#netlix reboot
dramaintherain · 6 months
I've been watching dramas for a decade and a half and it's not about the quality of just netlix dramas ( although most of them look very nice but have the substance of a paper back and the writing quality of a 12 yo writing fanfic for the first time) because like you said there isn't that many of them compared to everything but how they influenced the kdrama industry just like they influenced hollywood (there are multiple articles and industry writers/actors talking about netflix and streaming by extension because companies tried to follow them and the irrevocable damage it has done to how hollywood functions not just for the quality of the art but the livelihood of writers and actors they went from big writers rooms and residuals and recurring spots to mini rooms where they do a huge amount of free work basically no residuals and actors getting paid dust here's one https://www.vulture(dot)com/2023/06/streaming-industry-netflix-max-disney-hulu-apple-tv-prime-video-peacock-paramount.html). No one is saying kdramas were perfect there were a lot of bad shows like there always are, a lot of misogynistic writing a lot of exploitation and there still is, here's how netflix is treating korean labor ( https://www.latimes(dot)com/world-nation/story/2023-08-07/south-korea-actors-netflix-pay-dispute-union). But netflix has changed the game and unlike hollywood which it started disrupting a long time ago it's relatively newer to kdramas, much shorter shows regardless of the story being told ( the actual main leads of song of bandits complained how the show got cut in half after being filmed just... because) and networks are popping out 12 ep shows like clockwork when it should be based on what the story is, 12, 16, 20? Like some of the greatest kdramas of all time weren't 20+ like six flying dragons, reply 1988, cruel city, chief kim, prison playbook, we used to get 20 ep shows and 16 and 12 and for sageuks 30 and 50, now 20 is extinct and the only show doing it is my dearest and it's the biggest rating hit, it should always be a variety, a huge number of shows getting filmed and shelved because networks have cut their slots, westernized shows masquerading as kdramas, shows getting multiple seasons when the story really doesn't call for it. Of course there are still great shows but that's not because of netflix it's in spite of them and just like Hollywood are barely starting to recover due to labor standing up for themselves with the strikes, Korea is gonna take a few years before it looks around and says wtf has happened to us, we had a model that while not perfect, worked and now... It's capitalism through and through and tech bros f*cking up another industry for money.
I have been watching k-dramas for eight years now, and the same critique of "shiny coat of painting but terrible story writing" can be applied to various dramas broadcast outside netflix so I really do not see where this thought is coming from other than narrow nostalgia.
At the same time it is nothing but ludicrous to blame the woes of Hollywood on streaming services as if there were no major issues already. Since the late 1970's-1980's western cinema became monopolised and dependent on blockbuster films based on intellectual property.
Today we are witnessing the zenith of this circumstance as the majority of films available at cinemas are nothing more than reboots or sequels, particularly the super hero gene. This has also spilled over into television series as now there are countless, fast food like shows of a certain Mickey Mouse brand that has accumulated a great deal of intellectual property when it comes to comic book characters.
I am not arguing that streaming services are less exploitative or that they have not taken opportunity of local labour laws and so on with the objective of profiting: that is how they function, just like television networks. The shift towards pre-produced k-dramas is a positive one nonetheless as it is less taxing on those involved in producing k-dramas. "Some of the greatest k-dramas of all time" were shot live and under excruciating conditions for labourers, and this model is and remains unsustainable.
It's a shame "Song of the Bandits" had several of its episodes cut during editing but this is something that happens under any production, be it from a television network or a streaming service. And that often happens because there are doubts whether a show will be successful or not. But none of this suggests that k-dramas are being "westernised" -- these shows reflect South Korean culture and history.
South Korea already has a plethora of national streaming services like TVING which is already planning to expand to the American market in a year so I do not understand why all these changes are being exclusively blamed on one streaming service when this is part of one big wave across the world and television networks are also having their share of the pie. You are effectively romanticising the exploitation of South Korean workers for your own personal consumption while deriding any changes that contribute to lessening their payload: think about that.
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filmsetseriespourtous · 10 months
Netlix prépare le reboot de « Le Monde de Narnia »
Depuis quelques années, Netflix a exprimé son intérêt pour une nouvelle adaptation de l’œuvre littéraire de C. S. Lewis, « Le Monde de Narnia ». Et il semblerait que le géant du streaming soit prêt à concrétiser ce projet ambitieux. En 2018, Netflix a acquis les droits des sept livres de la saga, rejoignant ainsi la tendance actuelle d’Hollywood qui mise sur les franchises déjà établies. Harry…
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quoisexual-asshole · 3 years
Okay, but I HAD to do that:
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Honorable mention:
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For distinguished aroace, but Merida has the arrow joke and a whole movie about not getting married.
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jazzstarrlight · 3 years
Hello!! May I ask, Is there any fandoms (like Batim, Undertale, Etc) you join besides THSC?
Also I love your artsyle so much!! Keep following your dreams!!
Thanks! And yeah I'm a fan of all sorts of western and japanese animations!
Sonic was the first one I started drawing.
And Inuyasha was basicly my gateway to anime.
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I also enjoy the Harry Potter movies from time to time. (I would read the books, but I have a very frustrating problem when I try to read novels.)
This is my OC Cliara Linzwelle - Griffindor
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Then Pokémon (loved playing pearl), and Marvel (mostly spiderman.)
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Star Wars is a big one!
Here's my OC's Jazmai (purple eyes), Vykole (green eyes), Wendikin (blue eyes), and the chiss sisters Zelirah (left blue girl) and Amirah (right blue girl).
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Maomao. (Still waiting for season 2!)
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Steven Universe and My hero adademia (the blondes are my OC twins Aya and Aoi. Quirks: Light manifest. Basicly think green lanterns ring abilities)
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Tmnt 2006 and 2012. (My OC Homato Johannes the rat. A big sister to the turtles. Basicly an if the rat that touched homato yoshi was also mutated.)
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Legend of Voltron reboot from Netlix (these are my OC's.)
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Another netlix show Kipo: and the age of wonderbeasts
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And many more that I haven't drawn or hate the way I drew them!
Gravity Falls, fairy Tail, avatar the last airbender, kung fu panda, miraculous ladybug, the owl house, Dr.Stone, cells at work, carmon sandiego reboot, teen titans (NOT teen titans go), etc...
(All this artwork here is drawn by me.)
Hope you like these. I haven't posted most of these anywhere.
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killervibe · 3 years
In this essay, I will argue why Disney Investor Day 2020 is actually DETRIMENTAL to the world’s collective mental stability because of the oversaturation, overstimulation and overall overwhelming overload of information when Taylor Swift 9 + Winx Club Netlix liveaction + Kardashian Hulu television show + Chris Evans + Ariana Grande + Meryl Steep + Cate Blanchett + Leonardo DiCaprio + Timothée Chalamet ETC in Netflix’s Don’t Look Up + iCarly reboot for adults WERE ALREADY ANNOUNCED ON THE SAME DAY—
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tibby · 3 years
do you have like a top 5 of AD scenes/jokes? and what do you think about the Netflix seasons?
the entirety of s.o.bs
gob trying to throw an envelope into the ocean
“they don’t allow you to have bees in here”
buster’s time in the “army”
tobias and FIRE SALE
(recurring) jokes:
george senior’s one armed friend who teaches them lessons
lucille not caring for gob
nobody in the bluth family knowing what a chicken is
i think the netlix seasons were underwhelming and maybe the first warning that shows should never be rebooted <3
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zippedstitch · 3 years
I’m surprised a gritty netlix reboot of Sailor moon hasn’t happened yet.
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afaimsblog · 5 years
New, News, News Teil 2
Während, vor, und nach der ComicCon wurde an Neuigkeiten der guten und der schlechten Sorte ja nicht gespart. Wir haben erfahren, dass die US-Zuseher sich in Zukunft wie es scheint uns anderen bei dem allseits beliebten Spiel “Wo kann ich was sehen und wie?” anschließen werden: Der “Walking Dead”-Film wird nicht auf AMC zu sehen sein sondern nur exklusiv im Kino. Dafür gibt es die zweite Staffel von “Doom Patrol” auf HBO Max und dem DC App, was darauf hindeutete, dass Warner über kurz oder lang plant das DC-App ganz abzuschaffen - “Swamp Thing” wurde nach einer gröberen Produktionskatastrophe nach einer verkürzten Staffel eingestellt. Die neue “Deathstroke”-Animationsserie findet sich trotz keinerlei Zusammenhang mit dem Arrowversum am CW Seed und nicht auf dem App. Und “Doom Partol” ist nun nicht mehr exklusiv, das sieht nicht gut für das DC-App aus - HBO Max wird Warners hauseigener Streamingdienst sein und macht es mit seiner bloßen Existenz überflüssig.
Für unsereins stellt sich aber eher die Frage, was diese Verändeurngen für den Auslandsverleih, sprich uns, bedeuten werden, eine Antwort darauf gibt es aber noch nicht. Wir können auch nicht sagen, ob wir Rick Grimes im Kino sehen werden oder anderswo.
Ein anderes Sorgenkind für unsereins wird Disney+. Nachdem Phase 4 des MCU neben fünf Filmen eben auch aus fünf Disney+-Fernsehserien besteht, die eben auch als definitiver Teil der Phase vorgestellt wurden und inhaltiche Zusammenhänge mit den bevorstehenden Filmen angedeutet wurden, ist es möglich, dass man diese Serien tatsächlich gesehen haben muss um sich auszukennen, aber Disney+ wird in absehbarer Zukunft nicht außerhalb der USA verfügbar sein, also selbst, wenn wir es wollten, könten wir die fünf neuen Serien dort nicht ansehen. Ob sie einfach auf Netflix zu sehen sein werden, ist nicht sicher, also werden wir uns vielleicht nicht auskennen können.
Und als ob das nicht schon ärgerlich genug wäre, gibt es auch vermehrt Hinweise darauf, dass das MCU bald nur noch aus den Filmen aus den Disney+-Serien bestehen wird, und sowohl die Netlix-Serien aus auch die ABC-Serien - inklusive des einst so sehr in das MCU inkludierte “Agents of Shield” “nur” noch Teile des Multiversums sein werden, in denen die Filme spielen, aber eben nicht Teil des Universums - Gastauftritte von Nick Fury, Maria Hill, und Lady Sif hin oder her. Befeuert wurde diese Sorge durch das Doppelcasting von Mahershala Ali. Am Ende des MCU-Panels präsentierte er sich als neuer Blade, was nichts heißen muss, alle Stokes haben möglicherweise Doppelgänger und “Blade” wird frühestens 2022 auf uns losgelassen. Zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem die 1. Staffel von “Luke Cage schon einige Jahre her sein wird. Aber es gibt das Gerücht um einen geplanten “Daredevil”-Reboot mit neuen Darstellern und neuer Originstory für Matt, und nun sagen böse Zungen, dass die “Defenders”-Serien bald nicht mehr Teil des MCU sein werden und es eigentlich auch nie waren. Währenddessen wird die neue “Ghost Rider”-Serie von Hulu zwar den gleichen Darsteller nehmen wie “Agents of Shield”, dem Titelhelden aber eben auch eine neue Herkunfsgeschichte verpassen und eben nicht auf der Mythologie von “AoS” aufbauen - so heißt es zumindest, und wenn man bedenkt, dass die fünfte Staffel der Mutterserie zwar “Infinity War”-Tie-Ins hatte, die sechste Staffel “Endgame” aber ignoriert, liegt der Verdacht nahe, dass die Serie eben nicht mehr im selben Universum spielt wie die Filme.
Jetzt werde ich wohl nicht die einzige sein, die sich daraufhin denkt: “Und warum zum Teufel habe ich, wenn das so ist, meine Lebenszeit verschwendet und mir zwei Staffeln “Punisher” angesehen?” (Ganz zu schweigen von all den armen Menschen, die sich “Inhumans” angetan haben).
Aber hey, so gesehen könnten wir uns ja alle zusammenschließen und “Avengers: Endgame” als tatsächliches Ende nehmen und auf das MCU danach scheißen. Why not? Disney hätte es verdient, besonders wenn sie uns jetzt zwingen wollen die neuen Disney+-Serien anzusehen und die anderen Serien, von denen sie uns jahrelang erzählt haben sie würden zu ihrem Universum gehören, und in die wir Jahre von Zeit und Liebe investiert haben ungeniert aus ihren Canon streichen, nur weil Tony Stark und Thor nicht darin vorgekommen sind.
Und wo wir gerade bei Verwirrung sind. Nach einem sehr erfolgreichen Panel über die derzeitigen vier Star Trek-Fernsehserien (”Discovery”, “Short Treks”, “Lower Decks” und “Picard”) wollten andere wissen, was eigentlich aus den Filmen wird. Einziges noch existierendes Projekt dazu ist das von Quentin Tarantino, der sich etwas zweifehalft dazu äußerste: Ja, er wird den Abrams-Cast verwenden, aber er versteht das Kelvin-Verse nicht und mag es nicht, weil es alles, was nach “Enterprise” spielt aus dem Canon gestrichen hat, und die eigentliche Original Serie ersetzt. Er ist damit etwas verspätet dran und fühlt sich jetzt so, wie wir alle uns damals bei Abrams ersten “Star Trek”-Film gefühlt haben - stinkbeleidigt. Und will aber trotzdem diese Darsteller verwenden, obwohl er nicht versteht, dass es eine andere Zeitlinie ist, und Abrams ihm gesagt hat er solle diese Tatsache einfach ignorieren und so tun als hätte es TOS doch gegeben und er würde das fortsetzen. Oder so.
Ein paar Beruhigungsmittel später fragt man sich, seit wann aus Quentin Tarantinos “Star Trek”-Film Abramsverse “Star Trek 4″ wurde. Hätte da nicht eine ganze neue Crew im Mittelpunkt stehen sollen? War ich die einzige, die sich eine Art Star Trek-Slasher mit ganz neuen Personen vorgestellt hat? Nein, aber das war, als “Star Trek 4″ noch ein unabhängiges Projekt war, und nun hat man die beiden Projekte verschmolzen, und das obwohl kein einziger Darsteller mehr unter Vertrag für “Star Trek 4″ steht. Vielleicht rechnet Paramount damit, dass der Name Tarantino sie zurücklockt. Aber so sehr mich die Aussicht Spock/Uhura loszuwerden freut, den normalen Kinozuseher dürfte ein Universumswechsel mit den gleichen Darstellern sehr verwirren. Und nebenbei geschmacklos gefragt: Glaubt ihr, dass QT überhaupt weiß, dass Anton Yelchin tot ist?
Ach ja, und wegen den weiblichen Zusehern gibt es die fünfte Staffel “Outlander” erst 2020. Damit die immer was auf Starz zu sehen haben oder so. Die genaue Begründung hat sich mir nicht erschlossen, da es sinniger wäre 2019 die fünfte und 2020 die sechste Staffel auszustrahlen, denn dann hätten die vernehmlich weiblichen “Outlander”-Fans in beiden Jahren was auf Starz zu sehen, aber stattdessen sollen sie “Power” und dessen Spin Off ansehen, oder so. Weil eine Serien mit Zeitreisen, Schotten, und zeitenumspannender Liebe ja das gleiche ist wie ... Nein, manche Dinge will ich gar nicht verstehen. Und bin glücklich damit.
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2016 Year in REVIEW Part 2:
  Hello there, everybody! My name is JoyofCrimeArt and this is part two of my two part "2016 Year in REVIEW. If you haven't seen part one yet I recommend that you do so before reading this part. So here's the link 2016 Year in REVIEW: Part 1 and let's just jump right back into it.
   So last we left off Nickelodeon created a new show that is both critically loved and is doing strong in the ratings. Things are looking good for them, there back in peoples good graces, so what does Nickelodeon do next? Admit that everything they've done for the last decade in a half has sucked and goes full 90's kid on us of course! Screw everything we've made since "Rocket Power" THE 90'S WHERE ALL THAT, SON! NICKELODEON WAS A MISTAKE!  Yes, right as summer was starting to roll around Nickelodeon decided to go back to the days when people liked them with a plethora of reboots and revivals. Cause why move forward, when you can move backwards, am I right? All jokes aside, the idea of reboots and revivals, as I've stated before, are not bad. But only if it's with a property that has potential with a continuation. or if the series can be done differently, with a unique spin to it. It's just that Nickelodeon announced so many so fast, that it feels like an act of desperation. Cartoon Network announced a lot of reboots too, but 1.) They didn't announce as many and 2.) They had shows on there network that had critical success while Nickelodeon has not. So it feels like there just trying to get that old success back. But whatever, it might feel a bit desperate but that doesn't mean the reboots and revivals will be bad. So let's go through all the stuff Nickelodeon has announced and see how it looks.  First Nickelodeon rebranded the "The 90's are all That." into "The Splat" which is a much catchier name, though not much other than that seemed to change. At first there were showing a lot of shows that weren't on "The 90's are all That." but now it just seems like it's the same stuff "The 90's are all That." use to show. Though now the block is much longer, so there's that. Not anything that really interest me, but I'm sure it interest some other people.  A "Legend of the Hidden Temple" movie was announced. I watched it, and I didn't really like it very much, though my older brother who did grow up with Legend of the Hidden Temple seemed to like it. I've never seen the original game show except for once or twice, so maybe it wasn't "for me." but a revival should be made for anybody to enjoy, not just old fans. The whole movie was pretty much just "Hey look, a purple parrot! Look, the steps of knowledge. Remember the steps of knowledge. I 'member." In terms of story and acting it was about on par with your average Nickelodeon original movie.  A two part "Hey Arnold! Jungle Movie." was announced, and while I've never seen Hey Arnold! I'm glad that they get to conclude the series, especially since the only reason it wasn't made was because of some weird legal reasons. Also a "Rocko's Modern Life" tv movie was announced and I'm just like, why? Is there more potential with this idea? Like I'm not saying the show is bad or anything, and I'm not saying that the tv movie will be bad. I'm just what can you really do with a modern day "Rocko's Modern Life?" I mean they could make fun of some modern things I guess, but I don't know. It just seems like there are better choices for shows to make specials out of.  What I am interested in is a "Ren and Stimpy" theatrical short, set to play before the third Spongebob Squarepants movie. I'm shocked they got John K. back after what happened between him and Nickelodeon. I think John K's style would work better in a short, so he'd have more time and budget to make it the way he wants to, and wouldn't have to worry about deadlines.  So yeah, it's kind a mixed bad with these revivals. Some of them sound cool. It just feels weird to me that Nickelodeon is just starting to be good again, but then they go through this midlife crisis and act like everything they did after 1999 was crap. Nickelodeon has made good shows after the nineties ended, and are even making some good shows now, so I don't see why they need to do this. I do wonder how successful these revivals will be though, as the "Hidden Temple" movie only did "okay" ratings wise. (Though they did post it on iTunes first, so maybe that was a factor.)  Anyway, speaking of reboots that people were actually excited about animation fans where greeted to a reboot that they were actually pumped for with Netlix's "Votron: Legendary Defender"
This show is a bit hard for me to talk about. I can definitely say that I recommended it, but I'm not one hundred percent sure I can say I loved it. What do I mean by that? Well I can say that the show has a lot of amazing elements.One, it's an action show through and through, which is kinda rare these days. It has a really great voice cast, featuring Jeremy Shada (Finn from Adventure Time) Kimberly Brooks (Jasper from Steven Universe) Josh Keaton (Spider-Man from Spectacular Spider-Man and Hal Jordan from Green Lantern TAS) Along with several other talented actors. The animation was also really good! It was a bit choppy at parts but for the most part it looked really good. The show was created by two people who worked on "Legend of Korra" and it shows in the art style and even the storytelling. (Cause let's all be real here, Hunk is pretty much just Bolin in space.) The story was told pretty well and overall it's a great show but...for some reason I could never really get that into it. And I don't know why! I mean sure I have some problems with the show. The villains where kinda bland, (except for Cree Summer's character, oh by the way she's in this.) A lot of the action was kinda repetitive, and there's a subplot with Pidge that, while interesting, didn't really serve much purpose. Also I wish we could of seen more locations other than just the castle and a couple other planets (but season two seems to promise that if the finale was any indication.) But still these are mostly nitpicks. So why don't I love this show like I thought I was going to?  I don't really have a answer for that. It's weird, cause I should love this show! But it never really connected much with me, and I don't know why. Maybe it was the generic villains making the threat not seem that dire, or maybe it was the somewhat repetitive nature of the show. I don't know, and it makes this show hard to talk about. Maybe It had something to do with the way I watched it, as I watched all eleven episodes over the course of three months. Maybe that's part of it, but I feel that if I enjoyed it more In would of wanted to watch the series much faster. Like how I binged Bojack Horseman over a couple of days. The Nostalgia Critic has a video about movies that are so good it's bad, [link] and that might be a bit of what's happening here, maybe? I don't know. I am going to check out season two. And I do suggest you watch it, as everyone else I hear talk about the show seems to love it, and it's probably just some problem that I have with it, that most likely won't effect what you guys. Check it out if it seems interesting to ya.  Anyway as May began to come to a close online production company Rooster Teeth produced the web show that we didn't ask for, but turns out we secretly needed, with RWBY CHIBI!
 I'm going to just quickly talk about this because I do want to do a full review of both RWBY and RWBY Chibi at some point, so let's breeze through this. RWBY Chibi is a comedic spin-off of the RWBY webseries. It focuses on the more comedic aspects of the RWBY characters when there not off fighting monsters and bad guys. If this description sounds familiar to you it's because IT'S TEEN TITANS GO BUT GOOD!  The show is adorable, and really really charming. The show isn't perfect though. I first six or so episodes start off pretty meh, with some very repetitive jokes (specifically about Blake.) but as the season goes on they start adding more and more characters into the show, and they show begins to improve a lot. The more characters they add the more opportunity for jokes they create. And once they start adding the Chibi-fied versions on the villains, the show becomes God-tier. The animation on the show is also kinda bad. The models themselves look great but whenever a character isn't talking or doing something they just stand perfectly still, not blinking or moving any part of themselves for twenty to thirty seconds at a time. But this also improves a bit as the series goes on, and it's not like the main series where the animation is the big draw. Also sometimes the jokes can go on a bit long.  This series is great if your a RWBY fan, but sadly I do say that you do kinda have to be a RWBY fan because the series does spoil some stuff. Episode six and eight are really the only ones that spoils anything huge, but a lot of the jokes are in jokes and is better to see if you've the original show. You'll still get em without seeing the original, but there better if you've had. So go watch RWBY and RWBY Chibi damn it! They even had an entire episode that was just adapting RWBY fan comics! This show is so cool!  So after that amazingness happened more amazingness, Steven Universe came back with a Summer of Steven bringing us everything we wanted out of Steven Universe. More backstory on Gem Civilization! More Pearl being gay! More new Fusions! More Pearl being gay! More episodes focusing on the humans that everyone hated because it didn't give more backstory on the gems even though the episodes were still really fun and people should really just chill! More Lapis being salty as fu*k! And more Pearl being gay! We even got an new half hour episode where we meet an old Crystal Gem name Bismuth. An episode that got so divisive when debates broke out weather or not murdering all the homeworld gem is okay. And a smaller discussion on weather or not Avatar TLA finale was good or not. Okay, not really the last thing, but still. It got to the point when fans started attacking Lauren Zuke on twitter, even though SHE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EPISODE! But that's what they get for trying to gemsplain towards Bismuth about morality. (For the record gemsplaing is like Mansplaing but with Gems.) Dumb jokes that'll make people hate me aside, it was the Summer of Steven was a blast, and a highlight for the whole year in the animation world.  But Roster Teeth animation wasn't done with just RWBY Chibi, as they made another new web series with there adult animated series, Camp Camp.
 Like Powerpuff Girls, this is a show I've already talked about before, PLUG! Camp Camp REVIEW: So I'll try to be brief. Camp Camp is a great web seires that manages to do a great job mimicking the art style of a PBS show, which hilariously contrasts the raunchy adult humor that the series offers. It does adult humor really well, and never fells like it's being raunchy just for the sake of being raunchy. As I said in my original review the show feels one half Total Drama Island and one half South Park, and the combination works. The show has a stellar voice cast that includes Yuri Lowenthal, Travis Willingham, and even Dante Basco in one episode. It's really a rather impressive production for a web series, and the shows only main flaw stems from a rather unlikable lead character, which does hinder the show quite a bit. Still though, it was a fun show all things considered and the speech in the final episode was a fantastic moment for the series that gave a powerful lesson about nihilism vs idealism. I don't want to give to much away but it's interesting to compare it to a lot of the adults shows out there like "Rick and Morty" and "Bojack Horseman" as it offers a bit of a different perspective on the issue. (Not that the way Rick and Morty and Bojack talk about these themes are bad per say, it's just neat to see a slightly different perspective.) Camp Camp is a show I highly recommend.  So Sanjay and Craig also ended this year. I never really watched the show, wasn't really my thing. Not much to say about it other than, it was event that happened this year.  Meanwhile back on Netflix Bojack Horseman aired it's third seasons. (WARNING! SPOILERS FOR BOJACK! SKIP THIS PART IF YOU WANT TO REMAIN UNSPOILED!) So this season follows Bojack trying to get the fame and aspiration he always dreamed of by being seen as a serious actor. He gets a girlfriend who helps him, they end up breaking up by the end of the season. The season starts with Bojack holding on to the development that he had from the previous season, but after realizing that the thing he though he wanted wasn't what he really wanted he ends up relapsing and goes on a binger, possibly scars his ex-crushes daughter, and ends with him learning that he has to be a better person, and is inspired by a runner.  Oh wait, that was the season two plot description. Here's the season three plot description. So this season follows Bojack trying to get the fame and aspiration he always dreamed of by being seen as a serious actor. He gets a girlfriend who helps him, they end up breaking up by the end of the season. The season starts with Bojack holding on to the development that he had from the previous season, but after realizing that the thing he though he wanted wasn't what he really wanted he ends up relapsing and goes on a binger, possibly scars his ex-crushes daughter, and ends with him learning that he has to be a better person, and is inspired by a runner. Again. (Oh my God! This is a joke! Please don't kill me internet! I still like the show!) SPOILERS ARE NOW OVER!  Then, as yearly tradition, Cartoon Network played a new mini-series. Though I don't think people were as excited for this one as they were for some previous ones...
(Love this show or hate it, you got to admit that the this theme song is pretty great! When was the last time we even had a minute long theme song?)  So Teen Titans Go! had a miniseries this year with a five part "Island Adventure." Though like "Long Live the Royal" it's not really a continuous story and more just a couple of episodes with a vague through line. The premise of the mini-series isn't a bad one. I like the "trapped on an island one." plot and there's lots of different stories you can tell with that plot, so Teen Titans Go! decided to simply do the plot five times, with each episode parodying a different island themed story. It was cool seeing a change of location for the Titans, as most episodes don't really have them leaving the Titan's Tower, so that was nice. But sadly the good idea was ruined by the fact that it's still Teen Titans Go! and it still had the Teen Titan Go! style of humor which, in my humble opinion, isn't really that good. It's definitely not the worse thing Teen Titan's Go! has done, but if you don't like TTG I don't think this miniseries will really sway you. Overall it was pretty meh. Though if you like TTG than you'll probably enjoy it fine.  Also, (spoilers, I guess?) the twist turns out that the whole time...It was really a hater bashing episode the whole time. Ha ha, what a twist- (Next thing please.)  Harvey Beaks was announced to end. I never really watched Harvey Beaks, though the couple of episodes I have seen kinda make me wish I did because the show seemed like it was pretty good. Nothing amazing, but the show looked good. So I'm kinda sad to see it go, because a lot of adult fans seemed to like it. It would of been a good show to pair with The Loud House I think, but sadly the numbers just didn't lead that way.  Also in BIG animation news for Cartoon Network it was announced that Adventure Time and Regular Show would be ending. Adventure Time still has two seasons to air before it ends and Regular Show is going to be ending in January. It's kinda a bittersweet feeling seeing these shows go. It's not really surprising to see these shows go, considering how Cartoon Network barely reruns them, but still. Adventure Time has been a bit rocky lately though I do think it still has some great episodes. Though these great episodes are becoming rarer as time goes on, so I guess it is good, from an artistic standpoint to see it go. As for Regular Show I think the show was pretty solid throughout. The newest season's been a bit of a dip (I'll get to that in a minute.) so I think, from an artistic standpoint, It's the perfect time to stop. That way the show will be looked back on fondly in the future.  And speaking of Regular Show the show went into SPPPAAAACCCCCEEEEE this year. Now for a little while my family was a cord cutting family, we have satellite now, but the last time I saw Regular Show before we cut the cord we where in an arc about Rigby going back to high school, and when we get satellite again there suddenly in space, and I'm just like "Yup! Okay, this is happening now!"  While I do admire them changing up the formula by sending them to space, I honestly don't love the change. Something that I really liked about Regular Show was the contrast. The episodes would start mundane but end up being fantastical. But now that there in space all the time it gets rid of the contrast cause it's weirdness on top of weirdness. But maybe it could work in a Steven Universe kinda way, where it's like an awesome space opera or something. Well it doesn't work that way either, because they still treat outer space like it's mundane, but it's not, it's space! They try to do both, and I get why they tried that, but It doesn't really work. Also they've been to space before! And where is party horse, everyone's least favorite character? He's in space, why isn't he here?  That being said, the show isn't awful or anything. There still are some good episodes, like "Terror Tales of the Park VI," "No Train No Gain," and especially "Christmas in Space." So let's hope Regular Show can go out with a bang. A BIG BANG! GET IT CAUSE SPACE! HAHA! (Kill me now!)  Anyway, at least Cartoon Network has made some shows to fill in those time slots because CN's made not one, but two cartoons this year. Powerpuff Girls 2016 and our next entry, Mighty Magiswords.
 Mighty Magiswords was based on a series on online digital shorts on the Cartoon Network app. I haven't seen these shorts, and thus will only be talking about the eleven minute series here. The show...honestly I'm not crazy about. It's not awful on anything, but I think it's just a personal preference. The main problem I have with the show is the pacing! Every character talks so frickin' fast, and the show throws so many jokes at you in such rapid succession that there's no time to process it. Also beyond that the show just doesn't seem that interesting. I don't know, I just feel like everything this show is doing was done better in like "Dave the Barbarian." (I think. Was Dave the Barbarian good? I liked it when I was, like, seven or eight. But I was also pretty dumb when I was seven or eight, and I've never really gone back to it.)  I mean the shows not awful or anything. I like the voice acting on the main two characters. Also Egoraptors in the show, and it's cool to see a guy like him make the jump from internet to television as an actual recurring character. That's pretty neat. But overall I wasn't really able to get that into this show. It just seemed very...average, y'know? But maybe if they slow the pace down a bit it could improve. I don't know, we'll have to wait and see.  Also Archer was announced to end after season ten, due to the creators choice. Wha-What the heck is going on! Why is 2016 the year that all celebrities and cartoons die?! Well, at least this means the show will actually have a conclusion, so that's nice.  Meanwhile, Disney XD aired there new show, "Milo's Murphy's Law" or as I call it "Phineas and Ferb: Weird Al Addition!"
 This show is pretty good, all things considered. It's basically what would happen if someone with Candace Flynn's luck and gave them Phineas Flynn's personality. The show is fairly entertaining and features Weird Al Yankovic in his first staring role in a cartoon, though the voice is a little jarring what with it being a 57 year old man voicing a thirteen year old. Did you know Weird Al was 57? Did he like, find the fountain of youth or something?  the show's main problem though is the fact that the humor is very reminiscent of Phineas and Ferb, so it kinda has trouble getting it's own kinda feel. If you liked the early seasons of Phineas and Ferb you'll like this show, and if you don't like early Phineas and Ferb than you won't. Also Milo, like Phineas, is a very static character who pretty much only has "happy." as his only emotion. But the show is still funny, having the same quick wit that Phineas and Ferb had, while also not be quite as formulaic. Note I said quite, as the show is still pretty formulaic, but not as much as Phineas and Ferb.  In other news there was a controversy going on where C.H Greenblatt called out Nickelodeon for how they treated there show, and was forced to issue a retraction against his own wished. I get why some people are so upset, but are people really surprised? Like C.H Greenblatt publicly insulted his bosses. What did he, or anyone else, think was going to happen. I'm sure if someone at Cartoon Network or Disney tried to call out the networks they would be told to make a retraction too. That's kinda what happens when your a notable figure and you publicly denounce your boss. And people are saying that this is proof that Nickelodeon is a terrible company to work at, to which I say "Um, yeah. Duh." The Loud House is the first Nickelodeon original series to be treated decently on the network in years, of course it's an awful place to work. The creator's behind "Legend of Korra" never made a formal address calling out Nickelodeon, but we don't need them to do that to know that they most likely weren't to thrilled with what the channel did to there show. I just don't get what the big deal is. I thought we all already knew this.  And in other news Young Justice was announced to get a third season and...wait, third season? Ha ha! Very funny guys and...wait, it's real? This is for real,this isn't a joke? OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! THIS CALLS FOR A DANK LOUD HOUSE MEME!
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(A Greg Weisman show got a third season and the very next day Donald Trump was announced our President. Ladies and Gentlemen Hell has officially frozen over!)  I'm excited. Very excited. We don't know where the show will air, but the most likely theory is Netflix. I am very happy about this.  So over Thanksgiving weekend Cartoon Network had a had a three day long Teen Titans Go! marathon. Seemed innocent enough, but then people started screaming how this was the DEATH OF CARTOON NETWORK! Apparently this marathon was proof that Cartoon Network only cares about Teen Titans Go! and the network is only going to continue to over saturate itself! People where furious about this marathon, and I really don't get it at all. I mean, I don't like Teen Titans Go!, but it's just a marathon for Thanksgiving. That's not really that strange. Remember when Cartoon Network use to marathon The Iron Giant twenty four hours on Thanksgiving? It's the same principle. Yes, Iron Giant is a lot better than Teen Titans Go! but it's not the end of the world. And while everybody was complaining about this marathon Disney XD did the exact same thing with Gravity Falls. They had another three day marathon in which they showed the series four times! Or FXX which did ANOTHER "Every Simpsons Ever" marathon for thirteen frickin days! How come those channels aren't being called out for over saturation? The only difference I see is that one is a show people online like, while the other is a show that people online hate. It was just a Thanksgiving marathon, not the end of the whole frickin world. If you don't like Cartoon Network's over saturation with Teen Titans Go! complain about the five hours of it that they show on days that aren't special occasions.  In other news Disney XD bought the rights to the entire Pokemon anime library, and is expected to start showing it sometime next year. It's really weird for me, cause growing up Cartoon Network always had Pokemon. I know Kids WB premiered it, but Cartoon Network always had the rerun rights. It'll be weird seeing it on Disney XD, though this is probably for the best honestly. Cartoon Network did not treat Pokemon right the last few years. It aired early on Saturday mornings and still got really high ratings, sometimes beating Uncle Grandpa and Powerpuff Girls 2016. Imagine how much better it would of done if it was advertised and given a good time slot. But Cartoon Network never did this. I think Disney XD will realize the potential Pokemon has, given there treatment of Yo-Kai Watch. I can see them giving it a good time slot, and rerunning it, and it doing good there. Also between Yo-Kai, Pokemon, and the upcoming Beyblade show that they acquired Disney XD's really getting quite a collection of Saturday Morning Anime. All they need to do is get Yu-Gi-Oh rights from Nickelodeon and they'll be set!  Then Cartoon Network unveiled there newest superhero cartoon, Justice League Action! Finally a DC show that isn't Teen Titans Go! and-Awwww Crap!
(Well on the plus side, at least they advertised it.)  I was hyped for this show before it came out. Now I want to preface part by saying I've only seen the first four episodes of this show. That's what happens when you review a show that premiered in December. But judging it by what I've seen, I really like this show. It's a fun superhero comedy action show featuring a ton of characters both iconic and obscure. The episodes may be eleven minutes long, but this is an action show, but a lighthearted one. Think Batman Brave and the Bold meets the Justice League show form the early 2000's. The action is good, even though there are parts where you can tell they most likely had a smaller budget than say Young Justice. My only problems with the show is the pacing, (which isn't as bad as I thought it would be but still seems a bit rushed) and there are several plot holes just in the one hour special alone. But other than that the show is pretty solid. It's great to see an action superhero show on Cartoon Network again. So....how long you think It'll be before it get's replaced with Teen Titans Go! reruns?
 Now when I first planned this review out, I was intending to end with Justice League Action but then, literally just a few days ago, I decided to check out one more show for this review. That show would be the Netflix original series Trollhunters created by Guillermo del Toro.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2oNgZlbSKI  I want to preface this review by saying that as of the time of me writing this, I have only seen four episode of this show. So everything I say here should be taken with a grain of salt. If I wasn't on a deadline I wouldn't even be talking about this show yet, but since I am on a deadline let's talk about it. The show has a lot of good elements to it. It has great animation for a tv budget. (Well, not a tv budget, but still.) This show also has a great voice cast including the late Anton Yelchin, Kelsey Grammer, Ron Perlman, and Tom "I make all the fan girls wet" Hiddleston. The show has a nice sense of adventure and there is also a lot of creativity with the world building. Also Jim, our main protagonist, is a very likeable character. There's only one big problem, and this may go away as the show goes on, but the show uses a lot of cliches. It's another "kid is the chosen one, and he has to balance his secret life with high school, and he starts letting people down because of this. He has a fat comic relief best friend and all he want's to do is impress the pretty girl AND THE PROMS TOMORROW!" But again, they don't do these cliche's badly per say, they just don't add that much new to them. So far. Again, I've only seen four episodes so far, so please be spoiler free in the comments. I've heard good things about this show, so I'm assuming this improves as the series goes on. Or maybe it doesn't. I don't know. Check it out if your at all interested and find out for yourself.  So that was 2016 year on animation reviewed. It was quite a year! There was some bad, I'd maybe say even more bad than the average year, but there was a lot of good too. It was a wild ride and I'm looking forward to what 2017 brings to the table. So to cap this year off, allow me to present the top 9 best shows of 2016 (out of the ones I reviewed here!) We're just going to breeze through em, and keep in mind this list is a little bias, as shows from the earlier part of the year have a higher chance of winning me over than shows at the end of the year, due to me having seen more episodes of them. Ready? Here we go! 9. Mighty Magiswords 8. Powerpuff Girls 2016 7. Voltron: Legendary Defenders 6. Troll Hunters 5. The Loud House 4. Milo Murphy's Law 3. Justice Leauge Action 2. Camp Camp 1. RWBY Chibi   Though this is all subject to change. Also keep in mind that I'm not very good at ranking things. A lot of these things could be swapped around, as my opinion on things as specific as placement change very often, sometimes even day to day. So take this list with a grain of salt. Also keep in mid I haven't seen every show made in 2016, and missed out on a bunch of them. Like all of these ones!  (Bordertown, Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio (Da hecks with that title?), Camp WWE, Dream Corp LLC. (Not fully animated but still), Elena of Avalor, Future Worm, Get Blake!, Home: Adventures with Tip & Oh, Kong: King of the Apes, Kuu Kuu Harajuku (Saw half an episode once, though I was on drugs), Legend of Chamberlain Heights, Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, My Knight and Me, Pacific Heat, Peanuts, Right Now Kapow, Son of Zorn (Also not fully animated, but still)  But hopefully I got most of the big ones. So that's my review. If I had to grade this year for animation, I'd give B-. Good, but could improve. I hope this list was able to act as a brief distraction from all of the tragedy that happened this year. I know these reviews don't do much but if these reviews are able to bring somebody a brief moment of joy, and make someone forget about there problems for a little bit and just make them laugh or see things from a different point of view, than it's all worth it. At least that's my point of view. What did you think of 2016 as a whole for animation? Leave your thoughts in the comments down bellow. I'd love to start a discussion, even if you disagree with some of the stuff I said. I think it's important to start conversations like this, otherwise you end up in an echo chamber. If you have thoughts on any of these shows or events tell me what you think. Please fav, follow and comment if you liked the review, (Cause if you can't tell I put a lot of work into it, so I'd be very appreciative!) And have a great year! (I do not own any of the images or videos in this review all credit goes to there original owners.) All credit for the "Lisa Ships Meme Blank" goes to https://www.deviantart.com/mixelfangirl100 It was a lot of fun to fill out, so here's the link to the original Lisa Ships Meme Blank
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newsmatters · 3 years
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal: The Movie comes to Netlix June 3
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal: The Movie comes to Netlix June 3
The first Sailor Moon movie in 26 years is coming to Netflix. On Tuesday, the streaming platform announced that Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal: The Movie Part 1 and Part 2 will both make their global debut outside of Japan on June 3, 2021. The films — which premiered in Japan in Jan. and Feb. 2021, respectively — are a continuation of Sailor Moon Crystal, the 2014 reboot of the seminal 1992…
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therealtwinfinite · 6 years
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Every Way the ReBoot Reboot Looks Like Hot Garbage http://dlvr.it/QJ3Kc0
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Alright ladies and gents. I am about to tell y'all my story.Last week I met this girl at work, when I first saw her I knew I had to talk to her. There was just something moving me towards her that I cannot explain. I took the leap of faith and started talking to her and whatever I did worked.She and I went on a ''date'' by date I mean I went to her house, met her parents (who really liked me), we went downstairs, watched Netflix, just cuddled, held hands, she did the whole like running fingers across skin while holding my hand and shit, we'd look at each other often, do like face cuddles, make jokes, laugh, then when it was time to go just as I was about to leave I pulled her in for a kiss and it was fireworks shooting everywhere, she asked for more, we did and then we kinda just stared at each other for a minute. It was the most amazing moment of my life.In that moment we both admitted that when we were there looking into each other's eyes that this could be it. We both saw eternity in each other's eyes.The next day we spend the day at the mall, shopping for clothes, gifts for her kid's upcoming birthday, etc. Then afterwards she asked if I wanted to come over again, I did and pretty much the same thing ensued except more kissing during Netlix. One thing led to another and she ended up asking me if we could move to her bed, so we did.Here is where I messed up. I had been in a 3.5 year relationship prior with a woman who could not have sex because it was extemely painful for her, it turned her off so much that she would end up denying me over and over and over again so I had to take care of myself. I turned to porn. I developed Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction and did not tell her prior as I was worried if she'd still want to try and be with me.So here we are, in bed, I made the mistake of no foreplay to make sure I was good to go and to make sure she was too. I just jumped right in. I couldn't maintain because I wasn't turned on enough. So we just laid there, we stared into each other's eyes and I ran my fingers across the side of her face, brushing her hair back and she said it's okay. That it doesn't bother her. I felt horrible because I wanted to make her happy in every single way possible. I got dressed, walked upstairs quietly, put on my shoes and head towards the door, gazing outside. She opens the door and I kiss her and leave defeated.On the way home I made the mistake of kind of sending her mushy stuff, but I didn't tell her of my issue until the next day. She became pissed at me because I had made her feel like it was her fault. She treated it as a lie and she doesn't do lies do to past issues with boyfriends and her ex husband who would always cheat on her, hit her and treat her like garbage. I am a genuine caring person, often classified as the nice guy, so I am quite contrasting to her past.So now she's pissed. She threw up her ''bitch wall'' and is making it very difficult. I see right through it, I see the girl I had in my arms the other night. She admits that she does want to see me get better and that she does want us to be together, but doesn't see it as a reality right now due to all her exes being guys who were all talk and never did anything to improve. I am a man of action, I am committed 100% to making this change because what we saw the first night was real. She no longers wants to hear me say I am going to do xyz, she wants to see it. The problem is its going to take time. I am trying to find out what I can do in the mean time to keep that spark lit and to not let it fade.I immediately started Nofap so that I can reboot and get rid of this condition once and for all. I completely deleted all my porn, including all the nudes I had received from past relationships/flings. I have gone completely cold turkey. I know it's going to take a few months to get back to my normal self.She told me that she is all for second chances, but right now I messed up bad. I told her that I was going to make immediate changes and that when I am back to normal I will try again. She told me that she is going to do her, which of course means that she's going to get her needs met in the mean time and I agree, I don't think she should have to put herself on hold for me, as much as I'd wish she would. It isn't fair. via /r/dating_advice
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