#op 1012
wurm-food · 9 months
Law actually got his medical degree from the University of Cunt Servitude
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One Piece - #1012
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chenziee · 2 years
There can only be one Pirate King
@lawluevents 10 Days of Lawlu 2022 Day 9: Pirate King & Emperor
Alternate summary: "Idc you're an Emperor, that's my BOYFRIEND fighting your ex up there so fuck you"
Minor spoilers for chapters 1010 - 1015
As soon as the five from the Worst Generation had made it up to the roof of Onigashima’s Skull Dome, Law knew there was going to be a need for rearrangements. There was no way they could make it work with both Kaido and Big Mom as their opponents at the same time. They needed to separate them—leave Kaido to Luffy and then do something about Big Mom and Kaido’s men; the only issue was how.
How convenient Kaido chose the roof of all places to do this.
Of course they weren’t lucky enough to get Big Mom to fall into the sea but really, anything worked as long as it was elsewhere.
Grabbing onto Zoro’s lifeless, battered body, Law created a room. He glanced up, taking in Kaido’s body lying on the ground before his eyes turned to Straw Hat. He was standing tall, glaring down at Kaido as if he didn’t just get up from being knocked unconscious himself. There was power radiating off him, the air thrumming with his haki.
The contrast to his usual goofy demeanour would never stop surprising Law but… it was one of the reasons everyone came to believe in him. Looking at his back, seemingly both incredibly far away, and right next to him—a comforting presence, always close, always warm—he knew Luffy would win.
And so, Law finally tore his eyes away from him. “I’m leaving you here alone and taking everything else, Straw Hat-ya!”
I trust you. Don’t you dare die.  
Straw Hat replied immediately, voice calm, “Sure.”
Same to you.  
Law huffed. Luffy didn’t speak out loud, yet he could hear his words clearly anyway. He was sure Luffy could hear him as well.
Taking a deep breath, Law closed his eyes momentarily. This was it.
Finding Big Mom downstairs was, unsurprisingly, easy. Even without her loud voice, following the greatest, most destructive tremors was almost laughably simple.
He ignored Kaido’s premature announcements of his victory—he knew just as well as the Straw Hats that there was no way Luffy would give up just because he got thrown off the battlefield—and instead approached the other Emperor. He wasn’t surprised to find Eustass already there, itching for a fight, but that was just as well.
It was certainly easier to take care of this monster with two people.
“All of you have so much blind trust in Straw Hat!” Big Mom laughed. Her voice was grating on Law’s ears, making him want to silence her. “But he’s dead now! What is the point of fighting?!”
Law felt a smirk pulling on his lips. Ah, how naive and assured of their own power the Emperors were. It was high time someone dragged them off their comfortable little perch. He was going to really enjoy the despair once they realised their time was over.
“As if I care about Straw Hat. This works great for me, I’ll just get to take you both down myself,” Eustass scoffed.
“We don’t have to explain anything to you,” Law noted, completely ignoring Eustass, before he slowly drew Kikoku and pointed its long blade at Big Mom. “But let me tell you one thing. You think you’re going to be the Pirate King? That’s hilarious.”
“What did you just say, you brat?” Big Mom growled, the sun behind her descending upon her and engulfing her hair in fire.
Law’s smirk only widened at her anger. Oh, he was going to make it so much worse. “There can only be one Pirate King—and that’s Luffy-ya.”
A beat of silence passed before—
“Hey, Trafalgar! I don’t care how disgustingly lovesick you are, I’m going to get the One Piece!” Eustass snapped as he turned to Law, teeth bared.
“Trafalgar… You have guts saying that to my face,” Big Mom laughed—a sound that was cold and completely lacking any sign of amusement.
How satisfying making people rage over a few simple words was. Law would never get tired of it. But maybe making Big Mom even angrier right now wouldn’t be the wisest. They should just get back to business.
“Eustass-ya, take it up with Luffy-ya later if you don’t want me taking care of her myself,” Law noted with a raised eyebrow. “Room.”
“Fuck the both of you,” Eustass growled back but turned away to face the actual enemy anyway.
Law wasn’t sure if he meant him and Big Mom or him and Straw Hat but… it didn’t really matter. He huffed in amusement for the last time before he turned his focus back to the matter at hand. He needed to get rid of this monster before she would decide to mess with Luffy’s fight upstairs. After all, it was only a matter of time before the rubber ball bounced right back. And Law needed to do his part in helping him up—
Up, until he reached the very top.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 months
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quite minor, but it made me giggle- so, many of wano's samurai tend to end their sentences with でござる/~de gozaru, a somewhat antiquated version of 'to be' (which normally would just be ~aru/~iru). the japanese word for monkey, meanwhile, is saru (like kizaru).
so the monkey mink bariete, when he speaks, ends his sentences with でご���ル/~de gosaru.
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daemonchainz · 2 years
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I like how he said “pain in my ass” and not “pain in the ass” 
He’s really not trying to hide it anymore is he? Be proud Sanji, it’s pride month.
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chatgptnederlandsnet · 4 months
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rausule · 8 months
Saint-Vanne Apokalips en hervorming.
In die middel van hierdie artikel staan ​​'n brief geskryf deur abt Richard van Saint-Vanne iewers gedurende die eerste kwart van die elfde eeu. Die brief beskryf twee reise na die ander wêreld geneem deur twee monnike by die abdij van Saint-Vaast in Arras in 1011 en 1012. 'n Noukeurige lees van die brief toon aan dat agter wat blyk 'n standaard teks te wees, wat behoort tot die baie gewilde genre van anderwêreldreise, verberg 'n apokaliptiese boodskap van dringende waarskuwing dat die wêreld op die punt staan ​​om sy einde te bereik. Die brief dien dus as bewysteks vir die bestaan ​​van apokaliptiese spanning in die tydperk tussen n.C. 1000 en n.C. 1033, en dra as sodanig by tot die voortdurende debat oor die 'terrors of the year 1000'.
Afdeling brokkies
Die brief
Richard se brief begin met 'n kort inleiding, gevolg deur die agtergrond van die eerste visioen. 'n Monnik in Saint-Vaast-abdy word siek en word baie swak, totdat dit lyk of hy dood is. Die monnike begin hom voorberei vir begrafnis, maar terwyl Richard, sy abt, sy liggaam ondersoek, begin die monnik se lippe beweeg, en in 'n fluisterstem beskryf hy sy siel se ses uur lange reis in die ander wêreld. Wanneer die monnik uit sy liggaam vertrek, word die monnik se siel deur drie bose geeste daarvan beskuldig dat hulle 'n klein mes verloor het
Die verborge apokalips
Met die eerste lees lyk dit of Richard se brief goed inpas by die didaktiese genre van anderwêreldreise. Albei visioene sentreer op monnike wie se siele hul liggame verlaat weens ernstige siekte; die siele word onmiddellik geoordeel vir hul aardse sondes nadat hulle van hul liggame geskei het, en word dan gered en deur 'n engel na die verskillende streke van die ander wêreld gelei. Beide anderwêreldreisigers ontmoet die siele van mense wat hulle op aarde geken het en word bygestaan ​​deur die gebede van die lewendes. En sodra hulle voltooi het
Apokalips en hervorming
Apokaliptiese verwagtinge het nie net die passiewe vrees behels wat so dramaties deur die 'romantiese' historici uitgebeeld is nie, maar ook 'n aktiewe afwagting. Die dringende gevoel van imminence, soos Richard Landes dit gedefinieer het, het die oproep tot vernuwing en hervorming ontketen.38 Richard van Saint-Vanne was die abt van 21 abdiye en het al die abdye onder sy beheer hervorm. In sy brief die behoefte aan hervorming in sy kloosters en sy totale verbintenis tot die kloosterlewe, soos ingeskryf in die
Richard van Saint-Vanne se brief, 'n teks geskryf in die deurslaggewende jare tussen die millennium van die inkarnasie en dié van die passie, wat baie duidelik stel dat die wêreld oor 'n paar jaar gaan eindig, is 'n belangrike toevoeging tot die groeiende korpus bewyse vir die bestaan ​​van apokaliptiese verwagtinge aan die begin van die eerste millennium. Die brief beweer nie net dat die einde van die tyd op hande is nie, maar dit dui op die bestaan ​​van geweldige apokaliptiese spanning. Die siel word herhaal
Apokalips en hervorming
In medio huius articuli extat epistola Richardi abbatis Sancti-Vanne quondam saeculo primo quarto decimo. Litterae duas navigationes ad superos mundos a duobus monachis captas describit apud abbatiam Saint-Vaast in Atrebatensi anno 1011 et 1012. Diligens epistolae lectio manifestat post id quod videtur esse norma textus, ad valde popularem genus pertinens. superna itinera iter facit, apocalypticum nuntium abscondit urgentis admonitionis mundum ad finem suum perventurum. Littera sic argumentatur pro exsistentia tensionis apocalypticae in periodo inter A.D. M ET A.D. 1033, et sic confert ad perpetuam disputationem de terroribus anni M'.
Sectionis excerpta
Ricardi epistolae aperit cum brevi praefatione, subsequitur curriculum ad primam visionem. Monachus in abbatia Saint-Vaast infirmatur et admodum debilis fit, donec mortuus esse videatur. Monachi eum ad sepulturam incipiunt praeparare, sed ut Ricardus, abbas eius, corpus examinat, labia monachi movere incipiunt, et susurra voce animam suam sex horarum iter apud inferos describit. Et recedens a corpore, accusatur anima monachi a tribus malis spiritibus amittendi cultellum
Apocalypsis abscondita
Lectio prima, Epistola Ricardi in didacticam genus aliorum orbis itinerum bene decere videtur. Ambo visiones in monachis versantur, quorum animae ob gravem morbum corpora sua relinquunt; animae statim iudicantur de suis terrenis peccatis, post discessum a corporibus, et tunc ab angelo salvantur et ducuntur ad varias mundi regiones. Ambo peregrini in terris animabus hominum cognitis occurrunt et viventium precibus adiuvantur. Et cum compleverint
Apocalypsis et reformatio
Exspectationes Apocalypticas implicabant non solum timorem passivum, qui tam dramatice ab historicis "romanticis", sed etiam actuosam exspectationem expressit. Urget instantiae sensus, ut definivit Richardus Landes, vocationem renovationis et reformationis urget. 38 Ricardus de Sancto Vanne 21 abbatiarum abbas fuit et omnes abbatias sub eius cura reformavit. In litteris suis de necessitate reformationis in suis monasteriis ac de toto officio vitae monasticae, prout inscribitur
Litterae Richardi a Saint-Vanne, textus in decretorio annis inter millennium incarnationis et passionis scriptus, qui clarissime declarat mundum paucis annis finitum esse, magni momenti est accessio corporis crescentis. evidentiae de exsistentia exspectationum apocalyticorum in tractu primi millennii. Littera non solum asserit finem temporis instet, sed indicat tremendae intentionis apocalypticae exsistentiam. Repetita est anima
Dr De Beer
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actuelekamers · 9 months
Prijs: 1012 Per Maand omschrijving ... #Woonhuis #Drachten #Friesland #Woonhuis https://actuelekamers.nl/woonhuis-tehuur-drachten-1012-eur/?feed_id=37520&_unique_id=64ca1cf512f65
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parkerbombshell · 9 months
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fubewunavuve · 2 years
Sake yeast starter motor pdf
 SAKE YEAST STARTER MOTOR PDF >>Download (Telecharger) vk.cc/c7jKeU
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           (See CARE AND. CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS.) WHITE SOURDOUGH STARTER. Ingredients. Amount. Active dry yeast. 2¼ tsp. Water (110 de M Sindic · 2019 — Ensuite, le fromage est démoulé, coupé en morceaux et salé à sec. base de lait cru (dossier Sci Com 2014/06: auto-saisine)., 1‑43.Drevet starter. Startprocessen kan vare i op Drevet starter. A copy of your receipt or bill of sale bearing the name and location of Maxtor's. 27 janv. 2015 — To measure out sourdough starter yeast. • 10 mL increments Set the bread pan into the main unit, and plug the machine into the socket. Check the fuel level (see page. ). Starting with a full tank will help to eliminate or reduce operating interruptions for refueling. Check the engine oil level 5 juil. 2022 — PDF | On Jan 1, 2005, Djoulde Darman Roger and others published Sélection d'un starter destine à la bioconversion des tubercules de manioc 5 juin 2020 — genetic studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae flor yeasts. levains de pain, de bière, de voile, de sake, la propagation très ancienne par de P Duhutrel · 2011 — lourd une machine à laver), Rhys Jones, José Curiel et tous les autres. utilisée comme culture starter pour la fermentation de la viande de C Petitgonnet · 2019 — Enhancement of ethanol fermentation in. Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake yeast by disrupting mitophagy function. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80, 1002–1012. Shroff,
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djdejong · 2 years
Gekke selfie op de art galerie, dag 1012
Gekke selfie op de art galerie, dag 1012
Laatste dag vakantie nog even lekker art gesnoven.
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wurm-food · 9 months
Ooooooh my god I can’t wait to see Nami kick some ass ahhhhhhhh
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One Piece - #1012
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daonepiece · 3 years
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I was drawing Kid for today Mermay and this happened.
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everykawamatsu · 2 years
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Look at them, so hopeful and happy ;__;
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daemonchainz · 2 years
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Excuse me LAW???! Why is he sitting like that?!
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mindmakesmemes · 3 years
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Nami’s on the way to deliver some good ol’ justice
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magikee1 · 3 years
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Day 4: Otama
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