#now the idea that Big Mama's assistant JUST so happens to be their sister who Draxum lost back in the day who just so happened to apply to
I finally figured out why ive never been a big fan of "Draxum mutated more turtles (2) and the turtles actually have two sisters" idea. Its because they just did the "secret sister" idea in the last iteration of this show (Karai in TMNT 2012).
As much as i like the idea of the turtles having a turtle sister, i think the part im so against is that the parental caretakers of these turtles were Big Mama and Draxum himself, aka villains, when they, AGAIN, literally just did that in the last iteration of this show (Shredder raising Karai in TMNT 2012)
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gonetoforks · 7 days
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Introducing; my version of Rise’s Venus de Milo!
(she/her/thon/thons) She’s about 9 ft tall since she’s equally based off of Frankenstein, IDW Venus and the OG Venus de Milo. more info about her and her life under the cut! (Like, a lot more info, she’s been living in my head since last April) (She’s a year old and I’m only now revealing her info!) (HBD Venus!!)
Her Family in the Hidden City
Big Mama had her made by a scientist/patron of hers during the first 2 seasons as a synthetic competitor for her Battle Nexus, but after her change of heart in the S2 finale, she took thon in as her heiress and daughter to try and do something right for a change. It’s very hard for her. Her parenting style is a good balance of gentle and stern but she thinks praise is a good replacement for emotional vulnerability and it’s turned Venus into quite a megalomaniac. Venus just calls her “Mama” and BM calls her “Veedee” (If she calls thon “Venus,” thon’s in deep shit)
Time wise, after the movie she’s physically at age 1.5, 2 years old, though mentally thon’s about where Leo and Donnie are, 16. (Still very young, please keep in mind she is a child and has big eyes like the teenagers in the show, she’s just tall. If you sexualize her I will send you to the shadow realm. BEHAVE.)
Venus also sees the doctor that made her, Dr Shelly, as her father, and they’re quite close. She spent the first few weeks of her life in his home, mostly in his library where she filled her head with everything most people know intuitively. She often can recite information she has no memory of learning, these first few weeks were less like learning and more like remembering information but from no memories.
Venus’s closest friend & surrogate older sister is Jennika, who works as Big Mama’s assistant (and a fine artist!) under the codename “Frida.” The 2 spend most of their days on diplomatic missions in the Hidden City mafia underworld and managing/restructuring the Battle Nexus to be more ethical. Venus is a naturally studious academic who loves philosophy, literature, and of course, renaissance art, so adults tend to think she’s mature, but only Jennika really knows how naive she can be. Jennika misses her human family, so they’ve really latched onto each other.
She picked her name out herself. When thon was first revived, Shelly rushed up to her and almost addressed her with a name starting with V but stopped himself before he could say it in full. Changed his mind and said that he supposed that name probably wouldn’t fit right now. So she had a preference for a V name.
Thon’s Physiology
It’s quite the mystery how he did it, but the secret to Venus’s sentience is a machine that manages to convert any matter she digests into energy in the form of empyrean. This is why she was mostly kept a rapunzel-like secret for the first few months of her life before she had Jennika as a bodyguard. Nobody knows about her heart except herself, Jennika, Shelly and Big Mama.
If she bleeds or cries, it glows bright green, so she hates both because thon feels like she’s drawing attention to herself. She’s insecure about most of her organic parts anyway and pushes herself to appear stoney, inorganic and perfect. (The consequences of idolizing and wanting to emulate a literal goddess statue, skill issue) It’s not like her fears are completely unfounded though, she has no idea where Shelly got her dead body parts.
If she’s too stressed, the seams on her upper arms bleed and they fall off like a gecko tail. She kinda looks like the og Venus do Milo statue when that happens, it’s a bit gruesome.
To represent her need to balance the organic/inorganic parts of herself, thon’s biggest dreams vs realistic expectations for herself, her right hand is organic (and based off the 2012 turtles) while her left is robotic. (& made to look like big mama’s claws in her spider form)
Goals & wants
She wants to overthrow the council of heads and rule the Hidden City as president. (Through a democracy of course!) She sees them as ineffective and useless, she went to them during the Kraang invasion to tell them something needed to be done about the alien invaders but they did nothing and said to let the turtles handle it. She’s grateful everything turned out well but she still has a grudge against them and the way they run things. Big Mama thinks she’s silly and Jennika thinks she’s a mentally unwell, workaholic, megalomaniac but pizza supreme as her witness, thon’s gonna do it.
Thon wants to be a good, ethical leader/politician (oxymoronic, I know lmao) and sees the increasing amount of Battle Nexus estate Big Mama entrusts her with as practice for managing yokai society. She would love “the Good Place.”
She also wants to know more about Jennika and for her to reconcile with her father.
Venus’s arc
“Your life is your own, ok?!” She struggles with dehumanizing (de-turtle-izing?) herself because she believes it makes her greater, more fit to achieve her goals. When the fact that she’s a mortal, breathing, living being, that can’t possibly be anywhere near divine like thon thinks she needs to be hits her, she spirals. Thon desperately needs to learn that being imperfect is a necessary gift, that she is “the protagonist of her own life” and that you don’t need to be a great person to do great things, you just need to be a person.
She’s very studious and seen as intelligent and mature for her age, but when she’s put in real life situations after meeting her cousins, the turtles, she has to learn to to manage imperfections and embrace them.
She’s quite based off of MP100 and Barbie haha.
For this internal conflict I was inspired by how the original character’s depiction back in the 80’s was really,, dehumanizing? if that’s the right word? Misogynistic very much too. I find the message that; “no matter what other people think of you or what you think of yourself, you will never be anything more or less than a regular being” both comforting in itself and a neat subversion of the original VdM since one of my favorite aspects of Rise’s writing is how subversive it is.
I can’t wait to show you more of her! Esp how she interacts with the Mad Dogs!
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Bonus; Design Details!
All the turtles have shape motifs; square, rectangle, circle, triangle, her’s is a Raindrop shape! Combined with her electric motifs she’s a bit of a storm cloud lol
The Turtles’s shells are s-shaped and follow the curvature of a human spine, I draw Venus’s shell really distorted and disproportionate to this since she’s inorganic.
Similarly, while the other turtles shells and plastrons are like boxes that contain their whole torsos, thon’s kinda just sits on top of her torso, where her plastron ends and her legs begin don’t line up. It started out as an anatomical error but i liked how it made her look distorted and off somehow. (Kinda gruesome, but it kinda helps her look like a bloated corpse, which is what she is aksjks) To be clearer, the difference between how the mad dogs’ shells/plastrons/bridges(sides) are attached to their bodies vs Venus’s is like the difference between a bodysuit and a t-shirt.
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sunflowhamato · 2 months
ROTTMNT Curiosities Part.2
The turtles would take a while, but they would have ended up accepting Draxum into the family (Although Ron doesn't love the idea of thinking of him as a second father)
There are two lost sisters of the turtles, one of them is Gran Mama's assistant (Frida), and another (Camelle) is trapped in a different dimension. It was planned that the turtles would separate to rescue their sisters. Frida would have been manipulated by Big Mama since she was little. 6 turtles can be briefly seen in the episode “Goyles, goyles, goyles”
The sisters would be similar ages to the boys
Frida would have been a super serious and disciplined ninja (which would lead to funny moments), while Camelle could be a little eccentric
Frida likely joined the Resistance in the future
Pieblald would be like a sister and you would be able to interact with her more
The artists put cats in various places in different chapters (as a joke)
Those of the Council of Chiefs of the Hidden City are the leaders, although they do not have control over everything (Like with Big Mom)
The Weeping Titan may have been built by another race ancient to the Yokai A Krang spaceship crashed into the back of the Weeping Titan, and that was the source of the sludge (which was the ship's fuel). The Weeping Titan is the source of Empyrean, the nectar that gives Yokai their mystical energy.
The ship caused the other Krang to come to invade the earth
Yokai society roamed freely, happier, and more numerous, until humans arrived
The story of the Yokai driven underground arose centuries ago, Draxum witnessed it (It is something that would be told if the series returned)
After losing Shredder, Foot Shack closed and started selling cupcakes.
The original ending (when there was no cutback), in the Battle Nexus: New York chapter, the hotel was going to end up being absorbed back to the Hidden City, taking Big Mom and Shredder with it. The problem was that they were now trapped in the Hidden City. The Foot Clan would have fought to free Shredder
Cassandra's original arc was longer, her Splinter bond would have been key, although the reveal that she was Casey was just as important. She would have disappeared and appeared at the time they needed her most, it is possible that she would relapse into bad things (she is in constant conflict)
Cassandra chose the Foot Clan since she was little because she wanted to belong to something (The writers also made assumptions about her being an orphan)
CJ would be happy to see Cassandra young, surely finding her would be touching
CJ vaguely remembers Cassandra. Leo was the one who mainly raised him
The dynamic between Casey and Raph that has been seen in other series would have happened in Rise with Cassandra and Raph
Despite having information about the future, CJ would not be someone valuable to have information about, because many things have changed
The herbicide to harm the Krang works like it does on plants.
It was planned that they would travel to the Krang dimension, and to the prison dimension to free Karai
It was never discussed beyond the apocalyptic future (only what we saw in the movie), so it is not known what happened to Cassandra, Donnie, Raph, Splinter, Leo's arm, etc. The only thing we need to know is that everything was because of the Krang. How? We don't know. (The animators probably know more about this, although I'm not sure)
The wound on Leo's side from the future was the reason she didn't accompany Casey to the past (because she knew she would die)
Casey couldn't help but think of young Leo as a father figure, although it would be too weird for him since they are the same age
Mikey can open portals through space and time, while Leo's portals are over short distances.
In one of the first episodes of season 3, they would talk about how they obtained the other lair.
There could have been more episodes of Bone and Leo, these two are great friends (Although Bone does not admit it)
The names of the Purple Dragons were inspired by writers from the first season of the 2012 series. Their names would be Jeremy Schipp, Jase Ricci and Kendra Byerly
Karai would have had a longbow, but she can come back
The turtles honored Karai, and would talk to her whenever they needed guidance
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adding onto my "Lou's rat turns into Rat!Splinter" au I just realized the perfect way to make this align with canon: the missing 6th turtle!
In the series there are 6 chambers in the lab that Lou & the guys get mutated in, and the showrunners confirmed that 2 of those are for sisters that the guys were going to be introduced to later in the series-
(who were specified to not be Jennika or Venus de Milo but we still generally use those names for them bc they haven't GIVEN us the names they were going to use so you gotta work with whatcha' got)
-and while the 5th sister has been confirmed to be Big Mama's assistant, that means that there's still 1 sister left and she is definitely NOT with Draxum (otherwise he'd probably shown her off to the guys in season 1).
So what happened to her?
Well, my idea is that, shortly after biting Lou, a certain rat goes through a mutation of his own and grows to a full adult size. Now fully aware of himself and what is going on (because he was there the whole time even if his lil rat brain couldn't really process it) he sees that there was a turtle that lou missed on his way out and goes "oooh free baby" grabs the kid and BOOKS IT.
(and then Draxum has to give the last kid to big mama as a down payment so he decides to just start over from scratch)
I think it would be really funny if his personality was a bit closer to 2003!splinter (kind, patient, wise, and a strong ability to bullshit these characteristics when he doesn't actually know the real answer to something) but he's got a bit more of a showman's flair and he's always going on very dramatically about the "betrayal" he committed against his sensei when he was unmutated and unaware of the world (aka biting his fucking finger) and mournfully wondering how he can atone.
His kid (who I will now refer to as Jennika because Venus is usually big mama's assistant) takes this all 100% seriously and thinks that this dude's probably dead (they have a full shrine set up) and often sends prayers to her father's master in hopes that he will one day forgive the horrific sin committed against his person (once again, rat!splinter biting his fucking finger).
Rat!Splinter also ran in the opposite direction of Lou, so he ended up in the hidden city, where he eventually managed to get a job as a martial arts instructor and he & Jennika live in a small apartment there.
They have absolutely no idea about any of the hamato drama until the whole Shredder thing when Lou & Leo's fight ends up getting publicly broadcast by Big Mama.
That is when they find out that Lou isn't as dead as Jennika assumed, or as out of reach as Rat!Splinter thought.
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an-abyss-of-stars · 11 months
He Saw Her At Daybreak - Baby HeadCanon #2
Out here posting more Rhaemond baby headcanons instead of actually reworking my behemoth of a chapterrrrr 🤣🤣
So this one, is about the first three babies! 4yr old Vaella, strutting the castle with her two 2yr old baby brothers waddling along behind her. I imagine these three escape/run away from their nursemaids quite often 😂😂 and I'd say it's 100% Vaella who initiates these escape plans!
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I'm not sure what starts it, whether some of the nursemaids pissed Vaella off or maybe she was just in the mood for chaos 😂😂 but she hatches a plan, and she enlists her baby brothers to help her (by this point, baby Valaena would only be 1yrs old and Rhaena would most likely still be pregnant with baby Naerys, so the younger girls aren't helping with this😂). Now, how a 4yr old and two 2yr olds manage to spike the maids tea, idk, but they do, and they create a mess of things when all their nursemaids become incredibly ill! (Like horribly sick, puking and nauseous, nothing too deadly...or maybe one or two do die 🤔)
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I imagine Vaella directing her brothers around like her own personal little troop 😂😂 and Daemion, ever so happy to assist his big sister, is happily handing her things to make their nursemaids tea the worst concoction to ever be ingested.
When all is said and done, and both Rhaena and Aemond get word that somehow all of their nursemaids have fallen ill, they both know exactly WHO did it 😂😂 Rhaena gets to the kids first, summoning them all to her and Aemond's chambers, lining them up in a row to see which baby will crack first. 🤣🤣 Like imagine a prisoners line-up, but it's three adorable babies instead 🤣🤣🤣 Vaella's standing tall, all smiles, totally proud of her work. Daemion is just giggling, having a good time, cause truthfully he really has no idea what he's actually helped to do. And poor little Aelyx, he's just fiddling his little fingers, twisting his little feet, like he feels really guilty even though he didn't do anything and he also has no idea what actually happened either 😂😂 he just hates being put on the spot like this 🥺 and Rhaena knows it, so she calls him over to her almost immediately, because Aelyx is on the verge of tears and she knows he's the most innocent baby of the group anyways.
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Rhaena has started a minor lecture, she's not keen on her kids killing the staff because they think it's a fun past time. Then Aemond finally arrives (idk where he was or what he was doing, but let's say he was actually busy with important reforms or paperwork or something when he got the news that his nursemaids were suddenly ill) , he walks in, sees his kids lined up as they are, instantly knows Vaella is the one who orchestrated everything 😂😂 he's honestly more proud than upset, like he finds this kind of amusing even if he doesn't outwardly show it at that moment. He knows Rhaena would admonish him as well if he did 😂
I imagine, in this scenario, Aemond doesn't even interject, like he lets his wife lecture their kids about the sanctity of life (even if he doesn't really care about the lives of their staff). He's fine until the end of lecture, when Rhaena let's Daemion off with a warning but tells Vaella she must go and apologize to the maids. Aemond's all "wait, what??" and Rhaena simply smiles and nods, ushering him to go with their daughter to make sure she actually gives a genuine apology.
Vaella is 100% her father's daughter, she doesn't understand why she needs to apologize to the staff, and she absolutely groans her disappointment, but she can't disobey her mama. So she goes with her papa, takes his hand when he offers it, and they go down to the servants quarters where the maids are laid up in bed (the living ones) recovering. Vaella musters a rather lackluster apology, the kind that you can tell she was obviously made to do. But it doesn't really matter, Aemond is standing behind her, offering up the most menacing glare ever, like literally "you better accept this fucking apology that MY baby is giving you" kind of shit 🤣🤣🤣
So of course the terrified maids nod, happily accept the apology from the little Princess and Vaella just skips away afterwards like she didn't try to kill all those poor ladies just doing their job 🤣🤣
This is a long headcanon, but I've thought about this one in GREAT DETAIL 🤣
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💚 💚 💚
Oh fuck yes! Thanks for the ask, amanda!
Send me green hearts and I’ll talk about an unpublished wip!
Okay fuckers today we’re talking mafia AU!
This has absolutely no plot, according to the document labelled ‘plot’ but I remember plotting this fucker so you’re in luck today.
"Who's Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome over there?" Cho asked, elbowing him in the ribs. "You're looking pretty gay."
Harry's eyes darted towards the man in question, who was draped over a chair with an artful smirk on his face, hair smoothed across his head and suit only outlining his body, brown eyes like a dark wine glittering above those stupidly chiselled cheekbones.
(Oh God, Harry was so goddamn gay.)
"No idea," he murmured.
Cedric grinned. "Why don't you go and find out?"
Harry sees a man at a party and holds a conversation, only to get stalked, kidnapped, and eventually falling in love with the head of the mafia.
(Harry just wanted a boyfriend, but sure, he'd sign up for this shit show instead.)
IE: The mafia AU I tried to prompt and ended up writing anyway.
- Tom, big boss
- Luna, second in command
- Hermione, conwoman
- Ginny, badass torturer/assassin/interrogator (and therefore probably the rest of the Weasleys tbh)
- Barty Jr., Tom's personal assistant
- The Malfoys, the people who fund half the shit that happens but commit no crimes ((except tax evasion))
- Greengrass sisters (assassins for hire)
- Blaise Zabini & Mama Zabini, assassins who make it look ~natural~
- Pansy Parkinson, a thief who seduces men and women
- Crabbe and Goyle, Tom's personal bodyguards
- Evan Rosier, who does something Important™️ but who knows what the fuck it is
- Bill Weasley, hacker
- Theodore Nott, spy
It gets a little messy after this, because I’m going through Discord and finding my notes that I didn’t bother to save...
Tom is gloriously sane, which is always a plus, but there’s one other major difference: instead of fearing death, he craves it.
Random piece of trivia: Tom has blackmail on the pope.
so obviously i know how they meet n shit. harry is with his best friends, cedric and cho at a part and then he goes 'damn this guy is fucking hot' and goes over to talk to him and then luna notices him lurking and goes 'boss really needs a love life tbh' and introduces them
harry is like 'ooh hot guy' and tom is like 'we stalk him now. i love him'
tom is a terrible person but like. not to harry
tom: i'm turning over a new leaf
harry: you literally just ordered an assassination
tom: close your eyes and i'm turning over a new leaf
harry: i can hear gunshots
harry: why don't i just fuckin,, join you
Hm okay. Notes are very confusing because I DIDN’T FUCKING MOVE THEM FROM DISCORD but this is the best I’ve got for you:
- Tom stalks Harry until Harry is like ‘you’re a fucking idiot’ and kisses him
- Harry is being stalked by someone else
- Tom gets pissed, Harry gets kidnapped, murder all round
- ????????
dshnmshn if you want to hear more on this (or see the large aesthetic folder I have for this AU, or see a moodboard) send me more asks :kek: i know i’m evil
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aswithasunbeam · 3 years
Rated: Teen and Up
Summary: Fanny Antill has been separated from the Hamilton family for four years when she learns her big brother has died in a duel. She rushes to the Hamilton's home, uncertain of the reception she'll receive. Four years was a long time to be away. (But not so very long at all, in the end.)
The carriage rolled to a stop outside the Hamilton residence. Fanny Antill reached for the handle to open the door before the driver could come around, but her sister placed a hand over hers to stop her. Polly peeked out the window, looking nervously at the building.
“Are you sure, Fanny?” Polly asked, uncomfortable. “This feels…intrusive. Their son just died.”
Fanny felt a lump form in her throat.
She’d grown up adoring Philip. When she’d read in the paper what happened to him, she’d felt his loss like a blow to the stomach. The idea that she would never again be pulled into one of Pip’s bear hugs had left her dizzy. But it had been four years since she’d left the Hamilton’s home to live with Polly and her husband, long enough that no one around her seemed to deem the loss as her own.
“I wish to give my condolences in person,” Fanny said, hoping that sounded mature and reasonable even as she swallowed down tears.
Polly still looked uncomfortable, but she removed her hand from Fanny’s. The driver had come around and the door opened just as Fanny pushed, causing her to stumble slightly. She caught her footing and descended without the assistance of the driver, rushing to the door as fast as propriety allowed. She’d already rung the bell before Polly was by her side.
A young maid Fanny didn’t recognize answered the door. “May I help you, ma’am?”
Polly answered, “My name is Mrs. Lansing, and this is my sister, Miss Antill. We are here to see your master and mistress, if they are at home?”
The maid looked surprised and uncertain. “Well, ma’am, they are at home, but they aren’t receiving visitors at the present time. There has been a…a family tragedy, you see. If you were to come back, maybe in a week or so….”
“No, please,” Fanny interrupted, desperate, not caring if she was being rude. “They know me. I…I grew up here. Please, just ask them if they’ll see me. Please.”
The maid now looked confused and even more uncertain. She glanced back inside, as though hoping to see someone else, then back at the two women on the doorstep. At last, she opened the door to invite them in.
“If you’ll both just step into the parlor, I will inquire if Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton will see you now,” she explained, motioning them to the warm room with the fire blazing. Fanny stepped inside, the smell of home comforting to her in a way nothing else had been since she’d read that horrible newspaper report.
Polly sat on the edge of the chair near the fire, the one Papa liked to sit in with his paper after breakfast on Sunday. Fanny took a turn around the room to examine the familiar knickknacks and finery. Her stomach started to twist as the minute hand on the mantle clock continued to move without any sound of footsteps on the stairs.
Had they refused to see her?
It had been four years since she’d been part of the family. She’d seen them a handful of times since, but she was much older now, sixteen, nearly a grown woman. Maybe she’d overestimated her place in their affections?
Oh, but they just had to see her. Her big brother had just died. All she wanted was to share her grief with people who had known and loved Philip, too. Should she really have taken Polly’s advice and written a letter of condolence instead?
She sank into a seat and closed her eyes. She remembered, as a very little girl, being sat down by Mama and Papa on the very sofa upon which she now waited, while they gently explained to her that her father had died up north. She hadn’t remembered him well enough to mourn him, but it had been her first introduction to the idea of death. The loss of the elusive father figure who'd featured in stories and an occasional letter had left her with terrible nightmares of Mama or Papa dying, too.
She recalled one night slipping out of bed and downstairs, hovering in the partially opened doorway to Papa’s office. His candle was burning low, his face shadowed as he scribbled out notes with great concentration. After watching him for several minutes, she’d finally gotten up the nerve to ask, “Papa?”
He’d startled slightly. “You shouldn’t be up, my little lady.” Beckoning her towards him, he added, “What’s the matter?”  
She’d crawled up into his lap, worrying her lip as she leaned against him. “Are you going to die?”
She’d watched his face, saw him swallow back his knee-jerk “no” and consider her question carefully.
“Someday,” he’d said. “Hopefully not for a very long time.”
“But you don’t know that,” she’d pressed.
“I don’t,” he’d agreed. His hand soothed over her back in a comforting rhythm. “We can only do the best we can with the time God gives us. But I can promise you that you’ll always be loved and cared for by your family, whatever might happen to me.”
She’d taken such comfort in that assurance, that whatever might come, she had a family who would love her. Had that just been a kindness, a soothing lie to a frightened child?
Finally, finally, she heard footsteps coming towards the parlor.
She jumped out of her seat, shifting nervously and practically holding her breath.
Papa stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Fanny felt a new wave of grief crash over her at the sight of him. He looked ill, pale and shaky. His pallor was even more stark against the suit of deep black he wore.
Now, after all her doubtful thoughts, she wasn’t sure what to do. She stood there, staring at him, her lower lip quivering as she worried the end of a satin ribbon on her dress with her hands.
He looked at her with glassy eyes for a silent minute. Then his lips formed into a half smile and he held out his arms. “Come here, sweetheart,” he invited with a hoarse voice.
She all but ran over to him, crashing into his embrace and squeezing him tight. Hot tears rushed down her face; she turned her head into his soft jacket to hide them from him. “I…I’m so sorry. I didn’t know if…if it was…I…I wanted to….” She struggled to speak, her voice high and halting through the tears that suddenly wouldn’t stop coming.
“Hush, my little lamb,” he cooed, rocking slowly back and forth on his heels as he held her and rubbed her back, just like he had when she was a little girl.
She cried even harder, letting out an embarrassing little hiccup when she tried to catch her breath. She didn’t know what to say or do, and instead she let out a plaintive, “Papa.”
“It’s all right, Fanny. I know. Everything’s going to be all right,” he soothed.
When she finally had her crying under control, she leaned back, her cheeks flaming red from her tears and a blush. She hadn’t meant to go into hysterics; she had meant to come here to comfort him.
He produced a clean white handkerchief from his inside breast pocket and offered it to her. She took it and wiped her eyes, then her nose, which had started running. A sniffle escaped her as she cleaned her face, and Papa ran his thumb across her cheek to dry the last of her tears.
“There, there,” he said gently. “That’s better now. You’re all right.”
She nodded and he pulled her into his embrace once more.
“Mrs. Lansing, thank you for bringing her over here today. At this difficult time, I'm sure you can imagine the comfort of having our family together,” Papa said to Polly. “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, perhaps we could keep Fanny with us for a few days?”
Fanny felt relief and love course through her at his words.
“If that’s all right with you, of course, my dear?” he added, pulling away a little to look at her again.
Fanny nodded. "Yes, please."
“Of course, General Hamilton, but…well, Fanny isn’t prepared for any kind of stay,” Polly said hesitantly.
“I’m sure some of Angelica’s old things will suit for a few days,” Papa said. "We'll make sure she has everything she needs."
“Well, all right,” Polly agreed, standing from her chair, her brow furrowed slightly. “I’ll send the coach for you on Friday next, if that’s agreeable?”
Fanny nodded to her sister and untangled herself from Papa’s arms long enough to give her a hug goodbye. Polly squeezed her once, then let go. Polly stopped before Papa and said, “I…I am so sorry for your loss, General.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Lansing.”
When Polly had gone, Papa kissed her on the forehead, then placed his hands on her shoulders as he looked down at her. “You are a sight for sore eyes,” he said, smiling weakly. “Look how you’ve grown.”
“I thought, maybe, you wouldn’t want to see me,” she confessed.
He shook his head. “Never. You are always welcome here, my dear little lady.”
She smiled at the old pet name and hugged him again.
“Let’s go upstairs,” he said. “Mama’s anxious to see you.”
“She is?”
“Of course.” His arm settled around her shoulders as he led her from the room.
She trailed him upstairs and fell into the warm embrace of her family.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hello, hello, hello! I loved your head canons about the warlords' ages and I wonder if you can write head canons of the warlords' profession, not in modern AU but the warlords deciding to go to the future with MC and well, the profession they would have!! Thank you so muuuuuuuuuch. 💕
Hi hi, love! 🌻Thank you sooo much for the ask! This is legit my third time writing this up, the first time I did this, I forgot to save the word file, and the second time my laptop crashed right after I finished writing it😭....... But finally, here it is🌻! I’m so happy you liked my HC, I hope you enjoy this one, and I hope you have a good day! ❤🔥
Headcanon: Warlords and their future jobs 
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I think the second Nobunaga arrives in the future he would become a businessman
He would start off small from your apartment, but within the month he will turn into the biggest corporate leader, having thousands of people working under him
He would spend the first few weeks just chilling in the future with you but soon start to get bored
He would also, low key feel like its wrong for you to be supporting both of you
He does some research on stock trading and then starts playing around with your life savings
Good thing for you, Nobunaga is a clever man, and he manages to triple the money in a week by playing around on the stock market
He uses the income made, to start a small business, which soon starts growing at the speed of light
This man will not be able to work for someone so I can definitely see him being the CEO of his own company
He will be the ruler of the corporate world in no time
It’s pretty funny how in the span of a year he has earned the old name he once carried in the past “Devil king.”
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This is a no brainer
Obviously he will be a chef
I think he would start off small like finding a job at a local café but then soon take the culinary world by storm
It started off when the two of you went to eat at one of your favourite cafes
He enjoyed the food so much, he couldn’t help but pop into the kitchen to thank the chef (◕‿◕✿)
The kitchen was absolute mayhem and the chef had told him that he was very short-staffed
And that is how Masa got his first future job
He worked in the café for a few months picking up experience and learning to use all the futuristic equipment
From there, he bounced around from place to place learning all sorts of cool culinary techniques
I think at the end of the day he will most likely open his own restaurant
One that specializes in authentic Japanese cuisine
Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if he opened a branch of the restaurant in Nobunagas company
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I can see this cutie angel being a teacher or professor
I think he would be a great academic and educator
I can actually, see this boi being a professor teaching all sorts of subjects from statistics to the art of war ヾ(●ε●)ノ
The first few weeks of being in the future with you, he spends in the library absorbing as much knowledge as possible
One day while he is sitting and reading up on every and any subject, he overhears a group of struggling professors at a nearby table
Apparently they had been trying to solve a certain equation for months now but to no luck (ノಠдಠ)ノ︵┻━┻
Mitsunari walks up to the group and cheerily asks if he can be of some assistance (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Usually the group would just laugh and chase the random stranger away but desperate times…
They hand Mitsunari the equation and this clever boi takes one look at it and starts writing out the answer
The math professors were sister shook… Like he didn’t even freaken, need a calculator (◯Δ◯∥)
They legit offered him a job as a lecturer and he soon becomes the students’ favourite absent minded professor (◕‿◕✿)
I think he will most definitely also publish a few research papers as well and contribute to the body of knowledge in all sorts of subjects
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Also super easy he will either be a vet or a doctor although I am leaning more towards veterinarian cause of his love for animals
He will most likely join Mitsunari in university, cause he is a super-smart porcupine he will become a certified vet in no time
Also spends the first few weeks of being in the future at the library absorbing as much medical knowledge as possible
He gets the idea of becoming a vet after watching a bunch of animal rescue shows on the national geographic channel 
While you are at work he starts volunteering at an animal rescue during the day to pass the time
That is where he met one of the vets that help out at the rescue in their free time, he legit liked Ieyasu so much he took him on as an apprentice, while Ieyasu was busy completing his studies
Later on he will most likely have his own veterinary practise
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he starts his own animal rescue on the side as well
Within two years the two of you move to live on a big plot with all yours and Ieyasus rescued pets
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Hideyoshi could go one of two ways hehe 
If Nobunaga comes to the future with yall then you best be sure this boy is ganna help Nobunaga rule the corporate world
Buuuut if it’s just the two of you, I 100% see him becoming a primary school teacher
Like he would just be so good with kids
He is basically trademarked as mama hen anyways, so why not put him in a primary school to teach lil chics
I think he would be such a good teacher, supportive, kind, and patient
He has enough practise lecturing Nobunaga for bad behaviour, so he might as well put that to good use correcting the behaviours of troublesome kids
He gets into teaching when your sister drops her kid off at your apartment to babysit
You had work, so the only one that could care for the child was, the mother hen himself
He sat and taught the little boy how to read and write, this impressed your sister so much that she recommended him for the position of substitute English teacher at her child’s school
At first Hideyoshi worked as a substitute teacher, but soon he became the designated aftercare teacher and within a few months he was teaching his own class
The children absolutely adored him although they would sneak behind the school building to eat candy cause, they didn’t want to get yet another lecture from Yoshi on the negative health consequences of their favourite sugary treats
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100% detective (¬‿¬)
I mean can you just imagine how sexy he would look in a trenchcoat… like OMW (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
The first few weeks of spending time with you in the future you introduce him to CSI and Law and order and he is super fascinated
You are so amazed by the fact that he can figure out who the perp is 5 minutes into the show
The crime in your neighbourhood was pretty bad, but since Mitsuhide’s arrival something crazy happened 
The crime seemed to disappear. 
Like no more robberies, no more drunks walking up and down the street, just peaceful quiet calm neighbourhood 
One day as the two of you were buying snacks for your CSI bingeing session, two armed men came into the convenience store 
You looked over at your lover who seemed completely unphased, like one of the robbers were legit pointing a gun in his face, yet Mitsuhide looked uninterested
Within a blink of an eye, Mitushide managed to disarm the men and tie them up 
The police were hella impressed with the way Mitsuhide handled things 
He helped the police department solve a few petty crimes in your neighbourhood and soon they started calling him up, to help them crack some difficult cases
After a while he becomes the most famous and popular detective in town
The government low key recruits him as an agent to help them
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Again I don’t see Kenshin working for anyone
I think the first few weeks the two of you arrive, bunnies start following him around
Looks like the bunny lord is never safe from the love of the cute fluffy creatures 
The two of you will definitely be living on a bunny farm
Kenshin, although he doesn’t admit it, has a soft spot for the cute fluffy creatures 
So the bunny farm is actually more of a bunny rescue although that’s just his part-time job
As he adapts to the future, I can see the farm transforming into being a bunny and sake farm
Lol Kenshin loves Sake so much 
He knows how good sake should taste, so naturally he starts to make his own and sell it
This starts one day when a friend of yours invites the two of you to a sake tasting
The instructor was so impressed with Kenshin’s keen sense of taste that they got to talking and before Kenshin knew it, he had two people willing to sponsor him, to start his own sake brand
Naturally he never backs down from a challenge
He actually goes on to become the largest Sake producer and bunny rescue
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I can legit see this boy doing something active like being a firefighter or gym instructor- cause lets be real this boi is ripped
Or actually maybe both
The first few weeks of being in the future he managed to save 2 peoples lives by fearlessly running in a burning building
The firefighters were legit so impressed they decided to take him on as an intern
He got some of the perks, i.e. free gym membership to stay fit
That’s when he started giving out a few pieces of advice to the people around him
“Like seriously dummy, don’t you even know how to do a proper squat, u legit ganna hurt your back if ya keep doing it like that.”
The members of the gym appreciated his advice so much, some of them started paying him to become their instructor, and soon the gym decided to hire him part-time
Now when Yuki isn't running into burning buildings saving people he is training people in the gym 
Best be sure he is gonna drag you to the gym with him
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Hehe I’ll admit I’m not too sure what this boi would get up to in the future
I think the first few weeks will be spent with you just adapting and getting to know everything
I think he would continue on with his carpentry
He kinda starts to notice your apartment is furnished in super cheap furniture
You tell him you are just a student in this time and don’t really have money to buy anything fancy
He buys a few cheap pieces of wood and starts furnishing your apartment with the most beautifully crafted furniture
Some of your friends visit the two of you and notice the remarkable craftsmanship and start commissioning him to make them some furniture
After a while he becomes the best carpenter in town
Goes on to open up a shop selling the different furniture he makes
I can see him hiring people in need, and that need a fresh start and then teaching them the trade to be able to make something of themselves
I can also see him volunteering at rescues and fostering bear cubs cause he misses his so much
I hope you enjoyed this dear and thanks again for the ask! ❤❤🔥🌻
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
alright i'll bite what's going on in arizona O.o
Brenna, forgive me. I realized a few hours ago that I promised I’d answer this ask on Friday morning, and then ended up using literally all of Friday to write my new Captain Dex CCU fic and then it just hit me that that meant I had postponed the answering of this ask.
For context, for those who do not know: Brenna is asking about a very ominous hint I dropped in this post, where I mentioned for unspecified reasons that Quinn spends the summer between junior and senior year in Arizona. An anon asked me this exact same question, and I responded to it here; I didn’t reveal much information because I was planning this post already.
So: now we’ve arrived. And let’s talk about it. (We’ll hop under the cut, because this explanation will get long!)
TW: extremely life-disruptive homophobia from family.
Ask me anything about my OCs!
Okay, so in the vague response to the anon who asked this same thing, I said the fun version of the answer to “why is Quinn in Arizona?” is that he’s staying with Nando, which is true. But the not-fun version, which is equally true, is that he has nowhere else to go.
Quinn lives with his grandparents, for reasons we discussed in this original Quinn facts post. Opa & Oma are the two people in the world to whom Quinn is not out, and the reasons for this are aplenty, starting with religion. They’re just very Christian, and old-school Dutch (thanks Brenna!!!!!), in a way that Quinn knows wouldn’t jive with acceptance of his sexuality.
Since his grandparents are generally uninterested in being involved in his life, it’s relatively easy to keep this information under lock and key growing up. When he’s out at rehearsals, they don’t really ask where he is. They don’t care, as long as he’s out of their hair. They’re fulfilling their obligation to house and feed him, and he doesn’t bother them. It’s not a good or healthy family dynamic.
But all the same, Quinn does live there with them. And things are mostly fine in college....... up to a point. 
When they break down, it happens like this. There’s a picture that circulates of Quinn and Nando, taken on the ice after a championship win, where they are clearly and obviously a couple. Nando pays this no mind, because he’s comfortable being out, and he and Quinn are on the same page about that. Because like I said, Quinn is out to everyone! He’s beyond comfortable in his own skin. His grandparents are barely on his mind.
Quinn, a little naively, thinks of course there’s no way this picture will circulate back to Opa & Oma in Michigan. They live under a rock, and they don’t even follow hockey, much less college hockey.
And then.... it does.
Quinn gets a call from his opa, and within ten very heated minutes, he’s told not to bother coming home to them for Christmas. Or for summer break. He is effectively thrown out of the only ‘home’ (if you could call it that) that he has left.
I don’t want to give the play-by-play of how he tells Nando what happened and what goes down after that, because honestly, it’s some good hurt/comfort fuel, and I want to write it out in a fic. The basic idea is: he tells Nando what happened, and he’s distraught in a way Nando has never quite seen him before. It’s very, very hard.
A few days later, Nando is telling Mama Hernandez what happened on the phone, and she says, well, he’ll come stay with us, then.
Nando is like, mama, are you sure?? And of course she is sure, because Maria Hernandez could never in good conscience turn away a boy her son loves so much (who clearly loves him back just the same) who doesn’t have a place to go home to.
So Quinn goes with him for Christmas, and then they make plans for him to stay there in the summer.
Now.... there’s a lot of fuel for good stuff here, and I might withhold some of it in case someone wants to know about the actual summer. But I do want to just also address: what does this have to do with The Wizard of Oz? (This was the whole reason it came up— the post where I mentioned Quinn stays in Arizona was a list of all the productions he is in or works on in high school and college, and Oz came up as a children’s production he’s head of costumes for, this exact summer in Arizona.)
So the reason is: Quinn needs a summer job. Nando works at his tio’s restaurant, and Quinn asks if he can give any help to the community theatre. They do a children’s musical every summer, grades 1-8, and Quinn is welcomed onto the production team.
Nando’s twin little sisters participate, partly because they need something to do and partly because they already kind of had an interest in the arts. They’re about 10, and one of them acts in the show and another is Quinn’s little personal costume assistant. (Don’t think about Quinn chaperoning the two little girls to and from rehearsals. They think he’s the coolest ever and routinely tell their big brother that you better marry him, Sebastián, ‘cause we like him!!!!!!!!)
Et cetera. We can talk more about that, but I just thought you all should know.
One more thing before I wrap it up for this particular post: please consider Quinn being recognized by other people on the production staff. Because of his tour the previous summer, which was actual, nationally recognized professional theatre. Like, I had this scenario in mind where the assistant stage manager, who is a high school student and gigantic Broadway geek, meets him and it’s like:
ASM, who I’m naming Emi because it’s the first name I thought of: Hi! Are you the wardrobe head? I’m Emi. I’m assistant stage manager.
Quinn: (Actually turning around and facing her, so she gets a good look at his face.) Yes! I’m Quinn. It’s so nice to meet you.
Emi: (Immediately starstruck.) Oh my God. Quinn Cooper?
Quinn: (At first, a little confused.) Um— yes! That’s my full name.
Emi: Holy shit. (Trying to keep her cool and failing.) You— I didn’t see the show, but I watched so many Instagram video clips of the Deaf West tour last summer. You were amazing.
Quinn: (His ego inflates, like, five sizes, instantaneously.) Oh, my goodness! Thank you so much!
Emi: And I’m working with you this summer? I... (She kind of runs her hands through her hair to get her compure.) I’m so sorry. I don’t usually meet famous actors.
Quinn: (FAMOUS ACTORS!) I wouldn’t call myself—
Emi: Would... it be weird if I asked for your autograph?
Quinn: (Losing his shit.) My gosh, not at all.
And this post doesn’t even touch on stuff with Nando.
It’s a good summer, coming out of a pretty shitty situation.
So, in summary: thank you, Brenna, for asking; I owe you my life, and I hope this has answered your question. I’m glad and willing to talk as much about this as anyone would like me to. The inbox is open! Come and shout at me. :D
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sunmoonandeddie · 5 years
i wished on the moon for you
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 9,879
summary: After losing Bucky, you were devastated. So when Howard Stark asks for volunteers for an experiment, you're the first in line.
warnings: Some h*ckin’ words.
a/n:  So like. This is lowkey inspired by old jazz music. I've always loved jazz, and I just wanted to write something surrounding it. Let me know what you think!
"Army camps are strange," you said quietly, peering out the window curiously.
Your driver laughed a little, saying something about how you'd get used to it, but you paid him no mind.  You were too busy looking at your new home.  Men in army uniforms swarmed the area, and you realized just what you were getting yourself into as the car parked and the driver opened your door.  The was muddy, crowded, and the air reeked of testosterone.
You turned at the sound of a familiar voice, grinning as you saw the familiar brunette walking across the yard to you.  The men around her were parting like the Red Sea.  Her hair was perfectly curled, as always, her lips painted a bright red.  Peggy Carter was just as perfect as she had been in school.
"Peggy!" You said happily as you embraced her.  "I've missed you so much!"
It had only been a year since you had graduated from your overly priced boarding school, but you hadn't gotten to see your roommate in that entire year, despite the fact that she had relocated to America to help with the war efforts right after.  Mostly because your parents had been determined to keep you at home, in the deep south of Louisiana, and Peggy had been stationed up north in New York.
She pulled away from you, her hands resting on your shoulders.  "I have so much to show you.  And Abraham is ecstatic to meet you."
Ah, yes.  Abraham Erskine.  Your new boss.  The entire reason you had gotten to come was because Peggy had mentioned how gifted you were in science, and because the man trusted her so much, he had agreed to hire you.  Your parents had been appalled at first.  They knew, of course, how smart you were, but they expected you to focus on getting a husband and having kids after you had come home.  You were supposed to settle down with a nice, Southern boy of the corn-fed variety and have at least four children.  It was what they did, what your sisters and brothers did, and it was only natural that they expected it of you, too.  Even though you had been given some leeway as the youngest of the family, your parents were starting to get impatient.  Your hope chest was the only one left, and your mama reminded you every chance she got.  Typically, only the first born girl got a hope chest, but your daddy had insisted that every single one of you did.
You envied Peggy, in that her parents wanted her to follow her passion, even if it meant moving across the ocean.
She led you through the camp as the men started to notice you.  It was hard not to, since you and Peggy were the only women in a ten mile radius, and they certainly weren't getting anything out of her.  When you finally found Erskine, he was standing beside another man and watching a group of soldiers doing push ups.
"Dr. Erskine, this is Y/N L/N," she said.
The man turned to look at you, shaking your hand firmly as he clasped it with the other.  "Ms. L/N, I've heard so many good things about you.  I'm so excited to work with you."
His accent took you by surprise, but you didn't let it show as you shook his hand back.  "The pleasure is all mine, Doctor."
"And this is Colonel Chester Phillips," she said, motioning to the man that Erskine had been speaking with.  He let out a grunt in replying, and Peggy rolled her eyes before turning back to watch the group of soldiers.
When you noticed the way Peggy was looking at one of the men, a scrawny one that looked more like a boy, you nudged her.  "What happened to your no dating rule?"
"That was in school," she replied with an eye roll.  She was pretending as though it was no big deal, but the blush on her cheeks said otherwise.  "And you had the same rule, too, you know."
"I'm not the one staring lustfully at one of the men you're commanding," you teased, giggling as she smacked your arm.  "But, really.  Who is he?"
"His name is Steve Rogers," Peggy said.  You had never seen her look at someone in that way, and it kind of confused you.  She hadn't liked anyone in school, always claiming that the men were too immature and she didn't have time for them.  You had adopted the same mentality after a while, which is probably why your parents didn't like Peggy too much.
The two of you went quiet, listening to the two men beside you talk.  Something about a serum.  You were a little surprised when Colonel Phillips grabbed a grenade and pulled the pin, but you relaxed when you realized it was a dummy.  The men he had thrown it towards, however, had no idea.  They began to scramble, and the man that Phillips wanted to have the serum ran, while Rogers threw himself on top of it.
You took a glance at Peggy, who was smirking triumphantly as he yelled for everyone to run.  "He clearly has no regard for his own life and safety," you commented, but you were grinning.  You could tell he had a good heart, and that was more important to you than being a good soldier.
You spent months with the army, even after Steve was given the serum and Dr. Erskine died.  Having been given the most knowledge about the program, you had been asked to stay on.  So you traveled with Peggy, staying in the same room and working side by side.  It almost felt like grade school all over again.  The only difference was that you were in a country side in Austria and not the center of London.
"When he gets back, you should tell him how you feel," you said to Peggy.  The two of you were standing in a tent, a radio nearby.  Steve had left on a mission to rescue a group of POWs days ago and you could tell how anxious she was.  So you just kept telling her things the two of them could do when he got back, like dancing.  The two of you had loved to go to the dance halls in England, but hadn't had time since the war started.  "Maybe you two could go to that diner on Broadway?  They have that delicious apple pie that tastes like it's from down south."  She had always teased you on how adamant you were that southern baking was better, but you stuck by it.
She stood up suddenly, her eyes going wide.  "Is that..."  You followed her as she made her way out of the tent.  She was completely focused on the horizon, and you realized as you kept walking, that there was a massive amount of men walking towards the camp.
And at the very front, was Steve Rogers.
Peggy froze, and you took the moment to nudge her forward.  "Go."
She didn't need any more convincing.  She walked towards him with a purpose, her stride sure and her hands in fists at her side.  But you could tell by the way she was biting her lip that she was nervous.  You didn't hear what was said, standing back a little as you watched her make what you were sure was some kind of smart ass comment.
"Let's hear it for Captain America!" You heard someone shout, and you laughed a little as you watched the men erupt into cheers.  You hadn't seen the men this happy in a long, long time.  Most of the time they wore sullen faces that matched the dreary weather.  But now, even though they were hungry, covered in mud, and far from their homes, they had a ray of hope in the form of Steve Rogers.
You made your way back to you and Peggy's quarters, turning on the radio.  It took you a minute or two to find a station that was playing music instead of news about the war, but when you did, you turned it up loud.  Music was something you had missed while on the road.  You were usually too busy to just stop and enjoy it, since you were constantly trying to decipher Erskine's notes.  There were stacks upon stacks of his journals on your desk, but you ignored all of that for the moment.  Hundreds of men had made it back alive today after days of thinking the worst.  That deserved a little celebration.
So you kicked off your shoes and you sang.  At first it started out with just a few phrases, the sound timid and soft, but soon you were belting along with it.  You were completely losing yourself in the music.  You sang word for word with Billie Holiday, one of your favorite artists, as she sang 'I Wished on the Moon.'  It was an older track, released in 1935, and she was only a feature on it, but it was still your favorite song of hers.
You jumped as you heard a knock on the door, turning to see a man with shaggy brown hair and stubble lining his jaw in the doorway.  "Is, uh...  Is Steve here?"
Frowning, you crossed your arms over your chest.  You were a little embarrassed that someone had caught you singing with the radio, if you were honest.  You were technically a superior, even if you were a scientist.  "Depends on who's asking."  Even though Steve wasn't there, you didn't know who this man was or what he wanted.
"I'm James.  Steve's friend," he said, his eyes focused on you with a type of intensity that you couldn't place.  But it made your cheeks warm the longer he looked at you.  "My friends call me Bucky."
Recognition dawned on your face as you pointed at him.  "You're Steve's friend from Brooklyn?"  When he nodded, you smiled a little, relaxing as you realized that he was one of the people that had just been saved from the HYDRA base.  "He's told Peggy and me a lot about you."
"So...  Is he here?"
You were about to tell him no, he wasn't, when the man in question came up behind him, Peggy by his side.  "You lookin' for me, Buck?"
Peggy's gaze landed on you as she squeezed past the two men, taking notice of the song playing.  "You still love this song?"
You shrugged as you moved over to turn it down slightly.  "You know me.  Billie Holiday will always be one of the best artists, in my opinion."
"So I see you've met Y/N," Steve said, bringing your attention back as he clapped a hand on Bucky's shoulder.  "She was working as Dr. Erskine's assistant when they turned me into..."  He motioned at his body, not sure how to explain it.  "This."
"I didn't realize you were a scientist," Bucky said in shock, his eyebrows furrowing.
"She's always been smart.  She graduated top of our class at school, beating even me," Peggy said proudly, a smirk on her lips.  You had always thought that she was the person most proud of you, and you were always reminded of it when she started to brag about you.  "I finally managed to get her out of Louisiana by telling Erskine about her.  He seemed pretty eager to take on an assistant.  Y/N's actually taken over his job since he died."
"It's really not that exciting," you insisted as you waved her off, wrapping your arms around yourself.  "I spend most of my time trying to decipher his notes and what they mean.  Peggy's the one that actually trained all the super soldier candidates."
"No," Bucky said, shaking his head.  "Don't put down your work.  It's impressive."  He looked at you with a sort of wonder, and that added with the way he had been looking at you before meant only one thing.
You were in trouble.
You bit your lip as you sat at the bar with Peggy, sipping on a glass of whiskey.  It gave you a little taste of home, reminding you of how your mama would shoot you a wink as she slipped in a little bit of whiskey into your sweet tea.  She always made sure your daddy was none the wiser, since he would've thrown a fit if he had known that his little princess was drinking.
Oh, how you missed the long summer days that would fade into warm, sultry nights.  Before your sisters got married, the three of you would sneak out and go to the dances in town, taking shots of alcohol from whatever soldier caught your fancy that night.  You were never really interested in any of them, never even them give you a kiss goodnight.  They could walk you home, and sometimes even hold their hand if they were lucky, but you never kissed them.  None of them were worthy.  They were just looking for someone to have one last romp in the sheets with before they shipped out to Europe.
You didn't want that.  You didn't want to be wooed and then tossed to the side.  All those men ever saw you for was your beauty.  They saw your pretty face and that was it.  They didn't care about the fact that you had a mind.  So you had waited.  You had ignored the teasing from your sisters as they snuck off to the soldier's beds, sleeping with a multitude of men before they were married.  They had joked that you were going to be the only one to actually deserve to wear white on her wedding day.  Your parents and your two brothers could never know, of course.  They would've shot every soldier in town and then locked the three of you in your rooms until you turned fifty.  Not to mention nailing the window shut, like your childhood friend, Elizabeth Ann's, parents did when they caught her sneaking out.
"—every time I think he's going to ask me on a date, he doesn't," Peggy ranted, throwing back a shot of vodka.  Her nose scrunched up in disgust as she shook her head.  "I don't get it.  I haven't exactly been subtle with my flirting."
"Peggy," you said, a smile tugging on your lips, "in case you haven't noticed, you're a little bit intimidating."
"I'm not intimidating!"
You couldn't help but giggle, feeling the alcohol start to take effect as you looked at your best friend.  "Every man in here is terrified to talk to you."  You shook her shoulder playfully.  "It's because you're strong.  And men are scared of strong women."
"Maybe that's why Bucky hasn't asked you out yet," Peggy replied, raising a perfectly trimmed eyebrow at you.
You sputtered, choking a little on the whiskey.  "What?  Why would you say that?"
She rolled her eyes, turning herself in her bar stool to look out at the sea of men in the bar.  They were all in uniform, but you could easily pick out Bucky.  He was sitting in the back with a group of about eight men, plus Steve.  His head was thrown back in a laugh, his hand resting on Steve's shoulder.  He was absolutely radiant.  Even when he got in one of his moods where the only people he wanted to talk to were Steve, Peggy, and you, he was beautiful.
"Because you and Bucky do this all the time."
Your focus turned back to her, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion.  "Do what?"
"This!"  She motioned at you sloppily, the alcohol clearly taking it's toll.  You hadn't seen her this tipsy since you snuck a bottle of liquor into your dorm room.  "You two love to do this whole wistful staring when the other isn't watching thing, but the moment the other turns around, you look away!  It's positively, absolutely pitiful!"
 You shook your head, sputtering.  "I don't do that!  I don't do wistful staring!"  You threw back the rest of your whiskey, turning to look at the bartender as you slid the glass to him.  "I'm the ruthless southern belle that's broken the hearts of a thousand men, remember?  And half of them were soldiers!"  Peggy had always loved hearing stories about your summer when you went back to school, and it became an inside joke that you were a heartbreaker, simply because you didn't let men walk all over you.
"Mind if I buy you another?"
You whirled around to see Bucky standing there, a soft smile on his lips.  Swallowing, you nodded, and he raised a hand to call over the bartender.  After the glass of whiskey was slid across the bar to you, he turned to look at you once again.  "So what's this about being a ruthless southern belle?"  He took a seat on the stool next to you, and you were extremely aware of how his thigh brushed against yours.  "And have you really broken the hearts of a thousand men?"
Groaning, you shot a glare at Peggy who had abandoned you and was walking towards a blushing Steve Rogers.  "You heard that?"
"I most certainly did, and now I want the whole story."
He had a mischievous glint in his eye that made your knees weak, and you had to hold yourself back from kissing the smirk of those stupid lips of his.  He was cocky.  Usually it would make you run far, far away from a man, but he had a certain boyish charm that made you want to know more.  You hated to admit it, but Peggy was kind of right about the wistful staring.  In the six months since he had been rescued, you had spent a lot of time with him.  Peggy and Steve spent most of their time together when they weren't busy with missions, and you and Bucky were always dragged along.  Since both of your respective best friends were too wrapped up in each other to notice you, it ended with the two of you becoming extremely close.
So you told him.  You told him about all the times you had broken a man's heart.  Most of them were the same, but he still insisted.  You would sneak out with your sisters to go to the dances, and when a soldier tried making a move on you, you'd turn him down.  There were a few in there about boys you had grown up with trying to romance you, too.  The entire time, Bucky was laughing and making jokes about how badly you must've hurt them, which in turn would throw you into a fit of giggles.
You weren't sure how long the two of you had been sitting there talking when he paused, looking at you for a long moment.  He bit his lip, as though he was trying to make a big decision.  Finally, he held his hand out to you.  "Would you like to dance?"
Frowning, you looked out at the bar.  "But it's so crowded.  And no one else is dancing."  You wanted to say yes.  God, you really wanted to say yes.  But you also knew that if you danced with him, the other men wouldn't ever stop making comments about you.  They already did, but it would increase tenfold, and it would be nothing good.
You watched as Bucky slid off his stool, fixing his hat.  "Then I think it's time we leave this bar and find a dance hall."
Looking at him in shock, you shook your head.  "What the hell are you talking about?"
"Well," he said, his blue eyes glimmering even in the dim lighting, "I want to dance with you.  And if that means I have to find a dance hall, then that's what I'm gonna do."  He held out his hand to you, waiting for you to take it.  Seeming to sense your hesitation, he leaned his head down slightly, his voice no louder than a whisper, "Do you trust me?"
As much as the thought of opening up your heart to someone scared you, you did trust him.  "Yes."
The grin that spread across his face was contagious as you placed your hand delicately in his, his fingers intertwining with yours as he pulled you out into the warm air.  Summers in Austria were colder than Louisiana, but it was still summer.  The feeling of freedom and adventures to be had lingered in the air, the night breeze gently twisting through your hair.  The streetlights cast a soft glow on Bucky's face as you glanced up at him, quickly looking down when you caught him already looking at you.
"Why didn't you let any of those soldiers kiss you?" He asked.  His voice was soft and sweet, his hand still holding yours.  To the other people in the street, you looked like just another young couple wandering around, too drunk on each other to notice anyone else.
You shrugged a little as you kept your eyes forward.  "All those men wanted was a quick, drunken romp.  They would've forgotten about it the next night as they found some other girl to take home.  Or, they want to find a woman that they can make into their little housewife to come home to after the way."  The frustration you had gone through as a teenager was evident on your face as you frowned.  "I never wanted that life.  I didn't want to be one of those women that gives up her life, her career, because she meets a man.  My sisters live that life, and I don't see the appeal.  They're pushing out babies as fast as they can, only for the nannies to raise them while they get drunk at two in the afternoon."
"I see."  Despite his short reply, you could tell how invested he was, how he was hanging on to every word you spoke.  You briefly noted how his thumb was rubbing against the bank of your hand as you headed towards the sound of jazz music down the street.  Light was pouring out from a building a few blocks down, and you could see young couples standing outside to get some fresh air before heading back in.
"My brothers are just like those soldiers.  They chose the girls they married based on their pretty faces, not who they are as people."  Your voice got quiet as you started to delve into a little bit more of what exactly the problem was.  It was a little more personal.  "Those men who kept trying to take me out only saw my face.  They didn't care about the fact that I have opinions and dreams.  I have goals in life."  You let out a long sigh.  "I want someone to fall in love because of who I am.  Not because I'm pretty."  You finally looked at Bucky again, only to find him staring at you with a little bit of sadness.  "What?"
He stopped, the streetlight behind him casting a halo-like glow around him.  His hands held onto yours, squeezing softly.  "Y/N, you are the most vivacious woman I have ever met.  You're witty and intelligent, with a tongue sharper than anyone I know."  His eyes stayed locked on yours, your jaw dropping slightly.  "You are extraordinary.  Don't let anyone tell you differently."
You didn't know what to say.  You had dreamed for so long of someone saying those words to you, and here it was.  Finally swallowing the lump in your throat, you let out a bit of a laugh as you looked down in embarrassment.  "I'm sorry.  I've just...  No one's ever said those kinds of things to me before."
Bucky smiled, using two fingers to gently tilt your head up to face him.  "How about that dance?"
The day that Bucky died started like any other.  You woke up to the feeling of his lips pressed against your temple as he started to climb out of the bed.  It was before dawn, but you knew that he had to get back before the camp wake up call.  Otherwise, you'd never hear the end of it.  You had tried to tell him that you didn't care about their jokes, but he did.  He had insisted that he didn't want your reputation tarnished just because of him.
"You could stay," you murmured, blinking your eyes open to see him pulling on his shirt.
He turned to look at you with such a soft smile that it made your heart melt.  His hair was still mussed from sleep, a red line on his face from the pillow.  "You know why I can't," he said, but he crawled back into bed as you sat up to lean on your elbows.  Pressing kisses all over your face, his fingers wound through your hair.  "I love you so much."
"With how much you sneak out of here before sunrise, you'd think you were trying to hide me from your friends," you teased, closing your eyes as you relished in his affections.  There was definitely no way he was hiding you.  He took every chance he could to kiss you in front of his friends, his arms wrapping around your waist to hold you close.  He had made his claim on you as soon as you let him, since the comments the other men would sometimes make about you rubbed him the wrong way.  You had called it being jealous.  Either way, the other soldiers had stopped making suggestive comments, even if it was only in front of him.
Bucky pulled you closer to him, his hands resting on your waist right under your night top.  "Just for that comment, I'm going to give you the biggest, sloppiest kiss in front of the entire camp today," he said, and you started squealing with laughter as his fingers ran up and down your sides, tickling you.
"J-James!  Stop it!  James!"  You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck, falling back onto the bed in a flurry of kisses.  His hands finally stopped as your lips met his, relaxing into you.  "I love you," you murmured, beginning to tug at the shirt he had just put on.
He must've realized what you were trying to do, because he pulled away with a shocked expression.  "Were you going to seduce me to get me to stay in bed?"
You batted your eyelashes at him as you pursed your lower lip.  It was a trick you had learned from your mama at a young age.  "Well, it depends.  Would it have worked?"
He groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head.  "You're going to be the death of me, Y/N."  Bucky smirked down at you as you let out a soft giggle, biting your lip as you watched him.  "I'll see you at breakfast, okay?"
If only the two of you had known that it was going to be the last night you ever spent together.
A few moments after he had slipped out the door, Peggy snuck back inside, just getting back from Steve's quarters that he shared with Bucky.  It was kind of a good situation the four of you had going.  After the rest of the camp had fallen asleep, she would sneak over the Steve's room, and once she got there, your boyfriend would head over to yours, before both of them switched back in the mornings.  No one in the camp was any the wiser since it was all done under the cover of darkness.  Everyone knew about you and Bucky, of course, but Peggy and Steve had asked you two to help them keep their relationship in the dark.  The Star Spangled Man with a Plan had a lot more enemies than his best friend, and he was determined to not put her in danger, which you (as her best friend) appreciated.
You managed to catch another hour of sleep before the camp alarm sounded, and you dragged yourself out of bed to get ready for the day.  The camp was bustling when you and Peggy finally made your way to breakfast.
As soon as Bucky saw you, he made good on his promise.  His arms wrapped around you as he dipped you low, his mouth pressing against yours.  You could hear the men whistling and hollering around you, but you were too focused on your boyfriend to care.
 "Hi," you whispered breathlessly as he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.
His nose nudged yours as he said, "Hello."  He smiled against your lips as he pulled you in for another quick kiss.
"I missed you this morning."  You made sure to say it low enough so that no one else could hear you.  By now, most of the men had turned back to their breakfast and were paying you no attention, but you still wanted to be careful.
"As soon as this war is over, we won't have to worry about sneaking around anymore," he promised, your fingers running through the hair at the nape of his neck.  "You're going to be the head scientist at some fancy institution, and we'll have a little apartment close to Steve and Peggy's.  I'll get to wake up next to you every single morning for the rest of my life."
The two of you had talked about the future of course, but he had never straight up said that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.  Your knees felt weak just at the thought, nodding happily.  Bucky had meant what he promised all those months ago.  He had never even implied that he wanted you to stay home and give up your ambitions just to have kids.  Instead, he took every chance he could to help push you forward.
Your little moment was broken, though, when Steve almost ran up to the two of you.  "Buck, we have to go now," he said, the most serious you had ever seen him.  "We have coordinates on Zola's location."
Bucky turned to look at you and you nodded.  "Come back home to me," you said softly.
He nodded, pulling you into one more kiss.  "I will.  I promise."  With a last look at you, he ran off after his best friend.
You watched after him, your finger tips raising to touch your lips.  You couldn't explain it, but there was a feeling in the pit of your stomach that told you something was about to happen.  You didn't know if it was good or bad, but you knew that a storm was brewing around you.
You could only hope that you all made it out.
You spent the entire day unfocused.  You were struggling to get anything done, and Peggy was beginning to worry about you.  Every few minutes, you'd glance out the window, looking for the silhouette of your boyfriend coming over the hill.  Your leg wouldn't stop tapping and you kept having to wipe your hands on your skirt to get the sweat off.
You barely slept that night, the emptiness of the space next to you getting to your head.  You tossed and turned and tossed and turned again.  You could hear Peggy doing the same thing in the bed across the room.
"Are you awake?"
You sat up a little in your bed, barely making out her form in the darkness.  "Yeah."
There was a pause.  "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"
You didn't reply, just scooting over to make a little bit more room.  She grabbed her pillow and tiptoed across the cold floor, despite the fact that you two were the only ones there.  The bed dipped as she crawled in, her warmth helping protect you against the cold of the Austrian winter.
You hesitated, biting your lip.  "Why do I feel like something awful has happened?"  About an hour earlier, you had felt this sinking feeling in your stomach, a pang in your heart.
"Maybe you just worry too much."
Despite what your best friend said, you knew that she understood.  She tried to put on a brave front, but anytime Steve went on a mission, she became an anxious mess.
"It'll all be alright tomorrow morning when they get home," she insisted, clearly trying to make you feel better.
So you just nodded, and let her squeeze your hand.  You could feel her fall asleep beside you, but you laid awake for a long time before sleep finally overtook you.
The next day, you didn't hear the shouts until almost noon.  It was overcast and cold, a soft blanket of slow from the night before on the ground.  You had been going through more of Erskine's journals when you heard it.  Anytime men came home from a mission, the other men in the camp would run out to greet them.  Peeking out the window, you saw as they started to pour out of the bunks, heading for the hill.
Grinning, you ran out of your quarters, following after them.  But as you got closer, you began to slow down.  The group you were running to only had nine.  There was one missing.  The feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach grew as you balled your hands into fists.
Once you were close enough to see Steve's face, you knew.
The other soldiers grew quiet as you still asked, "Where's Bucky?"  The blonde shook his head, his eyes red and puffy, and you felt yourself begin to shake.  "No.  No.  He promised he'd come back to me.  Where is he?!"  You stood up on your tiptoes, as though trying to see if they were hiding him.  As if this were some kind of sick joke.  "BUCKY!  BUCKY!"  When that didn't work, you shouted, "JAMES!"  It was becoming more and more clear to you that he wasn't coming back.  You couldn't deny that he was gone.  You collapsed to the ground in a puddle of tears, sobs shaking your body as your fingers dug into the ground.  You were covered in mud, but you didn't care.  The love of your life was gone.  Despite all the snide comments the other men had made about you and Bucky's relationship before, they were dead quiet now.  Their heads were lowered as they did their best not to stare at your grief.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around you, and you turned to cling to Peggy.  You weren't sure how long you stayed there in the mud, but by the time she finally got you to stand up, all the other soldiers had gone, leaving just you, Peggy, and Steve.  You felt numb as she led you back to your room, turning on the shower.  Staring blankly at the wall, you let her undress you and shove you under the water, not bothering to try to wipe away the mud that had absolutely covered you.
That night was the first time you had cried yourself to sleep over James Barnes, and it most certainly wouldn't be the last.
Two years passed by in a blur, and you still felt empty.  The war had been won, and you had gone back to America with Peggy in tow, but it didn't feel right.  Bucky was supposed to be at your side.  It didn't help that Steve had also died, leaving you and your best friend utterly broken.
Well, you were utterly broken still.  Peggy had started to put the pieces back together and had even agreed to go out on a date with some man.  He had been one of the soldiers that Steve had saved when he rescued Bucky.  Part of you wondered if she was only going on the date because it was one of her last connections to Steve, but you didn't ask.  You had no right to judge how she mourned.
You, however, threw yourself into your work.  You had found yourself working with Howard Stark after the war.  It was the kind of thing Bucky had always said you'd do.
But instead of coming home to the love of your life, you had no one.  Peggy lived down the hall, of course, but it wasn't the same.  It didn't fill the aching void in your heart.
So when Stark came in to tell you about his new experiment, you immediately volunteered your services, which is what led you to this.
You were climbing into a glass box, preparing yourself for whatever was about to happen.  Either you were going to die, or you were going to be frozen.  It was an experiment in cryogenics, to see if someone could effectively be frozen in time.
"Here, I want you to have this," Peggy said, wiping tears from her eyes as she took off her heart-shaped locket.  It held a picture of the two of you on one side, and a picture of Steve and Bucky on the other.  Her hands shook as she put it on you, moving your hair out of the way.  "I want you to remember us when you're woken up in a hundred years," she teased, though you could tell she was actually upset.
You pulled her into a tight hug, tears falling down your cheeks.  "Please live the best life you can," you said softly, your voice crackling a little as you held onto her.  "I want to crack open a history book and see chapters filled with stories about you, okay?"
She nodded with a bit of a laugh, pulling away to look at you one last time.  You had both given up on not crying, and it was a sight to see.  "I love you, Y/N," she said, squeezing your hands.
"I love you, too."  You looked up to see Howard Stark coming over, knowing it was time.  "Maybe I'll see you on the other side," you said with a playful wink, before you leaned back.
"Ready?" Howard asked, his eyes searching your face for any hesitation.  He was finding it hard not to cry himself, since he had spent the last two years becoming one of your closest friends.  He could be an asshole at times, but he really did mean well, and he was fiercely loving and protective over those he cared about, which included you.
He was also giving you a chance to back out.  This was the moment before, when you could change your mind.  You could step out of the box and go home with Peggy.  You could find a boy to settle down with, and see your family again.  You hadn't even said goodbye to them in person, having just sent each of them individual letters explaining what you were doing.  You had known that doing it in person would've hurt too much and they would've just eventually convinced you not to.  But you had to do this.  If only for the sake of science, you had to do it.
That's the first thing you felt as you started to come to, though a deep soreness in your muscles is the second.  You can also hear people talking in hushed voices a few feet away, but you don't quite have the strength to open your eyes.
"—found her in his lab.  He had this locked room he never let anyone go into, but he would disappear there for hours at a time."
"How did you unfreeze her?"
"Easy.  I just read his journals.  He had everything written down with strict instructions on getting her out of there."
There was a long pause, before a different voice asked, "Do we even know who she is?"
"That's all in here."  There was the sound of ruffling papers.  "It's all medical and school records, but at least we know her name."
"Y/N M/N L/N.  Born July 11th, 1921...  Says here she went to St. Martin-in-the-Fields High School for Girls in London, but she was born in Louisiana."
"Boarding school," the first voice said.  "Lots of southern families sent their daughters to get an education before coming home and being baby makers for the rest of their lives."
Well, that stung, even if it was true.
"Wait..."  The second voice was speaking now.  "St. Martin-in-the-Fields.  Isn't that the same high school Peggy Carter went to?"
More ruffling of papers.  "Holy shit.  She was her roommate for all four years."
You took that moment to open your eyes, gasping as the light shone brightly on you.  You felt like you had been hit by a brick.  There was the sound of footsteps as the three people who had been talking rushed to your bedside.  When you finally blinked your eyes open again, your gaze immediately went to the brunette man to your left.  "Howard?!  How long was I frozen?!"  The others, a black man with nicely trimmed facial hair and a blonde woman with big green eyes were staring at you in surprise.
The brunette man that you were sure was your former partner shook his head, his brow furrowed.  "I'm his son, Tony.  You'd been asleep for almost eighty years."
You sat up in a rush, groaning as the pain hit you.  The three people guided you back down to the bed.  Once the pain had passed, you took a moment to look around.  You were in what seemed like a hospital bed, but there were no machines around you.  A window to your right gave you a view of a forest surrounding whatever building you were inside.  Finally, you turned back to the people in front of you.  "What year is it?"
They all paused, looking between each other like they were debating telling you or not.  Finally, Tony said, "It's the year 2021."
Holy shit.  Holy shit, it was actually a hundred years since you had been born, and that was...  You didn't even know what to say as you looked at them in shock.  Your mouth had gone drier than a desert.  The man beside Tony seemed to sense what you needed, because he handed you a glass of water, which you sipped at greedily.  When you were finally done, you held onto the glass like it was a lifeline.  "Who are you two?"
"I'm Rhodey."
You turned your head to look at the son of Howard Stark, tears rimming your eyes.  "You look just like him, you know.  You have the same eyes."  That seemed to strike a chord within the man, who cleared his throat as he looked down.  "Is Howard still alive?"  The thought of possibly seeing him excited you, even if he was in a nursing home by now.
But Tony shook his head, sympathy in his eyes.  "He died in 1991."
You knew when you had been put under that you most likely wouldn't come back to find anyone you had known alive, but it still hurt.  The last time you had seen Howard, he had still been so full of life.  "Did he live a happy life, at least?"
He was staring at you with such wonder, his mouth set in a thin line.  "He built one of the biggest companies in the world.  He was a devoted husband to my mother, Maria."
Your heart warmed at the thought as you smiled a little.  "I always thought she would be good for him.  I'm happy that he married her and settled down."
Slowly sitting up, you frowned down at the clothes you were in.  Someone had changed you out of the clothes you had been wearing when you went under, and you were now clad in some... weird material.  The name Stark was emblazoned across whatever long sleeved thing you were wearing.  "What is this?"
Pepper smiled a little as she folded her hands in front of her.  "They're called sweats.  It's kind of the generic clothing your given when you come to the Avengers compound."
Avengers compound?  The hell was that?
Seeming to sense your confusion, Pepper waved her hand to dismiss the thought.  "I'll explain later.  I can give you a tour of the compound, though, if you're up for walking?"
Well, that you didn't know about.  You didn't know exactly what Howard had done when he had frozen you.  Were your muscles frozen exactly in place, so that you'd be able to do everything you had been able to back then?  Would you need to go through extensive amounts of physical therapy?  Hell, were you even young anymore?  You assumed you were, considering when you looked down at your hands they looked exactly the same as the day you had gone under.
The memory of that day flashing to your mind, you reached up to your neck, relaxing when you found the heart shaped locket that Peggy had given you.
Taking a chance, you slowly moved your legs to hang off the side of the bed, before standing up completely.  The tile beneath you was cold to the touch and it sent a shiver through your spine.  When you stood up, you found that Howard had managed to freeze you so that your muscles didn't deteriorate.  There was a little stiffness, but that wasn't anything you couldn't fix.
"If everything becomes too much, let us know," Rhodey said, finally speaking up.  "We don't want you getting overwhelmed by how much has changed."
You nodded, walking beside the three of them as they led you out of the room.  You found yourself in a hospital wing, which you had expected.  A few doctors were milling about, but not many.  You weren't there for long as Tony led you through double doors into a massive hallway, glass lining both sides.  On your right, you could see the outside.  All you could see was forest for miles and miles and miles.  On your left, you could watch a multitude of people at a state of the art gym.  The machines were a little upgraded from what you remembered, but the idea was the same.
You were only half listening as Tony explained different things around the compound, Pepper and Rhodey sometimes adding in little anecdotes.  You were taking everything in quietly, processing it as best you could.  More than a small part of you had thought that Howard's experiment wouldn't work, and you'd end up dead.  Sure, he was a genius, and he had successfully frozen rats for a few days to a few months, but eighty years?  It had seemed absurd.
You should've known better than to estimate him.
"And this is the Avengers living quarters," Rhodey said as the four of you stepped onto an elevator.  You were surprised at how smoothly it moved as it took you up three floors.  They had kind of explained what the Avengers were, so you got the basic idea, but it was still hard to believe.
You stepped out of the elevator and into a large living room.  What seemed to be a television hung up on the wall, and you were shocked at the sheer size of it.  "You're just like your father," you mused as Tony went on and on about all the inventions you probably didn't know about.
He continued to give you the tour, explaining each and every room in detail.  When he had finally finished his two hour long explanation of his lab, you were starting to feel tired.  You had been one of the top scientists in the world when you had gone under, and now you were outdated.  There'd be so much you'd have to learn if you ever wanted to catch up.
When you rounded a corner that led to a kitchen area, you spotted a group of about eight people sitting there.  They paid you no mind, except for a familiar blonde.  "Y/N?!"  He shouted.
The two of you ran to each other, and he laughed as he picked you up, hugging you as tightly in possible.  All the others had gone silent in confusion as they watched you.  The only people who knew what was going on was Tony, Rhodey, and Pepper.  "They told me you died," Steve said, disbelief in his eyes.
"I was on the radio when you had died!"  You had been in the room with Peggy, listening to the mission, when he had gone down.  You had been the one to hold her as she broke down, a mirror image of you when Bucky had been lost.
A realization dawned on Steve's face, and he opened his mouth to say, "Y/N, you—"
You froze at the sound of that familiar voice, your heart beating harshly against your rib cage.  There was no way.  There was no way that he was alive.  You had spent two years mourning him and had volunteered yourself for what you had assumed was a death sentence because of his death.
Steve moved to the side, and there he was.  He was standing at the entrance to the kitchen, clearly having just walked in.  There was a soft sheen of sweat on his brow, like he had just gotten back from the gym.
"Is it really you?" Your voice cracked as you felt the tears start to well up.
Without a second thought, the two of you were running for each other.  You launched yourself into Bucky's arms, wrapping your legs around his waist.  He smelled exactly the same as he had back then, and you took in a deep breath.  His fingers were winding through your hair, and he just kept whispering, "I can't believe you're here.  I love you so much."
You pulled back as you pushed his hair away from his face.  "Your hair is longer," you said with a bit of a laugh, and he wiped away the tears that were streaming down your cheeks.  "I like it."
He grinned, pulling you into a long kiss.  You could practically feel the stares of disbelief as you wrapped your arms around his neck, elongating the kiss.  His lips still fit perfectly against yours and it sent a sob through you.
You felt a burst of fury as he put you down, and you reached out to slap him.  He stared at you in shock as you angrily pointed at him.  "You promised you would come home.  You scared the shit out of me, you...  You asshole!"
But he just smiled.  His hands reached out for you again and he pressed a long kiss to your forehead.  "I'm home now, my love.  I'm home and nothing's ever going to take me away from you ever again."
"Better not," you sniffled, your hands grasping his shirt so tightly your knuckles went white.  "Because if it happens again, I'll kill you myself."
Bucky paused, confusion in his bright blue eyes.  "What happened, though?  How are you here?"
"I could ask you the same question," you countered, before explaining.  "I worked with Howard Stark after the war.  He spent a lot of time on cryogenics, and when he asked for volunteers...  I offered."
Now it was his turn to be mad at you.  "Y/N, please tell me you didn't offer yourself as an experiment."  When you smiled at him sheepishly in response, he scowled, pulling you into his arms again.  "You could've died."
"But I didn't.  And apparently neither did you," you said, raising an eyebrow questioningly at him.  You also looked down at his arm, finding metal there instead of the flesh you remembered.  You weren't upset by it, just confused.  He was still your Bucky, whether or not he had a limb missing.
But before he could explain, someone asked, "Okay, but who are you?"
You looked at the other people who were standing around the kitchen, a few sitting on bar stools.  "I'm Y/N L/N."
A man with curly brown hair stood up, his eyebrows furrowed.  "Wait.  THE Y/N L/N?"
You slowly nodded, a little confused that he recognized you.
When he saw your expression, he pulled out what Tony had explained early was a cell phone, and tapped on it quickly before passing it to you.  What you saw was an entire article on a scientific website about your contributions.  They spoke about how you blazed a trail for other women to join the field, and about how the war couldn't have been won without you.  The thought sent tears to your eyes as you laughed, covering your mouth in shock.
"Y/N...  You're a hero," he said, before holding out his hand for you to shake, wonder in his eyes.  "I'm Bruce.  Bruce Banner."
 "It's lovely to meet you," you replied, a blush on your cheeks.
He shook his head, grasping your hand.  "The pleasure is all mine.  Really."
Bucky must've thought he had been holding your hand too long, because he let out a low, "Hands off."  You burst into laughter as you saw the same expression he had always worn when one of the other soldiers would hit on you, his eyes going dark and his lips set in a deep frown.
The others were a little shocked at how jealous he got, but he ignored them in favor of wrapping his arms around you, kissing your hair.  "Don't be mean," you chided, and he just hummed in response.  His grip on you was the same, despite his metal arm, and you still felt safer in his arms than you had anywhere else in the world.
"But really, how do you guys know each other?"
Steve decided to be the one to explain that time, glancing back at the two of you with a bit of sadness.  "Y/N was Peggy's best friend from boarding school, and we all met when she got her a job working with the man who gave me the super soldier serum."
You looked at him with a frown, biting your lip.  "Peggy?..."  Steve nodded in response, knowing what you were asking, and you took a deep breath to steady yourself.  You had hoped that you might get to see her in her old age, but you had missed her.
"I know that Y/N still needs to be introduced to everyone, but that can wait," Bucky suddenly said.  You gasped as he threw you over his shoulder.  "I'm keeping her to myself for a while."
You groaned in embarrassment as he started to carry you out of the room, kicking and hitting at his back in protest.  "Bucky!  Put me down!"  But you stopped after you got to another elevator, which took you up to what seemed to be a hallway lined with bedrooms.  You were proven right when he opened a door, bringing you into a sunlit room and tossing you onto the bed.
You watched Bucky with a soft, adoring gaze as he kicked off his shoes, peeling off his shirt before getting onto the bed.  He crawled on top of you, his long hair falling on either side of your face as your hands moved to rest on his chest.  "You're buffer than the last time I saw you," you murmured in awe, your fingers running over the skin.  Your right hand brushed against his shoulder, where his metal arm connected.  "What happened to you, my love?"
His calloused hand cupped your face, his thumb running tenderly over your cheek.  "HYDRA captured me after I fell from the train, and they nursed me back to health."  But a frown was covering his features.  "They gave me a serum similar to the one Steve got, and they brainwashed me."  Your heart sunk in your chest as you wiped away his tears.  "I was an assassin known as the Winter Soldier for seventy years, before I escaped."  His watery eyes finally met yours.  "Y/N...  I assassinated Howard and Maria Stark."
Your heart broke as you saw how much it hurt him, and you shook your head.  "It's not your fault.  You didn't know what you were doing," you whispered, pulling him down into a soft kiss.  Howard had been Bucky's friend, too, and you could only imagine how much it hurt him.  You held Bucky to your chest, both of you starting to cry.  "I'm here now.  You've got me and I'm never leaving," you whispered.
Downstairs, the Avengers were watching the spot you had just been in shock.
"Wait, Bucky had a girlfriend?!" Sam asked, shaking his head.
Peter seemed to have a different concern.  "Bucky SPEAKS?!"
Steve rolled his eyes, smirking at the others.  "Bucky had a life before the Winter Soldier, you know."  He glanced back at the direction you two had gone, crossing his arms over his chest.  He leaned against the counter slowly.  "Y/N was the best thing that had ever happened to Bucky.  I had never seen two people more in love.  When he died...  It was like her heart had been ripped out of her chest."  The look in his eyes were hollow as his mind went back to the day you had sat in the mud, screaming at the sky for taking away the man you loved.  "I had never heard a sound like that."
"So she just volunteered to be frozen by Tony's dad?" Natasha scoffed.
"She's one of the bravest people I've ever met," he said.  "And the smartest.  If she believed that she could do something to help progress, she was going to do it."  He left out the fact that you had probably thought you wouldn't wake up.  He had felt that kind of loneliness after waking up and finding that everyone he had known was either dead or within a few years of dying.  It could really get to you, feeling like you'd been left behind.
The next morning, you woke to an empty bed and sun pouring in through the windows.  You sat up harshly, looking around the room for Bucky.  You almost thought you had dreamed the day before when he came out of what you assumed to be the restroom.
"I'm here, I just had to use the bathroom," he said as he crawled back into the bed, pulling you into his embrace.
You curled up against his chest, your legs tangling with his.  "I thought I had dreamed yesterday."
Bucky chuckled as he kissed a press to your nose.  "Go back to sleep."
"Will you be here when I wake up?"
He squeezed you a little tighter.  The world had changed drastically.  He had been through hell and back, and lived to tell the tale.  There was a little more sadness lingering within the both of you, and you knew that you two were a little more broken than when you had first met.  But he was still your Bucky.  He was still the man you wanted to wake up to every morning.  You still wanted to do life with him.  You wanted to bicker over him leaving the toilet seat up, and steal the covers at night.  You wanted to dance around the kitchen with him and take long strolls under the moon, drunk on each other like you had been all those years ago in a tiny town in Austria.
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romansrgn · 4 years
   ch. 6
taglist: @queenofthearchitect @calicina @never-sawft-princess @5dsinyourdirection @fancybarbii @aria725  @lustyromantic   @kai1996en @angelbaby908  @rebellious-desires @romans-empire-baby​
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   "I got everything you asked for including the extra lawn chairs. How many people are you expecting anyway?"
Braelin stirred the baked beans before putting them back in the oven "Thirty give or take."
"Look, obviously it's getting harder to hide my pregnancy. I'm gaining two pounds a day and I haven't even entered my third trimester. So I figured I get it over with and let everyone know before they hear it from someone else."
Briyanna nodded "Is Roman coming?"
"Yea, he's coming."
"Do you think that's a good idea?"
Braelin laughed almost nervously "No, but I extended the invitation to him a while ago so it would be weird if I went back on it. Besides, his mom and sisters are flying in as well."
Briyanna knew that Braelin didn't always have the best judgment when it came to anything pertaining to Roman and inviting Roman and his family to this barbecue has proven to be no different. Her first instinct as the big sister was to intervene but at the same time, she knew what stress could do to a pregnant woman so she decided it was probably best not to add to it.
Braelin peeked over her shoulder at her big sister who was noticeably quiet "I know what you're thinking."
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                    "I'm sure you do but in the event of full disclosure, I think this could get hella messy. But I want you to know that this is a celebration for your and you're—"
"Twins, I'm having twins."
Briyanna's eyes widen "What?"
Braelin nodded rubbing her belly "There's two growing in here."
"I'm— I don't. Are you ok with this?"
Braelin shrugged "I'm ok with it now that I've had time to process it. One was a lot but two almost seemed like too much to handle. But I'm grateful for this journey. I feel like I have a purpose outside of wrestling now that my career is basically over."
"I still think you're giving it too much. Your career is far from over."
"It's definitely shortened thanks to my knee injury but I'm ok. I want to raise my kids."
Briyanna smiled at hearing that. It's only been a few short months and it's obvious that this pregnancy is doing wonders for her sister's maturity. "Well, whatever you decide I'm here for you and" she jumped off the counter to place kisses all over her sisters baby bump "my little munchkins."
Keyon took a moment to assist the scene between his little sisters "Did I miss something?"
Braelin sighed "Nothing, outside the fact that I'm pregnant with twins."
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 Keyon practically threw the grocery bags on the table before swinging Braelin around in his arms "Baby sister! Are you good? I mean are you aight? You need me to get you something?"
Braelin laughed because Keyon reacted just like this after finding out about all three of Briyanna's kids "I'm tired and hungry all of the time but other than that I'm ok."
"I'm assuming Mama and Daddy don't know yet?"
Braelin shook her head walking over to retrieve the bags from the table "No, that's why I'm having this barbecue so please don't say anything."
Keyon held up his hands "I won't. But I do want y'all to know that mama finna look at me sideways since y'all have given her grandbabies and I didn't."
Briyanna rolled her eyes "I'm sure there are probably six or seven different mini Keyon's running around here somewhere. You hoe."
Braelin threw her head back and laughed. Keyon, on the other hand, look almost affronted "First of all, I don't dip my—"
Briyanna held up her hand "Don't even go there."
Keyon winked "So how does Big D feel about being a father."
Braelin's eyes widen "He's—"
"Surprised." Dante said wrapping both arms around his girl's waist "It's almost as if it's happening to someone else. But the best thing about this is, is that I've got our future mapped out so I couldn't be more excited about this new journey." he said looking down at his baby girl "I'm not going anywhere."
Braelin smiled before kissing him on the lips. Could this man be any more perfect?
"I'm happy for yall. For real." Keyon said before giving Dante a bro hug "Welcome to the family."
"We're not engaged."
"Y'all created a life together that bond is more divine than any marriage in my opinion."
Briyanna who noticed how tense Braelin had suddenly gotten thought it was time to change the subject "Keyon, Zayden will be here soon so I think you and Dante should get started on the grill."
Keyon rolled his eyes "Damn, just say you want us to leave and we'll leave."
Briyanna balled up a piece of aluminum foil and tossed it at her big brother's head.
Dante laughed, grabbing the rack of ribs and seasoning following Keyon outside the door.
"Thank you," Braelin mumbled.
"No problem. Was that always the plan?"
Braelin ran a hand through her hair "No, but I mean people are going to assume, right? I mean since Dante and I are together—"
"No one would expect the alternative and if you're not ready to come clean this is probably what's best."
Braelin nibbled on her bottom lip. There was no way Roman was going to go along with this especially since he has every intention of telling the truth when the time was right. But what about her? was she really willing to take on that kind of stress? She was never one to back down but this was something she couldn't defend or was willing to do so.
"I think this is for the best. I'll talk to them both tonight before making the announcement."
Briyanna wrapped her arms around her baby sister. She knew this wasn't going to be easy on anyone but it had to be done.
Janelle was always a person who thought of herself as a woman who was sought after. She was a strong, beautiful, intelligent, hardworking and self-made career woman. She was the total package. Any man in their right mind would kill to have a woman like her carrying their last name. So you can imagine her surprise that her husband and college sweetheart cheated on her not once but twice with the same woman. Hearing that kind of shit opened a door full of insecurities that she never knew existed. Roman claimed that the other woman didn't mean anything to him. Apparently, they had a few drinks at a bar a few months ago after a house show and one thing led to another. That, of course, didn't give him a pass especially since he somehow managed to fuck the same woman while she was away in Seattle. But she prayed on it and left it to god to determine what was next for her and Roman and right now he was telling her not to give up on her marriage.
"I forgive you."
Roman looked over at her in the passenger seat "What?"
"I hate what you did and there's a part of me that wants to hurt you the way you hurt me, but— I can't. I know It's going to take me a while to trust you but I think what we have is worth fighting for."
"We'll talk about it after the party."
Janelle frowned "That's all you have to say to me?"
Roman shook his head "I'm not trying to upset you and that's why I think we should discuss this later. Now it is about having a good time with our friends and family, Can we do that?"
Janelle didn't look at all placated but she nodded anyway. The rest of the drive to Braelin's house was filled with silence.
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  "I brought chips and your favorite dessert."
Braelin beamed "Upside down Pineapple cheesecake!  What did I do to deserve this?"
Patricia wrapped the small woman in a hug "Consider this a gift for a woman who has everything."
"I don't have everything. At least not everything I want."
Sika walked before walking into the kitchen "Well, isn't that a loaded statement."
"I'm just saying that a girl can have more if she wants. All she has to do is—"
"Work a little harder."
Braelin smiled at the new guest "Hi, daddy!"
Richard placed the large bowl potato salad down on the counter before kissing the young woman on the forehead  "I was wondering when you were finally going to throw a cookout in this big ole palace you call a house."
Braelin rolled her eyes "Daddy, please. This is no palace, you and mama are living larger than I am."
"Well, when you're mama finally retires we'll be living somewhere in the Bahamas like we planned on after you kids graduated from college."
"We told you to say the word and we can have you and mama living on a yacht in no time."
Richard grinned at Roman "You've always been a good man" he said pulling Roman into a hug. "How are you doing, son?"
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 "I'm good, Pop. What about you?"
Richard shrugged "I don't have to cook so I'm doing great."
Carol cut her eye at her husband "And who said you weren't going to cook Richard?"
Richard gave Sika a look who laughed "Well, a man can dream. Come on Sika. Let's go see what theses boys are out here burning up."
Patricia shook her head "How are you doing sweetheart?"
Roman kissed his mother on the cheek "I'm fine mom."
Braelin looked between Roman and Patricia and thought it was best to leave them alone "Mama can you help me finish setting up outside?" Carol nodded before following her daughter outside.
Patricia grabbed her son's face when his eyes remained trained on Braelins retreating frame "Is that what's bothering you?"
"No, Janelle and I are having a hard time getting this family thing started. That's all."
"Well, these things don't happen overnight for some people but I'm sure it'll happen soon enough."
Roman wanted nothing more than to tell his mother the truth about his impending fatherhood but it wasn't the right time. Not until he talked to Braelin about their next steps.  "Maybe you're right."
"You haven't realized by now that mama always knows best."
Roman smiled pulling his mother into a hug.
Janelle made a plate of fruit salad before sitting down at the long table. Naomi, who joined the party along with Jimmy, Jey, Jey's wife Tamika and Rikishi about an hour ago sat down next to her.
"A penny for your thoughts?"
Janelle smiled sadly "I'm just—do you ever feel like you're in a battle you can't win. Even when you didn't know it was a battle, to begin with?"
Naomi sat back in her chair "It depends on the situation. I feel like that all-time in my career. As gifted as I know I am, I'm always overlooked. I start thinking maybe I'm not as good as I think I am or that maybe someone else has that something I don't. But doubting myself does more for the people who want to see me lose than myself. I know what I'm worth and my goal is to make sure everyone else sees it and not forgets it."
Janelle soaked up Naomi's words "Thank you. That really helped."
Naomi squeezed Janelle's hand "I'm glad I can help."
Naomi knew Janelle was feeling unsure of herself at the moment. She also knew that Janelle was a smart woman. Janelle knew there was something off with her husband and despite how accurate she might be Janelle keeping Roman is what was best for everyone and she may not realize it now but it's definitely what's best for Braelin.
Dante walked into the kitchen with an empty bowl of barbecue sauce. "Everyone looks like they're having a good time."
Braelin smiled up at him "I'm glad. With everything that's happening I'm glad I can make this happen."
Dante kissed her lips "You taste like peaches."
Braelin pushed him playfully "Behave. My parents are outside."
Dante smirked down at his little beauty "Is that a challenge?"
Braelin squealed attempting to run away from her boyfriend but was quickly caught and pulled into his arms "I'm going to tell everyone about the babies."
"Are you?"
Braelin nodded "and I think we should tell everyone you're the father of my babies."
Dante raised a brow "What did Roman say?"
"What did Roman say about what?"
Braelin practically jumped at the sound of his voice "Damn it, Roman. Where the hell did you come from?"
Roman ignored her question instead of looking in between Dante and Braelin "Do I know what?"
Braelin sighed "I'm telling everyone tonight that I'm pregnant and I think— I think it's best if we tell them Dante is the father."
Roman's jaw clenched "There's no way that's fucking happening."
"It's probably what's best for every—"
"You're trying to have another man replace me as the father my fucking kids. Mine." he hissed.
"Their not fucking toys, Rome." Dante hissed back.
Braelin looked at Dante who was getting angry himself. She thought it was time to intervene "Ok, listen. I know this isn't ideal and it feels like I'm hitting you guys with bullshit after bullshit but what else can we do that wouldn't make this harder for everyone else?"
Roman ran a hand across his beard "This isn't about everyone else this is about our family."
"And whether or not you want to admit it I'm a part of the family and  in case you need further calcification I'm not going anywhere." Dante chimed.
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Roman only laughed taking a step towards the couple "That's your plan, big D. You think you can replace me in her life?"
Dante shook his head stepping around Braelin "I'm not the biological father of her kids. You hold that honor but she's my girlfriend and whether you like it or not that's my honor playboy."
Braelin went to intervene "Guys—"
Keyon stepped in the kitchen "Y'all good?"
Braelin sighed in relief "Are the ribs done?"
Keyon looked between Dante and Roman and back again at Braelin "You ok baby sis?"
"I'm fine. I'm just hella hungry right now. " She said leaving the kitchen to join the party that seemed oblivious to the tension that was happening inside the kitchen.
Dante went to follow Braelin but Keyon stopped him "Listen, I don't know what's going on between y'all three but whatever it is y'all need figure out a way to deal with it. Braelin is pregnant and the last thing she needs is all this extra bullshit between y'all stressing her out."
Roman knew Keyon was doing what any big brother did and that was protecting his sister and for that, he couldn't be more thankful to Keyon as a man and as a father. Roman looked over at Dante who was clearly having similar thoughts. "You don't have to worry about that. We all want what's best for Brae and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we'll do damn near anything to ensure she's getting the best. Now if you don't excuse me those ribs are calling me."
"What was that about?"
Dante picked up a new bowl of barbecue sauce before heading outside  "You heard what Rome said. We all just want the best for Braelin."
Keyon didn't know what the hell was going on but he was definitely going to find out.
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"Why are you so quiet?"
Braelin added more fruit to the already thinning fruit salad "What are you talking about? I haven't stopped talking since the party started."
"Well, you haven't said much to your mama."
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Braelin smiled "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to make sure things are perfect. With all the craziness I think we all deserve it."
Mama Carol took the bowl of fruit out of her daughter's hand "I'm sure the fruit salad will remain a crowd favorite. I know somethings going on with you and I want—"
"Mama, I'm fine. But there is something going on with me and before you ask I will let you know everything soon, I promise." She kissed her mother on the cheek before scanning the area for Roman who was talking to Janelle.
Naomi and Briyanna noticed and decided now was the perfect time to make the big announcement. "Are you ready?" Briyanna asked standing beside her baby sister.
No, she wasn't ready. Braelin knew Dante was willing to go along with the plan if that was what she wanted to do. But Roman was completely against it and rightfully so. "I can't go along with this if Roman isn't ok with it and before you say anything I owe it to him as the father of my babies to get his approval. It wouldn't be right otherwise."
Briyanna nodded in understanding she knew what it would cost Roman to have another man claim responsibility and although it would be the best option for everyone it would further complicate things when the truth finally comes out. "I think you need to do what's best for you and the babies. Don't worry about Roman, Janelle and Dante. Worry about you and the babies."
"But I thought you said—"
Briyanna nodded "I know what I said and I was wrong. It was terrible big sister advice and I think you should completely ignore me."
Braelin laughed "This didn't help me at all."
"I know and I'm sorry."
Both girls laughed.
"I think I'm going to tell them the news and I'll deal with the rest later."
Briyanna grabbed Braelin's hand to give a reassuring squeeze "I like your idea better."
Braelin turned off the music which prompted everyone to look in her direction "First of all, I want to thank everyone for attending my first cook out. We all work so hard with working, traveling and whatnot and we don't really have time to spend moments like this together so I just wanted to thank you all for coming and I love you all dearly for it."
"Yeet! We love you too, Brae." Jey yelled.
"Yea, take that beer away from him, Tamika." Seth added, causing everyone to laugh.
"If he says yeet one more time I'm going to bury him in your backyard, Braelin." That was Dean.
Renee smacked Dean upside the head "Will you guys shut up. You're ruining Braelin's speech."
"The floor is yours queen, B."
Braelin smirked "Thank you, Becky and Renee. But, I did bring you all here for another reason. My decision to retire due to my knee injury was sudden but it wasn't the only reason for my retirement."
Jimmy looked over at Naomi who didn't seem at all surprised by this announcement "What's going on, Bug?"
Braelin looked over at Roman across the yard and at Dante who was standing next to her "I retired because four months ago I found out I was pregnant" She said revealing her baby bump "with twins. I'm having a boy and a girl."
More silence until Braelin was engulfed in two sets of arms that belonged to her parents.
Congratulations, cheers, and tears were shared between her friends and family. Everyone but one. Janelle was a smart woman and after remembering what Roman had told her knew that his first time cheating on her was a few months ago. Maybe even four months ago after a house show and considering the timing, it was more than possible that her husband was the father of Braelin's unborn babies and if that's the case:
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
AN: I'm sorry it took so long but the muse works when it wants to and due to this Pandemic I have more than enough to brainstorm and put together a chapter for you all. I hope you're all taking care of yourself during this time. Don't forget to wash your hands, don't touch your face and remain indoors. Stay safe and Happy Reading!
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
So I have been thinking on the idea that if they do show it Oscar and Whitley could form a sort of friendship given that both sort of have a big thing coming for them (Whitley in running the Dust company and Oscar's chosen one deal) What do you think? Also I feel it'd be cool is Whitley's sembalence was like good stratigic planning he is able to see two moves ahead like in chess and plan for it.
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Hello again Crystal. Y’know once upon a time, I would’ve been open to Whitley and Oscar becoming steady friends and having an almost love-hate type of friendship mirroring Ruby and Weiss. I came to appreciate Rich Farmers as a FRIEND-ship which is ironic since before that I wanted Whitley and Oscar to be rivals for Ruby’s affections XD
Oscar and Whitley are my boys and seeing them finally meet and interact would’ve been an interesting sight. But now that I’ve seen nearly half of V7, I’m unsure of whether or not Whit and Oscar will ever get a chance to meet given how the PLOT has been shaping up.
If we’re lucky, Oscar would be attending the election Watch Party up in Atlas with JNR_RWBY and would just so happen to bump into Whit who just so happened to be attending the Watch Party too on behalf of his father just to promote his campaign at the school or something—I dunno. Just a crumb of interaction would’ve sufficed. 
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However, as I said, I’m not sure if these two will ever meet at all. At least notfor V7. I’m still waiting to see what either of their roles will be like for this volume.
I have a sinking suspicion that Whitley will be the one to reveal to Weiss about how their mother has been really doing since she departed. Who knows? Perhaps…he might even allow her back into their home to see her while Jacques is away on business (or rendezvousing with Watts). 
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I say this since I don’t think Klein is around anymore. I’m starting to wonder if he was unceremoniously let go after it was discovered that he helped Weiss escape. It was odd not seeing him at Schnee Manor, even when Watts came to visit Jacques. Then again the PLOT hasn’t visited the Manor much for this season outside of the end of CH4. I wonder if we will get more on that as we move into the political subplot for the season.
Since Jacques sparked quite an uproar in Mantle, I’m intrigued at how that’s going to be played out next episode. I’d like to imagine that part of the reason our young heroes were ultimately granted a night off was due to them needing one after working possibly double time to deal with all the ruckus bringing forththe Grimm that was caused by the People of Mantle revolting against the General and Atlas after what Jacques caused.
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It wouldn’t surprise me if more Grimm start invading the city due to all the risingnegativity at the city in the clouds, thanks to the Ice King himself.
The start of V7 and the narrative that follows afterwards surrounding Jacques, General Ironwood and even Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses should be more than fascinating to watch play out. I can’t wait. 
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But going back to Whit, I really feel like Whitley’s role for this season will be delegated to outing Jacques on his underhanded cooperation with Watts.
I feel as we’re going to get Whitley snooping around on his father and Watts.
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Oh! Do you know what would actually be pretty darn cool?
What if…Whitley allows Weiss back into Schnee Manor when she shows up to visit their mother who, as we remember, was told to not be doing so well since Weiss’ departure. While checking in on her mom, Whitley invites Weiss to show her something and it’s basically a scenario where Whitley reveals to Weiss another secret passageway within Schnee Manor that leads into a hidden area overlooking Jacques’ office where Whitley and Weiss could spy in on their father.
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Let’s say…Whit wants to tell Weiss about what his father had been doing to win the elections. However since he’s also aware that his sister might not believe him, he decides a better way to prove himself is by showing her the truth. So basically Weiss and Whitley end up spying in on Jacques just when Arthur Watts pays him another visit. Maybe Tyrian Callows tags along with Watts this time?
Now here’s the thing with this. Weiss doesn’t know who Tyrian is. The only person on Team RWBY aware of Tyrian is Ruby. So as an alternative to this theory of mine, let’s say:
Weiss returns home to see her mother. Ruby tags along with for morale support. Unfortunately the security at Schnee Manor deny Weiss access even if it was to see her mother, thanks to Jacques giving them strict orders to. Fortunately for Weiss, she reunites with good ole Klein who helps her and Ruby sneak into the manor to see Mama Schnee. 
In her mother’s room, Weiss discovers her mother passed out drunk but sleeping more or less soundly. As it turns out her fears were proven right as her mother looks ill and let’s say her room is a mess, littered with empty wine bottles and glasses as a sign of several alcoholic episodes. This upsets Weiss dearly at seeing her mother in such a state. Luckily her best friend Ruby is there to comfort her.
Weiss then goes to wake her mother up to show that she is still there for her. Unfortunately Weiss’ time with her mother is cut short as Klein comes in to warn the girls that they needed to now leave since Jacques had returned home and security was coming down the hallway.
Weiss and Ruby leave just as Mama Schnee opened her eyes to an emptydark room, missing seeing her beloved daughter again by a millisecond.
Similar to how Klein assisted Weiss with the passageway that led straight out of the manor, he attempts to use the same one from V4 to provide Weiss and Ruby a means of escape. However they are forced to make a detour since the room with the passageway is used or something. Klein is then forced to leave the girls on their own when he’s called away by Jacques.
Long story short, Weiss and Ruby Scooby-Doo their way around Schnee Manor, avoiding as much encounters with security and staff as they could. Eventually their hide and seek results in them stumbling upon another hidden passageway that takes them to the secret hiding spot I described before overseeing Jacques’ office.
From here, Ruby and Weiss listen in on Jacques once again scheming with Watts. Tyrian happens to be there as well and Ruby immediately recognizes him; informing Weiss that the Scorpion Faunus was bad news since he was the one who poisoned Qrow and attacked her and JNR back in Mistral. Thus meaning that Weiss’ father was getting himself roped in with people who work for Salem!
While Weiss and Ruby are processing this revelation, let’s say…that they are caught by Whitley who knew about the passageway since he used it to spy in on Jacques. Whitley has an opportunity to rat Weiss and Ruby out to the in-house security or worse Jacques and his associates. But rather than do that, Whitley does the last thing Weiss expected him to do for her—help her.
With Whit’s help, Ruby and Weiss are able to make their way back toKlein and eventually out of Schnee Manor undetected.
One of my Whit-ty headcanons for Whitley is that he will redeem himself, at least in the eyes of Weiss by helping her in some shape or form. 
My rationale for this is because I strongly believe that Whitley will be the Huntsman (ironically) in Weiss’ Snow White story. 
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In the original fairy-tale, the Huntsman was sent to kill Snow White by the Wicked Queen but instead the Huntsman took pity on her and allowed her to go free into the forest where she eventually met the Seven Dwarves.
The assumption here in that Whitley is meant to be exactly like Jacques and thus act as an antagonist to Weiss in some way, right? However I still wish to hold out on the concept of Whitley proving himself to be trusted in the eyes of Weiss, finally opening the door for the potential of these two sharing an actual good relationship.
While all the sisterly moments between Weiss and Winter for this season have been nice, it still bothers me how nonchalant Weiss and Winter are with continuing to wholeheartedly support each other while still leaving their little brother in the dark in the hands of their father; the thought of extending that olivebranch to him still crossing neither of their minds even now. Like…really?
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Who knows. Maybe if we do get a moment of Whitley helping Weiss, it may spark the thought of her reaching out to Whit. Perhaps…we can finally have some backstory for these two for once. Again, all the stuff between Weiss and Winter is cool and all that jazz. However this squiggle meister is more intrigued to learn what Weiss’ story with her brother is all about, y’know what I mean?
As for Whitley’s semblance, I’m more inclined with the theory that Whitley possesses the same hereditary Glyph semblance that all Schnees possess since he is a Schnee. 
Regardless of how much the PLOT wishes to have me believe that Whit is exactly like his father, I wish to stand by the thought that he is more like his sisters than he realizes. 
Whitley is a Schnee so if he’s to have a semblance, I want it to be Glyphs. I want to see Whit have his own summon and long ago, I pegged Whit’s choice of summon would be a Geist Grimm he accidentally killed after it attacked him and Klein at the Manor.
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Then Whit ends up being haunted by said Geist since he couldn’t control it. Whitley awakening his semblance and needing help to control his powers could be a potential way for him to bond with his sisters. 
Imagine Weiss and Winter coming together to help their brother understand what he’s going through with his gift. Imagine Whit becoming conflicted by this since his powers give him a connection to his sisters and an actual good relationship with them (which I still believe is what Whitley wants above anything else) however at the same time, he is torn by his loyalty to their father.
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This could’ve been a great subplot to flesh out Whit as a character.Buuuuuuuuuuuut….this is only just me and my headcanons. Whitley’s true purpose in the PLOT; I shall leave that to the CRWBY Writers to reveal. In the meantime. I’ll just have my own ideas.
I do like your idea for Whit’s semblance though, Crystal. Basically your idea is for Whit t have a foresight type of semblance; similar to how Maria’s Reflex semblance operates in a sense, right? 
Either way, I can dig that. However, like I said, my top choice for Whit’s semblance is dem Glyphs. I want my boy to be the Schnee that he is, dagnabbit!  But we shall see how that goes as the volume unfolds.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
DARING DO and THE GRYPHON’S QUEST! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 17 of 19
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Carmen Pondiego
Cover art by Aranel the Cyborg, now  Wind the Mama Cat
29584 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 03/29/16
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
This is a Fan Fiction based on My Little Pony.  Canterlot, Princess Luna and the name Daring Do are owned by Hasboro Inc.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.  
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Chapter 17. The Coward’s Weapon!
Daring Do was pleasantly surprised at just how good her half brother Blendin was at specimen preparation.  There was another surprise for her too.
Friend spent much of her time crooning to her Eagle eggs.  She did frequently leave her nest and lend her green magic to the task, usually greatly simplifying the work.  It was the greatest assistance at particularly difficult or delicate times in the preparation of the failed nymphs that she had loved so dearly and watched over for so many centuries.
Almost any time that they took a break from the arduous task before them, Friend would leave the eggs and nest protected by a nearly invisible glow of green magic.  She would take a place beside Daring Do and purr/croon softly.  Daring Do found real rest and comfort in the love that Friend shared with her.  She often rested her head against the changeling’s horn and shared thought and memory.
It was from that sharing that she learned something surprising about Friend. When her hive was attacked by war equipped and battle ready unicorns, Friend defended the hive’s precious eggs.  
She slaughtered ten of the enemy, literally tearing them to pieces in the defense of those eggs.  When her shared hive mind felt the Queen die, she went briefly berserk.  Four of the ten attacking unicorns that she killed fell in those few moments.
It was duty and love for the eggs that she tended that brought her back to something resembling sanity.  Taking all of the eggs that she could carry, she fled into the night.
The world outside of the hive was a strange and confusing place at first.  By luck alone, she found a long disused road that led to the mountains.  She did the best that she could but it was not enough.  One by one, she felt the spark of returned love die out of each of the eggs.  Her heart was torn asunder by the loss.
Daring Do knew the rest of the story.  What she did not know was the sheer depth of feeling that Friend had developed for her.  She meant it when she said that Daring Do was Matunen,  Hive Queen, in the ancient tongue of Early Middle Equestrian.
Friend was totally contented for the first time in ages.  That in no way interfered with any whit of her egg tending.
Blendin saw his half sister’s serene relaxation around Friend and was glad. The Apprentice Librarian of the Great Library in him was glad too.  He was learning things about conservation of irreplaceable delicate artifacts and relics that would apply to his work in the Great Library.  
Once everything was ready, he stared at the results of their work in wonder.  He had not only helped to prepare the whole foundation for the creation of an entire intelligent species, he had it and all of his half sister’s notes cataloged for the Great Library!
Together, they sent a note of their progress to the Empress.
The door, upon opening, showed the Empress, Grata, and Hisst, the Right Wing of the Imperial Throne.  The hallway was blocked by heavily armed Imperial Guards in full battle armor.
Daring Do was about to ask if such precautions were necessary when a loud, harsh voice from up the hallway demanded, “This is all Blasphemous!  Even if it were the truth and showed our  ancient roots, it would still be blasphemy!  The Holy Legends declare that Faith alone is sufficient and seeking truth beyond its holy pages undermines Faith!
“Whatever is here must be destroyed!”
The Empress responded, “What is about to be destroyed is YOU, Krapper!  You have fifteen seconds to be around the curve and out of OUR sight before I order my troops to open fire!”
“You would not dare!”
“Nine seconds left, Krapper.”
There was a clatter of claws on stone as the speaker retreated!
The Empress drew a deep breath, her crest showing disgust.  “The entire lot of First Creation Idiots want to destroy the only real history that our kind has.”
Friend spoke up, “Your Majesty, they are wrong.  This I/we know.  Before I/we loved the eggs that became the nymphs of your kind, I/we saw changelings.  I/we saw unicorns.  I/we saw Eagles. I/we saw pegassi.
“I/we helped matunen Daring Do and brother Blendin to be sure that these failed nymphs truly show how I/we loved the eggs that became the nymphs that are your kind.”
The Empress, crest showing deep thought, began tracing the development of her kind.  She was reading the placards set by each step of the way. Looking over to the true mother of her whole species, she asked, “Why did you go from pony to big cat for our hindquarters?”
Friend crowded over to point as she spoke.  “Not all big cat.  See how these bones go?  That is from the pegassus.  The head was carnivore, Eagle. The hindquarters had to eat meat too or fail.  I/we did see a lion in mountains once, close enough to feel its insides by loving it.  I/we used what I/we knew.”
Grata, crest rippling in laughter, exclaimed, “We are so lucky that she didn’t see a bear!”
After the fit of laughter passed around the room, the Empress asked, “How will this all be presented, Doctor Do?”
Daring Do sketched rapidly.  “The case, to be portable must be of stout woodwork.  The front viewing window should be made of glass that has been spell strengthened like a Magic Net mirror.”
The Empress nodded, crest showing some concern.  “You mentioned not risking the real relics and that is a good idea.  
“We have General Iron Hooves here with some of his munitions experts.  The team that they are consulting with is known to you, though we know that you do not like them much.
“V.I.L.E. Is here.  They have sent Carmen Pondiego, Baron Von Nighthoof, Marehem Skadefryd, and Kiros Asbhy.  I understand that they have also got a number of Agents here too.”
Crest smiling, the Empress went on, “I was warned to be sure that I still have both mandibles of my beak after dealing with them.  However, they will be absolutely honest with family.
“They have several missions.  One is being worked on now with General Ironhooves and his aides.  Another is to be the agency for creating your cases and making the copies for display.  I will be ordering twenty sets.”
Daring Do, looking doubtful, did agree, “I have to admit that when it comes to museum quality duplication, Mom’s company is unexcelled.”  
An all too familiar voice caroled from the doorway, “So sweet to hear you actually say something nice about my company!  Of course we are honest!  V.I.L.E. has never been caught or proved to be guilty of ANY crime at all!
“Suspicions?  Poof!  Suspicion and a cup of tea will get you anything from a nice Bergamont to bag of Lupton’s Worst!
Carmen Pondiego strutted into the room in her trademark porkpie hat and fire engine red dress.  She called over her shoulder, “General, Dear, would you please come in and see for yourself what my daughter found that is causing all this mess?”
General Ironhooves entered the door.  He was in his simple field uniform.
He tipped his Campaign Hat to the Empress and her Wings.  He approached the study tables, examining the relics with care.  He picked up Daring Do’s voluminous field notes and sketches, seeming to leaf through them, except that once in a while he stopped long enough to separate pages that stuck together.
He put down the books and turned to the Empress.  “Ma'am, you have chosen your battlefield perfectly. Better, you have the enemy in the sights of your artillery.
“I hope that it does not come to armed conflict, but if it does, after consulting with Carmen here, I think that you will have a LOT of surprises for them!”
Daring Do managed to look skeptical.  “Only them?”
Before Carmen could snark back, Marehem wandered in, right past the security detail.  He grinned.  “Helps to be a misfortune changel …”
His eyes bugged out.  It was the first time that Daring Do could remember that her uncle Marehem was caught totally off guard!
“An Egg-tender, HERE?  How did that happen?  How can she live without a hive?”
Friend looked up from serenely turning the eggs in the nest.  She smiled as she said, “Matunen Daring Do.”
Uncle M stopped like he’d hit a brick wall headfirst.  “Adora, Matunen?  A queen?”
The Empress nodded, crest rippling amusement.  “It hit us like that too, when we realized that Friend is OVER two thousand years old.  She was the sole survivor of a destroyed hive.
“Tending eggs kept her sane.  She is the Mother who loved an unstable and fatal hybridization into becoming our strong race.  I gather that for her, loving means something other than a simple feeling.”
Marehem got it together to say, “It sure does.  The eggs a queen lays are sort of neutral.  They will develop as random kinds of changelings.  Give them to an Egg-tender and tell her how many of which sort, worker, other egg-tenders, drones, even a queen, and that is what you will get. Their love is a very complex magic that no other kind can do.”
Daring Do, eyes twinkling, suggested, “Make the order for V.I.L.E. twenty one copies.  We will donate one to the Nightmare Wars Collection of the Royal Museum!”
General Ironhooves grinned hugely.  “You really want to shaft those First Creationists, don’t you?”
Daring Do simply said, “Yes.  They defile and deny the history that I have devoted my life to.”
Carmen pointed to the work tables and said, “Will you take a real compliment from your mother, Adora?  This, notes, restorations, preparation and all is a fantastic piece of work.
V.I.L.E. will duplicate it with the greatest of care.  With your permission, we will keep a copy for our own private museum.”
Mutely, Daring Do nodded.
She saw Uncle M talking to a Magic Net mirror and turning it to show everything.
Carmen pointed to an especially fragile relic and said, “Be especially careful of this one, Baron.”
One by one, the laboriously prepared relics, notes and all quietly vanished. General Ironhooves simply noted, “Handy trick, that!”
Daring Do, Friend, with her nest, and Blendin were brought to a large suite with an open airy feeling.  One Gryphon port was open enough for the Eagles to get in and out but not Gryphons.  The rooms were swarmed with Eagles.
Friend immediately shared that soft green magic of hers to include all of the waiting Eagles.  The way that they crowded close about the nest, it was clear that they had been waiting for Friend’s loving magic.  Several shuffled aside and one reached out a beak and snagged Daring Do’s tunic, making her join or get a torn tunic.  She joined the Eagles in luxuriating in the literal glow of Friend’s shared love.
After a few days of resting up, Rahak came by.  Crest at attention, he requested, “Doctor Do, master Blendin, would you come please?  The display copies are ready for examination.”
They followed the Wing Commander back down to the workroom.  There were twenty one large cases of fine solid woodwork, each faced by stout glass armored by a spell to the toughness of steel.  The contents were beautifully displayed to make the whole progression from hippogriff to Gryphon utterly clear.  Each item of the display had its explanatory placard.
Neatly done on each placard was an exact copy of a reference to the actual original Legend Document, with translation. After that part was a clear, simple note explaining the item.
Central to the whole display was Daring Do’s detailed sketch of the remains of the failed nymphs in place, as they were found.
The whole thing had such an impact that Daring Do’s breath drew in, in a way that she had heard so many times as a child riding her mother’s back in a knapsack, when her mother saw some beautiful thing that she was about to steal.
Turning to an equally awestruck Blendin, Daring Do said, “Tell Carmen that this is the best display preparation that I have ever seen.”
“Thank you, dear,” said a familiar voice.  A khaki colored unicorn mare in a form fitting fire engine red dress stepped out of the shadows.  Daring Do was shocked to see bags under her eyes.
Carmen Pondiego told her, “The General is sleeping now.  I have been working along with every agent that I have available.  I cannot tell you what we have been doing.  Imperial Security is involved.  I only hope that it has been enough to prevent the war.”
Rahak suggested, “Let us all prepare for this evening’s banquet.  That is when you will make your presentation, Doctor Do.”
Daring Do was looking around the Imperial Banquet Hall, at the many war banners that fluttered in the light breeze.  There were also the banners of the provinces of the Empire.  The wood and stonework was outstanding for its solidity and rich carving.
Perched on every place that they could find claw room were hundreds of Eagles, looking expectantly at Friend. Her nest had been placed conveniently close to Daring Do’s place.
The dining tables were all set so that every diner could see the big glass fronted case with its display. There were two  small books by each place.
One was a copy of the original document of the Legends, written some time shortly before 54 Post Nightmare Wars.  It had an exact copy of the document itself, a line by line literal translation and a third line in modern Gryphon with notes to explain the meaning of idioms used when the original was written.  No commentaries.  No editing.  Only a foreword explaining that this was a true copy of the Legends that they all revered and tried to follow.  Commentaries were dispensed with in the hope that the reader could understand what the words said and form their own opinions based on solid fact.
It was signed and sealed by the Empress herself.
The other small book contained copies of Daring Do’s expedition notes and sketches that were relevant to the display showing the origin of their species.
The First Created believers started to scream, “Blasphemy!”
The Empress herself cut them off.  “Silence, Krapper!  These are the Legends that you CLAIM to revere!”
“You have left out the rich and ancient commentaries!”
Her crest rippling with laughter, the Empress exclaimed, “Ancient? Krapper, the FIRST commentary was inserted into a small book like this only thirty five years ago!  It had a note that it WAS NOT HOLY WRIT, only opinion.  That note was removed and further commentaries added. More than half of the mass of your book has been added in just the last five years!
“It must be wonderful to be able to write up whatever you please, insert it into the next edition of your book and have it called HOLY WRIT!”
“Our Book is the true Law!  Holy Word is higher than mere secular law!”
“NO, Krapper!  That is direct sedition!  Guards!  Stand behind Krapper!  If he utters one more word of sedition, cut his wing tendons at once.  He will be given the LONG DROP at sunrise for the crime.”
The Empress paused for effect and added, “Now, we have a banquet laid before us.  Let not Krapper’s ill manners spoil your appetite.  After we have eaten, we will hear from Doctor Daring Do, whose actual facts, well documented and proven may provide you with much food for thought.”
The server placed a plate in front of Daring Do, commenting, “I hope that we got it to your taste.  It is a sauced alfalfa steak.  We don’t eat such fare, so we are not much used to cooking it.”
Daring Do replied with a smile, “I am sure that it will be fine.  You have been doing well the last few days.”
She cut a bite and began to chew.  Numbness spread from her mouth.  She gasped and could draw no air.  Her vision was fading slowly.
She heard, “The Blasphemer has been struck down!  Any means to strike at blasphemy is honorable, the Holy Writ is clear!”
The voice of the Empress cried, “Poison is the Coward’s Weapon!  Seize them!  Do not wait for the Long Drop!  Kill them now!”
The voice of Friend cut across the fading din, “No!  Matunen still has love.  I/we need them!  They will wish for your long drop!  I/we promise …”
Then no sight.  No sound.  No touch.  No taste.  Nothing …
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regencylady1810 · 5 years
Love at First Sight
Desire and Decorum fanfiction. SinclairexMC
Description. Mr and Mrs Sinclaire are about to become parents. Something they've looked forward to since their engagement. (In this Percival has been adopted by them) However Mr Sinclaire is extremely worried of what will happen.
@princess-geek thank you for your support and hope you enjoy!
The screams echoed from the birthing chamber. The room traditionally used for the births of the Edgewater children. But that wasn't the only echo. Another echo was also that Mr Ernest Sinclaire pacing back and forth. Rubbing his sweaty forehead with his shaking hand.
"Mr Sinclaire. You must sit. You must relax. You must have walked miles simply pacing in here. Sit down and have a drink. Have a sandwich and play a card game." Mr Chambers said. "Distract yourself. All will be fine. Countess Wilhelmina will be healthy. As will your son or daughter. And you must take care of yourself for them." Mr Chambers said calmly and concerned at the same time. For the first time Mr Sinclaire stopped his pacing.
"I do truly appreciate your kind offer Mr Chambers. But I must decline. I do not wish to distract myself. I must be ready." Mr Sinclaire said as he resumed his pacing. Mr Chambers sighed and sat down next to Percival resuming his lesson on his favourite card game.
"Papa?" Percival asked. Mr Sinclaire again stopped at the quiet voice.
"Will Mama be well?" he asked.
Mr Sinclaire paused as he thought his answer. He kept telling himself she would. But he knew he could not promise it. Not after all that has happened in his past.
"She Will. She will." he said as he stroked Percival's hair.
"Will I have a brother or sister? Percival asked.
"We have to wait until the baby is born Percival." Mr Sinclaire replied.
"I don't mind which. I want to be a brave big brother who will always look after my brother or sister and will make sure no one ever hurts them!" Percival said running around the room. Mr Sinclaire allowed himself to smile.
"Yes. You'll be the best big brother that anyone could ever hope for." Mr Sinclaire smiled as he crouched to the ground and held out his arms for Percival to embrace him.
"I promise you Papa. I'll take care of my brother or sister. I won't let anything bad happen to them. And I will teach them to play games and to play the piano!" Percival said.
Mr Sinclaire simply smiled as he continued to hug him. He stood up.
"Mr Chambers. Could you take Percival to the gardens?" Mr Sinclaire asked. "Percival how about you show Mr Chambers all the animals in the gardens. Introduce them to him? And show him what you've learnt about the plants?"
Mr Chambers smiled. "Oh what a wonderful idea! I do love animals and would love to be introduced to them." he said as he held out his hand for Percival to take.
Percival immediatly began to talk about the animals. "There are swans Mr Chambers. I named them Samuel and Sienna. Papa says they are mating. And swans mate for life. Mama said that she and papa are like swans. She said they'll always love each other. Oh and Mr Chambers I saw a fox and I named him Freddie. And there was a Robin. I named him Robin. And the family of ducks. They are called Joseph, Matilda, Ellie and Bertie!"
Mr Sinclaire smiled at the childish and innocent enthusiasm of Percival. But before they left the drawing room Percival shouted from the door.
"Shush. It's not gentlemanlike to shout indoors." Mr Chambers said calmly.
"Sorry. Papa may I name my brother or sister?"
Mr Sinclaire smiled. "How about a middle name?"
"Yay. Let's away Mr Chambers. I must introduce you to the animals!" Percival said grabbing Mr Chambers hand again as they exited the room. Mr Sinclaire watched from the window as Percival ran around the garden showing Mr Chambers the animals and plants. Mr Chambers clearly getting exhausted of chasing after the active child.
Mr Sinclaire continued to pace. Flinching at his beloved's screams and cursing the fact he could do nothing to reduce that pain. The door opened. The midwife emerged. She rose her hand before he even uttered a word.
"Won't be long now." she said matter of factly.
"Please is she fine? Is she going to survive? Please tell me."
"Mr Sinclaire. I have been delivering babies since before you were born. I have delivered more babies than you've had hot dinners. I assisted my mother as she worked as a midwife as she assisted my grandmother when she worked as a midwife." Mrs Nelson said. Mr Sinclaire was trying hard not to hide his annoyance at her diversion from his question.
"Mr Sinclaire. I understand you are anxious. All fathers are. Especially ones with a past such as yours. The Countess has not shown any of the warning signs that I have seen in mothers that pass on."
Mr Sinclaire beamed. But her expression was still strict. "Having said that. I cannot promise anything until the whole process has been over for several hours. However I am not for the time being concerned. She is young. She is healthy and she is living a happy life with a wonderful husband. I must return. It will not be long."
Mr Sinclaire sat down for a few seconds before returning. Still not able to relax. Mumbling to himself that he hated how long childbirth was. She had been in there for hours. Her pains began in the middle of the night and the sun was now beginning to set.
More pacing and more worrying. He asked the nanny to set Percival to bed. Despite his pleas to stay up for the birth of his sibling.
The screams continued and doors remained closed.
But finally the sound came. The sound of crying. The sound he was waiting for.
The doors opened. He ran towards them. The Dowager Countess stepping out. Smiling a shocked smile.
"It is not over yet my dear." she said in shock.
"What do you mean my lady?" Mr Sinclaire. "I can hear the crying. Wherefore must I not be at my wife's side?"
"You cannot. She is having another child."
Mr Sinclaire repeated the words. "Another child?"
"It shouldn't be long. The second is never far behind the first Mrs Nelson said. I will return when the second is born." She said turning to return.
"My lady! Is it a son or a daughter?"
"The first is a son Mr Sinclaire. I have a great grandson." she smiled as she closed the door. Mr Sinclaire tried to catch a glance but he didn't. Wilhelmina was still screaming. A few more minutes past. The doors opened again. Mrs Nelson being the one to come out.
"You may-" she said but was cut off by Mr Sinclaire rushing past her to his wife. Not waiting for her to say it. He was overwhelmed at the sight. Two small babies in his beloved Wilhelmina's arms.
"Wilhelmina. I am so proud of you." he said kissing her gently and moving her from her face.
"We have one of each Ernest! We have a son and a daughter!" she said tiredly.
"I am so happy. They are perfection. This is love at first sight. I love them so much. I love you. I am thanking God for the fact you are still here."
"You could not get rid of me that easily. Thank you Ernest for giving them to me."
"Thank you also. This is love at first sight. I love them so much."
"Hold them Ernest." she said. The Dowager Countess helped place the twins into their fathers arms. The instant love he felt upon gazing at them only elevated with holding them and their snuggling into his chest.
"Hello my beautiful children. I see you have your mother's looks. I love you so much. I am looking forward to my life with you in it. I cannot wait to watch you grow up. I cannot wait to teach you things and take you on holidays to the seaside. You are my treasures." he whispered as he walked closer to the window. Glancing at Wilhelmina who was lovingly looking at him. "Mama, Papa, here they are. Your grandson and granddaughter. How I wish you could hold them But I know you are watching. I hope you are proud. And Mrs Mills. Earl Vincent. I hope you too are proud. I hope you think I am worthy of your daughter. I love her so much. And she has given me the greatest gift anyone could give."
"Of course they think that Ernest." Wilhelmina whispered. "All our parents are proud. And watching over us. And Ernest. They resemble you more. They have blue eyes and golden hair."
"Well. They look like us both. But I hope they have your strength and your wit and intelligence."
"I am sure they will. I hope they have your kind heart. And your intelligence too. We are indeed both intelligent in our own different ways."
"What names? Percival asked if he could name them. But I said he could chose the middle name."
"That's sweet." Mr Sinclaire sat on the bed as she took their son into her arms while he continued to hold their daughter.
"For him. I like the name Peter. But also Vincent. And for her. Blossom. I have seen the first emergance of the blossom just yesterday. And Lydia too. And we must allow for Percival' s choice."
"They may have more than one middle name my dear." the Dowager countess smiled. Still trying to get to grips with the idea she had lived long enough to meet her great grandchildren. Percival ran through the doors the nanny chasing after him.
"I am awfully sorry. He did not sleep and I tried to keep him to his chambers but he ran out." the nanny said out of breath.
"It is no concern. Percival. Meet your brother and sister."
"I have both! You had two babies in your tummy?" Percival said gobsmacked.
"I did suspect. My dear I mean no offence but you were rather too big for it to have just been one in there." the Dowager Countess said with a smile.
"Yes Percival. Come up and say hello." Ernest said. Percival jumped on the bed and began kissing his siblings heads and saying hello over and over again and introducing himself.
"I think my brothers middle name should be.. William! And my sister's middle name should be Penelope!"
"Wonderful choices Percival. I wonder if there is a position that requires naming things. It seems to be a perfect job for you!" Dowager Countess said. "But your mama and papa have to agree."
"I love them Percival. Ernest what are your thoughts? Wilhelmina smiled.
"Peter William Vincent Sinclaire and Blossom Penelope Lydia Sinclaire. Wonderful. Well done Percival. What do you think you two?" Ernest said to his children. Smiles appeared on their faces. "I take that as a yes. This is the joint happiest day of my life."
"Joint?" She asked
"I could not possibly have a single one since you came into my life. They have all happened since you came into my life." Ernest smiled. "I love you so much."
"And I love you too."
A few minutes past and the family were given privacy to spend each other in a quiet environment. Wilhelmina fed her children and Ernest hummed a sweet lullaby. The one his mother would sing. The one he sadly could no longer remember the words too. But could still remember the melody.
"Perhaps we should write our own words." Wilhelmina said.
"You always do come up with the wonderful ideas my love." he whispered as the twins fell asleep.
"We have a family. And it is much better than I could have imagined." she smiled. Her grandmother walked in apologizing out of worry of waking the babies.
"Lady Grandmother. Could you inform the Marlcasters that their godchildren have been born and perhaps acknowledge how long it takes in for the fact that is plural to sink in. I have a feeling it will not be instant." Wilhelmina smiled. Her grandmother smiled and and kissed her great grandchildren and her granddaughters heads before fulfilling Wilhelmina' s request.
Ernest, Wilhelmina, Percival, Peter and Blossom all stayed in a comfortable silence. Excited for the rest of their lives as a happy family.
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thetoffeefox · 5 years
110. “Quit stalling. Where’s your father?” Dad Dante with twins.One boy, one girl. C̶a̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶c̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶C̶a̶y̶d̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶L̶i̶l̶y̶?̶ You know Dante is up to something.
Let me just say first my dear I had a world of fun writing this. So much so that I sort of got carried away with it. There is just something about Dante having twins that makes me giddy! Don’t even get me started on if he has a daughter. I hope you enjoy this because I sure did! 
Prompt 110.” Quit stalling. Where’s your father?” Dante X Reader 
      Normally the sound of birds chirping was what you woke up to, but today you were woken up to a different sound and that was the sound of your children. You could hear both of them outside of the door arguing. Unlike most of the time, their arguments would be loud and…. destructive. Right now though it was more like them debating on if they should even wake you up. “If we wait her breakfast will get cold stupid.” Your daughter Lily states with a hiss. A giggle almost escapes your lips but you swallow it because if you didn’t it would give away that you were awake and although normally you didn’t approve of your children’s bickering you found this argument to be cute. However, you found it odd that it was your children waking you up this time around for your birthday. Which would suggest….Your husband was up to something. “All right, I get it. Don’t have to be a know it all.” Cayde your son states with a grumble. You could no longer hold back your giggle and you let it loose before calling out to your children. “Hmm, I wonder who could be arguing behind my door.”  It feels as if the entire house goes still before a moment later both children pop their head into your bedroom. Once inside your room, you notice for the first time in a while how big your twins have grown. It only seemed just like yesterday you were in the hospital holding both of them for the first time. You and Dante thought you could never love another thing more than you loved each other but the moment your children were born they captured your heart far more than the Devil Hunter ever could and it ranged true for him too.  You two would give up your very lives to keep them out of harm's way. Making their way to you the twins hold out a tray of breakfast for you. “Happy Birthday!” They both exclaim to you. You had to say it impressed you that they hadn’t burned a single thing. There was a nagging fear in the back of your head about how your kitchen looked, but you would worry about that later. Both of them took a seat on opposite sides of the bed much like when they were little. Finishing up your breakfast you make a go to get out of bed only to have to your have your twins stop you and try to encourage you to stay in bed. So that’s how it will be. After some fussing and more deterring you shoo them out of your room to allow yourself some time to get dressed, but not before you take a shower which was at the insistence of Cayde. Little did you know that your whole day would be spent with children. They dragged out you of the house around 10 am only to be dragged around to so many different places most of which didn’t cost anything because despite the years that had gone by your husband was still somewhat soft at heart when it came to those in need of his services. So money was still decently tight. It was one of your favorite things about him, how he could have so much compassion and understanding for others. However, you were quite surprised that he seemed to start charging people the moment you announced to him that you were pregnant with the twins. Of course, he wasn’t charging a certain rate per hour still, but merely charging people for anything that they could give him. He didn’t like that you got a job to help out because he was dead set on caring for you and the children but you wouldn’t do it. The kids were your responsibility financially as well, not to mention you did enjoy working. Around 5 pm you were absolutely exhausted and simply wanted to go home and see your husband but your children seemed to still be stalling for their father. What in gods name did he have planned for you that would take this long? 
“Ok you two that’s enough we are going home.” Your tone was full of authority that you knew they could not contest to.
“Eh, just a bit longer mom! Really, we can uh go home in thirty minutes!” Lily exclaimed animatedly her long snow white hair ruffling with her movements.
“Uh yeah mom just thirty more minutes really!” Cayde grabbed your arm trying to hook it with his to stop you. 
“We are going home now.” You grumble turning on your heel determined to win this stubborn contest. 
Honestly stubbornness was a defining trait for Sparda descendents. Teamwork was something that seemed to be scarce. It was very rare that you saw the twins work together and you had to say their tenacity to keep you distracted to where they pushed their differences aside was impressive. Their father and uncle even had a hard time doing so even to this day. Speaking of one devil you then noticed said uncle making his way over to the three of you. It didn’t take a genius to realize what was going on and about to happen “What did your brother have to do to get you to keep me from going home?” You ask with a raised eyebrow. Vergil sighed before looking at both of your twins who instantly tensed and gave the biggest shit-eating grins that reeked of guilt. Oh...OH. You slapped a hand over your mouth trying your hardest to not burst out laughing realizing that it wasn’t their father who got Vergil to come and help keep you distracted it was your children. You should scold them for pulling Vergil away from his day-to-day tasks that could be important, you should. Though the very thought that your children got their uncle to come into public and away from things high on his list of priorities was just all around too much for you to handle. So you let out the laugh you tried so hard to contain. “I’m sorry Vergil I am, really! Consider it impressive though that they got you to assist.” The thought that he might glare at you crossed your mind, but he still directed his irritation at your teenager's. “Please, uncle Vergil it’s just for a bit, there’s a local orchestra playing in the park we thought both you and mom would enjoy it!” Lily bats her eyelashes up at him and you knew that it was over. Despite Vergil’s cold and aloof exterior your daughter somehow some way had it where he was wrapped around her finger. It was like that ever since she was a toddler. All it took was for her to show an interest in literature and fine arts at a young age. You go to say something but then shut your mouth realizing that Vergil most likely had an hour trip to get here which meant it would be a waste if you didn’t take part in this scheme of theirs. Plain and simple your daughter was devious, dating would be fun here soon when she started showing an interest in boys.  Sighing you nod in defeat as both your children lead the way to the park that the orchestra was playing at. You wonder if maybe your husband would be here but then you reason that it’s unlikely, he wasn’t one for orchestras. Not to mention your children seemed determined to keep you out of the house and away from it. It was nice having them here with you to enjoy the classical music that seemed to ring throughout the park. Well you, Lily, and Vergil enjoyed it. Your son was sprawled out on the grass taking a nap. A laugh left you as you noticed Vergil’s eyebrow twitching most likely thinking the exact thing you were. Cayde was his father made over, and sometimes it was the most frustrating thing in the world. In the end though you had no idea what you would do if you didn’t have the two to remind you that you don’t have to be so strict or uptight all the time. Speaking of uptight it was the time you become a parent again and make them go home with you. Both kids had a look of worry on their face which prompted you to be concerned as well. Your concern grew when Vergil decided to make the joke that his brother probably blew up the kitchen. After some quick goodbyes (apologies from you for your kids roping him in on this fiasco) you were on your way home. Of course, once again your children just wouldn’t let up taking every opportunity to stop for five minutes to look at something in a window or admire a bird or a plant. Once home you sighed in relief because as far you could see the house did not blow up and it wasn’t a disaster. In fact, it was clean. This made you raise an eyebrow, the very thought that your husband made it where you would be out of the house all day so he could clean for you? Well, that was a hell of a present but that begged the question where the hell was he? You start looking around thinking maybe he was in the bedroom waiting for you. It wouldn’t surprise you that was for sure. He wasn’t there and that makes you hum more. Once downstairs you see Cayde and Lily at the bottom of the steps looking suspicious.
“Ok you two, where the hell is your father.” You cross your arms over your chest.
“Mama you should probably change into something else after all you’ve been in those clothes all day. Maybe something a wee bit dressy?” Lily states ignoring your question.
“Yeah, mom it is your birthday it calls for the occasion to dress up.” Cayde grins once again for the millionth time today working together with his sister.
“Quit stalling, where’s your father?” A harsh gaze comes from you onto them and you swear you see your son shiver.
“Go get dressed up and we will tell youuuu,” Lily says in a sing-song manner. 
With an aspirated sigh you make your way back up the steps. Again! Into your room. Again! To dig through your closest to find something to wear. You suspect what was going on, but you weren’t sure. So you opted for something elegant but simple looking. Once downstairs you could see that the demeanor in your children had changed this time they were relaxed, and you then noticed just how tired they were from running around with you all day and keeping you out of the house. You must scold their father for that. They were still kids, but it was entertaining to see them wore out for a change. Maybe they will go to bed early and be able to get up in a decent mood for school tomorrow. Smiling both of them grabbed your hands pulling you into the kitchen to the back door. (Thank god the kitchen wasn’t destroyed, and it was cleaner than it has been in a while) “Well, this is where we take our leave, enjoy your night mama.” Lily give you a kiss on the cheek and Cayde does too before they disappear upstairs. Chuckling you shake your head and go outside a gasp falls from your lips. Your backyard was nothing to ride home about. It was small, the ground was uneven and there were patches where grass wouldn’t grow but tonight it looked beautiful as your eyes went to an all too familiar old blanket laid out on the ground with a picnic basket and an old radio that probably hadn’t seen the sun in ages. That wasn’t what enthralled you though, no what had your undivided attention was the man who was sitting on the blanket in the old red leather coat he always used to wear when two first started dating. Years were kind to him with aging but being part demon might have played into that too. “Dante... All this for me, huh?” A grin slowly spread on your features and it went from ear to ear. Your heart pounding in your chest as you knew exactly what he was re-creating. “Well, babe who else would it be for?” Dante flashes you his signature smirk, the one that makes your limbs turn to jelly. It’s like you are in your mid-thirties again as you make your way over to the blanket sitting down next to him. His lips find yours and you can’t help but giggle and kiss him back. His nostalgic smell hits you, the combination of gun powder, tobacco, and whiskey clouding your mind as you huddle into him. “You guys went all out this time.” Chuckling he pulls out two mason jars and you can’t help but laugh out loud. He was matching your first date to T. It felt like it was so long ago, he had taken you out on Cavalier to a secluded and open field, the sky was clear much like tonight and you two had star gazed, ate pizza, and drank whiskey for god knows how long. It was the most interesting first date you had ever had and many more followed. Dante looks at you his gaze burning bright, it was full of love and passion. “Happy Birthday [Y/n]” Again you grin ear to ear before pulling him into a deep kiss. It was decided that this was the best birthday out any and all birthdays.
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chinawof · 4 years
Tiny Dresses. Gender Reveal Pt 3
Overwhelming was putting it lightly. Since she’d seen those balloons she had been swept up in conversations, and plans, and there were oh so many people around. She just needed a moment to herself, which was how she found herself wandering upstairs and out onto the balcony for ten minutes. 
It was calm and serene up here, even with the noise and music from downstairs, China settled onto the sofa, and left her eyes close momentarily, taking in the breeze and the early evening sunlight. 
As she sat there she felt the very clear wriggling of Baby Bean, her daughter stretching out her limbs and getting comfortable. 
Chi tried to hide her smile as she settled back and rested a hand on her bump. 
Her daughter. Their baby girl.
It would take some getting used to of course, but at least now she could begin to get lost in ideas of a little one running around, a perfect mix of her and Liam, with her pup sisters. 
At least now they could focus on pink nurseries, and clothes.
Chi gulped as she realised that she’d brought some clothes, and they had definitely been for a little boy. She would have to look into more little girls clothes for their baby now.
She heard footsteps walking out on the balcony a moment later. Chi opened her eyes, and turned her gaze to see who it was. Hoped that they realised she just needed a little break; but she was sure they would.
Her own heart was racing when she saw the one person she didn’t think she would see for months, or years even.  
“Hi, dad,” Chi whispered out softly, and felt conscious all of a sudden of her hands on her bump. She moved them and shifted when he sat down on the sofa beside her.
“I was wondering where you had gotten to,” There was a familiar chuckle that instantly brought China comfort. 
“It’s just busy down there,” she explained softly.
“I know. Everyone’s really excited and having a good time, but that can be a lot, especially right now,” He glanced down to her bump so carefully covered by her yellow maternity dress. 
“Yeah, it feels like a lot right now.”
MJ settled his hand on her arm softly, giving a comforting squeeze, “And you’ve got to get used to everything. Sierra told me you thought the baby was a boy,” there was a smile on his face, one of amusement and memories, “your mom did that with you, you know. She thought you were a boy. She was so certain,” he chuckled and Chi couldn’t help but laugh herself at that, “must run in the family.”
Feeling a little more comfortable now, she settled her hand back on her bump. Bean had been very calm since her grandfather had sat beside them. China wondered if she was trying to listen and focus on the new voice she hadn’t heard before. 
“But I know your mother and I are very glad we got you, and not that baby boy we wanted. And I know you and Liam are going to love this baby so much.”
It was such a change in tone from months ago, when he’d packed her bags, sent her on her way, and closed the door behind her. Tears rose gently in her eyes, Chi giving a small nod to her father’s words.
“We raised such a strong baby girl,” he carried on musing, still looking at China even when her gaze dropped so her tears didn’t fall, “Always taught you to do what felt right and stood by your values,” to her surprise, he settled his hand softly on her bump where his granddaughter rested, “I’m proud of you, China, for turning around and telling us you were doing this. You’re going to make an amazing mother.”
She crumbled then. Those were all the words she needed to hear.
Suddenly months worth of fears and worries were slipping away as fast as the tears were cascading down her cheeks.
China turned and buried her face into her dad’s shirt and sobbed for a while, like she used to do as a child, getting lost in his warmth and comfort. His hold on her was everything she needed and more.
MJ let her pour it out until the crying had ceased. Pressed a kiss to the top of her head and mover his hands to her shoulders making her sit up and look at him. He dried her eyes with all the tenderness a father could have and gave her a proud grin, “That baby girl is going to be so lucky to have you.”
Chi nodded, trying to salvage her make up with a dab of her finger beneath her eyes, but it was too late, she knew. She could see the smear of mascara in her peripheral. 
Something else entered her view and she looked up to see Liam standing in the doorway to the balcony, looking a little cautious and worried. It was understandable, after everything that happened with her and her parents, finding her and MJ on a balcony together with her crying was probably a worrying thing to see. 
She gave him a smile and beckoned him over to her side, waiting for him to cross the balcony and reach her, before she locked her hand in his. 
MJ was the one who broke the moment by standing himself, and, surprisingly, he gave Liam a pat on the back. “You’re going to make a great father.” He told his soon to be son in law with a smile. “Oh!” Quickly he turned around and picked up a gift bag he had set down near the sofa. “For you two,” He offered it to them and China took it, “Well, for my granddaughter, really.”
China looked to Liam with a smile and saw the relief and happiness on his face realising things were okay between her and her father had obviously settled many worries that were nestled in his own mind.
She moved to let Liam sit beside her and they opened the gift together.
A small little pink dress and a pink diaper cover to match, with the tiniest little silver baby shoes. A grin grew on her face at the sight of them. She held the dress up to her bump, seeing the size of it, as if that would help. 
“It’s perfect,” China grinned, “Thanks, dad.” 
Setting it down again she stood and hugged MJ once more, tightly as if to make up for all the lost hugs over the past few months. 
“Only the best for my grandbaby,” He said back, smiling to Liam as he hugged China. 
When they broke apart he excused himself to go back downstairs while China and Liam got to take a moment by themselves. 
It wasn’t long before she was half laying on the sofa, her head pressed against Liam’s chest, just enjoying the calmness of the moment. “We’re going to have a little girl running around soon,” she mused softly, her eyes were closed, but a smile was fixed on her face.
“The pups are going to love her,” Liam agreed with a laugh, his hand smoothing over the curve of China’s bump affectionately, where Bean was once again wriggling around, probably hyper with all the candy mama had eaten today already. 
“They are. And all her big cousins, too. They all looked so excited when they found out,” besides from the twins who looked slightly disappointed to have another girl in the family and not a boy. She chuckled softly at the thought.
“Thank you,” Liam pressed a kiss to her temple gently as they sat there in the evening breeze. 
“For?” China finally opened her eyes and glanced up at him, her make up still as bad as it had been before.
“For giving me a family.” He whispered, then stole a kiss. 
“Thank you for having a family with me,” China added back when they broke apart, before kissing him a little more. 
She heard the commotion of downstairs still happening, and as much as she wished she could stay on this balcony longer enjoying their last night together in Wyoming, she knew they had to be polite and there were so many people down there that she adored and wanted to spend some time with. 
Wyoming would still be here. She smiled at the thought of returning one day soon with their baby girl in their arms. 
China kissed him once more for good measure. “We’d better get back to the party,” she informed him, finally moving to stand with his assistance now her bump was getting so big it had become a little hard to do on her own at times. 
Liam agreed with her, moving to fold up the tiny baby dress. 
China caught herself looking at the small item in his so very big hands and wondered for a moment if their baby would actually be that small. She couldn’t wait to see him with their daughter. 
“I’d better fix my make up,” China caught herself, blinked her gaze away before her broody side came out, “See you in a moment,” she headed into their room to fix herself back up, a smile set on her lips. 
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