#ocerina of time
askforyounglink · 6 months
My ALLTP Zelda Manga BEST part!♥🧚🏻‍♀<33
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My Zelda Manga OoT Best Part♥
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İ upgade here for best part!🧚🏻‍♀
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hootenanie · 2 years
started reading the big sleep last night (gasp; a book without pictures!) and I am loooooving it. check out this banger description of orchids
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lemonade-squid · 2 years
Pulled out my wiiU cause I desperately want to play wind waker and MAN the screen is so tiny I mean I'm a huge wiiU simp I played it every day as a teen and I would pack up the entire console in my school bag and play off the game pad in class
Just look at it next too my oled switch it's wild
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nightwatcherraph · 1 month
Raph and Mikey enjoy playing legend of Zelda ocerina of time. Raph hates those spider things they freak him out. Mikey likes to drive Raph insane by continuing to run down the same tunnel over and over again in the lost woods so the two start fighting over the controller. Donnie comes in and takes it from them both and starts playing much to their annoyance. Leo is just trying to meditate lol!
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d3m0l1t10n-lvrs · 1 year
Okay so the AI gave me an idea for an AU
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Okay so Sun and Moon are band teachers! Sun handles day practice and the younger ones, and Moon handles evening practice and choir! They teach 6th-12th grade, and are very tired all the time lol.
Y/N is their assistant! In the middle of college, they're trying to get opportunities to play in a professional orchestra or start their own band! They're not picky, they just want to do something with music.
Sun can play the Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Recorder, Xylophone, ukulele, and Drums!
Moon can play the Piano, French Horn, Flute, Ocerina, Bells, Clarinet, Acoustic guitar, and violin!
I tried to give them instruments that match their vibes lol.
Sun is probably very peppy and fun, and band camp is his favorite time of year! He always keeps water and snacks for the students, and makes sure to keep earplugs for people with sensory issues.
Moon is more blunt and quiet, but he cares for all of his students. He never tries to make them feel bad, he's just very straightforward. His favorite event is the winter concert!
I'll come back later with doodles of this!
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timelord-of-the-moon · 11 months
I thank god everyday for whoever gave Link those blue earrings in Ocerina of time and that it became a staple of his character design
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rose---child · 16 days
I’m over thinking details but
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Looking at Saria from ocerina of time, the kikiro village would need to have
Shoemaking, fabric making , metal working, leather working, some crocheting or sweating making, and brushes or comes and fabric dying
Which like it would really be really cool to see a full kikiro village in a game.
Mido also shows they would need linens
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tomthriftery · 1 year
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Found: One shiny blue ocerina. Previous owner a pointy eared lad travelling through time.
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sluggybasson107 · 3 years
One of my friends in real life has been arranging Legend Of Zelda music and posting it online for fun. She started posting around a month ago, but she’s been arranging music for a long time.
You don’t need an account to see the music, so you can stop by and take a look! She’s been working hard and would love it if you all checked her out. My two favorites of her arranges are Farewell King Hyrule and Great Fairy Fountain!
Thank you for reading!
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mystormogral · 7 years
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The Legend of SWOL:
Beefaroni of Time.
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The Spreadsheet is updated!
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askforyounglink · 7 months
İ Just Give Gif For Saria FairyGirl<33 beacuse im Saris Fangirl!♥🧚🏻‍♀ :3
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inktog · 3 years
Do you think that the temples are a metaphor for puberty? In Legend of Zelda : Ocerina of Time, the Forest and Fire temples (which was the inspiration for the first and third temples in Amphibia, respectively) were completed by Link as a child, and shortly afterwards he became an adult.
I like the way you think, anon. I'm adding Ocarina of Time to the long list of media I want to consume for Amphibia analysis purposes. (See also: Dragon Quest V, The Iron Giant, Harry Potter, theoretically every episode of Dragon Ball Z.)
My own take: Not puberty specifically, but growing up in a broader sense. Each girl's temple maps her preferred path to adulthood.
Anne is scared by her own increased agency as she gets older, because (at the start of the series) she doesn't trust herself to make good choices. Adolescence for Anne is primarily about the moral lessons she'll need to learn in order to confidently exercise her agency. Heart tempered by responsibility.
Marcy wants to excel in school and flourish in college; her temple mostly tests intellect, and she brags about her grades on the way there. Her final lesson in tempering Wit with humility also stems from her college-bound fantasies: It's an admission that she still has room to grow ("The humble seed: so much potential for growth!"), that there's always more to learn.
To be clear, the temples aren't unique for their growing-up symbolism. Anne's self-appointed moral journey is built into the core of season 1, and the whole of Newtopia is structured around Marcy's love of school. Nor do I think the the temples are where they actually become adults, except maybe in their own heads. It's more like each girl's temple is a tidy little microcosm of her larger character arc.
How Sasha fits into this paradigm is unclear to me. My best guess is that Strength is as straightforward as it looks on the tin: Sasha wants to become big and strong so she can protect her loved ones. In her Third Temple flashback, we see her aspiring to the heroic ideal: a valiant warrior of the light, defending the defenseless and combating the forces of darkness. Can't fight evil if you're three feet tall.
[The rest of this response is nsfw and touches on sexual trauma.]
On the other hand, Strength is body within the traditional trinity (where Wit is mind and Heart is soul or spirit), and one interpretation of "growing up in a bodily sense" is puberty. It might be that the third temple in particular symbolizes physical puberty, because Sasha values physical puberty as testament to adulthood in a way that Marcy and Anne don't. This is pretty speculative! But it's not completely without evidence. Much of Sasha's behavior in Reunion reads to me like she's trying to seduce Anne, and their duel is sexualized—so it's possible that Sasha values puberty because it grants her sexual agency. "Kid actively seeks out sex because it's a marker of adulthood" is, y'know, a thing.
Marcy also provides some evidence: She's the girl least aligned with Strength, and you can read some degree of sexual trauma or sex aversion into her impalement. Hints of puberty-related body dysphoria are scattered elsewhere in Marcy's arc—especially in the feminized, procreative barbari-ants which threaten to transform her masculinized, sexless Newtopia into a giant anthill.
Questions whose answers are not at all obvious to me: Why does each temple quest end with the respective girl putting her Calamity back in the box? Why does Anne get to keep some of her powers while Marcy and Sasha don't? I currently read Calamity as puberty, but I could easily change my mind depending on how season 3 shakes out. It would certainly be weird if each girl's Temple Of Become Adult ended with her forsaking physical growth.
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evajellion · 4 years
redead windwaker are always nightmarefuel both them and ocerina
OoT ones weren’t too bad, took a while to get used to them. I think everyone abused the Sun’s Song to deal with them as kids. 
Wind Waker though? You can paralyze them with the Mirror Shield for a short period of time but that’s it. At best, you can just go ham and hope they don’t get you, or chuck bombs at them from a distance.
That second option isn’t too bad at all actually, given Wind Waker always throwing supplies at you.
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little-inkstone · 7 years
I was starting to get worried that my ask got eaten again. Well, not long until 1 of May now. Exciting stuff. Twilight Princess is the only Zelda game I have really played, other than a bit of Majora's mask on emulator. I got to admit I do like how innocently dark the Zelda universe can be at times. It seems so light and fluffy, but it can have some really disturbing themes or scenes. So is there a scene from non-horror which scares you, even if it might not be scary to others?
I’m so excited for May 1st!!!  And I’m sorry that it’s taking me so long to get back to you, tumblr is dropping the ball and not telling me when you send an ask, and I’ve been away from tumblr for the past couple of days, so I miss it in my notes too!  Forgive me, my Zookeeper!
It’s so cool that you’ve played Twilight Princess and Majora’s Mask, since those are my faves!  I love the darker tone hiding in the games too, and even some of the more bright and colourful games have dark temples or enemies, like redeads!  Those are so creepy in Ocerina of Time when you’re a little kid!  They still kind of are!
I know there are things from non-horror that scare me, but I’m totally blanking on it for the moment, but as a little kid Jafar turning into a giant snake scared me so bad!  Same with Ursula getting giant!  I didn’t know how the heroes won for years as a little kid, since I’d always get my mom to fastforward that for me.  Oh!  I know something that scares me more then most, although, this is still kind of a horror thing, body snatcher plots, those freak me out so bad!!!  I’m not sure how scary other people find that though.
What about you?  Anything that scares you?  I love horror movies, but can’t play horror games to save my life!  (But I do enjoy watching people play them!)
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skullyzplayer · 4 years
Have you both played the Zelda games 👀 -mei
Oh god what have you done-
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