#oc: obscura (it/its)
furballfaggot · 2 months
fairly overdue art dump from while i was logged out, part 1
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dolly-macabre · 2 years
I can't remember where I found this. It's not my handiwork. But it's my girl to a tee after she gets a certain phone call while she's in the institution 🤦🏻‍♀️
Hunnie.... get help.... i mean you are.... but get more 😂
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luminary-rainchii · 3 months
Aw yis,thats the stuff ! im excited to see it all, i wonder what piece you'll cook up with googs, but i need to say again that ur oc designs are always bangers to me
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imma call this guy an oc, tho murdock (murderiplier) is a huge drive of his character ngl
was initially meant to be an au variation of the murder mans, but his backstory and character became its own thing entirely, wah-
meet one of my candela obscura babs, Toriura-Kanohi Kaikōhuru
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vind3miat0r · 3 months
Morgan EA Spoilers.
okay, nothing serious lore wise here, so its just gonna be me yapping my personal thoughts and opinions :3
first of all, HE CALLED SODA "POP." POP??? midwestern raised bitch, next question.
some more explanation for the spellsong woo! and he shed some light on what the "timeline" feels like for Seers, which is where the spellsong stuff comes in. cool..! (i kinda zoned out for this tbh, his voice makes me sleepy /pos)
at first, i thought that Obscura's (Listener) vision might have something to do with the other storylines that have been getting audios recently, but looking at the official timeline, it seems very unlikely, seeing that Obscura and Morgan met in April of 2022, while everything concerning the other storylines takes place in early January, 2022.
(also keep in mind that Obscrua's second meeting with Morgan takes place about 8-9 months after the first one, that (the 2nd) being January 2023, which could mean that this meeting takes place during 2024, considering how erratic Morgan's audios are)
however, from what i remember, Erik said that he would be finishing old storylines and starting new ones, which makes me think that we're about to see a lot more Seers Obscura action in the future.
tmw you name random facts about yourself to someone you barely know while standing on a balcony
he cant cook, which is great bc my Obscura oc can — opposites attract heheh
i love him, hes so silly and autistic coded, and i love his cooking jokes
hashtag... yeah
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claidikey · 1 year
Made myself a lil' Twst OC (and School, kinda sorta).
Across the Sea of Sequella, on Isla Obscura, is Far Raider College, the sister school to NRC. FRC is less prestigious, but its students do their best to keep "Reaching for the Stars", like the Great Captain Hook.
Far Raider uniforms are based on a combination of Clayton's yellow jacket and Rourke's military uniform. Their emblem is of the Flying Pirate Ship from Neverland.
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One of the students there is Mordred! A cousin of Azul's (Based on Morgana from Little Mermaid 2! Yunno? "Ursula's Crazy Sister".) This guy is proof that not all octopuses are smart. Like his relative, he has a love for money and success, but he lacks all the business acumen. He falls for 'Get Rich Quick' schemes far too often, and usually offloads his rubbish on his friends.
In his merman form, he is very thin with a green hue, practically sickly looking.
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Mordred's family often reminds him how well Azul is doing for himself, and compares the two, asking why he doesn't apply himself more, and why did he not get into the "good college", a fact he definitely does not let get to him, no way...
Mordred is a minor character from my TWST Fanfic, "The Bends".
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ominousmotion · 7 months
Thank you for the tag @sparkly-skies 💕
9 people you’d like to get to know better!
3 Ships: Ghost x soap in call of duty all 6 of the blind channel guys polyamory and you know what fuck it more cod shit (and polyamory) task force 141 all those boys need a fucking hug especially soap rip
First Ship: i basically only read x oc fan fic untill a couple of years ago but if i had to guess it was probably rose and the tenth doctor
Last Song: Undertow by archetypes collide absolutely fell in love with them after seeing them with wcar and allegedly became their #3 listener in the world after a month of listening so yeah there very good and the guys are very nice and funny
Last film: I think it was into the spiderverse cuz the new one is on Netflix now so i was catching up and never actually ended up watching the new one
Currently reading: fan fic always but specifically call of duty fanfic truly everytime i try to consistently stuff in other fandoms i keep coming back to cod especially with how mw3 ended i need fix it fics
Currently watching: at this point if im watching tv just assume its critical role related so ive been keeping up with their 3 campaign and i started watching candela obscura the circle of needle and threat also by critical role its quite good
Currently consuming: fucking haribo (i fully typed put hasbro and to google the actual name 😅) gummy brears they are the shit like ive been buying a pack once a week which is very bad for my cavity but they are so good
Currently craving: a huge but like the kind of hugs that olli gives where its soft warm and firm and makes you feel comforted and like surrounded and like you want to ask to be squeezed bc you just kown it would like totally reset your sympathetic nervous system and you can just relax into it and feel safe an warm
Im tagging: @jupiter-balls @askeataiho @there-is-just-me-myself-and-i @man-made-misery @because-its-eurovision @concretenoah @deathblacksmoke @transmutethegold
if youve done this or just dont want to do it feel free to ignore me 💕
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isa-ghost · 20 days
honestly I think you are so awesome and deserve all good things in life and I appreciate your role in the community sm, like I think I'd stick around even if you posted about things I know nothing about because just seeing you on the dash makes me go "omg its isa!" (even when its discourse lmao)
What The Fuck this is so sweet!! ;^; 💚💚
Worry not, I'm not leaving QSMP yet. Even if it hurts. If Phil's done, I'll likely migrate to Fit for it. Provided he streams when Phil doesn't. 😅
And I'll be damned if this stops me from completing AMFMN. Apollo has hinted during a brief reading with him that he'll kick my ass. We NEED more Phil centric fics, it's half the reason I said fuck it we ball and started AMFMN to begin with. That goblin of a deity is INVESTED in the story. I think I'd get sunburn for eternity if I left it incomplete.
And I have a perhaps therapeutic idea to write Phil coming home to the Hardcore World via Rose after departing with the kids. I think I'm gonna go for it, even if it hurts to write and I cry during doing so. :p
I'm not sure what'll become of that QSMP AU I was cooking on but I don't think I'll discontinue that before it even begins either. Additionally, I've played with the idea of just. Continuing some kind of AU storyline post-AMFMN. Like writing stuff (headcanons or short story(s)) after the events of the fic. We'll see.
I've been miserable at worst and palpably sad at best the last 2 days, and we'll see what happens during and after Phil's stream today, but.. at least for now at this good hour of 10am, I'm feeling,, better-ish. Cautiously optimistic. I don't want to leave (and I especially don't want to lose the amazing mutuals and friends I've made 😭). I'm not going anywhere.
But if you're curious, here's some other interests you'll see here besides QSMP:
I'm a Phil main first and foremost. Even if he's done on QSMP, I watch every minute of EVERY stream. Hardcore my fucking beloved. I won't hesitate to start cooking up more hardcore Phil headcanons or a fic or AU.
After Phil, I watch Sneeg second most. I also watch Hermits/Lifers & friends, Ranboo (yes hello I love Genloss), Tubbo & a bunch of others. Like I said, Death Family's end on QSMP isn't my end in QSMP, nor MCYT. :)
I barely post abt it anymore bc it's more bitter than sweet for me, but DSMP will always hold a place in my heart. I'm always down to talk about it if asked.
D&D/Critical Role/Candela Obscura (I've been dual-wielding hyperfixations on Phil & CR this whole time, you'd be getting Phil & CR primarily if I fell out of QSMP for some reason)
Related, I plan on getting into Dimension 20 sometime and I also want to watch LA/NY By Night. TTRPG enjoyers that follow me will be getting FED.
Anime!! Bungo Stray Dogs, JJK, Soul Eater, Apothecary Diaries, Frieren, and a bunch of others are my faves/current faves :)
I'm actually primarily an OC and roleplay person, it's my biggest special interest and I've been doing it for 12+ years. It's why I love mcrp so much. I'd probably post this stuff on @isas-oc-asylum and then reblog here if anyone was interested, idk. But I have an entire original world + country full of lore and characters I could talk about for eternity
I FUCKING LOVE HORROR PODCASTS. Magnus Archives & Protocol, Welcome to Night Vale, Old Gods of Appalachia!!
Veteran followers of me know I was originally a Jacksepticeye & Markiplier ego theorist blog before 2020! I have so many AUs of them and I love them still even though new content with them is slow. (I like Sanders Sides a decent amount too!)
I love talking about witchcraft!! I'm always down to infodump, answer questions, or gush about my goofy ass deity circle!! <3
Controversial (/s) but I love the Hazbin & Helluva series. I also love other indie series like Murder Drones, TADC and Lackadaisy!
I'm also slowly watching The Dragon Prince with friends!!
I've reblogged stuff plenty of times but I fucking love The Owl House & Gravity Falls
When will Arcane return from the war,,,, 😔 (soon)
I won't hesitate to plunge into the Monster Prom series deeper. Milo Belladonna and Damien LaVey my lomls I will get monsterfuckery on main I s2g
Basically... I'm a fuckin charcuterie board of interests!! Realistically, I'll still mainly be Phil/Sneeg/CR. But I'm always down to be abnormal about all that 👆🏻 and more.
If any of that interests anyone reading this, feel free to stick around. Or keep beating me with QSMP & Phil stuff in my asks. I'll still always be down to write headcanons and talk about fic stuff. I love qPhil too much to shut up forever.
And if it doesn't? Congrats, I'm also a massive shitposter. I have like 3 different tags for it. Feast your eyes upon how funny I am. It's like the one thing I'm confident in about myself, I'm fucking hilarious.
Honest Opinion Anon Asks
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kaydreamman · 2 months
A little intro post
i forgot to do this so sooner better than later:
I go by Kay (He/they)
My oc content and content in general may have disturbing or sensitive themes (if i end up posting them and having things asked. Abuse, cannibalism, eating disorder mentioned etc. Its mostly their backstories, not the drawings) so be careful and because of that i ask minors to not follow me (Also the things i like arent suited for a young audience)
My current obsessions are Obscura (visual novel), Magnus Protocol and my ocs (Specifically Vampire the Masquerade ocs)
You can ask me anything about my ocs (if i post them) in the ask box.
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ruvviks · 2 months
15, 23, and 46 for judah!!! <3 (i fucking love your obscura world so much... i am so fascinated and intrigued by it!!!!)
oc asks!
15) What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
judah is very good at wearing different masks for the appropriate situations. this universe is different from ours in many many ways but still has its similarities in terms of historic events, so judah as a young black woman in the 1950s-ish (when she was last on earth before her disappearance) would definitely have struggles in the academic world (despite having a phd) with people not wanting to take her seriously, so she has a very professional approach for that to get people to listen to her. and it works! and in her own circles it would pay off to the point she doesn't have to do that anymore
when she's not putting on that mask, judah is a lot more relaxed and you can mainly tell by the way she no longer makes as much of an effort to hide her southern accent. it means that she's comfortable around the people she's with in that moment which is a huge signal of trust :^) the more comfortable she is the more she talks, like her brother, and can also be found talking to herself a LOT when she's alone
23) What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
judah feels very bad for every single time she's not paid attention to rome when they were younger, or when she was in a bad mood around him :( rome doesn't remember any of that anymore and wouldn't have taken it personally but judah feels like she should've cherished and appreciated those moments with her brother more, especially now that she's stuck in another dimension and can't even contact him anymore </3
46) Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
judah is equal parts a listener and a talker i'd say! it really depends on the situation and the company she's with, when she's with other academics she tends to listen more and only speaks up when she has a valuable addition to make or when someone asks a question, but when she's with friends she tends to lead conversations a lot more and is much quicker to ramble about her interests :^)
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maelstrom007 · 11 months
@ghouljams Has been building a fantastic Fae!Au Cod universe, and I haven't been able to get my own self insert OC for this world out of my head. Behold, Mal! (Their real name isn't Mal, they know how shit works.) Below is a copy of the original ask I sent in to Ghoul when I first imagined this OC.
Their trade is textile and fiber craft work, and they have one of those combination buildings where the bottom floor is a shop, and the top floor is their home. Although when they open their back door it opens into a pasture that really feels like it shouldn’t fit there given the geometry of the nearby buildings. . .
They work on commission and imbue magic, intentions, and spellwork into custom made pieces of textiles for clients. Quite literally they handle every step of the process (shearing/collecting fiber, processing, spinning, weaving, finishing) and while this means it takes them a very long time, the quality is nearly unmatched because there is no opportunity for outside influences on the finished product. I can imagine they could make things for protection, separation, binding/collecting, obscuring/hiding (), and maybe even revealing truths/seeing (making a cloth and then tearing through it with a knife, as if removing a blindfold). 
Protection and obscuring is definitely their bread and butter, so I think that to human eyes on the outside the place just looks like a hole in the wall joint that their eyes easily slide off of in favor of more tantalizing stores around it, but Fae (and humans who have specifically been told of its presence) can at least see perceive it. Whether or not they can come in is another story altogether.
Here is what Mal's outward appearance is to humans and very unobservant fae.
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And here is what Mal can look like to Seer's and nosy Fae, trying to get a glimpse at their True Form. Since they specialize in obscuring, I imagine that their hand made obscura can visually feel like those patterns that people put on documents to hide sensitive information. Like visual snow, to break up the edges and contours to make it pretty much impossible to see through it.
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beirbeirart · 6 years
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it’s baby boy
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alwaysthehbp · 2 years
A list of my favorite Snily fics, just because
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6613973/1/The-Long-Road-Home The Long Road Home. This is my all-time favorite (so far). It’s over 800,000 words (nearly the length of the entire HP series) and I read it in the span of 3 weeks. It’s my favorite because it consists of adult Snily that reunite after their falling out in school, it follows events of HP canon very closely during Harry’s school years until the end, it has alive!Regulus who is bffs with Snape, Snape isn’t as miserable as canon because, well, he didn’t cause Lily to die, and women actually are attracted to him. I always love reading a fic when women are attracted to Snape, idk 😂 The fic is very well written and I am not usually a fan of OCs but the author had me caring for everyone in this fic! I shed many tears during emotional moments but it has a happy ending and even a sweet Christmas one shot that takes place after the events in the story. It’s Snily centric of course but to its core it is an ensemble fic and the author handles it very well. I liked reading a Snape that’s in character to a degree but also not completely, hopelessly miserable. I won’t spoil anything but let me just say a certain young character completely captured my heart. This fic has become my canon practically. I wish I had friends to fangirl over it but alas, a tumblr post must suffice. If anyone reads this or has read it, please come to my dms 😂
https://archiveofourown.org/works/716010/chapters/1325814 Obscura Nox Animae was my first ever Snily fic! I was reading HP book 1 for the first time around Aug or Sep 2021 and thought how cool it would be to read from Snape’s POV since he’s written in such a negative light in HP. I came across this fic. Heatherlly has a wonderful way of writing that is hard to come by! I even read one of her SSHG fics because I wanted more of her content, and I am typically 110% SNILY ONLY trash 😂 She seems to always have such original ideas and writes the characters SO well. She can write drama, angst, action, romance, and humor all so well. I always enjoy her works but since this was my first, it’s on my fave list!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11527821 Vox Severus by Adante825. Oh how I wish this was more than a one shot!! Gods above, let this fic from 2017 become a series PLEASE!!! I just found this one a few days ago as I write this post, and absolutely loved it! I personally prefer fics of adult Snily, like the ones mentioned above, but this one was so, so, so much fun! Severus’s voice changes during his years at Hogwarts and everyone notices. I love a fic where people actually find Sev attractive!!! It’s so fun! And… relatable 😏
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13844247/chapters/31840572 Come Once Again and Love Me by laventadorn packs a hard punch in just 25 chapters. I didn’t think I’d like a fic where Sev dies and comes back to life in the past, especially as a teen with the mind of a 38-year-old, but the author handles that with an interesting twist! I absorbed this fic in a day. I couldn’t put it down!! It’s very well-written and in-character. Definitely in my top 5 and is a must-read for Snily fans!!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37255837 Show Me Family by @zivitz “SHE DOESN’T EVEN GO HERE” but she did it for me!! My twitter friend from the Kabby fandom posted a while back asking for fic requests. I jokingly requested a Snily fic (knowing she wasn’t in the fandom). Being familiar with the characters and up for the challenge, she to my surprise obliged! And blew my expectations out of the water. This fun, fluffy fic packs a lot of tooth-rotting sweetness in just 647 words. Ziv knows children well, so of course she writes them well! With all the unpredictable and funny things that kids say along the way. I love reading a softer Severus, especially Dad!Sev!! And domestic Snily is always so fun. I love them being comfortable with one another. If you’re a snily shipper, severitus lover, and enjoy reading babyfic, this is a short but absolutely lovely read 💞
https://archiveofourown.org/works/501886/chapters/881306 Essence by VR_Trakowski and the sequel Threshold https://archiveofourown.org/works/550550/chapters/980834 are two very lovely fics about a teenaged Severus who’s too afraid to tell Lily his true feelings, but works tirelessly to create the perfect gift for her. Of course, if it didn’t have a happy ending, it wouldn’t be a fic I would recommend, but I’ll keep these reviews spoiler-free! It’s a really interesting AU and is written so wonderfully! I really like fics that show Snily’s differences but how those differences really help complement each individual. Their love is written very beautifully and sensually, and can bring you to feel emotional as you read! Like many other Snily fics, it does not paint the marauders in a positive light. Be sure to pay attention to TW in the sequel and read at your own discretion! Highly recommend! I actually just finished the series today and am having withdrawals.
That’s all for now!
That being said, I’m always on the lookout for a new Snily fic to read! Like I said, my most favorite is The Long Road Home where Snily are adults, most events of HP canon occur (besides Lily’s death, obvi) and I love a happy, domestic ending for Snily. If anyone has any suggestions for completed fics, especially if they’re similar to those requirements, please send them my way. 😁
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randoimago · 3 years
Rules and Fandoms
If a fandom is not listed here then I'm not writing for it!!
If you see me post a fandom that's not listed then that's because it's working its way through the queue!! (I queue posts instead of posting immediately)
This is my blog and I do not have to write every single request I get. I appreciate you guys taking the time to send me requests, but not all of them will appeal to me (rather it's cause of my personal background or what). That said, I still appreciate you <3
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NO :: NSFW, OC stuff, Crossover, Yandere, Self Harm, Pregnancy-Related, and Descriptively Violent Requests
DON'T :: Spam the ask box, send the same ask as another blog, send a wall of text to the ask box (please keep it to at most 3 parts), republish/upload my work, send ask that references other forms of media (ie. Reader that likes Green Day music / Fault in Our Stars movie, etc) I don't want to do homework to write a request
Include the Fandom you're requesting for in your ask please!!
4 Character Limit. (no more groups of characters if it goes over 4 characters)
I will not age characters up for romantic asks. (I don't mind adult characters for hypothetical platonic stuff)
Romantic asks only for canonically 13+ Characters
Requests with mentions of alcohol, drugs, etc. only for canonically 18+ characters (exceptions may be made depending on country the character is from/lives in)
Only Writing from Character's Perspective for Headcanons
AU's are okay!
Anime Only Requests if you ask for plot stuff for anime
If I think of anything else, then I will add more rules!
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Fandoms/Characters I’m Writing For
Note: I write as if every character is Bisexual/Pansexual unless their sexuality is canonically stated then I’m going to respect that!!
(ex. Marco from AOT is canonically gay so only m!reader, Caduceus from CR is canonically AroAce so only platonic for him)
I'll be up front too, if you request characters that are evil or manipulative then the headcanons will most likely have references to toxic relationships.
If you don't know who I'm writing for then just ask!!
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Attack on Titan
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen
Video Games
AI: Somnium Files + Nirvana Initiative
Baldur's Gate 3
Coral Island (bachelors/bachelorettes)
Danganronpa, 2, v3
Dragon Age, 2, Inquisition
Final Fantasy 7 + Crisis Core
Hades (no god/goddess S/O stuff)
Persona 3
Persona 4 Golden
Persona 5
Stardew Valley (bachelors/bachelorettes)
Sun Haven (only Sun Haven Bachelors/Bachelorettes)
Zero Escape: VLR and ZTD
Webtoons / Shows / Etc.
Candela Obscura: V&V, N&T
Critical Role, ExU
Various Monsters (like reader x monster type stuff)
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taisnottired · 2 years
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my oc for the obscura cult blog!
some info below:
who is this?
this is foxtastic, esteemed librarian and head scrollkeeper of the cult!
what's their age?
fox was 7 when they first joined the cult! curious about it, they learned its history and eventually decided to become the head scrollkeeper at 15. they're 18 now!
what dothey do?
fox regularly restores scrolls and books about the order of obscura!
sexuality: cupioromantic sapphic
gender: female
pronouns: uses no pronouns or they/ them
languages: usually english, but is most fluent in spanish. also knows french/latin
height: 5'9
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fanficstokeep · 4 years
Title: Lady Amalia: The Almost Queen Author: DarkLadyAthara Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 11 Word Count: 34k Status: Complete Summary: Neva Amalia Adye had been a Princess, an almost-Queen and an Aide to Senator Padme Amidala. But there was a deeper, secret reason she had come to Coruscant: to be closer to the one person she couldn't be with...her Jedi. [Prequel to Lady Obscura, Part One of the Lady Adye Trilogy] [Obi-Wan x OC]
* I absolutely loved this story. I’ve yet to read the rest, and I probably won’t because my heart lies with Obi-Wan and the rest of the series is focused on other characters/relationships. Rating coming soon. *
Title: Lady Obscura: Little More Than a Shadow Author: DarkLadyAthara Rating: T Genre(s): Adventure, Romance Chapters: 31 Word Count: 135k Status: Complete Summary: Athara has known nothing but Vader's protection her whole life. The Rebel Alliance is growing stronger and when the depth of Athara's Powers comes to the Emperor's attention, she can do nothing but run. It's then that everything changes. [Sequel to Lady Amalia, Part Two of the Lady Adye Trilogy] [Luke Skywalker x OC] [Episode IV - Episode VI]
Title: Lady Obscura: A Rogue One Story Author: DarkLadyAlthara Rating: T Genre(s): Adventure, Drama Chapters: 12 Word Count: 40k Status: Complete Summary: Just as Rogue One serves as a Prologue to Episode IV, this story is a prologue to Lady Obscura: Little More than a Shadow. It provides a glimpse into Athara's life as Vader's Shadow in the critical lead up to the events that would culminate in the destruction of the Death Star over Yavin IV. A glimpse into the life of Lady Obscura. [Companion Piece] [Takes place immediately before the second book in the trilogy]
Title: Their Lady Adyé Author: DarkLadyAlthara Rating: K+ Genre(s): Adventure, Romance Chapters: Word Count: Status: WIP [last updated 1.28.19, last checked 3.7.20] Summary: A series of one-shots from during, before or after stories of the Lady Adyé trilogy, which centre around Neva, Athara and Ana Adyé. Most of these one-shots will be alternate PoVs/scenes that, for one reason or another, didn't make it into the Primary Stories in the Lady Adye Trilogy. Featuring Luke, Han, Obi-wan, Vader, Leia, and of course, Neva, Athara and Ana. [Companion Piece]
Title: Lady Adyé: The Resistance Commander Author: DarkLadyAlthara Rating: T Genre(s): Adventure, Romance Chapters: Word Count: Status: WIP [last updated 3.2.20, last checked 3.7.20] Summary: As Red Leader with the Resistance, Commander Ana Adyé was perfectly content living without the Force. Thanks to the shadows in her past, she wanted nothing to do with it. But when it wakes, stirred by events a long time coming, Ana doesn't know anymore if she can resist its call. 
*The author is currently re-working the series.
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myevilmouse · 4 years
2019 Fic Year In Review
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2019 was the year I joined AO3 and the year I also joined tumblr. So my year in review is literally everything I have written for the Star Wars fandom.  I was not going to do one of these posts but then realized some people here may not be on AO3 and appreciate links directly to something that sounds interesting.  So if you want to know more...
I do not plot, I do not plan. I either write to an idea or a prompt or create a challenge for myself, so I will give you that little background for each fic, in case you care 😉  I like reviewing how I wanted to write the fic and how it ultimately turned out…so here we go, in chronological order, more or less:
1.            Command Performance
Idea: write hot springs sex and try to work in a non-con type scenario/fantasy
Result: My first foray into Luke/Mara. Fun and hits many of my kinks.
2.          Unity
Idea: Wanted to try writing Thryce smut and was given the TV Trope dialogue prompt “YOU!”
Result:  Wound up being long and not smutty at all, but I enjoyed writing those two self-sabotaging fools and decided I would do more of it.  Basically the fic that convinced me to write more Thryce.
3.          Deal With You
Idea: Wanted to write dubcon/hatesex, set post-TIE Defender factory blowup when Thrawn tells Pryce he will “deal with you later.”
Result: didn’t succeed in writing dubcon/hatesex, instead a power play between these wicked Imperials which wound up with an odd and unexpected happy ending.
4.          The Annual Stormtrooper Relief Fund Ball
Idea: write something cute and short for Thryce Discord “Friday Fluff”  
Result: A Gone With The Wind-inspired dance auction which still gives me those fluffy fuzzies.  I like this one.
5.          Artoo’s Viridian Adventure
Idea:  write something my young nephews could read AKA non-smutty.  Husband insisted Pikachu be involved.
Result:  Crack crossover that is suitable for all ages
6.          Corrupted Cake
Idea:  write Sex Pollen for Luke/Mara
Result:  wrote “how they got together” story for Luke/Mara.  What started as a one-shot turned into a three-chapter fic that is one of my most popular and probably most romantic.  
7.          Conduct Unbecoming
Idea:  write Uniform Kink for the fic whining circle kink challenge
Result:  Mara and Luke in a married roleplay
8.          Interpreter
Idea:  Thryce Discord talking about an AU with Pryce in Vanto’s role
Result:  One of my fave fics, as it plays to basically all my kinks. 
9.          Camera Obscura
Idea:  inspired by Phantasmagoria, a fic by @teagrl​, what would happen if sub!Luke stopped playing by the rules?
Result:  It would not go well for him.
10.     Endure
Result:  Something I am proud of, written in a fragmented, experimental style since I figured the audience who dared to read would also be open-minded enough to humor my muse.
11.       Something of Significance
Idea:  Thryce Discord May the Thirst Be With You prompt:  Naboo Wine
Result:  Something sweet?  I hope? That allowed me to indulge in my wine and chocolate kinks.
12.     Common Thread
Idea:  using randomly chosen Kiss and Dialogue Prompts for inspiration, write a series of ficlets about Luke.
Result:  Lots of different scenarios, mashing Luke’s lips with many different women but usually Mara, and inspired a couple other fics!
13.     Kinetic Countermeasures
Idea:  written for “Ascension Week” challenge on the Thryce Discord, and I always wanted to write fuck-or-die…
Result:  The closest I’ve gotten to writing a threesome so far (waves at Vanto), and strangely romantic. I like this one, and had fun coming up with the chapter titles 😊
14.     Something Real
Idea:  Thryce peeps wanted a sequel to Something of Significance
Result:  This “how they got together” story for Thrawn and Pryce
15.     The Warrior’s Dancer:  Sienn’s Tale
Idea:  Another woman Luke isn’t related to, available for Jedi-lovin’! What if Luke/Sienn/Oola had a threesome?!
Result:  This fic got way longer than intended and didn’t turn out the way I had planned (no threesome sorry) but I love Luke in it and had fun fleshing out the character of Sienn who is from a short story in the Tales from Jabba’s Palace collection.
16.     THRYCE:  The Musical
Idea:  What if I did @ap-trash-compactor​’s fic A Dealer In Hope as a musical using only Billy Joel songs?
Result:  Yup, exactly the ridiculousness you would expect.
17.     Fan Mail
Idea:  Epistolary challenge in the fic whining circle
Result:  Hopefully amusing view of Luke Skywalker’s fan club and his life as a celebrity Jedi.
18.     Five Times Luke Skywalker Surprised Ahsoka and One Time She Surprised Him
Idea:  Write Luke/Ahsoka after my Common Thread chapter got such positive feedback on them, limit it to 5 + 1 format so I don’t get carried away.
Result:  I like it.  This is a ship that needs more love.
19.     Conflicting Aesthetics
Idea:  written for the SW Rare Pairs fic exchange, @elsajeni​ requested Thrawn/Original Art Forger.
Result:  My longest fic to date, completely took on a life of its own. I had way more fun than expected creating an OC, and there are way too many plot bunnies for sequels in my brain.
20.   The Art of Disguise
Idea:  Halloween Fic for Thryce, prompted by my sister suggesting Pryce dress as Thrawn for Halloween and my adamant refusal that would never happen in a gazillion years.
Result:  Fluff
21.     Corporeal
Idea:  Halloween fic for Luke/Mara, where I keep trying to get these two non-conny, and I tried to sneak a ton of Shakespeare into the fic just add to the complications of writing it
Result:  Hopefully something disturbing and spooky.  Also needs a sequel.
22.   Impetuous
Idea:  Play in @celinamarniss​’ Thrawn/Luke/Mara sandbox but get Pryce in there!
Result:  I got Pryce in there but had to neglect Mara, oops.
23.   Uneasy Alliance
Idea:  write a Padme/Thrawn treat for @theartofcertibbs​
Result:  in the course of my research, learned Zahn ships it.
24.   Anamnesis
Idea:  write Hera/Thrawn for the SW Rare Pairs fic exchange for @ysalamiri-queen​
Result:  something disturbing
25.   The Politics of Gifting
Idea:  write a holiday Thryce fic
Result:  fluff from Faro’s POV
26.   Catalysts
Idea:  write a holiday Luke/Mara fic for the Secret Santa fic exchange with two dialogue prompts and trying to get them to huddle for warmth, a trope I’ve always wanted to write.
Result:  fluff and tropes and wampas, oh my!
Other stuff:
Sonnets:     I wrote a bunch of sonnets about Luke’s outfits and one about Han for @jadedjo​.  I love sonnets.
31 Days of Star Wars:  I put all my Fictober prompts into one fic on AO3.
It’s been a productive year and I want to thank everyone in the Luke/Mara fandom and the Thryce fandom and all the other readers who encouraged and supported me.  I’m really happy to have found this creative outlet this year and look forward to providing you more fluff, smut, and angst in 2020!
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