#nomad non
harethere-is-art · 2 years
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Wanted: The Nomad of Nowhere & The Witch of the Southwest
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wanderingcritter · 4 months
I wish ppl talked more often abt how therianthropy/non-humanity can potentially impact your entire life. I dont just mean having to deal with smaller scale things like daily shifts or species dysphoria (although those can also definitely have long term impacts), I mean like how it can very literally change the trajectory of your life.
Because of my wildebeest theriotype, I have an extremely strong desire to live a nomadic lifestyle, and I 1000% plan to do so as soon as I know how to do it safely/get the money. I will likely never be fully content staying in any one place for a long period of time, I will always seek out drastic and extended types of traveling, which is gonna really impact me down the line given the current structure of human society.
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mindboogling · 5 months
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angerinc · 5 months
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The NoN Tumblr, please talk to me, is anyone there, can anyone hear me, there's a goober in my head, plea
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solar-wing · 29 days
⚣ ATLA/LOK: The Four Nations & Homosexuality ☀️
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I'm planning to write for my favorite characters from the Avatar universe again. Any OGs from my first account know I started posting content about ATLA and LOK, specifically Bolin and Mako, WAAAY before I started posting DC and Marvel content among others.
So I wanted to talk about something I found really interesting about homosexuality within the four nations and their attitudes towards it regarding acceptance and whether they embraced or turned away from it. And since we are soon getting a new Earth Avatar series, we might as well start with the Earth Kingdom.
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First, let's consider the element of the nation itself and what it symbolizes.
Earth is not just the element of strength, but also the element of endurance and rigidity. In simple terms, it's a tough and stubborn element.
Also, Earth is a hybrid element, meaning it can be used in defensive and offensive manners easily.
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Concerning its nation, it can be shown how citizens of the Earth Kingdom would more than likely be very conservative and adverse to any change or diverting from societal standards in the norm.
They're stubborn and stuck in their ways, so they may not react the most positively to displays of affection between same-sex couples. But, it can work in both ways.
As mentioned, Earth-benders and citizens, in general, tend to be very stuck in their beliefs, meaning if one were to have a more liberal position on the matter of social and romantic relationships, they would be just as defensive and stubborn in that belief as someone more conservative and traditional.
This goes back to my saying that Earth itself is a hybrid element. A mix of defensive and offensive tactics. Just as much as people way attempt to push their beliefs onto others, they're just as quick to defend their beliefs and ideals.
I'd also argue region/location within the Earth Kingdom is a major factor. If we're talking places like small villages or cities like Omashu in the animated version, you may be met with pushback and intolerance. But, places like Kyoshi Island where its founder was a lesbian so likely had very liberal beliefs concerning such topics. Also Omashu from the live-action since that version portrays Oma & Shu as a lesbian couple, and even Ba Sing Se since big cities are proven to attract a more liberal-leaning population.
But, interestingly enough, in the comics, it's stated that the Earth Kingdom is the slowest to accept change, and their default is still heterosexuality. Obviously, this comes from the rigidness and stubbornness of the Earth element itself. So even if Ba Sing Se has a more 'liberal' or rather "diverse" crowd, doesn't mean that crowd is automatically open to homosexuality. Ideally, the only known place in the Earth Kingdom where you could experience the most acceptance and grace from others would be Kyoshi Island
In summary, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most accepting & embracing of homosexual relationships and 1 being the opposite, I originally was going to give the Earth Kingdom a 5, but remembering how it's stated in the comics that they are the slowest to accept change which checks out, they got bumped down to a 2.
It is a very big nation and thus has the potential to plant different seeds of belief and opinion, however, it's clear in the show how rigid and otherwise, unshakeable denizens of the Earth Kingdom can be. They have their beliefs, and they strongly stick to them.
Even with someone like Avatar Kyoshi who had to go and make a whole separate Island where she and her people could live in peace and prosperity without certain influences affecting them, they still have yet to come around to the idea that other people live with different interests and beliefs, and that there is truly no 'default' for even one person.
Acceptance Rating: 2/10
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Starting with a focus on the element itself again, fire is the element of power, as described by Iroh. It can burn things in its path, but can also give life. In simple terms, it's an element of strong will and desire to expand and consume, literally and metaphorically.
Fire is also mainly an offensive element, with the capability of modifying certain offensive moves into defensive ones.
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Its nation's citizens and benders heavily share these traits with their element. They tend to be willful and proud, and while that doesn't necessarily equal being close-minded, pride can very well lead to stubbornness.
This is evidenced strongly by the political government of the Fire Nation, with its monarchy power having complete and total influence and control over its citizen's lifestyles and choices. If one Fire Lord feels strongly about something and makes it into law, another Fire Lord can come two generations later and reverse and change it.
This is shown in the nation's history, where homosexuality was actually tolerated (I hate using that word) in the Fire Nation for a long time before Fire Daddy, ahem, I mean Fire Lord Sozin's rule. It was during his reign as Fire Lord that Sozin outlawed same-sex relationships and marriages among the Fire Nation and its citizens.
Some speculate it was due to the clear pressure he faced being the sole heir to the throne since his sister was born a non-bender, something that was frowned upon in the royal family. A potential heir to the Fire throne had to be a firebender, with no exceptions. Therefore, Princess Zeisan was allowed more freedom and control in her life than he was, as evidenced by her embracing Air Nomad culture and being confirmed as a lesbian.
It was common knowledge that Sozin and Zeisan had a very antagonistic and tense relationship with each other, despite them being siblings. They were pitted against each other from a young age which caused a rivalry between them. So, it's completely possible to speculate that Sozin implemented the law to spite his sister who fell in love with Sister Rioshon, an Air Nun.
it's also completely possible to theorize that Sozin harbored homosexual tendencies and feelings himself, especially towards his best friend, Roku we all know was the Fire Avatar before Aang. Again, his being a royal prince and next in line for the throne threw a wrench in this since Sozin was expected to marry a woman and produce an heir. So his potential feelings for his best friend could never be explored due to his duties and responsibilities to his nation.
So since Sozin couldn't have what or who he truly wanted, no one could, and thus, same-sex love and marriage were banned. And that didn't change no matter where you went in the nation unlike the Earth Kingdom where you could go from village to village and city to city and the rules would be completely different depending on where you were.
Again, fire is the element of power and will. And if it was the will of the Fire Lord to ban same-sex relationships in the nation entirely, then everyone had to fall in line. Meaning the door was opened for more conservative and traditionalist views to be voiced in opposition to same-sex relationships.
While some may have had differing beliefs and ideals, they more than likely had to keep it to themselves, especially among the nobility. This can lead to harboring feelings of anger and resentment, rather than love and acceptance, causing people to react harshly to any displays of such affection and behavior, just like Sozin.
As I said, fire as an element itself is primarily offensive in nature. Reflecting on its people, and especially its governing body, this is clearly shown by the notion that one person's opinion and belief can be pushed onto everyone around him if he or she so decrees it.
With that, the Fire Nation gets a 3/10 on the scale. Again, in the past, they were at minimum tolerant of it. which is not much if we're being honest. Tolerant actually is kind of insulting. But, after Sozin's rule, that tolerance more than likely dwindled and hasn't improved much following his reign as far as we know.
I'd like to think that Zuko as the Fire Lord, having seen much of the world and all its different dimensions and lifestyles people have lived, he'd at some point in his reign reverse the ruling, but that's a far-fetched hope knowing these writers and creators (no shade...mostly).
Acceptance Rating: 3/10
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Air is the element of freedom. It's flexible and lacks restriction, moving in any direction it desires. And because of its lack of constraint, it becomes easily adaptable in any scenario, whether it's evasion, offense, defense, etc.
However, the element of air is primarily and almost purely used as a defensive and evasive practice among its population, due to its nation as a whole choosing to live as pacifists. But, do not be misled. As mentioned, air as an element can be just as powerful offensively as it is defense-wise.
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Just as their element, the benders of the Air Temples were very open and flexible people. As monks and nomads, they chose to forego many earthly and physical connections, seeking spiritual enlightenment. Because of this, there were never any non-benders in the Air Nomads.
Any child born from an Airbender was an Airbender themselves. Also, due to their style of life and spirituality, they were very adaptive to any situation they were placed in, making them very open to any and all change around them.
While they lived by the teachings of the monks and masters of the Air Nomads, they lived freely and openly, just like their element. The most restriction they had was as children or masters/monks that lived at the temples, males and females were not allowed to live together in the same space.
I'm not sure if this applies to temples as a whole as I've seen conflicting information. Some say the rule applies to temples as a whole, which would mean the Northern and Southern Temples were only inhabited by male Airbenders, and the respecting Eastern and Western temples were inhabited by female Airbenders.
But, I do remember a specific scene from Avatar, during the 2nd season when Appa was lost, and he had a memory of when he was a baby bison, and he and Aang met for the first time. I remember the monk facilitating this was a female Airbender, so that's why I'm not exactly sure what is concrete.
But, it does make sense as in many of Aang's flashbacks to his time at the Southern Air Temple, we mainly only ever saw male Airbenders. Thus, many have speculated that this specific rule would inadvertently encourage exploration and curiosity for these young Airbenders regarding their sexuality as they matured and eventually left the temples as adults and master Airbenders.
Also, on this, no child from the Air Temples was raised by their parents. They were only raised by the monks, enforcing that common belief and practice they all had. While they of course had their own identities, they were all taught the same thing from an early age, if an Adult Airbender met and had a child with someone from a different nation, that child likely being an Airbender would be sent to the Air temples to be raised by the monks.
All that to say, Airbenders would be the exact opposite of conservative. They technically wouldn't even be liberal since, again, they detach themselves from earthly limitations in favor of a higher spirituality.
So, since they don't subscribe to earthly practices or beliefs, they would be the most accepting nation of homosexuality and same-sex relationships. It's not in their nature or belief to judge others either so they wouldn't show any hostility or intolerance to LGBTQ+ people and relationships.
Just like their element, they practice freedom and adaptability to the world around them. And just as air is primarily used in defensive manners, they still will defend their beliefs and practices, they just avoid direct confrontation, preferring evasive maneuvers.
Just a quick note, the Air Nomads are what I like to think of as the example of how this world should have been. I read another column that detailed how the creators of the show ultimately created institutionalized homophobia because they couldn't imagine a world without it, and that's in large part due to the heavy influence of Western, colonial, Christian, and to be quite frank, European imperialism on the show's writing.
It's a fact that's becoming increasingly more well-known. Before European and Christian colonization/imperialism, many cultures and communities were not just accepting of same-sex relationships and LGBTQ+ identities, they embraced it! While there were definitely pedophilic relationships that were wrong and grotesque no matter what time period it was, same-sex relationships were just as normal as opposite-sex ones. There was no "default."
So in simple terms, the Air Nomads accept and embrace everyone, no matter who they are or how they live. As long as they don’t wrong and harm others, and even then, they see everyone as equal and deserving of respect and love. And that's what our society should be based on. Of course, they were killed off in an entire genocide, which, say what you will and think what you think, but the one culture that accepts and loves everyone as they are being killed off...ironic, don't ya think?
Acceptance Rating: 10/10
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Finally, water is the element of change. Like air, it adapts to its circumstances, but more fluidly and gracefully. Yet, unlike air, it relies on the flow of energy, turning its defense into an offense and back. In whatever scenario that sees fit, a Waterbender can change their liquid offense into a solid defense, or turn a solid offense into a gas defense.
This clearly makes the water an element suitable for either an offensive or defensive strategy. Its unique ability to change its form to fit its circumstances gives its user an extreme advantage in combat or any other risky scenario.
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Now, even with this in mind, ironically enough, the people of the Water Tribe are not the most in sync with their element as far as when it comes to living standards.
While yes, in combat, they adapt and adjust accordingly to their needs and goals in the fight, in regular practice, they're more conservative and less open to change than you would initially believe.
Also, as confirmed in the LOK comics, while the Water Tribes are not openly homophobic, they are still lacking in accepting and embracing the concept that there is not one rule that applies to all when it comes to who they love. Which, when you think about it, checks out.
The Northern Tribe operated heavily off a patriarchal society as we saw in the first season, and it took Paku nearly getting his ass whooped by a teenage girl who was the grand-daughter of the woman he loved but refused to wed since it was arranged for them to start to change their ways. Even if the Southern Tribe was a bit ahead of their Northern counterpart in this sense, they still suffered from the restricting roles they placed on themselves concerning gender.
Giving props to Fire Nation and Air Nomads, they never had restrictive rules on who could fight in battle, even if the Nomads as mentioned tended to avoid conflict. However, the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes both practiced and thus, were limited by their rules that men were only allowed to serve in the army and in the guard.
Of course, we've already discussed the Earth Kingdom is the slowest to accept change, but for the Water Tribes, this is a bit unnatural, and if this is how they act regarding gender, it says a lot about how they would react when it comes to same-sex relationships.
So, it's understandable why Kya advises Korra and Asami to keep their relationship to themselves. But, I personally don't believe they should. Creating change means people are going to be uncomfortable. Oh well, boo-hoo, they'll get over it.
But, this does at least check out with the hybrid offense/defense nature of water bending. People of the Water Tribe will stand their ground and defend what they choose to believe in and love. And while they may not openly go out of their way to push their beliefs onto others like those in the Fire Nation, it doesn't mean they don't still have ways have doing so. Like water, I imagine their approach to such a subject can vary.
With that, Water Tribes get a 2.5/10. They're ahead of the Earth Kingdom in the sense that they've realized excluding women from fighting hurts them more than it helps them. Also, it's highly plausible that if a woman can learn how to fight, a man can learn how to heal, but I digress. However, they're still lower than the Fire Nation since this is less of a government-forced ideology and more of a societal norm they place on themselves.
Acceptance Rating: 2.5/10
I like doing analysis like this. If anyone thinks of other topics to discuss and do a deep dive into, send it in my asks!
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lone-owl-s-nest · 7 days
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I just saw the reference and couldn't resist…. Plus I finished ISaT (and I just love it) and I recommend it to you.
Well this is what I got…. my favorite character type, I think🌝
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pedanticat · 7 months
Nomad of Nowhere is Rooster Teeth's underrated gem of a show that deserved more attention but suffered from poor management and terrible marketing.
Reblogs Are Appreciated!
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togepies · 3 months
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who are you swiping right for? 👀
[template by @arcandoria ♡]
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stargazerspringles · 9 months
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Still slowly getting back to drawing, I tried to keep the shading simple to resemble the show, plus I suck at lighter background colors so less lighting= less messy >:3
I miss this show so much :crying cat meme:
If you are interested in the character, his name is The Nomad of Nowhere!! Go check out the show on YouTube! It’s a cute little cartoon :DDD
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friend-nomad · 1 year
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some robot au nomad bc its been a while :]
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
I think it’s very disturbing how Aang’s favoritism is borderline segregation. He bars his non-airbending children from their Air Nomad heritage simply because they cannot bend his element and the fact that Bumi and Kya look more like Katara doesn’t help, especially considering that Aang is shown being insensitive towards her culture in the show. Any thoughts on this? Would this just be considered pure discrimination?
I think Aang has a real superiority complex about the Air Nomads. Maybe if he had actually addressed his trauma about losing them, he could've come to some sort or equilibrium, but instead Aang (and the show) present the Air Nomads as an idyllic society where everyone was the most spiritual, peace loving hippie to ever grace the planet, and Aang operates under that belief. We know for sure he's okay with segregation as long as it doesn't affect him, but how he treated his older kids...I don't think they ever would've been interested enough in the Air Nomads for him because they weren't airbenders. We saw with the Acolytes that he was willing to teach non-airbenders the Air Nomad beliefs and heritage, but Bumi says that he didn't feel like he could be included until he got airbending...despite actually being half-AN.
Also, let's talk about how the assertion that every Air Nomad is an airbender thing is proved a lie with Kya and Bumi's existence. The idea that a nomadic people who according to Lore weren't big on monogamy weren't mixing and mashing with people in the other nations is even more ridiculous than the idea that a complete and total genocide of an ENTIRE people could be carried, and carried out in one day. All that says to me is that the Air Nomads didn't take care of their non-bending kids. The lucky ones, I'm sure, got to stay with their non-airbending parents. So, I guess it's safe to assume that by being an absent and negligent parent, Aang was carrying on an Air Nomad tradition with Kya and Bumi after all.
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Snake-eyed, with a sly smile He can hold you and shake you, child
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lesbianspeedy · 1 month
no but fr sean’s ability to p much nail every redesign except ollies needs to be studied. what went wrong here king
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nonbinarylesbianskout · 7 months
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"You don't know how long I've waited for this."
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lovegrowsart · 3 months
something that's endlessly frustrating to me is that while you could make the argument that bryke didn't intend for their invocation of attachment to be taken in the buddhist sense, then that frankly makes their appropriation of buddhist and hindu aesthetics through aang and guru pathik in the guru even worse.
aang is undertaking a spiritual journey through unlocking his chakras (an explicitly buddhist and hindu concept) to achieve enlightenment through mastering the avatar state - the entire aesthetic, thematic and narrative structure of that episode is one of the most overtly buddhist episodes of the entire show. to then argue that "oh, actually, they're not talking about attachment in that way! they're just talking about love and aang shouldn't have to give up love!!" is frankly insulting.
if what bryke wanted was aang's conflict to be a conflict of love vs power (as framed in aang's conversation with iroh), then the guru should not have been written the way it was, because that episode explicitly frames aang's conflict as being about personal earthly attachment vs enlightenment, which is not actually the same thematic conflict as love vs power. and even if that was the intention, aang just, like, gains a massive amount of power thru the lion turtle and doesn't actually do anything spiritually, emotionally, or mentally to master the avatar state, and then also just gets love.
so. what was intended point and meaning of having aang master the avatar state at all, exactly? to hopefully being in the right place at the right time to get hit by the right rock?
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gloryride · 5 months
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Automatic Love
Virgile is not a V, even though he has a V name, but he is a sidekick in V's story. Here it's Valentin Lacroix, @draerian 's V. And while playing on the PC, I swapped Johnny with Valentin to have fun, but also to think about the lore and their adventures. Because Virgile is involved in several of the main quests: he watches the meeting with Oda from afar, takes part in the parade (in charge of neutralising Arasaka's netrunner), Panam's quests of course, that's how they get back together (they broke up 7 months before), and then the search for Evelyn. After all, Virgile was with Eve for almost a year in 2073-74, so he's one of the few people who knew her well.
And when Valentin has to go to Clouds, he asks his choom to go with him. I don't think Virgile would go to see a doll, he'd probably go round and get in quietly and sit in the VIP section as if he were a client, neutralising the cameras so they wouldn't be spotted and so they could get into Woodman's office easily.
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Virgile may have put his romance with Evelyn behind him, but he couldn't bear Woodman's cruel comments about her. And while Valentin uses diplomacy to get the information, the netrunner loses patience and knocks Woodman out with a quickhack of his own. So he's not dead, but Valentin doesn't like anyone interfering with his mission.
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"Putain, bro ! Why did you need to do that?" "What, I didn't kill him!" "No, but you could have put the Tygers on us, did you think of that?"
Because of this, Valentin forbids his choom to go and see Fingers with him, or to help him find Evelyn. They argue and Virgile leaves before V has a Relic issue …
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