#paracul i
autolesionistra · 8 months
L'osservazione di un campione statisticamente non significativo di amici con figli sembrerebbe mostrare che praticamente tutti i padri che frequento tendono ad essere più pazienti e stimolanti e meno scazzati e bestemmianti con i propri figli di quanto riesca a fare io. Ci sarebbero varie considerazioni da trarne ma ho deciso di scegliere quella più paracul-ottimista: che ho un livello qualitativo di amicizie genitoriali particolarmente alto.
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unwinthehart · 3 months
okay so prima di tutto, scusa because i'm using your ask to share a lot of messy thoughts and nonsense about the sanremo duets:
annalisa with lrdl and bigmama 🤯 MI TREMA IL CULO just thinking about it, it's going to be a bopponeeeeee
i had to literally look up clara's song because i wasn't sure i understood it's El ciclo de la vida, but… i have a little bit of hype to see what they do ngl 🙃
occidentali's karma is back for good (i still think it deserved a better esc spot even though 3 of the top5 from that year were my favs)
geolier really said "i came to win"
there will be a lot of momenti fazzoletti but "who wants to live forever" will be my top
i think i'm one of the few people who didn't want irama to duet with rkomi. like, i LOVE them but at the same time i knew it'd be a little too much. keen to see what he brings to sanremo
i'm so glad that the rumors were right and mahmood will duet with i tenores di bitti. when he decides to go to sanremo, we all know he doesn't play around. he's here to win and all our cuoricini li ringraziano 🛐
la sad con rettore will make fanta points. same with ricchi e poveri ft. paola e chiara (sarà perché ti amo supremacy)
renga and nek said "if this hell of a contest is not about us, we are leaving"
sangiovanni with aitana…………….. i'm really going to have to watch the two worst hispanic-italian collabs in one week: these people in sanremo and beret with mr. rain in benifest. i don't deserve such a level of suffering. yes i'm the #1 hater of collaborations turning into a lousy translation of the song that doesn't fit the tempo, i wish they did a medley of songs from both because i would love to see ariston dancing to Aitana's hits
santi francesi make me tremendously curious but i think that's exactly why they always get me so hooked…
if you've made it this far, thank you… and sorry 😅
I literally asked for this, so it's completely fine by me! ahaha I wholeheartedly agree with "mi trema il culo", I'm already seated. We WILL survive, but barely. Yeah Clara's singing the song from The Lion King. It's a whole thing, but good for her I guess? lol Geolier absolutely didn't come to play, like many others, but he truly went all out. It's gonna be absolutely fucking crazy. I'm gonna be so insufferable.
Momenti fazzoletto for sure: I would add Angelina because, as I said in another ask, she's gonna sing a song by her late father and the song itself is deeply emotional. Yeah I'm not that mad about the missing Rkomi & Irama opportunity, they did (are doing?) a tour together after all, and Irama will be another one of the "fazzoletti moments". He can do great with that song and his voice. La Sad-Rettore/Ricchi & Poveri with Paola & Chiara will be pure CINEMA. I'm so here for that. Mr Rain is on thin fucking ice, what with the Benidorm thing too, but he's chosen a song that always makes me fucking cry, so lol I agree with the Aitana-Sangiovanni thing: it would have been nice to hear some more of her songs, to do a medley. Sigh. I'm still deciding about Mahmood tbh. I thought the exact opposite, like he didn't care about competition at all (there would have been choices more "paracule" to do that), but just about doing a classy thing. An emotional performance. It will be undoubtedly good, not sure how much the juries and televotes will eat that out.
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e poi queste cose paracule smaccate anche se importanti non mi piacciono, personalmente, si capiva comunque senza i cartelli
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a-tarassia · 2 years
Sono andata per la prima volta in vita mia a sentire Brunori dal vivo. Chi mi conosce sa che in verità io e lui abbiamo frequentato lo stesso liceo e lui era la mia crush adolescenziale mai ricambiata ovviamente, però io la sua musica non l'ho mai digerita molto quindi non sono mai, nemmeno per old times sake, andata ad un suo concerto.
Ieri avevo preso i biglietti per la serata finale di Germi al castello Sforzesco e tra gli ospiti c'era lui, ma il mio movente era Manuel Agnelli che invece dal vivo tra una cosa e l'altra avrò visto circa trenta volte e ogni volta capisco perché. Insomma Brunori si esibisce per ultimo dopo Manuel ed ecco. No.
Io non so come dopo aver cantato e adorato per esempio Ci sono molti modi oppure oppure Male di miele tu possa metterti lì e impazzire per Lamezia Milano o ancora eleggerlo al nuovo Dalla (ma voi avete mai davvero letto i testi di Dalla?) nel senso scrive canzonette paracule e con rime che avrebbero più senso (cioè nessuno) in un'opera trap. Ammetto che la prima, Guardia '82, è una canzone pensata col cuore e che esprime davvero il suo senso e trasmette qualcosa, ma per me è un No.
Mia cugina, credo per farmi un dispetto, per il mio compleanno nel 2019 mi regalò i biglietti del concerto di Milano che doveva tenersi tipo a marzo 2020, il covid mi ha graziato in tanti sensi e poi quando lo hanno potuto finalmente fare io ero via.
Ieri forse perché esibirsi dopo Manuel è dura, forse perché è proprio una roba da falò io sinceramente ho aspettato tipo quindici anni e avrei tranquillamente aspettato altrettanti se avessi saputo.
Così, volevo dirlo che la gente mediamente capisce un cazzo di musica e ne conosce ancora meno.
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vanbasten · 2 years
paraculing professionale dicendo “ci dispiace :(” in telecronaca per i problemi tecnici
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micro961 · 4 months
TheVerso - Il nuovo singolo “Scontato”
Il brano del cantautore dal 15 dicembre sugli stores digitali e nelle radio
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“Scontato” è il nuovo singolo dell’eclettico cantautore romano TheVerso, dal 15 dicembre sui principali stores digitali e nelle radio italiane in promozione nazionale. Un brano dal ritmo travolgente, dall'impianto pop-punk su cui si inserisce l'uso di alcuni synth elettronici che musicalmente conferiscono alla canzone una certa unicità. Il testo vuole parodizzare quelle relazioni che non hanno alla base dei forti sentimenti: l'autore gioca sapientemente con i diversi significati della parola “scontato” e da un lato mostra la vena più ironica e divertente della sua scrittura, dall'altra rivela in maniera spietata la logica freddezza di alcuni rapporti sociali e di una certa musica pop mainstream.
“Ti ho scritto una canzone con rime cuore e amore, l’ho scritta anche rischiando di passare per coglione. Ti ho scritto una canzone dal ritmo coinvolgente, di quelle paracule che poi piacciono alla gente” TheVerso
Storia dell’artista
Luca Cicinelli nasce a Roma e si avvicina alla musica cominciando a suonare la chitarra a 11 anni: dall’età di 16 anni comincia a scrivere le prime canzoni. Da sempre influenzato dal brit pop e dall'indie rock nel 2015 decide di intraprendere un progetto solista con il nome d’arte TheVerso che porta alla registrazione del suo primo disco in italiano dal titolo “Andate e Ritorni”. Seguono in questi anni diverse esibizioni dal vivo. Il 6 aprile 2018 è uscito il suo primo album solista in inglese dal titolo “Imperfect Symmetries”. I singoli “Fireflies” ed “Endless Corridor” sono entrati nella top 100 della classifica radiofonica italiana dei brani indie più trasmessi in radio. Dal 2021 TheVerso comincia a pubblicare nuovi singoli in italiano: “L’Universo” è entrato nel 2022 nella top 50 dei singoli indie italiani più ascoltati sul web; il brano, insieme ad altri singoli, è contenuto in “Futuro Vintage”, terzo album del cantautore romano romano uscito nel settembre del 2022. Nel maggio 2023 esce il suo singolo “Take me out”: ha ricevuto molte recensioni positive su webzine e blog online ed è stato trasmesso da radio italiane ed estere. Il suo ultimo singolo si chiama “Scontato”. Il nome d'arte TheVerso è ispirato dal contrasto e dalla pluralità di significati della parola verso: il verso di un animale, molto istintuale, è infatti praticamente l'opposto del verso di una poesia, intellettuale. La musica di Luca ha queste due anime, un’anima rock ed una più intimista.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theverso.official/?locale=it_IT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theverso_music/?hl=it
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/15FH78BJz68g9VFBPBH6ob
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@theversotv6074
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giancarlonicoli · 6 months
7 nov 2023 09:30
Estratto dell’articolo di Rosario Di Raimondo per www.repubblica.it
Maxi operazione della Procura di Milano nei confronti di AirBnb: il provvedimento, eseguito oggi dalla Guardia di Finanza, ha portato al sequestro preventivo di oltre 779 milioni di euro nei confronti della società che opera nel campo degli affitti brevi (Airbnb Ireland Unlimited Company). Tre gli indagati, come si legge in un comunicato, “che hanno rivestito cariche di amministrazione all’interno della medesima impresa estera, negli anni dal 2017 al 2021”.
[…] L’accusa nei confronti di AirBnb è di essersi sottratta alla dichiarazione e al versamento “di ritenute di ammontare pari all’entità del sequestro ottenuto dal Gip”, calcolate in misura del 21% sui canoni di locazione breve corrisposti dagli ospiti delle strutture ricettive.
In particolare, il 21% viene calcolato su una base imponibile di 3,7 miliardi di euro corrisposti nel periodo 2017-2021 dagli affittuari, “importi successivamente retrocessi ai proprietari degli immobili (host) al netto della commissione addebitata per l’utilizzo della relativa infrastruttura digitale”.
[…] "Airbnb Ireland ha in corso una discussione con l'Agenzia delle Entrate dal giugno 2023 per risolvere questa questione. Siamo sorpresi e amareggiati dall'azione annunciata dal procuratore della Repubblica lunedì. Siamo fiduciosi di aver agito nel pieno rispetto della legge e intendiamo esercitare i nostri diritti in merito alla vicenda", la replica della società.
“La violazione dell’obbligo è frutto di una consapevole scelta imprenditoriale”, scrive la gip Angela Minerva nel decreto di sequestro preventivo, riferendosi al mancato versamento della cedolare secca. E ancora, sottolinea come “AirBnb ormai da anni abbia assunto la deliberata opzione aziendale” di non conformarsi a questa regola, “con il fine precipuo di non rischiare la perdita di fette di mercato in favore della concorrenza”. Da qui il pericolo di aggravare “le conseguenze del reato contestato, sia con riguardo al mancato incasso del debito erariale da parte della Pubblica amministrazione sia con riguardo al danno economico a tutti gli altri operatori del settore che invece versano regolarmente tale imposta”.
Gli indagati sono Patrick Dermot Clarke, Hassel Mary Aisling e Francis Killian Pattwell. Tutti hanno rivestito il ruolo di “Director” per il colosso online. L’inchiesta è iniziata nel maggio 2022 dopo un controllo fiscale. La piattaforma avrebbe dovuto applicare la ritenuta del 21% “in aderenza a quanto stabilito” dalle norme, si legge nelle carte. Ma la piattaforma ha sempre sostenuto “di non essere soggetta all’obbligo di applicare la ritenuta a titolo di cedolare secca” e, nei fatti, “non ha mai applicato – né tutt’oggi applica – alcuna ritenuta sui canoni percepiti dalle locazioni brevi effettuate dagli host (i proprietari delle case, ndr) per il tramite della sua piattaforma”, scrive la gip.
AirBnb si è difesa con una serie di memorie, sostenendo che bisognerebbe vagliare “caso per caso” se l’attività di locazione a breve termine “rientri nell’esercizio dell’attività d’impresa e, quindi, se l’host sia soggetto o meno alla cedolare secca”. Dunque la società ha chiesto di scorporare, dal totale degli affitti, i “soggetti che appaiono essere professionali”, cioè che fanno questo per lavoro.
In altre parole, la difesa di AirBnb è consistita nell’ampliare la platea di proprietari di case con lo status di “imprenditori”, e quindi non rientranti a parere della piattaforma nel calcolo delle tasse contestate dallo Stato. Criteri “disancorati” dalla disciplina di settore, continua il Gip citando il lavoro della Gdf. Che ha avallato il maxi sequestro.
Per i pm c’è stata una “sistematica violazione degli obblighi” dal 2017 al 2021. AirBnb aveva già impugnato al Tar due provvedimenti dell’Agenzia delle Entrate del 2017, in un ricorso nei confronti de Governo durante il quale era entrata in gioco – contro il colosso – anche Federalberghi, protestando contro il rischio di un “indebito vantaggio” nei confronti della società americana.
Il ricorso al Tar era stato respinto, così come, di fatto, quello al Consiglio di Stato. Come ricostruito dai magistrati, AirBnb, dal ventaglio di possibilità che aveva per interagire col Fisco, ha scelto quella più radicale, cioè “difendere la propria posizione” anche a costo di fare i conti “con diversi anni di contenzioso”. […]
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wikimind · 2 years
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1-800-i-ship-it · 3 years
ToG Characters on April Fools
(if u think im procrastinating by doing this, ur absolutely correct) this is supposed to be purely entertaining, you are free to disagree with me 
Shibisu: tries to pull a prank on everyone but 9 times out of 10 probably fails, Hatz really doesn’t get why he tries to hide his swords and replace them, it literally never works. (rip to every year he loses a tracksuit to disaster dye...everyone has way too much fun messing with his tracksuits that he seems to have an infinite amount of.  
Rak: poor guy gets pranked every time with fake bananas...he has become very wary now, but the first time he bit into a plastic banana he chased down many, many turtles. legend says they never returned again, fearing the mighty chibi spear bearer who now has a bigger affinity for chocolate bars instead. 
Khun: how the hell do you even prank this guy??? answer: you don’t. (I mean, unless you have moronsexual energy + are bam) very, very good at planning out elaborate pranks...the prank war he had with Hatz was absolutely insane and Khun won by a landslide; Shibisu tried to butt in many times but they just ignored him :’) really good at making you feel like something’s off and by the time you figure it out you would have realized you have already been pranked. 
Bam: honestly you can’t even prank him you would feel way too bad about it...I mean like, this kid literally. ate grass. like, just straight up ate this yellow plant thing from the ground to test what it is. idk what he’s made of, but probably something better than litmus paper. prank tests probably won’t work on him? he’s prob just going to absorb them somehow. 
Yuri: oh hoi oh BOY does this lady pull THE BEST PRANKS. poor Evan always gets dragged along with her and her shenanigans, groaning and mumbling the whole time, but he secretly enjoys her company, even though he now has many more targets on his back because of her. definitely one of the most extra pranksters out there (will definitely paintball the walls outside of your house and toilet paper it and bake something that looks marginally good but definitely has something sketchy inside...mildy poisonous mushrooms? 3-day-old leftovers? you never know. 
Maschenny: probably Yuri’s and Khun’s equal when it comes to pranks. think she will forget pranks you pulled on her before? think again. revenge is a dish best served cold....that’s all you need to know. don’t get on her bad side or you’re screwed, save for the fact that she practically already hates everyone, so good luck! if she favors you she just probably hates you even more so you best get ready for April 1st and do your best to survive. 
Hachuling: definitely on par if not above Yuri’s and Khun’s and Maschenny’s pranks. has his own style and is always nonchalant about everything but will probably be silently laughing to himself when you fall for his pranks, inevitably. just does it for funsies cause he thinks it’s amusing. 
Lero ro: literally the only guy with braincells left on this godforsaken day lmao. good luck trying to prank him he will probably see it coming from a mile away, much to Quant’s chagrin.  
Hansung Yu: literally has the :3 face the entire day like wtf is this mans problem?? could probably prank everyone really well but only does it once in a while. besides, he always replaces the coffee with horrible instant coffee anyway. never falls for pranks either like damn does everyone want to sock his smug bastard in the face. 
Evankhell: try not to get burnt or get on her bad side. you can’t run away forever, unfortunately. 
Urek: loves pulling pranks, collabs with Yuri sometimes to Wreak Havoc and then promptly gets scolded by Garam, probably. Garam doesn’t even have the heart to pretend to say yes when he asks her out inevitably on April Fool’s. 
Hwaryun: the silent prankster who you will forget about if you don’t pay attention. watch out cause she’s coming for you and it will well-thought out, very much so, on par with all of the khun family’s pranks. 
Anaak: oh god the prank wars between her and Ran...just run away as fast as you can, the fight’s about to break out at any second whenever they’re in the same room. both don’t care about other people’s pranks except whatever this feud is between them. 
Wangnan: don’t ever, ever open the pokeballs he gives you on this fateful day. I warned you. 
Miseng: watch out cause she’s got ALL the blackmail material AND the photoshop. no escape cause she’s got pics of literally everybody. don’t underestimate this smol bean, she can go feral. 
Rachel: just salty about everything, probably leaves eaten chip bags on people’s desks but everyone’s already learned that they contain nothing inside. is this a metaphor? maybe. 
Parasol: oh god this poor guy everyone loves pranking him so much. I mean, can you blame them? the faces he makes are hilarious and god-tier meme content. I’m sorry pickle, your fate awaits you every year on April fool’s, and you cannot escape. 
Jared-19: pulls very bad offensive pranks and then gets hurt when people tell him to stop doing so, proceeds to blame it on someone, repeat cycle. 
Eduan: lmfao goddd F all his wine gets replaced with weird substances...courtesy of the khun kids. grape stash taken away, hidden somewhere, far, far away. 
Kallavan: can’t even joke about being disloyal to Jahad...does this guy ever crack a smile?? 
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www98vikitoo · 4 years
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Ice skater Paracule 😊
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sweetpopcornkat · 4 years
So.. This week's ep, huh? :)
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khuns · 4 years
28 29 30?
28. Would you become a member of FUG?
there’s something vaguely romantic about overthrowing the government with your s/o a la khunbaam but,,, bro the amount of stress that will come from overthrowing the government,, there are for sure people with enough brains and power to do it but i am, to my regret, not one of them 
29. Favorite Rankers
oof this one was hard but probably garam jahad or ha jinsung!!  
garam rly sums up what i love and hate the most about the entire princess scheme + her thinking urek is a fool and disregarding his romantic advances?? absolutely love that for her + the fact that before yuri she was the last one to own two of 13 Month Series simultaneously,, her power,,,, that’s hot
also ha jinsung because i rly liked his backstory about joining fug as revenge for a lost love + his current role as baam’s mentor or father figure!!! especially because he’s evidently important enough to baam that baam and karaka will face down an entire army to get him back 
30. Favorite Princess
hehe it’s between garam and yuri!!
i just rly like the way garam treats baam and her sisters - see: the way she understands that baam is saddled with a destiny but tells him anyway it’s okay to choose a different path bc she knows it’s a heavy burden to bear. it’s a sentiment i think a lot of people that baam meets throughout his life haven’t expressed. also! the way she tells endorsi/yuri to figure out what it is about baam that’s keeping them by his side bc otherwise everyone will end up getting hurt i feel like that’s something,, everyone in a r/s should consider,,
re: yuri - i like her impulsiveness (honestly mood lmao) and the way she does what she wants because she knows exactly what she has at her disposal to make everything happen + the fact that she picks fights with the skill and connections to back it up,, honestly kinda wanna be her?? i can’t wait for the princess arc!! (also yuri obsessed with a game bc its mc looks like baam,,, big mood)
send me these tog asks! ( ˙ ˘ ˙)・゚:*
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no, i bambini no, io sono contraria a queste paraculate mi fanno venire il latte alle ginocchia bocciato
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celestialstarklara · 4 years
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Ah yes revolution... Bruhhhh 🤣🤣🤣
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 2 years
Chaos Ranking ToG Characters: Fashion Addition🌸
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note🌸 i ranked em all based on how good they looked and how memorable their looks were. bam tier is code for bland, and who the FUCK r u is for the charas i dont remember, or havent seen in the story. when i reach the lower tiers i'll just talk abt a few charas per tier. this is my opinion etc etc lets roll.
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S: amazing breath taking show stopping fabulous🌸 noone. my standards for fashion r either rlly high or i cant get em low nuff for a single character to get there.
A: luv that for them🌸 that is more characters than i expected and i feel like my bias got em way higher than they should've been. ahem anyways, white's clone looked nice and was memorable nuff. cant get her lower cus the dress was cute, but she was extremely minor so i cant rank her any higher, im already doin her a favor. white oh boy. he constantly has either banger looks or he looks like he just came from cleaning up horse shit. i cant reasonably rank him higher, cus of that red sweater look and cus of the coat he had in s3. maschenny was pretty. thats all. her dresses were nice, she wasnt annoying and she didnt give a shit abt anyone so obv my bias played in and i ranked her A yier. deal w it. Garam was,,, okay? listen i was rlly trying to get sumone higher up i didnt have many options mkay. her wearing a short skirt was whatev but i liked her hair. Data Eduan also looked rlly nice. its a tie w him and Garam but i ranked her higher than Eduan cus he wasnt giving what needed to be gave. Yasratcha cus he's a cat boy. hated his shoes so he's lower than Eduan, but whatev. Paracule,,, he was memorable, not a fashion disaster, relatable, whats not to look for in a man!
B: potentials there ig🌸 Red Witch was cute and better than the gps we have. nothin else to say other than that i liked her hair and dress. Lero,,, i was doing a favor cus his s1 clothes did none. Elaine was pretty in s2, the biggest downgrade of her clothes happened in s3 that i rather she be dead. she got the worst possable treatment but i'll ignore that cus she beat bam's ass real good. Elaine's Assistent had a gay look. thats the only reason why she ranked so high. Gustang was,,, acceptable ig. he still looks like genderbended dora the explorer but im doin my bestie a favor rankin him so high. Karaka oh how far u fallen. he looks nice, i like his armor, but he's just bland so he's stayin in B tier. Khun i was also turnin a blind eye to. i placed him way higher than he deserved and if u read my posts it shows but ig he's okay. Evankhell has an exremely ugly color palette but she's the only woman i can think of who looks over 30 and she has a sick scar so she gets the edge cus milf. Rak,,, oh dear Rak. so much potential, so much personality, yet still never being used other than for comedy. Rabbit idk why he's there. i think he just had a funky staff and insulted bam so i take what i can get. Rachel i just thought could have a lotta potential when it comes to styling her clothes. putting her in baggier clothes could show how insecure she is abt her body and making her try yo imitate other characters' style could show how she wishes she could be like them, but that potential is being wasted. an enby can dream tho. Bones Dude just had a funky vibe. idk wot else u want from me. That One Girl had rlly nice cllthes compared to everyone else round her. they were bland, sure and i wish the royal blue of her jacket was spread out through her design more or was made white or black, but its okay i like it we accept her into my house. and Yama,,, lowkey? was doing my bestie a favor cus he was giving rocker dude who tries too hard vibe but its okay he's a dogboy, we can forgive.
C: u spend so much time in the closet and come out like this🌸 Xia Xia was cute ig? she was bland but cute we can give her that. That One Blonde Girl had a pretty uniform and nice hair. idk what else u want from me. The Twin Princesses weeere boring. cute but boring which is a theme in this tier. That One Yuri Rival was,,, okay. so much goin on yet nothing at all. liked the makeup, the color was funky, got bored by everythin else. Yuri iss meh. her base look is cute but bland, the colors are fine and her hair piece brings attention to her eyes and head, but all her other looks bore me to sleep. Hansung's clothes suck. plain and simple. his first look is good, but everythin after is either horrid or unmemorable. White's Clone is also okay. i have nothin else to say abt it. Enryu i placed there cus i had mercy on his ass.
D: u come into my house wearing that? not on my watch bitch🌸 Jahad is,,, meh. D: is prolly the best way to describe him. its all and nothing, the colors r disgusting, but he looks better than he used to. he doesnt look regal like a king, he looks dirty like a rat. Yura doesnt read like a pop star, she reads like an office worker. Hatz is just boring. he isnt actively bad, just nothing sticks in my mind, his colors arent any better. Ehwa was annoying me whenever she showed her face and her clothes did her no favors. her colors didnt compliment her, she acted like a brat the whole time and she has nothing else to give to the plot nor the style of the story.
F: u srsly pop out ur mama lookin like that?🌸 Urek has the worst possable hat he could. "r u lost baby girl" lookin ass. "whats up fellow kids". he looks like an adult trying to fit in w his kids. he looks like he watches sport for hobby. he looks like he hasnt touched a woman in 5 years. he looks like a Brad. he looks straight while bein so extremely gay. Data Jahad is just ugly, periodt. nothin else to say. I cant reasonavly put Endorssi above f tier purely cus she annoys me and cus of that red pants look. it ruined her fashion forever and i can no longer take her srsly ever.
bam🌸 just boring clothes. almoust like bam🤔. nothin to say here.
who the FUCK r u🌸 charas i dont remember, havent met, or just give me a headache thinkin abt.
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ballata · 2 years
Mia figlia Camilla mi comincia a parlare di prima comunione con curiosità ma anche con domande argute per i suoi 8 anni. Ed io ho deciso. Ho deciso di rompere questa tradizione che va avanti appunto solo perché tradizione. Trovo orrendo che una bimba pulita e scevra da ogni contaminazione, da ogni lordura del mondo adulto, da ogni pensiero putrido debba confessarsi e trovare un peccatuccio a caso da raccontare come pantomima per assecondare l'ego vizioso di un prete che poi platealmente la perdonerà per aver commesso il fatto con l'assoluzione.! Ma quale religione degna di questo nome centrerebbe il suo credo sui patimenti, sui pentimenti, sulle privazioni, confessioni, digiuni, silenzi, cilici, incolpandolo fin dalla nascita di un male che non hai fatto. Religioni quelle dell'uomo che si fondano suo castighi, su infibulazioni, su circoncisioni, su menomazioni, che in vita promettono cazzate, ma se non muori come dicono loro, ti condannano al patimento eterno. Mia figlia nascerà libera da tutte queste false idolatrie, paracule ideologie, becere litanie, filastrocche per deboli, poi con la età della ragione, per quanto mi riguarda potrà pure farsi suora ed io starò ancora lì quel giorno a sostenerla come sempre.
Le religioni inventate dagli uomini devono essere superate come le brutte mode, come la mala politica, iniziate ad allontanarvi dai cliché... i populisti sono loro...
#gliaudaci #robertonicolettiballatibonaffini #noreligions #nuns #decepticons #lies #freedom #nofear #choices #reallife #truth #2022 #bullshit #chiese #religioni #mode #politica #populismo
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