#osaki shotaro drabbles
bambisnc · 2 months
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operation : true love - how likely riize is to NOT confess!
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : crack + fluffff cw/tw : food mention + littol bit rushed n uneditted D: wc : im guessing maybe 400ish? -> update its 495!
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shotaro : 2/10 - cutie would plan out eveyrhting the moment he sees you and has that italicised oh moment - i'm talking your favorite flowers delivered by hand followed by your ideal date + lots of fairy lights/candles. trust me.) and woo you exactly how you deserve to be wooed <3 would get a little anxious about making everything perfect for you tho
eunseok : 7/10 - he'd lowkey be such a tsundere ... thanks to my talk w mai i'm fully convinced he's the Only academic rival to lover to exist. would for sure pine after you silently and end up confessing in the middle of an argument. you know like "why do YOU care who i'm going out?" "BECAUSE. i like you. okay bye."
sungchan : 192830429283/10 - im biased sorry. but you can't tell me you don't see best friend!him being so obsessed with you - like all your friends know it, hell even you know it but the guy himself refuses to admit. is so "we're besties!! it's natural for us to hug and hold hands and make out between classes in the janitors closet :D i mean what. i didnt say anything" coded like c'mon
wonbin : a solid 13/10 - i feel like he'd be really conflicted. like on one hand he'd rather you be the one to confess but on the other he wants to do like a huge romantic gesture and be the one to confess to you. i can imagine there being this one phase of time where he'd kinda start ignoring you to get you to reach out to him or wtv tactics the insta/tiktok girlies (gn) teach him too
seunghan : 5/10 - okay but i see him either just randomly blurting it out of nowhere over a voice call or while ur ft-ing ("hey this cat reminded me of u" "aww haha im in love with you" "WHAT") OR doing it via a more traditional, thought out kinda way ... maybe like making you a gift or writing you a love letter/song :(( <3
sohee : 4/10 - bbg is confessing to you so fast. he'd only do it once he confirms (multiple times) that you both like each other though. is immediately planning the best way he could confess to you. does all his necessary research, books everything in advance - goes all out to ensure there's no hitches, basically. him and taro probably share notes
anton : 11/10 - bro is Not confessing. you can feel free to tho he'll say yes obvi! as soon as he gains back enough conherence after he (half) faints that is. for sure the type to get you soso many gifts and he'd try to be so casual about it too "hey i got u a customized acessroies set with the fav flower/colour you like" "anton wtf" "uh no dw i had an extra hahaha". def gets u guys matching stuff a lot too
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notes : imma not be online for at least a day (shocker) so queueing this!!!! -> well that was a lie <3 + [m.list] song rec : LOVE ME BACK BY FROMIS 9 WEEWOO WEEWOO
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nori-the-cat · 2 months
What does dating the RIIZE members feel like?
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With everything going on in the riizevile, I thought I should post something light-hearted and cute. Although there are many of these kinds of posts circulating, I'd like to add my own twist on this by adding tarot.
Remember: I don't know them personally. These are just interpretations based on tarot cards. The true nature of dating each member would depend on their true individual personalities.
☆ Shotaro (The Magician) The magician card was strong in this one. A relationship with him could feel exciting and full of surprises. He might be full of surprises and constantly have something interesting up his sleeve. He brings playful energy to the relationship, keeping things fresh and interesting.
He might be the type to surprise his partner (you) on their birthday or during anniversaries. The giggly and happy-go-lucky Shotaro you see on screen might be the Shotaro behind the screen. I think he is secretly attentive, so, surprising his partner is something he likes to do. He might get something you've been talking about or wanting to get, and then, BAM! comes your birthday and he got it for you as a surprise. My assumption is that he likes to see them smile and he appreciates a good "Aw, thank you, babe".
☆ Eunseok (The Page of Wands, The World, and The Empress) Eunseok is a "little" hard to read. He is clear as day but is also full of surprises. You will not know what is going on in his brain. He is unexpectedly full of surprises. I admit he is a bit of a wild card.
In some ways, he is a little similar to Shotaro. Dating Eunseok could be exciting and full of life. He might be impulsive and bring a fun, light-hearted vibe to the relationship. I say could because he gives off a serious vibe to me, but he can still poke fun at his partner (you), throw playful/sarcastic remarks, and banter with him is fun.
He might be the boyfriend who unexpectedly brings/invites you to a board game cafe, cat cafe, dog cafe, park, or late-night food adventure. Your reaction would be something like this, "Huh? Now?" and he would nonchalantly say "Yeah, now" with a shrug.
He could be the type to make you become the centre of his world once he’s down for you. Similar to Sungchan, Eunseok is also someone who values personal growth. But he focuses on inner work. So for him a relationship is about a journey of self-discovery and shared growth. Filled with surprises and tricks up his sleeve, Eunseok is a weird yet romantic guy.
Another thing about Eunseok is that he might be a nurturing and supportive person. He is a softie at heart. Behind that mischief of his, he can provide emotional warmth and stability to his partner (you) making you feel cherished and cared for.
☆ Sungchan (Strength, The Star, and The Wheel of Fortune) With Sungchan, you might find a relationship built on stability. He could be the kind of partner who provides constant encouragement and is always dependable. He is the guy who would drop everything when you need help. I think Sungchan is reliable and Sohee thinks so too.
I know I said this is a tarot reading, but Sungchan is such a Virgo. He also has his Venus in Leo. Being needed and then complimented will make him smile from ear to ear.
Dating him will make you feel like you're bettering yourself. So you might need to be on your toes! He will help you become a better person while still showing you support and becoming a shoulder to lean on. Definitely the type of guy who wants to see his partner (you) succeed.
Do you want to lose weight and become healthier? He will make you go to the gym with him. Do you want to become a better person? He will buy books about self-development for you. Do you want to have new hobbies? He will try it out with you.
Sungchan is like your life coach (not in a bad way). Additionally, I also think this is because he is continuously bettering himself, so he expects a partner who is more or less just like him. He is someone who is a little spontaneous but with a plan.
☆ Wonbin (The Hierophant and The Wheel of Fortune) His was unexpected. I thought he would be into the non-stereotypical relationship dynamic. The type to does not mind if the girl leads, but he does mind. He turns out to be quite traditional and grounded.
In a relationship, Wonbin is a bit unpredictable. Definitely not like Shotaro, Eunseok, or Sungchan. These three are spontaneous and full of surprises for different reasons. But Wonbin isn’t like them. He is unpredictable in a way that makes the relationship fun, interesting, and exciting for him. Being with him might make someone feel they’re in a constant change.
I think he might also prefer to be the provider or the one who wears the pants in the relationship. Might I say, the decision maker too. He is also loyal and respectful. But, he expects you to do the same. If you don't do the same, it would make him have second thoughts about his partner (you). Hence, for him creating a sense of security and stability in a partnership is important.
Yeah, this is why I think he’s unpredictable. You just need to follow his lead. Just imagine the actual wheel of fortune, whatever you land on is what you get. That’s how it is with Wonbin.
☆ Seunghan (The High Priestess, The Emperor, and Strength) Being with Seunghan could feel like it’s your anniversary everyday. He might be the kind of guy who listens really well and cares a lot about having a strong emotional bond with his partner (you). He would make you feel super special by showing you his unwavering focus and attention.
If any of you guys watch his fan sign video call videos, he is exactly like that. He engages and communicates with his fans. He might be the type to actually do that to his partner (you).
I, personally, think there is no hiding for Seunghan. He is straightforward with his feelings, emotions, and love for his partner (you). Have you seen how he dotes on Sohee? He is pretty much like that with his partner (you). He wants his partner (you) to feel loved.
I also think this stems from his desire to keep a peaceful relationship or a harmonious dynamic. He has Libra placements in his Sun and Venus. For him, listening to his partner and catering to them is his way of keeping the relationship peaceful. So, do not worry if you argue with him. He will prioritise making you happy.
☆ Sohee (The Sun and Temperance) Dating Sohee could feel like sunshine and laughter! He might be the kind of guy who brings happiness and fun to the relationship, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. For reference, I did a tarot reading on him as your boyfriend.
Anyway, he is someone who doesn't take things too seriously (in a good way). He is pretty much optimistic about life.
As your partner, he might secretly admit he is proud to have you as his significant other. He would also show his love warmly by playfully throwing jokes at you just to see you smile.
For Sohee, a relationship is a mutual bond between two people. Unlike Seunghan whose main focus is his partner’s happiness. Sohee thinks a relationship is when two people are happy together.
A little similar to Seunghan, he also craves harmony in a relationship, but his focus is on balancing the dynamic between the love. He might prioritise finding a balance between his partner’s (you) needs and his, fostering a relationship built on compromises and understanding.
Lucky for you! His smile is contagious, so fighting/arguing with him will make you admit defeat because of how sweet his smile can be.
More or less, this relationship will be built on humour, balance, and friendship.
I'd say Sohee is a mixture of Shotaro, Eunseok, Sungchan and Seunghan. Though he likes surprises like Shotaro and Eunseok, because he will make things fun. But is also pretty serious like Sungchan. He also have similar thoughts on relationships like Seunghan does.
To Sohee, a relationship might be based on two things and that is communication and trust. Hence, for the relationship to be positive, he expects two-way communication and trust. He thinks it takes two to tango.
Imagine this, the sun shines its light on everything and that is Sohee. A relationship with Sohee will be filled with warmth, joy, and laughter. He is sweet, considerate, and playful. (SIGH. He is my bias. I want to date him too.)
☆ Anton (The Moon, The Knight of Wands, and The Emperor) Shy and reserved Anton. He is just like how he portrays himself on screen.
My reaction while doing his reading? "Aw! How cute!" Another friends-to-lovers trope. He is a little bit like Sohee.
However, going out with Anton could be like a puzzle! At first, he might seem a little shy, but as you get to know him, you could discover a whole new side to him – deep and interesting. It could keep things exciting!
A disclaimer, it might take years to figure him out. I think it's best to get to know him as a friend rather than going for a confession. That might intimidate him.
Anton is someone worth getting to know. He might not be an open book at first, but the effort of getting to know him could be rewarding. Hence, I do think it's better to be his friend first. He might have interesting hobbies, thoughts, or experiences that he doesn't reveal right away.
As you engage in conversation and share experiences, he'll likely become more comfortable opening up. You'll constantly be learning new things about him, which can prevent things from getting stale. He's like that big bag of his that he carries everywhere, filled with surprises.
Once you get to know him, being with Anton feels like having a reliable and dependable partner. He might be someone who takes charge and provides a sense of security in the relationship.
He is passionate and energetic. He is a little similar to Eunseok. He might be spontaneous and adventurous, keeping the relationship dynamic and full of surprises. So, expect a planned yet unplanned dates.
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119riize · 2 months
independent - o. shotaro
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PAIRING .・゜゜・ shotaro x reader
GENRE .・゜゜・ fluff
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“how long are you gonna keep up that independent act, hm?” your boyfriend asked as he was sitting down on the couch on his phone, not sparing a glance at you just yet. you were currently in the kitchen, and you were confused why he had asked you that just now.
“what do you mean?” you ask back, and you heard him get up from his seat.
“i heard you crying last night. you got up and locked yourself in the bathroom. but this morning when i asked if you were okay, you said yes.” shotaro explained as he walked closer to you.
“well that’s cause it was this…and wait a minute, act?! i’ve been independent my whole life sho!”
“y/n, you don’t have to hide your emotions from me, you know that right? i’m your boyfriend after all, i should be taking care of you and comforting you.” he came up to you and pulled you into a hug.
“seriously, what’s been on your mind lately? i don’t want you suffering alone.”
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© 119riize 2024
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wonkibrainrot · 2 months
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chiiyuuvv · 4 months
[DAY 1] masterlist ᡣ𐭩 !
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— " one casually sitting on the others lap, and the other freak outs " ; childhood besties to lovers ft. riize
♡list : @lecheugo , @imthisclosetokms , @rizzkisworld , @hyvelxve , @starryriize
"What are you going to get?"
"Me? I'm gonna get the hotdogs."
The doors swing open as the group of teenagers walk through, some of their arms wrapped around the other as they stand at the entrance of the small restaurant. Shotaro decided to invite you with his group of friends since yours were nowhere to be found, a small smile on his lips as he pats your head to get your attention.
"Hm?" You turn around from your short conversation with eunseok, watching as the smile on shotaros lips increases. "What do you want? I'll order for you." He glances up at you as he fishes his wallet from his pocket, waiting for your response. "Oh uh.." you look at the menu that was hanged proudly on the wall. "The cheese burger.. with bacon.. an-"
"A blue raspberry slushie?" Shotaro finishes your sentence, finally finding his wallet. "How did you know?!"
"We've known each other since forever!" He exclaims, a loud chuckle leaving his lips. "Plus you always order the same thing," he adds, "so of cource i know!"
"Yeah, yeah." You roll your eyes at his playfulness, waving your hand. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom." You excuse yourself from his group of friends, finding the restrooms at the back of the restaurant.
You finally return after a couple of minutes, wiping your now wet hands against the material of your jeans. The boys werent hard to find, the loud voices being able to hear from across the restaurant, sitting in a red booth with a circle of a table in the center, along with whatever snacks they might have ordered already.
"Hey! I got your drink!" Shotaro says as soon as your eyes meet, waving the frozen good in the air. "Thanks," you smile, ringing out your hands one final time for any extra wetness. "Scoot over," you push his shoulder.
"Oh right," he says, turning around to find that there wasnt any space. "I'll go get a chair-"
"No, its fine." You say, waving off the boys words. "I have a solution."
"Whats that?" The boy looks up at you with full curiously, his brain malfunctioning when you open his arms, sitting yourself comfortably on his lap. "You got something there," you turn around to wipe some crumbs off of the side of his mouth, completely unaware at how red the boy had gotten.
Turning back around to face the other boys, you didnt think much of it, stealing one of shotaros chips as you pop it in your mouth, your back resting against his chest. "What?" You say to the others, watching as anton stiffles a laugh, sungchan shooting you a teasing look.
"What are you.. dating?" He breaks the silence, the boys bursting out of laughter. "Hes so red!!" Sohee points out, wiping some of the tears that was forming around his eye.
"A-am not!" Shotaro tries to defend himself. "Hes even stuttering!!" Wonbin joins in.
"Ya, ya.." seunghan waves his hands, silencing the others who were laughing.
"Thank you seungha-"
"Leave the loverboy alone, let him be whipped in peace." The table erupts into laughter again, shotaros hand smacking seunghan shoulder as his blush increases. "Its not like that!" The boy sighs loudly, shooting you a look.
"What is it, loverboy?" You tease, a smile on your lips. He sighs again, "i hate you. I hate all of you."
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so-starz · 5 months
˗ˏˋ⭒ kisses with shotaro!⭒´ˎ˗
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wc: 0.98k+ | genre ? fluff, cw ? none!
types of kisses series [1/7] - routine kisses, gentle makeouts, lazy mornings
shotaro x gn! reader
⋆ note: new series!! excited for this one
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you feel his hair tickling your face before you're even awake enough to open your eyes. the smell of his shampoo wraps around you like a blanket, and you hum with contentment as you snuggle further into the sheets. his heavy arm is draped across your middle, lithe fingers softly playing with the hem of your shirt, your head tucked into the crook of his neck to hide away from the sun shining through the blinds.
“baby? you awake yet?” a voice speaks just above a whisper, still coated with a layer of sleep, and you can already feel the hint of a smile creep onto your lips at the sound.
“no. ‘m still asleep,” you murmur back, wanting to savor this moment for as long as you possibly can. you feel shotaro’s chest vibrate with quiet laughter at your antics, his fingers splaying out against your back to hold you impossibly closer to him.
“okay. then i’m still asleep too,” he replies, nuzzling his cheek against the top of your head. you bite your lip to repress the giant smile that’s slithered onto your lips, shaking your head a bit in response.
“actually, i am awake. i haven’t given you your kiss yet.”
at the sound of your words, shotaro pulls back with an exaggerated humph. as you open your eyes to meet his, those sparkingly brown ones are already on you, watching as you move away from his chest to sit up. you rub your eyes with your fist, giggling when he wraps you up in his arms to pull you back on top of him, chest to chest now.
“was waiting for you to wake up. you know i can’t start my day without a kiss,” he speaks with a little smile; one that bunches up his eyes in the corners in that way that you love. you lean down to kiss his cheek a few times before cupping the side of his face.
“what time is it?” you ask, and a sheepish look falls onto shotaro’s face at the question, his nose scrunching up cutely.
“almost 11…” he admits quietly. 
you let out a tiny gasp, lightly swatting his chest. “taro! you have to go to work!” 
shotaro pouts at your response, shaking his head against the pillow as he gazes up at you.
“i need my kiss first.”
you can’t help but melt at the pleading eyes he sends you, and you reach up to brush some of his messy hair away from his face. his perfect, perfect face. every day, you wonder how you were so lucky to be loved by such an amazing person. 
“why didn’t you just wake me up? you big baby,” you mumble, pinching his cheek. he sticks his tongue out at you and you do the same to him. 
“didn’t want to,” shotaro speaks after a moment. “you looked too pretty.”
“am i still pretty now that i’m awake?” you exaggeratedly bat your eyelashes at him, effectively earning another laugh from his lips.
“you’re pretty no matter what. my pretty baby,” and his voice drips with such unexpected sincerity, your stomach swarms with butterflies. “c’mere.”
finally, he reaches up to trail his fingers against the sensitive skin of your neck before gently tugging you down to meet his lips. 
shotaro’s lips are warm and plush against yours, and you feel your heart clench in all the right ways as he kisses you. every kiss always feels like the first, your head beginning to grow foggy as you soak him in. his thumb faintly strokes the back of your neck and he tilts his head a bit to press closer to you—like your body being on top of his was simply not enough. 
your mind spins and twirls with adoration when his tongue swipes across your bottom lip, silently asking permission for your lips to part. he cradles you as if you are a piece of fine china, his hand leaving your neck to find your waist, holding you against him. you can feel his rapid heartbeat through his shirt and he sighs into your mouth, his limbs growing lax when you reach to rest your palm against his chest.
you knew that if you kept going at this rate, shotaro would never leave your side, so with a few tiny kisses to the corner of his mouth, you slowly pull away from him. 
“noooo!” shotaro whines dramatically, sprawling out on the sheets like a starfish. “this isn’t fair.”
“life isn’t fair, babe,” you giggle, leaning down to kiss him on the nose. “you have to go now.”
“don’t wanna…” shotaro huffs, trying to tug you back toward his lips. you smile as you give him another tiny kiss before rolling to the other side of the bed. shotaro is quick to follow you, but you stop him with a soft push to his chest.
“if you don’t go, then how are you gonna get your after-work kiss, hm?” you ask, cocking your head to the side. shotaro scrunches up his nose at you before deflating.
“you’re right,” he sighs. “one more kiss? for motivation?”
rolling your eyes fondly, you grab his chin and give him one long, sweet kiss. when you break away, there’s a goofy grin on his face that puts the sun to shame. 
shotaro reaches up to brush his thumb over your cheek fondly. “see you this evening, baby. i’ll call you during my break, okay?” 
“okay. i love you,” you yawn, snuggling into the sheets again.
“i love you,” he says back, but makes no move to leave once he sees you falling asleep again. “now i really don’t want to go.”
“taro, go!” you swat at him blindly through your laughter, trying to push him out of the bed.
“fine, fine! i love you! you’re so beautiful! i’ll miss you! and you better answer my call or i’m coming home early! i love yo-”
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reblogs + feedback are greatly appreciated!
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luvbinnies · 5 months
rollercoaster of emotions
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sungchan just wanted to go to the amusement park with his two friends, unforunately for him, those two friends are absolutely smitten for each other
Genre: wonbin x Gn!reader. fluff humour. Warnings: mention of piss/pee, sungchan third wheeling. Rollercoasters, swearing (I think), I wrote this in three in the morning 😭 wc: 1.5k
A/n: I won’t be posting anything until probably next year since my last exam is the fourth and I should probably have been studying instead of writing this lol
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“Wow I swear this is the most fun I’ve ever had at the park before.” You state as the game worker hands Wonbin the big penguin plush he had won for you.
“Yeah that’s because it’s your first time at the park for fun, and not to be working.” Sungchan replies, tired of all the complaining you do as a worker at the park.
“And you’re not spending half your wallet on stupid plushies.” Wonbin grumbles. “You’re the one with the job, why did I have to pay for your game, just for you to continuously lose.”
He crosses his arms around the toy not letting you have it. “I had to win for you or you would milk out every penny from my pocket.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at your friend in front of you as he frowns with a pouty face and turns the other way pretending to act upset, at least you think he was pretending.
“Bini, I was the reason you got in the park for free because I work here, the least you could do is let me hold my child.” referring to the penguin in his arms, but he still refuses to acknowledge you.
“Fine, let’s go get those animal ear things. I’ll pay for all three of us to make up for it.” You attempt to grab his hands, but really so you can get the toy from him. Wonbin knew what you were trying to do and wasn’t going to just let it happen after he watched you empty out his wallet and repeatedly fail, probably the simplest rigged game at the park.
Causing the two of you to wrestle for the big plushie. Sungchan has to awkwardly stand there as two of his friends who are so obviously smitten for each other fight over a toy like children.
The two of you almost trip when Sungchan barges between you two and captures the fake animal for himself. “Hmm, what to name you? Mr. Peepee pants?”
“What no that’s so stupid-”
“I love it.” You unintentionally speak up as Wonbin was talking.
“Yeah great name.” Wonbin wholeheartedly agrees. Sungchan watches as his friend helplessly simps over you as you start contemplating whether the first name should be ‘Uranus’ or ‘Neon’.
“You know what I think,” Wonbin starts and you give your undivided attention to him. Sungchan knows that you only do that for Wonbin, whether it’s intentional or not, he can see, everyone can see how you are with him. Maybe except you two. Somehow both blind to the other’s admiration.
“I think we should get those animal ear bands, antlers would look great on Sungchan hyung.”
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“Yn, it’s not that serious.” Sungchan whines as you take forever in choosing which animal headband would look best on Wonbin.
There weren't any antlers thankfully for Sungchan, so the bear ones were a good second choice. Sungchan had mentioned how’d you look good with the frog eyes one, knowing fully well that Wonbin thinks you look the best in green.
No doubt about it, Wonbin literally said that in his sleep one time.
Wonbin was just staring at you going back and forth between a bunch of different animal bands, both of you too absorbed at what you were doing, not noticing the employees getting annoyed on how much time it is to take to choose a hair accessory.
“I think I got it.” You walk back to the two, biting back a smile holding the band behind you.
“What is it?” Wonbin asks.
“Close your eyes.”
The boy in front of you rolls his eyes but obeys your demand.
You gently place the band on his head with a stupid smile on your face as you admire your best friend, all sungchan can do is groan at the interaction.
You tell him to look and he opens his eyes to see you smiling down at him with a cheeky smile on your face. He thinks you look pretty.
Maybe bro was thinking out loud because you seem kinda startled and confused saying, “Yes you do look pretty, but you didn’t even get to see it yet.” Awkwardly scratching the back of your head.
Wonbin clears his throat with the back of his hand, “Yeah, but I m-meant it like a question. Is it pretty?” Heat rushing through his face as he tries to cover for himself.
“Yeah, pretty. You’re always pretty.”
Sungchan is just standing there watching his two friends awkwardly throwing glances at each other and turning their faces away as if they aren’t right in front of each other in the middle of the store. It’s taking every ounce of his to simply not drive off a cliff.
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The awkwardness between the two of you passes when sungchan starts pestering them to go on a ride with him.
It’s kind of always like that with you two, teasing and joking until someone compliments the other on a thing and both the receiver and the one who complimented get flustered over it.
“Isn’t that like the fastest ride in the park?” A terrified Wonbin asks.
“I think I read somewhere that it’s all of Korea.” You mention.
Sungchan knows that everything remotely scary is absolutely frightening to the younger boy and you’re quite the opposite. You have the most irrational fear of pumpkins. Not Jacko lanterns, just pumpkins, claiming they are frightening to simply look at and that you will simply start screaming when in the presence of one.
“Wonbin you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I can just go with yn-”
“No I’ll go. I love rides.” He attempts to say as convincingly as possible.
Which confuses both you and sungchan. “Bini, since when did you like rides? You can barely handle the pirate ship ones.”
“u-uh, it’s I- that ride you guys want to go on, I used to go on it as a kid, it’s just been a while.”
Frowning, not convinced, “Are you sure? You know we don’t have to go if you don’t want-”
He grabs your arm, cutting you off, walking in the direction of the ride. “No, I’m sure.”
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Waiting in line wonbin would not let go of your hand, instead of being worried that maybe he was frightened about the whole ride thing, or that people around you might think you two are those annoying couples in amusement park rides who can’t keep their hands off of each other.
You were really distracted at the fact you felt like you were losing circulation in your hand and everytime sungchan said some fact about the ride his grip would just get tighter and tighter, making you want to squeeze sungchan’s neck hard everytime he opens his mouth.
Finally when it was your guys’ turn Wonbin lets go of your hand so he can put your guys’ bags in the boxes. Only for you to realize that you guys were at the end and the cut off was before sungchan, as he was behind the both of you.
Before you could mention it and say that you didn’t mind waiting for the next round. Sungchan had pushed you and when you turned to him he just gave you a quick wink and started making kissy faces.
Rolling your eyes at him, you kind of figured that sungchan knew you might’ve liked your friend without you ever telling him so.
Getting into the seat next to wonbin at the back since they were the only seat available, the minute you touch the seat, wonbin’s hand is on yours all over again. This time it was shaking completely.
“Wonbin, are you sure you want to do this? Sure you went as a kid, but most kids don’t understand the concept of danger and you're shaking badly.”
You stare at him as his eyes are closed, taking in deep breaths slowly. Watching as they start to speed up once the ride starts moving. The best thing you could do is hold his hand in yours.
As the ride starts pulling upwards he speaks up, “You know I never understood as a kid people liked going on scary things like these.”
“Huh? Didn’t you go on this one though?”
“No, I lied.” His voice became eight octaves higher.
“What? Wonbin why?”
“Because I wanted to go with you, I wanted to be with you-” his voice ends his sentence with a shriek when the ride stops at the edge of the highest concave.
His hand was not squeezing badly onto yours and as the ride went down you couldn’t really be scared anymore.
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Sungchan got off of his ride with the wind completely messing up his hair and a jump in his step. Walking to the exit, he sees his two friends waiting for him. He sees the two of you still holding hands from before and wonbin’s face hiding in your neck still probably shaken up from the ride.
Now he’s wondering which highway to sleep on tonight.
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promise-you-doie · 7 months
Like a Butterfly | P. Wonbin
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Summary: Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing, how lucky of you to have found it twice. Pairings: Shotaro x Reader Wonbin x Reader words: 15k Genre: kind of a love triangle, fluff, angst. Warnings: mild cursing, suggestive. that's all. :)
Poetry has been around since the beginning of time. It knew many forms and emotions. You loved it because it had no rules, no restrictions. anything could be poetry. That was the beauty of art.
If you had a Time Machine you would teleport back to the time when life was simpler. You didn’t have the stress of school, the weight of peoples opinions or the inconvenience of being somewhat an adult.
Luckily you didn’t need a Time Machine, you had Wonbin. Having his arms wrapped around you was your form of escapism.
His fingers intertwined in yours and you feel yourself chasing all the heat his body has to offer as you push yourself as close as physics would allow you to. You love him, you’re sure of it.
You love the beautiful melody of his voice, the lovely shapes in his face. The brightness of his smile, the softness of his hands. and sometimes you think you love the way he loves you, but he doesn’t. That’s the issue.
You often find yourself daydreaming of an alternate universe in which he cared for you the way you care for him. It wouldn’t be too different from the one you’re in now. Only difference is you wouldn’t have to hide with him.
The two of you could love each other aloud, you could kiss him in front of your friends. Hold hands during the day.
But those were just daydreams. This is reality, and In your reality you were sitting on the opposite side of the food court watching Wonbin smile and giggle with a girl who wasn’t you.
Over time you’d gotten better at keeping your emotions tamed.
“Girl? You got beef with the broccoli?”
Well… you were still working on it.
“It's just not-“ you stab the broccoli a few more times before you give up and just throw the fork down.
“Is something bothering you?” Shotaro asks softly. Hearing his voice only eases you down. You could never be upset around him, not when he’s giving you a look like he’ll do anything on the planet to make sure your smile never fades.
It wasn’t just his eyes that were telling you that, it was everything about him. It’s just how he was.
“I’m just so stressed with midterms coming up. I can’t fail, my parents will kill me.” You partly lie.
“Want me to come over later, we can study together. I’ll make sure to get the cherry ice cream that you really like.”
His suggestion is enough to erase whatever distress you were feeling.
“Thank you taro.” You smile at him
“Oh you two are so cute. Just date already.” Giselle laughs watching the two of you interact with each other.
You wished it were that simple, you would just be happy with Shotaro like everyone expected you to. But the only dilemma to this obvious solution, was that you only kinda liked shotaro. But you really like Wonbin.
As if he could hear your thoughts, the devil with a sly smile walks over to your table stirring up your emotions once again. Smirking as if he knows how upset he’s made you talking to that girl.
“What’s going on over here?”
“Nothing that concerns you?” Winter dismisses him.
You try to ignore him but you can’t help but feel his gaze burning into you like the rays of the sun. Usually you loved it, but right now his intense contact made you wanna crawl up into a ball and vanish.
“Who’s the girl you were flirting with?” Ningning asks
“He probably doesn’t even know her name? It’s a new girl everyday with him.” Karina adds
Hearing it all made you want to throw up, but you keep your calm. Simply picking at the food on your plate trying to tune out the conversation that's happening right before you.
You’re so immersed in your food that you don’t even notice that everyone’s stopped talking and is watching you brutally stab at the chicken.
“Oh that poor chicken.” Ningning whispers.
After a few short seconds you break out of your own bubble and look up at your group of friends, quickly taking notice of horror on each of their faces.
“Sorry, I gotta use the bathroom.” You say dismissing yourself from the table.
“Damn, if she’s this scared for midterms. There’s no hope for the rest of us.” Sohee deadpans
“To be fair, there was never any hope for you.” Winter snickers.
The table breaks off into a new conversation, completely missing when Wonbin sneaks off after you.
“Where are you heading off to?” You hear Wonbin in some distance behind you.
Within a split second his hand is on your wrist pulling you back towards him until you’re face to chest.
“We have some time.”
“I’ve gotta get to class, Wonbin.”
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, I’m just-“
“You know i know better”
You couldn’t tell him the real truth. That it bothered you seeing him with someone else. That you were jealous but you had no right to be because the two of you weren’t even dating.
“It’s just a lot right now.”
“You usually come to me about these kinds of things.” He says softly and it makes you melt, almost as much as his subtle touch to your cheek.
“I've just been a little too busy lately.”
“Then I’ll just come over tonight, we can talk all you want.”
The offer was tempting. The only thing that could fix you was laying for hours in his arms and talking until you mumbled yourself to sleep just as you always do.
“Can’t. I’m studying with shotaro tonight.”
“Then I’ll just stop by afterwards.”
“I’m gonna be late for class.”
“I’ll see you later?”
“Goodbye, Wonbin.”
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Laughter echoed throughout the living room where you and shotaro remained. Textbooks, notebooks, pens and snacks took up the space between the both of you. Keeping the mood light and easy.
“Okay let’s see…” you pause for a moment to search for a question you were sure he wasn’t gonna get.
“What is the term used to describe a process that is both catabolic and anabolic?”
“No fair, you cheated.”
“No i didn’t.”
“Did too!”
“Did not.”
In the middle of your childish bickering you hear your phone ding. Your first instinct was only to ignore it, and switch your phone off. But you quickly get a change of heart when you see that Wonbin is the reason for the notification.
Wonbin <3: still studying?
Wonbin <3: I miss you
Wonbin <3: Can’t stop thinking about you
Each message sends a new wave of butterflies, it’s almost sickening how you allowed him to have this effect on you.
You: I’m trying to focus
Wonbin <3: I’m sorry baby, continue studying.
“Sorry, Karina’s nagging me about her new shoes.” You made up.
“Actually it’s getting pretty late, do you wanna call it a night?” He asks as he’s already closing the books, knowing what your answer is gonna be before you get a chance to say anything.
“Um. Yeah, we can continue another time. I’m getting pretty tired.”
“So I’ll see you in class.”
“Of course. Drive safely. Text me when you get home.”
“Goodnight, shotaro.” You smile warmly at him and it lingers for a few seconds before he finally leaves. You can’t help but hold your smile even after you close the door to your apartment and reach to clean up the small mess on your floor. It’s only a few books, highlighters and a set of keys that you assumed were yours at first but after picking them up you quickly noticed they weren’t.
Just as soon as you come to the conclusion of who the keys could belong to you hear a knock at the door.
“I picked them up as so-“ your eyes widen the moment you notice that it’s not shotaro but Wonbin standing on the other side of your doorway. Within two seconds you pull him in and check the hallway to make sure that no one saw him coming to your apartment at 11 pm at night.
“What are you doing here?” You whisper, shout, as if people can hear you through the walls.
“I wanted to see you.”
“What if he saw you?” And the moment the words leave your mouth there’s another knock at the door. You only have five seconds to think and in those five seconds you push Wonbin out of view and breathe before you open the door.
“I left my keys.”
“Yeah, I picked them up just a few seconds ago.”
“I also wanted to ask if maybe you’d want to come with me to the fall festival tomorrow.”
You fix your lips and you’re about to accept his invitation when you hear a loud noise coming from Wonbins direction.
“Did something fall?”
“No yeah it’s just a painting I’ve been trying to keep up. But it keeps falling.”
“Do you need help with it?”
“Uh no i think i might just return it, but yes i definitely want to join you tomorrow.”
“Yeah. I think it’ll be fun.”
“Good, so uh I’ll just text you when I get home.”
“Drive safe, good night.”
The second you close and lock the door you’re scolding Wonbin yet again.
“Are you trying to get us caught?”
“It just fell.”
“Oh just fell my ass.” You yell at him but you can’t remain serious when he’s looking down at you with his dark Diamond eyes. Or when he gives you that smile that you absolutely hate (love).
“I’ll be more careful next time.” he smirks.
You wanna scold him about there not being a “next time” but there’s only so much you can say when your lips are occupied with his own.
His hands are tugging and your waist to pull you closer to him and naturally your hands wrap around his forearms. Your conscience is telling you this is wrong and you need to end whatever it is that the two of you have going on. But your heart completely disagrees as you’re pulling him even closer to you like he’s gonna disappear under your grasp.
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You find yourself in this position too often. You wished you could say you hated it, but that’s just not the case. It’s almost sickening how weak you are for him. All he had to do was say your name and you’d fold for him time and time again.
His fingers are twirling around in your hair, your legs are horizontally crossing his and cheeks are pressed against his chest. By now your eyes are getting heavier and heavier, and the warmth of his body doesn’t aid in your sleepiness. Nor does the way his chest vibrates every time he speaks, and especially not when his voice is soft and soothing.
“What got you upset this morning?” He circles the question back around after hours. You don’t wanna remember the way she smiled at him or the way she brushed her hand against his arm. And you especially don’t wanna have to tell him about your frustrations so you sum it up to. “Just something the girls and I were talking about.” Hoping he wouldn’t ask any more questions about the matter.
Eventually you shift your body so you can just lay over top of him, and comfortably fall asleep on his chest. The rhythm of his beating heart and the way his body rises with each breath he takes is more than enough to have you drifting to sleep once again and when you’re hanging on to a single thread of energy he kisses atop your head and whispers for you to sleep well.
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“Are you here by yourself?” That’s the single question that landed you here in the first place.
You’re sitting alone in an almost empty library. There’s just you, a few other students and the librarian. It’s quiet, that’s why you loved it. perfect place to go and get set on all of your academics or just escape from the noises of everyday life.
You’re so interested in your book that you fail to notice Wonbin walk in, and immediately gravitate over to you.
It’s not until he speaks that you lift your head from the contents of your novel to meet his eyes, and a pretty smile to match.
“Are you here by yourself?” He asks
“Yeah, I just needed to clear my head.”
From there is when you both begin a conversation, you realize that he’s easy to talk to. The conversation just flows like the crystal clear water of a river. You talk enough to have just wasted 3 hours of what was supposed to be alone time. But you feel as if you’d rather have spent time talking to him than doing anything else.
Overtime he becomes the person you can go to just to talk. Talk about any and everything, but somehow conversations led to prolonged kisses and touching each other in ways you wouldn’t want from anyone else.
“I’ve never kissed anyone.”
“Really, never?”
“I mean well, I kissed this guy in freshman year of highschool. but it was so weird I don't even wanna think about it.”
you stopped talking when you noticed him watching your lips. For a good few seconds neither of you said anything. The only noise to fill the air was the background noise of the T.V.
“First kisses are usually always awkward, mine was.”
you gasp a little when his focus shifts from your lips back to your eyes.
“yeah, I guess so.”
“So I'm guessing you haven’t dated anyone?”
“no, not yet.”
“How come?”
“I just don’t have the time, not with school and stuff.”
“but you have time to talk to me.”
“That's because I like talking to you.”
“you do?”
with each sentence that leaves his mouth you hear the tone of his voice get softer and softer. you couldn’t remember when it started, when you started liking him. or when just the sound of his voice became so intoxicating to you, but what you did know was that there wasn’t anything you could do about it.
so when he gently slipped his hand under your jaw and hooked around the side of your face, and kept eye contact with you as he got closer and closer until you felt his breath brush upon your lips. you only closed your eyes, you didn’t have the willpower to fight him off and even if you did. you wouldn’t want to.
because your second kiss was way better than your first, it was unclear why though. was it the quality of the kiss, or was it the person you shared the kiss with? you were unsure, and as much as you wanted to find out. you couldn’t, it couldn’t happen. not again.
being with wonbin broke so many of the friendship rules and you knew that. which is why you never told your friends and you never kissed him again.
however the conversations never stopped, talking to him was how you managed through busy weeks and frustrating assignments. you were too busy for leisure time, let alone relationships. so how did you make time for him? how did you manage time to sneak around with him?
“you just take this 4 and multiply it by the 7 down here.” you ask
when you look up is when you finally notice how close he was. you stop breathing for a few seconds looking down to see that if you moved just a few inches you’d be touching his fluffy pretty lips.
but you blink out of your fantasy, you’d already made it clear that what happened before, can’t happen again.
“are you keeping up?”
“no i think i got lost, could you run it over one more time.” he’s just barely whispering now, and staring at your lips.
“yeah, umm you just…”
before you could explain anything he moves the hair from covering your face, using only his index finger to push it over your shoulder so he could see you a little more clearly.
“wonbin…” you whine lowly and it causes him to laugh in a way that gives you butterflies.
“yeah?” he asks innocently.
it’s his smile, it’s his smile that makes your heart beat outside of your chest. it’s his smile that makes you act the way you do. it’s his smile that posses you to kiss him back when he lays his lips on yours.
“We can't take this any further.” you say once you push him off of you
“okay.” his lips are agreeing but his hands aren’t obeying. sliding past the skin of your thigh in a way that makes you dizzy.
“I won't do anything you don’t want me to.”
“it’s not that i don’t want to…”
“then tell me what it is?”
“you can’t flirt your way out of this assignment.” the words come out in a whisper as you take his larger hands into your own, to stop him from sliding up and down your leg.
the rest of the evening went smoothly. only small touches here and there. but nothing that you felt like would jeopardize the friendship. but when he leaves and you fall back on your bed all you think about is how perfect his lips felt on yours or how electrifying his hands felt on your skin.
you know that the friendship is beyond jeopardized by now. you don't know when the damage began, if it was when you shared the first kiss? or if it was when you rolled off your bed to answer the door after wonbin had left, only to find that he was back. and he was thinking about you just how you were thinking about him.
“Why are you still here?” you question but he doesn’t answer. He walks in the more you back up until he’s far enough to close the door behind him.
“Can I kiss you?”
“no.” you wish you had the strength to say that. no, more like you wished you could say that and actually mean it. but he stands over you looking down at you in a way that makes you forget everything else.
What started as a kiss ended as the two of you wrapped in your sheets.
you shielded your face in his neck from all of the embarrassment you felt, knowing that it was far too late to just stay “friends”.
“We can't tell anyone about this.”
“I won’t say a thing.”
he agrees as he lays a sweet kiss on the side of your head.
you thought that this was the lowest you could go. having sex with him and lying to your friends. but you found a way to go lower, you fell in love.
you fell in love with him, and you fell in love with sneaking around with him. kissing in hidden hallways, lingering gazes in front of your friends and cryptic conversations.
that’s why everytime he comes over you can’t help but give in to him. anger doesn’t exist when you’re around him and you wanted so deeply to hate him. but you just can’t
Within 30 minutes of Wonbin waking you to tell you he was leaving to get ready for school, your alarm went off, telling you that it was now your turn. Not ready to get up yet you snooze your alarm for 20 more minutes.
After twenty minutes pass and your alarm goes off again you roll out of bed and throw on the first thing you see. Which happens to be an oversized black zip up hoodie and a pair of jeans.
“Is that Wonbin’s hoodie?” Giselle asks the second she she’s you.
“Hmm?” You finally look down at the large garment you’re wearing. Nearly widening your eyes when you realize it is in fact his hoodie.
“No. Girl why would I be wearing Wonbin’s hoodie?” You laugh off and she follows after you
“I thought it was for a second.”
“Anyways I heard shotaro finally asked you out on a date.”
“It’s not really a date, we’re just hanging out.”
“Hanging out alone? It's definitely a date.” She re-adresses and continues
“It’s about time, you guys move like turtles.”
By the time she finishes her sentence you’re standing right out front of the door to the class.
“It’s just a little hang out.”
“Talk to someone who doesn’t know any better.”
“Goodbye Gigi.”
“Bye girl.”
The second you walk into class you catch a glimpse of the very girl that had her paws over (not) your man yesterday morning. But you don’t get much time to think because shotaro calls your name and signals you over to take a seat next to him.
“Hey.” You smile before you take a seat.
“How’d you sleep?”
“I slept pretty well.”
“So we’re still on for tonight.”
“Yeah of course.”
He smiles and turns to the teacher when she begins to speak. You wanna pay attention to the class, but all your focus goes to the brunette beauty sitting far across the room.
She’s talking to her friend and she starts to smile, you see just how pretty her smile is. Which you hadn’t noticed yesterday. She’s gorgeous and you hate it. You hate how pretty she is, you hate that you’re now so fixed on her because of one minor interaction between her and someone that you weren’t even supposed to be with.
Each time you try to pretend she isn’t there, you find yourself taking more and more peaks of her. By the end of the class you’re now hating yourself and wanting again to just disappear into thin air.
You leave class immediately, wanting to head to the bathroom and take a small break but Wonbin has other plans as he stands outside of your class to pull you aside the second you walk out.
“Why haven’t you responded to my text?”
“Huh?” You question clearly confused about what it is he would even be messaging you about that was so serious it warranted him standing outside of your class like a fool.
“Didn’t you get my messages?”
“No, I haven't checked my phone.”
“Wow, nice to see that you guys are finally talking. Sometimes i forget that you two know each other.” Shotaro speaks from besides you.
“It’s just there's nothing for us to really talk about.”
“I think we’d have more conversations if you didn’t ignore me.”
To that you just laugh off, hoping that Shotaro didn’t catch the sarcasm in Wonbin’s statement.
“Well I’ll leave you guys to talk, I’ll be in the library.” Shotaro points as he walks off and you fix your legs to follow after him but Wonbin takes your wrist and pulls you back to him.
Only for you to quickly pull it away. “What are you trying to do?”
“Sorry, wouldn’t want your boyfriend to catch us.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You say first
“And secondly i didn’t say anything when you were fucking that girl with your eyes yesterday.”
You wanna die when he smiles down at you, finally pulling out the answer that you’d been trying to hide.
“Is that why you were so mad?” he mocks.
“No, I wasn’t mad. I don’t care. do what you want.”
“To be fair you’re not being so discreet, walking around campus with my hoodie on.”
“I didn’t realize it was yours until I got to school.”
“But you still have it on.”
“I don’t have a shirt on '' you whisper shyly enough for him to hear. The way he smiled at you makes you debate on whether you wanna kiss him in front of everyone or run and hide.
“Well you look good in it.” He says playing on the strings of the hoodie.
“Can I see you later?”
“You know you can’t.”
“Right, you have a date.”
“It’s not a date.”
“Then go tell him that.”
“No. Why would - I don't have time for this. I have to go study.”
“Study hard.” You don’t give a response, you just roll your eyes and walk away.
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This is a date. There was no point of lying to yourself anymore when you knew the answer. Shotaro’s handsy, not in the way that makes you uncomfortable, but in the way that if a stranger were watching they’d think that you were a couple.
Of course you don’t mind it when he slides an arm around your waist and pulls you close to him whenever a stranger passes by you. Or when he slips his hand over yours to lead you through the different activities.
In fact you think you might actually like it. The mood with shotaro is so light you feel like you're just floating. You’re happy, and you know you can most definitely get used to this.
“Look.” He says to grab your attention. You turn around and see he’s holding his phone to take a selfie with you. So easily you hold up a pose to match his expression and watch as he takes a few flicks.
He swipes through the pictures in front of you so you can see the results. Leaned against him with your arm looped around his.
“These are so cute.”
“You like them?”
“Mhm, send them to me.”
“Okay what do you wanna do next?”
“Um~” you hymn while looking, scanning around the area to see what catches your eye. Each station looks fun and interactive but when you see a coffee stand that has hot chocolate, your mind is made up immediately.
“Let’s get hot chocolate.” You look up at him and he’s looking down at you with his dark orbs.
“Hot chocolate it is.”
He leads you to the hot chocolate station and stands with you in line.
“Which one do you want?”
“Pumpkin with whipped cream.”
You wait in line, your arms remained tightened around Shotaro while he placed the order. You only pull your arms off of him when the person working the stand passes you your cup of hot chocolate.
“Oh look, it's Wonbin.”
Hearing his name is enough to perk your ears up. You hadn’t thought about him the whole night, and you really don’t wanna start now.
You follow Shotaro's eyes to see Wonbin standing not far away from you. He doesn’t notice you standing there until Shotaro calls out his name and signals him over to you.
Wonbin sees Shotaro first and then he sees you, shaking your head back and forth with widened eyes hoping that he’d take the hint and stay where he is. But he doesn’t, of course he doesn’t.
“Hey I didn't know you guys would be here.” Wonbin lied straight through his pretty lips.
“We were just hanging out.” Shotaro responds on your behalf
“I’ve been looking for you. I got our hot chocolate.” The same girl from yesterday stood right in front of you again. Wearing the same smile she had prior and a look in her eyes that tells you that she really really liked Wonbin.
“Thanks.” He says retrieving a cup from one of her hands and using his other hand to hold the hand he just freed.
You feel sick again, just as you did yesterday morning. The worst part is that you know that he knows because of the way he smirks darkly at you.
“Oh these are my friends.”
“Oh I know you guys, we have biology together. I always thought that you made the cutest couple.”
You smile and look up at Shotaro who’s also smiling.
“They aren’t dating.” wonbin sternly corrects her before she gets a chance to finish her sentence
“Wait really, you should y’all are so cute together.” She compliments again. Completely oblivious to the way wonbin turns his head and rolls his eyes.
“Wouldn’t they be perfect together?” She looks up at Wonbin for an answer.
“Yeah, I couldn't imagine her with anyone else.”
“Thanks everyone tells us that we should get together.” You smile up at shotaro hoping to make Wonbin at least half as upset as he made you.
“We should leave you love birds to finish your night.”
“Actually I think it would be fun for us to go through the haunted maze together.” You loop your arm back around Shotaro and smile at Wonbin.
“Oh my god, yes.” Wonbin’s date jumps and sequels.
The night was fun before and you had expected it to get even better, clinging on Shotaro as you walked in front of Wonbin and his date through the maze. Tightening your hold onto his arm each time another actor popped out. Or giggling about how brave he was, knowing that wonbin got to see everything.
You just wished that you could keep up the act for the entire night. Or at least not visibly roll your eyes when you hear a small voice behind you go “this is so scary, can I hold your hand.” It took everything in you not to turn around to see what was going on behind you.
The more you hear the conversation going on behind you the more you cling to Shotaro. Half attempting to make him jealous and half hoping that if you spent more time worrying about Shotaro you’d spend less time thinking about wonbin and the girl behind you, and not what they were doing.
Not that there was actually anything happening, wonbin was too occupied with watching you laugh and smile with Shotaro to even care about the girl that he invited simply to see you get mad again. Her hands on him went completely unnoticed as he poked his tongue through his cheek to stop himself from making any comments aloud.
When all of you finished the maze you were annoyed and so was he, but both of you were stubborn. So he wore a pretty fake smile when he wrapped his arm around the girl beside him and you did the same, intertwining your fingers with Shotaro's and smiling up to him about how fun the maze was.
You weren’t even trying to piss Wonbin off anymore, you were just trying to keep up the act that you started. Unsure of who you were doing it for. Were you trying to convince Wonbin, Shotaro or yourself?
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The night ends off with you in the passenger seat of his car, after he arrives at your apartment.
“I had so much fun, taro. Thanks for inviting me out.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, I actually wanted to talk to you a little bit.”
“Yeah? What's up?”
“Well actually I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I just didn’t wanna make a fool of myself, but I was talking to the guys about it, and they said I should just do it. I don’t wanna make things weird though and actu-” you’re watching him in adoration as he rambles on and avoids eye contact with you.
“Do what?” you ask through your giggle
“Well I really like you, Y/N. I’ve liked you for a long time now and I like talking to you, spending time with you.”
“Yeah.” you speak gently, that’s what makes shotaro take a deep breath and finally look at you.
“I just wanted to ask if you’d like to be my girlfriend?.”
“I-“ you begin to speak but he’s quick to cut you off before you could even answer him.
“You don’t have to give me an answer right now, just think about it and let me know when you’re ready.”
“I’ll definitely think about it.” You reach to give him a kiss on his cheek.
What an eventful night, you think while walking into your apartment. Easily your feet shuffle to your bed and allow yourself to fall back.
Shotaros question leaves you confused. You wanted to say yes. It seemed like the obvious answer, and you would have agreed to his proposal the second he asked but the only thing standing in your way is Wonbin.
You turn in your bed and curl into a ball, taking the black garment beside you and using it as a pillow not noticing that it’s Wonbin’s hoodie until you recognize the large print written behind the hoodie.
Just as you throw the hoodie across the room there’s a knock at the door. It’s small and kinda shy so you think it’s shotaro and for the second night in a row you’re mistaken as you open to find Wonbin standing directly parallel from you.
You have nothing to say to him, you’re mad at him, you think. But you’re not entirely sure. You feel like you’re supposed to be upset and you’re supposed to be kicking him out of your apartment. You try to find the answer by just looking at him, but when you see him you see Wonbin. You love the man you see in front of you, and you hate that you do.
“Where’s your date?” You ask
“Probably at home.”
“Does she know you’re here?”
He invites himself in fully and closes the door behind him.
“I bet you'd like to know.”
“You were all touchy feely earlier, I’d think that you really liked her.”
“I don’t even know her name.”
“You’re a sick man,”
“You’re not any better, baby.
You knew you were just as bad. You were well aware. Both of you are using innocent people as pawns in this twisted game you liked to play.
“I’m not as bad as you.”
“So you don’t mind me telling shotaro about this?”
“Why would you do that?”
“Why shouldn’t i?”
He’s so close to you, that you feel his heat radiating on to you. But he’s not as close as you’d like him to be. That’s how you knew you were worse than he was. Because even with everything that just transpired tonight you wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him until you're out of breath. Until his lips are red and swollen, until you finally understand what’s holding you back from fully committing to shotaro.
The question goes unanswered when your lips are tangled in his, not an inch in between your connecting bodies. Only thing to pull you away from each other is when you hear a single ring from your phone, telling you that someone texted.
You know who it is, and so does he. But it doesn’t stop you from pulling out your phone to check the message from shotaro telling you to sleep well.
This isn’t right, you feel at this exact moment that this isn’t right. You look up at Wonbin, your eyes easily finding him. Thinking that maybe this will set you straight. But all it does is remind you of how you got here in the first place.
Within a split second your lips are back on his again, they never leave. Even as he leads you to your bed to lay you down gently.
“This is the last time we’re doing this, so you better make it count.”
“Yes ma’am.” Is all he whispers in your ear before he begins leaving kisses down your collar bone.
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Mornings after spending a night with Wonbin were the exact reason that you kept this going for so long. There’s nothing in the world more comforting than the beating of his heart mixed with sounds of chirping birds and light of the morning sun sneaking into your apartment.
There once was a time when you’d swore you wanted to lay here for eternity. But something today is different, because with the birds chirping and the sun dimly shining and his arms wrapped firmly around you. It just doesn’t feel the same, you can’t tell what’s changed.
But you know that the more you lay in bed with him the more you feel wrong.
“You’re awake?” He peeks down at you with sleepy eyes. The ones you loved waking up to, at least you used to. You don’t know what’s switched in you, but honestly you don’t wanna know. Now you finally have the strength to end this cycle that you’ve started.
His eyes are trained on you and you sit up and lean against your headboard.
“You should go.” You didn’t mean for it to come out as a whisper.
“I want you to leave.”
He doesn’t ask anymore questions but you can tell he’s confused. You’re watching him in silence as he slips his clothes back on and you grab one of your favorite oversized band shirts to throw on.
“Can I call you later?”
“You won’t get an answer.”
The room goes silent again, while he collects his shoes, wallet, and phone and makes his way to the door.
“Wait.” You stop him before he walks out.
It’s almost fun to you when you see him turn back to you with shadows of hope ghosting over his expression.
“You forgot this.” You tease,
walking to him with his black hoodie.
“Goodbye, Wonbin.” You reach to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek.
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Nobody notices how your eyes are glued to Wonbin when he takes a seat directly across from you. He pretends like he’s so focused on what Seunghan has to say but you know that’s not the case because when he laughs he looks at you.
It doesn’t occur to you until now that this whole kind of breakup thing isn’t going to be easy at all.
“So Y/N how’d your date go yesterday?” Karina turns the attention to you. You feel all eyes turn to your direction and including Wonbin’s who’s looking you through his eyebrows.
“We had a lot of fun.” You turn to shotaro hoping that maybe it will take your attention off of the man sitting across from you.
“Did you guys kiss?”
“You know they didn’t, they still act like 2nd graders when they touch hands.”
“Be careful, she’s not as innocent as she looks.”
Wonbin laughs while looking at you.
“Wait what? Y/n did you finally lose your virginity?”
The question causes you to cough aloud. Sure you weren’t innocent, but you definitely did not want to talk about your first sex experience in public to all of your guy friends and especially not with shotaro and Wonbin.
“I um… yeah, remember I told you guys.”
“Oh yeah, the guy from earlier this year. That you said made you wanna baby trap him with how good it was.”
“I don’t think I said all that.”
“Mm mm you said more.”
“I remember cause she was like-“
“Okay, that’s enough.” You stop them. Not only because it was a topic you’d rather not talk about in front of shotaro but also because the man that you wanted to “baby trap.” Was Wonbin
“Whatever happened to him?” Giselle asked
“She probably got bored and dropped him.” Wonbin snickers under his breath, not even bothering to look at you.
“Well, actually. I realized that we weren’t good for each other, and that I needed to be with someone who was good for more than just sex.”
“Amen girl.” Giselle adds
“Aww and now she has shotaro.”
“Honestly it sounds like an upgrade. What a douchebag.” Winter says while looking down at her food.
“But let’s be honest? Do you even like shotaro?” Wonbin blurts out. It takes not even 30 seconds for you to jump up and drag Wonbin away from the table by his wrist to a place where the rest of your friends can still see you but none of them can hear you.
All heads are turned towards the both of you as you yell at him for his unnecessary comments.
“What are they talking about?” Winter questions
“Don’t worry guys, I can read lips.” sohee says
“Okay she said something about the weather.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” you ask frustratedly
“I just asked a question, but it clearly got you upset ” He smiles down at you.
“It’s none of your business.”
“Maybe not, but I feel like he deserves to know.” Wonbin gestures to shotaro who walks up behind you.
“What’s going on with you guys?”
“Nothing, we had a small argument yesterday and now he’s acting like a baby.” You answer shotaro while watching Wonbin.
“Do you need to talk it out?” Shotaro asks
“There’s nothing more to say.” Wonbin says nonchalantly while walking back to the table and grabbing his bag, throwing it over his shoulder while making his way past you.
“I’ll see you around.” Is all he says before walking off and leaving you and shotaro by yourself.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You look down and notice shotaro’s hand is loosely wrapped around yours. You don’t really know when it got there but you figure that that’s the reason Wonbin decided to cut the conversation.
“I’m fine, sorry about all that.”
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After the entire incident with Wonbin you really only see him around campus. Neither of you are brave enough to talk to each other or at least apologize.
No matter how many times shotaro has explained to you that he didn’t find offense in Wonbin’s question. Or that he just wants you guys to work it out because he hates seeing his two close friends fight.
Part of you wants to just be honest with him and tell him what the whole fight was really about. But the rest of you thinks about the guilt you’ll feel when you see his reaction.
As far as the rest of the friend group went, things were pretty awkward. They’d only have one of you around at a time to avoid any blow up again.
As time goes on, the more you’re reminded that you guys had that rule about not dating within the friend group. And with each passing moment you feel guilty, because you never intended for things to get this far.
Even though this situation was extremely stressful you still had Shotaro’s question lingering in the back of your mind and with everything going on the answer seemed even clearer than ever.
Especially if Wonbin was no longer in the picture.
“So shotaro asked me to be his girlfriend.” you start
“It’s about time.” Ningning speaks
“When?” karina asks
“2 weeks ago, after we went to the festival.” you answer
“And what did you say?” giselle asks
“I didn’t give him an answer yet. He told me to think about it.” you respond
“What is there to think about?” winter questions
“I don’t know, we just had that rule about dating within each other and I didn’t wanna break it.” You lie.
“When we made that rule, it never applied to you and shotaro.” karina says, rolling her eyes
“Girl, two weeks is long enough to think about it, call him right now.” ningning says picking up your phone and throwing it in your lap.
“I can’t do that.” you argue
“Yes you can, and you will.” ningning states
“I’ll just text him.” you mumble
“No, you need to call him.” giselle says sharply
Ignoring them, you open your messages and begin to type out your message.
You: I’ve been thinking about it a lot. And I think I'm ready to finally be your girlfriend.
The second you send the text you throw your phone down on the bed. Hands shielding your face as if it could aid in the embarrassment you feel. The girls all squealed as the message was sent.
“Girl what are you scared of, he asked you.” ningning says laughing
“I know but it’s still scary, what if he changed his mind.” you say
“I’m sure he didn’t.”
Right after winter speaks you hear three bells come from your phone. To inform you that you got three new messages from shotaro.
The anticipation is killing you alive. On one hand you wanna know what he said and on the other you’re too afraid to pick up your phone.
“Girl answer the phone.” giselle says
“I can’t.” you say pushing the phone away from you
“Okay fine, I’ll do it.” Karina picks up the phone to read the messages. That’s when you finally uncover your face and watch their reaction carefully.
If their faces weren’t enough to tell you that something was wrong, the collective “oh.” Should’ve done it for you.
“What? What’s wrong?” you ask
“Umm you might wanna see this yourself.” karina says with a tight smile
They passed your phone back so you could see what was happening.
Wonbin: when you said you wanted to end things, i didn’t think this is what you meant
But honestly I’m glad you finally texted me, I really missed you.
I'd like to see how this works out
“Wow“ you sat there staring at your phone screen
“How did you even do that?” winter says, her brows furrowed
“I don’t know, I had both of their contacts pinned and I guess I accidentally chose the wrong one.” you stress
“Chose the wrong one?” giselle asks, her brow raised
“Wait, why would you even have Wonbin’s contact pinned? And what does he mean to end things?” karina asks, looking to the other girls
It’s true what they say. What’s done in the dark comes to the light. No matter how good you think you are at hiding. The truth always comes out eventually.
“Umm.” you trail off
You try to figure out how to say things while the four girls sit there waiting for an answer.
“We’ve been talking for a while.” you mumble
“Talking like how?” they start
“Did you guys have sex?” winter asks
“We’ve dabbled.” you mutter
“Literally what does that even mean?” ningning says, squinting at you
“Yeah.” you sigh
“How many times?” Giselle asks
“Uh like 3 times.” You’re not sure if it’s accurate but 3 is the first number that pops up in your head, and you start to nod your head when you see a couple of the girls nodding in agreement.
“Okay that’s not too bad.” giselle responds.
“A week.” You finish.
They let out a collective “damn.” Which told you that its definitely a lot.
“I didn’t know he had all that in him.” Karina says with widened eyes
“Oh he’s definitely got all that.” The thought makes you smile a little.
“Wait, you and Wonbin? As in the pretty boy who would flirt with a plant if it had eyes.”
“How did this happen?”
“I don’t know, I don't know one day we were just talking. Next day… he was in my bed. I thought that it’d be the first and only time but-“
“You just couldn’t stay away.” giselle speaks what you were thinking, causing you to shake your head in shame.
“How long have you guys been.. Y’know seeing each other.” winter questions
“Since like February.” you answer
“That’s 9 months.” Winter calculates
“Oh you sneaky bitch.” Ningning shakes her head
It takes but only a few minutes for other truths to be revealed.
“Is that why he blew up at the table? He’s the guy you wanted to baby trap?”
“Yeah.” You look down
“And you did have his hoodie on that day?”
You didn’t have anything to say for yourself, you were just ashamed.
“I can’t believe you lied to me. To my face.”
“She’s been lying to all of us.”
“Hold up… you said you had sex in your bed…” Ningning pauses “in this bed?” She points down gesturing to the bed.
“Yeah? Why?” Your question is answered when they all immediately jump off the bed and scream.
“Come on guys, I washed the sheets.”
“When’s the last time you guys hooked up?” winter asks
“Well I wouldn't call it hooking up, I’d say more love making, we have emotions between us when we do what we do.”
“Answer the question.” they yell at you collectively, you’ve always found it amusing how in sync they were.
“When I went to the fall festival with Shotaro.”
“Was this before or after he popped the question?” giselle asks
“After…” you say while looking to the side.
“Wow, you’re evil.”
“Poor shotaro. You’ve been cheating on him this entire time.” Ningning sighs
“We were never dating.” you say
“Yeah and you never will with this type of behavior.” She adds
“You and Wonbin? I’m still trying to imagine it.” Karina says
“I Can Girl, and it is not a pretty sight.” Giselle responds
The voices of the other girls are drowned out when you stare at the messages that Wonbin sent you. “I missed you.” Pops out the most to you. You bite your lip thinking about being exclusive with him.
While you’re still reviewing the text you see the text bubbles arise leaving you anxious to see what he’s about to say next.
Whilst going over the messages there’s a knock at the door. You along with all of the girls towards the door and they all turn to look at you.
“I think it’s your man.” Ningning teases
“God I hope not.”
“Well hurry and answer it.” Winter rushes you
Your feet drag towards the door, not really wanting to face him right now and especially not when you have your girls watching you.
However everything goes out of the window when you see his face. You don’t remember why you were fighting and start to question how you thought you could go without seeing him like this again.
“Oh guys, it’s wonbin. Ha ha.”
“What are you doing here?”
You don’t need to look to know that the girls are watching you like you’re on drugs. So instead of carrying this act on further you just stand back and let him in.
“Just.. come in.”
“You know what, now that I’ve seen it. I totally get it.” Karina admits
“Me too. They’d have the cutest babies.” Ningning exclaims
“Babies?” You question
“They’d be annoying too, please wear protection?” Winter adds
“Our babies wouldn’t be…” you stop when you realize what it is you’re saying. “There aren’t gonna be any babies.”
“Sure.” one of them say sarcastically
They all make their way to the entrance and start to leave. The last one to go is Ningning who looks at both of you one last time and says.
“No, you definitely chose the right one.” Before smiling at you and leaving you to answer Wonbin’s new set of questions.
“What’s she talking about?”
“We were talking about my apartment unit. I was questioning whether I got the right layout or not.”
Wonbin was right, you weren’t at all as innocent as you looked. Your ability to come up with a clever lie on the spot was a talent that you praised yourself on. All the practicing was really paying off.
“What made you change your mind? about us?” He placed his hands on each side of your hips and asked.
“Well we were talking and I realized that I couldn’t hide it anymore.”
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Boyfriend Wonbin was completely different from hookup Wonbin. PDA was his love language, which you were still getting used to.
The campus is full of students just trying to go about their day and get to their next activity. You easily blend in as one of those fairly busy students. Just making your way down the campus field when you hear your name being called from behind you.
“Let me walk you to class.” He says while cuffing your hands with his.
You hesitate to answer.
“Um okay.”
As soon as those words leave your mouth his fingers are intertwined in yours. Now walking through campus just simply holding hands has your heart racing.
Constantly looking over your shoulder to see if there’s actually eyes on you or if you're just hallucinating.
When your relationship was hidden you imagined things like this, holding his hand in public for everyone to see. Claiming him as yours. But now that you had the opportunity you were paranoid.
You’re not sure what you’re scared of until you see the girl who’s name you never learned, talking with her friends right in front of your class
“Text me when you get out of class.”
“Yeah.. okay.”
You say while still eyeing the brown haired girl opposite of him. You don’t know her but you feel extremely guilty about what you’ve dragged her into.
you only pull your eyes away when he uses his first two fingers and guides your face towards him. “I'm right here, baby.”
“don’t call me that, what if they hear you.”
“hear what? me talking to my girlfri-“
the second you begin to hear the “g” word you push your lips on his to shush him up. it wasn’t the best thing to do but it just happened instinctively.
and now you were beyond embarrassed.
“I'll see you later.”
When you turn away to go into class he pulls you back and places a softer kiss on your lips.
“Study hard.” he cheers you on as you walk into the classroom.
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“Do you have yesterday's notes, I left my laptop with Wonbin.” Shotaro nudges you.
“Yeah, of course. how is he by the way, it’s been a while since we talked.” you ask.
“really? I thought he said he was with you a few days ago?” he questions
“Umm, now that I think about it. We did hang out a little. I forgot about it for a second, sorry.”
“I'm glad you guys are getting along again.”
you feel it again, the guilt.
“I mean things are still a little awkward, we’re not that close.” You lie again.
“It’s still progress.”
It was definitely progress just not in the way that he thinks.
Your hour and 30 minute class felt like an eternity. With shotaro right beside you and wonbin’s former date in front of you, you felt like the walls were closing in on you.
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The second class is over, you make a run for it. Quickly tossing your bag over your shoulder and scurrying out before shotaro or anyone else could stop you. But as soon as you step out of the classroom door you’re met with a smiley Wonbin waiting patiently for you.
“How was class?” he asks while slipping his hands into yours and swinging his arms back and forth.
You’d love to just sit and talk with him, but only of course in the privacy of your apartment. Not here where Shotaro could easily see you, holding hands with the one person that you just told him you haven’t heard from.
Wonbin observes when you gently pull your hand from his and back away from him. “It was okay, I’m kinda busy though now. So I’m gonna-”
“Wonbin, what are you doing over here? Isn’t your class across campus?” shotaro walks out with an unknowing smile hanging between his cheeks.
“To pick up-”
“He said he was here to give you your laptop back.”
You stop him mid sentence and wrap your arm around his shoulder to stop him from grabbing your hand again. You can feel the heat of Wonbins eyes watching you but you try to ignore it as you keep focused on shotaro.
“I don’t have it with me.” he says confused,
The two of them standing in front of you at the same time makes your heart pound outside of your chest. Scared that Shotaro might reveal that he asked you to be his girlfriend, or that wonbin might uncover that you’re his girlfriend.. So what would anyone do in these kinds of situations? Lie. You were already doing that a ton these days.
“That’s interesting, well we’ll see you later. Wonbin and I have a project to finish up,” you say in a hurry, pulling Wonbin away by his wrist before either of them could question anything.
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Spending everyday hiding and lying to everyone was more tiring than you thought it'd be. But despite all of that there were a few positives to this relationship with your newfound boyfriend.. Things like sitting with legs horizontally across his lap while he goes over the notes for his history class.
There’s nothing to be said, it’s completely silent other than the sounds coming from the world outside of your apartment. You liked it this way. Just being in silence with him, skin on skin, heartbeats in sync. Your fingers playing in his hair out of habit, watching him carefully review the contents of his lap. When you notice a little black leather book hanging out of his bag.
“What’s this?” you say while leaning over to pick it up. Wonbin only looks up at you and then towards the book that you’re leaning to get and immediately he reaches to get it before you do.
“Just a notebook.” he says, holding it away from you.
“Well let me see it, it’s pretty.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Just let me see it.” you whine while pushing yourself further over top of him just to reach the notebook in his hand. By the time you finally get to the notebook, you let out a small giggle of victory. And run on the other side of the room.
The book isn’t too big, just big enough to fit into the palm of your hand with a small latch on the front and some small pattern art indented onto the front and the back. You don’t think to open it until he says “Okay, you’ve seen it. Give it back.”
“I’m not done looking.” you tease inspecting the book more, unlatching the hook to read the contents inside the book.
“Ooh Is this your poetry? I didn’t know you write.”
He’s talking but you don’t hear anything he says when you begin to read a random page of the small book aloud.
Fragile like a butterfly, soft like the petals of a healthy rose. You're stuck in my brain like lyrics to a catchy song. If you were a book I'd read you over and over again. If you were a movie I'd watch you repeatedly, but you don't have to be a book or a movie for me to enjoy watching you, reading the scriptures of your eyes like literature. feeling the texture of your skin as if you were made from braille. holding onto your hips as if the flesh of your body was the only source to eternal life. breathing in your scent as if you were made from the finest perfume.
cherishing you now, because I know I'll never find anything better.
“Aww you’re so romantic.” you tease again before finding another random page to read.
What do you call this?
the feeling I get in my stomach when I see you? the emotions I feel when you kiss me. the pit in my stomach when I see you smiling with someone else.
Is this what love feels like?
What do you call it when I start to smile to myself when I see something that reminds me of you.
when there's no one else in the world that makes me feel the way you do.
Is this what love feels like?
What do I do when you don't feel the same way? when loving you feels like self-inflicted torture. when you're both the remedy and sickness.
I hope this isn't what love feels like.
“Wait, is this…”you begin asking but trail off when you realize it's probably not what you’re thinking.
“All of these are about you.”
“Why?” you say the first thing that comes to mind, but retract shortly after you redirect the question. “I didn’t know you felt this way?”
You keep your eyes on him even as he stands up and walks over to you. “You really couldn’t tell?”
“How could I, when you’re always talking and flirting with someone new in front of me. Or that girl from the festival? You know you don’t really do a good job at showing people you care for them.”
“Okay so how do you feel?” he redirects the focus onto you.
“I really really like you obviously?” he’s looking at you but you’re trying to look everywhere else but in his direction. He’s watching you like he’s waiting for you to say something else, and you both know what he’s expecting you to say.
“I love you. I really love you. You don’t need me to tell you that.”
“I do, I need you to tell me everyday.”
By now you’re speechless. Not because you have nothing to say but because you have so much to say you don’t even know where to start. You could tell him that you’ve been in love with him for so long that it felt like forever or you could tell him that he’s crazy for not knowing how you felt about him. Or you could just kiss him, because that should be enough to say everything all at once without saying anything at all. And that’s what you choose.
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As more time goes on you feel that Ningning was right. You definitely did choose the right one, there wasn’t anyone else that fit you better than wonbin. Shotaro was close but he just wasn’t the same. You don’t know what it is about him that you love, but being with him just puts your mind at ease.
you’d gotten more comfortable with doing a couple things in public. things like holding hands, and kissing. that is of course until you spot shotaro walking up, that’s when you pull your hand away and make up some silly lie that you have to get something from your car.
or other times where you didn’t have time to run away so you just have to push wonbin away and lie about his hands being sweaty.
you were getting more creative with the lies.
“today we should go for frozen yogurt.” wonbin speaks while swinging your arms together.
“ooh i’ve been wanting ice cream.”
“I said frozen yogurt…“
“oh my god what is that?”
“what’s what?”
“I think I just saw a huge rat run that way, we’ll just have to take the stairs.”
“a rat?”
“yeah it was huge, come on. this way.” you try to hurry and pull him away but he isn’t budging. still searching for the rat that you claimed to have seen.
there wasn’t a rat, it was just sohee. walking towards you with a bright teeth showing smile and glistening eyes. like he always does.
“Hey guys.”
“Sohee~” you drag out his name, as he approaches you and wonbin. By now you’d given up on trying to break physical contact with Wonbin. He shifted his hand from yours to wrapping his arm around your waist, and rested his chin right on your shoulder.
“Have you seen Shotaro?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
“Oh, He’s looking for you. By the way, how did you do in the history term?’
“I aced it.” you giggle excitedly.
“That’s my girl.” You blush when wonbin kisses your cheek as a reward.
“What about you?” Judging by his face you can tell that he didn’t do too well but you still wait for his answer giving him the benefit of the doubt.
“I think it’s time for me to find a new life path.” he trails off closer to the end.
“Oh come on it couldn’t have been that bad.” you say hopefully
“The professor told me to start looking for a new life path.”
“Oh…” both you and wonbin say at the same time.
“I’m thinking about maybe just starting my own bakery.”
“I didn’t know you baked?” wonbin adds
“I don’t, but I mean how hard could it be?” He finishes with a shrug of his shoulders
“You’ve burnt french fries in the microwave.” You remind him.
“I thought the tin foil would make it heat up faster.'' Sohee defends himself, but he really doesn't need to. You were there when Karina told him that putting foil in the microwave would save 99% of his time. And did he believe her? Well, yes. Yes he did.
“yea…” you start but you don’t really have anything to say. Sohee wasn't the brightest but he was adorable and he had a good heart.
“Anyways, I’m going to join the rest of the crew in the food court. You guys coming?” He asks
“Yeah, we’ll be there soon.” You answer.
“Kk bye.” he says while walking past you towards the food court.
“Have you guys seen Y/N?” shotaro asks while sitting down at the table with his tray of food in his hands.
“I haven’t seen her all day, I don’t think.” Giselle answers while picking up her phone to see if you responded to the message she sent you earlier.
“Neither have I.” Ningning confirms while looking around the area.
“Did she come today?” karina ask
“I hope so, I asked her something a while ago and i’m waiting for her to give me an answer?” shotaro admits. His statement makes all the girls look at eachother, trying to come up with a way to cover for you without looking suspicious. Luckily just in the nick of time sohee walks over to the table with seunghan.
“Sohee, Have you seen Y/N?” Winter asks before he could even take a seat.
“Uh yeah she was with wonbin.” Sohee says without a second thought.
“Those two have been real close lately.” seunghan adds
Ningning, karina and winter all exchange looks while Giselle looks to shotaro to make sure he doesn’t pick up on what’s going on. “They’re not as close as you’d think.” she defends you
“Yeah, are you sure they were together?” Ningning questions, even though she knew the answer.
“Yeah. positive. I told her that shotaro was looking for her, and wonbin had his arm around her which I thought was weird but maybe- OW.’ sohee stops when Karina kicks him under the table.
“Are you really sure it was Y/n?”
“I’m very sure.” he says while looking around the table to find everyone giving him unbelieving stares. “Guys, come on, I know Y/n when I see her, I’m not stupid.” he looked around once again hoping that maybe someone would believe him but instead the table just burst into a collective laugh.
“Says the one who mixed bleach with ammonia and layed on the floor for five hours because you thought you were dead.” ningning giggles
“Says the one who thought Antarctica and amnesia were the same thing.” Giselle adds.
“Says the one who microwaved their fork and killed our microwave for the fifth time.” Seunghan comes in.
“What is it with you and microwaves?” Winter questions and causes the table to erupt in laughter again.
“Okay so I’m not mr einstein.”
“Far from it.” Suenghan says under his breath
“Like galaxies away from it.” winter mocks
“Oh come on? You guys have made mistakes too.”
“Yes, but none of us have put toothpaste on a cracked phone because a random youtuber told us to.” Winter responds
“I just know your guardian angels are stressed.” Karina laughs.
“Should I just call her?” shotaro speaks up and the whole table goes silent. The girls are trying to figure out what to say to keep him from stressing out too much over you, and sohee is still trying to think of a comeback that won’t get him clowned again.
“Yeah, or maybe just text her. She might be busy right now.”
You don’t know if “busy” was the word you’d use to describe what it was you were doing with wonbin in the janitor's closet, but you could definitely say you were too occupied to answer any phone calls, including one’s from Shotaro.
“Yeah, I’ll just text her.” he agrees lowly while pulling out his phone and shooting you a text. You heard your phone vibrate but you simply ignored it as wonbin continued to kiss you, pushing you further against the wall knocking down the brooms and mops beside you.
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After missing 20 minutes of your next class you finally get time to read the messages on your phone. Which makes your heart drop, you wonder if you’re ever going to get to a point in your relationship where you don’t feel guilty for being with wonbin.
Taro:) : Are you busy?
Taro:) : Can we talk?
You don’t even know how to answer him when you’re right beside wonbin. Who’s watching you read the messages with a frowned expression written all over your face.
“What’s wrong?” he asks while reading the text on your screen.
“Nothing.” you mumble while clicking your phone off and placing it in your back pocket. “I just have to hurry and get to my next class. I’m not usually this late.”
“What does he wanna talk about?” wonbin asks, not giving you the chance to escape the topic.
“I don’t know. It’s probably an assignment or something.”
“Assignments don’t usually make you this upset.”
“I’m not upset.” you shout just a little, enough to startle the both of you.
“I’m not too convinced.”
“There’s nothing wrong, I just have to go before I’m even more late than I already am.”
“Okay then let me walk you there,”
“I’m fine going by myself.” while walking away, your steps come out more like stomps as you get away from him. You didn’t mean to take your frustration out on him, you just needed time to yourself to think. There was only a matter of time before Shotaro asked for your answer, and you just didn't know what you were going to tell him.
You just didn’t expect that time to be now, as you run tight into shotaro not too far from where you left Wonbin.
“Hey? You’re here.”
“Yeah, Sorry I’m really late for class.” you rush, trying to avoid eye contact with him.
“Can we talk on the way?” He stops you so you can’t rush off again. He’s looking at you like he really needs to talk but you don’t know how to say “No.” Already knowing exactly what it is he wanted to talk about. “We’ll have to talk after class, I’m already super late. I’m sorry.” You slowly run holding up your hands together as a way to say sorry.
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You think you’ll find peace in your history lecture. Maybe learning about events that were completely irrelevant to you will make you forget about the web of lies that you’ve wrapped yourself into. However your thoughts are going a mile a minute, trying to think about how you’re going to approach Shotaro after class.
Anxiously tapping your pencil at your notebook, watching the numbers increase each time the minute changes and changing focus from the lecture to the small black notebook peeking out from under your other notebooks.
You’re trying to avoid its non-existent gaze on you, but it’s basically screaming “read me, read me.” so you obey. Slowly reaching to pick up the book and unlatch the hook. Going to read the very first page.
Being with you is like listening to the waves crash upon the shore's surface at night. Peaceful and calming, but I never know when the waves are going to crash too close. Serenity and excitement, you're like the different shades of green. like spring rain and winter snow, you're the beautiful parts of life that no one would ever want to live without.
Well that wasn’t a good idea, you think to yourself as you're now on the verge of tears in the middle of class. Yet it still doesn’t stop you from reading more confessions from the book. Turning pages as the seconds went by with more and more tears streaming down your cheek.
You find again that Ningning was right, not that you really needed any more convincing. But now it’s just too obvious, there’s no one else for you other than Park Wonbin and with that your mind's made up. Once you see Shotaro again, you’re just gonna be completely honest with him. No more lying, no more hiding and no more leading him on. You’re just going to tell him everything.
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“Yeah sure you can come over tonight.” You smile at Shotaro.
Well that wasn’t the plan. It seemed so much easier when you were only thinking about it, but seeing his face light up when you called his name, and the excitement that lingered in his voice when he asked to come over got the best of you. That feeling of shame teasing at you once again.
So now here you are, alone in your apartment with shotaro. It’s funny to think that you were just here in this same place with wonbin the night prior. Actually funny isn’t the word you’d use to describe it, maybe more like nauseating. The way he’s looking at you, the way you wish it were your boyfriend here filling his place instead. The way you feel the words sit heavy on your tongue but you just can’t seem to say them aloud.
“I’m dating Wonbin.” you think to yourself over and over again. If you think about it long enough you’ll just say it eventually. But you don’t, it never comes out. In fact nothing really comes out. The room is filled with awkwardness, you feel it and shotaro does too. The kind of awkwardness that you’ve never felt with shotaro before and you don’t know how that makes you feel.
Well you know it doesn’t feel good, that’s for sure. You never wanted your relationship with wonbin to change your relationship with the rest of your friends and especially not Shotaro. But things happen, and it’s funny how they do. Because Shotaro was here first, you had a crush on him for the longest time, when did it change from you and Shotaro to you and wonbin.
“You missed it, everyone was making fun of Sohee and microwaves today.” Shotaro speaks up trying to cover the weird silence, but you don’t help when you only laugh lightly.
“Do you remember when he thought he had superpowers and could see at night.”
“And he fell down the stairs.” you finish his sentence off. “Yeah that was so funny. He’s so funny.”
It’s not as quiet anymore but god is it still really awkward. You know all of this could be solved if one of you addresses the elephant in the room, and you hoped it would be him because you just didn’t have the balls to do it.
“Yeah.” you hurriedly speak, assuming what he’s going to say.
“There’s an art exhibit tomorrow happening near the school.” You can’t help the way your heart drops when he begins to talk. “I already got 2 tickets, hoping that maybe we could go together.”
“Fuck.” you think. That’s definitely not what you were expecting him to say, and now you’re trying your best to control your facial expression. This should’ve been the time for you to come clean, for you to just lay it all out. But you’re a coward, so instead you give him a small smile and agree to go on yet another date with him.
Was this cheating? You’re not sure but it’s definitely debatable. Going on a date with a friend that you knew was very into you while you had a boyfriend. But does it count if he wasn’t supposed to be your boyfriend in the first place?
It was wrong, that’s for sure. But to be honest, when have you done anything right? You see the way he leaves your apartment with a hopeful expression. Knowing that he’s gonna go back to his place and think about you.
And that’s the very thought that keeps you up all night.
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“You look like shit.” Ningning says as she approaches you. She was right, you had bags under your eyes, you’d thrown on a random t-shirt and you didn’t even bother to fix your hair this morning.
“Sorry, I mean. Ooh you look like shit, what happened?” she says in a gentler, more sincere tone this time.
“I just couldn’t sleep last night.”
“Damn, ya’ll went all night?” she whispers this time.
“What? No. I just couldn’t sleep.” you choose to leave out all the details as to why you were up most of the night.
“Are you going through withdrawals?”
“You know…” she motions her arms into a humping motion “withdrawals.”
“Why is everything about sex with you?”
“I don’t know actually?” she turns her head to the side as she actually begins to think about your question.
“Anyways, what are you doing later today?”
“Shotaro and I are going to see the art exhibit?”
“You and Shotaro?” she asks with one eyebrow cocked up.
“Like a date?” she continues.
“I think that’s what he thinks.” you sigh.
“So, you still haven’t told him yet?”
“I just can’t find the right words.” your lips go into a pout.
“I’m. Fucking. Wonbin. Three words.” she says putting an emphasis on the first three words.
“It’s not that easy?” you throw your hands up.
“Okay so how are you going to tell wonbin?” she asks, referring to your date with Shotaro.
��Tell me what?” wonbin walks up behind you casually wrapping his arms around your waist and greeting your cheek with a kiss.
“Tell you about how much she loves you” Ningning gleams.
“That I have a date with Shotaro.” You state bluntly.
“A date?” he asks, pulling himself away from you.
“Well he thinks it's a date.” you add before he could get too upset.
“And I think it’s my time to go.” ningning says, pointing her thumb in another direction before sneaking off.
“Why does he think that?” Wonbin asks, and you could see that he was very obviously getting irritated.
You take your time to answer him, not knowing exactly how to put it.
“I haven’t told him… about us.. Yet.” you drag out, while playing with the hem of your shirt, and avoiding eye contact.
“And why not?”
“Well he asked me to be his girlfriend.” you admit looking to the side.
“I still haven’t given him an answer?” you spill out yet another confession.
“Do you like him?”
“Not anymore.” you look up gaging his expression.
“Not anymore?”
“Well, to be honest. Shotaro had asked me to be his girlfriend, and he told me to think about it. And when I thought about it I figured that I should just be with him, because I didn’t think that you really cared about me so I went to text him but I accidentally texted you and now we're dating.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen. But I don’t like shotaro like that. I love you, it’s been you for a long time.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“I’m really sorry wonbin, please understand.” you plead, reaching for his hand but he’s quick to snatch it away.
“Have fun with Shotaro, Y/N,” is all he says before he walks away.
Great, you looked and now you felt like shit. You really didn’t mean for any of this to happen, and now you don’t know what you’re gonna do. You also don’t know why it took this for you to realize just how much you really loved wonbin. Because seeing him pull his hand away from you and the pain in his eyes was enough to knock the wind right out of your lungs.
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You’re walking with Shotaro through the exhibit seeing art that’d usually have you in awe, but at the moment you just don’t have enough energy to really care about the beautiful pieces in front of you. Just small hums here and there when shotaro expresses how interesting he thinks everything is. It only takes a few bland answers for him to finally stop you and ask what’s wrong.
“You seem down? Is everything okay?”
“What’s wrong?”
Before you thought of Shotaro as a lover, he was your friend. You used to feel comfortable telling him anything, and you missed that. Really because right now, you could use your friend.
“Wonbin broke up with me.” you let out, and he pauses before he says anything.
“What do you mean?”
“I haven’t been completely honest with you.” you say
You wanna tell him everything, but you don’t know where to start. So, you start at the beginning. You tell him that the both of you have been seeing each other for months, you explain everything that happened after the festival, and you tell him about the contact slip up.
“Umm, wow.”
“I’m sorry I should’ve told you all of this sooner, I just didn’t wanna ruin anything.”
“So you like, really like Wonbin?”
“I do yeah.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Go get him, go.” He rushes you off. And you listen to him, heading towards the exit with your phone in your hand, and Wonbin’s contact on your screen. You tried calling him a few times but it went directly to voicemail each time.
When calling doesn’t work you decide to just show up in front of his apartment. You had a game plan on the way there but everything went out of the window when you were standing there face to face with his door. You hold your hand up to knock but you don’t, instead you just keep your hand up contemplating if this is a good idea or not. After a few seconds you tap the door a few times with your knuckles and wait to see if he’ll answer the door.
When he doesn’t you knock again, and gasp when he opens the door on the second knock.
“What?” Is the single word that leaves his mouth when sees you.
“I told Shotaro about us,” You say quietly, hoping that it would be enough for him to forgive you.
“Us?” He questions, and that’s when you audibly hear your heart drop and shatter. Tears are threatening to fall and your hands begin tugging at your clothes.
“Please don’t do this Wonbin.” you cry.
“I’m only correcting the mistake you made.” He speaks bluntly showing no reaction to your tears.
“I already told you that I only want you. I only agreed to date him because I thought my feelings for you weren’t reciprocated.” you explain.
“How do you expect me to feel knowing that you never had intentions to be with me, knowing that you were going to choose him instead?”
“You can’t blame me for having my doubts,when before we got together you were flirting with every girl on the campus.”
“Only to get a reaction out of you.” he confesses
“Why would you do that?”
Wonbin had a horrible way of communicating, so rather than just telling you that he really wanted to be with you, he talked and entertained random innocent girls where he knew you could see him. Thinking that if you got upset you’d do something about it. Plus he loved seeing you get all mad and possessive over him.
“I don’t know, I just wanted to know how you felt.”
“I love you wonbin, god I really fucking love you. If you’re ever wondering how I feel just ask me. I hate seeing you with someone else-” You stop for a moment when you notice how he’s looking at you. His expression is very different from the one he had when he opened the door a few moments ago.
It’s softer now, he’s watching you like he can read the words that leave your lips. It's similar to the look he usually gives you when he's listening to you talk about something you care about, but this one is more intense.
“It makes me wanna rip my heart out of my chest.” you finish.
He’s not saying anything, and it scares you. Part of you wants to read his mind, find out what he’s thinking. And the rest of you? Well, you want to disappear.
“Please say something.” you almost whisper, feeling the urge to cry again after your first set of tears begin to dry.
Instead of saying anything he gradually gets closer to you while maintaining eye contact, and it has your heart racing because he still isn’t saying anything. The only time your heart calms is when he gently places his lips on yours and pulls you into his apartment by your waist.
This kiss feels different than all the other kisses you’ve shared, this time you didn’t feel like you were doing anything wrong, it was romantic and honest. Filled with passion and pure love, the kiss feels like the kisses described only in fairy tales.
“Does this mean you forgive me?” you ask when you break the kiss, smiling at his pink soft and swollen lips.
“I forgave you the second you knocked on the door.”
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mingyus-blackcard · 3 months
ੈ✩ Delulu is the solulu (riize texts)ੈ✩
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Genre :- dating them while being in a delutionship with someone else
Pairing :- Riize x gender neutral reader
A/N:- Feedback is much appreciated! Requests and questions are always open!
✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚✩ ・゚ ・゚·
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soheesofine · 4 months
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seatmate!shotaro who's in your anatomy class. he walks in late, slides into the only empty lab desk left just before the bell rings. that just happens to be beside you.
seatmate!shotaro who buys you snacks everyday. he loves treating you at the vending machine. do NOT try paying him back because this guy will NOT let you.
seatmate!shotaro who jokes around way too much in class. an actual menace. the only people worse than him about this are eunseok and seunghan.
seatmate!shotaro who waltzes into your classes whenever he has a free period. literally will put his headphones on you and make you listen to whatever his song of the day is.
seatmate!shotaro who asks you what you want when he flies out to japan for the summer. he buys you a ton of gifts and brings them for you the day he comes back.
seatmate!shotaro who finally asks you out on a date. it's simple, toned down from his usual chaos; picnic date in the park. he packs all your favorites and has a water balloon fight with you when it gets hot!
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bambisnc · 1 month
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magnetic [or, riize when they have a crush on you <3]
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : crack + fluffff cw/tw : food mention + littol bit rushed n uneditted D: wc : im guessing maybe 400ish? -> update its 495!
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shotaro : he would be SO chill you probably wouldn't have a single clue if he had a crush on you; ever so gentlemanly and charming on a daily basis, he'd probably flirt here and there but make it seem so easy and effortless </3 BUT on the other hand i totally also see taro going out of his way to impress his crush and have their attention on him by flaunting those extremely admirable performance skills of his (among numerous others!!)
eunseok : laid back king. (quote unquote) in his case also, you would not be aware of his feelings despite him dropping hints left and right but his expression is somehow always just so ... unreadable?!?! seems all cool and collected but he's secretly one of those people who'd ananlyse each and every word you say to him/text you send like "they sent me a heart emoji..... they want me fr......." he isn't wrong to be fair, but still-
sungchan : he'd be so !! enthusiastic around you !! hyperactive af, if he has a crush it'd be pretty obvious; he wants it to be known honestly. needs the person who has captured his heart to know it + would for sure do all that he can to spend as much time with you as he can, get into all the extra curriculars or hobbies you're into; basically the type of guy to watch one piece in like 2 days max if his crush is into anime yk?
wonbin : u guys remember the "he wanted to appear mysterious" comment from the official acc on that one tiktok ?? yeah he for sure would want to appear all distant, reserved and have and air of mystique around him + he's lowkey good with just admiring you from a distance (complete opposite of a certain someone, yes) + you would probably catch him staring at you across rooms rather often and blushing and looking away if you happen to catch his wandering gaze .. <3
seunghan : ah yes our resident hopeless romantic daydreamer extraordinaire 𖹭 i so see him lost in thoughts and fantasies, with a wide array of scenarios featuring his beloved (you) and him like 25/8 it's definitely obvious that he likes someone to everyone around him.. + the cutest when trying to interact with his crush, would pull out the most adorably awkward compliments and the cutest (slightly cringey) pick-up lines but the sheer earnestness he does it with is so swoon-worthy </3
sohee : the playful one !! think teasing remarks, a number of not so subtly implied ideas of verily not platonic acts but he's able to get away with keeping the crush a secret with how well established he'd ensure himself as being a "really good friend".. also definitely one of the clingiest ones; would want to be near his person as much as he can and if he can't you just know he's spam calling/texting them - he just wants to ensure that he's on your mind okay?!
anton : cutie is going to be such a bundle of nerves, the classic nervous, shy, blushy type !1!1 he'd lose his composure around you so often and end up tripping on thin air on numerous occasions; but on the other hand, him not being able to think very clearly around you would also mean that he end up doing rather bold things such as those which he'd never catch himself doing normally + wouldn't mind being in uncomfy situations to be able to support/comfort you ,,
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notes : we're so back (school hates me) + kyssing its been 2 days and i spelt THE TITLE WRONG + [m.list] song rec : this time i want you, you, you , you like it's magnetic - illit <3
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𐙚 . tags : @nicholasluvbot @totheseok ⋆
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tarosunshine · 4 months
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genre fluff‎ ‎ 𖹭 warnig none ﹗ pairing best friend shotaro x fem reader
— You dyes his hair.
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You arrived a while ago at Shotaro's house, your best friend. And the two of you were in the bathroom of his house, in front of the mirror.
“Taro, this is the first time I've done this, so I don't really know how to do it.” You murmured as you ran the brush through his hair. He giggled as he watched your reflection in the mirror, seeing how you struggled to reach the top of his head.
“Let me sit down.” Shotaro smiled as he turned to look at you. You gave him space, and he sat on the toilet seat. “Now you can continue.” You nodded and continued to painting the last strands of hair. You admired your work still with the brush in hand and smiled when you saw him there, with a towel on his shoulders and wanting for you to continue. You couldn't wait to see him with his hair completely dry. “Done.”
“See? that was easy. Thanks for helping me.” He turned around again to look at you and smiled. Those crescent-shaped eyes made your heart race. This damn feeling again?. You just cleared your throat and started cleaning up the dye mess in the sink.
“Yup, it wasn't that difficult. And you're welcome. Plus, it was fun.” You smiled again as you continued doing your thing. You looked out of the corner of your eye as he stood up. “I'll go get myself some soda. Do you want some?” He asked before stepping through the door frame. You just nodded, finishing washing your hands and toweling yourself off.
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Minutes later, Shotaro's cell phone alarm rang, letting you know that he had to go wash his hair to remove the remaining dye. “Okay, I'll be right back.” He got up from the couch where you two were and headed to the bathroom again. You nodded in his direction as you sipped your glass, then turned your gaze to the television, but you weren't really paying attention.
Seconds later, you heard the rain from the shower.
For some reason, you were very nervous. Sweaty hands, heart beating fast, your leg moving up and down with nervous.
You sighed and closed your eyes, leaning your head against the back of the couch. Staying like that for a couple of minutes until you felt cold drops fall on your face. You opened your eyes instantly, meeting with that pair of dark, pretty eyes. “Gosh you scared me!” You raised your head from the couch quickly, trying to get away from his face, but he was faster and moved away before your heads collided. Your heart beat quickly, both from the fright and from his sudden closeness. How did you not hear him?.
He laughed as he sat on the couch, stepping over it to get comfortable. “What were you thinking that I scared you?.” He asked already next to you as he looked at you. “I was just rest–” You finally took a good look at him and noticed his, now, blonde hair. “Wow... I really did a good job.” You messed up his hair with your hand. Shotaro nodded with a smirk.
“Yeah, I'm going to go dry it.” He says, showing you the dryer —which you hadn't noticed because you were so busy looking his face— in his hands. “If you want, I can help you.” You offered, moving your hand away from his head and extending it in Shotaro's direction.
“Oh, you don't have to. It's enough that you helped me before.” He shook his head with a smile. “It's okay, I want to do it for you. Besides, my job as a hairstylist will not be finished if I don't dry my client's hair.” You joked.
He nodded, convinced and stood up from the couch, plugging the dryer into the wall, and then sat down in front of you, turning his back to you. You had to separate your knees, giving him space between your legs so that both of you would be more comfortable.
You set the device and began your task, running your fingers gently through his hair so that each strand was dry.
You could feel his back vibrating with every giggle. “You tickle me.” He says in a whisper. “I'm almost done.” You answered, drying the last section. “All right!” You left the dryer somewhere on the floor and looked at him. He moved away from your legs and turned around, still sitting on the floor, to look at you. “You're the best.” He raised one of his thumbs and smiled at you. He then stood on his knees and leaned towards your face, resting both hands on your thighs to stabilize himself and planted a kiss on your cheek. “Thank you.”
You looked at him dumbfounded for a few seconds and cleared your throat, trying to dispel any strange thoughts. He didn't move from his spot . He stayed there a few centimeters from your face and just looked at you with that smile of his, waiting for you to say or do something. What was this atmosphere?. You swallowed and looked at him, trying to sound sure of yourself. “You’re welcome.” Your voice was shaky. He laughed at your completely red face. He was trying to tease you. He kissed you again, but this time on the lips. You reacted almost immediately. You didn't allow yourself to stay static, so you grabbed his face with both hands kissing him back.
When you separated, you two looked at each other in silence with a silly smile. “You know... I'm going to miss your brown hair.” You commented looking at his, now, blonde hair. He laughed at your sudden comment.
“Oww.” He gave you a fake pout before pounce on you again.
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writemekpop · 2 years
Lips like Sugar | Osaki Shotaro
5K Follower Series Ep. 19
Summary: You are tutoring your friend Shotaro after school. Alone together in his bedroom, things turn saucy... 
Genre: High school AU, friends to lovers AU
Word Count: 0.8k
Prompt: “My lip gloss is all over your lips”
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It was a Friday night, and you were at your best friend Shotaro’s house, tutoring him for his Maths exam. His art could take your breath away… but his algebra was awful. 
You kneeled next to each other on his bedroom floor, the room glowing dimly with lamplight. Textbooks and papers littered the floor around you. 
You giggled. “Did you just say zero wasn’t a number?” 
Shotaro screwed his face up. “B-but it isn’t positive! Or negative! It makes no sense!”
“Really Taro, thank god you have a pretty face.” 
He narrowed his sparkling black eyes at you, whacking your butt with a pillow. “Hey!” 
He pulled up his soft blue hoodie to cover his face, but you still noticed the deep blush that covered his face. Was that because you called him pretty?
Over the past few weeks, you couldn’t help feeling there was something more than friendship between you and Shotaro. You saw the way he looked at you when he thought you weren’t looking. Like… he wanted to memorise every part of your face. 
These days, you could never have a serious conversation. It was like if you stopped joking around, the tension between you would explode. 
Shotaro wiped his face with one hand, his lip jutting out in concentration. Black ink smeared just to the right of his mouth.
Unthinkingly, you reached out and rubbed it away with your thumb. His dark eyes met yours… and suddenly, the air thickened. Your heart was thumping so loud you worried he could hear it. 
Without moving your hand from his soft cheek, you leaned closer. His thick eyelashes fluttered. You moved your lips closer and closer to his, until they were almost touching. 
Just when you were about to kiss him… he turned his face sharply away, dodging your lips. 
Your heart sank like a stone. You must have been wrong – Shotaro wasn’t into you. The energy you were feeling, it must have been no more than a fantasy. 
“I’m… so sorry,” you muttered, moving away. The back of your neck burned with shame. “Let’s just pretend this never happened, okay?” 
Shotaro balled his hands into fists and avoided your gaze. 
You gulped. You’d never felt this hurt at rejection. You stood up and turned to leave the room. 
Just as you were about to leave, you felt a hand grab your leg. 
“Wait! I don’t want to pretend it never happened!” Shotaro blurted out. 
You glanced back at him… and gasped. 
His eyes welled up with tears, and he was breathing hard, like he’d just run a race. Again and again, his hand clawed his messy hair.  
“Taro, what’s wrong?” you asked.  
His eyelids fluttered again. “It’s not that… I don’t want you. I’ve just that I’ve… never kissed anyone before.” He looked down. “I just know I’m gonna be terrible at it.”  
You shuffled closer to him. Your frown melted a way, and a grin spread slowly over your face. “That’s it?” 
Shotaro scoffed. “Please don’t laugh at me.”
A laugh burst out of your lips anyway. “No, I’m not laughing at you! I’m laughing because I- I- thought you didn’t like me! All it is, is a little kissing problem?”
He glared at you. “Do you have to torture me this way?” 
You smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you.”  
You placed your hands gently on his shoulders. “May I?”
Shotaro’s eyes were wide now. He nodded a little, his chest rising and falling fast.  
Slowly, you leaned in again. Your heart racing, you whispered, “You’ve just got to be… gentle.” 
Then you softly kissed Shotaro’s lips: small, gentle kisses, losing yourself in their moist softness. His eyelids fluttered shut, and you felt his hand grip your T-shirt. This was everything you dreamed of. Heck, this beat your fantasies ten times over.  
When you pulled back to look at him, a slow, unbelievably sexy smile curved Shotaro’s lips. “That was… amazing.” 
You screwed up your nose. “Amazing for you, maybe… I’ve had better.”
Shotaro’s mouth fell open in hurt, his face turning deep red. “You really-“ 
You laughed, grabbing your stomach. “No, Taro, it was the best kiss I could ever have imagined! It’s just fun to tease you.” 
Shotaro roared and leapt at you, covering your shoulder with little punches. “I… Am… Never… Kissing… You…. Again!” He stood up, crossing his arms. “I’m going downstairs. I actually think it would be more fun to play scrabble with my parents than hang out with you.” 
You grinned, looking at Shotaro, with his pink, glistening messed up lips. “Hmm… my lipgloss is all over your lips. You might wanna get that first.” 
Shotaro’s eyes widened, and he ran to the mirror. “No way! You better stop wearing lipgloss from now on so I can kiss you whenever I want!” 
You grinned, your heart fluttering. “We’ll see about that.” 
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TAGLIST: @nominsgirl​​​ @heyychannie​​​ @anonjyxd​​​ @theficblog​​​ @dazaiosmooooo @kpoploverxx-12​​​ @johleeh-blog​​​ @legbouk​​​ @silent-potato23-blog​​​ @nctdom​​​ @gigilame​​​ @bubutaeyongie​​​ @unknownnctizen​​​ @minaamhh​​​ @hii-yongseul​​​ @xxxx-23nct​​​ @joepomonerof​​​ @jypeee @duchesskaren​​​ @lolalee24​​ @luvlyjaemin​
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wonkibrainrot · 2 months
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chiiyuuvv · 6 months
shotaro, established relationship, 660
The mindless taps of your phone brings shotaro into focus, his eyes tracing your still figure. His hands reach up to combine his fingers through your hair, going in a up and down motion, his eyes filled with care, with.. love.
You finally turn around to find your boyfriend still staring at you, his eyes lighting up slightly, a little sparkle of stars. You fall unto your back, giving him a look, like you had something on your face.. "what?" You finally break the peaceful silence, shotaro shaking his head, his smile widing.
"You just look so.." he giggles, his head dropping as a small blush covers his cheeks. It was an adoring sight. "So what?" You teasingly lean closer to you, shotaros giggles getting louder. "Pretty." He spats out, your eyes widening before its replaced with a smile. "So are you."
He sighs, "I lov-" he stops, his heartbeat picking up when he realizes what hes about to say. "You.. what?" You poke his shoulder, letting out a pout then he doesnt finish your words, shaking his head instead.
"Its nothing-"
"Please!!" You drop your bottom lip, your eyes forming into a puppies as shotaro pinches the bridge of his nose, trying not to give in to the temptations. "No!!" He shouts playfully, getting up to run around the house with you chasing him.
The wind blows your hairs as shotaro gently lays down his star blanket on the grassy hill, moving his hands to gesture you to sit. You sit in a comfortable silence as he turns to you, looking at you with so much more care and love than he did before.
Almost a week after the incident, and shotaros sure about his feelings for you. You've been there for him for so long, seeing his highs and lows that hes bound to thank you, one way or another.
So he grabs your hand, giving it a squeeze to bring your attention onto him. And with the way your eyes almost shine, he feels nervous again. "What?" You ask with the same tone from a week prior, using your other hand to scratch at your face, letting out a shrug when you find nothing.
Shotaro lets out a chuckle at your silly behavior, snaking his head for him to focus. His first and final shot. "Do you remember.." not like that his shakey voice making him cringe as he clears his throat.
"Do you remember.. last week, when I-"
"I cant even remember what happened yesterday."
"You dont remember about my blueberry waffles i made you?!" Shotaro lets out a gasp, letting go of your hands to cover his mouth in a shocked manner. "Of course not that part, silly!!" You lightly tap his shoulder, a laugh breaking shotaros acting.
"But sorry, sorry. Go ahead!!"
"Right." He nervously smiles at you, turning to face you fully, grabbing both of your hands and giving it a little squeeze. "So um.." he starts, trying to find the right words. "Dont look at me like that!" He felt slightly conscious about the way you were staring at him, you letting out a breathy smile before shutting your eyes. "Keep going.."
"I.. I love you." His voice was a mere whisper, but you could hear him perfectly, your eyes popping open to stare at the pink boy. "I said dont look at me like that!!" He repeats, trying to break the tension.
"You said.."
"I just.. had to get it off my chest." He states, his head dropping down. "I've actually been in love with you the moment you let me sit at your table. I was the foreign kid and i was sure that I'd be alone for the rest of my time, but you welcomed me with open arms, not even knowing who i was. I felt comfortable with you, i felt acknowledged. Then we went from friends.. to best friends.. to.." he looked up at you expectantly. "Lovers."
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antoncyng · 4 months
songs that feel like dating osaki shotaro ( 大崎将太郎 )
notes : this was inspired by @lotsoflola ‘s list of songs that feel like dating mark lee, so now im turning this into a series of songs that feel like dating each member of riize ᡣ𐭩
。superpowers - daniel caesar
。 open arms - sza (ft. travis scott)
。 cayendo (side A - acoustic) - frank ocean
。third avenue - rocco
。pictures of us - beabadoobee
。love is only a feeling - joey bada$$
。novacane - frank ocean
。trust - brent faiyaz
。love all - drake, jay-z
。promises - jhene aiko, namiko, miyagi
。my bad - khalid
。garden kisses
。valentina - daniel caesar
。 pretend lovers - montell fish
。transform - daniel caesar, charlotte day wilson
。while we’re young - jhene aiko
。be careful with my heart - rocco
。serendipity - laufey
。love flew away - laufey, adam melchor
。fragile - laufey
。cherry wine - grentperez
。old with you - grentperez
。behind the moon shadow - lamp
。 parfum d’etoiles - ichiko aoba
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