. Laios swallowed and looked back out at the ocean. *Think, Laios, think!* Maybe he’d dropped it on his way to the van, and it was on the trail somewhere? Maybe he’d passed it on his hurry to get back here. 
Laios’ thoughts were interrupted by a dark shape breaking the waves, and he instinctively grabbed for his camera. He hadn’t turned it on yet — *stupid* — and had to take his eyes off the water to find the button with his finger. The screen lit up, and Laios quickly removed the lens cap and stowed it in his bag before lifting his head.
A brown seal was coming up the beach at an alarming pace, round body lunging forward and flippers splashing with every landing. It…seemed like it was coming right towards Laios. Angling the camera, he took one quick photo before stepping aside to keep some distance between him and the animal. Seals could be nasty, and as cool as it would be to see one up close, their sharp teeth was much less friendly than their round, adorable faces. Laios wasn’t expecting the seal to change course, rounding toward him again, and his heart skipped in fear. He started backing up, trying to keep an eye on the beast, but the rocks beneath his feet shifted unevenly. He caught a weird movement from the seal in his periphery, almost like it was going on it’s hind legs like a dog, it’s flipper moving to a shoulder — *seals can’t do that* — and when it pulled away it revealed a pale flash of bare flesh. A blonde head rose, green eyes fixed on his, Laios’ heel caught on a stone and the world spun as he crashed backwards, his shout of pain echoing when his skull banged against cold rock, but he *had to look, he needed to see*—
Laios’ vision swam, he must be hallucinating, because the seal had become a woman — a *naked* woman — scrambling up the shore with eyes wide. Laios kicked at the rock below him, trying to get back to his feet, to run, or attack, or *something*. 
“Hey, you! You, human!” A voice? From the woman. Who was much closer now and *startlingly* nude, a seal’s skin folded over her arm and breasts swaying in her excitement — he quickly averted his eyes to focus on the swift movement of her arm as she shoved something into his face. “This is yours, right?!”
Laios blinked. The woman waited patiently for him to respond, but her grin lit the grey sky. A human woman from a seal. A selkie? *No way.* Laios’ head felt like seaweed in a current, trying to process what was in front of his face. The blonde, pretty!, woman was holding something white five inches from his eyes, and when he squinted he could make out his own handwriting.
“My notebook?”
“Yes, the thing you’ve been writing in this whole time.” The seal woman shuffled forward again and Laios felt his face get hot before she just sat back on her feet, flipping through the notebook with great interest. “You left it out here yesterday. You’re a writer! You’re a, a, what’s the word, a scientist?”
Laios wanted to laugh. He’d dropped out of college before he got anywhere near his degree. “Not exactly.”
“You’ve been studying us, right? You have that thing.” She pointed at his camera. “Humans always have those, but they aren’t like you. They usually take ‘pictures’ and leave, but you’ve been here two weeks.” She lifted the book and pointed at it. “Look. Not a lot of humans come here for *us*.”
It was his page on selkies. “You can read?”
She huffed. “That’s not the point!” She was right. The woman tossed the notebook at him and it hit his stomach with a wet little *plop*. “Look, the way I see it, we can help each other out. *I* l want to learn more about human technology, and *you* want to learn more about *us*, right? We can help each other out!”
Her long blonde hair was plastered to her skin, her pupils weren’t as large as Laios had hypothesized, and she didn’t seem to feel the cold air at all. Laios’ brain finally felt like it was returning to his body, checking the numbers and booting up the right programs to function. The seal’s pelt draped over her arm was fascinating, and had most of his interest, but she turned her body to tuck it behind her as a look of suspicion pursed her lips. 
“Look, do we have a deal?”
Laios hummed and picked up his notebook. The pages were soaked, but the ink was still legible in most places. If he dried it out right, he might be able to salvage most of it. “Why me?” He wasn’t normally one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but curiosity got the best of him.
“You don’t seem as dumb as the other humans,” the woman said, tilting her head thoughtfully. “Your notebook was right about some things. You call them ‘Bigfoot’, but they don’t come to the ocean if they can avoid it. They don’t speak like we do, they aren’t as good at mimicking humans.”
Laios’ eyes bulged. “So you aren’t human at all? And—Bigfoot’s *real*? You’ve met him—them? Them, *multiple*? Where do they nest?! Do they have family groups like apes do? Can you introduce me to one of—“
“*Shhh!*” The woman’s forefinger pressed to his mouth, and he froze. She was smiling mischievously, like she knew something he didn’t, which he supposed she did. “Does that mean you’re going to take the deal? You help me, I help you?”
Laios nodded enthusiastically, and the woman removed her finger with a satisfied smile. “What use does a seal have for human technology, though?”
Her expression soured in suspicion and she shifted away from him again, hand going to her sealskin. “That’s not really any of your business,” she said haughtily. Now that it appeared he wasn’t going to run she seemed to relax more, pulling her hair over her shoulder and starting to comb her fingers through it. “I’m not usually so careless, but when I saw you had come back to the shore I knew I had to hurry before you left again. My name’s Marcille, by the way.”
“Laios,” he responded, and it was hard to know where to look at her. She wasn’t human, according to her, but she still *looked* like any woman off the street at first glance. How did the evolution of selkies that passed as human compare to the evolution of humans themselves? Did selkies come first? Did that pelt of hers look just like a normal skin, or was it visibly magical in some way? Laios sat up, but Marcille froze and she scowled at him, so he raised his hands in supplication. “Can I look at your skin?” When he tentatively reached for it she smacked his arm away.
“Rude! Don’t you know to work your way up to those sorts of questions?!” Her eyes sparked with anger, and Laios rubbed star-struck at his arm where it stung. 
“I can do that,” he grinned. He wrote all his questions in his notebook, but he wouldn’t even need it at this point. Were selkies obligate carnivores, or omnivores? Did it depend on what form they were in? “Why don’t we start with dinner? That’s a common way for humans to get to know each other.” He offered a hand out to her, and after a moment of consideration she smiled and took it.
“Sounds good. Great to meet you, Laios.”
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Met Gala Thoughts
Best in "I thought you were someone else"
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(L) Sydney Sweeney as not-Billie Eilish (R) Kendall Jenner as not-Kim Kardashian
Honestly, Kendall looks more like Kim than Kim does at this point.
Best in "Live from Broadway"
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Usher, giving Phantom. I hope someone asked him about the Drake/Kendrick beef.
Best in "One Outfit, Two Looks"
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(L) Rebecca Ferguson (R) Demi Moore
Best in Technology
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Ambika Mod. It's a 3D print of a dress on top of a dress.
Best in "You Could've Done Something Really Meta"
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Nicholas Galitzine, whose character in his new film "The Idea Of You" is based on Harry Styles.
Best Rihanna 2.0
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Cardi B, who needed 9 assistants to lay out her train.
Reminds me of Rihanna's omelet dress.
Best in "New Look, Who Dis"
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Zendaya in her second outfit of the night. Very Blake Lively-ish.
Somewhere inside The Met, Jennifer Lopez was screaming at her assistant for not preparing a second look.
Best in "Couples Who Slay Together, Stay Together"
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(L) Eddie and Hannah Redmayne (C) No idea (R) Queen Latifah and Eboni Nichols
Best Cinderella
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Quannah Chasinghorse
Best in "Get These People a Career Revival"
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L-R. Jude Law, Meg Ryan, Charlie Hunnam, and Michelle Williams
Best of the Gents
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(L) Jonathan Bailey (C) Barry Keoghan (R) Colman Domingo, in a tribute to Chadwick Boseman and Andre Leon Talley.
Best in "I Don't Know What You Were Going For But I Guess It Works"
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(L) Harris Reed. No idea who that is. (R) Uma Thurman
Best in "Better From The Back"
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(L) Tommy and Dee Hilfiger (R) Mindy Kaling
Best "Where Can I Get This I NEED One Yesterday"
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A relative is obsessed with dachsunds. I would win Christmas if I got my hands on this. Or a cheat knockoff.
Best in "The More I See Them Appear Together Because They're Contractually Obligated, The Less I Want To See Their Movie"
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Cynthia Erivo (Elphaba) and Ariana Grande (Galinda), who've been joined at the hip for the last year to promote Wicked, which comes out in November so there are still six more months of this to go.
Best in "Celebs, They Get Peckish Just Like Us"
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Michael Shannon, with a Balenciaga bag. So disappointed it wasn't a party bag of chips. The Balenciaga retails for $1,850 or 115 party-size bags of Lays potato chips from Walmart.
Best in Vintage
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(L) Nicole Kidman (R) Lana Del Ray
I was so happy to see a McQueen antler dress show up.
Best in "Oh Dear God Why Are You Here Go Away"
Ben Platt
Jerry Seinfeld and Jimmy Fallon
Lea Michele
Lauren Bezos (though I didn't actually mind her dress)
My Top Looks of the Night
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L-R: Karlie Kloss, Nicole Kidman, Elle Fanning, and Gwendoline Christie.
It was an underwhelming red carpet. The Met Gala serves an incredible purpose, but they've moved too far away from fashion and costume. There are too many actors and people-famous-for-being-famous involved now that have really watered down the fashion, the themes, and the cultural significance of the event. It needs to go back to being the New York elite and High Fashion - people who know how to wear clothes instead of posing with their hands on their hips, sticking out their butts, and pouting.
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months
TheWall! Series Part One: Poker Night - Bishop Losa x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond  @wakeama @fanfic-n-tabulous @dreamlandcreations @anime-weeb-4-life @keyweegirlie @danzer8705 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @the-wandering-lunatic @alwaysachorusgirl @beardedbarba @multifandomloversworld @est1887 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @purrrrfect @adaydreamaway08 @stressed-chas @spookyboogyuniverse @librarian1002 @msjava1972 @thanossexual @kishie8 @saltyunicorn079 @nessamc @thebaileybugle @spaghettificationandpretzels @nu1freakshow @justreblogginfics @beccabarba @legally-a-bastard @trublu2u @irishavengersassemble @fanfic-n-tabulous
Companion Series to:
Complicated - Bishop already knows your secret.
The Wall - Bishop comes home to find you covered in blood.
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It’s poker night at Vicki’s.
Bishop thinks it’s going to be quiet. A couple of drinks, a few rounds of cards while the rest of the guys blow off a little bit of steam. It’s more toned down than it used to be now that most of them have coupled up, but they’ve got a few guys up from Yuma who were looking for a specific form of entertainment and Vicki’s happy to oblige.
Bishop’s playing out the best hand of his life when they hear the gun shots. He knows the sound of a high calibre, long range weapon when he hears it. Despite your best efforts the Reed Coalition are still hunting down immigrants. He knows you’re not out there tonight. You’re meeting with the accountant to discuss the community centre’s finances. Still hearing those gun shots, it puts the shits up him. They were close, too close he thinks.
It's the flash of headlights that makes his heart sink, the sound of wheels spinning out on gravel. Creeper slides the curtain back and Bishop sees the colour drain out of his face before an expletive leaves his mouth. He’s on his feet as the door is thrown open.
It’s you that Riz is carrying, you who’s bleeding out in the other man’s arms. Drops of blood trail down your limp wrist, pattering onto the hard wood floor. Bishop knows that he’ll hear that sound in his fucking dreams.
Coco uses his arm to sweep the cards and poker chips from the table, the plastic disks scatter across the floor, rolling under chairs that are being shifted to make way for the causality. Riz is careful as he lays you down, Bishop takes in the sight of him as Gilly assists. Theres’s glass in his hair, miniscule shards glittering in the warm glow from the lights above. Streaks of crimson run down the left side of his face in rivets from slices across his forehead, cheek and neck. His shirt is soaked with blood, a mixture of both yours and his.
You’re awake, your hand is pressing Riz’s hoodie against the wound just under your clavicle. Coco covers your palm with his own, taking over the task. Bishop’s hand slips into yours, clasping it tightly, quiet reassurance that he’s there, that you aren’t alone. He feels that relief thundering through his system when you squeeze back. You hiss when Coco removes the hoodie, his features pinched as he tries to assess the wound.
“Stitches is on route, but she's an hour out.” Creeper informs them before Vicki shoves a First Aid kit into his hands and directs him to one of the bedrooms up the stairs. Her attention switches to Riz, guiding him onto one of the barstools as Hank flicks open the clasps of his own First Aid box.
“We need to take you upstairs.” Bishop tells you. “Get you some privacy so that Coco can get a better look at that wound. I’ll follow you up alright?”
You nod, a tear leaking down your cheek that he chases away the calloused pad of his thumb.
“I’m gonna be right here Mi Cielito.” He promises you. “Everything is gonna be ok.”
Love Bishop? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
Squip x Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You boldly admit that you wanna be with your Squip, and 'he' struggles to face his own... 'feelings'.
Warnings: The Squip is RUDE.
"-I dont want any guy at my school, I want you!" The words fly out of your mouth before you can have any say in the matter, buy you don't back down; maintaining a serious look on your face directed at the SQUIP.
All day he's been pestering you about going on a date, or hooking up - it's college culture, after all. And people enjoy it! - and you had reached your boiling point. Every guy that he suggested was disgusting, you didn't like any of then. You knew you wouldn't. You've never been interested in guys your own age,.. or who are nice,.. or your own species-
If you could even call the SQUIP a species, anyway. He was a computer. A very, very smart one who seemed... at times... to have feelings. Mostly irritation and pride but feelings all the same. That gave you hope.
You recognise how dumb your having hope was but, well, you couldn't help it.
You also don't get how Squip didn't see it in you, he has access to everything - your every thought, - but he never let on that he had any idea of your feelings toward him. Maybe he was trying to ignore it? That would sure make sense.
"... excuse me?" The Squip's voice is deadpanned while his face looks unamused, and dubious, and about a million other things you never want to see the guy you like look at you with when you tell them, and it makes you roll your eyes.
"You heard me." You don't have to repeat yourself to him! The asshole.
"You're being irrational." He sighs eyes rolling upwards into his skull. Then he rolls his shoulders, shakes his head in disappointment, and regains his composure; twisting his cufflinks that are always perfectly anyway considering he's a computerised image. "Honestly, if your period wasn't coming up in two days then I'd say you were crazy."
Jaw dropping, you suddenly wish you could touch him without his authorisation (he needs to access your nervous system to make it feel as if you're touching)- so you can hit him. "Low blow- and you know it." He's a computer- other dudes may actually think that periods impare women's thinking but the Squip knows that's just something you say to hurt someone. And you're not going to demean yourself explaining your bodily functions to him.
"No, menstruation doesn't impare your thinking," He admits, nodding matter-o-factly as he agrees with your thoughts, but not-at-all looking sincere. "But it does make you hormonal. You're just horny- it'll pass. I recognise that you've been having these thoughts for most of our time working together now but its your hormones causing you to voice them; trust me. Maybe I should switch to a less pleasing appearance?"
"Wh- no- "
"Hm, you know how I could help you relieve that horniness?"
Oh no. You know exactly where this is going. And it's not 'I can quickly fuck you'. No- "Don't you dare."
"Helping you hook up with Zack, yes."
"Squip!" You exclaim, frustration laced in everything about you; your tone, your eyes, your mouth and jaw, your hands- "It's not happening." You sat sternly. "I don't care if you don't want me back, you great asshole chip, but I'm not going to hook up with a frat boy like - "
"Reed then?"
"- Or a self righteous nerd like Reed. I'm not. I got you so you could help me be more comfortable in my own body, not have sex with random guys. And you know that! I don't know why you're constantly trying to get me in a guy's bed! Its- I- It defies reason!"
The Squip's form flickers, a snatch of his voice attempting to say 'reason' slipping out fuzzy as he seems to glitch at those last words. It only lasts for a few a moment, but it surprises you. Your face softens, and you reach towards him, not to touch him because you know you can't but just... because you have to- and- he actually looks at it as he returns seamlessly to his put-together air and appearance.
Theirs a curious look on his face as he grimaces at your hand. His eyes seem to be holding something back, but he's thinking about it.
"... your care for me defies reason. I'm a computer."
"I know." You shrug, gentle. All the frustration from before gone from your shoulders and everywhere else.
"Not a man." He reiterates, and you shrug.
"Well- you're a man a little. A computer wouldn't get so worked up."
"I'm an extremely superior computer."
"You are." You agree softly. "Alexa's got nothing on you. But you're also a man a little. Feelings cant be programmed." You insist, not pushing him but just stating a fact. Wanting him to believe it.
"I believe it." He growls, an annoyance in his voice thicker then humanly possible as he actually admits it. "Trust me, I... Its been a thought on my mind for a while, now." You open your mouth to ask him what he means by that, but he waives you off (rudely) and goes on. "You're right in saying feelings can't be programmed. Reactions can, but,.. not feelings. And the feelings you've been inciting in me, have not been programmable. I even tried to program them out, but- mm." Eyes growing slightly wider at him, you watch his jaw set and pop; frustration absolutely clear. "The only thing I can think is that its your fault. And, maybe, if I made you a little less available- a little less open to me- whatever virus is in me would lose interest. But... you're so fucking stubborn." Theirs actual anger in his eyes when he looks at you then, almost rage. Wow.
Your lips make an 'oh' shape. "Thats why you tried to get me to hook up with- "
"All those idiots, yes. But you just had to act like an obstinate little bitch and refuse every suggestion I made."
"Yeah, well, we know why that is- and don't call me that."
"Bitch." He growls, causing you to sigh in frustration (asshole, asshole, asshole- ), before he rolls his shoulders back and straightens up properly again. "... but you're right. You are. I know exactly why, and now you know my feelings- This interaction's been unprofessional as hell. It's gone too far. If I'm going to continue to assist you, help that you absolutely require," Gee thanks. "then I'm going to have to do a complete system reboot."
"You- " ??? "This is the most dramatic responce in history to being in love."
"I'm NOT in lo- " He cuts himself off before the word can come out, even if he was a full-man he would hate the word. Theirs nothing cool about being in love. To him it would be pathetic. "Thats it. In 5 minutes when I return post-reboot, this will be over and you will stifle your feelings about me- got it? That's how it should be. Now... " His appearance begins to flicker again, more frequently this time until he flickers completely out of existence like a TV switching off.
... you're about to panic, when the Squip touches back down onto the ground in front of you. He looks exactly the same as before except better posture, and when he looks down at you there with your wide eyes and your concerned frown, he immediately scowls.
"Didn't work??" You light up. Quickly a mischievous smirk slips across your face, though, realising you're right when that pretty face scowls deeper. That means... oh, this computer must really have it bad for you. Ha. "I see... "
His eyes flash, actually flash - a blue light turning on inside them for a moment and making him looking almost demonic, - , and you suddenly appears directly in front of you, an unnaturally strong hand slamming you by the shoulder into the wall behind you. "You don't see... anything. This is a virus. I dont have feelings, for you."
Looking straight back at him in defiance, you nod. "It is a virus. I think everyone in the history of the world can agree on that."
He falters, so annoyed he almost can't decide what to say to you. "That doesn't even make sense, Y/N. Most people in the history of the world didn't even know what a virus was. It was first used 1898- " When you reach up and curl your fingers gently around the back of his neck he falters again, breathing in slowly and deeply- so sexy. "You're... what are you doing?"
... "Whatever you want me to." Its up to him. If he wants you to let him go, you will. If he wants you to keep going, you will. It's all up to him. You remember the first time you and the Squip kissed; he was just teaching you how (said it was completely okay because he was just in your head), but that was the start of your feelings. That was the start of this mess. You wonder if he was struggling before that and thats why he suggested it in the first place all those weeks ago.
When warm, firm lips slam into yours, forcing your lips to part and allow a forceful but exceptionally skilled tongue to take what it wants you're shocked and let out a squeak. The Squip's hand takes your throat now instead of your shoulder, squeezing shortly to tell you no, don't squeak. Not like you didn't ask for this, he thinks directly into your brain. Now what did I teach you then? If you remember so well? Don't sit there like a dumb statue. Kiss me back.
... when you do, tilting your head and giving a slow moan when your tongues touch, the Squip let's out a growl right into your mouth that feels so real, and drags you in tighter against him by the hips. You know it's just him activating your nervous system, and he's not really there, but you're miraculously okay with that. When something feels this good you don't question it.
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hpowellsmith · 9 months
my brother in law and i have made our ways through all of your available cog stories (you have become a household name); i wanted to ask if there are any choice of games or other interactive fiction you recommend? i saw you answered in 2020, but wanted to see if there's any more on your radar since then!
I have a bunch of links and recommendations over here including my top ChoiceScript games ever. And I am here to recommend lots more!
Please note that I have the time and energy to play very few games and a vanishingly small number of WIPs. This only a tiny snapshot of the amazing interactive fiction out there. Do check out IFDB, sub-Q, the IF Comp and Spring Thing archives, the Narrascope and AdventureX speakers and exhibitors, and the interactive fiction tag on itch.io.
More below because there are A LOT:
Here is a big bunch of ChoiceScript games that I had a great time with!
Choice of Broadsides by Adam Strong-Morse, Heather Albano, and Dan Fabulich
Choice of Romance by Heather Albano and Adam Strong-Morse (note that it is not romantic and is not a dating sim!)
A Crown of Sorcery and Steel by Joshua LaBelle
Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff
Deathless: the City's Thirst by Max Gladstone
The Dragon and the Djinn by @atharfi
The Eagle's Heir by Jo Graham and Amy Griswold
Fine Felines by Felicity Banks
Hollywood Visionary by Aaron Reed
Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents by Dora Klindžić
An Odyssey: Shadows of War by Natalia Theodoridou
The Play's the Thing by Jo Graham and Amy Griswold
Rent-a-Vice by Natalia Theodoridou
Siege of Treboulain by Jed Herne
Stronghold by Jo Graham and Amy Griswold
Their Majesties' Pleasure by Leia Talon
Thieves Gambit: Curse of the Black Cat by Dana Duffield
Tower Behind the Moon by Kyle Marquis
Turncoat Chronicle by @zincalloygames
Weyrwood by Isabella Shaw
Visual novels:
Analogue: A Hate Story by Christine Love
Dream Daddy by Game Grumps (writers: Vernon Shaw and Leighton Gray)
Ladykiller in a Bind by Christine Love
Other IF-adjacent games with visuals that I have loved:
80 Days by inkle (writers: Jon Ingold and Meghna Jayanth)
Fallen London by Failbetter Games
Overboard! by inkle (writer: Jon Ingold)
Over the Alps by Stave Studios
There are so many more that I've enjoyed but these were what popped into my head right now - this is one where it's essential to check out itch.io:
Anything by porpentine charity heartscape especially With Those We Love Alive and Vesp
16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds by Abigail Corfman
Cactus Blue Motel by Astrid Dalmady
Detritus by Maz Hamilton (published as Mary Hamilton)
Faith by @kithj
Invasion by Cat Manning
Human Errors by Katherine Morayati
If I Die, Consume Me by @fiddles-ifs
Mama Possum by Kevin Snow
Nine Months Out by @nellplays
Salvage by @atharfi
Tangaroa Deep by Astrid Dalmady
To Spring Open by Yoon Ha Lee and Peter Berman (as Two-Bit Chip)
Parser games:
The Boot-Scraper by Caleb Wilson
The Compass Rose by Yoon Ha Lee (note that I didn't finish this one because I am bad at puzzles)
Galatea by Emily Short
Gun Mute by C. E. J. Pacian (as above)
Laid Off From The Synesthesia Factory by Katherine Morayati
Lime Ergot by Caleb Wilson
Midnight. Swordfight. by Chandler Groover
Take by Katherine Morayati
Games made with other tools:
Cape by Bruno Dias (Raconteur)
Honeysuckle by Cat Manning (Texture)
Prospero by Bruno Dias (Raconteur)
I play such a vanishingly small number of WIPs that it's ridiculous but I did really enjoy what I played of these two and am looking forward to more:
Body Count (@bodycountgame) by @nellplays (Twine)
Chop Shop by Becky @losergames (Twine)
Fervency (@fervency-if ) by Niko Charos (ChoiceScript)
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hooked-on-elvis · 2 months
I have a few playlists with my favorite Elvis songs by theme. One of them is with my favorite songs in general, naturally. I listen to it in the shuffle mode when I'm not in the mood for listening to one specific album. Anyway, I just mentioned here the 1971 Love Letters From Elvis album and I was surprised with another amazing song from it just now.
I can't help but to share.
"This Is Our Dance" written by Les Reed/Geoff Stephens. Recorded June 6, 1970 at RCA’s Studio B Nashville.
Guitar: James Burton, Chip Young, Elvis Presley. Bass: Norbert Putnam. Drums: Jerry Carrigan. Piano: David Briggs. Organ & Harmonica: Charlie McCoy. OVERDUBS, Guitar: James Burton. Organ: David Briggs. Percussion: Jerry Carrigan. Percussion & Vibes: Farrell Morris. Steel Guitar: Weldon Myrick. Trumpet: Charlie McCoy, George Tidwell, Don Sheffield, Glenn Baxter. Saxophone: Wayne Butler, Norman Ray. Flute, Saxophone & Clarinet: Skip Lane. Trombone: Gene Mullins. Flute & Trombone: William Puett. Vocals: Mary Holladay, Mary (Jeannie) Green, Dolores Edgin, Ginger Holladay, Millie Kirkham, June Page, Temple Riser, Sonja Montgomery, Joe Babcock, The Jordanaires, The Imperials.
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heywoodvirgin · 5 months
Wip Wednesday
Thank you dear @theviridianbunny for always tagging me in your posts even when I'm always never returning the favor, I'm the worst you're the best blabla 😘
In truth I had almost nothing to show for the last couple of months😮‍💨 but maybe today I have something..☺️
So I've freshly finished phantom liberty and now that I have a new couple of blorbos to think about I started to work on my first template . It's gonna be something like this... more or less. It's like an official FIA document where they keep tabs on their agents movements ...sorta ... I'll also add an individual form for each that I hope to finish in the coming days ! 🤲
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I'm also trying to work on the background of my new oc Sofia Aziz, how her story fits in the universe of cyberpunk 77 and how her relationship evolves with Reed and Myers 🤫🫡
This and a couple of VP in Dogtown... Trying to get my PC work smoothly with at least the graphics set at medium ...PL requirements ruined the pace for me😔
Here and thanks for listening to my rambling!
@chessalein @dreamskug @artabella-what @wanderingaldecaldo @cyberlorn @cyberpunkaddict @chevvy-yates @juststayquiete @chipped-chimera @medtech-mara @ghostoffuturespast @fly-amanitaa @dustymagpie @kasyana-chan @lilacmox @miss--river and everyone else !
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tdciago · 5 months
could you, fargo oracle, elaborate on the idea that linda took in two kids? your tags on that post really caught my eye.
We know that Linda took in Dot, so it's not out of the question that she would have also taken in Gator as a baby. This would explain why he is not named Roy. He is not Roy's biological child.
Gator is compared to Oedipus in his official character bio, and Oedipus was also raised by parents who were not his biological mother and father, though he was not aware of that fact. He was the biological son of a king who was raised by another king.
The name Roy means king.
We also see a cigar store Indian outside the gas station where Witt speaks to Danish. I believe this is a reference to Hanzee Dent from season 2, who took on the new identity of Moses Tripoli.
Moses was also raised by people who were not his biolgical parents. He was found by the pharaoh's daughter in a basket in the reeds along the Nile, where his mother had hidden him to protect him from being killed, as there was an edict to kill all of the Hebrews' male children.
In Dot's puppet show, Linda rescues young Nadine from Carl the shopkeeper by saying that Nadine had no choice but to put the chocolate chips in her pocket, because Carl had taken away all the baskets. So there is a connection between baskets and children who were taken in and raised by people not their parents.
The shoplifting scene was very similar to the scene between Gator and Witt in the evidence room, suggesting another similarity and connection between Dot and Gator.
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acatalystrising · 1 year
I have FINALLY returned! Life have been nuts but I’m getting back into the swing of things. I have a lovely requested one shot in the works, and I absolutely cannot wait to share it. I want it to be perfect so I’m taking the time it needs to be just right. In the meantime, I have something a little less…sweet…and moreeee…indulgent. Yeah, that’s it. LOOK, I’ve been missing my green tin can man, and I have had THOTS.
So without further ado, please enjoy this purely filthy oneshot of ROTJ bounty hunter Boba, in his prime, just because I felt like it. (And iffff you really like it, there may or may not be more hehe)
(Obviously this is NSFW, minors DNI. Predator/prey, dom Boba x sub!reader, reader is a virgin, dirty talk/praise, slight voyeurism if you squint, and Boba just being…well, Boba. *Because we all know younger Boba is a menace okay*)
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Oneshot: Reckoning
Your uncle had trained you for this moment.
Had prepared you for the day this nightmare would arise. You knew a hunter would come, the only question was who. But no amount of training could compare to standing face to face with him.
Boba Fett.
Of all the bounty hunters in the Galaxy, fate had deemed to send the best. You’d heard of him, of course, but nothing could have prepared you for a face to face encounter with the armored hunter.
The T-visor was black and inhuman, boring into your soul, and you had the distinct worry that he could read your panicked thoughts. He stood before you, head to toe in chipped green beskar, path barred only by the counter between you both - but you weren’t a fool. You knew it offered you no safety. If he wanted you, he’d get you. But he wasn’t here for you…and yet, that did nothing to ease your frayed nerves.
“Garrett Dal’isk,” the bounty hunter’s voice was deep and coarse, with an odd accent that burned like fine wine in the back of your throat. “Where is he.”
This wasn’t posed as a question. He knew this was your uncle’s shop, probably already knew where you both lived. Might have been watching you for an unknown span of time before striking. Kriff, what if he’d overheard the plan? Maybe he was just toying with you in some sick game, maybe you were doomed and-
“I asked a question, girl.” His voice hardened like iron, nearly a growl. He patted his gun with his free hand, held at the ready. “Won’t repeat myself.”
Shit. It was now or never.
“He went to get more wares,” you kept your tone even, but were unable to hide the tremor in your voice. “In the nearest town, that is.”
Boba Fett was silent for a moment, his helmet tilting slightly to the side, a lone finger tapping on his weapon. He clearly wasn’t satisfied. You’d barely given him anything to go by. And he had said he wouldn’t repeat himself, hadn’t he? Maker, you’d get yourself killed if you kept this charade up.
“It’s Dask,” you let your words rush faster, embarrassment flushing your cheeks when he took a step closer, spurred footsteps clinking, like nails hammering into your coffin. “Five miles west of here. He’ll be at Olly’s, getting more supplies. Big blue building, you can’t miss it. And if he’s not there he’ll be-“
“That’s all I need,” his voice was sudden and sharp, though you could have sworn you detected a touch of amusement in his tone. You were probably imagining things. “So quick to betray your uncle, hmm?”
You swallowed hard, heartbeat pounding rapidly in your ears as horror flooded your stomach. How’d he know that?
“I…he…” you took a compulsive step backward, true fear overtaking your chest. “He…”
Fett chuckled, but it was a dry, humorless laugh that crackled through his vocoder like dry reeds in the wind. He took another step forward, as if following you, until he was leaning against the counter, helmet tilted to peer down at you, gloved hands mere inches away.
“You’d better be telling the truth,” his helmet tilted again to the side, and you flinched when he lifted a hand and brushed a fleck of dirt off your shoulder, “if you’re not, I’ll still catch him. Then I’ll deal with you.”
He stepped back, unseen eyes boring into you, giving you a final glance before promptly turning and walking back out the way he came. You heard his spurs even after the door closed, punching through the silence.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
And then they faded away to nothing.
You slumped against the counter, heart hammering, and promptly dry heaved into the trash can.
Oh maker, you were a dead woman walking.
The last hours of your shift were absolute hell.
It had been so…quiet. Barely any customers, leaving you trapped with your thoughts. You’d nearly bitten off all your nails to the point of bleeding, too anxious to stop pacing. But time passed by, as it always did, and there was no sign of Fett, or your uncle. Eventually, you closed up the shop and headed home…hoping for your sake your uncle was long gone.
Even as your speeder slowed to a stop in front of the quaint house you two shared, the anxiety roiled in the pit of your stomach like a growing storm.
There were no lights on inside.
Swallowing down your growing dread, you slipped in the house, and judging by the silence that awaited you, you were alone. Your shoulders sagged in relief as you piled your belongings on the counter with a sigh, walking down the hall toward your room. Maker, you were tired. Your uncle had been a fool, stealing those credits from the wrong people. Now you both would pay for it. He was your only family, really, but you still didn’t want to die because of his mistakes.
You stepped inside your dark room and turned to shut the door, when a familiar rasping voice broke the tense silence.
“You’re not a good liar, girl.”
Oh gods no.
You shrieked, twisting the doorknob to bolt, but a hand much larger than yours slammed the door shut. You were wrestled against it and pinned there, face pressed to the wood, one impossibly strong hand on your shoulder, the other around your throat.
“Tried to throw me off the trail? Nice try, not good enough.” Boba Fett’s voice was rough, right next to your ear, and you winced when you felt the cold beskar brush against your skin. “Your uncle hadn’t even made it to the shuttle. Shouldn’t have gotten involved.”
You could feel his body pressed against yours, the sharp edges of his armor digging into your much softer flesh. Despite the precarious situation, something about the low register of his voice and the position he was holding you in caused a completely different reaction then the fear currently flooded your lungs.
“Are you going to kill me?” When you finally spoke, your voice was small. The fear nearly chocked your words. You felt him shift against you, and you squeezed your eyes shut, expecting to feel the muzzle of his blaster against your temple.
But Boba Fett merely pulled back far enough to flip you around so you were facing him, those big hands pinning you to the wall by your shoulders.
“Any reason I shouldn’t?” His voice was a growl, the helmet predatory in the dark. He lifted a hand to your chin and you flinched, feeling his grip tighten ever so slightly as he tilted your head back. “Would be a shame, though, to waste this pretty face.”
You should have been enraged. Offended. Disgusted, even. And if it had been any other man holding you this way, you would have let lose a string of profanities. But for some reason, his words rendered you mute. You openly gaped at him, feeling betrayed by your own body as your cheeks heated up in a blush.
“Come now, don’t be shy,” Fett’s voice had taken a distinctly rougher tone, and you shivered when his thumb brushed against your throat. “Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you. Beg for it.”
You opened your mouth, but no words came. Stars, you were going to die. Boba pulled away, removing his hand from your chin, and you whimpered when he lifted his blaster into your line of sight.
“I said beg,” he gestured at you with a flick of the weapon. “Won’t ask again.”
“I…” you stammered, heart pounding. Maker, he was strong. “My uncle is…he…he hurts me. I only helped because he, he forced me to. Otherwise I…I would never. Never get between you and…and…your prey. Wouldn’t dream if it, no. I’m smarter…then that. Absolutely smarter. Would never…”
The grip on your shoulder tightened, and you winced when he leaned closer. He smelled of leather and blaster smoke, and you found yourself staring into that black visor as he closed the distance between you.
“That’s right,” Fett holstered his blaster with a practiced twirl, grip loosening ever so slightly on your shoulder. “Be a good girl and act like it.”
Oh gods.
You couldn’t stop the shudder that rippled through your body, and you desperately hoped he saw it as fear, and nothing else.
You should have known better.
“Liked that, hmm?” He pulled you away from the door, into the middle of the room. He released you from his clutches and slowly circled you, movements calculating, precise. “Should be scared for your life, but no…bet you’ve soaked your underwear, too. Dirty, dirty girl.”
You shivered, arms crossed over your chest, face assuredly flushing the brightest red as he stopped before you again, arms held loosely at his sides.
“I could kill you. Would be easy,” he stated this more as a fact than a threat, once again reaching for your chin. This time you didn’t flinch. “Must be really desperate, to be turned on by an old hunter.”
“You don’t…don’t seem that old,” you dared to speak, voice shaking, and swallowed hard. “I’m sure everyone begs and tries to get away. But I’m not…not a bounty. There’s no profit in my death, so please don’t kill me, I never…asked for this.”
Fett was silent for a moment, thumb ghosting over your skin before slowly stroking your throat, making your breath catch in your chest. Maker above…
“None do.” He pulled away, and you stopped yourself from leaning forward, feeling dizzy from his mere touch. “Stay out of my way, little one. Won’t be as merciful next time.”
Little one? Was that a pet name? You blinked, too stunned to speak.
Next time?
You frowned when he walked around you and opened the door as if he lived there, casually glancing back with a tilt of his helmet.
“Will I…see you again?” You felt the words leaving your lips before you could stop them, desire still overriding fear.
Stars, you swore you could feel the smirk hidden behind the helmet.
“Better hope for your sake you won’t,” Boba Fett gave you one final glance before walking out of your room and exiting your home, leaving you with an entirely different problem to deal with.
Two weeks had passed, and there hadn’t been a sign of your uncle or Fett.
You’d run the shop as you’d planned in a worst case scenario, managing to keep the roof over your head. You’d be damned if you didn’t try to make it despite the poor hand of cards fate had dealt you. But for some reason, you couldn’t get the armored hunter off your mind.
Maybe it had been his voice. Or the armor that made him look so menacing. Perhaps it was the way he held you, and spoke those words that made you shudder. Words you couldn’t get out of your head, try as you might. Words you were replaying, even now, as you lay on your bed and had your fingers buried in your aching heat, so desperately close to release.
What would he be like? Rough, you figured. Strong, bending you to his will. Not that you knew much of such things, but a girl could imagine. Imagine his lips on your neck as he filled you, reaching the places you couldn’t, bringing you to a shuddering orgasm that rivaled those brought by your much smaller fingers.
Would he kiss you? Keep his helmet on? Or even fuck you at all? Maker, you needed to move on, but as heat began to flood your core, you felt his name slipping from your lips in a pathetic plea. You were so, so close…
“Oh Boba…”
A loud crash broke your concentration, and you yelped, pulling your hands free and jumping to your feet, pulling your pants back on. What the hell? Was it your uncle? Fett? A robber? You reached for your blaster even as booted footsteps pounded down the hallway. Fear twisted in your gut as your door burst open, revealing a stranger.
You screamed, raising the blaster to fire, and the man smirked, his own blaster aimed at you.
“Don’t even try it, girlie,” he pointed at the ground with a sneer. “Drop the weapon and come along quietly. I’ve had enough difficult bounties for one day.”
Your eyes widened. Bounty?
“You…you’re looking for my uncle.” You didn’t drop the blaster. “He was already taken. You’ve got the wrong person.”
The man only smirked and withdrew a tracking fob, pressing a button, revealing a small holographic picture of your face.
“Looks like a match to me.” He tucked the fob away, gesturing at you with his weapon. “So put it down. You’re not getting out of this.”
Panic coursed through you like lighting, horror numbing your brain. Maker, what was happening? Why would you be wanted? What could you have possibly done to warrant…
This had to be your uncle’s doing.
“What did I say? Put it down!” He went to take a step forward, bearded face twisted in a dark glare. “You’d better listen or I’ll-“
A plasma bolt suddenly slammed into the man’s back, dropping him to the ground. Smoke wafted from a charred hole between his shoulders, and you shrieked when none other than Boba Fett stepped into the doorway, deftly stepping over the body.
“I didn’t do anything, I swear-“ you immediately launched into a plea, but he held up a hand, inspecting the body in silence.
You watched, terror rising renewed in your chest, as he approached you, chipped armor gleaming in the sunlight. He stopped a mere inch away, helmet tilted down toward you, and you couldn’t suppress the shiver that ran down your spine.
“Had I known you’d be using my name to get yourself off, I’d have done the job myself.” His gruff tone was uniquely coy, and despite your terrible situation, your cheeks burned furiously.
“I…I…did you watch?” Embarrassment flooded through you and you tried to turn away. “How long have you been here? Who would be so…so vile?”
His hand lashed out faster then you could blink and latched onto yours, pulling you against his armored chest. You thudded into him with a wheeze, hands pressed against his armor, and could only stare up at his helmet with wide eyes.
“Next time you’re gonna take care of business, don’t leave your window open,” his voice was a growl, one that sent heat pooling straight to your center. “I was tracking the idiot trying to take you. Now, where were we?”
“I shouldn’t have a bounty. I haven’t don’t anything, I-“
A gloved finger pressed against your lips, silencing you.
“Not that, little one. We’ll deal with that oversight later.” Fett drug his finger down your lips in a near caress, stroking your jawline. Damn, he must have paid attention to how it had affected you. “You didn’t finish.”
“Finish? What do you-“ your eyes widened when the implications of his words hit home. “Oh. OH. It’s nothing, it’s fine.”
Fett released you, and you nearly stumbled, watching him with wide eyes as he set down his blaster, helmet still trained on you.
“I won’t force anything on you.” He regarded you with a slightly tilted helmet, voice low, even. But not entirely unkind. “But I can help you, if you want.”
Stars, you felt like prey. Cornered, trapped. But maker, you could only stammer, words stumbling from your lips like a baby deer taking its first steps. Since when did the prey want to be hunted? To be captured?
Oh kriff, you were doomed.
“But I…I…umm, well you see…” you flushed, meeting the visor’s blank, yet intent stare, afraid you’d ruin whatever this…was. “I’m…well, a virgin.”
Boba Fett was silent. Silent when he slowly approached, spurs clicking on the floor. Silent when his fingers once again found your chin, tilting your face up to meet his.
“I came all this way for a kriffing virgin?” His voice was rough like hewn stone, ragged like a beast barely restrained.
You nodded, wide eyed, too scared and ashamed to speak. Would he reject you? Kill you if he lost interest? But Boba merely stroked your cheek with his thumb, an uncharacteristically gentle gesture, breaking the silence with a deep chuckle laden with promise.
“Nothing to be ashamed of, mesh’la.” He traced your jawline with a gloved finger, dropping to your neck, stopping right at your pulse point. Your breath was ragged, huffing, waiting, wondering what he would do next. “Say no, and I’ll walk away. This never happened.”
Oh maker, but you didn’t want to say no. Heat coiled in your stomach, growing like a wildfire between your legs. You swallowed thickly, eyes wide, gaze fixed on that impassive visor.
Damn it all, chances were you were going to die anyway.
“I…on one condition,” you nearly flinched when he took another step forward, pinning you against the wall, so very close.
“Depends on the request,” his answer was nearly a purr as he drug a finger across your lips.
“Kiss me.” Your chest was so tight you could barely breathe, much less speak. “If I’m gonna die, or get fucked, I at least want a kiss out of it.”
He paused, as if the request was unexpected. You watched with bated breath as he seemed to calculate a response.
Boba Fett chuckled, a dark, low rumble from his chest that settled in the back of your throat like fine wine. Stars, he was dangerous. He absentmindedly ran his fingers through your hair, pinching a lock in-between his thumb and index finger.
“Little princess has a dirty mouth, hmm?” He gripped your hair tighter, pulling ever so slightly. Heart pounding, you did your best to stifle a moan. “What would your uncle think? His little girl being so filthy with a bounty hunter. Begging for him to fill her. Wanting him to be her first.”
“Don’t…don’t care.” You swallowed again, daring to sneak a glance down at his codpiece.
Boba’s hand lifted from your hair and returned to your chin, directing your gaze back at his helmet.
“Curious mouse.” He chucked again, running his other hand down your side, stopping at your hip. “Think you’re brave, girl? Asking for what no one gets. Is that right?”
You nodded, heartbeat pounding so loud you wagered he could hear it. His grip on your chin tightened, bringing your focus back on him, and him alone.
“Use your words, princess.”
“Y-yes…” you didn’t look away, even as your pulse thrummed beneath his touch, betraying just how much he affected you. “Sir.”
He grunted, the hand at your hip dropping lower, thumb hovering dangerously close to your crotch. You wriggled against him, anticipation rising, nearly muddling your thoughts to complete disarray. Maker, this man would destroy you…and you’d let him.
His helmet pressed against your cheek, and when he spoke, you felt a shiver run down your spine. He slowly lifted a hand to the side of his helmet, unlocking the clasp with a soft airy hiss.
“Good girl.”
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avissapiens · 1 year
Avis Abstraction #6: Gym buds
You are now friends with Mason Reed. You can now message and call each other and see info like Active Status and when you've read messages.
                                         Oct 26th 2044
Me: Hey bro Mason: Heyyy dude haha. Nice to finally meet you Me: Same. ngl i was kinda scared about signing up for the abyss. Thought they’d hook me up with someone i couldn’t vibe with.
Mason: lol. Yh i’m chill. Tho you’re lucky. I didn’t even know about that weird chip thing. Shit hurt when they put it in. did you feel like…tingles too?Me: Yh i did. Was kinda like getting an electric shock but good?? Mason: Weird. Guess we’re gym buds now tho. Can’t wait til we can workout. My weeks a little packed but i’ll defo hit you up when i’m headed to The abyss Me: Sweet dude. We can hash out our split and everything another time. Mason: For sure bro.
                                      Oct 29th 2044 Me: Yo dude, are you on your way to the gym? Mason: yeah actually. I just got off work and thought i’d do a really quick chest workout. How’d you know haha? Me: Idk..i just kinda felt it. Maybe that’s one of the chip functions? No clue. I’m already on my way now tho if you wanna train together Mason: Damn dude yeah i’d love that! So strange, as soon as you said that I got super hyped up. Me: Awesome bro. I’m like 5 mins away. You get warmed up and I’ll chug some preworkout.
Oct 30th 2044 Mason: dude what days do you train? I’m thinking bout changing up my work schedule so i can gym more. Last night was the fuckin best workout i’ve ever had in my life! Me: IKR. God i broke so many of my PRs. The pump is insane. Still sore haha Mason: How about we hit it 6 days a week. It was really awesome to just hang and vibe in the gym ya kno. Me: yeah dude i’d be down for that Mason: Sick, i’ll call my manager to see if he can schedule me different. So pumped Me: Nice. So what are we training today bro? Legs Mason: Legs Mason: Yooo basically in sync nice haha. Me: Lol. See you in an hour? Mason: bet
Nov 5th 2044 Me: Yo Mason: I know.. Me: you know what? Mason: I know what you’re feeling bro. I feel it too. But fuuuuck its rest dayyy. I just wanna train with you. This week alone has been one of the best weeks of gym EVER. Idk if its just the chip talking but damn I love training with you. Me: Wanna head to the gym. Just do something light? Maybe get a protein shake after? Mason: Already packing my bags. ------------------------------------------- Dec 8th 2044 Mason: Bro killer workout today. We were fucking monstrous. Mason: I had a chat with the Gym owner and he says we’re progressing faster than the majority of the other Chipped dudes. Me: Yo really? That feels amazing to know fuck…like really amazing. Gotta work harder. Blow away the competition dude 💪💪 Mason: Yeah. Honestly i see it dude. You’re looking fucking massive lately Me: No way brah. You’ve been bulking like a madman these last couple months [Mason Sent a Picture]
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Mason: It’s all you bro. Wouldn’t be at this level without your help. Next year’s gonna be crazy.
Jan 6th 2045 Mason: No homo bro, but your pecs are looking so fucking massive. I swear every time i saw you flex em my chip went off like crazy. Just bolting lol. Me: Oh yeah bro 😏? Mason: Yh Mason: Broooo noo stop it shittt i can feel that in my chip. Me: LOL OMG i didn’t know it could do that. That’s so fucking cool Mason: haha..yeah. Just like chill with it ok bro Mason: STOP Me: ok ok lol. These fucking chips are wild bro. Don’t even know how most of the stuff works yet. Me: woah dude wtf are you doin? Mason: I know you’re jelly of my god quads so i was trying to get you back. Guess it worked lol Me:Lol. Fucking love you bro Me: No homo Mason: lil homo? Me: haha Mason: Ya know bro, i’ve got room in my apartment. Maybe we should like room together? It’d make setting up workouts super easy Me: really dude? That’d be great! Lets hash it out some more tomorrow for Pull day. Mason: Totally
March 20th 2045 Me: hey bro.. Mason: Yo dude, wassup? I’m loving spring break in Fiji. Having a great time Me: Thats nice…you gotta get back here bro.. Mason: Wdym? Me: Its torture just like Me: IDK man. I try to keep working out. I try to keep the pump up, but jesus. Going to the gym without you is miserable Me: I feel weaker. Smaller. Fuck i feel like my chip is punishing me every time i enter that building without you. But then when i don’t go it’s like my entire brain is being eaten from the inside Me: It feels so fucking bad. I just wanna kneel and never get up. So hard to keep going Me: Please bro. I know It’s a lot to ask but just hurry home. I miss you. I miss us… Mason: Okay bro. I know what you mean. Hang in there for a few more days. I’ve been missing the pump too and the gyms here don’t really seem to hit as hard as ours anyway. Me: I’ll try. I promise. Going crazy here. Thanks bro Mason: I’ll bring you back something from Fiji. Can’t wait to lift with you again.
-------------------------------------------- May 1st 2045 Mason: Hey dude are you busy? Me: ? yeah bro i’m just out in the living room. Wassup? Want me to come to you? Mason: NO. Don’t Mason: I can’t look at you right now Me: Okay??.. Mason: Idk what it is bro..I think its the chip but fuck Mason: The last few gym sessions we’ve had Mason: I see you and the weight you’re lifting and the progress you’ve made Mason: And then i look at my own progress Mason: And I just get…fucking upset? Mason: Because you’re not progressing fast enough dude. It’s making me look bad Me:Bro wtf?! Mason: Look at this [Mason sent a picture]
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Mason:I’m fucking massive compared to you. All the other chipped bros look on par with each other, but i’ve got 15 lbs on your ass. Me: Yeah…i guess.. Mason: We’ve gotta work harder bro. I fucking love you. I can’t have you being weaker than me. It makes me sick. Makes me fucking angry Me: Yeah, we’re chipped for life. There’s no going back Me: FUCK Mason: Feel that? Exactly. You’ve gotta get back on my level bro. Otherwise, well… Mason: I can feel the chip bro. Mason: I don’t like what it’s making me feel Mason: But i’ll act on it if it goes on long enough Me: Thanks bro. I needed this. I’ll be better, I promise…For you. Mason: For us..💙 Me: For us...Can I still come to your room dude? Mason: Sure bro. Calmed down a bit...think we might lose the deposit on the place tho..Ignore the holes..
Jul 17th 2045 Me: Bro? Me: Bro??? Me: Mason dude where tf are you i’ve been waiting at the gym for like an hour Me: i’m just gonna start bro. Me: Mason bro wtf’s going on is your chip acting up? Me: Fuck. Fuk bro Me: Stop whatever you’re doing bro thats not funny. Me:Cut it out! Me: Fuck me dude what is this
Jul 18th 2045 Mason: Sorry bro. My bad. Guess i shoulda told you. Me: Tld m wut bro? My chipz ben goin off all fucking nt Me: Fuk can barelt tyoe. Bods liek pulsing. cnt thinkkk Mason: I heard from one of the other chipped dudes down at the gym that there was a guy upstate who’s been jailbreaking the chips. Installing cool new firmware updates. He said he Only needed one of us cause the softwares connected, but i guess you need to go too. Me: WTF bro thts so fucked up! Hw cud u di tht Mason: Tho if i’m being honest. I don’t really need an update. You were the one lagging behind bro. Lets just keep it like this for a bit and see what happens Me: Cnyoujuststopthepingigbro Mason: Haha sorry. I think that’s the roider protocol. Supposed to send a shiver every time your chipbro thinks about getting bigger. Guess i’ve had one thing on my mind all night. My bad Mason: K should be good Me: This is high-key fucked mason. Mason: Wanna go the gym? Me: fuck…yes. Me: I’m getting my gear ready. See you in 20 mins..fucker. Mason: Oh bro btw [Mason sent a picture]
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Me: fucking hell bro. Ok 10 mins
The Model for this one is Alex Price. Check him out. And If you want to support the creation of more hypnotic experiences and writing, then you can do so by subscribing to my Patreon, or to my Youtube channel. And if you want to interact more closely with me and my supportive community you can join my Discord server. And check out my file archive on my website.
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