#or 2013 i can’t remember when i joined tbh
pencilscratchins · 3 years
sorry this is kinda random i just wanted to say thank you for making so much wlw content!! :)
thank you ♥️ my ultimate goal online is to double the amount of wlw content on this platform from the amount that was available when i first joined. i am prometheus and sapphics are my fire
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destielfanfic · 3 years
My First Destiel Fic, vol.5
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Thank you guys for sharing your memories! My First Destiel Fic is a nostalgic survey open to any destiel fan and has a simple goal - to celebrate fics that were our gateway into a wonderful world of destiel shipping. Thank you, fic writers, you are our heroes! 
from @chamomilecas
hi! i joined this fandom in mid 2017, so just before season 12 came out! the first deancas fic i ever read was actually t&s (ik ik) but since it’s v.ooc imo id like to suggest the second and third fics i ever read! 
shortskirts verse - twentysomething (on ao3) first hs/college au i read and tbh i don’t remember much apart from it being super sweet and well written!
waves - wormstaches (on ao3) i think everyone has heard of this au tbh and my god it is amazingly written! also features pan!cas in a lot of ugly sweaters (which i love sm and reminds me a lot of myself eheh) basically these fics made me addicted to the college au genre till this day lolol - as well as pan!cas representation !!
All fic titles link directly to the fic, when possible, we have added link to our review or submitted rec post.
Twist and Shout by gabriel & standbyme [NC-17, 97,500 word count, posted 2012] (our review)
What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Shortskirts Verse by twentysomething [NC-17, 22,400 word count, posted 2011] (our review)
So, they're in high school, and then they're in college, and it's mostly not about Taylor Swift, except when it is.
Waves by wormstaches [M, 54,100 word count] (our review)
Dean Winchester is the average guy: football, college, kid brother, nice car, girls and beer; his life is black and white, that is until he meets Castiel Collins: pretentious, slutty, sweater-wearing genius, who won’t even take the time to look up at him from his obscure novel while he insults him. And then everything is shades of gray and Dean is drowning.
from @candy-gothic
My first fic was 300 Things by cautionzombies. I can't remember when I read that but im sure it's not that long since I only started reading fanfictions around 2013-2014. It was my gateway in the world of fanfictions. I started watching SPN around that time too. Such shame it's not in ao3 anymore (or is it?) bc i really want to reread it again.
300 Things by cautionzombies [NC-17, 76,500 word count] (our review) NOTE - the fic is indeed deleted from the hosting platforms by the author. This is our gentle reminder to always download your favorite fic and leave nice comments to the authors! 
Dean’s life at twenty-four makes him feel like he’s forty–he works two jobs to help pay bills for his house and put his genius little brother through private school, and has spent six years (on and off, let’s be honest) working on his mechanical engineering degree at KU. With so much of his life devoted to his family, Dean has little time in his schedule for class and no time for social interaction. Then, while getting his classes together for the fall, he finds himself in a do-or-die situation: He must take his last literature class now, his spring already filled with those left for his major…except that none of the English classes will fit his schedule.
from @obsessedkuroi
So, hey, saw the request. I've sorta been hovering around the fandom since...maybe 2009? 2010? I know I caught up on the first 4/5 seasons in a blitz of a couple weekends of binging and crying during my college days, and then went sobbing to ffnet (ah, AO3, not yet around at the time) to find Destiel fics to comfort myself with. After all this time, Tripping by Hatteress is one fic I still come back to reread. That, and the little additions. It's one of the few fics I think did an insane amount of justice to Dean as he is in Canon, repressed emotions and all. A second one...I suppose, as Christmas has just passed, this short gem of emotion is perfect for the season. It's called Where The Sea and City Meet by RC_McLachlan and it still makes me tear up reading it.
If you ever want any more old school Destiel fics (like, back from 2008-2010, when I dived headfirst into the fandom) hit me up. I have an entire google doc filled with just Destiel recs I made for a friend eight years ago. Thanks for all the fic recs! I'm way out of the loop on Destiel fics these days, I dropped out of being an active member of the fandom some six years ago and just recently got dragged kicking and screaming back in (and rewatching the series from the beginning cause I'm a masochist)
Tripping by hatteress [NC-17, 49,000 word count, Tripping Verse has 6  works and 76,600 word count, posted 2012] (our review)
What do you do when the Universe itself seems to have decided you belong with your very stoic, very angelic, very MALE hunting companion? Dean’s about to find out.
Where the Sea and City Meet by RC_McLachlan [M, 3,000 word count, posted 2010]
Castiel risked his life by going back to 1982 to find Dean's Christmas gift, and all Dean got him was a coat.
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts!
You can find all My First Destiel Fic posts under this tag!
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kanmom51 · 3 years
Tbh i think jimin and RM , was the two only members who's grown up in a liberal household, now let's star with jimin, i think he did grow up in a very liberal household (and it's not because of the way he acts, dresses, talk, etc...), Because of that interview where Tae says "I think he likes men" and he answers "i don't like you", to me this is the best example of him being liberal and the fact that he was quite young when said that show that this is something that he's not ashamed about and that's been taught to him since he was young.
Now with RM i think it's not really about the household, it's about what he's grown up watching , he said many times he's watched FRIENDS to learn English, if you watched friend you know they mention the word GAY many times and Chandler's dad is a part of the community himself wich has led Chandler to have doubts about his sexuality himself:https://youtu.be/2xcWYu18a-w https://youtu.be/M1EOcEX9wqk
So I think that's why he supports it a lot (and also his parents knew what was in those DVDs), and also we can't forget that tweet and 2013 where he openly says he supports it.
I wasn't gonna talk about JK but while writing this i thought I would so let's go.
I think JK did have some knowledge about what he liked since a very young age but he tried to get rid of it (If you're an LGBT, you know you can't get rid of it lol), and when jimin came along (keep in mind he was the last on to be called for BTS) jk felt something he tried to hide come back and that's why I think he did what he did with jimin (ignoring, lest raking, saying he should lose fat and among other Stuff), i really don't blame him for what he did, i just think he didn't know how do handle jimin's boldness, but with time he started to get used to it and eventually even loving it (flashback to that interview where he said his favorite thing about jimin was him being "shameless"), and whether he was raised or not in a liberal household, he became what he became regardless of anyone's opinion or wishes for him to be straight.
I don't really agree with you anon.
How the members are, their views, their actions even since 2014, you can't hang only on their upbringing, if it was liberal or not.
First of all, what is liberal? what level of liberal? You can come from a 'liberal' home but be totally ignorant about LGBTQ+. I came from a liberal home, where women's rights were a big thing, I was allowed to dress as I wanted, go out with whoever I wanted, but when it came to LGBTQ+, my parents views were very backwards. Til this day I have arguments with my dad about it.
So, liberal doesn't mean open to LGBTQ+.
Second, from around puberty/teenage years, we are influenced more by our environment/social circles than from our parents. At that age we tend to rebel and disconnect from them, looking to assert ourselves, find who we are, what our beliefs are, what we stand for. Many times it will be the absolute opposite to our parents, while others we will conform with their beliefs at the end. So, RM talking about LGBTQ+ support may come from seeing it/hearing about it from his environment, and not necessarily from home. Same as with JM, being strong and confident may stem from his upbringing, but his answer or lack of denial don't have to do with his family being liberal or accepting (especially when we look at when this interview took place).
Out of the lot, I think JK is the one that came from the more liberal household. His father and brother artists. He told us his parents story, how his father was younger than his mother and she is the one that made advances towards his father (I want to remind you they come from a very traditional hierarchical society, where women's rights are not a thing). He also told us how when growing up he could do anything he wanted, within moral limits.
With all that said, SK society is a very traditional society. LGBTQ+ is not something you will be exposed to on a daily basis, not on tv, not in the streets (where pda is unacceptable as a whole), not at school through education.
So, coming to terms with sexuality would be even harder, as it's not something you see in your surroundings as a possibility or as something acceptable. Being in the environment they were with the band, the K-pop world, music business, show business as a whole, they are more likely to make contact or gain awareness of the LGBTQ+ community. So, it's more likely that the openness and acceptance came from there, not from home to begin with.
I'm not saying JK wasn't aware of his feelings prior to joining BTS. We need to remember that he was very young, and even though there are many that KNOW or FEEL their sexual identity at a younger age, there are many that struggle, contemplate and outright deny or not realise it until later on. Being in a traditional society makes it harder to identify yourself and come to terms with it.
I keep saying I believe JK & JM are a couple, and I believe there was a change in JK's behaviour around end of 2014, but I cannot know or speculate what he felt or knew about himself or his feelings towards JM prior to that.
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hanaasbananas · 3 years
30 Questions About Me
Thanks for the tag, @lightkeykid !
1. Name: Hanaa
2. Gender: Female
3. Star Sign: Aquarius
4. Height: 5'0" (to my everlasting chagrin)
5. Time: 1.03 am
6. Birthday: 29th January (i'm 23 this month??? wtf???)
7. Favourite Band/Group: McFly (surprise surprise. I never shut up about them lmao), The Lumineers, Fort Hope, PVRIS
8. Favourite Solo Artists: Taylor Swift, Atif Aslam, Arijit Singh, Riz Ahmed ( his album The Long Goodbye is SO GOOD)
9. Song stuck in my head: This years Love, David Gray
10. Last Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
11. Last Show: Umbrella Academy
12. When did I create this blog: February 2013, apparently. Wow.
13. What do I post: Literally anything. I have no system AT ALL
14: Last thing I googled: UCAS postgrad deadline
15. Other blogs: Nope. Wait no oh god this just reminded me of the time I wanted a blog but didn't know what tumblr was so I made this. Sigh. Also that website I made for a uni assignment in one of my creative writing modules where we had to make an author site or whatever. I can't even remember what that site is called.
16. Do I get asks: More now that I joined the Miraculous Writers Guild and made friends lol which is always fun. I love getting asks about my fics which has only happened a couple times but I always have to resist the urge to gush in my responses
17. Why I chose this URL: Just something my uncles called me when I was a kid and it's easy to remember
18. Following: 302
19. Followers: 442
20. Average hours of sleep: uh, I'd say I get around 5 hours in one go? idk my sleep schedule is whack so I usually go to sleep at 2 and then get up at 7 to pray, then go back to sleep until 10 so I get around 9 hours I guess.
21. Lucky number: I don't think I have one tbh
22. Instruments: I don't play anything but the first thing that came to my mind was harmonica so I'm sticking with it
23. What am i wearing: long sleeve sleep shirt and purple fleece pajama pants
24. Dream job: Author!
25. Dream Trip: I'd lOVE to go to Italy or Greece just to see all the historical sites. OR go on a eurail trip and go to all the places from DDLJ
26. Favourite Food: Aloo paratha, bhindi salan, lasagna
27. Nationality: British Pakistani
28. Favourite Songs: oooh, SO MANY let's see. She falls Asleep part 2/Down Goes Another One by McFly (I love this narrative bc the latter song was from the next album and from the POV of the guy mentioned in she falls asleep, a year later), Broken Crown Mumford and Sons, Plans, We are the Gods (Heritage), Dios Falso,Fort Hope, Change on the Rise, Avi Kaplan, Hey Brother, Avicii, Brother, Kodaline, Aaja, Swet Shop Boys, Deewangi, Sahir Ali Bagga,Tum Hi Ho, Yaar Berozgaar , Mere Rashke Qamar and honestly so many more lmao
29. Last book I read: Chime, by Franny Billingsley
30. Top Three fictional universes I'd like to live in: Storybrooke from OUAT-seems a pretty nice place if you're not a main character lol. ATLA and the Six of Crows/Grisha universe. I'd probably get robbed by Kaz in Ketterdam though bc I'm a little dumb. Maybe Ravka?
This was fun! I tag @theladyfae @apopcornkernel @omnishamblegreg @deinde-prandium @2manyfandoms2count and @sukker-sugar
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bard-llama · 3 years
Tagged by @potentialyeti
1. Why did you choose your url?
When I first joined tumblr back in like 2012ish, I think my name was just llama or something similar. But then... well, let’s call it a stalker incident. They found my tumblr, so I changed my name to something entirely non-llama-related. But years have passed now and when I started writing for the Witcher, it made sense to change my name. Llama alone was taken, but I do like to think of myself as a bard storyteller, so...
And yes, my name is actually Llama. For realsies. I even use it professionally. (Unfortunately, all I deal with lately is medical shit and that all uses my legal deadname and I don’t hate it, but my name is Llama. It just is.)
2. Any side blogs?
Yes, but honestly, I think I might let it die, ‘cause I originally made it to share nsfw stories, ‘cause I was embarrassed to have it on my main tumblr, but in the year and change since I started writing porn, I have come to be absolutely shameless, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ now everything is shared on this blog, because keeping track of multiple is hard and also, if you have a problem with me linking to my porn, that’s a you issue.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
TBH time is absolutely meaningless to me, but I think around 2011-2012. I remember first using tumblr in college (started fall 2011 and finished fall 2013, so limited time window), but I also remember stopping using it because I had such limited free time and tumblr time was time that could be spent reading fanfiction. ‘cause for some reason in college/right after college (?), I stopped writing for like a decade and I don’t even remember why.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Pfft no. The only reason I queue things is if I think I’ve been reblogging too many things in a row lol
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Uh... actually, I’m 90% certain that @slashlett and @shiarempress and @professorpineapple made my blog originally because I wasn’t interested in doing so and everyone else had one. They also made my profile and I think there was an awful picture of Benedender Cumberpatch for a while??? Idk, it’s been a long time.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
IT’S A LLAMA!! Actually, it’s a llama specifically from a picture of me at a llama farm many years ago. And this llama wanted to be fabulous, so now they’re fabulously me.
7. Why did you choose your header?
Oh okay, so at my work, I am co-facilitator of our LGBTQIA+ Staff Resource Group. And last Nov/Dec I was all “I miss my bros and since we couldn’t gather in person at all during the year, I wanna do something for them.” So, while stuck in a Discount Tire waiting room, I made Rainbow Nametags for everyone. And I liked mine so much, I made it my header.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I can’t even figure out how to find this out, so uh.... i am really bad at social media
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I also do not know how to find this oops. But apparently I’m following 442 people? so like... idk, 20 of those? Who knows.
10. How many followers do you have?
Oh hey, apparently 414. Cool. I... absolutely knew where to find that number before this very moment.
11. How many people do you follow?
Oh lol already answered. 442. And even still, sometimes there are not enough new posts on my dash :(
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I... do not know?
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
I mean, at the moment, I’m on medical leave from work, so all I do is write and procrastinate on unpacking. So I’m on tumblr a lot to chat with some lovely mutuals and sometimes to avoid writing lol
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
I don’t think so? That just sounds exhausting. Although, I guess there was a little bit of idiocy/drama right after my dad died when assholes tried to fuck with the lovely mods of the Eskel Big Bang. I vaguely remember spending a day not thinking about my dad and just fucking answering every anon. 
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
I don’t need to do shit. There are a lotta reasons people don’t reblog something, up to and including “I didn’t feel like it”, so like, whether or not you reblogged as a sign of your morality is... really fucking stupid.
16. Do you like tag games?
Sure! I like interacting with any of you at all!
17. Do you like ask games?
Hell yeah! Esp ones about my fics.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I still don’t know how to tell if someone is a mutual? So uh... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I have been reliably informed that what I think is a crush (”omg this person is so cool, I wanna hang out and learn from them”) is uh... not actually what a crush is. (”omg I wanna bone them”???? Apparently??? Or “I wanna date them”???) Idk I’m just a dumb aroace llama with no idea what romance actually is. There’s a reason I use trust as a proxy for romance in my fics.
Well, I already got 3 of you tagged earlier, so I guess I’ll add @chaoticmel, @zzzett, @useless-empty-brain, @kalikatze and anyone else interested!
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chemicalpink · 3 years
content creator year in review ✨
tagged by the lovely @bangtanjimin-cb
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: okay so listen... I mainly got into BTS just for the sake of writing fics like my old 13 year old did with 1D, it was around this time of the year when I was still a baby ARMY so pls don’t come for me, it’s Absolutely Smitten a fic that was requested and back when i (foolishly) thought I would never write other than fluff. The most recent is Teen Idle, part of my ongoing Electra Heart series (yes, from Marina the singer bc its funny shes Marina, I’m Marina I’ll shut up now) it somehow got lost in the tags due to the algorithm but hey, it’s there.
one of your favorite creations from 2020: If you are familiar with my writing I think you can guess this one, it’s actually a series, 대취타 (DAECHWITA) (which yeah I may or may not continue with drabbles and ask my characters you just wait till I get my writer mojo back), but it just means so much for me, I actually loved it, had fun with it, writing it was therapeutic and I also adored the response to it.
a creation you’re really proud of:  Imma keep bringing it up. 대취타 (DAECHWITA) but also Kids in the Dark, idk how that came to be bc I was crying the whole time writing it, I just let all of my feelings out on that one.
a creation that took you forever: gotta give this one to Power and Control it took me a whole month in the middle of exam season, but we made it.
a creation from 2020 that received the most notes: mmmm listen, the queen takes it all 대취타 (DAECHWITA)  is my most read fanfic.
a creation you think deserved more notes: i think all of them have received the love they deserve, I honestly wish I could up my quality content (and im working on it) but mmmm it really took me some time and a lot of effort to put out  Teen Idle so i hate the fact that Tumblr messed up.
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: listen I’ve been here since 2013, this is the new fandom. But I guess I once wrote a Criminal Minds fic during the year (not on this blog tho).
a creation you made that breaks your heart: this year hasn’t been easy on me tbh, on top of it all, my dog passed away and that inspired On the Edge of Sunshine
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: (imma tell u a secret I love writing poly BTS) Staying Home with Bangtan
a creation that was inspired by another one: I don’t know if it counts but I read a fic on AO3 (can’t remember which, I’m sorry) and it made me inspired enough to write Take a Selfie, Fake a Life
a favorite creation created by someone else: OMFG DONT DO THIS TO ME, 2020 was THE YEAR of reading fanfics for me, mmmm please refer to my rec blog @minareadsfics
some of your favorite content creators from the year: ALL OF THEM. I’m sure I wont be able to tag everyone BUT please know that if you are a content creator, I wanna thank you so much for your love, time and effort that you put out for the readers.  If anyone that I tag hasn’t done this, feel free to do so @bangtan-madi @gamerguk @ot7always @jamaisjoons @wwilloww @btssavedmylifeblr @ironicarmy @seulgiology @jingabitch @justcallmenikki7 @gukyi
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purplesurveys · 3 years
(made by: tickle-my-pickle)
1. What do you think is the best way to start off the New Year? Everyone has their own way of ushering in the new year. Me personally, I just like to start everything with a little more optimism. I don’t have to be super excited, but it’s important that I at least have a healthy mindset.
2. What is something that you can do in order to make your house look/feel ready for the New Year? We turn on every single light in the house. My family and I also dress up since we usually go to NYE mass. To get into the mood, I will usually play music on the speakers. 3. Do you/your family put up any sorts of decorations for the New Year? Do you celebrate with any props such as hats, blowers, etc? We don’t really put up New Year’s decorations (do those exist?) and the only decor we have are items for Christmas, which we keep until the end of January. Sometimes my mom will buy horns and New Year-themed glasses and headbands.
4. What was your most memorable New Years, and why was it so memorable? 2013. It was our first New Year’s with my dad home, so we really went all out with the celebrations and offered to host dinner for both my dad’s and mom’s sides. For the first and only time so far, my parents also bought a shit-ton of fireworks that we ourselves could set off – we never buy our own since a single pack that will only last a few seconds is already quite expensive.
5. What was your worst New Years celebration, and what about it made it the worst? The New Year that ushered in 2019. I was alone and felt extremely alone that night. I remember taking a selfie at midnight to serve as a reminder to myself that better days are ahead, but until now I can’t even look back at the photo because all it does is remind me of how sad I was at the time.
Slight trigger warning below the cut.
6. What is something new that you did this year and hope to do again in future years to come? I’m really getting the hang of embroidery and am glad that the hobby stuck with me and didn’t die out within a week or so. I’ve also been taking myself out on more dates, and I feel very happy and at peace when I do so.
7. If you could be anywhere in the world on New Years Eve, where would it be, and why? I know New York is such an iconic New Year’s spot, so I’d love to be there one of these years. It’s one of the rare times I will allow myself to be like a basic tourist, hahaha.
8. What was something stressful about this past year? [trigger warning: self-harm] The breakup of a long-term relationship and the massive weight loss, tears, sleepless nights, nightmare-filled nights, despair, depression, and new self-harm scars it gave me. There was also powering through my thesis during the virus’ peak; the existential crisis that followed my college graduation; and the whole mess that was job-hunting. Our financial situation at home has also caused me to feel a bit stressed at times. 
I was on autopilot for most of the year and I thought 2020 was pretty decent on my end overall, but as I typed all those out I just realized how fucking shitty this year was. Holy shit, it was really that bad?
9. Do you know of any other ways that the New Year is celebrated in other countries around the world? Is it on the same date or a different date? I know there’s something about a ball drop in New York that I want to see. Chinese New Year also happens at a later date in the new year and I just know there are dragons involved lol; my Filipino-Chinese friends also usually give me mooncakes.
10. What is something that you would change about this past year, if you could? I wish I got to enjoy my last year in university, that I was able to spend time with my friends, that no pandemic happened, that I remained in a happy relationship that I personally found fulfilling in every sense of the word. And that all my relatives were kept alive.
11. Has anything about you changed over the past year? If so, what? “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” am I right? I went through so much inconvenient bullshit that I pretty much feel indestructible now.
12. Did you make any new friends this year? What about losing any old friends? I made a handful of new friends. The biggest additions were the people I interned with - Angel, Justine, and Bianca. I’ve also been able to build a good rapport with some people in the team, like Pia, Jazz, and Redd. As for old friends, I lost Callo and Gabie this year.
13. Some of the best books you’ve read this year: I read some wrestling memoirs but tbh it would be a little unfair to call any of them the ‘best’ since all of them were just so-so in terms of writing, as great as some of their stories got. There’s a reason they’re wrestlers and not authors, hahaha.
14. Some of the best movies you’ve seen this year: I barely watched any movies this year.
15. The best television/Netflix/etc series that I’ve found to binge-watch this year: Descendants of the Sun, Start-Up, The Crown, 
16. Some of the best new artists/groups I’ve listened to this year: Chase Atlantic, Benee, and Beach House have been my favorite discoveries.
17. Some of the best new songs that I’ve heard this year: Not a big music year for me. I do remember falling in love with no song without you by HONNE, at least back when it meant something. Hayley Williams’ entire solo debut album was great too.
18. Have you tried any new foods within this past year? If so, what are they? Baked sushi is my favorite food discovery this year. Didn’t get the chance to be too adventurous when it came to food because Covid.
19. Did you take up a new hobby this year? If so, what was it? Doing embroidery has been the biggest and my favorite new thing for me.
20. Have you played any new games this year? (board, card, video) If so, what were they, and did you enjoy them? I don’t think so. Most of the games I joined I had already played before, like Boggle, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, certain Jackbox games, etc.
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armystay · 3 years
Tagged by @bulletsjin thank you bby🤍
Rules: answer the questions you are comfortable with and ignore the ones you are not, and tag eight people to do the same!
1. When did you join Tumblr, and when did you become active and started posting (broken down in case if different)?
I joined in 2013, with my personal blog, and last october with this one. I started posting right away with both.
2. Would you reblog your first ever Tumblr post after responding to these questions?
I don't even know how to find it lmao it probably was some edgy depressed b/w edit I know sooo original
3. How many blogs do you follow?
With this one 678, with my personal one I think 2000+
4. How do you find blogs to follow; do you explore Tumblr by topic to find interesting ones, pick from the tags the ones who look interesting, see them on your dash via your current follows - or how?
I just find them through blogs I already follow
5. Do you have any other blogs, and if so, why and what are they about?
I have 5 total blogs, 2 of them are inactive, one is this, one's my personal, the last is a cottage core one that I use sometimes
I also have a few other ones that I use to save urls
6. How often do you change the theme of your blog and how many themes have you gone through overall (as far as you remember)?
I think I only did once or twice when I first joined Tumblr, but I don't have a computer so I only use mobile and themes can't be seen here, so I never change it
7. Do you customize your themes or apply a theme as is?
As above, I don't change anything besides colors and the bio
8. Do you automatically follow-back, or do you check the blogs of all your new followers, or only if they appear interesting?
I check them and I usually follow back
9. How many of the blogs you started following within the first few weeks/months of joining Tumblr you still follow (all, most, some, hardly any)?
I have no idea, I don't remember which blogs I followed at first
10. How actively do you use Tumblr's messaging system?
11. How many drafts do you have currently saved - or do you post/reblog straight away without saving drafts?
I have none, I post straight away
12. Do you use Queue when posting?
On this blog not yet, on the others I do
13. Do you use XKit, and if so, what are your favourite features in it?
I don't use it
14. Do you use tracked tags, and if so, what are your favourite tags you check most frequently?
I do but tbh I mostly get annoyed by them when they appear on my dash
15. Do you use tracked blogs, and if so, how many blogs you track?
I don't
16. Do you keep your Tumblr secret from people you know in real life?
Yeah, the only one I would show is the cottagecore one
17. A) Have you ever blocked anyone? B) Do you have anyone blocked currently, and if so, how many?
I do and I have, mostly nsfw and shipping blogs plus a couple of panphobic ones
18. Are you (to the best of your knowledge) being blocked by anyone, and if so, how many, and do you know why?
I have no idea, I hope not but I mean if blocking me makes their Tumblr experience better I don't really care?
19. Do you use blacklist, and if so, what di you blacklist against?
I do, I blacklist nsfw, smut, fanfiction and shipping. Only with real people though, if it's with fictional characters I don't care. I also blacklist things I don't want spoilers of
20. Have you ever made a RL friend through Tumblr, someone who you have also met in real life?
I have made a friend but we haven't met irl
I'm tagging @gnarlyjimin @inaffiare @vtaetaebangtan and @stardustyoongi I know it's not 8 people but whatever (this is optional obviously do it only if you want to)
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obsessivedilettante · 4 years
20 in 10: A Drama Retrospective
Since I’ve been all quiet on the drama front this year because of life reasons, I thought it would be fun to go back and pick out 20 of the most memorable dramas of the last decade. Maybe not necessarily the best dramas or even my favorites (although some are!), but two dramas each year that were somehow notable moments in my drama-watching timeline.
2009: Gateway Drugs
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Boys over Flowers (KBS)
This is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a good drama. It is not one I think I can ever really rewatch (although I will happily revisit the 2005 Japanese version, and I had a hellava fun time watching the latest Chinese version). But! It was the first kdrama I remember watching, and the first step on the slippery slope of eventually becoming a Drama Addict. I mostly remember it being crazy popular on places like mysoju (RIP), and so I checked it out due to curiosity, and the rest, as they say, is history. Or, should I say, almost paaaaradise!
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You’re Beautiful (SBS)
This one I also watched because it became crazy-popular online, and curiosity got the better of me. I really didn’t know much about k-pop prior to dramas, so I had no idea until after this drama that k-pop was more about pretty people in crazy fashion, dancing in syncopation in bizarrely lit rooms, rather than playing instruments. Because it was thanks to this drama that I got my crash-course on k-pop as a phenomenon -- both the fandom side, and the crazy things that artists have to go through to claw their way into the public’s view (nevar 4get the glorious ramen dance). Since Angel was a group that played instruments, and Hongki and Yonghwa were also from groups that played instruments, I assumed that all kpop were groups that played instruments. Oh, sweet summer child...
But it did get me started on my k-pop journey, first falling in love with FT Island and CNBLUE, before falling into the rabbit hole of the other prominent groups of the day. (SNSD! The Wonder Girls! Super Junior! DBSK! SS501! Kara! 2PM! 2AM! Shinee! BEG! Epik High! U-KISS! All the debut groups, like 2NE1, MBLAQ, B2ST, 4Minute, f(x), T-ara, After School... basically 2009 was a magical year in k-pop.)
If I had just watched Boys Over Flowers, I don’t know that I would have become a Drama Addict. But You’re Beautiful pushed me closer to the edge, with the zany humor of the Hong Sisters (and the desire for a pig-bunny of my own!). It would really be Coffee Prince that would push me over the edge, but that aired in 2007 so it doesn’t count for this list. But I had to mention it anyway, because, well, it’s Coffee Prince and where my love for Handsome Oppa began.
2010: More Than Candy
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The Woman Who Wants To Marry (MBC)
A lot of the dramas I watched at first had that typical “Candy” character, the poor-but-scrappy girl who would somehow be saved by the guy and become the Cinderella she never knew she wanted to be. So it was a delight when I encountered women who were not only older than high-school-age or early twenties, but in their thirties, with rich full lives! Plus, this was one of my earliest introductions to the concept of the “noona romance” (a concept that I’ve since heartily embraced, of course). I started it primarily because Kim Bum was my favorite of the Flower Boys, but I stuck with it because I fell in love with the women (and I still have a girl-crush on Bu-ki).
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Harvest Villa (tvn)
This show is insane. But in the good way, the way that the writer intended, and not in the “are a bunch of monkeys typing this script?” train-wreck way. There was basically no buzz about this show, and I feel like I somehow accidentally stumbled over it, but it was love at first sight. I’ve never forgotten the late hours binging it, being so sucked into the story that I absolutely had to finish it as soon as I could, disappointed that there wasn’t more of it to enjoy when I finally finished, bleary-eyed and sleep-deprived, but satisfied.
I then later gobbled down this writer’s next drama, and her next drama, and the next, until everyone else finally realized thanks to Signal that Kim Eun-hee was as amazing a writer as I kept insisting to anyone who would listen (aka no one).
2011: To Binge or Not To Binge?
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White Christmas (KBS)
I did not watch White Christmas in 2011. I actually watched it in 2013. I was always a steadfast binger, preferring to wait until the buzz about a show would sway me into spending my precious free-time watching something that would be worth my while (not that my drama choices were always good, but at least I tried to avoid the duds). I still prefer to binge, since waiting weeks for new episodes is vaguely frustrating when I want to know what happens next, right now! Plus, I’m very good at forgetting that I’m watching a show in the week-long wait for new episodes, and then just... never picking it back up again.
Despite watching White Christmas a couple years after it aired, it remains one of my favorites, and one I love to rewatch, even though I’ve already experienced  whodunnit cliff-hangers and psychological rollercoasters. It became a tradition of sorts here on tumblr for a bunch of us to rewatch it over the holiday season -- alas, I haven’t joined in that tradition for the past couple of years, but I hope that somewhere in this blue hell hole that there are a loyal few keeping the tradition alive.
At least we have this drama to thank for bringing us all the model-actors that were new and clueless in White Christmas, but would later go on to be leading men in their own right. Of course, some of them haven’t exactly made the best drama choices (*cough*SungJoon*cough*), but then there are others (*cough*SooHyuk*cough*) that I’m impatiently waiting for to pick up a new drama so I can see those post-army abs.
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Tree With Deep Roots (SBS)
This is the first drama that I recall live-watching. I vaguely remember regretting it at the time, since it was agony waiting for new episodes, but it was also fun to have a week to speculate and ponder the show. And what a beautiful show to ponder! This was also one of the few sageuks I actually watched, being generally intimidated by anything longer than 16-20 episodes, and my historical knowledge was a little shaky (before embracing my inner nerd and diving into mundane historical stuff just so I could better understand whatever drama I was watching at the time).
I don’t think I intended to continue live-watching shows, preferring the ease of binging at my own pace and schedule. But that was when I was still a casual, innocent addict, and not someone who would eventually make dramas a huge part of her life.
2012: The Joy of Overthinking
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Gaksital (KBS)
Having had a taste of live-watching, I started to live-watch enough dramas to the point where I began to make notes about the premiere weeks. It was only a couple at a time, and binging was still my preferred way to watch, but now I was delighting in being part of the fandom, sharing in speculation each week, posting my thoughts on dramas and analyzing them to my heart’s content -- even though I knew no one except me would read my ridiculous essays.
But I started to feel more comfortable sharing my opinion with the world, interacting with fandom and not merely content to be a consumer, but gradually becoming a producer as well.
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Reply 1997 (tvN)
This is it. This is when I went full-on Drama Addict. This is the tipping point from casual fan who quietly kept to herself, to becoming someone who stood on the mountain top yelling about ALL THE DRAMAS ALL THE TIME. I began to interact with other fans! To swap theories and share squee-worthy moments! I even watched episodes RAW just because of how desperate I was to know what happened, and even though the Busan accent stumped me more than once, it made me realize that my casual study of Korean was something to take seriously since I understood more than I gave myself credit for.
It was also the first time any post I made got more than a handful of notes, since I’d mostly hovered in the “less than 10 notes per post” category at the time. I was so proud of myself back then!
(This drama also notably marks the start of my Hoya obsession, which continues to this day.)
2013: Tumblr Friends (and Foes)
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Flower Boy Next Door (tvN)
Having made myself comfortable on tumblr as a Drama Addict, I then discovered some other dedicated fans -- many of which I still follow to this day and who are now just a permanent part of my dash, no matter what their current interests may be -- in the FBND squad.
But I also discovered Kim Seul-gi as the Webtoon Editor (who I still love and adore and continue to use as my avatar), and her adorable romance with Dong-hoon remains one of my forever OTPs. As much as I enjoyed the drama romances, I’d never fallen so deeply for one to be so obsessed by it as I was Webtoon Editor and Dong-hoon. And tbh I still am. They’re just so adorable and pragmatic and she buys him a bag. Ugh. I love her so much, you guys.
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Heirs (SBS)
Ah, yes. This hot mess.
I don’t know what possessed me to live-blog each episode. But I did. With snarky commentary and terrible screencaps. And suddenly I went from maybe 200 followers to over a 1000. That was a total shock! I met a lot of people because of that (and made some friends, as well as a few enemies who didn’t appreciate my opinion of certain characters), and ensconced myself as part of the drama-blogging crew.
It was from this that someone suggested I apply to be a minion at Dramabeans. Back then, I had a lot more free time than I do now, and I was watching a lot of dramas that Dramabeans didn’t cover, and wished they did so I could read more opinions about those shows. So I thought, “Eh, why not? It can’t hurt to submit something because the worst that would happen is I’d waste their time making them read my take on episode 10 of Let’s Eat.”
I fully expected them to turn me down. No one was more surprised than I was when I found myself agreeing to dive into the world of recapping.
2014: It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
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Trot Lovers (KBS)
Recapping. It seems so easy when you’re reading the recaps. But actually creating them is a bitch. Hours out of my life were spent on this disaster of a trope-laden show with no plot. This was the third show I worked on for Dramabeans, and I hated it to the point where I seriously considered handing in my notice. (Immediately following up this show with the mediocre My Secret Hotel certainly didn’t help matters!)
However, it turns out that what I actually hated was being forced to watch a terrible rom-com and pretend to come up with insightful-or-at-least-neutral thoughts about it (since we were still new and couldn’t go full-on snark yet).
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Misaeng (tvN)
This is what saved me. Being given the chance to immerse myself in such a unique, ponderous, thoughtful show restored my faith in dramas and the drama community. I loved spending hours on this show, soaking up all the little details, and then sharing that love with the world.
Misaeng made dramas magical again.
2015: Fight Me
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Valid Love (tvN)
Realizing that I only seemed to enjoy rom-coms at arm-length, I discovered that my tastes often ran counter to the general drama-viewing public. Not all the drama-viewing public -- I’m not a “not like other fans” kind of fan -- but enough that I began to realize the whether a drama was popular or had good buzz was not necessarily the primary reason to watch it.
I began to have more faith in my own taste, based on past experiences with various writers and directors. Even if the premise (or first couple of episodes) seemed kind of weird and out-there, I at least wanted to give these artists the benefit of the doubt that I would enjoy their work, like I had previously.
So many people seemed to hate Valid Love, but I adored it. Still do (and still desperately wish Kim Do-woo would come out with a new drama -- it has been too long, writer-nim!). There were a lot of opinions about this show, even among people who seemed to enjoy it, but I vividly recall having to repeatedly insist that it wasn’t about the romance and argue that  the knee-jerk infidelity-is-BAD opinions should make space for something more nuanced.
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Ho-gu’s Love (tvN)
DramaFever was a pretty great site. It brought together so many drama fans and gave them a place where they could legally (and without fear of downloading random viruses) watch dramas to their heart’s content. Yes, there may have been some lingering resentment that they were the primary reason that so many amazing other sites were shut down (RIP mysoju and daebaeksubs), but dramas were more accessible than ever!
Eventually, DramaFever started to sub shows themselves and upload them weekly (instead of just using fansubs and uploading older dramas), and while they weren’t the best translations, they were at least better than machine translations from the Chinese subs. As I became more and more familiar with Korean, I found myself more likely to migrate to Viki since I liked the extra detailed translations. I could get the gist of a show without any help -- I wanted to instead delve into the nitty-gritty of the language.
But I never really hated DramaFever or felt they were particularly awful. Until they mistranslated something so terribly that it changed the entire meaning of a scene and ruined people’s perception of a drama, forcing me to continually defend the true translation.
That was the molehill I died on that day, and never again did I touch DramaFever. I feel bad that it eventually got unceremoniously shuttered. But I don’t think I’ll ever forgive them for the “condom” incident.
2016: Free Solo
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Dear My Friends (tvN)
For two years I’d been happily working on one episode a week, sharing a show with someone else, until I was asked if I’d like to tackle a show by myself. I wasn’t sure how I could handle it, but I had the time in my schedule so I said, “Sure, why not?”
I was originally going to recap Another Oh Hae-young, but there was a last-minute switcheroo, and I’m so incredibly glad because this is perhaps my favorite recapping experience of all time, even more so than Misaeng. There was something so special about the luxury of having an entire show to myself, especially one with such a fantastic cast of characters and thoughtful themes. I didn’t have to try and figure out if I agreed with another person’s take -- it could all be my opinion.
Is that arrogant? Perhaps. But it was also therapeutic, as it reminded me once again how incredible and amazing dramas could be, and the privilege I had to share such an exquisite and thought-provoking drama with the rest of the world.
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The Good Wife (tvN)
Surprisingly, this was what I had really wanted to recap that year, and the true reason I got Dear My Friends, since it aired just prior in the same time-slot as The Good Wife. I was desperate to have this show, willing to do anything to get it because I needed to see Jeon Do-yeon back on the small screen, to see Yoo Ji-tae smolder, to know how Korea would adapt such an ambitious show.
And I wasn’t disappointed! This is, perhaps, my favorite adaption of another work of art that I’ve seen in dramaland. It remained true to Korean sensibilities, but it also properly felt like The Good Wife. The cast was phenomenal. The costumes were exquisite. I wished I could spend more time in that world.
But I was also thankful, because without The Good Wife, I would have never have had Dear My Friends. 
2017: Serial-Killers Are Cool
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Voice (OCN)
I can’t remember how I got assigned to this. Maybe it was a scheduling thing. I do know that I really, really wanted it, since it would be Handsome Oppa’s first drama appearance in three years.
But it started me down a road of recapping a lot of serious and serial-killer-centric shows. Except for the times when I’d beg for a break and tackle something lighter, I was generally assigned the darker mystery shows with meaty plots, since apparently I had a knack for condensing complicated shows into something that made sense. (Also literally darker, and I eventually learned to automatically brighten every screencap I posted. You’re welcome.)
Not only did I love working on something with Handsome Oppa, I also had fun recapping the start of what would eventually become OCN’s stock-in-trade -- creepy serial killers. At the time, Voice shattered OCN’s viewer ratings (which would then be shattered again and again as more people would tune in to OCN shows). But Voice really helped put OCN on the viewership map -- as well as catapult Handsome Oppa into the public eye and lead him to a path of getting to choose whatever script he wanted to work on.
(Okay, maybe I made that last bit up, but he did begin to garner a larger following and remind everyone that just because he was gone from dramaland for so long, he hadn’t lost his acting chops -- or charisma -- or cheekbones.)
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Black (OCN)
Oh, this show. It was basically my whole life while it was airing (well, the non-day-job part of my life). Each episode was over an hour long and jam-packed full of details that were pertinent to the story, and I had to somehow condense that all into 3000 words or less (I was not always, ah, successful...). It felt like I was back in recapping bootcamp, but the dial had been turned up to 11.
I’m weirdly proud of what I produced (although you’ll never get me to reread my old work). It was one of the most challenging shows to work on, but in the good way, not the Trot Lovers way.
Until the ending, that is. Sigh. That ending will live in infamy. I still, to this day, will get a few comments on the finale from people who watched it on Netflix, went searching online for an explanation of the end, and then discovered that they were not alone in being confused by the utter wtf-ery of the last twenty minutes.
2018: Fighting For My Love
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Misty (JTBC)
So, Dramabeans kind of disappeared for a few months. Well, the site was still live. There were a handful of recaps. But... it basically just... stopped. 
Those of us on the other side know about as you do as to why that happened. Minions are kept in the dark just as much as anybody, it seems. All we knew is that we weren’t being assigned anything and we seriously wondered if the site was going under, since adsense has become worthless these days.
But Mary and I kept talking about how much we adored Misty and were sad that we couldn’t talk about it with the world (and convince them to watch it with us), so we pleaded and begged and got the go-ahead to do a kind of chatty “open thread” which has apparently been a spring-board format for other shows. We didn’t get paid for this, and we were totally fine with that. We just wanted to provide some kind of content (while swooning over Kim Nam-joo’s pantsuits!).
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Let’s Eat 3 (tvN)
This was my first real assignment after the dead period, and I once again got to do full recaps (with pay!). I started watching, thinking I’d merely tolerate the show (since I loved the first season vastly more than the second season), but it turned out to be my favorite of the three. Plus it felt fortuitous that the series I had submitted my application would be a series I’d work on four years later.
Sometimes it’s nice to spend time with a character you met years ago, to see them grow, to see how they became what they became. Drama trends (and love interests) will come and go, but Goo Dae-young’s love of food (and love of explaining the proper way to eat food) will never change. It was a really comforting drama for me to spend my summer on, and I’ll remember it fondly, even if I’m forever sad that it had to suddenly wrap-up two episodes early.
2019: Ten Years Later
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Item (MBC)
This was the Trot Lovers of 2019. It was a nonsensical disaster.
I also had the added chaos of my real-life job -- one very different from the one I had when I was working on Trot Lovers -- as it began to increase exponentially in responsibilities and in stress. I reached a breaking point where I began to hate opening my computer where I’d have to spend hours attempting to explain a show that I wanted nothing to do with. I was miserable and depressed and couldn’t do it anymore. I never before asked to be taken off a show because I hated it so much, but there’s a first for everything.
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Her Private Life (tvN)
I actually haven’t finished this show -- I’ve yet to watch the last two episodes. But I’m including it because, well, I didn’t finish any other show in 2019 except for Item.
As some of you may know, this has been a difficult year. It started with the unexpected stress of my job, when we suddenly lost one of our directors who passed away, and another director was let go (in a complicated situation that is ongoing, but the important thing is that it was during our busiest time when we really couldn’t afford to lose anyone), and another director left for a different job and I was basically the one to pick up all the pieces she left behind. It was exhausting and we were all past the breaking point but somehow miraculously holding it together.
I was looking forward to finally getting a much-needed vacation in September, and then, well, you all know how that went: the first night, on our layover in New Zealand before what was supposed to be three weeks in Australia, my father was taken to the hospital, and then, two days later, he passed away. Life has gotten even more chaotic and stressful and bizarre since then.
So no, I haven’t finished this drama, but it was one of the most wonderful moments of the year for me, watching this fizzy rom-com with my favorite actor, where he got to be charming and handsome and charismatic and finally kiss the girl he loves and have her love him back (and not die or be dumped, as he had been in so many dramas that had gone before). Lion Oppa was everything my heart could desire, and living in his world helped me endure the insanity that I wish I’d known would seem so much more tolerable than what would eventually befall.
Her Private Life reminded me of when I first fell in love with dramas ten years ago, when I would giggle and be delighted by the charming nonsense on screen -- of beautiful people falling in love and fighting against the obstacles between them (some more ridiculous than others, perhaps, but there are always obstacles), and ending up happily ever after. Pure escapism, of the frothiest kind.
A Drama-filled Decade
So, after ten years of dramas, what is the takeaway? What have I learned?
I suppose I’ve learned to trust my instincts and put more faith in writers and directors than actors. That analyzing dramas is fun, and it’s even more fun sharing it with others, and sometimes even more fun if you get paid to do it -- but everyone eventually reaches a breaking point. That I’m too earnest and optimistic to embrace a life of snark. That I want every drama to be good but most of them aren’t, except sometimes they are. That I’m not even sure which genres are my favorite; I just know what I don’t like.
That dramas are best as escapism, and not as work.
I don’t know how many dramas I’ll watch in 2020. I haven’t paid any attention to what’s airing, and I’m okay with that. Perhaps I’m entering a new phase in my life, or perhaps I just don’t have the capacity to escape right now.
But I am pleased to have had dramas in my life, and to have eventually made them my hobby. I’ve met a lot of amazing people and made some genuine friends through a shared love of dramas (or, at times, a shared hatred). I’m honored that all of you are still here and following me, even during this period of fandom silence.
May 2020 treat us all better, and may Kim Do-woo finally write another script.
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Thor/Loki, Catra/Adora, Devil/Constantine, the Killing Eve gay enemy to ?? thing
I personally don’t go there but I watched both Thor movies and the first Avengers movie was pretty cool, and jumping off of that as what I know about this ship:
Thor’s loyal love and desperation to make his brother see he can literally just Stop Ruining Everything For Everyone and how that would maybe stop ppl from being rly fed up with him
and Loki’s refusal to accept that bc it doesn’t align with his feelsies of being Other and also he wants power but not in the Good Guy way and oh, if his brother would REALLY see him for what he is he would stop following him around to tell him he still loves him, or worse, it would change him and Thor is too good for that, also power, power sound good, mmmhmmmmmm, if only i’m powerful enough i won’t have to think about any of that anymore for sure :) :) :) :) :) :)
also rly into the potential of the angsty outcome of Loki having faked his own death and impersonating Odin now. Imagine how interesting it would be to explore the emotional fallout of Thor not only finding out his dad is potentially/probably dead but that Loki has been alive after all and had no problem lying to him under the disguise of their father! there is so much to unpack, not just in the grief department but also in how all nice things “Odin” said to Thor were lies and surely none of them had a bit of sincerity in them in a “Loki actually sometimes enjoys being able to spend time with his brother again without having him see him for all the ways in which he fucked up” way
so much potential
only a fool who didn’t like those characters would not make use of it when getting the chance to make a 3rd Thor movie
can’t imagine how anyone would miss out on that potential or why anyone who doesn’t even like the source material would be given a say in these things in the first place though....
so yeah. shame there never was a 3rd Thor movie
Ok so disclaimer: I only watched the first season of SheRa.
It’s a cool show and as a kid or maybe young teen I might’ve REALLY gotten into it - as a kid mostly bc I would’ve made up my own probably at least partly Self-Insert princess and as a teen because of Catra’s and Adora’s relationship.
(side note: ok now i’m lowkey ecstatic about the possibility that I would’ve probably also made up a 2nd OC to pair my Self-Insert with and that it would’ve likely been a girl bc that’s just the vibe of the show and wow, what a power move for an 11yo (that i would’ve been completely oblivious to, bc i was always the “everyone is a little bi and everyone knows that, ppl just say otherwise for reasons i don’t care about” bi kid))
I always loved resentment as an emotional theme in the fictional relationships I like to explore, and this pairing has it plenty!
“If you cared about me enough you’d stay!” “If you cared about me enough you’d leave, too, and join me!”
Love it. 11/10. Great basis to write a shit ton of angsty songfic to (and then be surprised you’re not the only one in the fandom who chose LP’s Numb for that).
No one ever show me what ppl do with this pairing or say about it, I don’t trust fandom these days with things I like.
.................. ( ̄∀, ̄)
Only one of the main reasons I (re)watch this movie.
I mean, it’s a fun movie in general, I always enjoy it from start to finish, but When That Black Tar Stuff Drips On The Floor, I always get excited goosebumps and feel like that’s what I was actually waiting for the whole time.
Peak. Fucking. Aesthetic. Love that energy. *chef’s kiss*
Ok, so I watched the first season of the show and read the books. What I’ve seen of the show is better imo btw, in the books the author dude was just a little too into his own excitement over having come up with The Coolest Edgy OC In The History Of Ever which, i mean, bless his soul, especially given what he used this OC for but. I didn’t rly vibe with it, u know.
The aesthetic of it is great.
Sandra Oh/Eve is hot and such a fucking mess and Villanelle is an OC teen!me wishes she had come up with first lol
Love the potential of that obsession and like. Overall potential of everything.
Something was missing tho. Idk if the second season delivered it, I think I read something about it not quite living up to s1 in between the lines of posts about it, but could just be ppl not getting things I don’t want anyway. I’m just too lazy to hunt down s2 tbh.
But yeah.
Very neat aesthetic.
If it was two dudes and the queer was more baity and less Probably/I Think/I HOPE?/i legit can’t remember canon it would probably have a massive fandom. Or would’ve had in 2013. Idk.
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rookieskrp · 4 years
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On December 9th, 2013, Rookies as we know it was created. We’re so happy to be able to celebrate six years of Rookies with you all!
First of all, we want to express our greatest thanks to the members, past and present, for making Rookies what it is. We’re also grateful for the previous staff members for giving us such a great foundation to build upon, and for inspiring and encouraging us in our journey to become the mods you know us as today. None of this would’ve been possible without any of you!
None of the current mods are the mods that started Rookies. Once upon a time, we were all members just like you, and we grew into our current positions. We’ve seen so much growth like that in the past six years, and we’re so happy to be here for it.
As each anniversary goes on, it’s so easy to take them for granted. In actuality, making it to six years is a spectacular feat, and one we’re incredibly proud of, though we can’t take too much credit. The credit largely goes to all of you, the members, for loving Rookies and your muses. Thank you so much for joining us in RK’s journey, no matter how short or long your stay.
Thankfully, that journey isn’t over! We have many things planned for 2020, and we hope you’re as excited for them as we are. In the meantime, this day, and this week, is one for celebration. As per tradition, all of the mods have some thoughts on this day under the cut. Thank you for everything Rookies, always.
(P.S: If you didn’t see on the activity check, you can collect six points this week instead of three.)
every year is like this, but i can never believe that a whole other one has passed! i had to go check because my baby brain managed to forget, but i became a mod all the way back in 2017 before i even completed a year as a member, and i was only 17. each year i grow a bit more, both in rookies and outside. from that high schooler who joined an rp without much thought, now i’m 20 and three years deep in college. from doing my first big event in 2018, this year i started taking care of all events with the departure of both mira and sera. i’m ever so thankful for the new mod additions we got and who helped me and the rest of the staff to get some weight out of our shoulders. thank you to all the members who were part of our year and those who took part in our events! look forward to what we have in store for next year! i’m looking forward to what you’re all going to do with your muses as well! happy sixth anniversary and to many more from here!
i don’t even know where to begin. it feels like the past year has gone by so quickly, and like our fifth anniversary was lifetimes ago at the same time. what needs to come first is my upmost gratitude for giving us six years of rk, definitely. i always tell the story: when i first joined rk on december 22nd, 2013, i was really overwhelmed and thought i was going to leave within my first two weeks. i never in a million years imagined i would end up becoming mod carly in november 2015, and then that i would go on to be the longest standing staff member in rk’s history (alongside kyle.)
thank you for giving me that. yes, i’ve put a lot into rk, but that’s only because you all did first. i couldn’t have gotten through any year of modding, let alone running rk, without your love and enthusiasm for the roleplay, and support of me, not just as a mod, but as as a person. rk has been so huge in my life. y’all make me a better mod, and more importantly, a better person, every day. i will always be thankful to you and the things i’ve learned from you and i will never forget it or the time we’ve spent together in these six years.
i fear that all of this has a looming feeling of finality, and honestly, it does. there will be more in a coming announcement, but as you know, i recently took some time away to think and i’m coming back to my role as a mod knowing i’ll be leaving the team sometime in 2020. that means this will be the last one of these anniversary messages i get to type up for one of these posts. there’s so much i could say, but i think i’ll save a lot of it for an announcement at a later date, because i hope to make some more good memories in the coming year before my time as rk’s head of relations ends for good. more importantly, this is a time for MUCH celebration!! it’s only right that my message here does just that!!
i know this year in rk’s history was a difficult one (for all of us, i’m sure, but certainly for me) but thank you all so much. thank you for loving rk as much as you have, and for continuing to through all of the ups and downs. thank you for your amazing characters, and choosing rk as their home. thank you for all of your dedication and creativity and heart. thank you for the members that have taken their leave, too, for leaving their mark on rookies and being part of our six years. thank you for letting me be a part of all of this, and for trusting me with your problems and heartaches over the years. thank you for letting me help you, and letting me learn from my mistakes when i fail to do that.
running rk has been the greatest honor of my life, and will continue to be until i don’t run it anymore, and move on to things that will have to fight to mean more to me than this has. until then, i look forward to the coming year, and the inevitable next anniversaries that i get to spend as a member along with all of the rest of you. i love you with all of my heart, rookies. thank you, thank you, thank you ♡
🎉GAB 🎉
hello lovelies, it’s gab here! compared to some of you, i’ve only been here for a short period of time (two years is still a lot when i think about it) and your enthusiasm, commitment and love for your muses has always been something that amazed me. it’s contagious and it was one of the reasons why i applied to be a mod and what makes me excited to plan events out and face the challenges now as a mod. each and every one of you is super important for making rookies what it is and, if it wasn’t for you, maybe i wouldn’t have had the chance to find a place for muses i love dearly, met amazing people and gotten the opportunity to join this team. as a member and mod, thank you for being part of this journey with me and i hope to continue creating fun events and more development for your babies next year! please look forward to 2020 for more adventures and good memories! i love you all ♥
happy sixth anniversary, rookies! ♡ it’s been a whirlwind of a year so far, and i think it goes without saying that we’re so thankful to have you here with us. your endless support for our community and the way that you champion for us through your enthusiasm and eagerness to be here is something that will constantly motivate me to do better. i know that i’m lacking in so many ways but i hope to always do my best in every task that i’m given so that i can properly give back to you. i know that we have a lot of exciting things waiting to take flight within the next year and i’m looking forward to seeing how it would all unfold for us! i’ll always be humbled that you chose to be here and grateful that i’ve met the most amazing of peoples through this roleplay. i love you, rookies and happy merry sixth from me to everyone 🎉💖🎊
Hello Rookies!  I just want to say thank you for being here with us no matter if you've been here a week or for all six years we've been around!  I know a lot, probably the majority, of you probably don't know me aside from my welcome messages when you first bring in your wonderful muses, as I do have a tendency to stick to myself. Even so, I want to let you know that I'm always happy to see you all enjoying yourselves and love seeing all the love you have for your characters and I hope that RK can be a place that everyone can continue on for years to come.  So, happy sixth anniversary and thank you for everything.
tbh this feels kind of weird?? to be in this post and write this message for all of you to read as a part of the team… it hasn’t been that long since i joined the mod team alongside gab and i have to admit that sometimes it still feels surreal to me. that all of this really happened, that i applied and actually made it and got picked for the team — i think in about two days it’s been exactly six months since i joined the team. since i got added to the mod server, got introduced to my tasks as bandaid mod but i still remember waking up to carly’s messages informing me that i got picked like it just happened. 
last year i was sitting in front of my laptop reading the mods anniversary messages and now i’m writing one of those myself. for all of you. as a mod. i’m— 😳😳
it still makes me really happy and i’m very glad, i’m very thankful. because i like being a mod. actually, i love it. i love the team, i love updating our lists, i love helping out and being able to be there for all of you whenever you have problems or need a helping hand. i love thinking and discussing ways to make this roleplay a long-lasting and better experience for all of you. and using this chance to speak honestly with all of you i came partially from a place where, before i joined, i had sympathy and understanding for the mods but still sometimes found myself thinking that they’re not doing enough for the roleplay. that there’s not enough action, not enough effort and i doubted certain decisions but then i became part of the team and i was so lucky to get to see how passionate the team is. each and every one of them. how dedicated they are, how thoughtful. and how hard they work at all times for all of you.
that’s all they think about.
so i’m also writing this here with a small wish: be kind to them. be kind to us. they do their best— we do our best, we work hard for you and we always will. we love you. 
and we’re glad you’re here.
thank you for sticking around with us it’s been a hard year, i know. what i’ve experienced in these few months i’ve been a mod has been harsh as much as it has been fun. but i hope and believe that it all can make us grow. motivate us to enjoy our time here together even more. i appreciate every moment i’ve had here in rookies — as a mod and as a member of nearly four years — and i’m looking forward to each moment to come, to every other year we get to spend together. so.. thank you so much, whether you’ve been with us for years. for months. for weeks or simply for days. thank you so much even if you’re not around anymore. thank you so much! i hope this year in rookies has good things in store for all of us, for all of you! ♥
🎉UME 🎉
hiya Babies, issa me! i can’t believe, or well -- i can believe that we’ve hit six years this year! everyone has worked so hard to make rookies the place it is today and it’s all thanks to you guys! while this year has definitely brought a lot of joy, a lot of pain, and a lot of stress ; i just want to thank, thank, thank you guys for sticking with us through thick and thin! we still have a long way to go with everything and we hope to improve in whatever way we can! it’s been a long six years and we hope to have many more. i appreciate every single one of you! and i hope to bring you more pretty graphics in the future! ( sorry the rkmain update is late, been a busy bee irl but rest assured, it should come soon ( hopefully before the new year begins! )) again, six cheers to six years and i wish for newer, brighter things for you and your muses, rookies! 💞🥰😘💞
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simspaghetti · 4 years
About Me
Thought I’d do a little ‘About Me’ post that I’m gonna update whenever I feel like things have changed in my life a bit - last update was 28/09/21
Plus my blog is very un-personal so I thought this way my followers could get to know me a bit better
(feel free to use these questions if you want - but tag me pls mostly because I’m nosy!)
Name/Gender/Pronouns: 👋
You can call me Rin and I go by she/her pronouns (also they/them I don’t mind)
S I M S  S T U F F
How long have you been playing the sims?: 🕑
I think I started in about 2013-14 and I’ve been addicted ever since holy sh- that was 7/8 years ago I have a problem with this damn game!
When and why did you join simblr?: 🗓
This blog officially started in March 2020
I started posting because I already had the first generation of the Breathe Legacy written up on my desktop and it seemed a bit of a waste of time if I wasn't sharing it with anyone - so I shared it! :)
You may notice if you go into my archive that I have a post all the way back from 2017 - I’ve had a couple of tries at creating a simblr but this is the only one that’s stuck so far (also that post was a really pretty screenshot, so I kept it and deleted all the rest)
If you were a sim what would your traits be?: 💚
I’m gonna use the TS3 traits system so probably:
📚  Bookworm
💻 Computer whiz
🍰  Natural Cook
💤  Night Owl
😸  Cat Person
Who’s your favourite EA sim?: 🎈
Probably Agnes Crumplebottom, but I also love Cassandra Goth and Claire Ursine
R A N D O M  A S K S
How old are you?: 🔍
I’m 19 at the moment
Where are you from?: 🍃
I’m from the middle of nowhere in the UK, which is why some of my spellings may be odd if you’re not British
What do you want to do with your life?: 📝
Not sure what I want to do as a career, but I’ve always loved writing, telling stories etc (hence this blog) and I’d love to do something in publishing or editing (or my dream job would be working on a tv show)
What’s your sexuality?
I like people all over the gender spectrum, ass is ass! :D (I don’t really care for labels but I guess I fall in the bi/pan area if I had to put a name on it)
Faves (books, music, media etc): 🌟
Books: My favourite book ever is probably Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng (which I would very much recommend to anyone who has experienced a difficult family situation) also Normal People is really good, and I also love classics esp stuff from the Victorian era but I won’t go into them here because we’ll be here forever
Music: At the moment my favourite bands/artists are Kate Bush, Mother Mother, Sir Chloe, The Marias and cheesy 80s music
TV: My favourite shows are RuPaul’s Drag Race, Normal People, Good Girls, Bojack Horseman, Peep Show and The IT Crowd - If you want some semi-underrated good recommendations I’d suggest Inside No. 9, Lovesick (the british one), Living with Yourself and Maniac
Films: (this is a bit of a weird mix) La La Land, Legally Blonde, Misery, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Gone Girl, Submarine and idk what else - I watch more TV than films tbh so my favourites are pretty limited because I haven’t really seen that many
Do you have any pets?: 🐾
Yep, I have cats and dogs and I love them all to bits
Favourite Weather + Season: ☔️
Autumn (basic ik, but lets be real, it’s the prettiest one.)
My favorite weather is heavy rain, I always crack open my window when it rains bc I love the smell and the sounds! Also storms - I know they scare some people but I love thunder, it makes me feel so peaceful and cosy
Some things you love/hate: 💔
Love: Quiet snowy mornings, chai tea, ben and jerry’s ice cream, pretty people, cosy cottages in the countryside, how dogs react when they go to the beach
Hate: Bigots/racists/sexists/homophobes/transphobes/etc - basically anyone who doesn’t accept people for who they are and/or doesn’t respect peoples religions and cultures, if you are any of those, get off my blog, please and thank you.
What’s an unpopular opinion you have?: 👀
I don’t trust people if they don’t like cats, especially people who actively hate them or say that they’ve ‘never met a cat who likes them’ - thats a red flag for me! I can’t explain why I have this opinion but I haven’t been wrong about it yet lol, it’s just a pretty good indicator of someone’s character in my experience 😸
Favourite Celebrity/Popular Figure?: ✨
Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova (but your dad just calls her Katya)
Do you have any non-sims hobbies?: 🎹
I've played the piano as long as I can remember, I like to read, I occasionally draw/paint stuff, and I sew and modify a lot of my own clothes and make cushions and things - basically anything crafty is right up my street 
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neotag survey
I got tagged by @neostruggz to do the neotag survey
Rules: Answer the questions, tag 1-5 people (or really any number) to answer the questions, tag your post #neotagsurvey2020, have fun
When did you make your neopets blog and what inspired you to do so?
i made this blog in... lemme check my archive...February 2013, which sounds about right
idk honestly i got really sick in Fall 2011 and two of the things I did was make a new tumblr and start playing neopets again, i discovered @neopianangst pretty early on in that adventure and i slowly became aware that a community was forming, i think i followed a couple more blogs, but i don’t remember who, but there seemed to be a lot of drama and cliques and i wasn’t sure if i’d be accepted, idk what made me change my mind tbh 
What is your favorite neopets species?
idk anymore, but i like bori and ixi a lot
What is your favorite paintbrush color?
oooh, idk
i’m gonna do this based on post-conversion colors because a lot of my old favorites lost a lot (Dari, Grey, et cetera).
Oil Paint has actually been really nice! The base color for Stealthy is gorgeous and the clothes are usually pretty cool. Also I like Wraith, but sometimes I wish it was a bit more purple than pink.
Mutant and Maraquan also tend to be really nice because they get to have their own poses! 
Do you go on the neoboards, and if so which one(s) is your favorite?
Sometimes I go on the PC because I have no self-respect. 
What team are you joining for the altador cup? Who is your favorite player?
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What’s your favorite game on neopets?
honestly currently i don’t know, i’ve barely played any since the last daily dare
bruno’s and wheeler’s are both staples of game events and have really fun motion mechanics, but i’m not sure if i’d call them favorites 
Who is your favorite neopets NPC?
I’m not one who has felt really devoted to a particularly character, but I’m even blanking on ones I even kind of like
sorry I’m the worst at favorite questions
tagging:   @blumalou @brucicle @fuckyeah-terrormountain @hasee-yay @illusen  @taelia​ i wanted to tag everybody but i honestly can’t always keep straight who is active and not anymore but i went through the alphabet and i feel like i’ve seen everybody here in the past couple weeks 
but seriously this was mostly done by just @-ing through the alphabet so if you wanna do it just do it and tag me and i’ll be excited for real
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theywearpink · 4 years
thanks to @ddaengtanboys for the tag! sorry it took me ages to get around to this!!! (i had to scroll back thru the million atla posts i have liked in the past few weeks lmfao it’s a real mess in my likes).
i’d like to tag @starrynightsclaire and @iamnopsycho :-) 
Rules: answer twenty questions plus five more, then tag whoever you want.
Name: emi
Nickname: i’ve always wanted a cute nickname but alas, my name is already super short so i do not have one :’(
Zodiac: gemini :~) imma ruin your life lmao jk but rly though
Languages: english and japanese
Nationality: australian 
Favorite Season: summer
Favorite Flower: i love them all i can’t pick!
Favorite Scent: ahhhh anything floral ??
Favorite Color: it used to be blue but i gotta be honest w myself and admit that it’s pink now
Favorite Animal: dogs
Favorite Fictional Character: castiel from spn probably
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate
Average Sleep: i like to get eight hours a night
Dog or Cat Person: dog person!
Number of Blankets: one
Dream Trip: a road trip through the continental united states tbh
Blog Established: i have been on this site since January 2013 oh my GOD
Followers: 1k~~ i love and appreciate you all and thanks for sticking with me even though my blog is a hot mess nowadays
Random Fact About Me: i have a birthmark on my left knee that either resembles a crescent moon or a gun depending how you look at it
Introvert or Extrovert: introvert 
Place to Relax: lying on the grass somewhere under the open blue sky
Favorite Snack: c h o c o l a t e
Recent Shows: ATLA!!! also dead to me, never have i ever, and glee
Favorite Video Game: the Sims 4 lol
Plus Five Questions! (don’t feel obligated to add more if you can’t think of any)
Why Did You Join Tumblr? honestly don’t remember why i first joined, i think one of my friends talked me into it? i used to reblog indie/hipster content back in the day lmao
Hobbies: is watching tv shows a Hobby...
One Small Thing That Makes You Happy: when you’re walking around outside and the sun hits just right through the trees and turns everything golden and warm
Favourite Time of Day: first thing in the morning, because the day still seems so long and full of possibilities
Last Movie You Saw: love wedding repeat...it wasn’t that good tbh
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cookey-jar · 4 years
Tagged by @1of1orbit about me name: mihaela (mitzi) birthday: april 12 zodiac sign: aries hobbies: listening to music, editing favorite color: black and white last song i listened to: onlyoneof-designer last film i watched: i can’t remember tbh....it’s been a while dream occupation: being payed to squish minhyun’s cheeks is my biggest dream inspiration for muse: i don’t know...random stuff i guess meaning behind url: it’s cookie jar with a twist, that twist being key from shinee get to know me better gender: female horoscope: aries height: 170 cm hogwarts house: huflepuff favorite animal: fluffy animal average hours of sleep: usually at least 8 hours current time: almost 1 am dogs or cats?: i have a dog number of blankets: one when i joined tumblr: i think 2013? how i created my url: cookie jar plus key quarantine tag are you staying home from work/school? sometimes if you’re staying home who is with you? my mom  an event you were looking forward to that got cancelled? nothing what movies have you watched recently? shows? nu’est on shindong gayo what are you reading? stuff for work what are you doing for self care? drowning myself in nu’est content 
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9misorai · 4 years
Bbb and miracubugs for the in depth ask
first of all. sorry for the very late replies
then sorry again because I’ll make this a two part answer because it’s really long. the first one is for bbb!
Send me a show/fandom and ill answer -
Top 5 favourite characters: Fang, Fang, Fang, Fang, Fang. Is that valid?
Other characters you like: Boboiboy, Retak’ka, Kaizo, Lahap, Tok Aba, Ejojo
Least favourite characters: Kokoci hehe
Otps: Fang/Happiness
Notps: Fang/Sadness. And every single ship except the canons.
Favourite friendships: THE BOBOIBOY GANG LA WHO ELSE     //SOBS
Favourite family: Tok Aba Family which include Amato. I want to say The Carrot Family but---
Favourite episodes:original series - I forgot the name of the episode but it’s when Boboiboy Api made appearance, such cuties.Galaxy - BEACH. EPISODE. SO WHOLESOME, THOUGH I’M SAD FANG ISN’T THERE, BUT FOR THE FIRST TIME WE WERE SHOWED THEIR  FRIENDSHIPNESS
Favourite season/book/movie: Season 2 of the original
Favourite quotes: “BOBOIBOY PASRAH DENGAN DIRI     SENDIRI” LOOOOL I STILL LAUGH @ THAT SCENE (the one when the gang get shot by the emotion pistol y and bbb becomes melancholic)
Best musical moment: Tim Bubadibako
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: i......dk? I guess when Fang used his Naga Bayang in the s2 finale
When it really disappointed you: a lot. haha. when Yaya and Ying was nerfed, when Gopal becomes every source of problems, when the     characterizations are inconsistent, Fang only has 1 star in the Joe Ker Tu     episode, etc
Saddest moment: I can’t spoil u about bbbm2 right? Don’t read the strikethrough if you don’t want to be spoiled after solar daun hali taufan was absorbed by Retak’ka, Kokoci forced bbb to save himself but bbb can’t leave his friends and tried to save them so  that Gopal needs to hold him I NEARLY CRIED HHHHHHHH. The non spoiler one probably     when Ochobot dies in bbbtm
Most well done character death: Ochobot
Favourite guest star: .....who?
Favourite cast member: yk ofc for the memes and he’s really friendly too but honestly Thiah’s performance when she plays bbb has always been my favorite
Character you wish was still alive: Retak’ka. It’s still unclear whether he’s alive or not but I still want to see more of him backstory spin off! Backstory spin off! Backstory spin off!
One thing you hope really happens: good characterization
Most shocking twist: Ochobot isn’t the original elemental power sphera
When did you start watching/reading?: around 2013-2014, i don’t exactly remember the date, but I remember it was when I was in     second year of senior high school.
Best animal/creature: is Ochobot a creature??? If not, alien who becomes Kassim’s bestfriend
Favourite location: Planet Junkberg
Trope you wish they would stop using: nerfing the female characters. making bbb the only heroes.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: NO UNNECESSARY ROMANCE! NO SEXUALIZATION OF THE KIDS!
Funniest moments: Still the “Boboiboy pasrah dengan diri sendiri”
Couple you would like to see: Fang/Happiness
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: ehhhhhhh idk anything about malaysians actors/actresses
Favourite outfit: I actually like Kaizo’s outfit in bbbm2
Favourite item: ??the power spheras??
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: i have the comic of bbbm2 but that’s it, I’m not really into merchandise. I bought the comic because some people said it’s kinda different from the movie and I can see it. Some things better executed in comic form and some things better executed in movie form.
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I’d rather not---I don’t think I want to--I don’t think I want to be in bbb universe at all
Most boring plotline: Jugglenaut’s arc? I was very excited when Kaizo comes but errr. Kinda boring for me. Nova Prix episode bored me too.
Most laughably bad moment: ……..hh. I still hate that moment when Fang turns completely useless in the Joe Ker Tu episode and only has one star.
Best flashback/flashfoward if  any: strikethrough spoilers! 100 years ago flashback about Retak’ka vs Kasa
Most layered character: Galaxy!Kaizo perhaps?? Boboiboy is pretty layered too but it’s not well-executed, sorry.
Most one dimensional character: Yaya:(
Scariest moment: there’s no scene that made me sca---OH WAIT. During the cetak rompak episode (Copy Paste?? Idk what’s the episode name in English) wait lemme show you
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Grossest moment: i don’t know
Best looking male: Amato
Best looking female: Shielda
Who you’re crushing on (if any): nuh-uh
Favourite cast moment: Everytime yk comes to the server tbh
Favourite transportation: OH OH the one in the first movie when they wanted to run from Borara by Ocho’s new power BUT KIKITA SHOT THE POOR LIL SUNSHINE POWER SPHERE :(
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): the second movie has a lot of beautiful scene. My favorite one, which you also can see in the trailers, is when they’re standing in the rocks. it’s so aesthetacally pleasing. BBBM2 has a lot of beautiful scenery though
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Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Oh I have a lot and I think I’ve told you some, but I tried to not take this series seriously so it will not bug me that much
Best promo: THE COMIC OF BBBM2 PROMO HAHAHA “water proof………….only when it’s still wrapped” GOT ME SO MUCH
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: At the first time     watching it actually! I was in a bad mood back then and this show made me     laughed out loud, it’s love at first sight lmao
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