#okay ramble over g'night
dylanconrique · 1 year
i deserve a DOD parallel of tim taking care of his very drunk girlfriend and helping to escort her out the bar and into his truck.
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scienceoftheidiot · 1 year
Do I have a lot of work to do today ? Yes
Will I manage to work ? Probably not
Ramblings. I'm just fed up with my own brain. Worse than usual because I don't sleep well (and this time it's my own fault!!!).
Thing is, as I get older I start to understand how my brain functions
I notice that I will do things I don't want to do (work, chores) only if I'm insured I will relatively immediately have time to do things I want to do after (most of the time these amount to creative things, drawing or writing, but just knowing I have free time coming will help me not freaking out and sit down and work).
If I know I will NOT be granted this, my brain will just.
Shut off.
I can try. I can try and I'll manage crumbs, but it'll be painful, and I'll have to reset the whole thing 20 times over the span of 10min, and I'll have to work with a background thing to listen to that I WILL NOT LISTEN TO but that will stop my brain from immediately daydreaming about what I WANT to do which I will not be able to. Orrrrr just shut off and I'll fall asleep.
Like for real.
Good thing I'm not working behind a desk anymore because it's increased lately. Like. Can't do what want? Okay g'night.
And I'm like.
Surely everyone is like that, right ? It's just lazyness. It's just a lack of discipline (this. This is true. I have no discipline. I live in the moment. Too bad eh. I can't do anything else because I'm absolutely unable to anticipate anything further than tomorrow. Everything else is just a blur of days with no end. It's always been the case, I'm just as short sighted with time than I am with my eyes)(when not a blur it's just anxiety territory so I'm happy with blur, trust me)
1) idk like lazyness isn't having to physically fight you own body to keep its eyes open and its head straight, huh?
2) my husband can just churn work and chores for hours and days uninterrupted without even sleeping well in the mean time (and creative outlets aren't his thing, though he's taken to sewing and likes it. I guess I'm rubbing off on him). I mean he's not an example he seems to like to suffer for some reason but
I wish I could say it's ADHD but apparently it's not and it's not impairing my life enough to be treated anyway because I always manage
Which is a fucking curse at times. Because I have anxiety. And this is diagnosed. I always manage but I never trust myself to manage and thus I'm here stuck doing nothing because what if I don't manage but my brain isn't in the right mood to manage anything I should be doing right now and then I'm stuck in limbo unable to do anything
So you know what
I'm going to try to work for 15min and if nothing works I'm switching to writing because at least I'll have done something. I know exactly what I want to write and exactly where to put it and I probably won't be able to do shit unless I put it down on paper.
Fuck. It.
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shy-marker-pliers · 3 years
I Know I Will Tomorrow
“I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” — Leo Christopher
Summary: Every day, The Host falls in love with Eric all over again.
also Eric is autistic because i'm autistic and i said so thank u for coming to my ted talk
Warnings: enough sweetness to give you a sugar rush, host being the embodiment of the 🥺 emoji
Tags: @lamiasluck, @parental-tendencies (tell me if you don't want to be tagged anymore!)
There was a soft knock on the host's library door, a noise almost as timid as the person who was making it. he knew who it was immediately, of course. few people ever entered his library, and fewer still bothered to knock before doing so.
"Come in, Eric. The door is unlocked." he called out so that the other knew he could enter when he pleased.
there was a creak and a click, and then the sound of oh so quiet footsteps approaching him. The Host didn't need to use his narrations to know that Eric was probably wearing his slippers and pajamas. it was almost midnight, after all. for a brief moment, Host wondered what he was still doing up. If he recalled correctly, Eric was almost always in bed before ten thirty...
there was a 'clunk' as Eric set down a tray on what little paper-free space The Host's desk had.
"You- You weren't at lunch. o-or dinner. so I brought you some stuff! I got that orange blossom tea you said you liked, but i couldn't find the kettle so i had to use the microwave...and I- um, I made you a grilled cheese and tomato soup. it's probably not the best but I made it anyway 'cause the only other meal in the fridge was some leftover pasta from a few days ago but the sauce on it had olives and I know you don't like olives so-"
Host's fond smile grew as Eric continued to speak, but eventually he stood up and placed a hand on top of his head to ruffle his hair and stop his anxious rambling before he started to panic. he made sure to keep his expression soft as he spoke.
"well, that was very sweet of Eric to do, and The Host is sure it'll be delicious. if he misses a meal, he usually gets a small snack from upstairs since he's too tired to cook, so this is nice."
As Host spoke, Eric's eyes scanned the room as he picked at a bit of skin by one of his fingernails. He did this whenever he didn't have his handkerchief, but sometimes he could mess with his skin too much and cause it to bleed, so Host held out his own hand for him to take.
Eric's eyes focused on Host's larger hand and he grasped it with both of his, drumming his fingers on it and squeezing gently every once in a while.
"Okay. well, i'll leave you alone now 'cause i'm tired and you probably still have work to do and stuff...b-but- don't forget to go to bed soon, okay?"
"Of course. The Host will see Eric at breakfast tomorrow morning. sleep well, alright?"
"Okay! g'night Host!" Eric chirped. He squeezed his hand one last time before letting go and heading up to his room.
Host didn't care if the soup wasn't as hot as usual, or if his tea was prepared differently than he was used to. as far as he was concerned, it was the greatest dinner he'd ever had. he began to think that there was some truth to the saying that love was the secret ingredient to a good meal.
"Hey, Host! everyone's in the living room and the snacks are all ready, come on so we can get a good spot!"
Host tilted his head as an amused smile started to appear on his face. "The Host isn't the biggest fan of movie nights. he can't narrate his way through whole films without getting tired, so he usually skips out."
"Well yeah, I know, but it's my turn to pick tonight! I asked and everyone said we could listen to a podcast instead. it'll be like your radio show! plus, since no one has to look at a screen to know what's going on we can all have a cuddle puddle!"
that...that was so sweet it made Host want to squeal and hold Eric forever. instead he settled for taking his hand and nodding happily.
"alright then, dear. Lead the way."
Eric made sure to warn host that the furniture in the living room had been moved in favor of making a big blanket and pillow nest in the middle of the room. since all the egos needed for the night was a phone and a Bluetooth speaker, the room's atmosphere was peaceful. it was dark because of the absence of a big bright screen, and warm too. Eric led Host to a big beanbag chair and they sat down in their usual position, with host seating himself first, followed by Eric who sat right in front of him. he leaned back against his chest as host wrapped his arms around his middle and rested his chin on Eric's head. then they leaned back and the podcast started to play.
the podcast was actually a pretty good one. not scary so that the more anxious of the egos would be able to enjoy it too, but it still had a good storyline and it wasn't too loud, so that people could go to sleep if they wanted.
That was exactly what ended up happening. By the time the podcast was over, more than half of the egos were peacefully snoozing, including host and Eric. and they stayed like that until morning, when they were woken up by the sound of google making breakfast.
It was early morning in the library, and The Host had just woken up. He was dressed for the day and had finished drinking a smoothie for his breakfast. He was about to sit down, but...
"Hooost!" exclaimed a familiar and excited voice.
The 'clonk' of boot clad feet on a hardwood floor accompanied the calling of his name, and the footsteps got closer and faster until Eric stumbled a bit and skidded to a stop a little ways away from Host's desk. with mild amusement, he realized that this was the first time Eric had entered his library without knocking. Something very exciting must have happened.
Eric took a moment to compose himself before focusing his eyes where the host's own would be, if he had them.
"so- when I woke up this morning it felt like- well, something seemed different, y'know? but I couldn't tell what it was so I went around the house to check and then I looked out the window and there was snow so I guess it fell while we were asleep a-"
"Breathing break, love."
"Oh. Right-" a long inhale.
"- so! I opened the door, right? And it turns out we got like, a whole bunch! And I was confused 'cause it doesn't usually snow here so I asked Dark and he said we had winter coats for just in case purposes in the closet and when I looked in there i found sleds too so i grabbed one and went out, but then I was like 'hey I should go get Host!'- so anyways-" Eric paused to take a few deep breaths.
"Everyone's outside already but king showed me this really big hill in the forest so I was wondering if you wanted to go sledding with me!? I've never gone sledding before but it seems really fun!"
How could he say no?
he was halfway through the word 'okay' when Eric grabbed his hand and tugged him to the door.
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Comfort (Underfell Papyrus X Reader)
Okay, this one is going to be depressing. 
It honestly felt like the world was against you. It probably was but the more logical reason you felt this way was because of coincidences popping up at a REALLY bad time. Especially when you aren't doing so good mentally and emotionally.
So here you were, curled up on your bed about ready to cry and just sleep the day away. That was until a loud knocking resonated within your home.
"Y/N! YOU'RE LATE FOR OUR SCHEDULED MEET UP!" You hear Papyrus yell, right. You were gonna hang out today. Unfortunately, life had other plans. 
You begrudgingly left your bed with a groan and shuffled to the door. You open it and are greeted with your edgelord friend in a black T-Shirt and pants. Fitting.
"THERE YOU ARE! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?" He asks, somewhat annoyed but mostly curious. You sigh to keep the dam from breaking, not now. 
"Papyrus, I'm sorry, but I'm honestly not in the mood to hang out right now. I know we planned this and I know this is sudden but…" You trailed off, not knowing how to explain to him that you were feeling like literal shit. Papyrus frowned while looking at you.
"Did something happen?" Papyrus asks unusually soft, you were going to respond when you felt your throat close up. 
Oh no, the dams breaking sooner than expected. Instead you nod and quickly step to the side to let Papyrus in, he does so without hesitation and closes the door behind him. He opens his mouth to ask (demand) what happened when you broke.
Tears started to fall, your body felt like lead as you started to sink to the floor. Again, without hesitation, Papyrus goes over and hugs you. He may not know about some social cues, but he sure as hell knew when his friends needed comfort.
He rubbed your back gently which calmed you down a bit and let you cry, sometimes there's no need for words, you just gotta let it out. After a few minutes, you begin to calm down, sniffling every so often.
"I'm sorry," You mutter, Papyrus huffs lightly before gently patting your head.
"You have no reason to apologize. Are… you okay with telling me what caused this?" You smile slightly at how worried he is and begin to explain. And from there it turned into you rambling about all the things that happened. Papyrus was nodding along, listening intently and knowing for a fact you needed to let it all out, otherwise it would make things worse. After you spilled your metaphoric guts, you yawned.
"Can we cuddle?" You ask softly making Papyrus's face erupt red.
"S-Sure," He mumbles before picking you up bridal style, walks to your room and lies himself and you onto the bed to cuddle. You snuggle into him, only making his blush worse.
"G'night Papyrus," And you were out before you could hear Papyrus scoff.
"It's afternoon, sweet dreams Y/N," He whispers before he himself falls asleep.
Want to Request? Please Read this before you do so.
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Talk less, smile more (LMM/reader)
Chapter 1
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Warnings: swears, smut implied
Author's note: It's my first ever fic, so be kind lol. Anyways, if you'd like, leave some feedback, I want to know where I can improve
"You know me, you know I am the most bothersome blabbermouth, the very queen of ramblings without an end, princess of procrastination and empress of making a fool out of myself in every possible way known to humans and even aliens, but believe me when I tell you, sis, at Maya's wedding, that night, that beautiful night, I was at a loss for words. I mean, I was my regular self for a while, but then... Dear God, I was so happy I fell silent." 
"Oh, please tell me you ended up screwing each other's brains out. Y/n, your endless frustrated rants made you sound like a horny Mrs Andrews, from middle school. Remember her?" "I'm gonna take that as a compliment, I really loved that woman. Crazy as a stoned baboon, but a charming teacher nevertheless. Anyway, it's a long story, and I'll tell you everything, but you need to let me do my shit and take the long, winding road to the end.” "I know, but tell me, I can hardly wait to know... Is he hot? With a chiseled jaw and, I don't know, a Greek god's body? What was it like? Hot and heavy like a passionate quickie in the hotel's bathroom or like a romantic slow-burning flame?" "Damn, calm down, Let me-" "I want every single detail, starting from the size of his-" "Stop! Please, let me start from the top.” "Fine, but-" “Yes, I will make sure to include every sordid detail, I promise. But you will have to wait until tomorrow. Certain things cannot be told over the phone. Okay? See you tomorrow. Usual table at Antonio's?" "Oh, so there are filthy details! And of course, I'll pick you up at seven.” "Perfect" "Don't be late, or-" "Or you will slap me with Antonio's menu when I least expect it, I know. Don't worry. I'm dying to tell you the whole story." "Ok. I love you, even if you're a fucking mess of a sister" "I know. Love you too. G'night" "Night". You put the telephone down and you let yourself fall on the bed. You hoped to hear him chuckle against your lips, once again, in your dreams. - The next morning flew by, between work and the frequent flashes of his face buried between your legs, while his eyes scanned all your movements looking for the spots that would leave you breathless. And God knows he found them. You desperately tried to set the thought of him aside, forcing your gaze to stay focused on the screen. At some point during the morning, between a yawn and a contemptuous glance from your boss, you felt your phone buzz from inside your bag. Your heart skipped a beat. *Asked Maya for your number. I finally found you. You can't rid yourself of me that easily. Btw I have the answer to your question: I would definitely be a wombat. I hope to see you soon.* *-Lin* “Oh, shit,” you thought “I’m fucked. Really, really fucked”. It's not that you didn't want him to find you; you knew that sooner or later the aura of mystery you had created around you would disappear. But that's beside the point. You're scared. Scared of the insane amount of passion, of sheer pleasure, of intimacy that you shared that night. This isn't just another random one-night stand. That's a hell of a lot more than that. And you're afraid of its consequences. You tried to compose yourself, inhaling and exhaling slowly, as all your mindfulness podcasts have told you to do. “Hi wombat, happy you found me. Hope you’re ok. Ps. You know wombats poop cubes, right? I just googled that. -Your cockatoo.” “Yes! Which is why I love them! Are you free on Saturday? Wanna grab dinner?” "Of course you knew that. Nerd. Btw, I don’t know. Have to check my very-busy-woman schedule. I'll get back to you.” “Liar.” "OK, fine, I just wanted to sound like a grown-up. I want pizza though. And some dessert. Ice cream or waffles. Or you.” "Sounds like a perfect night to me. Bring your brightest smiles, please. I miss them.” “Will do. Now, let me do my very annoying grow-up stuff, my boss already hates me.” "Sure, Miss grown-up. But if I were your boss I'd question my sanity. How could I hate such a wonderful human being, whose smile I'm sure it's lighting up the whole fucking city? I know 'cause I can see it from here." "Stop it, you creep. But I am smiling, thank you. You've made my office hours less of a bore." "Any time. See you on Saturday :))))" Yep. You're fucked.
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karls-writing-space · 3 years
『 Backstory 』
➵ Any TWs? :
➵ Subtle Mentions of Transphobia.
➵ Beau Romano - his deadname being Bianca - was born a year after his older sister, Faye. He lived with his semi-wealthy parents, Camilia and Dylan Romano in Manitoba.
When he was in second grade, Beau began to have a big sprout of creativity. He had drawn pictures of people and anthropomorphic animals, and create small little tales about these people/animals he has drawn. He Drew more and more of these as time slowly passed, and he enjoyed telling stories about these drawings. This had grown into a hobby, and something he enjoyed thoroughly.
His older sister came out when she was nine that she felt like a girl and that she was attracted to girls. Now, their parents are very accepting people and proceeded to assist and support Faye - who was formerly known as Lovino - get what she needed to transition.
Beau happily cheered on his big sister on, supporting her and showering her with love. He celebrated her transitions and her relationships happily, happy that he had such a prideful older sister.
By the time Beau was ten, he had begun to experiment with his sexuality by feeling some weird way towards a guy in music class. He talked with this guy more and more, and these feelings continued to grow.
After a couple of weeks, he felt the same way towards a girl in music class too. The feeling for the boy stayed, but now he had feelings for a boy and a girl.
One day, while walking to school with his mom, he heard two girls behind him talking about the people they liked. One of the girls had said that she was Bisexual, to which little Beau tugged on his mother's sleeve and asked what "Bisexual" meant. The woman explained that it was when someone liked two or more genders.
Beau put that into thought, and not even a minute later, he exclaimed "I'm Bisexual!"
His mom smiles and ruffled her son's - then daughter's - head. While Beau was still a kid, and she thought that Beau didn't know what he was talking about, the boy knew exactly what he was talking about.
Those feelings of the boy and girl faded over time. When Beau was twelve, he had fallen for another person. There had been this really cute girl in class who enjoyed drawing, and boy, what a talented artist she is.
Slowly, but surely, Beau began to fall in love with this girl, and spent time with her. Months went by, and the two had fallen in love.
The girl had confessed to Beau, which he accepted.
These two were a great, healthy Lesbian couple at the time. They were both very happy and loving. Beau had welcomed his girlfriend into the family, to which they welcomed with open arms.
The relationship lasted for two years until they fell out of love. The spark was gone. Their breakup wasn't nasty - they awkwardly stated that they lost that romantic spark on both sides. Beau had turned thirteen at the time. Beau and his ex-lover are on good terms to this day.
Once puberty hit, Beau looked at the body he had at the moment. He didn't quite fit with how it was. It made him feel like he didn't fit in a girl's body. He wanted to cut off his developing melons. So, he decided to talk to Faye later that evening, whom had fully transitioned. She was a beautiful woman. As he talked to her about what had been up, Faye stated that Beau could be Transgender, and even gave him a few articles on Gender Dysphoria.
Weeks of looking into gender identities later, Beau took the label "Trans Male" and used it to describe himself. With encouragement from Faye, he came out to his parents, who accepted him. He didn't want to transition as quickly as Faye, and wanted to take it slow. Testosterone and binding first.
As he grew older, Beau got bullied for being a Transgender Bisexual man. He was experiencing Transphobia from a few of his fellow peers. He knew that not everyone would accept him for being who he was, but this hurt quite a bit. Being bullied for this wasn't fair - he had every right to express himself! - but nooo, people were idiots.
His love for writing had grown more and more over the years. He began to write little stories that he presented in school and posted online. People loved his little stories. Whether they were fanfiction or characters and universes he had created in his head, they received a lot of positive feedback. Sure, there were haters, bullies, trolls, and rude people in general, but Beau didn't pay attention to them too much.
Beau had gotten top surgery when he was fifteen. He had been on testosterone for a year, and he had been binding for that time being. He loved his new, flat chest. Sure, he would have a scar on his chest from the surgery, but it didn't really bother him. He was happy that his tibbies were deleted. Now he could feel like a guy somewhat.
During the time passed from fourteen and fifteen years old, Beau had been watching a show known as "Total Drama" with Faye. The show was appealing to the young teen. The risky challenges were entertaining, most of the cast was likable, and it was really entertaining for the young boy. He'd talk about joining the show every now and then and would think about what his label or cliche would be on the show.
Timeskip to now, Beau and Faye are sixteen and seventeen respectively. After watching an ad to audition for the next season of Total Drama, Faye looked over at her little brother.
"Hey... You should audition to be on there!"
Beau, liking the idea, auditioned for the show. Once his audition was seen, Beau was invited to be on a season of Total Drama.
『 Voice Claim 』
『 Miscellaneous Facts』
➵ Theme Song
➵ Quotes
"O-Oh, hello...!"
"I'm Beau. It's nice to meet you!"
"It's too people-y in there. I-I'd like to stay right here."
"He's... Kinda pretty."
"Are you lonely? I could hang out with you if you'd like."
"I-It's not a diary! It's just a journal that I put my writing and ideas in."
"Sorry, I'd rather be by myself. I-It's nothing personal -- I j-just don't like large groups of people."
"Sorry... I'm rambling again, aren't I? Sorry about that..."
"He's a... He's a man. And I'm just a boy."
"Ciao, bello..!" (Hello, handsome..!)
"Aren't you guys a little too old for a bedtime story?"
"Fine, fine. Once upon a time, there were a few guys on an island who needed to go the fuck to sleep. G'night, guys."
"What do you mean that 'isn't a good bedtime story? I think it's a brilliant story."
"Fine... There was once this God named Fóllame de lado-"
"Hey - do you wanna fuck around with the others?"
"H-Hey! I apologize for interrupting what you were doing, but... I'd like to confess something if that's o-okay? Look, I'll cut to the chase. I... love you, dude. And not in some bromance way. Like... I have romantic feelings for you. I love you so much I could scream it to the world..! I hope you f-feel the same way. And if you don't? That's p-perfectly fine."
"Good morning, mio amore."
"Sorry, but could you like, shut up for five seconds? Thanks..."
➵ Ship Names (OC X Crush or OC X OC)
Duncan x Beau = BeauDun/ BeauCan
DJ x Beau = BJ / BeauJ
Alejandro x Beau = AleBeau
Mike x Beau = Meau/Bike
Lightning x Beau = Blightning/BeauLight
Topher x Beau = Beaupher / Beaupher
Shawn x Beau = Sheau / Bawn
➵ Random Facts
• If they're comfortable, Beau calls his male friends "Bello" (Handsome), and his female friends "Bella" (Beautiful).
For Nonbinary folk, it depends on what they prefer.
•Beau has learned how to play the ukelele from Faye.
•He would actually like to go windsurfing sometime!
• Speaking of his sister, she's a well-known acrobat/performer for her age. He admires her for being so talented in such a thing..
• His sister is an extrovert, and more outgoing than Beau. The two are opposites,,but yknow, opposites attract!
•Beau prefers to write stories that are/include horror, action, and supernatural/fantasy. He can write romantic stories, but he doesn't prefer writing things like that.
•He has written some shitty fanfictions when he was younger. He will share them among his friends and laugh at what he wrote.
•The languages he speaks are:
• English
• (Some) Spanish. [Italian and Spanish are similar language-wise in a few ways. That, and Beau just wanted to learn Spanish.]
• Respectful boi when it comes to Pronouns, Names, People's likes and dislikes, etc.
•Beau has some family members that live in Italy. He has gone to Italy to visit them numerous times.
• Beau doesn't believe in soulmates. He thinks that it's just some fairytale thing that people believe in. He wants to love someone on his own accord - not someone who the universe was like "Oh, let's put these people together.".
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
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georgemackayhey · 4 years
Rules For Falling In Love: #1
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summary: In which George wants to get married. But... you're not dating. Why should you say yes?
a/n: Here it is I'm obsessed with this concept my dear friend thought up, so much so that I was inspired to write this multichapter fic about it all. Please let me know if I forgot to tag anyone, or if you'd like to be added to the list! And as always... feedback of any and all kinds are greatly appreciated!
w/c: 2k
Part 2 >
───※ ·❆· ※───
"Don't be a third wheel, come on now!" Dean's publicist shooed him away from where you stood next to George, counting down the seconds till the red carpet came to an end. You gave the guy a quick, twisted frown, as George's publicist pulled him further down the carpet, his hand holding on to yours, silently bringing you along.
This was just another normal Friday evening.
When the time came to flood into the award ceremony, you sighed in relief and reached for a drink from the tray of a despondent boy meant to stand right where he was for most the night.
"Don't you have any place better to be?" Dean laughed your way, thanking the waiter for the drink he swiped.
"We were going to go bowling." You shot George a look. You'd only made the plans as a joke, wondering how much shit either of you would get for ditching this stupid ceremony to go have a bit of real fun. But you'd made a promise to George long ago, to attend all these silly little Hollywood shindigs with him.
"And we will go bowling if we make it out of here alive" George declared with a nod, leading you toward the row of seats with your names on them. He hated these events almost more than you did. He insisted your presence aided to quell his anxieties these circumstances stirred up. And you couldn't tell George no, very often.
"If one of you ever did one thing without each other, I think hell would freeze over." Dean chuckled as you all settled into your seats. You looked to George again, and he looked to you and you both laughed, but Dean was probably right.
After the awards had been given out between long, sometimes painful speeches, the boy's publicists insisted they linger around the after-party for as long as they could manage. You kept your usual pace in between them, cackling over stupid old jokes and offering forced toothy grins to celebrities who asked if they could steal George away for photos and chats about the magic of acting- or whatever.
"You know, no one has even ever asked about us." You pointed out to Dean, sharing a piece of cake in the quietest corner of the party. "Showbiz people I mean. They just assumed right away. Even the times we've insisted we're only friends, they insist we're joking." You huffed a laugh.
"That's Hollywood for you, I suppose. But you've gotta admit... you and George-"
"Are just friends." You finished. Dean halted, smiling in agreeance to drop the subject, but clearly held back from stating his other points, whether they were valid or not.
After one too many sweets and drinks, George found you and informed his sister was on her way to give the two of you a lift home. You traded a few hugs with Dean, making rough plans to meet up again very soon, without all the cameras and microphones in the way.
"How was your date, then?" George's sister wondered as you clamored into the back of her car. George followed behind with an answer.
"It wasn't a date, it was work thinly veiled as fun."
"But you went together, which makes it a date."
"Nice try," You rose a finger, buckling in as the girl sped off toward the city streets. She'd always found sly ways to get you and George to admit there was something deeper to your connection. She'd introduce you to her friends as her brother's girlfriend. She'd address Christmas presents to the both of you, handing them out with a wink.
"I don't understand you two." She dramatically croaked now, as if your denial was her personal defeat. "You're catfishing the world!"
"We're not pretending to date." George reminded his sister, "And we're also not pretending we don't live together."
"Yeah so why aren't you dating? You do everything else together."
"We live to torment you. It's all to drive you mad" George falsely confessed.
"I wouldn't put it past you." His sibling let out a whine.
You and George shared a roll of your eyes, dulling snickers and exhausting explanations that weren't worth wading through. The midnight ride to your flat fell silent then. The night had been long, but it was a seemingly usual evening, these days.
By the time you and George shuffled up the drive, waved his sister goodnight, you were ready to forgo your usual routine and drop face-first into bed.
"I think my sister has a point," George mumbled, shutting and locking the front door.
"Hmm?" You encouraged George to go on, halfway in tune to listen, more so gearing up to head to bed after such a long evening out. George remained silent as you kicked your shoes off, and didn't speak again until he had your undivided attention.
"Let's get married," George said.
You tossed your head back in a laugh as you floated further into your shared home.
"I'm serious, y/n." George hurried along, moving to stop you from walking away, boring his sleepy eyes into yours.
"What?" You chuckled again, shaking your head, trying to keep up.
"We already live here. We've been talking about sharing a bank account. And it'll be so much easier to introduce as my wife than as 'my best friend who I live with but am not dating but go everywhere with.'"
"But that's the truth!"
"Marriage could be true! Think of how much easier life would be."
"George, how much have you had to drink?" You cackled as you pushed past him, into the kitchen for a glass of water. You clattered about the cupboards as he followed you, rambling still.
"I'm serious! We've planned out our lives together already. Future vacations, birthday parties, career deadlines, all accounted for with each other in mind. We should just get married."
"George! I will not let you lie at the altar. A wedding is for two people who want to commit every bit of their lives together for the rest of the foreseeable future."
"My plans for the weekend are always to ask you what you want to do the next. I'm your only emergency contact." George listed off these points as if they were dead giveaways.
"Okay, let's say we get married." You entertained, standing in front of George as he noshed on some deserts he'd brought home from the after-party. He raised a pretty brow, waiting for you to go on.
"Sure nothing changes at first, not really. You're already my ride to work, and I already promised to go to all those silly Hollywood parties with you. But what happens in five years when I want to move to France and you want to stay here? What happens in six months if some super hot mailman comes and sweeps me off my feet? What happens when you fall in love with some leading lady, George?"
"People get divorced all the time." He shrugged.
"That's a lot of money to blow. And for what? For a lousy label and some ugly rings?"
"So we pick out some bloody cool rings and promise to only get divorced if shit hits the fan. Neither of us can stay mad for long. Remember when I spilled wine on your great grandma's old lounge chair? I was fully prepared to be excommunicated. But you just hugged me while you cried." George chuckled, keeping his desserts close.
"Do you really wanna kiss me in front of your mother and the world and pretend that this is normal?" You tried to ask with a serious glare, but it was just too funny. You couldn't help but let out a little giggle of disbelief that this was the conversation you were having on an otherwise normal weekday evening.
"Y/n, we're practically already married."
"George I love you, but this is a stupid idea."
"I don't think it is, but I love you too. I'm taking this box of macaroons to bed, now."
"Okay goodnight you two." You laughed, pulling at the sleeves of your too-tight dress on your trek down the hall.
"Wait!" You called out, a few steps from your room. "Can you unzip this, please?" You took a few backward steps to meet where George had stalled in the hall, macaroon halfway in and out of his mouth, he balanced one hand on your shoulder and used the other to undo the zipper that hugged your spine.
"G'night!" You heard him mumble past his dessert as you gave him a wave of thanks and practically threw yourself into your nice warm bed.
You met George when you were kids. You grew up attending the same local festivals and schools. His acquaintance turned more familiar with each passing summer until you'd become rather inseparable. It was that fact that kept his number in your contacts when you moved to the city, and he went away to film more often.
You'd kept up lunch dates when he came back home, and celebrated holidays with his family every time they invited you to come round like they'd been doing for years. You'd even attended a few birthdays and dinner parties with his family when George was out of town, when you hadn't spoken with him in months.
You moved in with George some odd years ago, when the flat you rented threw one too many unfixable issues your way. His home was the closest to your work, and he was one of the only friends you trusted enough to reach out to for help. After occupying his guest room for a few months, George insisted you move your things into the place you'd already practically been living in.
His home was big enough, tucked away just outside of the city. It's high ceilings, warm decor and a manageable rent were easily and comfortably split between the two of you. It made sense. You'd been sharing most of your free time together for years, anyway.
You shuffled through the bright halls, past framed photos of George's family. Of you and George. There was no difference, you'd been close for so many years, your lives were complexly intertwined whether you liked it or not. Luckily, you did.
George was already in the sun-drenched kitchen when you entered, stretching into the new day.
After trading usual morning greetings you could practically hear George's silent, burning thoughts. He poured you each a cup of coffee and shot you a look you knew was meant to say much more than words could.
"Okay, what?" You asked in a warning tone, accepting the drink he placed before you at the table, before sitting in the chair at your side. You knew George had something to say, and he'd say it whether you asked him about it or not.
"My mum thinks we've been dating since Uni. You know we can't talk her out of it. If anything she'd be relieved."
Oh, he was really still hung up on this huh?
"So you wanna do this because of your mother?" You asked, watching the steam curl up from the drink between your hands.
"No. I wanna do this because being together officially would make all our being together anyway, so much easier. Bills, plans, excuses, rainy days."
You looked at George, his start blue eyes, his unkempt hair, that stupid withheld smile he got when he was focused on something. You loved him for longer than you had the patients to do the math for. You planned on loving him for a while, even when he pissed you off, you couldn't imagine struggling alongside anyone else...
"Earth to y/n."
"I'm not responding because you're starting to make sense and I don't like it." You pretended to pout. Then George went silent for a beat, his brilliant eyes searching your face.
"Do you still want to go bowling?" He pipped up as if he'd just remembered you'd said something about it a day earlier.
"Sounds fun, doesn't it?" You asked, hoping he'd join you in wasting a day having childlike fun. George bit back a grin, leaned in close to catch your eye, and said,
"If I win... we'll get married."
You wanted to curse his name through a laugh, but you very rarely could tell the man no. And you hated to admit it even to yourself, but the more you thought about it... the more you liked the idea.
"And if you win?" George mused, egging you on. But you didn't need to place bets to play.
"Let's go bowling, Mackay."
As you took turns knocking pins down, George brought up several valid points.
How his family adored you. How he'd drop anything to be there for you when you needed him. How you'd always talked about how scary the future seemed, but agreed it was better to face together, like always.
And you argued for a moment that maybe neither of you knew any better, how you were all each other knew since growing up.
But George pointed out that simply wasn't true. He'd traveled. Met girls, none of whom were around at all anymore. You'd dated and failed to find anyone worth keeping around. It was as if you and George were the survivors of some twisted game of life, having only managed this far because of how you relied on each other.
But you weren't on the same bowling team.
You were scoring strikes left and right a few solid points ahead in the game.
But George was close to beating you, one good turn and he'd wind up the winner.
All the while, George only stalled his passionate speeches to listen and laugh over yours. And as you considered how familiar his presence was, and the way you couldn't imagine living life any further apart, you'd made up your mind.
But every time you thought of voicing your decision, something stopped you. You bit your tongue and decided that you'd wait to see if your feelings changed soon. And after some serious thought, you could either tell George that you'd hate to let him down, but plan a movie night alongside his favorite dinner, to make up for your decline. Or you'd tell him yes, and agree to his stupidly sweet idea to get hitched. Because you couldn't tell him no.
He won the game.
But of course, George wasn't living and dying by the bet he made that coaxed you to play. And you never really agreed to it anyway. The two of you simply went on arguing on the way home, more or less about how you were on the same page, and just what to do next.
And while you made dinner together, your conversation stopped when you sucked in a big breath and spun on your heels across the room. You'd heard enough.
George raised a pale brow, sitting patiently at the table as the oven did its thing. Then he watched as you settled back to the seat across from him, placing a pad of paper and a pen down.
"If...we do this, I'm writing down rules."
George watched on, sipping tea as you scribbled away. Once you felt comfortable with the list of regulations you'd penned, you read from the marked-up note pad, one at a time.
"Okay, listen up..."
one. No lying to family and friends. They get to know that this isn't conventional.
two. No lying to each other. We're only doing this to make things easier. We must remain every bit a team.
three. We must celebrate our anniversary because there's no point in not milking the chance to go on holiday.
"Now," You flipped the page to a new set of rules before George could go on smooth-talking.
"We can only get a divorce under dire circumstances. Which include the following..."
one. If we betray each other's morals or trust in a way that cannot be fixed or forgiven after a year's time.
two. If one of us is dying. Actively dying.
three. If one of us finds and falls in love.
"We've managed to work out all the bad shit together so far and I'm sure we can keep that up. A divorce is too much money to waste over one fight we end up resolving and remain otherwise together."
"So you'll do it?" George grinned, setting his drink to the side.
"Is this you asking me to marry you? It's very unromantic. Negative three out of ten." You laughed, George did too. But you needed to make yourself very clear.
"I'll think about it." You clarified. "You should too."
You’d tell him yes later. Because as much as it scared you... you'd already made up your mind.
───※ ·❆· ※───
taglist: @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes @andux @imaginationandlove @velvetgoldsilver @queen-bunnyears @maria-josefin @dearevansamham @belledamsceno @nilletellsstories @haileymorelikestupid @loulouloueh​ @visionsofmelodrama
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musedblues · 4 years
Born To Love You [Part: 5]
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summary: When Gwilym ropes you into a lie, the truth becomes painfully obvious. When Joe makes things harder, there’s no telling if he even has a clue.
w/c: 5k
a/n: I hear a lot of you wishing and hoping for a happy ending but it's just not coming... yet. I AM sorry in advance. And I'm also in love with everyone who's stuck around so far and said such lovely things. Thanks as always, dears! Can't wait to hear what you lot think of this one 💖
Part 6
"Wait, just one second!" Gwilym jogged across the car park, slinging the bag he carried off of his shoulder in a hurry to find it's contents. Simultaneously, he stopped Joe in his meander off the set. Gwilym hoped his friend's slow pace meant he didn't have anything better to do.
"I need you to do me a favor." Gwilym addressed the auburn-haired fellow, close enough by now to bypass standard greetings. Joe nodded, wordlessly accepting whatever it was while Gwilym dug around in his bag until he found what he was looking for.
"Y/n knows I'm off with Ben, but we've got to go a bit earlier than planned. Can you please take these things back to her?" Gwil started, unveiling a much smaller bag full of toddler essentials, some of which you'd be missing if Gwil left town with them.
"Sure thing," Joe agreed, albeit pensively. Gwilym let out a breath and a thank you as he clasped his bag back together, in a rush to see a game with Ben a few towns away.
Ben had invited you on the surprise sports venture, too. But Olive hadn't been easy to handle the past few days. And you knew you'd be spending most of the game toting the kid around the parked cars to keep her whines from upsetting spectators.
Cold rain had come to stay, and your best attempts at keeping the babe from going stir crazy were wearing thin. When there was a knock at the door, you figured Gwilym was there to trade goodbyes with Ben in tow. But no one came hurling in after the polite warning, and you opened the door to find a slightly more pleasant surprise.
"Hi." Joe shrugged, not quite smiling. Seemingly not quite sure why he was there. "Gwil and Ben just left. He wanted me to bring you this." Joe extended the small tote of emergency toys and distractions.
"Oh, thank God." You sighed. The majority of your time spent with Gwilym had usually included trading such things back and forth. You thanked the heavens that Joe was the middle man, taking the bag from his grasp. Inside were two teething toys you'd been missing all day long. You'd give them to Olive as a last-ditch attempt to soothe this evenings lackluster.
But when you glanced down to the babe at your feet, she was using your legs to steady herself as she stood, waving to Joe with a smile on her face. Hardly a trace of her moodiness remained as Joe let his brooding smile bloom into a real genuine one as he waved back to your daughter.
"I just picked up dinner. Let me fix you some?" You suggested, offering without thinking. It was your nature to extend such invitations at times like this one. But everything was always different with Joe. You couldn't tell up from down when he stood just near. And he didn't even try and put up a fight, even though it looked like he wanted to for a nanosecond. He agreed. When Joe stepped past the entrance and into your rented living room, whether he knew it or not, he crossed a very real line.
As you led him toward the kitchen, you rambled only about the things nearly finished cooking in the oven. A mix of veggies you'd never whipped up before. A dish, according to Joe, he'd always wanted to try. You joked for a while about fate, and how everything seemed to always happen for a reason, from dinner plans to trips to London.
When the time came to eat, you noshed between conversation, leafing through topics with ease. You'd done this before, together. And you realized your heart hadn't tried to beat out of your chest the whole time he was near, that afternoon. Because ever since Joe's birthday, you'd never shaken the steady ache for him. You'd settled into the feeling now, and having Joe around was strangely a comfort, his presence aided your pain, now, even though he caused it all the same.
Olive was finally content, for the first time in a week, with the toys you'd finally got your hands on. It wasn't always that you felt fine enough to leave her be in front of the telly, but she was perfectly gratified watching an old film, curled against the pillows and blankets you set up for her. And because you could see her perfectly well from the balcony, and the air was surprisingly warm for an autumn evening, you invited Joe to step out for a drink.
He followed your lead with caution, watching where you moved before he moved too. Joe thanked you for the drinks and settled across the tiny table in the only other chair you weren't occupying.
And yet, past the anxious glares, held breaths, and hidden blushes, your conversation never faltered. He asked about your life, you asked about his. You complained about silly things, he joked along with you. Olive fell asleep against her throne of blankets as you sipped your drinks, afraid for the bottles to empty, surely signaling the end of the evening.
The time on your phone read one in the morning, but you pretend you don't notice. And if Joe did, he pretended he hadn't, either.
The fun (if that's what you could call it) ended only when the front door creaked open and Gwil crept inside. He turned his gaze toward the patio as if he'd been expecting to see you and Joe there all along.
"I should go. It's late." Joe hummed, resting his drink on the table between the two of you.
But Gwil popped his head out into the warm night with a sweeping wave of his hand.
"No, no it's fine, finish your beer. I'm knackered. G'night." Gwilym spoke as if he'd rehearsed the line one too many times, his voice flat and dull. He hadn't even looked right at you the entire couple minutes he'd been home. As he shut the sliding door and turned to head to bed, the man gave a little expression of assurance that was too obviously forced. Your fake husband's hurry off to bed without you, and his strange insistence for Joe to stick around was barely coy.
As you and the man with fossil toned eyes settled back against the patio seats, an awkward silence nearly suffocated you. It was not suddenly strange. It had always been strange. Only unavoidable, now.
"Is everything... okay?" Joe dared to ask in a low, wavering tone.
"Everything... is simply not as it seems. Much worse, really." You laughed a little, barely, but it wasn't funny. And Joe clearly realized just how serious you were.
But instead of asking or pushing you to go on, Joe just gave a micro nod, as if he already knew. And when you changed the subject, giggling over something Lucy said, Joe let himself laugh too, as you both took the last sips of your drinks.
When Joe left, he lingered in the doorway as you said goodbye, and he exchanged the exact same parting phrase. And when he walked away, you let yourself wish for a nanosecond that he wasn't leaving.
"I'm going out with Ben again! Don't know when I'll be back, okay bye!" Gwilym spun out of the door, dressed to the nines, offering no explanation.
And all morning long, between a lazy breakfast and a lethargic movie marathon with your daughter clamoring from one lap to another, you and Gwilym never spoke much about anything to each other. While you realized there wasn't much more to discuss or argue over than hadn't already been hashed out, you hadn't expected Gwilym to just up and leave without a good reason or proper goodbye.
You cursed his name under your breath as you turned off the telly. As you ate lunch alone, you noticed the sun was peeking through the clouds for the first time in forever, and Olive was waking up from her nap with a bored cry.
You could go out too, ya know?
"Here, some leftovers." You extended a neatly wrapped plate of food to Joe, who stood wide-eyed in his maroon doorway. You'd never been to his Airbnb before now. You'd had rules you wouldn't let yourself break, before now.
Joe took the plate with a meek thanks, then asked if everything was alright.
"Yeah, yeah. I simply couldn't finish those by myself," You explained. Gwilym was missing dinner, again. "And it's finally nice out. Is there a park around here?" You wondered, shifting Olive in your arms.
"Uh... uh yeah. Just a block away actually. That way." Joe pointed, stuttering in place. You looked in the direction he pointed and hummed. As you turned slightly, planning to go enjoy yourself for once, you looked back to Joe.
"You comin'?"
"Oh, uh, ye-yeah. Sure. Hang on." Joe looked to the plate of food in his hand and nodded before spinning inside, leaving the front door wide open.
You totted Olive back to the rented car Gwilym had left behind, biting back a smirk.  
Joe came out moments after you'd situated Olive in her seat, sporting an old sweatshirt and a curious expression. He gave you directions to the park he knew was around the corner while your knuckles went white around the steering wheel.
How was something so easy, so hard? Being around Joe was like choking on a breath of fresh air.
And while you subconsciously relished the sound of his voice telling you where to go, you were both disappointed when you arrived. The park was small and flooded with rainwater from the week long downpour. Joe started to apologize on behalf of mother nature. You just backed out onto the road and said something about knowing a better place, offering to bring him along if he still so desired.
Joe didn't say no. He slumped deeper into the passenger seat, glancing to the buildings and people rushing by with umbrellas. His lips curled into a smile every time Olive babbled from the back. You noticed her in the mirror, and encouraged the girl to go on pointing things out in her own watered-down language.
By the time you made it to the park you'd become most acquainted with on your trip, you'd let yourself stop questioning the peace that had washed over the day, and tried your damnedest to embrace it.
Olive was content, truly happy as you pushed her in a swing just her size. Joe took photos of the slowly setting sun, painting the sky in streaks of gold and purple. And when he settled by your side once more, you picked up on one of those conversations the two of you had so easily. There was almost nothing you couldn't talk about. Almost. But your chatter wasn't enough to keep you warm when the wind picked up and turned Olives nose red.
Joe stayed with her while you went to search the car for an extra layer to keep your daughter warm, but you came up short. He was holding her close when you stepped onto the mulch, and it was Joe who insisted you go back to your rented flat to fetch another jacket or two.
You apologized on the ride, saying something about how you just wanted to have a good day. How you felt badly for dragging Joe into poorly made plans just because you didn't have anything better to do. Leaving out the bit about how you were secretly scared this would be one of the last times you'd get to be around the guy before you went home.
Joe just chuckled, assuring that you had nothing to apologize for, saying something about the spontaneous trip being a pleasant surprise, how he was still having a nice time. You couldn't understand why.
When you made it back to your rented flat, you wrestled Olive into a sweater, and asked Joe if he fancied a cup of tea before you ventured back out. He happily accepted the offer, sitting on your sofa like he was actually comfortable in the place that belonged to neither of you.
"Where is Gwilym tonight?" Joe asked through a humorless laugh. You rolled your eyes, looking back to see your daughter had roped Joe into helping her set up a team of blocks. He worked deliberately to balance a few, not looking your way.
"Your guess is as good as mine." You sighed, moving the kettle full of water and turning the burner on. Olive handed Joe more blocks, and he asked for her help arranging them. You pulled your phone from your pocket to distract yourself from the feelings sprouting in your chest; and to confirm your suspicion.
"He left forever ago and hasn't answered my texts." You sighed, glancing at the couple messages you'd sent Gwilym before you'd left on your own, simply wondering when he'd be back, hardly caring where he'd run off too. He'd seen your messages, leaving hours to pass without a response.  
When you rested your phone on the counter with a huff, Joe stood.
"Are you okay, y/n?" He asked, stepping over toys to meet you in the kitchen. You ran your hands through your hair, resisting the urge to pull it all out in a frustrated fit.
"I don't know. I really don't know." You admitted. How had you ended up here? "I don't know where Gwilym is. And I don't know why I'm so upset about it. I should be used to it! We've never spent this much time together. But he just had to tell-"
You stopped rambling just in time, casting your furrowed brow to your feet as you let out a laugh to disguise your desire to scream. After your vexation hung in the air for a beat too long Joe spoke up again.
"You don't have to tell me anything. It's not my place... I shouldn't have asked-" Joe started to take back his concern. You hated the way he subtracted the value of his words when he assumed they didn't sit well with you.
"I wish you knew how badly I want to tell you the truth." You stupidly confessed, looking up to Joe, exhausted by the effort it took to keep your eyes from locking with his.
Joe didn't ask what you meant or urge you to say anything further. He just clenched his jaw and seemed to make a decision. You watched him blink, just before he pulled you into a hug. A real one. Nothing like the sorry embrace he dealt you before you all left the woods, last weekend.
And you let yourself hug him back now, as you'd always wanted too. Because somewhere deep down you knew this was it. Maybe not the last hug, but certainly the best by far. Maybe not the embrace you wished you could convey your feelings through, but the closest you'd allowed yourself to come, yet. The closest you might ever be allowed.
"I'm sorry... for whatever it is," Joe spoke, in a low soothing rumble.
"I'm more sorry, trust me." You replied, voice muffled against his warm sweatshirt. You hated lying to Joe. Even though you hadn't known another reality since the day you met, it felt worse every day.
He was the first to break, moving away slowly like maybe he didn't want to. And you couldn't even fool yourself into believing you'd been imagining things. Not with the way Joe lingered so close, still. Not with the way his hand delayed on your arm, fingers nearly curling into a clutch. Joe was barely an inch from you. You could feel when he held his breath. You watched his focus zero in on your lips and you felt your jaw slack ever slightly. You watched him start to drift closer. And then the tea kettle whistled to life.
The hiss of steam became louder as your senses adjusted back to reality. Joe had yet to break his stare on you, but the spell had been broken, for good. Joe's breath felt colder, and your future seemed less bright than moments ago.
"I should go. I'm going."
He stepped back, yanking your heart out.
"Let me give you a ride." You breathed, turning off the stove and glancing to where you tossed the keys as Joe kept moving toward the door.
"No, that's okay. I'll get a ride." Joe nodded your way reaching for the handle.
"Joe," You spoke his name in a plea to stop him, though you didn't know why. Your stomach twisted in knots the longer you looked at him.
"Goodnight, y/n." Joe offered, before opening the door and closing it behind himself before you could follow and stop him in time. His absence was sudden and hung heavy in the air. Olive stood from her place on the floor and fixated her stare on the door, much like yours. When she realized Joe wasn't coming back, the babe broke into cries like she did when one of her parents abandoned her with the other.
Now everything was fucked. You'd truly and utterly fucked everything all the way up.
After putting Olive to bed, the quiet home made your thoughts much too loud. Instead of going on tossing and turning, you shuffled into the living room and flipped through telly channels. Hardly paying attention, just looking for the right noise to drown out the racket running through your mind.
The only sound that broke through your self-pity was the door creaking open. You didn't need to look at a clock to know it was the witching hour. Gwilym tried to keep quiet as he shut the door, but jumped in surprise to see you curled on the sofa, still mindlessly pressing the remote buttons.
"Christ, you're still up?" He asked, shedding his jacket and leaving it to hang by the door. You didn't respond.
"I'm sorry I never texted. I know I should have." Gwilym sighed. He was right, but your anger with him had long fizzled away.
"It's okay." You said simply, keeping your eyes on the screen in front of you.
"What's wrong?" Gwilym asked in a worried manner, moving to sit on the opposite end of the sofa, turning to face you. You glanced his way, considering his genuine expression, and then turned back to the telly, because you couldn't look at Gwil as you started to tell him about your night.
You left out most of the details, but you told Gwilym what happened. How you and Joe nearly kissed. How he left in a flash. How none of it mattered because you and Olive were leaving in a couple of days. You'd be out of the way and Gwilym could go on making his film without worrying about you muffing up the act he kept up off the set.
Gwilym chanted apologies as you retracted back inside your head. You stayed quiet, curled against a throw pillow while your fake husband offered to do something to make this all better. And while Gwilym decided your silence was submission, you both knew there was no use. Not anymore.
The next day you stayed in until the very last minute you were meant to be on your way to fetch Gwilym from the set. When you got there, you hurried in with your head down, taking the quickest route to his trailer.
Luckily, Gwilym was already on his way out, greeting you with an oddly excitable smile.
"What?" You asked anxiously, watching Gwilym reach out to your daughter in your grasp, tucking back a bit of her growing hair
"This was always meant to be our last big night out and I think we should still go to have a nice, big dinner. But I was thinking maybe you could stay another week or so. I've been thinking we could-"
"Gwilym. Please don't make this harder than it has to be." You grinned with a sorry shake of your head, moving to walk out with him.
"It doesn't have to be hard." Gwilym insisted, keeping his pace in time with yours.
"We have to go home!" You made yourself clear, stopping to look up at the guy with pleading eyes. He couldn't possibly want to keep this up, either.
"I can't do this anymore."  You implored. You'd met your wits' end. Your heart was no longer on the line. It was crushed.
You turned away from Gwil with tears in your eyes, in a hurry to make it back to the car. But it was too late. Ben came floating around the corner, his bright smile faltering when he noticed you, asking what the matter was. You shook your head out of fear if you opened your mouth, you'd only burst into sobs.
And as Ben moved away, he called out in concern to the guy who was meant to be following you.
"Gwilym, mate, why is your wife crying? Is everything-"
Gwilym's immediate and booming response stopped you in your tracks.
"We're not married!"
The battered up remains of your heart slammed to the ground as you froze in place. Oh shit.
"I lied. I'm at fault here, so don't go thinking less of her." Gwilym spoke to Ben, who went silent. As you stalled, stunned, Olive burst into tears, and a hand fell feather-light against your shoulder.
Lucy came into your view, and with one silent look, she escorted you further from the boys and out of the heavy stage doors.
Just as you turned to exit, you spotted a familiar face a few feet away. Joe was standing near the empty stage holding a canvas bag over his shoulder and looking at you with a slack jaw. You hadn't seen him since he fled your kitchen. And now, you knew he'd finally understood what you were trying to say to him that night. He'd clearly heard what just happened.
You were quick to snap your gaze away from his, and follow Lucy out of the place. Olive was crying in one ear, and you could hear Gwilym begin some sort of impassioned speech in the distance. The sun was bright, but not on your side, today.
Lucy slipped into your passenger seat as you buckled a fussy Olive into her car seat. She immediately settled when you handed her one of your old tshirts that was always a Godsend during times like these. Your daughter was subdued to tired whines as you shut the back door and hurried to the driver's side.
"What the fucking hell is going on, darling?" Lucy gave you a bewildered smile as you rested your head against the seat with a sigh. You pressed the heels of your hands to your eyes, pushing tears away. Lucy should be fumming. She should be in the middle of shouting horrid things at you. But she was reaching out to you. She was still a better friend than you, or most anybody deserved.
"Are you ready for a really long and stupid story?" You raised your brows toward Lucy who was literally on the edge of her seat.
You started with how you met Gwilym at one of your flatmate's wild parties. How you both got to know each other over summer bashes and started hooking up when you were both drunk enough. How you and Gwil gave each other a sober shot. You explained your decision to keep the baby you'd accidentally brought along, and how good Gwilym was to you. How you'd settled into a strange little family who slept in different places but spent every other minute together.
Lucy stopped you every now and again to ask questions and laugh out loud. Because the story was ridiculous. And you laughed too. Somehow Olive fell asleep to the tune of your storytelling, but Lucy was hanging on your every word.
"So you're not even really together then, are you?" Lucy realized, giving you a look.
"Never have been, no." You groaned. "He shouldn't have lied. But it's always been easier to leave all explanations aside. The lines were already blurred. We always sat too close together and held hands in crowded spaces. But we shouldn't have gone on lying." You began, turning further to face Lucy.
"I stooped to his level to save his ass. That's all that really happened. And I'm so sorry for it." You explained. Lucy offered you a sip of the iced coffee she'd brought along and placed in the cupholder between the two of you. You gratefully take a swig.
"So that's why everything exploded then. Because you're not meant to truly be together." Lucy spoke like she'd seen the light. But that wasn't exactly it. You and Gwil already knew there was no chance for the two of you. But you'd been friends and co-parents long enough to function as a pair.
"Gwil and I probably would have kept up lying without a hitch if... well, if it wasn't for Joe." You swallowed your nerves as you shot Lucy a timid smile.
"Oh my God." Lucy gave a hint of a nod as she gaped your way. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. The awkward air between you and Joe must have been noticeable. But to a girl who had become your friend, it was clear as day, now.
Slowly, and with a great deal of caution, you began to explain your scattered feelings. And describing your situation to someone who wasn't involved lifted a weight off your shoulders. It wasn't a heavy secret to carry anymore. But a broken puzzle full of pieces that weren't made to fit together.
"Well, shit." Lucy sighed, once you'd laid everything on the table. Your friend raised a brow and looked to you for one more answer.
"What now?" Just as she asked, you spotted Gwilym walking up to the car, sporting a long face.
"I go home." You glanced toward Lucy. She made a frustrated grumble as she opened the door and hopped onto the solid ground.
"Well keep me updated, please," Lucy asked. "And if you don't come to tell me goodbye tomorrow, I'll be pissed!" The blonde hissed, grabbing her iced coffee, and kissing the air in your direction.
"I love you." You giggled with relief.
Lucy left the passenger door open as Gwilym dragged his feet towards where she left. She stopped Gwil in his tracks with a hand in his shoulder. He seemed to brace himself, and you wondered what the others had said to Gwilym that left him in such a disposition.
Lucy simply brought each of her index fingers to Gwil's cheeks and turned the corners of his mouth up in a foe smile. She gave an approving nod before skipping back inside the studio where no one else had yet to come out.
Gwilym clamored into the passenger seat without a word. The smile Lucy gave him had slowly deflated and he looked to you with a thousand words on his lips that he couldn't yet form.
"Let's have that nice dinner, huh?" You offered softly, starting the engine to the car.
"How's things?" You greeted Gwilym in his trailer for the last time, asking one thousand questions in one. He was wearing that silly wig and eyes you might have mistaken for sleepy, if you hadn't known how vapid he'd been feeling the past twenty-four hours.
"Lucy is waiting for you outback. There's a bonfire." Gwilym flashed you a tired smile, taking Olive from your grasp. You realized he was staying put, and that you were only on set to fulfill your promise to Lucy. You nodded toward Gwil in thanks, and hurried out of the trailer, around the back lot to find the blonde girl dancing around a burning fire with a few of the stagehands. They each greeted you warmly, just like always.
And when she saw you, Lucy spun to throw herself in your arms.
"As the lovers collided so did the ocean waves." Lucy pretended to swoon hanging off of you. "Oh, did she heave-ho."
"My dearest darling, what will my heart beat for in your absence?" You smiled, holding Lucy up as she lost her balance in your arms. With a shared giggle, she was on her feet once more, looking you dead in the eye. The time for cheesy romance lines had long gone.
"I know I asked for a goodbye, but I've changed my mind. I want you to promise I'll see you again soon. Honestly." Lucy arched her brows and nodded your way. It wasn't a sweet sentiment. It was a genuine demand to keep your friendship afloat. You'd already RSVPed for her sister's gallery opening, anyhow.
"I promise." You agreed, clinging to her slim shoulders.
"Good. Because you have an event to attend in January." She pulled you into a tight hug, as the other's voices dissipated, leaving the fireside.
When you pulled away from your hug, everyone had slowly tricked away. But someone was approaching the abandoned party, stalling to stand alone. It was Joe.
Lucy noticed your perturbed gaze and gave you a final nod, before skipping away from the bonfire. How silly to let something burn with no one around to enjoy it, you thought, scanning the now-empty space. Joe was in his normal clothes, a tshirt, and jeans. He kept an unreadable gaze on you as he came to a standstill a couple of steps away.
"Where's Olive?" He asked like he was genuinely concerned by her absence.
"With Gwil." You sheepishly noted, daring to look Joe in the eye. You knew he knew everything. You even figured he might have known some things you didn't realize. This was your first exchange since he nearly kissed you. Since you nearly let him. The space between you now was just as cool as it wound up being that night.
"Well, I've got a train to catch." You decided because withering under Joe's frighteningly undecipherable gaze was about to make your chest cave in.
"I guess this is goodbye then, huh Mrs. Lee?" Joe's tone was mixed up, sad, and angry and confused all at once. Your heart plummeted at the sound of the name you asked him never to call you.
"I'm really fucking sorry for lying to you." You spoke up a little louder in an effort to keep your voice from cracking. "You don't deserve to ever be lied to. I wish we met differently, Joe. I'm so fucking sorry." You slowly backed away from the bonfire light and Joe took one step toward you, as if to ask you to wait up.
That's when Ben suddenly appeared, fuming. "Gwil deserved the family you lied about having, you know?"
You jumped a little, surprised by his appearance as he cursed at you. You hadn't heard or seen him coming. He was just there with balled up fists and a windblown wig. And Ben was right. Gwilym deserved the perfect life. The same one you'd always envisioned for yourself. He was a trophy father. And a damn good friend. You weren't.
"Whoa, Ben-" Joe spoke up, stepping a little closer to you, with actual fire reflecting in his glossy gaze. Your hurt feelings were ever so slightly numbed by his protective stance. But Ben was right.
"I know, Ben." You nodded. "I'm so sorry. Don't let my stupid actions affect your relationship with Gwil. He loves you, for real."
Your throat grew tight as you spun in a hurry to leave. The gravel crunched under your feet while you stormed back around the trailers to find Gwilym.
But you'd seen Rami first. He was still dressed as Freddie, and chattering to his assistant in a thick accent, past a fake mustache. You knew that somewhere past all the method acting, that Rami knew about everything that happened in the past 24 hours. Because Lucy knew. She knew everything.
You cast your eyes toward your feet, praying you wouldn't catch Ramis glare if he chose to look at you. Even though you knew he'd never broken his character from Freddie on set, you could feel Rami notice you.
"You're leaving?" The dark-headed man stopped you in your tracks, gently grabbing your shoulders and dropping his accent. The shift in character chilled you to the bone.
"Yeah, I gotta go home." You whisper looking into Rami's starry eyes. You could see he wanted to talk, but you could only pull him into a very tight, very brief hug. And it was then that you realized you were leaving this place. And these people. You tried to hide the tears building up in your eyes as you gave Rami a very weak goodbye and scampered off to the trailer you left Gwilym in.
He was changed back into glasses and a ball cap, packing Olives toys back in her bag. You didn't even realize that you'd let a couple of tears fall until Gwilym glanced up and gave you a look you recognized from days gone by...
"I'm so sorry Y/N." He opened his arms toward you. How was he to know that his castmates were going to become his very best friends? How was he to know you'd fall in love with them all as well? He was only thinking of himself. He was selfish. He hated to see you cry.
"Me too." You rang. Gwil had only panicked. He wasn't perfect. And you did love him. You tried your best to make that work. But it wasn't enough. You'd let him down and he uttered the truth from rock bottom, last minute. All you could do now was fall against Gwil's chest and reign your sniffles in. His heart broke as his hands carded through your hair. He didn't want you to leave like this.
But you did. You had too. Neither of you said very much as Gwilym helped you load up your luggage. Fuller, with gemstone decorated handbag Lucy gifted you the first night you met, and Olives new oversized plush penguin from the aquarium.
Gwilym held your hand on the rainy ride toward the train station. He hugged his daughter goodbye and promised you both he'd be home for Christmas. You clung to Gwilym before your train rolled in. You would miss his comfort in the months to come. Even when he was the one who caused you such trouble, he was the first to try and make it better. And his attempts were usually successful.
You watched him watch you leave, feeling all too much like something bigger than what the two of you shared had broken and shattered with your parting.
Olive usually cried on long rides away from Gwilym. Now, she slept soundly at your side while the roles reversed, tears staining your cheeks before the train was too far from the city.
taglist: @sonic-volcano @imtheinvisiblequeen @redspecialty @itscale @stardust-killer-queen @joemazzelo @dancetohotspace @kiwi-hardy @joeneslee @borhapqueen92@im-an-adult-ish @johndeaconshands @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye@beepbeephardy @slutforbritdick @joemazzmatazz @almightygwil  @sadhwstudent @freakibanana @lelifesaver​ @drummah-in-a-rocknroll-band​
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timelock97 · 5 years
Love Without A Name
Chapter Twelve: An Anxious Mind
Word Count: 3496
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Warnings: Aftermath of a panic attack, anxiety, slight fluff at the end
My fingers drag through Phoebe's fur as I lay on my back in bed. The lights are off, music playing softly in the background from my laptop to drown out any silence, and to keep my mind occupied. I watch as the fan above me spins lethargically, not enough to make the room cold, but enough that there is a small gust of air moving about the room.
Tessa lifts her head and places it against my hip from where she is laying between my legs. They can feel it, the tension in my body that seems to be haunting me. I had been up, moving around the room twenty minutes before, digging through some old notes, trying to find anything that I could do to distract myself from my panicked mind. The options reminding me to do some self-care, and that it was normal to still feel anxious and tired for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
The sound of someone moving in the hallway catches my attention, but the person behind the door doesn't poke their head in, which I can't blame them. When I had arrived home with Harrison, wrapped tightly in a blanket, Sam and Harry had been waiting in the living room. The two of them had rushed toward me, causing me to put my hands up and my breath to accelerate slightly.
"Give her room, mates. She's had a rough day." Harrison grips my shoulder gently, squeezing it to give me something to focus on. Breathe in, and out.
"Is there anything we can get you, (Y/N)?" Sam asks, voice soft. I shake my head my eyes landing on Phoebe who was coiling around my ankles. How long had she been there? "That's okay, why don't you go lay down. I bet you're tired."
I nod, leaning down to scoop up Phoebe in my arms. She purrs loudly at the contact, and I press a kiss into her fur before smiling at the boys. "Thanks for coming to the rescue Haz. I don't know what would have-"
"Hey," Harrison squeezes my shoulder as he notices the tears forming in my eyes. "You never have to worry about calling us, and you are safe." His voice punches out the last three words, trying to bury them deep in my subconscious. I nod again before slipping out from under his grasp, walking down the hall back to my room, Tessa on my heels.
I turn my head and look at the clock on the nightstand. I sigh, seven twenty-three. The whole day gone, and wasted. I wanted to get more things done today. I swallow, throat dry from lack of use. Slowly, I sit up, Phoebe launching herself out of my arms and onto the bed while Tessa lifts her head to look at me. "C'mon you two, let's go see who is moving about the apartment." It's probably one of the boys. I slowly crawl off the bed, the girls jumping off to follow me to the door. My sock clad feet barely make a noise as I walk down the hall to the kitchen. The sound of the kettle whistling in combination of something boiling causes me to pause, my mind going through the options of who could really be in my kitchen. I poke my head around the door frame and met with the back of none-other-than my mother-in-law. "Nikki?"
She turns her head and gives me a small smile, "Thought you could use a mum for the night, that okay?"
I look at her for a few seconds, my eyes already brimming with tears as I nod and briskly walk over to her and wrap my arms around her torso. I sob into her shoulder, her hand smoothing down my hair and shushing me.
She presses a quick kiss to my temple before speaking. "I called your mum and asked if there was anything you liked as a comfort food. She said you like home-made soup; hope that's okay?"
"Soup on a summer evening, yeah, sounds perfect." I let out a wet laugh.
Nikki pulls away, but only so that I am at arm's length before pressing a quick kiss to my forehead. She squeezes my arms before letting go and motioning for me to sit. "You get settled, and you and I can talk about anything you want to talk about, okay?" I nod, bringing a hand to my face to wipe away the tears staining my cheeks. "Darling, would you like some tea?"
"No, but thank you, Nikki." I smile, moving to sit at the table. "Did- did you tell my mom what happened?"
"I didn't go into full detail, figured I shouldn't freak her out, but told her that you had a run in with some not so friendly fans." Her voice is harsh, but I can't tell if it's because of what happened in general, or if it was because of some of the people that were fans of Tom had done it. "She is worried about you though, so maybe give her a call after you eat?"
"Yeah," I sigh, watching as she spoons out two bowls and making herself a cup of tea before sitting across from me. The first thought that comes to mind causes a short laugh to leave my lips. "You know, before everything happened I had tried on this really pretty sundress."
"Oh?" She quirks her eyebrow at me, a small smile crossing her face as she takes a bite.
I nod, immediately rambling on about the dress, and bits of my day before hand, something that I had missed doing since Tom was gone. I let out a sigh, before suddenly realizing something, Tom. "Does Tom know?"
Nikki looks at me, and I can see the small bit of sadness ghosting her features as she nods. "Harrison called him after you were settled in bed and explained what happened, or at least what he knew. All Harrison told me was that Tom was upset, and hung up quickly to get on the phone with someone else." She pauses to take another bite, prompting me to do the same. "He called me about ten minutes before you got up, I had texted him to tell him I was here, wanted me to let you know he should be here by the morning."
"He's flying out? But he had an interview in the morning, and he-"
"Love, right now the only thing on his mind is you." Nikki takes and squeezes my hand, "He's worried about you; we all were." She shakes her head, "What happened to you today, never should have happened." Her brows were pulled together as she looks back at me. "His manager will take care of all the things he is missing, as well as his cast mates. If anyone asks, they will most likely say it was a family emergency, because it was."
"I just hate feeling like I'm helpless in the situation." I whisper, afraid to meet her eyes. "I just thought it would blow over, or at least until he was home, and now I'm pulling him away-"
"He knew he needed to be home, so that's what he's doing." She sighs, squeezing my hand again before she lets out a humorless laugh, "The life of a celebrity isn't as easy as everyone thinks, there are things that are bad-"
"But they can make the most impact too." I smile, squeezing her hand one more time before pulling away and taking another bite of soup. "This is really good, Nikki, thank you for making it, and spending the evening with me."
She smiles, looking relieved as I feel to change the subject. "You are quite welcome, love."
The two of us fall into a comfortable silence after that. When we both finish eating, Nikki shoos me away to call my parents. I look about the kitchen, noticing that my phone had disappeared. "Nikki, have you seen my phone?"
"I have not, you might have to call them over Skype."
I nod, walking back into the bedroom and grab my laptop and carry it to the living room, settling in the innermost corner of the 'L' couch. After a few minutes, my parent's faces appear on the screen. "Hey Mom! Hey Dad! How are you?"
"We are fine, pumpkin-
"Nikki said something happened while you were out today, are you okay?" My mom leans toward the computer more, making my dad groan at her and mutter a soft 'she's an adult, Linda, she's fine.'
"I'm okay, a little stressed out and tired, but fine. I, uh, really don't want to get into what happened today, if that's okay?"
"Absolutely." my dad hums, giving me a soft smile, "How about we fill you in on what's been going on here, yeah?"
I smile and nod, listening to the two of them jumping over each other's sentences to tell me about the boys, how Mark had met a girl at the shop and had recently asked her on a date, 'he thinks she is the one, baby.' It makes my heart a little heavy to hear all about the things I had been missing, but it was also nice to catch up.
"We were thinking of taking a week and coming out there to see you and Tom, of course the rest of our in-laws too."
"That sounds amazing, Mama." I smile, a yawn catching in my throat.
"We should let you go, don't be a stranger, pumpkin." My dad hums.
I nod, "Yeah, okay. I love you guys."
"We love you too, sweetie, get some rest." My mom smiles back, blowing me a kiss before waving.
I let out a tired sigh, eyes heavy, but mind still running wild. I close my lap top and notice Nikki was leaning over the couch to look at me.
"Thought we could watch a movie before bed?"
I smile at her and nod, "Whatever you want to put on sounds good to me."
At some point during the movie, I must have dozed off because I woke with a slight shake of my shoulder, eyes fluttering open slightly to figure out what was going on. "Darling, why don't you go crawl into bed, I know you are tired." Nikki, that's who is shaking me. It takes me a minute, but I manage to get to my feet, waving slightly at her muttering a soft 'g'night' before curling up in bed, head resting on Tom's pillow since his side was closer to the door. But, sleeping peacefully didn't last long.
I wake up with a start, my hand clutched to my chest as I sit up in bed. I'm shaking, tears streaming down my face that I furiously wipe at with the back of my hand. It was a bad dream, just a bad dream. Images of faceless people, spitting insults and grabbing at me flash behind my eyelids as I shiver. Phoebe moves from her place curled up beside me into my lap, placing her front paws onto my shoulders so she can look me in the face. She purrs loudly as I rub behind her ears and run my fingers down her spine. "Trying to protect me from the monsters, Phoebes?" The cat meows in answer, causing a small laugh to leave my nose. I shake my head and scoop her into my arms before crawling out of bed.
The jolting wakes Tess, who is sprawled out on my side of the bed. She only looks at my standing figure for a few seconds before getting up herself and following me out of the room.
I place Phoebe on the kitchen island, her normal place to perch if I am rummaging around in the kitchen at ungodly hours of the morning. I end up pulling down a canister of hot chocolate mix, I had officially given up trying to force myself to like tea, and began preparing the drink. I looked about the kitchen, hoping to find my phone that had conveniently disappeared after I had arrived home. After several drawers and cabinets later, I find it hidden under a stack of kitchen towels. The screen looked like it had been wiped down, and thankfully there were no knicks or cracks from the day's previous events.
I place it on the counter as the kettle began to whistle, pulling it away from the hub before it woke up Nikki. As soon as the drink was made, I settle on the couch and turn on the t.v. to drown out any of the other noises in the apartment.
I sipped the drink softly, eyes falling back on my phone in the other room. You should have left it in the drawer. I groan as I push myself off the couch to retrieve it, placing myself in my previous position, turning on the screen. There were several missed texts from family and friends, a majority of them being from Tom to tell me he would be here tomorrow.
As I finish reading through the messages, I notice that there are notifications on my Instagram. My heart tightens in my chest. You shouldn't look. It's a very bad idea. My curiosity gets the better of me as I open it, couldn't be that bad right?
My eyes the notifications, most are from fanpages. I nervously click into one, and read the description. These pictures prove that this girl, @(Y/I) is definitely close to Tom and his family. Thoughts? The post had pictures of me walking around the mall from the day before, me at a store with Paddy tagging along with me, as well as a few of me with the twins, Harrison, and Tuwaine at the pub from a week ago.
I roll my eyes as I scroll, clicking into another notification. The post was similar, but with some more colorful words. As my heart gets a little tighter, I stumble over another post, one that gives me a little faith in Tom's fans. The post reads, Tom Holland fans need to get something through their thick skulls, YOU DON'T OWN HIM. His poor girlfriend/friend left the mall in tears, and from the way she was being basically sheltered by Harrison tells you that what happened really affected her. Fuck fans who did that to her. She didn't deserve that. I stan a happy, loving relationship and you all should too. The pictures attached, to my surprise, were from when Tom and I had gone to the park a few days before he had left. We were both dressed in hoodies and jeans, his hood down while mine was up due to the rain. He was holding my hand, and he's laughing.
I give a small smile, skimming down into the comments to see people who were both agreeing and disagreeing. Mostly agreeing, saying that the only reason that they had found out was because of people on tumblr covering it, and that that had made them sick.
Where is Tom, why hasn't he said anything?
    Hanging with his gf, @zendaya
A pang of jealousy makes my heart a little tighter. My thumb moving to swap back to my messaging app to reread the text I had gotten from Zendaya. 'Girl, Tom called and told me what happened. If you need someone to talk to please feel free to call me. You aren't alone in this 💕💕'
Stop acting dumb, they are friends. Fucking hell, you are married to him. I shake my head as I turn off the screen, placing my phone back on the coffee table. I lean back into the couch and bring the lukewarm drink back to my lips. As I sip, I turn the t.v. on, just to drown out the silence of the apartment. When the glass in empty, I place it alongside my phone, telling myself I'll wash it later.
The buzz of the t.v doesn't help the images of my nightmare disappear. I shake my head again, reminding myself that they weren't real, you are safe. I eventually curl up on the couch, Tessa lying in front of me as Phoebe is perched on the back of the couch. Go to sleep.
That is how I lay for the next few hours, but unable to fall asleep. By four a.m., I was close to tears at the fact that I was just so tired. I furiously wipe at the tears, god you have cried a lot, and sat up to pace. I knew the movement would most likely prevent me from falling asleep, but the thought of tiring myself out with movement was the only thing I could think of at the moment.
A soft sob falls past my parted lips as I walk from the end of the hallway back to the living room. "God, I just want to sleep, why can't you just sleep?"
"Love?" I stop dead in my tracks, turning my head to look at the front door. There standing in the open doorway is Tom, dressed in a pair of fitted joggers and a black tee-shirt, his hair hidden underneath a gray beanie. "What are you doing up?"
I sniffle, walking over to him as he places his bag on the ground to embrace me, one hand holding the back of my head while the other is places on my back, holding me as close as he can. "Mind won't stop, can't sleep." I sniffle into his chest, letting out a soft sigh as he presses a soft kiss to my forehead. Tom gently moves me so that he can look at my face, bringing his hand to cup my cheek and wipe his thumb under my eye. "Missed you, glad you're home, Tommy." I whisper, turning my head to press a soft kiss into his palm.
Tom smiles sadly at me, leaning his head forward to press his forehead to mine. "Glad to be home, darling. I've missed you so much." The sound of a small whine and meow causes Tom to pull away from me, looking down. "And I missed my other girls too, did we wake you?"
I turn my attention to Tess and Phoebe who are around our feet. Phoebe rubs against Tom's left leg before weaving around to brush against my right while Tessa is on the other side bumping her head against Tom's right leg before jumping up to his hip. This causes a laugh to leave his lips, a ghost of a smile crawling onto my lips. "They were on the couch with me."
"That makes sense, keeping you company." He crouches down to give them a little love. Tom's presence back inside the apartment gives me a sense of relief as I lean against the wall and watch as he rubs behind Tessa's ear with one hand and scratching under Phoebe's chin with the other. My head bumps the wall with a small thud, causing Tom's eyes to flick to my relaxed posture. He pets the girls one more time before standing and moving so he is leaning in front of me, giving me a tired smile. "How about you and I head to bed, that sound good?"
I let out a small hum, shifting forward so that my head falls into the crook of his neck as his arms wrap around me and keep me close to his chest. "I don't know if I'll be able to sleep." I whisper, my fingers clawing at his shirt slowly, the beat of his heart making mine fall into a slower rhythm.
"I think I can remedy that." He whispers, pressing a kiss to my temple before carefully walking with me to our room. Tom tucks me into bed before disappearing back out into the hallway to grab his bag from the kitchen. While I wait I can hear him whispering, causing me to raise an eyebrow. When he returns he shuts the door behind him and pulls his shirt over his head before heading to the dresser and grabbing a pair of gym shorts to change into.
"Who were you whispering to?"
"Hm?" Tom crawls into bed, opening his arms to me as I cuddle closer to him. "Oh, my mum was in the hall, she was just telling me she was happy to see me home." Tom tugs me closer to him, nuzzling his nose into my hair. The room falls into silence, minus the fan in the corner and Tessa snoring. My eyes begin to fall shut as Tom's fingers play with the ends of my hair. "Go to sleep, love. I got you."
"I love you, Tom."
I feel Tom's lips curl against my forehead before they purse to kiss the skin. "I love you too, (Y/N). I love you so so much."
My eyes flutter close, his heartbeat bringing my swarming mind finally to a stop.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think! Reblog and comment! Sending you all my love!
@revenantwriting | @bellagrayson-wayne | @jackiehollanderr | @snowxbarryxendgame | @let-me-luve-you | @mybitchborky | @linnyalou | @fanficscuziranout​ | @literallytrashhhhhh | @akweenbitch | @marveltomjunkie | @infinitycaprogers
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northsidemarleyrose · 5 years
Fix You \\ Ryley
Who: Marley Rose and Ryder Lynn (@serpentlynn) What: Ryder comes to the “rescue” after Blaine leaves Marley alone in the apartment.  When: Monday, December 2nd, later night. Where: Blaine’s Apartment Notes: Ryder is BOLDED, Marley is regular. Too cute to handle. Hints at Marley’s eating disorder. Word Count: 1,741 
Ryder knew there was a chance that Blaine and Marley’s conversation wouldn’t end well. He still didn’t think Marley should try to force herself to try having sex with Blaine, and while he did manage to fall asleep that night while rewatching Teen Titans, he kept his phone next to him in case something happened and Marley needed him.
And that time came, because he woke up to his phone ringing and he answered as soon as he could open his eyes, “Are you okay?” were the first words out of his mouth, trying to not sound like he had just woken up. Marley’s voice came through on the other end, asking if he could come over, and once he said he’ll be right there, he hung up and got out of bed. He only pulled on a jacket over his pajamas and grabbed his keys, beginning to make the drive over to the Northside. But before he got to Marley’s, he made a stop for some movies, feel good ones to help him make her feel better, and some ice cream.
Not long after, he was there, getting out and noticing the door was unlocked, so he came in. Immediately, Ryder spotted her in the hallway and he frowned a little that whatever happened between his friends had to end like this.
“Hey, would’ve been here sooner but I thought I could bring some movies to help cheer you up. No superhero movies, just some fun, upbeat ones.” He spoke, moving closer to her and holding out a hand so she could get up, “So I thought we could watch one of these while you tell me what happened.”
Marley knew Ryder was coming but she couldn't stop herself from hoping it was Blaine who was going to appear when the door opened. To no one's shock, it was Ryder and she couldn't even meet his eye right away. She trusted he wouldn't pull an I told you so on her, but she felt it just by looking at him.
She forced out a small smile when he explained what'd taken him longer than planned, he was really too much. She took his hand and pulled herself up. She made her way over to the couch as Ryder put a movie on, Grease, and she smiled. Still her own personal Danny Zuko. Wiping her eyes she let out a quiet laugh. "You're ridiculous," she told him as he sat down.
After he put Grease on, he sat down on the couch next to Marley, grinning a little when he heard her laugh and say he’s ridiculous. “Oh, come on, Marley. It was right there, I couldn’t not pick it.” He put his arm around the back of the couch, kind of a silent almost invitation if she wanted to get closer, but not too obvious in case she wanted space after whatever happened between her and Blaine.
“I got cookie dough ice cream for you, and chocolate marshmallow swirl for me if you wanted to have some of mine.” Ryder told her, listening to the opening song play and giving her some time to relax before talking about what happened tonight. He didn’t want to bombard her with questions or anything, this was entirely her pace.
Ice cream and movies. For someone who'd never really dealt with a messy breakup before, he was sure pulling out all the seemingly right stops. Though, eating was the last thing she really wanted to do right now so she just shook her head. "I had a big dinner," she lied, scooting closer and leaning on her friend, happy he was there.
She watched as the movie played out for a few minutes, trying to ignore the fact that she could nearly feel Ryder's curiosity. She sighed and sat up a little so she could look at him, deciding to give him a short version of what had happened that night, minimal details about what had happened in the bedroom before she'd stopped Blaine.
He bit his lip slightly when Marley said she had a big dinner, because he remembered Thanksgiving at Pop’s and her not really eating at all, and high school when she didn’t seem to eat much then either, so he was a little hesitant to believe her. But he didn’t say anything. It wasn’t the night to bring up her not eating much. It was just the night for her telling him what happened and for him to help her feel better.
And he soon got those details, not too many, but he didn’t need the whole thing. “I’m sorry, Marls. That sucks. But hey, Jean Grey and Scott Summers broke up too, under different circumstances obviously but still, it’ll work out for you. Jean got with Wolverine, so now all that’s left is for you to eventually find your own Wolverine and you’re all set.” He didn’t mean to go on a ramble about superheroes again, especially not about the two he compared Blaine and Marley to, but he couldn’t help it. “It’ll be okay, you got me and Charlie and your other friends who aren’t as cool as me. You can get through this.”
Marley really didn't know who Scott Summers or Jean Grey were. Luckily, she did have a vague idea of Wolverine, and by vague, she knew he was played by Hugh Jackman in the movies. She'd never land a Hugh Jackman, but she thought the sentiment was cute.
"I'll probably text Charlie tomorrow," Marley told Ryder, leaning back against him and turning her attention to the movie. "See if I can stay there for a bit. I don't B'll want me around here..." Even if that wasn't true, she didn't know if she could be here after tonight. She knew she'd have a moment tomorrow morning where she just forgot everything. And then she'd remember and the hurt would happen all over again.
When she leaned back against him, he kept his arm around her. He didn’t think that B wouldn’t want her around here, even if they were broken up, he was still her best friend, but he didn’t say anything. “I wish I had room in my trailer, I’d totally let you stay with me.” But he still lived with his parents and the trailer wasn’t big enough to add Marley. “And we could have Lucky Charms for breakfast.” He added with a grin, knowing she wouldn’t agree to that since she didn’t agree that marshmallows were a necessary part of the morning meal.
Ryder wished he knew how to just make her pain go away, because he would do anything it took to make her not sad about this and hurt. But he couldn’t, he just knew that he had to be here for her and help with what he could do. Which was making jokes and watching movies, what he does best.
Marley couldn't help but roll her eyes at the mention of Lucky Charms. But, it was sweet of him to say he'd let her stay with him and his family. She didn't know how many other guys she knew would say something like that.
They weren't even halfway through the movie when Marley's began to flutter shut. She didn't want to fall asleep, especially not on Ryder or on the couch. She had a bed here ... or ... she used to. Trying to fight a yawn she focused on the TV. "They might be the best Danny and Sandy," she said quietly. "But I think we were a pretty close second."
Ryder nodded along to her comment, he could tell that she was getting tired, which was a good sign, at least to him. That she was okay enough to sleep for now. “We definitely gave them a run for their money, especially during You’re The One That I Want, you were so good.” He responded, doing Grease was honestly one of the best parts of high school for him. He met Marley, joined Glee club, it was awesome.
After a few short moments, he rubbed her arm a little, “You can sleep if you want, I’m getting tired again too.” He did wake up just to come over, not that he minded, because he was coming over for Marley. He’d do pretty much anything for her, out of the girls in town, the Rose’s were definitely the ones he trusted the most, Marley maybe a little more so.
"You were better," Marley quipped sleepily. Compliments were always served a plenty between the two of them, something she never really complained about. Ryder was ... special. It was different with Sam or Finn or even Blaine. He was just ... Ryder.
He was giving her permission to sleep, something she didn't realize she'd needed. "Okay," she answered, nodding a little and grabbing the throw blanket from on top of the couch and covering herself with it. Other people might make assumptions if they knew Ryder came over or that he was spending the night but it was Ryder. She couldn't help but be anxious, knowing Blaine could walk through the door at any second, but ... he wouldn't get mad, Ryder was their friend.
Her worries slowly drifted as she started dozing off. Instinctively wrapping her arms around his middle section. "G'night," she mumbled moments before her eyes flickered shut.
Ryder grinned, though he didn’t think he really agreed that he was better. Seeing her on stage that night was incredible, she was such a good Sandy and just a great actress and singer in general. She was a great person too, always complimenting him and just being amazing. He was really glad he was lucky enough to be friends with her.
Even though moments like this, sitting on the couch and watching a movie while she was leaning into him, made him wish they weren’t just friends. But he pushed that thought out of his head quickly, she called him here because she broke up with her boyfriend, he didn’t need to be thinking about having any sort of more than platonic feelings for her. Not now anyways, not while she was hurting.
He fixed the blanket she put over herself a little, grinning when he felt her arms around him, “Night, Marls.” He responded, shifting his position a bit and laying his head back, closing his eyes while the movie kept playing in front of them.
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canardroublard · 6 years
Fictober day 17
Star Trek: Discovery, Michael/Tilly (pre-ship, not super shippy but squint and it’s there). Set early season 1.
"I'll tell you but you're not gonna like it."
Michael raised an eyebrow. "Tell me. Why are you sleeping on the floor?"
"Well, see, here's the thing..." Tilly began a babbling explanation, from which Michael got "condensation from the spore drive" and "bedding composed of natural fibres to avoid exacerbating my allergies" and "mildew".
"And it turns out I'm not the only one! But they don't have enough spare mattresses, and with all the jumps they're trying to conserve energy, so avoiding overloading the replicators, and..."
"Got it," Michael said. "How long are you...displaced?"
"Just tonight. They should have a mattress replicated by tomorrow."
Eyeing her roommate's nest of spare blankets and pillows on the floor, Michael frowned. But Tilly cheerfully chattered, same as always, while she settled down, so Michael simply murmured her goodnights after Tilly's ramble concluded.
Tilly always fell asleep quickly. Michael envied her this; having spent many hours listening to the redhead's slow breathing, while Michael lay awake, trying to stop the whirring of her mind.
But tonight was different. Just as Michael thought Tilly had begun to doze, there would be a rustling from the floor. It didn't bother Michael; prison had been far noisier. Yet she watched Tilly's shifting with a pang of some...emotion. She'd never been good at identifying her emotions; just admitting she had any was personal growth.
"Tilly?" she murmured.
The shuffling stopped. "Sorry, I'll be quiet. I didn't mean—"
"No, no, it's okay. I just..." Just what? Emotions were slippery. "You're uncomfortable," she stated, wincing at the brusqueness of her own voice. This was coming out all wrong.
"Oh, don't worry," Tilly said. "It's just one night. I'll be fine."
True. Tilly was healthy. She'd be fine. Yet this logic, which would've normally soothed Michael, still left her feeling...something. She frowned into the darkness, confused. This emotion wasn't angry. Or sad. But not happy, either. She tried to imagine what Amanda would say.
Trust your instincts, Michael.
Michael bit her lip. Time to trust.
"If you want...we could share. For tonight."
Somehow, she heard Tilly go still.
"It's logical," Michael continued. "You're a valued member of this crew. You must perform at optimal levels. Sleep deprived is suboptimal."
"Are you...sure? I'll be—"
Staring at the ceiling, she shuffled against the wall, listening to Tilly rise and walk over.
"Michael, if you don't want—"
"Get in, Tilly."
"Okay," Tilly squeaked. The bed shifted. Michael hadn't realized how small it was. Tilly ended up pressed against her side.
"Goodnight," Michael said.
"G'night," Tilly whispered.
Michael had never shared a bed like this. Tilly was...warm. Her hair smelled like peaches.
Before Michael's insomnia had a chance to catch her, she was asleep.
In the morning she gradually awoke to warmth. Red curls in her face. The scent of peaches.
Michael didn't quite know this emotion, either. It felt like happy. But more.
She smiled into Tilly's hair. Sighed happily. And, remarkably, then she fell back asleep.
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yuu-be-good · 6 years
Final Fantasy XV
Gladnis | Gladiolus Amicitia x Ignis Scientia
3,515 words
Thank you @sahara-rose & @moonraccoon-exe (You two know what you did… but if you don’t then this is awkward.)
“Noct?” Ignis asked aloud as the scene registered in his head. “Prompto?”
Ignis felt his heart drop down as his green eyes slowly darted from each babbling baby. Knees felt weak as he thought about getting a closer look at the prince and gunslinger. This was a lot worse than he thought, here he thought they injured themselves badly and all he had to do was stitch them up. No. This was something not in his training. Ignis may have been resourceful and knowledgeable but taking care of two babies was not in his jurisdiction. The advisor felt his mouth part as he choked on words that escaped his mind, unable to react to this dilemma.
“That’s what we’re in for.” Gladio mumbled as he set the bags on the table, snapping the bespectacled man out of his thoughts. “Hopefully it’ll probably wear off by the morning.”
The advisor began inching towards the bed. “They’re not frogs but…” Ignis breathed out as he reached down to pick up baby Noctis. “Babies…?”
“Exactly what I said.” Gladio explained in the most casual tone imaginable. “Imagine my face when I saw this.”
Ignis turned to glance over at the shield only to see his face was contorted into what any human being would consider confused, horrified and downright concerned, all mixed in one. Earning a light chuckle from Ignis, along with a squeal from baby Prompto, Gladio quickly relaxed his face and sat on the edge of the bed. Ignis carefully sat the baby prince back onto the bed next to a wiggling Prompto, eyeing the two with weary eyes.
Clearing his throat before looking over at the shield. “So how long have they been in this state?”
“I had to carry them back on a chocobosooo,” Gladio paused, flashing Ignis an awkward half frown as he air-quoted his words. “Half an hour.”
The advisor sighed as he tried concentrating on the child in front of him. “The duration must be different then.”
“Do you know how hard it is to ride a chocobo with no hands?” Gladio voiced out with what seemed like a pout, paying no attention to Ignis’s previous statement. “Hard as hell, that’s how.”
Ignis pinched the bridge of his nose at Gladio’s casual attitude, it felt like listening to a child. A deeper groan rumbled from Ignis’s throat when he noticed how exposed the boys were now. “We should try to cover them up before continuing on with anything else.”
“Well we have no diapers so…“ Gladio said earning an annoyed glare from Ignis. “You really are cranky without sleep.”
Ignis ignored the latter’s comment and concentrated on how to properly cover the two children with no diaper. He awkwardly attempted securing Noctis’ draping shirt around his tiny body, however the little one wouldn’t stop moving around. The advisor felt his eyebrows knit together as time went by and Noctis grew more fidgety. Grunts and giggles from the larger man across from him entered his ears as he tried the same with Prompto. It was a lot harder than either one of them had expected. Gladio became agitated as Prompto continued trying to crawl off the bed instead of staying put. Ignis let out a deep sigh when he finally managed to carefully knot the shirt together into a makeshift onesie. The advisor’s exhausted green eyes widened when he looked over to see Gladio’s progress.
“Gladiolus! Put him down!” Ignis yelled as he saw Gladio holding Prompto by his ankle and shirt.
“He’s doing this on purpose!” Gladio glared at the blond baby gunslinger. “He’s being a little shit.”
Prompto giggled and squealed as Gladio began lightly swaying him, causing Ignis to have a silent metal breakdown. Gladio rose an eyebrow at the advisor before flinching at the death glare brought upon him. The shield just wasn’t buying the whole child act, but it seemed to put Ignis on edge having them in such vulnerable bodies. Letting out a groan as he set the baby down on the bed before knotting the shirt around Prompto’s body.
“Now what, Iggy?” Gladio asked as he scooted Prompto next to Noctis and made his way beside the tired advisor.
“I need to get some rest before I make dinner.” Ignis suggested, trying to hide the drained look on his face as he stared at the tiny duo. “Though I have no idea what to feed them and I don’t want-”
A quick gasp interrupted Ignis’s rambling as Gladio skillfully massaged his tense shoulders. “Let’s just get you some sleep first.” Gladio softly chided as he could practically feel the bespectacled man melt under his touch. “On the bright side, no need to book another room.” A dry laugh escaped his lips before a lopsided frown replaced his smile. “And I guess they can sleep between us, since it’s only one bed.”
Ignis gave him a slight nod of approval, silently wishing for Gladio’s hands to return to his shoulders as he shed him of his jacket. Gladio had grabbed the advisor’s jacket and laid it on the back of a chair. Ignis carefully kept an eye on the prince and gunslinger as he shed himself from his own clothes and changed into his pajama pants and shirt. Gladio let out a deep sigh as he pulled his tank top from over his head and rid himself of his pants and shoes. Gladio began stretching out his body before adjusting his boxer shorts. The advisor rose a thin eyebrow at the shield, eyeing him and the pile of clothes on the floor. Gladio rolled his eyes as he picked up and sloppily folded his clothes, placing them in a nearby chair with his shoes underneath.
“Thank you, Gladiolus.” Ignis sarcastically thanked the man.
Puffing up his cheek as he flashed a playful pout. “Yeah yeah.” Gladio said as he quickly picked up the pillows.
Ignis chuckled a bit as he crept onto the left side of the bed, keeping the babies still as Gladio finished up. Supporting his head with his left arm as he let out a short yawn. Giggles and light babbles escaped from the young boys as they tried climbed onto Ignis’s prone figure, having their hands lightly swatted away from the man’s glasses. The bed shifted heavily as Gladio’s weight was added to the mattress. Gladio took a similar pose on the opposite side of the bed as he looked into Ignis’s tired eyes. Noctis and Prompto’s motions had slowed down as they tried to continue playing with the advisor. The shield carefully pulled the small children off his partner, earning a yawn and a light babble from each one as they rubbed their tiny fists against their eyes.
“Seems like a good time to sleep.” Gladio suggested as he inched close enough to rest an arm over the advisor’s waist.
Ignis smirked, seeing the tiny duo huddle against each other. “You may be right.” Ignis said as he took his gloves and glasses off and set them on the nightstand.
Removing his arm from underneath his head. “G'night, Iggy.” Gladio cooed as he closed his eyes and buried his head in the pillow.
“Good night, Gladio.” Ignis yawned out as he turned off the lamp and laid his head on the pillow, resting an arm over the sleeping children between them.
As perfect as the moment looked, the shield and advisor were gonna regret much more than allowing the two young ones to do a hunt. The room was silent apart from Gladio’s snoring and soft breaths from Ignis. Both were unaware to the small blond, who had woken up in a fright. Prompto had taken his time to sit up and look around scared, big glistening purple eyes were shown by the moonlight peeking through the curtains. He began letting out small whimpers as his tiny hands gripped the blanket over his lap. Fear engulfed the baby gunslinger’s thoughts until he began bawling out into a loud cry when no one made a sound. The crying grew desperate causing Ignis to pat his head before resting his hand on the blanket. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t open his eyes. Gladio to throw a pillow over his head when the crying continued. Prompto quickly took hold of Ignis’s index finger as his cries lowered a bit but were still loud.
“Prompto!” Gladio’s muffled voice roared causing the child to quiet down. “Shut the hell up!” Gladio didn’t mean for it to come out so aggressive but he simply wanted to sleep.
The baby gunslinger began sniffling lightly, hiccupping as he rubbed the tears from his eyes. The older couple let out a breath of relief when Prompto grew silent. Ignis felt a bit bad about how Gladio handled it but his brain wouldn’t give him the energy to wake up or scold him. He could feel Prompto’s grip on his finger waiver before he let go. He was just surprised that Noctis slept through it all. However, mere seconds after the thought, Prompto cried at the top of his lungs and began pounding his feet against the mattress. Ignis managed to crack his eyes open as he brought himself in an upright position.
Ignis groggily reached over Noctis and picked up the crying child, holding him close to his chest. “Prompto… It’s alright.” Ignis began lightly patting his back. “No more crying.”
The advisor tried to keep his eyes open as he attempted calming both his headache and the crying child. His tired eyes adjusted in the dark and noticed Noctis began shuffling in his sleep.
“Gladio, a little help would be most appreciated.” Ignis pleaded lightly when he heard Noctis stir awake.
Gladio had let out a deep sleepy moan as he buried the pillow further over his head. As if he could feel the disappointed stare on his back from his partner, he slowly lifted himself up. The shield began scratching his head before dragging his palms over his face. “I think Noct is going to sleep through this.” Gladio whispered, trying to convince the advisor.
“I’m trying to see to it that it doesn’t come down to the opposite.” Ignis retorted quietly as he tried to shush the crying.
Gladio sighed deeply before taking Prompto from Ignis’s arms. “Look, I’m sorry for yelling at ya, okay.” Still holding child in the air, refusing to hold him. “You’re okay, so you don’t have to cry y’know.”
Prompto had been staring at the shield in confusion, as if not understanding a single word from the latter. Yet the sound of his voice ‘s vibrations calmed him down until he was completely silent. Prompto’s eyes were slightly puffy from crying but he still flashed a tired smile at Gladio. The shield looked confused and awkwardly handed the blond back to Ignis, who slowly rocked him back to sleep.
“Such a weird kid.” Gladio mumbled as he watched Ignis work his magic.
“A dream is probably why he was so worked up.” Ignis suggested as he carefully tucked him in next to Noctis.
“Dear Shiva, can we get the sleep we need.” Gladio pleaded as he laid back down carefully, hoping not to wake the smaller ones.
“Agreed.” Ignis grunted as he followed suit right after Gladio.
The rest of the night was silent as hours flew by from their night problem, the sun rose high and the curtains were open, lighting the room as far as the eye can see. The sleeping advisor was unaware of a wandering baby who grew fascinated with his sleeping figure. Thin eyebrows furrowed slightly as he tried to ignore the small hands that patted his face. Protesting moans formed in his throat until he felt the culprit’s fingers curiously burrow into his nostrils and pull at his mouth. The advisor quickly flinched back to escape the assault and slowly roused awake. Amber eyes shot over to him before softening as they watched the man wake up and lightly stretch his upper body. A silent laugh escaped the shield’s lips when Noctis began stretching like the advisor.
“Morning sunshine.” Gladio teased as he winked at the advisor. “I tried to keep him busy.”
“What time is it?” Ignis responded as he tried to keep his eyes open.
Gladio smirked at him and have a light shrug. “One in the afternoon.” The shield rose an eyebrow when he noticed green eyes wandering over the jeans on his hips. “I’ve been up since 8 so I’ve done enough.”
“I can’t believe I’ve slept for so long.” Ignis muttered, letting out a slight yawn before a frown pulled at his lips. “My apologies for making you skip dinner… And breakfast.”
Gladio scoffs quietly before playing a kiss on Ignis’s forehead “What I care about more is you getting a good rest.” The shield smirked at the blush across his lover’s cheeks. “So don’t worry about me Iggy.”
The advisor shook his head slightly when he felt his cheeks grow hotter. “They haven’t caused you any troubles?”
Gladio shook his head before he unknowingly flashed an apologetic frown when Ignis lifted Noctis into his arms and began scratching his stomach with a finger. The advisor’s eyes noticed newly added diaper on the boy’s hips, shaking his head slightly at how messily it was done. A breath left Gladio’s nose as he lightly pushed over the blond baby who tried to climb onto him with a single finger to the forehead. Prompto began squealing as he rolled down and stopped near Noctis. A big almost toothless smile was etched over his chubby freckled face as he reached up to Noctis. The latter began stretching his arms down in response, causing Ignis to set him down next to Prompto.
“They really aren’t themselves either.” Gladio added in a more serious tone. “Mentally or physically.”
“If that’s your conclusion then I guess I’ll trust you.” Ignis watched as the baby duo played between him and Gladio. “But we still have a duty to keep them safe.”
“I’m sorry for letting this happen…” Gladio scrunched up his nose a bit as his eyebrows knitted together sadly. “But Iggy…” A hint of hurt and confusion was in his voice as Ignis looked at him. “I just never took care of a baby… I mean there was Iris but these two are different.”
“I daresay this might be tough for the both of us.” Ignis stated softening his expression before tilting his head with a soft but sly smile. “So I can’t have you slacking.”
Gladio blushed slightly before letting out a hearty laugh, earning a curious look from Noctis and Prompto. “You do run a tight ship, so I understand.” Gladio blew a heavy breath from his nose before a grin stretched widely on his lips. “That’s what I love about you.”
Ignis felt his eyes widen a bit as he quickly cleared his throat in embarrassment and gave the shield a shy nod. Carefully climbing out of bed, he watched as Gladio gained the attention of the two boys, Ignis quickly gathered some clothes before heading off to the bathroom’s shower. The advisor still felt a bit drowsy as he turned the water on, thin eyebrows tying together as he began pondering on their unusual predicament. The baby ailment confused him like no other, he was used to the frog status, but this was on a whole new level. Was there nothing they could do about it or did it just have a longer duration. They still acting somewhat to their original personalities. Prompto was the loudest one of the two, while Noctis barely cracked a smile, unless he was playing with Prompto. But even then, it was a faint smile but a smile nonetheless. What exactly happened to them…
“Hopefully everything works out for the best.” Ignis sighed as he shed himself of his pajamas.
The advisor gasped as he felt the hot water beat across his chest and felt his mind relax. Closing his eyes as he tried to enjoy the water while washing his body and hair. The advisor tried to think of a way to properly deal with the children in their current state. How exactly should they go about this, since they weren’t ordinary babies? They were just young boys a day ago, did they really devolve into babies? A breath of air escaped his nostrils as he was thankful Gladio managed to avoid the same fate as the boys. The possible thought of three small babies stranded in the middle of a field made his heart stop just a bit. Ignis felt bad for not properly thanking Gladio on protecting the duo after thinking about how it could have been worse.  
After moments later of finishing his shower, his ears heard the loud but happy screams and giggles coming from behind the door. A smile brushed across his lips as he assumed Gladio had been trying his best to keep them happy. Carefully drying his body and hair with the large towel before putting on thin tank top and a pair of pants. Ignis felt his heart drop and his blood run cold after he twisted the doorknob and opened the door. Gladio had been taking turns tossing the babies high in the air. Their giggles becoming more hysterical and loud, oblivious to the panicking advisor. To Ignis they were dangerously close to hitting the ceiling, but they were pretty far from it.
“G-Gladio!” Gathering the attention of the trio with his outburst as his eyes squinted in anger. “What in the bloody hell are you doing?!”
“Iggy, they’re loving it.” Gladio cheered on as he continued to toss the tiny duo. “See look how much fun they’re having!”
“Gladiolus put them down or so help me!”
“But they’re-”
“Put. Them. Down…NOW!”
The room grew cold when Ignis push strong emphasizes on his last words, he was not in mentally prepared for either baby to be accidentally hurt or dropped. Gladio quickly and carefully caught the baby duo and set them on the bed in front of him. Prompto and Noctis quickly quieted down and stared blankly at the advisor, who was trying to regain his composure.
“Can you kindly refrain from giving me a heart attack.” The advisor sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. “On another note, have any of you eaten?”
The shield quietly thought to himself. “I tried feed them some sort of baby food I found in the market, but neither of them liked it.” A groan of disapproval left Ignis’s throat as he prayed they were picky eater and Gladio just made a bad choice in food. “They can eat cup noodles!” Gladio proudly suggested, causing a frown to hit Ignis’s face. “It’s got soft noodles and flavorful soup for them.”
Ignis sighed as he crossed his arms at the man’s ways of persuasion into squeezing his favorite treat in for lunch. “I presume that can hold us off until we make it to a haven or caravan.”
Gladio grinned before raising an eyebrow. “You know I’m all up for camping.” Surprisingly earning a whine from both babies. “But heading to Caem seems like a better idea and maybe Monica or Cor could help.”
Reluctantly nodding his head in agreement, the advisor grabbed his glasses and placed them on his nose. His eyebrow rose slightly when he caught a glimpse of Prompto imitating him with a curious smile. He softly smiled at the young blond and ruffled his short hair before he fully dressed himself for their travels. The advisor and shield began packing up their stuff in the room as Noctis and Prompto crawled around the floor, trying to escape the older duo’s watchful eyes. After a few minutes, the sound of the heavy footsteps approaching him entered Ignis’s ears once he finished packing up.
The shield quickly picked up the bags of luggage from the floor before looking over his shoulder to the bespectacled man. “I’ll handle taking our stuff to the car, you got the two runts?” Gladio asked his partner, who picked up the children and held them in his arms. “I’d take them but they enjoy pulling my hair… especially Noct.”
“Then I have a better advantage in this for now.” Ignis teased as he followed the shield out the door.
“Y’know maybe they aren’t baby babies…” Gladio said over his shoulder. “Maybe they still have their memories.” His voice sounded a bit somber but hopeful at the thought of it. “Like grown men in baby bodies.”
“That’s wishful thinking.” Ignis suggested, adjusting the fidgeting duo in his arms. “But we won’t know until they’re back to normal.”
The shield didn’t say a word after that, leaving the air in silence as they made their way to the Regalia. Ignoring the quiet murmurs from bystanders on Lestallum’s streets and the intrigued coos from Noctis and Prompto as they passed by. Ignis had already concluded that it was going to be a long car ride but they needed some kind of insight on their situation.
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crowned-ladybug · 7 years
Light of the full Moon
Egotober, Day 05
Egotober list by @ego-surveillance-squad
The moral of the story is that they need to get some fuckin blinds
I wasn’t gonna write much for this challenge, but none of my drawing ideas for this day were good enough, so here, have my shitty writing instead. Though I might actually draw something for this fic at a later date.
Hey @magic-marvin-protection-patrol may I interest you in some fluff?
Characters: Marvin, Jackie
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: none. It’s just a big bunch of fluff. Also, they’re dating.
Marvin is angry at the Moon. Yes, that giant, stupid, glowy thing in the sky that shines in his face and doesn't let him sleep. He's gonna fight it.
Jackie finds that very amusing. He also finds it impossible, unless somehow Marvin knows a magic trick to make the Moon tiny enough to be shut away in a jar or something. Which in turn would mess up a lot of things on Earth, so Jackie would prefer Marvin not do that.
It's easy for Jackie, Marvin thinks, because he has the side of the bed where the Moon isn't currently being obnoxious.
"I hate the Moon," Marvin grumbles, lying on his back with arms crossed over his chest. "Stop laughing at me, Jackie."
Jackie doesn't stop laughing at him. He looks at Marvin with an awfully amused look on his face and Marvin kind of hates him for it. Except he doesn't. Jackie is kind of impossible to hate.
"What kind of hero are you, not even willing to fight the Moon with me?" the sentence that starts out serious devolves into badly-contained laughter by the end. But before Jackie could stop him, he rolls out of bed. "Come on, Jackie!"
Jackie stares at him without moving an inch. "You're not seriously gonna fight the Moon, are you?"
"Pfft, of course not," Marvin shoots him an mocking look before making his way over to the door and stumbling over his own slippers. "I wanna go outside."
Jackie had sat up when Marvin assured him that he was not indeed going to fight a celestial body, but he falls back down in protest immediately upon hearing his wish to go outside. "Marvin, it's the middle of the night. Why do you want to go outside in the middle of the night?"
"'Cause it's pretty outside!"
"God damn..." Jackie runs a hand down his face. He's still astonished by Marvin's ability to go from "I want to fight the world" to "let's just stare at it in wonder" in two seconds. He's just sad there's no quick way from either of those to "let's go to sleep, like we should, because it's the middle of the God damn night".
"Fine, you don't need to come then," Marvin shrugs and he kicks his slippers off before putting them on again because he had put them on the wrong way the first time around.
Jackie groans as he shuffles out of bed and snatches a jacket from the back of a chair because unlike Marvin, he's actually aware of the fact that during the night it gets cold outside. "Heck no, I'm not letting you get mauled by a werewolf out there or some shit."
"How chivalrous of you."
"Shut up and get a hoodie or something," he rubs the sleep from his eyes, glasses in hand because if he had put them on first he wouldn't be able to see shit for the rest of the night. Marvin beams at him as he starts towards the door, now wearing a big hoodie that is very obviously Jackie's, and Jackie finds it impossible to stay grumpy. "I hate you," he mumbles fondly as he follows Marvin outside.
They have the privilege of not even getting their slippers dirty. They just climb onto the roof and settle there comfortably. Yet another good thing about living in a tree house in the middle of a forest.
The full Moon is bright as all Hell and Jackie shoots it a resentful look once properly he stands up on the roof next to Marvin. Now he's the one angry at a celestial body for not letting him sleep. Or for not letting his boyfriend sleep, who in turn didn't let him sleep, but that's unnecessary details.
Marvin on the other hand is ecstatic. The sky is almost completely clear and there's stars everywhere. And Marvin is a big nerd who loves stars and space and everything that has to do with them. Even the Moon.
"Whoa, look!" Marvin breathes in awe as if he hasn't seen a cloudless night sky ever before. He sits down, a little clumsy because his eyes never leave the sky, and he starts pointing out constellations to Jackie.
Jackie is just too sleepy for this. He places himself behind Marvin and tucks his hands into the front pocket of Marvin's hoodie, leaning against his back and putting his head on his shoulder. He listens, still, but the constellations all have fancy names that he can't remember or even make sense of, and weird shapes he loses track of within seconds.
It doesn't seem to faze Marvin. He rambles on about his stars, about mythology and science and magic. When he stops for a moment, he nudges Jackie with his shoulder, laughing. "Are you still awake?"
Jackie hums a "yeah" and kisses his cheek lazily. He might like having a proper sleep schedule, but he loves seeing Marvin happy more. Even if he has to sit on the roof in the middle of the night with him.
"Should we go back to sleep?" Marvin chuckles, but his voice is gentle.
"Nah, we can stay here if you want."
"You're already half asleep," he says it as if it proves anything. "Come on, we can go back inside."
"I never said anything about being awake, mind you," Jackie mumbles. He nuzzles Marvin's shoulder and he starts considering actually falling asleep right then and there.
"Okay, true," Marvin nudges him again. "Come on, I had my fun. But we should do this when we're both awake and prepared for it."
"You've only come to that conclusion now?"
"Shut up and enjoy the fact that I actually did," he shoots back without malice. Slowly he untangles himself from Jackie's arms despite how comfortable he is. "Come on, sleepy head."
Jackie hits the mattress as soon as he can and Marvin has to get his jacket and glasses off him before he just falls asleep like that. Jackie thanks him with a lazy smile.
"I promise we can go stargazing some other time," Jackie mumbles when Marvin pulls the covers over the two of them. Marvin is surprised he can still form coherent sentences seeing how sleepy he is.
"Alright, thank you," he kisses Jackie's forehead and pulls him into his arms, and he's not sure Jackie even hears him or if he's already asleep. "G'night."
The Moon's light has already moved enough to let them both rest.
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fresians101 · 7 years
Original post?? By me?? What??
Okay so I have something I wanted to say earlier but procrastinated and didn’t do.
I am reading Homestuck (just a little past Act 6 Intermission 2) and have a few OCs that I drew stuff for and was wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing them??
There’s only three of them, but each one has like five reference sheets (because I am someone who likes to be very thoughrough in explanations) and I have small stories that I’m working on for them..
Their names are: Aexita Mupito (troll) Tice Bruneki (human) Dontus Baruch (troll)
Aexita is basically me as a troll, with orange blood. Flush-crush on Dontus.
Tice is Aexita’s moral and patron, a country boy.
Dontus is a azure-ish blood who shares Aexita’s flushed feelings.
Aexita and Dontus are too stubborn and shy to tell each other, but I have a story already for when they finally tell each other.
I have all the stuff on my computer, waiting to go up, but I’m nervous.
Y'know, because of that stupid “cringe” label some people have put on Homestuck.
I told my cousin that I was reading it and she did that thing where you sigh and stare into space because you’re so done with whatever just happened\is happening, then texted her friend that I had said a sin on our family.. (I read it over her shoulder, I was sitting next to her.)
Anyway, I’m rambling and need to sleep.
G'night everyone!!
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expressandadmirable · 7 years
♙: Sharing a bed, all the ladies, sleepover style
(Title: From the Ground Up)
“Halei. Halei, love, wake up.”
Aviva snorted. “Oh, alright then, when you put it like that.”
“Why am I waking up?”
Before the Tiefling could answer, a massive crack of thunder shook the deck beneath them, the flash of lightning making the cloudy night as bright as day. Haluei'en blinked. “Oh.”
“Storm’s almost on us. If we stay on deck, we’ll be stuck here until it passes, and it looks like it’s going to be around for awhile. If we move below decks now, we’ll miss the worst of it. Come on.” Kneeling on her side of the bedroll, Aviva stroked the Drow’s hair. “Can you get up for me?”
With a sickly groan, Halei pushed herself into a sitting position. The nausea that came and went whenever she was aboard the Platinum Dawn had come again and showed no signs of going. She dropped her head into her hands. “Just leave me here to die.”
“Maybe another day.” Aviva pulled the Drow into her arms and kissed the top of her head. “The water’s still calm, even with the storm, so it shouldn’t be too bad down below. I’ll make you some tea and we can go back to bed.” She tugged gently on Halei’s torso. “I promise, you’ll live.”
Halei muttered something in accented Elvish that Aviva was fairly certain translated to “don’t wanna”. But she sighed and reached for her boots and outer tunic, if only to carry them below.
“Um. Lux? Sol?”
They looked up. Morgan stood in the entrance to their tent, her face anxious. “Are you doing down?”
Lux nodded. “The tent will survive, but we’re taking the rest of our things to the cabin. This storm’s going to be here awhile. Are you coming?”
“Um, yeah…” Morgan paused, chewing her lip. “The thing is, I kind of… turned my bed into a workbench? And my floor is covered in metal stuff. And my hammock is the only place to sleep. And it’s gonna get wet.” She looked at Lux, then at Sol, then back again. “Could I sleep on your floor? I have my own blanket–” she indicated the fabric draped about her shoulders, “and I have my bedroll, so I won’t take up too much space–”
“Morgan,” Lux cut off her rambling with a smile, “you can sleep in the bed with us.” Seeing the Gnome’s surprise, she continued. “We offered you space at our side way back in the Elf-King’s marsh. That offer hasn’t changed. You’re always welcome.”
Sol nodded in agreement, then grimaced as she regretted the movement. “Mm-hmm. What she said.”
Morgan grinned. “Okay! Thanks! Do you need help carrying stuff?”
“No, thank you.” Lux shook her head. “You head down, we’ll be there in a few.” She watched Morgan scamper off, a thin smirk forming on her lips as she felt Sol’s eyes on her. “What?”
“Your caretaker instincts are showing, Hearth-Mother.”
Lux laughed. “Well, follow Morgan down and I can take care of you too. Now, before the rain comes! Go!” Dutifully, Sol rose to her knees, collecting her outer clothing and the few small items they kept in the tent. Lux followed behind as Sol left their little topside home and together they made their way down the wooden stairs to their cabin on the crew deck. Morgan met them in the hall, still wrapped in her blanket, and waited politely as Lux pushed open the door. “You two get settled,” the Tiefling instructed. “I’m going to make some ginger tea for Sol, and then we’ll go back to bed.” Without waiting for a reply, she dumped her armful of clothing on a wooden chair and headed for the galley.
Sol had already crawled beneath the covers by the time Lux returned, her eyes closed as she conversed with Morgan in low tones. Lux coaxed her up to sitting and placed the floral teacup in her hand; the Drow nodded gratefully and began to sip. Their high seas routine. Gently tucking Sol’s hair behind her long ear, Lux looked across the bed at Morgan sitting cross-legged atop the sheets. “This one needs to stay on the edge, so she can escape if necessary. I already run hot, so I’m not bothered by the middle. Are you alright on the other edge?”
Morgan nodded cheerily. “Oh yes. That’s fine with me! Thank you again for letting me stay here. Maybe tomorrow I’ll clean my cabin a bit, make room to sleep if I have to. Or I could get another hammock and put one in there too.” She considered that a moment longer, then shrugged. “Wouldn’t be til we get to land, so maybe the floor is best.” She grinned up at Lux. “But tonight is like a sleepover!”
“What’s a sleepover?”
“Didn’t you have sleepovers when you were little?” Morgan cocked her head. “When your friends come over and spend the night and you stay up late telling stories and eating treats?”
With a soft laugh, Lux shook her head. “No, I didn’t. But they sound nice.” Apparently, many childhood activities necessitated having friends.
“Oh. I didn’t have them either.” Morgan frowned in thought, then brightened just as quickly. “Well, this can be our first, then! Only without the treats. Next time we can get treats.” The end of Morgan’s sentence dissolved into a yawn. “And without the staying up late part. We can do that next time too.”
“Certainly. We’ll plan ahead next time, rather than a storm taking us by surprise.” Lux retrieved the empty teacup from Sol’s feeble fingers and placed it on the table beyond the bed. Then she stretched, considered her options, and clambered over the Drow to reach the middle of the bed. Sol grumbled; Morgan giggled, then followed her under the covers. Resting on her side, Lux ran her palm up and down Sol’s spine, feeling the Drow relax into reverie under her touch. Then she rolled onto her back. “Goodnight, Morgan. Sleep well.”
Already half-asleep, the Gnome nodded against the pillow. “G'night.” Within minutes, her breathing had deepened.
Outside, the rain fell steadily against the glass-smooth sea, the occasional thunderclap muffled by the closed porthole. Lux watched the lightning reflect on the ceiling of the cabin, softened by the rain on the glass. She could not sleep, though she could not place why. She had never had a sleepover as a child, but something about her present placement felt familiar and strange. With a sigh, she shifted onto her side facing Morgan, her hands tucked beneath her pillow, and closed her eyes.
A rustle of fabric, then a weight against her belly. Lux opened her eyes. Without waking, Morgan had also rolled over, tucking herself comfortably into Lux’s curve. For what felt like an eternity, she remained frozen, unsure how to respond to the sleeping figure. Finally, she extended her arm, wrapping it carefully around the Gnome. A moment later, as if sensing the change in energy through her reverie, Sol turned to press herself against Lux’s back, throwing an arm over her waist and brushing her nose against her neck before stilling again.
It felt like family, Lux realised. Though the details were many years gone, she remembered crawling into her parents’ bed, both of them alive and well and more than happy to hold her close. Then it was only her mother’s bed, and she was held so tightly she wondered if her mother thought she would disappear in the night. A familiar but long-forgotten ache blossomed in her heart.
She knew Morgan was no child; in fact the Gnome was nearly three times her age. She knew she was no mother, and Sol no wife. But she couldn’t help but wonder: is this the feeling of home?
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